The Roamin' Tattler
THE ROAMIN’ TATTLER !~*~________________________ A Guide to the Happening Local Events and the Eventful Local Happenings ~*~! Issue 17 SpecialOCTOBER Spooky DOUBLE Double ISSUE! Issue! October 2019 ——————————————— Joel Peterson Editor-in-Chief A Villa Roma Publication Always Free The ^ Return I To form! NEWWHO ALBUM DUE NOVEMBER 22 A new album from the Who, simply titled Who, (or, possibly Detour), is their first long player in 13 years, and will be released on the Polydor label on November 22. Endless Wire, their 2006 release, though welcome after a 24 year layoff from recording, was a bit of a sprawling mess. The band seem to have got- ten a few more things right this time around. Perhaps influenced by Who co-producer D. Sardy, Pete Townshend seems to have much better sense in editing himself this time around. Endless Wire began it’s life as a mini opera EP entitled Wire and Glass. It was short, punchy, and delivered the goods. By the time it had been fleshed out with more (too much) material, the resulting album was a hit or miss affair that required two vinyl albums to hold all the music. This time, less is more. Eleven songs, on a single LP, all the flab cut away, and no overarching themes or pretentious concepts. The production, judging from the newly issued single track Ball and Chain, finally gets the sound right for the first time since 1978’s Who Are You: diamond hard, with slash- ing guitars the song is a blues that sounds gloriously sloppy in a good way (think Join Together).\ In addition to original members Townshend and vocalist Roger Daltrey, the band, such as it is, in- cludes long time bassist Pino Palladino and drummer Zak Starkey.
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