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Index Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables. A demographics and social profile, 88–91, Aalto, Alvar, 101 90f, 92f, 93t Ageing problem, in housing estates, 182, distribution, 14f 279–283, 280t, 281f, 282f, 299f from the early 1980s to the present, 84 Agnetapark, Delft, the Netherlands, 39 1920s and 1930s, 78–79, 80f, 81f Agora Local Patriot Association, 211 from the 1950s to the end of the 1970s, À la française, 272 81–83, 82f Alexandras Avenue, Athens ongoing degradation and new planning refugee housing estate on, 80f initiatives, 92, 94–95 Ammelinckx S.A. estate, 148 physical form, 84–86 Amsterdam population developments, 70 Bijlmer, 60, 61, 68, 69 2004 Olympiako Chorio (Olympic Village), local housing market, characteristics of, 63 78 population developments, 69 See also Greece urban renewal, 68 Athens Charter, 60, 103, 317 Antala Staška housing estates, 345f Austerity, 176–178 Apartment associations, building, 403 Australia, 37 П-44 apartment buildings, 296f Austria, 36 Area for Reinforced Development of Housing Avant-garde style, 291 and Renewal (Espace de Azienda Lombarda Edilizia Residenziale Développement Renforcé du Logement (ALER), 266, 274–276, 285, 286 et de la Rénovation, EDRLR), 163 Arms Length Management Organisations B (ALMOs), 125 Bahrdt, Hans Paul, 103 Arrese, José Luis, 245 Balta Alba housing estate, 13, 174f Asia Minor refugees, 79, 86, 94, 95 Baltic states Association for the Centenarium Housing recruitment of initial residents, 62 Estate, 211 Barcelona Astangu housing estate, 408f local housing market, characteristics of, 63 Athens, 5 Barona Village, 286 large housing estates, 12, 77–97 Barrio de la Estrella, 248f allocation process and tenure, 86–88 Bauwochen (Building Fair), 107 current challenges for housing estates, BBPR, 273f 95–97 Beaudoin, Eugène, 316 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 413 D.
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