Çamtepe, 89. Sok. Sandalet Evleri 20/1 Çağrı Erdem 48400, Bodrum Mugla, Turkey B
[email protected] Curriculum Vitae Í cagrierdem.net Nationality The Republic of Turkey Languages English Proficient French Intermediate Turkish Native Education 2013–2016 M.Sc., Sonic Arts, Center for Advance Studies in Music (MIAM), İstanbul Technical University (ITU), İstanbul, Turkey 2008–2011 B.Mus., Jazz Composition, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA, USA Research Interests Digital Music Instruments, Embodied Cognition, Biofeedback, Interaction Design, Wearable Computing, Haptics, Sound Synthesis, Psychoacoustics, Robotics, Alternate Reality, Serious Gaming, Body Area Networks, Music Education, Assistive Technology, Exercise Psychology Technical Skills Hardware Sensor Design, Wearable Electronics, Motor Systems, Printed Circuit Board Design, Studio Patch-bays, Live PA Systems, Audio Systems Programming Max/Msp, Pure Data, C/C++, Python Software Ableton Live, Sibelius 7, Cubase, Logic, Audacity, Sonic Visualizer, Xcode, NetBeans, Processing, Arduino IDE, DipTrace Schematics and PCB Layout Design, Photoshop, Illustrator, LTSPICE, Eagle PCB Design, Fritzing Teaching Experiences 2016-2017 Instructor, Guitar, Ensemble, IELEV Primary School, Istanbul, Turkey 2014-2015 Instructor, Classical Guitar, Istanbul Technical University State Conservatory Pre-school, Istanbul, Turkey 2012-2014 Instructor, Guitar, Ensemble, IELEV Primary School, Istanbul, Turkey Work Experiences 2009-2010 Staff Berklee College of Music Guitar Department, Boston, MA, USA 2006-2008 Production Management Studio Monk, Istanbul, Turkey 2003-Ongoing Freelance Musician Performer, session musician, co-producer, arranger and sound designer. 1/4 Academic Publications 2017 Erdem, Ç., Çamcı, A., & Forbes, A. Biostomp: A Biocontrol System for Embodied Performance Using Mechanomyography. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2017 Invited Talks 2018 Artist Talk, PechaKucha 20x20, at Dublin Cafe, Eskişehir, Turkey 2017 Artist Talk, listen first.