Stock Code: 9904 POU CHEN CORPORATION 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Printed on: May 13, 2016 Annual Report is available at: Notice to readers This English-version annual report is a summary translation of the Chinese version and is not an official document of the shareholders’ meeting. If there is any discrepancy between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. WorldReginfo - 0ca4b06e-9194-46c6-8bb3-b648e0a17bde 1. Name, title, telephone number and e-mail address of Chang Hwa, Taiwan spokesperson and acting spokesperson: Telephone number: (04) 7695101 Name of spokesperson: Ho, Ming-Kun Title of spokesperson: Executive Senior Manager Telephone number of spokesperson: (04) 24615678 PYM Business Unit: No. 2, Fu-Kong Rd., Fu Hsin Hsian, E-mail address:
[email protected] Chang Hwa, Taiwan Telephone number: (04) 7695032 Name of acting spokesperson: Chang, Yea-Fen Title of acting spokesperson: Manager 3. Name, address, e-mail address and website of the stock agency: Telephone number: (04) 24615678 Name: Grand Fortune Securities Co., Ltd. E-mail address:
[email protected] Address: 6F., No. 6, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 2. Address and telephone number of the head office, branch and Website: factory: Telephone number: (02) 23711658 Address of the head office: No. 2, Fu-Kong Rd., Fu Hsin Hsian, Chang Hwa, Taiwan 4. Name of certified public accountant (“CPA”) who audited the Telephone number: (04) 7695147 (main) most recent annual financial report and name, address, website Fax: (04) 7680577 and telephone number of CPA Firm: Name of CPA: Wu, Ker-Chang and Yu, Hung-Bin Name of CPA Firm: Deloitte & Touche Head office: No.