Siebe Gorman
dr" The design is simple and strong, clamping mechanism has been ini proved, and the valve is made ( Imo corrosive chrome-Bladed brass. Safety AIR RESERVE VALVE The wets are fitted with 11,7401'N'I` Valve. in It cannot be left 11,14.1111,111111ty on `Reserve' when Lhe cylinder r, Comfort empty. '1'he valve has no cam no iou which can wear or jaw. HARNESS The new nylee welihnil harness is designed wilhotil, n i1iii.,1 strap, to make a wcir ld i„,i ) „„„.,, The Essgee 'Mistral' Aqualung by comfortable to weir. ' I' I rrin on Siebe, Gorman based on the famous quick-requick-release iiicl 1 1114 '11. Cousteau-Cagnan design has all the take off the set below Icny ) I li.. latest refinements that research has water, or jettison it i suggested and experiment realised. TWIN CYLINDER CONVERSION `§te DEMAND VALVE The double-lever You can convert, ,„101 ----4040aP action reduces opening resistance Aqualung into 41, twin sot, didolummolimosiiiiiiiiiill111111111111111111111111113mmi to a minimum, and the single stage * Write £0 Its fol. fall defisiln fif thy reduction gives maximum air-flow. Essgee 'Mistral'. N-7 The 5tebe, Gorman 'Mistral' - The World's most reliable Aqualung SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD. E. Ng Neptune Works, Davis Road, `FILM MAKING'—see page 54 hit,8 Chessington, Surrey. SIEBE Telephone: Elmbridge 500() Iluommlimiliiiil 'ill? Manchester Office: 274, Deansgate. 1111111111!!!4""m41111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIiiii mil IIII Telephone: Deanegate 6000 GORMAN • -^°1,0" oh, COA9D1 & CO I TD. PDD ID. Vol. 8 No. 2 H.M.S.
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