Special Census of Jammu & Kashmir, 1986-1987
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SPECIAL CENSUS O~' JAMMU & KASHMIR, 1986-1987 qf"{CfT"{ ~ ~tt qf,{c{T"{ ~~~ ~~ ~ f~~ ~lfil cr.) ~'!~~ INSTRUCTIONS TO ENUMERATORS FOR FILLING UP . \ . THE HOUSELIST AND THE HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE ~Ho ~ t:{~nf:j\f~~n: T:fi ~'lqtTfrt'T ~Tf'Cf ~T ~n:ri~ ~ li~T~tf "t f~~) 1986 II' ---. ' lTRAR GENERAL & CENSUS COMMISSIONER FOR INDIA . >'!NISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NEW DELHI 1986 f!tCflJrT NOTE The enumeration period for the special \jf1:'J: 'l'1'{ !fi~'I'R !fir f~'i iififlJ1llil"T ~ f~ ''R'f census of Jammu and Kashmir has been fixed in :trarf'Cf ~ 'if{Uff it f;p;ro <fir qf ~ I lftI~ it ~(~) two phases. During the first phaie census opera tion will be held in Leh (Ladakh) and Kargil ~ ~~fN;ii. fiiT~l if 19 ~ 30 f~, 1986 iti ~RA districts from 19th to 30th September, 1986 with ,'f1T1JTiiIT ~lqr , f:srnt f~Q; ~ri <tiT~ sr'l'f ~Gf, 1 986 sunrise of 1st October. 1986 as reference date . .• ~ ~, iififq1lf'fT ~ ~ m if iI""lfff sr~ To bring the data upto date with reference to the "~Gf~1 19 86 ~ ~l{1~ Cfil qfi!fi~l !fiT mla''l' ;'l'A t census moment, namely, the sunrise of 1st MQ; '1 ~ 3 ~GI"( I 1986 ~ ~RT'f iiTf;;( 'tiTlf f.tiqr October, 1986 a revisional tound will be under ~qr, taken frQrp lsPo ~rd O~tober,1986. During the second phase census operation i~ 'Of"{1Jf . ~ (l:RT'l' iiT'ffTIJf'fT CfiTli' ~'i ~ m will be carried out in rest of Jammu and Kashmir. Enumeration .perio.4 for this area will ~~ it fCfil{f iiTTQ;'Tr' ~ &T'.if it f\1~ 'T1Jf'fT atqf'Cf be from 11th June to 20th June, 1987 with 11 ii!'f ~ 20 'ii!'f, 1987 fijlJCf <it q~ ~ ~R ~ sunrise of 21st June, 1981 as reference date. f~Q; ~* !fir~ 21 \fI', 1987 'fiT ~l{m ~ I ~ ~"I' Revisfonal rounds in: this area will be under-. it ~ CfiTli" 21 ~ 2 3 ~'f, 1987 ~ ~~T'f f~ iiTQ;'TT I taken during 2ht to ,2~rd ,J:I;lg,e, 1987. CONTENTS '{IS Wo PDge srtalctifi PRELIMINARIES 1 ··~lif ~ ~i\' iti f~ SI1fUI~ it; ~ ~ ,INSTRUCTIONS TO ENUMERATORS FOR FILLING UP THE HOUSELIST W~ Introduction 3 ~"(r tmTr ~R ~TifiT ({1fI~ Ifi'm Preparation of notional map and lay~out sketches 3 (iii) ~;mrr (a) Notional Map (.) {i11fiI' (b) lay-out Sketch 4 VTlftvr m ;rtr,(Tlr 1H'JIl it ~ m ~'l~ ~ it ~ trfr I Numbering of buildings and census houses in rural and urban areas (iii) ~ffit (a) Building ... 6 ('I) Glil'lUI'1i 'IifiT'f (b) Census House 7 (~) crfum: (c) Household ... S ~"'~~ Houselisting 'tfrorr~ q~ mit t f~t1; sr~ur~ ~ ~ INSTRUCTIONS TO ENUMERATORS FOR FILLING UP THE HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE 1f'l'IfiJ Introduction 15 qf'(CfT"( ~~"r iliT mq,:vr ~ i!iT ~ Filling up of cover page of Household Schedule 15 ( ii ) qf~ ~T m:;:rr t Filling up of Household Schedule 16, ~ ~ ~1 it; fCf<RUT Particulars of the Member of the Household ... IS ~~ \jl;;~ 'fiT ifUlifT ~R Gr'''' (f~crTiSfif~ ~) Enumeration of the Houseless Population and Revisional Round m mqr 'liT 'fur'fT Eoumeration of the Houseless .... 24 \iffifm Revisional Round ... 24 q~ ANNEXURES .~~ifi "Ii-ifGf\'\' ~ (irq-fur) Annexure A-Notional Map (Rural) 26 ~ifi ~ - ~'T ifefm (ifqo,:'\'If) Annexure B-Notional Map (Urban) 27' q~ifi 'f-VTlifiT (mt:r"t1lf) Annexure C-Lay·out Sketch (Rural) 28 ~~l<rifi q'-~fl (<r'f'ftlf) Annexure D-Lay-out Sketch (Urban) 29- ~Ifi' ~-~ ~r CfiT m Annexure E-Houselist Form co. 30 ~~ if- wU ~ '{ifiTif ~;ft it; q;nj ~ ~ Annexure F-Specimen of fiilled in Houselist Forms 31-33· ~;_;r«feti ~-qf~qr~ ~ Annexure G-Household Schedule 'U 34 ~<r1fi ~-~U ~ Cff\Cfr'(~;ft it; i'I'1!.~ Annexure H-Specimen of filled in Household Schedule ... 35-45 ~<r1fi (~) ~ JjR !fiT~If~ ~ "l1f ~ ~m \lITfatit/~lfl it; qtf ~r\ ~"'T I Annenure I-Alphabetical list of Castes/Tribes by Religion in Jammu & Kashmir ... 46-48. SiRl,"'" ~ m'{ ifi~q'h: it fcrf~ lIT'fcr iifTfcr ~T <tT iif'f ~~«~ 'fiT 'f11I' arm at; f~ ;;:rTar4 i('~.. '~rrr lfi~ om srfCfTcr ~ . crrfifi ~'1'ti'T ~~T ;;:r~ ~tTT, ~~ rit~ ~'T ro Vq~ qfcr iff lIcr qTer )l)rr'f~'ti fcrcr~ur ~ ~n~ if srT"(ft:~'ti iifT'ftfiT'{T srreer ifiT iifT CfiT t;f?fCfT ~ f'tiij"'T VRf ~fifij' 'fiT mlf iRI1~ ~at; I rnfficr, ~iifTfff 'tir fcruqcrRt ~ ClN l{R"cr iifTfcr at; f~1:!; mar;jl if~ ~T fGf~ mlf ifijf~ '~T 'fiT ~'6lfmr ~ qcrT tlm~ ~ f~1:!; fcptfT iifTl:!;tH f'ii t f~ <tl ~ uu firfll:i Cfi'T tf~ ~ I 'm ~ 'ii)ii ~r ~;:mf'qcr iifTRrttT ij"~ iifT~ I ~cr: ~ "'''' x x ~~m I:!;'fi f<r~q srtf)iifii ~ 'fiT iifT ~j ~, ~f~q ifi! ~'f f'fllfqcr iif'llflJRT;;:rl ij' f~rif ~ >it f'fi SRlrlfi 10 <ri iti 11 (1) ('ti) Cfi)~ ~m iifiitTUf'fT ~f'Cf'fiT,{T iff G1''ftfur;:rr '~~Ti;£ 'fi'T iifrcr'T ~ I fq~'T f~qcr iif'ftlOliiT 19131 if lfi1' Ofi~ it ~~ffT ~if ~ f~1:!; fcrf~'ii ;1ff lIT I ~&iCf ~~ ~T OIffifl't, aft W 9;Jf!ffiiifl{ iff ~iti ~ iifij'1l< ~ f'1i~1 fiftrlf at; If'rJR . 2. ~Pl iiI'ftTUI"iiT WfOT'fi 'fiT W~cr ~ ~~ ~~cr 'tiT '3'ij' q"{ ;;:rferftflfcr !It;fT'T 'ti'ff0lf ifil 'ff~if 'tfiT'f Ofi~ ~ ~ I ~ iif'flfUJ'm at; mq I:!;lfi"i!I' f'fil:!; ~ ~ ~~ ij' iff i3'ij'Cfi) f~ tf~ M;~1 ~ 'fiT ~6T ij' ~ iifPr-GITfcrttT 0fi'T ~ ~iIi 8:it it m: qT~i(' ~ ij' ~ mT, lIT m WCfCf <tT fm I W ctiTll \l1rr~ fcr~ur iifT;:rctiT~T f~q ~ ~o CR'{'{trT if"{~ if 'a'ifa:rr mr, ifT 'ti)f .~ srqur'ii ~T~T mlft f~tt tf~q <tT «ncr &!flrlfcp mqifiT ~~T Oiffifcr ii) f'fi~T ~ Ofiu· ~ 'fiT qRfrr ~ 'tiN ~ ~~ Ofi) srrecr rn at; f~1:!; wr.=r'T fiift:lriU"(1 ~ it ~T fm ~ m~~ <tiT qT~ 'ti~ it '<iiT if' tfRq .~ Cfiu·o~J.I:r"UtfOTffi at; ijl¥:f f'f~rifT ~ I g;:if ~fCfCf 'fiT stfa:arrf'Cfij ~T arrf'ffi 0fi~:trT, iff 3. mqCfi'T ~OfiT"(T iii f~q ~tftif ~T ;;:rf!ff'ftj"q 1948 ~ ~~ ~;r;:~ if~T 'f~ ~i{~ij fOfi~ \3fT ~ &fiif'fifi (v) ~ ~ iif'fITUf'fT 'kferam:'T,;;r) fTnT~ 1fi)f 'wcrqcr iif'frrurlfT <tT iifr'fr ~ «h fiif'fit «p{<€t-~rruriiT ~crrIf'fiTU iff w.rf'ffi<> ~ iRtfT . ifT iifTij'ij sr~iiT~'T at; sr~ifl'fi) rirf ~ f~1:!; <!iT;:iiT '>lfer'fiH fill:!; lJ q ~ Cfi~ f~ f<fq'{orT ~ifT"{ 'fiW, iff, ~ ijqf mqOfiT 'f15(t:ltGTf'{trT arcrrt rrt 'fi:f &- at;~Tif ~"('fiT"{ '1'¥:fcrT ,\T'iif ij"~CfiT"{ 'fiT ~ ~iifU at; far-n, 'liT~ ~«'T ~,{T sr'fic Ofi~tTT 8 ( 1) iifiilfUJ'iiT m~ctiT"(r ~ij' ~lTT'f')if ~>;if 'fir «l1ff iif)<'o m G1'iltflJfifT fcrq~ ij', lH 'a'ij'at; if, f~i.fi f~q i3«Cf>T f'fWCfcr 'fi'T tft ~, fT~r at; f~l:l'1 mccr 'fi1 ~, ifT··· OiffCfCfiff ~ ~?t fT~l sr~ii fi§ fTilim fiifi'~ srtrTiif'f ~~~ ~ f~~ ~ij', U~ «~'fiT"( [T'{T ~« x x f'ffWff GfT'~T ;;:r'h '\TiiftfJl' if sr'tiTf~cr t~q tfl:!; iif) u~~ql irT~, f'ff~~ filiiff iifT~ I (tr) Cfi)~ ~T ~fl.fcr, \iI"f~urifT ;;:rf~~HT am i3fT~ ~~ ifq fifi~ft ~ij 5T~ 'fiT, fGffTifiT i3'ffi (2) ~«T ~~ OiffCfcr, fGfij'ij' ~q'Cfm (1) iii ~ t f~1:!; q~ elHT 8 iJHT <i'~ ~ ij 8lTar;jl ;;:r~1'f Cfi)~ sr~ ~~ iifTo T~, ~;ft mrfflq ~, trT~if fq~lfT~"( ~tfT, ~T ~qi{'T ~qRnr 1TTifiifiR'T ifT fcr~fij' at; ~n:.. ~ ~'f 'fiT GfTilCfiR'T iff fcrrofT at; 3f1m ~ ~ ij' 'a'~'{ ~if at; f~~ chr ~If ij' IfTar;jl ~tfT : ~'\ Ofi~TI If'Vg crht ~T olI'fCfCf m qf~crT,{ at; fCfim x x It is proposed to conduct a census of the diffe and no woman spall ~e bpund to state the -rent ethnic groups in Jammu and Kashmir to have name of her husband or deceased husband 'first hand inforJtlation about their :popuJation and or of any other person whose name she is geographical' distributions. Thereafter, the ethnic forbidden by customs to mention . .8tQ'lJps baving, tribal ebaraqterj~ti€s will b~ studied x witlt ~ ,,;~w to Weotify Jhose which ar.e nt to be x x x 'c®~id§f~(j a~ .l~1Jt(jple4 tf;9~S. This ,f;en$:9S, h~s 1I(1)(a) ~QY c~nsijS officer or apy pe,rson I~Wfully therefore, a special purpo~e :pld th.erefor.e is djff~ reiuire~ to ~lve a,s8i~tap.~~ towards the rent from the regular censuses which are taken after taking of a census who refuses or neglects ,every 10 years, the last being held in the year 1981. to use. reasonable diligence in performing any duty imposed upon him or in obeying 2. As a Census Enijmerator, you are perform any order issued to him in accordance with ing a duty which is of great national importance. this Act or any rule made thereunder or 'The data collected through this census will help us any person who hinders or obstructs an to know the population of the tribes and their geo other person in performing any such duty .graphical distribution in the state you are privi or in obeying any such order, or leged to be drafted as an Enumerator for this special job as you will be sharing the responsibility (b) Any census officer who intentionally puts to achieve the objective of this operation, with a any offensive or improper question or :Sense of pride and devotion to duty.