Nativity Scene Marks Christinas Santa Clans Parade Saturday Lots
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LEDGER ENTRIES SHORT DAYS FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1947 NUMBER 32 Now that the big giune hunters We have come close to the time have ail returned home, It !• claim- of year when the calendar shows ed that the hamburg. ia playing neo- the shortest days. The sun Is far ond fiddle to the deerburg. Said to Mrs. Gerald Staal Lawrence Ridgway away from us. He is flooding the be real tavory. Nativity Scene Santa Clans Parade Saturday South American countries with his — The HUlto — Passes at Age 32 Military Funeral Court's Decision bright sunshine. They revel In Mrs. Gerald Staal, 32, who was their own summer, and are happy The Lowell Board of Trade In in his golden light. The land of ths holding an old-time Chrtotmas taken to Osteopathic hospital in Orand Rapids late Tuesday after- rhumba and the tango flourishes party this Thursday evening at six Marks Christinas Lots of Fun For Young And Old Would Aid Lowell under his stimulating rays. o'clock at South Boston Orange noon, passed away about 1:30 Wed- hall. The ladies of the Orange will nesday morning. She had been in Plans for the first annual Santa Claus parade to be staged Satur- Legislature May Try To The sunlight now strikes us at a serve a turkey dinner which will be Hour Program Each Night poor health for some time. She is day, December 13 at 3 p. m. arc complete and the event promises very slanting angle, and there Is followed by a grand program and survived by the husband, a son Jack to hold plenty of fun for young snd old. Circumvent Sales Tax little heat In it. The earth has a dancing. At Richardi Park a daughter Norma and her mother, There will be floats from all of the High School classes, some with great capacity for absorbing heat. — Hie HUlto — Mrs. Mary Lulham and a brother, two floats. Each float will express an Idea of the Christmas spirit. Amendment We do not get the most severe cold Until Chriitmas Alvln Lulham, both of Carson City, Cash prizes are being offered by the Board of Trade, sponsors 6f the during the shortest days, as the Some towns around the state Mrs. Lee Lampkin, general chair- earth absorbed such a vast amount favor parking meters, while othef a sister, Mrs. Frank Ruegsegger of event, for the best float. [ The opinion of the State Supreme man, announces the following pro- Lowell. The Lowell High school band will furnish music for the parade Court nulllfylhg a single state of heat last summer, that it is still towns are against the idea. Ink gram for community Christmas at able to give out some little remnant White, editor of the Republican- Funeral services will be held at and fftay Christmas songs appropriate for the occasion, Orval Jessup, school district recently created by Richards Park, beginning Saturday 2 o'clock Saturday at the Roth band director, has promised. J the state legislature makes It man- of this warmth, which still tempers News, St. Johns, thinks that park evening, Dec. 13, and each evening the cold to some extent. So it is not ing problems might be solved by chapel, the Rev. Paul Z. Hoornstra The Lowell Saddle club will have several horses In the parade and datory for the legislature to ap- following until the 28th, from eight officiating. Burial In Oakwood ce- seme old time cutters (If there Is any snow). propriate more funds for the In most localities until the last of adopting a two-hour parking limit. until nine o'clock. January that the coldest days come. He says: metery. We all know how our own country celebrates Christmas and If schools of the state unless some other means for circumventing the Thfl two-hour limit would get Following are the chairmen: The body reposes at the home you watch the sixth and seventh grades in the community parade merohants' cars off the Hreet December 18, 14 and IS, W. W. Saturday afternoon you will see what stands for Christmas In other "sales tax amendment" can be 415 North St. until one o'clock Sat- found. GOOD LIGHT NEEDED and that alone would make avail- Oumser; Dec.16, Rev. and Mrs. Paul urday. lands. From countries studied In their geography classes, the grades able SO pr SO additional parking Z. Hoornstra; Dec. 17, Mrs. May have chosen England, Holland, Switzerland and Germany. If the legislature abides by the The «hort days are a time when spaoes on the avenue. The two- Walsh; Dec. 18, Orval Jessup; Dec. Santa himself will be present • ith lots of gifts of candy and nov- court opinion, then Lowell would •people should be particularly care- hour limit should at least be given 19, Forrest Buck and Men's chorus; elties for the children. Be sure 10 bring them to town Saturday aft- stand to gain about $5,000.00 for the ful to have a good light for reading. a trial. If that doesn't work, Dec. 22, Rev. and Mrs. Paul Z. ernoon. • i current year and a much greater The dark comes early in the after- maybe we should report to park- Hoornstra; Dec. 23, Saranac Com- Lowell Boy Scouts C'ary Stiff is In charge of the ^arade and has asked all participa- amount for the ensuing, year. The noon. Some people will continue to ng meters, munity Church; Dec. 24, Rev. and ting to be at the high school by 3 p. m. The parade will proceed Lowell Board of Education would [read by daylight after the dusk has — The Rial to — Mrs. Hoornstra. down Monroe street to Main street and up Main street to Hudson, undoubtedly find it necessary to [begun to faH, so that theyget con- When the parade visits the Nativ- Will Take Part in disbanding at Richards Park. At the park following the parade a use the additional current receipts siderable eye strain. Eyesight is Oetting wide circulation In the ity Scene we will have a commun- Christmas carol sing will be held. 1 T/4 Lawrence O. Ridgway such a precious thing that people state during the past week is this as a payment on the operating de- ity carol sing and We will feature Military funeral services will be ficit. j should be very careful not to tire It obituary that appeared in a recent the following carol: held this Thursday afternoon for by such strain, particularly at this issue of the Ingahm County New* Scout-O-Rama Sat. Many Implications The Christmas Tree Carol Lawrence O. Ridgway, who was time of year. at Mason— No wonder that the word Scout- Governor Kim Sigler Declares killed In action March 15,1945, near The opinion of the court means During the short days people are 'Bam England, 70, found In a Come gather 'round the Christmas O-Rama is a magic word in the Honnlgen, Germany. The casketed that the legislature should approp- likely to be using artificial light for stupor on a Stockbridge street tree scouting world, suggesting action remains were accompanied to Lo- riate (or provide) all the proceeds a large part of the time. They should Wednesday evening with part of a And bring good will, good cheer and color and the coming together Revising of State Constitution well by a uniformed army escort of the sales tax amendment for the be careful to give themselves a bottle of Lord Calvert clasped In To every child and lonely one. of a great crowd of people to learn from the Chicago Distribution Cen- school districts of the state, and good light, sufficiently strong so his hand, died of acute alcoholism Come they from far or near. more of what scouting Is and how Necessary to Good Government ter of the American Graves Regis- cannot divert any of the funds for they can read without eye strain. at the Ingham Jail about nine Let all its lights and beauty shine It works. tration Division. retirement, vocational education, or o'clork Wednesday night. Into your soul and heart, By 0«m a, See'r.-Mmiuiter the state schools for the deaf or "Bo rare, so mnooth, so mellow; For Christ the Savior is thy friend It is little wonder that more than MMH • AMocteUon Services will be held at two 8,000 boys and men—women too— o'clock at the Methodist Church, blind, as was done by the legisla- COMING EVENTS intended especially for those who If thou wilt do thy part. It may have come as a distinct highways, public schools, law en- ture in an amount approximateing appreciate the finest,' the Lord In Kent County have already cir- attended by military escorts from Come rally 'round the Christmas cled the dale of Saturday, Dec. 13, •hock to many citizens to have the forcement, motor vehicle licensing, the American Legion and V. F. W. 17,000,000.00. Calvert ad goes, pointing out that tree chief executive of i Michigan poh- conservation and agriculture—to men of distinction apecify Lord on their calendars, for this Is the The clergyman will be the Rev. C. However, it is felt In some quar- The Martha Group Christmas And praise the Lord on High, licy condemn the office of Gov- mention a few. What might happen ters that the legislature will make Calvert." date of the annual Scout-O-Rama, E. Pollock. Burial In Oakwood party of the Methodist Church will Let trumpets blare and carols to be held In the civic auditorium ernor as the "crummiest Job lathe if a "weak" governor were to be cemetery.