
Europaisches Patentamt European Patent Office © Publication number: 0 041 838 Office europeen des brevets A3


© Application number: 81302492.4 © lnt.CI.3: C 08 G 8/34 C 08 L 61/14, C 09 D 11/10 © Date of filing: 04.06.81

© Priority: 05.06.80 JP 74920/80 © Inventor: Homma, Minoru 30.09.80 JP 135184/80 3-9-7 Kurosunadai 30.09.80 JP 135185/80 Chiba-shi Chiba-ken(JP) 30.09.80 JP 135186/80 @ Inventor: Kudo, Kin-ichi c/o Mr. Muramatsu 2-21-8 Matsunami-cho @ Date of publication of application: Chiba-shi Chiba-ken(JP) 16.12.81 Bulletin 81/50 @ Inventor: Okoshi, Noboru © Date of deferred publication of search report: 20.10.82 5-3-2-305 Masago Chiba-shi Chiba-ken(JP) © Designated Contracting States: DE FR GB © Inventor: Shimoyama, Shoichi © DAINIPPON AND INC. 3-6-14 Tsubakimori-cho Applicant: CHEMICALS, Chiba-shi 35-58, Sakashita 3-chome Chiba-ken(JP) Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174{JP) @ Inventor: Tashiro, Nansei 2848-100 Kubota Sodegaura-machi Kimitsu-gun Chiba-ken(JP) @ Representative: Myerscough, Philip Boyd et al, J.A.Kemp & Co. 14, South Square Gray's Inn London, WC1R5EUIGB)

© Rosin-modified phenolic compositions and their production.

(57) A resin composition for which comprises a other, and then reacting the resulting pre-condensate (i) with rosin-modified phenolic resin modified with an animal or the remaining components; or , the content of the animal or vegetable oil being (IV) subjecting the animal or vegetable oil (c) and the 5 to 40% by weight based on the total weight of the resin alcohol (e) to ester-interchange and then reacting the composition. The oii-modified and rosin-modified phenolic ester-interchange product (j) with the remaining compo- resin may be produced by nents. (I) reacting in a single step (a), a phenol, (b) a formal- CO dehyde-yielding substance, (c) an animal or vegetable oil, (d) < a rosin, (e) an alcohol and, if desired, at least one substance selected from (f) acids and (g) hydrocarbon , without CO reacting the phenol (a) with the formaldehyde-yielding substance (b) in advance; or 00 (II) reacting (h) a resol-type phenol/formaldehyde initial condensation product obtained by pre-reacting the phenol (a) and the formaldehyde-yielding substance (b), the animal or vegetable oil (c), the rosin (d), the alcohol (e) and if o desired, at least one substance selected from (f) acids and (g) hydrocarbon resins; or (III) partially or wholly esterifying at least two compo- selected from the rosin alcohol (e), acid (f) and flu nents, (d), resin which be esterified with each LU hydrocarbon (g), can Croydon Printing Company Ltd. 0041 838

European Patent Application number J) EUROPEAN SEARCH REPORT Office EP 81 30 2492.4

DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT CLASSIFICATION OF THE APPLICATION (Int. CI. 3) Category Citation ol document with Indication, where appropriate, of relevant Relevant passages to claim

DE - A1 - 2 549 902 (ARAKAWA RINSAN 1,2, C 08 G 8/34 K.K.) 3 C 08 L 61/14 * examples 1,2* C 09 D 11/10

FR - A - 693 899 (BAKELITE CORP.) 1>2, * page 2, lines 6 to 31 * 3

DE - C - 831 323 (CHEMISCHE WERKE ALBERT) TECHNICAL FIELDS SEARCHED (lnt.CI. 3) * claims; page 2, line 97 to page 3, line 15 * C 08 G 8/28 C 08 G 8/30 C 08 G 8/32 GB - A - 486 341 (ALBERT PRODUCTS LTD.) C 08 G 8/34 * example 2 * C 08 G 8/36 C 08 L 61/12 C 08 L 61/14 C 09 D 11/06 C 09 D 11/08 C 09 D 11/10

CATEGORY OF CITED DOCUMENTS X: particularly relevant if taken alone Y. particularly relevant if combined with another document of the same category A: technological background O: non-written disclosure P: intermediate document T: theory or principle underlying the invention E: earlier patent document. but published on. or alter the filing date D: document cited in the application L: document cited for other reasons &: member of the same patent family, •x The present search report has been drawn up for all claims corresponding document Place of search Date of completion of the search Examiner Berlin 06-07-1982 WIBMER EPO Form 1503.1 06.78