General Clothing Merchants

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General Clothing Merchants ADVERTISEMENTS. West Corner Market Square, TORONTO, ONTARIO. IMPORTERS OF AND General Clothing Merchants, DEPARTMENTS: HOSIERY & GLOVES, DRESS GOODS, HABERDASHERY, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, MANTLES, PRINTS, SHAWLS, COTTONS. Goods sold at the lowest possible rates, one price and no humbug. JOHN BARRON, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, A large and well assorted St<lck constantly on hand, which will be sold at the lowest remunerative prices . .llEirWork made to ordel'.~ No. 38 West Market Square, Toronto. ii ADVERTISEMENTS. Dudley & Burns, Book and Job Printers, Victoria Hall, Toronto. Newspapers, Magazines. Pamphlets, Reports, Circu­ lars, Bill-heads, Cards, &c., printed, hz the latest styles, alzd at reasonable rates. Special attention given to printing in colors, Bronze~, &c. &c. &c. WlVl. NASON, GENR'L MERCHANT, WESTON. ADVERTISEMENTS. iii CHAS. F. MILES, Provincial Land Surveyor, Valuator and Real Estate Agent, 38 Adelaide Street, Head of Toronto Street. ~QRQIr~Qe WAtlSWOllTlt «UNWtN; PROVINCIAL La1:ld Surve ors, VALUATORS, L31D14 @ltd, ~~R.~1?311• .&~~~t~~ OFFIOE: No. 42, Adelaide St. East, opposite the Court House, Busincss Transacted with the Crown Lands Dcpartment. ~ All orders by Mail will receive prompt attention. "Q WM. BROWN, A TaJ (0) ~ Jr 0 N B E) Jl~ Etobicocke Post Office. iv ADVERTISEMENT!!. H. R. CORSON, Publisher of the M~.M..~M IIC~N~MISr, Markham, Onto J. & J LUGSDIN, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNlSHING GOODS, No. 101 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, A few Doors South of Ad~laide Street. Lugsdin & Barnett, (Sign of the Golden Horse.) ladtltt, ~~Utlt~~ nnd ~tunk ~nnufnduttt~, 115 Yonge St., Toronto. James Cruickshank, ~~~~jlO1=~ & W~IIQl~~g~kQl~, UNDERTAKER, &c. N.B. Coffins & Trimmings on hand, or made to order. 1 8 7 1. NASON'S EAST AND WEST RIDINGS OF l'HE OR ~OWNSHIPS OF Etobicoke, Markham, Scarboro', Vaughan & York DIRECTORY. COMI'It.I':O ANO 1'\1111.18111':0 IIY JAMES RANDLE NASON. TORONTO: DUDLEY & BURNS, PRIN'1!ERS, 1871. PREFACE. In submitting the EAST AND WEST RIDINGS OF THE COUNTY OF YORK DIRECTORY to the public, the publisher is desirous of acknowledging the uniform courtesy shown him in collecting the requisite matter for the same, and takes plea­ sure in presenting the results of his efforts for the patronage of a generous public, indulging the hope that they will duly consider the many difficulties which surrounded the enter­ prise, and overlook any errors that may hereafter appear. The correct compiling of a Directory is an undertaking of considerable difficulty, entire accuracy never having been obtained. Every effort has been made to procure reliable information in all cases, and the work is claimed to be as free from errors as moot works of a ~imilar nature. In conclusion, the work is presented to the inhabitants of the East and West Ridings of the County of York, with the hope that it will meet with that approval which it has been the earnest endeavor of the publisher to secure. JAMES RANDLE NASON. Weston, March, 1871. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year One Thousand Eight Hnndred and Sennty-on., by JAMBS RANDLE NASON in the office of the Minister of ~.griculture. ' GENERAL INDEX. PAGE PAGE: Abbreviations ............................. viii I Markham, Township of......... ........ 11 Almir", Villago of.................. ...... 92 Markham, Village of.................... 103 Box Grove, Village of. ........ ... ...... 921 Militia, Active ............................. 123 Brockton, Village of......... ........... 93, Militia, Reserve ........................... 124 Burwick, Village of... ............ ...... Q3 .-Newton Brook, Village of.............. 105 Buttonville, Village of.................. 94 Norway, Village of....................... 106 Carlton, Village of......... .............. 94 ratterson, Village of.. ................... lOR Casbel, Village of.............. ......... 95 Pine Grove, Village of.. ................ 107 Chester, Village of......... .............. 95 Post Offices, (East aBd West York). 125 Claireville, Village of......... .... ..... 95 Richmond Hill, Village of ............ 108 Clerks, Township .......................... viii Ringwood, Village of ................. 110 CouDcils, Township ..................... viii Scarboro', Township of.......... 0. ..• ... 31 Davisville, Village of............ ........ 95 Soarboro', Village of.. .................. 110 Doncaster, Village of.................... 96 Seaton, Village of.. ...................... 110 Eglinton, Village of............ ......... 96 Sparta, Village of.. ...................... III Elgin Mills, Village of...... ............ 97 Stouffville, Village of.. ................ III Ellesmere, Village of...... .............. 97 St. Andrews, Village of.. .............. 112 Etobicoke, Township of................. 1 Teston, Village of.. ...................... 112 Etobicoke, Village of......... .......... 98 Thistletown, Village of.. ............... 113 Hardscrabble, Village of............... 98 :rhornhill, Village of..................... 113 Highland Creek, Village of............ 98 Todmorden, Village of.. ....... ......... 115 ...Hogg's Hollow, Village of ............ 98 Unionville, Village of.................... 115 Humber, Village of...... ...... ........... 98 Vaughan, Township of.................. 48 Islington, Village of..................... 99 Victori:> Square, Village of............ 116 Kleinberg, Village of.................... 99 Weston, Villago of.................... 117 Lambton, Village of.. ................... 100 illowdale, Village of.................. 119 'Lansing, Village of....................... 101 Woburn, Village of.. ..................... 119 Leslie, Village of.. ........................ 101 Woodbridge, Village of.. ............... 120 Malvern, Village of..................... 102 ;York, Township of...... ................. 66 Maplo, Village of.. ...................... 102 ;York Mills, Village of.................... 121 ADVERTISERS' INDEX. Adams, W. C............ outside front cover Miles, Charles F.................. .......... iii Barron, John ................................. i Myers, Wm. H .............................. 127 Brown BroB ................ inside rear cover Nason, William.......... .................. ii Brown, Wm .................................. iii Plowman, Benjamin ....................... 127 Cornell, W. E ............. foot of each page Pringle, T. M. & Co........................ i Corsun, H. R. ......... ......... .. ......... iv Robinson, A ................................. 127 Cox & Co., lJ. & J. W. inside front cover Scott, Alexander ........................... 126 Cruickshank, James......... ............ iv Shaver & Bell ...........outside rear cover Dudley & Burns ............ ...... ......... ii Thompson & Son ...... outside front cover Elliotl J. W ............. outside front cover 'lloronto Tea Co'y ...... outside front Cover Hall, Job ...................................... 127 'rumer, John ................................. 128 Hogg, William .............................. 128 Wadsworth & Unwin.................... ii1 Kirkpatrick, Wm. A ....................... 127 Walker, R. & Sons ..... outsidc rear cover LugSdin & Barnett...... ......... ......... iv Walton, G. A .............. inside rear cover Lugsdin, J. & J.................... ......... iv Williams, Robt .............................. 126 1871. TOWNSHIP OOUNOILS, EAST AND WEST RIDINGS OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. --------_ .. --------- ETOBlCOKE. Rccvc--Mattbcw Canning; Deputy-Reeve--Petet· Wardlaw; COllllcillors---James Moore,. Jonathan Orth, Mark Dawson. MARKHAM. Reev'C--James Robinson; Deput.y-Reeves-John Lane, William Eakin; Coullcillors--William Padgct, William Milliken. SCARBORO'. Reeve--John P. Whelerj Deputy-Reeve--Donald G. Stephenson; Uouncillors--James McCowan, Simon Miller, John S. Palmer. VAUGHAN. Rcc\'e--Pctcr Patter..;on (Warden) ; Dcputr-Reeve~--Thompson Porter, David Boyle; Councillors--Daniel Reaman, Thomas Wch~tel'. YORK. Hccve--William Tyrrell; Deputy-Rcevcs--John Pcrkins Bull, Joseph Watson, Henry Duncan; Councillor--Elijah Arm­ strong. CLERKS. Etobicoke--Alexander McPher~on, Islington P. O. ~lIfarkham--George Eakin, Unionville P. O. Scarboro'--John Crawford, Malvern P. O. Vaughan--James M. Lawrence, Richmond Hill P. O. York--Arthur L. Willson, Willowdale P. O. ABBREVIA TIONS. 11k. ft.-broken front; Can. H.-Canada Road j Dan. R-Don and Dan­ forth Hoad; Dav. R.-Davenport Road j e.-('ast j King. R.-Kingston Ro:.d· (L S R)- Lake Shore Road; Mkm. R.-Yarkham Ro ..d j n.-north; P. M.~ 1'ost Master jR.-road j s.-sonth j (8 R)-side road; st.-street j (1' L)­ town line; w.-west j ·WeB. R.-Weston Road. N .B.-Concession and lot are understood, thus-4, 7 east means Conces­ sion 4, Lot 7 ea.t, the Concession always preceding the Lot. 1'ost office i. -always understood. In York township, an e. or w. coming after the Conces­ sion, means east or west York-i. e. east or west of Yonge-street. TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE. The township of Etobicoke is bounded on the north by the town­ ship of Vaughan, on the south ],y lake (lntario, on the east hy the township of York, and on the west by the county of Peel. Etobicoke was settled about the same time a~ York, and is one of the finest townships in the Province. The soil Yl1ries in quality, a considerable portion consisting of sandy loam. Acrow, John, 3, 33 east, farmer, freeholder, Highfield. Addison, ,James, 3, 23 ~aot, farmer, freeholder, Richvie\\'. Alexander, J., broken front 7, (L S R), farmer, tenant, nIimico.
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