Thousands of Men Recalled to Work

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Thousands of Men Recalled to Work y4r-' VOL. XLV.. NO. 83. (C la s h e d (dvertlalnc on Page 10.) SOirm MANOHESTEB, <X«NI^., TUESDAY, JANtJAEj 6* 1931. (TWELVE, PAGES) PRICK THREE CEN^ ■ / - ' ^ ■ V' - . - ■' -t. ■ Figures in Washington ‘Thantom THOUSANDS OF MEN T RECALLED TO WORK Reports From All Sections of REV.J.S.NHLL Governor Urges *It In Mes­ One of Twdve l^ b m ^ ced Nation Tell of hcreased sage and BiDs To That Ef­ TO BE CHAPLAIN Down In ^ .Acdyity Especially In the fect Are Introduced In dro, Sonth America — Is Railroad Shops. OF THE HOUSE c ^ Toi^t:Xo C b^ Legislature Today. TowUI il t *■ '« ' Nonune^ For (tfic^ (By Associated Press) Mafichester Pastor First To The return to work of many thou­ Providence, Jan. 6.-—(A P .)— . B U L L E n N .r 65,0ft0 Per­ New H o ^ r s sands of workers was noted today Sene In That Capacity Amendment of the Sherwood Law Rio de Janeiro^ BrioS, Jan. 6. to provide light wines and beers for — (AF)-*—A Nation^: Meg^ph in dispatches coining from various diMntch repotted the ^laok’’ sons ViwedBody: Yester­ sections of the country. Railway From Here In Over 30 Rhode Island and a memorial to Siqnadron” , of fdid> in shops and automobile factories were Rhode Island Senators and Con­ Cteneral Italo Baum’s ’ txans-At­ lantic fleet landed in N a ta l har­ row b Hartford aod chiefly affected. gressmen urging repeal of the 18th day; Elafidrate Cmmony. 4 . ^ - ■ - ■•■m ■ ' Years. Amendment were provided in legis­ bor a t 4K)0 p. m. "CSiOfl p. m., In Chicago, Vice President Frank E. S, T.) Walters of the Chicago and North­ lation introduced by members of the (brjemorlTb M re r ^ Paris, Jan. 6,— (AP,)-AFrenchmer. western announced that seven thou­ Republican majority in the House Rio De Paneiro, Jan" 6.— (A P ) — sand men were returned to work Rev. James Stuart Neill, rector of and Senate here tpday as the 1931 A National Telegraph Dispatch to­ today gazed for the last time bh the yesterday along the entire system on St. M aly’s Episcopal church here, assembly convened. day said one o£ Genera) Italo Bolbo’s- familiar, beFov^ features of “Papa” a three days a week basis, while will be the chaplain of the House of from Detroit came reports that A t the opening of the Legislature f<eet of nrans-Atlantlc- planes was Toffre, first marshal of Republican Representatives, Connecticut Gen­ automobile plants in Michigan had these moves were foreseen in the forced down by motor trouble in France, hero of the Marne M d com­ Hartford, Jan..^6.-;r=(AP)- eral Assembly, when that body con­ re-engag^ed thousands of employees, j inaugural address of Governor N. the sea off San Pedro in the St. mander of the French strmies in the firat step toward o rg a n i^ g the The Rouge plaint of the Ford Motor 1 venes at the State Capitol tonight S. Case, who declared that the wet first tw ) yeani of, the World War. Paul’s Rocks, and was taken In tow | eral Assembly ^ session of 193i V' Compainy recalled 6,500; the East j The Herald learned today. The referendum vote of "November was Sixty^fl^e Ttimnsand pers^^ .were Windsor Ford plant 5,000; the Cadil­ by an Ltaliam cru i^r stationed i will be taken tonight threugh, top' appointment will be made by Repre- “so decisive that there is no doubt estimates^,td Imve filed 6y cata­ lac Company 6,000 and the • Buick | as to the opinion of a large majori­ nearby. j falque in the chapel of the . Ecole medium of toe R^mblicam and D eoi^ SL Paul’s Rocks is a tiny island I (Company at Flint 4,500. i ty of our voters on this momentous Mllitaire from 9 a. in. yesterday to ocratic caucuses to c{tdc^ nomineesT The men re-engaged by the Chica­ question.’’ used as a cable landihg station a 11 p. m. last" n^ht and it ii^'.be- go and Northwestern are being used , short distance north a£ the Elquator for offices in each b p ^ . '' “ One Measure Ifeved that i^i^y more'wrauO^ view in the car and mechanical depart- ! and about 340 miles northeast of the^body-today*s - - < ■The county;j:aucTaaea of the RSk'; One measure would amend the Fernando Do Noronha where eleven ments, closed since December 24. | There can be no extension of the publicans: wii] also -tooose door^" so-called Sherwood Enforcement of. the planes were sighted this af­ Other Reports time for paying.Uomagd at: the dead keepers and messengers, so Between 600 and 800 shop men on Law so that manufacture and sale ternoon, neading for N a t ^ of beverages containing not more marshal’s h i « beyond 8^ o’clock to­ what Is populkriy termed the Monon Lines were returned to night, SIS was the case last nights for work on a temporary basis in than 3 ^ per cent of alcohol would START OF FLIGHT may equitably divided around^’ ^ be made legal. Washington police have instituted a widespread search for the “phan­ Bolama, PortugQ^. Alrir at that jdme the body wJU be.pemov- Chicago, and reports from other ed to the cathedral pf N o ^ - Dame the stote as possible. ’ The other measure, a resolution, tom slayer” of 19-year-old Eeulah Limerick, a theater Usher. ShC is ca, Jan. 6— (AP) —Twelve Italian sections told of additional good f&r the requiem of tlys church. ■ Semetatty of S fa ^ Wmiajm l i I B » -,j news for railway shopworkers. cites the three to one vote of the shown at the right in a recent photo. Robert F. Langdon, upper left, a Savoia seaplanes struck southwest- patrolman, was arrested for questioning after his. fellow officers had be­ -Tonabjrrpw’a Ceremonies These included the return of 2,800 Rhode Island electorate last No­ ward across the Elquatorial Atlantic gins has prepared toe roU'of tb*<; come suspicious of bis unusiial dexterity ir^,uncovering clews surrounding . Tomortpw at ..dawn, it'wilL be tak­ men by the Norfolk & Wescem at vember, against retention of the today toward Natal, Brami in one of Se^te and^p^^e ifcime (ff Repi^ " tha .c a ^ .' . 'N i'tra s la ^ released. WUham/JB^rLlimeritfit^* en ^ n L ’ike-eathe#ti and In aaor im* Roanoke, Va,; 1,200 by the Missouri 18th Amendment, points out that the most ambitious fflght projects a brother-of the Sain girl, , also was questidhpd h:y police. The gfrl’s presslve cortege sra elaborate as that saatativto 'WMeh wffi betised-tbmors-' Pacific at Zeldia, Mo., 1,000 by the neither the General Assembly nor in the history o f aviation. death apparently had been due to . natural causes, and it was not until her of Marshal' Foch, genereftiRime of ,Tow ^^en meip^rsreleet are swoiah" N. Y. Central at East Buffalo and the electorate of this state ever undeterred by bad weather the body was. being prepared for burial that an undertidter discovered a tsfflet the Ahied armies, neatly twb. yeais In. .'.‘T.: Depew, N. Y., and 850 by the South­ ratified that amendment and calls planes took off one by one' from Hole in her head. ago, carrl^ to the Arc de Trlomphe ern Pacific at El Paso, Texas. upon the state representatives in their anchorage here at - 2 a. m. Expect All P*es«t./ ' ‘ “ G. M. T. (9 p. m. E-9*T.i Monday and-to tMTavaUdes fa^/baHEd, not From Moline, Illinois word came the nation House and Senate to fa­ The incoming House will have 2^1 and in murky c^ki^os^’ .begflu t h e ________far frpm, tte, Tomb'pf^ ^ :Nj®^epn. The that the trend toward better em­ vor “any measure tending toward ... .. * vflii he members and |>reaunialily every ployment conditions in Moline and the repeal of the 18 th Amend­ long trip of mpre 'fiMSiuT6^:^eeTfis3ternS& will be present to take Ms or her to Northeastern tip oL^uth Amer- only temporary. A permanent ^oiiib Rock Island, Bis., and Davtmport, ment” eato« The election o f Robert B/- Iowa, known as the “Tri-cities” had ic&* Is to be built for the mdrehal at ^ Governor’s Message lOO Miles A s Hour Burnham; Democrat* in Ekurt H u t^ been acc<^rated by a report of one family home at Lbuvmennes.; ^ ford Saturday to fill toe In hia message the governor ask­ With a cruising s^>eed.of 100 miles In the long funeril processiail company’that its normal factory vapant by toe< death :of 'h!a f t S i ^ ed authority to appoint a commit­ an hour, theit edneunahder. General which will accompsmy . body force was at work and that others Who was the-.second member-^j^? tee to co-operate with other agmi- 'Italo Balbo, Italian air minister bop- from Notre Dame to the; Iteralidea are planning increases. ^ to p lel^ ^ t o e %% J. H. Dyer, vice-president in cles to aid unemplc^m^t and ^vd^ ’edto reach and wUl consist o f battphons p^lbfapjsg*, charge of operations of the South- e a ^ the dt.' Bev. ^ame# Stuart NeHl inajQto':;^^^ motor ^ the siiftea.,l»j fe.i£- ^ ern F ad ^ Kdlro3(^.^,armim''ed in Th^ ffigwt. b ^ r o ;:t ^ W San Frahclscb^tlie return of 8,500 sentative Noward Alcorn, df dhffibld, l^^^ef^on of the elftte roa^ -r^rnsenl- employees “part time work to board.
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