The Rival Knights; Or, the Fortunate Woodlander: a French Romance Unknown
Marquette University e-Publications@Marquette Gothic Archive Chapbooks Gothic Archive 1805 The Rival Knights; or, the Fortunate Woodlander: A French Romance Unknown Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Literature in English, British Isles Commons Recommended Citation The Rival Knights; or, the Fortunate Woodlander: A French Romance. London: J. Lee, c. 1805. , . .. y:~~~~~~k¥: ~~~~~~ L77~ Ll-. 0/~77~0~Lr-& , " - '/ I • RIYAL KJV.lGH'TS; OR) THE I' I FORTUNATE I , , , , • ._" "'~~ ... -....,-~ , , .. ,;:{t~l !i': \ > A ,FREN-c r4~~1tQ~VrA:N>DE. ~ '; , '. , .... , ~ <" " ' " , . ~...' . ',', ,"',,;i " OR, 1'he Fortunate "Vood]ander~'? , JPHARA MOND, after having subdued all the kings of France, was now peaceful mon:\rch of the whole kingdom. The lovely RosaIllond shared the glory of his throne, but was still more dear to him than all his glory. The french monarch, after forty years victories, : '1 ~aw that co.nq!J~st ~nd ha~p ' iness ,were not t~ins ;. ~.:, .... i I found real fellclty In T~urI\ay, hIS own capita] ' ctttl ~'~'i ~ ' ~ ~ Vf"here he at ~ast g'~ve hlms.eJf l~p to the happine'ss og . I Ivs ~eoplet h IS Wife, and hIS clnldren. ;\ . pJ'ihce .@l'Bd,io, turned had ' I ' h .i~ s~n,sc~r~e si}Cteen,~ l al ready sIgnalized i:llS l .n~repldltyon Ulany 'occaSIOD$. j Accustoll1ed to arms fro i~li ; is€hilanood,he hadlle~dl)ea t I tofigh t by the side ofd'i'is. ra~ther • . The' name 0f Pha-: ','- ram~lld, ~1+@-. immeHse .. eIll'pife· lv'hichlie was bani io; sw · ~y.
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