Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos ISSN: 0570-4065 [email protected] Cabildo de España

Pomares Rodríguez, Francisco; Pérez García, José Miguel LA GUERRA DE LAS PULGAS : PROPAGANDA ARMADA, CAUDILLISMO Y DELACIÓN EN EL MPAIAC LA MISIÓN DE ANTONIO CUBILLO EN LA INDEPENDENCIA DE CANARIAS Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, núm. 63, 2017, pp. 1-20 Cabildo de Gran Canaria Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España

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Abstract In recent years, encouraged by the political influence of the nationalistic Coalición Canaria in the institutions of the archipelago, a historiographical tendency has emerged within the universities of the that assigns the political work of Antonio Cubillo, the founder and driving force behind the MPAIAC, extraordinary importance in the social development of nationalist tendencies in canarian society, presenting the cubillista independence movement as a starting point of a radical current of that today dominates the archipelago. This work aims to demonstrate that the MPAIAC phenomenon and its organizations’ actions had lim - ited social and political impact beyond the colourfulness of its self-proclaimed “armed propaganda” and how the caudillismo of Cubillo and the disintegration of the MPAIAC into small separatist associations, heavily influenced by the intervention of the national spanish pólice prevented the development of a self-determinist inclination in the heart of present- day canarian nationalism.

Keywords Cubillo, MPAIAC, self-determination, nationalism, autonomy, Canary Islands.

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