xtmtlt HUNT'S MERCTT iNTS' MAGAZIxNE, REPRESENIING THE I;.,mST11IAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES VOL.14. NEW YOllK, FEBRUARY 24, 1872. NO. 348. !3Vbucrtt3cmcut3. Financial. Financial. WlLlJAMT.MtlKEDITH&C'. \tr.!rCi«o-nent^ will t*e Inserted at tbe following Duncan, Sherman & Co., prices per Itae for eacti liieerctoQ ; 54 EXtHANOE PLACE, NEW YOKK, It orJ'ired Icm th tn 4 timet. 70 cents per Hoe. No. 11 Nassan St., Neiv Vork City, '* 4 times or uiui e 16 ** Dealers In • » • II ISSaK " W •' U CIRCnLAR NOTES AND cir5(;ur,(i R BAILBOAD A niUMCIPAI, BONDS. letters of Credit avallattle and pnyalile lu all rirtf « 10 PlilKl IP VL I ITIKS OK rilK WORLD: "Isj special •• » 8 Stocks and Sccnritles tloui^ht and Sold W credits for use in the Uuilett States, Canada ana ivest at the New Vork btoek ExehaUKe. Indies. If the ft tvertlseme'^t occupies one C'>1u-na or tip- war Is, \ dlscouut per will be of U ceat od these rates LOANS AND F^PKIJNEOOTIATED-INTEREST Teleeraphlc Transfers of alluw<!'l. Money to and from Lou Al LOWED OS DEP.ISIi'S. dou, Paris, 9isu Fraaclsco, Uavaua, &c. Anifie Is measarod In ayate type, 14 lines to the Inch. Current Accounts received on sucb tsrms H ma; be agreed upon. \ivertl8ements will haTe a favorable pUcft when FOOTE FRf^NCH, fl IriHertlou In & 'St p'lt In, but Qo nroiulse of coittinuons th'i best place can 04 ^Wea, as all advertisers must BANKEBS, ba/e equal opportanliles. Brown Brothers Co., No. 7 Cougress Street, BOSTON. & urn. B. DANA & CO., Dealers In tiov.rnment Seccrllles, Qulil, State, NO. 59 WALL STBEET,, PUBLISHliRS, Coui.ty ana City ond-". al-o ISSITB 7t & 81 William St., N T. STERLINU EXCHASGE. drawn by Jay C->oKe& Co., on Jay Cooke, McCallocb Commercial and Travelers Credits F9~ For terms at Sabacrlptlon aee & i. o., LoU'tuii. hi »umA nd at (hiies to ^Ulu COM.MKRCIAL CuKDITS AND CIllci'LAB LET- Available in all parts ol the world. 5tU pase. I'l.s fiiK TiiAVELi,li.l,S SSUtD, available lu all pa ts ofitutope. James Robb, King &Co., Commercial Cards. John H. Daniels, BANKEB, BANKEBS, Wilmington, Will County, ^ Ross, Roberts & Co> Illinois. SI WALL STREET Collection^ mafic and Rem! trd at Current rates. Issno Letters ol Credit for Travellers SI Pront Street, Sloucy liinncd for lnvt-st'Ts o \ improve t faima at ten ptr c^ut L.terest, payable s< (Near Wail.) mi-aunually. Available In all part of Europe, etc., through IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MBRCHAHT8 IM REFEKE.VCES: AfanllcNat Tank, N y, B ink of Auburn, CITY BANK, - - • LONDON. | N. T. BacsloK, Hope, Nat. B*i{ t'f Vernoti N. Y. St 't.; 'av'KS ilist.. Chlc'KO and. B'k. N.N'. tte cajuijaCo.N.tt. I t SavV'' As ..tt. Louis HOTTINGUEB & CO.. - PABIS Iron Ties. Coo.\ CoU' ly .^at.onal itank, Clil a^o. future delly- Also COMMEKOTAI, CRFDITS and DRAFFS on Bny and sell Contracts for prr sent and LONDON, PAIilS.and SCOTLWI). enes of Cloth. Ageuta (or followtug l.aggln|{ Mills. Winslow, Lanier &c Co., ADVANCES made ou < unsUnmcnts. STOCKS and BCFFALO, COTTON PLANT, PALMETTO BONUS bOHgbt and sold on Commission. AND DIAMOND. BANKERS, — 27 8TRKET, Also— PINE NEW YORK. Jacob R. Shipherd & Co., Importers of Bio Coffee. Receive the accoanta ol Interior banki, baokera \ eorporattoDs and Merchanta. BANKERS, for the sale ot (;Uy« County and AtfenU Ballrosc! NEW YORK, 21 Pine Street, Boncle. iMUf^ I.^ttptfl ot Oredli lor lorelyi travol. Charles G, Johnsen, CHICAGO, 161 22nd Street, Aire. J. BBOWK. WALSTOX U. BBOWN. FBANKFOBT, conmssiox MBncnjLKT, Grosse Bockcntaennerslrasse, 30. LockBozSSt. New Orlean* Augustus Brown & Son Having now established our own house In OEB- win purchaSA J. BANKEBS, M.\NY, with unsurpasacd Connections throughout EXCnANOK. COTTON. KTC. Europe, we shall make a Leading Specialty of the Particular attention glTen to Receiving; and roi 59 Liberty Street, Neiv Tork. Negotiation of Firt^t-CIasa wardlutf Ualla. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE NKGOTIA LARGE LOANS. TION Of Tenns npon application, BAILBOAD SKCUBITIES ' Henry Lawrence & Sons, B .A N KING HOUSE Whittemore & Co., MANaFACTUBERS OP CORDAOK Saunders, BANKEB<4. VOa BXPOBT AND DOHIBSTIC USB. 3T W^ILLIAin ST., NEW ¥ORK. Hardenberg W PRONT 8TRBET. NEW YORK T' . I Collections made promptly on all parts of Canada. & King. ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Gorham Mf 'g Company's INIEKKST 112 A: 114 BROADW^AY. W3C. B. IJTLEY. XDWABD Jt. BOWSN. Fbbbuabt 1, isn. ALVIS PAUSDF.RS (exOoTen.or of Nebiaska) Utley & Bowen, Pre U-nt State Bank, Nebraska. BANKERS AND BROKERS, .lOHN A. HARDEN BE KGH. RICHARD W. KINO, member of New Tort Stook No. 4 STBEET, New York. WALL Exchange. Sterling Silver Ware. for (Krvemmcnttt, Gold and Orders Stocks execu- W« have formed a Copartnership under above style for tbu purpose of irau^act ut; a NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS t .-d at the usual rStca of commission. Iiiterewt al\owt?d on daily balaucrs, and subject General Banking Bnalness. lit Advanr.. Miido. At the Old Stand to draft '^iKht. Loans Ncgiilatid and Ewperlal Attention GuvirnmSut.Slati.cliy,C.>ur,ty»udR»llro«dliond8 given to Invest- Stocks, .nu Gold bought and sold on rommlSslon. No. 3 nAIDEN LANE, NEW ITORK. ment SecurllleH. lutoresc allowed o,i uafoalts. aubje.t tu bight State, City and Bailroad Loans Ne- ^Collections made in any part of the UbHaI SUUs. JOSEPH BACHnAN. gotiated. or Canada. ' 1 , 234 THE CHRONICLE. [February 24, 1872. Foreign Exchange. Financial. Texas Bankers. M. H. ALLEK, Vloe-Pres't First Nat. Bank, President. FlrstNatlonal Bank Treasurer T. Walker, Andrews & Co. a. K. BOLDBif, Cashier H. McMahan & Co., SAMUSii ucKKKi Secretary. Bankers, No. 14 Wall Street, YORK. NEW OFFICE or THE And Dealers in Foreign and Domoatlo Exchange, GALVESTON, Texas. Andrews & Co., We have prompt Western Bond Board, and reliable correspondenta at all ""^ points throutthout PAKIS. iii°/„i I"" this ^a?e, ?,.d upon No. 10 PI.ACK TENDOmK, all collections payable la ihls City or West Fifth Street. no HoiiJto i makS BondB, stocks and gold bought and Bold on commiS' No. 17 charge for collecting, and only aclual charee^SSS tlon. Sven°?n'^fiJ'"!''- '""edlateLdprSmpt attent'^oS Travelers* and Commercial Credits Issued. KANSAS CITY, Mo. """'"•? en'nisted to ua. Refer to Nut. p.,?l.i<i^,v"« Loans Nesottated. *"" Spofford Tlloston the Western Bond Board are ro N V Hrt v"',"",,* ^•'i?^' ft; Money received on deposit at Interest, The operations of »'"'»'""">"•<' "'»• on N?o!Drex-'e''l * txcbange drawn on the Paris honae and devoted specially to the Negotiation ot Western ft Co" Ph',;!?."''""- DNION BANK OF LONDON County Bonds, Mnnlclpal Ponds, and the Bonds of the several School Districts of Missouri and Kansas. All National Bonds ottered are thoroughly examined as to the Bank of Texas Morton, Bliss & Co., legality of their issue, and none are presented excep GALVESTON, such as we believe to be reliable In every particular Collections made on all accessible points. Full statistics and every Infomiatiou given upon M.KOPPEKL.Presfdent. Bankers, 30 Broad St., N. Y. application to CHARLES F. KOYEsfkils'If.S'^^a^l^^ir'""'"'''''' \'. '"^i': National Bank. SAmUEL. McKEE, Secretary. y. (-orrespoudents, f f 5."- S Imp. ft Traders Nat. Bank. Issue Circular Notes and Letters of DESIRABLE M. BnANDON, Pres't., J. o. WiLi.18, Creiiit for Travelers; also Commer- Vlce-Pres't Home Securities. o. LAUTK, secretary, alpbonsk ladve, Cashltr cial Credits available in all parts of Texas Banking & Ins., the World. GALVESTON. Cash Capital, ..---. $238,000 Negotiate First-Class Railway, City FIRST MOKTOAOE DIUECTO^S: .1. M. Brandon, J. C. Wallls,'F. R. I.nbljock. M. Qnln, E. 8. Jemison, M. W. Baker, Leon and State Loans; Make Telegraphic COLD BONDS IHuin, Geo. Schneider, R. S. Willis, T. A. Gary. W B. SEVEN PER CENT Wall, Rcib't. Mills, T..I.H.Anderson. Special attention given to collections at all po^ntE Transfers of Money ; Allow Interest OF THK in tfte Stati*. and remittances promptly made, without on Deposits, and draw Exchange on any charge except customary rates ot exchange. Morton, Rose & Co., London. walkill valley THE CITY BANK OF HOUSTON, Capital, $325,000. HOTTINGUER & Co., - - PaRIS. Railway Company. Houston, Texas, - - - We L'lve special attention to collections on all ac- Hope & Co., Amsterdam. cessible points. OFFERED FOR S.^LK AT I IlIllECTOIlS: W. J Hutchlns P. W. Gray, A. J NINETY Burke, Cor. Enuls, W. M. Rice, E. H. Cushlng, Agency of the BKNJ. A. BOTTS, President. AND ACCRUED INTEREST, IN CURRENCY, B, F. WEEUS, Cashier. BANK OP BRITISH NORTH BT AntBRICA, MEAD & CLARK, Financial Agents, Moore & Wjlson, 48 Wall Street. 141 Broadway, NEW YORK, (Successors to H. M. Moore, Commercial Credits Issued for use Ip Furope, China BANKERS, BRTAN, TEXAS. jHpan. Ihe East nud West Indies, and South America AND also Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers availa- F. Banker, Collections made and promptly remitted for current ble In all parts of the World. BRASTVS mEAD, rate of exchange. Corr-snondenis: Demana and Time Bills of Eschange, payable In Mtssra. W. P. C0NVBB3E ft CO., New York. 1 340 Third Avenue, London and elsewhere bought and sold at current rates, also cable Transfers. Corner of Twenty-Filth Slreit, NEW YOKK. Demand Dratis on Scotland and Ireland, also on BASSETT A BASSETT, <"«nH'ia, UiUl»h t^olumbia and San FrHnclsco. Bills By ex'hanKlnir United 9lale« Bonr's for the''onf'scl Collected, and other Itanklnc; business transacted. the WALKILL VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY, ydu BANKERS. JOHN PATON, 1- per i *«*""•.„„. you Increase your come over 40 cent, and Brenham, Texas.
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