General Clothing Merchants
ADVERTISEMENTS. West Corner Market Square, TORONTO, ONTARIO. IMPORTERS OF AND General Clothing Merchants, DEPARTMENTS: HOSIERY & GLOVES, DRESS GOODS, HABERDASHERY, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, MANTLES, PRINTS, SHAWLS, COTTONS. Goods sold at the lowest possible rates, one price and no humbug. JOHN BARRON, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, A large and well assorted St<lck constantly on hand, which will be sold at the lowest remunerative prices . .llEirWork made to ordel'.~ No. 38 West Market Square, Toronto. ii ADVERTISEMENTS. Dudley & Burns, Book and Job Printers, Victoria Hall, Toronto. Newspapers, Magazines. Pamphlets, Reports, Circu lars, Bill-heads, Cards, &c., printed, hz the latest styles, alzd at reasonable rates. Special attention given to printing in colors, Bronze~, &c. &c. &c. WlVl. NASON, GENR'L MERCHANT, WESTON. ADVERTISEMENTS. iii CHAS. F. MILES, Provincial Land Surveyor, Valuator and Real Estate Agent, 38 Adelaide Street, Head of Toronto Street. ~QRQIr~Qe WAtlSWOllTlt «UNWtN; PROVINCIAL La1:ld Surve ors, VALUATORS, L31D14 @ltd, ~~R.~1?311• .&~~~t~~ OFFIOE: No. 42, Adelaide St. East, opposite the Court House, Busincss Transacted with the Crown Lands Dcpartment. ~ All orders by Mail will receive prompt attention. "Q WM. BROWN, A TaJ (0) ~ Jr 0 N B E) Jl~ Etobicocke Post Office. iv ADVERTISEMENT!!. H. R. CORSON, Publisher of the M~.M..~M IIC~N~MISr, Markham, Onto J. & J LUGSDIN, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNlSHING GOODS, No. 101 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, A few Doors South of Ad~laide Street. Lugsdin & Barnett, (Sign of the Golden Horse.) ladtltt, ~~Utlt~~ nnd ~tunk ~nnufnduttt~, 115 Yonge St., Toronto.
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