VOL.14. NEW YOllK, FEBRUARY 24, 1872. NO. 348.

!3Vbucrtt3cmcut3. Financial. Financial. WlLlJAMT.MtlKEDITH&'. \tr.!rCi«-nent^ will * Inserted at tbe following Duncan, Sherman & Co., prices per Itae for eacti liieerctoQ ; 54 EXtHANOE PLACE, NEW YOKK, It orJ'ired Icm th tn 4 timet. 70 cents per Hoe. No. 11 Nassan St., Neiv Vork City, '* 4 times or uiui e 16 ** Dealers In • » • II ISSaK " •' CIRCnLAR NOTES AND cir5(;ur,(i BAILBOAD A niUMCIPAI, BONDS. letters of Credit avallattle and pnyalile lu all rirtf « 10 PlilKl IP VL I ITIKS OK rilK WORLD: "Isj special •• » 8 Stocks and Sccnritles tloui^ht and Sold W credits for use in the Uuilett States, Canada ana ivest at the New Vork btoek ExehaUKe. Indies. If the ft tvertlseme'^t occupies one C'>1u-na or tip- war Is, \ dlscouut per will of U ceat od these rates LOANS AND ^PKIJNEOOTIATED-INTEREST Teleeraphlc Transfers of alluwH ma; be agreed upon. \ivertl8ements will haTe a favorable pUcft when FOOTE FRf^NCH, fl IriHertlou In & 'St p'lt In, but Qo nroiulse of coittinuons th'i best place can 04 ^Wea, as all advertisers must BANKEBS, ba/e equal opportanliles. Brown Brothers Co., No. 7 Cougress Street, BOSTON. & urn. . DANA & CO., Dealers In tiov.rnment Seccrllles, Qulil, State, NO. 59 WALL STBEET,, PUBLISHliRS, Coui.ty ana City ond-". al-o ISSITB 7t & 81 William St., T. STERLINU EXCHASGE. drawn by Jay C->oKe& Co., on Jay Cooke, McCallocb Commercial and Travelers Credits F9~ For terms at Sabacrlptlon aee & i. o., LoU'tuii. hi »umA nd at (hiies to ^Ulu COM.MKRCIAL CuKDITS AND CIllci'LAB LET- Available in all parts ol the world. 5tU pase. I'.s fiiK TiiAVELi,li.l,S SSUtD, available lu all pa ts ofitutope. James Robb, King &Co., Commercial Cards. John H. Daniels, BANKEB, BANKEBS, Wilmington, Will County, ^ Ross, Roberts & Co> Illinois. SI WALL STREET Collection^ mafic and Rem! trd at Current rates. Issno Letters ol Credit for Travellers SI Pront Street, Sloucy liinncd for lnvt-st'Ts o \ improve t faima at ten ptr c^ut L.terest, payable s< (Near Wail.) mi-aunually. Available In all part of Europe, etc., through IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MBRCHAHT8 IM REFEKE.VCES: AfanllcNat Tank, N , B ink of Auburn, CITY BANK, - - • LONDON. | N. T. BacsloK, Hope, Nat. B*i{ t'f Vernoti N. Y. St 't.; 'av' ilist.. Chlc'KO and. B'. N.N'. tte cajuijaCo.N.tt. I t SavV'' As ..tt. Louis HOTTINGUEB & CO.. - PABIS Iron Ties. Coo.\ CoU' ly .^at.onal itank, Clil a^o. . future delly- Also COMMEKOTAI, CRFDITS and DRAFFS on Bny and sell Contracts for prr sent and LONDON, PAIilS.and SCOTLWI). enes of Cloth. Ageuta (or followtug l.aggln|{ Mills. Winslow, Lanier &c Co., ADVANCES made ou < unsUnmcnts. STOCKS and BCFFALO, COTTON PLANT, PALMETTO BONUS bOHgbt and sold on Commission. AND DIAMOND. BANKERS, — 27 8TRKET, Also— PINE NEW YORK. Jacob R. Shipherd & Co., Importers of Bio Coffee. Receive the accoanta ol Interior banki, baokera \ eorporattoDs and Merchanta. BANKERS, for the sale ot (;Uy« County and AtfenU Ballrosc! NEW YORK, 21 Pine Street, Boncle. iMUf^ I.^ttptfl ot Oredli lor lorelyi travol. Charles , Johnsen, CHICAGO, 161 22nd Street, Aire. . BBOWK. WALSTOX U. BBOWN. FBANKFOBT, conmssiox MBncnjLKT, Grosse Bockcntaennerslrasse, 30. LockBozSSt. New Orlean* Augustus Brown & Son Having now established our own house In OEB- win purchaSA J. BANKEBS, .\NY, with unsurpasacd Connections throughout EXCnANOK. COTTON. KTC. Europe, we shall make a Leading Specialty of the Particular attention glTen to Receiving; and roi 59 Liberty Street, Neiv Tork. Negotiation of Firt^t-CIasa wardlutf Ualla. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE NKGOTIA LARGE LOANS. TION Of Tenns npon application, BAILBOAD SKCUBITIES ' Henry Lawrence & Sons, B .A N KING HOUSE Whittemore & Co., MANaFACTUBERS OP CORDAOK Saunders, BANKEB<4. VOa BXPOBT AND DOHIBSTIC USB. 3T W^ILLIAin ST., NEW ¥ORK. Hardenberg W PRONT 8TRBET. NEW YORK

T' . I Collections made promptly on all parts of Canada. & King. ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Gorham Mf 'g Company's INIEKKST 112 A: 114 BROADW^AY. W3C. B. IJTLEY. XDWABD Jt. BOWSN. Fbbbuabt 1, isn. ALVIS PAUSDF.RS (exOoTen.or of Nebiaska) Utley & Bowen, Pre U-nt State Bank, Nebraska. BANKERS AND BROKERS, .lOHN A. HARDEN BE KGH. RICHARD W. KINO, member of New Tort Stook No. 4 STBEET, New York. WALL Exchange.

Sterling Silver Ware. for (Krvemmcnttt, Gold and Orders Stocks execu- W« have formed a Copartnership under above style for tbu purpose of irau^act ut; a NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS t .- at the usual rStca of commission. Iiiterewt al\owt?d on daily balaucrs, and subject General Banking Bnalness. lit Advanr.. Miido. At the Old Stand to draft '^iKht. Loans Ncgiilatid and Ewperlal Attention GuvirnmSut.Slati.cliy,C.>ur,ty»udR»llro«dliond8 given to Invest- Stocks, .nu Gold bought and sold on rommlSslon. No. 3 nAIDEN LANE, NEW ITORK. ment SecurllleH. lutoresc allowed o,i uafoalts. aubje.t tu bight State, City and Bailroad Loans Ne- ^Collections made in any part of the UbHaI SUUs. JOSEPH BACHnAN. gotiated. or Canada. ' 1 ,

234 THE CHRONICLE. [February 24, 1872.

Foreign Exchange. Financial. Texas Bankers.

M. H. ALLEK, Vloe-Pres't First Nat. Bank, President. FlrstNatlonal Bank Treasurer T. Walker, Andrews & Co. a. K. BOLDBif, Cashier H. McMahan & Co., SAMUSii ucKKKi Secretary. Bankers, No. 14 Wall Street, YORK. NEW OFFICE or THE And Dealers in Foreign and Domoatlo Exchange, GALVESTON, Texas. Andrews & Co., We have prompt Western Bond Board, and reliable correspondenta at all ""^ points throutthout PAKIS. iii°/„i I"" this ^a?e, ?,.d upon No. 10 PI.ACK TENDOmK, all collections payable la ihls City or West Fifth Street. no HoiiJto i makS BondB, stocks and gold bought and Bold on commiS' No. 17 charge for collecting, and only aclual charee^SSS tlon. Sven°?n'^fiJ'"!''- '""edlateLdprSmpt attent'^ Travelers* and Commercial Credits Issued. KANSAS CITY, Mo. """'"•? 'nisted to ua. Refer to Nut. p.,?l.i

Morton, Rose & Co., London. walkill valley THE CITY BANK OF HOUSTON, Capital, $325,000. HOTTINGUER & Co., - - PaRIS. Railway Company. Houston, Texas, - - - We L'lve special attention to collections on all ac- Hope & Co., Amsterdam. cessible points. OFFERED FOR S.^LK AT I IlIllECTOIlS: W. J Hutchlns P. W. Gray, A. J NINETY Burke, Cor. Enuls, W. M. Rice, E. H. Cushlng, Agency of the BKNJ. A. BOTTS, President. AND ACCRUED INTEREST, IN CURRENCY, B, F. WEEUS, Cashier. BANK OP BRITISH NORTH BT AntBRICA, MEAD & CLARK, Financial Agents, Moore & Wjlson, 48 Wall Street. 141 Broadway, NEW YORK, (Successors to H. M. Moore, Commercial Credits Issued for use Ip Furope, China BANKERS, BRTAN, TEXAS. jHpan. Ihe East nud West Indies, and South America AND also Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers availa- F. Banker, Collections made and promptly remitted for current ble In all parts of the World. BRASTVS mEAD, rate of exchange. Corr-snondenis: Demana and Time Bills of Eschange, payable In Mtssra. W. P. C0NVBB3E ft CO., New York. 1 340 Third Avenue, London and elsewhere bought and sold at current rates, also cable Transfers. Corner of Twenty-Filth Slreit, NEW YOKK. Demand Dratis on Scotland and Ireland, also on BASSETT A BASSETT, <"«nH'ia, UiUl»h t^olumbia and San FrHnclsco. Bills By ex'hanKlnir United 9lale« Bonr's for the''onf'scl Collected, and other Itanklnc; business transacted. the WALKILL VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY, ydu BANKERS. JOHN PATON, 1- per i *«*""•.„„. you Increase your come over 40 cent, and Brenham, Texas. APCH. McKINLAy.l vonr pr'U' Ipal ncut 35 per ctnt and get a st cnrlty Correspondents: Houston—First National Bank EQUALLY SAFE. ; a.ilveston—Ball, Hutchlngsft Co; New Oilcans—Pike, Brother & Co.; New Y'ork—Duni an, Sherman & Co. Bowles Brothers & Co., b. 5c Sayles dc Bassett, Atty's at Law, G. G. C. Ward, Brenham. Texas. PARIS, LONDON, BOSTON. AGENTS FOR 19 WrLLLAM STREET, N. T., liARtNG BROTHERS dc CO.1l PA.. 1 P. R. Smith Co., isstri 6« WALL STREET, NEW YORK, & Credits for Travelers In Europe, as STATE STREET, BOSTON. BANKERS AND Bzchange on Paris and the Union Bank »1 London, In OFFICE OF THE COMiaiSSION JUfiRCSANTSy sums to suit. Subscription agents for the Chroniclk In Paris. Sterling Firelnsuranc Co URYAH, TEXAS. No. 155 Broadnray, WiLLIAMS&GuiON, K. JOUNH, J. O. KIKBT, , KVKBBTT, W. TON BOaXNBBBe NEW YORK, February 14, 1K2. 63 Wall Street, New Vork. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE THIS DAY TKAVKLLKRS ana COMMERCIAL C. R. Johns & Co., CREDITS declared "' "."" °' K-roPe. a Semi-annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, J?i.?'i[.^?-'wl »r"l:-'*H'" *c. BILLS ",^ EXCHANGE drawn In sums to suit purchasers TKXAS liAND AGBNGY ?l80 Cable trannfers. free of Government tax, payable on and after 19tU BANKING & EXCHANGE, Country Bankers can be supplied with Bills of Ei- Inst. J. K. VAN RENSSELAER, cnange, in large or small amounts, on the principal AUSTIN, TEXAS. cities of Europe, also wlih Tickets for Fassaae froin, Secretary.' t Purchase and sell real estate, pay taxes and adjust or to. Enrope,bv the GUION LINK o( Mall PteamBrs prosecute Land and money tli« COnSiGNME-Nt" ruieH, claims avaluHt r.^^^ff^^^^, ^A^K"^.*^^ ( F State aud Federal OoTernments ; make collectlous. COTTON, and other Produce to Oaraelves or Cor. Wm. H. Veysey, respondents. Receive deposits and execute TroBta. Alex. 8. Petrle ^k r*.. Gulon & Co. PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT OFflCE t'Ondon. Liverpool. 150 B OADWAY, NEW YORK. Books opened In plain and concise msnner. Com- Adams & Leonard, plicated and disputed accounts Investigated and ad- BANKERS, Tapscott, Bros. & Co. r.."??^"*?'^"^*'-::''''''^,?''''::^*"''!' Clews, Bfq.,bank- TERMINUS OF CENTRAL RAILROAD 'J,!'?.^'"'"-' Metsrs. David L»mb ft Co., Importers. Corslcana, Texas. I 8« SOOTH STREET, NEW YORK. "• •«!nertlct& lioardmau. Counsellors Law,,siHr..aQway;I ,, .'i",",! at I«n. Sterling Kichange and frame. Hare & l.ockwood, Insnr- New YorkCorrefpondent Morion, BUss ft Co. demand notes In sums aiice Agents, a tosnltpurchawrs.oavatO' 2 .-roadway ; Thouiaa Harbour 1 all •.ari.^.i l»rei t Krii.ln E>q , anil Ir,i«uu, aud available for the Continent °' "" °»^°° Europe OD ot .iip?n;:?,;'; cPj?;ixVsfn^,'^':'j":'^ ;^>& .M. A. VOBT, IGkorob W, Jackson. Late Fort A Trice. Late Cashier ist Nat. Bank Messrs. PRFBCOTT,0«OTK ft no. .Bankers 1 nnilnn Galllpolla. O W. TAPSCOTT ft CO.. oTdHSlL UverpSo" ' William O GTlman^ Orders for Oovcrnmeht Bonds, •locks and Merchsn. dlse executed, and Foreign kxchanga I>S&LKB tr Fort & [ackson, and l/ralta INSURANCE SCRIP, BANKERS, AND WACO, TEXAS. KRFitRBNnKS AND CoRRK8PONi>BNOK:—New John Munroe & Co., Fire and York marine Insurance Stock. WInslow, Lanier ft Co., David Dows ft Co. (Mucin- BANKERS, Qatl : First National Batik. Merchants National Bank, 46 P IIP Klreet. corner ot WcllUm SlfB ^^M v New Orleans: Louislaim National Bank, Wheless ft No. 8 W^all Street, New York, t^ratt. Bankers, (ialveston : T. H. McMahan ft Co. ssne ClicnUr Letters ii. of Credit for Travellers on the S. Bailey, CONSOLIDATED BANK, LONDON, WALL STREET, Camman n & Co., AND ON Buys and Sells Insurance Bankers and Brokers, Stocks and smn* • . nVNKOE & CO., Bank Stock, 8 Wall Street, New York, PARIS. and other Sei^^'r.'t.Si'* Transact a Oknkral Banking Bubinkss. and filvf. "SPECIALTY" particular attention to the PURCHASE AND SALE SXCHANOB ON LOniA^M OF GOVKBNU£NT, STATS ANUilAlLKOAD SECU- AND PABI8. wSfiVsJ!^ ;Lro«.;.!sj.iss.'.^7eL«^'>sj^T " "">' RITIES. "^Deposits received tublect to check st Ught. )

Pebraary 24, 1872.J THE CHRONICLR 235

Boston Bankers. SouthdM Bankers. New Orleans Cards. luvAntnient Neoiirltlon and Collection*. State National Co., Bank Page, Richardson & A. C Kaufman, OF NKW 0RLKAN8. BANKBKN, IIANKKK AND BKOKUIt. Kornwrlr IiUUISIAKA STATK UAN K, IneorporMed TO Mtate Ntreel, llontoii. VHAKLBSTON, S. O. 18 18. auU Iravclcrl Lliult,.. Uil ol Kioh«n/o, and CaniineroUl EV Deslflr In 8outi>«rit Ktnic, Citv niid liallrnad Capital. .$500,000 I $1,000,000 CrofUu itmuoU oa Hpcurltlud, Uacuvrent Bank NoteH, ColQ, KxcUuiigo, FroniptaltuiHlori given to Collections upon all points Ac, &c.| also ooverameni Uound aell Wonteru aud OF SBLmA. I'liHlcuIar atteiiti<:n given to Collections, liotb In llie city and all points In connection ty bond*. wltb It. Prompt I eltirns made itt nest riite ul hxcliuiii^e, and no cbai- Capital ..... 9100,000 made, excepting that actually paid U{;ou any auiaut point. i;orrespoudence solicited. J.\S. I3BBLL, Of Talladesca, President. ilEW YOBSL COBBKSFONDBKT NINTH MATIONAL PhiUdolphia Bankers. WM. V. AK.MbTltONO, Cashier. BANK J No. W. LOVK, Assistant Cashier. S.y.Corresuoudent-luiporters and Traders National G. TOWKaEHD. P. O Fazbmdb. w. K. Lymah. llai.k. Townsend, Lyman & Co.

SOUMBRYILLE. BANKKKS & 0KOK.KUS,' Wm. Kowi-kb. K. H. ^K^V OULKANS. BKJAMISOKfeCo. IV Particular attention ^Ivcti iubuslue.4a ot'Corres- Fowler & Sommerville, aoiidenta. Colicctiuutt rumlited lor at current rale ol ;xclianK.:. BANKKIIS, BANK'EKS ic BKOKEKS, ^ew Vurk Cor respondents Trevor & Colnatc, Uor- PHII.ADBLPHIA. HOSTaOMBKT, ALA,' tim iWlHsA Cu. Speclal attention given to purchase of Cotton. Traraacta Koneral Banking ana Kxchauge buslnesa ncludluu I'urchaae and Sale at StovkS, Uonds, (iold Finanoiil. ttr. on GommUslon. CHAS. J. JRMKINS, T. P. BRiKOH, Joa. S. BSiH Prea't. Vicc-Prea't, Cash'r. Merchants & Planters »AINKINNS of Loaus. and Foreign Kzohanea Orders BoUcittid tor the purchase oi bdies of Prodace flflected. Dealers Is UOI.U, HILVKK and all kludf of aud Securities. Prompt attentloi? jfuaranteed. New Tork Correspondents : Lawbicnux Bros. & UOVBUNnKNT UOIHUH. LoCKWOOD & Co., UOLl.liCi'IO. in.40B at all acceeslble . W. Wheatley & Co., ilQts aud remitted lor on day ol payment, BANKKKS, p J BANKERS AND BROKERS,

• HliCltN UN LO.NDO.N A.\U PAKIS AMERICVS. OA. 94 BROADWAY. FUK8AX.B Do a general banking business. Cotton pnrchased Transact a beiieral on order. Collections made and promptly remitted Banklns buai- lor- ~ nesK, Includlne the purctoase aud sale New York Correspondents — Messrs. Wm. Bryce dk Co. Samuel A. Gaylord Co, of tilovernmeut and^tate BondSi Rail- & road Stoclta and Bouda, and other E. E. BuBanss, Pres't. A. K. '

John A. Klkih, C. C. Klowxrrbb. Ubo. M. Ki.at« BROKER ; Vice-President.vice-rresiaeni. Cashier.uasuier. g~^ rreaiaetit. III t.overnnient Bonds, Ezchanee, Morton, Galt ^^"> t^old and Stocka^ BANKBK8,/^ Mississippi Valley Bank, No. 44 EXCHANGE PLACE. PartlcuUr attention given to the uegotiHtlon of IM West Mntn Street. Louisville, Ky., deslers la A BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT, Kallway and other Corporate Loans. t'orelifo aud i>ume«th'. Kxcli4n:(e, Uovenuuent Bonds Union aud Central PaclUc Bonds and Stocks a tf aud aU Local St^ciirltles. Uive prompt attention to V1CK8BUUQ, miss. la,ty. * * ouUeoUous aud urUers for InvRStuiAnt ol funds. J 4 N. Y, Correspondent :—Bank of tha lianbattan Co.

• BO. I. HOLHM. ALKX. aaOBBTH. C. & G. Woodman, W. M. F. Hf.wson, Holmes & Macbf.th, BANKKR8 8TOOK BIKOKBH, STUCK AND BUND UKUKKK8, SO PINB 8TBEKT, N. T.) Ufflce No. il West Third Street, Cluulunatl, Uhlo. Beler to: All IHualunail Baaks, aud Messrs. t,O0i(- CUABLK8TON, S. G. Wuou a Co., Naw York,, Ktr box M< Uualets lu STOCKS, BOKDS, and LA&'0 WARRAK

iSG THE CHUONICLE. [February 24 13 2.

Financial. Financial Finano'al. 27TII ANNIJAI. REPOKX OF THE Houston & Texas Cen- N E HV YORK tral Railway Co.'s 8 PER CENT GOLD. Life Insurance Company, GRANT, OFFICE: FIRST MORTOAGE 1,ANI» NM. 346 AND 348 BBOADWAV. SINKING FIINB SEVEN PER Interest payable quarterly JANCAUY 1, 1872. CENT. GOI.D BONDS. 96 Free of GoTernment Tax. Amount of Net Cash ABsets, Jan. 1, 1871.. . $15,676,097 AND INTEKEST PAYABLE IN GOLD RECEIPTS. PRINCIPAL Premlnms and Annuities »6,031 ,379 32 at the National City Bank, New York. These are In 9>i PER CENT UPON THE IXVESTMENT, Interest received and accrued every respect flrst-claas Bonds, and we confidently 1.149.416 57- Sc^'f!**."*.!*.?."'''!!"""^"'^ U8^.J95J9 SIXTY PER CENT MORE I SCOME THAN UPON recommend them as an entirely safe Investment. $23,857,393 85 GOVERNMENT BONDS, in currency. Circulars DISBirnSEMENTS. Price, 90 and accrued Interest AND AN i;\DOUIiTED SECURITY, Lo»»e8 by death «i, 318,168 03 and information may be obtained at our office. l'urcba«cd, eurrcnderod, aud canreled poUciea l,ilto,o54 M JOHN J. CISCO * SON., FIRST mORTGAGE Life annuities, matured en- downieutsaudreiiisumnce. 38,820 35 NO. 69 Wall St., New York. DUIdcnds to poUcy-lioldtTS.. 819,078 43 SINKING FUND BONDS Commissions, hrolieraKesHud (COUPON AND REGISTERED.) lilft'ucy expenses o05,8o7 73 RECOMMEND, and pbyalelans' WE Advertising ISSUE LIMITED TO $16,.300 PER MILE. ft'et* 96,567 35 Taxes, oflice and law ex- AS A SAFE AND PROFITABLE IN\^STJIENT. In Denominations or $1,000, penses. BAlarlea, prlntlni?, $500 revenue stamps etc 753,899 91— 4,167,646 49 TIIK and $100,

$18,689,T47 3G t F THE ASSETS. FiftsT Mortgage LOGANSPORT, CRATTFORDSTILLB Cash in Trust Co., in Hank, and on band ?l,845,0a2 15 AND InVL-Hted In United bUtes, New York State aud otlicr SEVEN PER CENT BONDS SOUTHW^ESTERN RAILW^AY OF Btoeks (murket vaiuc ifri,- 751,132 83> cost 4,616,762 43 OF TUB INDIANA. InvesUd in ^cw York City Bunks Stock (market value PRICE, 95 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. ^Ui.Uryt cost 41,549 00 Kcai Estate in tlie City of Cincinnati & Muskingum i4ew York 1,763,174 14 miles in length, 70 of which Builds and Mortgages (se- This road, 92 real estate valued cured by are in actual operation, runs Southwesterly at *.:iO,iiUi,(XiO ; t)uildiji;f3 Valley R. R. Co., tlierton Insured for ovOr from Logansport to Rockville, passing $8.U0O,WW, aud tiie policies assigned to tlie Company Which we are Selllug at 90 aud centrally through five of the wpalthiest HS additional eullateral se- curity) 8,w^i,820 eo Interest. and most productive Counties of Indiana, Loans on existing polities. (TUe reserve held bj*^liie hitherto without railway facilities, and Company ou tltese aain4 pol- They arc issued at the rate of J10,000 a mile on a com icies amounts to $3,>tJ8,- penetrating for twelve miles at its Southern yW) 21) 956,636 99 pleted line, which has coat triple that amount, and Quarterly and seinl-annual Terminua, the celebrated Block Coal Fields premiums, due subsequent which Is in successful operation. The stock of the to January 1, 18r>I 000,561 17 of Parke County. It afl'ords the shortest Premiums un existing poli- cies iu liands of agents utid Company Is owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., existing outlet to Chicsgo, Toledo, Detroit, lu course of tnmsinisbloa.. 330,355 73 Amounts due from Ag(.;nts .. 4tj,83*j Hi and under Its auspices the Hue has become a trunk line Fort Wayne, Logansport, and all other Interest accrued to .lanuary 1. WJi 77,016 14- 18,639,747 36 intermediate points for the Block Coal (now Add— between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, while it poasesaca Excess of market value of se- in such large demand), Lumber. Cattle, a valuable local traffic, furnished by the fertile, well- curities over cost 114 (»21 40 Grain, and other surplus products of this Caahass.ts, Jan. J8T2 settled, and developed section of the State of Ohio, 1, $18,803,768 76 Agricultural and Mineral section of APPKOPKIATEU AS rich FOLLOWS: through which Amount of AdjuHte,075 30, CLARK, DODGE ic CO., participating Insurance (at TEREST, in currency, or will exchange 4 per cent. Carlisle net pre- Neiv York. imumj iiii,0i>l,73.^ 65, nou- them for U. S. Bonds or other marlietaTile participatlug (at 5 per cent. Carlisle nut premiumj 16,841,177 21 securities, at the rates of the day. Balance of Iteturn Premium, bonds 1871, payable during tbe Municipal Bonds, At the above price these yield year 187a 133.667 12-17,315 634 33 to the investor SIXTY PER CENT morn Divisible Surplus. Ten to $1,488,131 43 Twelve Per Cent Interest. income than the bonds of the United SAFETY ! n,iu Ite undlvUled AND PROFIT COIHBINED. States, and we unhesitatingly recommend surpluB of »1,488,1»1 43, the Board onriistw«li,in; dechm..! :i 1)1V1|;|..ND, iiVailalile on settlcnieut States may repudiate, but Coantles, Cities and Towns them to all classes of investors as otTering of uexl annual premium to eiiclj parllelDallue policy proportioucd to lu •• coutributlou to surplus." cannot. the most ample security and liberal returns. TRVSTKES. WE have at all times OOOD MUNICIPAL BONDS full particulars, with pam- MOI.BIS FRANKLIN, Further and for sale atlthe lowest market rates. "' "'*'''* '^''"''' I-"<=:i''i»"-ancc Co. phlets and maps, furnished by us on per DAVIt. mml™' SEND ''"""" FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST AND application. " "'^''^''anla), SO South sonal or written IsA AC C "kkniJaLi" at. PAMPHLETS. ""'''''"^''' "''""^""™ DAi'?''s"MlLUiV "n* P'ne JONES Sc SCHUYLER, W^. N. Sc CO., ''^'"- "'"" ^'''-'' <=--«'^"- COLEB No. IS Pine St., N. Y. HEXRT K.' liOGEh^if * 1 '^•e"' & Knccland), 49 No. 1 Wall St., N. Y. COMPANY. lOlIN M Vins William at. FINANCIAL AGENTS OF TDK

""'"''«"")• 5J9 UOBEU-I'Ik'cuLL^sA.' at'd Ml B'dway. All Taxes Paid. S'u'loneral, 370 Hroadway. WII I IA''M"l'."?i^Vnv"""-'"' WM A ioot! ••;;, ,^i.''i^''''"J•*'"''''l»t Road Finished & Earning; Expenses THlilD AVENUE and Twice the Interest. CHARLES l***"""). 3j Broad St. L. ANIHONY FULL PAID STOCK. ""'' '"^ '^°°''^' "' Leonard at. Bank SANt ORd'c°ub''*' * Savings ^'" '"»'"»'='' -1 Cor. Third Avenue and 2eth St., EDWAUu'm * <="•. Wall 81. Connecticut AUTINf' Valley R. R. YORK. '" * ^°" '^''"'''°°"- *» West 12th at. NEW 1 DWIN- nAvrf FIRST ItlORTGAGE * *^°' ""^ Gooda).!* Franklin H. i"?lAt'LK""' at. JOHN H< LYON, T Percent Ronds—Price 9.5 Sc (H. B. Clanin & Co., Dry Oooda, corner Church Interest. President, RECONfMENDED BY^ ALLEN STEPHENS GEORGE L. HAIGHT, & CO., Bankers Secretary. vice o President of the N. T. Life Insurance Co. 12 PINE STREET., N. T. — OPEN DAtLT From 10 A.M. 8 P.M. Send all letters to Post-Office nORRIS FRANKLIN, Bo.t No. 3,087. And On the Evenings of --.__ »--—-. President. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY' tnE,I,IAllt II. BEERS, Fkom 6 to 8 O'CLOCK. '"'."'''ent Tiii..f>r,r>«,7 ^K^ and Actuary. THKODOKK M. BAN lA, Cashier. i,>irvvj7-vrvr4. deposited on or before April 10th will draw D, u Dr LL. ance company, Money Superintendent of AeenelenK^clcs. Interest from April lat. CO It \ ELI US it. BOOEKt ^' f .OtOKUE 201 BBOADWAV. WlLKeS, M. !)., INTEREST PAID ON Medical Examiners. Capital, SIX PER CENT ALL SUMS Cash .... $1,000,000. FROM »1 TO 15,000. . .



VOL. 31. SATURDAY, FEBRUAllY 24, 1872. NO. 348.

CONTENTS. day bu) ing government bonds more freely than for some THB CHItONlCLB. weeks past. Many illustrations mizht be given of this mon- ImprovcmiMit in the Financial Chuni;c8 in the Redf^emlng etary improvement which is undoubted, and is ascribed to a ^ituiillim 217 Ajfcutft of National Banks. . 2i2 Pomiii.vlvania Coal snd our Pro- Latest Moneiaryaudc'omraercial number of concurrent causes. diictivt^ Industry 838 English News 242 Ci'i(iii-1M7I and 1S72—Hotro- Comtncrcial Miscellaneous and One of these is the conciliatory tone of Earl Granville's fpcct ntid prospect 230 News 243 THE BANKERS' GAZETTE AND RAILWAY MONITOR. note to General Schenck, which has ju^t been received at M one)- Market, Railwaj Stocks, Railway News 248 I explanation of Charles Li. c». ^c^:urHlet*, Oolu Market, Washington ; and the further Mr. j State Secarities 21tf Foreign Ktchanize. New York CitySccuritic-* 251 J interview with Mr. City Biiiik^.PliiladelphiaBauks Railroad Stock Francis Adams, who had a prolonged I and Bond List. 254

National Hanks, etc 211 I Cannl and Miscelianeons Stock ' Secretary Fish Thursday. general belief seems to Qa itatiouB of Stocks and Bonds 247 and Bond List on The I 262 THE COMMEUCIAL TIMES. be that, during tha long interval which is to elap.se before

Ctmmcrcial Epitome 201 1 Groceries 266 O>tton the Geneva Conference meets in June, some satisfactory- 263 1 Dry Goods.... 2t>8 BreadstnAs 265 | basis of anreement will be arrived at ia regard to the ^f)t (Jl)ronicU. question of indirect damages which constitute the only point of present controversy. Both countries are alike desirous ThI COM.MERCtAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE W isSUed On SotUT- of settling this and other questions compiehended in the d ly morning, with t/ie latest news up to midnight of Friday. treaty in an equitable permanent way and it is not improb TSBH8 OF 80B8CSIFTION-FATABLS IH ADV&HCX. ; Thb OoHur.ROiAL and Financial OBROMloLE,delivpred by oarrier able ihat some specific sum may be agreed upon beforehand toeltysut^orlbftrs.ana mailed to all others, (ezolaalTe of postage,) Korone Vear $10 00 as fairly representing those cUims; so that the only practical For Six Months « 00 for the Geneva this branch of 7A«Chko- icLK u!iU h« itnt lo rubteridtri until oriertd diseontinutd fty UtUr. question Conference under Jr>Uag*UiOe«ntt p*r year, and U paid by the tuhtcriber at hit men pont-otKct. treaty whether that jay. or thirty wnxiaa b. dika, { iVILLIAM B. DANA k OC, Pobllshera, the may be sum— twenty JORH s. n.OTD, JR. 7»ud SI William Street, YORK. f NEW millions of dollars ;hall be awarded or not. Some such ap- Post Omen Box 4.B9? — praisal as this, adopted beforehand, would :t is believed meet r^^ The Pnhlishcrs cannot be responsible for '{omittances unless made by Draft. or I'ost-Ofllce Money Orders. all the objections and dispose of all the opposition to the <-

Yesterday in conformity with the reports announced would meet with general approval here ; and the anticipa- Ifst week in the Chronicle relative to the looking up of tion of it has doubtless tended to allay the anxiety thst has greenbacks, (here was a decided activity imparted to the been stimulated by the vehement tone in which the treaty money market. Just before the close of bank hours the has been unexpectedly criticised in England. tisual tactics were resorted to and the rates were bid up as Another thing which has had a favorable influence in h'gh as ^ per cent. The great bulk of the business of the our money market is, as we have said, the improvement of fifteen of gov- day had, however, been previously arranged for ; and con- our securities abroad. Fourteen or millions sequently the amount loaned at these usurious rates was ernment and other bonds are reported to have found their comparatively small. In anticipation o< some sujh man- way back to this side during the late excitement; and had fBUvre there has been a little more piecaulion exhibited by not Germany been a large buyer of railroad bonds froTi us " borrowers for several days past ; and loan* have been quoted during the previous two or three months, this bear raid" at ordinary rates, as indeed was the case yesterday until on American securities at London and on the Continent almost the final clcse of business. As to the probable would have deranged our foreign exchanges and put up the

duration, and resources of the manipulation little or price of gold. Now, however, the worst of this movement

nothing is positively known. But the object of the is believed to have spent its force, and a reaction seems to

c'ique so far as they allow it to be seen appears to be to nave set in ; extensive orders to buy government bonds

as list in producing a depression at the Stock Exchange in having been received here during the past two or three day* some of the leading speculative securitie(>, and the amount from Germany and Continental Europe. Still, there is enough of greenbacks they have locked up is reported at fom five uncertainty in the financial atmosphere to c»use an anxious to six millions of djllars. scrutiny of the daily despatches by cable, and the rates of ex- Notwithstanding the efforts of this powerful clique, how- gold and fo^ei^!n exchange show, a^ might have been pressure. ever, and the activity and appreliension they have caused for pected, no small degree of sensitiveness under the eevidnced dajs pas% there ha« been a decided improvement in several This sensitiveness of the finanoiil situation was by when the bids important respects; as it proved by abundant evidence, and the government sales of gold on Wednesdiy, from to especially by th« fact that lb? foreign houses were yester aggregated $8,261,000 at prices ranging 110 ;

[February 1872. 238 THE CHRONICLK _ ^ 24,

prietors had rapidly diminished. Every successive strike since been surpassed in the Gold Room, 1 10.5H, which have fact this rise of and interruption of production extinguished more of the where the price has gone up lo 111. In for on tho principles to survivors, and caused their properly to be absorbed by the the preir.ium on gold is accounted is aided by rich corporations whose vast re.^ources enable them to abide which we have adverted. But the movement more gold from the their time, to wait without embarrassment for the resump the fact that the Treasury is absorbing current disburse- lion of work, and to outlive a strike which would cru«h customs duties than it is paying out in its week of a part of out and ruin weaker capitalists, A similar result ments. The banks were thus drained last to day will is shown by experience here and in England to have ' statement their res(>rve, and the Clearing Hous" usually followed strikes io almost every department of busi- probably show a further loss. To some extent this decline of greenbacks this way ness. The larger establishmenls gradually swallow up the of reserve is recouped by a flow

the high rates smaller ones ; while intelligent, enterprising workmen, who from the interior, which has been caused by check to the drain to the have begun business for themselves, are often ruined, their of interest ruling here ; and by a small capital annihilated, and themselves compelled South and West which has been going on for some weeks, lo resume their old role of hired workmen, or lo enter and was recently discussed in our columns. The bank some new and untried field of labor. far th' averages showing no longer a declining tendency to the How se predictions have been verified in the Pennsylvania coal strikes it same extent as previously, the banks are now ready lo re would be extremely interesting the public to know, spond to demands for accommodation from their regular to and a candid exhaustive dealers. This is especially evident in the movements of report of such facts drawn up by some capable commercial paper, which passes at low rates, the mer- authority from well digested evidence taken on the spot cantile community getting without apparent difficulty the could not but be a valuable contribution to the literature of limited amount of discounts and other accommodation they the ijrpat strugole between capital and labor in this country. require. A third point was in regard lo the annual product which it For the moment these are the obvious causes of the mon- was feared might, for a time, be seriously impaired to the etary improvement. As to the future there is much great detriment of the country at large. In regard to this diversity of opinion. Some of the trust companies and we have access to more trustworthy information. other financial corporations which are entrusted wiih bank- The Pottsville Jfiners' i7o(n-H«/ has just made up its an- ing powers without proper supervision and other safeguards nual statistics of anthracite coal sent to market in the year have contributed to moderate the apprehended stringency 1871. The aggregate is gi ven at 14,065,501 tons for the and to enhrance the recent monetary ease. But these whole year, against 15,268,437 in 1870, and 13,651,747 institutions are paid to be less discriminating in their tons in 1869. For 1868 the product was 13,405,016 Urns, selectiou of collaterals than are the national banks, which for 1867 12,()50,571 tons, for 1866 12,379,490 tons, and for are liable to the visitation of the bank examiners; as wtll 1865 9,501,500 tons. From these aggregates whic'i. are

carefully figures, it appears that as to Cleai ing-llouse discipline ; to the obligation of keoping made up from, authentic

large reserves; and to the general publicity in regard to the the product has been much less impaired than might have condition of their business and the proofs of their solvency. been expected. This is tho more gratifying as it will be To what extent h?se new trust companies and financial cor- remembered that the great object for which the strike was

porations have really lent on unsaleable sc<'iirities and on col- organized was to stop the increase of the annual product and

laterols not available in case of panic, is matter of conjecture to keep it for over within narrow iiiadtquHle liiniU 88 such transactions are usimlly confidential and seldom be- in order that the men mi^ht earn belter wagos, and that

come known except by accident. A general desire is cxpres coil might command higlier prices. The inieresl of the men sed to have these institutions placed under the direct supervi- in keeping coal up originated some years ago when a foolish sion higher of the Bank Department at Albany and subjected to an compact was made to end a strike, giving them or early acd thorough examination, that as coal rose or fell in the market the popular anxiety I lower wages in proportion msy be set at rest regarding them. If, as we hope, these Although the yield of coal has not declined very seri- new institutions previous are as sound and well conducted as the older ously, but exhibits a marked increase on every ones which are anthracite beyond suspicion, it is only right that the year but 1870, still the product of the whole people should know the facts. region is less than the aggregate of coal used in England for the sole use of steam engines. "The steam et;gined of PENNSYLVANIA COAL AND OUR PRODUCTIVE INDUSTRY. Great Britain," it has been said, "consume 18 millions of In view of the importance equal lo an army < f of our coal deposits to the tons of coal, and create thereby a force growth and industrial strength of the country there has been producers 80 millions strong." Whether this estimate be 8 wide diversity of opinion is small as to tlie extent to which the correct or not, it is evident that our coal industry miners' strike a year ago in Pennsylvania had impaired the compared to what it ought to be it the price of this com- product in that State. Never in before in this country has so modity in the market were not so much higher than formidable a combination serious been organized either in regard lo Europe. The high price and small product are a the number of the men engaged in it; or the extent of the evil, and if not corrected would place impassable ob-tacles pecuniary force wielded in their controversy with their in the way of the national progress. It tends directly to employers; or the magnitude of the commercial and produc- check the multiplication of that wealth-creating power tive interests menaced by the struggle. Two or three which steam-engines and labor-saving machinery can evoke results were freely predicted as certain to follow this four for the extension of our material resources, for the increase months war. First, that the miners themselves would suffer of oar ability to bear the public debt and taxation, and for and be impoverished, and the savings of many years swept the enlargement of our productive power. away to the irreparalile injury of thousands of fiugal fam- It is not without reason, therefore, that the development ilies and of Ihe tradespeople from whom ihey made their of our coal production has been declared to be a paramount necessary purchases. Secondly, that labor-saving machinery condition of national growth. In the vast stores of fuel would be introduced into mines and the monopoly would be which are Cfjnvertible into productive wealth ;md invti^ the btrengthened which has been growing up in Ihe Pennsylvania enterprise and labor of the miner in Pennsylvania and other coal fields for many years. few A rich companies already States traver8««l( by the Alleghany chain within ensy reach owned most of the ppftl mm, Tl?? numbfp pf smalj pro. ofthQ Re«, tlie]ft\ is abundant evifjenoe o» tl>« f^'H?? ^^- ;

February 24, 1872] THE CHIIONICLR 239

mercinl grcntnoRs and industrial riches of the Atlantic States, recent yeara. Cotton in 1871 e»rri«

Number of Number prices changed and became an advancing one, both in cotton and pereons steun- HorBe- goods. There was a reasonable fear that liigher prices would eniplovfd. eugineti. powcr.

Schnvlklll. . 14,8fe 518 30.018 Boon check business. Happily it was disappointed ; for the im- Norlhnmberl*nd 8,151 78 3.140 petus given to the extension of business by the force of low prices, Columbia ; ... 935 ao a,lJl Datiphin so 1,4:10 1,140 for many months continued to sustain, if not to increase, the - Lii/.croe, East ...... 15,1,59 456 11,319 Luzerne, West 9,970 »08 9,284 :nand for the whole production of the factories at rising prices, and Lehigh region .' 7,987 19:1 9,468 with only a partial reduction of profits to the end of the year ; the Total («,g»7 1.503 66,780 general result being an amount of business never before known. We have no comparative statements of the corresponding The prominent points of contrast between the beginning of 1871,

and the beginning of 1870 and 1872, may be thus stated : In 1871 we figures for jirevious years. There is, however, an indication were in the midst of a large crop, nearly 40 per cent, larger than that machinery and labor-sjviiig appliances are to some " the preceding one ; now we have a short crop," generally sup" extent taking the place of human labor. Thus it appears posed to be 20 to 25 per cent, less than the last one, and by some that although the aggregate product of 1871 was so nearly estimated still smaller. In January, 1871, the market opened in equal to that price of the year before, still in Schuylkill there New York at 15-1- cents for middling uplands ; in 1870, the cents—a decline of nearly 40 per cent, were about 4,000 men partly employed, and about was 25i cents ; in 1872, 20i to 1871, and then an advance of 33 per cent, to January, 1872. By 3,500 were either idle or had lefl the region in 1871.

February 6, in each year, the contrast was still wider ; in 1870, In Northumberland, Columbia and Dauphin Counties, there 35i cents; in 1871, 15i cents (a fall of 39 per cent.) ; 1872, 23i were abont 1,050 men partly employed, and about 350 cents (a rise of 52 per cent.). A year ago we noted the effect of were idle or had lefk the region. In Luzerne seven mine- cheaper cotton in producing " heavier and more substantial fabrics locomotives and in the Lehigh region five mine-locomotives in England, suited to the home and Continental demand, requiring were useil. the consumption of more cotton to the spindle and in the aggre- gate." In January, 1872, this was reversed. Dearer cotton is Of course the improvements in labor-saving machinery, extending relatively the production of finer fabrics, which now here hinted at, are very costly, and some years must e'apse afford the better profits, and require less " cotton to the spindle before fome of thein will remunerative. is become What and in the aggregate," and the advance of 1^. in the price of the real outlay of capital invested in machinery and steam- cotton in Liverpool since the Ist of January will have further engines, we have but few means of knowing. In the effect in this direction. Of the whole consumption of cotton in in in 1870, absence of any other appliances for ascertaining these and Great Britain, the per cent, of American was, 1869, 42 ; 59, and in 1871, per cent, (in pounds). Except when forbidden other analogous facts our Statistical Bureau at Washington 65i by the high price, American cotton is used in preference and most would do well to give a little attention to tliis subject. One profitably. When it is cheap, there is lavish use, with a view to part of the facilities for the coal business, railroads and the the largest production of goods. This was the case in 1871, but can- canals, built expressly for the anthracite coal trafSc, are not be in 1872, at the present high prices. Now every economy of valued with thsir equipment and investments in the coal use will be put into practice. Egyptian cotton is already substituted extent for American in the finer counts of yam, regions at from 350 to 400 millions, without reckoning the to a considerable and Surat is substituted in the coarser yarns and fabrics. In 1871, cost of land. At 10 per cent the annual returns on this there was, after the Spring, moral certainty of advancing prices capital would be 35 to 40 millions of dollars, or more than there is at least a probability of and a healthy trade ; in 1872, two dollars a ton upon all the coal at present sent to market. declining prices, which, when starting from a high point, with If these estimates of capital are not greatly overvalued the markets fully stocked or over-stocked with goods, is always explanation doubtless is as we have hinted, that the attended by a reduced and unsatisfactory trade. was a decline in cotton, almost Jregular and con- facilities which have cost so much look forward to the In 1870 there in there tinuous from the beginning to the end of the year ; 1871 future inevitable growth of the coal trade to 50 or 60 mil- were fluctuations of price after April, though twice as much up- lion tons a year, and are much loo large to be adequately ward as downward. What the course of prices will be in 1872 U worked by its present is of small aggregate of 15 millions. for the future to disclose. Estimate or opinion in regard to it planter, no value beyond the mind forming it. The merchant, the such statistical facts 1S71 and the manufacturer will be interested in COTTON— .i'VD RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT. 1872— of facte. as may be presented, if they cover fairly the whole field [Communleated] The following table shows the comparative prices at special The year 1871 was one of the most remarkable in the history of MiddUng dates in 1870, 1871. and 1872, being the quotations for the cotton trade and manufacture. To the manufacturing indus- Upland Cotton in New York and Liverpool

try it was the most , 1671 . proaperous year known, regarded in the extent . 1871. , ,—1870.1. . — — pence eta. pence. and profit of the business done. dealers engaged in the trans- eta. pence. ets. To IBX MX 10 January 1 SSJ< n% S^ lOX fer of cutton from the producer to the consumer, it was highly " 12 25 ii?< 15X *H « FebrnaryU S5H UK KH TX profitable after tlie Spring trade, in spite of a constant adverse 1H 38 33U llAi 151i T« relation of markets. To the producers of cotton it was a profitable March 10 M>tf 11 \*K 15 80 MX lOTi ;!!< for, year ; notwithstanding tlie low prices obtained for the first April 81 MX IIX UK ** iOTi U •IH three quarters of the crop of 1870, the fourth (juarter bore a good May » M .luly 8 J0« sx «1V 9« price, making a fair average for the portion sold in 1871, and the August 15 MH »\ 18X S" 8ept'berl6 MX 9H n% X? abundance ol that crop gave it an aggregate value of $263,000,000, S\ \9}i •X 30 1«X »« October 5 1«X 8H »H or nearly the average crops preceding it ; of the four then the IIX 9% lex Nov'mb'rS 10X* diminution of the crop of 1871 (nearly half of which enters into Dcc'ber 15 15 8X Wi In New York. April to July, 1871, was : 4^ the calendar year) is on the other hand compensated by such The advance from from February 6, 1871, to Liverpool, 28 per eent. ; and better price that its aggregate will equal or exceed the average of per ce?>t ; in . ;

240 THE CHRONICLE [February 24, 18? 2.

cent. in Liverpool, early in the season, based upon proportion of February 6, 1873, it was, lu New York, 53 per ; the crop thus received. Later in the season the 51 per cent. basis becomes fairer. In the last four The spftculative character of the cotton business during the years the crop has averaged 3,090,300 bales, - (including Southern last twelvemonth appears in the fact that, daring the whole consumption.) In the same four years there world, were received, after riod, prices at Liverpool, the leading cotton market of the February 23, in the average, 897,000 bales. There Adding this quantity were relatively cheaper than in our ports, at even date. to this year's receipts, up to February 32, and withdrawing was consequently a "margin" against the exporter, varying the Southern consumption, say 105,000 bales, paid a commis- the crop would be 3,402,000 bales. from fd. to lid. per pound, when the transaction Counting " " sion at Liverpool. Whatever profit was made in the business in the overland cotton last year and this year, the came by the advance in price at Liverpool subsequent to the receipts to date are 18 per cent, short of those of last year. Ihe ratio to August shipment. It will be observed that, duiing 1871, the relation of same 31 would make the crop 3.569,000 bales. The receipts are prices at New York and Liverpool was quite constant. Notwith- 9 per cent, more than in 1870 to same date, and in that ratio the crop standing tlie fact that prices nearest the planter were dearest, would be 3.404,000 bales.

and nearest the manufacturer were cheapest, relatively, at any Take one more form ; in cotton has been fairly profitable since The receipts at ports to February given date, the trade 2J are "' 2 170 000 bales The receipts at mills (overland) are about advance in price. V> hat ' ' 'sjo'oOO bales April, because of this general would The stock at the seven larger inland markets Is ' gfi'ooo bales The slock in other inland have been the extent of the loss had anything occurred to markets and stations is festimated) 44'ooo bales

The takings for Southern '. consumption to Feb. 22 (estimated). SO^OOO bales reverse the tendency.'of prices upon shipments started in the face Total to Feb. S-J, dellTered from plantations of 1 cent or id. adverse price, is now a matter of speculative in- ..8,610,000 bales quiry. Under the changed circumstances of this year, it may be From many sections the crop is reported nearly all in. Yet, of practical importance. Usually, a forestalling demand pre- from the same sections, very respectable quantities are reported vails with rising prices, whether of cotton or of gooas, so long as still to be received. From the Arkansas River and other localities there is prospect of further rise. At some point it stops. It al- only a small part of the crop has yet moved because of low water ; ways comes upon the prospect of cheaper cotton, promising nor is it likely to move until the March freshets from the melting cheaper poods. The present outlook is to determine as near as snow in the mountains. Can any one doubt that there are yet may be what is that point of arrest, since from that point pur- 650,(K)0 bales to be received froTi plantations? If there is that fihases, in anticipation of want, cease, and accumulation begins; quantity, then the crop will be 3,260,000 bales. This season to be relieved afterward, only as cheapness renews activity. may be exceptional to the proportional movement of the several The production and disposition of cotton goods in Great Britain crops since 1866; therefore, each reader should apply his own in 1871 should be considered in this retrospect of that year. reasoning and correction to the foregoing calculations, which, as The total production of cotton goods and yarns in Great Britain they stand seem to justify and estimate that the crop is 3,350,000 during 1871 was in weight 1,072,8.50,000 lbs., value £101,957,000, bales or more. of which was exported 873,000,000 lbs., £78,437,000; estimated Our home factories took from the crop of 1870, 80,000 bales home consumption, 185,000,000 lbs., £23,520,000. The same dur- more than they consumed, or about 1,100,000 bales in all, the

ing 1870 were : Total production 942,400,000 lbs., value £93,145,- consumption being 1,020,000 bales. This year their consumption

000 ; exported, lbs., will be larger, probably 802,300,000 £76,095,000 ; estimated home con- 1,125,000 bales. North and South. If sumption, 140,160,0001bs., £17,050,000. there shall be in the Summer good promise of a large crop, and This comparison shows a large increase in the home consump- of lower prices in the Autumn, they will run their stocks to a low tion, both absolute and relative—a highly favorable feature in point, as in 1870, carrying no unnecessary surplus. To run full tlie year's business, indicating both cheapness of goods and better up to new cotton, say September 30, they need not, therefore, take ability among the labor classes who are the principal consumers much more cotton from thj crop of 1871 than they did from that of those fabrics. of 1870, and their total takings are not likely to exceed 1,050,000 The British exports of piece goods in 1870 and 1871 compare bb bales. follows: If our crop shall prove to be 8,350,000 bales, and wc retain for home nse " 1870. 1871. 1,0.50,000 and for stock iu ports, August 81 60,000— 1,100,000 " Number of yards 3,267,000,000 3,410.900,000 The quantity exported maybe Total value £53,300,000 2,250,000 bales, £53,600^000 out of the crop of 1871-2. An increaee of only A.i per cent, in quantity, and .5 (or i of 1) per This is intended as an estimate of the minima of both crop and cent, in value, showing a diminished export value per yard. export. Notwithstanding this slight increase in the exports, the markets The " Annual Review of the Cotton Trade for 1871," by Messrs. of the East, in India and China, are excessively oversupplied Ellison, Tibbits & Co., of Liverpool, published in January, bears with cotton goods, and we are told that for some time past they evidence of most careful preparation, surpassing any similar work could be bought in those markets for less than the current prices in that respect, and in the completeness of its statistical tables. in Manchester. On the other hand, down to the end of January The following statistics are copied from that "Review" as a better there was no indication of stopping spindles, or lack of fair and more comprehensive exhibit of the cotton business in Europe profit no abatement in ; the demand for export goods at Man- during 1871, and of the probable supply and consumption of Chester. Were it not for the obstruction of high price—to be felt cotton for 1872 than anything that could be prepared from original sooner or later— the trade might go on without reduction. The data here. The reader can correct the single item of siipply of conditions are inconsistent, the relation unsafe, when the escape American cotton to Europe by 100,000 bales to conform to my from loss depends upon a rise of prices in markets already glutted estimate above, or at discretion. A careful examination of the with much cheaper goods. evidences leads me to the opinion that Messrs. Ellison, Tibbits There has been much diversity of opinion in regard to the & Co., have under-estimated the "probable import" from India extent of our cotton crop of 1871, an important item in the calcu- and other countries, and have over-estimated the consumption lationsof all who deal in cotton, though the difference between the in Europe for 1873, to an extent several times exceeding in two extremes of opinion may be found of less importance, at the their aggregate the over-estimate in the import of American pre*ent higJi ramje «/;>n-T«, than has been supposed, if the supply cotton, if, indeed, that estimate proves to be at all excessive. of all cotton is as great , and the surplus at the end of the year is to I—FOn CHEAT BRITAIN, 1871. be as large as is shown by the best statisticians in Europe. In " The deliveries for home consnmption have amounted to 3,214,780 bales, the followirg figures, it is attempted to present the fairest grounds but as the trade hold 103 000 bales more at the end than at the beginning of for estimating the American the year, the actnal consumption has reacliud only 3 114,780 bales, or 59,900 per crop of 1871. During the five years, to week, as is shown in the following statement; 1&W-7 1860-1, the portion of the crop receive! up to February Bales. lbs. 28 (twenty-five weeks) was 73 per cent, in commin average. In the Slockheldby spinners 1st January 100,000 39,9]«,000 Stock in the ports Ist January. 44S,990 ll)6,2«.\9()0 five years since the war (1860-7 to 1870-1). the portion for the Import during the year 4,405,420 1,679,652,720 Knme periof!, (including the proper portion of " overland " cotton direct to mills) Total supply 4,952,410 1,88.5,73 1,080 lias averaged 74 per cent. The receipts to the ^nmc date this year, also including " Export during the year 910,330 S.^V.iiKl.llO the overland," are 2,400,000 Stnckhclrt by spinners 31 8t I ecember SOO.OdO 7!l,niJ,000 liales. If this Stock in quantity is 74 per cent., Ihe whole crop is 3,255,000 the ports 3181 December 727,."!00 96a,855,3iU bales, besides Southern consumption, or say 3,330,000 bales in all, Total deduction ],M7,630 (i78,479,430 against 4,352,000 bales last year. In the a-celtrated or retarded' Leaving lor actiml consumption 8,114,780 1,205, (.'ASrO movement of the crop is ground for distrusting all estimates made -which compares as follows with the flpnres of the prece-ling nine years . . :

February 24, l.i72.1 THE (^HRONICLR 24\ =p

ItalM. lb«. i staled to be 1 .9(),'5,4.5.'i Ibn, Baleii. Ibi. 330 which would neWe to 84,000,000 9 Arut ilitA ftflO Till 000 ' ' ' 1871.... 1,90S,4W,1S0 lAMil 3,114,780 i'I>lndlBS S.IJ lbs. earh in a year of very low prlcen, lavish uiie in 1,071,769.780 ma"" i'm^3D 718,'«.'ii;ooo 1870. . . ».7»7,OI10 18W.... a.6w.4ao 9TO.ni'i.nvt 18M.;;! 1,'59«;400 S«l,196.000 heavier yarn.n and goods, and great ])rofits. 1 500 478,445,000 18(8.... a, 801.940 wo, 'J r, too I86S.... 1.303 449,881,000 Assuming that the whole spinning 1887. .. 8, set, 498 nSl,M7,50(l 180S.... 1,185,500 capacity—lay 30,100,000 spindleg—ahall he employed in 1872, and allowing to the spiDdle (The Import to Great BrIUilii In 1871 w«s ''STS--IS '»' 1870wa» 1,»15,3»7,780 " do do do a quantity of cotton consistent with the higher price, the finer An lncr««»f of 57 « per coni, or 8m,IS4.990 Ihg. yarns, and the reduced iirofits, say 34i lbs., as in 1870, the total While the tncreaac iu coiisimipllou waa lifi per cent, or., 133,085 470 Iba. ) requirement tor Ureat Brilnin would be i,2l,'),4.'iO,000 lbs. cotton. II.— FOB ALL auRorc, 1871. A statement of the present eonmiming poicer of eaeh emmtry on American. E. Indian. I,g. »tnp1i'S. TeUl. "Direct Import to Oreat Brllftin a,«49.00O I.S8fi,000 920,000 4,105.0(10 the Continent is also given in the " Review," from the best sources do do thu (-'oittiiK'iii. 805,000 259,000 499,000 1,033,000 of information. It gives the following aggregates : 18,.'580,()00 Total lni|>ort 3,114,000 1,495,000 1,419.000 8.038,000 spindles, consuming'l:i.7 lbs. per spindle, a total of 802,010,000 lbs., Stock in portt* IdlJanuary 154.000 376,0UI 151,000 581,000 or 2,l'i7,070 bales of .'!70 ll)s. cotton each. Nothing to the con- Total »«npply. 3,iti8.000 1,771,000 1,570,000 6,609,000 trary appearing, it is proper to assume that these are all spinning Stock in porta Slat December 3114.000 557,000 308,000 1,039,000

spindles ; that they represent the whole spinning capacity at the Deliveriea 3,004,000 1,314,000 1,363,000 5,580,000 beginning of 1872, and that all were in full work during 1871. Of which to Great Brluln 1.888,000 530,000 797,000 3.31.5,000 do do rontinent 1,116,000 684,000 565.000 2,:)(i5,000 Should they be increased during the year to 19,000,000 (average) and all be worked with an economy suited to the enhanced price Average per week— Oreat Britain. 36,300 10,300 15.300 61,800 do do Continent 31,500 13,100 10,900 45,600 of cotton, say at 43 lbs. per spindle, they will require 837,000,000

Total 57,800 33,300 36,300 107,300 lbs Add to this the full requirement for Oreat Britain, lbs., all The weekly averaKc-s in the last three years, and in 1860, in bale» of the 1,84.5,450,000 and we have the maximum consumption of uniform weight of 400 ibs. each, were «» fiillows Europe, 2,082,452,000 lbs. 1871. 1870 18'i9. 1800. If from the probable supply to all Europe, as estimated in the Great Britain 69,971 61,870 45,970 51,378 France 8,899 7,90-. 11.B78 ia,%7 " Review," wo deduct for a possible over-estimate of the American (lermanyaad Holland. 11,447 9,471 10.302 8,4.33 portion, 10l),000 bales lbs.) that supply will stand Rest of Continent. I8,M8 11,144 10.600 13,110 (40,800,000 2,443,035,000 lbs. Full consumption of all Europe, 2,082,4.50,000 lbs. ToUl. 101,865 80,390 77,750 88,687 Surplus 31st December, 1873, 3C0,.585,000 lbs., equal to 975,000 III.—FOR ALL BUBOPK—ESTIMATK OP SirPLY FOB 1873. bale.-* of 370 lbs. each. '• From America we shall probably receive 9,a'X).000 bales. This estimate is " baaed npnn the supposition tliat the commercial crop (excluding Southern In its tabular statemenia the Review" has made but 300,000

consumption) will not exceed 3,300,000 bales, and is arrived at as follows : bales diflerence between the deliveriea to spinners and the actual bales. consumption in all Europe. The eflFect of this is to add only Recelpta at the ports and overland ",.S1IO,0(X) (Deduct) received to December S8th 1,358,000 300,000 bales to the usual stock held by spinners at the end of the year. It was prudent to err in the direction of too small an esti- To receive 1,943,000 Stock In American ports and afloat for Europe at the end mate of that difference, if to err at all. But there is a concur- ofDecember 840,000 3,782,000 rence of all the best statistical authorities to show that on the To receive of new crop, against 1,358,000 bales last year 1,800,000 31st of December the increase of surplus was nearly or quite

Total supply 4,383,000 500,000 bales in all Kurop?, having been increased from October 1, Less American consumption 1,000,000 by more than 100,000 bales. This fact, if it be one, is pregnant 3 383,000 with warning, for its effect is to reduce the stated consumption of Less stock in American ports and afloat for Europe end ofDecember, 1873, against 807,000 iu 1871 932.000 1871 by 200,000 bales, and with it correspondingly the require- for 1872, and to add 200,000 bales (now invisible) to the Probable lL->port into Europe in 1873 2,350,000 ment (My flgnres wonld change this result by 50.000 in crop and 50,000 bales In supply for 1872. American consumption, reducing it to 3,250,000 bales)." The truth of the largest estimate of invisible supply is not Prom India we shall get about the same as last year— say 1,.'500,000. The Brazils will furul^li, say 800,000. Egypt, Turkey, &c., will give, say important in turning the scale between deficiency and surplua- 500,000, and the West Indies, &c., say 340,000 bales. A rccapitnlation of the for as to the moral certainty of a large surplus, much larger than preceding (Iguros gives the following result in bales and pounds: in 1860, there can be no doubt. It will bo important, if it is to Stocks Probable Total Total In Europe, import, aupniy. weight, swell that surplus lo an amount larger than that of December, bales. bales. lbs. bales. 1871. All the foregoing statistics for 1872 k.re predicated upon American 4.17.000 2,350,000 3,787.000 1,330,706,000 Brazilian 139.000 SIIXI.DOI) 1139,000 l.'>4,9i5,000 an unchecked consumption by the entire spiniing power of the Egyptian, Ac 99,000 500.000 5911,000 389,5.')0.000 weat Indian, Ac. 49,000 340.000 S89.0OO 62,431.000 world. Whatever the actual shall come short of this will be East Indian 606,000 1,500,000 3,106,000 779,230,000 added to the surplus supply of raw cotton. TeUl 1,830,000 5,890,000 6,730,000 3,488,8.35,000 At some time, probably not distant, the spinners of Europe, of wisdom in further advancing the price "This supply will be amply suBlclent to keep every spindle in Europe in seeing the want of cotton full employment throughout the year, and still leave 423,835,000 lbs., or upon themselves, will use their reserve power—their surplus, or 1,143,000 bales of 310 lbs. each on hand at the close of December, against invisible stock—to protect themselves. With that stock in hand 1,310,000 at the close of 1871, and 581,000 at tlie end of 1870. The stocks in the they can run full many weeks, buying only half their weekly porta will, in all probability, be as large as those now on hand ; but spinners Men seldom fail to use such a.power. especially those of France, Rnssia, and Germiny, will have less than they do consumption. When the that course, will now : for, with a fair crop iu America, tiie tendency of values will be down- European s|)inners adopt they see, or think they ward, and consumers will work up nearly the whole of their surplus stocks." see, cheaper cotton not far iu the future. They may wait for the The valuable matter contained in the above will justify these rei)ort of the planting of the next crop, and their course may extensive quotations. The " Ueviow " also presents a compara- depend on that report. tive statement of the number of spindles in Great Britain at va- There seems to be entire unanimity of opinion North and rious periods in the last twenty-five years. This in defective, as South, at home and abroad, that the next planting will be w including the doubling spindles (because not known st'parately immensely large one. The reasons for the opinion are patent to

for some years,) which consume no taw cotton ; and as exhibiting all, and need not to be rehearsed. It is, however, well to re. the full spinning capacity in each year, without regard to the member that the cotton crop in ita out-turn is not always nor spindles standing idle — in gome .veara a large number. We have altogether proportioned to the area planted. It is more depend- the official report l>y the Inspectors of Factories, of tlie number o/ ent upon the character of the season throughout. A successful »pinning spindle) riiuniiig at the close of 1S70—say Ija.O.IOiOOO. A planting, in favorable weather, a good and even stand obtained computation, made apparently with care, of the number tf old early, and the fields ouce well cleared of the grass, will not fail to spindles started up, and of new spindles erected, makes the in- carry to every mind strong assurajico of an abundant crop; and crease in Oreat Uritain o.OOO.OOO for the year, under the impulse this may all occur by the end of May. of extension given by cheap cotton and good profits. Of that ad- Last year, seeing a general disposition to counsel a reduced dition, probably the greater part, tay l.O.IO ,000 should be added cotton planting, because prices were low, my February paper and to the 82,050,000 to make the average itwmheT ruiininr/ during urged planters to secure, first, ample food crops, for the 1871, 34.000,000. The remaining l.CW.OOO of the year's iucrea.se. then put in all the cotton they could handle— reports and perliaiM as many more, should be added to make the average chance of a short yield and higher prices. In my high, there wag number of spindles 3G, 10,1,000 that ckh be worked in 1873, if of February in previous years, when prices were for subsistence, business calls for the full capacity. as urgent counsel to plant largely of crops are again compara- The total consumption of cotton iu Ureal Britain, in 1871, waa then cotton for profit. Now prices of cotton — ..—— : . :

242 THE CHRONICLE. [February 24, 1872

tively high, and corn cheap. The temptation will be strong to in the evening enabled the country on the following day freely neglect food crops, and put all or nearly all the land in cott.on. to discuss the subject, and in every quarter satisfaction was ex- pressed at the tone So once more I would remind the producers of cotton that the moderate assumed. The country, however is price this year in pels every cotton growing country to produce all evidently siding more with the view taken by the Earl of Derby and that the Treaty can be erplained may be a low one ; in two ways ; and that it can ; that the selling price of this crop both that corn and bread may be dear next winter. Let every planter governments can claim that they are right. The misunderstand- secure his own independence, then he will not be forced to sell ing is clearly of a serious character; but the English Government his cotton at the lowest points of price for supplies, but may hold are firm in their conviction that it was an understood thing that U at his own good pleasure. indirect losses were to form no part of the American claim. On If the crop of 1871-2 proves to be 3,350,000 bales it will have both sides of the House, and consequently throughout the produced, in selling value to the South, about 275 million dollars, country, it was believed that the arbitrators were to decide thus in its aggregate value holdirg a high place among the upon certain direct claims, and that indirect claims should be crops of the last five years. B- F. N. waived entirely. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister has in this week's debate, shown considerable temper, and has been greatly irritated by the American statement. He holds CIFANGBS m THE REDEEliNi.' AGENTS UF [VATIOXAL BA.VRS fast to his argu- ment that the Americans are wrong in fixing The following are the changes in the Redeeming Agents of their meaning to the Treaty and although National Banks since the 15th of February, 1872. These weekly ; the Liberals and Conservatives side changes are furnished by, and published in accordance with, an with him in the meaning which we attach to the Treaty, yet his

arrangement made with the Comptroller of the Currency : argument is condemned when he asserts that the United States Government are entirely in the wrong. Our view NAMS or BANK. BEDSKMINO AGENT. of the Treaty was BO fully explained in Parliament last year, that there can be Peuneylvania The Downingtown The Central National Bank of Phila- no mistake about it. In the Lords, when Lord Russell attacked Downingtown . National Bank. .. delphia, approved in place of the National Bank of the Republic, the Government for the concessions they had made in the Treaty Philadelphia. New Hampshire— iThe Littleton |Na. The National Bank of Redemption, of Washington, Lord Granville replied, " True, we have made Littleton ' tioualBank.. .. Boston, approved. I those concessions, and we are about to Michigan— iThc Citizens' Na- jThe American National Bank of vindicate these concession Flint. tional Bank Detroit, approved as an additional We believe that they are wise and politic ; but you quite forget I redemption agent. Kentncky— The Kentncky Na- The Mercantile National Bank of New the greater concessions made by the Government of the United Louisville tional Bank I York, approved. States—you quite forget that they Ohio- The First National iThe Central National waived all those indirect and i Bank of New Plymouth Bank. ... •I York, approved. constructive claims which they formerly pressed upon West Virginia The National Bank The Fourth National Bank of New us." He further stated that " Piedmont of Piedmont I York, approved. we have secured a limited - Kansas The First National The Fourth National Bank of St. Louis, area of defined claims, and we have given to Emporia Bank. approved as an additional agent. the whole Illinois The Second Nation- The Cook County National Bank of proceedings a limited and defined character." And the Lord

Aurora al Bank I Chicago, approved. Chancellor " Massachusetts The National Union' The Importers' and Traders' National remarked that we have given you a precise instru- Fall River Bank I Bank of York, New approved in ment. The character of the treaty is limited. You know exactly place of the Central National Bank of New York. what risks you will incur. You are responsible for the acts of privateers alone, Nenr National Banks, if you have not shown due diligence. All is limited, The following is the only National Bank organized since and everything is definite." Annoyed as the country the 15th instant, viz. feels that so important a treaty should be drawn up in so loose a Official No. manner, the people are in perfect accord as to what they are pre- !,940—The First National Bank of Clinton, Mo. Authorized capital, »50 OOO • paid in capital, pared to have submitted fM.OOO. Wm. H. Cock, President; C. C. Jones to arbitration ; and it is greatly regretted Cashier. ,\uthorized to commence business Feb. 21, 1872. that the view the American government has taken of the case may necessitate the question being shelved. Should such be the CatcBt illoiictarg anif dommercial (ffnglial) IXema case, it would be a matter for great regret, as it was generally hoped that a long-standing grievance was about to be removed KATES OF EVCHINGB AT LONOON, AND ON LONDON forever. AT LATEST DATES. It would be unwise to judge of our feelings from the excite- EXCHANGE AT LONDON- ment which has been caused in the Stock Exchange bv the pros- FEBRUARY 9. EXCHANGK ON LONDON. pect that the whole negotiations are likely to be broken off, and LATEST that the whole work will result DATE. TIME. RATE. in labor lost. The Stock Ex- change is not altogether a true index of the position. Its members Amsterdam . . short. 11.18>[email protected] Feb. 9. short. 11.85 Antwerp 3 months. . a5.57>!;@25.62X 25.40 meet every day to make money, and not to study politics, and, if Hamburg *' '* il3. 9>i@;3.10 3moB. Paris 25.50 it answers their purpose, exaggeration is far @25.60 short. 25.50 from being looked Paris •3 months.. 25.8T>i-@a5.!2)i Vienna upon as a fault. It happens just at the present time that a large 11.57>[email protected]>i Feb. 9. 3mos. Berlin '* ui'.so 6.24X@ 6.25 speculation has been in progress for the rise, and as usual specu- Prankfort '' 6.30>^ short. St. '* IISJT lators have Petersburg 32>i@32Ji 3mos. had far too much stock in their names than they can Cadiz ? 4SX@48>i safely hold. Lisbon 90 days. Many of these weak holders have consequently been 52«@62Ji ! Milan 3 months.• 27.80 (^27 85 compelled to sell, hence a j and Genoa strong impetus has been given to Naples the downward coarse of prices. Outside the Stock Exchange New York.... Jamaica F4b.'8. 60 days. 109 there has been a freedom from excitement, and the markets which Havana Jan. 23. would be rapidly affected by troubles with the United Rio d« Janeiro 90 days 28Ji States, Jan. 12. Bahla MX viz., cotton and corn, have been calm. Valparaiso Jan. 7. 24X The following were highest and lowest prices of consols and Pernambnco . Singapore Jan. g. 90 days. 25®a5)i 60 days. 4*. Hd. the principal American securities on each Hong Kong... day of the week 4s. 5d.- Jan. Ceylon i» 24. fimos. is'.'id. 1 per cent. dis. Bombay n Monday.lTuesd'y.lWedns'ylThnrsa. I Friday. I Satnr. Madras H 1«. Ufid. Feb. 2. 6 mos. Consols Calcutta i. 9SX-9a%!92>?-92«i92 -92Jf 913^-92 9)K-92 91J4-92K U. S. 5-20' Sydney Feb. 3. 6 mos. 8, 1881.... Wa-'MXm -91 1% -97 95 -!IT lOri -97 |93 -.... SO days. per cent ii'.iid. H dis. U.S. 5-20'6, 1882.... 92>s-92>i92K-92«,92K-92>il91>i-9J 91K-91%|91 -9\X U. S. 5-20'e, 1885.... 923i-93>»' 92%-9a?i 32X-93 91 -92 I91X-92 91Jf-91?i, U. S. 5-20's, 1887. . . mX-9Sii^%-9lX 92%'-92Jil91?,--92 91«-91«, IFrom .9)«-91K our own correspondent.! U.S. 5's,lo74 90 -92 190 -92 !90 -92 |90 -92 ,90 -92 l90 -92 U.S. Funded, 1881... ,WiX-«i% London, Saturday, |89j4-89Ji |89?i-89Ji; l87)i-88 |87«-S8>i,87K-88K ™, , , Feb. 10. U. S. 10-40'8, 1901.... The misnnderstanding |91X-915i»l>^-91>^l91 -91X87>f-89 !89X-. . . . !69.!i-89>i which has arisen respecting the Atlantic & Gt. West, claim, consol'dmort. lo which are to be bd's 37 .;37 -38 38)^-37>i 82Ji-34 32 -34 35X-.... submitted to the arbitrators at Erie shares Geneva has been ($100)... 28^-29X28 -28si 28^-27 253i-27 26 -2:iC 27',--27X the cause of great Illinois shares ($100). -107 excitement this weeic, and of considerable 107X-8Xil07>4-108!l07X-...|l06 I105-106X 107X-..- anxiety. The opening of Parliament was looked forward to with The misunderstanding respecting the Washington more than the usual Treaty has interest, as Ministers were expected to make had Bome an important effect in checking the introduction of new com- statement as to the causes which have brought about the panies. Only one prospectus has this present appeared week ; and until state of affairs. The observation in the Royal speech on something definite the question has transpired in reference to the Alabama of the Washington Treaty that " a friendly commu- claims, it is not anticipated nication had been that new undertakings will meet with made to the Government of the United States" much success. In the money market there also caused at first some has been more dissatisfaction fronf its meagreness; but the quietness, but the rates of discount have not materially changed explanations of the Government in the two Houses of Parliament For the present, this market is likely to be kept quiet, as th :. : : : -. : :

February 24, 1872.] THE CHRONICLE. 2r6 exdting uncertainty checks freah enterprise. The following are LonAon Prod-uee and Oil Marhett.—Calcatla linseed elosea Bd. the quotations and linseed oil . higher than last Friday ; other price* Por cont Per cent. unchanged. Bankrat* s 4 montha' bank htlli 3 MH Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frl. 6 months' bniikhlllH. Op«n-markpt ratca 8)^98)4 £ s.d. £ s. d. £ s.d. £ ». d. £ «. d. £ s.d. M and «0 divK' htlli i\aVi 4 nnd 6 moiitha' ti'iide bllU. iHWi Lins'dc'ke(olil).f)ln IV 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 Ill 8 10 8 S months' bflli *}i^-- Lini-cod (Calcutta)... . 62 6 A2 6 03 «3 63 «80 Su({:ir(.No.l21)'chstd) 35 35 15 The following are the rates of Interest allowed by the joint on spot, IP cwt .35 35 3S Sperm oil iff 87 97 97 97 97 stock banks and discount bouses (or deposits : Whaleoll .37 10 .37 10 37 10 87 10 37 10 87 lOo Percent, Linseed oil « ton 33 10 33 15 33 15 83 15 33 15 33 15 Joint stock banks a Discount houses at call i Discount houaea with T days' notice COMVIBIICIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Olsaouut houses with 14 days' notice... The quotations for money at the leading Continental cities are Impohts and KXP0UT3 for tub Wbbk.—The imports thi» aa follows week show ii decrease in dry goods and an increase in general Bank Open Bank Open merchandise. The total imports amount to $7,31!),i{39 this week, rate, market, rate, market against ij!? ,500.47.5 last week, and $9,596,123 the previous week. por cent, per cent cent, per cent. per The exports are $4,089,230 this week, against $4,039,357 last week Piiris 5X-0 Lisbon and Oporto 7 7 Amsterdam SU Petersburt' 7 7-8 and $.'),308,173 the previous week. Tlio exports of cotton the HamburK Brussels past week were 11,789 balt.'S, against 7,898 lialea last week. Berlin 3K Turin, Florence and Tlie following are the imports at New York for week ending Frankfort 3X Rome 5 S for (for general Vienna and Trieste ... Antwerp (for dry goods) Feb. 1(J, and the week ending mer- Uadrid, C'lidii and Bar Bremen 3 chandise) Feb. 17. celonu Leipzig 4X rOBBlOH IHPORTS XT HIW TORK FOB TBS WBES. During the recent panic. United States (iovernment securities 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. and also railway stocks were largely bought on orders from New Dry Koods $2,057,682 $2,387,4.38 $2,«6:i,591 $2,864,566 General merchandise... 1,887,063 2,146, 7H1 4,3415.56 4.454,783 York as well as from Germany. The decUno at one time was

Total for the week. . $3,944 747 $4..Vi4,199 $7,00.5,147 $7,319,339 considerable, the funded loan being down to 87^. Previously reported.... 22,212,302 26,670,820 3;i,21 1,701 46.990,599 The weather has continued very mild, but very little rain has Since Jan. 1 $29,157,109 $31,205,019 $40,216,851 $5»..309,938 fallen this week, and consequently farm work is making rapid In our report of the dry goods trade will be found theimportsof progress. There is still the danger, however, that late frosts will dry goods for one week later. severely check the forward state of vegetation. The wheat plant The following is a statement of the exports (exclusive of specie) looks healthy on light and all well-drained land. from the port of New York to foreign ports, for the week ending February 30 public Bales of colonial wool The were commenced on Thurs' EXPORTS rROM NEW TORK FOB THB WBBK. day, and will continue in progress until the 2d of March. The 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. attendance of both homo and foreign buyers has been very large For the week }a,'2.;i,I73 $3,2(18.786 $4,6.58,414 $4,0>'9,S30 Previously reported.. . 2ii,66o,571 20,.3Sf,115 30,349,677 28,423,001 and the biddings extremely animated. The advance on Novem Since Jan. 1 $23,926,744 $23,592,001 $a5,008,091 $.32,512,231 ber prices appears to be about 10 per cent, on the average. The The following will show the oxiior's of specie from the port of arrivals are New York for the week ending February 17, 1873 : Sydney and Queensland 14,793 bales Fcb. 13—Schr. Allio B. Dwyer, Feb. 16—Brig Spring Bird, Ma- Port Philip 50,109 bales Port Lemon— United racftibo — Am. gold Van Uiemen's Land 442 bales States sliver coin — $15,000 coin 106,230 Adelaide 82,730 bales Feb. 15—Brig Oliver, Port an doubloons 3,300 New Zealand 2,1)17 bales Prince—United States Feb. 17— Str. City of Washing- Cape 22,583 bales silver coin 10,000 ton, Liverpool—Am- Feb. 15- Str. Ocean Queen, La erican gold coin 17,500 ToUl 113,244 bales Libertad—U. 8. silver Feb. 17—Schr. James Brown, Of this quantity about 5,300 bales have been forwarded to the coin 1,200 Port an Prince—^Am. sllvercoin 1,500 Continent, Yorkshire, and America. Total for the week $154,730 Previously reported 1,620,313 EURllsh market Ueportai—Per Cable.

Total since Jan. 1, ISTC $1,775,043 The daily closing quotations in tlio of markets London and Liver- Same time in Same time ir pool for the i)ast week have been reported by submarine telegraph, 1871... $5,481,227 1867 $4,038,313 1870.... 4,380,860 1866 3,765,901 as shown in the following summary 1869 5,139,171 1865 3,917,985 1868 9,657,851 LmuUm Money and Stock Market.—American securities close The imports of specie at this port during the past week have at lower prices than last Friday. been as follows: Sat. Hon. Tuee. Wed. Thur. Frl. Feb. 12— Str. Morro Castle, I Gold 13,325 Consols for money 'n}i 9S« 92K 92Ji 9i% 92% " Havana—Silvm $1,788 Feb. 16—Str. Crescent City, account ^ii «X na 92« wx 92?i 3,200 Havana Silver v. S. ta (5-a0s,)186SI i\\ 91K 91X 91X 91X 91X Gold — 60 " Feb. 15—Str. Rising Star, As- Gold SOD " old, 1868 92 98X 92 Ji 92« 92 92 pinwaU-^Uver 120,464 1887 9»« 9»K 92K 92X 92 92 | Total for the week $139,087 U. 8.10-40S 88X 88« 88>tf 88X 88 88 Previously reported 113,489 New loan, 5s Si\ 89>i 88« The daily quotations for United States Os (1863) at Frank- Total since January 1, 1872 $252,626

Same timo In | Same time in fort were 1871 $391,408 1868 $280,987 1870 2,836.973 1867 181,879 Frankfort •r% >Xi% 95Ji 1869 1.7.30,440 1 Liverpool Cotton JfarAj!.—See special report of cotton. Liverpool Breadstufis U%rket. This market has ruled quiet, — BANKING AND FINANCIAL.

Sat. Uon. Tues. Wed. Thnr. Fri. A FIRST CLASS INVESTMENT. s. d. s. d. 8. d. s. d. 8. d. 8. d. Flour (Western) V bbl 46 26 26 26 U 26 20 Wlieat

244 THE CHRONICLE. (February 24, 1872,

ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER CITY RAILROAD COMPANY'S MR. CHARIiES T*". HASS£.'S FIRST MOKXGAGE SINKING FUND liANM GKANT success in business is an instance of what perseverance, intelli- BONDS, gence and integrity may accomplish. Mr. Hassler has devoted his personal attention to the specific branch of the Banking BBARINa EIGHT PER CENT. (8 p. C.) INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD, and Brokerage business relating to Railroad Bonds, and there is FREE OF TAX, probably no one better posted than he is in all that appertains And in Denominations op $1,000, $500 and $100, to them. His well-known advertisement " Railroad Bonds Whether can be obtained from the undersigned, or tlirough the principal you wish to buy or sell, write to Charles W. banks and bankers throughout the Uuited States. Hassler, No. 7 Wall street. New York," has attracted atten- tion iu all parts the The attractive features of tliese Securities are recognized in the of country, and largely increased his busi- ness. " to" fact, that, although they have been but a short time on the market, Write him if you wish anything in his line. From the they are nearly all absorbed, and but a small amount are now for Christian Union of Sept. dth, 1871, Henry Ward Beecher, sale. Editor. They combine a perfect security with a liberal rate of interest. FoK This interest account is made light for, and easily borne by, the It^ THE Safe and Satisfactory Investment of Company through the operation of the Sinking Fund created Money, and Advantageous Exchange of Government Bonds, from sales of the Company's land, which in many cases draw in- we recommend the Six Per Cent Bonds of the Chesapeake terest at the rate of ten (10) per cent, per annum. The security and Ohio Railroad Compai^y. Principal and interest payable in interest behind them is ample in every particular, as they constitute a first gold ; payable May and November. and only mortgage on a trunk line of railroad which will soon Denominations $1,000, $500, $100, coupon or registered. Price connect the city of St. Joseph, Mo., (an important railway centre), 94 and accrued interest. with the Union Pacific Railroad at Port Kearney, materially Also, the Central Pacific Six per Cent Bonds, interest shortening the distance between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. payable January and July, which we buy and sell at current In addition to this, the bonds have a further security in the fact market price. that there is included in the Mortgage the Company's magnificent We buy and sell Government Securities, and execute orders at Lands, amounting to 1,500,000 acres, known to be among the best the Stock Exchange. in the United States. The Mortgage indenture prohibits the sale We receive deposits and allow in'.erest at the rate of four per cent on of these lands at less than Four (4) Dollars per acre, and payable balances ; make collections in all parts of the country . to the Trustees under the Mortgage, for the clear and express issue certificates of deposit, and do a general banking business. purpose of retiring these Bonds. The amount' thus realized ex- Habvey Fi8k. FISK & HATCH. ceeds entire the amount of Bonds which can be issued, and leaves A. S. Hatch. 5 Nassau street. the road, property and franchises free. The Bonds have thirty years to run, with interest at Eight Per —MESSRS. WINSLOW, L.^NIER & CO., No, 37 Pine Street Cent., free of tax, payable February and August in each year. offer for sale the First Mortgage 7 Per Cent. Gold Bonds of the Both principal and interest are payable in gold. GRAND RAPIDS AND INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY, The principal iu New York. The interest in eithor New York, free of Government tax. lutsrost payable in New York, April London or Frankfon-onthe-Main, at the option of the holder, and October, coupons registered. without notice, and in the gold currency of the country in which 236 miles of the road are now completed and running, earning they are presented. They are coupons or registered. the interest on the whole issue, which is also secured by a Land Trustees—Farmers' lioau and Trust Company. Grant of Eleven Hundred and t^ixly Thousand acres of Lumber The present price of these bonds is 97.} and accrued iuterest in Land in the Slate of Michigan, worth from Ten to Twelve Mil- cwrmjcy, from August 1.5, 1871. But they are receivable at par lion Dollars. The land is now selling rapidly at an average price and accrued interest in piiyraeut for lands sold by the Company of $15 per acri', and the proceeds invested in the repurchase of The right is reserved to advance the present selling price without the Bonds. notice. Less than Maps, half a million of the whole issue of Eight Millions circulars, documenis and full information furnished on remains unsold and the piice to application. has been advanced 96 per cent, and accrued interest. Though acting as agentu for the sale of this loan, our firm huy and sell in their regular business the lands of the St. Joseph arid Denver City ^\)t IJttukcrs' (B(i)tnt. RaUroad Company, those of the Eastern Bimdon eight per cent. (8s), recently placed by xis at 97J, being now quoted at DIVlnUNDS. from lOli to 1031 and accrued interest. The following Dividends have hcen declared during the past week: TANNER & CO., (P™ j^HKN^ COMPANT. Cl,OB.D. I BoOM Bankei-8, No. 11 Wall street. I

I I Railroads. I

Chicago&Alton I B I Mar. 6. 21 7. , Feb. to Mar. ' pref f> |Mar. 6. Feb. 81 to Mar. 7. Banking House of Henky Clews I & Co ) MiddleboroJt Tiiuntcm %i I Mar. 1. I Wall 32 street, N. Y. "f miscellaneous. Circular Notes and Letters Home Petroleum Compaii}* I 90 cts. Ion dem.] of Credit for travelers; also, Com mercial Credits issued, available throughout the world. FKinAT EvENiNQ. Feb. S3, lOTS Bills of Exchange Xlie Money Market.—The tendency of money this week on the Imperial Bank of London] National has l>eou towards increased firmness, and duiing tlie past few Bank of Scotland, Provincial Bank of Ireland and all their days rates have been 0@7 per cent., with a pretty sharp de- branches. mand prevailing at times. There had been, as usual when the Telegraphic tone of the market is changing, some irregularity in the rates Transfers of money on Europe, San Francisco, and paid on call loans, and as an exception to the regular quotations, the West Indies. some transactions were made as low as 4@5 per cent., while Deposit accounts received in either others have been done as high as 7, gold ; these, however, were Currency or Coin, subject to check at sight, generally after regular business hours. Today, a decided strin- which pass through the Clearing-Houseas if drawn gency was developed in the afternoon, and as high as 7 gold to upon any city^bank i ; interest allowed on all daily balances; per cent, a day was paid at the close. Not much has been heard Certificates of Deposit issued, bearing of the " lock " of legal tenders, concerning which rumors were interest at current rate • up Notes and Drafts collected. so active last week, and it was generally believed that the plans it State, City, made for creating an artificial stringency had failed ; though and Railroad Loans negotiated. is possible that the parties engaged have only been waiting for CLEWS, HABIC:HT & Co., a better opportunity to make more active demonstrations. The Bank of England returns on Thursday showed a decrease 11 Old Broad Street. London. of £83,000 in specie, and the bank of France shows an increase of 1,400,000 francs for the week. The The last statement of our Associated City Banks presented a tsr Chicago, Danville and Vincennes First Mort- gage further decrease of $1,082,900 in specie, $3,332,3000 in deposits, Bonds are for only $18,500 per mile, opon a finished and $995,000 in legal tenders, resulting in a decline of $1,845,000 BOAD, which is DOING A LARGE AND PROFITABLE BUSINESS. in the excess above legal reserve. This reduction of the reserves, *or gale at 90 and accrued interest. and the closer movement of the banks in- consequence, has been productive of a cautious feeling, and has been one chief cause of W. B. SHATTUCK & CO., Bankers, the firmer tendency in the loan market, as the banks are now gen- No. 23 Nassau street. New York. erally asking 7 per cent, even on government collaterals. : M : —. . , . : — : K

Febraarj24, lb72 THE CHRONICLE 215

The total Uabllitlei! Inst week Rtood at $249,846,400, and the The foUowtntr were the highest and lowect price* o» the wstH* total at beiiiK $3,748,100 in excpHS of 35 per list of railroad and miscellaneoua ruaerve $05,200,700, etocka on each day of the lait week : tho linhililirs. Saturday, Monday Til""dav. cent, of r>-in isd'y 'I hursoay. Feb. 17. Tho following statemont shows the changes from previous we«k Feb. 20. Feh 21, Feb. a. N.T.CenAH.K 98« 97H »7i< »7H riit ** and 1870 do scrip and a comparison with 1871 WH 92» 92» 98)i s** ^ Erie 80K SlS ill SIX .SIX aiH WK »l5 ifm. lilTO. ReadlnR tia 118H 1I3V 118X r.4H iMx '.14 I14H ;;. Dlfforenccs. Feb IS. Vfb. 19. Feb. 10. Feb. Lake Snore.... >0K aix 91 92 91 K Dec. WIO.'JOO »ni,'.ll2.520 »»ir,!t.!;,s«3 scrip Loftni and dls. . |WJ,«.MO do V7X 88 88 WK Due. 1.6)-^,WU 2i.70:.3ar 3?,i64.«: Hnecte . 'ii.jnjoo I9jm.400 Wabash J5XJ5>< 7«X 75 X -in 7»K 76V Tifl Dix. li.XM ai,73;,'<«i :i:i.694,3ii (*\rrulatnii , . . . 38.H1 Northwest VtH TiV 73X 74K .3K T5H V4S 7»H 217 tsi;tiu l>i-c. S,«*!,a« 3l6,,'9(l,:ll<.1 :tr4.is8,w3 N,M (llMMVHltS .., do pief. 90h MH 91« 91X o; r.n 91 91 u lA'ilM TlmhUts. M.eio.ioo Dec. 083,8UU 5e.3IMI.IU9 ^s,lS4.(au Itock Isl.n.i... liO^illlu li; Ills •.llXl'2 111K111» M. l-nui B»W K% 5SX 56 56 57W MH y.H Till! luarkt't for coinnicrcial paper has boon rathor dull, and as do prcf... 75H 7.>H 7.\ 76 76X! T7,>< 77 77V Ohlo« Mlsslp. 43% 4t)< rcf 62 6.1 62 62 62 62S follows Mich. Central.. 'ilN^iHg :i8H :i8 118 117 percent 118H Union Pacinc. X!M 3IX 34X 88« 87W ilf, S4K olasa eadoned ,....A0 days. «K Commarclal, Ant 7>««8 West. Un. Tel. 68H MX •9 69 7U(, montliH. 68J^ 6»K 70U ..4 ^Hla 8 Unlcksllrer ... S4X months. MK 34X »« 88V 85 84 84V .,0 n »..:. PscmcMall ... 5! 97K BiX «8 57H ma S7K XH names.... .eo (liiyiiy slDfile Adams Elp ... 93S 98H 93V M 94 <4 •»SH 94U ,.4to6r.iontIii 9 igtVi Am. .Mcrch Kl 68 (8)i 68K 68X 69 m\ 6S m Boudfi,— United Stales.. ii4S 6SX 65H 66 66« 67V «« MX United Stales The tone of the market for Oovern- Wells, Fargo., -esx .... •66« .... 69 ".0 raent securities has been strong, particularly so toward ' 'hi. Is liif nrice I'M and nsjtprt.im t'lU wus inmlti at tho llobrd close, though the actual advance in prices compared tho The range in tb«so stocks since January 1 has been as follow cent. with last Friday does not exceed 4 to | per There has been . since Jannary I. -Since January l.—» a gradual but slow ri^covory from tho depression caused by the .-Lowc^t.^ ^Hlsrhesi.-^ ^Lowest .-~ ^Hlghest.;^ NYC.n&IIB. 94«Jan. 5l 98)« Jan. I'J Ce.tralof N.J. :03>. Jan. 8illSH Jan. 15 foreign markets, not Treaty discussions, and the though showing do do serin. «Hi Jan. .1 91X Jan. la Ilann.&St.JoB 42)4 Feb.H 59)4 J»n. 17 Erie .10 Feb. 38i< Jan. 8 61 16 71)4 Jan. M an improvement in their quotations, are in reality a trifle better 5| do do pref )4 Feb. Kcadlni; lUX Jan. .'ills^Feb. 3 Mlih. Central. 1!5 Jan. 5 119)4 Feb. 9 by reason of tho advance in gold and foreign exchange here. Lake Shore S9XJan.23 95S Jan. 6 Union I'aciflc.. 31J

do ilo I 5 Jan. 20 Private advices also report a more settled feeling to-day in the scrip ei% Jan. 2 e9>i Jan. 17 West U eleg'h 66M Jan. 74)4 Wabash 70K Jan. 8 76X Feb. 5 Qnlcksllver.... V5)4 Jan. IS 86)4 Feb. 19 Continental markets. Northwest 66H Jan. 5 75SJan.n Paclflc .Mall.... 53)4 Jan. 2 60« Feb. 6 94 Feb. B Foreign bankers do not appear as very free sellers, but they do pref. 90 Feb. 8 94v Jan. 15 Adains Kxpiess I'O .Ian. 5 Kock Island.... 105V Jan. 5 112V Feb. 6 AniMerchUn. 59 Jan. 6 6:iV Feb. 20 20 have not entered the market yet as purchasers to the extent of SI. I'aul sax Jan. 10 50>4 .lan. 18 U.S 60)4Jan.ll 67V Feh. pref Feb. I 83 Jan.2U WellsF'rgo&Co 56)4 Jan. 4 71)4 Feb.23 recently .sold. iMirchasers tho lo 74H buying back the bonds From home I3l Ohio & IMIss. . . 43)4 Feb. 49V Jan. 19 demand has been pretty stciuly, and our financial institutions and Uulon PaciBc Railroad Company other largo holders of Oovernment bonds seem always ready to 1871, Earnings. Expenses. Net Income. take advantage of a decline in prices to " stock up " with these Jannary $479,572 76 $28i,0«l f>3 $198,511 13 February .37.3,9iS4 77 2»7,467 69 138,457 08 securities. March 499,899 12 27.'5.483 43 224,415 69 Prices bid daily, and the ranj^e since January 1, have been : April 604,247 58 268,401 94 335,845 64 May 724,466 01 .•!45,.349 84 379.11S 17 Feh. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb S nee .January 1. . Jnne 728,174:14 279,122 80 449.051 54 17. 19. a). n. fi. 23. Lowest. -^ .— nighest. — July 673,593 12 318,302 33 365,390 79 SB. fund, :8S!,cp. . 10-K li«S iOiX lOHiV 1"3>\ vn\ Fell. 9 IIOX Jan. 26 882,241 09 lis, l<*8:, reK 114Jf 114K 114^ lUX IM li\'A Jan. 4 114M .Jan. 9 August 681,865 m 299,624 74 802,379 f.s, !881, coop Its 115)4 I151< 115X 115Jt 114). Feb. 12 115!^ Jan. 8 September 800,401 94 298,022 24 70 5'i0'sltl6'J, coup... IIOV HUM IIUV 110^ : iio>: 109V Jan. 4 111 Feb. 16 October ITT.-iei 9« 395,322 31 .382.040 65 23 Call Bonds. Ifl2,c llIX lUH 111» •. lA i:m 1U9X Jan. II 112K Feb. November 708,141 08 284,993 81 42.3,148 07 fiWslsei. coup... IIOV 11U3< 1H« HI S 109)4 -Ian. 11 111 Jan. December* 526,000 00 3,«10,000 00 175.000 00 SW8l8«5, ' ... lltK lllH 111!< lllK nan 'W% Feb. 6 .'an. n 3' 112X 5-30'» 1865, " ... 110)4 llOJt 111% UOX Jan. 11 HIV Jan. 109J4 $3,943,597 55 5ao'8i8< Jan. Total, 1871 $7,57«,760 11 t.3,«3.3.152 m 27 S'tiO'il 1888, " ... ll'j \fi% 113 IVi^ 112 W lll)i Feb. 8 113!/, Jan. Total, 1870 7,625,277 11 4,677,414 84 2,947,864 lo-urs, rcK 11I6X 101 ima io;x Wl>i IMX Feb. 8 1(J9X Ja'i. Increase of net earnings, 1871, over 1870, $995,735 88. liJ-40'8, coupon.... llOX liox 110)< 110;^ lllli 109)4 Jan. II UOJ< Feb. Currency eS 114 114 114 114 Feb. 10 Jan. 114X USX 113% Fourth week, csttmated. at 110|4 Jan. I1 approaching nearer the specie shipping point. There is now Un. P. Income ... 8S 85V 8614 86H 95V 82HJan. 88V Jan. 18 tho removal of special N.Y. Ccn,68, 1883. 96 96 96 96 large supply of bills offering, and with 98)4 Feb. 5 the Erie 1st m. 7s 103)4 102 s 102)4 102 100 Jan. lOS Feb. 16 causes for keeping prices down which have heretofore existed, N.J. Cen l8t ni 7s 103)4 m'4 103)4 104 101 100 Jan. 11 108)4 Jan. 16 tendency is to these higher rates. Fl Wayne 1st ni 7s 105 H 100V Jan. 106 Feb. 15 natural Chic* NW. «f 78 98 98 98 Jan. 97)4 Feb lOe li 60 days. 3 days, Bock Isld ist in 78 102 wta 102 102 100)4 Jan. 3 Jan. 102X 103)4 90 London prime bankers lWS»--i- noxa... Railroad and Miscellaneoua Stocks.—The stock market Good bankers 109X«10»X noji^woH • commercial «**«12» ® ... has been somewhat irregular; the occurrence of a holiday on Paris (bankers 5.S2)4«S8J< 5.n)4&18K ThurB< has not been weak, and prices generally close rather higher than Prussian thalers Ta!<«72>4 72V»7iX last feature the Friday. The principal of week has been Union The transactions for the week at the Custom House and SuL- Pacific, in which transactions have been very large and a "comer" Treasury have been as follows of the stock partially eflected, with daily fluctuations as noted in Custom Sub-Treasury. the prices below. The actual " situation " in regard to the stock Hotue Receipts. '-^TTJ"""'"--Currency. was best shown by the difference between prices on " cash" sales, Receipts. Gold. Currency. Gold. 68 »;.422.l«l 97 " " Feb. 17 . . IM3.000 »8.0 20 112,996 41 f per Tuesday, " 20... . 964,000 1,039.213 59 272 30 28«.0ST M cent., and between regular sales and sellers' options a difference Wednes'y, " 21... 836,000 1,166,857 56 139,144 16 S86 Thursdqr, • 22... Holiday. .... »r.-415» of from '. IJW.VltTM 1 p(^r cent, on ten days, to 3| per cent, on (i() days. It is Friday, " 23... im,wi6 1,067,763 35 l,ol6,lSS 01 stated with confidence that the management of the road will be Total 14,588,000 changed at the coming election. The general market closed dull 04 this evening and rather heavy, in consequence ol the appeuance Balanea, Feb. 1« $T2,6i0.27S TO |«.IBS,7S6 of «» monetary affairs. Bsisuce. Feb. S8„ rJ4.«3,8»7 n f7,0«l,«ll 1 . : : : . ' ......

[February 24, 1872. 24 5 THE CHRONICLE.

Ne'^ York City Banks.—Tho following statement shows th^ Boston Banks.—Below we give a stateroent of the Boston ondition of the Associated Banks oi New York City for the week. National Banks, as returned to the Cleari ag House, on Monday endini; at the commencement of business on Feb. 17, 1872 : Feb. 19, 1873 Banks. Capital Loans. Specie. L.T. Notes. Deposits. Circnis. . Oy ATKKjLeE AMOUNT Atlantic $750,000 »l,5:3,90(l »S6,5gO $22,600 tmwO $431300 (Jlrcnla- Net Loans and Lepsl Atlas 1,500.000 3,836,300 121,500 65300 655,200 790,700 Specif.Sneclt, tton.tlon. nmioplts. Tenders. 3,637,P00 Capital n.'sconntH.n.'sconntB. Blacfcstonc 1,600,000 101,100 202.900 1,615,800 782,800 »90;,aOO tlO,453,(;0O Saw foric »S,000,OOl »li,Sl«,200 t2,290.60e »1,236,000 Boston 1,000.000 '2,121,100 21,600 148,800 882,000 563,400 5,546.400 3-29,800 9.71 3,679,500 1,'28-I.J0(I lioylstun SOO.oai 1.498,700 C0,'00 Uanliatttul ( o . . . 125,900 737,800 444,000 l,009,ai:l 362,800 4,735,701) 709,900 300,000 Merchants*.. 3.U00,0U0 7,1«,300 Broadway 515,600 30,000 33,70(1 234,900 174,'20O 503,800 4,2i9.80O 727,600 Mccliaulcs 2,000,000 5,911,400 417,700 Columbian 1,000,000 2,392,100 22.900 158,400 665.600 791,600 356,300 482,200 2.377,800 3i8,700 Union 1,500.000 4,866,500 Continental 1,000,000 2,088,600 54,800 96,900 Hi3,900 569,100 1,214,500 1,300 5,7 2.400 9'33,300 1,000,000 America 3,000.000 S,212,=00 Kliot 2,845,200 39,800 73,200 1,087,700 71<<,30a 512,500 502,'JOO 2,427,100 200,500 Everett 300.000 763,403 4,700 Phmnlz 1,800/XIO. . 3,986,100 49,700 6^,503 117,800 638,100 4,327,300 47!,0;i(l CUT 1,000,000 5674.600 Fani-ull Hall 1,000,000 2,625,900 148,900 107,403 1.103,000 563,100 76i',666 1.539,100 4 6,900 Tradaemen'e l.'HJO.OOO 3.m4,000 62,700 Freeman's 600,000 1,470.9 66.600 64,400 528300 352,900 a)l,ii00 1.652.000 541,0011 Fnlton «jO,000 2,02J,800 Dlobe 1,000.000 2,447,200 217,700 1,013,100 353.800 3E6,100 4,679.800 1,309,900 HaTDllton, Chemical 300,000 6 596,800 750,000 :, 439,600 104'3(« 16,7(0 561,400 239,300 I ld,mi 419,700 2,541,700 603,900 1,000,000 Merchants Riohaniie 1,236,000 3,249.100 Howard 2,079,90-3 91,700 82,400 598 900 448,600 292,500 479,400 1,750.300 357,800 Market 800,000 Qallatln. HiitlanHi... 1500.000 9.707,200 1,428,200 08,800 27,600 373,300 S.53,800 .52.900 ;56,300 1,767,800 468,6'0 MassacliuBeits 800.000 Batcliert' 4 Drovers".... 800,000 2,46",4O0 1,927.900 121,600 77300 l,'iI5300 415,700 195,700 1,3.59,500 379,500 Maverick 400.000 Uechanlcsana Traders'. 600,000 1.947,900 97,H0 959.7C0 29,900 42,400 377,100 238,500 2,900 935,900 Qreeawlch 200.000 1 .2,900 Merchants' 3,000,000 9,000,8(0 561,700 964,100 5,633,500 1J45,300 266,700 261300 2,206,f«) 546,700 Leather Manol 600,000 8.367,700 Mount "Vernon 200,000 616,900 90,000 17,800 401,300 176,400 ;e2,4O0 99-1,400 245,500 Revenlti Ward 500,000 1,233.400 110,4fO New England 1,000,000 2,801,500 Ui.Xa 301,700 627,500 790,300 »I5,900 56>,300 3,123,100 087,600 North l',000,00() Btateol New Torli 2,000,000 l,8OI,»0O 2,894,100 1.54,400 53,700 1,325,200 783,700 419,1(10 924,400 4,891,200 l,061,F0:l OlM Boston 900,000 American BxctianKc 5,000,000 10153.200 2.032,600 164,800 228,6a) 1 (136.900 353,100 626,100 3,48:1,600 8,937.100 Commerce 10;000,00« 23.355,000 3.075,6(0 Shawmut 1,000.000 2,505,90(1 21.700 41,300 80S.S00 591.600 117AI0 9(IO,tX» 6,413,500 Broadway,,. 1,000,000 T.T29.000 l,693,3ix: Shoe & Leather 1.000,000 2,965,1(10 139,500 173.100 1.-279,600 596,500 90,900 477.61K) 3,355,90(1 739,000 feKercantUe 1,000,000 4.003 000 State 2,000,000 3,548.900 80,500 243,300 778,600 9:0,700 18,100 4,200 1,813,600 374,100 Suffolk Paoiao 422,700 2,125,700 1,500,000 3.086.600 172,700 146,600 744,500 70«,!K10 1.088,200 8(6,600 4,299.600 444.400 Traders' BepaoUc 2,000.000 5,622.300 600,000 1,330,800 38,000 !»,0( V 805,800 177 300 23il.;00 129,7a' 2,9'36,500 566,600 Tremont Chatham 450,000 2,161,400 3,000,000 S,203,4t« 203,200 Il9,f00 703,300 703,000 8,8<4) 5,600 1,135,200 195,300 People's 112.500 1.413.800 Washington 760.000 1,859,400 64.7C0 64 000 675,600 593,800 26,200 3,900 3.954 .500 31-2 First (Torth America 1,000,000 3,377300 m) 1,000.000 4,136.500 43.300 3S'230O 1,141,200 793,600 2,3:f",900 139,100 Uanover i.ooo.oor 290,500 1,293,100 274,200 Second (Granite)... 1,600 000 53T2,«10 227,800 436,f00 2,441,700 7K,000 19,7! 186,510 2,073 OHO Third Irvlnjf 500.000 2 207,000 541,000 300,000 1,301,700 53,100 59,600 1,156,300 172300 1,6'21,600 6,275,900 Metropolitan 4,000.000 11.163,500 l.>28,800 405,300 Bank of Commerce 3,000.000 4,628,500 11,900 592,800 1,557,900 769,700 35,900 131,100 1,229,400 Cflliens 400.000 1.406M0 2W,'20O Bank of N.America I.OOO,H10 3,018,P(10 75,300 245,300 598,500 593.600 35,800 S.900 1.971,403 Nauaa 1.000.000 2.068,900 31.3,2: B*kof Redemption.. 1,000,000 5.441,1(0 202.300 146,900 1,623,600 792,300 88,600 4'27,.500 1,915,(00 525,900 Market 1,000.000 3.015,800 Bank 01 KepuDUc... 1,500,000 3.081,300 100.000 89,700 796,900 794.000 i.ooo.OOi' 2,735.400 46,;(I0 738.9(10 1,110,200 424,;(0 City St. Nicholas. 1,000,000 1 ,723,600 8,400 92,600 465,500 413,9110 Shoe «nd Leailinr 1,030,000 3.512JX)0 7!,600 730,800 2,4.S5,100 745,800 Eagle 1,000,000 2,001,000 25,800 14l,.'»0 908,7(0 342300 2.763,800 66,8(:o 5,000 1.350,100 113,000 Corn iichanite 1000000 Exchange 1,000,000 4,339.200 204,100 254,900 1,7;2,S00 793,700 3,931,500 152.330 565.000 2,140,700 Contlaontal.. 2,000.000 492,000 Hide & Leather i,5ai,ooo 3.375,000 69,600 133,800 967,600 783,100 58,700 240,000 1,562.400 Commonwealth 750.0UO 1,872,400 4(H,400 Revere 2,000,000 4,745,300 131,900 250 8Wi 2,225,500 750,000 4,600 4,:oo l,'275,O0O Urlenlal 100,000 1.170,9(10 202.400 Secnrlly 200,000 729,000 43,200 49,iro 523,600 180,000 70,000 360,000 Marino lOO.OOO 1.976,100 l,9O3,'0O 5.55,'200 Union 1,000,000 2,581,800 131,800 149,900 l,051,8lfl 533,400 907,100 97,300 96,70(1 591 ,'200 Atlantic Wii.OOO 99,600 Webster 1,600,000 2,566,400 711,400 85.200 1,052.400 493,600 49l-',I00 Traders' . 1_.. 12,251,9|!0 431,500 12,317.700 Importers and .500.000 2,637,700 Commonwealth 600,000 1,825,600 150.3C0 70,000 l,S65,2ai 2.5O,O(;0 Park 2,000.000 19,653.500 851,500 986,000 23,513,500 4,964,600 123,400 .305,9(10 Mechanics* BiinklnK Ass 500.000 1.314J)00 1,057,900 227,800 Total $48,060,000 $119,789,100 $4,551,700 $7,173,300 $47,583,000 $35,678,700 Grocers* 300.000 650,000 lO.SOO 1,900 .569,300 17E30 HorthRlver 400.000 1.028,300 18,100. 10,800 b78,20O 247,400 The deviations from the returns of previous week are as follows : BastBlvcr 350.000 1.059,300 19,600 221,500 776,000 268,.50O Loans Inc. Deposits, MantifactarcrsA Mer 500.000 1.218,700 25,4a' 700 1,100.000 203,700 40.000 ( Dec. I,lr2,500 Foarth National 5,000,000 20,'-09,50n 1,368,200 !,897.500 ;7.7.'H.100 3,945,000 Specie Dec. 462,400 Circulation Inc. 3,300 OentialNatlonal... 3,000.000 9.761.000 611,000 1,479,7011 9,085.0(10 2,0;«,II00 Lesat Tender Notes Dec. 301,800 I Second Nailonal ?no.ooo 1,515,500 268,000 1,'231, 000 398,500 The following are comparative totals for a series of weeks Ninth National 1 .500,000 6."7O,0OO 626,00(1 632.rOll 6,169,000 1,1 14,000 past: PIrst National 500.000 4.028,700 915.700 279.800 4,450,100 332,900 Date. Loans. Specie. Legal Tender. Deposits. Circulation, Third National 6.210,500 264,000 784,1(KI 6,013,80,1 Ill.'25(i,65l 1,000.000 1 ..506,200 Dec. :l 1.695,923 10,195,586 44,186,657 35,644,212 1.221,500 1,200 26S,100 " New York N. Eiclianftc 500.000 849,700 299,900 nee. 18 111,477,183 3,117.293 10,367,262 4r.,245.5;9 25,662,031 TenthNatlon il l.OOO.OOO 2310,100 31,100 884,700 ',.193.300 7OS.J00 Dec. 2(1 115,091,188 3,166 ,56,-! 9,889,793 45,1715,712 i-5,'»7,956 Bowery 959,000 3,600 2 Natlc nal KO.OOO '5,000 786.500 •271,000 Jan. 1 J15.(,78,481 4,469,483 9,602,748 46,994.4Sa 25.715.970 .ro"',8no I00.0fO New York Connly 2'i0,000 1 I'UIW) 947,200 203,5(0 Jan. 8 117,575,500 5.961,400 8,644,103 43,895,400 25.808,806 Oerman American l.OOO.OOn 3.679,000 197.300 3.632,100 Jan.l5 •2' Dry 348.300 118,429,100 6,406,700 8,051,900 49,034,100 ,838,900 Ooods 1,000,000 1,737.300 44,400 1,505,100 170,300 Jan. 22 119.'246.500 6,205,100 8,0i-3,'(10 60,299,900 25,aoi,JOo Jan. 39 118,791,7(10 6,075,800 8,422,900 51,2'-0,400 25,747,9(1(1 Total 84.620,20(1 281,911,30 19,689,400 23,119,200 217,097,200 45.620.300 Feb. 5 119,464,300 5,602,000 7,969,700 50,136,5a) 25,661,600 Feb. 12 119,749,100 5,014,100 7,475,100 48,695,500 '25,676.500 The deviations from the returns ot previous week are as lollowe; Feb. 19 119,789,100 4,551,700 7,173,300 47,983,000 25,678,700

Loans ,- Doc »510.9IOlNel Denoslts Dec. 13,322 300 SOUTHERN SECURITIES. Specie r>ec. l,68'2,90ILtKal Tenders Dec, CirculaUon 993800 Dee. I2,5'3tt 1 Some of these prices are necessarily nominal, in the absence of The following are the totals for a series of weeks past of any recent sales. Legal AgjtroEBte Loans. Specie. (.'IrnnlMtioii. Denoslts. "" Tenders. Olen-.-liiirs. SEOURITIKB, 8ECUKITIK8. ABk. Dec. 2., 292,316,9(10 18,074,710" ,30,106,900 22",514,5l.'0 52,408,900 .532.533.056 Dec. ».. 291,088,400 '23.185,100 30,122 .HOO 2-22,4(16.800 45.667.400 6O6,(B8,042 Dec. 16,. 283.179.100 25,751,100 29,li333( 217,891^10 44,532,400 701,980,761 Dec. '23, 27l,S83,nrO 22.7W,;00 28,675,600 199,346,700 41,-217,800 63;,5';9.252 r.lttea. MlBslBfilpp! Central, Ut m.. Be. Dec. 80... 270,5:a,(«in '25.019,500 23.542,800 200,400,800 40,252,80(1 do 2rtni.,89... •Ian. 561,802,964 6... 272,701.400 28,820,600 28,49'2,20 1 205,828,200 40,1153 ,.5(XI 7b MiseiBBlppi &TeDn.,lstm.,7s. Jan. 13.. 275,2.53.200 671.279,334 Atlanta, Ga„ 27,98'2,900 28,439,300 214,821,000 43,699,0(0 do do con8oM.,88. Jan. 90.. 279 OSi.900 684,M6,-/20 do 88 27,«93,.-M) 2a,371,ai'J 2'20,36;,.iOO 45.419600 Montgoinery& We8tP.,l8t..8s.. •Ian, '23ll,l>8l 716.080,161 Augusta, Ga,,78, bonds 27 . .00 2.'..-2-i8.'20O 2S -288.900 221,074, (10 46,3:18,30(1 6fi2,242,0'24 Charleston stock 6b do do Istend. Teh. ».. 282.610,1110 23.986,100 28.218,700 220,906,700 46,566,800 5.56,855,409 8,C.,78,F.L.bds. do do Income Feb. 10. 285,423.20 21,272,300 Charleston, 28,161,700 221,0;9,6(O 46,«16,1C« 5R Montgom.& Enfaiilii 1st 8s,gld Peb 17. 384.911,300 628.6(12.428 Columbla,S. C, 6b 62 19.589.100 28,149,200 117,697 200 45.620,300 end. Stale 591,614,743 Columbus, (la., 7s, bonds . . 70 75 by of Alabama... Mobile 4: Lynchburg 68 70 Ti Mont.. 88 gold, end . Philadeltoia Mobile Ohio Banks.—Tlie following is the average condition Macon 7b, Donds 72 76 & BterTlnir Memphis old bonds, 68 60 63 do do do ex ctfa. ''''" ^*''"°''' ^»"'^'' '"'tlieweek 8r, preceding Mon do new bond8.68 .59 611 do do interest.... diFrbo'''' do end,,M.&C.R.R,. 62 64 do do i mtg, 88. Moblle58 55 60 do do Income BankB. Total net do Capital. Sp'-cle. L. Tender 00 88 76 80 do Block.. Phlladelpnia Deposlts.Circulat'n' N. Orleans .laekB., »1,500,000 {134,000 t9«n,ooo Montgomery 8b 78 83 & ist M. 88. North America l,ooo,0(io »3,|;93,000 »l,000,0O0 do do 2d 5,722 771.662 Nashville 6b, old 60 65 Farmers and Mecb, 2JXJO,000 2,818,774 796,400 do do 101,8(0 1,175300 do 6b, new 54 611 cert'B,88. Commercial .,. 810,000 4.137.200 1,000,000 N.Orleftn8& Opelons.lBtM.SB .1 3.000 61X1,000 New Orleans 5s 53 55 Mecbanica* 800.000 1,508,600 613,000 North S. Ala, Ist 2,577 318.000 do do conBol.6e,,., 72 75 & M., 88, end. Bank N. Liberties. 500,000 1, 118,000 4:3,650 Nashville Chattanooga, :,«I0 470,000 do do bonds, 7s 72 75 & 6s... Bpothwark 1,769,000 161,000 itOfiOO 11,757 do do 10s 95 1(10 NorfolkA Petersbnrg Ist m.,88 Konatngton 340,800 1,146,900 250,000 207 835 do do to railroads, 6s 74 76 do do 78 £enn 228 000 743,991 500,000 iim 231,563 Norfolk6B 60 do do ad mo., 88 205,665 1,026.272 62 ^fe"'*/'' 400,000 177,375 Northeastern, lat .. I,2S8 250,492 Petersburg 6b S.C, M.8b. Maaaraeinreis*.... i.noooOO 1,542,318 174,960 '24Jl,00O Richmond 68 do 2dM.,88 BankplCora:nerce 250.000 1.089,145 .505,929 237 '238.707 Savannah 7s, old Orange and Alex.. IbIb, 6s , g''"'! ;. 1300,000 674,806 212,6S5 17,000 896,000 do 78, new ,,.. do 2d8, 68 Tradevmen's 300 000 2,911,000 595,000 16,207 S01,299 Wilmington, N. C, 6s do 3ds, 8s , Consolidation ^wiWQ 1.078,761 181.483 253,415 do do 8b do 4tfa8,88 , '127 786,756 270,000 Orange & Alex. & Man. Uts. . Comm'on'weiri'tli ','.'. 363,928 959,060 20.000 357,300 Rlchm'd & Pcterb'g let m., 78 Corn Exchange,.. 111,723 487,741 4.300 310,300 do do 2d m., 6s. union 408 000 1.439,000 Railroads. no.ouo 490,000 do do 3d m., 88. Flrai „ 25,>,000 1,417,000 18,000 219,000 Rich., Fre'ksb'g & Poto.68 80 892300 Ala. & Chatt., Ist, M, 88, end . . Third r... S,'2C7,000 797,500 78H 293,061 Ala. iBt do do do conv.78. 87 Sixth 1,003,442 2-9.833 isTenn.R, M.. 7s. .. BnTentb 97,l«<) do 2dM.,7s do do do do 68. 411.000 135,000 BUhth 3,000 168,000 Atlantic&GuU consol Ulch. and Daiiv. Ist cone'd 68. fit" 716 000 219,350 Central 164,000 do do end. Savhn*h do JMedmont Ss. .. 7S2,W0 240,600 Bank of io',6o() 4'20,000 do do stock a • lata, 88 Republic. 2,351.000 .580.000 1,970 Selma, I)., Ist M.,7b.. 58 Seenrlty 296,(«l 1,232,00(1 do do do gnaran. Home & 800 (W Southslde, Vft.. 115,000 2SS,000 Central Georgia, Ist M.. 78 l8t mtg. 8b IM "^"^ 180,000 do do stock do 2dm.,guart'd 6b... 81 •• 110,235300 »55,8S0.»68 »l9»,-280 »10,>l>4,053 Charlotte, Col, A., Ist do 3d m..68 140,433,766 111,349,663 & m., 78. do do stock do 4th m., 8b 82 The deviations from last Charleston Savannah Southwest. RK., Ga., Ist mtg... 95 week's returns are as follow! & 6s, end. Savannah and Char., Ist m., 7s do stock n Sparten8bur,& ITnlon 78, guar- 60 gSfcle 1 Deposits 78. . .Decrease ^"-laticin.v.v. 193.019 EastTenn. £ Georgia 68.. S.CarolInaRR. st M,?8 (ncwj 8S !?S!'*rend-.v;v.v.v.v.v&"j;? | ..Decrease 6»,':i^| 6336 East Tenn.A Va. 6b, end. Tenn do (i. 6« E. Tenn., Va & Ga., 1st M., 7s do do 'iB 73 The annexed statement sliowg do do do do stock the condiUon of stock " u the Philadelphia Coorgla I,'. K..78 Vs. Banks for a series of weeks • & Teim.l8t8,6» n do stock . . do 2dB,68 D«t«, 80 Loans. Sl>,*'cie. Greenville & Col. 78. guar do 3da 88 88 Dec. r. Lecsl Tender. l^ircniatlon. ^o do 7b, West Ala., 88 guar .23,4-9.«!l I'onnessee State Couitons .Vl/,1 8,932 980,489 11..157,429 ""•='"'• "•b. 1-2 11.396388 43,395,841 Vlrulnla Coupons M:ilH,ai 590,315 11,.3.53 645 .Me,n,?,°,.&ol,i1,'; 108... •'eb. ID 10,996,097 «.«a6,785 do do deferred.. 55,(no,»«a 499,280 11,35.5.999 ,. "" do 8. . 10,894,0(2 .' Memphis City 40,4.'«,76(! .' Coupons 11,349,663 MemphlB & Little R.. Istii ! I Naehville City Coupons ——. . . H .. .. —...... X3 X .

February 24, lb72.] THE CHRONICT.R 247

wiCJNlfiKAL QUOTATIONS OF STOCKS AND BON 1^8 Active Stocks and Bond* Klvrn on a Prrvlons Pace are not Repeated here. Quotations In Ne«v York are made ol tb " Par Cent Value, Wliatever tbe Par may be. Southern, CItr and Hallroad llecnrltlea are tlnotcd In a Separate List.

Bid. A^k, STOCK a AKD SOtnifTIBB Bid. »TOOK« AND »«(nillITl«». Bid, (TOOH aKD ISOinilTIU. Bid. A*k. •TOOK Airs UOUBITin.

YOKK. Clove. A Pitta., Consol, 8. F'd. Harlem iia Pbil*. *8tinlnry7B,19n! 10) NKW do do 2d Mort do pref Phil., Wllni. ft Bal., 1st M.,<, 84 US 8. Iii>hd» quoted before.) (U. do do 3d Mort 97 Hartford ft N. Haven Westch.ftPhlL,IstM.,conv,7. State Honda. •I.. do 4th Mort 85 do do scrip do do 3d M.. 6, 1878. TenneMut! 69, old .. — «1S Chic, ft Allon Sinking Fund., 00 Illinois Central Wett Jersey, 6, 18SS do HOW boads 61H do do 1st Mortgage... 102 !t»>4 Jollctft < hicago Wllmlng.ft Iiead.,lstM..7,H00 do 56 Vlriflnla 6«, old 52X do do Income luo Long Island do do 2d Mort 1902. 67 io do pew bonds...... Ohio ft Miss., Ist .Mortgage.... 99)4 ICO .Marietta ft Cln., Ist preferred 22 Chesa.ft Delaw.,lBt M.,6, •««.. do do roulstored old do Consolidated 93 94 do do 2d pref. 11 Delaware Dlv., tst M., 6. 78 ... ss 18M..., a'ii 86 86 ik- Lehigh Navigation, 6, '73 do do do do 2d do Morris A Essex »ik 90' rtS do 1S61..., St. L. ft Iron Monntaln. Ist M. 94 New Jersey 125 do Loan of 1884, 6, in »0X do 56 91 do consot. bonds Mil. ft St. Paul, 1st Mort. 8s.. 107s lois New York ft New Haven 140)4 do Loan of 1897,6, '57 9S do 9* do do deferred do 18X do do do 7 3-10 92 93k do do scrip. do Gold Loan of '9'7, 6, '97 ViX 79 l»eor(tlH6» do do 1st Mort... 94 94)4 N.T., Prov. ft Bost (Sloningt.) do Convert, of 1877, 6, 88H 88), 91 do 7», new bonds do do I. ftM.d.. 89 99)4 Ohio A Mlssi,.8lppl, preferred. Morris, ist M.,i;, 1876 do 78. endorsed do do 2d M Panama do Bont l.oan, S. F.. 7, 'S.'s 91 y\ do Is.Oold Marietta ft Cln., Ist Moit 97 PIttB., Ft W. A Chic, guar... Schuylkill N»v.,iBt M.,6, lim North C«rollnii6ii, old...... 84X S4H Chic, ft .Milwaukee Ist Mort... do do special.. do do 2dM.,6, iS'-a.. 79X 23 83 do do Fandlnn Act, I8M. Joliet ft Chicago, ist Mort we' Rensselaer ft Saratoga do do Improv., 6, 1870.. a' lat do do do 1868. Chio. ft Gt. Eastern, let Mort.. 93)4 Rome, Watertown ft Ogdens. Camden ft Amboy stock 18X 93 12 do do new bonds Col., Chic, ft Ind., ist Mort.. 92X St. Lnnis, Alton ft T. ir>nte. . CatawlBsa rtock do do Speclftl Tax 15 do do 2d Mort... 72 T2>4 do do pref. do preferred^tock MX 5» Soatb Carolina'* Tol., Peoria ft Warsaw, E, D fti St. Louis ft Iron Mountain Elmlra ft Wllllamsport .luly... 32;« 3.1 79 do do .lan.A do do W. I) 91 South Side. 1.. I Elmlra ft Wllliamsport pref.. 31 32>i| 134)4 do do April* Oct... do do Burl'n Div. 86)4 Toledo. Wab ft n estcrn. pref. eo" I.chigh ValU-v :24X 95 t-6)4 Missouri «8 93" do do 2dM.. «4>4 85 iniscellaneons Stoeks Little Schnvltiil Joseph. lOU 1U5 106 do Uan.* St. New York ft N. Haven 6s... American Coal 45 Mine lliii ft Schuylkill Haven Gs .-.. S9>» Northern Central T^a Louisiana Boston, H. ft Erie. 1st mort. . Boston 5SX Water Power 58* 97 100 do nowbonds gnaranteed io' North Pennsylvania , do do 94' Consolidated Coal :6« floating debt. .-3 Oil ft Allegheny Klver. do 68, new Cedar Falls ft Minn., 1st M ... Cumberland Coal of Hd .., 55 Creek do 68, levee bonds Detroit, Monroe ft Tol bonds. 96 91 .Maryland Coal 22 Pennsylvania , :3«x

Philadelphia Erie , M do 8s do Lake Shore DIv. bonds 96)4 %" Mariposa pr.-f 3X l-.'4 do 8s do 18T5 Cleve. ft Tol., niw bonds 96 do Ist pref Plilladelnhia ft Trenton... do 7», Ponltentlary... Cleve., P'viUe & Ash., new bds, 96 98 N. J. I,a"d Iitiprovement Co Phlla., (German, ft Norriatown do 88 of 1910. do do old bds. 97 100 Pennsylvania Coal Pbila., Wilmlng. ft Baltimore 7s lU 9S West .Jersey California BnlTalo ft Erie, new bonds . . Spring Mountain Coal.. Canal... do 7s. largo bonds St. L. Jacksonville ft Chic, Ist 95 96 Wilkcsbarre Coal Chesapeake ft Dela. lOOH 91 .. Si Coiiiu-ctlcut 6s Sontb Side, L. 1, 1st Mort Canton Delaware Division Canal.. 10J>4 Co SIX l.liode Uhind 6s Morris ft EfiSex, convertible... Lehigh Coal and Navigation. 79X 93'" Delaware ft Hudson Canal... i'20 50 f>A Mortis (consolidated) Alabama do do construction. Atlantic Mall Stcaimblp ... 92 preferred US do S9 North Missojri, ist Mortirage. Mariposa Gold .... do fconsol). 17 do 89 Mont & EuflalS.. do do 2d Mortgage. do Trustees Certit... Schuylkill Navlgat'n do Se, Alab. & Cliat. U. Jefl'erson KR, let Mort. bonds. Quicksilver prelerred do do pref. Arkansas 6b, funded N. J. Southern. 1st M., 7» 72 Susquehanna ft Tide.Water... wells Fai'go scrip iia do 79, L. It. A VI. a. iss. E. ienn., Va. ft Ga., Ist M., 7s. 93)4 West Jersev 7fl, Jan. ft July... do 78, Memphis & L. R.. 7. 'lie Penn A N. V. Canal »7X Am. Dock Aim. Co. \ BOSTON. do 78, L.K..P. B.&N.O. W (fnlonTele l(tM..7 \^-i5. 96)4 Maine 68 101 10: )4 do 7s, MI89. O.AK. KIT. Winona ft St. Peter. 1st M .... 92 New Hampshire, nAi,TimoRE do Is Ark. C'Ut R Veriiiont 69.. Maryland 69, Jan.. A.. J. ft O.. Tezu.lCs, of 1976 Maseachusetts 6b, Currency... do 6s, Delence IrtS Bonds not tlnoted at Baltimore 6b of '75 Olilo6«, do 6s, Gold 109 100 fis.HSl the N. Y. Board. do 18*4 do do 5s, (Sold 99)4 100 1886 Ark.^nsas 78 25 do 6b,:90C do 6«, Levee b^nds, ,. Boston 6s 101 100 Kentucky 6s Albany City, 6's 95 do Gs.gold 98 do 1890 Park 6e llilnois canil bonds, I81O Cincinnati 7-30's 10214 103 Chicago Sewerage 7s 9S)4 Baltimore ft Ohio 6s of '75 do 6» coupon, 77 Chicago 6*8 SO do Municipal 79 98)4 do do fisoCSO I 8»X do do 1879 do 7's 9S>4 Portland 6s, building loan 9S do do 69 o '85 do War Loan Cleveland, Ohio, 6*8 various... 94 Burlington ft Mo. L. G., 7 do (N. W.Va.)2dM.t8 5s lOOX do 100 do SdM.6» Indiana do 7's various... Chesh j re , 6 W 87 MIcMxan 6b, 1873 Cook County, Ills, 7*8 i7 Cln., San. ft Clev.,lstM., 7, "77, sav CentralOhlo. IstM.. 6 93 1891 96* do 69,1878 Detroit City. Ts ;o: Eastern Mass., conv.. 6. 1874... 93k Marietta ft Cln., Ist M.,7, do 6a,!Si« 98 St. Joseph, Mo. 7s 75 Ogdenaburg A Lake eh. 88 do do 2d M.,7, 1896. do Ts,'.678 Mis-ourl Pae.,68, gold 91 92)4 Bartlord&Erle.lBt M (iiew)7. 39X Northern Cent., Ist M. (guar) 6 lil6H Mew York Bounty, reif 1O6X Atchison ft P. P -• 6« gold 6. do do certificates... do do 2dM.,8.F.,s,'85. 106 F.,6,190f do do cuo J4 California Pac. RI!. 7's, gid.... .ii" H.6 Old Col. ft Newport Bds, 6, '76. do do 3dM., S. 6s, Canal, :>t:2.... 106 to do do ad M. lY. ftCie.T; do Central Paclflc. 7's, 188' gold , lOl do do Bonds, 7, 1877. * 92 93 do 6«. do 187S... 106X do state Aids, 6'8, 10 112 Rutland, new, 7 83 do do Cons. (goId> «, I'Of 9-2 '9f 90X SOX do 6», do iro... 106H Western Paciilc, 6a. gold 95 Verm't Cen., 1st M., cons., 7, 'S6 85 Pitts. A Connelisv., ist M.,7, io«M 1st M.,6. 1S89 do 68, do 1873... Kansas PacISc Ist M., (gold) 7 ma 100 do 2d Mort., 7, 1891 89 do do 92" do C8, do 1S77.. 106s do 1st M. (Kid) 6, J. ft D. 8;>4 83 Vermont ft Can., new, 8 100 Ud We9tWd,l8tM.,endor9ed,6,'9C 6. 34 do 6s, do 1S78.. 106X do l»tM.(Kld)6. F. &A, a6 87)4 Vermont A Mass., 1st M.,6,'83. do l9tM., unend., '90. 101 M..endorBed,6,'90. do 5s, do 1871.. do '8tM.(Leav.Br)7,cur 82 h5 Boston ft Albany stock 148X :i9 do 2d ilO 5a, do H 5., do LandQr. M„7, ISSO. S6K S7>4 Boston ft Lowell stock 13S Baltimore ft Ohio stoc'v 147)4 149X 25 do 5s, do 1376.. do Inc-Bonds,7, No. 28 25 Parker9burg Branch 9 16. BoBtonft Maine 142)4 lis' JOX Railroad Bonds do do No. 11 36)4 40 BoBton ft Providence 150 153 Central Ohio 29X Denver Paclflc ft 7s. 93 95 do preferred N. Y. Central 6s,lS8S RR Tel Cheshire preferred f4 (5 California ft Oregon, 6's, 95 '-3)4 do 6b,1887 gid.. Cln., SiinduBky ft Clev.stock. 28 J« CINCINNAI'l. St. Jos ft Denver E. D., 88, gold iOiM Concord 80 SB do - 6fl, real estate., Cincinnati ."is Danville ft Urbana. 1st, 7« gid. 3I>4 Connecticut River ,33 do fls, subscription do 68 S3 M ft West, Ist. S7 do "8.18:6 Indianapolis 79 gid Connecticut A Passnmpsic, pf. 9: do -.SOb 103 lOS St. L.. ft St. Joseph. Ist. 6s, gid TO do 78, COUT. 1876... Eastern (Mass.) 1081 Ham.Co.,Oido6p.c. cnglids. 90 93 Lake Sup. ft Miss. Ist 7'9, gid. 37 Fltchburg 18 97 do 78,1865-76 do do 7p.c., 1 toSyrs 92 Southern Minnesfitn, (<'ii 86 Indianapolis. ('In. Lafayette I^rle li*t Mortgage Rztended. 102 A 5X 5X Igbds, 7 ft 7.30s iOO 101 47 do do Rockforl. U I.* St. L. 7s, gid Mfluchester A Lawrence, 150 160 Cln. 78 SO do iHt do Kndorsed. 90 Covington ft Bridge Peoria ft Rk. I. RR.7'b, gold. , .. do 7»,M do 1879 9Sk 100 Nashua & Lowell 140 150 Cln .ITam. AD.. 1st M.,7, 80.. 94 9S 98 Port Huron ft L Mich. RR. T.B 67 Hampshire.. 114 '.o 78.3d do !*« Northern of New 1!5>4 do do 2d JI., 7, '«•.. 90 91 do 7«,4th do 18HU na do do 7'8, end Norwich A Worcester 125 do do 3dM.,8,r7... 96 100 Sonlheni do 7b. 5th do 1888 Paclflc RR. 6'9.gold. Ogdens. A L. Champlain 37 six Cln. A Indiana, tst M.,7 (0 83 Atlantic 70 Long Dock Bonds 92S ft Paclflc RR. 6's gid. do do pref. 108), do do 2d M.,7, 1877.. SO 83 91 Cen RR. '.st M, 7'8 Bttir N. Y. * K. I9t M., IXTi... of Iowa, gid 89K Old Colony A Newport 10S>, 108)4 Coluni., A Xenia, Ist M.,7, '90. 94 IB ;Uli do 21 M. 7's, gid Port., ft Hud. U. 7», id M. 8. F. iSai.... Saco Portsmouth.. 130), 132 Dayton ft .Mich., 1st M.,7 81.. !>3 98 'hi. ft Southeastern RP.. 84 P9 do T«, 3d Mort., 187'i Ts, P.ntland common 18 19 do do 2d M.,7, '84.. 88 Pittsburg. Cln. '-t. Louis.. 79 Harlem, lat .Morttraife 7s io:x my. ft S do preferred 63 do do Sd M.,7, '88.. (6 87 Keokuk ft St. 96 do Con. M. .% S'kg K'd6s 96 Paul. 89... trie Vermont A Canada ICO ., •Sl-'SI f5 8S '63" 96 do To'do dep. bdB, Carthage Bur. • . * llbany A SusqU'a, 1st b^nds. 101 & 8s L Vermont A Massachusetts.. 33 Dayton ft West., Ist M.,7, 190B 8S M 9i>>« lU) Dixon. I'eorla ft Man., 8s. 7'S 99 do do 2d do . do do lstM..6, 190r. 76 O. (). ft Fox 15. Valley Ss. l " 98 PHII,ADEI,PHIA. do do 3d do . Ind.. Cln. A I.nf., Ist M.,7 -.3X Qolncy Warsaw, 88 ... Phs lOO 5s. 1977 99 Mich. Cent., 1st ,M.8s, l8-r>. .. A 10;)4 Pennsylvania do (I.ftC)lBtM.,7^I88f 1-3 ni. Grand ink lOO 102 1871 01 Chic, Bur. 4 Q. 8 p. c. let M.. {if Tr - f do Military Loan 68, 100)4 June, Cln. A In<1.,l8t M.,'i, '85. 6S 70 Chic. 89.. 9: 92 "7*2. mch..'i 9« Elm. A Wll'ms, 5s 60X L->ni8. ft Fr'k.. Ist M.,6, •jO.'TS.. 87 W 85 86 »3l.. Lack. A Western, ist M. do do 2d M., lOe 87 91 do do 78,1880 94 V do l.oul8V.Loan,6.'81. 18 «. (."".. 98 M do

(i ilena (Not previously quoted.) 1st M.,6, 1-80... 1 01 102 ST. LOUIS. & Chicago Extended . •MX Pennsylvania, 90 1X75. . fis. Bonds do 2-1 Mort... Albany A Susquehanna...... 94 do 2d M., 6, . 9»k iSl Louis Long n Chic. R. Island * Pacific :«" I02H AtlanOc ft Paclflc, prof do Debentures, 6, '69- *7I 95 do 6s.Short do 100 Morris dc Essex, ist Mcrt :05 106 Boston. Hartford ft Erie 4X Philadelphia ft Readlng,6. 71. ^^ 96X io Water 6«, gold »H (new) 9* „, do do 2dMorl 100 Chicago ft Altou 117 .18 do do 6, 'H) 92X do do do ... Cieve. Tol. d > pref :.'3 '86 lOl Park 6e gold ... 4 sinking Fnnd .. \m" do 12U do do 6, i do New .lersey .05 139 6 33 ScwprSpccialTax* s« Central, Ist M., n. lOI Clilc BurftQolncy lS6>i do llebentures, ; do m do CIcv., Col.. CiM. ft Indlanap .10 '99 iNortb Missouri. 1st M. ;S „ do 2d Mort iwx SIX 88S do 7. I' 49 Pittt., Ft 2d M. ,8. W. * Chic. Ist 106 Cleve. ft Pltuborg, gua'.. . 90y do do 7,gen.M.cl910 lOl do M.. 90X 79 ; Sd M. d" i!.> 2d .Mort. Central of Sew Jersey, scrip. 10- 106 10 do 6. regls'd 1910 lOO do ^'^ do Mo,) Ist M.,gld. ««. do ad Mort. col.Chic.ft Ind. Central.... aiS do do 6, gold, 1910. 100 Paclflc (01 *X ft (North MIBSourl Block... Del., Lack, WeUern l«)4 lOS PUIIa. ft Krie.lst M . Uo>d> 6, "SI 14 l.ub."*8,o«x'J:",,«V'"^ "81 iKansao Psclllc do ... Dnbnqne ft Sioux City TO ' do iBt y . (our.) t, ssxlssx '.1 p.i ilnanl.i PiKiic do TO i«t Mort., cony Erie Railway preferred «4 64 8unlH,ry ft Krie tH 93 I .... iMlBsonri us THE CHRONICLE. [February 24, 1872. i^lonitar. NEMT LOANS. ^\)t HaiU-oajj We bring forward again to-day a full list of the new loans at AND present ofTering, or I

tables of State, city, railroad, and miscellaneous a© (E our extended O S «o-'o . »

'^ stocks and bonds. A similar table of U. S. Government securi- ' « E ^.i4 * S 93 x: IS f « S qS sfl ties is published under the head of " Debt Statement," as soon as the corrected figures are issued from the Treasury at the first of ;^ ^ V S 8 ssi g$ j: ©S Ci crS c nS Ci OD O^ o; o^ compiled in Tke Chronicle, S t— each month ; this statement, as gives many details not contained ia the regular formula of the Treasury Department, and shows the denominations in which PUBI each class of bonds is issued, the periods of interest payment, and other similar points of much interest to investors. Bank, Insurance, Gas, and City Railroad Stocks an' published under " Local Securities " the first three weeks of each month. We find it necessary to call attention thus plainly to the periods and form in which each table of stocks and bonds is published in The Chronicle, in order to answer the frequent inquiries which are made upon this subject, although a careful perusal of the " standing notes at the head of this column, viz. ; Explanation ^sojoiuj 2 OF Stock and Bond Tables," would always furnish 'o'S ' ' the desired JO OJBII = 'o3'o • ""o • ."3 • fcoim • ^oooo 6c &: tc ' tc fcc fcc fco • • M • • • be ' information. oct-t- 00 t- oo:ct-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-ODt-oot-OOOD As to the tables contained In this issue, there are several addi- . 60 ' if tions and improvements which merit some attention beyond the ordinary changes and correction of figures which are necessarily . D O made each month according to the Infest information O . a received. . " a : o The debts of the States of Maryland and Massachusetts have been ° completely revised s throughout, according to recent official reports, 5m <=rt and the list of bonds and " remarks " in each case will be found e Si* lf.8: ocaoSocS© very full and, o we be'ieve, satisfactory. The amounts of Louisiana bonds outstanding have been reduced upon several P I'll issues in ««•«»«> Mtt, consequence of the recent purchases for the sinking fund. In the list of city securities will be found a very good exhibit of the debt of the city of Albany, N. Y., which "oiun jad has kiiiiUy been U furnished poriasi aq ; by the financial authorities of that city ^'« ; no statement o; epuoq •-"1-1 •-HCTiJ of Albany debt had previously ^u.uiv been given in our tables Finan JO cial reports of the cities of Louisville •poiieiug and Mobile have just come to U911AV S s?g hand, and the outstanding bouds '^ :i of these cities have been fuUv SOIJUI revBed thereby Reference to the remarks opposite New York city debt wtll show the status po^aidmoo — of the whole -iw funded and temporarv wo "•oo^* Q »2 Q <^ ?? »f5 • ^Tf debt AVOa pBOJ § QDt"S'^ • is IC « f— 00 1— -M •««-» on the first of January, as furnished s ^"^n by the ComptroHer Tn,^ JO BOHK in the list of bonds the gold 6's show the is'sue.s : :82 la e^fr go.i'ated (_: O by Messrs. Rothschilds, in London, to the amount I- : s ;5 Among of '^IsS 000 railroad and miscellaneous • O M« 5 tc^l securities there lavTh I is ;g i§l some additions and m5 a corrections of interest The ann T o; several s prominent . u . c ; o T- M -^ « railroads I have -»-^ a- brrece-redTn hTfi"::: ^'^'S S a w : -/„•- ^ « ^ eT which can :o«&fi. : be found easily by t: 6c<1 reference " • to : S** i o -fcj.2 the remS O ^ . t,g : Sb S .2 :3 I t^msTt, 1':/'''"'""'^ t'-espective compani^the '""'''' '^^ 3 a - :io tionaV: there ^'^^^ ^-^oru..- -o a Laexed"%T''"""^ 2 =>" :-=E « yj' : :M lo^w."! whi.h we -.4 tou •bstract.. have recent.y published The new l>ond« ;Tl|;fl||iBi|i§«l3K| of the rcntrnl Pueifi,. lj-;i j Joaquin "" ''"^'1 on Valley • their Brand, rccei.Hv ,.,. San under Central «lll be found PaeiH;',,'„'^ol„''*-7:!»';-'1 -"''^J™!. .- 3 '"'-eg - -^ and . - ^ -a be : . the |.V(X,0.,,00 of the ^^Iki^^Z^t"^!'"^"^ "'ondB. .^ '-' — "^ S o _.jg ;^ r- 3 ~ ' 3 ?^ si: - s X -a

; i'5 f,|l*« I'l ! i||=^1l'^Ti2i

-^ fc3 Ox: « £ H. 'it a Reiitalion A great number of other cl,an^..s; a^lZi^^s '^-'- rertions have been tnade U:? usual in our tables, necessary to notice which, it ig un" in this place'spec'i/i;;;'ll ; : —— . . : . ;

February 24, 1872.] THE CHRONICLE. 219

STATE SECURITIES. [Bnterad tcconUng to tot of ConRreu, In tlin year isn, by \Vx. B. px.VA * Co., la tlio ofllce of the Librarian of Congren, Wuhlncton, O. C] Rabarrlberii will confer a great Ikvor by giving nn Immediate notice of any error dl»goT«re4 ! onf Table*. INTEUEi^T. DEBCKITTIOS. Dato Slie or Amount Principal, of par Out- Itet^ Payable UEMARKt.} per When Whern and when due. Bouda. Value' st'nding, Payablet by Whom. For explanallODi te» foot-note*. Cent

Alabama The Andltor's report for tbe flacal year ending 8(ate bond! MBS 1168,000 M. * N. N.r., Duncan, B. A Co. May, lem Sept. 80, 1871, sliowa the total debt to be a* here do eztrnilea IKM 1,»I1,000 do do d > do May,l>86 ststeri. The Governor's meMage, published lu do do -•; — 18M 473.800 do do do do May, 1886 CHRON101.K, r. 13, p. 739, and ADdlior's report In Sterling bonds or 1830. extended.... ino 688.010 Junel. London, Un^on Bk. Jane, 1890 V. 13, p. (-39, show all details In rerard lo theStata clerllii); buuds, eiieuded ISM 64,800 J.& J. do 18M flnanclal situation, and a history or Alabama ft do do 1866 do do 1886 Chattanooga RR. bond transattlon AMtcsaed 18S7 648,001 do 187li, do do do 1886 value real estate in |8.6,''45 1 penotal New bonds 1866 87t,'J00 do N. V. Duncan, S. A Co. proncrtv, $44-,396. Bate of taxation roCuced du 1868 4U'J,000 do do do do In 1871 I'rom 7H to 9 mills. Deficit In receipts Railroad bmid IndorsiMnonts TO-ll 13.6tU.0lll last Use 1 vear was |217,tr2!; Auditor's estimate Loan o.Mont.& Kufiihl Rlt 187J 300,IM) of dcAcIt current year, t244,l56. A law paaaed Loan to Ala. A ChathioooKa ItR 1870 2,alO,000 J.ftJ. N. T., Duncan. 8. ft Co Dec, 1871, authorized a loon of $1,000,1)00. (r. 14, l.i>.in to N'en- Orleans & Sclii do 1883 do buu .ty bonds a 805,000 7g. do do do 18»t Comtectiritt : Debt has been reduced since 1866 from (10,000,000 War b^nds.lO-ao year b 784,800 J. «J. Hartford, Treasury. July, 1881 to present Ugnres, by sinking innd purchases. do 20 year 1,000 958,0:« do CO do Jan., 1883 The 1861 bondsarepayabieat pleasu-e after Jul V, do 20 year 18S4 100 1,491,000 do do do Jan.,18&l 1S71. and those of ise-l nftor Oct., Is74. A'sessed do lO-aOyear 1864 1,000 1,04-1000 A. & O. do do Oct., 1891 value or real and personal properly, (322,553,488 do non-taxable. 20 vr... 1365 d 1,741,100 do do do Oct., 1885 rate of taxation. 2 mills. Florida : Funded and Oontiug debt, Jan., 1^72, (1,311,649. Old bonds held by U. 9. Oovt 1,000 20,000 Old Teriitorlnl bonds are not recognized. Real Due Seliool and Internal Imp. fund ,W,00 and personal properly a8aei»aed lu 1869 at (29 700,- Warrant?} bearing no Ictcrest 200,' 00 1887. ll3i. Rule of tax in 1970, 5 mils. Losu to J., Convention bonds l.OOO 30.000 P. & M. R.R., is secured by mortgage uu road. titate bonds l-iliS i.ulo 300.1100 6 M.& N. New York. 1898 do 1369 i,ouo 200,000 6 J. &D. do 1399 Loan to Jackson, P. & Mob. RR ... 1370 1.000 3,000,0,0 g.f- J.& J. N.Y.,Dun..au, S. & Co Assessed va^ue of pr"pety In 1870, (221.119.592. Kate Western & Atlantic RR. bouda 1812 900 100,000 7 J.&.T. N. Y„4th Nafl Bank Jan., 1872 01 lax. 4 mills. Rem, lor West, ft All. >RR., 176,500 do do do 1318 1,000 7 M. & N. do do do May 1874 O00,tXX) p, yr. A Ihw of Dec., IS71, provides for do do do Var'd. a r 866j00O 6 Various. do do do •72,^3 & '4 Investlgaifon as to the Issue of all bonds since Atlantic 4 Uulf RR. bonds do 5U0 800,000 6 F. & A. do do do •79-'S0-'l-'6 lf68, to begin In March, 18T2, and holders were Bonds, act of .Ma cb 1'.!. IStitl 1866 rt 3,700,000 7 J. &J. do do do July, 1886 notified In Felinary to pr* sent pr* ols as to tbe Bonds, act Sept., 'TO, gold 1870 1,000 3,OUI,000 Q-J. N. Y., Loud, or Frank. Oct., 1890 issue ol such bonds to tbe Committee m New Currency hunds H70 1,51X1,00 York. (13, p. 107; V. 14, p. 19,84, 219.) Kailrosil endursem'fa (to July, ISJlj 1870-71 7j45,900 Bruu-Hwlck eka. K^ntuck'l : The nominal debt of Kentucky, at the close of fla- Bonds to contractors, &c '41& '42 913,000 Various. N. Y., B'k of America. 1872 cal year, Oct., 7870, was (3.l»fe.67r. Sinking fund do John TliroL'd.act 1313 1813 66^X1 M.&S. do do do Sept.. 1873 resources at samt? time were (2.539,295. Valuation do Military purposes 316,000 Various. Frankfort, Kv. 189J of all taxable property, (106,275.773. do held by Board of Kd 1,648,283 do do l/iitl^Utnit : A constitutional amendment limits the total debt Cna Ity Hospital bonds 1852 1,000 80,000 .M. &9. N.O., Citiz'ns'Bk.of La 1872 to (25,000,000. Dliect d bt, June 1, 1K71, wcs Bonds for relief of State Trens 1853 900 750.000 J. & J. do do do July, 1893 (17.83I,;XX1; contingent debt, (6J73,683; temporary Bonds In aid of various railroads... IW) 2,410,000 Various. do do do '72 to 1906 (2,112,780; t.'tal outstandi< g, (26,517,763. It baa Lcveo b nda isfiS LiW 1,000,000 do do do do 1^86 been decided, however, that bonds authoriz d do 1-67 1,000 3,960,000 M. & N. N. Y., B'k of America 1907 previous to the amendment may be issued, do 1870 500 2,* 1,000 M. & S. do do do 1875 which Incindis (i26.l«0 to Miss. & Mex. Gulf inds fund coupons 1866 b 965.300 '88 (5J4,(JIX) (2.075,uiO B uk J. & J. K. C, CltU'n Bk. of La. 1886 & Canal ; to X. La. & Texas BR.; Bonds to Boeuf & Crocodile N'av.C 1869 1,1 IX) 80,000 do do do do 1690 bonds guar, for N.O.. Mob. & Texas KR.; (i,000,UlO iellt.-f .1. 1»70 1,100 l.'H.HK) do for of p. Kennedy, do do do do do bonds to be Issued to same compsny : (1,(CS.000 do issued to St tte P nit ntlary 1869 1,000 500,(»«) M. &S. N. y., B'k of America. 1899 (or more) to N. O.. Baton R. & Viciisburg RR.; State 1870 1,000 2.950,000 do to fund dostinK debt of M. & N. do do do 1910 (100.000 to Sliri^veport Hospltul ; (lOO.OO) subs, to do t .Mi»s.& Mex.UJf Ciiual.... 1369 l.O^U 474,000 M. & S. N.O., Citiz'na' Pk ol La l'<99 Misw. Val. Nav. Co. Total real and personul pn- do iss. I . S. l.;i. & T.-\as RU. Co 1869 1,(XXI 516.000 A. &0. N.Y., Bank of America. 1909 pirty, ,(1.22O,Ot«),O0O. Taxes, 14X uillis. (v. 12, do cehool held by Slat! Treas 665,000 N.O-, fitiz'ns' Bk oiLa p.3«,403.) do to N. O., Mob. & Texas RR. isn i',6o6 750,000 N.Y., Bank of Amer.ca. igio Maine The war debt sinking fund Jan., 1872, was (611,263 ; Civ 1 loan bonds. •51-'61 311.00(1 Various. Angusta and Boston. 1872-78 the municipal debt sluk'gfnnd was (187,030; (IMO,- W.r do 1SR3 do 525,l»» M. & S. Boston, snirotk Bank, Var., 1883 000 of debt matured In 1871. After ihe U.S. Su- Bounty dj i a.5 1863 1,000 47.'i.000 F. & A. do do do Aug., 18S0 preme Court decision, iuteresr was p id in gold . do ao 3 be 1-64 2,8:!2.500 .). * D. do do do June, 1«89 Mil the decl.-iion wtis reversed. Valuation in Munlolp il, W.ir Debt assumed J S £ 1868 3,081,400 A. &0. Atigusta and Boston. Oct., 1898 1870, (•224,812,<«X). tax 5 mills. Mitrylatul The a se-sed valnaiL-.n of property in 1871 was Baltimore & Uhlo RR., sterling 1833 2,273,333 J.& J. London, Baring Bros, 1S»0 (116,716,283, on which the rate of taxation was 19K Cheaaneake & Ohio Canal, st'g. 1338 2,98,111 5g. do do do 18?0 cents per (100; Incoma from dividends on rail- Buiq. k Tide W. Canal, storllug.... 1838 5g. do do do 1865 road, canal and other stocks owned by the Stale Rallroa s md canals varru* 1,237,051 5 Quarter. Baltimore, State Agent. 1880 & is:o w«8 (351,123. The Stste has largely assisted Kastei-ii Shore UK 18)9 31,06!) 5 A.&O. do do IH90 canals and railroads, and holds (4,691.5i.i of t-tocks Bultiniore « Su.*(i, RK 1837 269,1X10 3 Qur.rter. do do 1890 and bonds of -oivent companies, besides (1,858.- Cbcsupeuke & Ohio canal 728.172 6 J & J. do do 18 5 7.n in the sinking fund, leaving on y (5.883,437 of Bait. & Susqu.-haniia RR is« SOU.ftiT 6 Quarter. do do 18«) debt, without any oft'^el ; ihe State also holds Annapolis & KikridKe RR 1S39 65,207 6 A.&O. do do 1890 (20,567,166 in unproductive securities. Itonnty Defen-e Loan 1868 3.687.745 6 J.& J. do do 1875 & 1893 Southern Relief bonds 1»>7 lOO.iXW 6 do do do 18-3 Doaf and umb Asylu'U Loau 1871 73,000 6 do do do 1883 MaavichuxttlH : By a law of 1862 all Interest on tbe debt of Maasa- State Almshouse Loan 1.000 im.oofl 5k. M.&N. Boston, Treasury. Nov., 1873 chusetts Is paid In coin, excepting on the war do do iss-uui 1,OUO llO.rtX) 5g. A. & O. do do Oct., '73- "74 loan and temiiorary loans. In 1371 ihc deb*, was State nouse F.nlnrffement Loan... 1853*54 1,000 KK.OOO do do do Oct., *;3-'74 increasd about (2,5U2,';00, The sinking tlinds Lunatic llo.«pita1, £c.. Loan 1851 1,000 !M,IXX) 6g. J.& J. do do July, 1874 nninbeY sixteen, ai d the securities held c<«t Lunatic Hosrdtal (West. .Mass; 1857 1,000 5i)WX) J.* I). do do .lune.isn (13,6*28,364, their market value ai close of last lls- Loan, 6b- funding Public Debt 1861 1,000 l(«,00O 5&6g. do do do June, 1 T2 cal yearbi-lng more ilian the original cost. The Back Hay Lands Loan •61-'62 500 M.&N. do rto May, 18S0 loan to Boston. Ilartlord & Erie K.R. is secured Union '61-'62 " Fuud Loan 23X1,01 o 6b. J.& J. do do July, •72-'76 bv deposit of (4,000.000 Bcrdcll" mort. bonds. do do •ei-ej 600,000 do do do July, •77-'78 'The assessor's si^gregate of real and personal Coaat Defense Loan 1.000 888 OOI 5g. do do do July, 18S3 property In ihc Stale Is (1,591,9-3.000, the actual Bounty Fnnrl Loan :8«l 1,000 200,000 5k do do do July, 18iH value )"ing (.',:iO7.0(M.4 7. I axntion in '871 "aa Bounty F-jud Loan 18>4 4,I7a,WO 5g. M.*N. do do May, 1894 (21, 8»2,9tS of which (6.611,000 w ao for State pur- do do sterling 1864 £ioakc. 4.000,744 do London. Baring Bros. May, 1891 poses, and (14,739,715 for mm.lclpal. Revenue Loan, b.

Sim, or par caltie.— e, also The se>eral dpnomtnatlons In which bonds are leaned ; O.50O and l.OOO; 6, 100, 500 and 1,000: d, 100 and 1.O0O; "efl^j 'l"''? ' ft D., i'niSft'ilir'?ft t Whtn Pai/nble.-]. J. ft ft Nov.; J. JDiw Dec; & stands for .Fan. ft Julv; F. * A., Feb. ft Ang.-, M.ftS, ft 9., Ma ci. ft fee^t. ; A. ft O., April i Oct.; M. N., Mar Q-— laarterly . J . iroin Jan.; Q.— quarterly from Fehmary; Q.-M., quarterly Irom March! „ F., „ Bookn«»i- totfor im.conuinlngiim ront.inlnir Jifemw*.».--The Hgures In biaekeis al lU« end of remarks, lu each case, refer to the volumo andpage of the CnBONicLit,or toonr Year uuormatlon upon the subject. — U1 1 .

260 THE CHRONICLE. iFebruarj 2 1, lb72 STATE SECUEITIES. Subscribers will confer a great favor by glvlne as Immediate notice of any error discovered In our TabTea. DESCRIPTION. INTEREST. S or A inn lint Principal, psr Out- Whent Where Pflvuble and When Due, REMARKS.} For .-xpl.tuatlon of a'l rcferrnce^ see Value' st'ndiug Payable by Wliouj. foot n -ttfs on preceding piig^.

MinntfiOta : All these bonds are held by the permanent scb:'oI J. St. Paul, Treasury. •• State iinilding Loan 1««7 1,000 100,000 J,& 1877 fund. The •Minnesota state Railroad bonds, do do 1S68 1,1100 10 .000 do do do 1878 which arc re udiated, were Issued in 1858 to the do do do do isra l.OvO 50,000 do 1879 amount of t2,'275,O0Oi llielr le ogiitlon is dis- 18(12 1,1110 100,000 M.&N. do do Sioux War Loa i 1872 cus edinthe state. Total property, $85,400,377, Kallroad UondsCnot recognized).... 1859 1,OjO 2,275,0u0 J.4D. N". T., Jlctropolilau Bk, Dec, 1883 taxiition5Hmi mills, and liitercft ti'X 2X mill., making •51-8 C,SI61,0UO do do do t onds to XortU .Mo. liK 1,000 do •7l-^S3 6 mills. The Hannibal 4 St. Joseph RR. iiro- do do Voiids to Cairn 4 Fulton UH '37-il 1,000 392,000 do do ';T89 vidta the Interest on its bond.. Bonds due .Jan. I do •89.'90 T^onUa to Platte County Uli '51t-61 1,000 504.00 do do do 1872. were paid in gold, but after that time in •51-9 do do Bonds to Ir. in .Mountain Kit 1,1110 2,379,000 do do '7l-'89 c. rreiicy, pursiinnr to a re oluiiou 01 the Legln- PaclllcKI! •52-9 1,000 5,119,0 do do do do ".2 '89 lilure. The Oovernor^s message, as to nuances, Pacillc •57-06 1,000 l,i.%,iA10 do do do do S. W. L,r. RU 1876 was published i . Cueokiclk v.13, p. 806. S. W. ' r. Pacillc KR. (guar.) '5(i-61 1,000 1,539,000 do do do do 1876 dannlbalA St. Joseph KR •53-7 1,000 8,000,000 do do Duncan, S. & Co, •73- '87 Total 'raluatlon of real cftatc 1870, $11,820,113; pir- 500.000 .\I. & S. State bonds 1S67 State Treasury, March, I8T2 soiial, $8,377,995: tax ill u^ per $100) amounted do toiuudfloatl gdebt 1*71 160,000 M.& S. do March, 1881 to $21:1,603. y. Hamonhire: Debt reduced last year, $419 iOl, All the bonds ft War loan coupon bonds 61-3 018,000 J. & '. Concord or Boston, July, ^7 '-8 New Hampshire were issued for w;.r puiposes, d) do 1861 0:)o,000 M.&S. do do Sept., •W-9 and have been steadily reduced in amount. do do loC£ 750,000 A.&O. do do Oct., 'ic-l New ^(-r*^y: Debt was all created for war purposes. Of the 6 1,199,900 J. War loan bonds, tax free 1S61 J.& Trenton 4 J. City, Jan.. '72-81 first two classes of bonds the principal Is p.-(y. » 1,IX)2,SIOO do ilo do do 1863 do do do Jan., •86-96 able, $100,000 per year. Sinking fund, Nov., 1871, Ai do taxable 1561 b 593,400 do do do do Jan., '9;-02 $1,183,112. Ne'C York: There Is also $68,000 contingent deb* to L.I. ER., 4 Bouuty loan bonds, conp n 1,000 ,372.oai 7 J.& J. N". T., Manhattan Bank. April, 1871 $7,36: per annum lor Intban annuities. Sinking do retjisteredstoc^, ,ii;5,ooo 1 do do do do llsi do April. 1B77 (Miids at cl se of fiscal ,r, Sept. 3 1871, A-itor i ;61.>tl 5 do Albany. fcCeneralfun^l debt— tocK 1817-3 At will. $,5,15,1,793 for hoilTity de t; $l,80,"..;41 general lund dj do ueliciency li^au. ;'^4^ 900.(«1» 5 do N. T., Manhattan Bank. •luly, 1875 $1,054,V26 canal debt ; and $19,139 L. 1. RR.^ mak- do do do 1SI8 800,000 6 do do - do do Julv,lS78 ing total debt, leas Sim 1. gfnds, $.9,4,.2.7l/2, . r 6 do do do 1818 ,5;i;,8a7 & do Albany. At will, t ,9;ii.l4ll .ssilian :8Jii. Net revenue or canals, ,1011,420 5 N. T.. lianliatt'an Bank. J.,n., f Various i-8u- 8 un- 1874 $981,588. Assessed valuation of all taxable prop- ,2,-i7,900 q'.;^:i. do do do is der Art cle, 7, Sec. July, 18r2 erty $'2,052.531,',9S, or about two-thirds of its 5,150,2W do do do do Var., 1873 actual value. Tax rate in 1811 m aiout is; Canal Debt, ( 1, or Con 'Jlntioii as 5K mi 2,099,000 do do do do Oct., 1874 for 1R72 Comptroller advises irills. Art. 7, Sec. 3, and ! 6^J t^tere^t 47:<,0(10 do do do do Oct., 1875 on all debt except bounty Is I A t 7, Sbc. 12. loau voluntarily paid 880,(100 6 J J.& D. do do do Dec, 1877 In gold. (V, 14, p, 19.) Comptroller's bds iby Rev. Stai's) 66,473 5 & 6 Albany. On demand Nortli Care/Una: The gross amount of the several issues iniprovement of debt are i.K. and bo ', old... 4,738,800 J. & J. New York. 68^98 here given, but the value of bonds is^uid -iuc. do do do do 3;639,10(1 A.&O. do do 1865vari, sso m:ich on the pirticnlar 1 i-ues that do do new (not special tax> 1,000 J.&.l. 2,0J6,0OO do do a reference will be found advisable to the detail- do do do do 1,0J0 l,739.aKl A.& O. do do ed srticle in Ciironici.k, v. 12, p, -,.63- Several Funding bonds, since war b 2,417,400 J. 4: J. du .Ian , 1900 pans have been proposed for scaling down the do do do b 1868 1,T21,-00 A.&O. do Oct.. 1893 debt, but no deflnite at tion has yet been taken Regist'd certillcates of literary f u (! .H«:i 015 J. J. 1867 & Raleigh, Treasury, Indefinite. Total interest overdue is tiiSl.iVj. (For the Peflitciitiary bonds, act Aug. 2!, '6i. 1S68 i\m loo.am A.& O. New York. Oct., 698 Governor's message see v. 13, p. 140.) . Special tax bojds. 1,000 11,407,000 A.& O. do •»8-'99 Ohio: The total valuation of rial nnd cliatte! nroperty in Keg stered loan, pjyabic after 1S70. 18.50 100, &c. S7,1,'9' J. J. 4 tJ. T., Amcr. Ex. Bank, Jan., 1871 1871 was $l,5l)2,l-."J,911, on which the 2.09mllla .State d> do do do 1H15 100. &c 1,600,000 18, do do do do Jan.; 1876 tax produced $4,o5 ,728, and other local tax^s do do do June l-iSl. 100, &c, 1.095.309 IStiO do do do do July, 1881 which are very heavy in Ohio, raised $13,604,660, do do do do 1886. IW, &c. 2,400,000 6 1856 do do do do (V. 13. i>. 840 ) Orer/oH —Relief bonds Jan.. 1837 61,181 7 do State Treasury. 1875 The ' ebt is provided for iSountv bonds bv sinking funds, which 45,450 .7 do do will pay It at or f.jre PtHn^i/tcania: 1815 b inatiiritv. Revenue is raised from nuni - lueliui^d plane loan, April rons sonrca, princ 10 1819 400.000 6g, A. 4 0. Phila.,Farin.4M. B^k. April, 1S79 ral y from conorationa Taxes Coupon loan, r.l2 are levied on A ('^.(XWreL;.).. 18 12 1,000 396,0 ill ''« J. & J. do do do personal nroperty, . July, lasj which wss assessed in 1870-71 do do 1-5-! 1 000 112,000 JVJg, do do do do do at $111,1180 918. and the tax whs $n^i0 do M:iy4 i,a« 6l9. Total 1S,V2 2.97i,(M) F.& A. do do do Aug., 1877 revenue In 1871, $?.197,9,15. Funded debt diminish, Registcr^ddo do 1,000 18.52 3:15.300 do do do do do ed $2,131,555. Balance In Treasury at Coupon lo.m of April 19 t1 close of fis- ( 1,000 reg) I8,)3 i.ojo 2 .) ISlil 50 & d. 1,' 96 HI do do do do Aug,, 1871 and $9,;00,000 oi' lailrord bomis. Interest is paid Stock loan of Fel>. 2 {re;ilsteied).. 50, 1867 &e, 3,786,5 W do do in gold all do do Feb , 18T2 on loans prior to 1R67. Anv coupon do do iio 50, &c. 9.',-50 1867 do do do do Feb., I8r2 bonds niav be cham;. d to rcglt-tered The bonds do do (cp. & rciy.).. 18^7 ,=•0. &c, 7.S90,5,-,0 do do do do Feb,, 1S77 due in 1872 are pavabie at any lime rill iii7i do do (ceglst.re ),. 50. &c. 186? 90,100 do do do do those of l!i77 tl.l do Feb , 1977 1862; those 01 1882 till 1893. do (cp. & lOrf.). 1167 50, &c. 9,2;i..'3ll do do do do Feb , 1882 do do (reg stored I... „^ 186; 50, 4: c. 723,9 >il do do do do Feb., '882 Chambcrsbn-gctf^ May '2?, (eg ) 1871 2J,-,3,6 do Harrisbni-j; Treasury, June, 18;6 Debt was all created for war purposes and Is hp'ng War bonds 1862 1,000 1,019.000 M. 4 S. Prov.. R. I.II.4T. Co, March, 18S2 steadiy diminished. The valu:itlon of real and 186,3 1,IMJ 200,0011 A. 4 O, personal do do • prll, li93 property (or the flaeal y ar ending Ap' 1SH3 1,-m I 92,0011 J. J,& do do July, 1893 1870. $13<,189,4mi. and tax 01 25 cent > on $100. Total 1861 1,11m SaulU Carolina: 829,0J0 F, 4 A. do do August, 1894 revenue, $611,3.6. state Trasurer Parser. November 2». states the debt stock 1791 var. 38,837 Q.-J. Columbia, St. Treaa. pie sure, briefly thus: Toial bonds (irlnted by Aniei-eon State II )Ude stock, 1st iss I'e! At ! ! 1*16 var. Wl,fi '1 J. do do J.& do Jan. 1, 1877 Bank Note Co^ $2i,5IO,OilV; of which ».'!,0?2 ,800 2d do ... 1857 var. 127,111 do d'> do J:in. 1,1881 were in State Treasury : $6,000,000 sterling loan d> 31 do 18,i8 var. 301,370 do do Jnlv l.-8'-3 In hands 01 Hank Noie Co.; $s.fi53,'.H)0 des- do do 4tli «> .... Am 1IB9 var. 215,4 III do de do July 1. •87-89 troyed ; and balance $9,1111,000 were delvered 10 „ do 5tii do 18111 var. 130,315 Knncllnp: bonds do do Jul' l,^8;-«(; flna clal agent In New Y'orl.-. Of ihc lattfr, 1366 b 1,131,701 '.. do Columbia* N. Y. tly 1, •^7-97 $3,173,000 Mere in uic as collateral for loans; BlK^RdgeRU bonds 18,)1 1,0 970,000 NcwSt.teHojscbonds.. do Columbia. Treisury. July 1, •7:-.-;9 $5 541,000 had been sold, nnd $200,000 were to . 185 i 1,000 2,50,000 do do di do July 1, 1,881 cred't of sinking lund. Old debt not converted 18,56 1.000 11.600 do Fun lingMll- do Jan.l, 1885 was $6,453,908, making total debt. $11,994,90 , with- rc.ielva'ile..'.'. ISliS 1000 500.000 Payment of inter st Columbia & N. Y. July 1. 1.888 o-t including bonds pledged, , r railroad endorse- 1868 1.000 1,100.000 Imost I Fund ng bank bills j\in, % 735. .553 6 est, $130,320; Int. 13 mos. on bonds paid In, $535,- Iton IB endorsed for railrosdal 590; estimated balance revenue due, Jan. 1. 1873, S- 1.0(10 2,173.000 6 llonds loaned I o $1,200,000: making to'iil deductions o( $r-,ir28,475, l!l[.'». old . 1,0001 6 B-ts Is lied to Kli.'s •.inco •«C- and leaving the net niiiount of ilebi $19,961,51,0. (ireen ,sue, Total valuation of lauds, $2lt5,386,717 : lots and no letter lW)-6- No interest now paid 6 ;JJ; $387,905,- Ne» sede , letter B 67-^8-'9 21,ir;,387 1SS2 other properly $72,513. total taxable. 6 do not I 1901 tr20. No new debt can be created, except by a tiered....! , - 18.H-69 Or<>enlssQC. no letter 1900 two-third vote t#f the | eople. The rate of taxa- j 5® 186 ;;:i Krts toiu idliit. raised to GO i-ts on the $100 for 1871, on abo e t(>,Jan. '6 1868 3.3!!>.6ax has been cstlm^d to Jan. Ti !,»i3 0:8 fioattnij debt— laid on railroad receli ts, and on some other Itiuk of of revenue, (v. 13, G01,i,31.) lenuessee notes 710 COO aources p. Treasury war -ant,* Loan 752.117 account in New York. 2011,00 Total oi debt all kinds to Jan., i8T2 !1,WI(I,'6B 7>,r'(-v—School nnd bonds 216.611 9 Boa Is an 1 warr.nta about acres of land, and lor State gov't 1890 71,000 5 The State owns 91,000,000 Bonds 1 s-tti & 8 1 claims on stite im 120,0:10 also claims, on ditl'crent accounts against the U. P«n t-ntiary debt 60,000 S. $.506,018. which would ne to that extent an oll'set Front er pr 1861 "a' 1877-18.7 apnroprl t on " " " do to Duy January interest, but an sterling 1861 £300 is? 1877-1881 was necessary, whicn has not been made. Interest do fundable to .Jan . 67 London. 1885-1901 !6,8i,0 Assessed value of property In 1871, $166,1 ; due to July 1,18,1 tax rate. 5 mills, (v. p. 139, 439, 839 ; V. 14, New Fnn ling 13, bonds lor J< of debt.. 1871 100, 4c. 20.000,000 Certtacalej .1. * .1. Ri"hmon(l, Treaaury. p. 19, 175.) lor H of old debt ISll iOU, &c 10,000,000 J. 4 J. On eettlem^t with W.Va. r —K.CP. 1 :

February 2 1, 1872.] THE CHRONICLE. 251 V CITY SECUIUTIES. met In Ign, B. la the offlcs CBnl«n4 Moordlnt to otCongnn, the jMr br Wx. Daka * Co., of the Llhranan of Coiltre'e, Ws-hlnclon, D. C.I 8nb«crlb«r» irlll coiUler a great f»Tor by glvlinr im Immcdlatg noUec ofny error dlwcoyercd In oarTablea< INTKRK8T. DE8CBIFTI0N. X>>te SUe or Amonntmonnt „ of par • Principal REMARKS.) •ndin. ne'r When t Where P»»mble and by when due. Bond!. Value. St"<""«• Payable. Wbom. PorexpUuailon.itfe fo •t-not*'*. j^*Ji

AlfHIIIU. A*. }',; Slnkln.' fund for municipal bonds, 116.000 per an. Boniit for muDlciptI purpoaee tlW) 1,000 60,000 J.*D. N.T..Dancan, S. *Co. une, 1872-74 num. Amoi nt now n sinking lund. 93UI),616 aoii.Kio do ilo 1 nn-n do do 1X61 l,t> 100,0110 ,T.&D. do do June, 1880-8 Loan to Albany & Susqni h'u na is secured by iat do do 1866 1,1 «u lW'.0iO F.&A. Boat.. Merch'nta* BanV. Feb.. Ift«-»t mortgage on road from Albany to Llughamtun.

do do IS l.OUO 390.000 M.*S. N. V . . Duncan, B. * Co. Mch 189M9(» do do 18TO MXJO .•0.000 M.*N. do (o Nov., mio do do :sn 1,0 400 WW M.*S. do do Mc . 1874-91 do do i*n 1,000 10 i.OOU M.*N. do do ay, 1911 Water stock BSIoK 1,(100 MIO.OOO F.* A. do do Feb., 1876-8 •. Honda loniird to Alb. ASusq.Ii.U.. 1.69 1,00 1.000,000 M.*N. do do Nov., ;t95 Auyuntn, Gti : City receipts. 1870, »28S,986 ; Int. a-'Coount, »7(,,6«3. llonds for varloiiB purposes Var. 1,SS5,«90 Var Augusta. 1872- '89 B'lUhinu-i' : The city ered t baa I'ecn loaned extensively to ra'l- ntv Ki'k due nt pleasure after 1890.. Var. 100*c, 7,'407,6in Baltimore, July. I80O roads. In e> change tor their securit es, which It .I»il st.iok 18^ 1U)*C. 18,913 do 13T3 holds to the amount ol »il,ni.5,9C8. The sinking U' liter loan 18S4 wo*-'. 5,000.000 do May 1, 1875 limj lor '•.&(). Hl{.»5,0(«l.(KOloan was »1,X7»,«>'J, t'utiHoliilated bounty 100*0. loan 1863 2,211,068 do Sept. 1, 1898 Dee. 3 ,187: ; West. Md. Kit. sink ng lund. »'<17.8M Fxctnnt do 1865 10O*c, 410,393 do Sept. 1,1k93 and the total of the fevcral other sinking funds, Hill) Public Parks ('Dnild 18v C ty Paasengcr New Cltv Hall 13S8 10*c. 1,000.000 do July l.ls^'l Railway, and Interest on $1,46;. 00 by other co"*- do do 18W 100*c. 818,100 do Apr. 15, 19(0 pnnles. The assessed value of property In Iff^O, Consol I rl Hted loan 1864 lOOftc. 891.616 do 1885 $202,756,140. Population in 1870 was 2n,S54, against Court House loan 1U)*C. 137.414 do July 1. 1860. 212,418 in 18('0 Loan- are Issned In registered KuiuUiu; loan isTO loo&c. 773.aOO do 1900 stock and are generally due at pleasure after the Loan to \'a. Valley R.R 1871 iOOic. 1.000.000 do dates of niaiurlty named. The fiscal year now Kudorseiueula for N, W. Va. RR.. . n4 9D0 do ju'y.'iaoo closes uci. 31. do do York* Cnin.HR. 500,000 do 18i3-'85 do do West. Md. KB .. 1,650.000 do 1SS6 do do Union BR in.toj do 1890 Banffftr, He.: Valua Ion of real and personal property $9,978,965. City debt proper 1853 '65 A 274,700 Bangor* Boston, 18;3-'85 Rate of taxation. 2M per et. The loans to Europe t'onobscot ft Kennebec RR. loan... 18M 1.000 560.0OI do 1874 * N. Am. RR.. ail" to Bangor & Plseataqu s RR. European & N. American RR I3K9 1.000 1.0IO.000 Bost.,Mereh. Vat. Bank. 1894 are secured by lirst mortgages on those roads. Itanxor & Piscataquis RB 1^69 1.000 60 ,100 Boston, 2d Nat. Bank. 1899 '» BoMl ; The popniatlon of Boston in 1870 waa 250.526. against Various Trust Funds 1852-'i:8 8 8.759 Boston. On demand 177,840 In 1860. Valuation of real estate In 1870 wa« liencwal City Debt His 533,205 do 1878- -79 $36,5.591.100; personal proi erty. $;i8.4974-T8 Total amount o( tax. $8,e'6.862. 1 he net Inerease do do various 18IH-'6!I 2,582,175 debt 1-70-71 $i,4S03 6. The total debt. do , On demand o In was Ro.xbury Trar deb aesumed 66:1,850 do :h7l-'85 Anrll 30. 1871. ' as $26,6«i.4.1«. and the "mklng fnnd RiMiewal of water bonds ol '48 \m i.noo 688,000 do )90O-inOl then held. $11,632,959. Sinking fund provisions are Water loan, sterling ISIR-'W 1,949,711 London. 1872-'7S sufficient to meei the debt a.i it matures. T. e Ity no'es (new main) Act 185S 1861 1 000 3»«,000 Boston. ;S77-'79 sterling f-OO.OOO loan, negotiated In 1870. netted Water loan (Ctaesiiut IIIU Keao.)... 186.1 l<36,000 do 1875-'80 the city $:l,82S.4l5 in urrcnev. An interesting ar- do do do . . Ihe.l 250000 do 1875-'80 ticle in regard to taxation, by Mr. Th-s. Hill, will do do do ... 1865 1,290,000 do On demand be found in the last financial report of the city do fOorchester) 201 ,5' do 1900.19U1 notion HlKblauds imi 450.000 do Varl. t:onHulIdated St. Imp loan, st.rllng I8T0 4,000.01 «i London. 1899-1900 Bonds for various city purposes 18H9 2..523,000 Boston. 1879- '80 do do do 1870 2,264 000 do 1S90-'M Dorchester water loan 1870 3;5,( 00 do 1900-1901 Srookii/ji : By a law of 1R7I taxation for both city and county City Hall loan 18l9-'30 1.000 18T^'76 P' riioses waa lim ted to 2 cents and 3 mills on the Water loan 185.1 of 18*0. 1,000 do V lH7a dollar, on the assessed valuation The Debt of Wllllamsburjrli loan 1«) !,000 do 1^75 Boar; of Estlmiite in Jnlv. 1871. state in their do do liability loan. 1857 1,00) do 167-i nnblla^ed report that t'le e?l mate is over $2,000.- do do local in»|iroveiu I 18.>9-'61 1,000 do 18;!)-'81 (00 less t an last venr. or a reduction 'rom Brooklvn local Improvement loan.. 1881 1,000 do •o 1891 ncarlv $8,000,1X0 to $6.0(0.000. The rate of taxation, Mt Pro pect Square loan, 1157 1,0110 187 on the assessed valuation of last year, averaged Soldiers aiti fund loan I8 do 18116 1,000 do m 1871-'90 oat ni-' obllj/atio'.s, $1,527,548, cons sting or cer- TTulon street do do 1867 1,010 do rn^ 1S7T86 t flcates and $100,000 due Clil' »MO. Iiec, 1872. To- Ilo firand street do 1S67 1,000 IfflOO do ^e l>-7!-'r2 tal debt, $30 6t)-,768 The Committee of Fifty Fourth ave. do do 18.J 1,000 240.000 do l*«-'95 claim th^t the total debt is (in .lannary 1872) do do do isin 1,100 3'S.ieO do 1868- '95 $3;,4 6,953. Population In 1870, S96,20U against IVallabont Bay do I88T 1,000 771.0 do ss 1868- •90 26ii.i>6i In 1860. Valuation of property aUont $200,- Beflford ave do local. 1S67 1.000 278,000 do 1877 ooo.ouo. K do iaii9 1,000 215,000 do i£ 1879 . Improve, crtfs loc»l 1869 1,000 148(00 do 18Ti > >;iu. re((& coupo.i 1S70 1,000 l^OO.IXX) do 1901-'ll

' k r loan, do tsfio-'.a l,l«0 8,'«O.0OO do Q. 19I5-'24 W.iicr lu:m 18.7-11 1.000 8.224.00O do 1881-l<02 Sewerage bontU, continuous, local 1.000 2 00.000 do lyre frdate do do special do UO) 200.000 do Q. do Asa. fund bonds, co'ttnuous do 1.000 4,6;9,«I5 do do Central ave. sewer bonds 1,000 15,(jC0 do S Vh'irt^Mton, ^.C: Bonds are mostly I eld within the State of South City stock 5,142.000 Charleston F69-'98 Carolina, and Interest la p(dd In Charleston. do bonds (coupon) 185S-'M 51.500 do ISSS-'-^ Fire Hnn bonda 1866 90,C00 do lii90 CfiiaiffO : Assess^^d value of real property. Sept.. 1871. was Water loan 1,080.000 Y.. Duncan, S. 1874-'82 $'23li.«88.40" $.)t,S70.609 * Co. ; personal. (U of aetnal do 3 700.(0 (lo do 1882-'95 fire Oto.OOO. Sewerage value. Total loss by culculatcdat $196 bonds 87.000 X. Y.. Am.Exch. N.Bk. IStO liaised in 1870 on City tax ot IX per ent. $4.IS".- do S 593.'1' do do 18S0-'95 79-; State. Coiintv. Town, &c.. $2.279,««; on Klver Imnrovementbonds J a%.oo:i do do 1890- '95 speelal assessment. $2,836.*^.52. Population In 1870. Municipal and School bonds 2ffi M. Y.. Duncan. 8. * Co, 1873- '76 29!),98:i. against lOC.WJ In It60. In sink- do Amount do s.rriooo do do lS74-'99 ing fund, $557,000. S. Park loan (not a bond of Ch'go) 2,000,000 N. Y.,Am,Exch.N..Bk. 18Ti-'79 Cinriniiatf : Popnlalion by census of 1870, 219.900, against 161.044 ltt>unties to Volunteers 5 1000 31,000 N'. Y., Amer. Ex. Bank. J.lly, 187! Inisctl. Ta< rate, $« 00 per $1,000 The following Bounties to Volunteers T 1.000 2.5.000 do do July, 18T6 table ironi the books o< the Andltor ot Hamilton To build i:c(X'eBton Ave. sewer.. B2 1000 150,000 do do Dec, 1880 Co nty, Ohio, exbiidts tlie assessed valuation of Loan toCin. Hills. & RR y 1,001 91.000 do do Aug.. 187- the City of Cincinnati for ten years do to I.ltlle Miami RR A 1,000 96.00O do do do KatonftHam Dec, 1880 UK o l,Ol»l 1S4.00II do do Jan., 1881 do Covington A Lex. RR H LOin 9l.0lin do do do do Ohio Mississippi & RR 1 l.(«10 551.(1(0 do do Jai.., 1882 do Marietta* CIn. RR M 1.000 lb 1,000 do do June, 1884 <;omnion School purposes, r-g A 1.000 25.000 Philadelphia. Bank V. A, Nov.. 1885 Bonds to fu'd Hoathix d-bt. 1.000 G6.00O N. v.. Aincr. Ex. Bank, do Brls too* M URtopur. whf prop.N 1.000 210.000 do do do do g r= b- i g 8 S 2 89 school pnrposesP,? 1,000 100,(00 do do do July, 1-88 do for Common School purposes. "' 1,000 99.1)00 do do do Jan.. 189U do too* .*! RR topur. wbf prop 1,000 199.000 do do do do pur Nov. 1890 F.pls.Bury'gGdsforpirk.Q 1,000 17.000 Cincinnati. S ^ S !S '-i S s s e do forexten.* do Imp. waterworks. a 199.SO) N. Y., Amer. Ex. Bank, April, 1898 do do do a W.000 do do do do do do do E ifotro do do do do do „, s s p 2. ? I s. ?. for funding floating debt A2 145.000 Philadelphia, Bank V. A March, m I 1897 do 1 ancdt Whlrewater CanaL.A 1.000 27M0 do do do do 23 § s 2 i 5 s. ?. 2. sC do for newhospitil ? ? S 1.000 MtJBO) N. Y Amer. Ex. X. B, June, 1897 do for new hosnl'ai . S2 1.000 250.000 do do do Nov., 1S97 do forfundlr'g noatlngdebt L 1.000 60.000 do do do oo forexten. Jan., 1900 *lmp. waterworks. 1.000 75 000 do do do J ine, 1900 do do do I. 1.000 loo.non do do do Oct.. 1900 iii i i i i i iiii ' Xu^ or pnr v'lltit.—Tne sizes In which bon 'Bar- issued: a, 500 and 1,0011 6.10O.500and 1.000; d,100andl.O(iO: «.aIsooTerlOOO:/,«SO: A.lOO: ».W,*C. t When na,iiibU.—.\. ^_ & J. stanlsi.- for .Jan. * Jolv ; F. * A., Feb.>^". *•»""!.;An r.; M..^1*8.. D., Job«*D<(C! nn«rteri„f,.i„ i.-;;-X— 1"","; .J ."-•'.If March* Sept.; A. 4 O., April * Oct.; M, A N., May * Nov.; J.4k Q-J. '^ -'^- . Bj.i^,>>I''T''''.T.'''";' ''""'"'J' '">m Feb.; Q.-M., quarterly from March. * "'/.„-.* .ir'" 'bis column a aummary of the latest Inlormatlun in regard to •tatemonii pnbllilMd In tha CilRONlCLK, olty ftiaaoes will ba given with referenoes to mors detailed ; ' '' UO .

February 24, 1872. 253 (THE CHRONICLE. I CITY SECURITIES. Subscribers will confer a great Avor by giving us Immediate notice of any error discovered In our Tables. INTEREST. DESCRIPTION. Date Size or Amount ^r'ncipal. ol Oot- When Where Payable and When Due. REMARKS t Foretplanatfon of all references, see Bonds st'uding. d[)ei Payable. by Whom. loot notes on preceding page. en

CncinnaM—(Continued 6 M. Cincinnati. pur. Ornh Asyl. G'ds for Park. 1893 1,000 100,000 &S. March, 1908 Total debt of Cincinnati is about |5,0C6,C00. Int, Bd* N. T., Aiiicr. do for Workhouse ....Y8 1883 1.000 70.01X1 7 A.&O. Ex, N. B Oct., 1884 account about $350,(Xan bonds., couDon 18.';2-li7 1,000 1,314,000 .J.& J. Jersey City, Ist N. Bk Jan 1877-9" do , do do do 1869-71 1.000 475,0 do July, '99-19(1,! It Is impossible to obtain any definite informat'on Sewerage bonds, conpon 1B66-B9 1,000 7:1,000 J.& J. do do June, 1872-79 In regard to the ci y finances, except tlie bonds Bergen schoot I an bonds 18(i8-69 XfWe l.'«,0O0 .!.& J. Co do Ian., '98 1901 outstanding. do S"werage bonds 1869 1,0' Of 400,000 J.& J. do do July, 1889 do improvement bonds 1R68-69 1.00 e 2(10,000 • I.& J. do do 1874-79 do bounty loan Varl. Vari. 1«,0(IO J.& J. do do Vfirious, A Bseflsmcnt'bouds is-;(>-i 1,000 8;o,ono J . & J do do 1875-81 do do 20 years 1871 a M.4N. do do Mi>y 1, 1891 Bergen and Hudson old bonds Vari. Vari. 1,;91,500 Varl. do do Various. LouiMriUe, Ky.: For Jeffersonvllle stock N. Y., Mercantile RR myi I 000 17.000 A.&O. N. Bk, April, 1882 The comnilssloncrs of the sinking fund rcpor'ed School House'* T^OlM J. do 1853-54 1,000 & J. do !^83-81 January, 1872, tliat the resources were adequate to Subscrip. to stock, L.&N. B.R.... i,aio 449.000 A ,tO. do do 1814 April, 188i) meet all the city debt aa it matures (except Ih'' btr»der B, wharf.. 1,000 l.i9,l»)l M.&S. do do m>» 1881 $l,(iiO,OJO to the E 4 P. I K.) The total del t Waterworks . 1,000 919.111X1 »l.iN. N. Y., Bank of America, 1857-59 May, 1887-89 January. 1872, was $6,153,000, exclusive of tlie rail- Bounty fund 1,000 33.IXX) Varl. Louisville. 1865 •75 & 85 road debt, forwhifli tlie roads are liable, amount- For improvement of streets.. 270,50(1 Vari. do 1866-67 1,000 1896-97 ing to $t„5.->8,000. Population In 1870 was 100,',33 Public schools 191,000 lS54-'70 1,000 Vail. do 1872-'89 against 68,033 in 1860. Water stoclc 1867 1,000 500,000 J. & J. N.Y..Bkof America. July, 1897 Sewer bonds 1,000 154,000 J.&,I. do do do 1868 Jnly, 1898 1871 1,000 425.00) J.&D. do do June, 1901 Rowan's, city wharf.. X 186S 1,000 136,000 M.&N. Louisville. Vay, 1898 Elizabeth and P. BR.... 1863 1,000 1,000,000 A.40. N. y. Bk of America. O.t., 1898 Wha f property. 18=8 1,0110 166,000 Va I. Loulsvliie. '73 Jail to'98 bonds 1868 1,000 I.'W.OOO A.«0. do For old 1893 liabilities 1869-71 1,000 3T.!.(»X1 Varl. do School bonds 1889- ) 901 i869-';0 1,000 1.35,000 Vari. do '72- '89 For old iiabiiities ' 1870 1,000 a '5,000 F.4 A. N. Y. Bk of America. '75&'80 StLoiils Air Line BB 1871 1,000 5110,00'J M.&S. do do Ne* City Hall Sept., 1891 1871 1,000 250,0(X) A.*0. do do RR bonds, endorsed April, 1891 by Louisville.. 1,000 1,558,000 Varl. do do '82 to Lmtchharg, Va.: '93 Bonds city purposes... 289,383 J. Lyncliburg. Bonds Va. & J. Total debt al'out $600,00?, against which the city & Tcnn. BR •292,100 J. & J. do| Bonds liR. funded holds abundant assets. interest. 53,8i3 J. & J. do Hemphill, Tenn.: ' " Bonds for various purposes 1,000 25,000 Post bonds J. & J. MemnhKs. 18 5-'96 The floating and overdue debt In 1870-71 was $1,011,- a 3,515,000 '.'..".'. Var. J. &.I. N.Y., P.M. Myers* Co 1872-19(0 of Fundinu loan, 981, which $5M.250 was taken up ; available as- fgold) 1,1100 J12.000 do Endorsement 1870 M.ft N. do Nov.,1900 sets April, 1871, $377,988; not available. $214,161; M. & L. Bit RR 1,000 300,000 Mobile: 1857 J. 4 J. Charleston, S. C. July, 1872 valuation of real and personal, $24,542,315; tax, City debt ABC (pay. $481,Si2. Population. 40,'2:iO. an'iy till '9U . 6 1866 557,200 .1. 4 J. Mobile, Bk of Mobile. 1891 Valuation of property, 1871, $20,876,916; tax, ''.° ,9^''" an''y till '86).. V4 n .. 'VH- 1866 6 254,200 3. 4 P. do do Bonds to Mob. & Gt. North BR 1886 ner ceni. Ti.eic are also $:,000,OTO of bontls in 1851 1,000 345, .on J. & J. do do 1885 Iiands BomU to Grand Trunic of trustees for G.T. RR , and $;n).000 for Railroad!!: 1870 1,000 500,000 J. 4,1. N. T., M"rch. N. Bank wharf bonds. .. Jnly, 1899 Mobile &N W.B.R. Cityf.mdedd^bt....'! 1870 1,000 .360.000 M.4N. Mobile City Tl-e 'siiry. Nov., 1895 1871 230,000 do To Mobile & Northwestei'a Br"" J. 4 J. do till 1901 Montgomery, Ala.; 11,71 300,000 Dondsofl8«8.N.& S.Ala. RB 18C8 1,000 Aew York: 500,0 J. ft .T. N.Y., Howes &M. Bonds are en lorsed by N. 4 S. Ala. RR. Water Btocic lSH-63 h 4.7,33,608 Croton water stock. 5 & 5 1670-75-79-80 The city and county, though Identical as to bounda- 1845-1 h 2,^100,000 5 & 6 New C oton Aqueduct '.'.'.'.'" a::|! 188:i-90 ries, have separate organizations and dUtluct stock' 1865 h 2'iO.OOO 6 Addl 1884 debts. Tlie foilowlngstate ' showstheamount nal new Croton Anueduct h ent Oro'on water main 1,179.00. 6 q!-f! 1900 of funded and temporary debt, and the amount in »tock . . h 1,090,0IX) 7 Croton Reservoir bonds M.4 N. 1900 the sinking fund at tlie dates named. h 920,000 6 do Aqueduct 1907-IMl Jan. 1, Jan. 1, Ja". 1, bonds h 490,010 Cr-oton water pipe bonds .'." h ISOT-nil Dcs'-riptlon of Debt. 187». 1871. 1872. - Ceiitral Park fund 450,000 M.&N. 1880 Funded city debt $38,499,558 $48 016,796 $S7,ii99.r09 stock .... 185 (-7 A 3,0ii6,OJl do F. 1887 Funded county 18,359,321 do do do ... h debt.. 20,981,350 2J,239,S0O do do do 185S-7 399.300 F. 1898 do .... 1857 h 275,000 Con. Park additional fund stock." F. 18118 Total funded debt. .$56.8,18,879 $68,91)8.146 $87,238,60» 1859 h 990.000 F. „ do do do h 1874 Loss Kinking fund.... 18,1X16,310 18,115,894 20,18'2,3ai Central Park imp. fund 10 000 ,-F. 1874 stock .... 1857-9 h 2,500,000 do do -F. 1876 Funded. less s'k'g t'd.$38.832,!i6'.) $'50,882,252 $67,0,i6.'28S do do . do 1860 h 2,083,200 do do do do do -F. 1887 Temporary city debt. 6,768.572 10,52,l.l«l 14,914.(H10 1865 h l,7(i6,600 BnlIdini?loanstock,No4.... .-F. 1893 City revenue bonds.. S.OSO.tXX) 1853 h 1,848,100 5.479.100 Real estate 115,000 -F. 1873 County rev. bonds 1860-3 h b'ds, 4c. 564,500 8,88i,'2(0 81;0,000 Public education stock 1, '33,437 -F. 1873 1853 h 151,000 5 Docks and Blips stock . -F. 1873 Total temp'y debt.. $9,18!,1T2 $22,491,3(X)$il,313,10O I85i A 2W,000 5 Dock Bonds.;. .. >-F. 18T2-1876 1870 h 1,500,000 :&6g. Floatinif d»bt fund stock'.' M.4N. 1901 Tbepopulatloh of N wTork in 1870 was 9«,5.31, 1860 h 2,748,000 6 Market stock Q.-F. 1878 against 805,658 In 1860. The following table shows do do 1863 h 7'i,000 7 M4N. 1863 1894 the progress In ten years of property valuation do do 40,0X) 7 M.A N. 1897 and taxation. City ." 181,0i0 Cemetery stock . M.4N. 1897 City Improvement stock 75,000 M.& K. fe f*iA 9 S! do 451,200 M.ftN. B S S do go I- -* OS Lnnatlc Asylum stock 3,310,001 M.& N. T-i a '-' . 1869 3(XI.000 M.&N. tfld 1889 Fire department stock 4(K).000 M.4 .N. Fire 'elesraph bonds. 521 953 M.4 N. lOO.OlK) * So K 'S J3 f2 g Tax relief bonds .... M.& N. 18St 2.7«7,(XI0 •w « ^ „'" ,. ."l" coupon!! M.& N. 1879 New 1 ork B-idse 3.000.000 M.4 N. bonds ' 1890 4WI,000 Accamuia'i'ddfebt lionds M.4 N. 1905 Mreet i I'p 6,5110.000 ovcnu>iH lioniis M.4 N. 1S84-1888 6,907.9.39 (3 i'nprove.'b'inds M.4 N. 1888 >, Vol.vIf''a';R?"'"K"'"'Soldlere l.OiKl.OOO f am. Aid lui.d bonds M.4 N. 1879-1883 -. s. do 1868 5(»),000 do 1 M..t N. 3" d do 1863 18K 1,.500,(100 M.4 N. 0.2 ' 1863 13TW815 Ninth dUtrlct Co"urt lllm .!66.50() M.4 N- b3 e h»Zi- ' 1876 Consolidated 300.000 in i i I' S3 S Mock, coil Ion M.4 N. ISM I>cpto l"«r B iniirov \,m\a 4.';52,.500 M.4 N. G 3 " 1901 Central Pa-It commission ' 3,;9l..'0J « 7, M.4 N. bjnibujum.... 187^-1875 d ff4 C4 M r* w uj Auessxent b 1,3 .5,010 nis 7 M.ft N. 1872-:873 City Parks 'm>r,)vem't'filna 3,vi;(.s(io 7 M.& N. stock'' 1!>72-I874 Normal school fund slock 1,9,15.000 7&6g. 18JI 30 001 ""'"'I'"!? 'und Kto'c'k. ;s s a','i inJ^na??' isn Ad Itional Croton water stocf 170 .OJl t2 Sewer repair stock l>71 14l.'Mt) If. T. Cottnti/: 3,500 u s s § County CottTt House .itock. do 2.690.000 do M.&N. 187.5-1892 Sol.snbs. Red. 600,(WO bounty bonds' M.ftN. 18*1-1888 Sol. bountyfund bonds 2.00l),0;lO M.4N. I2 i i i i t i i i i i i ' 1873-1876 Sol. snhs. and Belief Bed.' binds' 4.0ftl,000 M.& N. "s § Sol. bounty fund 916.700 1883-189J i i i i t i i i i i l)ond». No 3 M.&N. 18-i«-1881 Sol. bonnty fund 745,800 Red. bonds, No'.'i' M.4N. 1895-18 Blot damages Bed. 376,(100 .7 bonds M.4N. 1891 do do Indem. bonds. l,0O'l,000 M.&N. m Assessment fund 818.000 18;7-I879 stock M.4N. 18S3 Repairs to ". 1,I06.7(K) buildlnirs. stock.' M.& N. 1887 Con.olidaied 100,000 These figures do not Inclu'^e special asspss- slock, coupon ...I"" M.&N. lSSl-1888 nients for Improvements, street opening, Ac. im Accnmmiilaled debi bonds :" R."W,.5O0 M.&N. 1901 B^pcilled property. (Chbomcle v. 13, p. 3112, «. I.* Westchester Co. Imp. 6,000.000 M.&N. bd». 1884-1888 423 ; L80,0i)0 v. 14, p. 219.J : .. . .

Fobruarjr 21, 18/2.] THE CHRONICLE. 253 Ciry SECURITIES. Sobaerlbera will confter m sreat tm-wor by fflvlna: as Immediate notice or anr error aiaeoTered In oar TaMM.

DESCBiniON. Date Size or Amount INTEREST. Principal, o( nai Out- i&te W'cnt Where Payable aiid When Duo, REMARKS, For exptanatton of all roferencea, Bonds Val st'uding t ace Fayahle by Wiuim fool uotca oil 'itX pago prerloua.

Jf»io Orttatia ; loprovidefor ntoreet and ma nrng prineliMl ot ConsulliUiotl tlobt J ClsO.aoOarPOod 4.617,00a J.* J. N. Orleans or N. York, 1892 C0li».»l Clly bonds ol 1^52, the sum of I16<)jl»0 ixr do do Jycarly'io (nl'at. 1851 l.tlOl) 220,000 M.*N. do do 18iri year IH sciiulred by law to i e raised bv Mx on real do prlnclpat.. I,(»IO Varl. do do do ) and lasi 208.(W« 1892 estate. > pedal prorlatuns are made lor Ball oaddrht l.dUd 3I.1.0I» J. ft J. do do lKi4 other Issues '" " of ebts" lollows : Bit, bonds, 'Bter- do l.lWl) do do do 70,000 A.ftU. 1871 est by 'iii-ns o real estate tax and 1-173 oi peixun- do l.llOd 2,819,1100 do do , M.ftN. do I''74 al; Pone arlrain UH., ml. by 2 per cent of do do 1,0.0 25 ,000 M.ft S. do do 1874 111 enses ; $I,(XI0.'X10 loan y 'i'>-175 of tax on real and Old cnrpoi-ittlona 1,IXW SKl.OOr . J. *D. do do 1873 personal; 7 per tent loan of 1569, hv Dll,l«i I'ciiKli irlriilii im l'«4 1,(KM 1X1,000 J. 4 J. New Orleans. 1881 *• rcf^i red by law lo be dtp s te 1 monthly ; barf WiUtTworkB I.oan or 1809 I8«9 1,893.400 .1. ft J. do 1 89 l.onds, l.y levee d.ic- iili-'lged lor Interest ao'l Dun Million of ism 1868 600.000 A. ft O. do •71 It.) '72 prill ipal ; 10 per eiit bonds ol 1871. by monthly Fiindlil); L')ali ot 1969 1869 S.IWl.Tin M.ft 8. New Orleans, 1891 ,000 J. 4.1. do tion of real and personal, f'll nooiioO; tax rate tto for cxteiiMioii of gas works... Sl-'.I I4-..00O do 4 .1.4 J. of ^2 21 r poriedbv fl .ancc conimlttRe. Popula* do lor pL*riii!»iii^i;t linprovemts... 59'» 6,'.01.0lld .I.&.I. do tion, 1870, 6.4,0-22, agali.sl »iS,52» in 1860. do for park pui-posfs •6J-T0 5,|i«,400 J.ft J. do do fir wur ami b 'imty piirooseB. V2.'65 ii.«so,ao J. ft.I. do do for tuunlctpul &, ai.TiLtot purp.. W-'W 8,754,tiOO J.* J. do Ptiuliuriih : To'al debt, Fc".., 1871, $.1,785,591: BR. compranlae •93- Water extension loan (coupon) 621,700 A.40. Pittsburg. '95 sinking f nd, ?161.(lll0: no. iniinlclpal, (99,802. Fanded debt IiotkIb and certlfl- Tave-i iS70-71. ( Pitts., Phlla., '59- and water rents In aiiioitnted to Crttes, 991,815 A.&O. and N. Y. '99 coup, and rcjflsrercd ( t!»i,il3i. Pop lallon. 187U 86,1176, ag.lntt 18,068 In CoMiproniisi.' ItK. liouiU (coupon).. 2,167,379 J. York. iwio. •.) J. & New 1913 {CHKo.vrci.K. vol. l:l, . H PonlniKl. 3fe.: Sinking fund Mar li 31, 1871. ^')82.199. Debt Increas- Loan to At. * St. L. UB. Co 1S68 1,000 246,000 6 M.ft y. Boston Suffolk Bank. Nov., lasB ed in I8T0. »7116.I)HI. C'tv i' protected liy mort. on do do 18li9 1.000 23 1.IXW 6 M.ftN. do do Nov., W87 .\t. .V St. I,. Ul{, »7«6,ooO;nioit.onPortl.& Rochea- do do 308.000 6 do isn) 1,000 M.&N. do Nov., 1888 ter RH. »7tlO OOP ; mort . on real cslate, ilfXt.ijOl) ; and do Pnrtlanil & Rochester BR.. 186i-'69 a TOO.OWI 6 .1. ft .1. Boat. Columbian Ihuik. July, IUKI also holds $714,300 of Port, ft i gnensp. Rlt. stock. do BulbllugLoan Coni'ers 18B7 1,000 500000 6 J. ft D. Boston Suffolk Bank. June, 1877 Value of real c-lale. »17,OT7.SOO; per-mial, tll,875,- do do do 1867 1,000 2^,000 6 J. 4D. do do June, 18S7 415. Ta< rate, «6 per »1.000. population In 1870, do ilo do 1,000 117.0)0 6 .J. & 1). do do June, 1887 31,413, against 26,341 iu 1860. Municipal—proper > l,8fi5.7(«) 5ft6 monthly Boston ft Portland. Tl to '91 In aid .Vt. * St. L. UU. Co J 875,000 A.& O. i-o do April, isn ••>" Prtieliltiice, -. , R. I.: Valuation or real e tate, »6l.n'5,800 ; rr-— Lom t.->H., P. * F. Batlroad I,"09« 500.000 J. ft.I. Providence, Jan., 1876 5 O.OilO; total. ?10I,5S5,«IX). Bate oils' M 18-)5 ,«. Bond* f publi'-. imp'overa -nt 1,0 xie 600.000 M. ft do Spt., 1-85 1,000. Sinking nii'ls— iion'ls juc ill !

)>'ccrnlllng and bounty pon la 18IJ3 1,00)« 300,000 5 .) . ft J do J^in., 1^93 II..P.&F.KK.*l;5.69: Loan.'UC In : Water 'o^n 'tonds anaetockB 1872 5 ft J.ft J. do Jan., I'JUO Population In 1870, 68,9()4, against 4-,129 ill l-lj". San FntnctKO ; Fonulation in 1870, 149.482 against 56.S02 in 1-60. Beat Bondiof 1S5.5, conp. (gold) 196,000 J. 4 J. N. Y., Lees ft "•aller. 1S7S estate m the fl-cal year ending June 30. 1^70, was >8.'»->. do coup, do 979,500 6e. J. ft J. San Francisco, IS88 assessed at $69,776,603 ; personal property at $41,- '77-'78 S. Fr. t .St..U)S^ [iU.. coup. (gold).. 207,500 7g. Varl. do 9 2.907. Total taxc collei-lcd, «2,«3S.521 ; .inking J'x Itfiufut boo'js 'tj.{, do do 731,5(10 A.4 0. do 18^3 fund, amounted to t;.382,9K). All the values for Ct^ntral Pac. KK. "H, do do 400,000 J. ft J. do 1S94 S.tii Francisco are g veu in gold. Weslei-n Pac. KB. '(3, do do 230,000 H.4N. do 1895 School boutls '60- '(i7, do d'> 212,005 A.4U. do IXSl JudKinent bonds '<>7, do do aoi.ooo A.ftO. do 1887 School tjonds, 1810 150,000 J.ftD. do Sarannuh, G(t.: The city owns real estate and other property valued To I urciiaae site for water works.. 1852 50) 19.000 J. ft J. Sav. TresBury & N. Y. July, 1«7J at $2,76:i,9'^0. A-ses^ed value of real estate In 1870, 8 lb C'lptlon to Op Ilka i(K 18.14 50) !9,.100 M.* N. .V. Y., Duncan, s. ft Co. •May, 1874 $14,861.46). against $12 219 110 III 1869; total income Pnrcha*eol* Si>nuiffi'dd plantation 13S0 500 27.310 7 M.4 N. do do M .y, 1875 In yea 18119-70 from taxes and other source^. Subscription to Mu c >gee H i 18.1 SOO 99.001 7 J. ft D. do do June, 1K76 $1,191,222. Population. 1870, 28,235, against 22,393 Construction of w.tter works 18'>8 bflO 198.0IX) 7 K. V A. do do Feb., 1878 In 1860. Giisl ght Co. 6 ock 1 51 500 5.0«) 7 M.4S. do do M« ch, 1«63 Improvment or Savanu h .iver.. 1853 900 62..^X) 7 M.4N. do do Nov., IS 3 Pay.. Albany 4 Gulf RR 18 -.1 a 917.600 7 J. ft D. do do D.-C., 1888 Fiindlni: coupons* o'her purpo-e«. 181W K 402,800 7 J. ft J. do do r,b., 1886 Uedenipt on of bonds 1819 1,000 117,00) 7 .M.&N. do do Nov., 18 9

do do isra 500 349,500 7 .r.ft . do do June, 18510 Bonds of Intern .1 improvements.. 1870 1,000 500,000 7 M.4N. do do Nov., 1900 Si. /o.^epn. 3fo.: Population in 1870, 19.565 ngainit 8.932 in 1860. Rfv- '80-'89 Bds to St. Jos. & Den.C. RR. 1360... l%o-'6: 500 481,500 6ft7 var. N. Y. N. B'k Commerce. enue fl'oni all Konrces ill lSTO-71 wa* < stira ted at do Mo. Valley RB 500 150,000 7 M.4N. do do Nov., 1889 $195,000. In 1870 a .essed valuation of property do St. ,Ios. ft Topcka IJR 18»-'6« b 76,800 6 var. St. Joseph Treasury. 'aO-'86 wa<$11.000.i»i0; raleof tax. IX percent ; total rev- St..Ios.*C. li. R 1368 A 89,100 10 Jan. do do 187:! enue nnt. fund $136,487. Ki'ncnil fund $81,146) I iver and Wharf Bonds isw-'; 81,000 10 M. ftS. N. Y. Am.Exchansc Bk. '78-'79 $217,000. The elty owns $5iXI 0(V) of St. Jo. ft Den- City [inprovement Bonds 1816-'6l SS,60I) 6 var. St. Joseph Treasury. '86- '89 ver C. UR.sto k. $50.0011 St. Jo. ft Tocekai-tock. Funding Bonds ISSS-TO 125,500 10 var. do do '78- '80 $150,000 Mo. Valley stock, their value be ng uom - Interest Bonds .'. 1871 1,000 10,000 10 J. ft J. N.Y., Nortbrun ft Chick. isra iial. Public building-, ftc. are worth about Bridge Bonds 18.1 500 600,000 10 J. 4 J. N. Y. N. B'k Commerce. 1891 $1,'>0 000. St. Lniiii Population 1870, 310.864 against 160.773 In 1860. City Renewjl and Floating debt bonds. 1816-71 var. 2,589,(V)0 6 Varl. Y., N. Bk Republic, '7I.'91 an I county govc nment- and flnances are sepa- te Real e*' and public buildings. . l»JU-fl8 *ar. 778,000 6 Varl. do •;.5-'S8 rate Total debt April II. 1871. $12,379,500- An- Stree liiiproveiiiciit bonds H'l-6« var. 291,000 6 Varl. do 71.'88 tic ration bonds since Issued, payable J-'U., 18;2. Waterworks hoiid« (oM) 1811-S8 var. 4S2.00O Varl. do '71-'S) $1,000,000. County debt 's $3,215,000. Assessed 71-' Bon Is to Pdclflc Kailnmd 18.'>l-."i.-i 1,1100 45i.ono Varl. do 3 valuation of all property (sbont 60 per cent of do do Iron Mountain BR is>t-5; t.lW) 2 fl.lKlO 6 Varl. do "il-'TI actual value), old c ty $142.00ll.0l»i. with a tax rate •74.'75 do do North .Mo. RR 1831-51), 1,0)0 S'.Kl.0 11) 6 Varl. do of IH per cent ; new city. $i.OUO,noi). w ith ui.\ rale '72-'74 "o do Ohio ft .MIsslpnl RR IS.53-51 1,0.10 417.11! «) 6 Varl. do ¥ of 1 p. c. : est! iiated ln< ome 1871-2. $3,151,489. To *er Grove Park bonds (gold) 1868 1,1100 816.0 6g. K. & A. do Ane., 1838 iThe sinking fund Jan., 1)72 amounted to $920^. Sewer bonis 1851-61 1,000 1.091.000 6 Varl. do '71 -'89 Harborand wharf hon Is 1852 -681 var. 1,21'>,0U0 6 Varl. do 'T7-'88 lA ayette Park bonds l'6l-6j 100. Ac. 5'i,50) 6 Vi 1. do '71-'76 Xe ^ i*'ater ^vork bonds (gold) 181*7-70, 1,000 8,950,000 «g. J. 4 1). do June, 'S7-'90 St. lUtil-s. Minn.: Population 1870. 20,030 against 10.400 in 1860. Total '71-'91 Revenue Bonds 821.312 12*7 M. &|N. St. Paul and New York, revenue 1870-71. $177.650 ; annual interest account, Preferreil bonds 152.l>4t 7 M.&N. do do •71-'86 $61.2.32; valuation of real estat'. $6,6'20.178; per- Lake Superior* Miss. RR 2 ILIOI J.& D. N. Y., Jay Cooke ft Co. '88 in sonal. $2.2 3,98ri;tnx rate. 23 n HI'. Intere t and St PanI i Ch cago RR 1,000 lOl.OTO J.ft D. N. Y., Farn.L. &T. Co. l'»IO .linking fund balance cud of fiscal year, April 8 per cent bonds var 95,125 Varl. N.Y., P.M. .Myers ft Co. '89 4'90 1871, $62,077.


DESCBIPTIOS. INTEBE8T. Bomls, 5 „,tg isiM or Amount I Principal, I

1 of par Due BEMABKS. I .,,"'«- |I«f'fl When Where Payable When ForCKp!*naMo:i of all rcf'Tences, see Sonde, valuef St ^er^. and ndlng. Payable. by Whom. Stocks, foot-notcB on Ifit i a^e of KK Tab)cs Last Dlvi'd.

Atncrtran coat—stock , M.ft B. SewTorkOfllce. Sept., isri DlT., March, 1871, 4 per cent A*libartj. K., $3it,H00 per annnna) J.* J. N. r.,olBce, 71 Bway. Jan., 1885 Cumber anrn I'lilon Tele ;r.-iph—stock .... •I.ft J. New York, offlce. -Ian., 1870 See CmiosirLE, v. 13, p. 4M. 7;9. Ht nrirt, n_'e .M.4 K. do do 1875 I (;. Ailatn-i Kxprosj* —stof-k d'^ I o Mar. 4, 1872 j'.&'j'. Amcr, Mt*rcli;\Tit>*' Tuion Kx.—stook, do do .Ian., 1872 Iliiitpd St*t<'w Kvprcs*—stock Nov., 1869 I W.'ilo. Farifri & r„. Fxpress—^tock.J If. a A. New York cifflce. Feb., 1872 Atlantic Mail Sti'aniHUip Co-«tock.. Dec, 1867 ! .. .. ,„ Pacific Mall « camohip Co.—s" ock.,.. Sept., t8<» fSceCmtosiCLF, v. 12. p. 71S; ,3, p. MS. Marlptt-'aOoUl MtuiotfCo —stock See chroxicli, v. 13, p. ».'4. Prei i-rre i Htock Trust certlfl ates Btjck J. 4 J. Quicksilver Minlnjj; Co.—Com. stock Pref'Trcd stock 1st morc»|fe, ffolti., J.AD. New York, isn Jdmjrtgagc.gQld ', J.*J. ilo U7> : :d.' 1 m1 . . 1

[February 2i, 1872. 254 THE CHUONICLE. EATLROAD STOCK AND BOND LIST. DANA A CO..I„ the office .t th. Libr.rl.n of Co.jre.. W«hinst«n,D. C. ,E.t.,.4««rdIn,to.e..tC.»gr.»,ln lh.je.rl872 by W.« B. u» Im-edlate aotlce ot any error dfcovered In oor Table.. SnbTrlber. wUI eonfer a ereat f.v»r by givlus Bonds, i INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Prlnclp.al Mllfs' Amount DESCRIPTION. out- Rato Payable and when Due, ofl When I! tVhere Stocks. Road standing. per I Payable. by Whom. Cent. laBtDlvi'd. For full eiplan»tlonB, gee loot notc». N. Y., 20Nai-6au street 1836 Road auxll'y only to mining * lumberin 1866 930,000 Ailiran79 teresi on both. Net earnngs, *57,597. 3d J 869 a mortKa^e 50 2,'.'n6,30O In 1868 69, the State ot Pa. exchanged Atleghanu Vall^—stock .' ; bonds, " ' N. Y.,'Wln-law,L.&Co K.i:- .v bds) 154,1100 "f J.'&J. 1875 & 1893 *3,500,000 of Sunbury & E. isf & 2d M.(eichaDgc»ble for gen. M. do do lor same of 2d Ali.Val. bds, 1866 3.80»,li00 7.30 I.&.T March,1896 amount M. Oen. mortgage ,•• 5 Jan., 1872 Harrieburg, Treasury. end.by Pcnn. P.R. N.C.& Phil. &K Co.'s (indorsed),J 2diy Mii 1370 3,50 1,!** Bonds to State Pa. 48,0(10 7 Netearn'BS*iiSl,951. (v. 13. p. 3 7.) extBii.. (In progress). lit M.. east. New York. 1891 '"tat • iiidflS.OOOpcnn.-, County, 000, Mortgage, gold 1871 12,000 p.m. ig J.&'j. Jan.. S;750 Arkanscu CnUml-\Dt Land grant of 6.400 ac res ' er M., within 10 Alchiton. Topekn A Srnita Fe : 20. 1869 2,055,000 7g. f. N. Y.,G. Opdyke&Co. July. 1899 miles of tr«ck, and additional wl Inn lBtM.,g la, »150(X) per mile In iirogrcss : Ga. State endorsement dc- Atlanta d: Sichmond Air Line : 1,000 2,ono,ooo 8f. * J. N.T. , Lnncai'ter, B. & Co Jnly 1,1900 dined. Stock sub.sciihed, MOO.OOO. Ist mortir^e 18T0 '5» 1,-. 200 4 Atlantt^Ga. July, 1871 Net coriiingR last vear, fuS.OOO. (v.lS, p. Point—fiocV... 100 32 &J. AttaiUa ttWent -;:, 14,000,ono This was the loriner status. But iii;der Wexta-n.—Cert\(s of deben. isfti ACUinUcd Great the reoriranizatiou ol 1871 >10,.500,000 Certlflcales of debentures 1868 13,000,000 London. 1877 1st Mortgage, to be issued in exchange IBt mortgage, ekg fund (Pa.)^ 1862 A.&O. do 1879 for old Ist M., dlv. bonds and coupons Igt morlgage.skg fund (N. i .) 1359 A.&O. New York. 1876 and 25 per cent of de eutures ot 1861; 1st mortgage, skg fund (Ohio) 1855 6,897,605 A.ftO. London. 18SI J7,000,Oi,683 Og ,J. * J. Baltimore Office. 1810 N, W. Va., 2d mortgage, W'S 1853 458.500 6 .1. &,J. do 1-73 N. W.Va.,Sd mortgage, 1855-S5... 1855 140,0110 .I.&,I. do 1885 Batt.± PoUtnvm—'iSt mort.. gold. .. 1,500,000 eg. J.& J. Baltimore Office. Jan.. 1899 In progress. Bait, to Pone's Creek & a Br. Bangor tfc PiscfUa^ulff : Canilal stoct, »31li,924. Cost of road &c., Baugor cl y loan, I6t mortgaee 1869 720,000 6 A. & O. Boston, 2d Nat Bank. .\pr. I.is™ about $1,150,000. Complete I.Nov., 1871. »l,n0O,00C Barclay Coai— ist inort. (Inc. :i,UOO acres Ul.) ISCi 93.iai 7 M. & S. Ph lade pliia, Co'- o.lhe Jlch I, ii-sa Leased. Slock dlv. !n 1870, 5 on

1 pryr Belfaul it Moosehea(l—\Bi luortjfjige, (fold. 187J I.tO.OOO «g. M. & N. Beltast and Boaton. Mavl5,i8'.KI eased to Ma lie Cent., 50 vrs at.%.000 of earn^g BeiUrUle db Soutkern nUnols-lstU., skg f 1,100,000 8 A.&O. S. Y.,bt.L.,Al.&T,U.K. Oct, 1, 18>J6 L'sed to S.L. A& T.H.. at 40prct. BtMdere Deiaicare—Btock 915,800 Floating debt. t7Tl 622. Cost of road. Isc M., bonds of 196:^. iguar. by C. & A lS6i 1.000.000 6 J. &D. New York. 1877 etc., ft. 125.305. Net earniugs last year. 2d M., do IHM, ( do do 1854 4*) ..501 6 M. &S. Prlncet'n, N. J. 1-85 $215,234. 3d'.. do 1857, C do dj t; 185; 745 000 « F. & A. do 1837 yr Berkshire—nt >ck 100 600.000 IV q—j. Boston, Kl'l, er, P. & Co Jan., 18: Leased to nousatonic, a' 7 per cent, per Boston it Albani/'-Btock 10) 19.664100 5 M. & N Boston Office. Nov., 1871 Net income lor yt-ar ending Oct. 1. 1871, Albany loans (Alb. & W. -itbbdge) 1000 127.000 6 J.& J. do July, 1816 »2,1M,9'<2, after paying all interest, (v I'oUar bonds (West'nR. R.) :8o5 u 691 Bovl., CUni. tt ... and Fltchb.—Ut M., Agric. Br. 1851 1,000 400.000 « J.& J. Boston, Nat'l Bank. July 1, 1881 Consol. of Agr. Branch and Fl'chburs B., C. & F, to F. A Worcester on conBol'n li6i l.mX) 218.HX) 7 J.& J. do 1889 vvor ester. Net earning lOmo's. *"-6.416. 2d moriKage. 1869-70 t.9'70 KW.OlO 7 J.& J. do 1890 All expended in intei-esi naynieiits. BoHton, CoiicordA Jfonii-f^a/—Preff.stock.. "ion Boston Office. Net earnings 1370-71. *126.(i(i0. against J30,- 600.000 3 M. & N. Nov , 1871 Ottie stocK.l' clufl'g old tilv'ds Anew 8tk 100 I.OOO.IHIO 691 1 or 1869-70. »JS8.000 due In 1870 were 1st mortgage bonds, due In '8)5 76,000 "•. & A. New York. i365 extended to 1875. Sinking fund amonnts 2dM.bd8, conv. (71 in.&lBt.22S4) r 0.000 Boston Office. J'llv, 1875 to|i.'81,000. "White Mtltli. and extension 3d M.bd-i.ronv. J.& J. (71 m. & lBt23>i) 200,000 J.& J. ^ ew York. July 1.^675 44m. are operated by B.. C. & M. (v. 13. Hlaking fund bonds 621.000 J.& J. Boston Office. 18-9 p. 139.) Bo>tton, Sfir{ford A Erie—stock 25,000.000 Company placed in bankruptcy, and Ist iDortKagc, old 600,000 M.'&'S. Bostou. 1881 now managed by trustees of Bcrdell 1st gage (Bcrdcll) mor new 112 15.II0O.00O J. J. do ISiB mortgage. Last coupons old bo'ds paid Ist do new, & guaranteed by Erie.... 112 5,000,010 New York. Sept. 18yM.O0O.(KW, Ber.l.M) 3 000.000 J.'&J. Boston. i899 Botton (k Z/>iciiU>7i db ifaOw—stock A. & O. _ 148 110 4,921.'75 M.&N. Boston, at Office. Nov., 1871 Av dlv.. for 33 yrs 8.31 pr ct. (v 14, p. 43.) B>nt db /V*ootd«uce—stock 1-71 807. 63 100 3,950,000 Boston, at Office. 1871 Report vr ending Sept. 30, , v. 13, p. Brunstoick tt Albany/ M.&N. Nov., See CiiiioxiCLK, v. 13 p. 605, 741, in regard iBtraortga-'e.Ko.d, endors. by Stite Ga 172 18S8 1,000 3.6.'S0,000 6g. f A. & O. N. Y., H. Clews & ''0„ Apr. 1,1908 to Georgia endoisemcnts, &c. ad M.. skg fund. gold, not eiidorspd. ... 1.2 18.8 1,000 aaio.ooo do do Apr. 1, 1393 Bufr.Brad.tt PittHh.-G^l M.(lnc.lOOOUacld) A. & O. 26 1,1 Oi) 580.000 Y.. R, to Erie for Int. on bonds. &c. Bit(r.,CorruA Pitt»b.~\Hr. Mortgage. J.& J. N. E leR. Jan 1, 1896 Leased 43 700.000 J. New York. Mar. I,188'l N et earnings. »7»,003. ! loalg debt, «i443.6R3. Biiffaio. New York irt., C.mpUU (fc Jf/H-rt— M.*N. Nov. Ist M.VgoldVs'i"' 161 1869 1,100 guar.wikii t. B..tsQ..50 p.c. {V.14.p..52) Burlington <* 6,000,000 7g. f. M. & N. N. T , or London. May 1, 1919 Traf. ifo, ^r«r—stock. .;. Xtl '7"., 10.1 4,110,000 J.& J. Boston, Co.'s Office. Jan., 1872 Stock lucreaseil 50 ' er cent .March, Preferred stock 3t2 10) 1,417,501 J. do do Jan.,!8:2 E^ery two shares allotted oiieuew share Ist mortgage, on road 4(X»,o66 acres J.& & land 23U 1863 b.&k. 6,Oi7,llOO 26(h of March Boad3 conv.intoprcf.8tock(2dsfirle8). A. & O. N.Y'., Farmers' L &T.Co Oct. 1,1S'I3 at par, payable eiiuallv on , 1866 a 600,000 do do June, Sept., & Dec. 1871. Land received Bonds conv. into pref. stock (M series) J.& J. Jnlv 1,1875 1863 a 737,0110 J. J. do do 1878 350,185ac cs. Sold in 1870. 118.796 acres, Incbds<-onv. to com. kIock. (It h stories). & July 1, 1869 1,000,0 A. do do for $1 369,172. Net earnings last year . ist mort. conv. on i)ranch.(r>th series) & O. Apr. 1,1871 .50 1869 4'«,.50O 8 f. J. do do 11,041.012. 'id and 3d series bonds liave Cmvertlbje bonds of i-<7o. (6th cries).... J.& July 1.1891 1870 7W.5(lll (v.l3.p.74l) BurlA Mo. in yebroMkfi^lBt 8 f. J.& J. Boston. Co.'s t)ilt(,e July,,„.., 1,., 1889..„ traflic guar, of Chic, B.& Q. M.,conv., 1. er to 1869 BurUn{non,t Sout/iw&(leni~\BtM 5.500,000 8 f J.& J. do do July 1,18'4 stocii, S8,5(0,l»«. L. gr. 1,400.000 acres. .SI4 IWl 1,000 pr cent. *'•"'' 20.00 1 p. 8 .M. &, N Boston, £. Smith & liro. 1896|Tiallic guarantee by Ch.,li.A g.. 40 ''^ SKI May 1, %tz£. "" 18^0 8,000.000 J.& J. Jan 1,1891 l.'ndgr.2,00O.OOOaereB. (v. 13 p. 66. ) i'Z^i-iBYocr"'- 92 Dollar loan 5.817,1100 F.& A. Phl'rdeiphla Office. Jan.. 18.2 The C. & A. R.U., Del. & Karl' n Canal & '.'" 675,000 Co.'s of N.l., Sterling loa i, sinking tand'fii»9'.266) *. & O. do do 1S75 N. J.R.R. form the nited Dollar loan 1,396,821 A. & ii London. 1.380 co'itroUng numerous branch lines. The do ....'.'.'.'. 1,700 OOO K. & A Philidi'liihia«»fflce. IBS! lease to Penn. R.R.. at 10 per cent, on Consolidated mortgage loan 867*10 .M. & N Princeton, N. .1. 1SS9 stock and assumption of all llabillles 4.1W.200 Philadel hi i 20, 1871. (v. 12, p. 624; Sterling loan of United C >.'b («' Jra.iwbV J.&D. Office. 1389 was signed Oct. tanufcre i« J.& J. Boston. 1872 Consol. of Cape Cod and Cape Cod Cent. (c. ecu n.).. !!!;;; 1<) Jan., Cri/au)£»sa—coinraon 12-.,000 6 J.& J. do 1871-73 income, 1370-71, $"".6,971. (v. 14, p. 4.3.) stock 65 Net Preferred stock "'en 1.15'.l.50O Le .sed to Atl. & Gr. tVcst. Net earniugs 1st mortgage bond* 6o: 2,098,000 m.'&'n. Philadelphia. Nov., 1871 last year, $'231.10). Diviileuds of 7 per 63 ion: H-. Chattel mortgage bonds! 23!.IH» & A do Feb. 1, 1882 cent on preferred stock since 1369. Casenovin ".'.'.'.'.'. 1.00.1 201,8.50 P. & A. do Oaiiaitota—ut . 1883-39 A morl 15 isio 1,000 200,a» "i'g. F.& A N.T„ Union Trust Co. Aug 15.1890 iCompleted Sept., 1370. Cost. $173.763. Note.— i he _m!an"s. " " "^^ """ »f •emarks. refer to the volume andat page of CnnoNirLK containing fuller Information. Tho letterH a. "slXTfSd aSdl 'iJ''"lJSM'"'*^V^.»' t^o'npanles • Jo stocks,js tffinMn«'the,ni^„« JJ?.''i*"'"'" consoMdatod Into Others wl I genelerally be lound under the consolidated naaie. the uage. : denominations, a. 50) & 1,009;'"""';(>,--•»"",•""»•100, 500 & 1,000 '; f,1 I.OOO; ' .." ',"»;' 100« «, alsooverLOOO; upwards; f, tUO; ) 50. I Pi 'f'«re«t per o»««m Is given "uon oonosbondshnrtila hM"r"ti;»");;.,"-;^j"Kill •».» i,._j .!-_<-. ^ ..'„*-> . a.ioo and '•'•*•'• out the Uist

February 21, l!j'.2.1 TJIE CHRONlCtE 2£6

EAILROAD STOCK AND BOND LIST. Siib««rlb(ud nRMARKB. »(•!• fool- Road standing by .VIo.- For cxnlJinntUmur all rofi-n'iicM U ,1" Payftblu. Wliaiu. J , liolen on rlr«t paito of BK. tublt-s. Last I>lv.

!«7I C.iuiiii.i T ilr—Ul mati tKt.KoXA. 40 1,000 20,0011 pm. 7g. .i.*n. NcwTork. I'Ol In progrfM*. \Ui 2III,U>1 7 f. A. &. O, Jf. , i.-lloud«oill«HUvl»loll,a.i. II V.,U S.l'rust Co. ApllKI, 1881 ( LcaM'iTto nnh.& Flnnx C. MttJOOpcr m, liV.B.f 61 18G0 i,.f;7,wio 7 f. J,*.I. do .Ian. 1, 1907 A prcliifeariilngii •numcdtwllta. C. ' 271 i,,aiii,400 1S4 .M.&N. N. Y. Natl Park Dank. Nov., I.;i ( .V'>—com. Slock Leased lo Ch, and \o>tllw« 2,:Ve2,UOO 7 M. & N, do do May, 1916 Bold to la. KR. La'.d Co., Sept., 8W. C. ilfil R. R. df nvik.dn. -stocK ltl2 ICO 4,66 ,8«l 5 '. i II. Savannah, Oa. •ec, 1871 Leases seyi ral roads, dividends In 5 yrs l-t iii.irt;aM' bontls. coup n — 192 78;l,000 7 He S, New York 1875 54 per cent (See report, r. 14, p. »4.> C<'u!ri(t nf lOlfil- i^t 'l.,K"ld, coupon..*.. •2-I8 18IW 3,«ls,'Ml 7g. f, .1. *.l K. v.. A. L Ilalih. luly 15, '99 Bonaatl6,(IOOperm. Completed Aag.lvTl M moriiiiECKuia. $l.lWpi;r mile 221 1871 9'20,(flU 7 g. I. A.4 ti <|0 no Oct.15, 1901 Criiir.il of N. Jeraeii—nlucK W IMUIIW 2's4i IX li—J. X. Y, at office. lau'20. 1:72 I eased ilarch, 1871, Lehigh 4 Snsii. R.K bciip 3,i«> ',110-1 do at W of earnln'^B. assuming «2,310,000 bds 'id iiioit^nKti (now l8t) .'48.1KIO M. & N do i875 (V. U,p. S'J.i; 13,105,634.) New morth^iK*' bond* 1,000 4,750,(«IO K. & A, do 1690 Ct'/itrat OAj<*—<'«»imnon stock fa 2,4-.:5 lUI .!.& I). Halt., West. Xat'knauk Dec, 1871 Leased to B. & O. RR. in 1866 for 20 yrs, rent rroKv red stock 50 ««I,01I0 •i<< J.& ", do do Uoc, 1871 35 per ct of grosB recelplB for 5 yrs, and lt»l "I iorl»-';i S.iOD.Om 'g .).& J. N. v., Fi»k & Hatch. l''8».'9i chased July. 1871. (V. :4,p51) Cliurl. *\tliiml}it Auffiixtfi.stock 19-1 2571,2 9 Consoi. of Charlotte 4 S. C..4 Col.4 Aog. .I.&'.l. 1st niortKagiJ, tt*. & S. (J.) 110 71,aw Charlotte. N.C. isiio roads ill 1869. Net earnings in ia70.$270,- do (t).& A.) S.^ .171.5110 J.&.J. N. y.. Nat. City Hank. w.u 931. Cost of road and equip., (4,950,216. d con8ord,(!,OIJO,OOOauthor'd) 1!W 9 G.Odli ,I.&.I. do do 1893 (V. l'\p. 714,> f A'»rfiV"-9— 1st morttfa^e 2r> 1,0)0 4110,1(111 A.iO. Phila., P. RR. Cos. office Oct. 1,1901 Leased to Pltl-b ,Cln.4 St. Louis Ry Co Cbemiinp—iftocV 17 iOO 3811(100 li-J. Xew \ork. Oct,, 187 Leased to F.rle, f-llVi 00 p. yr.; sublet to N .0 50il Ch''rtiw tt Dtirllnffton-~l6t mort 40 1S71 ir«,uiio 8 A.&O. Charles'u, Peoples'N.Bk .Ian., 18SS Net earnings last year. ll'28.2I9. Floating ad HiwrtK-aK'. 40 18j fttnd, gold, cp., for »15,aX>,UU« 427 13,'iOO,IOO 6 g & M, N, Y , Fisk & Hatch. Nov.'. '1899 Till" road will fonn a through route be- IIXI.O1IO . 1st M., (V«. Cent. B. K.,1 BUar by V» J.&.I, N y Am. Excb. Ilk. 1880 tween the At. coast ft Ohio river : »2JiWI,- .I.it.I. 3d M, ( do do ) eoupon 181,5(10 do do 1872 (XI) of the new $1',0(X).000 loan Is reserved 1 tai-'C 8d M.. do do J coupon 901,0011 .!.& J. (I 00 1881 to npthe old bds. A sluk*gfundof Income moit^fltce, cVa. Cent R.R.,) cp.. smooo ,!,&.!. do do 1S7'1 $100,000 a year commences one year after Kninleil Intere-st. coupon bonds 160,.'i00 .I.d- J. do do 18,7 completion. ( . 13. n. 5.>l,635, 833 ) Cfc("5 400 5 M. & S. do do Mar,, 1872 and bonds. St I.., Jack, ft chic leased 1,(«)0 Isi in >rEuai;e, pret'erred, sinking fund '256.00(1 7 M. & N, do do May, 1877 at $uO(XK) per yr. 1 oulslana ft .Mo. Ri: •• 1st morlcage 1,000 2,IOO,(1«) 7 .!.& I. do do J.n., 189,') built and oneraled under contract. Net Income bonds (a 1st Hen on the road) 1862 rt 1,I(X),II(«) A. & O. do do .Ian., 1883 ear ingsof C.ftA.lnl870. »2,063,'299. Divi- Jollct & Cliicago,7 percent stock 100 1,SO(),(JOO Q.-.I. do do Inlv, 1K71 dends in 9 yrs. tw per cent on c-'m. stock do do 1st mortgage, sf 1357 1,000 410,1.IWI„ 8 ,I.&.J. do do .luly, 18-12 and 79 on preferred. Sec ClinoMCLJe, 1,00 6t. 1.., Jacksonv. & Ch.,J8t .l,i;u rCAA. ;s«4 2,3:i-.,O0 7 f A, ft (). do do April, 189 Vol. U, p. SiiU, 721 ; v. 13, p. tOl, 036. do do do (to end. do 18:i4 1,000 S.'iO.dllO 7 f A.&O. do do Apr. 1,1S(I4 1861 1,010 .1 .1 d > do do 2d M.gnar. do siio.uoo 7 f. , & do do .Inly, 1898 Louisiana & .Mo., 1st M. tin progress) i8n) 1,000 16000 prm F. & A. do do Aug.. 19 Chtr., Jtiirt. it ^'/incv—stock lit) H,6 :i,7 M. & S, N.y ,,!I.Bkof om'rce Mar.. 18.2 Net earnings year ending An-11 30, 1871, 1st inortffiiffc, (trus-) 1,000 3 0'26,(lO0 8 ,I.& J. do 1883 |:2.7i9.2ll. Capital In 186S, f,8,376 510 ; net '.ill inort;;aKe. gold, (Frankfort) 911,000 4)ig. •i.&.r. Kranfcfort. 1891 earnings, t2,0(X),li6. StoC- dlstribuiion, Trust mortgage dliir. to Peoria) 9! 400.010 7 A, & O, X. Y., N". Bk of Cora'rce 1890 Sept., '71. viH percent at par. The C, H. Carthage A liirlington. 1st nioi t 31) 18fit 600,1X10 8 f M, & N. do do JIay. 1879 &Q. leases or extends aid to branch roads Di.von. Peoria & H;in., 1st mortgage 4C 1869 81)0.0(10 8 f .1.4: J. do do July, 1880 named, giving them :i tniTllc gnarant- e, 1,000 American Central, 1st mortgage 51 I BBS 800 000 8 f J.&.l, do do .July, 1818 (usually 40 or50p,c,i for purchasing their Peoria & Hiui.. tst mortgage 81 18ia 1.0OJ 6 O.OlXl 8 f .1.4:.I. do do .Inlv, 1878 bonds. Contingent liabilities on hi, udi OttawK .Oswego & Fox Ulv., Ist mortgage 70 18 1,(00 l,'26(MWO 8 f j,&,r. >sew York snd Boston. .Inly, 1900 of these companies amount to 16,758,002. Illinois Orand Tiniik. Ist mortgage 44 1870 9li0,UI0 8 f A. 4; O. Bostiiii, Oct.. isao (v. 13, p. 113,369, (.04,) Quincv & Warsaw. 1st mortgage 40 1870 V.6cic 800,1100 8 f, J.&.I. New York and Boston. .luly. 1890 Keokuk* St. Panl.lslnmrtgage 43 18(>» 1.0H1,(I1.« 8 f A, & O, Bosiein. Anril, 1879 Chicnun. Ciii- it 0*'ti^rille—Ut .M 79 1867 1,1160,01.10 7 J.& J N, Y,, Caldwell & Co,, Jan., 1&8'. Opened July, 1869. Cost $2,500,000. C/l/c.. UiiiirMe it 17/ifra— Ist M.,gld, S. F. 72 1869 \. 0,1 1801)0 pr m '•e A. & O, New \ ork, Co,'» Office. April, l9i«» (V. 13. p. 667.) C'Mcttu", lotrait .\V//ra«l;a—stock. 82 100 3,916,300 .1.4.1, Siilein,.Mass. .Clinton, la .Jan., 1812 Leaa-d In perpetuity to (Thjc. 4 North- 2d mortgigc, (Sow Ut) 82 1860 b 568,700 ,1,4: J. llostun. Merchants' Bk IJulv 1,188.8 west, at 3i i^ per cent, of gross recelnla- 8d do (Sow2ll R! 1863 211,000 V. & A, N. Y., Park Bank, Aug.l5,lS92 Gross earnings in 1870 were $l,;'2(l.882. CViir. it .\firn. L/iir .s*.— Ist mortgage 221 4.0(0 001 M.& S. NT. Y,. Farm. L. & T. Co. Sept.. 1889 TralPc enarsnleetiy M. Cent. (v.l3. p 328) 100 CAic it Xiiftti ir'—Com. stock 1223 14 T20,!e9 .I,& D. New York, Co.'oOfllce .I'une, 1871 The Chic- ft Northw est operates I '23 miles P'eterred slock 1-22 100 20.415,013 3. J.&D. do DlC. 1871 and h -s other lines and branches as fol- 1S59 Bonds, nrf . (S. F.>. 1st M., Cblc. to Oshk. 193 l,'^15,500 F, * A, do 1885 low s ; Madison E.\t, 1 .'fiin, (in progress) Int. bds. funded conn., 2d M.. do 193 1862 755,000 7 4; N, do Mav, 1883 Licrosse. Trcmp. 4 Pres, 28m,: Winona IstM.gener.il. 3d >r..Chlc. to Oshkosh.. 193 1859 3 588 000 7 4: A, do 1885 & St. Peter. 14O111,; lo a Midland, 7riui. •23 Api'leton exlen8..1st. M.,o iSSii.* land. 182.000 & A. do 1885 (In progress) : Klgin & State Line, 10m,; Ill ecu Hay extcns.,lst \f. on 26 ra.&land. 21! isi'ij 30ll,(«») 4; A, do 18S5 Menominee F.xt.. r20m, (in progress). Isi M.dal.* Chic. Cn. U.K., extended.... 24S 18-.3 1,785,000 7 & A. do 1882 Tiie iiabiillies of C, & N, W, for these 2d mortg.ige, Cral. & Chic. Cu. It. It 218 1855 948,(KX) 7 & N. do 1875 roads are shown In the bou'i list. L nd Miss. i:. Bridge hds lien on net earnings 2I)I>,I>I0 7 &.). do 1884 of the ('o, are about 2.(X)0.000 acres. Elgin* State Line K.K. lids 135(111(1 6 4r.l, do 1878 Operations for the year ending Junel, 1st M., (Peninsula H.R)on7-l in. & lands.. 186:1 605,000 7 M. & S. do 1898 I81I, compaied as "follows with Is'.o : Co s.s. K. lids, snbord. Hen on all above. 1860 2/<12,l«IO 7 Q-F. do 1115 gross earnings, 40 513 less; opcraiing Efinlp. b(is,lieu on equip'tscosCglllilO.IIUO. 1863 101.000 7 A. & O. do 1874 expenses, $1,870 01:9 less; net > arulngs, do do do »a,7rio.aii ISOi '275 000 10 M. 4; N, do Nov., 1878 1,0'29,555 more. Balance m c edit of In- 1st Mort. (BcIolt& ^fadlson H.U.) 1K61 8:B.()I)0 7 J. 4:.I. do J, in., 18,88 come account, $133,569. Dividends have 1S71 Madison exten.. 1st M., sinking fund gold. 3.1.50,01)0 A. 4: O do April, 1911 been paid on st ck as follows: Dee. Winona & St. Peler.Ist M.,guar. C.& N.W 1870-1 2,750,000 .l.i.T. do ls71,3ii: on prcf.; June, 1871, 5 on both; 1870-1 do ill M.. do l,565,0((l M. 4; N. do Dee., 13711. 5 on both ; June. ISTU, 2 ou Chi". & .Mliwankee, 1st .M., on rd & equip. 397,000 7 M. & N. do 1874 Sref; Dec, 18ii9, 5 on pref., 4 on com.; Chlc.&M|(..2d M., (.M.,<, C.U.I! ) 1st lien 1><2,IN)0 7 Var. do 1874 une, 186,1. 5 on both; Dec . 1 68. 5 on Cblc.t Mil., IstM.. (C.& M. l!.I!.12dllnn 1,1:K,U)I1 7 J.&-I. do 1893 both. See report in Ciibonicle, Vol. IS Ijuio se.Trenip i P..lst .\I..gu. C.&N.W ISTil 1,000,1 <«) 10 A. * <>. do p. '273, lOI; v. 14, p. 85.) Iowa Midland, I t M.. end. by C. i- \. W.. 1870 l,.'J,'iO,OIIO A. & O, do O't.'.'igiX) M'minee ext.. 1st M.. gld, end. bv C.&N.W 1871 2.700,0011 J.4:D. do Juucl,1911 Cblr., IVkiii (t.sVi«tAiAie..(er/(— 1st M.. gold.. 15000 iir in Uoad In progress. Bonds. $15,000 per mile. C'/./.-.. R. I- ,t fl/e/*-stock iim 19,0011.0110 A. '40. NcwYork. <;o.'» Office. Oct.'. "1871 L.gr.l.aai.iXXl acres. Peoria & B.Val.RR. 1st mortgagis sinking fund 18116 1,0110 8,600,(110 1.4; J do 1896 Is leased at tl'Ai.OlXI per vr. Chic. 4 S. W. < bie.& Siiiith west. ,1st .\l., frol 1 guar 1869 b 5.1 (10,01 N) 7g. f. M. & N, do Nov. IS99 RU. (251) ni.i finished (icCII. (v.i2, p. Chte 4' South w. ,1st M., gidd, not guar 1871 1,(«I0 l.OXI.OIII J. & n. do 7'20; 13. p. 49 114 305,337 601.) ChilirntJi* if- /.ri(/(v(e—lst.M..ginirby N.Mii i8i;9 I.UIO 5l«I.IX)ll .1,4: I). N,V., N, Bkof Coni'rcc JnIy,"lS91 Leased to North. Mo. K. R. Ciiivl'inali «t. Bk. lyi. '2d mortgage 1,000 798 W«l 7 ,r. * II. do do .Mc h 1, 1893 Income bonds 35,1 XX) J.&D. do do Cin., t.'i'fti/ftte 2.(151 (XX) 7 f. M.& V. do May, 1899 Cl'tDtl'Uft Gt. W^e»' it Mahoning—stocX 2,056.730 \l. & X. Cleveland, Office. Nov , pni Leased to At. 4 8W ftlnk.fdofV.^J°lJ!f»Jf,?:!W M.tmoonla Ut mortgage "fi7 iaii e.tl.Kll 7 F. & A. N.V.. Ward.C. 4 Co Ang. 1,187)1 Iv In Advance linhbSrd. Br, bd. to »«.7W InlanRliinil.MMorl. (now 2d) S7 ;8,'i7 487.8

I . . ...' 1 , ...... ,

[February 24 IS'. 2. 2ort THE CHRONICLR RAILEOAD STOCK AND BOND LIST. n» Immediate notice of any error dUcovered In our ables. Sabsorlbera will confer a great t^-ror by giving T Bonds, INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. § DESCKIPTION. Miles Amount Principal, Kate when Due, of Out- \Vlieu Where Payable, and REMARKS, standing. p. r t Stocka, of all rofcrenros, 8cc Road Payable. by ^Vliom. For expUnatloii. fi« C?nt. laslDlvI'd, fool notes on let page ot KK. liibles

10,611,750 liK Q-M. N.Y., Farm . & T. Co Feb. ,1872 Leased Nov., 1871 to Penn. Co, at 7 per »2,«X),000 1»13 M do 1,096.U« 6 J.ifc J. do do Jan., Vi9i «lh do »l,aXi,tWI 1862 1,(100 1887 1,000 790,000 7 M. & N. do do Niiv. 1,1900 Consold. Bkg ftinrt. M. for V> OOOW 584,700 6 J. & I). PhUa., Co '8 Omce. June 1, *98 Le.-.sed to Phila. Reading CoUhrookaalt R.R.—\sX inortBage 1818 b & 225.1 «) 8g. .J.&D. Bostnn. 1890 Slock issued. Colorado Ceiilral-lat moriicage 1,000 ».320,600. 1867 a 160,01m 7 F. & A. Philadelph:a,Co 's Office Aug. 1,1892 Leased to Phila., Wil. & Baltimore. Columbia it Port Veposi'—Ul M •••;,;•, fund bds, 13W a l,fO',000 7 A.& O, N, ¥., St. Slch. Kat.Bk. Oct. 1,1897 Conii leted July, 1^0, and bianeh Jan. ,'71 CVUum. ftfl(i.', Jan.,'"l—let mortgage 1,(I110,U)0 6 M.&S. Philadelphia, ltOO-l-'2-3-l Leased to Phil.& Trent.,6r.c. dlvon sto'k Coopfrstowittk Susguehauna r«//fi/—Ist.M. 100,000 7 M &S. Net inrningft last fiscal year, $15,472. Cumberluml

1st M., sinking fund. IsO.UOO per year 1856 l.OOO 2.733,(«0 "l .).'&J. N. Y. , Wlnslow, L. & Co Jnly.'lPai 1863, for Int. on bonds. $l,oai,000 st c'c 2(1 mortgage 1867 1,1,00 642,000 7 M.&S. do do Sept., 1887 1 nd $594,01X) bonds wire given to C. H.&

Sdmortgage 1809 1,C00 700,100 7 A.&O. do do Oct., 1888 D. Pref . stock of $S.500,li(K). guar, by C Toledo Depot (cost f353,W0) a 169.500 7 M.* S. do do Mar. 81&94 H & D.. issued 1871 to rellie D.&M. bds. Daywn ,000 J.& J. N.Y., Am.Es.Nat'lBk ,lan. 1,1905 L's'd to L. Miami, (as'medbv P.,C.& -tL) Decatur, SuUlr-in it Miittoon (/».».)—1st M 1871 in progress. County subscrlnt'n, $4no,HU. J'etroit, ilillHdule it Iud,—\»t mortgage 1810 iiooo l,i7(i,(X» '90 J.'&D. N. Y.,M.rch. Nat. Bk Jun'e'l. Traffic guar. 40p.c. from Mich. C.& Gt W . Detroit, LaiiKlny it Lake Ml ft.—1st niort., 1871 1,0(K) 3,0(«1,(K10 8 f A.&O. Boston, Co. '8 oiHce. April, 18911 Bdsfor$l,070,(:(X) cxeh. for I -wa&L.bds. Detroit A MHwankee^—l-t >iort. bonds 18.56 a&f 2,500,«IO 7 M.&N. N. Y.,M, K. Jt8np& Co M:iy 15, '75 Leased to Greai West, of Canada. In 1868 2d Mortgage, April 28, 'SI. IS-IC a 1,1100,000 M.& N. do do ay 15, '75 per cent paid on tiref. stock, and 3>i was •- '(0 - - .^- ..--.-I 1st Funded Coupons, .>;ov. 15. 18CU Varl. 6,8,.525 .1 « .1. '75 — do do May 15, in 1869,. 7 per cent. Of the bonds of 2d Funded Coupons, Nov. 13, 6.1 186:) Varl. 371,115 M.& N. do d« May, 1875 June, 1866, $1,2:18,0011 are in the hands of Boil' Is ol June :k), 'bt»(condtiiouallvl 1866 1,566,6 9 .1 . .V .1 N y.-& Detroit. July 1, 1886 the Merchants Bank of Can, .redeemable Sterling (Oak. * otta. KK.) Oct. 1, '53,gld. 185:1 £31,1100 M.& N. N. Y. & London. Nov. 15, 73 $100,000 per yr. $3.VJ,(XX) have thus far Dollar (Oak. & inta. Hit.) b'lls, Oct. 1,'53, 18.53 a 51,000 M.& N. N, Y„M. K,Jesup& Co Nov. 15, 73 I, cell redeemed. Net earnines In 1870. I9l Mori. (Delr. I'ontiae 1(1!.), l.'Sl & Apr. 1851 1,000 150.11(10 A.&O. do do A])r. 1,1878 $503,223; In ia(>9, $066,267: in 1K68, $704,457; 31 Mort. (I)i^'r <• I'oiitlar Itl!.), Feb.. 'M. lffi4 1,000 250,0110 '86 F.& A. do do Fib. 15, in 1867, $76'.789 ; In 1866, $635,062. Gross 2d Mori. (Detr. Ponttac an., '53. & EK.), 183) i.oou 100,1.00 7 do do Inn. 1, 1878 earnings Jan.l to Oct. 12, IWl, $50,000 Bonds 111 S lit. 1, IMi, (Limit f.lOO,™.)). . 1866 1,000 110,000 7 M.&s: do do f ept 1, 1886 over same time 1870. Bds & mort. on Det. river front property Varl ^3,266 10 Vari. Di troit Office. Various. Del., jMck. it iriwlerii—stock ."lO 18,R08,l-5() 6 J . iV .1 . New York OtBce. Jan., 1872 Leases also 327 miles of other roads. The l»t Mort. (l)cl.,L.& «'., East. Ex.) skgfd IWl 1,000 1,111.000 7 A.&O. do do Apr. 1, 1875 Co. derives its profits liTgely from coal 2d Mort. (I)., L. West.) & ?.... 1850 rt l,»i:!,(«0 7 M.&S. do do Mch. 1,1881 operations. Divi'ds in 8 yrs, 105 per ct. Denver I^c{/lc~ltit mortgage, gold, 1. gr . 1869 1,008 2,500.000 7g. f. M.& N. N. Y., Drexel.M. & Co. May 1, 1899 Leased to Kana. Pac. L. gr.. SOO.OtO acres. Dai Vntne^ Val-Ul \(., K, uKUk to .\l. Dcs l.IKU 2,31O,0(«l A.&0. N. y.. Clark, Dodge&Co Oct. 1,1877 Si'ct, $5,000,000. L. gr., 406.(«X) acres. De- 1st M..on 8Sm.&4e6.0(IUacr'Bit 2d M.ou 162m i,a«) """ 4.09O,ai0 "s' A.&O. do do Oct. 1 Innll'd mt Oct, '71. Paym't vet uneertan. Dubuque, Bellevue tt if/w.—Ist M l,00ll 1,0(10,«I0 S f J.&D. Bost.,BtC..B.&Q.Offlce Jan. 1, 1896 Traffic guaranty of C..B. & i cr cent, Dubui/ue it iSloux C'(7y—Stock (J.,40 100 5.l«lil,000 J. N,y.,M.K.J rs. Dubuque Souiftwe^tern—lst M, pref., s.f.. $6,0i9. 'ax) 100,(«) 7 ,!.& J. N. y..M.K. Jesup&Co July, 1883 Net earnings, 1870, Pref, stock. Ist Mortgage, Oct. 1, '63 :. 1,000 450,000 7 A.& O. do do Oct., 1883 $569,137, Cora, siock, $00(1,000. Dunkirk, Witrreu it Pitlnburu—lut m, gold 273,000 7g. f. .). & D. N.y., Union Trust Co. June, 1900 In progress, Dunkirk, N.Y. , to forren.Pa. SJucbeis it Columbia—\at Mortgage 1868 1.5a>,000 7 J. &.I. N. y., B'own Bros & Co Jan. 1, 1909!stock paid in, $l.l'00,000. Cost. $2,406,172. Ban Branilimlne it Wuynesburg—Mil.. 1860 2d mortgage 140,000 7 ,1. &.J. Phlla., E. Smith & Co. July 1, 1885 Lmsed to Pa. RR. Cost of road &c., East '..'.'."." S5,00« 8 F.& A. do do $.'64,001. ItnUKi/lmnia—etoc^ 50 1,309,200 .!.& Piilladelphia. Jan , 1872 to Phil. Reading, at 6 per cent Ist Mortgage J. . Leased & 1,00(1 495,000 T.,Cent. UK. of N.J. 1,1888 stock interest on boi.ds. Emt renn.,rirginln it M.& S. N. Mch on and Oeorgia^ioc'k'.'.'.'.'. lUO 3,l!i2,H)0 ( E.Tenn. Va. and 1-t Mortgage sinking fund oiisol.Nov .1-6,, of & bonds, 1,000 3,500,0(«) Nat'lBV palil its Mortgage (Old) .1 . &J. .Y. .Gallatin Julv 1,1900 E. Tenn & Oe. In 18^0 the Co. C!0,(«)0 6 . K. Wilson Co fink, fund Mortgage (new) J . * J. v., T. & July, 1880 debt to Tenn. and issued the 13e,0Ul i/Mtern (Jfass)—stock 7 .7. &,I. do do July 1870 loan. Net earnli gs last year, $415,799. 4,2ii2,ll00 4 f, .!.& J. Boston, Co. '8 Ofllco. July, 1871 Dividends bad been 8 per cent a year for English Loan, CMiver Ible 1962 iiSS.lXIO London. 1872 6 yrs, but none was t'uld Jan., 1872. Bonds die 1S?4. eonvertibl" 1S51 6K J.& J. East Essci 750,001) F.& A. Boston, Co.'b Office, lb74 esses E,i8tern in N. H., 16m. Stock, U.K. bonds, Sept. 1856 18.56 i»i,a«) J.&.l. do Sept., 1876 $49.',500. same dividends as East. Mass. Bonds due lU-15. Anril, '65 1865 160,(X)i) 18-5 Portland, P.. at 10 per do 1883, March, •6S-'69... .;.. '(•8-'09 A.&O. do Apll, Leases Saco & do 1,000,000 M.& S. do March,1888 cent on stock, (v. 14, pp.43, 187.) 1839, May, '69 1869 S'VUrn Shore, lira.)— 500,1X10 M.&N. do May, 1889 ut mort., conv 18' b & e I mortgage, conv 400,1X10 J.& J. Phlla., Girard Nat. Bank Jan. 1,1880 Formerly leased to P., W. & B.; operated " b & e 2H),000 18ii9. .B(7«««W it yfeiilMcAy-Tennn.'sen'Loan A.&O. do Apl. 1, 1866 on own account since Dec, 1,(I75,5«1 abont fC4X),0(X). EtMlbethtown ,1 I'nilurah-IH Mort., conv' .1. &.r. New York. Funded & ace ued int. due i,m 3,(XI0.(X» 5,«iO. t,lmlra it irfiHunui/ioM— M.& S. do Mcli V,'l890 In progri bs. Subscrip. to stiic- , $3,0 stock, coin.. 50 Preferred stock 500,000 2K M.& N. Phila., Penn.R.R.Co. Nov,, 1871 Leascdin 1803 to Northern Cent, for 199 '• 50 Isr mortgage bonds,..' 5(X).II«1 3^ .I,&.l. do Jan., IS72 yrs. Rent pnid, $16.5,315, Net larnings 1,000 1,(«10110 Income bonds, 999 year* toriin •I. & J. Phlla., Penn. Life Iiis.Co Jan. 1, 1880 In 1870, $1X1219. Dlvs. guar by Pa. KK. « 570.111X1 5 A .*. 1 1. Phlla., Penn.K. U. Co. 2862 lost of road, $2,268,000, equipment, i!'",!;"^,!^,.''""'''''^",'""^''"'""^'*' "State:: Erie KalliniigsUtck, 50.1OI 7 J. J. I'hila., by Coinpany. $S12,(XX). common.... "iiiD & i-rcferred, ! per cent, stock 78,000.(XX1 4 Feh.; The com. stock, Oct 1, 1870, was $75.00,000 1(10 8.5311,910 1st mortgage (extended 3'X N.y.. o'fflceiiBd street, Jan.31. 18?2 1;,69. $70.aOJ100; 18CS, $17,765.8 0; 1867. i.i lS67to"lkV)"' 1,(«0 S.lXXI.HXl M.&N. do do May 1879 $16.574,;5(Xi. The net earnings above l-'t., <"'• '" ^^'^^ i.iiiin Id llwrtSliSc'."'!'"'""'*"' 4.(«10.II110 M.&S. do do Mch. 1,1879 *c.,iiiI87l.$118.';61: ISUI. nil: 1809, $475,- i.owi 4tli mortgageVconvertlliic'.:.'.'.' ' 6.IKXI.IXX1 M.&S. do do Miireh 1883 612; 1S6S. $22,672; 1867, $1,010,584 Of new 1,000 5th mortgage, convertible '.". 4,44 1,(XXI A.&O. do do Oct. 1,1880 bonds 1871, »i8,55.i.(XX) are held to retire HnfTaln a Uraneli llonds 926,5(XI ,!.& 11. do do June 1,1888 old debt; £1,000,0(0 to be Issued to retire It Long Dock Co. inortt^iiae lf»i,4(»l J.*.I. do do Ian. 1,1891 sterling. (V 12. p. 240; v. 13, p. 82, 144, sterllnij. 1.000 bontls, converHWi., 3,000,000 do 1893 p. '20, iijitiiiiu)"' £210 J.&D. do Jan., 497,833,840; v. 14, 85.) Ocneral mort., gold (for 4,.'M4,4(XI M.&S London. Sept 1,1875 t30,ll«) oa))T- 1,00(1 3,000 000 M.&S. N. Y'., Ofllee. •Oi.X street, Mch. 1,1920 "'"'""'«• • JBrU, It JtJOO PlUshura^lock London. 1, Iff* 50 M.&S. Mch. l,!)9fi'.ho() Y., '""fi'>i''l.e Q.-M. N. Union Trust Co. Mar., 1872 Leased In 1870 to Pa. RK. 2;l mortgage, I, 5:iS,i:i«l eouvenlble .r.& J. do do Jan. 1, 18S2 b I15,4(«) A.&O. do do Apr. 1, 1,000 ia«i 1,923,000 J.&J. do do July 1,1898 To form n direct line from Bangor to St. ^Mi„"grrt^"wir--na-o^ 529). 1.000.000 6g. J.& J. New York & London. John and Halifax (v, 13, p. 209, 4S«:|^;i«i?a^^^l.nn;. 2,000.000 J. & J. do do I,S99 i.ono 312.1X10 J.&J. N. Y., Farm,L'an&TCo Jan. stock. pref ., $100,000. Net 1,000 1,1887 Com. $1,1)11.05?, 682,000 V' $31,01.0 M.& N. do do Nov. 1,1887 profits, 18;0-7I, »r.O 157 ; s.nk. fd, 1.511,il(«l 7 F do do yr. 1,000 &A. Aug. 1,18'0 per (v. IS, o. 666.) 1,000,000 7 J.* J. N. Y., IVnk of America. July 1,1897 Recently completed. 1,000 550,000 M.&N N. Y., Farm. L'an & T Co May 1, 190(1 Stock piiidin,$klO,H»l. (v. 13. p. 667.) 150,0011 Providence. Net income, 1670-71, $9,?66. (v. ll, p. 48.) •"<>•« 1,000 L. & T.Co Julyl,188;i Has a traffic guarantee from ' '"'-l»t 1,800,000 A.& O. , m. (not yet do 188'J Sold, 1S71, to Kt w.,Jaek., & Siigl, aw. r iss) 14,000 ' '"i"in(a-l»tM., gold. pm. Leased to Sioux C.& Pac. Line to be 200m, rredrre

February 24, '872.1 THE CHRONKXR 267

RAILROAD STOCK AND BOND LIST. Mubacrlbers will coiilcr a icrcat invor by kIvIds nm Immediate notice of any error dlncovered In onr Tables.

lltnulM, ^ DBaCKIPTION. Miles Amount INTEREST UR DIVIDKNDS. Principal, ofl Out- lUte when Due. 1(£UA11K8. iee per VheD I Where Parable and by StMlca, For exnlanftUoti.'TEi:.. of All rpforenepi, Road itaodlng. t Ptrable. whom. foot notei on iBl piufo ot Ult TuIiIuh, Car- iMtDlvld,

9aic«9ton, Ifoutton <( Heiuterintn—\*\.'iiQT\. 1,SOUMO 1903 1903 Sold In IStl. (ia.. 9«nrffitt H. H. tf fitinklnff CVi.— •tuck , 100 4,300,000 4 .l.ft .1. Angnsta, RK. Bank. JaD.,l8T3 Divrns of S.per cent a yr since 186*. (T. U 12.') Bonds, not niortRiWO 615,500 7 .T. « J. do 187010 iSSIl p. ) fHhnnii, tUiHou cf .vpWwfl/".— iBt M., goM no loTO I'.l'W) 3,000,000 ?" M.JkS.: New York and London Sept., 1900 Traffic guar, of 15 p. c. from Il's C.» Pa.B 336,500 Worked by Krlc. i ost of road.ftct3MJ«). Qr. H'lpi'tt .(• hvtiitna -1st in, Kold. f(uar... V,66o 9,000,000 J.'ii J. N. Y., Wlnslow, I,, ft Co i880 In progress. 1st M., auar. by PltU., F.W, im ii)nri>nis'f, iioi >:ii«r*i"«»'" 1.(100 8,000.000 A.AO. do do & (Jhlc. (v. 13, p. 8C 177, 309, 210, 4(3, 888) firariyl Trunk {f.'>in>tiUi)—»Xoi:\i. _. £3,873,989 All the amounts here given arc In pounds Mort. to Hk of U. I'unuila on suriiluH luucls 331,190 "4g. .r.'*j. London, Co.v Otllce. sterling. I eases Atl. & St. Lawrence, Ailttnilc & St. LAwrciice, (IfferM InI.etfa .1.* J. London and Portland, Dee., 1872 ISOin. ; Chic, Det. & Can. Ord. June, T7,I80 i"- Kijiiipnicnt M., Isl on all roltlnc ftock. .. 900,000 • K. A.&O. Loudon, at Co, 's OIllcc. Apl., 1877 59m.; Mont. ft Champ.. 49Tn.; Bnff. ft L. do 2(1 do do JTO*iO • K- .1 . ft ,1 do Jan.. 1930 Huron 161m. Total road owned, lease, J*oHtiil b(]8, Ac, ocourctl by Kov't t>UHiiie«s 1,300,000 Var. K.& A.

4lh do do , 5,781,851 3 J.& J. do Irrcd'-ein. UI.K, vol 12. p. 689. Qr«at Weftern (Vftnndti)—Com. sCocK 16,931,487 3V A.«0. London ft Montreal. Oct.. 1871 Compiiny leases the Krie ft Niagara, Sim., Pr^forrml, S per ccui, coov. laio common 3,111,896 <'A A.&O. do I o Oct., 1871 and the Dirtr. & Milwaukee, 199fu., and I'pbfiUiin's 337,373 3 .1. * J. London Joint Stock Bk, July. 1871 Is also const) neltng a road from Glcnooe MortKitge bonds, coupon XIOI 1,381,117 4 .).* I). do do Ian 1873-73 to CanOeld. 105m. ; whlih. with a third do do £1110 3,375,906 6 M.&N. do do Nov., 1873 rail on lh<> CrandTnink snd completion do do llllfl 618,066 .!.& .). do do July, 1876 of Ihc Internationa' brlduefroin Ft Erie do do £10 3,a«0,3;« 5« A.&d. do do Oct., 1877 to Buffalo, will complete a new through do do iillO :)01,733 5>i A.&O. do do Oct., 1-78 route, tv. 13, p. 6(n.) New bonds, ronpon £101 ;;,'i.-.o.ooo 6g- J.&D. do do Dee., 1890 Qrtenville. (t ColHinhin—»{ovi\i., 1,310.' 68 Net earulnes In 1870 tl71,487 Floating 1st ninrt(caKi'.K"«r, by State.. 1,136,545 i" 18B'i'-86 debt,t250/XIO. Leases Blue Ridge RR. Bonds not Kuarnnlrei!.. 376,786 Greeit'cirh ,fc ./ohngonptlle—ist M.. conv.. 130.000 "i M.&N. N.y.. Nat. Trust Co. May"l',1889 Leased to Kens ft gar. Stock paid $136,370. ifactennavk it yftc V'trk—lbt morii^ad)*.. «a,ooo 7 .M.&N. Jersey City. 1889 Operated liv Krie. W wAc/MdcJl .t .V. r. h'jetfnxion—l'l uiort .110.000 7 M.ft N. Icrseyy ( Ity, Ist1st Nn_._.Natl Bk >Ipy 1, 18!Kl Operated bv Krie. Hanuihtl '(*w/<^— 18( lUori^'iKe 673,000 7 M.&N. , Kldd, Pierce ft ( Nov. 1,1898 Leased to Tol , Wab.ft West. Uiinn.it Cent. Mo—Ut M..Mo.gr.,T.,AV&W 1,0I>I 1,100,000 7g. f. M.tot;k 1(10 5,087,321 Au'g.'.'mO to Palmyra. 15m. ; Cameron to Kans. C, Mi"i»onrl State Loan •51-'55 1,000 8.0 O.WO J. & .J. N. T., Duncan, S. & Co. 1871-8 53m. Total operntcd, 275m. 50,000 »h« Land Grant inort^ago 18«3 1,501,700 A. ft U. New York office. Apr. 1, 1881 new common stock Issued In Feb., 1872. MorljtAKi: b>aii8 Van. l,8»l,000 J.* J. N. Y., Duncan. S. A Co. See CuKO.\ici,i, vol. 12, p. 101 ; v. 14, p. MortK:W{e bonds 187l\ conv. ISiU 1,300,000 8 f M.&B. Sew Yorkofllce. Aug.','l877 319. lBtniortxAi;e(ijulncj& P.ft •- Palmy. Kli.... .100,000 8 A. do do Jan., 1893 Ist niorl. (Kan. C. & Cam. Uli;|{.) 53 isei 1,300.000 10 J. ft J. do do Jan., 1892 N'lrlem Extfnsimt -tsi iiiortifage lie 1S70 4,WX1,000 7 Jan. 1,1890 Stock paid In t4 000.000. Cost. $8,039,900. NnrfUb.. /^trin'ft, Mt.Joy A /i«nc(M—stocic 54 1,182,530 .I.'&'j. Phlla.. Penn. Co.'s office Jan. 10, 'T2 Leased to Penn. RR., which owns most of Ist nioritfjiKc 54 700,000 J.ft .1. do do July 1. '883 stock. JI'ir(for't it yew /faven—%.ock. 79 1011 J),."™,!**) 3 N. T., Union Nat Hank. Jan.,lR72 ^^ orked with N. Y. & N. Hsven road Scrip (50 per cent paid up to Oct., "71). 50 l,500.00;l r-i: do do do Jan., 1872 receiving 43 percent of net profits. Cash l8t mnrtK ite "to 1,000 751000 X'' .!.« J. do do do Ian. 1,1873 dividends in 10 yrs, 133 p. c. i v. 14. p. 43.) Bart.. Prop. A At*Aim-l8t mori. (K.l). »% 481000 7 .I.ft ,). Providence. Ja 1.1. 1876 Operat<:d by bondhohlcrs trustees. Net Ut mortKage (Conn.) 96 1,574,000 7 J.ft J. Hartford. Jan. 1, 1876 earnings 1870. »l:il.393. ff**m/i/i^/f(— 1st mortgage 33 500,000 6 Baltimore, by II. ft o. Sold out Mar.. Ii70& bouKhl by Bait. ft O. H'ttlu, '-Viiynei^ J/r;;jroe—Ut mortgagu.s.l. 65 1,000 1,(00,000 8 f J.'ft J. N. Y., .Mcch, fat. Bank. Jan', l' .1901 Endorsed by Flint & lere Miiri|. KU. to. Z/owj«fi/o«ic—stock 130 ion 830,000 Leases Berkshire UK., .-^lockbri(ige& I'itts- Preferred slock 1» 100 1,180,000 J.'ft J. Brldgcnort ft Boston, Jail!!'l872 llcld, and w. stoekbrg. ^ et earnings, 1st mortgage, sinking fund, 74 191,«0 7 J. ft.I. do do 18T7 1870, t:i47.0'24. Divldeuils, 8 per cent, per id mortgage 74 100,000 7 F.ftA. d . do 1885 annum, on preferred stock Bo Mtsot IW9. 50,01X1 6 do do 1889

aoHMton it TertiM . Cent. -IstM. ].Kr.,s.f.gld 186) 3,100,000 7g. J.'&'j. N. T , Nafl City I'ank. July 1,1891 Net earnings, 1870, $796,601 (v. 13, p. 636.) Wcstt'rn division

Unntinfiitoiiit Brwui Top~\6i mortgage... iii'.otn 7b!' f. A.'ftO. Philadelphia, Office, Scot! 'i, '9 1 Excess of cxpe: acs over earnings In 1870, 2d mortgage .'iflO 367,500 7 do do do Feb. 1, 1873 131,515. 3d mortgage 1,00(1 1,150,(I(X) 7 do do do Apl. 1, 1695 Scrip for past dne coupon 137,278 lUiwU Cenlrai -etock 1851 2.5,373,300 "i,' f.'&'a. N. Y., Co 's office. Ft b.! 1872 Main line, 707ni. Rent of leased roads Ist mnit. constr ictl'n bds(now payable) 1851 3,0*1,000 7 A.&O. do do Apl. 1, 1S75 (40im.) 35 percei t of gross caniliigB. do do do do gold 1851 333,000 A.& o. N. Y. & London. Apl. 1,1873 Net revenue In 1870, »a,S,37 ,321. Const. Kedemptton, Ut & 'i i series 1864 2,500 Ifl 1 A. ft (). N. v., Co.'s office Oct. '..1890 bonds of 18.5 will be paid now on dc- do 3*1 series, e crling 1869 3,500,0.10 A.&O. Londo.i. Apl. 1,1875 inand. (v. 13. p.'.Sl'O tOI; v. II, p. 86.) --" iruliana A niitwii^ CeiU.—Ui M., gold ISiO 3,750.000 7g J.ft J. y.Y or London. .Jan. 1,190- In progress. Co. bus aid & 30,000 acres I'd. Indiau'ij). Bioom'ton^t completed, 21)2ln.. 1N70. Wesl—lBi M.,gldbd8 18«» 1,000 5,000,000 I K J.* J. N. Y., Turner Bros. Oct., 1900 Koad Sept., Cost 2d nior gage 18J0 1,030 IJOO.OOl 8 J.& J. do do Oct , 1S90 of roiid and eoulpinenl', »11,300.000. inttiatuip., .'70 CiTic. . do do do Nov. l,183i traffic guarantee. / irfj ^>»/M ,! Siour '69. Y'., Ci/v— 18 M.. Apl. I 18(» a 2,960,0 A *0. N. Nat. Park Bnnl<. Apl. 1, 1899 Leased to Ills c , at 33 p.c. on earnings, Jth'iat .t Ai/iniM -i8t .\I., sink, fund, gold. 1870 600,000 1 J.ft J. N. T., Metropolian B'k. Julyl, ISDO -lock palil, *-28«.730. Cost of mail, «) 8 f. M.& P. do do Septl, 1890 Mo. Vrtlloy (Aug. I, RH -6^ 18fi8 1.(10" i.."i(»i,i«i(i 7 F. ft A. N.y..Farm.L. &T. Co .\ug. 1.18'.':'. 1 l.um.nii) F.& A. do do Aug. l.lSii;* Karvtan /^icf*:— 7k. stock 50 10,000.000 Denver Faciilc is leased. Total miles l.»t >!. (gold) land grant, sinking fnnd.!!! ietis 6,500,0110 1,000 7k:'(. m!* 'n. N.T ,N.Bk 'fCommercc Jnn'.>''3ii.':9 operjit'-d, i 3. In 1>70 on an average of Ist Mort.. gold 1865 2,3i0.UI0 F.& A. do Feb. 1, 1895 of 531m., net earnln;:s were $880,746. L. 1st Mort., '..'.'.'.'.'.'. gold 18S« 4,063,000 J.& I). do Jnne 1.1896 gr. oyf r (i.000,000 acres. From Jan., '68 2d Mori, (government •^. subsidy) 6,303,000 J.&J. IT. Treas., at maturity 18'.|-i-97 to '71. 619.S2> acres were sold for Jl,676.069 1st Mori. (Leavenworth Br.) .* I86« 600,000 M.& N. New I one. May 1. 189(i Interest on i'lconie b'ls is payable out of l,«nil «r. Mort. on I 000.0)0 acres...!!!!;" lge. \m-i M.ft R. N. U'lik of vnsm I Y., America March 1872 Covington, Ky., to Lcxlni^tou, Ky. il Ml irtiTiiKe KVl Stt,(»M . M.ftS. do do March 1883 !.| III MifiKe 99 ItSS 1,011 2:):,0^*1 J. &D. do do lune, 18>5 huorrtif'' it' (,7tarte«('/«~Loan of Teno 1« Slli„V)0 J.ft J. New York 1898 Tern, division of Bine Ridge RR. l/lctitiC'tnnii.t litoonuhurg—XtiK •» 1S.V> («» .1 mortKatfo. "ii' 1.0110 .1 . * N. y.,I)eL,Liu;k.& Wn Tun. 1, 1875 Net earning In 11 nioi.lli>. eiiillic JanM, 1st niort;:aife lus, 1118,013, Sloe'~, f l,3i.,UJ0. — . 7'\ xr.'hsioii> !!!! m isni * 2-10,01.1 M-.v\ do do iliyl5,lS'<9 '-'!' ''/'/ cr- Mi^i.~ i«i .M..Kii.ir| 1871 l,:i:)0,0\i IJW J.ft J, N. Y..r.. W. & \V. oniee Aug.. 1901 1 To con eel and form a line from Bloom- ''''^ it /y/oomv.— iHt, mortjc.. 87 1871 1,0011 606/Xll K.ft A. N.Y..A.B.Bayllf.Trnstei Ington, lll«, to Muncie. ind.. iWm. ' 1901 i /''*' >ci//<—Ist «i inortiraife 37 59.1/1 J.«.l. New I'ork. Jan. 1893' Sold under i. orlipige (V, l:l, p. 779). t/lke Xfiirc& MiiJl. .';»u(A.—stock 1013 "ill 31,4 UJl" F.* A. N. v.. Union Ti U'.t Co. Feb ISWlConscdidailoii. Jn e,1869 oi the L. Sliors Scrip ". Clev. u.ii(o,no do d I road (l.Hlndlng Clev., P. & A. and . .t N. Ind. to. Hondt* 'ir r)ntobPr I, l<4r», ><. F 1,001) 3.0X.0O • isr.i. Erie I o.. wnlcn .... 18» A.*". N. Y.. lionkol . York. Oct., 1879 a d ?ent.. BulT. A ''Oiwilld iiiortKaK**. 'f^Tll. roup...,! ' !.. I'dS 1870 l,»«i' 61.01 J &J. N. v.. Union nisi Co. JilVj-, 19JI liirlud. .1 llM' llnir.& Sl.ile I ln» »"<'£''? do t|o Tol. road reK l.i<)><' 59;,.) 0. -J. do d,, July. I'JXI ANorllMU.I. Detroit. Mou.* l«t in.irtKapf . H, fuu.l .M.S.* IHTifl i.ini 5,:56/)IIO While Pig,""" "« N.I .M.&N. N. Y. , Bank of N. York. Mlly. 1885 and Kabonaxoo & M inortKKe Mich, s ~ leased « .. . 1S57 I .ii»i M « N ilo do N owned: Jamestown* Frankl. l«tniorlgi«c(l>.. earhlii:.'^. a u »!• M.ft T. Uli.) l<«i ii»i 9 4/«(U K.& A. do do Ani., 18711 lOpereeiil of trross l«t loort. {(;., f. * ,\. ItlJ.). SilnlMirv hd».) 1H5I Mtoi »»,l)lll J &.1 do do .Inly. 1871 AlU.& ll.lt..leii«.-.l i"';,i,".'„'.'.",.';',"«^ i mort. !•. IC. & A. l:l!.ir..|fM.rwll).|s.' 18511 i.(»i i/Winn ' .1 . ft .1 do do Jan.. 1880 and bond.H anion .u^

morli:,,;;,. (.. ,\, ;,( ; '^^ .J>l IC. .J. I 1867 i.iji)i 140I/WI /».&<) Total I^e Shore do do oc. 1892 •40. dividend bonis. April, '80»..., 1869 a \smm> A.&U. do do April. 1899 total r' elpls Junction RK 1st MiorlKaite .00111 on bonds.. . 50 18S! 1 mfm .I.ft D. do do ller., 1873 Operailntr cxp*' '»...,.,.,., ,.. .j^ mortgage div ds. M ((;. * Tof IIR.) a'kV Pil in 1865 1,001)' J.ft J. do do Inly, 1885 hi ds and guar- slo.k.tl.6«,4l'2; M mortgage (C. & Tol. $tJ».5B- Sorplas to pr««t. RR.).... . 163 iee« ;,aoo 9«l/)00 A. 4)0. do do ipnl, 1886 8 percent. ; . . . .' . . . , ) .

[February 258 THE CHRONICLE. 24 18: 2, RAILROAD STOCK AND BOND LIST. n« Immediate notice of any error discovered In Subscribers wIH confer a K'eat ftivor by glvUie our Tables. Bonils. LNTERKRT OR DIVIDEND." , DESCRIPTION. MileB Amount Principal, sr when Ou^ Rate When V here Payable, and Due, REMARK--. standing. per i Stock«, all rcfererces, eee Road Payable. by V hom. f^P explanation of (Jeiit. last Di\'d. foot notes on lat page of RR Tables. (Continued.) i. Shore liarelioldei8 on payment of do do do 0. do do do 1868 8,000,000 A. 4 April, 1898 31 1-3 per cent of the par value in d* do J. A J. do do •Jan. 1869 400,000 1,1890 cash ; lOper ct, Nov. 1 . lOper ct. Dec.l Pigeon ; Kalamaioo & White J. * J. do do .luly, 1887 Three Rivers 1867 100,000 and 13>^ previous to Aug.. 1872,wh( never Schoolcraft * 100,001 J. & J. do do ,Iuly, 1887 Schoolcruft 1867 called for; serin crtfs are iss'ed and draw Kalamazoo & 1868 840.000 J.ft.T. do do July, 1888 dividends Kalamazoo, Allegan * Grand Rapids equal to stock, for the amount 186S 1,000 500,000 .J.& J. do do .Ian. 1, 1S97 paid Franklin, 1st mortgage. . on them. (V.12,p.650; 13,p. 145,604 ) .lamestown & 500,000 7 ,T. & 1). t mortBage, Bangor L'n :e 7 J . & .1 do do S70 1,000 RIl stock, thus puri;hnied by 1st mortgage Eastern 1,244,000 7 A.&O. do do 1884 Wesl. Un. i)iv'.'(Parra'i;r;!'!" 1,000 Co. The Co. »'s,o paid on lat mortgage 792,000 8 M.&N. do do 1874 M. &M. P. (Iowa* Mlij:.) '220 1000 of 100m. new road $1.0«.M» lat mortgage 3,792,000 7 J.& J. do do 1897 purchase (Minn. Central) 49 1,000 pref.stock anil fl.lSli.JW lat luortgage 208,000 7 do do Dec, 1870 lionda, $1,080,000 (Iowa A Dakota) 1,000 carn'gs, Isl 1,001,(00 do do Dec, 1870 com. stock. Gross 1870.$7J21,061 mortgage (Prairie dn C.) jsj 1.000 earnings, 1M9, on 2d mortgage 8,674,000 F.& A. do do 1898 net, $2,767,787: gross (Prairie du C.) .. 239 1,000 886m., $6,517,645; 1,315,000 7 3.10 1898 917m $7,260,6& ; 1868 on Milwaukee City loan.. r.& A. do do , . l,00|i (v. 14, 84.) 234,000 7 S. 1873 1-67, on Sm., $6,683,608. p. Milwankeeand Western 1.000 M.A " 247.000 7 J.& J. 1891 J(Mto»d ftic(/Ir-l»t mort 1,000 Mil., Manllniool 1,000,000 F.A A. New York. Ang.l,189( it Green Ilay-ltst mori." 1,000 ?"! Mine 2,600,000 7g. f. J. N. y.. U. T. Co. 1891 mild Schuylkill ,t //itSen-itock 50 A J. ' ' 3,905,600 1872 to Reading for 999 years. Mneral Point ( lft,.)-i,t J.& J. Philadelphia, P.& R. Co Jan. Leased P4& raort_ »106.391. Cost, $1 ,520,000 320,000 10 1 . 189 Gross oarn'^'S, 1870, -Wnn. d: Aprth. (v. 13, p. S07.) „ . Tezat „ ^ ,^ Neosho 1st M., gld,B.f.,on Consol. of U. P.. ' o. Br, & 'Tebo A road* land,(U. P 8 400,000 BD 1«8 1,000 4145,000 J. J. N.Y. .Clark, Dodge Co Jan., 1989 Val. Projected 512m. L. gr. 4 A A Indian laro 1,000 1.417.000 J. AD. do CO Dec, 1900 acres. 3,100.0(10 being subject to 1,000 634. im 4.35'<,000 F.&A. do do Feb., 904 occup'y. (V. 12, p 464 ; 13, p. " •* ""/-Ist M., I. ^ gr s. f 1.000 acres.. and •^™r'."- im 5,000.000 iJ?: J. A J. N.Y.,Farm.L. A T.Co Jan. 1, 1899 Stock. $4,000,1X10. I.ands, 125,000 MoMle It ISflD a 1,401,001) I'l Boston, Co,'- 650,001) (Cherokee la d. (itriiril—ut mortgage A.AO. Office. Anl 15, 1890 . , ~- Ala.. 87iii. : 2(1 mortgage ?.".."" •5»-'»e 500 8»7,50O 7 J. A J. New York A Savannah. 187a-76 lu operation GIrard to Trcv. (ia.. 'o "" 1,000 300,000 J. A J. N.Y., Nat. City Benk. Jan.. 13811 whole line proposed. Giraid. 1867 5JJ 83,50) J. A J. Savannah. C. itli. Bk. Jan.. 1887 bile. 22101. Net earnings 1870, >4.,140. these. 187U 2.S0O.00O sg. M.& N. N. Y., Soulier A Co. 1900 »1 .0(10,00011 of old bonds rotli-ed with 1st mortgage. 4371,838 A.&O. •Mobile to (dlnnibus, K\ and hraiuhis sterirng.'.'.'V 'Z, Interest bonds. 6.5t3j00O B&e'g. M.&N. Mobile A London. 1882 495m. LeasesM.G. AT. roa(l>o Gains I Lilt,*)) earn'gs 1*70 $649,332 merest bonds, sterilnii M.&N. Mobile. vllle, Ala., 21ro. Net income bond*, 24 nor^igt' 755,040 M.&N. London. 1869, $759,751. (V. 13, P.7M; l»,p.406.) Mobile. . . , ... , « . . ' 1 .

February 24, 1872.] THE CHRONICLE. 259

RAILROAD STOCK AND BOND LIST. Subscribers will «onAr a Kr«iftt tmvor hj fflvtns ns Immedtats notice ol aoy error dl>eoT«re4 ! our Tabloe. IMTBR88T OB DESCRIPTION. Mllca Amount DIVIDEWD!'. Principal, of Out- when I)no, When I Where P»>ble and KKWARK'. For explanation of all refcroncps. nee Road fltandltiK. Mr t 00 4 Pliable. by Wnoni. foot notes on Ut page of RR. Tables. Cent. laatDlvl'd,

MonuUUr Kntltcnu qfN.J^—Ui M.. guar.. 30,000 p.m 7K.f. M.AN. N. r. O. Opy.lke ft Co." Leased In perpetDltr hr N. T. * O. Midi. Montgomery it &r(*—Ut mort 1866 130,000 M.AN. tioslieii Hank. May, 1886 Operated by Prlc. >!et ram'|B,|ll/M«. cln 2fl mortfcnRO 1867 (I I 47.000 A.«0. Oct.. 18tn Montgointrji it K\ifnuUi—\n\ M.,en. ^y Ala 1867 1.000 1,010,000 M.ftS. .V. Y..0.Opilyki' 4 Co Mch I, 1886 Koad In proun-pK. and win probably b« Ut iiiort^nKc, iiol endorsod 1870 I.IW saiooo l'" J.* U. do iln luilc 1,1900 eoniplelid MoiitK lo Rufailla In 1873. N. 189i> Hontiveilo (f Pin-t Jfrvin—Ui mortgage. . .. 1,000 900,000 Q-.r. v., Union Tru t lo, Opernied hy Krle. Ce»»l of road. »«3S40. Morria N. y., Del. Lack, ft W. ,Ian , 1872 Leasedin perpetutrv U\ Del. Lack 4 Wes. Ut mortKagn.flluklng ftind 1864 ./• 9,000,000 ^f.*N do do III14 The lessees aa.niiie all liabilities and pay 2(! nmrtpnpr 1866 fl 3.000,000 F.ft A. do do 1891 Tjper cent on stock, and ^ per cent aft«r "iTldB Cn- , var. 1000) J. ft.I. do do 1900 1874, If they then earn 10 net on M. 4 E. 1,365M0 »ii(n.521. '•iIkIb . y»r. 1000 i i \ r. &A. do do Net earnlnir" In IWW were ''/HOOi/rt—BtOClE., 29 1,968,539 Nashville to chatta.. Tenn.. branch to jAt- ' 1,946,000 "t ) .*.!. N. Y., Imp. 4 per. Ten", total. fi2m. Xathvitte iC D'i:atur-\%t M., gr. by L.&N. V,66o 2,100,000 7 N. y., H.T.WIlsonftOo .lulTl.KKXl Leafied1 to L ft N.. who pay 6 p.c. on stock 2d Hortif 500 900 A.AO. Nilthvllln, C .'« (mice Oct., IS87 after "12. lvl2. p.6(>7. 7#, vlS,n,8~ affe AW -- AVmA ua (t //>(r«//—etoclc 10(1 JOO/IOO I'- M.& N. Boston Offlcc. Nov..l''71 N'tlnconie. ItTO-VLll"?,*!!. ( T.14,I, P. «•) Aaugatuck, Feb., *71—Btock 100 1,a)M,4'J0 F.« A. Bridgeport, Conn. Feb., 187." Netcarnlntrs. 1870,' »2IB.'qtv, 0~\%\ mort. 1860 800,000 7g. t M.*N. N, Y.. Union TniRt Co Nov. 1, IR89]'n progress. Coal anti Iron road, New Bf(Mn(o«—stock ^900,000 4 W* 19. New Hedford. Nov., 1871 Net earnings 1870-71, »9'2,.'ir9. iv. 14, p. 48.) Ut mortgage 173,500 6 .1.4.1. Boat.. Suffolk Nat. Bk. July 1, 1881 Nw) ^acen £ Derbp—lst mort.. 900,00 7 M.* N. New Haven, ( t. May 1. I 8^|(;ity of N Haven endors. part of these bds. Newllnven Middletown tt B'«/—Ut mort n 2,*0,000 7 f M.i N. N. Y. Hatch ftFoote. .May 1, 1889; In operatlon,'N. Haven to Mid., Zte. In- 'iA mortgage 1,100,000 6 terest In default. A'. Baven dt Aor(Artmp.(canal RR)—stock "ioo 2,100,000 J.'i'j. New Haven, Net. no me. 1870-71,1190,519. (T. 14,p,M.) Mortgage bonds, coupon 1,000 1,000,000 .1.4 J. do Jan., 1899 Bond- ronv- rt.. tax free, coupon 1,000 400.000 f. A.&O. do April, 1880

HolToke* WeMfleld RR , 1,000 200.000 II F.'i'A. N. Y., Co.'a omcc. Jan., 1S:2 ated 2injo Jerset/—stock. , 7.296,200 "f Ope with C. 4 Amboy RR. and Del.* 6 F. N. Y., Bk of Aug.. Rar. I Ut Loan , I,OO0 300,010 A A. Commerce. 1M9 anal, as the United Co.'s of N.J. id Loan 1,000 490MO 6 F.A A. do do IKX Net ean Ingsof Un.Co'sln 1870, |1J24 ,566 1ll'.(>I' F ft A. do 18S7 above Int., taxes, ftc. Bee M Lnnn. due State New Jer-ev , do Cam. 4 A. \.J. MUlland-\»t M.,gld,guar by N.Y.A O !870 ii" .1,000,000 F.ft A. N. y., o. Opdykc 4 Co. t'95 Leased to N. Y. 4 Osw. Midi, for 7 p.c. gld ad mortgage, currency 1871 b 1,900,000 F.ft A. do do 181 on 1st M.. and 7 cur. on 2d M. & stock. JV. J. Southern— \6t mortgage. 1889 1.000 2,000,000 7 t M.ft N. N. y., Co.'s Office. Nov.l,188S Leases LV Br. ft Sea)*hore. Net earnings, 6 18TO,»118.536. (V.13. 211.) Ut mortgage (Toms' RUer br.) , A 120,000 p. yew Jermey We^it /,(»«'—Ut mort., gold... iSTU 3,000,000 7g. m;&'n. M ay V.' 1900 In propresB. N ewark to Emmaus, Pa. New Landati .VorW.—stock 968.400 4 .J. ft.I. New London, Office. Jan., 1872 Leased to Vermont Central for 10 years Ut Mortgage bonds 1865 300,000 6 A.ftO. N.Y., Bk of N.America Sent.. 188J at (2t0,wiU per yr. Including steamboats M mortgage converllb 1871 a 200,000 7 ,1. ft D. do do July. 1891 owned, (v. 13, p. 80<: v. 14, p. 43.) Convertible bonds '67- '68 a 199,000 7 .I.ft J. do do 1872-73 y. Orleann^ Juris. dkOi. yorih -Ut mori 1836 LICO 3,000,000 .1.4.1 N. Y., J. Alexander. luly 1,1886 Gross earnings year ending Feb. 38, 1871. 2d mortgage 1860 1,000 1,500,000 A.ftO. ov. 1 1869. of N. Y. Cent, ft Hnd. Certlflcates 100 44,428330 A.ftO. do do Oct., 1871 RIv. roads. In Dee.. lfl« the N.Y. Cent, Premium bonds (N. Y ., Central) 19S3 it e 5,936,626 M.ft N. do do May 1, 1883 declared a dlv. of 80 per cent In scrip, Bonds for debts assumed do 1X96 1,000 1,514,000 7 F.ft A. do do Aug. 1,1876 which was exch'dfor consol certificates. do B.& N'.F, stockh'd's do 1894 a 76,000 6 M.ft N. do do May 1, 1883 In 1868 the stock of the two separateCo*s do railroad stock,. do 19SS 1,000 992,000 6 M.Jt N. do do May 1, 1883 was »42.':i2,70O. The Co. publishes no do real estate do 1,000 166,000 « M.ft N. do do Mayl, 1883 report, except the returns required by Bonds convertible till '69 do 1,000 88,000 7 F.ft A, do do Aug. 1,1876 the*^tate. Net earrineis in l»70-71,w,re Renewal bonds 1,090 2,900,000 6 J.&D. do do Dec 19,188; 18,260,317. (V. U, p. 81.) 2d mortgage, sink. fd. (Hudson River).., 1,894,000 7 J. 4 l<. N. Y., Grand Un. Depot June, 1889 8d morteflgf do 166,000 7 M.ftN. do do May 1, 1879 Coupon oonda 1871 (not mortgage) 1871 1,000 1,990,000 7 t. A. 4 0. N.Y., Union Trust Co. Aorll, 1C9I Aiffw Y&rk dt ffarlem—ttock so 8.500,000 4 .1.4 J. N.Y., Gr. Union Depot, Jan , 1872 An increase of 12.000,000 in stockwasmade Preferred stock 50 1.500.000 4 J. 4 J. do do Jan., 1872 InMarch. 1871, the proceedstobe used for 1st mortgage ia-.3 1,000 3,000,000 7 M.ft N. do do May 1, 1873 new depot in N. ^ . ami other purposes. Consolidated mortgage of 1863 I8«3 1,000 1.767.000 « F.ft A. do do Feb. 1, 1893 Divdends of 8 per cent, per year have Sinking fund 1881 « 112,3I)S 7 J. ft .7. do do .Jan.], 1881 been made for 5 years and no surplus Plain bonds 18S3 1,000 106.000 7 .I.ft.J, do do July, 1872 left over. y. y. dt TTouxatouic yorthern—Ut mort,.. 16:,000 7 F.ft A. N. Y., 187 Broadway. In progress, W. Plains, N.Y. to B'klleld.Ct.

fete . . J York A A' Haven— • toe k 9,000,000 9 .I.ft .J. N. Y., Grand Un. Depot. ,Ian!,i872 Op. with Hartf ft N H. road, receiving .97 Ist mortgage Y. Y N. p. c.net. Leases Sh're Mne. (v. 62 1.069,500 6 A.ftO. , Bk 01 Repohllc Oct., 1879 " 12,p.593) y. Y.A Osrr«f?o Jffd.—l8tM.,gld 2t)4H 3,800,000 7g.f. J. ft.). N. Y., G. Opdyke & Co. July 1, 1«94 In prouress. Guarantees Monclair and N. Corvprtiblt' bonds 146,800 M.ft N. do do May 1, 1895 I. .Midland. (v. 12. p. tM.) yeto York, Prov. A ^««.—stock 100 2,000,000 4 .1.4 J. N. Y., M. Morgan's;Sonfl Jan., 1872 Coinnio ly Known as stonington RR. Of„, Ut mortgage , 1,000 134,000 6 F.ft A. do do 1873 ft 1878 the 1869 noiid.s the Co. hold the balance Improvement 1.000 100,000 7 .1.4 J. do do July 1. IS76 not outstanding, a nart to retire the Extension 1,000 250,000 6 M.ftN. do do 187S4 1881 f 163,(100 bds due 18734 '71 and the rest for General mort. ($1.00O,Q00Hathorlzed).... 1,000 616,000 7 .1.4 J. do do July 1. 1899 future expenses. Dlvi^. 7 p.c. for Syrs. ytUs A yew LiJthon—1st mortg 500,000 7 N lies, O. to Llvcrp'l, 93m.. 38m in operat'n yorfolk A /V(«r*6wr(/—stock „. . 1,361,300 Consolidated Nov., 1870, into Atlantic, M. Preferred stock ^ 300,000 ft O. Ri:., of which Ue>. Mahone U Guaranteed stock ,).ft J. President. Net earnings, year ending Ut mortgHKC 157,000 .1.4 J. New York, .Ian. I,l»i7 hcpt. 30, 1870, »148,917. (v 12, p. 784.) Ut mortgage 906,000 J. ft J. do Jan. 1,1877 2d mortgage for A500,(X)0. [.... 416,00(1 J. 4 J. do July. I89S North CttroUna—stock, com 1,000.000 Shops. North Carolina. July, 1871 Vet earnlnes In year ending May 30. 1870, Preferred srock 324,200 do do July, 1871 «I88.896. Leaed Sept., 187110 Rlihm. 4 Mortgage bonds.. '67-.ee 500: 490,500 M.4 N. do do 1872-78 Danv. for Penn. R''. See Chboniolb Bonds of 1S57. 1857 900 90,000 M.ft S. do do 1867 vol. 12, 77'; 13. p. 402. ^ortheojftem (S. C.)—stock, com 90 898,950 Gross earnings year ending March 1, 1871, 3 per cent preferred stock 50 111,000 MiftN. $321,551. Operatin'; expenses, »230,747 ; Geni mortgage. new 500 M.ft Charleston, Sept., 1899 net revenue, »90,804. (v. 12, p. 538.) Old 9!4J)00 8. mortgage bonds, due <86l 500 101,000 M.ftS. do 1868-69 Fnnded interest certlflcates 109/128 .1.4 J. do 1875 North JflinKiurt—Stock 860 This was the sta'us previous to sale under mortage "ioo Ut 86t* 1,000 6,000 J 'ft'j. N.Y.,Natl Bk of Com'rce jBn!V.'lS99 foreclosure. Aug., 1871, for $1/100,000. 2d mortgage JXIO .,,, 860 18CS 1,000 4,0OO«O A. 4 0. do do Apr. 1,18-8 Keorganized, ..all,. 1872. See CioBOVl- 3fi uiort;:afre 860 1869 1,000 9,000.000 7 A.ftO. do do Apr. 1,1888 CLK,voI.13. p. .»-. 635; V. 14, p. 86. North '.'". Perinsi/Ivanta—Stoi^ '* 74 50 3,150«0 5 8 Net earnings, 18'.0-71, .'.SO.Stl; 1860-70, 1st mortgage 74 a 2,900,000 6 I.'ft'.I. Phlla60M» 10 A.ftO. do Apr. l,18-;7 $388,210. (V. 14, p. 52.) 2d iirortgage "74 1,2(6J1II0 7 M.4K do Mayl, 1«96 North Shore • (/,. /.)—Ut mortgage*'..".".*!' 13S.O0O 7 P.4 N.Y., Market Nat. Bank. 1887 Leased to Flu>h. ft S. I'e. Cost, $300,548. \orthern A. Centrnlstack ...... TT. 3?^ M.ft N. Baltimore ft Phlladel. Wov., 1871 Company owns I42in. and leases 175., total mortgage, 5,000/100 Ut State loan l«i 1/SOOAIO Q.-.I. Annapolis. irredeema. operated. 317m. Dividends have been 6 2d mortgage, sinking fund, coupon 142 1855 6 Baltimore. July, 1885 per cent for three years and previously Sd mortgage, sinking fund, coupon.. 142 186.1 i,s3/no 6 A.ftO. do Anifl. 1900 8 per cent. Netearnlnga 18:0, $l,2n,9«: 3d mortKage. V.&c. RR (Kuarby Bait). 26 1893 6 do Jan., 1869, $1,286,803; 1868. $1,189,034. Interest Consolidated 205 /no .I.ft J. 1877 mortgage, gold, coupon.... 142 6g. f. .I.ft do July, payments |n 1870, $605,596. do do 1,000 1,°86/W0 J. 1900 do reg, 142 l.ODO 38/)00 eg. f. A.ftO. do July, 1900 Income convertible bonds 112 1,000 415,000 7 A.ftO. Harrisburg. ^prll, 1^80 yorthem, .V. //.-Stork 8!X lai 3.068,400 4 J. ft U. Boston, Office. Dec, 1871 Dividends 8 per cent for 5 years. Bonds. I87i, not mortgage 105.000 6 A 40 do do Apr. 1.1874 yorthem of y. Jerneu—lat M., guar by Erie 21 400.000 .1. ft.I. J. City, Hudson Co. Bk 1878 Leased to Erie at 35 p. ct or gross esm'gs, V rthem Pacific— isl mort.. gold, 1. gr 1870 50.000 p.m .I.ft.I. N.Y'., Jay Cooke ft Co. Jnly, 1890 I.. ;: r.. 47,000,000 acres (v . 13, p. 12 ) Vorwteh A Worceiiter—9,Xock ,.... . 2,407.800 .I.ft .I. Boston. N.K. Trust Co. Jan., 1872 Leased, Feb., 1869, to Host.. R & B., for 100 Ut mortgage, State loan, stnklDgfand 400,000- 6 J.ft .1. do do July I, 1887 years at 10 per cent, per annum, on cost Plain b00,000 I F.ft A. do Feb.l,lS96 inns were 1st mortgage ...'.". $6*4.606. leaTlolt » *'" IjOOO 9'«,0OU 7 A.40. do Apr. 1, l8Ki struction and eqnlp.. .id mo-tKage e. m

CHRONICLE Kcl'iMurv 21, 72. 260 THE EAILROAD STOCK AND BOND LIST ^ - o „roiit wvorflavor bv bcIvinKb US Immediate notice of any error dl«covered in our Tnbles Subacrlbers will confer a great »y =— INTERE T OR DIVIDENDS Bonds.SSSrfj-j5 Amount Principal, DESCIUPTIOH. Miles S3 when Due. . Out- Kate "\^ REMARK of" When 11 here Payable and Road st standing. per t Payable. by W horn Stocks, CO 3 Cent. lastDlvl'd KB- "'"g^- foot note s on iBt p»8e of ' p.m. .30g. J. & J. N. Y., Koun jse Bros. Jan., 1901 Bnildlng.Oni.lo Dakotah. 1 .gr.llXl.OOOac. >>*»•• 1,000 16,000 Omasa <)rMw«(e™-L.'-r..K"l'l 300,000 J.&D. Dec. 1, 1890 In progress. Om. to Lincoln. Neb. (N. P atte 0H0-. 0»Ki*o 616,000 M.&N. Newark, OBlcc. Net revenue. 1870, »37,8;4. uioi tgago Orange i- .V«<.ud9. . •„• — • F.ft A. Feb.. 1872 for int. on mortg 793.1(10 « est. uoome guar... 50 Leased to llel , Lack. & ., 8 p. c. Oswego it Suracme-bioc 20I.(«H) M.&N. N.Y., nel'.iL!&'w. RR 1885 bonds and 8 per cent on stock. bonds * Louisville, Citizens B'k 1,1886 Sprlgf.. Tenn MortKUKc ; l* il "ajo 200.000 A.&O. Apr. I" progress, Owensb.. I\y to RmseUviUe-M M eases several oSeniSoro A 1(1" 3.635.750 Guage reduced in 1869. L rucilU: Mimonrt-ilocM 7.0tXl,0(X) K.'&A. N. Y., BkCommcrce. Aug.,"l888 roads at a gross annual expense of about klnB& Co May 1, 1899!in progros. (v. 13, p. 369.1 P;ntnsuliir—\»t mort., gold, s. t l'hiladcl|>hla. Ofliec. After "so 40,(X1,1,(I(»1 M,&N. Nov., 1871 In 187i; net earnings were $6,896,403 iVH«flW("t""*-"*^ock J. A J. do do 1880 1 divl' ends. int. on 1.0(0 4,972.(100 Jan., deducting 10 per cent, Ist mortgage 0. do Co.'B lease, I.OOO 2,594,(«X1 A.4 do April. I8'i5 debt, »9:5li,2:i6 loss on United 15.7S1.6(XI do do 1910 and addl' *lsi,824 profit on Ft. Wayne riKti riti;;i.ew: j-iiV* ^eg i,aK) g i^s;^'^ 6.924.716 A.&O. do do lease, the net balance to credit was (Installments) bonds lien ' state 2.2*8 .2-10 A.*l>. ondon. 1~75 $721,876. In Feb., IS',2, 30 per cent, new mortgage, Btcrllng I'.OtlO 2d 1,109.221 Q.-J. I'hiladelplila, Otllce. July 1, 1871 stock wos rated to shnrrbolilers. at par. Short bonds dcbenturea • 1,0(10 guar 1.500,(»X) ,1.&I). riilla.. Bk. No. America. InneUSMNe' carnlngB lii>l yr. rill.914. Mock.coni. Jt X. r. -Ist moi tgoge, 105 i.oai Pemmlmnla 1.500.O .1.& 1). do do luue, 1906 J1,061,7(H); pref.. *I,7.50.1XX1. Ist mortgage, gunrantced 105 i.ao l,20O.(XX) F. & A. N.Y.. Chic.,R.I.& Pac. Aug., 1871 Leased in pcrpeuilty to C.,R. I. & Pac. btoct -le I'eorla it Bureau !«/. — - 6«1,(XX1 .1 . & .1 ew Yo k, OHIre. a; *126.IHX' per yr. I8t mortgage, guaranteed - — 46 l.(XX),IXIl .].& .1. y. Y.. Imp. «! Trad. Bk July 1. 1894 i\.oria in Jalkwuliv.. S3m. f to- k, $1,000,000 PMria, m:in,i%icimnvme-\sl mortgage 91 l,5m.(HXI K. & A . New York and London Feb., 1900 Completed, l-i-.l. Mo.-k, »2,(XX1,IXX1. __„ reoriui Hack- Wsnrf-lst morgtlgo 90% 187U 1,000 619.1 00 A.&O. l'hiia.,227S. 4thst. ,\pr. 1, 1897 LeasI'd n. IMiil. * Read Sioek, *31.gp. ftr«omcn— Ist mortgage. • • 11 1667 •(to iro.ixxi V.&A. N. Y., Ill Liberty street. Feb., 1871 Owned by C.& Am. Net earn'cs, '70, $9,167. J'erlh Amlio)/

Februnry 2», 1872.] THE CHIKJNICLK 261

RAILROAD STOCK AND BOND LIST. ^ubr• will conrnr a icreitt ntror bjr Kivlnir « ImmedlHte notice o( any error dlacovf red In our TaMaa.

tkmttH, *i\ DB8CIUPTION. MllM Or Amount IRTEREBT OK DIVIDENDS. Prlnelpal, T' out- when Due,! KBMARKI. «5 ""•J When I Where Pavatde and StockM, For explanation of all references. i*ee|Ro»d[ •Undlng. by Whom. of RR Tables. « laatDlvl'd. foot note« on Ist pace \ \ __

BiKl^fiml, R, I. »f St, TjfHi*—\%% raort^ gold iljOOO (,000AM F.A A. New York and London. An(t., 1918 Defaulted, Ane. ls;i. (v. IS. p. DIB. Ronif, hur.t <>(/ full Int. rrt'fi'rrt'd stock luo 4,300,000 F.'ft A. Itoston, Treasurer. Feb.'.'isTJ ou pref. stuck. II nil C'lUlii. b(indt.;and

Kqutpiu-vkt iiiorlgHgti bonds b gou,o, leased Prcierroii sttKik lOO 8,010,000 "f June, 1807. for 9(1) cant, to Ind. &SI. L. 1st inortKAKe (series A) sink. fUntl 1,100,000 7 J.* J. N.Y.,ofllcor4 WalUt. ai. 30 per cent ot kiocs earnlngH op to 1st inortKatre (series R) sink, ftiad 1,100,000 7 A. ft O. do do 1894 t3.(l(10,mi (bu In no year lo be less than 2d mortgiKt) (scries C) 1.400.l«Xl 7 F.& A. do do 1894 ^ir^l.tW): 25 p.c, on 111 xt tl.«Oii.MV, and 30 400,1100 A—1st inortKHse, gold. 1868 1,OIIO,(»10 M.ft N. N. Y., Jamemin.s. & ('. Nov. 1.1893 Sold in balikmptcv. (v. 13 p. !j96.> 1,000 .1 1H97 A. L.,Vand.db T.it.-Ut M.,S.K.(fr.guar.... 1867 1,900,0011 7 . ft J N. Y.,ofllce of railroad. .Ian. 1. Opened, June, 1870. and teamed to Terre 1868 1,000 2,(»X),0OO 1,1S9S II. ft Indianap. 9dmortg^fre,slukliiK fund, guar , M.ftN. N. v.. olllCf. May S ock, paid in, $1,500,000 Income Donds 1871 1,000 1.000,000 7 Mcli 1. Office of Treasurer. Mch 1. 1901 St' Paul it t'hicaffo—Ut iwarigage, t?oUt.... 1870 3,000,000 7 1890 Operated in conned ion wltli Mil. ft l-'t. P. St,Ptiultt /^r.— IstDlv.— Ist M.. imn 120,000 8f. M.ft'S. N. Y..Drciel,M. ft Co. 1892 Si. P. to Sauk. Rap.. Minn. 76'u. Cost of 1st mortgage, St. P. to Watab.SOtn. 100,000 7 J. ft J. do do 1892 load and equip., 3,829.805. S'. Anih. to 2dM. on8iTm.& tston l.Kt.of 307.'-MOftcres 1.200,000 7 .1. ft D. do do 1892 Breckenridic, 215ni.. cost of roaii and Ueueral M. (held to retire above bonds) 2,020.000 J. ft J. eciiiili.. »9.5I6.9i9. Compiclid to Brcck- Uencral niortjiuKc, sterllnsr 1,000,300 J. ft J. (nriiii-'C, Nov.. 1871. For coinpleteistate- lut mort.. West hue. 1. sr. (for|;fi,000,UtlC.) nieiit of debf, lands, &c.,gee Curo.niclk admort., WeB.Unt'.l. Kr.(for$3,0(X),oOO).. vol. 1:1. B. 166.

St. l^tui it Sioux Citi/-6tock 2 400,000 Land t!' 830,102 acres ; 97/194 aces sold for Pref.. S p. 0. stock, red. dlf. dates till 1890 1,6 0,000 .'i52.!ri'i. An 8 per cent land stock of lut mortgage 16,000 p.m. .I.ft J. New Y'orfc. 1896 f2,4Co.ltlO crealeil to take up prf. slo' k. Silem (.V, ./.) -1st mortgage.... WW 10 I.ea-cd to tVcsi Jerccv at 6 p.c. on cost. Salfm it Liiirell—lfil mortgage.. «M,9(10 Boston.'obice. Feb'.Yi.lSTS Leu-ed In Hos. & L. at »17.5tlO peryr. Sanititxky, J/. A Aieicari—Stock 50 910.300 Leased to Cenl. (1.. at l7t,;;."iO bes.dea ex- 1st mortgage, new...... 1,000 2,307,001 ,l.ft J. N. Y., linioii fru8t Co. Jan!,' 1909 penses and taxes. Otiunint'dby Buit.&o, Savannah A CAar/ej»(on—Stock 50 99I,iai Formerly Ciiar. ft Sav. Itoad opened for Bonds of the C.& s. U.K.. gnar bjr S. Car 50O "OSOAI m!&'s. Charlesttin, Office. Mch"l,lS77 throujli traflie, March. l.Wl. Cost of l-'uiided Interest bonds, gnarjnar.by S. Car... A 111,800 M.&S. N. Y., II. H. Klmpton. ept.l,l"89 road i.iuX C4Ulpmenis,$2.(iUl,U5. 500 .I.ft .1. Ut mort., Sav. & Char. , a., f.'iOO.tXHt 406,500 7 do do J;in. 1, 18S9 ffav., arifftn A X. J/«.-lst M.endor. by Ala 12,000 pni. 7 J. ft J. Jan, 1, 1891 In ptojfres,*, S'ate end. jr.i.W'O per mile, Sarannah A MeinphiH-\%\.^.,i:tn\ by state 16,000 p.m. se- M.ft X. May 1, 1.190 in progress. Sir scrip, t • stock, $l,(Wl,W10 Sch uylkiU raHtf//—Stock 576,060 ,1. ftj. Phlladelpliia, office. Jan., 1872 Leased in perpetuity lo Phil, ft Keadi- c. Heithoitrd A /todnoke—aiock. 1,151,400 A. ft O. Net ea'Uli.gs yeai* ending ^ arch 1,1871, Ist mortgage 210,000 J. ft.I. N. Y.. Imp. ft Trad. Bk. 1680 159.509; int.. 14,70(1 . dlv.. 4 per cent. SeOna it ««(/"-lBt M.,guar.byAla 1,0(10 16,000 p.m. A.ftO. N. Y., Iiodda;ton—Ist^mort 838.500 J. ft J. New York, office. .Ian. 1,1872 Lnte.Ma. ft lenn.Iiiv. ( umplcled inl870 .I.ft of operations. 2d mortgage, Ala. & Tenn. R.U , 241,000 J. do do Jan. 1,1864 No report General mortgage for $5,000,000 8,110.(100 lf. A.&O. do do Apr.l, lk87 ShainnkiH V>tUey £ i1?((«p.—Stock 869,450 3 F.&A. Philadelphia, office. [eh., 1672 Leased, Feb., 1663. to Noith. Cent, at Int. Ist mortgage 7iKl.0(10 7 F ftA. do do Aug, 1,1872 on bonds and 6 per ( ent on stock. Shehof/gan A Fnti'l du Lac— lat Mortgage... 1,000 750,000 J. ft D. N. Y.,Bank of N, A. June l,18»l Net ea. iiints 1870. IIA'VS. Co-i. $2,000,000.

Shenaiiao A AUe(ih-n<>/—\»t Mortgage 520,000 A.&O. N. Y., N. Bk Commerce Oct. 1 , 1889 Nei revenue, 1870. 9,626. Int. paid. $.*i,24a. Shore lAue ((•'>/(?*.)—Stock lOU 995,800 3X&5X J. ft,J. N.H.,E. 8. Scranton &Co Jan., 1873 Leased to N. Y.& N. Haven at $100,000 per Ist mortgage, construction bonds b 200.(100 M.ft S. do do Sept. 1,1880— year. Siour. Oliy A PHc/«c-lst mort 1,629,0110 .I.ft J. N. Y",,Nat. Park Bank Ian. 1, S ock p.iid in 1.7?8.0(«i. Net earnings last 2d mortgage {government subsidy) 1,623.200 J. ft .1. V. S. Treas. at mnlurdy Jan. 1, 1898 year. $111,528. Coat of road, ftc $4,614,000. 1,000 moux ('itij A- .St. I^iitl—Ht mort.. gold 250,000 M.&N'. S.Y.,Metropoll.N.Bk Itoad :n progress. 1st mortg.ige. currency f .r $3.100,000.. 1,000 600,000 M.ftN. do do J'ov.,"l90I SomtTMef. .lune."l—1st mortgage, gold 450.000 June, 1891 In progress. Leased lo Maine Central. Srymernt-t A Kennehec~\at mortgage 560,000 Leasetlto Portl. & Ken. at -'^..IKKI per y. 100 South CViro/i«a—Stock , 5J!19,275 1 Q.-F. Charleston, S.W.IiR.Bk. May,' 187 Net surplus income in ls',1, after payir g lat mortgage, sterling loan S'ar 1,407,960 J. ft J. London. 1SS2~SS all int. snddiv'ditf ipcvct.in M>,y,was sou do dollar bonds, L 800,500 J. ft J. Now York. I882-KS 55,060. The mort. bonds, sterling and 500 Domestic bonds (H) '««,'e7 192,5«l A.ftO. CharlcHton. 1971-72 domestic, are issued to r. tire old bonds 300 Domestic bonds (O) S 12,50(1 J. ftj. du 1874 tot sernrcd; the two have sometlmea Domestic bond? (I) 500 1.410,500 A.ftO. do 188l»-91 been confused, as the iuie Issues of old Domestic bonds (K) 500 76,000 J. ft J. do 1880-93 bonds iiave been quoted as " new 7'8." Domestic bonds (apecta!) 'M/a 79,270 Nov. do 1871 (V, !.1, p. 518.) South Mountain Iron—\st mort 200,000 Dec. 1,1888 Net earnings ia«t year. l,',.0O5. TbelatM. 3d morrgMge 181,000 Mch 1, 1884 bonds are lieid by Cuii.be 1. Valley RR. South A ho. .^/a^/»i//—Preferred stock.. 1,500.000 Prf. stock aii4l :stM. end. bonds are held by 1,000 Ist mortgage, endorsed by Ala 181 1870 4,200,000 J. ft J. N. T., agency of Co. Jan'.'ClSHO Loul-ville ft Nashviih' lili. (12, o. «i7-r25) b Bnuth Hhorp, (Jf«M.),—Ist mort ism l.W,000 A.ftO. Boston. Office. Oct., 1880 Net Income, 1870-71, 10,307. (v. 14, p. 43.) New boiuJH i»n 125,000 A.&O. do Oct., 18S1 South Si'U (I.. A)—1st mortgage 2,250,000 Mch 1,1887 Cost, 2.(117.000. Net earnings. •70,^163.981. South Side ( I//.),—Stock.. 1,365,600 ConsoUda'cd. Nov.. 1870, in Aiiantle, Consol. mortgage i Istpref.) forf709.000.. 581,000 J. ft J. New York. ]S84'-90 Miss, ft O. RR. and now operated aa Consol mortgage ( .M pref.) for 8651,000... 601.400 J. ft J. Petersburg. 1884-»0 South lidc division of ihal road. Net Conso] mortgage f Sd prcf.) for i&4U,000.. 441,200 J. ft J. do 1896-191X1 earning yr ending Sept. 30, 1S70, $180,151. Va. State Loan. (lien suspended) 703,70J J. ft J. New York. 1887 (V. 12, p. 784 ) 2d mortgage. Petersburg guarantee 18,30(1 J. ft J. Petersburg. 1870-75 3d mortgage 52,100 I.ft .1. do 18C2-T2 "^ ^^ r.>-l8t Mortiaiielil 1.500.100 F.&A. Y., Vermllye & Co Ian. 1,1900 Not leai'ed to Erie as reported. ' ' 7it7p(as—iBi ST, gold, 1,500,0C0 M.ftN May l,mxi Ill projiress. ottumwa to Ced. Rapidsjia. ^7?: ' -l8t mortgace, 1,000 20,000 p.m. A.&O. N. Y., P. M.Myers & Co, 1S7S-8S Land i;r. l.'lia.ml acres, iv. 13, p. 305.)

- , /.'ua—lat M.gld. 571,500 7g Mch 1, 1890 Cost lo Jan. 1, 1S71, $810,000. id UlurtKUKt:, K,,ld ao,'ioo 7g Sept. 1.1880 Southioeatern ,{ Gti .)StocktCom.. . "ioo 3,8TJ,aOO 5 J.&D. Dec, 1811 Leased to Central Ga. Dividends 8 per Uuaranlecd stock 50,000 cent a yr, t« every 10 per cvnt on Cent. Company bonds, conv. Into stock at par. 399,000 Vari. Macon. IsiEWMM Ua. 810 k. (V. 14, p. 74.) Masf^ogee Kit bonds, conv. at 87)

262 THE CHUONICLE. [February 24, 1871 EAILEOAD STOCK AND BOJ^D LIST. Snbacrlben will confer a great lavor by glTlng a* tmmedlate notice of any error discovered In our Tables. INTEREST OR DIVIDEND?. Bonits, 5 DBStniPTION. Miles Amount Principal, of" Out- Kate when Due, When I Where Payable and standing. per t liiocks, of all references, see Road Payable. For explanation Cent. by w hom. lastDlvl'd loot notes on Ist page of EB. Tables

300,000 1 J.& J. N. T.,Nat. Bit of Com, 1887 Operates 55ra of road. In year ending <* 1st mortgage TVoy BMW"— 300,000 7 A.*0. do do Jd mortgage 1885 Sept SO. 1870, gross earnings were $478,263. mortgage 690,000 •t M.ft N. do do 1875 nef. llSTjllS"; int.. tl99,8S7; lease rent, U 437,000 7 M.&S. do do $35,9.5. Deficit made un from surplus f*d. CooTertlble bonds • • „, l^m Union—Ut mort.. guar. Troy City.. 690,000 6 Issued by Troy & guar by BRs. using T.U. 400,000 7 A.'itO. Ofllce at Tnckerton. Apr. 1910 In '/Wi«rfeKi—1st mortgajte 1871 1, progress, 28m. 100 36,745,000 Opened, May, 1869. Net earnings Ist fiscal rTnUm Pactfic—iloc^ •66-'69 ; 1,000 27,237,000 J.'&'j. N. Y. & Boston. 189iM9 year, $2,567,493; 2d year, $3,435,257; Isl IBt mortgage, gold •,_: v mortgage (government subsidy) 1,000 27,236,512 U. S. Treas., at maturity 6 months of 3U year, $2,450,219. See a •67-'69 1,(100 9,825,000 7 A.'&O. N. y. Boston. Land Grant bonds on 13,000,000 acres & 1887 Chkoniolb, v. 13, p. 835; V. 14. p. 220.) 1869 1,000 10,000,000 10 M. & S. do 1874 »10,OOj,(IOO.. . Sept. Income bonds for • . Omalia bridge bonds, sterling, «500,000.-AVi' 1871 iim 2,500,000 A. &0. London. April. 1896 UnUm PmyU', Central firoBcft—ist mort.. 1866 1,000 1,600,000 M. & N. N. y.. Company's ofHce. May 1, 1895 Late Atchison and Pikes P. Cost of '66-7-8 l,000e 1,600,000 6 . Treas. :M mortgage (government subsidy; U S. at maturity. 1896-7-8 road, &c., $3,723,700. (v. 14, p. 43.) 1870 a 500.000 7 .J.'&J. N. Y.,10th Nat. Union It TUiistMe—lal mortgage. Bank. July 1, 1890 Stock, $500,000. Cost of road. &c. $1,000,000, 100 1,666,600 3 J. & U. Utica & N. Y. 1871 mica dt Btack iWoer—stock Dec, Formerly Black Riv. & Utlca. Net earn- 2.500,000 ,T. &,J. TJtIca 1st M. bonds ol July 3868 7 & N. Y. July, 1878 ings. 1859-70. $ 3,000 000 4 J. Vermont it Caiuida—slocii &D. Boston E. Dlakc & Co. Dec. 1, 1871 Leased to Vt. Cen(., 8 p.c. on stock. Vermont Central—atoci 5,000,000 The Vt. & Canada is leased and included 1866 3,000.000 1st mortgage, conaol J.'& D. Boston. Nov'.'i,'l886 in he 185m. operated. Vt C. also leases 2d niorlgaj^e, consol 1866 1,500,000 ,1. & D. do 1891 the Rutl.; Og. & L. Champ., Stanstead Koulpment cans '66- '89 2.000,000 M.& N. do 1876-77 S. & Chambly and other lines. 186- Standsteail, S. & Cliambly bonds 500,000 J.& J. do 2,86ll,00n Vermont & .muss.—stock 100 J.& J. Boston, office, Jniy,"lS71 Leases Troy & Greenf. till completion of 1st mortgaijc, sinking fnid A 550,100 6 J.& J. do July 1, 188S Hoo-ac Tunnel. Net income, 1870-71, 300,000 Converuhle bonds 500 7 f J. 4; J. do July 1, 1879 $162,866, above interest, (v. 14, p. 43.) Vermoni KoMey—1st mortgage 1,00 386,000 7 A.&O. M. T., Continental Bank Oct., 1880 Leased till 18!5 lo liu land RR. Back In 1st mortgage h 114,000 6 A.&O. do do Oct., 1860 teresc unn^id of considerable amount. "M mortgaue 293,200 7 A.&O. do do Oct., 1859 V 1<;*86. it ifei'W—1st series (red) 713,000 7 J.&,). Phils., Girard Nat Bank Net earn'gs yr endine Mar. 1, 1871, $135,488. 2d series (blue) 850,000 7 J.& J. do do The int. on end. and loan bonds to Jan., 3d do (black) 127,000 7 J. & ,1. do do 1869, and on uuend. bonds to April 1866, 4th do (not endorsed) 1,108,000 7 A.&O, do do converted into a 7 per cent pref. stock. Special loan 1.000 225,438 S 1880 Road aud equip.. $3,036,643. (v. 12, p.753.) Vineland, (^N.J. >—1st mortgnge 1,000 750,000 7 f A.&O. M.y ..Farmers' L.&T.Co. Apr. 1, 1890 Stock, »1,000,(J». In progress, to be48m. yirgima it lennessee—alocK. 214 103 3,506,800 Conaol., Nov.. 1870. and now operated as Ist mortgage 494,000 J.'&J. N. y. & Lynchburg Jan!,' 1878 the Va. & Tenn. dlv. of the Atlantic, 3d (enlarged) mortgage 990,000 J.& J. do do July. 1884 Miss. & O. R,>., 201m. Lynchburg to 4th mortgage, for »f,oa>,0«) 816,000 J.& J, do do Mch I, 1900 Bristol, Tenn. Gross earning, year end- Income bonds 113,000 6 J.& J. do do Jan. 1,5865 ing Sept. 30. 1870, $l,0«S.8i2, operating Keglstered ciirtiliCAtes 118,129 8 J. & J. do do 1871-78 expenses, $636,785, net revenue, $127,036. Interest funding bonds 204,200 8 J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 18 (V. 12, n.781j v. 13, p. 807.) Witlkill Valley (Jfy,)—1st mortgage 350,000 7 A.&O. >J. Y., Bull's Head Bank Operated by Erie. »750,0OO.. Ware River (.Mags. )-\H M., auth. 462.000 6e. J.& D. N. y ., Farnham,G. & Co. June, 1890 In progress. Leased to N. London North. Warren (iV../.)—stock 1,800,000 SK Julyil871 Leased to Dela., Lack. & West., which Ist mortgage, guaranteed 511.400 7 F.'&A. N. Y., Del., L. & w. RR. 1B75 claims $643,161 for double track, &c. Wf^atchester ix Phita.—Ut mort., new 1,250,000 7 f J.& J. Plilladelphla, office. Apl 1,1891 Old debts all retired by this issue. lI'Mlern (.4)a.)-l8t mon. (Mont. & W.P.). 750,000 A.&O. N. Y..Souttcr& Co. Income bonds amount to $613,400. Main Western UU , bds, bcfor • consolidation . 600,000 A.&O. do do line W. Pi. to Selina, 138m. Br. to Ope- ,*d M., on consol. road, guar, by Cent. Ga l,2*i,000 .\.&0. do do lika. 30m. Western Marylnna —Ist M., end. Bait. City 200.000 J.& J. Bait., Citizens N. Bank, Jan.l, 1S90 In progress Irom Relay (7m. N. of Balto.) 1st mortgage, unendorsed 400,000 J.& J. do do Jan. 1, 1890 to WlUiamsport, Md., 80m., and Relay to 2d mortgage, ondors. by Baltimore 300.000 J.& J. do do .Ian., 1890 Balto., 7m. Several issues of bds have 2d mortgage, end )rsed by Wash. County. 800,000 J.& J. do do Jan., 1890 the endorsement of Bait. City, as speci- 2d preferred mortgage, unendorsed 400,000 J.& J. do do Jan., 1890 fied In list. Capital stock, $650,000, (v. New mortgage, guar, by Baltimore 1,400,000 J.& J. do do Jan., 1890 13, p. 840.) M'eHtern N. Cirolinu (A'. i>ii'.)—1st mort... 1,400,000 J.&.J. Ian. 1, 1890 Net earnings, 1869-70, 18,200, Western Pemmi/lvania—1st mort 1363 8.10,000 6 A.&O. Philadelphia, Office. Apr. 1.1893 Leased to Pa. RR. Stock, $1,032,450. Cost 1st Mortgage, Pittsburg Branch 1865 h l,0'J0,00O 6 f .!.& J. do do Jan. 1, 1896 of road, &e., $3,671,l»l, Western C//i(ort~lst mortgage 1866 1,000 3,275,000 7 F.&A. N.Y., Mil. & St. P. KU. Feb., 18S(i $3,aX),000 at 3 p.c, till 1873. Own'd M.&St.P West Jersey -aioc'i. 50 1,309,000 4 F.&A. Camden, N.J.Co'sofflce Feb.. 18:2 Control, of several roads and branches, Loan of 1883, guar, by Cam. & Amboy isiii 400,000 6 M.&8. do March,1883 Camden to Cane May, Salem & Swedes- Ist mortgage loan 1866 1,000,000 6 J. & J. do ,Iune, 1896 boro,126m. Net earning*, 1871, $100,141. ISb mortgage, consolidation 1869 979,000 7 A.&O. do Oct., 1899 West Shore Huetson Rtner—l6t mortgage... 676,000 7 In progress. Stock paid. $526,700. West Wise—HI M., gid, s. f.,l.g ., conv... iSTO 4,000,000 J.&'j. York and Loudon Jan!'!,' 1885 To be completed, 1871. L. er., ac. WltUehall Kew 1.1'2S,000 it Plattsourff—1st mortgage 1868 250,000 }' J.& J. New York. 1873 Leased to Vt. Cent-, at $20,000 pr yr & txs. Wicomico (t Pocomoke (iff/)—1st mortgage. aoo.ooa 6 J.& J. Phila.. Girard Natl Bank July 1,1 Cost, $875,000. (V. 13. p. 498.) MIlHamston A Tl/r&oro—Ist mortgage 1870 850,0;X) M.&N. N. Y., J. M. PickroU. May 1, 1900 In progress, 32>^m. Wil., Charl.ttJiutfierrd—Ist mortgage 1867 2,500.000 J.& J. Wilmington, N. C. 1887-97 State endorsement on $1,000,000. Wilmington it Head.—\at mort 1868 1,2.50.000 A.&O. Phila., DeHaven & Bro Oot.,lP00 Floating debt, $263,521. (liioss earnings, 6 2d mortgage 1870 263,000 A.&O. do do Jan., 1902] mos., 1870, $87,735. Wilmington 4 Weldon—Al rling bds 576,887 J.& J. London. 1881 Net earnings, year ending Sept. SO, 1870. Sterling bonds 197,777 M.&N. do 1885 $250,724 ; 1869-9, $154,827. fiinklng Fund bonds 710,000 J.& J. N.Y.,N.Bkof Repnbllc 1896 W'.whester «>(.— A 1st M., guar, by B. & O. 141,400 J.& J. Bait.. B. & O. RR. July 1,1887 Leased to B. & O., at $27,000 per year. Worrnstel- it iVrtsA^a—stock 1,435,100 J.& J. Worcester. Office. Jan.,18r2 Dividends in 7 years, 65 p. c. (v. 14, p,4S.)


DESCUIPION. INTEREST BonOs, $ Miles Amount OR DIVIDENDS. Principal, of • Out- For explanation of all rcferen-es see when Due C'nal standing. per*! J^^S? • Where Payable and foot notes on Ist page of Rli. Tables. P»yable. Stocks, Cent. by Whom. last Dlvi'd.

Chesapeake A Delaware—stock '.' 50 1,880,800 earn- 1st mortgage (originally $2.800,000) Philadelphia, office, Dec, 1871 Del. City to Chesap. City, Md. Net var 1,997,872 Chesapeake (k OAlo—sttjck do do July, 1836 ings from operations, 1870, $395,082, 25 8,229,594 Maryland Loan, sinking fund '.'.. 2,000,000 Gtiaranteod Sterling Loan Baltimore. is-io Honda having next preference 4,375,000 London. 1890 Prlaicare Division—itoc\L 1,699,500 Baltimore. 1885 60 1st mortgage 1683,350 4 Philadelphia, office Feb., 1872 Leased to Lehleh Coal & Nav. Co., at Int, '. 1,000 800,000 6 Dela'care it Hudson—sioc\t do do July 1, 1S78 on bonds and 8 p. e. a yr on stock. 100 Registered Bonds 15,000,000 5 N. Y„ Bk of Commerce Feb., 18T2 Engaged in coal opera'fons. Ca h dlv. in 1,000 1,500,000 7 f llexistercd Bonds N. Y., ofilce, 71 Bway. 1877 6 yrs, 116 p. ct. Stock ill 1862, $7,500,000 1,000 3,500,000 7 f RiV'latc-eil n,mt\a ; do do 1884 Leases Alb. Susi). »nd Hens. & S. RR. 1871 1,000 & Dela. it tiaritaii-stitck '.'.' 1,500,000 7 do do 1391 '.''"' 100 4,999,400 7 Lehtiih Coal

February 24 1872.] THE CHRONICLE. 263 ^\)t Commercial iJ^imca. COTTON. Fbidat, p. M., Feb. 1879. ... 28, rOM*JKRClAT7 EPIIOME. df siiecial lal«(frama received by ua to-nlKht from th« Sauthorn |>i)rtn, we are in posseRaion of the returnaiihowiog the KiiiDAY NIOHT. February 93. 187i. receipts, exports, Sic, of cotton for the week ending tbia evening The occurrenco of !i oloso holiday 1ms beoii an obstacle to Feb. 33. From the figures tlius obtained it appears that the trade dnrini; the past week ; but tliu chief disturbing influ- ''otal receipts for the seven days have reached 77,037 balea a({ainst ence has been the p.issagu by the House of liepresentn lives 8,96U bales last week, 86,33({ bales the previous week, and 03,688 bill to of a abolLsh the duties on coffee and ten ; and the t>aleg three weeks since, making the total receipts since the first ot Grocers' Bo.'vril of Trade has met to protest against tlie pro- September, 1871, 3,166,957 ba'.es against 3,787,780 bales for the same l(pnged agitation of the subject before action can be taken. period of 1870-71, showing a decrease since September 1 this year It seems to be generally conceded that the House bill will of (i30,823 bales. The details of the receipts for this week (as pe not pass the Senate, but it is not improbable thst the Senate telegraph) corresponding of 1871 are as follows bill to reduce the import duty on coffee to two cents, and on and the week tea to twelve cents, may become law. a The Senate also saoxiPTS aaosiPTs 1 proposes a reduction of Ion per cent on nearly all import Anc.'il tills wuek at- 1812. 1871. Hec'd thit week at- i8t9. ini. duties. Thij movement in Congress is throwing gn^at un- certainty into the trades, unsettling values and destroying Sew Orleana bales S7.513 62,780 Florlda balea. «9« 9M Uobllo J,009 16.720, busines.1. 4,754 7,065 Virginia 7,308 ii,an» Cotton 8,204 1!1J)J8 advanced and then declined, cbising ^c. lelow last 3.640 9,591 17 037 1M,6(1 6.018 7,902' Decrease thU year 59.6241 .... Friday; Middling Uplands, 22ic, Flour has advanced, closing renne«800,&c $.5 Tlie exports for the week ending this evening reach a total ot at 70@7 10 for shipping extras. Wheat, though more i 81,055 bales, of which 66,638 were to Ureat Britain, 8,130 to activp, has been without f.iriher advance, closing dull at France, and 6,387 to reiit of the Continent, while the stocks as *1 56@1 61 for No. 2 spring, and for $1 60@1 G3 No. 1 made ap this evening, are now 549,611 bales. Below we give do. Corn has declinod to 70@71c. for new Western mixed. the exports and stocks for the week, and also for the correspond- ] Groceries have beca dull and uneetlled with pr<-tty uniform ing week of last season, as telegraphed to us from the various depreciation in prices. ports to-night Provisions have been leas active, and early in the week Kzported to- Stock. Total this Same w'k leading hog products Wee* ending „ week. 1811. showed some weakness, but this has „., Franco Contln't 1872. ISIl. Beb 23. O.Brit. latterly been recovered, and in lard a slight improvement was established on Wednesday, prime [few Orleans. 23,596 6,467 2,561 31,624 59,131 228,10i 286.488 — Western steam be- Mobile 3 818 2.187 6,015 13,9S4 64,S67 80,924 ing iu demand at short clear Charleston... 8,0« 8,022 8,768 23,1U 31,428 9-Jc.; baon moving fairlv at Savaunah 11.662 I'.ey I'.aco 14.616 17,143 66,019 vi.m 7f c, with othc- cuts somewhat neglected and now mess Texas 5,576 " 5,576 8,593 44.061 08,101 ; New York... 11.531 9 '229 U7S9 18,612 93.950 IM.IOO pork selling more freely at very full prices. Beef has been Other porta.. 413 .... 413 1,011 30,000 34,000

steady. Butter more active in the low grades for export, Total .... 66,6:18 1 3,130 6,287 ai.o,w 125,218 519,641 693.218 since Sent. 1 914,936 I 138,143 183.T27 1,236.803 1,696.183 but at e:isier prices, and cheese quite dull, with increased supplies coming forward from the interior. To-day, nies* From the foregoing statement it will be seen that, compared with the corresponding week of last season, there is a decrease in pork sold for iinnn-diate d. livery to the extent of about 1,000 the exports this week of 44,193 bales, while the stocks to-night are bbls. at $14 contracts 20@14 25, with for the summer 143,579 bales less than they were at this time a year ago. The months at |il4 50. L:ird and bicon, however, were quiet following is our usual table showing tlie movement of cotton at and unchanged. all the ports from Sept. 1 to Feb. 16, the latest mail dates. We Freiijhts have slightly improved, especially for Liverpool, do not include our telegams to-night, as we cannot insure the accuracy or obtain the detail necessary by telegraph. for which port there is a great sjarcity ot sail room, and BROKXPT8 «XPOET«D SINO» B»PT. 1 the steamers have obtained 6^d, for corn, 6^ 1, for wheat, TO— Coast- TOUTS 8IN0«8«PT.l. wise ^d. for cotton, and 25s,, with sail rates nominally abiut Stock. 1871. 1870. PorU. Britain , France For'gn Total. the same. Ve.=sels for charter have been in d«m-tiid at 1 New Orleans 708,321 882,453 2»S.717i 93,;74 469,711 115,775 231,254 higher rates; grain to Cork for orders, 53. 6d@5-'. 9d, in- Mobile 247*12 293.950 74.064' ... ^6:g? ii0,S61 109,361 69.482 eluding two baiks Gbarleston 220.062 263,658 56.1187, 2,235 19,285 78.507 119,406 29,517 on Wednesday at th'i high.-r rate. Ti- Savannah 376,179 573.552 115,361! 33,576 52,:-i29 201,866 106,769 74,238 day little was done for Liverpool, but the steamers Texas 152,960 ; 52,889 64,126 525 4,SiS 69,(r2a 45,201 47.799 London New York 65,50lii J26.177 229,979 500 7,rii 236,250 94,811 filled up with corn at 6^d. and provisions at 25s. Florida 13,126' 7,407 13".426 North Carolina 411,047 i 66.780 :':' 36,501 S,97> In wool there has been a very heavy movement, mainly in 209.542, 330,6«« l'2S9 l'259 203,986 4,4a Other ports 60,815 1 43.58s 12,805 3°,966 !6,70S 19,000 domestic pulled, at 78@90c., Cape al 46@48c., Texas at 35 Total this year '2089,920 849,298 iiso.oio 177,440 1155,748 750,405 569,641 @50o., California fall clip at 36@40c., and Mestiz.i at 38@ Total last yea- .... 2651,119 1902,695 1.494 276.746 158C,935 766,94; 703^3 40c.; of these qualities nearly three million pounds were Tlie market the past week has been interrupted by the occur sold in a few days, but the close is quiet, with stocks materi- rence of Washington's birthday, which was oljserved as a close ally reduced. holiday. Aside from this circumstance, however, there has been Cloveiseed has declined to 9^@10^c. for Ohio and in spot cotton a general dnlness prevailing, the result of the high Indiana. Tallow has been steady at 8f@9^c , the sales prices shutting out, as they do, tlie operations to any extent of being mostly prime country and Western 'it 9^c. Whiskey shippers, and also producing a want of confidence in present values is among our spinners. Purchases, therefore, for consumption and lower at 91c. Hides have I urther advanced; prime dry export have continued small ; still our mills are supposed to be Buenos Ayres 27^@28c. gold, and city slaughter ox llf@ pretty well stocked up. And this fact, together with the greater 12c. currency. Leather also advancing. economy in consumption in Europe, (which is necessarily being Tobacco has been quiet. Stocks of old crop are reduced and produced by the high prices,) and the rapidity with which the .assortments poor, while the cold weather has prevented the India crop is being h urried forward are making all parties more cau- tious. Transactions, therefore, have continued small, and prices new crop being marketed. Of Kentucky leaf the sales which on Saturday last advanced ^c. have again gradually settled have been 350 hlids., about equally divided between export down, closing to-night at a loss on the week of ^c, (or a loss of ^c. and consumption. Prices have ruled about as la-t quoted since Saturday,) notwithstanding receipts have been very limited, ; favoring lugs, 8@9e; common to good leaf, 9^ 13c. In seed leaf, the smaller crop idea. For forward delivery there has been a good business doing, the decline being less marked than for spot there bus been rather more doing than las^ week, but the cotton. The last quotations for futures were (basis low mid- sales are still small, including 400 cases Ohio, and 50 do dling) 23|c. for February, 33 7-16c. for March, for April, new 23c. Western on pnvate terms, and 200 ciscs sundry lots 33|c. for May, and 33 7-16c. for June. The total sales of this des- at 20@55c. In Spatii.h tobacco the sales embrace 500 bales cription for the week are 94,150 bales, including free on board. week Havana at 95c@*l 10. Manufactured tobacco dull and For immediate delivery the total sales foot up this bales, consumption, iins'ittled. 11,339 including 4,339 for export, 3,439 for 779 for speculation, and 3,873 in transit. Of the above, 18 East India goods been quiet. have Metals have been bales were to arrive. The following are the closing quotations without special feature, but prices have shown a slight up ward tendency in pig iron and tin plates. Petroleum closes firm at 22@22^c for refined, but crude has declined to 12|c. Oils have shown some improvement in crude sperm, but Ordinary perlb. Good Ordinary crude cotton seed oil has declined to 50c. Naval stores Low Mlddlluff MUldllriK. closed dull at *4 75 for strained rosin, for and 88c spirits Good MftldllnK I 28X»... turpentine. Fruits and fish have been fairly active at Below we give the sales of spot and transit cotton and price ot steady prices. Hops have ruled very dull. Upland* at tliia nuurket each day of the paat week . : : 1 «H : .

264 THE CHRONICLE. [February 24, 1872.

we have prepared the following table, showing the quantity of C.n. Spec Tran- Good >»id- cotton In sight at this date (February 23) of each of the two past Mldl'g. dlinK Elp'l. suinp. Ulll'll .11. Total. ord'ry. Ord'ry, seasons: 8atard»7 471 303 187 963 20X 22 22V 23H 1872. 1871. 22 23H Monrtny. Ml MO 1« 1,^00 , 2,387 20X 22V Stock in Liverpool bales. 506,000 764,000 Tuesday 2,«S 609 115 700 3,889 21 2J« 23^ Wednesilay... 25 748 211 1,9-2 3.026 20)4 21X 22X 23>i Stock in London 181,000 76,000 Holi lay Thnr»< Stock in Havre 200,000 43,000 ToUl.. 4.S19 2.439 779 3.872 11,329 Stock in Marseilles 13,000 4,600 For forward delivery the galea (inclnding free on board) Stock in Bremen 14,500 2,750 have reached durinor the weeli 04,]5() hales (all low middling or on Stock rest of Continent* 90,000 25,000 the basis ol low middling), and the Ijllowing is aatalement of the Afloat for (Ireat Britain (American) 160,000 290,000 Bales and prices Afloat for Havre (American and Brazil).. 22,750 None. Afloat for Bremen (American) bales. ets. bales. cts. bale«. ctB. bales. cte. 20,678 37,000 For February. 300 not. alter 4 400 23 7-1') For .June. Total Indian cotton afloat for Europe 283,000 161,000 23?« lOOBi't not..2iK 101 22 5>; 3.90(1 -uy: 100 7-16 Stock in United States 1,3I» !!% 2,sro n% 2,UX) 23 9-16 1(0 23 ports 549,641 693,3 IS au 22 9-16 1,600 22 UlC 6,0(« 13^ 900 23X Stock in inland towns 87,065 118,382 700 32H 4,90.) J3V 2,000 -23 11-16 601 .23^ 400 2J 11-16 5,200 22 1316 TOO 23 11-16 1,600 "Jli 5,600 tm 31,610 total April. 1,.3(« 23V Total 2,188,034 2,204,300 900 22 1--16 4.4'Xi a-i i.Me 700 23 13-16 100 mi 9.900 a.i For May. 700 ..23« SOO 2S 5-16 603 24 • We have a despatch by cable tonight which atates that of the 90,000 bales 23« 5,300 total FebV. .!S,900 total March. 700 credited in the above to "Stock rest of Continent," 43,000 bales compose the 100 2S 7-16 5,700 total June. stock at Amsterdam. For March. For A prii. 550 23X 1,400 82H l,ro^ 23 1,900 2i% For July. These figures indicate a decrease in the cotton in sight to-night ;,200 23 M6 1,500 23 11-16 1(10 23 :S16 13'4 of 16.366 bales compared with the same date of 1871. loo -i^yz 401) l.«X) 23V 600 .21 100 22 0-16 I,()U0..., 2i 3-l« 1,000 23 13-16 Movements op Cotton at the Interior Ports.—Below we 100 not. after 1.6-0 23 k' 1,200 2:!« 70;)tot\l .luly. 6th 22X 5,f00 23 5-16 l''or August. give the movements of cotton at the interior ports—receipts and 4,600 S,'!50 total May. 24 .23X 100 shipments for the veek.and stock to-night and for the correspond- exchanges have the The following been made during week ing week of 1871 ; l-lOc. paldto exchange liX) Feb. for 100 Mcli. Uc. " lOOFeb. forlOi; Mch. Weekending Feb. 23, 1872^ ,-Week ending Feb. 23,1871-,

»«i;. . " .'iOO Muvch for 300 April- Receipts. Shipments Stock. Receipts. Shipments. Stock. " Vc. ItOF.-b. for 100 April. Augusta 3,603 3,031 17,290 3,828 3.195 33,626 WKATnER Reports r.v TEr.EGitAPii.— It has rained on one day i Columbus 608 840 9,858 1,241 1,463 13,148 at Galveston tliia week. At New Orleans it has been showery Macou 530 1,030 10,343 1,441 1,669 15,686 during two days, and there has been rain the same number of Montgomery... 677 543 7,455 1,841- 2,4i2 9,404 days at Sel ma, at Montgomery, Mobile, Columbus, Maon and Seliua 1,148 1,693 3,795 1,4.50 2,511 8,860 Savannah. At Charlcstou it has been cold and dry all the week, Memphis 10,517 10,004 33,767 10,975 21,424 41,224 and at Memphis there has been a slight rain two clays, the rest of Nashville 863 748 5,053 3,570 3,147 8,434 the week having been pleasant. The thermometer has averaged

at Mempliis, 44 ; Charleston, 43 ; Macon, 49 ; Columbus, 51 ; S^ma 17,086 18,078 87,005 30,346 35,861 118,382 and Savannah, 5,5, and at Galve.stou,.')9. nie above totals show that the interior stocks have decreased dur- OvEUL.^ND Movement of Cotton.—We have received very ing the week 993 bales, and are tonight 31,317 bales leas than many imjuiries with regard to the overland movement of cotton, at the same period last year. Tlie receipts have also been 13,260 but liave not answered them as we were attempting to ))repare bales less than the same week last year. our usual statement showing its extent and direction up to Jan. 1. As yet, however, our returns from some of the more imiwrtant Below we give our table showing the exports of cotton from routes have failed to reach us. while others show so considerable New York a falling off compared with last year as to make it doubly neces- Exp»rtR ot Cotton (bales) from New York aince Sept.ltlSTl sary to receive the full figures to see if there has not been some change in the movement—an increase in one direction balancing a WKEK KNDINO decrease in another. In the Total Same meantime any estimate we could lime EXPORTED TO to make would be very unsatisfactory. prev. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. date. year. Cotton Prospects.—An article on this subject, in our editoria 31. 7. 14. 21. columns bearing the well known signature B. F. N., will attrac very general attention, and we think Liveri>ool 10,475 7,780 7,8.31 11,561 229,030 339,068 deserves close study. Many other British Ports. 949 6,734 may disagre.? with it iu some of its facts (as for instance we think th(j writer has estimated the American crop too high, etc.,) but yet Total to Gt. Britain 10,475 7,780 7,831 11,551 229,979 345,80-3 there is iu it enough which is beyond tiuestion to make specula- na\-ro 79 19 9 381 tors in future cottons at high prices very cautious. We stated Other French ports 119 some weeks since our opinion that buying contracts on specula- lotal Frencb 79 19 9 tive account for the late spring and early summer months at the current prices was not a safe business, and we think the article in Bremen and Hanover. 122 75 67 2-29 5.143 9.079 queiition will convince even the most sceptical of its hazzardous Hamburg 299 5,088 nature. Other ports 1,133 7,429 BoMB.VY SiirPMENTS.—Our Bombay telegram received to-night Total to N. Europe 1^ 229 6,575 21,596 gives the shipments to Great Britain for the week at 39 000 bales auJ to the continent, Spain Oporto* Oibraltar&c S.315 17,000 bales, while the receipts at Bombav dunug the Ail others 1,196 same time have been 45,000 bales. The movement since the fir^t of January is as follows. These are the fin-ures of Total Spain, Sec. 1,196 2,317 \\. Nu'ol & Co., of Bombay, and are for the week "ending I Mondav ° Grand Total... 10,1176 7,874 7,898 11,789 238,250 869,711 .-ShlpmenlB this week to^ ^Shipments since Jan. I to^ The following are the receipts of cotton at New York, Boston Great Coo- Great Con- llrltalu, tlncut. Total. Week's Total, receipts. Philadelphia and Baltimore for the last week, and since Sept. 1, 1871 i»n.. 89.(«iO 17,00J 56,000 VJl'.'jl'?- """"t lum 48,' 00 195,I1U) uni 15.(100 «,3«0 21300 rUw 85,000 23,600 108,-00 17:ilOO I'rom the f.rogoing It would appear that NEW YORK compared with last bkok'ts ntox- "'1' \" '^""^ ^^««^'« shipments to Great d'.i„'^,7Brila.n of 34.000oVnnr^TT'"b,(1..8, T" and tliat the total movement since Jan shows an increase 1 in shipmentspments of 80,500Sfi.r.OO baleshsilos over«,-», theti,„ cor- New Orleans..! ue Texas in [ -"^ excess of a year ago. \Vc have Savannali - I I-IT nothiB Mobile Gi-NNV Baos. B.vggino, Florida &c.-Cloth is stil! held with much con S'th Carolina. fidcnce nad there is some disposition shown to pure N'th Carolina. future d_H ivorp-. aseXr The sales are 135 tales native Virginia bond; at ^Oc gold "n North'm Ports 2.,0 bales do. at lie, gold, in bond ; 500 rolls Tennessee, prompt, delivery, d-mies'tic ,S:c at 17c.. and 2..500 Foreign rolls, f^rfutirdenZ at 180 -rUere l.«- been an increased demand f"or bag and he of holders are that higher i^;: Total this year] prices will rule. The tdegrams from Calcutta are favorable to hicherhigher Dric,,. l,»r„ «»!.! ':?^A,!,^"?'" , . , i)rice8 here. Total last year] , ,„ , , J^° Sales are 300 bales at 12c. gold in bond 2.j0 : bales, to arrive per" Edith Warren at Shipping News. exports of cotton from the United States 12c., and 100 bales per "Omineta,' a' —The -. '."'"'" 13ic. gold, in , •, , . bond, llomu dull,,,i and quite nominal is the past week, as per latest mail returns, have reached 83,090 in price. Jute is in light demand -1 «iles sol:? on private terms. ™ bales. So far as the Southern ports are concerned, these are the Jut» butts have ifeen leis active 'fnd same exports reported published in Tii K Chron- T"'"/"'""' "' '!>'<•"" ''"ve not by telegraph, and been obtained. Sales are ISi^Vl.ale.^ January icle last Friday, except Galveston, and the figures for that port 1,000 shipment at 3|c. gold; 500 bales on ^soot on are the exports for two weeks back. With regard to New York, private terms, and 300 bales iu Boston at Sic currency we include the manifests of all vessels cleared \\\t to Wednesday, Visir.i.E Suppr.Y of Cotton Made tp by Cabm and Tele night of this week : ORAPii.-Hy cable .e have to-night the stocks at all the European • Total bales- porta, the India cotton afloat for all of Europe, New York— and the American To Liverpool, per steamers Abyssinia, 1.1112. . Repnhlic, afloat for each port as given 1,6)6. 1-27. below. From figures thus received ..Spain, 1,144. ...City of Washiugton, .. . Hiissla, 905 ....Idaho, 2,943. ...Erin, 1,184. ...per ships Lord Strathnairn, 802 : : . . . . , .

Fcbraaiy 24, lb72.J THE CHKUNKXE. 2C5

...Atlantic King, 448....A*tionoiii«r (oatlm*t«d), 3S0 Uke •*i.M, BTc, or *u. Eric. 4«0 K,U1 DsaciniTiowa. "" To Il«\'r», per fteamer P«re(r«, 9 Bale* tills week. Total Bame ArcriK* T" Ilrpmrn p«r •tcamerRhrln. !M ng Ex- 8|icrula- thia period weekly n\f* Trade. port tlon. New Oni-EANn—To LUorpool. per Hi-iunpri St LonU, .1.800 Cliryao- Total. year. 1871. imt. 1871 Amerlcjin . bales . 28.(i.'.fl 2 J.V) (1.220 llt.', 1,74!) .. piTKhlpn Hnnnnli Piiri-. S,.'iW.. Wh«mpo«, 8.!I0S 37.120 807.020 2ftl.1(tO fn.240 16.140 Brazilian (l.iisn 1..S.V) 8 4fl0 l«,«:iO 1 I8.n20 I-laiirt llomp, a,a»6 . .. Elfaiior Dunn, S.iMO .. ..Jn|ilicr, 1,8U7 2S.140 17.840 a.atio Ecyptlan 8,810 420 MOO 10.!20 (i0.8<0 ZImi. . . John Hall, . 20,090 2,7M. per harks O. 070 Eva. S,0« 24,M« Smyrna 7.9H0 *M0 To Cork, Eipla, tiarks A Greek I , .^n •i.:c» 440) per phip 1,700 per Cavoiir, 1.800 . .Eyr West Indian, ('•"''' IM «™1 3.110 1,100 l,IHark Pordieho. .. .. 'Brazilian. 7*0 per brig Prlncip«, 446,i.C0 Teiai"—To Liverpool, per barkp Erna, I.BflS Herbert, 3,S95 per brics Albert, 133. . Armor, 421 and 13 Sea Island MM Boston—To Liverpool, per steamer Parthia, 752 7,52 BRE ADSTUFFS To Brllleh Provinces, per ,8 ,3 FniDAT p. M.. February 23. 1878. Total 82,U90 The market showed considerable buoyancy for Hoar and wheat during the first half of the past week, but latterly there has bctn The particulars of these shipments, arranged in our usual form are as follows some reaction, with corn and oats quite depressed. Liver- Ham- Ant- Bar- During Saturday, Monday and Tuesday there was an active

pool . Cork. Havre. Bremen. burg. werp. celona. Total. demand for all grades of flour ; the local trade bought freely New York 11.551 9 229 .... 11.789 ; New Orleans.. 24.218 S,i)30 8,355 1,678 1,208 a,230 S..374 49,8ii8 there was a good business done for the West Indies and South Mobile 8.HI9 1.166 4.785 Savannah America, and a few thousand barrels were taken for Great 4,323 5,947 300 9. .310 Texas 6,5.Vt 6,553 Britain, the latter at 75(30 80 for extra State. The recent ad- Boston 75* .... 7.'-'5 f6 vance in flour may be s'ated at 2.')(g50c. per barrel, the greater Total 50,016 5,980 11,811 1,907 1,2 8 2 230 3,810 8 ',090 improvement being in the finer qualities ; common txtras from Inclnded in the above totals are, from New Orleans, 3,9a-) l)alcs to Biltish the close of Port from Savannah, • spring wheat showing tlit least advance. At Tues- ; 1,700 bales to Holtcrdam and 40 bales to St John N B from Boston, linles 3 to British Provinces. day's business the higher prices brought out increased offer- tSfT" The hnrk Hawthorn (which was given in the Chronicle of February 17 as clearing from New Orleans for Antwerp, quiet with 2,211 bales cotton) it has ings ; Wednesday was steady ; but to-day the market was since been ascertained by the New Orleans Piice (;•< tent, took out 30 bales more, making the total cotton cargo of that vessel 2,241 boles. and prices barely supported. The wheat market has been quite active, but without further Gold, Exciianob and FiiBiaHTS.—Gold has Uactuated the past advance holders, especially Fince have seemed week between UOJ and 111, and the close was llOJ. ; on and Tuesday, Foreign Exchange market is strong higher. and The followinjf much more inclined to realize ; and millers and shippers have wore the last quotations: London bankers', lonjr, J09f; short. bought freely at $1 5G.al 56} for No. 2 spring in store, and llOf, and Commercial, 108S3109. Freitrhts closed at Jd. by 62 for No. 2 Milwaukee in store and afloat 61'ai 64 $1 59@1 ; $1 Btonm and 3-lOd. by sail to Liverpool, Ic. gold by steam and n-16c. by sail to Havre, and id. by steam to Hamburg. for No. 1 spring in store and afloat ; but on Wednesday, the out- Bt TELKouAPn pnoM Livehpool.— side figures could not be realized. Winter wheats have been quiet,

being held for extreme prices ; a boat load of amber Indiana sold LtvKBPooi, Feb. 2.3—5 P. M.—The market opened quiet and closed dull w.th iiales footing np 12,000 bales, inciinling 3,000 bales for export and specula- on Tuesday afternoon at $1 72} in store, but clioice amber Michi tion. The sales of the week have been 97,000 bales, of which 8,000 bales were taken for export and 20.000 bales on speculation. The stock in port is 566 000 gan probably could not be had under $1 75 in store. White hales, of 2<)S.0(K) l)ales which are Ainurican , The stock of cotton at sea bound wheats have been firm, to Ihia port is 400,000 bales, of which 160.000 bales are American. but quiet. To-day, buyers reduced their bids one cent, but were not able to purchase, and very little was r-b. 2. Feb. 9 Feb. 16. Eeb. 23. Total sales 158.000 117,000 68,000 97,000 done. Bales for export 15.000 14.000 6,000 6,000 Sales on speculation . M.000 4.3.000 12,000 20,000 Corn has been active, but at a slight decline in prices. The Total stock 469,000 49<)000 535,000 5K«,000 {eatures of the week have been, a more liberal supply of Southern Stock of .American... 147.000 1.57.000 168,000 208.000 Total atloat 4.3.5,000 414.000 420.001 400.000 corn in good condition, and a greater proportion of damp corn American afloat 231,000 202,000 203.000 1W),000 among the arrivals of new Western mixed. The new Southern The following table will show the daily closing prices of cotton for the week. has mostly sold at 71@72c. for fair to good yellow, afloat, and 76c. Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. TInirs. Fri PriceMidrp|-d8.n3.(mil,^< Uamik ll)i@.... 11,'.'®.. 11>.'@... U^mTi for prime new white. On Wednesday a considerable proportion Orleans. 11 @11X ... @ll>i \\^%\\h "Ji®.. 11!,® ©11?,' o' the new Western mixed offered was not in condition to go for- Trade Report.— The advices from Manchester are less favorable and cans a dulness in t le cotton market. ward by sail, and sold at 7l@71}c., while prime sail com sold at 72c. To-day, with liberal receipts and a decline in Liverpool, EuBOPEAN AND INDIAN COTroN MARKETS.—In reference to these markets our correspondent in London, writing under the prices were again lower, new Western mixed selling moderately date of Feb. 10, states at 70@71c., afloat. LivEnpooL, Feb. 10.—The followinj; are the prices of middlinT° Rye has remained quiet. Barley has been firm and faiily qualities of cotton, compared with those of last year: active, but without important feature. Oats have continued „^^„,^ --Fair* ^Same date 1871- ^-Ord.iMId^ g d fair ^ ^G'd&fair-. Mid. Fair. Good depressed, and prime No. 2 Chicago have sold at Gl^c in store, Be> Island 24 i," 44 50 23 30 38 SUined and 54c afloat. To-day, there was no decided change. Ord. G.Ord.L.Mid. Mid.G.Mid. M.F. Mid. G.Mid. M.F. The following are closing quotations: Splsnd 9Jj; V\yi lix US' 1111-16 12 ',% ''% Mobile 8.S' Floijh Gkain. 9Ji lOJi llij IIX llJi 12 7Ji 7 15-16 8». Superfine State and West- Wheat-No.2spriug,bu«h.t1 1 N.Orleans&Texas 1.34 11 117-13 ll.V. 11% 7,'j 56(?t 61 12?i 8« »« ern tg bbl. $6 20® 6 60 No. 1 spring 1 60(a 1 «3 The following are the prices of middling qualities of Extra State, 6 7 cotton at &c 7"@ 10 Ked Western 1 (j*a> I 67 this Western Spring date and at the corresponding periods in the three previous Wheat Amber do 1 68 I 75 years- extras 6 6.5 f 7 f« White 1 6B: 1 80

do double extras 7 8 85 : Corn—Western 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 25® mixed 7« 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. do winter wlicat extras White Western Hidland d. d. d. d. Midland d. d. d. d. and e.xtrae double 7 25® 10 25 Yellow Western. . Sea Island 28 18 23 Pernarabnco. 11?i Ti ... City shipping extras. .. 6 90® 7 ly Southern, new Upland II.5-16 M3i Vi 9Ji E?y[)tian \\x City trade aud family Rye— State and Canada Mobile. lOJi tii 9)4 IJroach Wi 9if 5 b brands 7 lO^ 9 60 Western Orleans. . ly, Ma W/, 9Ji Dhollerah 9^ 6«,' Southern 6K bakers' and fa- Oats—Black Illinois, . Since the comtuenceuient oi the year the transactions on specitla mily brands 8 7S®I0 .'lO Chicago mixed 61 sion and for export have been : Soutliern shipp'g extras. 7 25(a 8 60 White Ohio and State.. Hye flour 4 | ^Actualcxp.from Actual 50® 5 15 ; Barley—Western Cornmeal— Western, Ac. .1 5fl(^ Liv., Hull A other exp'tfrom 3 90 | Slate to Corn meal—Brwine, *c. 3 >Jb® 1 Taken on »pec. thia date—, outporta to date U.K. In 4 00 Canada West 1872, Buckwiieat flour, p.lOOlb. 3 3 60 1 1871, 1872, 1871, 1S7I. 20® | Peas—Canada hales. bales. bales. bales. bales. The American... movement in breadstuff's at this market has been as follows 61.08!) 13,040 I5,»fl 26,765 302, ;bo Rraziiian... .34,«<)0 -RECEIPTS NEW TORX.- llX) S.804 2,940 60.;bo AT NEW TORK.- -EXPORTS PROM -1871. Egyptian. . 15,8110 920 8.56 5S4 12.H20 1872. Same -1872. W. Indian.. For the Since 2,270 4.50 2 279 124 16,710 For the Since time .Tan. For the Since B. weak. Jan. 1. Indisn.. 116 970 11,730 38,186 12.(M8 519,490 week. .Tan. 1. 1, !871. week. Jan. 1. Flour, bbls. 27,452 257.594 3

266 THE CHRONICLE. February 24, 1872.J

The following tables, prepared (or The Chronicle by Mr. E" GROCERIES. H. Walker, of the New York Produce Exchange, show the Grain mail Fbidat Etenino, Feb. 48, 1872. in sight and the movement of Breadstuffs to the latest The occurrence of a holiday has partially checked the move- dates : ment of goods, but there can be no doubt that the unsettled state RBCBrtTS AT LAKE AND RIVEE FORTS FOR THE WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 17, 1872. of mind relative to the proposed removal of duty on teas and coffees has been the great drawback to trade. articles' mentioned Float, Wheal. Corn. OatB. Barley. Rye, The bneh. ba«b. bble. bnet. bneh. bneh. were naturally influenced to the greatest extent, but as the attend- (48 IhB )(66 lbs.) (IMlbB.) (eoibn ) (Bfi lbs.) (Hi lb«.) Chicago n.88« 26,474 369,895 113,631 31,730 10,968 ance of interior buyers was greatly curtailed, the demand for 10,435 Milwaukee 8,848 6(),605 97.451 34,697 17,063 14.674 8,156 417 other goods was correspondingly small. On prices there is no Toledo 1,76:) 6,428 187.916 4,766 26 Detroit 6,646 31,976 35,676 15,600 decided change to note, but the condition of affairs is so unsettled Cleveland 8,950» 11,850 13,650 16,860 800 84,023 ll,6!).i B,52T to in Bt.DC. LonlsLioais 15,070ia,u(v 56.095iiu.uwo 122,839i*-,^.^.. as render quotations many cases entirely nominal. The No report. Dnlath removal of the duty will give a profit to many operators and cause Totals 53853 193,325 many others to lose money, and the expediency of the act meets Prevloneweek 63,188 174,.351 ideas, Correspond'g week, '71. 71,369 313,768 with conflicting but the unanimous opinion is that a de- '70. 103,980 438,218 cision should be arrived at at once. It behooves the Senate " '69. 117,664 461,150 " '(i8. 61,623 211,162 therefore, to take immediate action npoii the bill for the abolish- '67. 62,192 107,159 • on the 17th estimated. ment of the import duty on tea and coffee, and by this means re EBtimated . The receipts at St. Louis move an incubus which is prostrating the business of a large an^i Comparative Receipts at the same ports from Aug 1 to Feb. influential portion of the commercial community throughout the 17, both inclusive for four years : 1871-73. 1870-71. 18G9-70. 1868-69. entire country. rionr,bblB 3,0€9,18o 3,619,774 3,716,788 4,071,781 The entries direct for consumption, and the withdrawals from bond, showing together the total thrown on the market for the Wheat, buBh 80,931,790 82,576,930 33.715,438 29.824,146 week, were as follows : Corn, bush 32,90,3.460 35,699.669 21,593, ii6:i 16,981,948 Tea.lilack.... 3,489 pkgs. Laguayra., 161 bi.gs. Sugar, Brazil. 4,790 bags. OatB, bush 16,894,881 13,254,416 10,.339,785 16,.307,546 tireen .1,478 pkgs. Otiier._ . 1,618 bigs. Manila &c..66,29li bags. Barley, bush 5,322,665 4,675,840 2,806,408 4,5:w,:i86 Japan 1 462 pkKS. Sugar, Cnba..UI,5.'i4 bxea. Mia8'c8,Cuba 876 'hhUB. 1,168,774 1,127,78; 1,191,434 Kye, bosh 2,131,643 Various 2,137 pkgs. Cuba 2.915 hhdB. Porto Klco. 278 'lihdB, Coffee~ Rio..~" 5.442 Saga. Porto Blco 218 •hh(l6. Demerara.. 173 •hhdB, Total grain 88,18-3,889 78,273,519 69,583,019 68,835,460 ,JaV!\ 1,^17 mats. Other «I3 hlidB. Other 889 'bhds. Maracaibo. 905 bauB. HhdB. Include bbls. and tcB. reduce. Shipments of Flour and Grain from Chicago, Milwaukee, Withdrawn from warehouse for transportation to the interior, in bond, 1,88 7 Toledo, Detroit, St. Louis and Cleveland for the week pndirc packages tea and 3,559 bags of coffee.

Imports this week have included 4 cargoes of tea ; 8,775 bags Feb. 17, 1873 : ~" Floor, Wheal, Com, Oats, Barley, Rye, Rio and Santos, 11,644 mats Java, and 9,045 bags of other kinds of bble. buBb, bnsh. buBb. bUBb, bneh coffee ; 12,82'2 boxes, 9,150 hhds., and 6,012 bags of sugar ; 1,705 Week ending Feb. 17, 72. . 60,441 44,921 4-^,4.55 102,290 28,471 11,953 hhds. of molasses, and 1,713 bbls. New Orleans do. « eek ending Feb. 10, 72. . 35.800 3.3,486 307.167 71,088 46,074 8,930 Week ending Fob IS, 71*. 49.105 44,821 364,423 45.810 12,740 6,732 The stocks in New York at date, anc imports at the five leading WeekendingFeb. 18, 70». 70,734 85,343 154,611 37,320 16,417 1,080 ports since Jan. 1. 1872, are as follows :

* St. Louis not included. Stocks in ew York Imports at leading port at date since Jai uary 1. Comparative Shipments from the same ports from Jan. 1 to 1372. 1B71. 1872. 1871. February IS, inclusive, for four years. Tea lliB. •,712,127 13,622.792 Tea (indirect Import) .pkgs. 29.ai3 4. .^75 1871. 1869.* Coffee Klo bags. 94,024 84,466 20.'.088 281.752 Total bhls. 884,316 609,983 Coffee, other bags. 86,123 16.404 72,574 S4.S0I Sugar boxes. 88 982 3!.335 71,47: 56.225 Wheat..., bash. 261,829 8)9,194 Sugar hhdB, 18,561 30 311 30,160 84,711 bags. 97.779 364.'.>70 493.478 122.280 Corn 8,480,673 1,289,670 Sugar Uol asses b bus 5.000 7.211 8.6.1 14,540 OaW 342,680 453,465 Barley 143,498 135,679 TEA. Bye 28,764 183,691 The agitation of the tariff qnestion has again had a quieting effect upon this Total 4,204,488 3,197,438 1,908,123 2,911,599 market, and the buBiness reported from day to day was quite small so far as 8t LoniB not included. invoiceB were concerned, while the line trade remained at an almost complete stand still. As the removal of the duty, however, will be sure to enhance the RECEIPTS OF FLOUR AND GRAIN AT 8EAB0AHD PORTS FOR THK value of goods in bond, there has been considerable looking around to ascer- WEEK ENDINO FEBRUARY 17. 1872. tain the position of desirable parcels and owners' views, with a few actual Flonr, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Rye sales consummated and the quantities made known, with.an intimation by some At bbls. bush. hush. bush. bush. bush. brokers that they have been handling really large amounts, and are not per- NevT00 2,4.60 .... 1000 2,000 7.'iO can he question of duty, a better business will ensue. On 1 prices no change Philadelphia ti,fl2 16,104 95,780 40;888 5,600 967 firm. Oolongs steady and Japans " looking up." Baltimore 16,186 34,530 50,000 23,600 .... 1,850 made, and dealers call Greens New Orleans 1,607 16,917 2 487 Sales of 3,600 Greens. and 8,000 .Japans. Imports this week have included 3,407 lbs. Black, and 731,661 lbs. Total 65,294 70,7a3 565,662 166,.398 78,228 4,482 Green per '• Willy Rickmers," from Shanghai; 893,921 lbs. Black, per "Mary WeekendingFeb.lO.,.. 80,825 87 805 569,092 214,841 24,266 2,922 Whitri igc," from Foo Chow; 1113,801 lbs. Black and 901,370 lbs. Green Weekending Fcb.3 107,987 94,974 843,813 177,084 42.933 3.188 per "Endeavor," from Shanghai, and 730,803 lbs. Green per "Midnight," Week ending.Ian. 27 ....165,397 124,086 1,033,915 28.8,527 steamer 40,378 8,5.55 from Shanghai . The receipts indirectly have been 1,400 pkgs. by Week ending Jan. 20.. .142,079 111,365 841,178 887,290 93,593 2,960 and 2,488 by rail overland. Week ending .Jan. 13... .14.3,414 99,870 753,640 194,952 89,845 2,662 The following taole snows the Imports of Tea Into the United States (not Week ending Jan. 6 93,878 96,300 749,232 173,092 82,618 2,720 including San Francisco), from January 1 to date, in 1812 and 1671 : And from Ji Total "^ ™^''''' *'>'» '• Wheat, 684,492 bnsh Corn. Black. Green. Japan. X '; '\I^?^\ ; 5,356.532 bash . 9,J12.1« , ,.„ .„ ""'*''• Barley, 451,861 bash 1872. 3,924,4*7 4,M3 603 1.774,057 Po^'J.'fi?\l® ; Rye, 27,239 bush. Total grain, 7,996,308 bushele. 1871. 2,689,a04 6,732,655 3,300,633 12.622,792 The Visible The indirect importations. Including receipts by Pacific Mail steamers vis Supply of Grain, including stocks in store at khe principal Aspinwall, have been 29,008 pkgs. since January 1, against 4,675 last year. points of accumulation at lake and seaboard ports ' *"' *^°^-° *"**»« New York canals, COFFEE. Q.ir°^"' /,?" • February 17, 1872, IS as follows j > The period covered by this review has probably been one of the most Wheat. Corn. Oats, Barley. unsatisfactory weeks experienced on the coffee market for many months, bush. bush. bush. In store at New York business in wholesale invoices showing complete prostration, and values on 3785 733 562.7.'33 3,865,109 880,784 In Btore at Albany ' Awaiting the verdict 10 000 16,000 178,000 67,000 every grade settling into an entirely nominal condition. In store at Buffalo 669060 425,028 408,839 74,700 the proposition to repeal the import duly has of course been the principal In store at Chicago + on ;..;:;; 1,666!695 5,84.5.932 1,19.3,713 561,549 Instoreat Milwaukee oanseof the inactivity, and until the bill already passed by the house becomes 1744000 318.386 197.173 In store at Duluth 83,013 an ift'qnn a law, or is otherwise definitely disposed of, no hopes are entertained of In store at Toledo .' liim 6'iO,'884 884 SM) 87,548 in the general tone. Nearly the whole interior trade, but more In store at Detroit ". Improvement vmm 71,718 16.3,838 20,0.32 In store at Oswego particularly WeBtem dealers, have entirely withdrawn, and refuse point blank 4^»'n2 489,771 103,968 203,616 InatoreatSl. Lonis will f hape, and [ *" 4^'o52 278,1 68 365,799 to open negotiations until they know exactly how matters In store at Boston 16,712 n'gsi 882,917 168,169 25,294 off jobberB in turn became Indifferent, and In store .*.*.*..". with the distribution thus cut at Toronto '. 8.36* .371 1,525 63,817 In store at 54,167 apprehended on purchases in bond, the preference Montreal.. . little danger Is to be aio'ots 166,794 17,586 though In store at P.iiladelphia* ." .'." 13,:«I0 365 000 160,000 285,000 is to await developments. The stocks, in the meantime, though not very In store at Baltimore* 40,000 . 130*000 .'.' 240,000 75,000 12,000 first hands, and have also been '.'. ' large, are gradually accnmulating in Amount on New York canals! '. '. 1 I'lg 20.1 1,083,218 62.8,075 499,054 Rail shipments for added to ;in second hands by recent receipt of cargoes bought week 44,921 483,455 103,290 28,471 previous to arrival. Brazils are still considered as a first cIsbb stock '''"'*' 10,.356,01o 10,566,967 6,228,021 1,977,269 by owners, and the general merits of the position, both domestic and foreign, Total In^Btoreand In transit Feb. 10,'72.10,KW,309 10,.'>42.253 6.578.605 1,973,.')84 ae very strong, with every reason to believe that as soon as the outlet open" Feb. .3, '72.10.634.001 10,540.869 6,691,077 2,038,394 the movement must be very free. This, however, does not help matters now, Jan. 27, '72. lO.H.'iO.Oa') 10.47.8,160 (1,601.998 2.035,829 " when there are literally no buyers in the market, and though held as bofore the ., Jan. 80, '72.10.966,173 9,418,248 6.6.18,775 ' 8,10.5,58;i Jan. 13, '72.10,6.55,403 8,939,529"" 6,469,217 8,a86,737 supply on hand cannot be said to have any positive value. West India grades Feb. •71.10,29.5,386 18, 4.397.383 2.a8.3.085 1,975,0 have become a Utile more plenty, and are as dull as the rest of the stock, though Dec. 80, •71.10,541..562 3,776,487 6.217.291 8,48 1,881 it is hinted that certain leading jobbers have quietly secured a few of the bes! " R»timatcd. parcels, with a view to a good diBtribution the moment the prevailing Ictharg.v 1 1ixsludlag amoant ftOoat In veiMl*. I n broken. Java is held at former flgures, and called steady, especially eincf ; ; 1. ;: H — ;

February 24, 1872.] THE CHRONICLR 267

the receipt of the advioos giving tho rMBlt of the recent Dntch «ale, which , "nitar.- . .— . ..^Boxaa. "Hnds.- Ba«a , :_=JH da. not ntlmuUted, aod w«» KtrcnRthfiilnc in It* liilluince. Biiy(T«, however, »rc 1»B. 1871. wn. 1871. 1»73. IKI. I«73. 1871. New York .... ».'.37» »fm jn,»M 36,139 18;,3S1 3.WX) 3« the abxeiico of s demand la Jiisl an nollceahic here as on any other portion of MJ83 11 Boston 1.961 Mm m 3,*I4 tuxn n/m *»l 3.16I the market. Our general qiiotatioue are nrithont change, bnt are almply Philadelphia... 3.3r3 11,719 IJOB S,l»7 l,«'l M4 Baltimore 8.141 181 7,441 8.46B 10,061) nominal Agtiros In the absence of any ba»le upon which to calculate prices. V5S n* New Orleans... (.SIJ 3Ji0 SO •••• .... •1 Sales of only ITS bags Lagiiayra and 183 baga Costa Rica. At the principal Total ~lim ~9M» SO.HO 84,711 4»»,418 U3.M0 tJKtl outports about 1,600 bags Rio changed hands. UM Imports this week have Included 2,T73 bags Rio, per " Daclan," 510 do. do- Inoladtnc tleroei and barrels rednced to hhds. per "Kopuhllc," 9,500 do. Santos per "Bessie Greenfell," and S,!H)2 do. do. SPICBH. per "C'lmbrla." Of other sorts Iho Imports have included 14 iM4 mats Java, per "Scharnhorsl," J.091 bags Ceylon per "Tavistock," 3 S37 hag" Mnraenlbn The spice market, in a wholesale way, partakee of the general dninest per "Impulse," J,l,"iS do. St. Doinln;;oper " Oliver Cutis," and 2,'I«.S bag" of we hear of few Invoice movemente. sundrleK. prevailing on all groceries, and The confidence of holders as a rnle, however, seems in no wise shaken, and scarcely The stock of Rio Fob. 21, and the imporln since Jan . 1, 187%, are as follows a dlspMy of their stocks, and none are offeiing Now IMilla- Haiti- New Kavim. Oal- any can be found who make In Bags. \ ork. delptila. more. Orleans. &c. vei>ton. Total. with freedom. Cloves ctmtinue to be rather the fancy article, the stock being Stock 94,021 ... 3n,«-« ... 3,500 3,.100 !'iO,M4 difilculty, stories coming In from BamedatelB71 :24,4IM .... 10,3U HJO) <,4<7 3,0ix< xiUi ao situated as to bo controlled n itbout and laipnrls VS,!>r7 4013 M.<)« 3<,»8 '.3000 8.3'2 302.068 abroad with reports of serious injury and aearly total destmctlon of crop, etc. " Id ISil IM.ei.'S 8,050 7S.I87 33,410 1I,»00 3,000 3S1,753 Pepper Is also qnite firmly situated, and buyers who.ventnre to test the posi- Of other sorta the stock at New York, Feb. ill, and the imports at tho several tion find they can reach no desirable stock except at extreme figures. Other ports since January 1 , 1872, were ai follows ^New York^ Boston. Phllartel. Bait. N. Orle's. 23 grades may be written steady, but dull times as usual bring some little Irtegn- In bags. stock. Import. Import. Import. Import. Import, s S larity, and desirable customers can occasionally manage to obtain slight Java and Singapore tS.SOO '7,TS3 •! 911 ca Ceylon ...... S" favors even on jobbing parcels as the distribution needs encouragement. The Marscalbo fJKO 1!).0(3 ~S general supplies are fair. LsfQlsyra »Ji07 8.671 .... 8,131 «= St.Domlngo «,452 8.9S3 l,5'.9 S FRI7ITS. &e. Other 5.114 I8.8;8 38 3 1,800 300 Ha The market still rules In an annatisfactory position, the prices of nearly al ToUl SH.iaS W.879 S.4li9 3,736 1.8(10 JOO '2i'i articles are very much lower than at this period last year, but there does not Bametlmc.mi 16,101 r.,3Si U,63! 4,000 10 333 84,303 appear to be any demand, and the few transactions that are made are mostly * Includes mats, Ac., reduced to bags. t Also, 1,193 mats. in small parcels for immediate use. The consumptive demand was unusually Messrs, Wright & Co.'s tcleyram from Rio dc Janeiro, of Feb. 1, 1872, re- large last year, which imparted considerable confidence to Importers to order Sales for U. S., since 3M ult., 8,000 b«j;B; shipments do., 58,000 Krts; oflT in demand stocks of most descriptions ge freely, so that with a large falling ; loading for do., 9,000 bage ; srock at date, i:«),000 bags ; price, 9-!jOO Richmond Hour, price, 21-500; Biltlraore flour, price, 18-OOii; stock of flour, have gradually accumulated and prices in consequence have broken to present 40 000 hlila. K.\clmnge, 24Vd. ,\vcrttge dnlly receipts coffee, 4,200 bngs auj- figures, and still exhibit a depressed tone. The above remarks ai)ply more meiited from Santos. particularly to raisins, although with one or two exceptions they are applica- 8VOAR. b:e to the whole list. There has been rather more movement in Turkish While a good many holders may still be found who retain a fair share of prunes the past week, embracing about all the stock in first hands, and, as it c >nlldencc In the early future of this market, the general condition of affairs is supposed only a few broken lots are on the way, prices are firmer. Currants since our last ha-i .been far from stimulating, and the previous slow, slack aic quiet, but an improved feeling Is apparent in the tone. Olives are scarce tone has developed into weakness and decline, without inducing any increase and firm under advices of a failure of the crop, especially of Spanish. All of the demand. On Muscovado grades the additional redaction in cost Is other articles are dull, and prices in favor of buyers. scarcely perceptible, but Clayed have receded ^iSt'ic per lb in some cases, and lu foreign green fruit there is a fair demand for most descriptions, and Cenlrifugala ,V@Jic per lb. This Is due In a great measure to the larger ofier- prices, as a rule, are flrmly held. We quote In a jobbing way Palermo lemona taigs without a corresponding increase of the ontlet. crop has come Messina, The new $3 ; Messina, $3 25ia$3 SO ; Palermo oranges, $2 SOi^f 3 ; t^ 75@t8 to hand with frceilom, a little more so probably than caused an expected, and Valencia, $4 50(a{7 50 per case; Porto Rico, $12(atl6 ; Havana, $U(atl5 accumulation afloat and on pier, upon wJiich receivers an.xious to realize in Jamaica, $1.3((4tU, and Baracoa cocoanuts, $30. Baracoa bananas at $1 31® preference to putting in store, have modiflcd values in hopes of attracting atr $1 75. Aspinwall do. at $2 12,<<^(^t2 50. tentlon. Their aim, however, was largely defeated by the absence of any- In domestic green fruit there is a slightly better feeling In the market for thing like even a fair distribution to the interior, and seldom could buyers be apples, without leading, however, to transactions of any extent, and prlcea induced to operate where an early use for the parcels handled was not ap- may be called a trifle firmer, though not quotably higher. C'ranberrii s are also parent. The quality of the goods received also failed to keep up to the fine doing a shade better, but choice stock is scarce and mostly in the hands of as follows es, standard of the first importations, and this has hurt trade by increasing the jobbers, who are receiving good prices. We quote : AppI Ifl do. selections, Michigan, &c., per bbl.. $2@t3 ; do. State, good, $3 2.t@$3 ; anxiety of owners to part with them, and encouraging buyers to ask still more $4®$4 5fl; common, iKSsfi. Cranberries, fine, per bbl., $10(a*ll .'j0;do. liberal terms. The all certainly crates, fine, 50. demand from quarters has most disappointed medium, »8(3.*9 ; do. common to fair, tT<(7^^$^ ; do. iSitJf^i in calculations, and a decidedly cautious spirit seems to have taken possession Domestic dried. —There is very little change to notice this market ; there does not appear to be much animation to the trade, buyers only taking such of buyers generally. Retloers, as ui^ual, complain of an absence of margins, lots as they require for immediate use. Prices as a rule remain about the but probably at present with more of an actual foundation In truth than for same. Peanuts and pecans are moving but moderately at unchanged figures, a long time past, and it is positively asserted [that many arc working at an PRICES CURRENT. actaal loss, and merely producing enough to prevent machinery from coming The Follonlns; are Riilinc (Quotations In Flmt Handk. to a dead stop. Refined have sold slowly, and in a very uncertain On the Purchase or Small I>ots Prices arc a Fraction manner^ Higher. with much irregularity on values, though the general turn was downward, and Tea. changes figures all favor. the in are in buyer's The sales of raw embrace 2,153 .-Duly pald-^ r-Dnty paid- j .55 tofin'st 86 60 hhds Cuba ; 35 hhds Porto Rico ; .155 hhds Martinique ; 15 hhds Scotch refined Hyson, Common to fair 40 o II.Sk.ftTw'kyKi « ; do Bupcrior to fine 60 ® 75 UncoL.Iapan.Com. to lair., 55 9 60 437 hhds Demerara; 53 hhds Texas ; 576 baskets Butavia ; 34,963 bags Manila ; do Ex. nne'to flnest 80 @1 15 do S«p*r to One... 65 « 10 finest. 75 to 412 hhds Melado, and 5,2*35 boxes Havana. YounK Hyson, Com. to fair. 40 @ M | do Ex.1, to @1 talr <8 bit do Super, to fine. 60 @ 90 | Oolonp, Common to <« Imports atNcw York, and stock in first hands, Feb. 21, as were follows : do Ex.finctoflnCBtl (X) .®1 30 do Superior to fine 60 a 75 Cuba. Cuba. P. Rico. Other. Brazil. M8nlla,&c. Melado Gnnp. A Imp., Torn to fair 60 @ 70 do Ex One to finest 85 «1 35 bx8. 'hhds. "bbns. "hhds bags. bsprs. hhds. do Sup. to fine,. SO ®1 00 Bouc.ft Cong., Com. to lair, 45 @ 56 One. 60 75 Imports this week.. I3,¥a 7,431 S15 1.373 5,790 «i,(50 601 do Ex. fine to finest.! 10 ®t 4) do Sop*r to 9 sInceJan.l. Si,?;! 11,\;13 3:6 7,935 38,300 lSS,9.*iI i.nso Hysoji Sk. ft Two. to fair. 30 ® 40 do Ex. r. to finest. 80 el 15

• I same time, ni 38,590 10.961 BOO S,933 :3,665 81,3!fi 3,618 do do Sup. to fine. 45 ® 50 CofTee. stock In first hands. 39.983 18.561 97.779 890 gold. Sametlmeim .Sl.S'5 30,:«I .161,970 3,376 Klo Prime, dnty paid gold. ::XS31V 1 Native Ceylon I9^«»>H gold. I Maracalbo gold. " " 1810 78533 49.288 35U11 1,077 do good 30yiS31 iKJiSIOH (53". do lair gold. 20 (330!,' I Laguayra goid. SO niOLASSE!*. do ordinary gold. I9X1819V St Domlngo,ln bond. ...gold. It),-l!i5 Java, mats and bags gold. 33 ii with few If any bids to be obtained for large parcels. The Trade are repre- Snear. Cnba, Inf. to com. refining Hav'a, Box,D,S. Nos. 191O20.. il\»nH sented to some extent, bnt they want only very small invoices, arc quite 8Wa 8V"" I do fair to good refining 9" @" 9H Havana, Box, white WMaV^ii particular as to quality, and seem unwilling to pay any where near what do prime i& 9M Porto Rico, reftnlUK grades. .. B)UB. 7to»...I LU v., . 0^98Vi# 8V0:% douu douu CA,in\^extra C llXillKii^w., ;. •10 do do i0tol3.. Yellow sugars 9 §11 the prices obtained do not aeem to bo considered by importers as remarkably 9X« 9S do do do IS to 15.. 9X®U'K 1 Crushed and granulated 13!4«U'4a encouraging, though the market can hardly be said to have b<;en subject to a do do do 16 to 18.. lOKAllH I Powdered nutVih fair test. Domestic docs not show any further decided advance, but the niolassns. %•» demand throughout the week has been good, and with diminishing stocky New Orleans new V gall. 55 865 1 Cnba Clayed « Porto Itlco 3S aiO Cuba centrllugal IS #V0 holders are extremely firm at full former figures. Syrups have been In good Islands 38 aas Cuba Muscovado 33 S13 I English demand for ^hloment and apoculation, and prices are higher, generally closing Rice. with a firm tone on both sugar and moUsses grades. Sugar-House Molassra Rangoon, dressed, gold In bond A}.i9 -V^ I Carolina 61^9 6H continues to meet with a very good inquiry, and, as a rule. Is pretty firm- Spices. though some irregularity has been ehown, according to brand. We note sales Cassia, Incases. ..gold IP lb. 30 ® 81 Pepper, In bond (go 'D 13U Cassia. In mats do 8(1 ® 31 361 440 :64 28,869 ilo Layer, :871. V box. 3 509,, do Kultana,V B Afrlenn IVnnuts ;;"2 same lline 1871 f.MO S4f 1,(B8 SU a.-ir; do •5Ht( I6S Wsliiuls. Bordeaux ]' • lo Valencia,* tt 11 • llH I do London Layer ...... Macaroni, Hallan....^...-. ^ Stock In first hands 1,894 3.598 508 s.?oo bol3, 40J* Currants, new |l B. yire Crack, beat No 1 • • same time -71 6.1)6? 355 78S 8 (Ml 7K» DBian rauiTa. S.635 Citron, Leghorn (new) 40 « DoMxsTio sometime '70 17,3.8 1,11! 3,800 Apples. State » »• » • 10 prunes, , French 11 vo I8H| no Western 7H« 5H Intporta ol Snirar &. nolnnaea nl leadliiK port* alncc Jan. I Prunes, Turkish, old 9 do new 1X9 do Sontbera, common . • The Imports of angar (Incladlu)' Molado). and of Molaeseaat tbe le«41i>i( portt Dates 6 A do prime W • do sliced. BtW.. M«f f ran January i , itn, to date, have been »• (oUotri inga, Bmyra*.1. .. »», n * M . j ...... : . . . A :

268 THE CHRONICLE. [February 2 i, 18:2.

la BROWN DRILLS. DELAisEs AND WORSTED 1 Androscog'n cane 8 50 69 OC Peaclics, pared '5,^® eat KX Ginger, I vv;-- C»nton hlvr SK Width. Price AJmonde, LaiiKOPrtoc 19 @ — do unpHreU.qrs* o>i'l HX fabrics. Bates . (to TarraKOtia ntt@ '-K niackherrlps I»i9 Appleton 15X Paciac Plaids 21 Berkley l>x pitted ....• SO W 81 (to IvicH 15 15 i ChcrrieB Amoskeag. . .. do Mixtures.. 21 Canoe River., llii-12 H « .."X* 10 15X do Sicily, ion Khell.. i.ss® .... Pecan NnfB ,»• •_ Ilamiltoj biisb 00 2j 15>i Japanese Stripes... 21 Hallowell Imp 14 do Bhelled, ~l lly... ?0 « 32 HIckorv Nuts * 2 g2 do, do bine 17-17X Printed Alpacas. 21-22^ Ind. Orch. Imp 1.3)^ do pHpe"" nhflll Wl & 31 OhCi-tnCf & to incy old <»„ ;• Massach'tts G ax Imperial Kepps 25 Laconia SirdlnM Hil.box. ^i ® 36 1 Peanuts, Va.K'd Ux UO iti j-^ fin 2 i Maesabeslc . Anilines fcard'npo V or.b'H. 21H® dn new ^ 22 Numkeag... . 17 1 2 00 .5 Brazil Nnu 7H« 7>< do Wll,(r'dtobeBlilo B2 Pacific 5i Oriental Lustres. 19 PAPER CAMBRICS. Grocers' Druss and Siundrles. Pepperell 3i Armures 20 Lonsdale 13

•• Stark A Alpaca Lustres. . S. Alnm fiB .!?, Sic. LiCO:!:::- g 15X ^i 22>^ S. & Sons... 13 « J!^1 en ... Hl-Carb. Soda (Eng.) 5X9 Calabra, iniiration ^BLEACHED SHEETTNGS }i Corded Alpacas. 25 Warren 38 42 13>i Borax @ S3 1 Benuiuc ® & SHIRTINGS. X Mohair Brocades S2X High colors Ic higher. 2K| "adder (iold. 11 a 13 Sal 8..d», Cask a Amoslieag. 46 ^i Crapes 25 BAGS. Madras gold 1 OJ ®1 07! \1X Bnlphur 3X9 Indigo, 42 8(1 1...I Oa do 16K 5i Biarritz Cloth... 2ax American 34 00 Balfpetre S <* do Manila gold. Manila, i(andx, ISWc^ 1» do A. Satines and .•^rip- Amoskeaj; 35 DO i:oppera8 .....,.; *^'? Cordage, X 'I' siz.ea. 18 AndroBcog- Camphor. In bbiB % 7.'i do do Large ed Satines 37)^ Great Falls A. .35 00 le UaatlleSoana :1K* IIV sisal. ,;. ginL 17>!f 6-4 Alpacas. ...22X-a5 Kelley 27 50 >• BmomBaiu Bartlctts . . 15M 6-4 Double face Pop- Lewiston &5 00 do 13X lins 40 Ontario A 40 00 THE DRY GODDS TRADE. do 12M Steel Lustres 26 do B 47 00 Bates 45 19 LAWNS, PERCALES, &C. do C 55 00 Feb. 23. 18'.2 Friday, P.M., do XX.. .36 19 Pacific Percales 22>^ Stark A 38 00 do DB... 36 16 4-1 P.iciftc Cretonne 15 5ft The celebration of Thursday as a general holiday had the effect do C 3 bush 00 do B... 33 14 Pacific 14.00 Lawns. 15 DOMESTIC GINGHAMS. of lesaing to some extent the trade in all classes of goods, but tb Blacks tone do do Orjiandies I6X Amoskeag 15 AA 36 IP tickings. Bates 15 and tbe aggregate shows a movement is fair notwithstanding root B... SB KX Amosk'g ACA. 31 Caledonia 13K satisfactory improvement over the preceding week. Buyers began A3 C... 33 14 do A.. 24;i-25 Downright 14.J^ uo O... 12« do B 2''K-2J~ Glas;;ow 12X to arrive treely from the interior early in tbe week, and but for EllertonWSSe HX do C 18Ji-20 Gloucester 12 Fruit of the do D 18 Hartford 12 tbe occurence of a national holiday there would doubtless have • ooin .... 36 18 Cordis AAA 24 Lancaster 14 been a large attendance of buyers and a heavy trade doing before Gr't Falls Q 36 17 do ACE 29 Manchester 12 do 8 31 nx do No. 2 23»i-2t Nnmaske 11)^ the close of tbe week. The improvement noticed has been almost do A 32 ux do No. 8. 205^-21 Park Mills 14 do M 32 do No. 4. Pcabody 12 entirety in the jobbing trade, as the arrivals are mainly from the 13X 17M-18 Lonsdale. 36 18 do No. 5. 15Ji 16 Quaker City KX Smaller towns in the interior and represent the general run of do Cambric 36 23 do No. 6. 14J(-15 Renfrew 15 N. Y. Mills 36 22 do No. '.. 13'A-U Union 12 buyers. There is fair movement in progress on orders brought in Peppcrell . . 6-1 .30 Eseton A.. AMERICAN CRASH. by salesmen who have but recently returned from the South and do .. 4 a^.x do B 12X lirow't ard Blenched. .. -31 do 8-4 35 Lcwiston A. . 36 Stev.ns, NN...1.5K-16X sections West, and also in mail orders from these which are coming do .. 9-4 40 do B .. . 30 -21 do N. ...14X-15X do .. I'M 45 Hamilton 22 do A ..iaj<~'3X in daily. The outlook is favorable for the trade in all localities, do .. 11-4 50 STRIPES. do P....13)i-13)^ Utica 5-4 30 Aluodoa 12X do B .. 11X-12>; by the opening of the coming week. The retail trade here and do 6-4 36 Ameiican 12-13 Stark AA 17

do Noup . 20 Amoskeag 19-20 do bleached. 18 in other cities is fairly active, and iealers are generally prepared do 9-4 55 Arkwright .... '9 SPOOL COTTON. to stock up with goods for the spring trade. do 10^ 60 Easton 14 Brooks, per doz. do .... 35 18 Havmnker n-l'X 200 vds ... 70 Domestic Cotton Goods.—The business of the week has not do heavy 36 19 Hamilton 19-90 J. & P. Coat's 70 16 been characterized by any remarkable degree of spirit, but on the Wamsutta.. 45 27 Whittenton A. Clark. .Tohn, Jr. do .... tnx 25 do BB.. 14 & Co 70 contrary, the trsfBc in most classes of goods has been rather tame do .... 36 20 do C. 12>^ Olark's. Geo. 70 do XX 36 CHECKS. Willimantic, S in first bands. 19X-20 Brown and bleached goods have sold fairly in a prints. Caledonia. 70. 23 cord 45 jobbing way, and an advance of |c. on standards and some medium Price. do 50.. 21 do 6 cord. 70 American IIX do 12.. 26X Samosset 40 grades of browns has been readily obtained. The tone of the Amoskeag 10 do 8.. 16 Green & Dan- Bedford »X do 11.. 22 iels 40 market for these goods continues to be toward an advance, and it Cocheco 12 do 15 . rtx Hadlcy. 65-t7X

is probable that a general rise will occur. Bleached goods have Garner & Co 11 Park, No. 60. 17 Holyoke . 35 Gloucester 11>^ do 70. 19 Sterling. 70 undergone no important changes, but are very firm at about the do mourning. lOX do 80.. 21 CARPETS. Lodi 11 do 90.. 23>^ Velvet, J. Cross- same prices as last quoted. Prints are in very fair demand, and Manchester IIX do 100.. 25 ley & Son's in some cases agents are getting ^. better prices on some very MerrlmacD dk WX DENIMS. best 2 no do W pk and pur. 13 (Albany 13 do do A No 1.. 2 45 choice styles of light work. Ginghams are in good request at full do Shirting... 11 I Amoskeag 56 Tap Brussels. Arlinct'n 15 (rossley& Son's 1 25-1 45 Pacific ] former prices. Colored cottons are fairly active, and steady at UH Kichraond's \\X Bedford 14.,v Eug. Brussels. 2 00-2 20 unchanged prices. Simpson Mourning. 11 Boston 12 Hartford Carpet Co I 6'?^' black orange 11 I Beaver Cr, A A 20 Extra3nly 1 Domestic Woolen Goods.—There do & has been a slight improve- Spraguc's fancies.. 11>^ Chester U'k B lOX-11 Imnerial 3-ply.. 1 55 I ment in Hamilton Kverett 25 Snpcrflne 1 SO the jobbing call for woolen fabrics, but the distribution of MX I 1 15 GLAZED cambrics. I Haymaker ro 13>3 31ed. super this class of goods from first 20 hands is comparatively light. Fancy Amoskeag ^X I Ilamilton — Bodv KrusSfra. 2 Garner ( Manchester ... 20 do 4 do 2 10 cassimeres in gooi styles are meeting a fair inquiry, PX-9 and in some Harmony 9 lOtisAXA 22 23 do 3 do 2 00 instances agents 20-21 plain, .33 in are able to obtain a slight advance on new goods. Manville 9 do BB Hemp, KX plain, 36 in 3S Pennot 9 I doCC n-18 do ex Heavy weights are well sold out of first hands, but the remaining Red Cross 9X CORSET JEANS. I — 14 stocks are firmly held, Victory H I Amoskeag and there is no disposition to sacrifice. Cloths are generally quiet, with holders firm at full former asking prices. Flannels are inquired for GOODS PORT OF moderately, and continue to be IMPORTATIONS OF DRY AT THE held at very firm NEW YORK. prices, some styles tending toward an advance I Foreign Gooos.-The Tbe importations of dry goods at this port for the week ending jobbing trade in foreign fabrics has im- proved somewliat during Feb. 32, 1873, and tbe corresponding weeks of 1871 and 1870 tiie week, and this branch of the dry goods market presents have been as follows more animation. Dress goods are wanted by the trade, and all styles adapted ENTERED FOR t;ONSUMPTION FOR TIIE WEEK ENDING FEB, 22. 1872. to spring distribution find a , . , . 1872 sr cousumpt'i) 6,613 2,6a5,283 7,708 2,,583,276 >4X Indian HiMid.4-4 15 do E.. . do B.. .I* 40 16 do . 4g 20 do AUinlic A... 36 15 Xnd'n W . 48 20 Totalthrownuponm'rk't 9,987 $3,442,217 17,255 5.3,567,994 11,04) $.3,633,113 Orchard Pcppercll. . 7-4 30 do D... 36 13 A 40 14X do ... 8^ ENTERED FOR WAREUOtysING DURING SAME PERIOD. do H... 36 do 0. :n &IX »X 13X do .. 9-4 35 Appleton . Mannfactnrea A 36 1,5 do BB. 33 of wool. . 933 t3:i6.fi79 1,185 $38.5,774 795 $32.5,835 ia>< do ... 10 4 40 do do N.. SO 18 do W. ;io cotton 952 2.37,097 784 194,575 641 l(a -.^63 IIX do ... 11-4 45 Augusta 36 do silk.... ;(i2 l-52.0:-!7 KX Laconia . . . 39 13 119 122.594 63 U8..307 B.^dford do ... .12-4 50 R... 30 KX do B 37 I2>r flax.... 091 146.938 .528 13.5.736 4;'.0 133,461 Boolt rtica 18 MlscelUneous« ."i" M n do E... ,36 12 dry goods 249 31,798 292 38,.331 1,145 8-5,210 do 8 do 10-4 fr.X 40 nx Lawrence A.. .38 12)^ do do .11-1 00 Total W 48 "H do D>. 36 14 2,046 $87.5,106 2.852 f822.7i3 3-188 $809,806 do fine Non 40>f 30 Add ent'd Commonw'llh do XX 36 15 for coasHmpt'n.6,613 2,005,283 7,708 2.6S3,276 6 401 S,%»,199 « «« •to Li. 86 12 Total entered at the port 9,559 «3,480,389 10,660 $3,405,999 9.5S4 $3,I33,00r; K'bruary 24 18:2.] THE CHRONICLE. 2t9

Oommercial Cat d«. Dry Goods. Trauportatkm.

•Tirill.t CA«OT. A«w Yor«. WM HAT, (•""••"". S. E. Wright Co7, J. & & Cabot, Bc.wles & Co., M * (H Franklin ilreot NEW YORK. con.Tiissioiv mERrnANTS 6» Franklin ilreel BO.iTON. NEW YORK, CORK AND I.IVFUPOOI AM) MlCbMtnatitreet raiLADELPUIA. NEW AND Kri.I.POWKItKD STI.,\M>,|iifM TIIK SIX LAUOKST IN TIIK Wolil.li BR OK EHS AOBNIS FOB OCEANIC, CELTK-, RKl'lDMc' IN ATLANTIC, BALTIC, ADItlATIC, Pepperell ini)c. Co., 6,00(1 lonn burden— 3,(lU) h. n. each. Uunn}- t'lotb, Linseed, SalllnK from New York on SATURDAYS, from Baic', BntU, Otis Company. Liverpool on THURSDAY'S, and Cork harbor the day JTute. followbiK' Bates mtie. Co., From the milte Star Dock, PavonlaFerry,.IeraeyClty. ASDOESJKAL MERCBANDIfE PaHsenf^er accommodations (for all classes; unri- Columbia Ifli^. Co., valled, combining 121 Front Strerl, SAFETY. SPEED AND CO.MFORT. NEW lOBK, Audroscoffslu mills. Saloons, Htatc-rooms, smoklug-rooin, and hath-rooms 15 Mllby St., In midship section, where leant motion Is felt. SurKeoiil BUSTON. Continental Mills., and slewftrdewHi's aceolnpHny thcMc HteunierH. 'IKS— Stihton. J80 ^^olil. steeraKe. ??J(I currency. ThoHe uishlu^f to send (or frleiid« from the Old Coun- Ettsbllalied A« TBONT 8. SNTDIB. Warren Cotton mils, FdwahdN Snyukr. try can now obtain Hteerace prepaid certificates, fS3 currency. 1897. WlLLIAU 0. MOBIWOUD. Laconta Co., i'ast^enKern hooked to or from all parts of America, Boston Duck Co., Parts, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, India, Australia, China, etc. U. S. Ponded Warehouse Franklin Co., Excursion tickets (rrsnted at lowest rates. Drafts from i'l upwards. Tliorndike Co., For Inspection of plans and ot* er Information. api>Iy at ti.e Company's offices, No. ly Broadway, New Y'ork. Snyder, Son & Co., Cordis mills. J. H. SPARKS, AKcnl.

286 dc 337 SOUTH ST, NEW YORK. MuSCOGEfi Storage for ntANCFACTUBINO COIflPANY, CuNARD Line. THE BEITISH AN'> N'>RTH «"fntCAN ROYAL TKA8, MATTING, LlQUOliS, and BOSDBO OOOD COLUMBUS, UA. MAIL 'Tl'AMSHIPS, loxnrxoTUBKns op BETWEEN Nc:* YOI.K ND LIVFRPOOL, Of every descrtptlon. CaLLIVO AT C-.>KE> HARBOR. FBOX N£W ^ORK. SlieetiuKS Drllllnss, Yarns, Rope,dcr. HUSS'A nesday, Fehrua-y Inanrance at Lowest Rates. We. S . ALGERIA W.duesilav. February i9, O P. SWIFT.'Preat. W. A. SWIFT, Rw. 4 l r CALAIlRIA We.'n. Bdav. March f. O 'NA w.dneart"V, March IS. ABYSSINIA Wednesday, March ai. Ever ett & Co., Ai.dcvciy I'olibWl if vvt dne-day aiiU fialurday. Brinckerhoff, Turner & 7B0U BOSTON. "AT.WIA taiiirtlay. Februinrn. «6 State Street, Boston, S.\MARIA faturdav. FebruarV '4. Polhemus, ST»H:I\ S tiird.y, .Marcha. AGUNTS FOK HECLA Saturday. March 9. P.\KTH1A Saturday, March 16. Mannfactnrers and Dealers la AtlGnSTtNB HEARD & CO.. All'" • ve y follfwlnfr atuctav. lATES OF PASSAOK.-Caidn, JSO, t1(XI, and II8U, or CHINA AND JAPAN. golii. He, nrdinif to accomn.odatlon. COTTONSAILDUCK tickets to I ars $1.~) gold additional, Ileturn tickeis on faiorab c terms. / drftDCM made on conKlirnnienU of approved mer And all kinds oI cliandize. Steerage 130 currency. COTTON CANVAS, FELTING DUCK, CAR COVBH steerage tlcl--pts from Ilveipool snd Queeiisiown, ISO, BAGGING, HAVENS DUCK, sXlL and a I parts of Europe at lowest rates. TWfNES Tiuouu'li hills of ladfuK iflv* n for Belfast. Glasgow, *C. "ONTAItW SKAMLtsS BAGS, Havre. " AWNING STUIPES.-' Antwerp and oilier ports on tiie Continent, John Dwight & Co., and f r Mediterranean port^. Alio, Agents Foi' freight and cmMu passaire apply at the Com- pa'v V < fflce No. MANUFACTliUKKS OP 4 Bowjl- »: Green. For steerage United States Bunting Company. pas age. ut 111 Bioadwav.Trinliy Bididln^r StLERATCS, CHAS. G. FliANCKLYN, Agent. A lull supply all Widths and Colors always In stock SUPER CARB. SODA, &C., 13 * 15 I.lspei.ard Htrert. No. ll OM Nllp. New Vork. Cotton and Eouthern Cards. For Liverpool, Bowman & Co., (Via Qneenstonrn,) conmissioN inERcirANTi Reynolds CARRYING THE UNITED 8TATK3 KAILS. 29 Broadway, & Brothers, NEW YORK. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTEhN NOBFOLK, VIRGINIA, STEAM C'MPant will dispatch one of their lint ' Represented hy class fuU-power Iron screw steumshlps fiom Bay Cotton, Grain, Ac, on Commission. BOBOTT Sc BOW^NAN, BAHIA. PIER No. 46 NORTH RIVER, EVERY WEDNESDAY as follows

IDAHO, Cant. Price F.b. 21, at 2k P.M, H. S. Fulkerson, WI-CO -silN.Capt. T. W. Freeman. M r. 6. at2)iP..M. Walsh, Smith, NKVADA. Caitaln Forsvih Mar. 18 at 8K A.M. COTTON BBOKEB, WYOMING. Cant. Whiner.y Mar. 20. nt at^ KM. CORNER MirLBKKIiY AND WASH .MINNESOTA, Capt. Morgan Mar. 27, at 2M PM. Crawford INOTON STS. IDAHO, Capt. Price AprUS & Co., VICKSBURG, miss. 58 W^all Street, NEW YORK. Cabin passat^e, $80 gold. Cefer to O. M. KI.EIN. Cashier. Mississippi Valley Steei age passage, (Otbee No. 29 Broadway) $90 cur. Bank, Vlckshurtf. rency. Crawford, W^alsh, For freight or cabin passage apply to WILLIAMS 4 GUION. No. tS Vall-st. R. A. Smith & Co., Young & Bro., LCOTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mobile, & TOBACCO BROKERS, PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY 8 Ala. 1 [ PetcrsburaTj Va. THROUGH LINE Stephen Higginson, To California & China, NO. 8T BEAVER STREET. [ohn C. Graham & Co., SE£.mA, AND T. O. Box No. 4,M0. NEW TOKK ALABAMA, JAPAN. Representing Buyers of Cotton Ueura. DnMMLKI! & CO.. Ilatavls and Padani For m rommlaslon. TuitcUOH FARES-NEW YORK CLAUKK, SPKNCK « CO. Ualle * Colombo TO Qi^' SAN FRANCISCO, Davis & Freret, First Class ... $125 to $160 Geo. W. Wads worth, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Steerage -••... ^qo GOn:*tISSION JHEiim.lNT. AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS According to location of berth For the Sla:ei of LOUISIANA, TEXAS, MISSIS- These ratpa Inclods berths, board, and al neces -Grata, nalt, Hops, Barter, Hay, and SIPPI. ALABAMA. *c. rles for tlie trip. S5 ST. CHAKLES ^T., NEW ORLEANS, LA. CHANGE OF SAILING DAYS. New York Stratr, Prompt atteutlou given to buying, selling and l^as- ng of plautHtlons and other real estate, paying of Steamers of theebove line leave PIKKNn. 43 NORTH AND ALL KI.VD3 OF PBODUCE. xes. Collecting rents, etc. 11IV11.U. loot of Canal si reel, at 1'^ o'clock, noon. BOSTON. On 15tb and SOtli of Baeb Moatk except when those ils)a fall on Sunday, then tba dar William Lamb, previous. O. P. C C B V, ,_ J ,, B AGENT (ine hundred pounds basrerage free to pacta addt E.XCHANOK BANK AUGUSTA, QA. Medicine and atlei dance free. ,_„„ .. ALLAN LINE Di p«i ture ol ISlh touches «t KINO'^TON, Ja. every month for 8out^em Secnrltlea oi crery deacriptlen, tIk.: 0«- LIVERPOOL Steamer will leave Sau Fiauclsco 1st lirrjnt .lapaii. Bank Notes; SUte, City * Kallroad Slo«k». China and , ,, . .. , . STEAMERS. all further OQds and Coapous; For fi eight or paaaaie tickets, and lato^ Company'a ticket olUca on ths ar~CQllectiuntinade In all parts of this State %aa NORFOLK, Va. mailon, apply at the octh Carolina and remitted lor on day ot collee- Particalu attention given to tke purchase of Soathern wharf, foot *fCa«»l St. — . _-, . '«ii. SI carreut raw ol New fork Kz-clunvs. I^rod-iM. F> B. BABY, Affcat. , : . ; .

270 THE CHRONICLE. [February 24, 1872.

Insorance. Insurance. Insurance. OFFICE OF THE OFFICK OF THE Fire Insurance Agency, No. 62 WAI.I. ST., New York. ORIENT ATLANTIC Mutual Insurance Co. vEtna Insurance Comp'y, Co. New Yobk, 30th January, 1872. Mutual' Insurance HARTFORB Conii. The following STATEMENT of the affairs of this INCORPORATED 1819. Company on the 31ft day of December 1871, is pub- Capital --.-.. li;^hed in conformity with the provisions or its Cash $3,000,000 Charter: Xbw Yobk, January SBth, 1873. Net AssetB ...--.. $5,000,000 Premiums uneaincil Slsl Tecemher, IS^. . fSl^.'.'X 5U Charter of the Premiums received during the year end- The Trnstces, in conformity to the Slst ing December, 1871 1 ,187,247 8a Company, submit the followisg Statement of its Springfield Total premiums ;!....'.!. $1,495^54786 all'aira ou the 3l8t December, 1871 Earned premiums of the year.. $1,146,783 lU Premiums received on Marine Rislfs, FIRE AND ITIARINE: INSITRANCE from lat January, 1871, to 31st De- COMPANV. Losses and Expenses. .$C12,8i(i 38 cember, 1871 $5,413,777 61 Sprlugfleld, IHaiSD. Reinsurance & Return Premiums on Policies not marked off Premiums. $2"J8.7:i5 18 I N C O i: P O 1} A T K D 18 4 9. l9t January, 1871 3,033,675 18 Caah Capital ..... $500,000 00 ASSETS Slst DKCEMBER, 1871. lu Hanks Net Assets • ... $000,105 75 Cash $S87,S23 Ul Total amount of Marine Premiums.. $7,446,452 69 United States Stock 570,31)0 UO Stocks of States, and Corpora- No poli<;ies have been issued upon Life tions and Loans on uemand 303,(19 58 jl 112 0J2 60 Rifles ; nor upon Fire Ristca discon- Newport Insurance Co., Subscription Notes, (of which $n9.-..«i are ui.t nected with Marine Risl^s. 75 yet used). .. . 488,300 75 Bills Kecelvable, T'ncollected Premiums marked Ofl'from Ist January, OF PROVIDENCE, R. I. Premiums and Salvages 317,089 39 1871, to 3l9t December, 1871 $5,875,79.3 24 ORGANIZED NOVEMBER, 1871. Accrued Interest and Unsettled Accounts 19,269 80 Cash Capital ...... $300,000 824,C09 91 Losses paid during the Total amount of Assets.. same period $3,735,980 63 . $1,936,652 54 JAS. A. ALEXANDER, Agent. The Board of Trustees have resolved to pay Six A. A. PECK, manager. per cent Interest on the outstanding Scrip Certifi- Returns of Premiums cates, to the holders thereof, or their legal repre- & Eipeuses. $973,211 81 Bentitives, on or after the 1st March next After allowing for probable losses in the case of OFFICE OF THE vessels out of time, and unsettled claims, they have also (in addition to The Company has the following Assets, viz. : a bonus of Ten per cent already paid in cash on the Subscriplion Noies), resolved Initt'd Stales and Slate of New York to Mercantile return to the Dealers entitled to the same. Ten per Slock, City, Bank and other stocks.. $8,143,340 00 cent on the net amount of Earned Premiums of thr Loans secured by Slocks and otherwise .3,379,050 00 year ending 31 st December, 1871. for which Certifl. Mutual Insurance Co., cates will be issued on or after the 3d April next. Real Estate and Bonds and Mortgages. 317,500 00 The Trustees have fuither resolved, that after re- Interest, and sundry notes and claims NO. 35 WAI.L STREET. serving over One Million of Dollars Prollls, Fifty due the Company, estimated at 386,739 41 per cent of the outstanding Certiflcales of the Com- pany of the issue of 1859, be redeemed and paid to Premium Notes and Bills Receivable. . 2,403.937 95 NEW YORli, January 25, 1872. the holders thereof, or their legal representatives, Cash in Bank 274,345 01 on or after Ist of March next, from . THE FOLLOWINU STATEMENT OF THE wuich date the interest on the said Fifty per cent will cease. The aft'airs of the Company is j ubiisbud in conformity Certificates to be produced at the time of Total amount of Assets. ..$14,806,812 37 with the provisions of the Charter payment, and cancelled to the above extent. Premiums on oulBtaudlDg risks DeCt mber By order of the Board. 31,1870 $239,997 95 Premiums received during year ending CHARLES IRVING, Secretary. December 31, ISil 49 Six per cent interest on the outstanding certifi- 1,550,233 TRUSTEES. cates of profits will be paid to the holders thereof, Total premiums $l,790,2vt 44 Joseph Oaillard, Jr., Leopold Bierwirth, or their legal representatives, ou George Mosle, Simon de Visser, and after Tuesday Premiums marked off as earned during the the Sixth of February next. year 1871 $1.5U3.74J 46 Edward F Davison, John S. Williams, A. Le Moyne, Jr., Alexander M. Lawrence, The outilanding certificates of the issue of 1868. Paid Losses, Expenses, E. H. R Lyman, Fred'k G. Foster, Re.nsurauce, Cummis- will be redeemed and paid to the holders thereof, Henry R. Kunhardl, John D. Dix, Blon i and Interest $1,200,566 Oj or their legal representatives, John Auchincloss, Charles Muuziuger, on and after Tuesday Returns of Premiunis . . $60,28.'i U6 Rcbatemeuts on Premi- Lawrence Wells, Louis Jay, the Sixth of February next, from which date all ums received $164,934 68 Francis Cottenet, James Brown, interest thereon will cease. The certificates to be Cliarles Liiling, N. D. (^arliile, The Assets of the Company on the Slst De- Alex'r Hamilton, Jr., Theodore Fachirl, produced at the time of payment, and cancelled. cember. 1871, were as lol.ows: United States, state, George F. 'I'homae, C. L. F. Rose, Upon certificates which were issued (in Bank & other stocks. $489,,720 00 red scrip) Carl L. Recknagel, S. Wilson, Loaus on stacks 29,,60(1 00 Wm. .'.','" for gold premiums ; such In payment of interest and Cash Batik and with Bankers ,(190 66 W. F. C^ary, Jr., F. Cousinery, Dividends "" redemption will be in gold. declared but not collected. b ,8)1 31 Cornelius K. Sutton, Gustav Schwab, Bills receivable and premiums uncollected 649,i30 86 Edward Haight, George H. Morgan. A Dividend of Forty Per Cent is Security Xotes declared on the yuo ,000 OU EUGENE DUTILH, PreHldeut, Scrip, Salvages and all otiicr claims due net earned premiums of the Company, for the year the AliFRED OUDE*?!, Vlce-Pres't. Company ng ,656 34 ending Slst December, 1871, for which certificates CHARLES IRVING, Secretary. $1,633,749 67- will be Issued on and alter Tuesday the Second of April next. Trustees, THRKB, AND ONE ^i'^}-^ii^'i i'^S."""".^X'/'CKiir,'?',i'"^ ItilKRES. lor the sl.v moutus Merchants By order of the Board, ending Slst ult will be paid to the Stockholders, on and after jloND.V. the 5tli or Kebruary uexl, at MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE CO. which time fifty per ccut of tiie secuiity J. H. OHAPnAN, Secretary. notes wil be OF SAN FHANCISlO, Cal. reduced, and the lnteie,-t tliereou ceaoe. TRUSTEES. OFFICE, No. 60 WALL STREET. TRUSTEES. JAMES Fl^ElCLANU, A. FOSTER IlUlflMS Assets, .... $800,000, Gold. SAMUEL WILLET8, FRANCIS HVl'H a v?aV D. Jonee, ROBERT L. TAYLOR, Joseph Qalllard, Jr., AARON LRFin*^' No Fire Risks Disconnected n-lth Ma. WILLIAM T. KRUST, .lOHN D vToon' rlne Taken by this Company. CUariea Dennis, C. A. Hand, W.LLiAMWATT, OKO W heVnInck W. H. H. Moore, JAMES D.FlSll. IIKNUY FVKF • James Low, ELLWOOj WALTER, Thli Company Issues Policlea on Vessels, Freights, JOSEPH SLaoG and car)foe8, at current rjites. Henry Colt, B. J. Howland, U. COLUEN MURKA^, EDWARD MKKliiTn TOW SEND SCUDUER, Losses payable In New York, Loudon, or San Fran- Wm. C. Pickeragill, Benjamin Babcock, DANIEL TWI LI iJl^s Cisco, at tlie option otthe Assured. Lewis Curtis, J. B. SCOTCHLER. Pies., .lABl-S HOWES, Vlce-Pres. Robt. B. MInturn, W. ^''IMiltlbY. load's K. BnrUSi:. Se retaiy. Ckvles H. RhmcU, Gordon VL^LVitr^' Messrs. MORTON, BCisii; CO.. Bankers In W. Burnham, WILLIAM NKLSON, Jr., CIIaRLKs mM'A^*- & London. Lowell Holbrook, Frederick C'hauncey, J^V'^w/lLH^^-^*-"'ju». >viLLfcl», VtJit^^s"""°^'Kl'. SUTTON & CO., AKeuts. W.irrcn •I.\.MEB DOlwLAS K. Weston, George 8. Stephenson, ELLIVOOD Royal Phelps, WlllUim H. Webb, WALTER, t- resident, < laleb Barsrow, Shrppard Gandy, ARCHD. G. nONTGonERV Jr A. P. Pillot, Francis Skiddy, Vlce.preside'ut.*' William E. Dodge, Charles P. Burdett, ALANSON W HI-UE.TIAIV. David Lane, Rob't. C. Fergnsson, au Vltt.Preal'aent. James Bryce, William E. Bunker, G. t, DE8PARD, Secretary. Daniel S. Miller, Samuel L. Mitchell, Win. Htnrgla, Jamea O. De Forest, o/-'^0nc(on ant/ &.^i'nJ^ttry^. Hearjr K. Bogert. Robert L. Stuart, DtDDia Perkins, Alexander V. Blake, Cbvlea Imperial A; D. Leverich, FIRE i. D. JONES, President, INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHARLES DENNIS, Vice-Pres't, LONDON. Asaetc .... W. h, H. MOORE, Jd Vlce-Prea't, $8,000,000, Gold CHIEF OFFICE IN THE i. 0, HEWLfiTT, M VlC«-Pf#i't U H t*ebruary 24, 1872.1 THE CHRONICLi: 211

Railroads. Finaaoial*

W. 0. B4KK1T. O. K. BATMOVO. . D. rorraa. Edward W. Serrell, SOUTTER Co., Barney & KNGIIMKKR, Raymond & Co., CIVIL UANKKR8 AND HROKBBB. BAISKERN, 78 Broadway New York. 6 WAI^L MTRKKT. No. n WILLIAM BTKKKT. NBW TOKK. o EXPL0HATI0N8, bTOCK8. UOLD. nONOB AND ALL OTMEK Bonds KAILUOADS. BRID0K8 AND i,««lcrt In llllliiof Kjttmngc.OovcrnmonW. PATENT 'WROOOHT BECUUlTIE-1 Stoiku, Gold, Coiimi«rcl»l l'»|n;r, »nn approved •emrltlei. BT'Parllciilar attonllor. iflvdi to the enHtntnatlnn I\ N. BARNEY. *cra-^i.f Paper. II. Special rafllltli'- for acicotlallng Commercial luTi'slineuis. A. UARNKYii*'^*'^**'- proinpllyiuaila. Public Works fur caplt 11 ta secklUK l.^ollerllom liolli Inlan 1 and rorelnu PoreUu and Uoiueiilu Loaua Negotiated. R. r. Wilson & Co., Taussig, Fisher & Co., James A. Cottingham, BANKKKS AND COMMISBION MEKCUANTB IIANKKKS, 44 BROAD STRBKT. SHIPPER OP No. 33 Broad Slreet, New York. Liberal cash advances made ou consignments ol Cotton and Tobacco to uur address ; also to our trleuda In Liverpool and London Taussig, Gempp 8c Co., Locomotives, Cars CioTernmeut Nei-urltleii, Gold, Stocks BANKKISS, AND and Uoud« Bought ui Suid on Commission, and 333 North Third St., St. LouU, Mo. LOANS NBOOTIATBD. RAILROAD IRON, Accntnts received and Interest allowed ou balances Gempp & Taussig, wUlcb may be checked lor at alKtkC. BANKERS, ON KlhST CLASS 34 Jnnetaoar St., Frankft>rt On main* Bryan & Hunter, BARGES, AND L1GHTEU8. SC'HOONEHS, BANKERS AND BUOKEKS. T. B. BALDWIS. «• 8- KIMBALL. ember N. Y. 8toclcBnd Uold Exchange. 101 BAY St., >AVANNAH, Georgia. FOBW^ARDING p. o. Box sa. DEALERS IN Baldwin & Kimball, OF Exchange, Coin and Securities. UANKEUS AND STOCK BR0KEU3, collection* ou Savannah remltie.l for at onee gl>th Iron Steel Rails lor N fw York Exchange %H WAL1« STBEKT, NBW^ YORK. and per I erit under buying rate faclUile* alsofirto lee* luterent allowed ou deposits. ih ; day they mature. Weha^e otiier cities In Oeorula, Alabama and Florida A Specialty. tlons In ; a'sof r the tiansictl n i f any Financial bailneasou M. tWBNSOK. W. v. PKRKINS. D. L. KKKNION. o Colla'erala, recognized as good here. We do not Having lor many years beeu id.-ntllled with this deal In any Southern State tonus Issued since the w»'. SWBNSON, PERKiNS & Co., busluess, our great exoertencu enables us to oll'er UNUSUAL INDOClfiMENIS 9KO. AnKNlS. ALBERT YOUJ;a. 80 Wall Street New York. to the trade, and to ensure safety and despatch lu Arents & Young, Co., shipments of the above. Perkins, Swenson & Below we furnish a briel statement of our busineat DKALU R8 1 M New Orleans tor the past ten yesra. SOUTHERN AND During that time we have shipped Exchange sold on Texas and Lou leiaua. CoUecUona MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES, m^e on alt accessible points. not less than 1,300 Locouiollves val- ued at $13,000 each - - $15,600,000 No. » NEW STRKBT. XiSONAAD. W. a. KHSLDON. W. H. FOSTER. W. B. 13,000 Cars,averaB'e value at $1,000 each • • . • $12,000,000 Loans Negotiated. Leonard, Sheldon&Foster 90.000 tons Ste«l Balls, at BANKERS, $110 per ton • • • 9,900,000 Gibson, Casanova & (>o. 50,000 tons Iron Ralls, at No, 10 Mr all Street, aANKEK!» $70 per ton . . . • 3,500,000 Bay and st^U QovernmeDt, State, Uallroad and other no. M KXCUANUH: PLAUK. desirable ^ecuntlt's. making liberal advances on Total .... $41,000,000 same, allow interest on ie ternih. I.STKtiKST allowed on deposits either in Currency attention of the trade, particularly Invite the and or tiolc', subject to clieck at sight, the same a« witu 911. BOBDXN. L. N. LOYELL. solicit shipments of RAILROAD IKON. the City uauks. ADVANCES msde on all marketitble securltlaa. JAMES A. COTTINGHAM, CKUTIKICATES ol Dspatit Issued bearing Interest Borden 8c Lovell, 104 West, corner Liberty Street, 'JOLUfCTloNS midn at all polott at tha UMIOM 12I{ITI8U PUOVINCES. ooninissioN ihebchants NEIV YORK. •d AND Levy & Borg, General Asents. 20 BBOAD St., Borden Mining Co.'s Railroads. Brokers and Dealers f CVmBBBLAND GOALS, The subscriber la prepared to supervise surveys, ^ IN AND locate, and estimate cost, and also to furnish plans, FALL BIVER lUON WORKS CO.

filiscellaneou?. Railroads. Rai'roads.

J. HOWARD MITCUELL, PHILIP 8. JUSTICB, OHAOHOaT TIBBABP . AlET . P. ri»E , Wire Ro e. PltlladelphU. New York. MBRSOH FOOTS, p 14 Norm 5th street. 42 Clitt' Biroet. BTEBL, CUAKCOA'. end Vibbard, Foote Philip S. Justics, & Co., B. U., of ihc ve-y best qimllty, 40 BROADWAY, Nrw YORK. kaultuble for Ships, Rlgglnu, i4 o fi St o rt Steel RaiJs, Isus'iicna'au Bil 'gi's, OuyF, Dtr- a? SOOTIIAMPTON BUILDINGS. l.lcks Inclined Planes, Mining Iron Rails, *o. A f Hoisting Purpose?, Lago Stock constmtly on 3. COO Tons Old Rails, AND baid, from which any desired STEGE, BAILS-EXXRA RAILWAY EQ QUALITY, ^ UIPWENTW. leugilia are cut. ^ For early Spring and Summer deliveries, JOHH •. KENMEDT. HEHBT jroH.v w m tso.v & CO.. 1S72, In New H. BAKBK. JoaHa,BAB«ia York. York or Atlanlic Porta. 43 Broadway, ^ew S. J. Kennedy & Co., '«l CEDAR William Wall's Sons, XDWASD p. BIOELOW. JAMES jonysTox. ' ST., COR. OF WILLIAM ST. GENERAL RAILWAY AGENTS A<«0 .MANUFACTURKRS OF BiGELow & Johnston, raERCHANTS. Baraadiell 48 Pine Street, New York. Railway Bonds and Negotiate Loans tj Cordage, Railways. £LEPH1NT BACKING, and Dealers Iron and Steel Rails iniPORTERS OF lu IIEIWP Iron Ralla, Steel Ralla, Old Raila, OF APPROVED FOREIGN Beaaemer Pl^j GANGS OF lilC.OING MADF, TO ORDER. AND DO.MESTIC Iron, 'crap. MANUFACTOIiE. Steel Trres, boiler platea, Ac. Office, 113 XfTaW St., N. IT. OLD RAILS, SrRAP AND PIG IRON. AGENTS FOR I™", Orders executed lu Kurope by cable for shipment to ??! Rp",","" Company, Bradford England. The West Cumberland Uematl'o any port iu the United Stiitea, either at ;i fixed price Iron Co.? WorklnE- Rosendale Cement Co., lu ton b:nelHnd. American Gold or at a sterling price coat, freight and insurance. Supply ail Railway Equlpmeot and undertake a Railway business CE.VEN r OF THE BEST (tCALITY. Hank Credits opened and Railway Securities nego- generally. tiated. No. 101 Wall Street, J. H. WILSON, EDWARD F. WIVSLOW Thos. Pope & Bro., Neir Vork. Late Brev.MaJ. Gen .U.S.A. Pres. at.L.& S.K. R.R. J. 294 Pearl Street, E. W. BENEDICT, Secretary. New York. WiNsi.ow 8c Wilson, Pig Iron, Jacob W. SeaverSc Co., No. 51 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK, RAILS. COPPER, No. 206 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. SPEtLTER, TIN, LEAH, COTTON NICKEL, BISMUTH, &c. Report npon">. TJ •1 NegNegotiate loans BALUtVIN Build, Mam and LOCOnOTlVB WORKS • '"^<'RaiJwa)s.,^„ Commission Merchants, & Equip SecurUlcB, nosroN. M. Baird & Co., M. K. Jesup & Company, PHILADELPHIA. Reese, Rignev &r Co., All work accurately fitted to gauges and ttaoroneb BANKERS AND nERCHANTS, ly Interchangeable. Plan, Material, WorkmanslilD Unlsh and EUiclency lullyguarantecd. Mo.vraouERr, ala., M LIBERTY STRBBT M. Baird, Chas T.Parry, Wm. F. Henjey Geo Burnham. kdw. H. Wllllama. Ed. LongJtretfi. OTTON BUYING, ifezotlate Wm. P. Converse Bontlaand Loan* for Railroad Cos., Sc Co., CO.Tt.VISSION niERCHANTS. Contract for w Pine St.. New York. Airent iron or Steel Ralla, Loconi«tlTe«, Oara, et«. Gilead A. Smith R. B. Watson, and unuertake & Co., all buafoea* connected with Railivajr BARTHOLOMEW HOUSE, BANK, LONDON COTTON BUYEB. Ain> Jones & Schu yler, NO. 62 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. la PINE STREET. MlCON' Georsla. NEW YORK. Railroad Iron. In Pons ot Batlnrajr Commlaalon IKercbanti. New York and New C. Holland, Orleana. steel and I iiG'l-S'^^J';,'' m^ PAILS, LOi^OMO- livts, CAB r, and other S^ppU :9, and uegjclate Bills of Exchange on London and circalar Natsa • COTTON BROKER, Railway bokds, loavs. &c amounts to suit remitters or travelers. niANCHESTER Morris, Tasker & Co., NEW ORLE.iN.S, L inlslana. Locomotive Works. Paacal Iron IVorka, Pblladelphla. XDVAKJ FLASH. EDWIN A. GRAVES. MANUFACTURErrS OF Manufacturers of Wrought Iron Tubes, Lap Weldi Locomotives, Stationary Steam En- Boiler Flues, Gas Works Castings and Street Flash & Graves, Slncii, and Tools. Mains, Artesian Well Pipes and Tools, MANCHESTER. N. H. Gas and Steam Fitters' Tools, 4c. COTTON BROKERS ARETAS BLOOD, W^, G. OTEANS. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSES: Kupermteiident T,e surer maucheatcr, N. II. 42 Devonshire si.', Boston. 18 GOLD STREET , NEW 5 3 Stone St., dc 17 South William St., YORK. NEW TOI!K. Geo. D. Putnam, NAYLOR & CO.,~~~ NEW YORK, BOSTON, D. 8. Arnold, BOSTON. PHI LA., W John street. 80 State street. 208 So. 4th stri e gkneral Dealer in ooramissioN merchant, RAILROAD SUPPLIES CAST STEEL RAILS, AND OF ALL KINDS. CAST STEEL TYRES, Cotton Manofactarera Agent Factor, of Cut Steel Frogg, and all other steel Material /or MONTGOMEtT, ALA. HAIlt AND WOOL FELT. Railway Use. HOUSE IN LONDOM TheLiverpool GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY COM- NAYLOR, BBNZON & CO. &Lon- PANY «iF CAN IDA. 34 Old Broad Street, &- wbo give special attention to orders for don Globe Ins. Co, Old Rails for Sale. Railroad AJfetsGold^%20iOoo^ooo Iron, aa well as Old Ralls. Scrap Iron and Metala.

' °'""°-^-^ AJfetsinthe IS.^n'oT^.Ti.ri'iV.'Sr'J.i'r'"'- '"' „,T^' II ^". '"!; ".'3 '«" "'«n 1,000 tons, and to stata Evans & Co., U, StateSy%-^ Pni ^''- Pnrchase?. S;*" ,000,000 duly lr;n°v ^'o?r''rT;i'n','K'° IRON AND METALS. C. J. BBYDGES, 4-5 William St. No. 70 Wall Street. I>i'«tor. MojrraBAL, Canada. D»c. SB,*'!!!."*"* ^ NEW YORK.