MEMBERS PRESENT: JP Mansfield, Jeanne Gibson, Troy Anderson, Jen Crimmins, Steve Hoesel

STAFF PRESENT: Brooke Flattery, Carissa Harvey

J.P. called the April 6th, 2021 meeting of the Fort Dodge Board of Adjustment to order at 4:30 p.. with a roll call of the members. Some participants and members attended via Zoom due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Minutes from the February 2nd, 2021 meeting were reviewed by all. Jen made a motion to approve the minutes. Troy seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

New Business –

Case #1139 –423 16th St- Variance request to Section 17.08.04..4. of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, to allow for installation of an off-premise sign (billboard) within 1,000 feet of an existing off-premise sign (billboard).

Brooke presented the staff report, noting that the reasoning for the request is that the applicant is proposing installing a digital billboard in a location that is less than 200 feet away from an existing billboard. Section 17.08.04.L.4. of the City's Zoning Ordinance requires that no off-premise sign shall located within a one thousand (1,000) foot radius of any other existing off-premise sign whether conforming or not. Brooke went through the Four Findings of Fact, summarizing that there are not special conditions for this site that would warrant a variance.

Brooke noted the following options exist for the Board of Adjustment: approve the request, approve with conditions, deny, or table.

Staff recommends denying the request to install a billboard within 1,000' of an existing billboard. The Variance criteria has not been favorably met.

JP asked if there were any comments from the public. There was none.

The applicants, DKOI, Inc. spoke to the sign they are proposing, summarizing that it will look clean and improve the overall look of the corridor.

Carissa noted that the rendering shown does look like it is within the 5 foot setback, so that location would need to be altered. The applicants noted there is an alternate location they can place the sign if the one shown is not allowed.

J.P. brought up the digital sign on 15th Ave S that there were issues with in the past, as is was negatively impacting visibility and safety of drivers on that road. He noted that City Council was supposed to be doing something about that. Carissa stated that the Zoning Administrator checked for light levels and she at one point met with them to ensure they were not advertising for any off-premise businesses. J.P. noted he thought that they were planning to prohibit that moving forward, so he is worrying this sign will have too much light and impact traffic safety.

Steve stated that he was around when they established the new corridor sign regulations, noting that this billboard sign’s location is against the intent. He also noting that he feels digital signs such as these on busy roads can be distracting.

Jeanne noted she thinks this sign looks better than the one across the street and she would much rather see this one up, but the other one is already there. It was reiterated that this variance is due to the proximity to existing billboard signage and not that we don’ want to see that proposed sign itself.

J.P. asked if there was any more discussion. There was none.

Troy made a motion to deny the variance request to allow for installation of an off-premise sign (billboard) within 1,000 feet of an existing off-premise sign (billboard) at 423 16th Street. Steve seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Case # 1140: 819 25th St- Special exception request per 17.07.04..3. of the City’s Zoning Ordinance to allow for signage to support functions of a school (public operated) use in a single-family residential zone (6RS).

Brooke presented the staff report, noting that the reasoning behind this request is to allow the applicant to install 12, 13 square foot softball signs in the fence of the school’s practice field that help raise money for the softball program. Due to the sign’s small size and the distance away from any nearby residential uses, staff feels this will not negatively impact the neighborhood. Staff recommends approval of the request.

J.P. asked about which direction the signs will be facing. Brooke indicated that they will be facing Martin Luther King Drive, as this field is only for practice, so fans would be unable to see the signs if they faced the other way.

J.P also asked if this would set a precedent for other sites? Carissa noted that we would have to treat all sites the same, taking into account if the proposed signage would have any adverse effects on the neighborhood. She noted that in this case, these signs distance away from any residential uses make it unique and limit the potential for adverse effects.

J.P asked if there was a limitation on size per sign. Carissa noted no, as long as they stay within the required square footage for total signage.

Jen made a motion to approve the special exception request to allow for up to 12 signs, 13 square foot each, to be installed on the fence of the softball field located on the south east corner of the campus. The Board of Adjustment wants it stated that this approval is due to the proximity to the nearest residential use. Steve seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Adjournment Troy made a motion to adjourn. Jeanne seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 5: 15 p.m.