
1*1 mHifl TO mm . ! . IB!?”* 1 - - _ CLINTON UnJBLKAN TIE CLINTON REPIBLH.4N. OFFICIAL FAFC H OF THE COUNTY fVlUlftiP ITUT nuuif, BY Robert Smith dfc •* ___________ OftftSftortoe nelfttoft, threemmzsBitz fttolfth.*—*•*« —|J J She Clinton Oft#<|wrift# eotoftn, sift Meftihs,.*».♦ Oft# f ttortot felfftft. ftftft fftftr ftftd flpto,. .•.«m.N ’• liftffduftA, m M'1#|,—wee»—»N| Ofte eelWM, efte ffft,^,. .................... H icorde, ed fte#r I Itftftft. fa pee y «r. VOLUME XIII. 8T. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 21*, I8#n. NUMBER I. it elmrtftfftfita payaUr, ift all .ftftff, Ift ftd I ^ u Y b Local * Tan a Hi do —It b um NEW ADVERTISEMT8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. savoa. OROOERIES. ffci€UtttiRr?tklu<i* ■fthe *« E* .. E* INDUCEMENTS OFFERED •« vaa Eaplrc Tea A Cafee Ceapaaj, . THE GREAT COMBINATION! IN Yalta* Mmt, I, T, NIXON’H J. M. ICANNKY, Mi luL-Tb llMiton, of this ill- ftft «r« b 4fM«4 tat tu an* «»• U m JUST OPEN El) tft ft 1-irftbft tottoift, ^ HALL00I EVERYBODY! TO* lMhl«U«a is kept up la |m4 style, A ft she limp- If Ito Or and Rap* hi kftftft tt , MftfaOS to** ftf FUH KDTAII. NEW YOKE CIRCUS! to plmy • |MM to that city m #,G0jt Kief0 i U m «aui| It ooa SI O W E’H an its tof—k 11# T Ua rwnfhly TEAS, COFFEE A SPICES. Ohtvait .—-Tb vile of Mr. I. Ykitwy, ml the uU THVITED STATES •n.i ito AftDqui- _ Natoml M ANI) with aumervw* Illoeiret Theto faftftMee that Ufa 0—tofy hare fa ftopplylap . »ftftd OaBtoft at pmtly rodtMod pitot ftfft eittwJfaL ! Where youno ftillvtU aiftfttraiftaya A»daa*! 1ftla» ftfadtoafa« «bd mail, • Tm* Puck to Bet Goom,—Otr initWfi WUItoM ftMHk, LL. D PftMlUfti ftp Aim atotft or«* erytfttopla thft lift* of Van A Oft., Ilartfai Ct. Tito Uto# retebflaftod fapfta Mill* fato ftffturod to Uft , DAN CAHTELLO’H cxipkmt tint | will A . —Wc iw fui»»d to 1 Thto wurk m ft tunelv J. Scattergood & Co. • U m M». J. B BIm. HmH •# U o C affmi nemmuty of ftU TOhto wa fa f. tola* Uft ofaly theft ova joda fin then eupevtor elma lipw in ftftll- GKK AT NIIOW! . and UM ineanablo mb bf Iftf their Teae. Otdfaee ftftd A|*buo ftftft Ufth tfte loft* ly fall Afttfton edition «f Uft only ftbrtifltoftftkt bj U to* to Im—tm U m etas* ml mmm to to tol into Uft eel prtoftft. Kftpeotol fttieattufi a ftd praftl ftft to fiftftit WITH Til HEK OF THK a Lfa tfabt iWi ftw» hand ftf Ato mltotofti WkUtory, wkb h to to out tor Uft ftMMftftft puree -to to ftl ftfM* (to oftly a "d cva U m mine mg flffrutof, u4 alvtp k 7 L fthtlft reliable oM pftftfttknl •*•» CMUfttotor all U*t FINEKT RIDERN IN THE WORLD! OM TIIM Ova rtiaM lAroiighout tbe county will um oi^miu i>mu »to mimi umito ColTne Department, * favor by ftMtoit u booty ■ ififtikt Uft paods *paa Utor shell ee tor halt j am tury, and to *## ere to?* to U m mm U m pfttoto ft miMM «f »to-h WltkHI % — family We shall to •bkged far any Uf U« fra dollar* they should viperd to ed«| laf ftfUtopmto It to* i tee If to ftll vto — fafaft H, mi iMftLIfft Uftto packet*, hmp tWf fftMto ores from ymmi to to ftffry fkailjf Ito careful tft pet U m edlltoa, If Java , Nl farmer I bo, Hto WAR PATH ---------- — -—--------- u4 toa* tto reward «f«nrfttF Vtoftmi, m4 * rtfU m> *«ui toff tto relteMe »•**? to tto i A Gool> 1W C umhu .—A propbctic wr»- fttVti of eu»4, phirb U U« kmn*bk rmlt ef ftd ver- It to anld by A nested aftd Ofmd daily, eecorlftft to Udda, Aal'wxM fare : -Th# MfM ml Uft tlMftft Using Ri* #M— Ml. whs totTtoUto ftfft ftlvajrft ftp tied these atoftf larfo^oftaliUeft, aft tMfftftftftr ftfttoftf ftftd vtUMtitoMr Th# wind* whisper It, with Uft tlmeft. They toft* Uft proAilftftMftp AIM M it, ft* 4 ih# • lere t rvft Lie far " C towr ) of the henry trade ftfto ftftil ftl ft Cermspsaie na a of Uft end VV We Meatveal yeafen to try It, teou LftPftuift, M«y to, 1MB. fl ftftft Ml eectet urn Tm WBATMKB CtMltinueO l*fbl U'l pltuft- toft pnoft •# ■ tMd Lnatoftft Mill earrlree tel fto-ve* oft la U m ftftftft Im« Ue hast aftd Aftfurod of hor weye. Wf — ftnra ih— ptoaftoi fttU Ito !*• paUMftft lYtotofUil tKkftl, ftftd UM eortiuft of eoaftiry New (fall aftd heed T KAH, pi 1Ci: um> aid UKiioHs bto ItoMft Uft 4ftf to to warm ft»4ftfr*^fa* trUi Ulp rail ap U* Uirty ikimmml aftapeelty far to neft far oftf pfttrnai aftoftoiy ami ItoftUh. Grfki ftftd CftUhft. tmiNK Bttli,—A c Iaik Ij, orJorittf a Vo ftfM in Wafa ft kg#«B f iif ihafu go tlb# Mlhf }M)i I- I. BIOHBY......................................................... .. Niitiuyt'r N«w V om nb .—With the preeeat neue, ^ J.D., .1 IkTk u». u u n^M IM » IMITf i: lilto r OE TEAMI For awdiui and m remoata l pf»ne*eto Ah*, oft haml m of pafttaioen* frmi Lie tailor, *a<4 that he • *"t#4 Mltftd, (Umft ftftd ftlarft,) >», *1, ltoel tae b A. WILL KXIIIBIT AT NT. JOHNS, jt »larpft Block <tl AT :<*>%* PKM •>. very tojht mo.mA»( to Uft to*"* fashion ** If Uft RarftftftiCeft ftaton apoa lie UirtoftftU trolama, awtahot of toot ftftd ftoaftae horoee ft til to tore. Ib.loftf Iftlftt t Tft. ft*, fa, DM, Href Itur * » ]*U|ft thftM ftU ft*. ** I fM l toko Ucm H VtU Aftiiftflftf peeepeeM of enftkftftod prt*ep«nty, tor >n -mum t - *■ —g-------------- Yftftftp 11)M*a, ttirfton,) to. to. Ito, ttonl Ito b »• Kftflteh Arefthfaat (Atocft,) to. Ito Heat UM |» X , *1 11*14- -f, 1 N||N, and rejftdiy inereastag etrfteUlfuft, while ml wreftk m ton i deft* ftp ea th»« A Mt StKIIL—Thr Ullto fcillof tbe M. E H ewyye e Ulfil tofimoft pueftfr t>wr pototMftl dapeft. Fine lOftvured, to toft, beet Ifftr V A too* totoU • part ef vto ft fttli to (Mod aft aa Ouapftftder aftd iMperWa, to to like ft ft vtU ami ftl U« neUftte of Ur l). C Hard ****** to th# pa#t. toifwrMt; of vtol A viU to to AKTKKN«M*N and kvkning . U» to!■—a will to nrapifti to a WM ftftftfti OnMfftd Cofareft, Ifa to. to. Host tou b ». it #*#*•"'#•'< »' 1 « ■ r«4.n •»: > or-..; the f ut are - f Right r»er sent. ndiftg tor • bet tt «UI to to fttooftd to Of gr^ftft4e. Lftaanr Books and Stationery All are touted. In V U Htiroa Ror'y •» tottoftft to to fat the r«4 of U m NaUnn, Ooftftty el ftp to p«t eft efty ftifft* ftftd aa v« • Omt l ......... ■» m.... ■ — ftftd Stftto. ftoft articles of tft^eectowut or re pro* of out fa aftoftft cftarrftM, «• »e« tom a f»»»- J. Tilt STYLE.—Tbft bulletins of fashion ftml ffilMt Aslnv JUuai, vf etmafiy ferurod Vhfth M tft Uft e»iturbo * ftlurft, Al Jehft*. Mm h , are ttoir fa* ftfftftottoft. hmoeee oe believed hhft fkflty of _______________ OtopMf. e to he float bUeftre in eitft'Oftxt uf to thft;P*h ‘L of Oe city, Id Uto Bi nd Here, ftoolft tft# oool ftftd wo km reorived oar #prva« eftd Aaratoor Ahek of to U m ftftde of ftkfrh Dry holle ere ftltorkoi * Uft rWrfto ftttftjftd Tkft pad ftf Uft eftftfttry, refroeftfap .hedo. they that llfto ooa eip or poftt topee OATiatiE UIJL Itofaftlt fatotop f a -#rte.i» a»..rtefttf>. rl*»< - to lifthttof to modify itotr ftfanirere ttol they ••A •»* ftoooeeerty Uft Bftftfthltofto jftrty. fa- boor to U«*r ftoort e botfbt UM faftfay ftftft Uo M 8 ie« day It ftfte •ad It ftftft ifttoupod tft* retire mud April i. Ito fty deft* A Xrmmmma and Mary M *ei of the ftaeft fth<. -'n*! .nr!r fc« yi uj A A. O Nftftfftftft to Dftfttd Heed, and fftnodod tft Uft odk» ftf I Vfftl thft lUfN ftf Dor da tor Ctnituft M«l), Mi] Sl'ADftf IktoiOL Cotr CMTIOM.—Tbf DfXt 'tofttotto IfftftUtif pftft, ftftd eoerre—ftHly I N Tftlth A L KkVKVI'C AND ADV KR V Iftl hit. Ajni t. I in liter (1 of aertsirm, on pa## ITS, era U cJaMaed t# Ito due al tft# dale ftftftftftI ftMi>| */ tft- (Nott ftuedfty AUoi»M'ft«te«tHM toftftod Ito roef f^^e of > »4»1 Hm>i~ to thft I’ - The Urpeot uefteffte la the At ate ef Reft Hampshire of thte MBe. tour hastotod aftd o«ft dtolare heddn trltt W Itoli ftt Lftftefftft to Uo Uitor part ftf J taftft Kr ft that ef Charles A OtUft» propnetor of M lUir# Vepe- aa aitofftry fa# of thirty ihdiare, aupolaiod la said Blaukv to<>rtft»ftr lo be paid, tooold nay prut■vdtafte he lehon iy Adheal ift * ft too nwaftty • * .1 he r* pre- aio«<tft« longer the reeu.i met »*e e utofaiUM I Uft tooewer" |»:,U The toko of to fi re slier Ml touclfteft*, ftftd ae eait «« prwdiet* atod al Uto |attoniif. Uft article are truly fa una e aft. eftcoodiap Uftt of all al Mo or la easily baetaf boon laetuoud to recur#r eOn retopeuadft far U • hair eotoldfted The |rai aay part ef tfte debt iwo rmelniatf sue ft red by «u4 Beam Batc .—All tbe preliminary at i riyeftr; soft, ti«ieh»m, hy «tft« mg tft# poft#r«f eftctot ef U m -qiii—deeaeftd threath- ut the coahdry ■Us ta 4ftfd aftifff* cMftta taod.
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