2015 IHBB Championships: Bee Make Up Round & Backup Questions

1. This man was shown passing through an archway on in a painting created by an artist who also depicted him in civilian hunting dress. He appears in left profile, face-on, and right three- quarter profile in a triple portrait by that artist. For the point, name this English king who employed Anthony van Dyck before his execution at the behest of Parliament. ANSWER: Charles I [prompt on partial answer]

2. This city was the site of a deadly 1811 theater fire that was once thought to have killed Edgar Allen Poe’s parents. It was the site of Tredegar Iron Works, a major wartime manufacturing plant. This city was the target of McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign, and many of its officials fled to Danville after it fell in 1865. For the point, name this Southern city which replaced Montgomery as capital of the Confederacy and is still the capital of Virginia. ANSWER: Richmond, Virginia

3. One revolt during this period was ended at the Third Battle of Uji and its leader, Go-Toba, was exiled to the Oki Islands. The Northern and Southern Courts were started during this period. The Kemmu Restoration ended this period that began after the Taira lost to the Minamoto, who set up a bakufu government in a namesake capital. For the point, name this period following the Heian, the first Japanese shogunate. ANSWER: Kamakura Shogunate [or Kamakura jidai; or Kamakura bakufu]

4. This battle was planned during the Chantilly Conference, and the lack of High Explosive shells led to most of the barbed wire remaining uncut on the first day. One engagement during this battle at Flers-Courcelette included the first combat use of tanks. For the point, name this bloody 1916 battle fought primarily by the British to relieve the French at Verdun. ANSWER: Battle of the Somme [or the Somme Offensive]

5. During the American Revolution, the most powerful members of this group were the Carroll family. In one colony, these people lost their political rights after Coode’s Rebellion overthrew the Lord Proprietor. Other members of this group included George and Cecil Calvert. For the point, name this religious group that included the founders of Maryland, Christians who recognize the authority of the . ANSWER: Roman Catholics [or Papists]

6. In order to avoid being burned at the stake, this man converted to Christianity with the help of . With the help of his general , he was victorious at the battle of Quipaipan, winning a civil war against his brother, Huascar. This ruler offered to fill a ransom room with precious materials after being captured at . For the point, name this ruler of the Incan empire who was captured by . ANSWER: {II}

7. At his inaugural mass, this pope repeated the words “Be not afraid!” This author of Love and Responsibility was shot by a member of the Turkish Grey Wolves named Mehmet Ali Agca. He adopted the same papal name as his predecessor, who had only been in office for 33 days before dying in 1978. On a trip to his homeland, he spoke in favor of the Solidarity movement. For the point, name this first Polish pope, who was succeeded by Benedict XVI. ANSWER: Pope Saint John Paul II [or Johannes Paulus II or Karol Józef Wojtyła]

8. This man’s Mass for Troubled Times coincidentally premiered shortly after news of the Battle of the Nile reached Europe, giving it the nickname Nelson Mass. He spent much of his career as a court musician for the Esterhazy family, and was known as the “father” of both the string quartet and the symphony. For the point, name this composer of the oratorios The Seasons and The Creation. ANSWER: Joseph Haydn [or Franz Joseph Haydn]

9. One athlete with this nickname won golf’s US Open while carrying a colostomy bag due to a recurrence of cancer and had earlier won gold medals in the hurdles and javelin at the 1932 Olympics. Another athlete with this nickname was a part of “Murderers Row” when he broke his own single-season home run record. For the point, give this nickname shared by golfer Mildred Didrikson Zaharias and slugging Yankee Hall of Famer George Herman Ruth. ANSWER: “Babe”

10. The Cellamare Conspiracy attempted to replace this king's regent, Philippe d'Orleans. This king fired the economist John Law after the Mississippi Bubble and was known as the "well-beloved." The dying words "After us, the deluge" are attributed to this king's mistress Madame du Pompadour. For the point, name this king whose successor was executed during the French Revolution. ANSWER: Louis XV [or Louis the Well-Beloved before mentioned; prompt on Louis] {III}

11. An alliance between these two countries came about after the failure to renew the Reinsurance Treaty in 1890. The alliance between these two countries was meant to force the Triple Alliance to fight a war on two fronts. One war plan to defeat these two countries involved sweeping through Belgium and was named for von Schlieffen. For the point, name these two great powers that presented threats on either side of Imperial Germany. ANSWER: Russian Empire and the [or Imperial Russia and the French Third Republic; or Rossiyskaya Imperiya and La Troisieme Republique francaise]

12. A type of this substance that uses teff is common in Ethiopia and is called Injera. It’s not chicken, but another version may contain yogurt, is often cooked in a tandoori oven, and is called Naan. This product was enriched with vitamins, sliced, and sold in American supermarkets with the adjective “Wonder.” For the point, name this foodstuff that can come in pumpernickel, rye, or sourdough varieties. ANSWER: breads

13. While serving in this organization, Jon Burge tortured hundreds of African-American men. This organization broke up a protest that ended in the arrest of Abbie Hoffman and his six accomplices. In February 2015, this organization was found to be operating a “Black House” where suspects were held without outside contact, embarrassing Mayor Rahm Emanuel. For the point, name this law enforcement group of Illinois’ largest city. ANSWER: Chicago Police Department [or Chicago P.D.; prompt on CPD]

14. A leader of this last name declared her intention to dissolve her country’s Secretariat of Intelligence in January 2015. An arrest warrant for that politician of this last name was found in the trash of prosecutor Alberto Nisman. Another politician with this last name cleared the way for prosecution of officials who committed abuses in his country’s “Dirty War”. For the point, give this last name of the Argentine Prime Ministers Cristina and Néstor. ANSWER: Kirchner [accept Cristina Fernández de Kirchner; accept Néstor Kirchner; accept Fernandez before “Dirty War”]

15. The “percentages agreement” was established at this meeting. The accords from this meeting called for the expansion of a government based in Lublin. Part of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands were given to one participant in this meeting, and that participant agreed to attack the Japanese empire 90 days after Germany was defeated. For the point, name this conference between the “Big Three” Allied leaders in the Crimea near the end of World War II. ANSWER: Yalta Conference

16. The written works that prompted this meeting include Address to the Christian Nobility and The Babylonian Captivity of the Church. This meeting occurred in response to the papal bull Exsurge Domine. This meeting was presided over by the Emperor Charles V, who later banned the possession of early Protestant texts. For the point, name this imperial diet of the where Martin Luther defended his ideas from charges of heresy. ANSWER: Diet of Worms

17. One method of accessing this thing was through coin-operated machines located throughout the San Francisco area called Community Memory. Another version of this thing served as a popular phone book in France that operated until 2012, named Minitel. Early HIV information and activism was disseminated on soc.motss in a precursor to it. For the point, identify this technology provided to Americans by services like Prodigy and CompuServe, which allowed access to the World Wide Web. ANSWER: the Internet [accept World Wide Web before it is read]

18. This man’s faith in astrology kept him ignorant of the treachery of his officers Walter Devereux and Ottavio . His ardent opposition to the Edict of Restitution and his forced retreat at the Battle of Lutzen earned the ire of Ferdinand II, which culminated in the authorizing his murder in 1634. For the point, name this great general during the Thirty Years War’ whose life was dramatized in a play cycle by . ANSWER: [or Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein; or Albrecht von Waldstein] {II}

19. The McDonald Ranch House was a key assembly site for this program. Dropping pieces of paper helped Enrico Fermi calculate the yield of one of its prototypes. For the point, name this progam supervised by general Leslie Grove and directed by J. Robert Oppenheimer, which resulted in the first atomic bomb. ANSWER: The Manhattan Project [prompt on “making the atomic bomb” or similar answers before mention]

20. This dynasty is sometimes named for Lagus. The first ruler of this dynasty took the body of Alexander the Great and founded the Serapis cult. Another ruler of this dynasty ordered the execution of Pompey after the Battle of Philippi. Its capital was Alexandria. For the point, name this Hellenistic dynasty that ruled Egypt and had many queens named Cleopatra. ANSWER: Ptolemaic kingdom [or Ptolemaioi; or the Ptolemies]

Backup: This conqueror of the Naimans and Merkits promulgated the unifying law code called the Yassa. Although illiterate, this man started the use of the Uyghur (pr. WEE-ghur) script for his people’s language. This man conquered the Khwarezmian Empire and the Western Xia Dynasty. His oldest son Jochi’s questionable paternity led this man to name his third son Ogedei his successor as Great Khan. For the point, name this founder of the Mongol Empire. ANSWER: Genghis Khan [or Chingis Khan or Temujin] {II}


1. This series’ main character idolizes the baseball player Joe Shlabotnik, while another character in this series refers to another as her “sweet baboo.” Rerun was introduced later in this series’ run, and its other characters include Sally, Schroeder, and Lucy van Pelt. For the point, name this comic strip that featured Charlie Brown, a creation of Charles Schulz. ANSWER: Peanuts

2. Along with Elbridge Gerry and Charles Pinckney, this man represented the US as a diplomat during the XYZ affair. He found that New York’s regulation of steamboat commerce unconstitutional in Gibbons v. Ogden. For the point, name this US Chief Justice who established judicial review in Marbury v. Madison. ANSWER: John James Marshall

3. This show's star became furious after the word "higher" was added to the sanitized lyric "Girl, we couldn’t get much better." In an episode of this show, the caption "Sorry girls, he's married" was superimposed over a performer. Supposedly, its host wanted to censor Elvis Presley by only filming him from the waist up. For the point, name this long-running variety show whose namesake host welcomed the Beatles in their 1964 debut on American television. ANSWER: The Ed Sullivan Show [accept Toast of the Town before mentioned] {II}