1*1 mHifl TO mm . ! . IB!?”* 1 - - _ CLINTON UnJBLKAN TIE CLINTON REPIBLH.4N. OFFICIAL FAFC H OF THE COUNTY fVlUlftiP ITUT nuuif, BY Robert Smith dfc •*

______OftftSftortoe nelfttoft, threemmzsBitz fttolfth.*—*•*« —|J J She Clinton Oft#<|wrift# eotoftn, sift Meftihs,.*».♦ Oft# f ttortot felfftft. ftftft fftftr ftftd flpto,. .•.«m.N ’• liftffduftA, m M'1#|,—wee»—»N| Ofte eelWM, efte ffft,^,...... H icorde, ed fte#r I Itftftft. fa pee y «r. VOLUME XIII. 8T. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 21*, I8#n. NUMBER I. it elmrtftfftfita payaUr, ift all .ftftff, Ift ftd I ^ u Y b Local * Tan a Hi do —It b um NEW ADVERTISEMT8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. savoa. OROOERIES. ffci€UtttiRr?tklu

Eaplrc Tea A Cafee Ceapaaj, . THE GREAT COMBINATION! IN Yalta* Mmt, I, T, NIXON’H J. M. ICANNKY, Mi luL-Tb llMiton, of this ill- ftft «r« b 4fM«4 tat tu an* «»• U m JUST OPEN El) tft ft 1-irftbft tottoift, ^ HALL00I EVERYBODY! TO* lMhl«U«a is kept up la |m4 style, A ft she limp- If Ito Or and Rap* hi kftftft tt , MftfaOS to** ftf FUH KDTAII. NEW YOKE CIRCUS! to plmy • |MM to that city m #,G0jt Kief0 i U m «aui| It ooa SI O W E’H an its tof—k 11# T Ua rwnfhly TEAS, COFFEE A SPICES. Ohtvait .—-Tb vile of Mr. I. Ykitwy, ml the uU THVITED STATES •n.i ito AftDqui- _ Natoml M ANI) with aumervw* Illoeiret Theto faftftMee that Ufa 0—tofy hare fa ftopplylap . »ftftd OaBtoft at pmtly rodtMod pitot ftfft eittwJfaL ! Where youno ftillvtU aiftfttraiftaya A»daa*! 1ftla» ftfadtoafa« «bd mail, • Tm* Puck to Bet Goom,—Otr initWfi WUItoM ftMHk, LL. D PftMlUfti ftp Aim atotft or«* erytfttopla thft lift* of Van A Oft., Ilartfai Ct. Tito Uto# retebflaftod fapfta Mill* fato ftffturod to Uft , DAN CAHTELLO’H cxipkmt tint | will A . —Wc iw fui»»d to 1 Thto wurk m ft tunelv J. Scattergood & Co. • U m M». J. B BIm. HmH •# U o C affmi nemmuty of ftU TOhto wa fa f. tola* Uft ofaly theft ova joda fin then eupevtor elma lipw in ftftll- GKK AT NIIOW! . and UM ineanablo mb bf Iftf their Teae. Otdfaee ftftd A|*buo ftftft Ufth tfte loft* ly fall Afttfton edition «f Uft only ftbrtifltoftftkt bj U to* to Im—tm U m etas* ml mmm to to tol into Uft prtoftft. Kftpeotol fttieattufi a ftd praftl ftft to fiftftit WITH Til HEK OF THK a Lfa tfabt iWi ftw» hand ftf Ato mltotofti WkUtory, wkb h to to out tor Uft ftMMftftft puree -to to ftl ftfM* (to oftly a "d cva U m mine mg flffrutof, u4 alvtp k 7 L fthtlft reliable oM pftftfttknl •*•» CMUfttotor all U*t FINEKT RIDERN IN THE WORLD! OM TIIM Ova rtiaM lAroiighout tbe county will um oi^miu i>mu »to mimi umito ColTne Department, * favor by ftMtoit u booty ■ ififtikt Uft paods *paa Utor shell ee tor halt j am tury, and to *## ere to?* to U m mm U m pfttoto ft miMM «f »to-h WltkHI % — family We shall to •bkged far any Uf U« fra dollar* they should viperd to ed«| laf ftfUtopmto It to* i tee If to ftll vto — fafaft H, mi iMftLIfft Uftto packet*, hmp tWf fftMto ores from ymmi to to ftffry fkailjf Ito careful tft pet U m edlltoa, If Java , Nl farmer I bo, Hto WAR PATH ------— -—------u4 toa* tto reward «f«nrfttF Vtoftmi, m4 * rtfU m> *«ui toff tto relteMe »•**? to tto i A Gool> 1W C umhu .—A propbctic wr»- fttVti of eu»4, phirb U U« kmn*bk rmlt ef ftd ver- It to anld by A nested aftd Ofmd daily, eecorlftft to Udda, Aal'wxM fare : -Th# MfM ml Uft tlMftft Using Ri* #M— Ml. whs totTtoUto ftfft ftlvajrft ftp tied these atoftf larfo^oftaliUeft, aft tMfftftftftr ftfttoftf ftftd vtUMtitoMr Th# wind* whisper It, with Uft tlmeft. They toft* Uft proAilftftMftp AIM M it, ft* 4 ih# • lere t rvft Lie far " C towr ) of the henry trade ftfto ftftil ftl ft Cermspsaie na a of Uft end VV We Meatveal yeafen to try It, teou LftPftuift, M«y to, 1MB. fl ftftft Ml eectet urn Tm WBATMKB CtMltinueO l*fbl U'l pltuft- toft pnoft •# ■ tMd Lnatoftft Mill earrlree tel fto-ve* oft la U m ftftftft Im« Ue hast aftd Aftfurod of hor weye. Wf — ftnra ih— ptoaftoi fttU Ito !*• paUMftft lYtotofUil tKkftl, ftftd UM eortiuft of eoaftiry New (fall aftd heed T KAH, pi 1Ci: um> aid UKiioHs bto ItoMft Uft 4ftf to to warm ft»4ftfr*^fa* trUi Ulp rail ap U* Uirty ikimmml aftapeelty far to neft far oftf pfttrnai aftoftoiy ami ItoftUh. Grfki ftftd CftUhft. tmiNK Bttli,—A c Iaik Ij, orJorittf a Vo ftfM in Wafa ft kg#«B f iif ihafu go tlb# Mlhf }M)i I- I. BIOHBY...... Niitiuyt'r N«w V om nb .—With the preeeat neue, ^ J.D., .1 IkTk u». u u n^M IM » IMITf i: lilto r OE TEAMI For awdiui and m remoata l pf»ne*eto Ah*, oft haml m of pafttaioen* frmi Lie tailor, *a<4 that he • *"t#4 Mltftd, (Umft ftftd ftlarft,) >», *1, ltoel tae b A. WILL KXIIIBIT AT NT. JOHNS, jt »larpft Block %* PKM •>. very tojht mo.mA»( to Uft to*"* fashion ** If Uft RarftftftiCeft ftaton apoa lie UirtoftftU trolama, awtahot of toot ftftd ftoaftae horoee ft til to tore. Ib.loftf Iftlftt t Tft. ft*, fa, DM, Href Itur * » ]*U|ft thftM ftU ft*. ** I fM l toko Ucm H VtU Aftiiftflftf peeepeeM of enftkftftod prt*ep«nty, tor >n -mum t - *■ —g------Yftftftp 11)M*a, ttirfton,) to. to. Ito, ttonl Ito b »• Kftflteh Arefthfaat (Atocft,) to. Ito Heat UM |» X , *1 11*14- -f, 1 N||N, and rejftdiy inereastag etrfteUlfuft, while ml wreftk m ton i deft* ftp ea th»« A Mt StKIIL—Thr Ullto fcillof tbe M. E H ewyye e Ulfil tofimoft pueftfr t>wr pototMftl dapeft. Fine lOftvured, to toft, beet Ifftr V A too* totoU • part ef vto ft fttli to (Mod aft aa Ouapftftder aftd iMperWa, to to like ft ft vtU ami ftl U« neUftte of Ur l). C Hard ****** to th# pa#t. toifwrMt; of vtol A viU to to AKTKKN«M*N and kvkning . U» to!■—a will to nrapifti to a WM ftftftfti OnMfftd Cofareft, Ifa to. to. Host tou b ». it #*#*•"'#•'< »' 1 « ■ r«4.n •»: > or-..; the f ut are - f Right r»er sent. ndiftg tor • bet tt «UI to to fttooftd to Of gr^ftft4e. Lftaanr Books and Stationery All are touted. In V U Htiroa Ror'y •» tottoftft to to fat the r«4 of U m NaUnn, Ooftftty el ftp to p«t eft efty ftifft* ftftd aa v« • Omt l ...... ■» m.... ■ — ftftd Stftto. ftoft articles of tft^eectowut or re pro* of out fa aftoftft cftarrftM, «• »e« tom a f»»»- J. Tilt STYLE.—Tbft bulletins of fashion ftml ffilMt Aslnv JUuai, vf etmafiy ferurod Vhfth M tft Uft e»iturbo * ftlurft, Al Jehft*. Mm h , are ttoir fa* ftfftftottoft. hmoeee oe believed hhft fkflty of ______OtopMf. e to he float bUeftre in eitft'Oftxt uf to thft;P*h ‘L of Oe city, Id Uto Bi nd Here, ftoolft tft# oool ftftd wo km reorived oar #prva« eftd Aaratoor Ahek of to U m ftftde of ftkfrh Dry holle ere ftltorkoi * Uft rWrfto ftttftjftd Tkft pad ftf Uft eftftfttry, refroeftfap .hedo. they that llfto ooa eip or poftt topee OATiatiE UIJL Itofaftlt fatotop f a -#rte.i» a»..rtefttf>. rl*»< - to lifthttof to modify itotr ftfanirere ttol they ••A •»* ftoooeeerty Uft Bftftfthltofto jftrty. fa- boor to U«*r ftoort e botfbt UM faftfay ftftft Uo M 8 ie« day It ftfte •ad It ftftft ifttoupod tft* retire mud April i. Ito fty deft* A Xrmmmma and Mary M *ei of the ftaeft fth<. -'n*! .nr!r fc« yi uj A A. O Nftftfftftft to Dftfttd Heed, and fftnodod tft Uft odk» ftf I Vfftl thft lUfN ftf Dor da tor Ctnituft M«l), Mi] Sl'ADftf IktoiOL Cotr CMTIOM.—Tbf DfXt 'tofttotto IfftftUtif pftft, ftftd eoerre—ftHly I N Tftlth A L KkVKVI'C AND ADV KR V Iftl hit. Ajni t. I in liter (1 of aertsirm, on pa## ITS, era U cJaMaed t# Ito due al tft# dale ftftftftftI ftMi>| */ tft- (Nott ftuedfty AUoi»M'ft«te«tHM toftftod Ito roef f^^e of > »4»1 Hm>i~ to thft I’ - The Urpeot uefteffte la the At ate ef Reft Hampshire of thte MBe. tour hastotod aftd o«ft dtolare heddn trltt W Itoli ftt Lftftefftft to Uo Uitor part ftf J taftft Kr ft that ef Charles A OtUft» propnetor of M lUir# Vepe- aa aitofftry fa# of thirty ihdiare, aupolaiod la said Blaukv to<>rtft»ftr lo be paid, tooold nay prut■vdtafte he lehon iy Adheal ift * ft too nwaftty • * .1 he r* pre- aio«f ft «Maiier rheio te* Wo* Ibturwalcd on « east eeH mnl • Marriai'i' Cfi-liliniU'H ffanrrft of that dev, al the outer duor ftf tfte CV «H TO|faftstkFps>MptCftAtoftTO; far toAtofto ftsaa toto J4t Aheetliiftoi n^l tn th. ftffi ft* toft, ae eft the hoilUAtod. moM Ooftn heft, tbeffif ktrfa Mall,; tft Ue nil ape of At fur pftMbr eppoorvatnva ftftdaad |p«u n.,*, »u kr, .u * l tft po it fttA to tthorftJty eoeftftifted h> Mi ftlUfM • three yoar* hooa e Jefta«, is mid eoftftty, there will ho eeld at ouhftr ooa Mftftlftftoft oueft anM«r%»ae aad varfa-l •Mmftnfu fa. mph AI Mm been. ------— Thk U iiwa §had iii CrciciL—A ckieo ft t O, the ft#*l hi due, to Ue biffaft Ksddor, Ike pretoteae ImrlWd la fW# rpoaftias th detail, tfte r inafnat dr*Mo to ory cftufoi ftftd r'topMto mi mil r ■aid anlfer. vis * The amth sephty • fo«r aero* of Ue dirwrt pwt4W attrvitt*m to ft (‘vnliTro e* twmi ia Wftnh le Tory flAAP VOA BUM.mil LltiroA.—f m TtMfft toft of Uft p«ftft« ftftftftUod of Clift loft ooftftty. tool to efCktoffi •oath-fteot quarto* of aootbft thtrt#ew to toftaaftfr rMieftiwa fte tt to yraei ia wentwr fto lift ft 'ie*M>o hnrto t arda, * hrae Mm K*»k y Ha lee f. M II faftofteld.ef thto eillftpe, ftftft hrm cnod he e-Unu. 'wftftnl el t Unb*ft Hei*. ift thm oiliepe, oft Itoi- Th* a hem it«s* ealy n iiirvn thft aid seven north ef faapft two west, la Mb Uf.- IftM rftfar to «nr p«el srwfeilmo I ih»bei»..tt rurtier-mr#, Dtarvee, Tna* fad*. Ladle*' idftftttoo YVipp far eeliiftf tb|Mr, ftftd leaf ftft (to nrday toot, fur the porpooe of apputattap e— Ift thft fftftft t ml jedirto— adrarttoftf M A May tt. I tot ■ hi h vfternjtmoce :he entree of onr Aedicule#. Writing 1 broke, eta DAVID ABKD. Msrtpc*#. rntaidtelitoeat ia wtry place. v a. j uthto etteud the Atoto oamftlMi mt m pf tft* ftfto Is mdkieftt. Feebie* A Aabftftlft, Att’ye for M«n#fM l.Ue A r#Uttar Stroll fapeni, tor, far • Nto , ftftd fthieh far efttent, rt> h- !»•* DoUaMioftUolTU rWe e »I tea r# luofted ft Moral, fto- IPrrfak lefafatik* ClfaiiBfae Hfft Natr-MAOK Mr*. —Nrmrly alt tbe ilia*- rjHOBATK OHDKR.—Btatr *4 Mk*bi|cmii Nft, iltMMb das 4 fall . ^ cftftfte It ftftft Mftftl* ift bom here aa»4 Utoat, there heiap ft-1ut #A#\ t end Aaon TO Kcocua lit Mht»*—Mr. H ^ 4 f„ « th0 pr90mml Ummm . f 'mult v of Clintovi, sa. At A hvahiti soft* pa pm drvvte tfte er toore cm ) a M at aud ft fhfiTOap Aloe, a Flue Hunk J iftteikifttot toviil ereinrenfteliii hroehee fteee torpi ly la the oae;ortt>. Aina hetAereua, pertftfe ftorhly, to self ftf de am This is a epee m Mua- •cd ffsftftrmliy u»4#ffttood The poWieftm anflff ft hove# loni oqftftlcd • “f K i ,ee« >e.i »• nor ,/ o»»I, toiftp mlt**! e»*h r •* mt tm u.uee hr day, tfte AU toy of May. ta Ur year ear ttouoee 1 ftlaee U- trlumpftast if l, ftttft a Amo am idniit of Meets .*f ell ^ oewetmts lathe, ru eftoorft to ptooilf offt Ito Mas that, far ee Mfteh Meftfty ftftd • yftntoftreyft. tftry rx^bt hunerrd eftd et«tr-#v#bt IVeMt, *■ ftdrh inemtoidAbtuol fteet*. Mr R. OerM|hly ui. Irrtta«4« ike »»"U «f dellheraitofte of the MQHiaf ioeoft Y* nft#re, A. I’ • til yeifaMh a ftftnst drub ef Ids Ufa. ae eeee of tft# re- Ijudft# ef l*rt»haie. la tft# fftattrr of tfte eeftatr of la this Sin ft 4 to v sired* and tob #Vihvj4w LI, df%pfafa^4* Tc -K ».crjW4j. «»j •• » ‘e* '*•* * ,!l r** Uft pftftUft ftftd fttli fa* p the toft the oaerhef eA*.r*l# \WiMdft, fl A Coe tot «ftd the ehftlrtoaft Were el«r«ftd BUM table M#ft of Ue ape The ftetfa e too#hr# m f-ee »e»*fas pmtur* a»liftpp»ar tft# far .4 WAFfyy —tin —licfaru-*. On toadiwf aad Allas the petition duly rfafal, of rhan*a, «r oristne! J • Ihtooy A SrhwSodd. ftoytftff far rmoei therein eot A Good Local .—-Wp haw aotortbinn one * th~ KkuOfteUlfft, ^^f**/* V* * toe to. ftftd « ftfteftesed by - sftM.Me*l |toato iad f----- dr«vt tonwntton •allod the Throne id Apollo, asMi a toon eh* vh of toy Ufa. You so* put to# faftft forth, that adneiftMtmtfon may fa had ih m*4 oU'*e- ftftd a op ftiead o tenntod th* t%moad#r»’ Tn ___ • ft he ft the toetlKf edyeoro it ho to tto#thefj«l> Therrupft it te Ordered, Iftet M. nder. tfte lkb toy TOf Ufa ftfteh that atoaefted ftftil ftftd craatod ftft * y TeAtereeft fthfaeted. eft the fmtftl that * nevi (real the — a ftofautobn far your value bU yMurmei M laavoeft ‘*ft»fh, Mt-bhei «d ftboif mad li.ql.t*. ttod ia of Jut»*. I ton, at | o'tiurh Ift tft# ifarbcf of that l*Mtafalo-4 ftrt ! ennor, eith ihrsr baft? n, yrm •Meftf ftafaftftdtoirtog faft adurlftf epwUtme.fptotolaim. It mowum. tootans pntt,pretty i-||<(|ij to to held ea the FftorU, mM ftto er tfte the self fMufte mi Andt • pMUire ftoediec his toy, ho easipvird far too faearta# ef eahi yodtfeuft. aftd tamee aod tamrava, and am eaian:#-! hy iton L*. 5.' ■Ufa kftnef each ft* hor eft Ctmtoa aeeeue hi roliaau o ^ tfc-| that Ue fauv t ftr of said doieaerd, aftd ftl* *4hee p«v lift ift e nsftftMi • <>f M**4 toe el Asm. nil ftrehe* tbe Tto fpoebiti proeaitod, ho*»rre» a tofftfally prepared sftrtoh. ftftd Salim hitoaeif that am inter rot'i Ift eeid ortfttr. are rftqalmd to appear at ■ ftf tto pair ftf |ft*-l ‘pft» hetft loeaf aftd rosy, **ftfts«nf Mt v » M . ell th# world aftd the rest of BMftftjad mast horrafUr cr^ewninp faft ’ am «f Uo t'refteain I hi* eftterprto# pa* theft allftdod to a VefoMima “d el'’ SMfteft of Sfthi I'ftftft. tom to he fa 4 deft ftl Ur h*»*U um ear imm a, ’u< ia^ el «*o (wrltiaaM 1*, I The reft.f 1 hito •• ft fodohnty. Ofauo, ift the VI lifts# d At. Jeftan aftd •heft Oft woo. if eay la tft* Mb* IVU, thrum ef the Oar fto h of there to, why th# psayov of Ue prtlth vt »’ mil aed bo Idim fivfftft -Oe faterdey U#«, TV If smeited Aftd it Is fart toe ffalmd Tftet ftM peftstM BEST RIDERS IS THK HOKLD. Ovtft.—W 0. Bonn*'t fa old ft and fa un or pm ftutir» to tfte •ad C Leanfvr were err ae fed f*r eolaap Up mo lapdif » A«rss|licwfat. eetotMfa lb# far •**■•* ef tfte eletelft. Thft l.eftrt fteee vea sot of Mr \>t-n (SIbon. Vie ptopoftto to —fa ll hy eiefteo • o»py of C iivvd * AtriftMAi, o n. weyapor prtateai *M # Li and th# latter uo the ml The ftpoatropHtoed verd tot ftp h-use bft orery pssU If way Me vhbft liftht aad laied la ftftid oouaty of CTtatoft. far thru# eeinulrv Jut faanm WflllaM* ires elan arntord eft Moeftay. ih* . th#r tlrie^ei.e thr •!«•«*er rrp#«.«ai »t Tt>e eahto ftoofte, prrvbouo to eahl tor of hmria s VM AlCKRLA. dadsoof Fr- W mMA ft dtelfti oArftee, ae 1 ervi. t# '/bd eft the cartel ft «e« theft drafts etft tfte ftraUerod freoMeefte ef eat. aad vftac. the r*p*i« ere fa*ft# the ptoro vill pro* i tiv# • | > i ------I ft peftorfui party, ft Leah hoe •■al ft re» y aval *»—to. Mb mmA* aseft sab j Mo * fUhrti ha# erruftfed #*ib Mr A#»*aoM far U m ooewpaacy I }l(OHATKOBATk t OKliKK. —Wlstr uf Mh litiffti) r*m atm Amud .-W, m. It .nnout.ce.1; <”ra •*** * '+ iariuM'.g U*e uf the tUm.ru, at»4 eui do '-neiftoee ia ft*) S'-id# Mm -d'uwafyRtyoftlmtmaL of At ft oneftoft oi tfte Pro he to ••■* V-c-^ltak. 1*. *ur,T-,..r,y * orat.r • mt Ih | N|,nn, Ct«TKt.LO A l|ow*'« Cim , j Ots.,* tebtftf Mr WtltiaM M- Utl»..ry ea parva«r ieert ha Ue wmu H) ef « lugloft. ftoidm »« tfte lltfaL ofaee, in th# villas# I Al. J hne, oft Mondoyr, tft# XMk * “* ’ ** ——4*«-*»• *~r mt M—c X.. «. Cmrnriu 4 Th# j-et. fa a has been rrftoid tft W C liennott’e day «f May, to Ue ymr #n* tfamsal of#A« huad rmi A MKH 11: A A \Y AT< II KM, CMC. far Ifa. n09, n,lWl k—. M ,k. mtJmm. lf..^rtro«tVer'>*nr« *wft#ftf h- u*e, p#u tins the rm+vm uf ft *mt4h> fa wee and Mity-nsftt FvuonaA. Wan faeftton du fae of fto fat ^MamtoMMAft N to fka (hm* ^ At/ * * fato Aft. at SMi.tft left laden .. f I toft saaoe I e ai m ae «B iki* Ift hat#. In tft# matter of Ue estate of An eaa Aar* •e a gmle to jud## ufth# Merit* el an eshibltlon, ihi* omfl, 4i ronord le fall, efahrftrtaf »wory1hiws the awrh#* efarde. 1 of the Mfftt llmr fte fa d fte tooM fa, oao of the tost laetituttoa* • »e rsndfg aftd Alias th# anfttkai af Oat aM fte TOM* arm Is to h#op the of the itry. of tfte tmreMng Tfte ynpftoev a*w Tmr ATTBwnoa ut imrmvrm ia rtllftl to rrwfl. Admin*etraln» of ail sntete, nmy tof Um i«n*on* M'FLJX. I'A II NT LftVftftF. l«uU g«dd *nd as such fty all topal thereto erf Artft. that *h« tovy hr Ikwnssd to rtfamJ All Cl rkftand W*t«diea Wernantod fog one year. Ale* here had year* ef #> tvw of Uo foot that L A- Mfilftee.eflftb v.'laf# ftnetawalred a sapply of o ftow and sayeatof May F«*#lu An taepe o Thereupoft in* Ordered. 1 ho ftM iiftdey. tfte iAthjU^faf | A * r!dotk ro« |*oM«a—A p*< lech ta tft# fa od mrtho haatfasef «ft*d yeti tun. and that the Larpf'.t A Bvd Stock ef Lroccrirt auh.iittortH, Mr of Ue p«of raiwft while lev ef ally or fty aortdeot. may be — Wo na doreiend that the Ifooft a*cd PLATED 1,>D SILVER WARE, Mr. 11 iv* aeto as tfte rut It M in enid estate, are required te Tha*, toy*wt ui hundi Dh euparvmtf, fwlrvekhs all ruiagpctrv • •ft ftlla ef owed all. <»f said (tort, thm to ho fad dm oaftihfUwft i tfte have paay of tftle nlUp>. intend |inaf a daaae tft A l.tftf. Ill 'to tftperi' i to the Arefta e liigtie uf uilrtal Aa MMiaaJ with e otraat Rail, fa n* time a#it ftbuath •ft tfte rtllaso af Ah deft Mb ftftd shaft esa or. if nay norer to tore -rnal*nt- •rtfofe M there ha, why Ue prater of Ue peettbmer dwell not qaaptlly. The all ftill arfttmfte# evrry tfte oqnroirtan, gjmmmM* and ecrtoUt art Foau* he gra nted Aftd It 1* farther Ordered. That ftuti## W with wftbaft pftyov# am ♦ eaft f tfte Hal s Ma dam # f nuiiae. a French tody WcfuNiMA op tm* Karm .—A bsJf Iiua HtI Mft4l<*in«ciM«*llo I *n ii lino, Iifc4u4.no K*uivw Forfta, itvrup I )«e* HfaAofa, | la tft*. eeriiuft of •to# mf ftsonttawat of pendency of add potHtoa. by aouMog a <«*py of n. y^4 ff«m the Ctrqfte Nepal own, Faria, • moot ftasnufal aad ■Manure la Mbdliti 4 tftdfpoamld# hy orory faadtivg FqueMr ritti# of Liiepr. ■ tft, OoMftAj Napkin Kmc*. Fruit Knva, Ufa ardor to ho pwldMfted ift fa (hebe JfapeAiema. ^4s-, n t* t Bca BiTAAftt trlryrmm fthvMft ••Wads Nmanttat rmatftrr,tftre, wWwftaoe pfee aad afttli at each par- H# rt (A true eony.i 1 dw n «• tft# mad eqwaliy vni ^ Mtomtiy and mra capnhtlumft that uf 1 horniifton to um -a# run- - r*ntmpf*t*u_ f ----Mp.rfcfttfa.rfaft------iwft.stftftds . west to Idlaat, the wf.j ik.U# Wnr. aft— . i • •UI fto htor-«fftal aa altar felt am Tnrni o- nr# m**m .______to me Hnt • fond vrVistilvis'anftle to p«eo> l l>) MK XI M IIIKRI ta.. mo bta «- ! AMHIea fSeturlUlMft. Tnrmip* are moro eftempum rider of the earii,) es##uteo tfte mtotfafa. •uaepftrwMvoly few. eiift a*ft ito wee teed fa sneny noas le#edft*i fa Wnola waL Irwftifts, lto#ae Mating <4-4 * —* <**" «^i te—• — ,u. —^*4 k—.. —4 kfa —c- ways bo rvpa nun vnianido than Uo hail-t mhoi 1 u# Tend Plain IWwittg, whhh Will to dune to good order, ' o7nmt*M Miidi^fivG •Mb W *»n • »*.«•» —I mmumna> f-lhlb. -4—I tffOlaaor, to mi ito# tire efturft, the ftetoht m ftftuaDy ee* I w# 4mm north af Ue Farme r* • M*ni Huetoe* of U# admlrtns ftmamd hp tfte 4mm* or heft# her haylao al tfte fW»eui|,> fa4lrti04. h“ TOo Alto* f«r Mael oao#euvr •#*»*# the hueitiw of i-ifni# hwt Arias «ad eolttas pul* at mraafy tow door. I ia | pre to* eftahioe Uo Layer to fteiph theca o nancy c m.hNrrr, j'j**** ** •*** M#tru|*>ln«i U«.|i Hng tf the New York ( Vu* aad Vtoltowmy, Fred and Chart## ftkh tbe rye, end thus hr Lae Ur ineipeflene* 4 eoller ktta nammond Tin* twl tyntilHft* I*v» inif leva an to efaadfttd jiMSfMi saato weald ear* iu ■ Mrft%rk. Ka IIarii ) HNd IlfanBittn. Mennfeatanuf Oaepaay hae bcpAm frofiftd Mfftftverto *ft# Fa tft ft few each UnnskMttofta. Th# wevshl vf rni, buftor, by mnay, tft# )u4ati«ae men. to tfte end (After farm prodarto, sftowld ho eorwrtaiaod at lam of o a#w oftteblUhmrat direatiy north to pm eat atdefas and .l.el.-fteMy fa ww>4h«ftfl -£i CLOCKS, WATCHES Wtli duty (-a|ft« far swprwme* y ta thetr r#* post Ion mien. of Uo ftrviyh* fte #•# The b0*14104 will he M by Ut ^i’-chh, ^ withWtth hhi*‘# f*r«U and monkeys, le ftftftoaally large, tasty, rirpobt ia Amiga ftftd *f • the fa ll have haoa amt to market Tft# oetehl %4 ' w qaaliky throaMtoiftt. fax. «— ) tata. . "V* 1" T* „ OsrtiS end ftohrid hare Lee eei#« t#*i fur their are monte u *a« -nttail tan- -try hevin# ft #umd enelft. It •I KW lOlcliV Oyfaftssi*. ■airtAi.rsd nnilL ui It mtrufasm tus odumbsd ftarma potdae and a*K auU- * part of the furniture of evrry farm Fair U Ue Went *•* k toft aft ilMpthor. oao af Ue host ethifattuas aloe hare km aaied ift tftM n*Mfa«. m ftfaMS SRtMwly rvU* ‘.l*. hat*ft# beam adopted fte Ue Ki-igiioi’ MonlcvcnUs m - -, that hae ohdtod ear rtllapo. la addrtbMi to aiy iftoatit purUasn of tha mure *u*h dmdfH Ift thae «§d other twcfarlfO TV (Wb Ito Pafattoa ttottnrtmkiai The IVpvuer Jeator uf the ago ftl of Mr fl WUDftfaa. f Afa ft«*ft oymftf aa mtir# now Ncmow to iiiio <1nntellof (far st.wh d BBSS ftHkNlillRiMitflk. do not ad vert Me, far Ifay shall aot hr tiaaftlod withv NEW ADVERTISEM’TS. ( *rko4 Clerk, M tee. wi. has mot wnh tfto ami nntonwded t>n U.u; e. T«nl*wilri<«, (bf*ai %i i Jrteiuiyb ale. 11,1 1 hMUe It two or three ttavm • day wtU eatophsr spirit* Eight Day Clock, Aftdhk tvwwyo of Kdumtod fKqt, Ocato aad Monhrye U t. n j WMft et hem. Ue ftafae uf tttCOMKA Of Til Baa IN. —TW ItmUfirmtUni ttoft hy the MeVfWrteftom7 ftfartto^f ^ ^ l»h^- FAMILY CROCERIES, Which j^ren Ue t*n*e of day. i*v of week aad ~A alft MHh» eloMD|)|iinft4 wkh a wap will aim PHOVDilOXH, ^ •*** Xftft wrttlon to Huff MtCar- —Tfte eallpao af Us ftftft tfto I nth af Aafftfa fteart wAI Tto tftle ftl wd and toftnU/al Indy Aqumtnan#. ftft, far ftd else o« Ue qftootieft. hat rwofarod ke totod fa Iftdfa. ftftd ftill pri—t ae toft# h fawilli n of PORK, PLOIH, Isrrira Welthea Witehn, I Cannot aa iadiridnnl to found al K* I lolloftray, Aftd (itksoware le aaHraitod. mi#n«4 Model* of 11# day. vUft Mittfam i saMftrv fa Mfaft m* why Mr WI* ECTAGI^KM Ufa Mr. J. W. Fntftrb Mr. Jefa lafa Mad Am *11 Ktah ef rare* At Mi Tto TOtoftod ndar ftftd ftonfaipliUnl Uymne.i. id# lift or a, am net mHTOrtii >a» and Uo vanaeti •ta ta M'ltlo Alflflfld'lla !*«, If Ml—4 «, *f * mmmtj «m4 Alan, Ue pew wane Kfafa Wfttrft, wk*rh are tfto meet wfect lift* boo wore ta Ur nmrfa. Very An# fto ms ftf sll Mena*. Lot Uo ’•tokos at verj law prkwft. All Mia vary ftaavy and uo 111 deeds Held Cheap for Cut T >•••tok^ vfftrter Na^er *f Ue Cl rale,

Mammoth farorN —lt b radii/ tarpriftioi: Proti l€,ol>to Klliii|ylifii)i% ® far Uatr meegM n was awo or uw nasi. Ladies' Gold Watches, Yto fafkwt and fteoofayli*} * d Uctunr, lfa^lWt3U?mn0n0r01irPlf0<,,C With oftsae w dtfatMf. W# trand ftpaa fas earns and anfte him «#. Uf* It AND * wken ft# --The ftfll toe re tto Pert lion el 10 o'eiark, -• I. U/KI.I.K * CTO. mnfatainr M ran * lerwt head ** ** . b^f Irtf ** L*ah. L htiuroa bft Jew km go* reef age. Jt Gant*, Ttop] -Tto ftfMM M to ha »• 1! (HM D AND Ml,ft PM filAlftft, faf f FttoAl FtftrtuM* ftameas half aft W» amto far TEA TRADE a *p#kiity, ftftd Eye Glam#* for Old aad Vetay. tnusOy oft ftftkd ft fail stork of —ft fast Uftt M fnllj fty U» —m i,— sM»n# J <« pah RiMl - ft gte«a as WILL VOTI CLOTHING!

■w Miu T*. Ita ml Vok^MValLbR PAINTS IN COLORS.

w# era Ifto eat* ewe an fa Ufa as TOl/RlIi fa at Iftr Mfath faasfiiftftl beUt %ypf U#< of fafd A#ftwfaa tn 1 *dor*,■troMii whtrft • re all read ( vtoi PMUMOHlPTtOIVM IZZm be x&^&xtgssaoirKr, tjztJZ1 . _ «F«AA (fa ) ift toe •BcJWSLWuretsr Dfttftd Mt. d**ftMn ft) i faltAA •«TOf tfaTO -id ^ACCLfm/icnSat* 4* JNRrftfVft PftfjiR try I Family urnro 2.?5is’;e^Pir,ja M*t pri.t. ftsTOsaf* pyi ri^^y^fasiA Mtom to ikAH) , MnMvMUBY * - -I ft CTO A ■YTWl ft tltoifi t RNTDm ft VlOOINii .»• ■. RAffMEY. Atm wmu Matwn. fTKIrchiid. at Wed will be able to And the bpi| of Mrs. Ful------wpnmnmr —A whisky spring kas Imu found near -e A cl JUf. kerton. On •vf ffRiivp ot rNirrv in, tbe pop- ,/i ji.nljris : in The New York Tr+m* Nodaway, Mo Doss it pay Us 1 i evoked to death by e* May vt, ism liar hut oHou was ami si»e Hivts on Bt rrmuMan ino. Ndi per ike Hifiblisss party, to pobhsb a a butufolost week tbJ| IU> Hnrti and enrtoady Hi Mnrrua. t monr-J _ ~ “** XT i us band if pum/AAi in the qimntHy n#nnHf aerpound mm...... ^foma. hmmi AVaukeeh® Wti.J Olio s«i or HsASweSlfbueim hav« bats e»ifr*d tbe p«»pu lu 4M tftedflr Imiu® nwdnthiggntiM UnpAdB oul itldh revolver, a day n-j Ih m* and it b line Cbm® Hi •sots, In Ibis n>i.n#cti(% whihh b*pe —A Hi s si Catoon, ■ . no Vrid (III upon its manuUcturw, and tbe market fer 6494379129073837205580833350294576152177199 destroyed ffupeRf r0kki m ro appointed love, •be WRrilrfeavi- aft rtial trial all others, eaoept In a pecuniary to Is the SHI f- • Si c4ith| the viaiek It is (slssffei The?". “ ft for tbelr pnaluct, use st tin* rate uf a p**und REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS, adds 44 He dM bis utmost, happily, la vain, Tbe lfepnUieas y of the it was supposed the Chief Justioe wss s ...... I , # . Htate prison, fur rol»W#y In the first degree. and two oaMVAr dfft fw a Bitch of twenty —Wheat will be ready f«w harvesting, in J ”1 . . United States, sembled la <4isl Coll to carry of Messrs. Anthony sad Sprague Georuia in alxiuL two mki ~Attl1 Auudet, sevenUpen years old, two pounds of butter. For winter batter caodwiat* for ootninathm by tbe ItrpubU- seal \ ventnin, in tbe dty o! Chicago.K the 90th Wt doubt that Mr. Itcudersuu won Id have ...... 1 WM I.UHHM1 to a«uh in rtrwrl, designed h* winter Wee,® Wtr4wHn»n salt is party. But since it has beanae main , T^.fl l* 1 Now York, lari Swo.l.y niglit, l.y tk« r* day of May.JOT, msbnthf dec used at the last Workiri|p , , GENERAL U. & GRANT, voted a* be did but for the Chief Justice's b n I oration of {Aiaolplns :*i I feet that no man could make head against ®*ili * • (iHWlWi^UHwSa**. |>t(iaion of • kcruM'oc lamp. ffaboff ohj R'tfUtmtuk.— Tlieeu ii Jiikt nsrtiows*' I Mr. Chassis tbe victim of an 1 We oungratulate the 1 rj General Grant for the nomination at Chlca- —The IIooaic has oust MmscIms tU ^C# y \ iwswrr. ef {kr uss gWlisT seefirwtsnrceos of the r«*er>iiwti .< f. j. ease i® npuinm emmi® 1 ------¥Ok VICK rilMlDKNT, inanny political ambition. While jet a mfIRPBpRI mere. Mass., formerly an overseer in the Chicopee gard V* Mi project in— to hav% bam given of Congress, ae evinetd by the o-hiplAm, ia rtnrAi, member of Mr UnoulaY cabinet, he in - «Tbs lolwi iff tLn M»sn>mip}»t Unco® Cotton Manufacturing Company's Mills, up , and from some clan, thhk I do not I n majority of tki# States lately in rebellion, t fe pirg^ily IS* tngued and plofted to snpplant our martyr struetion Oinvention are sfe»ut completed. hauged himself on Friday morning* of couatiiutuMM securing equal civil and po­ now umlertake to explain, the question in •cmjus M partieUw iu the butlsrsuA, President, and secure for himself the Presi —The Clnneee KiulsiMiy arrive*! \k S#k —A lady on an Illinois Centre) train, ou ll tkal right* to nil; and we regerd it ae the 1 HR VTA1DAMB ■& started to make tbe former tbe caadidate the nf which was®«r Ah< hut dnutial domination hi»Nit Hi York on Kri*!ay. Tuesday, upon being told that the train duty of tbe government to euotaie those »a- ler to fecfi^ fruwey or raneni. The more The iUpubliCAa party enter* opoaUU ef the Deumoratic party, and to tkie end — 1 he nhvl dead on JiAtUUI t Islnml are i had passed Bloomington, where she wanted stituUons, and to prevent the ps pfe of suck Presidential campaign under the most all the inrtneuee of the power and pal politionl wire workers have been to lie removed to tbs mainland. to atop, went isle Tpimn and died. Statue from lesng remitted to a state of an* f ofhiaefflcial poaat|stt, to secure this rssnlt arch* c bee ring auputs New before, since the engaged In agitating the name. I do not —Nen Orleans claim* the m«»*t indee of, —Cornelius fiweeocy, watchman on tbe TM .uaraniM ''T -rf .-,h «I | 'll',^ W,",- —thus attamptiag to crush out the faithful In dajt of Washington, bee a Presidential can think the project, in this respect, has as ipjt jgnwtj of auyxify in ih* patriot Lincoln by tbe enginery of bis own •ufiYage Ui all loyal men at the S.*nth was to get rid of tbe bwtt< rni^ 4m*waobM»u, didale been nominated with such unanimity yet lire® raised to hie dignity iff aeoiid and —A gr wid Republican rati ora tWl meet­ lemandt**! by every r.moderation of public than Ify tbe 44 kneading pr»*ZZ u u««*il«« adminietration. But he felled In and enthusiasm as was Geo. Orant, at Chi­ formidable movement, hot it has undoubt E ing is to Ur held in New York ou the third safety, ol gratitmie, and of justice, and there is less danger of spoiling rows forgetfulness of the wrong attempted. ha! Wednesday in June. moat tie maintained while the question of cago. It was a just tribute to the genius of cdly reached thn climax of a speculative Her —An iaifaut sea W. W. Lambora, of hv overworking, sigae overwt»rkim{ luy,.,.* <4 ftnffragr in all the loyal States properly be thg grantset military chieftain of %lie age, Mr. Lincoln luboeqoently appointed this l«eh v. Xt Frsaidmif. . Au4benan. Isa 1*.belisvtd1*? 1 u> ’ Lsxiiigt«»a. Mo., a few dayt stece, while the graiu, remierlpg the butter P*ivy. it theory, m if %4 qpneum long* tf> the people of thuec States and the scrupulously honest, wise and fir man to the highest judicial position updrr _ »o Me i be on hi* death Ihs I, prostrated with pleuro pUyiilK alKHIt gr^.pl^ in itie fetherb claimed by so*ne that ahi n the butteri|ji!f; mnUrtii Ul m. Wj denounce all forms iff leoudiatmu || worken —.KxGyv, Kj re, «d ifiMak* l*a* b*^»» ,n^| ,n t|im. ,Uy* quiras thp payment of tbe public imlebted* | |j dMfhi tu Holeteia and konuari.ty . Gen. Grant has borne the obloquy heaped no; be still had *» President on tbe hrein. remains to be seen If the leading New •'» \ iMUi »r t#Ul on U». l olmtir- prH«nwl _ A |||mm UJM1MK, J(Uin c«m»- Ocas io the utmuet good fenh, to all credit­ upon bun for causes beyond bis control, lie has l»oen csrnestly seeking the Hrpubli- York politicians can be induced to go in for J inittrd Nicde te Newlmrgh, lost Hslsnlty w here a \ the letter, hut U*e spirit i*f the lews thst the Convention is to be held In New I un- We have tested hundred* of aampfev «d duty as our Chief Executive under ail cir­ taut that, he has tried bis Iwst to divide new tsfegr^ph line acr«u* Uie ooutineut has Bv vu a vU!tin of intemperance, ami bad «Uf which it was be in his fevor; •W I'Utter in Lihx Ioii , which com* frmu France tieen organise*! at Sou Francisco. cumstances, uninfluenced by the blaudish- and destroy the party, lie Use intimated but unless this result is realised, I think lM*en on a spree, 4. It is due to the labor ot the naU*** that sn«l Holstein Trie Irntter Is very slightly ewo s of pulitkxaa* or tbr Wester of tbr his willingoess even to run as a thinl can tho sold shoulder will be all that be will —A myeterbaue disease is making havoc ^ Msry Wells, twenty thne years old, taxation should he equoliseci ami redarrd •alted, and when fresh has a newt drftrVrtH get on that august occasion There is one among the •h'tep in tbe uetgklinrhoiwl of h\ ltellevue hospital, New York, last as rapidly as the aatiooal faith will |*enuit. flavor, I nit miieh of It duct not keep welt. bowie knife 44 chivalry* ITu alleged com didate for this purpose, if he cannot get the ths thing peculiar aliout this matter His fur Salisbury, N. If. Monday,it, of hemorrhageUemorrlisgc of tinthe lungs, in- A. The national debt, contracted as it has FwMnsy - «-A m«*et im|K>rtant point to tie plicity with Audrew Johneon in nullifying Democratic nomination. Chief of profruii tner radical friends, ou whom he roost re 1 — The President has approved the hill ! duced by a severe heating which ike had been for tbe proserv at ion of the Union for < olwerved hy butter makers who hope to To detected. time to come, should lie extended over the reew.traction schemes of Congress, his Itsdicals. eve® going bo fer m to trave lied in all liis |»>ltlrai manipulations, do I1 makingii..»xtug soto appropriation4ppr pn.*u« u U»u» pay Uierxpcna- \ received. Ilcr murderer was not make a reputation Uh fine goods, is to pm k frit few 5 Ahjtrirtd for redemptirm, and it is the ittroiliact upon Johnson and his ui id ions South and address tbs /reedmen in advocs not seem to join him fh his late eccentric poj t re of the lm]>earhni*at trial —Mrs. Mary Howe, residing in tbe New iu suitable tube or packages- lu oar opia* duty f oagress to reduce the rate *if inter­ movements. And indeed, so lar aa 4hey are * j Pope has authorised tbe Riiman B«w**ry, New lurk, threw herself from fw inu, there is no wood eu suitable lur hoi let while * swinging around the circle,* bis sc cy of their rights of suffrage long before im cat thereon wi,,.tl#vtr {(i,i |H»iM-«tlv U- rooneroed, be may lie said to Ire entirely me * Catholic Bishops in the United Ntatee to second story to the sidewslk, last Mo® pockxgee a* white *®k. The tnaljer ehoukl ccptancc of tbe position of Secretary of \Var the boon wss granted them by a lit |»ubh dost alone. So that, considered with reference tie raise !vUtiU volunteers ittun* distily. for the dayday, hopinhoping t<» end her matrimonial lililiff >e well seasoned, an*l tin* pakogee strungiy fi That the bewt p*Aw y to •ui SMtertm, which at the Unt subjected him can Congress, Mr. Chast is now ready for to strength and political influence, hie pow­ Ur ! pri^» tie*. Nnt struck on her head and will diminish our ho*»pc*l, so os to lie water tight. No »eaky burden of debt is to so >mrru ve to popular abuse, are shown by their re­ the gratification of political revenge to do er for good or evd is to be estima.ed by the pmbaldy die. ve our credit package can preerrve i»uttcr for any crmai»l- —The President and otlier utficers uf the thst capitalists will seek to 1«>M ut mouey new allies, (it they are not a myth,) which Mi erable length if time. sults to have been dictated alone by patriot hb utfmiet for the defeat of the Republican a Chicago convention will he at Washington — M. A. Kelley, puhiiaher of KelUyt Jl’e/J- at lower rates **f interest than we *• . S% his apparent change of position aud asaocta Tt In asiting ebeeae, much will depend party; he is willing to take the Democratic i, 1 an the 2Vth inst., tu formally notify General /y, ws* arrested at the MrtrojioIitan Hotel, |q (| ruust contiuuc to » ion, Uin ami wisdom Conscious ot the recti- tions has drawn around him Ratiiuated th­ W. ltuanufictare an*l the tune it ia ne«irepular clamor to roll on in its fury, and let i only that lie may be enabled cither to rule rapacity inertly, this might lie deemed in 4,1,1 * to three p*mnds of salt are Usual fe! ling gift enterprise knownmown as Clark, Vt eh- * Thc q ,verament?l of tlie l in tod Mat ordinary times, res per table and peibsp# is — A iM*wspap* r correapomlent teetifieil .. .. 1,,r hiiudt^l ihJiind-* of curd- u^ual tbe end justify the means he hail employed or ruin. Me has ntultiAed himself, he has Ih a ster A t o. should 1 m administered with the fluential ; but, under present circumstances, >• before the Impracliment Manayeri on W’e«l atricseat q0antity at thc famines 1* two and *. "o?* 4.^ !,f milk In whrn L .. ,u Grant we hall have a loyal ___ __ bun office and honor, he has placed himaelf that he should vofr for Ci»nr1rtu>n on the t U. to Kepuhlmaa party, which their recent votes night, and instantly killed two men named Andrew Johnson call loudly l »r a in antagonism with life long professions, he on iinpeadhtiHnt has caused, it is greatly to] 11th article ol impeachmrnt. ronicni chu»* go into maikrt early, aw .. Andrew Johnson, the most despised of all Moore and Wolf. The latter was poetmxs- reform. quarUT lie doubted if they can enlarge this wt o — A mouther uf hyi^ivM iivut Illinois and 03e quarter pound* salt, an*l even political traitors who ever have, eg ever has liecotne the advocate and protector of ter »t ri»>nd», Intbtr» we .up- H W# pr poacd to be fatally injured ami tragic death ot Abraham Lincoln, and will, attempt to step between the American Andy Johnson, be has dragged the judicial fiction itselfeacbal)le D, I of two riders at ateeple chases, within a violate the laws; has employed his exrcu- thv round a uf the pres*, it ungkido a«* an honson since the assassin's bullet sent the Mr. Lincoln's nomination in 1*44 —prefeoa Delia means to make it an up hill busiix ’sn tivc powers to render insecure the property, item ol news simply, but iloes it lead to the persona) character, which fonus an infiuence m suigW week. A similar acriduut oocurml o« (or Thuaiaa. peace, liberty aud litc of the citiat-us ; its* corx lus* »n that such calttw would mntiiiae soul ol the noble Lincoln to its reward, will ing to lie his friend, and yet attempting as at onou ^tahleand Iwneficent, aud against -* last nar in New York, and deaths frexu the hi — A writer in the Chicago !rilear, who abused the pardouiug power , hss «leuouncesl ahead in pnqx»rtIon uf the sis* when first have disappeared from view. Let tbe watch­ sassin like to kill him politically in the which no opposition can succeed The tl) .» > some cause art* becoming tcai cirnimon for seems to lie pretty intimate with President the Nstumoi Legioiatun* as uinxmalitutiiuial; Irtqqn d, fie all time to come ? dark. Mr. ('base is a tusn iff transcendent ticket is received here with supreme satis H >rld more tire sopilinlf of tha steeple chase amuse word of the campaign be 4* Gmast ,Colfax , John*ou, aai < he do ikrt the has persistently and corruptly resisted, irj they may. tlnaigh 1 ovver hesr«t much said fact leu by the Republicans proper, and with & N«« Yofk.""*^ AMD Vi« tok v,** and the honesty of tbe in abilities, yet his talent* are subordinated to ^ \ thou any other daily paper in every measure to his power every proper slxHit them aflrrwsrds It fe said that 44 tt*B r<-*p<*ct by citizens generally This much, p — At indianxpolis last week, a la*! named a political arointing that is utterly ungov ii. 1 He thus tdd« Ingratittxfe to hia own chinee. attempt at the rec««aatrucU.»n nf tlie ht*u* no sign of a duck ’* nest to see a drake car teiligcnl uuiNftCft will secure that glorious re as a simple)i))c journalist, II Ainam r.iiiiiM-dcdcompelled tnssv.to say. 1 of | The ten million prnpoaitfen ought to fatten > Shaver tied the halter tirap of s horse yrhich rv loA4 rowful aud heart sickening calamity. The cuemies of price anil the Constitution, and I w t«ful Men.. (h.t b«n* oTIr Nor,hen. M- no* circulation European |>owers, thst inicau-e a man is Durham calves when young. They ►eem to the Republicans w ill undoubtedly enter in­ contemptible pfftiran intriguing for self K J. MMii.pl *nU lb. . .hm .,, ol Pkk4k ^ * P*|' Un" *" * "reprieve"H* of Brown, listed at every hazard by the United States, os a st a yearling, or that Uw yafcmki ambition.*' Such charge# are unworthy of promotion, or to vent disappointment is at­ To its results I look forward with interest range tlie <*>*wty scrub ____a 77: ____ tbestir da ty. A spr< tutor report* that in places the two, and express great wonder that such ia 44 butcher of the Wilderness .*' but Graut had professed a Ufe-long attachment. Sew trsekoftbe tornado mnesnred a huixlret hearted people. national honor and independence Natural- not tluj cose. Tbe little Sunday twbe nl ard’s example was bad enough ; but that of wtU rise above allail *>pp*witioii,*1, and in good IS- —Jacob Lies, a merchant of FituUirg, **d citizens sre entitled to be protected In boy an*wen*iures and seif p*u*ee- 1 v U-nry . his stepmother, a daughter of eight- • —(me day lost week s woman named Mrs and ruin. VYc bare statements from Wasbiigtoo of is- meat to interfere iu hi* behalf. on tbe stuck, and a gond mwe of feed to aion. Notwithstanding tbe intense interest ren, and s young «*m nf fourteen years. Mr. fitevemon, residing between Dublin and intrgs® to divide tbe liepublicsn party hy ad 10. Of all who were faithful iu the trtoi* make him • grow the l®lancc."—V. If. Pick- m Heary s house was blown down, by which Waterloo, fieneem county, N. Y , wanted to MKVOM TIOV AM* AMAsamTIOI. tnanifreted sInhi I the liine the vote was of the late war there were none entitled to rrU in Priiru Partner. getting up a Chase organisation in opp<*)- taken on tbe eleventh article and the con ralj the family were all killed Mr Henry sod go on a visit to her parents, but her husband Fite New Orleans Pu'ayum* give* a curi ­ a mors especial honor thou the brave sokisun* ti*»n to it. It is alleged that this is the erqurnt *lissp|i*Hntment which thc vote a f. son were found a considerable distance from | declined to go because Ins borers lio*l been ous reason for favoring the nomination of and srouicu who endured tbs hardship* ol Coax—Tr.rr It. As cora-planting Iwsis of a bargain hy which the President's caused in Republican circles, the reenpers- ie.'»’ the place, dead. A hule ne^ro girl living working hard and needed rest, whereupon cAiutMUgn Mil crime, end iu.mnk.1 tbeir **"*« Jr»»- »*-^ fenn.rt .bould l>c looking Gen Hancock a* tbe I>emocratic candidate ^ * on thc place received such severe injaries Mr*. Stcvens*Hi swalfewerl a dose uf poison acquittal «u secured. It is said that Chase, tivc power so peculiar in the American { U«« i. lb. wmoe of the Tte tU.irwrn It » MtotmUm* bow lor President. That journal thinks 44it may character reasserts tUclf. thc conversation **U> die in s abort while afterwards. which pul on end to her existence. i.woUw m.J profited by lew fer <*»«<'.ocy of thc corn crop u like Rxrkis, is willing And Andrew John­ take some fighting to get into ibe Presiden­ chaogua, other topics c*»fue up, and we are 1 v I, Further on in the path of the , -A*fed lluvOfciman and George Traut these brave defenders ol the nation sre ob- dependent, each year, up«»n the Urge son pr«>|>*wc« to kelp by tbe ap|M»intuieat of agsio on the puf star for s new tarn in the C ‘u Mr. fieolwvry Hull rswrived acnous tiamage wem, while working on a farm in King ligsti ms never to be forgotten ; the widows *n>ount of jxior accd that it planted. There tial choir, even if the l>emocratie candidate dank of polka! legerdemain. q af in the face; while s little daughter La) her George county, Ye., uo Tuesday, lonnd a and orphan* of the gallant dead are ihc tr€ * <>ine who •••»«» b> «oud a new cabinet in the interest uf the third u is fairly elected, ami in that case a Peace It is mom said the feeling Is nsiag that gk{ jaw hone broken by the violence of cotu ua- shell buried in the ground, and setting tt aee*1 ; but go at it with such as they may party! All this sounds sensational, and ycl t wants of tbe people, a sacred legacy be I>cm-*me t ife into the air. carried a distance of three | died in an bo®r. this nation, the asylum of tbs uf must be resorted to. Thc field lacks un»« was the Philadelphia 1 ooventioa movement oppressed thetical 44 piebald race* ’ up-.n Republican of U h ® wl*o voted for aruuittal on the • hundn d yartla, aud driven five or ax feet — Fiv« persons belonging to tbe family all nations, should be fostered and encouraged foixwty and rmauty the whole •son. It And we all know what os me of that We ml t leventh article, are said to he for couvle r into the earth where It fell. of Adorn Farrier, a German residing m by a liber*] and just policy is uneaUvf® t*»ry work to cultivate it, and institutions in this country, will take the rs- say to three gentlemen —44 You have already ti »n on tbe second Tlie managers are mak 1 The intelligent gentleman from whom fipnugfield. Wyoming county, were poison- 12. This Convention declares ita sympa­ worst uf all, tlierc is but a •mall emp at P*nuywas in luted at oocc, and call it to ac­ log preliminary exaniiusti«>n« of witnesses, f •fy three particulars were gathered, statea that harvest tiros, fare in saving seed corn in shown your hands ; the people know you — t«d eti tost week by eating a pudding nude thy with all oppressed i^supie which ore count for this anarchical suggestion. Thus with reference to the charges of l»ribery and , I T. 1 l,u w < • t vi r the gr mid* a!, ut tU p..v with lbe milk uf a diseased cow. 1 he eld­ the fall, care in curing it, rare In keeping ft Democrats will i*oly damage their party by t struggling for their right. improper infiuence* which have been raised the mentiooe*l above, and tlml they prtwented est daughter, a young woman twenty years properly through tbe winter—tbe whole far in our history os a nation, Democrats this use of you. as tbev were damaged by « IS. That we highly commend the spirit as to the action of certain Senators. Sre ,n a picture of perfect desolation. Houtcp lev­ of age, died ami the others bad a very nar uf magnanimity and forgiretire* with which but a trifte—and all thf« disappointment is »U«R Mr r.«|x>n«i!ilr Uh Mtrro|.u to rer.rM ; |fce pUlMW|pbte in Tl.e Ite tcinas acts have been developed which 1 ity el fed *ith tbe gfiMimi, trees prune in count- row eacapc. The c«»w died soon after she | men who have served tlie relwlthm, but who avoided. Hut tor this season it tnattre* »kr.MgU the tmUot, by u 00t to U un.UruiiKtl by Care a squinting in that direction, but 1 do in f leas nouilwrs - like a** much driven rye — was milked. n-0|ierate with but little to talk about it. What we wont to force, Mi choked to .lr*tb «• **» reeton** the p*4«- of the country, tod now ia to hint at a little effort toward sav­ ing from failure with the seed that Is on moutbetl opponents of universal suffrage, on going Io make a clear rasa. t ore hog or chicken to kw seen m any direction, while cwting diooer io St. Cloud. Mmn., m-oo»tr«K-tin* tbe teoth«-n> Htate ^oeern ed by tbe faithle**, tbe soured and diaap Isocml affaire have not been partuularly rvi* |.’Urj bone to tbe unfortunate little boy hand If there ia the least doubt about the the ground that it is likely to involve us in a Utt setutdey. rk«roel> • week ^w» UiM 1 menu u|>oothe b«fe of imj>»rtUI Ju.tice end pointed Intriguer* ('base tried to put down interesting duriog tbe week. Aj send os com germinating, test it before you consign I t * m**msd to bars !*e«n br**ken. we do uot hear of eccidcoU like tUi*. The i equel righto, are reoeired l«ck into the com series of revolution* and political disturban ­ it to the ground. Put a sample of (t in Lincoln in 1*44, sod failed. Duea any hotly the im(>earhment excitement Ixfran to de Several picies of clothing were Idled from world ia in too ureal a Lurry, aud tuaukiud muuion of tbe loyal people; and we faror ce* like those which afflict Mexico and the cline, public attention was at ooce turned | LL to tee. ii l.uk time to l..lt Itot...l the removal of the diliualrficafoo. aud rv •owe n»*»ist. wall pulverised earth, and art suppose that the man whowkipf*®) Ice and ir-* tbe premises of Mr. Hull and carried a die in the dire* tion of the Chicago Convention. | i near thc fire for a few days, keeping it South American republics, so called Politi tance of over two milre This. sdde*l to Those who do not choke to death by iucb strict ions placed upon the lati* relwls, in tbe save*! the Unioii ia oo*r to be «1i-feaCc«l by Day offer day, the dispatches concerning its I slightly morel with tepid water. If only a cal aoeaaoinatiuo in the I mtnl States has tbs fact tl»al clumps of forest were left free reokfees hosts! may expect tbe more tortur ­ •am* manner as the spirit of disloyalty will the generalship of Salmon I*. Chare I . rgsniiation an*l tbe progress of its fnv || portion terminates, your corn aside, ^. and untouched at interval* ot hundred* of ing and tedione pangs uf dyspepsia. direct, and as may be consistent with the fefetoforc l»ec*n ni'xiopoiised by Dem«>rrats, ceedings monopolised attention. In Con- • I and buy of your neighbor, fir some owe else M»n ysid*. gives force to lbs optansi of tbe nar­ safety of the loyal people. — Mies Emma Howe, twenty-uoe years of that has jwrfect seed Turn. — Pretrw Fanmr. anff none but Democrats are found willing A Good hast speculations are rife con great, hut little could be done in the mean­ 14. That we recognise the great princi­ m- rator, thst tbe tornado was as a vast c® age, committed suicide last Monday, at her to approve of the proctic* and applaud tbe earning thc probable course of Secretary time. While many of the member* had turn ball rieucbottiug over the c*>untry, i ns- mother's residence near Scbohano Court ples laid down in tbe immortal Declaration Chaimual —U iisku Cut. —**N. F ti * gone to the Convention, those that were left en- blighting and blasting a* it touched the of independence, os tire true hron*loti«m of • ' twtmai* More than once we have hod or Stanton in the event of tbe President's final i House, hr shooting herself through tbe writre to tire Rural Sew t'ortrr an interest liebind could not avoid the general dissipa fer, earth. It went in a northeasterly direction, tire IfensocratK government, on( Ameticaa soil. will take up ninety times it* bulk in amino hie rhelnkslhmini 1 fit the Htwry fknilfy, l» the tlie La C rosse DrmucrtU* and there are other token action on the articles most directly LATirr hi *ian.. j bed left for port* unknown, and Miss Rowe, niooal gases, and what is equally remarka ­ fact that in the year 1*41, a hurricane Wrr.v tbe Pacific Railroad is finished, papers of tlie some political stripe that do affecting the controversy about the War —44 Brick 9 Pomeroy addressed the De­ instead of purchasing her wedding outfit ble, it wit! yield them all to tire demands paused over the same place, but was out of the tour of the world can l*c made in two of growing plants when brought in coantc- office, and be may not deem it necessary to mocracy of St. Leui# <*» Monday night. bought a pistol and the necessary animum not hesitate to Lake the aaine position. We *u(B< icat magnitude to do a creat deal of months and a half From New \ ork to tion w ith them.* Rut it must be recollec­ —On fietnrtiay of the present week the tion, returned home, and shortly afterwards submit an extract from tbe columns of the surrender bis place io any event. It is quite damage. graves of Union soldiers st Brookljn, N Y , was found lying on tbs sofa in tbe parlor, San Francisco will take ocven days; from ted that cliam®! ui only thus alwvplivo Certainly, in violence and destructiveness N«^as o/ tkf It a/i, a Democratic journal certain thst he is sustained by a large m deed, (hi examination tbe ball was found Ban Francisco to Hong Kong by way ot when thoroughly dried as it come* from are to be decorated with (lowers the country has never before chronicled ouch jority of the Senate, if not by s full two^ to have passed directly through tie ____ Yokohama, twenty day* ; from ILmg Kong tire pit. When exposed to tbe weather it publishe«l in Warsaw, Ky., os an example. —Twenty thousand Sunday fichool cliil a visitation. Think of sn entire bouse kohl ewd enme out at the shoulder blade, lodging I *>y steamer to Suez, thirty-two days ; from heroine* saturated with water to tbe exefe- A writer in that sheet discourses as follows : third® Tbe acquittal of the PrreUWnt will dreu paraded in Brooklyn. N. un Tuna- •wept from the esrth in tbe twinkling * A an «rd ia Use sols fiuez to Pan*, six K>ction of tire - ninety 44 1 Two hundred thousand dollars to erect not be eqaivufeut to a repeal of tbe Tenure- day. ick- eye, through our ul God # moot sublime and York, ten days; in all, seventy five days, it* bulk ul gs®1* Burned efey Is efeo n cap­ tern bis agencies—a hurricane in it* wrath ! s monument to Abraham Lincoln/ Great of < Hfiee act, and it is more than doubtful — The Fenian Barrett, convicted of hav­ rsre —A horrible tale of bigamy, murder tod This can only be dooe, however, by contin­ ital absorbent for tire aeiwv’tia nf the cattle *n f lynch law cocnee to Us from Jackson county, whether any body whom the President is ing earned the Clerkenwoll explcmon, was uous travelling and aorcesaful connections • tells; horning not nseAl to teach ______u-rton,f ______and tbs 44 sickly^ young^ in." Boon mire or other means, seems ef employment. It ie not necessary to tell will spend hi actual travelling, and ten times demons would be ashamed to associate with. —A decree in the Jmld divorce case, so its neeeasity. In the citv ot New \ ork it afterword*, it tiecasas necresary to aend tbe as murk money ; hut he will te well repaid *•«*«■* e«rth aroond tbe nocor why —all persons of intelligence know that, is well known tKat tbs cfergy of fit. Alls® fetter to his home in Ohio, and Mr® Fuller dare, can tell !*«»..•» « to prevent the MB tdryinff A monument to Aba Lincoln, the defunct, long pending at New Haven! grant* the for his outlay, ond in after — — — ami know also that until a change shall crom petition of Dr. Judd, and gives him are solicitous to bear confessions, and love um$ busanms fe that ricinfey,offensd his children* of the wondrous.ae..' .ui.#.sights mm*Aandl ccheckine* ec* ,nfc the wood. New )®rk will 1 sent to kis father, tbe Devil, on a good Fri have been effected m tbe administration of the custody of thc children. to be styled/oiJfefs. on account of their apir-! * u ge chargt of him, for which ,ne. Hr —A man in South Haven, Van Buren der our ubeenratioo. tion has bee® throughout characterized by soldreva of tbe regiment to which he tbe first American tyrant, to rid this un ­ among the higher elm® Wt p brought with him . ttetot County, w*. .|«i>teCT«d wife. Ttet. good wouW thrir# Iwtter am milk tte* b mat rich entirely safe to bet that tbe author of that end, with the help of a small Republican —A party of robbers took presses ion of s qf Bt Mary ia notorious." •riling off her prooertyUMi emwuiou. *cj -Ao •b^louc.l row mmI Mwy , UtUr. th.n o. *bM b «o«mn«ul«r Oowteri. toprite* with i ^ UUuipto.1 to mw.iI «mrub ob Ite rM.h mUk The mrintiw .Imw-M. o # mi A minor*ty in the Be® Lrti- New York Msprcw, In view of the day mght. and ran off and robbed thn cm 44 How many of tbe Bishops favor auricu the inability of Mrs FuTWrtt® • relative® , night of the list inst., in DeUwiL rt..u . cilMgT ftn the reseioe. If von have e trot ion ie to be perpetuated until nest of tbe Adams Express Company. lar confession dose net appear Bo fer a* that anarchy wfft result from the who were duiaocimi *, to ubusn say news of —A pe^hll* r r ant. » »-•- < ol.sn fell in cow {^i particularly rich milk, and March Tbe hfsati met as a Court of Impanel) we bare heard, no one has upsnly recom­ ber. excited tbe most tcmble suspicions a fit on tbe street, in Ifetvwi® oo the Sis® ()f|# (ba| /qwoKtv poorer in butter H of political privileges by the freedmen Be, meat, la open session, at It o’eiaak on Toon mended it; but tbe Right Ret. W. Putter, which were strengtbened by Spnneer’acon | and died aeon after being taken to the u m feed tbe mif on the milk of tbe too, no doubt, is fell of contempt fbr the day. Tbe members of tbe Houns having lltk of New Yurt, has allowed a mount! to be ing of a latter I bmnitaJ. _ ^ _ , letter The enlf will thrive, and you wilt 8k X41 May tU.—Tbe not trndictury______the___ finding of a letter bospitoJ block man, and datum him unfit to be en­ the Ben ale Chamber and tal dedicated to bios, in which tbe practice***** b | wtiiiea by Mm to aamfederau tofeL Ixmi® | Em gentto Joseph Jones. ^ hatter from tbe mi Hr of tbe ftfirt strongly urged, and devotions for i trusted with the ballot But what is to be Ions relative to tbe tj ,to T* V* ' and the discovery of a set of 's Ito] *0 years ot age, dieddt at Jacksonim on tbe ftn oew.* of taking tbe vats on tbe arti- extracted from Catholic prayert books. pfefMttUi in bln trufflt/^Tbe rnlfertons lootfrom ln>irtre reretred In felling down thought of his own capacity fbr discharging Mr: TlBff thereupon proceeded to capture him, hut a (fight ef stabs which be was ascending. ; Paac" TaaKa -Every peach tree to the tbs ia trod net ion of a ad tbe Bennie proceeded WhileWbikk.toir.o.lr.1 he has rebuked tbeW wt -r IJQ* itermpoq ,.mc«.tel to cp«. - fofo the dntias of a Republican ntiara V If hk _ mud and third artkfiei, for preaching In a Meth^lfel Church, be gum. i H^fe an t fl.»rt to wTtnirT ■ named Timothy Gould, orchard should be carrfejtj examined, ®t puMioatfon aoefety, which was m- |-nlj to fit. A Hnn® and, to aa> the lernlj w be wmi —An old view® mo onrem» they me nf g tbs CommiUee on tbs District of with tbe anans inseft te on tbe ikw ili ar ally wounded, aged tt, committed suicide ^by *liani:iog. ^ ’ femt twice a year, frw the purpose of ffmTitM; cation, and may bo can fed Into one party m Mr. Immail (Rep. Ill J mads tkie, tbs rale Minding U to lw ,ib flanilTT 1------r tbe impeachment trial, re­ •’h trad®r search was then made for Mix Fullerton, or three fingers cut offud o®nonn on fieUmiay.fiatovday, i. a knifexnire or a piece of strong wire, .fo garding tbe verdict to inform tbe Hones why a Win our KpiecopaHan friends admit tbe which resulted in tbe discovery of tbe 44 ofek- one on Monday* and one on Wednaa.fev isnt sty ,,(~ air slacked lim* n. Ml a bare q® is not smiting In ibe fofU mi truth of these atalemenfit They seem to ly yunag man • then transfotmnfi into an all bytbe some saw, and in the mmn mfif. the the trunk by tbnt I'Ody on Tuesday Tbe totereattoa vuuna woman, and renidtog to —The Paw Paw Trm Atiafe# fe Ito pmenttgi iof Wed fey urn brought before Ibe bar peafenkty have souse founda lfei, though how fern and ft* was finally voand tbnt A Lim n Mai fiim exchi to Ito the ni/» of h raddta* te OOTtemo wa Htrty dd»r I lk ., ,u - ^ .l, until kI ol - tea bonariaff tnp, at a bMh." !** U t* T C . U7 of tie Means in •t*f* Stgtaaw Bm ii Ik nf tte **d [ >foduMj lt —After June let, the Treasury Depart- ,ogtr fenviag borne, P.tUw teV- wh tf H«t ate Z. put to bbn by at Waabington nifl be rralyI tot re (Ui |*4 that she rec 23X1 te be red In that rfty from IfetroR, claims to1? "? —* ^ Jl * stove 77-10-JO treasury nefea «Wduo In1* Jana/BM Md BOBMUI te otiUjnte* tte porm af HVHorj W v* ceired n fantea »to I40| Ste U tel twaaOT ^an^*f£M) l.*H»* m JN In cosh, and a draft amounting to _ . T - OT. ■ t for can Manx nf ^bn Vi Ilia net (team wd IntTU.icnrt, M urtmt ot O* .LU, r j, A,- „ ------tUmmUt. »te«*ipOTW«»h*OT Isnmr mviure rroni S£l —h ik.t teatear teOT l>«ri V» ter part io tte IwwiHk* h etmrj. It b tel I be bm bm4 Io ia*. — a < hr ftfriagar, who wm • Ml hratal «*OT- 1*1." teR te haMt ta OT Ite «U. I* <4 to- I ff, ;.Tha fmm poattirriy I lived to Fngfend aft re tbe OT It hk >» Jftftflt tbe pillow* under her grsndas MtheC*! band, and 4m Ml bar to ■ f XCTTVtr slumber, aa wo* ufb* her habit before re* Kfowly U« vintM1! auu lit- yxxsfctizijfc Tjzztefp Ayer ’s CaUuulic Pills, tiftfl IW flftsfl Vmrk’lgrp^#, u»fi«|f th# tiring tnr tba night. Than |kt young girl took bar ml near tba Ara. er Mil ■auk Hums rawKBs. FOR FURIFYING T«t ILOOO. " I-*1.1 Altaic uf Scutlmmi whit* with mmiv 44 Robbie will come at mao, he priMulaai!,* Kvwr ami mmni a wiM, rbilltti* blast awgpi IPAI MNIRi A CflftAAMS*, to (to murmured tbe sweat llpa, a* *b# glanced at Invoir« * >»1 HViMfUJia* »» Lse.se* >1* U-.L__ ___ Is — IO carwa, —if thtJUtfii th# IcKuMltd IfMs mmI ibrnk Uwrtr . ***** nc of SmCI tbe tall fikek ticking in a antr of tba L'lwaMry. as. is Sea Rvi welf> ■ Dairymen, Sy errnud; Mil u- waaaay vf Ikr topi ■EIB& tron*an« till they ruttlml and fall I. a. rSt»MS 7* ‘ __fy. L V. M . aad • a 4*ariv totova* ti' ruuuft. Then tbe bawl uf goblau curia by ikal 4a*..< —mad fk—a*fowi Now la tkto ruapatsd to tbe ktuiim I, Near tba entrance to tba Hi. Tk uLiub* rwaiM K fltT SS« aMMwi*toakl» d< ooped os tba dimpled band, and the dewy l*afero/ohUST oS* I« ^ —fUlld Ur wu ta U st# Ikr •Sim af a wtoflo tops for-i •!«**! a tbatebed coUa-e, am! aa tba ranners* tod fat Mo— »NmKm1 nail ; tkaa as ; ufiw. Tkaas pwlpit aa4 «ui; O*wait aagravsto* Sy tto •aura aye saw many a past scene painted in 0t WalSM *e4 LrtUk wus SL WWMi ta tort lus ^ f«* at^cuacliUHt »»«bt wka kf* Irto4 H. ksu« tkai if . u»« 4 tkr— j Hum wka •wi lifr, aa* kiA Ma*w| ka* * U m fsOally mit«4 ia |t**«K tl* *»« oarr^KWll, a b«K giowit || colon* An hour rolled around. kf* Mat, kiut Iks* II wm fkriT S«||kka AA4 fiMMMtS, aas <41to a — w«a»4rrf ul a rtrry wnkawlhma uatry, tkatthat tkr pWS 4m «• • n* ^ ^ . *a4 all Smvw Ikal wkai ll 4u— uas* U *w — siway* - Ikal s4 a —4rru Ikaru Itk »tkaf M as la i i S>* iRB* ■ 14 liter sweetly Umnuy sleep*!** said Jew >« a-to k4U,s4i, my UU m af a. — •trraaii of rttoKly lifbt gbtwnl from tU Iasms a »a HUiAus liAUMA. Mewg Uur I'sHe* liul Others, •Irak sImI ab —IlUr N—d) ate. seonsing to tbe window, where she stood, 4tlaa W» Isa, *a* c*a uNaw, tkaa —»4a wpaa Ik— kibfu'tuui p—a to uu« uf narrow cmbowh I ami |»layac! over tba wall rL'tt'TSwK.wS with curtain half drawn, look tug out *ui tbe ween AO livsr Mill! • *1 via < raw Oft**, YS aa baa tea path* leading from tba wall yard to SnsS SLek. CU»ue Aa . A Johns, MSS CHWaiUV VOt’M 'w—1-Uiak, bwi toK*k mrw arw kaaw* ia rrary i». i*k- ul lU MKabi — uM* i wiaiarb night. S*rk«ulf aa4 aky •' uakl w« juSiAak (krai * Ad «ptr4 >!*• Ailavk af ralkaklto* at fata tbc I mm and cattle pen*, a »b<*rt «ti~Utic* to all ■#— aa4 tui tlUra* is all dlsalat , —lUOMAty wktok oM—plrtaly I >■ a auapAdbai of its fibs knew not while abe stood there that L. W. rrt— ia audklBii •*l» auAjtol *h af its prrcMW— Aaaln, ll aaasi troen tbe cottage > > ff —Alkrr ralaasrl — aMf Ariyk’f—iJbm, lk| osf to yr alii —tow itottoa tkauagkaat ikr U4y, aa* ttoto, aa am k tbe u great mewsenger" fur wboua her grand* TSTSASiA* *■« 4 10 ikrt m—«a ■ af all wto Tba supper table bad just been me»»al WUAcr SiU, eU of Htrai AU tm, UArt, wiik «afSty by any Mr TWr »«*fc r —Mtluf sUe — at* —, ra —41. 4«-«rtop lato uam otto* r il* mother bad liean looking, bad entered tbe puaarr* «• tto— r*rt tfwi ae4 —*S — iSf— r»a piraa» tof» hilai Af* a hkln>u« lunar, ritkrr oa ikr forfa— — MkSla«r Alt msm* H- |». Ikr T cottage with mam lea s footsteps, and taken it. .i •. UUsrU. to( S lake, VUI a Mlf yml; Uji* ■■ tokia oa S la tkr laStor. IwtoaU— laay to I atttaMfc WSi Jelket. art — i— tkrir a — ia u; ^totality ik* iia ga or to—rt, — uaurr Start >S the soul of tba old saint to luta^:** with tbe rsVIHOI APS seJlssUA»nur. H slier, I toy »pak i »Sn» powerful —tf—ca «— to U*> Poiitire Cure for Lim Oomplaint! Tkra* facto urtkr tkr M—sadl war af Ikr tba bmadbeaiib stone sat tbe bend **f tbe pi SmUi Otertse All cell* i Lssee. Hrei, fbtnily circle around tbe great white throne. 1*m»» fetes. MMIVlmvi ta yunfy tkr bia*4 a — a U —ulato It lata lilt.* — s prrriauvt, advi — bdr bouaebolil, a bale old Souldimui, wiiU tba pCr sr»4 Mel kaaltky mU m rwaarr tkr wtotmsH>*A af tto — All was indeed reedy nl that lowly nottage Uk la Mil mwgf rMv winters ileiwiiu: but nightly UnTItTRY. _____ n*s« Lari, ark, howrla, livrr, aaaaaaa ut ikr U*4y, |—taf ­ or kaaturs appoar . ttoro art to ao acrwfatotui latat among tbe highlands of Scotland. The ia* Ikrlr trivfwlar tuAUm to kaaltk. a *4 Sy tucrrefiag, «<*■ Tkr— forma uf Arrang e—sal luay sever uorwr, am * Tto m ’Its i iAtrei in i»i *as- , A' ^ i Cai«m Tsilse, amid the yellow bair Allio* in ailken warea U tec Swr. wkarvrrr ttoy asiat, mac Ii 4«ran*« m* rk as air tto If* tto rtlal fore— uf tto tarty to su — 4mm* by to sumir lamp was burning brightly, am! tbe bane* lows. IS • Ul i utoUstt* It «erv‘y '** ** ■ run miiI Alls, Tetseo, LTI >t:K4\ of Ilf* It la S <—a — errur, al —, tkat wife ten vear* junior, with bair dark*] ______Uwi tl K t'ussis. M I) Oram jar skaai, K> rltototof 1INALA4HE, In lower wails tbe wintry winds sang MhIswss. but, kr tkr f«»llaf WT p.amta mh tk* l*ifta M tufala la atrW-tiy l,« trdiinry It du—, uid—d, 4—ruu bued aa Wt raven's plums^a, tmisbctl rapiDy flu— pairai to otol*. ual It is around tbe cottage, as if in sympathy for g M4>< ****** ’ H Ac., fo. /CONSTIPATION! •MU tors uf purr kUmd. Lu w toBgpHnSw, I sAMooti/f (ark from a face of ami Iwauty. Piltcy, r«»r<»r / ur Imity *• *, JMkjiaai, L*t*ymr, the )<*»e sweet butt left of a once giant tree. -TO aa4 to* rtf (fltoW 'k*f *k*»ul 4 to tatoa aadmlrl; rixrFLxn lum'iiM air. I—ratlous kaUta, uart —altua —, aa* tto ifrav4i.§ Xw mother and wife was drvased in a garb A HALU>wKfg7 pBOWNIKE—t LI/^INEKt. Tie— gra —ailv, prodacw It W —Sly —DMaa. Tbe sound of crushing ice fell on tbe t® *n — t.UI* i to •«*tarsk aa4 rwture Ur kaaltky tows , uf darn ne>Vpiuag , bf tba summer before a 11 _____ * ______.IHP? aa 4 arttoa. il9AKThUNV, FALFlTATION, • tor* art f> rtuU* by tkr art iv—ataai aa* jutotoua TncVa.it** bad awept thmwgk tbe Mtfb young girl's ear ; heavy foot folia paused on V r /.* —r ( umutUtmi aad iia urwur ryapUaa, JM- ««re, are pe^vdAarly I—U« tu U. Yet tka ruktui, al —, aaoor ssiht l Arraaiw. _ J 081 AH CARPENTER, Am* a —t vottofal rar* Afelprv**aNrs of tbe tbresbuld. Then quickly tbc door was mmu /fradorkr, .M ffmlaelr, Jmuag —r, ! ruad to ita nonarqurue—. ladao*. au la ab or aoa*IUua and, as it flew open, a tall form enveloped Hi jJos. U ac S, th«e tkc mass start srss tkslrelf oaa irpr—1 ua I—Auustiy fro— U, aur fl—i ma —to to tbe tbatebed cottage ilrpt Iwneatb tba usisStatsa Pstsat Ayna for skua _____ ,. For fVarafrry nfP—rrtoa Ual ucw toll* 4'wr fta praa (Wr a*TI —all wto ara ln»wblo4 wttk tkta flaarfa) tke uupurtanee uf aa efirctual remedy. in a traveling clonk of for, stepped into tbe a —ir.lv to always top tto Towtor* ua land rvadr fur caill!n Ini, ami but tbe first U hh and lainb uf Commission Merchant, 1 slip r"|uir*d. la hi Amt lump 0 /tea, to*, M tlrp a(p<( — fur TWIrv, room Like a startled fawn, tke y»»ug girl J, rATTWUiH, m . kur ItoaaMiM, Maui, Urtd, f*a%nfal*aa *»/ (to tort, law— Alr a —.> hull Hktum Hcuid thud, ftiRfroru, Amt Amrr mmd tbe fuck Ungbl*i>v\l tint home made deem a si L* •, Maai fcsiAV* Asmi.sU kAatf Harr *r* a tew t— p*wiaat particulars alarted backward trembting, aa tbe tire light /*«•«• •• ito fid* Isrl aad L—ad. tkry akiuid to raw Aged, aa* otker eruptive — ♦into fen— uf tkr *ta —sea late.* Tbe balm wm toning toiftty to itsrlf O*o» I mi.m'i 11*11, tarast s4 Mala **•! 449, 444 A 44U 1st Tkry AT* Ikr Or—t Sprrtlc kr all Tilltous Af- —oar* primarily Or tto autfulpaa UilwUrt. tto >A 1* ,«is. Oa U, MkA I'aitLelM *iUMu* *»»*» iimuoma It takra, aa rrauirr*. lo ckaays tto 4i>raa> i so flash*.! on tbe dark handsome faco of Cam Uua uf ikr if* — Vriik tauk bo Ia*yfwvi4tor. Aadis ae it lay on its mother s lap, ita balfawake yaarukf. ChlMW| tulii, fotulhs, •‘‘h* S4 Tto y ara tkaaaly kaaaa r— l> Ikal a til curs •run. 41 UAHMIVLTiV WTMI Fora Cart of all TOroa! and Liiu Diseases gto—n*sg. tto a —re eowoealr* for—a, aa la i*pRprp< f«», OrApwy, blue eye* opening and ckaiug to tbe flawbeft Fur lAfif aa4 DrfnwiJ (rdliw* ttoy atoral* to Ldvrr < u—platot. jfuirf puwij / lid. JtoOAgMe. Aro»*/g»*. aS* rttot Al 14 Is this tbe wek* »*n« you would give me, U a Ik la, trasapa/* nt. *aiy Hall rat —ctr! by totoiaal Tkry Mr tto only kaowa rrwadf Ikal wUl euro of Are light that played over ita beautiful M. J. B.IMMt&fe Rn ____ _ vtw touk cmr, f»raaa»r— fr — panS<*4 mm ut ika 1M»| til 1‘tar. lakrti In kry» aa4 liM|M«.t 4—aa to pruduot tkr rgn* fulkiio uf Ike murrtilar an* arrvosa i;itca*, tk* l*i- Jeasie 9 la your heart still as ooid as your of a 4raatk par**. C • a (. mi 1 a , tkftrtgk tta punfTtag power, re—ov— tke fare PHVIU IAS Aa* tikuAua, IS. lake. S«t 0®..4r n Tba —•«a«tB*V — a oaaiTAla! wrslk paw — rawuas 41k —1 la ttotr opriatua, highland soows f* asked tbe young man, CUatsu Hall sh JIT PluSl la flu* t**s tot* Tsr —a 4a — it aa tor*aataaeras ul Fur a»wra«ua a laraa 4«— •k«otl4 to lakrti aa* it oauar uf tto diaocdrf A 1*4 yroiucae artnriSAiag ru|« • humbug in front of tbe Are, having Hat A»4 resslts Was ei^lily TrWa OgWSUl ^0 f' ft t A *,# Qg^$ §f I pr»4«r«a tto dartre* HM Sy A>»|—4ky will to all tkat tto agaitty a# tl«<*— Tke Sar— panlla root ul llio trfwa 4u— itui by Itself •»4 Or«M*nss, Iks e*ssi sms|»Wis Trw* tsirtat |«uk* .*«ng tto— wtfl ir*|wira lo stool a sat*. >**M iron a tramp ar^uml tbe brn am! extending his hand. SKowi'uiffa cor oils astum *. CNOUP, Aa a !>*■■** Tut, takr oar «r two mU i to two—o4r ashler a tka — ieou.t» It i» aids* Sy tto * xti - liakU la Iks UaitsU males Hk Ttoy ara a —U4 aa* plaa — rt yat Ito — t rf- tort wiik It, 4 Mill greater power, ik pV*i4 la Ihta “ You prvNiiiard to see me no more, Mr. rnlftliT wvfooriNu «oroH, am * all ro»u« ov kfadPTi ar»4 rrUrw tkr tUtoak cattle pen*, flood tbe hero of our story with fomt sni N, VIIIX IT T* TAKRV, Aa nrraa maa l to— rtMaw!ai< « tto atotoark aa* tow fr* teal wNhsvtk kaowb untou of healing virtue*, ApfaAiJ** or K—1, an* M•> - Cameron. ’ E. n. IITIM, Mid for «s Price (.'%• rrvni • rla lato kaaltky art Mia. r—tor— Ikr ahn UI* aa* Self vk- Ttoy aro tto ak eur—1 />ure«M are 1 lire* by It, tkuugk a loag HIMu re­ a rich glow brightening tbe bsndnome cheek. AffLiKI*. OK IOIa UI i ky —aNUawT part of tk# gb>to 441 know 1 did. Jessie, 'tis useless to re Arrotsit at Law asm JiwtKt 09 t*» Pisti, * liirT* 1 MtkCUATff *s4 KkL SALOp . #r ary tbar orate* tka •;■> — . flacr U la sftra Adrutafiow uat. - tkry aaa toaoai quired (flaa Aud* a *ku — «»f Ikr— Tills auskr an* i'mrmmlt Jumams ta geaevsl, sir tomualy m— rr* beautiful, come, share it with me.*' . *d W. kha 1 krlkatoJr tottrr ft an tknr ciraanna an* rra •oat tn say tart uf tto w—Id free of ekarpr. l—vrd an* altl —tU ly rated Sy tke tsrigurstlugr an* pUj ftftlaw xaempanied bis movement* daaoting f to I 'u* wk4t r AOS— aktsk k*A a*Yrt,4«4 tto a — Hul* by all VWMgwiaSi, — Sy a —41 «— aaplimO* — to 44 Cranny !* caikeil out tbe unprotected l«xtaty, si 004, CUalsn 4 Oli*r Tar, tk a itr brrtirr * t*at ara broafkt la svatt'if < if.on tka 4ig*-*livr api —twa ll nfymg efft'ct of ear Ha —Araatixa. JtAeu—at)m an* •fWMgb tnoed gentleman as —By, MAskifaa. h !■'*'> r*lK» «t«k U» Tl r al as* H ocakul Tubas, aad all nuaerutti oaa — wker* a purgatlva la nuitiral. wtork C. O. CLARK A (XL, Oaa rral Ayaii* (too/, (ifto de;>«a*« ut on tto ace* —ulai —saof esusae. No one bad ever told Ifobbiw Roderick girl. shlkAeA M*f I*, less Kwai* tto *ir —4U af Ur I ways, I'q .ra aU 1? proraa ll ta wr caasot tnuamto k*tv, to' uagg —t tke— lv— is New llsrrn, (*oaa. bin maDerv in tke blood, bare tkrir re—id? aft — Is tkie Hut u** glance *t tbe pale hue resting ■ huhmu ^ Id lj • ly Frita ft* itoi(4 per Jlor —edkane Pur Limr 1—yiaiAli, torpidity, —damm a - that bis grand m«»ther wa* tbe grand daugh ­ tort; toftc |j.» all Tulf—ary ll arraaa. every bod 7 , as* akarr tkr rfrtirts oftki* Till arr kn**ani, M(»»*st tbe pillows of tbe chair bad fold I*suTies*sras, Urft a »*4 siuall. Aalltiypii yfo** » h»"«a — a l*« af tkr —«»* 4i of fair Scotland, ami hi* prpvd, d*e«tle*a Drug Sisrt, Si. Jskna, Mick. U W TkoniUi r, Ed Indftrtt< at Ayer*« € h«*rr> Perioral, tmi, Mt*pi*$ a , as* Riled ntk Am—i *jyr«Aena*v*>j or covery, be ndvancml nearer tba young girl. Err Ka Nsi-ut , M.XssaiAit, N Y. toa, ar wto are troakfta* wrtk asr otkaal —lihr those far al»ov* him—only in wealth. Tbe MOIT A WIUtl!tmV, sf the Tkraal «s—9 I—ga, It—aa era —V—isllc v* wank —> —lai.y,any, after lag It ^Jessie! Jessiem be exclaimcil, ‘like a U SUkAtsfs la ClinifjCha 9s* k/r O A T -rimw*. Ra*tm ta N T bair of young Roderick, like hi* mother'*, Aft—nans *v fcswB Hat. Ww D I-t—aa. ( laasnals O t aft 4o, to ktotoplaf fur Ornmmt iuAilrtp,■a, saraknrt wvrrttf——a 1 — sf 9— yaut]tSful JohtAA, tUAtoa owubtj. 1‘lfUUiM alteatkita iilis. Asthma, as* < was dark bued, but the soft, blue eye, with tbe bursting of a volcano, tny love swewps ■ANUrtCTtmtl CS1PANY, Nat A,p*n T«kiar III. vigor impirkd lalVrix uarroua at ate —, ukaok —rtsed all before it. I have cutne to I war you buoyant with that proMRr life tkry thought ha* de­ it* long rsrlisg, sas like that of the father, zzzt:mjrK23UH& ?u!SwS£~£Z Trut—kly sever bafure is tto wkola klrtary of — r*i» part'd •« tkr a*vanvr of age. inhere, eft— to a at am * 9V ail imvooiem I eras, k— tnrlkiAf won — widely as* — 4*ryl; uposT woo waa now asking qoestioo* from the where you will icam to value my deep de­ of life were always atenle, acknowledge ttotr okLfstiuna IkiA, sa OtlfUua Ataaw* IV i rtola par Holltr. tkr u<—a« of —ask tad, — u»ta raewhoat remedy fbr votion. No heart shall pillow your beauti ­ 1 loilmnnary r«wapUint* Tl.r. ugb a lest arrler of y«—ra. to it fur an ukrrb-ua change, cgt v «enter * • ; ; ni*M 1TA Si.11. ______ASAM. WttJ—* *e._ Xunfacturm uri PB1CK OT INUALKiiS «1 KAC1L ful bead but mine." aad a —g a»ort uf tkr rao— uf airs it s— na* a klgber j Suvfeti. M How deep u tbe snow, Robbie P itTMM A CAMMIS.lt, an* logker ta tkrtr ertunatk —. — It kas lie—a better The Last 44 It aluwat reache* the top* of my boot*, A wild cry rang on tbe night air as ('am j XvtTAaifeA I t Ml tr Lacwsssm C omiuho , lUa* ks- A ALL A KUCKKL Pruprietom. Know* Its u;ufor— tk*farter aa* power to r«x» tkr Ijrr’n Ague Cure, eron bore tbe struggling girl from tbe cot­ lats, Osftactisf a»4 US Ioasous * Ayaeu. U a «e 919 (•rrmaa l« ta VI., Nm \«»rk, fat ber." vartotu tlnUotM «*f tto lung* aa* ikr—t. tore asd« H 1 ft ar I mr ia —4 Aitjse, IntrrualtftWMl t wo wr, fur sals a tar** »•*>••« «* ^04 tae* la all ^a»W «• Iks kaown —a r«aU« prut—t— ag —art tkr— Wkilr - Tbe oat tie are aalely biwed —are they, tage; then another cry full of sorrow, aa eiAt* Pnm»yt -OTsatAoa yltaa is »k» p*M>ael tY MOHF.HEAD s C lift I • ft r v rr. Rw.fCruAltirnt *■■-■ •«*•>.f wrrr, —Du—k adapted to —llder f •rtns af die—— aa* to y—tug ckll* 1 Ag ur, Frrktodk* al ar Hklllwua ftavwr.fkr., boy P the bead of J cease sank indeed on tbe breast laasa mpI IwmUM d OA« *•»* 'Wor LUMBER, 4rra, It ta at tke —me Um Uu —I ifwlasl remedy 1 »,4AtU of Jatlyt awktts* m Jthna. Mmk- mid l»4rr«1 all 4ft— afferllo—a which “AM nog and warm, sir.* of Cameruo, who bent a passu met* but de­ I hai can Sr ft * «-s fur mrtpiant ousau —ptma aa* tto arlwr from mularious, mar%k, ar - r.».4*H aa ail rra Aa ita luusr tvs pit—, It 4o— curt, %s4 lu— art AUi VneasisA IN miv , L»meat IHSMUke, Swl Aat***. MMiiAtia aabfart ka <••«*• arol rougto, all 4—aid to stepped two yartls frout it, a heavy hand Ooil* um MS taaaraaaa Afei>l* Alt.*, Agw»lt Wr CuiUiAliif rmtkar Ara — ir, Guiaina. ft— utk. /ls<, “The rbtlJif.g blast* of winter, father — Iprovided wttk Ika ktiUdoU fur tto—. a — say other auur>: eg ] i nnlnun wLaftaw —, the .altkir mats mmrnmt Laefo kaal Luu Wt*a: aud the n aiow aod the fatherlena must Iw fell on bis shoulder, AltL'wrli at nil d 1 '* NSaMBjrftr* Ia thought IfMAfabla, . It noway a isjur—say pall —t Tto nuSbn —41— put • io4 eli I'rueifa att-^m* 1 •till groai t.waU n of rar* w tore tto Iia — 1 * 1—isr* lAl. v of ita ' ur— IS tke —Tie dletrVt*. are TTterSi jr to* 44 Man or deinou, is that tbe betrothed of U am , tk .tta. All lit* in sat seO lairS lv os ‘JJ*, cared for," and a half smile trembled uo the 111turlw, Ifraekets, I nrnlrr. aKtlo*. tovr been completely —*4, aa* tke pat MW t . ios-1 aor»ust, an l wr lalwv* witto—t a paraHai ta tka full Up, A. • l>lu.U .wept over tU« l,u.b,WM ! “f **« “» )«"* »>•»• 4m*,I to Uj y,»ur li.tuU • til bs •***« *a. •• UrtaMSr ; rart* rr* to —us* kealtk by tko CaassT hrt*»A*t Hu HAIR RESTO^;^ kutory of t*« 1* la* • Our pndr to gratifta* ky ito sr* tmem on T l owmd your anus. sir. S<«- over WtiilMUa Uarlaw't »un, llkaaa, OtaOat on—l*U U la Ita tsartory ut— tto dime*era of tto Laoya knoaledgi meuta ur rwirtTv af lha —Aka! furr. rarctrd cfuttlfi >4). htyaa. __ Iand Tl.ruat. tkat ike art •IrUaat# uf tkr— yield lo It. ! in olaUiuL ut— ai* ! ak —r A>tk«r rr—a*let ka* wholly The old man laid bis book again on hit 4‘Noi to place Jcmic i'lifford in yiHira," ■4 ■uu, r«. «. W.UJ.1. p. j Wtoa Sulking rise roul* rrack Ike—, srrtrr tto I'llliT | f111 u.ttn a vi ut 1, Mirhitr. klitlm, Nftrlv, • r«*a a 1 they •* Salto aa* dwapaaar j ' 1msalrd p—SA. —tk— reaad —t Is ur traveling icoor 31p. / r r>?i Jhnjprrr aa* .Sjpeoirri fta* grral prute»ta.r ; through miMButlc l<«o*llUrs, will to prutocts* kf ink- il re w tbe bright plaid closer an und bis 1 instant the report of * pistol rang abaipiy Law ass iai AIM AAV kMIM* IVtAttkl tUrtlUtli ( g\r«a 10 U m tnaiA*txa aa4 artt'.«aaaal *1 kfMkf 1 ing tke 4pM »Vr dally. sbiKildera, prepsrat«>ry to leaving tbe old l°° *** wir, amid tintba bl<»fd of ILali rick trim ASAada A)*ays rv*tm4 and ufloa wholly rwred 1 fou* u h.vtl Mmss, df Sum U oI vu U aihl *. dressi rur Ltmr I’tmpUtmit. trMKf fm— torpidity af tha | toned tbe tpothwa tm>w . by U. Hair k 6 Liv—, it ia sa rs—Ua al rrort;, sumurtttag tka Live cottage. (bRirtiA tA/, 1*1*1 1*1*4 »*4 TiUlgS _ vr. iinnv mi •• atuy utf *ar.Jui *4 UI «uak *ijru*y t^a, td ftn—ftilu Ufrs*rally ftT<4 by Uktaf Ito Co»aav into healthv arUvItf . 44 Will you go to H idow Clifford** to­ When Jessie Ciitlord again upeoed her i T»« v«*a at la rtsall ami frw)srut tor—. Trefisrad hy Dv J. C Am ft (V, Fiwrttosl —4 night, Robbie Tn asked bit mother a*t4 itABlty aa>»ry, Ac oAr« ta rW«r* eyes she was lying on a low settee in her C'Ualso Ateaat, Pi. iokss, Mu h to yv—rrally air its virtue* knows tkat M la aaanor- i» on‘Bo|fte Analytical i to— its, IrvtU, li—a , sad art* all rwus J grandmother s ooCUge, with tbe pale hand ­ •srv to paSHalf tkr —rtf—(noof ikr— tore, — *<> asore the a>«rl*. 44 I promised to see a fnmd on buaiaeas, A. *• M tkan aaaura tke public tkat tU qualities are fully awua- Price tl.OO Per Itotfle. some face of Roderick landing over her. aa*i from his b«iu*e 1 will go to Widow MAMTSW A MHII tikrt, will quickly rcitore f»r*y Hair h.jrrdkyJ C. ATEM A Co Inwall, Mam as* ft a HR AND, 4HUJT ft CO IWtoai. Clifford's/* 44 Robbie," munnurtHl tbc young >(irl, Arrosvni a »s l u» inuam at !«a Itt AH of Tly Geu—si Ayewia ft— Mirk, C kA«n. o..Mvta»a. nmi <**> mmd tuumt sold by l>nm«wiu aa* drsli— ia —edictae werywh—w, to it» natural color gml bcautr, 44 O as »P the neighborboo« 1, Uob- j fAiiting her arm* around her lover s neck, ft AHKAX l>. SURLY S Co Detroit, * •44 have you awakeneil tue from a tlark If ftts W00* .a*:*, Ciiaum mui.ty, gn*i produce luxuriant greuth. It U Ue." latWr ia tin all i vart CWm*u*a»a*r (or IS* Uva a rsl Agents fur If irkigan. I.sdlea, Take Parttoalar Watlre. drwaui / «g t Itnloa USff sitS Maaw» * lit tloul«tiHK« Wail** lo Or«l**r. perfectly lurmkR» sud ^ preferred 44 Yea, mother, 1 lieard the flews at night i | )H. LIOVtUKTi u I have saved you from a dark melity, Si JmltSA, Mirhkgmn, al •lo*A k> eiU W »ra over every ocher preparation by THE REAL VELPEAU FE ILE PILLS. fall. Yet do oof fear, the rnuoa js rising, i Mr,,lna — tto rata away, ar .4 to be tkr brrt aa* oat? mumy voarr og is net** ~ Robbie, where is bef" ana fur Ito rel—I ■ei nt la lo^ ru of U m lloW Aikl> ASSUCiAl lUk TAIN CAWliOT XXI*n- iu ;uaiii *p: .mp:du :ink impsrted to the Hair make it dctinblc 44 Uo not be fngbUna*i, said liud NanlHg ssd llwr Dressing of femoto ,r**f*' “ Will vou go aloof r Srct St bma ! la m*M Irttae •s**«W ,», U«w * ! | m«| WUXKX THIS TL49Tft.lt IS ATTUKH. | for tka ryewly US* arum aa — af Far — aa* Ague, for old and young. * My dog goe* with me, father. Now crick, folding his arms around her 41 Cam ckarf* A J. SK1LLDJI IIOCOUTOX, XUw« Kl««a»U—, Lumaam , 9u9naaa, Wralsoaa. Vo- j ('toil Fev*r, Blilluua Krvrv, tu fact all d>i—a aliatag tant.es, —rt after ar4 AaoMSaft, Ka. I SowU Amlh I Sil*4rJ. hMy, Narrm* —art, >»w— iff. I»t sprpaia, Cows to aa* For Sale R? all Iftrngglata. wards ao aetorlmm ia tbe next room lie fra — a — lar —ua odfgia Is Ixrrr C<—plaksia tl k— su tare we II, mother. When tbe moonlight falls ,ifon ** * pr.soner in the next daj ykfs, r*. ^ ^ ______Colda, Tat — aa* A«'— *4 orrry kix.4 ara IBmNI>I* DF.POT, li»H GRKEYWH M H. T. fur thatr rt.n mai ATr.LY KKLIKVKL. as* wttk a iMIio pooraoa, rlvaL ll ta tka ft—teat full on the old oak that stamis ch— to tbe ; me ; but ti* only a slight flesh wound I w„. «a 4 H r.-attrw If Ut |li< • • mpW.ytnVu! is fh« STHK XMM> A UOHI ItTSOV, TUtUAXfcNTLY ft*KKit. by ito -**-»! kaisra — wf*di*ul feinbiiiiiileM went eaves of our lam Robbie will be with As soon as be tired my dog sprang uu him, AtTtuAiin *t Law aa 4 la OiAHwty, UfttAl af fa MAOXSIiC TLASTKN. a pull—It— Is practise if ah* vtn.u, you.” and 1 seised tba pistol be waa compelled to a*Jl Ul* ( Tty. L'lak l*«tt»TJ. aatv ««—1 — r^aal y ta Ito atooag 1 i, tka toll—la Of tkr age Why, !••*>• —r it kaa Ikal vtoek *u ultor PRICE ONE DolL/LR are new rtftr i c Uf iiavni: waanaa. aad tsa f— bla itket. fta u— la »*>l,'is* rtrr k«a *•>*« it a —k— radical car —, it ia “ Man prupnaew, God disposes." Robbie drop Seeing me so unexpectedly armed It U fm: L rrroidrtil, rap a ib— rulr* to *k.- (war it.— uf tto nuts; 4B i—e - •sir fur tto ft rat time ia America. Hot in*. V Uaiytai, M C, U umaa . MsS sad wtttoat aaa eras — — troablo. They ksva been kept ia eomparauva oW »» /* transacted hi* business with bis friend and with hi* own pish*! that still OKitained a Ilia J ia * ’ r. In—*, M. Claims*' ,______J. L I AI.PI. LwrUry Tut ap ut au-ttfii ua tosaa, tk— baaplag it always toa la I by tin M—•— *sl Logal hvk—; tt— at Iw— , It ktn up* s Its aw a menu . ktlaou then steppe«Y out inU* the fnwty air with his SI 4•»*»• . u. ■■ »■ tortay a m**Kal r«— |<*>u«rt « bsA k— — mua I; tha woaaei —tio*M p—nnplea. aw* bar vttlto ♦*»— in the back room, leaving my dog to guard Ay— *d U*«*ll la ttoukrt*r*l hi dark el—Mia wf doap—»• from geowrul use lewi they atout* ka «mpi 'jrt eroo ia in the neighburbotjd.” Tbe young I IVI) TITI I* AYR RlimtXUA. MISCELLANEOUS. — i•leery; •«•> a«v*Al of itr * • tkirrful —r— It k— be man qmokaned hia foeUtep* s* tbe thought bun.' Tsb ws4rT0l*nel. SariAf Ha 4 svl iah - Hl’ALDINU'H j a«* a hourrkol* wor* •«•* a wrle— viaaler ia tka for aslAwful purpFoe*. Tor a artidu tkat wtll curt C a overn. tain/ ftria*la Ol/«Ue.U»ut 1 *i>tug u>f tke unprotected ontiftir^ • *f the Wiiiiv Tbe M»Mtfdi|fht fell on tba * oil oak at B^misa Utirw in ll»A* ODuafy, aaJ H**in* r*'" ^ . ** |U_ Sm w tick run—, ftvrri b1—4; —Id rvot •— Wttk rrtursv 4. .sail s if UUrt hMUgt'< **r« j Alalrwrtasf «*erv. >*( KCLY % CUBTABLB, Tit M 1.1%(i In Ika TIIMOAT, Bliwkt Kirrtiun, PsIpAtat«*H. »' tto llearl. Ilya- eadtage abcatl of bun ; ami tbe lover knew WHOOPINtr (Ot Oil. The old latn< r armed hitnaelf, and went MiU-aMl aoraar of U m OWk Ai»*rr a»4 tW Cos* — CoalaiAlAd so miners) pnauii It la s ilad pun A— I tone*, Ac., so* win affvrd a •.**• okes all * AA 11*1 WHtca ha vn mens anytkiag hurtful U> the rASditNtV**. imf twilight foil aoAly over U»th, aod but a weeping , with Jeasie, bv tbe cotp-e Anuiim at Law aos S»imttwi is I Uiar of \Vrlt Ini* ! * To auimed ladle* anl f**ang gtH« ok * *»l of ber grandmother, and learned of tbe foul BwwntT. fat* n *a4 IU a I Las Afmw. 10 y «» N n 1 v e , const HPTiVK (orcaim. few holy stars alone witnessed the sacred rsaa:% txc raMMtUAA FAVORABLY KNOWN AND sever been ragulalrd, tbrr are p * 4. attempt Cameron had made to carry off the Coarrywaiwri **4 M-«\»j Laaserw A a, — ito for larusi la Nam —alk — af tto ry# . Itr applA- They win. la a abort time, bring on th> v Alan, esamtnr tatlm, pmj (aim , IIatim utaainad iLparri) mmmty of fo Ttotr* union of two true hearts. She told bun <*i — •!«*•”• art | rjilur ■MMmhnapats . a f«w applAoat — c ur— parm* with regularity. grand daughter. aa 4 sa I* ca U m4Ssa m.»t« • A*«l < ai )«4a * foe OtMiarittV *> *04tii> (Das rtirt ky tu a tort ky • ) j a* qusk — that Cameron h .d come to say farewell to II t‘|«», Wr * ‘ w (Jrr 'brtB to the |*Wk A* lb# b4 | EXTENSIVELY OSED sllrr—r-a infts—U* — uf ikr rye. Cartiuw . — Xsrrlc i »•*—» sk—rt asv»r t,k« Cauierun was impristmed; Imt before hi* AH buoASAoa mtruoted to tSetr rare wt»i U Aij ul draggle**, ft— — ir,I— wholesaleia* la 1st j aa* retail,* k(*» t»t. ww* 4e or elt u» tMi ualry Tb»y a rt S«stMr j them when there la say rcaeca to krtivie lit* n». he* and to tm for I plant in her mem *r > ID tb fully itktdrd %». n I ft lv J H. RASrifKT to J.Im day of trial came oo, be bad untie good bis OMte reaiee*l W SScSol*# tUorS, w.rt of « w—Ty *mUi. lwral4#, ax >4 a 4a |*«-«1 to al« |js4* 4 |Mrasanolii|> h*».| | •rlvwa pregnant, frtr ttoy will he aura !*• p. rlum 44Only that »*f a frieo«l, Jessie/ he bail aci* *-r» Aq|M>rtat«a4rst« of *(H«*»1* *#* 1 c•e* of fLaor* • being —apel eutirelr * f *n ^U ia r* highlands, and silvtry watetUils sang amiu AnoA»IT», SiLUItuA* *•»* SwTiilM PvAUC. If TRY A BOX AND BK CONVINCKD. lAnmn mnehed tbe uneuepoetiug heart of JrUiwo. CliaUai *a»«iatT Mobi^wn Ik. a reerr*i Law, ron t'rwA*f»4 op 1117 M A> MINER Y. fra'n ika vrgetsbiu kit/* *ia the 44 wood's dark maxes * Ooe eve, while OMArrfT AAl IU«! PU» a I« tiuOiiOA W'mI Xu. 1 tot yrsml a — . No 2 srdlti*; Sv. I Sr Ia * tbe yunng girl Hbe did not see the glance JuU /‘rrtu toW. is a .<—1*4 ftawiy* /V— .(to (rti. OVER ONE MILLION B0TTLE8 Kaeb to a boa tha east nf ,ru« f*«r tka • l'i ft the blue bare bells were nodding on the La at Title*, draw lL»4a, Mort#a#*w a*4 C oa SwU ** t ■4a —s two or urwa —Hal pewmaaoklp. Ea*S Sot «*• Tar** • tempod on the kui, « uL ts« •••r>l* * * i r . of dark Running flash scrum tba face of the Atari watAow, wa 4 W w tens*. Are m*»m *c«vi| taftssfSMn. J*rrr«o t uwo W«, A4 frt.|»,|lw^ S>iA*r 1# ft I—tart ab llic Naiare, Tr— iwiwwt green bills, and tbe lattice oriel* of Robbie TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. in— ut ito failure a Mark,* 4 Is ft'en^k. to r*m r»i-rteit oil* wyccted am tor, but she bdisval be would, ■AAttor* 4Milf. Mr V a IU i4|« will 4efrw4 is. alt na»»- oeatt fVr Vni*k fl Mr Sewt ydUw,lA4fo4e an* Wad ira: Cura ef la — iSi' M rts—, — 4. have tore art* —rt sot a tingle ll mi*4#amn >r an* ill (•rro-oi* anil Le *•«•«• '* D* Roderick s thatched cottage glimmered in m! r*a«A. eLf* Si* «mew way be Lare f Mr. Li* ey t*Tua4r4 tf tS) do art flee prHbrt aUSrtLa rtoas, is* —I by Self-At— , larwluatary I i knows We have, is our | ■ myguasutv ns be vowed. 14 leave that part of tb* coun­ scwordisg to law. tbe white moonlight, tbc merry sound of V^- nV r— *" “22 > lo4M-ml iiimI lirmrrml Agnsi* I mi pot. n-y, XervwwA lvM.it;, and I (sped—ta to Cwrtaftrai« a, r of them from try forever.** MADAHE ZADOC PORTER'S Full direction* acr4.u»|uay -*cf» k- t mam age beii* trembled on the air, and Marriage g—larslly: ('**».';.j.uua . I>«m—, asd Tito, Robbie Rodarfc* Cbongbt much of wliat wwwr ttiSSw* Sa l—w Wasted to tair dwor dew X ikI— liar S rmU f«t M—Iai as* Thr-sal In.a; —My, ft< My fo.HKhl J. Li lit* —a ol'Liu t U i, i > l 41 • .* • • proudly be bore to bis rural borne, Jeasie a WAiAtiiMi »• •• aii mb. — aid fail p4M-lAcwla/s to aarwfa CCLVRRWXLL, M. Li, Aatoar of tke ‘ Or—a Itoek." EMINENT PHY9ICIAN8 Of tka curlna*. hy warlua ’ag sue .ell i •* . .• t'aBMTon bad mid, i» he walked un over tbe Clifford, tke Iwauteous young bride so near ­ ftr aoatafto *ismi>r« <• ray re-epu* l«a— *ara a t frotm road, followed by bis dag. Millions IIAKTH>k 1 * rriiMMIIVI <(». ly lust. CARRIAGES. IsdaiiApdIi, UdiAM. CURATIVE COUCH BALSAM I wto tova u—I it ia ttotr prurticw, an* atm ft tbr per M It MAli*i«tiiti|ir t **»., remove* without uieilirtaa, aa* without dang —sue aur- f—a 1 op—uttaaa Wwgi— —tn—au, ns, *, — eor*»- 1 tall ' ?9, ou®l*rof «o«t crrrjTiiL hi:wii:hi ala, (oiAUtf out a mode ut cure rt —— —ruta as* af* ll does not Dry up a Cough, Ciliieu of Sr. JJ*n$ a ad o^otasay fuwid^i; f" ,U'T JTy , the »|KT,U.« uf • o.w milking m.rl,.nr IMLIAEAPOU*, IXI* FOB tart —1. ky wkack every eu4—. ao matt, t what kto THE UK EAT EE MALE HEM Eh V E<>h ‘rt4r- X • cX* r hrb' hke, \ lum,nou* TU. c«*.Tt.u.l la • ruw. loci. e i—dm— majr to, may ruts kuarelf ok—ply, arte airly hut Ar. rsaptoyia# m—» a*4 roais, af daiwm at, 4 aa* ra*ft —Uf. TftlA UuTtTRR WILL TWOVR A Uf H Efi ULAkl TIES! Mar, shown to— theu wtadow. m 4I of tke nearing M. ^, % tube____ with. ..i______a closea**i_ fitting______mouth,#w wand fttniif aarrSaAf 4 tbe ttWr«* wf L II. kalira mi Ike aMltty. to rtACA* for Ikrtf saw isd taluaM# p%V- COUGHS. COLDS. ETC. ftOOJfTt TlftofnANLMl AND THOCfeLAHDn. T. «Tfl:n IT* Hark * a fsiot wail rang on ***• %n • E XaiwsA Lsiansw «* i—A a*«su um twalns ft—t oa* — ■—J, la a plain —vetopu, to say tin wsi rang «»n ,e all these tube* communicate with pumps, — tto reotpt of ut r—MS, — two puotogr | l The H orfif hu* rrtr J’roriu*ed. to On MO Rennet' tK—U Wm mm ' wh,rh ^ driven by steam nr horse p*>w*r. *900 Per V| a *m I* l I ky adftrwatoaf tto publish*™ ft I—, I*r 1 sJverwrt — ao to aaoklr Ike patiral to ripe—urate freely «*•£iu’buX Tb.^w.bein, Ihu. |M^rl, to—4. (At Xaniafi pn— SI —ala. A Itr a — tto Tuk* 1 kr4» vtre iuetarl—led ttoaelk«r* drop*drej is my uun praatop. wve« Maay l*4y ?•* hy untWlI rerewrfTl, fft.it seta ao ^IIIKTID MMTONI 9I JZSlZXl'Xfo-s.Thi-i? is fi|.l IO 990 Mffkl) 5 (—tala* toe Minerals er ethar Iftrla* M’iii lararMibp Cure /ki/tay ta (i< Throat! P'tcftuU;. prtitv*!;. and Uarmlr —y, is mass sf fe­ with comfort to the animals. indeed, the r male Irregularity, oa due* this a —duos# la oil recent ed cm laefore bis quick footsteps, turning bis 1 oksli owwiisar Iks ifa«4ttfw si OfTI WnhKU AMI twvieaa ft ruga. Ifnarusre l ipoae* f lallarim raare it never Mils wkilr tkoo—ada wka haw kern 1—g editiir says. 44 tbe oows skmi learn to t«>me a2 I’ I nmaikrtt k* ad now and then to took in tbe face of 1 a a i vsanra BAL> A lull bottle tot rttow eumplenty cure* the a. ot aufterera, are iiMlebtr.1 to It fur tto U*m of krolth to dai . to the machine if ted or salted a few times IKWt Highly important to both —sea. ma rried — Ragle, ta BAlthough — powerful and pnaftivo, they are perfrrtlv hi# toaster and to answer hi* words with bis a A M m Wairaa***, If —rf kaaltk *m 'Harare I>u. I.AKMmR I H T—ia, L—*«m, Atona (V—4 sad yet. tkoocl »tla — — r* —* rprody while being milked/' What next f—Us- aw —r I to g ta Ikcrtsaa. t< la Ita ouerst—u. II to peri-tit Warm e— to—g purely harmtrea, as*may to used at all Ua<«, escept ekes clear, intelligent bark. run uni aa* New T—k Mrfttoal Adrlaar on* Mamagr Guide, •pertollr lor bid* 1— ia tkr direcUcma. Light and Heavy Wagons, — «g ia ttvae all craaa, auk edition. IBs pogeu, nearly low Asa Muka I Illsatrm vegetable 1% la m; agrmaklr to tto taatr, sad may rkamgt. Crugkto flatoa, (rwaa, ka A.lmtatotennl to rklbir— af any age Tkey knee hr— eui—vrtv —ployed ky —itu* t.t sru:vni»i.v im.i vthatid ! U mu up— Mental an* Won— ItoktUty, Crtaary De> pkyniiiaa* ta Fruatw aa* I riwiaa*. sa wrtl oa ia my own II. Wto*p«sg Crufk, Asia* todto aa* Imsouacy, AflKU—* *4 tkr Bladder Ml* Mstua, seer t— vanra, and 1 knee yet to toor Ut\\.r to As uf all if -tl—a af *. Geatl —Cnasry Organa, ss* ttotr r—segue no—. “ Throw more wood on, Jwaatc ti* grow­ MISCZLLANEO US. ferriages Anl adtoh W w nprtoti tmm * *sy i $ *kr far —I sj*4 U aak tret Instance of failure. I cr>ul* give yea tmtlmi wiale • i anatomy ef Ml —a — I* Kun-p—u k*oan a < prao> l« eases of ( MOI P we will guarantee a of their rftaioft from Udftre all oer? tko sort hern — * tl—wherr aad • p kr rirc«iiar» sa4 ysrlWw R *toto< ZaArtC Pus- • tore* If takes Is season. ing colder, It ia very stormy out to night, lar. A44rwu af tto tort Marrury. *~ ipm i *, laj —t—,Oauiartoat —s. (4uamr i.,» r ^ gaslittoft ll to vukiti tto ml rt all. It kmng tkr ahrapert aad To oil wka auftei from say irrugulamy.—mful. dif- Tl, <>M wnm,n Mnited u thetbr oldoW curUiucurtain —"■» i an as Aiwa to lor, Xo. 17ft Bmodway, W— Turk, to— I# «.i toll, rllOM. fruit, rBO—ftra. eftrnftve or Mfu'wl If—at —atK>r . Improved Billiard Tables, tto To— •*»<*«> lv t ofti, New Y—k, to all itoaddr—arm I.ttonrrhea, er the train of dir—ret that follow, I W—id was thrown saidv, sn*l ber gramlchiUl wbacl hi, Johno. ... Mlpblmn wrva waa t«trjd. i—mlrtoa ifno ft W- t>. artk Anseri 4 art Urrmum 4u . A, Jtortd JEr*—. Aftad. bottle. Ifrturt trrur. ftr ^tftK’8 9Y8FKP8U tl BK Dm* wtlbrr—i Safidv, #)i*' iirirtngfifii , IX Warrer Ren Itrk. • ly. They may to obktoad rt a early every druggist iu tkr Of rknaAatgkSa, country, oa fty lactonag tke prior to C. G. CLABK ft a— y of nksrp'a layrvwf auitoi* 44 Tbe heave — declare tbe flory of Gud. ‘ ta I TVS, aa4 tkr *44 —c la Ammobs. CO. Row Kara, C—a., Oeneral Ag—U lar tkr Tatted Irrt n ritebat* — Tkto great remedy tor all 4i—— ot Ika Hurtaa usd Canada anfl the Armament thoweik bis handiwork !• ta, ka artot % DRUGS. I SarplB* %lfTOtMMM» Any Reasonable Service. 1 •*CT ,y lfc# ** n,m*»* < Da JOHN L LTOX, rrurtlea — Fkyatoftan 'foahitod at tba back of the chair with A ltd to IS to ill —i order wttkuuh uh*hw ka Kew Bar —, C—n patrons er ito pul .amMp,tony toa»r tom •TOHACH, Tnce |1 At per Bottle. tly ber bead d foMm curio failing cloat to tbe W. J Nkarp, I iv tag ka* practical maavtoa — Um i KOKUKK HUNTfl BKO.* whitened forks of bar grandparent Boon ••arty twanty I is Ito —mauftA«to*vrrtW—tur—g HiBullard Ta to tto daaearv —y ut tto iavea*>r of Coo’a vulaakle Cuagh or emnaasti, believe there la no disease rawnd Tto lot Hore—fbl ledkiarr tbe pages of ky a 4>a —*«r* d il maak it will net speedily eum, old woman Rrpalrteg Da— Very PraapUjr. Wag may always hasp It — I >i*uifM mid MedicinoM, in the World. efl attentivelv till %ha tonne eirl fin Bnfftft tmtftB mst kotols i Plpkliio fader— art tar It! twftk a kutoftwt urn— to* wmC lNtahlUhed la 1*5 by one of kflved ; then she I ski ber banfl gantlv oa the Of llortkod Tto t ft mst bottle to ww pet llalaton gtra twuUammmy rt ft la tBrary Old oar let Entnent Phyntetam, aad young banfl bowed don to her knee I •a •#••••••••* m It aewtaft — fkur tan — tto «t Otto 1 i'llniftn AvfNgr, i. Joltw%. ■ Jeasie,* the mid,441 am three more and •••••••••Seato#•a ••* •ftftWSftgftSSW 150.000 Aad frum all kiuttam we reemvv tldinge af t MW par- now naed throngboat North aad km to .> tfbi" Blaoksmith’s Coal, Ifttotole • *••••*«*•#*•••( [ABT. a M*mrgj*tt,X*w Yavfr Soatk A—lira, with aw* plraNlnc i h j i f It to The grind daug hter rained tk hand of DR. ZADOC PORTER’S rvonlta than any other ■•‘dlrint* In live >k lawi etr. or pi(181 N ATIONAL BANK Ifwftriburit I the widow tm-lrrly to ber lipn; Ona < will earn of dtoaart Liver, Blood or oU woman mu led flown tn the ,i tk. to* I €* U -11[mm«ima*lt< a*m cl mo H < Uww or rr. j«hu . la to Hkla, ' Indigestion, CaattreaMa, Cuulire Sugar Coated PilIvsS" it rt lleadaohi CAPITAL, 980,000. Bllleaa ('onplalata, RtonnatUm •iMtlftl fofly girl go gfrrljr Mm wag n OPPOMTIOH TO Acidity of I hr Mtomsch t aad Fever aad Ague. nonf briflft bmttf f CKAft MITT, TV—ft-1 9. KICK A, fta ■1 Jo«ri#m 9. 5. WALK KB, CtoaArtr. CASTOB oa ASD rms vun AMO 9EDH1! Itftolng of t tia*JPojOrt^I^^ Thonaaada of rertlftcatea are la our p—aloa, giviag datalkd DlftBTTOBft ’ H XftSOH SALTO, o,-,~ Caoa Krrr. Sen. mn p—uwm b* ■■• Sml .*u C. C W CLAEK ft iCtro w. w Ta I Cheka . ■ atirvrV.Sifiss ’ii.i. ■> Oft 91 IT 4 boaeduo stable . A iw«i. Pm. 41~. 0. to* mTi bog U m kwgrtpai ivoya* to will U li nl mndi Bp. #. r.; , f flfl BiflM ft, mm Tartu f9k < 9k