JURNAL STUDI KOMUNIKASI DAN MEDIA ISSN: 1978-5003 e-ISSN: 2407-6015 PENGARUH INDUSTRI MEDIA NASIONAL TERHADAP MEDIA WARFARE THE INFLUENCE OF NATIONAL MEDIA INDUSTRY TOWARD MEDIA WARFARE Bima Septiantoro1, Rudy Agus Gemilang Gultom2, Amarulla Octavian3 1,2,3Universitas Pertahanan Universitas Pertahanan, Komplek Indonesia Peace and Security Center (IPSC), Bogor, Indonesia
[email protected];
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[email protected] Diterima tgl. 21/05/2018; Direvisi tgl. 01/10/2018; Disetujui tgl. 15/10/2018 ABSTRACT The difficulty of obtaining valid information that supported by high number of fake news cases impact on the potential threats of media warfare. Currently, the form of media warfare has been evident by Indonesian society and government. The research aims to analyze perspective about the influence of national media industry in media warfare. This research used qualitative phenomenology that used to see perspective about media warfare or resource experience which is stakeholders of media industry. Then, framework analysis that called hierarchy of influences used to analyse the data. The results of this study show the perspective of stakeholders which view that social system is being influenced by the arrival of new media industry and foreign media industry, while the lateness of extramedia to structure the regulation will affect negatively on the environment. This environment causes internal media organizations, the needs of media routines, and individual media quality to be affected as well. In media warfare phenomenon, the national media industry must be aware of the interests of internal and external stakeholders and meanwhile the internal and external stakeholders must also be able to coordinate to develop regulations so that the media business can be stable and improve public knowledge.