Records Clerk of Peace Office Home District of York.

Quarter Sessions Minutes 1810-186'7.

These records were copied for me from the originals in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, .

Volume XIV.contains the minutes for the years 1851-1854.





In.the 1aar

1 8 6 1. .,__, 199 ·-

GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS :ruesday, 7th Janu~2·, 1851 ..

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq*, Chairman~ Alexander Burnside, Esquire. Opened the Court •. Clerk of Peace read the Commissions. Sheriff returned the Precept.

There being no Grand Jurors in atte:nd2::'.l.~1 1:":\e the Court adjourned.

Adjourned till tomorrow,at 1 O'Clook P. M. - 200 -


Wedn~sdal,. 8th Jap~~r~J 1851. Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. John Hawkins, Esquire. Called and swore the undermentioned gentlemen of the Grand Jury:- James Rowe, Foreman. Carleton Lynde, John Thorndike, Benjamin Yarnold, George Yule, David F. Reid, James Heri Gerrie, James Wallace, John Watson., Thomas Dow, Lancaster H. Schofield, Robert E. Perry, John Hyland, Henry Hopkins, William Laing, William Blair. Read list of Land Claims under the Heir and Devisee Act., ORD]~RED: That the Es treat of last Sessions on Joseph Ma.pas and Ingol Burton, Sureties for Jacob Mapes, be remitted, on payment of the Sheriff's Costs thereon .. Donald McIntyre,, oonvicted of Assault at July Sessions last, was now brought up for sentence, a.nd sentenced accordingly. To pay a fine of £2. 10. and Costs of Court, also Sheriff's Costs on Estreat, on pay­ ment of the whole of which it is - ORDERED: That the Estreat on McIntyre and his

Surety, Thomas MoMurchy, be remitted, and M0Ir1tyre dis­ oharged from Custody~ ORDERED: That the whole of the Magistrates of the County be notified by Circular to attend an adjourned

Sessions, to be held on the second day of the sittings of the County Council, (28th Inst.), for the purpose of dividing the County of York into Sections, with· reference to the Divi~·. _, ion Courts to be held therein, etc. Adjourned till Tuesday, 28th January Instant at 12 O'Clock. ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER i3£:SSIOJIS

Tuesd.a.~_, 28th January~J851.

Present William Thompson, Esq., Chairman, Pro~ Tem. J. ~. Gamble, ) (Abner Hurd, James Paterson, ) (William Birdsall, Benjamin Switzer, ) (George Wright, R. Cathcart, ) (William Dunbar, John Lynch, ) (James Johnson, Robert Campbell, ) (Thomas J. Preston, Daniel Switzer, ) (J. G. Howard, Jam~s Taylor, ) Esquires. (Chauncey Crosby, J. G. Chewett, ) (C. Reesor, Robert Cotton, ) · ( Benjamin Marr,, John Sanderson, ) ('r:r•111 ·/1 am Ad ams, Joseph Gould, (Reeve)} (James K. Vernon, (Reeve) George Evans, (Reeve)) ( Thomas Graham. (Reeve) • The Petitions of certain inhabitants of the Township of Reach, and of Uxbridge, and Sc6tt, North Gwillimbury and Georgina, praying respectively_to have those Townships set off as separate Division Court Sections,.

Moved by J. W. Gamble, Esq., seconded by James

Paterson, JiJsq 9 , that a Committee be a:p:po inted to takr:-1 into consideration the Petitions from, Reach, Georgina and North Gwillimbury praying for an alteration in the

boundaries of the Division Courts in this County, and report to the Bench, at an aajourned Sessions, to be held for such purpose on Saturday next, the 1st proximo, such alterations in the existing Divisions of the County as the olrcu:mstances

require, and that the said Com:mi ttee be composed of Messrr3 ..

_Hurd, Gould, B. SWi t zer, V:. Thompson, Ge or:~>:i: Hughes, J. G. Howard and the mover.

Adjourned until Saturday, 1st February, at 12 O'Clock .. -----~-·--~SESSI01Tf3 Saturday, 1st Febr1iary, --~851 ..

Present William Thompson, Esq., Chainnan, Pro. Tern. James Taylor, ) (J~ W. Gamble, Thomas J. Preston, ) (Thomas N. Gibbs, Abner Hurd, ) (Abel W. Ewers, (Reeve) James Paterson, ) ( Joseph Gould.. , (Reeve) George Wright, ) Esquires. (James Johnson, John Lynch, ) (George Evans, (Reeve) George Hughes, (Reeve)} (Charles H. Roward,(Reeve) Benjamin Switzer, ) (J. Ka Vernon, (Reeve) Kenneth Cameron, Esq.(Reeve). The Committee appo.inted at the last Adjourned Sessions, now brought up their Report respecting the division

of the County into Divis ion Court Sect ions, as follows - The Committee appointed. to take into cons:id.eration certain Petitions from the Inhabi tEu1ts of Reach, tT:xbrldge, Georgina and North Gwill imbury ,with respect to a new a.rra:.nge­ ment for holding the Division Courts in the County of Yo1:·k, beg to report as fo11.ows:-

Comr,osed of the City of Toronto, Township of Scarborough, that part of the Townshi:p of Etobiacke, which lies South and East of the line dividing Lots Nos. 16 and 17, together with all that part of the Township of York lying East of the 5th Concession, West of Yonge Strf)et.

'1\7 (') .1.'10 ",::.. That part of the Township of· lying West of the Centre Road,and four Conoessions East of the

Centre Road, together with that part of the Townshi:p of Chinguacousy, West of the Centre Road, lying

of the line between Lots 22 and 23, and a.11 tha.t :part of the said Townships East of the Centre Road, which

lies South East of the llne between Lots 10 and 11. "C .,-, ~ I...,, '~-) ,.. ..

ADJ OURnED 3.,:::::, SI ON S

No. 3. The Township of Caledon, the 1st, 2nd, 4th t 5th and 6th Concessions of the Townships of Albio11,

and all that part of Ch:i.nguacousy, not inclucled. in Division No. 2. --No~ 4.• The Township of Whitby.

no. 5. The Township of Markham II the four first Coric:esE~ions of the Townshii:, of Vaughan, !ind. that part of the Town­ ship of Whitchurch lying South of the line divi.ding Lots 10 and 11.

No. 6 .. The Townships of East Gwillimbury, a:nd !Torth

Gwillimbury, the two first Concessions of Kir1g, and the remaining part of Whitchurch~ l~o. 7,,, The Township of Pickering.

No. 8., The :l_lownships of Mara and Rama, Tho rah, G~eorgina, anB the Concessions in Brook, North of the 7th Con­ cession line;> --No. 9" The Gore of Toronto, the 5th and 6th Concessions of Toronto, East of Ce:ntrH Road, New Survey -- the 5th t 6th, 7th, 8th., 9th, 10th arid 11th Concessions of Vaughan .. The 5th, 6th and 7th Concessions of York, West of Yonge Street from Lot No. 1, and that part of Etobicoke lying North of the line beitween Lots Nos. 16 and 17.

No. 10. The Township of Reach, ancl that part of Brock lying of the Seventh Concession line. No. 11. The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Conoessions of King, together with the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Concessions of Albion. No. 12. The Townships of Uxbridge and Scott.

All which is respectfully submitted to the Bench. (Signed) J. W. Gamble, Chairman.

Committee Room, 1st February, 1851. ------·--- .._.., --· =---- §aturday, 1st ]'ebruary, 1851, continued.,

Mr& Gamble then moved the adoption of the Report~

Moved in amendment by James Johnson, Esq., second­ ed by George Evans, Esq., that Division No.3 be composed of all thei Township of Albion, and that :portion o~ the Township of King, lying West of the line between the 6th and 6th Concessions. Which Motion, upon being put from the Chair was lost~

Moved in amendment by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr1- Wright, that the 7th Cor1cesstcn of Albion be includ.ed. in Divis ion ]To. 3. Which was carried~

Moved in amendment by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr.

Wright, that the second Division be Curu-r,JOSed.,._ of the Townshi:p of Toronto ..

Vlhich was Lost.

Moved in amendment by Mr. Lynch, sec~ond.ed by Mr~

Wright, that in view of the County being soon divided, a11d as it appears difficult, if not impossible for the Magistrates to come to any mutually satisfactory agreement in apportion­ ing the present limited. number of Divisions, it is not advis­ able at present to make any alteration in the Court Divisions of this Cou:nty, but that the existing Divisions do remain as those to be used under the Statute 13 a:nd 14 Viet.Chap. 53. Which amendment was lost. Mr. Gamble then moved the adoption of the Report as amended...... ,:,n r:) ..... NV"~


YEAS. Messrs11 Taylor, Preston; Hu.rd, Paterson,) ) Hughes, Switzer, Gamble, Gtbbs, Ewers, \' 'J Gould, Howardf Vernon an.d. Cameron. } 13 NAYS. Messrs. Wright, Lynch, Johnson and

Evans. 4 Carried by a Majority of 9 On reading an ap:plicat ion of the Gaoler, to the Sheriff, and of the Sheriff to the Justices, for a supply of Iron Bedsteads for the Gaol, it was - ORDERED: That the Sheriff be requested to ascertain the number of Iron Bedsteads required for the

Gaol, and for what sum a Contractor would undertake to .f\t:(i:J. sh them, of the neoessary description. Another Requisition of the Gaoler was deferred until next Session.

Adjourned till Saturday, 8th Instant, at 12 o 'Cl ook .. 0 ~ :J-06 .....

ADJOURNED GEID.;RAL QUARTER SESSIONS Saturday, 8th Februa17, 1851.

Present Alexander Burns'! de, Esq ... Chairn1an; Pro. Tem.

Thomas J. Preston.} (G·. P. Ridout, Robert Cathcart. } Esquires. (Willian1 Wakefield, John Dael, ) (Alexander Dixon. Joseph Rogers, ) ( 'rhe Application of the Gaoler for Iron Bedsteads was again brought up with a letter of the Deputy Sheriff, explaining that Forty Bedsteads will be required, at £2. 7. 6. each .. The Bench having been informed that the House of Industry has been supplied at a lower rate it was - ORDERFID: 'T·ha.t the Sheriff be authorized to :Pur­ chase for the use of the Gaol, Forty Iron Bedsteads of a similar description and at the same prioe, as those now being made for the House of Industry. On Requisition of the Gaoler it was - ORirgRJ-tlD: That the following Articles be pur­ chased by the Gaoler under direotion of a Committee, consist­ ing of the Chairman, Thomas J. Preston, Esq., and R. Cathcart, Esq:- One Axe, Three Padlocks. Four Small Wash Tubs, Two doz, Tin Drinking Cups, Twenty pr. of Blankets, Fifty pr~ of Sheets, Brown Linen for Thirty Pillow Ticks .. The Public Accounts were ta.ken up,, examined, audited and allowed as per Schedule of this date, in Book. - 2( '! -


Moved by J. Doel, Esq., seconded by Thomas J6 Prestont Esq., and carried nem con.- That changes in the Laws reduce the income of t1-,e Clerk of the Peace, (which is paid by fees) , to a sum in­ adequate to the duties to be performed, and with a view to remedy the defect, and either to grant a yearly salary, or in some other way to remunerate him, the Magistrates in Sessions propose that :E'ranklin Jackes, J:IJsq., E. W. ThomBon, Esq .. , Alexander Burnside, Esq., T. J. Presto11, Esq. and R. Cathcart, Esq. be a Committee to investigate the oi.rcumstanoes, and report to the next meeting of the Magistrates, with a view to Petition the Government on the subject.

Adjourned till Saturday, 8th March, 18513


Saturd~.l.. L~j;h Maro}?._,__ J851 ..

Present Alexander Burnside, Esc1., Chairman, Pro. Tem. Hugh Scobie, Esq., John Thom, Esq., Alexander Dixon, Esq .. , Thomas J. Preston, Esq. Read a Requisition from the Gaoler for Four Doz. Shirts, and a Large Tin Soup Can.

ORDERED: That the same be obtained by the Sheriff.

Adjourned till Saturday, 22nd March Instant .. - 208 -


22nd March~_I:851 ..

P'resent Franklin Jackes, Esq~,Chairman, Pro. Tem. Robert Cathcart, Esquire. The following Tenders for Wood were _opened:-

Archibald Cameron, 13/9 per Cord, John Nicol, 15/- " Thomas Saulter, 14/3 " Thomas Mulholland, 14/6 " Ed.ward Burke, 14-/9 n Joseph Wiggens, 13/Si- " Joseph Black, 15/ " ORDERED: That the Tender of Joseph Wiggo~s be accepted, and that the Contract be given to him for the year commencing 1st proximo, and. 31st March, 1852 ~

On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, it was - ORDERED: That there be purchased for the use of the Gaol a suffioient quantity of Cotton to make four doze:u Chemises for the use of prisoners in Gaol.

Adjourned Sine Diee ,., 209 -


Tuesda1, 1st April 1 1851.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. E .. w. Thomson, Esquire. Opened the Court. Clerk of the Peace read the Commissions. The Sheriff returned the Precepts. The following Gentlemen were sworn of the Gra.nd Jury. William Stewart, Foreman. Francis Anderson, John Harris, Stephen Bennett, Tho:rnas Hastings, William Breden, Ivr.ark Hutchison, David Dick, Alexander Ross, Edward Edwards, Thomas Selby, Jonathan Ellerby, Daniel steeles, Francis Galloway, John Webb, James Gibson, John Woon, James Scott, William Wilson, William Robinson, Robert Lougheed.

Adjourned. till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock, P. M. ... , ,.,i_~, 0 ....

ADJOURNED GE11ERAL QUARTER SESSIONS ~-~ ~- --- Wednesd!,y, 2nd April__, 1851.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Thomas Bell, Esquire. Queen vs Thomas Maguire. Obstructing a Highwa:v¼ (On Presentment from July Sessions last). Swore Richard D. Murchison and George E·vans, to go before the Grand Jury. Queen vs Patrick Dermitty, and Rose Ann Kion. Larceny~ Swore Wm~ MoClintock and Ellen Davi.a to go before the Grand Jurye Queen vs James McClure, and Alexander Thompson. Nuisance. The Prosecutor not having a.p:pearea. since the matter was first brought Court in July lf;, the case was now dismissed, and the Defendants discharged from their Recogniz­ ances. The ...l\.ppeal of Edward. Brethour, from the conviction of James Reekie, Esq., for profanation of the Sabbathe The Appellant not being able to prove the servioe of a proper notioe under the Sta.tute, (as admitted by his

Counsel, Mr. Dempsey), the Appeal was discharged 8

I The Grand Jury returned with - Queen vs Patrick Dermitty and Rose Ann Kion. Larceny. A True Bill. Queen vs Thomas Maguire. Nuisance. A True Bill. The Public Acoounts were taken up, and the further consider,tion thereof postponedo

Ad-journed till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock, P.M. - 211 -

----·ADJOURNED ---~-"--....--- GE1'fgRAL SES!:iIONS ~hurs~a¥, 3rd April, 1851.

Present s. B$ Harrison, Esq., Chairman. E.W. Thomson, Esquire. Queen vs Patrick Dermitty and Rose Anne Kion. Larceny. Arraigned the Prisoners, who pleaded respectively as follows:- Patrick Dermitty .. Guilty. Rose Ann Kion. Not Guilty. Rose Ann Kion, was then put on her trial and the following Jury empaneled:- James Ba.con, rhomas Blwnan, John M. Bates, John Cole, George Bayley, William CollardJ Gideon Beverly, John Edy,

Charles Bradshaw, James Kane 21 William Bull, Nicholas Linet. Pro. Swore. William McClintock_, Ellen Davis, John Lee, George Hughes, -----~-Verd.ict: Not Guilty. On Patrick Dermitty, who pleaded Guilty, the following sentence was pa.ssed:-

To bE¼ imprisoned in the Common Gaol for the spa.oe of Three Calendar Months, at hard labour. Quee11 vs Thomas Maguire. Nuisa.n.ce. Case postponed till next Session on Affi(in,vi t. Richard. D. Murchison, Recognized in the sum of £50. for his appearance to prosecute. Thomas Maguire, the Defendant's Recognizance extended to the next Sessions. Adjourned till Monday next, 7th April~ 12 O'Clock. ,, .. 212 -

ADJOURNED Monda.y, 7th April, 1851. Present Alexander Burnside, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. John Doel, ) (Robert Cathcart, Thomas J. Preston,) Esquires. ( James Taylor. William L. Perrin,) ( Constables to serve in the County of York for 1851, were now appointed as follows:- William Higgins, Rig~ Constablee

Albion Gwillimbury East Markharn John Hanahn William Reid, Joseph Cook George Balfour, John Reid, John Robinson, George Evans, William B. Terry, John Ne Button, Joseph Harper, Wilson Reid, Balser Munshaw, John Lewis, John Maguire. Jacob Dafoe, John Caffray, ·Thomas 1t:ilson, George Morrow.• Qwillimbury North John Robinson.,

Brock Noah G·age t Picker~ng George Earls, Edward ]'erg ins on, Alexander Laing, William Hartrick., William C. Jones, Cornelius Silver, Joseph Sterling 11 Sterling Pangman, Amos Crittenden .. James Ma tthEfll'tS, Allan Campbell 11 Joseph Black, Archibald Curry, Q_,eorgina Edward Maj ors ., Patrick Kelley, William McCttllookq) Cornelius Shire, Samu.el Park, Neil MoPhaden, Charles Jones, Reach Ervine Johnson, Nelson Crone, John Hart, --=--= Corner., Samuel l'. Barber, Edward SWi tzer, Philander Hurd, Tobias Maybee. King William Boynton .. Chinguaoousz Andrew Sloan, Scarborcn.1gh John Ste-venson, John Nesbit1 Thomas Burn, George Staphs on, Aeneas Shaw, Richard Street, Jonathan G~tes, William Brown, John Ki:r·sopp. William Hough, Adna Hemphill. Peter Rush, David Bro\m, Thomas Renton, Joseph H. Smith, Caledon Joseph Kenefeck, George 11,::,tinbridge. David Irwin .. Samuel Lindsay, · Tp. Tcror1to .. .Archibald Mo', Mara & Rama John Jackson, John Moore, Charles Camoron, Ervine Rutledge. John owDonnell, Donald CH.meron, Asa Waterhouse, Etobicoke Dominick OlDonnell, John Prince, John Ballinger, Denis Corcoran. Franol2- .Joh:nson, John Hall, John Be 1 che1"", John Russell, Markham James Leonard, Andrew Ward Edward Furey .. John Hale, Thomas· Armstrong, · Thomas Smith 11 Mathers. Francis Dalby, William Franc is Kell er, - 213 -

ADJOURNEij GENERAL (~UARTER SESSIONS Monday, 7th A~ril, 1851, continued~

Gore of Toronto Whitohuroh York John Burgess, James Hatt, Calvin DaV'iS, Stiles Stevens, George Beach, Ignatius Nightingale John Cool<> Levi Heacock, Rog er Leve:t.. , James Brovvn, Th oma s ('.'I~ • smi . litl~-· , Thorah Joseph Eldridge, John Rigg:i.ns '.• Richard Judford, Sann1el Garside, Philip P. Brown, William Macklem, Jr.Thomas Atkinson, John Anderson, Richard Srigley, John Blair, John Murray, Jro, Robert Srigley, Charles Roddy, Thomas Glassford, Maxson Jones!) Daniel Wilson, Archibald MoBane. John Rill, Whitbf William Sutt, Uxbridge Alfie DeGrassi, Thomas Anderson, John Edmond, Bartholomew Plank, John Wilcox, James Wallace, John French, William Robinson, Andrew Ross, William Broolrs. Edward Arkland, Joseph Beck, Richard Woon, Robert Corner, Vaughan George McGill, George H. Potter, George Monroe, Eliphl~t Henry~ Thomas McAdams, Thomas N. Scripture, Thomas White, John Roach, Francis Chadwiclr, Hugh Gott, John Haystead, Alexander Cameron, John Maynard, John Wiggins, Joseph Johnson. Robert Greenwell.

The Public Accounts were taken up, examined, audited and allowed~ as per Schedule of this date, in Audit Book.

Adjourned Sine Die$ - 214 -


Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman~ Rowland Burr, Esquire,.

The Clerk of the Pea(1e read the Commissions .. Sheriff returned the Preoepts. The following gentlemen of the Grand Jury were sworn:- George Birch, Foreman. Andrew Brillinger, John Mapes. John Colley, David Cation, Robert Duffy', Donald Curry, Charles Jones, Edward Elliott9 Justus Lemon, James Lee, Jacob Shepherd, William Phillip~ Thomas Whitlock, Isaac Stonehouse, Brigham Wilkinson, James Wilkie, Hugh Wilson. Read List of Land Cl.aims under Heir and Devisee Aot ..

Swore Samuel Garside as Bailiff, ·to attend G:rr_ln& Jury ..

Queen vs- John Buie,· et al. Assaxtl t with intent to kill. swore William Guy to go before the Grand Jury. Queen vs James Donnelly. Larceny .. Swore Robert Cox to go bef(?re the Grand Jury .. The Appeal of I$ Martin Fralick. against the Conviotion of James Hunter, Esq .. for Assi~.ul t, there being no Recognizance of the Appellant, and it being represented to the Court that no appeal was intended to be made, the Co-:nrt ordered that the matter be discharged.

Adjourned till tomc,rr-ow at 1 orc1ock , p . M. ______ADJOURN'E.D GE?IBRAL.;,,..__ __ ClU...,,=------·-· 1\RTER------·- SESSIONS

Wedp.esday ,. 2nd. July, 1851.


S. Be Harrison, Esq .. , Chai.rman.

Thomas Bell., Esquire .. The Grand Jury returned with - Q.ueen vs John Buie .. Assault with intent, etc$

"ueen vs James Donnelly .. Larceny. A True Bill .. Queen vs George Campbelle Larceny=

Swore r"t:i.lliam. E .. Beebe, .Alfred Tomlinson, Johr1 H. Demott, Peter Moore, Edward McHenry and Susan McHenry to go before the Grand Jury~ Swore Robert Malcolm, John Robinson, Ale:i'( Hunter, VJ'illiam Morgan, and Edward McHenry, to go before the Grand Jury to complain against John Pogue for Assault. Queen ·vs Hiram Goodwin B·,ernard~ Assault .. Ind:Lctment sent from the Assizes@ No Recognizances. Mr. Bernard appeared in Court with his Counsel,

Mr. James Boulton, who represented that the matter had beeri settled, and that the parties were on friendly terms. The Cou.rt on deli.beration, and finding no Recognizances, ordered

that Mr. Bernard may ·be excused from attendance t11is Sesslon.t on entering into Recognizances to appear whe:n called. on-$ He accordingly entered into Recognizance as follows:- Hiram G. Bernard, in the sum of £100. for his appearance at the ~uarter Sessions, when called on. Queen vs Thomas Maguire. Nuisance. Traversed from last April Sessionse Arraigned the Defendant. Plea .. Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:-

Allen Burton, George Kindall, Jacob Mordan James Dwyer, James Sperioe, Quinlan McGowan' Joseph Gordon, Abraham Lougheed, Archib~ld Mcvean~' Thomas Kidney, Anthony Matthews, Thomas Rockman. .- 216 -

ADJOURN".till G.8.:11ERAL ~}JI,.RT:~.:~{ SESSIONS Wednesday.:, 2nd July, 1851, continued.

Pro. Swore. Con. Richard D. Murchison, Patrick Callaghan, Peter Van Every .Richard ~Tew·burn, Margaret Peeler, Richard Northcote. Vi ill iam Murchison, George Evans ..

Queen vs Thomas Maguire continued. Verdict: Guilty ..

Sentence: To pay a fine of one shilling and cor,ts 11 and to be imprisoned until such fine and costs be paid~ Paid.

The PUtDlic Ao counts were taken up, and further consideration thereof postponed~

Adjourned till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock, P .. M. Thursd~y. 3rd July,.,1 185]:_.


S. B. Harrison, Esq .. t) Chairman ..

Connel J., Esquire ..

~ueen -vs Robert Malcolm and others .. Aggravated .Assault"

Swore J. oh:n :P:0gue and James Vlhi to to go before

the Grand Jury .. Queen vs George Campbell. Larceny .. ' Arraigned the Prisoner.

Empaneled. the following Jury:-

Benjami:n Barnes 11 Jose:ph Gord.on, Al la:n Bu.rt on, Thomas Kidney, David Craig, George Kindall, John Cannington, Abraham Lougheed, Nathan Devins, Anthony Matthews, James Dwyer, John Mills. Pro. Swore. William E. Beebe_ Verdict: Not Guilty~ ~ueen vs John Buie, et al. Assault with in.tent,. et::

The parties not being ready it} this matter the

· Court ordered by consent of Counsel that the same be post­

poned until Noveml:ier Sessions, and the R·ecognlzanoes of all parties were extended accordingly .. Queen vs James Donnelly. Larceny ..

Arraigned the .. Plea'" Not Gu.Jlty,.

rknpanel.ed. the follovring Jury:·-

David Craig, Al ex:ander IvloLettn, Andrew Moffatt, Archibald Mcvean, Jacob Morden, Thomas Robinson, Solomon Musselman, Dugald Taylor, James, William Trueman, Q.u inla~n McGowan, Thomas Watson .. ·Pro. Swore .. Robert Cox. Ira VanVolkenburgh, Enoch Patch. Verdict: Not Guilty. 4djourned till ~uesday, 8th tnstant,at 12 O'Clock, noon~ -----·ADJOU"Rlr.Em ----"'-~---·--·,....·--·-··----··------~-·--·---- GENERAL Q.U.A.RTETi SES3IONS

Present Hugh Scobie, Esq .. , Cha:i.rman, Pro. Tem.

Alexander Dixon,) (John Doel, G. T. Denison, ) Esqtd res., (Joseph Rogers, James G .. Chewett ,) (Thomas Helliwell .. Hugh Eccles, } (

The Public. Aocountf: were taken up, examined,. audited and allowect as per Sohed.ule, of this date, in Book ..

On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, it was ordered that the foll.owing a.rticles be purchased for the use of the Gaol, viz:·- 1 Bread.-basket, 3 doz. Tin Soup Basins, 3 doz$ Iron Spoonst l doz. Prs. Trowsers, 1 doz~ Prs. Cobourg Boots, to replace others worn out. 500 each Printed Forms as per Pattern . .A.d.jourr1ed till Tuesday. 5th August, 12 o ',c1ook"


Present Joseph Rogers, Esq., Chai1~~n, Pro. Tem. John Doel, Esquire. On Application of J. Acland DeLa Hooke, Esq., Coroner, it was -

ORDERED: That Bryan Irvine be a1'):pointed a Constable for the Township of Etobi.ooke for the current year.

On Requisition of the Gaoler, a.pproved by the Sherifft it was - ORDERED: That a quantity of brown linen. and

on.e Hammer bei purchased for the use of the Gaol j&

Adjourned till Tuesday, 2nd Septeml)er, 1851,, - 219 --~

Present Joseph Rogers, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. John Doel, Esquire.

Adjourned until Tuesday, 30th September, 1851 ..

ADJOURNED SESSI..QNS T·uesday '-~ 30th September ,_],851 ..

Present Alexander Burnside, Esq .. , Chairman, Pro. Tem .. Thomas Bell, Esquire.

Adjourned till Tuesday, 28th October,next ..


Present Joseph Rogers, Esq.1t Chairman, Pro .. Tem. Thomas Bell , Es qu. ire • ORDERED: On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, that the following Articles be purchased for the use of the Gaol:- 4 Large Washing Tubs, l pr. Patent Leg Irons, 2½ doz. Flannel Shirts, l doz. ]'lannel Petticoats, A quantity of Stove p·i:r;,es.

Adjourned Sine Die. Present s. B. Harrison, Esq~, Chail~Lan. E~ W. Thomson, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace read the Comrnissto11s1e Sheriff returned the Preoepts.

The follo,xring gentlemen of the Grand Jury were sworn:- John Miller, Foreman. William Atkinson, Jons.than Baker, navid Barclay, Ambrose BarnE=1t , Mark Barker, Thomas Cook, William Cook, James Gormley, John Gordon, George Hudson,, Banjamin Johnson. Joseph Jones, Jr.,

John Mattioe 11 Andrew McGlashan, Dunca.n McGregor, Hugh McMillan, John Mowberry, John Pea.roe, James Ryan, Jarnes Stewart, Daniel Williama~ Swore Calvin Davis as Bailiff, to atter1d Gra.:nct Jury. T~e Balloting fQr Jurors was taken up, pro.forma, under the Aot, and the proceedings thereupon postponed 1J.ntil the conclusion of tee Criminal business of the Sessions~

The following Orcters were made und.E;r the Act 12 11 Viot .. Chap .. 196, an.d the service of summons under the Statute dispensed with by agreement of the Counsel for both parties$ In the matter of the "" Simcoe and. Huron

Railroad Uni on Com1)a.ny, and. John G. Howard, Mr. Larra tt Smith as Counsel for Mr. Howard, nominated James Beaty, Esq., as

Arbitrator and Mr. Gamble, on behalf of the Companlr, named Thomas Bell, Esq. as Arbitrator. in open Court .. The same Company,_ and George H. White, Mr. Roaf nominated James Beaty, Esq., and. Mr. Gamble named Thomas Bell, Esq. for the Company. ... 221 -

The same Company and Vialter O'Hara .. Mr. O'Hara

nominated James' Beaty, Esq .. , .a.nd Mr. Garnble, for the Comi, 1 t'L./., named Thomas Bell, Esq. ORDERED: That in proceedings under Railroad Acts, in which a reference to the Quarter Sessions is given,,

to determine the value of property taken by a Company for

Railroad :purposes, there shall be filed. o. copy of the Record in Chancery, (Respecting money pald irito Court for compensation}, an.d a. Preci:pe for a Summons, on receiving whlch, the Clerk of the Peace shall issue a Summons, giving s:i'Lx days' notice to the Com1)any to appear be:fore the chairman

of Quarter Sessions 11 to ap11oi11t Arbitrators, eta .. with a view to the determinatio11 of the matters in d1.spute ..

Adjourned till tomorrow at 1 O'Cloclr .. .,,. 22f~ -

ADJOURNED GEl~ERAL, (,lUARTER SESSIOUS --...... ,______.__,___ __,~-- ~ednesday, 1~th November, 1851.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. John Doel, Esquire .. Queen vs John n.eal. Larceny. Swore John Wilson and William Armstrong to go before the Grand Jury. Queen vs the Albion Road Company. Nuisance ..

swore Hermann Whi trook, William Mead., James H. Richardson, John McNab and Kivas Tully to go before the Grand

Jury,. ~ueen. vs The Weston Road Company. swore same Witnesses as in the above, to go before the Grand Jury.

The Appeal of William Reid t @Jr .. , Ar:,11ellant $ Bridget Cane, Swore the followlng Jury:- Jesse Baker, Robert Coutts, Joel Baker, Sami1e 1 Cowan, Niel Beaton, Joseph Craig, -Orlin Chappell, Lawrence Farla:ne, Andrew Cheyne. John Flu.ry, William Colet William ltorsy-th .. Pro. Swore .. Con .. Mary Shanes, John Reid. George Bache, Mioha.el Cane .. Verdict: Sustaining the decision of tho Magistrate

with Costs .. The Public Accounts were taken up and the further

considerati.on thereof postponed... The Appeal of William Acheson, Ap::pollant,. Joseph Kea.ting, Respondent. - 223 ,, ..

Wednesday, 19th N9vemberJ851, continued~

Acheson not appearing this day, the Court ordere,I that the Appeal be dismissed and the Recog~nizanoe of the Appellant forfeited, the Recognizance was estreated according­ ly .. Acheson, the Appellant, this moment appeared in Court, whereupon it was - ORDERED: Under the oiroumstanoes (it not being practicable now to bring on the Appeal) , that the e8trns,t of Acheson's Recognizance be rescinded.

Adjourr-ed till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock .. A.I)JOURN'ED G31IERA.~L~· _Qgj}RJlL SESS1ons

Thursday, 20~~ U~~"_ember, 1851 ..


John Doel, Esq~ Queen vs John Deverella Assa.ult .. Swore John Whitmore to go before the Grand Jn ..c~f ..

Queen vs John ~uinlana Larcer:y $ Swore George Cann, Joseph Johnson and William Short to go before the Grand Jury. Q.ueen vs Michael Moran~ Larceny~ Swore the same Witnesses to go before the Gr61.nd Jory. Queen vs John Buie, Donald McCaffty, John Livingstone and George Curry .. Assault with intent, eto~ From last July Sessions .. The Defendants, M.cCaffry, Livingstone and Curry, did not appear, whereupon the Court Ordered that their Recognizances be estreated. Arraigned the Defen.dant,, John Buie, who :pleaded, Guilty. The Court passed Sentenoe as follcws:- That John Buie be imprisoned in the Common Gaol of the County for a period of Three Calendar Months, and be fined in the sum of Twenty Pounds and Costs, and to be further imprisor1ed until suoh Fine and Costs be :paid .. Queen vs J'emima. Evans .. Larceny .. The Witnesses not appearing the Court ordered the Recognizance to be estreated.

Adjourned till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock, P. M. Present

Se B. Harrison~ Esq., Chai.rman. John Doely Esquire .. The G·rand Jury brought in the following Bills, viz: Queen vs John Heal .. Laroeny" A T1~e Bill. Q.u.e;;n vs John Deverall .. Assault~ A True Bill,. Qu.een vs Miohael Moran .. Larceny. A True Bill .. Queen vs John Quinlan. Larceny .. Queen vs John Reale Larceny. .Arraigned the Prisoner~ Plea., 11ot Guilty • Empaneled the following Jury:·-

John Flury,, Joseph Haines, John Huffman, William Cole, Joel Leitcher, Andrew Love, Jesse Baker,, William Forsyth,, Francis Kenned.y, Michael Hodgson, Andrew Cheyne, Isa.a.a Palmer~ Swore" John Wilson!J William, William Armstrong .. Verdict: Not Guilty" The Grand Jury returned. with Presentments against­ The Albion Road Company~ The Weston Road Company. flfhe Grand Jury brought in Presentments on the following subjects:-- 1. The State of the Gaol. 2~ The delay of Witnesses oomir~ to prosecute. 3. The desirability of paying Jurors, etc~ Appeal,-- Henry Strong, Appellant. Thomas Henry, Respondent. Cal.led George Evans, Esq. to prove Notice of Appeal.

Swore Dr. Thomas Henry, Respondent, for evidence ADJOUR1HID GE1TERAL---=------~.,..---...-,-----··-----_..,..,._------=--- ·~~U.ARTER SESSI01JS

as to Notir;e .. Having fa.iled to prove the service of notice under the Statute, the Court ordered the appeal to be dJsmissad without Costs. Queen vs John Quinlan. Larcen;;l. (Certificate of a former Conviction produced). Arraigned the Prisoner, who pleaded, Guilty. Q.ueen vs John Quinlan, Sentence: To be imprisoned in the Provincial Penitentiary at hard labour, for the space of Seven Years¥ Queen vs Michael Moran. Laroen.y. Arraigned the Prisoner~ Plea. ?!ot Guilty ..

Empaneled the fc,llowing Jury: -

Jesse Baker, ~r'~_--:: -;. ; arr'.l Cole, Joel Baker, Samuel G·orman, :Niel Beaton, tTose1:h C:ralg, T,,.,,.·w-:"".c ...... r"lle "TT'.:--,r1 ,...,1· Williata Forsyth J .,1. ,. 1_:t ,&. IJ .LJ... b."il' !.: t:;7,- • . .., ,::; t1 '

Orlin Chap:pell 9 Johll Flury ·t Andrew Cheyne, Richar{l G·rah9.m .. Pro·~ Swore,. Georga Cann, "Toseph Johnson, William Short ..

Vercllct: Gui1ty ..

Sentence: To be ircprisonecl in the ProYinciuJ. • Penitentiary at hard labour for the space of Three Years. The Appeal of George Allan, against the Con­ viction of him by William Adams, Esquire, for Assa.ult on. Thomas Evans was settled by consent of C(i·ri.:tt. The Costs of Court to be paid by the County. The Witnesses' Costs as per memorandum,to be paid by the Appellant, as well as the amount specified in the original Conviction. Order of Court to be issued allowing One Month for l)n.y::tJ"n"t.

J. W. Gwynne, Esq., was sworn to prove the ADJOURNEID-- GENERAL QUARTJ~R~~-__,,______SESSIOHS ___ Frida~1·1-. 21s-t November ;~_!851, continued. as to Notice .. Having failed to prove the service of Uotioe under the Statute, the Court .ordered the appeal to be dismissed without Costs. Queen vs John Quinlan$ Larceny .. (Certificate of a former Conviction produced)$ Arraigned the Prisoner, who pleaded~ Guilty. Q.ueen vs John Quinlan, Sentence: To be imprisoned in the Provincial Penitentiary at hard labour, for the space of Seven Yearsy ~ueen vs Michael Moran~ Larceny,. Arraig:r1ed the Prisoner .. Plea. 11ot Guilty.,

Em:paneled the following Jury: - Jesse, William Cole, Joel Baker, Samuel G-o rrnan , Eiel Beaton, Jose11h Graig, T

Pro~ Swore., George Cann, c.Toseph Johnson, William Short.

Verd1et: Gui1ty ..

Sentence: To be im11ri so:necl in the Pro,rir1c :iJ.. 1

I Penitentiary at hard labour for the space of Three Years. The Appeal of George Allan, against the Co:n­

viotion of him by William .Adams, Esquire, for Assault on. Thomas Evans was settled by consent of Court. The Costs of Court to be paid by the County. The Witnesses' Costs

as per memorandum,to be paid by the Appellant, as well as the amount specified in the original Conviction. Order of Court to be issued allowing One Month for payment.

J. W. Gwynne, Esq., was sworn to prove the ADJOUR1':1ED GE:NERAL Q,UART:CR 3I:;JSIONS

Fr~~da.y,.___ 21st ~1ovember, 1851 2 continued. signatures of J.E. K. Grogan and E. V. R. Grogant to an Indenture to Trustees, of certain stock funds of said E. V. R~ Grogan. Said parties :a.ow reside a.t the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. The Court being satisfied of the d.ue. execution of said. Instrument, a Certificate was iss·ucc1 under l?rovin.cial Statute 9, Viet .. Chap .. 34. Proof was also add.uced of the Execution of an Indenture of Release from C.. McDougall to John Ridout, and a Certificate was issued accordingly. Q.ueen vs John De-verall .. The Prosecutor not appearing the Cou:ct ordered that Deverall be discharged from the Indict~nent, for Assault .. Queen vs Thomas Henry~ Swore Henry Strong, Joseph Mulligan, Isaac MoChaf'ee, and Henry Stinson to go before the Grand Jury$ The Grand Jury brought in -

Qut1en vs The Albion Road Company. A Nuisance .. A True Bill ..

Queen vs The YJeston Road Company. A Nuisance9

A True Bill~

Queen vs Thomas Henry. Assault. No Bill,.

Adjourned till Monday, 24th November ,at ·11 o'Clock" - 228 -


l~~~.?-.1:, 24th Nov~mpe£.i_, 1851 ..

Present Robert Cathcart, Esqo, Chairman, J.?ro. Tem. John Doel, Esquire. Opened the Court. The Clerk of the Peace delivered to the Cou:rt the Jurors' Book for 1852, and the four parcels of ballots corresponding with the numbers in Jurors' Book, deliver­ ed the Jurors' Book for 1851, as required by the .A.ct .. The Deputy Clerk of the Peace made Oath to the· Jurors' Book, and the ballots, in accordance with the Act. ORDERED: That Full Jury Lists be balloted for 1852. The Crier made Proclamations under the Statute, firstly to keep silence, and secondly to persons objeo·ting, or claiming exemption from service as Jurors, etc., to corn<~ forth, etc,. The Balloting then commeneed, and ninety·-six persons were balloted to serve in the 1st Division, (Grand Jury for Superior Courts}, and ninety-six to serve in the 2~d Division, (Grand Jury for the Inferior Courts). For extended list of names, ad1iitions, etc. Vide Rough Minutes, and the Jurors' Book for 1852.

Adjourned till half past 10 O'Clock. tomorrow. - 229 -

ADJOUR!firD GEl~ERAL·.:::;.:;:.:..:;::.=.::.::::.:::-~~~:..;;;:.~.:::.;;;.:...-.;..,;_ QU.AR~2T::H SESSIONS__ _ Tuesday, 25th Nov~mber, 1861~

Present Robert Cathcart, EEq., Chairman, Pro .. Tern .. John Doel, Esquire. Opened the Court .. The Crier made the necessary proclamations. Two hundred and eighty-eight persons were ballott­ ed to serve in the Third. Di vis ion., (:Petit Jurors for Supe:r:lor Courts), for 1852. For extended list of names, etc~ Vide Rough Minutes and the Jurors' Book for 1852.

Adjourned till 10 O'Clock, tomorrow.

ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS ~:nesda.y, 26th Nov!?mber, 1851.

Present Robert Cathcart, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. John noel, Esquire. Opened the Court. Crier made the necessary Proclamations. Two hu11dred and eighty-eight persons were ballott­ ed to serve in the Fourth Division, (Petit Jurors for Inferio:r

Courts) for 1852. E1or extended List of names, eto. Vide

Rough Minutes. and the Juri:>rs 'Book for 1B52.

Adjourned till 12 O'Clock, Saturday, 29th November, 1861. ADJOURlh~L GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS Saturday, 29th Novembert 1861.

Present Alexander Burnside, Esq •• Chair~in, Pro. Tem. John noel, ) (Joseph Rogers, R. Cathcart,) (Thomas G. Ridout. Hugh Scobie,} Esquires. (Hugh Ecclestt John Thom,, ) ( The following Tenders for Bread were oponed:-

John Nasmith, 4d. per 4 lb. loaf and 1% discount~. Samuel Sleigh, 4¼d... per 4 lb~ loaf.

W.. & E. Barrett,4~d. per 4 lb. loaf. David. Maitland, 4d .• per 4 lb. loaf. Theophilus Earl, 3,7/Bd. per 4 lbe loaf. ORDERED: That the Contract for Bread be given to John Nasmith. Th-a Public .Accounts were taken up, examined, audited and allowed, as per Schedule of this date, in the Audit Book ..

Adjourned till 13th December, 1851, at 12 O'Clock ..


Saturda; 1 13th December, 1851 ..

Present Thomas Bell, Esq., Chai.rman, Pro. Tem .. Joseph Rogers, Esquire.




In the year

1 ·8 5 2 GENERAL QUARTZR SESSIONS Tuesday, 6th January, 1852.


S. B. Harrison ,1 Esq .. , Chairman .. Sinclair Holden, Esquire .. Opened the Court. Clerk of the Peace read the Commissions .. Sheriff returned the Precepts~ The following Gentlemen of the Grand Jury were sworn:- John D. .E'inoh, Foreman .. Edwin Armstrong, John Wright, William Brown, John Ballard, Thomas Harris, Drinkwater., James Hutchicon, Moses Hill, William Robinson, James La.urie, John Scott, Jr .. , John Ross, James Tweedies, Edward Sheppard, James Simpson, John. Thomson~ Swore Bailiff to attend Gra.·nd Jury, Samuel Garside. Read list of Land Claims under Heir and Devises Act. Queen vs Mary Ann Winner, Rosa McCaffrey and Jane Grandfield. La.rceny.

Swore Jesse Ashbridge to go before the :._~r,:1:1-:.{l. Jury.

Queen vs Mary Ann r:inner, et al, (as above) (No.2), for receiving stolen goods. Swore Jesse to go before the Grand Jury.

Adjourned till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock. Wednesday, 7th January, 1852 ..

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. John Deel, Esquire. Queen vs James Simpson, Larceny. (No .1). Swore John Story and John Cool to go before the Grand Jury. Queen vs James Sim~son~ Larceny .. (No.2). Swore William Ambler and John Cool to go before the Grand Jury ..

Queen vs James Simpson~ Larceny. (No .. 3} e Swore Charles Pollock, Jr~ a.nd John Cool to go before the Grand Jury. Que·en vs James Simpson .. Lar,ceny., (No814). Swore Francis Chadwick and John Cool to go before the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury returned with:-

QueHn vs Mary Ann Winnf;r I et al, Lareeny.. (No~ l) No Bill. Queen vs Mary Ann Winner, et al¥ Receiving stolen goods. A True Bill ..

Ordered by the Court, on application of Counsol on ground.a shewn, that the Estrea-ts of last Sessions. o.n the following persons, the writ for which is now in the Sheriff's han.ds, be rescinded, and that the Sheriff stay proceedings thereon. Donald Mccaffrey, one of the Defendants in Reg. vs Buie, et al, £40. Donald Curry, one of the Bail for Donald MoCaffrey .. £20. Peter McNaughton, one of the Bail for Donald Mo Caffrey, £20 .. ADJ 0Uh3t'-:OJ GB!fERAL QUARTER S]~SSIO.i'.fJ- Wednesdal,_ 7th January, 1852, o~ntinued.

John Livingston, one of the Defendants in Reg. vs Buie, et al. £40- Donald Curry, one of the for John Livingston, f20.

Miel Clark, do do 1·'20 '"' " George Curry, one of the Defendants in Rego vs Buie, et al .£40 ~

Archibald Clark, one of the Bail for George Curry, £20.

(' 9Q -!Jona 1 d. Curry , do do d,..• "4 .. The Sheriff's Costs on the above Estreats, if any, to be :paid by the County, but the Costs of the Defendants,

(or Principals of said Bailors) to be paid by sa5.d Defendants, MoCaffrey and George Curry .. The Public Accounts were taken u.p, an.d their further consideration postponed*

Adjournet1 till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock, P,. M.. ,.,, 234 -

Thursd~l_, ~th Janua17, 1852.

Present S~ B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman • . John Doel, Esquire.

Queen vs Michael Sullivan. Larcer1y ~ S\vore William R. Mingage, John Wood and Mills to go before the Grand Jurym In the matter of the Estreat of last Sessions upon Joseph Collins, surety for Jane Tozer, the Pros~autrix~ in the case of - Queen vs Jemima Bva.ns, the Court no\rv, on applioatJ.ori of Collins, ...

ORDEID-m: That the Estreat be rescinded, and that the Sheriff's Costs be paid by County, it appearing to the

Court that the prisoner, FJvans, had been tried anc.l. cor1v-icted at the Ootober Assizes last, previous to the November Sessicinf:: lt the Court at which they were by their Recogr1i.zanoes bound to appear and prosecute~ The Grand. Jury entered with the follo\.ving Bills:-

,,r l' A m B. ·<1 ..,. Queen vs James Simpson~ Larcexcy .. (.i:~O ro J "'~rue l..1.. L, Qu.een vs James Simpson,. Larceny" (No.2)A True Bill. ~--..ltiU-·-= (iueen vs James Simpsorie Larceny .. (No.3)A True Bill. .... -=-.--..-·~~,--,,~-.. ~ ...-- Queen vs James Simpson. Larceny .. (No ~4-)A T1~uP. B.tl1, -~--=c-~J~·e·,, .. ~·., .. ~~- .. ,....;;111.:.--~ Queen vs Michael Sullivan.~ Lareeny. A True J3i11. ~ueen vs Peter Cole0 Larceny .. Swore Joseph Rutledge, p:enry Sterling and :Nathan Elliott to go before the Grand Jury~

Adjourned till 9.30 O'Clock, tornorrow morning .. Frill:az, 9th January_, 1852 ..


<""'0. B • Ra rris on, Esq. , Cha 1rL~s,,n .. John Doel, Esquire. Queen vs Mary Ann Winner, Rosa Mccaffrey and Jane Grandfield .. Receiving stolen goods. Arraigned the Prisoners, who pleaded respectivaly~ Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:- George Beatty, Stephen Ford, Samuel Birkholder, Henry Garrow, Gordon Burnie, John Glasfcrd, Michael Curtain, Isaac Greensides, Robert Dixon, Samuel Jenn.:l ·-s, Thomas Duggan, David Johnston .. · Pro .. Swore. Jesse Ashbridge., Jonathan Dunn, Thomas Beaty, John Kinge Verdict: • Mary Ann Winner,) Jane Grandfield,) Guilty. Rosa McCaffrey, Queen vs James Simpson. Larceny .. (llo.,l). Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea .. G-utlty .. Queen vs James Simpson .. Larceny .. (tTo .2) .. Arraigned the Prisoner .. Plea. Guilty .. Queen vs J·ames Sim1)s011 .. Larceny. (No.3) ..

4 4'"""' Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea .. Gu:r .J.. l v,d •• Queen vs James Simpson3 LEtrcer1y. (No.4) .. Arraigned the Prisoner .. Plea. Guilty. The following Sentences were passed:-

Mary Ann Winner, to be imprisoned Lo_ the Common

Gaol of the United Counties of York, Ontario and Peel, for the space of One Week.

Jane Grandfield·, to be imprisoned in the Provincial Penitentiary for the space of three years: James Simpson, to be imprisonea_ in the Common

Gaol of the United Counties of York, Ontario and Peel, for the space of Three Calendar Months. Queen vs Peter Coleg Larceny .. \t Arraigned the P:ri;::.oner .. Plea .. Not Guilty.

Ernpanelea: the following Jury:- Alexander Bostwiok, Peter McGillivray, Michael Boylan.dt Alexander McKenzie, James Doyle, William McKenny, James Hamil. t·on, B·•:,r jamin MoQua.y-, Alexander Knox, James Pile, Joseph Morrow, Will lt1.m Smith .. Pro .. s·vrore. t~oseph, Henry Sterling, Nathan l~lliott, James Elliott .. Verdict: not Guilty .. Queen vs Michael Su.lliva11 .. Larcen~r. Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea .. Not Guilty* Empaneled. the follovting Jury:- George Beatty. John Glasford, Samuel Birkholdor, Isaac Greensidesy Michael Curtain, Robert Henry. Thomas Duggan, Samuel Jenn.ings, Stephen .Ford, William Lougheed, Henry Garrow, Dona1d MoGi11iYray,. Pro. Swore. Con.

·A ill iam R. Mingage , DeniL Hefferman,, John V{ood > Timothy McCarthy, James Mills, Bryan Cosgrove. Charles McDonald, William Bourchier. Verdict: Not Guilty .. ~1.l.iJ OUFCNED----- GEI:TI~RAL QUARTER SESSIONS Friday, 9th Ja!1uary, 1852, continued.

lueen vs Daniel Dalyo Assault with intent to commit Rape.

This was a case sent do1Nn from the Assizes. Subpoenas were issued and placed. in the hands of the Sheriff .. The Sheriff now reports that he has not been abJ.e to effect a proper service. That the case stand over until next Sessions, and that in the meantimG the Witnesses be subpoened

to appear thereat, the prisoner to remain in Gi)..ul .. Queen vs Thomas Alsop .. Assault with intent to Kill. (llo.l). ~ueen. vs Thomas Alsop~ Assault with intent to Kill .. (l'!o.2).,

The Witnesses not a.11pearing \I having been called. each day, the Court ordered that the Recognizance of Anthony A. Morris, the Prosecutor, be estreated, and tho :prisoner

was discharged by Proclamation. Queen vs Philip Malone. Larceny. Witnesses not appearing, the ~risoner was dis­

charged by Proclamation. Apy;eal of r~·illiam Fisher, from a Convict ion 1" ~­

Abner Hind, }~sq. , the Appellant not h.e.v ing appeared the Court

ordered that the Recognizance of the Appellant l:1e estreated.

A Witness was swo:rn to prove the slgn·:.:,, tu.res of two

Witnesses to a discharge of Mortgage executed in England, l:,y

one Eliza be ·th ·w11 tshire. Certificate ordered to be issued, under 9, Viet. Chap. 34.

Adjourned till Wednesday, 14th January, 12 O'Clock~ ADJ. OUR~IilL: GE!{ERAL SESSIO:NS --·------·-·-----.- - ...,, ·~ ... --- Wednesday, 14t1·l. January, 1852 ..


Hugh Scobie,, Esq., Chairman~ Pro. ~:em~ Hugh Eccles, ) ( James Taylor, Peter ] 1reeland,) ELquires. (Joseph Rogers, John Doel, ) (John G. Howard .. Thomas Bell, ) (

aud.i 1.ied and allowed, as per Schedule of thtE: date, in the Audit Book.

Adjourned till Wednesday, 11th February, at 12 O'..Clock ..


Wednesday, 11th Februar7, __ 1852 .. -

Present George P. Ridout, Esq., Chai.rman,, Pro. Tem .. James Lesslie, Esqu1re.

OPJ)Ji!RED: On Recommendation of Benjamiz1 S\vi tzer ,Esq. 1 That Robert Armstrong of Streetsville, be a1)pointea. a Consta.ble for the current year. ORDERED: That the following Articles be purchased for the use of the Gaol; -·in B.eq_uisi tion of the Gaoler~ A sufficient quantity of Brown LLne:n to make :t2 Palliasses. A suffioiemt quantity of Broirvn Cotton to make 5 doz. 'Shirts. Flannel to make½ doz. Chemises. Four Iron Ash Kettles~

Adjourned till 10th March, at 12 O'Clock. ~JOURl:TED "------~-··-~.GE:NERAL QU.lffiTF,Ji SESSJ0£1S Wednesd~y, 10th March,_1~5~ ..

Present Rowland Burr~ Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem.

Hugh Soobie, Esquire,. Robort Cathcart, Esquire. O:pened the following Tenders for ~rood.

Joseph.Helliwell & Sons, (2/3 per a.dv'tm't & 1/3 Ash & ElL), 13/9 per Cord. Daniel Peterson 16/1~" " George L. Garden and J.H. Thompson, 14/11." H Se,mn.el McClain, 1 b;-/ "

OJ;t.<'.D."H:R-i:;,D ...... :.i ~. Tha t . 1 f th e Sure t~ o ff.. ere d b y '!\iftiiessr:2:,. Garden and Thompson be found to be substantial, or if satis­ factory security be produced by -them, that they receive the

Contract; or in default, that the same be glven to Mr_. MoClr.ii.n <;

Adjourned Sine Die. ,_ 240 ·-

Tuesda1 ...L_6th April ll l:852"

Present s. B .. Harri.son, Esq., Chairman .. Rowland Burr, ]!squire .. Opened the Court. Dy@ Clerk Peace read the Commissions. Sheriff returned the Precepts.

Called Jurors on Sheriff's pay list.

The followi:r.ig Gentlemen of the Gra.:nd Jury were sworn. James Palmer, Foreman ..

Ed.ward Burke , J. J. Miller, Thomas Clarke, John McElroy, John Davison, George W. :Post; John Evans, Andrew Robinson, Alfred. Field., William ~=3oott, William Foote, Jesse Srigley, William Franois, William ThorndiJre, John Hastings, John Ward, William Hutchison, William Warren , Ge:J\orge .L-emo"f"il...... , William Warren, Jrc Swore Cal-vln. Davis as Bailiff to attend Grand Jury .. Reg. vs Daniel Daly. Assault with intent to \ o t Ra1)e .. Swore Mary McCartney, James ])wan and John McCartney to go before the Grand Jury. Reg~ vs Henry Hillock. Stealing a yoke of Oxen~

Swore William A:nderson, Thomas Burrell, Geo,.cg·e Burrell and Matthew Donelly to go before Grand Jury. The Estreat of Anthony A. Morris, of last Sessiont was ordered on application, and grour1ds shewn, to be resc:3.:n.ded. GEHERAT ,:ri,.·;/:·:ER s:E('.'bSIO'NS ---c·--J--·~, .. ·.,'·-'-·•·.L·'± -~- I U ,l;

Tuesday, 6th April 2 1852~oontinued.

The Appeal of George Allan, of last Sesslo11, wherein Allan was ordered to pay certain costs, etc., as well of the original Conviction, as of Quarter Sessio:ns, and order of Court issued to enforce payment, party unable to pay, his Bail now produces him in Court and de-sires to be released from. responsibility, the Court .. ~ ORDERED: That Allan as well as his Bailt be discharged, it ap11earing to the Court that the A:p:pellant has already suffere:d adequate punishment by lo1ss of his summer's work, etcG

Ad.journed till tomorrow at 1 O':Clock P. M. A.DJOUR11KD GE1TERAL QUABJ~L§ESSIONS

:jy' ednes(la;y.1 7th !JL!il, 1852 ..

Prese:nt s. B. Harrison, Esq_., Chairman .. Rowland Burr, Es .. John Hawkins, Esquire8 Reg.vs James Niel and George Henderson~ Stealing a Steer ..

swore Jose1)h Ma:pson, Thomas Hunt and Stewart =~·u.rr;J.r to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs Edward MoKew. 1aroe11y<1>

Swore Thomas Simmons, Asa Reynolds an,l James

Middleton to go before the Gra11d. Jury.

Reg. vs William Belger. Obtaining goods by false pretences ..

Swore David Fralick and George Va:nce to go lH9fore Grand Jury.

Reg. vs James Earhart. Larceny. Swore Aaron Indoe and Moses Wismer to go l)efore Grand Jury. The Apr)eal of William Stewart. Ap:pella:nt. John Morrison .. Respondent .. Empaneled the following Jury:- James Bulger, Robert Gilroy, William Cameron, John Gle11dennl:ng, John Campbellj William Harrison, Mark Crawford, Daniel Hoover, Jr$, William Elliott, Robert Hudwin~ James Freik, Robert Kenned_y,.

Swore for Resporuient 1 John Mor:r:ison9 swore for Appellant, William Stewart. Verdict for Respondent,, affirming the Conviction~ ADJOURNED G-EN?JRAL QUARTER SESi3ICl~:J

Wednesd~l_,_lth A~riJ..1 1852, continued ..

Reg. vs John H. Demott .. Larceny.. (No .1) , (No .2) and (No. 3) ..

These three Indictments were postponed. unttl next Quarter Sessi.ons, to enable the prosecutor to get George Campbell, a Material Witness, Recogni.zed accordingly~

John H .. Demott,, Defendant, in the sum of f 50 ~ William E. Beebe, Prosecutor, in the sum of £60. Peter Moore, Witness, in the sum of £25. Alfred Tomlinson, Witness, in the sum of £25. For their appearance, etc, at the next Quarter Sessions .. The Grand Jury returned with:-

Reg. vs Daniel Daly.. Assault, eto .. A True Bill. ~. ----·----~-

Reg~ vs Henry Hillock 1 Stealing Oxen .. A True Bill ..

Reg.vs Niel and Hend_erson. Stealing Oxen .. A True Bill ..

Reg .. vs Edward McKew .. Larceny .. A True Bill ..

Reg$ vs William Belger. False }")retences .. A S.:ru.e B:i.11 ~ ~-~

~ ·rr: ?) --:~ Reg .. vs J e,: ..,,-4 _,. ..._tJ ~, ...• Earhart .. Larceny .. A True Bill .. Reg. vs Daniel Daly .. Assatll t with intent to commit Rape .. Arraigned the Prisoner~ Plea,. Not Guilty.

Bror.~ineled the following Jury: - l"I""~, 1 l]. 1am• .t~err,Tr n--r·11·,.- 1. .i::·,·... oore, John Mark.s, Thomas McAllister. John. Mayhew, J. ohn Mc Innls , John Mawen, James McIntosh, Isaac Middieton, James MoManns, James Murray, Daniel Orr. Pro. Swore.

Mary McCartney, James Dwan, John McCartney.

Verdict: Guilty on the Second Count~

Sentence: To be imprisoned in the Common Gaol of the United Counties at hard labour, for the space of

Six Months,, Reg. vs James Niel and-George Henderson. Stealing an Ox. Arr~igned the Prisoners, who pleaded respectively. Not Guilty. E1Ilpaneled the following Jury:- • ·. 1.'Zilliam Parker, Hammond SmithBon, Charles Pompey, John Sykes, Isaac Reed, . William Tracey, 1,··,, Ru--~,, ers Jo _.\... i:.; > ' Robert R. Travise1 Rrpbert C. Russe11, Willia.m Waistcoat, 'Tf/'--·1 tr William Sillery, J • B-CV .0 v, t"ltJ' "' Pro. Swore.

Joseph :Mapson, Thomas Runt, Stewart Furey .. Verdict: Not Guilty~ Public Accounts taken up, further cons:ide:cation postponed.

Adjourried till tomorrow at 1 Pe M. Thu:c~;day, 8th Aprid-, 1852 ..


S. B. Harri_son~ Esq. 11 Chairman. Rowland Burr, Esquire. Reg.·vs Robert G. Lyons, Eliza Lyons and George Turner. Larceny.

Swore Mati1dE~ Turner, to go before the Gra11a. ,JuTjt .. Reg& vs George Turner. Laroecy. (no .2) •

Swore lVlatilda Turner, Martin Burns, John; and John Nesbitt to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs George Turner. Assault ..

Swore Matilda Turner, to go before the Grand Jur: ;, Appeal:- Joel Rogers, Appellant. Robert Roberts, Respondent~

Jury was dispensed with, by agrec:;ri1ent of Counsel*

1 Swore for Respondent, - Robert Roberts, .7illiarn Jarvie-, 1 William Roberts t Eli Go::chclu: ,E;_; ~i.,.

For Appellant,-· John Evans , James Evi1,11s , Joel Rogers, William Re:id .. Order, affirming the Conviction of the Magistrate to the extent of £6. 0. 6., and ordered that such amount ·be allowed to the Respondent with Costs of Court. The Grand Jury entered with: .....

Reg~ vs George TurnE}r. Assault. A True :Dill~

Reg .. vs George Turner, et al .. Larceny. A True Bill ..

Reg,. vs George Turner .. Larceny. A True ~...-.,,. Bille

Adjourned till Tuesday next, at 1 P.M. ADJ OURNE.D G}~Irr :.1-Jil

Tuesdt~y, .13th Apr}-1, 1852,.


Harrison, Esq,., Chairman .. Thomas Bell, Esq., John Woodill, Esq., John Doel, Esq., Thomas Fisher, Esq., Evidence was produced of the execution of Deed from --- ·----to------arid the Court being satisfied of the due execution of said Deed, ordered Certificate to be issued under the Statute. Reg~ vs George Morgan and Hannah Long.

Assaulting: Sheriff's Bailiff, (No ol). Swore James Phillips and DaYid S. Goodler to go before Grand Jury&

Reg. vs George :Morgan and Hannah Long. (:No~2)., Swore same 1r:i tnesses to go before Grand Jury. Reg. vs John Parim. Larceny. Swore Ale:,rander Latham, Tho:mas Chapman ancl Jesse Henry to go before Grand Jury. Reg .. vs Daniel Smith~ Horse Stealing.

Swore 11:homas Davis and James Mirtk to go before the G.rand Jury.

Reg. vs Edward McKew. Larceny"' Arraigned the Prisoner.· Plea. ·Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:- William Cameron, Robert Hudwin,

John Campbell, William Kerr t Elliott, John Marks, James Friek, William Moore, William Harrison, John Moinnis, Daniel Hoover,Jr., James McManns .. Pro~ Swore. Con ..

Thomas. Simmons , Dani el 1~. McLean. James Middleton, Asa. Reynolds. Verdict: Not Guilty. SESSIONS

Reg. vs George Turner, Robert G- Lyons and Ellza Lyons. Stea.l:ing pro. Notes. Arraigned the Prisoners, who pleaded respectively, Not Guilty.

Empaneled the follow:tng Jury:- James Bulger, John Mawen, William Cole., Isaac Middleton, Mark Crawford, Thomas McAllister, Johll Glendenning, Ja.mes McIntosh, Robert Kennedy, l)aniel Orr, John Mayhew, Austin Paul,, Pro .. Swore~ Ma tild,a Turner .. Verdict: Not Guilty. ORDERED: With regard to the above case tha.t all the Notes, Deeds and Chattel Property, now in ~ossession of the Clerk of the Peace, connected with the above matter, and belonging to the estate of the late Paul Turner, deceased,be

impounded, u.nt:il a reoei:pt be obtained. for the sam.e frcr:, a legally appointed Administrator. The Grand Jury returned with:$...

Reg. vs George Morgan and Hannah Long, (No~ 1) • A Tru.o Bille do do do (No .. 2). A True Bill*

John Parim .. Laroe7ny .. A TY"re.::w,o, I,~- Bill .. Reg. vs 4t,t,-~,:r .,.,.. - Reg. vs Daniel Smith .. Horse Stealing. .A True Bill .. Reg. vs Heerman. Assaulting a Magistrate, etc.

Complaint withdrawn by the Magistra.te 1 Doctor r:-crnter.

Adjourned till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock, P. M. ADJOURl~E:D GE~TERAL QUARTI~'1 ~:.;I~~SIO:N'S

Wednesda;{, 14th April, 1852 ..

Present S. B. Harrison, Esq., Thomas Bell, Esq. ClarkeGamble, Esq • .,was sworn to prove the execu.t:tor. of a Deed from John Lamoreaux to William Cayley., and the Court being satisfied of the due execution of Deed, authorized a Certificate to be issued under 9, Viet. Chap. 34 .. Reg. vs Henry Hillock. Stealing Yoke of Oxen. Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea~ Not Guilty.

Empaneled the foll~j·;d ng J·ury: -

W'illiam CamE:1ron<> William Harrison, John Campbell, William Kerr, William Cole, John Marks t William Elliott, John Mayhew, James Ii'riek, Isaac Middleton, John Glendenning~ James Murray. :Pro. Swore .. Con .. William Anderson, Alexander Hillo01, Thomas Burrell, Hillock t Jr,. Matthew Donelly, George Burrell, Re id z.~r :gh-t. Verdict: Guilty'" Sentence: To be im1)risoned in the Provincial Penitentiary at hard labour for the space of Three Years. Reg,. vs George Turner, Robert G. Lyons and Eliza Lyons. Larceny.. (No .2) • Nolle prosequi entered, a.nd prisoners discharged. by :proclamation ..

Adjourned till tomorrow at 1 O'Clock, P. M. Thursday, 16th April, 1852.

Present S. ~. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. John Doel, Esquire.

Reg. vs William Belger. Obtaining goods by f1:3.lse pretenoes ..

Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea. Not t;:/. Empaneled the following Jury:- William Cole, William Kerr, Mark Crawford, John Marks, William Elliott, John Mayhew, Robert Gilroy, John Mawen, Daniel Hoover, Jr~, Isaac Middleton, Robert Kennedy, James Murray-. Pro .. Swore. David Fralick, Christopher Waggoner, Georie Vance .. Verdict: Not Guilty.

A need from Ge !c)I'ge Huffman to Sa.rah Ca,rtwright was proved and Certificate ordered to be issued under 9, Viet. Chap .. 34~ Reg. vs James Earhart~ Larcemr ..

Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea. 1-"t·..rUl. • 1ty" Sentence: To be imprisoned in the Common Gaol for One Month at hard labour. Reg~ vs John. Parim. Larceny .. Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea. Guilty. Sentence: ~o be imprisoned in the Common Gaol for Three Months at hard labour~

Adjourned. till tomorrow at 1 0' Clock, P. M. - 250

~9URNED GENEIL4..L QUARTER SESSIOll::3 Friday, 16th April• _1852.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman~ John noel, Esquire. Reg .. vs Daniel SmJth~ Horse Stealing.

Arraigned the Prisoner* Plea. ]lot Gui 1 ty .. Empaneled the following Jury:-

James Belger, William P~rker, Daniel Hoover, Jr., James Murray.., Hammond Smithson 1 , Char1. es Pompey, William Tracey. Isaac MiddJeton, John Rogers, John Mawen, 7;·1111am Elliott, John Mayhew. Pro. Thomas Davis, James Mink, John Nichols, William Haystead~

Verdict: Guilty.. (Recommended to mercy) .. Reg. vs George Turner. Assault ..

Arraigned the Defendant .. Plea. Not Guilty .. Empaneled the same Jury~ as in the above case* nol1e prosequi entered, and. l)risoner discharged by Proclamation .. Reg. vs George Morgan and Hannah Long~ Assault, etc~ (2 Indicts).

Nolle pro::5equi entered by order of Court.

Daniel Smith, convj_cted of horse stealing th-L. day. was brought up and sentenced as fc,llows: - To be imprisoned in the Provinc·~al Penitentiary at hard labour for Three Years.

Adjourned till Wednesday next, at 12 O'Clock, Noon4 ·~· 2fil -

GUARTER SESSIONS 'ti . . µ,,..,_....,~-...... -.~ ·--

Present J. G. Chewett, Esq~, Chairman, Pros Tern. Rowland Burr, ) (Robert Cathcart, Thomas J. Preston,) (Hugh Je;cles, John Doel, ) ( Thomas Bell • John Thom, ) ( Constables to serve in and for the United Counties of York, Ontario and Peel°, were appointed as follows:­ William Higgins, High Constable~

Albion Etobiooke oont'd.

John Ranah, i~- • 1 "'.; • l\,'f' th S ~ 1 a der 1\·tcTr.!i 11··,-,ion ·,·e B 1·r ,·, ·-. ~-"' .~ 1 ...... l,am ... ,.1.a .er , .• A ex n J.\'.l. .n.. .a.:.. L~ - , Georg a ,;,_ ·~' ·,.1. .,t , 11 1··.,-.. ··•• ,,· 1 d Eryan Irvine. ..LLPobert J..\,1_1rc .,:_11._t!,..1.1:J~ ...1, • , George Evar.iS, Joseph Harper, Gw:Lllimbury Markham John Lewis, John Caffrey, rii .. Willlam Reid, _... non1a·L C ,...~j J-J...J~·· ...... ! 1.11>) ",-. tro'1 . "-..i~~l...C,; -·- t George Morrow.,. .,. .. T.) • ::\ '--' o nn .t ~- e 1 a. , J:i'ranc if~ Da.l l\/, Wilson Reid~ is · Kel, Brock Joseph Coo1r,

• Gw i 1 l_!!Il]?,!lrY nor th Joln1 Robinson 1 Edward Ferginson, John N. Button William Ce Jones, William B .. Terry, BalJ3er Munshaw J Sterling Pangman, George Earls, Jacob Dafoe , Allen Campbell, Ale:1i:1_JJ:1lsr Laing, T 110 ·ma(:!u1..., '\Rf, ·1" 1.J..c <'''...... () V'., ... Archibald- Curry, Cornelius Silver 9 John Robinson .. Patrick Kelley, Amos Cri tte:nJen, Cornelius Shi:re, David Van Norman~ Niel MoPhaden, Ervine Johnson, T·'fi] H'!-•,l",A..L:·,~ 1 ;-·;:::-· Georgi1~ ~1 • 11· ' a,nm 4 w; . ,., . ,.,,_ ' George Hart, Joseph ?te:rli.rig, Edmund Cowan, Samuel Park~ James Matthews~ Edward Switzer, Charles Jones, Joseph BlaeI:, Tobias Maybee, William Corner. EdwBi.rd Maj ors , Robert Morrison. 1Yill:iam :McCuil(1r::h" King ------Thompson. ChJ:nguac_ousy

n Andrew Sloan, ReC.A, r··l1,. " John Nesbitt, John Stevenson, Onea.s Shaw, Ca.lvin Dav-is, Samuel ~~. 1:Ltrber, William Brown, ·-·. , .., . . B .,_ - Thomas Burn , n L;... J. 1 ::::1.m o yn 1., on \ Adna Hemphill. Richard Street, St 1:::;:::,1enscn !I John Kirsopp, Caledon Peter Rush, Soarborouc:J1 Thomas Renton, -"-··-"'··'-.. Samuel Lindsay, Joseph Kenefeck, George Stephenson, Archibald McBennan, David Irwin. Jonathan Gatos, John Jackson. r···11.. , 1 . i am IT· ough , Ervine Rutledge. Mara & Rama Dav id P,:rov·L ,

(:!! ·:::<.-.. -r t·,.1 Jo 0 epl·1 ljJ. • ,1.~H.IJ J V.[ t Etobi.ooke J"ohn Moore, George Bambridge, William Johnston. Alexander Thompson .. John Hall, Dominick O'DonnellT John Russell, John Prince, Andrew Ward, .Denis Corcoran, Thomas Smith, Patrick O'Donnell, ADJOURNED GENgRAL ~JTARTER

Toronto Township !_aughan York Charles Cameron, Thomas :McAdams , CalvJ.n Davis, Donald Cameron, Thomas White , Ignatiu~ N~ 2? 1 Asa Waterhouse, Francis Chadwick, mhoJ: L'l'!;./,,·o ·s' .;)'·.' • 1,.;,'l,-..~"'''!'... ..\. , A-~I l 1 f . 11 ··1 ~,·, ,- · er J Ohn Ba .•.11.l~.,, ' John Ra.::,n:1tead, John Higgins, ·'t,·1·, 0 1francis John.son, ~:.:,.:..Uc'..1,..I._.,::> ,-: ... el tl··:, ·;·· ,,_, J.~ '\.IL;;; e, John Maynard, ut.....,.L 7 c-.e-·"'n0 ~ 1)1 1\[1... ~ ... a.a.; r , Jo Jose:ph Johnson, Thomas /.,. t:kirJ.GO n 1 John Belcher, James Simpson .. J c,hn Bl,J.i:r, James Leonard, Cha:rles Rod.dy, Edward Furey, "!'; •:-; Y'i 1· ll'.',1 ½lf ·, 1 Es v'''· '.u\l'' .J.t .... 'fl.6...1.., t;;;;,;~ Iii; c:~ - , Robert Armstronge J·ohn Rill, Jarnes Hatt, Alfio DeGr.ass :t, Gore of Toronto Eli Jennings, John<.l, William J', James V~'allaco, John Bu:rgess, Levi Heacock, ;Andrew Rosfl, Stiles Stevens, ,James Brown, Joseph :Beck 1 JoseI>h Eldridge '.l John Cool" Robert Cor11er 1 Richard ~Judford, George H~ Potter, 1 11"\ Thorah William Mack:lem, Jr .. , ~1J,.:A . ·ale. p~h•::'Jl~. , '\~lt..l ' . ..i.,ri•• J .. 't..,.,:;,, ,Li... ·ry-=- . J Richarc1 Sr:i.g1.ey, Robert OxlE\f, Philip J. Brown, Robert; Srigl,jJI·, Jose:ph Camp1os1, John Anderson, Maxson Jones, ; 'or·-t· t'.', ·,,, J Ohn. "'', ' ~' - . .. ~ Andrew Mcl'l'abb, Arden Smith, T:ti·-:s John .J.. } .,.: 11-v . Ip Alexa11der Campbell, \1T.hi i;l?_l John Bruce, Hugh Murray, Jr .. , Thomar-5 .A.nders on, 1\,'·r· 1··•·i 0 <, ,,-.- Tr John ..... ~~.l...... i;.:,,i ' t.i .. , John Wilcox, Thomas Glassford, \'Villiam Ro bins on, . c'7,,1q rd w ·, on Archibald MoBane. RJL~ .... ,:;;:., . ~- u ' G-eoTge McGill, Uxbridge Thomt.::u:1 1!. Scrif1'ture, o:=< Henry :Ped.ler 1 Barthol.01new J?larik, James Dingle, John French, Hugh Got-t, William :Brooks. Al e:Kander Camor(, n, John Wiggins:, Robert Greenwell, 0 .1. .LL·-· 1· 11· p c·i"" ,:,.rk~- •

1I1h::: :Public Aceounts were exa,m i. ed, aud -t t ed allowed as per ~3ched"ule of th:is datel in Audl.t Book ..

On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, the following articles were ordered for the use of the Gaol:- 3 Doz. Tin Soup Basins, }_ Tir1 Dip:per, 4 Chairs for Sick ~1ard, 3 Bread Knives, 6 Tin Drinking Cups, 33 Yds~ Brown Linen for Towels. Wednesda~r, 21st A]rib 1852, ccintinued ..

A letter from the Clerk of the Peace of Cha tL01L y was read, soliciting t-:i:; Sessions for the United. Counties of York, Ontario and Peel, to Petition Parliament to dispense with the necessity of publishing the Quarterly Returns of Convictions. The Sessions were of the o:pinion that the publicatio~u of said Returns, operates as a salutary chec:.r on Magistrates and others, and deoline to Petition Parliament. on the subject ..

Adjourned till Tuesday, 18th May, at 12 O'Clock. ,-. r::4 - ,:. .:,, . -

__SESSIO.tTS :.;::;.;;; ----_,..;.;.~...,.;ADJOURlIBD __ _ Tuesday, 18th M~).y·, 1852.

Present Thomas Bell, Esquire~ Jose1)h Rogers, Esqnire.

Adjourned till Tuesday, 15th June, 1852.


Tuesda.j', lf~h June, 1852.

Thomas Bell, Esquire .• Joseph Rogers, Esquire ..

ORDERED: On Requisi.tion of the Gaoler, approved by the SherJ ff, it was ordered that the following .Articles be purchased for the use of the Gaol:- 1 doz. Prs. of Men's Half Boots, l " " n Moleskin Trowsers, 1 " H Women's Shoes, 1 " " " Stockings.

Adjourned Sine Die. "GENERAL QUA.RTE? ,·:;2:~~SIOHS -~- ---.-~~·=-


s. · B9 Harrlson, Esq. t Chairman.

Thomas FiEfher 1 Esquire. E. ~. Thomson, Esquire. Opened the Court~ Deputy Clerk of the Peace read the Commissions~ Sheriff returned the Precepts.

Called the Sheriff's Jury pay list.

Swore the undermentioned_ members of the Grand Jury:-

James Morgan II Forfm1an. James Allison, Thomas J. Dobson, Thomas Gant on, 1 George Graham, S irnon Hogg, c;:rarne . ' ,0cs I T'"n'.,,,_ ,, 1·. . .i.lg'· -· 1 William Kennedy, John Mustard, George Lylei, John w·atson, ltr1 drew Ll o rt on , Colin McDermott, Arthur McNlell, John Odlaw, Joseph Reesor,Jr~, Joel Raymon, Juse:ph Rogerr:, Ma.rtir1 Swi-t zer, John Sleigh .. Read List of Land Claims unde::(· the Heir and Devisee

Act ..

Swore Calvin Davis as Baili.ff to attend Grand Jury·.,

Swore Moses Hemingway to go bef~ore Gra.11d Jtrry to complain against George Burgess for Assault ..

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, P .. Ivl .. Present S. B .. Harrison, Esquire .. John Dael, Esquire. Swore Alexander Gordon to com:platn against John Campbell and William Hartrick for Libel, on said Alexander Gordon ..

Reg. vs Hiram Dunham .. Assault \Vi th intent to commit Swore Eliza Mooney and. Charles Mooney to g·o befot·e the Grand Jury. Reg .. vs Edward Phil.lips. Defacing Land. Marlrs .. Swore Solomon Prentice and Archiba1tl I.TcNabb to· go before Grand Jury. Reg, vs John H. Demott$ Larceny .. (No. 1). Swore William E. Beebe, Alfred Tom1:1:r;J3on" and Peter Moore, Jr. to go before the Grand Jury ..

Reg. vs John H .. Demott. La.roeny. (No. 2) '"

swore same 7Ji tnesses to go before the Grana. Jury.

Reg. vs John H. Demott~ La.rcenyo (No .3) ~

Swore same 1Xi tnesses :to go befoi-·e the Gra u:J. ,Jury. Grand Juri entered with Presentm~nt against George Burgess for As::::au1t on Moses Hemingwa.y. Bench Warrant ordered to be issued.

The Pu;)J ic Accounts were taken. up, and the further consideration thereof postponed8

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, :P. M. :£h:~n:·sda1_, 8th July, 18S2.

Present S. E. HarriE::011, Esquire .. Joseph Rogers, Esquire3 Grand Jury returned -

Reg. vs Hiram Dunham. Assault, etc. A True Bill .. Reg. vs George Burgess. Assa.ult, etc. --A 1rue Bill .. Reg. vs John H. Demott. Larceny .. (11o .1) Uo Bill ..

do do do (No. 2) No Bill~

do do do (No.3) No -Bill ..

Reg. vs Edward Philli11s. Misdemeanor. No Bill. Reg. vs George Burgess .. Assault ..

Bench Warrant issued for November Ses;3io.i:H::, and. Subpoena to be issued for Prosecutor during vacation. he not being now in attendance.

The Grand Jury :presented John Crt:-~rpbell and 1;7illia.~·ti

Hartri(Jk for Libel on Alexander Gordon, but there lJeing 110 particulars given, on which to draft an Indictment, it w0s -

0RD2T~ED: That the matter stanc1 over unt ·il Novemb-er Sessions. The Proseoutor,Alexander Gordon, voluntarily enter­ ed into Recog?:t:i. zance in the sum of s:20. for his personal appearance at November Sessions to prosecute, eta., etc .

.Adjourned till to ... morr0~:.: at 1 0' Clock, P,. Tule 1·, ;, \ _.. .t.,J 'I•'\_,'

Q;UARTr~R SES2-I0l~S Friday~ 9th July, 1852.

Present s. 13 .. Harrison, Esq .. , Chairman .. Joseph Rogers, Esquire. Reg. vs George Morrow, et al. Larce11y .. The Prosecutor not having been in attendance untll to-day, and th\? Grand Jury having been discharged yesterday~ the Prosecutor entered into Reoognizanoe as follows:-

John Laverty. in the sum of £20 .. for hls appeara:noo to proseou~e at November Sessions next~ Reg .. vs Hiram Dunham~ Rape.

L.f'I'a::lg:ned the I'riso11er. Plea. Not Guilty .. Empaneled the follo~~ng Jury:- Leison Jordan, Charles Plumerfelt, George Sonley, John Stock, Joseph Mahar, Thomas Shaw., :Duncan f;ilkie, George J:Taggs, Shepherd Morton, I:rwin Liddell, Henry Webber, Thomas McLaughliL~

Pro. Swore .. Con., Eliza Mooney, Dr. Hunter, Charles Mooney, Charles Shephera, s. E. Phillips, Esq., J.P9, George MoMorra.:n ... Verdict: Not Guilty on the firBt Count. Guilty on the second Count.

~-3entenoe: To be .:1.1u1,risoned in the Common Gaol of the Counties for the space of One Cnlendar Month, without hard 1a·bour .. Reg. vs Donsheath. et al.. Larceny.

This c:;:1,se was brought u1, at the last Assizes 11 of the Defendants were tri.ed. One Convicted and two acq-uJtted ..

The Prisoner, William John Davis, the only one remaining, now appeared for Trial. :JEL~___; SI__ ONS Friday, 9th July, 1852, oontl.nued.

Arraigned the Prisoner, rt:Llliam Jc,hr, Dav ls.

Plea. .. Not Guilty.

Empaneled the foJ.lo\ving Jury:- James Boyd, George Gam'bl e,

James Brownlee 11 Adam Hastings,

James Connor 'O Ryersc;;n Kelley, Jaco11 Draper t Aaron Ludlow, Bethual Draper, Leonard Morgan, John Doble. John. MoNiell. Pro .. Swore. James J. Mapes .. Verdict: William John Davis. Not Guilty .. Reg. vs Edward Phillips.. Misdemeanor. Three of the Witnesses, viz: Geo~rge Jeffe:r,(·~on, Jonas Christner and James Postill, not having appeared, tha

Court ordered that their Recognizances be estreii ted ~ Cal 7. rrrl parties on their Recognizances. John Parker. who was committed. to Gaol on. 7th Jurie last, in defau.l t of sureties to keep the Peaoe t ·was now brought up and discharged by Proclamation&

Adjourned. till Monday, 12th Instant, lf:; O'Clock .. -- 260 -

Monda.~ 2 __12th July, 1852.

Present Alexander Burnside, Esq~, Chairman, Pro~ Tern. John Doel, ) (Joseph Rogers, J. G. Chewett, } Esquires. (Robert Cathcart, Hugh Eccles, ) (George P. Ridout~ Peter Freeland,) (

The Public Accounts were ta.ken up, exar.cdned, autited and allowed, as :per Schedule of' this date, in Audit Book. On Recommendation of James Johnson, Esq., it v~·as - ORDERED: That Robert VVhitters be appointed a Constable for the Township of Albion, for the current yee..1".

Adjourned till Thu.rsday, 12th August ne:xt 11 at 12 0 1 c1ock.

------ADJOURNED SESSIONS Thursday, 12th August_, 1852 ..

Present Thomas Bell, Esquire. Robert Cathcart, Esquireo

On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, it was - ORDERED: That the following Articles be purchased for the use of the Gaol, viz:- 2 Blank Books, 4 Chamber Pots for Siok Wards, ~nd A sufficient quantity of sheeting Cotton to make 25 prs~ of sheets to replace the same number worn out.

Adjourned till Friday, 10th September next, 12 O'Clock~ l:"r :_ ~ 10th Sept eml-er 1 1852 ..

l?resent William Wakefield, Esquire~ Thomas Helliwell, Esquire~

Adjourned till Friday, 8th October next.

ADJOURNED SE~::')u .... T,...... Q1\1•~"'-"' q Friday, 8th October, 1852 ..

Present Thomas Bell, Esquire. Joseph Rogers, Esquire.

Adjourned t:111 Tuesday, 2nd Uovember ne:xt.

ADJOURNE:D SESSIONS Tuesday, 2nd !lovember, 1852~

Present Joseph Rogers, Esquire~

John Dael, Esq· ..

On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, it was - ORDERBD: T'hat the following articles be purch-H,sed for the use of the Gaol, viz:- 1 Wash Stand, 1 Basin, 1 Ewer and Towels, for the Ho::,id.tal War,d .. l Ilew Ax·e, 1 Case for the Books, Papers, eta., co1~~ected with the business of the Gaol. 2 'Steel ::]1ovels for e1eaning yards,.

Adjourned Sine Diee GE!iBRAL Tuesday, 16th_November, 1852.


S. B .. Harri son. J.~]sq. , Chairman. E.W. Thomson, Esquire .. Opened the CourtG Deputy Clerk of the Peace read the Commissions .. Sheriff returned the Prece~ts.

Called Sheriff's Jury pay list$

~j,vo:re the following Gentlemen cif the Grand Jury: ... ~ John D. Phillips, Foreman. Jacob Anderson, Robert Bingham, James Burns, · William Coultis, Charles Corgan, Alexander :F'urgason, Allan Gray, Jacob Hacrow, Daniel Horner, Samuel Jones, Christopher Lindsay, Benjamin Loche" James Maxwell, . Thomas Robinson,.

Martin Raymer, Mardecai St.a.rr 1 Robert Thompson, Robert Wood. Svvore C:~J.lVin Davis as Bailiff to attend the Grand Jury .. Read List of Land Claims under the Heir and Devisee Acts. Clerk of' the Peace produced in Court the Jurors' Book for 1853, and the four parcels of Ballots apr,ertainlnt thereto, also the Jurors' Book for 1851 and 1852, as required by the Act, also made Oath to the Bookst eto. as required by the statute~ ORDERED: That -~11 Jury Lists be balloted fur these United Counties for the yaar 1853. The Balloting for Jurors was pcstponed t111 t()- morrow. Reg. vs John McDonnell. Assault wlth intent, etc.

(No.. 1) •

Swore George Rule, Mary Ann Rule, John Bowes, John Hamil ton, Alexander Shaw, James McDonald, Dr. Crewe and Dr. Telfer to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs John MoDonnell. Assault~ (No.2). swore Mary Ann Rule., John Bowes and John Hamilton to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs George Burgess$ Assault~ Swore Moses Hemingway, Walter II.tiller, Thoma.. s Woodburn, Alexander Cotter, and Robert Curtis to go before the Grand Jury.

Reg~ vs John McG:t:'D.vy. Nuisance • .swore William Robertson to go before the Grand Jury to complain.

S·vvore Col • .Amos Thorne in proof of a De,ed i the

Witnesses to wr1j,ch reside out of the Province,.

Cert:tfioate for Registration ord.ered to bf3 issued, under 9, Viet. Chap. 34.

Adjourned till to-m;.)r1'·ow at 1 O'Clock'/· P • .1~. - 264 -

ADJOUR}1sD GEUERA.L ,:.JJART:E~R r:::-:s:~rons ---... ,~------~------

:Present s. B. Harrison, Esq .. , Cha.:trman,. E.W. Thomson, Esquire. Reg. vs Edward Phillips. Defacing Land l,_;_.~i,.rks, from last i:'.essions. Upon applicationt on Affia.avi t, shewing oause, it was - ORDERED: That the Estrea.t of Jonas Christner in said case be rf1mi tted on payment of Sheriff's Costs. Reg,. vs Gordon Hannah. Horse Stealing ..

Swore Henry Uixon, John Dunning and Mary Du.nning to go before the Grand Jury.

Reg. vs John Little. }felonious 1\.ssault ~ Swore William Hays, John Seabrook., William Elliott, John McKee, Dr~ Thomas Henry, Samuel McKee and Thomas Rutherford and William Switzer, to go before the G-rand J1.i.ry. Reg~ vs Joel Rogers~ Contempt ..

Swore Robert Corner, Robert Roberts, Ell Gorham, Eriq D'Arcy Boulton to go before the Grand Jury ..

Reg. 'VS Municipality of the Township of i~tobicoke.

On Affidavits and hearing flgru.nv::int of C•Jltn2iel., ,•the. Cotlrt ..... ORDERED: That the case be :postponed ti11 next Sessions. Recognized accordingly the following: parties:,_, James Hayden, in £20. for the prosecution ..

John Gu.ardhous e , in £ 20 . do Allen Gray in £20. do The Grand Jury entered with the following Bills:-

Reg. vs John McDonnell. Assault, etc. (No.l). A True Bill.

do do Assault. (l~o .2). A True B:tll ..

Reg. vs George Burgess, do A True Bill. ;, 1 ; T 1 ·. ·i ., ~..v-.,,/1,,#' ,,~_., V''-URl'~D '4~ r,u,:=-~-·---.J.-~1-J,i. (\.Rn1~ ~,n______f:Ji;S 8 I 0173_

·· ·· e ., ne c- da .. ,. ::. \., Q :.i~

7 1 Reg.. Vs Jo·:}1"1"'1, .1.1. '71~C''".1,;,l .U iJ ··-·,Ll..(~ ··· 1.;-· ,.; ...... , • Assn.ult with intent, etc .. Arraigned the Defendant .. Plea. Not Guilty., Empaneled the following JurrJ:-

John·Y. Burke, John Darl ::i:,1t:, 11 ·1. William R. Bennett, ... atr··Lck.. " .v·,· -l..'f·f'·,·· .,;, . .,, , George Cutting, William E'nart, Henry Coot:, George ~·orb es, ·,•;.,.,,i; e·u· James Car2,o, Je ....i.. _,4)_,./ ! ...... ah Fo].. ., , John Duke, Wi11iam Gardener.

Pro .. Swore o Con,. George Rule, Michael Kenney,

Mary Ann Rule 1 ~-:111iam A e Baldwin,

John B.sres, James ' Dawson 'I John Hamltlon, Adam Beatty, Dr. Henry Crewe,. William Todd .. Dr. Walter Telfer, James ~.~cDonald, L·u,J:c Kelley.

Verdict: Guilty on the Second Count .. Sentence: To l,e lm:c;risoned in the Common Gaol of the United Counties, for the space of One Year at hard. labour i and to 11ay a Fine of £20 ~, and to remain in Custody until the said Fine be paid.

The Grand Jury ret11rned. with the following Bills: ..... Reg. vs John Little~

,U,,.,,,,_Y..,...,-3-..-.•A True BJ11 . ..,...~-.- ..

Reg. vs Gordon Hannah. Horse Stealing. .lt True Bill .. Reg. vs Joel Rogers. Contempt .. A True Bill .. In the latter case the Court was moved for a Bench vVarrant, wh ...tch was forthwith iss-v.ed in Col:;.rt, and. put into the hancls of John. Higgins, Constable ..

Reg. vs John McDonnell. Assault. (No .. 2). Defendant havitg been convicted on the firBt Indictment, for a Felonious Assault, a. Nolle prosequ:l wits entered on this, by Order of Court.

Brougham vs Bal fou.r .. Articles of the Peace~

The part both appeared. in Court• :·:ind the Court order that both parties be bound over to keep the peace. ADJOURl:}~D

Recognized accordi~gly:-

George Balfou.r, Gore of Toronto, i1; the sum of £50. Thomas Montgomery, of Etobicoke, " £25. Robert Hodgins H Yr £25.

Conditioned t1~.c.t the said George Balfour shall keep the Peace, and be of good behaviour towards all Her

Maj esty 1 s liege subj ·sets, and especially towards Michael E. Brougham for the space of One Year .. Michael E. Brou.gham, Gore of Toronto, in the su.m of ~~50 ..

George Platt, of the City of Toronto, tf £25~ John Platt, Do do " £25., Conditioned that the said Michael E. Brougham shall keep the :.Peace, and be of good behaviour towards all

Her Majesty's liege subjects, and especially towa.rtls George Balfour, for the space of One Year.

The Ballotir:6 for Jurorr; was further postponed until Friday next.

The Public Ac~(tu·;i_nte: were taken up and their further consideration deferred.

Adjourned till Friday next at J. 0 I C1 . 0~ cJr.0..., 1'...... , ....M ,.._. ,-- 267 -

------~-ADJOUR.I:1RD~-- ~rid&..;/.L 19th JTovemb,!3r ,. 1852 ..

Pre~~·: ent

S. B. Harrison, T::sq., Chairr:ian ..

Thomas Bell, Esquire.

Reg. vs Gordon Hannah. Horse 3teal i11g.

1 This case was postponed until next Ja1n1arl' ...:·u.:::i.:rter

Sessions by consent of Counsel~ Recognized accordingly the following pa.rties:-

.0 Henry Ifixon in the sum of uvVi::.o •

J Otln'1 Dunning, • f or b.imse~~ . 1 -f in~• C• 50 .

John Dunning, for Ma.ry Dunning in £:50.

Condi.ti oned for the a1~pearance of the said

at the next Quarter Sessions, to prosecute Go:reLon Ean:nah .. Reg. vs George Burgess& Assartl t .. .Arraigned the prisoner,. Plea .. Not Guilty .. Empaneled the following Jury:-

John Y. Burke 1 Willie.m 11wart, William R. Bennett, George :B'orbes, George Cutting, Jeremiah Foley, Henry Cook, Robert Hall, James Ca1... go, Robert Irwin, John Darling, Wi1liam Lyon .. Pro .. Swore .. :Moses Hemingway, Walter Miller, Thomas Woodburn, Thomas Curt is... Verdict: Not Guilty.

Balloting for Jurors was further postru::\ed til1 to-morrow .. Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 0 1 Clook. r~ - 268 -

Saturday, 2Q~h Novembei;, 1852.

Pre8ent S. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman .. Thomas Bell, Esquire. Jacob Cook, Esquire. The Grand Jury brough,t in a Presentment or1 the state of the Gaol. Appeal of John Evans, against a Conviction of Eli Gorham. Esq., and Joseph Hartman, Esq., for refusing to act as School Trustee. Swore John Evans, John McCarty, James Evans, and Rodgford Conestinee Empaneled the followiI:g Jury:- George Forbes, George Cu.tting, James McNair, James Cargo, Patrick Duffy~ Jeremiah .b'ol,;:.:/, Burnett O'Beirne, John Woods., Peter Ramer, Finley Mc11ab, Vlillia.m Ewart, Robert Hall. Swore, for Reripondent :- '}./illiam Pttt·dy, Rodgford Conestine, Joseph Pegg and Ferdina.nd Pegg. For Appellant:- Samuel Harrold, Esq., Ransaller McCarty, James Evans. James Silver and Nathaniel Vernou. Verdict for Respondents:- Sustaining the Con- viction by the Justices. Witnesses' Costs paid to them in Court. Reg. vs John Little~ Assault, etaa Nolle prosequi entered by Order of Court, and consent of Counsel for prosecution. Reg. vs James Earhart. Larceny .. The Witnesses for prosec·ution not having, -and the Recognizances on inspection, being found indefinite as to the Court to which pa.. rties were bour1d, it was - ORDERED: That the case be postponed till next January Sessions, and that the prlsoner remain in Custody till then. That the Recognizance of the ~itnesses ADJ~)UR:NFJ) GEN.;~JAL ------· . Sa turd.ay, 20th November, 1852 r __ 90,.~tin.!_1ed.. be extended to that Court, and tha.t ·L1 the mea:nti.rte Subpoenas be issued for them~

Balloting for Jurors l)ostponed till Weo.nesday next, at 12 0 1 Clook.

Adjourned till Wednesday, 24th. at 12 O'Clock,.

Wednesday, 24th Ncnrembe1"J 1862 ~

Present Burnside, Esq., Cha.i1ir1an 11 Pro .. Tcm1e

J,, G. Chewett,} (Robert Cathaart~ John Doel, . ) (Peter Freelana,· D. McDol1ga.ll, } ( Taylor .. Hugh Eccles, } (

On. Requisition of the ap:prove(l by the Sheriff, it was - OR1Jl:i3J,_;IJ: That the following ArtioleE1 be purchased for the use of the Gaol:-

1 Wood Saw, 1 Pr. Dog Irons for Turnkey's Room, 1 Set Stove Brushes, 1 Gutta Peroha Wash Basin for use of Prisoners, Some Flannel for scrubbing cloths\) l Slate.

The Public Accounts were taken up, exami.ned., atHl:lt­ ed and allowed as l;'er Schedules of this date. in .tudlt Book ..

The BallotiJ\:~ for Jurors was r:;o~::ti:1(,ned uI:1ti.l F.;ciday next, at 11 O'Clock, A. Me

Adjourned till Friday, 26th Instant, at 11 O'Clocke 1:'rida,Y, 26th November, 1852.

Present Hugh Eccles, Esq., Chairman, Pro~ Tam .. Samuel G.. Lynn, Esquire. Opened the Court. The Balloting for Jurors commenoed l)ursuant to Adjournment.. The Crier having macl.e proolamatio:ns under the Statute,. Firstly - To keeri sllenoe ~ and SeconE-ll - For persons objecting, or ol.aiming to be exempted from service as Jurors, to come forth, etc@ The First Di'vision, Grand Jurors for Superior Courts, and Seconst Di~JE~ion, Grand Jurors for Inferior Courts, were then balloted for, 96 in each Division~ For names, additions, etc, see Minutes and Jurors' Boo1r for 1863 ..

Adjourned till to-morrow.


Saturdaz, 27th l'Jove_r_pber, 18fi2 ..

Present Hugh Eccles, Esq .. , Chai.rman, Pro, Tem.. John Doel, Esquire. Opened the Court. Made proclamations under the Statute,. The Third ~ivision, Petit Jurors for Superior Courts, 288 in number were then balloted fora For names., additions, etc, see Rough Minutes and Jurors' Book for 1853.

Adjourned till Monday nextt at 11 O'Clock, A. M. Monday, 29th Novemlier, ~B52,.

Present Hugh Eocles, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tern.

R . Ca·th car t , ~8quire.n • John Doel, Esquire .. Opened the Court. Made proclamations unde.r the Stat-u.te .. The Fourth Division, Petit Jurors for Inferior Courtst 288 in number were then balloted for. For names, additions, etc .. see Rough Minutes and Jurors' Bcok for 1853 ..

Adjourned till Wednesday, 22nd December, next.



't,i"'I n Hug h ...:.;CC 1 es 9 Ei sq,. , ·,,9Ch airman· 'I IrO e T em .. Jame.£{ Taylo1·, Esquire. Opened the following Tenders for Bread:­

Theophilus Earl, 5d .. per 4 lb. loaf, leSE: 5 J>er oent ..

John Nasmith, 5d. do do do 5 pence in the ~j'"

2.1.. 0 ·,·,.·,tJ ., David Maitlan.d~ 5d .. do do do i.: per t;~. . ,a, ORDERE.D: That the Contract for 1853 be g1,ven. to • Theophilus .Gi1.rl. The Contract for prluting a:nd advertising for

1853 was drawn by ballot in f~l~/or of the ;'fMirror" ~




In the 1ear

1 8 5 3 GEltBRAL

Tuesday, 4th Janu.ary .i._l.-8§~ ..

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman~ Thomas Bell, Esquire .. Opened the Court. Deputy Clerk of the Peace read the Commissions .. Sheriff returned the Precepts~ Called Sheriffs' Jury pay lists. Empaneled the following Gentlemen of the Grand Jury:··

Adam Armstrong, Samuel Hoaks, Francis Beatty, Daniel Hugill, Earl Bates, Dexter Leat,

Denis Dullea, Leonard. Long 11 l;'·,-.·,·»0 .:·:·1 Geox g e .A-A ,t · :.. ,.to'.1,., t Dani.el McBrid.e ~ William Graham, Isaac McRiery, Hamil ton Hall, Robert Norman. Thomas Hol borrie, Henry- Perdue, Hiram Post, J. s. Rodgers, Wesley Todd., Jofieph Wallis, ~.;. -:: c1 Wainwright ..

Swore Calvin. Da-vi.s as Bailiff, to attend the Grand. Jury. Read List of Land Claims under the Heir and Devisee ActL

Reg. vs :;tilliam :Blooty $

Swore Will:la.m Brown, and. He W. Thomson, I~sq. to gc;. before the Grand Jury ..

Adjourned till tomorrow, .at 1 O'Clock, P. M. ..,.:', ,.·,,., ,) AL ADJ OU;llJEJ) G..l ~J-'Li- ... :.J.J. b._,

We~Q_esday, 5th Januar~, 185~

S. B. Harrison, liJsquire, Chairman. Nathaniel Pearson, Esquire .. Reg. vs Alexander McIntosh~ Assault$ Swore Rowland Burr,· Esquire, to go before the Grand Jury,.

Rege vs Alexander McIntosh~ Swore Rowla11d Burr, Esqi.ltre, to go before the Grand Jury ..

The Grand Jury entered with:,...

Lbl..rceny ..

Arraigned the Prison~r. Plea .. Gu:! 1 ty"

0 1 uen. t 011 ce : ~o-'- ~L• e imp· r·~1. ~ou ~e (~ i n tie.;J. c,ommo:n Gal'a \

of the UiL1.ted Counties for the 1:ieriod of Three Calendar l\T.ortt'-1s i, at hard. la bou.r .. Reg~ vs Alexander Mclntoshm Assa.ult .. The Grand Jury entered with - Bench Warrant ordered to be issued. The Public Accounts were taken u.p, fand the fv.rther consideration thereof postponed.

'II"' A{ljourned ti.11 to-1riorrowt at 9 .. 30 11 A. JVl • Thur~:~d~~:..2.. 6th January, 1853 ..


S. ·B. Harri ~3 on. Esq~ , Cha .irma.n. Thomas J. Prest o:r.:.., Es qui :re • Do McDonnell and F. Coate -were sworn to prove the execution of a Deed from Francis Logan et u...~, to Rowll:1r:e~ Orr .. Certificate ordered to be issued under the Statute 9, Viet~ Chap .. 34. Reg. vs Gordon Hannah. Horse Stealing .. Arraigned the prisoner .. Plea .. not Grtil ty .. Empaneled the following Jury:- Aaron Bagshaw, 'William Dickie, Ambro·se Boone, Jacob Johnson, Peter Buakendall, Thomas Kirby, Jesse Boaks, John Lester, Jacob Belfrey, James l~orrison, Allen Crittenden, Edward Morris~ Pro .. Swore. Con ..

Henry Nixon, Robert Knox, 'V'l .,, .-., · ·,. ,,:.\,c,, tti.-)'.> B,_ ··- 1· John Dunn:i:.:.:.,1,-~:...... t.,j "-,•t,J..1 .. {,ii 4,A., Mary Du:r.u.1 i :ng , Elizabeth t'.fillon, Catharine :MeDona1d, George MelJon, John Graham, James Tolls, Sr., Joseph Wadsworth, James Tolls, Jr., George Balfour, John .E1erguson, Robert Hodgson, Robert Hannah~ Elizabeth Hannah, James Kilbeck. Verdict; Not Guilty .. Reg. vs James Earhart. The Witnesses now appeared, after the discharge of the Grand Jury,-

ORDERF~D: That the case be postponed to the Assizes .. 'J:he following Recognizances were taken: -

David Bowes and Richard Jones in the sum of £t5., each, for their personal appearance to prosecute, etc. a.t the Assizes now sitting. Reg. vs Joel Rogers. Called Rogers on his Recognizance. The Recognizances, in default of appearance, were ordered to be estreated." both in the original Appeal, and the Indictment for conte~rt, but that the Clerk of the Pea.ce do ·wi tllliold the Estreats f:rom the

Sheriff un"til Tuesday next, aftt1r they shall 'be en-

forced, unless the orj_gi.n.ttl Conv· iction :31.11el Costs, e·te .. be pa"td ti>

ATJ tj ourned t 111 Tuesday, 11th Instant , at 12 O'Clock, Noon$ ______ADJOURNE~l) GE}IBR.AL QUARTER,.;;;_,._.. __ ·.-n··••···-·--SE:J::~;IC.!JS

Present Alexander Burnside, Esq ... Chairman, r·ro .. Tern. John ])oel, ) (Robert Cathcart~ J • G .. Chew e tt , ) ( Charlt3S Berczy, T. J. Preston,) (Peter Freeland, E. W., Thomson,} ( James Taylox·.

On Requisition of the Gaoler, ap1,roved by the Sheriff, it was - ORDERED: That the following articles be pur- chased for the Gaol, viz:- Rules Books for Registere.,and Duplicate .. Index Book and Receipt Book, Paper for Returns, etc., 1 Bunk, Some Stove Pipes, Yard Brooms, Corn Brooms, Some Coarse Toweling. The undermentioned persona were appointed as Con­ stables, on recommendation of the Magi.stratas in. their rieighbor­ hood:-

Richard Knill, for Whi·tchuroh 11

George Cameron and James Holden for Markha:m,

all in the v5, of Stouffville,

James :Porter fo.1· Chinguaoousy. '.:(ihe Public Accounts were taken up, examined, audited and allowed, as :per Schedule of this date, :i.n Au,ait

Book ..

Adjourned t:i.11 Thursday, 10th February, next. ,-,T., ,._ ,, .... -,--~,·. ADJ l,: ·~.) .l\.i~ ~iJ

Present Robert Cathcart, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Teme John Doel~ Esquire. ORDERED: That the following addi tlur;~~1 furniture be :purchased for ~he of'flne of the Clerk of the Peace, viz:­ A Table for the outer Office, covered with aloth~ An Oil Cloth Cover for large table in tfustioc 's Room. Two Arm Cha.ire and 11Jight Common Chairs.,

Adjourned till Thursday, 24·th March, 1853.

ADJOURtTED SES~3IONS Thursday, 24th March, 1853,.

Present Robert Cathcart, Esquiree Hugh Scobie, Esquire.

Opened Messrse Garden & Thompson's Tender for Wood at 14/10 per Cord* OHDERIID: That the above parties receive the Contract for the ensuing year~

Adjourned Sine Die. - h,l·c,·i:H7 C- ....

Tuesday, 5th April, 1853.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq~, Chairman .. Thomas Bell, Esquire .. Thoma.s Mil burn, ·Es .. Deputy Clerk of the Peace read the Commissions. Sheriff returned the Precepts .. Called Sheriff's Jury pay list. Em:pa11eled the following Gentlemen of the Grand Jury:­ James Smith, Foreman. James Almond, James Todd, Joseph Harper, Henry V. Benson, Tertl11lus Weed, John Kerr, Nicholas Cober, Samuel &'v;itzer,Jr. George Robinson, James .b.,airless, William Christian, George Stokes, Joseph Hodgson, Thomas Barnard, And.raw ·{:ilson 1 Niel Maloy, Samue1 Cummer, JosE:1ph Weir,

Joseph Ratcliff, John Clark 1 George Taylor,

Swore C>1lvin lh~'~iiS as Bailiff, to attend the Grand Jury. Reg. vs George Jefferson~ Larceny. Swore Joseph Chur:eh arid Anne Church to go before the Grand Jury .. Swore John Kirsop:r;, to go before the Grand Jury, to complain against John Fitzgibbon, for assaulting a

Constable in di.scha.rge of his duty .. till to-morrow 11 at 1 O'Clock, P .. M. ADJOURNED GE11Eii:1'iL G,UAR'liER SESSION~~,

rresent S. B. Harrison. Esquire, Chairman*

S. Eo Phillips, Esquire. Reg. vs John Reid and Samuel Reid.• Larceny .. swore William Spafford, Charles Spafford, Thomas Wal ton, and James Jackson to go before the Grand Ju~r~· ..

Reg. vs Joshua Dubbins, Ann<=:[~ and Mary Quail. Larceny.

&~lore Albert Gaines ana. Sarah Ann TuioKay to go .be~.. fore the Grand Jury$ • The Gra.nd Ju.rtf returned. with the following Bills:- Reg. ve George Jefferson. Larceny .. A True Bill~ Also - A Presentment agal:nst John Fitzgibbon for asr:.::.1.xult- ing a Constable in discharge of his du.ty .. Bench Warrant ordered to be issued. Reg. vs George Jefferson. Laroe:ny ..

Arra. : 6:,,ed the Pri sonar i> Plea* Not Guilty .. Empaneled the following Jury:- William Anderson, Jesse Coryell, George Brillinger, William Ferguson, William Bennington, Robert Greer, Robert Beard, George HarrisoL,, Jaoob Baker, Edward Kermott, Michael Br~d;:~:1our, Georgo Lipsett .. Swore .. Joseph Churoh, Anne Church, James Hastings. Verdict: Not Guilty. Appeal, Robert Jamieson, Appellant~ Thomas Ganton, Respondent~

Empaneled the following Jury:-

Robert Agar, Henry Rowed, ~1atthew P~nk?rton, David'Erwin, Sr., Mi'.ehael Rr~ynolds. ~amuel P?,1111:ps, Michael Murphy, John Miller Anthopy ?laxton ~7illia.m lVli tohell ' ' ' Joh:n MoWirter, Barnabas Nol ton, WedneSd§t-Y, 6th A:pril, l~.53_! contin~ed -~

A defect appearing 1.n the Conviction, the Con­ viction by the 1I~i-t;lstr.s.te was ordered be quashed, -v.·i thout Costs, without going to the Jury. Reg~ vs John Fitzgibbon. The Defendant was now brought up on the

Warrant issued by the Court, and on application of Counsel the case was :postrJoned until the next Sessions, and. the Defendant entered into Reoognizanoe as follows:- John Fitzgibbon, in the sum of £50. Asa Reynolds, in the sum of £25 .. Samuel Garside, in the stun of £25" ]'or the appearance, to trial and judgment of the said John Fitzgibbon, at the next Quarter Sessions 1.x:~ .:ruly ..

John Kirsopp, in the sum of ·£50., for his H,:ppear­ unoe, eta. to prosecute at next Sessions, the said John Fitzgibbon. Appeal, - James Evans, Appellant. Rodgfo~d Conestine and Edward Tench, Respondents. Said James Evans having been oonvlcted by Eli

Gorham, Esq. , J. J?'. , for disturbing a School meeting. Empaneled the following Jury:-- Robert Agar, Matthew ~irikertcin 9 David E:nvin, Sr., Samuel Phillips, Michael Murphy, Anthony :Plaxton, William Mitchell, Barnabas Nolton, John Miller, Henry Rowed, John McWirter, Michael Rey11olds, Objections were taken to the Conviction by Counsel for Appellant, on the grounds that the Meeting alleged to

have been disturbed, was not a "School Meeti3~g" 11 within the meaning of the Act. The Court ruled that the Convictlon was defective, and ordered that the same be quashed without Cos ts. ;:, .... ~-••/ ['"".,· .. ,L -

;r.,_;,-,"JRAL "''U· '-r-,··- ...,R --·---·------"~~--~GE...... ·"'~ :·•. c~'.i ~.t

~-ednesd~_..,_6_t_h_aA__ ....,J)_I_·j __ l _ _r_, _1_8_5_3--'-, _c_o_n_t_i_n_t_l_i:.;'_U,.

The Grand. Jury ent eref ·t:ith the fo11owing Bil1s :-

Reg .. vs John l:Pi t zgi bbon. Assault .. A True Bill~

Reg~ vs Joshua Dubbir~s, et ale ·"".,;,,,ra~"ceny L , . qi .A Tru.e Bill,.

Reg. VB ,John and Samuel Reid~ Larceny .. A True Bill,

The Public Accounts were taken up" ancl the further cons i{1e-r.-a tion thereof postponed.

Adjourned t:l 11 to-morrovv at 1 0 'Clock, P .. :-L 'T '""U..,..)"'·T: ,.,.. / ·~ -~ -, ":\'r C ·-,-. ,:\ i .. A]) tJ 1_; l.1. .I. .. ~.': , •.Jr .t1.,.i..l .,_.,,J..\._1, u

Present S4o B. Harrison, Esq .. , Chairman. S. E. Phillips, Esquire. r.,eg ..,l • vs George I>anb~? a Larceny .. Swore Alexander Shaw, Thomas Kenny, John Gallaher,

Samuel Miner and Wi115.. :J1:~. Winsgrove to go before the Grand. Jury.

The Appeal of Thomas Bennett, Ari'r:elJ.ant .. Frederiok C.Capreol, Respondent~

Empanelefl t 1:1e following Jury:-

William Anderson, Lynds Thom1)son, George Brillingert Henry Rowed, Jesse Coryell, R1.1dol1J1 Rawe., f"lf'.u 1.. 11 1am. ...~~·erguso,n, Edward. Stinson, 1':.Ia tthew Pinkerton, John Sanderson, Anthony :Plaxton, John South .. Swore George :Miller to prove. Not:1 ce ..

Swore for Respondent, F.. C. Ca:preol, Et~:l. , John

Cameron, Esq., and John Murphy ..

Svrore for /~.:prellant, F.-1lliam McMaster, Douglas

Laidlaw, Eliza Toole, William Ben11ett and John Slemons ., Verdict for Appellant:- The Conviction ordered to be qll.ashed, the q_uest ion of Costs reserved@ The Grand Jury entered with:- Reg. vs George Danby. Lare,eny .. A True Rill ..

Also a Presentment against t;he Highw~).. y or Road leading from ~~oronto to Holland. Landing, commonly cal Jed Yonge Street, as a Public Nuisance. Also a Presentment on the state of the Gaol.

,,. n

Reg. vs George Danby~ I,-1,rcer1y ..

Arraigned the Prisoner$ P1ea. t·'.J' .. Not Guil ti '•, T1Ju·--·c-l R'·","",l,l"', ·· ..· •,.-.,.,·,·r··-·, ., ",·· ,-. T- ·' ,,...,,, .. , ... -,, ·, .... ~ n I,.,•,-,-,··· J.'l.,.J.J ' L..LLl,U'.~ ...... ,. __ .______l:r "'··.. '~l·;.L~~L.'.l..l.J..... ~------....,J.:ti1.-J.:,::J~~t- ._. =------,..·-----~ '.:_j..:__:.,~:,O \·J.'i;_;; ihu.r2,day, 7 ~ h \( ril. 1853, cont i:nued. ~ -----,L...---·---.. ~l. ._., . ._.._ ' • .,.. --~------·-

Empane~_ed the follo·v,ing Jur~y: - William Bennington, John Ravrson, John McWirter, Thomas Robi.nEon, -, l"' b·,.-..- ... 1 !'.I Samuel Phillips, Th Oll1cJ.1..; s··1 L:,_1, ' a. ' George Racket, Henry Sheffer, ,Jr., "TT·v11 11· .....,,.il ooa.s... , Michael Reynolds, Jose:ph Wu:msley. Pro .. Alexander Shaw, Esq., Thor.1as Kenney, John G-allaher, S.0.1rn.i,.el L.iner, John \lingro-ve + Verdict: Guilty.

Sentence: To be i'mprisoned :in the Ccr;:i:c,on Gaol of the Uni tea. Count Ies for the space of Thrc1e Calencla.r l'lonths ~ at hard labo-ur ..

Adjourned t 111 to-morrow at 1 0' Clock, P. :,_;. ,···- ·,· ·r·-·1-- "11:' .·, - -, ,.. ' '1·. -r-,(1··.n s·' r, ,· '-,,r-, .1._··t_••,,.,_".1_,..,_' u_.1._d'!..:1:'.1_...i1~· _.:_-3._.L_·-~i:-__.i.1_-~·~·~.J_' .. __·-~ ,: 1".,l~~ .i.:..... , .,_1J~ i::; l (.'..L'l ;j -- ~ -·------.,...._ ...... -·· , .... ___ ._._,,,.__ ,...,_..__ - --- -. ,_ -· - -

]_:,_r_i_c_ta._·~-r ..._, _8_t_h_ 1 ~· ~) 1 , ___1_8_5_3 ,.


S. B 8 Ha.rr~_son, Esq. , Cha irma11. s. E. Phillips) Esquire. Reg. vs Joshua Dubbins, Anne nu.bbins and Mary ~uail.

Arraigned the Px··_ison-=··j·s, who pleaded rc:~'r,ecti vel;/­

Not Guilty.

Empaneled. the following Jury·: .... Robert Agar, Robert Greer, William Anderson, George Harrison.,

William Bennington, I~d.ward.. Kermott 1 Robert Beard, George Lipsett, Jacob Baker, Michael Mur1)hy, Michael Brethour, Willlsm Mitchell~ .Pro. Swore .. Albert Gaines, Sarah .Ann McKay~ Verdict: Not Guilty.

Reg. v-s John Re id and Samuel Reid., J'r .. , Arraigned the Prisoners, who pleaded respectivel~-~

Not C+uil ty ..

Empaneled. the following Jury: -

George Brilltnger, Henry Rov/ed.

• l ;'": C, '[':•", Jesse Coryell, Rud 0 1 .P"'-1 2 ,;;_;;,,.\ ;;,_., 9 J·ohn Miller~ :Villiam Stinscin, Barna bas ~Tol ton, John Sanders 1.:

Against the Conviction of said llilburn by ·,.'d.lllrl.n; Adams, Esq., J.P., for Assault .. . _.._, "IONc··,. S J~s,... ~

want of form, in.:J, cb as it does not mention the penalti,

( by imprisonme:nt) , in eitrent of non-payment of Fine and Costs,. Cor.:ts awara_ea. to .:::,.p:oe1lant .. Order to be issued. In the matter of .AJ,1:pea1 of Thomas Bennett, Ar·1,e1lant.,.

Frederick C. Capreol 9 Respondent.

'h -~ -,'\.. ·''· .! ·• e :\nich was tried o:~1 the 7th Instant, a. t v;, .:.. <.,;.u_ ~ J,Ii1 ., the conviction wa.s quashed, and. the queE1'tio:n of

ed. It is now _Ordered that the Conviction before tl-.e ::,.'.:c:.··"" istrate 1Je quashed, without Costs ..

AQ.jourr1ed till \.7et?.r,~1sday, 13th Instant, at 12 O'C1ock. ·~,; ednesd&.;, 13th Ap~:·ll ~ 1853 ..


Robert Cathcart, Esq., Chai1' , 1?'ro,, Tern ..

Hugh .1i:(tCl es , ) (Alexander Dixon, ,T, 1., •.,.~ ,. s 'i'j ,·,.] 1 Thor:1as J. PreE1ton, ) Esquires,. ( J. .i. .. 1.,.) tJJi_J, .t, < ' -- ' John Dael, ) (Charles 1£}:v1.rtt(pso n .. Joseph Rogers, ) (

· The list of Con.stables was taken up, revist·0., and the names thereon chosen as those to serve for the United Counties, during the year oommeneing 1st Aprll, 1853,. The "Canadian Constables AssiE:tant" was brought v.p with the circular a.r1co1:o;).J,,t:;/ing it; ana. the pro_pl'lety o:f orderir1g a number of copies for the use of the Consta.bles, was discussed, and it was -

7 O''RD"L• ~.•.·RYL"ll): n' ~10,..,...1 t -wo and a h a 1 f d ozens Oi,(Ji copies• thE:reof be pu:rchased, and a copy distributed gratis tu eaoh

Townsh:iJ.1 Cl.erk for referHnoe there·to ·by the Cons·tables.

On Requisition of the Gaoler 1 approved by tt,e Sheriff, it was ordered that the folloYving art lcles be purol1as­ ed for tho use of the Gaol:~ 3 Barrels of Lime, 12 Planks for, 12 Prs$ Men's Trowsers, 3 Large Padlocks, ~- Doz@ YarJ Brooms, 600 Bread and Milk Tickets, 1 Dos .. Thimbles, 2 Doz. Corn Brooms. 1 Pr. Oil Lal'lt1IsS;, and :Materials (Lum·ber) to bui.ld a straw~ shed ..

ORDERED: That Mr. Delmage, the Deputy Clerk of the Peace do receive from the Counties' Funds, the sum of fifteen pounds Cy .. , for his extra services in pac}:1ng, remov·­ ing, unpacking ~nd arranging -the Records, BookEi, Pa.p-ers, etc. of the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, on its removal to the new Court House, and that the .Co. Treasurer be directed to pay the same on the cheque of the Chairman, Pro~ Te~. GEWERAL ;~UART_,~·;_·_ SESSION'S ~~'="~l.-.'"~------a:.·----~__,....,._.- 7led:nesda._x, 13th April, 1853, con-tinned

The Petition of William Higgins, High Constable, was read, l)rayine:; for an increase of 1:1:ts salary, and ·v.11011 due consideration and discussion of the matter, it was -

Moved by John Doel, Esquire., Second.ed. by C}::::i:c·tes

Thompson~ Esquire, a:nd carried ur1animously, that the salary

of Mr. Higgins, High Constable II be fixed permax1ently at the rate of one hundred. pour1ds Cy .. per annum, in oons:idere,ti,,:;,:n of his long period o\f service, his efficiency, and the g:con.1; increase of his dl1ties, and that the said increased salary oommeuce and be payable from the first day of April, Iristant ..

Adjourned. till ~l th May next, at 12 O'Clock. ,~lrednesda1 ~- 11th Pa·y 1851")', , ____v~4-•_,__ 1 ---~~·

Present Joseph Rogers, Esquire. Thomas Bell, Esquire. A Communication from the Gaoler, re:presenti:n.g that the supply of Wood at the Gaol is deficient, indeed noi.Y entirely exhau.s ted, was read o ORDERND: ~hat the Clerk of the Peace be directed to write to the Contra.otor~,as well as to their sureties, requesting that the terms of the Contract Bond. be strictly fulfilled, and in event of non-oompl ia.11ce, that r,r· will be immediately commenced against the sureties.

1 ORDERED II also that the Gaoler, in evsent of an;- future deficiency in the sur;ply uf' Vvood., or in oase of the quality thereof not meeting the rEiq_uireme:nts of the Contract, be instructed forthwith to report the same to the Clerk of ·:·· Peace, and that a CO!)Y of this be shewn to the Con­ tractors.

A letter from Michael McDonagh i l~cq. , ,J .. P .. re­

quest iT:f'. that John Moore ana. John Prince be struck off the

list of Constables, ar1d that James MolVlillan of Thorah and John O'Donnell of Mara, be ad.ded thereto, was reacl. and discussed.

ORDERED: That the lj_st remain as at present 9 and that no :new appointments for Thorah and Mara be made, there being already· comparatively a much larger number of Constables for those Townships than for any others in the Counties. The Clerk of the Peace to write to Mr. McDonagh to that effect, informing hJ.o that tho above named John O'Donnell was dismissed last year for misconduct.

Adjourned till Wednesday, 8th June nexte ADJOURNED--·-- SESSIONS

Presex:t Thomas Bell, .S,::.q .. , Chairman, Pro. TEtm.

Joseph Rogers 1 Esquire. James Taylor, Esqu:_re ..

On Requisition of the Gaoler; approved. by the Sheriff, it was~ ORDERED: That the following articles be pur­ chased for the use of the Gaol, viz:- !· Tioz. Scrubbing Brushes, 20 Yds .. Flannel for Scrubbing Cloths, 60 Yds~ Rope for Clothes Lines, 6 Files for sharpening Woocl Saws, 3 Hair Dusters, 36 Tin Dishes~ and 6 Tin Cups with Chain.s .. Adjourned Sine Die .


Present Thomas Bell, Esq .. , Chalrman, Pro. Tem .. Joseph Rogers. Esquire~

On Requisition of the Ga~Jer, approved by the

Sheriff, it was ordered that the following Art Joles- be pur­ chased for the use of the Gaol, viz: ½ Doz. Scrubbir~ Brushes, 20 Yd.s-. Flannel for Scrubbing Cloths, 60 Yds~ Rope for Clothes Lines, 6 Files for sharpening Wood-saws, 3 Hair Dusters for remov-i:ng oobwels, etc,. f:rom Windows. 36 Tin Dishes a.nd 6 Tin Cups with Chains to prevent prisoners from usi11g them on stoves ..

Adjourned -Sine Die~ ~•700 ., -

_._.._..GEiifERAL ____ ..,,,..,, _____{lTJ ARTBR ---SESSI01~-s Tuesday, 5th Ju~~ 1853~

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman~ E. ~i. Thomson, Esq_uire .. Thoma.s Bell, Esquire.

The Deputy Clerk of the Peace read. the Connnibs1ons. Sheriff returned the Precepts. Called Sheriff's Jury pay list. Empaneled the following Gentlemen of the Grand Jury:-

Joseph Sheppard, Jforeman .. Philip Bogart, Robert A~ Hartley, J·ames Barclay, Moses Hemingway, John Canning, Thomas Modela.nd ~ Andrew Davis, James McHattie, Archibald Forfar, Racket Patella, William Giffin, Malcolm Smith, William Hearn, Franc is T1:i.rner, Robert Bw Varden, Thomas Whi, Jr .. Samuel Wood, Phili:p :Blokh~trtlt .. Swore Calvin Davis as Bailiff, to attend the

Grand Jury. - Read list of Land Claims under the Heir and Devisee Acts. Evidence was adduced in proof of the execution

of a Deed from John Eastwood to J .. Johnson, Ce:rtificate­ ed to be issued under 9th, Viot. Chapa 34.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, P. M.. AD11.10UR1JED GElTERAL QUARTER SESSIONS --- _...... ,..._..,._~...__. -----_ ..... _.....,,._. ___ ------·-. ------·---


S" B. Harrison, Esq,., Cha -lrman" John Doel, Esquire. Reg. vs George Lee and Thomas Lee, Jr. 'Swore James Porter .• Thomas Elliott and John Graham to go before the Grand Jury .. Reg. vs Joseph Webster .. Assault .. swore Thomas Nelson, Thirza Nelson, Alioe Nelso:n. and Charles Nelson, to go before the G:rand J·ury,. Reg., vs Charles C. Small,. Nuisance. Swore John Elliot and. John to go before t:he

Grand Jury.,

Queen vs Joh:n Lynn. Larceny- .. Swore John Hoult, Wi1lia.m Creighton and John Kirsopp to go before the.Grand Ju.ry. Reg .. vs Thomas Beamisha Assault .. Swore John Cool, Thomas MoNally and Tobias s,;vit2~er, Jrc, to go before the Grand Jury~

Evidence was add.need in proof of Deed, Edgar to Pullen, Certificate ordered to be issued.

Swore John McLaughlin and J·ames McClure to t.o before Gra.. nd rJury to complain against John Robt:n.son for Larceny. Reg~ vs John Fitzgibbon. .~ssaul ting a Go t;a.ble, etc~ Arraigned the Defendant. Plea. Not Guilty .. - 292 -

Empaneled the following Jury:- John Byrnes, Elijah Prosser, Michael Breen, James Palmer, Jr .. , , t'll •. ' - ., ..,. . -,, 7 T Joseph Dolin, Iv.Ia.lav b-l '\,v>- lo·-eJ ' ...,, • • ,...,.1.. ] 1 John Holmes, .t,enJam1n ,:n,e .. 1 a

John McLea:n., J ohnst 011 Sparl 1ng .1

John McIntosh, rr111ill • , -~·i ij\":;,'\IL. Trav 1. , F· s " Pro .. Swore .. Con ..

John Kirsopp, Jo.,nn H ·J "-"'1,..: ..!. -t'' ' William Kirsopp~ Asa B.eyno1ds., Verdict: Sentence: To be fined_ in the sum of twenty :pounds and Costs, and to remain in custody until suc11 Fine and Costs


The Grand. Jur:t returr:ed. the following I'illc: -

,, Reg. vs Charles c. Sma11. N·uisance .. ;,l. Tr11e B:i.11 .. ,,,_= ""'~__.,...._,....a.,,,r.--~-----,:;:;s....

Reg .. vs John Lyrm. Larceny .. .l'i.. True 13..,1_ ·• 1 ""iJ. ... -...z=,~----:w,r,n...__!W'•~ -.,,_..,._..

Reg. vs Thomas Beamish. Asea.ult. A True 1? j" l 7~. (& ·=-~--·-IJ...:r'--- -· The Public· Accounts were taken up, e,na. the further consideration thereof postponed.

1 Adjourned till 9 0 Clock, A. M.. , to-rcorrc:v.,; 9 ADJOURH}L1i day·, ?~h Julz_., 1853.


S. B .. Harrison, Esq., Chai1'rna.:n .. John :Joel, Esquire. Joseph Dem1is, Esquire,,

Reg. vs Daniel Gohen and John Walker.. Lar·c1e:v_y ~

Swore George Balfour to go before the G Ju·.r~) ~ Reg. vs Thomas Beamish~ Assa.ult ..

mot· G.:'l"l"! 1· 11,,··r·· Arrai . ,.:~d the 1)efenihr1.,nt .. Plea .. .A..• .J ,.,\_ "' ti) "' Em:paneled. the following Jury:- William Traviss, Tovv11sley Brockle·bank, Benjamin Shell, John Railton, Jamez Watson, Joshlul Kearns, James Palmer, Mala.chi Quigley, Alexander Stinson, John Byrnes, James Collins, Edward Hogg .. Swore~ John Cool, Thomas Mcllally, Tobias Switzer, Jr~ Verdict: Not Guilty~

The parties were then severally bound (/1/Eir af:. follows:-

Thor11as Beamish in the sum of £50 *

J 8ID6S H&r k lllS,• Afjl'h'l D:Oll, i ll th8 -~uR1-.wi 0.!;}i £~~.'9i;:'

Edward Pollard, Gore Toronto, i:n the sum of £2[, ..

Cond1 t io:ned that the said Thomas BeEnn:lsh sh~ill keep the Peace towards all H-er MajeBty•s liege subjects, an.d. especially towards John Cool for the space of Twelve :Months ..

John Cool, in the sum of £ 50.

Tobias Switzer, J·r .. , in the sum of £25.

Charles :M. Keller, in the sum of £25 ~

Cond.i.t ioned that the said John Cool shall keep the Peace towards aJ.l Her Majesty's liege subjeots, and especially towards Thomas Beamish, for the space of Twelve Months. 1·-, T-·, ,,, -, ~7-1 A ~-- \;; ~l:4} ~ji. \.J.-11.-,

Thursday, 7th July, 1853, con.tinu~ ..

Reg. vs John Lynn. Steal 'i~ng from the person. Arraigned the Prisoner~ Plea. Not Guilty~ Empaneled the following Jury:- Martin Dixon, J-ohn McLean, 1 -~· o"" ,-.,·,r~ s 1\fercer Joseph Dolin, / j ;,1.,..-.:1 t J.VJ. ., ' John Holmes, John McRae, John Hettrick, Elijah Prosser, John Lougheed, Edward :Pollard, Alexander Muncey, Johnston Spa:cl lng .. l'ro .. Swore .. John Hoult, William Creighton, John Kirsopp ..

Verdict: Guilty of Larceny ~t Commor1 Law~

Sentence: To be imr1risor1ed in the Comrnon G-aol of the United Counties, at hard labour for the UJ,t;i,ce of si.x Calendar Months. Appeal, Abraham Sohreiver, Appellant~ John Balesj Respondent.

...i\ffidavit of S.B. Campbell, Esq., Cottnsel for

Appellant was put in~ shewing t·he absence of a neoessar~r aud material Witness, and the Appeal was ordered to be postrc:ned until next Sessions, on payment of rrttnesses 1 Costs 1)y

Appellant, amountit1g to £2. 1. 3., which wa.0 pai(l to Prosec:l1to:r in Court.

The Grand Jury returned. with the fol1o·wing Bills: -- • Reg. vs George and Thomas Lee~ Assault., A Tru.e B:ill ..

Reg. vs Joseph Webster., Assault., A ''.rru.e Bill. Reg. vs Daniel Gohen an.d John Wa.lker .. Larceny .. A True-~~--- Bl11. Reg. vs Alexander McIntosh. Assa'ttl t. Postponed until November Sessions.

Rowland Burr, Esq., bound i:r:l £25. to prosecute 11 and Alexander McIntosh in £50. to answer~ Reg. vs Joseph Webster, alias Billing.

Arraigne·d the Defendant. ADJGURNED

Thursday, 7th J1;tly, 1853, cont in.ued ..

Plea., Not Guilty.

Empaneled the following Jury:- Martin Dixon, Johnston Sparling, John McLean, Edward Hogg, Edward Pollard, Malachi Quigley, Joseph Dolin, John Railton, Elijah Prosser, Townley Brocklebank,

Ja2frf.H3 Palmer, Jr. , Joseph Coll:LGB o

Pro .. swore;> Thomas Nelson, Thirza Nelson .. Vera_ict: Reg. vs George Lee and Thomas Lee,Jr$, Assault. Arraigned the Defendants.. }:lea. Not Gui1 ty ..

Empaneled. the follo-wing Jury:- Martin Dixon, Johnston Sparl i:ng., John McLean, Edwarcl Hogg, Edward Pollard, Malachi Quigley, Joseph Dolin!) John Railton, Elijah Prosser, Townley Brockleba.nk, James Palmer, Jr .. , J'oseph Collins .. Pro .. Con. James Pottar, Joseph Donaghue. Thos. Elliott, John Graham., A~ Harvey, M.D. Verdict: Gu.ilty on third Count .. Not Guilty on the first and second Counts. Sentenoe: To be fined in the sum of £10e each, and Costs, and to re1w,in in Custody until such Fines and Costs be paid.

Reg. vs Daniel Gohen and J'ohn Walker .. Larceny,. Arraigned the Prisoners. Daniel Gohen, pleaded Guiltye John Walker, pleaded Not Guilty. Nolle prosequi ordered to be entered on the Indictment against John Walker,.

Sentence against Da.niel Gohen, - To be i'1;11::-risoned in the Com1r:o·n Gaol of the Counties at 11ard labour for tlle space of three calendar Months. A::ljourned till to-morrow at 10 o•cloc~ /\,, ·:,,, :TC)"IJ1'R11:,TED1 G,-,-... -, .·-- · , ... SESSIOl~S AD----·-·-·-···--···~-----.... .c~ .£:J .L bl ~.d..l, C~UARTER -- J:Triday, 8th .I_l1ly, 1853 ..

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman8 John Dael, Esquire. The Grand Jury entered with- Reg. vs John Robinson .. · Larceny. A True Bill .. ' Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea. Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:- Samuel Ai tki:ns, Joseph Dolin, Townley Brocklebank, J'ohn Holmes, John Byrnes, John Hettric1r, Michael Bree.n, Edward Hogg, Joseph Co'llins, Joshua Kearns, N.i.artin Dixon, John Lougheed .. Pro. Swore .. Con. John Mo1aughl1n, Isabella. McLaughlin. James McClure, Susan Tuolc, Verdict: Guilty: Sentence: To be imprisoned in the Common Ga.ol of the Counties at hand labour for the space of Six Calendar Months ..

Adjourned till Wednesday next, at 12 0 1 c1ook .. ~~'ednesda.y, 13th July, 1853.

Present Robert Cathcart, ·Esq .. , Chairman, Pro. :Lem ..

James Lesslie, ) ( John Doel, Charles Berczy,) Er;quires .. (William Wakefield, Joseph Rogers, ) (George Monro .. D. Bridgford, ) ( On the account of Robert Whitters for £1~ 11$ G. in Appeal Thomas Milburn to the Quarter Sessions -

Ao count was ordered to ·tie paid.

YEAS. Messrs. Rogers, Doel, Bridgford & \,.JJ:·efie1d. "t,

NAYS. Messrs. Monro, Berczy, and Lesslie, The other accounts were taken up, examined, audit- , ed and allowed, as per Soheclule of this date in l3ook .. The undermentioned Constables were appqinted in addition to those appointed in April last~

Charles Jones, North Gw It 11 imbTtry,. Joseph Campion., York, Weston.

Adjourned till Wednesday, 10th August next .. Wednesda~y-, 10th Atigu~st ,.~ __ 1853 ~

Present Charles Berczy, Esq~, Chairman, Pro. Tern .. Thomas Eell, Esq., Joseph Rogers, Esq,,

Thomas J .. Pres-ton, Esq.

t ] 1 ORJ)E(RF:D _ _ ~ tT, n d . 81'' St; a t 11"!~ 8 . 2 , ,r.v J. vrat , .. ri1,v le ·11 J .., Bi:;·". ,i.. , S, ec:,. 1~ ~

That the following be the places and times at the I1:.- . specters for the Counties shall attend, for the purpose of examining, com:parine and stam:ping w-eli_)]ts a.nd. measu.reB f<)r the United Counties. for the year 18f.3 ..

,. @ 1, d R i 1 C. d H. ~, 1 Eastern Di vision 2 Yo:rk Mills, Thorn.111~ J,. a.n o..:unon ,,Ji .. on 12th September. Maohells' Cornf;rs and Xevrmarket on 13th September ..

Sharon and Holla.nd Landing on 1<1 th Se:pt Em1b,<:::i'r' ~ Keswick and Sl1tton, 15th September, Eeaverton,16th September* Prince Albert and English Corners, 17th September. Oshawa, 19th S'e:ptember .. Whitby and Windsor, 20th September~ Brooklin 21st September .. Se:ptember .. Creek 23rd September ..

.A.nd Stouff·ville 27th September.,

Western Division~ Mimico and Rumler., 12th Se1)temler. Cooksvill·

13th September .. Q·rir1· ·· · · Streetsville and. ;..,Ii: .o•J .. 1 e 1 a....

14th September. Churchville lfrth s·er:ter;:ber ~ Brampton 16th September~ Tullamore and

Sand Rill 17th Se:ptem·ber. Bal tons' Vi11age 19th September., Llo~dtown I:.,°0th" ~.1e·1}Y·13m I b er ... ' " Klineburgh and Pine Grove 21st September.

Weston 22nd Se1 tember. :Port Cred:1 t 26th September. Adjourned till Wednesday, 7th September, ~ 1853 AJ)JOUR}l"ED SES2,I01':TS,,


'.themas J .. Preston.) Joseph Rogers, ) Thoma :s Be 11 , ) Samuel Alcorn, ) S. G. Lynn, )

On Recommendation of Henry D .. Stiles, .E'.Bq., it was -

1I1hat John Soules and. nelson Crone of

(iueensville in East Gwill imbury, be a11pointea. Constables for the Current year, and -

On Recommend:J.t 1on of J orclan Post, J:'}sq., ordered that James I.Ievvi tt of .Scarboro be ar,point ed a Constable for the current year.

.p r":,_,, o ..L +~-.u .1 .,. e-- ·...; ,_.c o 1 1:;o.r , ,.-:t....~·u 'P .rnvea ,,., 1..- •

Sher1ff, the following articles -rtere · ora.e~tecl to be purcha:3r-::d for the use of the Gaol:- 3 Dust Kettles, 1 Doz .. Prs .. I,,{cn' s Boots, 24 Yds.. Scru l:1t ing Cloth,

1 Piece of Canvas for Tl'ows·srs for TTi sone:rs 1 to, be made in Gaol .. 230 Yds .. Factoxy Cotton. for 3 doz .. Shi1... ts" 175 Yds .. Strong 8/4 Factory for 5 Doz .. Dheets :1. ,,., r. ea.c·h Of 24· tJ,~i,..~r., .hA-:e 126 Yds .. Factory for 3 })oz .. Chemises .. 160 Yds ~ Strong Osnaburg for 20 Tick~'. and rtll.ows, Some fire --arms for the l)roteetionof GaoJ..or :1.:n.d

1 Tur' ·n-.b.,..e···,-c,;.. ,J ...... Also Gas to be introduced into Prison Office, and one room in Gaoler's Quarters~

The following ta.riff of fees was adoptecl by t:ht; Magistrates, to be paid to the Steward of the respective Fairs, in localities within the United Counties of York 1 Ontario and Peel, held under the authority of cn·ttrd.n Coi:i-, missions under tht G·.:·eat Seal of the r1~ovincc. - 300 -

ADJOUTI.NEJ) SESSIONS Wednesday, 7th September, 1853, continued.

To the Steward. For opening the Fair - £1. 5. o. Each day's attendance - 1. 5 .. o. Travel to and fro, per mile - 6.

To the Clerk, to pay the expenses of the Fair .. For each Certificate for a plot of ground to exhibit ls. 3d. For each horse exhibited - 19 3· .. For each cow exhibited - 6. For each pig exhibited 3. For each sheep exhibited - 1 ..

For each waggon containing :produce - 6 (>

Adjourned till Wednesday, 5th October, at 12 O'Clock. ADJOURNED SESSION'S

Wedn_esda;y:, 6th Oct~ber, 1853.

Present Robert Cathcart, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. Thomas J. Preston, Esquire@ The Deputy Clerk o,f the Peace made an Official Report to the Bench, respecting the state of the Vault attach­ ed to the office of the Clerk of the Peace, representing that the Books, and Records of the office are in a di·lapidated state 11 occasioned by the dampness and want of ventilation in the Vault. ORDERED: That th~ Clerk of the Peace be directed to write to the County Council or Commissioners of County property, setting forth the facts, and requesting that means may be taken by the Council to remedy the evil~ On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, it was ordered that the following articles be pur- chased for the use of the Gaol, viz:-

1 Doz. Corn Brooms,

3 Bbls. Lime,

2 Doz. Soup Tins,

2 Doz. Iron Spoons. ORDERE]): That the following persons be appointed Constables for the current year, in addition to those already appointed, viz:- James Newborn, Etobiooke, James Deans, York, John Barker, York. Adjourned till 26th October, at 12 O'Clock, Noon$ - 302 -

ADJOUR~ED SESSIONS Wednes!ay, 26th October~ 1853.

Present James J. Hayes, Esq., ehairman, Pro. Tem. Thomas Noble, Esquire.

ORDERED: 'Fhat Thomas Taylor and Vtilliam Hunter of Chinguacousy, be appointed Constables for the Current Year, in addition to those already appointed. On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved. by the Sheriff, it was - ORDERED: ~hat the following Articles be purchased for the use of the Gaol, viz:- .. 1 pair Shoes for a Juvenile Female Prisoner, 2 Bxs. Hard Soap, 55 Lengths Stove Pipe, 1 Qt. Tin Dipper, ~Doz.White ~ash Brushes.

Adjourned Sine Die. - 303 -

GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS Tuesday, 15th November, 1853.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. E. ~. Thomson, Esquire~ Richard L. Denison, Esquire. Opened the Court. Deputy Clerk of the Peace read the Commissions of the Peaoe. Sheriff returned the Precepts. Called the Sheriff's Jury pay list. Swore the following Gentlemen of the Grand Jury:- Fletcher Hall, Foreman. Martin Badgerow, Robert Moore, John Clark, Frederick Nixon, Mark Dawson, George Trimble, David. Hammonq., Michael Wilson, William Judge, Wallace Walton, James Kennedy, Isaac Waite, John Little, Launcelot Walker, Godfrey Young. Swore Charles Roddy as Bailiff, to attend the Grand Jury. Clerk Peace produced at Court the Jury Book for 1854, and the four parcels of Ballots appertaining thereto, also the Jurors' Books for 1851, 1862 and 1853, as required by the Aot, and made Oath thereto under the Statute. ORDERED: That full pay lists be balloted for 1854, the balloting was postponed until to-morrow. Swore I. V. Ham as to the execution of a Eond, Certificate issued under Statute 9, Viet. Reg. vs Thomas Drury. Larceny. Swore Robert Bingham to go before Grand Jury~ The Grand Jury returned with:-

Reg. vs Thomas Drury. Larceny. A ~rue Bill. Swore E. R. Rutherford in proof of a Deed, Certificate issued. Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 o'Clock, p. :M .. Ht 304 -

ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS Vednesday, 16th November, 1853.

Present S. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Rowland Burr, Esquire. Reg. vs Thomas Catherwood, Andrew Catherwood and Stephen Fox, for riotously beginning to demolish a House (from Assizes). Arraigned the Defendants. Plea. Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:- George Sanderson, Hammond Smithson, James Lazier, Robert Watson, .Alexander Carr, William Kester, Hector McGillivray, B\enjamin Tibbets, John McLean, Harris Salsbury, Isaac Riddle, Andrew McClure. Pro. Swore .. Con.

James Paine, .A.lexander V1!ise, Levi Peterson, John Smart, E.W. Thomson, Esq., James Johnson, James Brown, 'Susan Catherwood. \terdict: Not Guilty. Reg. vs John McGravy. Nuisance. Swore William Robertson and John Gorman to go before Grand Jury. Grand Jury entered with:-

Reg. vs John McGravy. lTuisance. A True Bill. Reg. vs John W. Montgomery. Assault. (No.l). Swore Joseph Hare and John Peacock to go before Grand Jury.

Thomas Burrell, appeared and was recognized as follows: -

Himself in £25. o. o. George Balfour in, 12 .10. 0.

Tullins H. O'Neill, 12.10. o. - 305

A 1--, J- OU' -r~ 'fl"l'T:-\"f' 1:J. ) . , n .i.:·• .&J) GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS We~p_esdar, 16th November, 1853, continued.

Conditioned that the said Thomas Burrell shall keep the :Peace towards all Her Majesty's liege subject~,and especia.11 to·'."'-wards Michael E. Brougham, for the space of Twelve Calendar Months. The Grand Jury entered with:­ Reg. vs John W. Montgomery, Assault. (No .1) .. A True Bill.

Reg. vs John~. Montgomery. Assault~ (No.2) ~ A True Bill. Bench Warrant issued in Court against the above Defendant, and put into the hands of' the High Constable. Witnesses recognized as follows:-

Moses Hill in the sum of £50. } ) on :uo. 1. William Turner " £25. ) Joseph Hare TT £50. ) } on No. 2. John Pollock " £25. ) Conditioned to prosecute on both Indictments. Reg. vs John McGravy. Nuisance. Arraigned the Defendant.

Plea. Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:- George Browne, David Lougheed, Robert Balfour, Samuel Johnson, Thomas Devitt, Thomas Mootry, James Fuller, Donald McDougall, George Graham, John Pollard, William Lynch, William Robinson. Pro. Swore. William Robertson, John Gorman, Robert Beaty, Thomas Hornibrook. Verdict: Guilty.

Sentence: To be fined in the sum of one shilling and costs ' and to abate the nuisance within a fortnight. Fine paid to Sheriff. - 306 -

ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS Wednesday. 16th November, 1863, continued.

Appeal - Irvine Rutledge,) ) and ) Withdrawn on payment of Costs. ) Abram Schriever .. ) The Public Accounts were taken up, and their further consideration postponed. The balloting for Jurors was postponed until to-morrow.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, P. 1·~. - 307 -

ADJOURNED GE1:1ERAL QUH.ARTER .1. SE''SSIOl~S Thursday, 17th November, 1853.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Rowland Burr, Esqu~·'. re. Reg. vs Thomas Drury. Larceny. Arraigned the Prisoner. Plea. Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:- George Browne, Rector l:cGillivray, Robert Bel four, Isaac Riddell, Alexander Carr, William Robinson, David Lougheed, Donald McDougall, John McLean, Peter Sogle, Andrew McClure, Harris Salisbury. Pro. Swore. Con~ Robert Bingham, John Maguire. John Wilkie, Henry Chapman, Hiram Moore, Samuel Lemon, Robert Roberts~ Verdict: Not Guilty .

.Adjourned till Saturday next, at 12 O'Clock, Noon.

ADJOUR:I:TED GEN'ERAL QUARTER SESSIONS Saturday, 19th November, 185~. Present Thomas J. Preston, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. John Dael, Esquire. Samuel Alcorn, Esquire. Opened the Court. The Balloting for Jurors commenc­ ed pursuant to Adjournment, the Crier having made the Proclam­ ations under the Statute, Firstli to keep silence, and Seoondlv -=---~~.. for persons objecting or claiming exemption from service as Jurors, to come forth, etc.

The First and Second Divisions of Jurors, viz: _

Grand Jurors for the Sup.er1·or and Ifn erior Courts .. ' were then duly balloted, canvassed and transferred. :For names 1 etc" Vide Rough ]:Tinutes, and the Jurors 'Book for A 1854$ . djourned till Monday· next at g 30 A ""f. t $... . l~l. - 308 ,_

SESSIONS,... -•· ..,,,,... -- QUARTER-- - -....--.,_,. ._.. _____ ADJOURnED GEllEP...AL• _____ ,.,._,,,_ ·- •< -·

Monday,---"··~-----~----- 21st November,------1853.

Present Thomas J. Preston, Esqv, Chairman, Pro. Tero. Samuel Alcorn, Esquire. John Doel, Esquire. Rowland Burr, Esquire. Opened the Court.

Made :Proclamations the Statute .. The Third Division of Jurors, viz: Petit Jurors for the Superior Courts, to the number -of 288, was duly ballot­ ed, canvassed and transferred. For names, eto. vide Rough Minutes, and the Jurors' Book for 1854~

Adjourned till to-morrow at 9 .30, .A.• M.

ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER SES.STOHS Tu_'?sday, 22nd Novomt,er, 1853.

:Present Thomas J. Preston, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. John Doel, Esquire~ Rowland Burr, Esquire" Opened the Court. Made Proclamations under the Statute. The Fourth Division of Jurors, viz: Petit Jurors for the Inferior Courts, to the number of 288, was then duly balloted, canvassed, and transferred. If1or names, etc. Vide Rough Minutes, and the Jurors' Book for 1854.

Adjourned till to-morrow, at 12 O'Clock, Noon. - i)Q9 .....

ADJOURNED S~~SIOff$ Wednes~ay. 23rd November, 185.!2·

Present Alexander Burnside, Esq .. , Chairman, Pro. Tem. Thomas J. Preston, ) (Matthew Teefy, ·John Dael, ) (John Cameron, Samuel Alcorn, ) ( John G. Bowes, Terence J. O'Neill,} l~sq_uires" (James J. Hayes, James Beaty, ) (John G. Howard, James Taylor, ) (Jo se11h Rogers. On recommendation of several ]llagistrates, the undermentioned Constables were appointed to serve in the United Counties:- Ira Lamb, Reach. C. Switzer, Brock. Thomas S. Thorn, York, rd.en. John Terry, East Gwillim.bury. The matter of the Conviction of George L .. Allen. Gaoler, for selling Beer in the Gaol, without License, having

been brought up and. discussed, the following resolution was moved and carried, viz:-

"It is the opinion of this Board that it is in­ expedient to allow the sale of any spirituous liquors or beer within the Gaol of these Counties, and that the Sheriff be requested to notify the Gaoler of the same."

Ad.jou.rnecl ti11 ·wed.nesday, 21st December, at 12 O'Clock. - 310 -


Wed!!:esdax.., ..~ __ .,?Jst De~em_per, 1853.

Present Robert Cathcart, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tern~ James J. Hayes, Esquire~ John Doel, Esquire. The following Tender for Bread was opened:­

Theophilus Earl 6½de per 4 lb. loaf. ORDERED: That the above Tender be accepted, and that the Contract be given to Mr. Earl .. On Recommendation of S. B. Harrison, Esq .. , Chai.r­ man, Quarter Sessions, it was - ORDERED: That Samuel Dunbar of the Township of York, be appointed a Constable for the current year.


_G_E_N_ERA_L__ ,_Q,U __ A_R_T_'IfJZ . S_E_S_S..;...I~O_N_S-:-_OF__ r_TH_F_~_P_EA_C_FJ


In the~~

1 8 5 4

The Minutes are missi~g in 1854 from 5th December to the end of the ye~r. Also records of the years 1855,6,7,8 and up to 12th September,1859 are missing. and although search has been made they cannot be found. Vol. XV., therefore, commences with 13th September, 1859. .... ~-'•).11 - -


'l~uesda._y'-'--· 3rd Janua:g, 1854 ..

Present S. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Richard L. Denison, Esquire. Thomas Fisher, Esquire. Matthew Teefy, Esquire. Opened the Court. Deputy Clerk Peace read the Commissions. Sheriff returned the Precepts. Called Sheriff's Jury pay list. The following Gentlemen of the Grand Jury were sworn:- James Cameron, Foreman. Edward Aslin, David Johnson, Jonathan Baynon, .A.rohibald Leek, James Carruthers, John Mattice, John Clarke, Nicholas Shaver, Edmund Cooper, Robert Shore, James Davis, .Andrew Sloane, Joseph Dix.on, Thomas Snider, William Dobson, George Stokes, Daniel Holliday, Isaac Thompson, Samuel Traviss, John Wa tE:on. Swore Calvin Davis as Bailiff, to attend Grand Jury.

Read list of Land. Claims under Heir and Devisee Acts. Reg. vs George Moore. Stabbing, etc.

Swore Joseph Staves 1 James Early and U."illiam Wilson to go before Grand Jury. Reg. vs George Moore. Assault.

Swore same ~~i tnesses for Grana_ Jury.

Adjourned till to-morrow at l O'Clock, P. 11. - 312 -

A_·~D~J~OU~R~N~IB__·D __ G_E_~E_TE_R_A_L __ ~Q~'U_A_R_T_E_R __S_E_S~ONS Wednesday, 4th January, 1864*

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. E.W. Thomson, Esquire. Matthew Teefy, Esquire~ Thomas Fisher, Esquire. Reg. vs George Moore. Stabbing eto. (~To .1) .. Swore additional Witnesses, Andrew Ward, Thomas Smith and. Michael Staves, Edward Musson, James 'Southwell and ]'.francir1 Whitlock to· go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs George Moore. (No.2). Same Witnesses. Reg. vs Andrew Webb, et al. Assault, etc. Swore Thomas S. Thorn and. Henry Dean to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs John W. Montgomery. Assault. (No.2). from last Sessions. Arraigned the Defendant. Plea" Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:-

Abraham Burkholder, Thorias Clarke, John Blair, Thomas Crone, Alexander, Joseph Carbett, William Bell, William Dew, William Clarke, Cornelius Downey, John Courtioe, Benjamin Graham. Pro. Swore. Con. Joseph Hare, Stephen Terry, Joseph Sheppard, William Montgomery, John Pollock. John Dunham. Verdict: Guilty.

Sentence: To pay a Fine of £5. and Costs, and .to remain in Custody until such Fine and Costs be paid. Fine paid to Sheriff. Reg. vs John W. Montgomery. Assault. (No. 2). Arraigned the Defendant. Plea. Guilty.

Sentence: To pay a Fine of One Shilling and Costs. Fine paid Sheriff. - 313 -

SESSIO!TS ADJOURNED GENERAL ~UARTER ...... ~-. --· - ____...,...- ?lednesday, 4th JanuaryJ 1854, continued.

The Grand Jury entered with: .... Reg. vs George Moore. (No .1) .. No Bill.- do do (No.2). -A True Bill. A True Bill .. do Andrew Webb. Assault. - ...____...._... Bench Warrant ordered. to be issued. against Webb ,et al· Reg. vs George Moore, Assault, etc. Medical evidence was produced, shewing the the Prosecutor, Joseph Staves, is in Hospital~ awaiting a surgical operation, in consequence of the wounds received ·from the Defendant, and that it would endanger his life to compel his_ attendance for examination at this Court. ORDERED: Therefore that the parties be recognized for their appearance, etc., at the next April Sessions. Recognized accordingly.

George Moore in the sum of £200.) ) For the appearance of the John Moore in the sum of 100.) ) said George Moore for trial, Thomas Montgomery n 100.) etc~at next April Sessions. Michael Staves " Edward Musson " 50.) ) James Southwell " 50.) For their appearance, etc~,to ) Andrew Ward " 50.) prosecute and give evidence ) James Early " 50.) at the next April Quarter ) Thomas Smith " 50.) Sessions, against the Defend- ) William Wilson, " 50.) ant, George Moore. ) Fra.ncis Whitlock " 50.)

The Public Accounts were taken up and_ the further consideration thereof postponed.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 10 O'Clock, .A. M. - 314 -

_,.,.---·-~-...... _.lillJOUR1'.lEL .. _GElltRAL ...... ______Q.UARTEH . Thursday--" 5th.~anuag, 1854.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Zaccheus Burnham, Esqulre. E.W. Thomson, ~sQuire . Reg. vs Joseph Hare. .Assault. Swore ?;ill iam C. Montgomery» Io \\'. Montgomery, John Dunham, Harvey Graham, ana Henry Trelore, to go before the Grand Jury.

Reg. vs Daniel Gohen. Larceny. Swore John. r!T.cintosh and Christopher Noble to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs Patrick Finnegan. Larceny. Neither the Defendant nor Prosecutor appearing, and the matter appearing to amount to a mere Trespass, the Recognizance of the Defendant was ordered to be discharged, and it was discharged by Proclamation, Appeal, James Greig, Appellant. Matthew Hodgson, Respondent.

The Appellant, by Counsel moved to quash the Con­ victioD; by the Magistrate, the Ref3l)Ond.ent not having been in attendance at any time during the sittings of this Court. ORDERED:. That the Conviction be quashed, with Costs to the Appellant, and that prooess be issued in default of immediate payment. The Grand Jury brought in a Presentment on the State of the Gaol and the Lunatic Asylum. Reg. vs Daniel Gohen. Larceny • .Arraigned tr:e Prisoner. Plea. Guilty. Sentence: It being in the Records of the Court of Quarter Sessions, that the :prisoner had been convicted of Larceny in July last, and sentenced to three months' imprison- - 31..5 -

ADJOURTfEID GENERAL ;,u1~RTER SESSIONS Thursday, 5th JanuaryJ 1854, continued. ment in Goal, he was now in consequence thereof, sentenced to be imprisoned. in the Provincial Penitentiary, at hara_ labour for the space of Three Years. Reg. vs Joseph Hare. The Grand Jury brought in A True Bill. The parties agreed tha.t the case should be post- poned until next Sessions, in April. Recognized accordingly, , Joseph Hare, in £,Di::o • ) for the appearance of ) ~Yilliam Hill, East Gwillimbury, £25.) the said Joseph Hare, for ) James Harper, Teaumseth, £25.} trial, etc. at next April ) Sessions. William C. Montgomery, ) ) In the sum of £50 .. each, Henry Trelore, ) ) for their appearance, etc. John Dunham, } ) to prosecute and give Harvey Graham, ) ) evidence at A_pril Sessions .. John W. Montgomery, }

Reg. vs Andrew 17ebb, William Doody, Henry Doody and James Fitzgerald. Assaulting a Constable.

Recognized Thomas S. Thorn in £50 .. for h:i.mself, and £25. for Henry Dean, for their personal· appearance to prosecute and give evidence at the next April Sessions.

Adjourned till Thursday, 12th Instant, at 12 O'Clock. - 316 ....

ADJOURDED QUA.RTBR SESSIOHS Thursday, 12th January, 1854.


John G .. Bowes, Esqo, Chairr.aan, Pro. Tern. J .G. Howard, ') {John Cameron, J • G• Chew et t , ) (Alexander Burnside, John ])oel, } (James Beaty, James J. Hayes, ) Esquires. (G.B. Ridout, Thomas J. Preston,) (Thomas G. Ridout, Rowland Burr, ) (Thomas Bell, John Thom, ) (Jose:ph Rogers, } (Alexander Dixon~ On Recommendation of w. B. Terry, Esq., it was -

ORDERED: That Killiam R. Bache be B.J>pointed a Constable for the Township of Horth Gwillimbury for the Current Year.

On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, it was ordered that the following Articles be purchased for the use of the Gaol:- 2 Doz. Corn Brooms, 24 Yds4 Scrubbing Cloth, 2 Bxs. Hard Soap, 1 Bbl~ Soft Soap, 3 Cast Iron Balls for Chains, 1 Book for Gaol Register, and 2 Washing Tubs. An Application of the Gaoler for increase of salary for himself and Turnkeys, was read and discussed, when it was agreed, and - ORDERED: That instead of the present gross allow­ ance of £370 per annum, to cover the salaries of the Gaoler and Turnkeys, (four in number), there be a distinct and separate allowance made to each of those Officers, and payable to them respectively by the County Treasurer.

It was then moved by John Cameron, Esq., seconded by John G. Howard, Esq., and carried unanimously, that the follow­ ing salaries shall hereafter be paid to the Gaoler and hi-s assistants, viz:- The Gaoler, £250. per annum.

First Turnkey, 80. - 317 -

ADJOURNED GENERAL ·~UARTER SESSIONS !hursd~ay, 12th January, 1854, continued.

Second Turnkey, £80. :per annum, Third Turnkey £7 5. " Fourth Turnkey £75 .. " Commencing from the first day of' the present month of January. ORDERED: Also, that in consequence of the extra­ ordinary rise in the prices of the articles used in the making of soup and porridge, the allowance to the Gaoler for furnish­ ing those supplies shall be raised to,- For Soup, Three half-penoe per quart. For Porridge, Two pence per quart. Said advanced price to be allowed for one year from • the first day of October last.

Adjourned till Monday, 6th February, at 12 O'Clock. ... 318 ·-

~J2.'L9URrlED SESSIONS Monday, 6t~ February, 1854.


't,°' "TT'T· .r J • • ·~ • Thomson, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tern~

John Reesor, Reeve, James Johnson, J.B. Bowes. David Reesor, William Roadhouse, Thomas SWinarton, George Hughes, James Bolton, John, Samue 1 Park , Benjamin Marr, ~rilliam M. Button, Joseph Hartman, Henry Shore, John Sleigh, "P ,r1-, '1 Amos Wright , Duncan McDonell, J .. ..._ • WM -1. ... e er, . Samuel R. Wright, Thomas Bell, Ephraim \Yheeler 9 James Beaty, James J. Hayes, Ira V,J'hi te, Charles Berczy, James Monkman, C. Wadsworth, Joseph Rogers, Archibald Barker, J. w. Gamble, Matthew Teefy, Christian Reesor, William Helliwell. (Esquires). Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by, That the question of re-arranging the Division Court limits be now taken up.

Moved in amendment by Mr. White, secong,ed by Duncan McDonell, Esq., that such question be not no,v taken up. Amendment lost .. Original motion carried.

Moved by l\Jir. Hartman, seconded by Mr. J.P .. Th'heler, that the Clerk of the :Peace do read the resolution adopted by the County Council with reference to the Tiivision Court limits. Carried. The Clerk of the Peace accordingly read the same.

Moved by Mr. Hartman, seconded by Mr. Gamble, that the report be corrected by the insertion of the Seventh Con­ cession of Albion, in the Eleventh Division.

Moved in amendment by Mr. Swinarton, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that the Township of Albion form a separate Division. .Amendment lost.

Original Motion carried, and clause amended as moved.

Mr. Barker, seconded by Mr. Hughes, moved that the - fil9 -

ADJOURN@ SESSIONS Monday, 6th February, 1854, continued.

Schedule of the new ])ivisions for the Division Courts for the

Counties of York and Peel, as arranged by the County Council, .and recommended to the Justices, be adopted.

Moved in amendment by llir. Bolton, seconded by Mr e Johnson, that the whole of the Township of Albion be joined to the Township of Ca.ledon, and compose Division Number Eleven. Which was Lost.

Moved in amendment by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Bolton, that the Township of Albion be formed into a separate Division, for the holding of a Division Court. Which was Lost ..

Moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Swinarton, in amendment, that Caledon be added to Chinguacousy, and that Albion form Division Number Eleven.

'Nhich was Lost.

Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by ri!Ir .. Bolton, that the two first Concessions of Albion be added to Caledon. Which was Lost ..

Moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by, That this meeting do now adjourn, and that l'Iotice be given to the Magistrates generally, to attend on some future occasion. Which was also lost. The original motion for the ad.option of the Schedule arranging the Division Court limits, was then put and carried. The Schedule referred to is as follows:- - 320 -

ADJOURNED SESSIONS Mon~ay, 6th February, 1854, continued.

Division Tio. 1. To consist of all that portion of the Township of York, lying Eastward of a line 2J miles West of, and parallel wjth Yonge Street, (including the City of Toronto), and the whole of the Township of Scarborough, except the 3rd, 4th and 5th Con­ cessions from Lot No. 1 to 26 inclusive.

Division No. 2. To consist of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Concessions of Scarborough from Lot No. 1 to 26 inclusive. The 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Concessions of Markham, and the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Concessions of Whi tohurch from Lot No. 1 to 10 inclusive. Division No. 3. To consist of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Con­ cessions of Markham, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th

Concessions of Z:hi tchurch from Lot Mo. 1 to 170., 10 inclusive, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Concessions of

Vaughan 9 and the 1st and 2nd Concessions of Y:lng, from Lot No. l to 10 inclusive. Division No. 4. ·To consist of the 1st and 2nd Concessions of King, from the line between Lots Nos. 10 and 11 northward, the whole of Vlhitchurch from the lirie between Lots Nos. 10 and 11 northward, and the Township of East Gwillimbury. Division No. 5. To consist of the ~rownships of North Gwillim­ bury and Georgina. Division No. 6. To consist of th~ 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, ?th, 8th 9th, 10t~, 11th and 12th Concessions of King, and the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Concessions of Albion.

£.!_vision No. 7. To consist of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Concessions of Vaughan, and so much of the Gore of Toronto as is known as the North Gore. ADJOUR1TED SESSIONS

Monday, 6th ]'ebruary, 1854, continued.

Division No. 8. To consist of all that part of the Township of York, lying west of a line 2} miles west of and :parallel with Yonge St. The Township of

Etobicoke, and so much of the Gore of Tqronto, as is known as the South Gore. Division No. 9 • To consist of the Townf::hip of Toronto ..

Division No. 10. To consist of the Township of Chinguacousy.

Division No. 11. To consist of the T ov~·nshi p of Caledon, and

the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Con- cessions of Albion.

The first clause o-0l. the following Resolution, viz:

that relating to the increase of salaries, was then moved by

Mr. Barker, seconded by M:r. Hartman, when :Mr. J .Y!., Gamble arose and moved the whole order as given below, which was accordingls put as follows:-

Mr. Barker moved, seconded by Mr. Hartman that no increase be made in future to the salaries of any County Officer, nor any County Accounts arising from the administratio.n of Criminal Justice, for which the County is liable, be aua_i.ted.

excepting at an Adjourned Sessions, to be held on the day sub­ sequent to that on which the County Council shall meet in the

month of January, and that the chairman be requested to ad.journ the si tt j_ngs of the General ~luarter Sessions in January, to

that day, and that when any question of sa.1.n.ry is oontern1j12tte1 a Circular be in all cases sent to all the Justices of the County, and that a copy of this Resolution be sent in such Circular .. The above Resolution was carried on a division, 15

Justices being present. Adjourned till Thursday, 16th Instant,

at 12 O'Clock. SESSIONS Thursday, 16th_y~_Q.,. , 1854.

Present John Deel, Esquire. Thomas Bell, Esquire. The balloting for Jurors was postponed and the Court adjourned until to-morrow at 12 O'Clock, Noon.


Friday 1 ~ 7~h__ February, 1854 ..

Present John Doel, Esquire~ Thomas Bell, Esquire. Opened the Court. The Clerk of the Peace produced in Court the Jurors' Book for the new County of Ontario, as well as. thoso for York and Peel for 1854, it being necessary to re-ballot. for Jurors, in consequence of the setting off of Ontario from the old union with York and Peel. Prod.need also the several parcels of ballots to correspond with the numbers in the Jurors' Books, and Oath to the same under the Statute. ORDBRED: That full Jury Lists be balloted for Ontario for the Current Year, and that the deficiency in the lists for York and Peel, caused by the abstraction of the names of those now within Ontario be supplied by ballot­ ing, an equal numbor for York and Peel, viz:- First Division 23, Second Division 27, Third

Division 62, Fourth Division 98. ' The Crier having made Proclamations under the

Statute, firstly to keep silence, and secondly for persons objecting or claiming exemption from service as Jurors, to come forth, etc., the undermentioned persons were balloted to serve for 1854 within the County of Ontario, in number 48. .... 323 -

ADJOUR]JED G'·-J.i..\i.__JJ_l T.·1::.. ,,..J.J !.i T -.-~li;S~~IQi\,TS- J..'J ·------•··--- -··- -~-----·--_.. Friday, 17th Febrpary, 1854, _contin~ed.

For list Vide Rough Minutes and Jurors' Book for Ontario. The above being for the first Division, Grand Jurors for the Superior Courtso The Second Division, Grand Jurors for Inferior Courts, 96 names, and - The Third Division, Petit Jurors for Superior Courts, 144 names, where then ballotect for, canva_ssed and transferred. For names, etc. vide Jurors' Book for 1854 for Ontario, and the Rough Minutes of Sessions.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 10 o'Clock, A. ~.~ ..

Q ADJOURlTED GENERAL CiUARTv1-~ S.E<:!!..... u I 011..,..L1l S ------.. ----~--' .J..-1 ...... -. Saturday, 18th February_, 1854 ..

Present John Doel, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tern. John Thom, ) (D. McDonell, Thomas J~ Preston,) Esquires~ (James Taylor$ J. G. Bowes, ) (

The Proclamations were made, and balloting resumed. The Fourth Division, Petit Jurors,Inferior Courts, 288 names, were then balloted, canvassed and transferred.

],or names, etc. see Jurors 1 Book for Ontario for 1854, and Rough Minutes of Sessions.

Adjourned till Monday next, 20th Instant, at 10 O'Clock, A.~. - 324 -


Mond.a,l__t_?_9t~_Jebruary, 1854.

Present John Doel, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. Thomas J. Preston, Esquire. The Proclamations under the Statute were made. Balloting was commenced for the United Counties of York and Peel, to supply the deficiencies caused by the abstraction of the names on the lists for Ontario. The First Division, Grand Jurors,Su::perior Courts, 23 names .. The Second Division, Grand Jurors,Inferior Courts, 27 names. The Third. Division, Petit Jurors, Superior Courts, 62 names .. The Fourth Division,Petit Jurors, Superior Courts, 98 names.

Were then balloted., ca.nvassed and. transferred. ~"'or names, etc. see Jurors' Book, Y.& P., 1854, and Rough Minutes.

Adjourned till Wednesday, 15th March, at 12 O' Clo ck .

SESSIONS Wednesday, 15th March, 1854.

Present J.G. Bowes, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Temo J.J. Hayes, Esquire. John Doel, Esquire. Opened the following Tenders for Wood:-

John Wiggins, 19/6 per,. Cord. (Thompson & Garden, 17/5 tt for Gaol. ( " " 19/ " n for Court House. Michael Crawford, 21/3 " n Samuel McClain, 21/3 H fl ORDERED: That the tender of Messrs. Thompson.

& Garden be accepted.

Adjourned Sine Die~ .....,.__..GE11ERAL ____ ,~UARTER "------SESSIONS Tuesday, 4th April, 1854.

Present . .., ~u. B • Harr1son, ~sq., Chairman .. R.L. Denison, Samuel Alcorn, Esq., Thomas Fisher, Esq. Opened the Court. Deputy Clerk Peace read the CommisBions .. Sheriff returned the Precept. Called Sheriff's Jury pay list. The following Gentlemen of the Grand Jury were sworn:- Peter Shaw, Foreman. Samuel Brethour, Jacob Lemon, Samuel Curry, John McConnell, William l)unham., Charles Maginn, Calvin Emes, Jordan Mercert Thomas Evans, Isaac Miller. Joseph Fidle, Thomas Parr, Henry Fry, Jr. , Joel. Phillips, John Lawrence, James Robb, Samuel Side.lens, Francis Silverthorn, Anthony Size, Edward Stevenson. Swo-re Calvin Davis as Bailiff, to attend Grand Jury. Two ~itnesses were sworn in proof of the execution of the TTill of the late Ebenezer Parsons, deceased, and a Certificate for Registration ordered to be issued. Reg. vs White, et al, Assaulting a Constable.

Ey consent of Court the case was withdrawn, and a nolle prosequi entered as against Andrew ~ebb, William

Doody -and Henry Doody. the three first named 011 t:··1e Ind1ct­ mcnt .. GENERAL --QUARTER.... ~,--,-.,~---- -·~- - - SESSIONS

The Indictment to stand against James Fitzgerald, (who has evaded the Bench Warrant), and a fresh Bench Warrant to be issued against Fitzgeraldt which was issued accordingly,

Witnesses and Constables, Costs, eta. to be paid by Defendant.

Reg. vs ·w111iam C. Montgomery .. Assault.

Swore Joseph Hare, V!illiam Farmer and John Bro"Nn to go before Grand Jury.

Adjournea_ till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, :r. I·il .. - 327 ,..,

GT,."11'ifu'R~' .\ ,. 1 ·prl"Jl:f'R ADJOURUET1,.µ ..!.:.ll.'l.L:JJ.. 13.J..,1 . lei,;u~ .,i..,.\.l.,", .• :..i SEss·roNS-~-- Wednesday, 5th April, 1854.

Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman .. Thomas Fisher, Esq., Samuel Alcorn, Esq., R. L. Denison, Esq. ~eg. vs George Moore. Assault with intent, etQ.

Arraigned the Defend.ant .. Plea .. Not Guilty.

Empaneled the following Jury:- George Bond, Charles Good, Thomas Branton, Erastus Hemphill, George Clubine, Joseph Lemon, George Clarke, John Mc.Afie~ Erastus Clarage, John McBride, James lfuller, Alexander McMullen. Pro. Swore .. Con .. Joseph Staves, William rlilson, James Early, John WilliamBon, Thomas Beaty, M.D., Henry Gilpin, W. R. Beaumont, M.I). , Andrew Bigham, William Snowball. John Moore, Edwin C., Fisher, George Shaver,, John Stinson. Verdict: Guilty on the Third Count~ Sentence:· To be imprisoned in the Common Gaol of the United Counties for the space of Three Calendar~ Months, and to be fined in the sum of twenty pounds and costs, and to remain further in Custody until such Fine and Costs be paid. Reg. vs John Baskervi.lle-. Assault. Swore Thomas Corbett to go before Grand Jury. The Grand Jury entered with:- Reg. vs William C. Montgomeryo Assault. A True Bil:..~ Reg. vs John Baskerville. do No Bill.

In Montgomery's case a Bench Warrant was issued. ADJOURNEJ) GEl:J:ERAL (.:UARTER SES:3I0NS Wednesda~, 5th April, 1854, continued.

.. The Public Accounts were taken up and their f·u.rt'ber consideration post~oned. ORDERED: That all qualified lliagistrates be notified by Circular to att.end the next Adjourned Sessions, 19th Instant, for auditing accounts, appointing Constables, etc.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, P .. M.


Present S. B. Harrison, 'Esq., Chairmana Thomas Bell, Esquire. Evidence was adduced of the execution of a Deed from Dark and others to E. Winstanleye Certificate for Registration issued. Reg. vs Joseph Hare. Assaulto The Indictment was quashed in eonsequence of the Grand Jury, which fauna. the Bill last Sessions, being composed of persons within the United Counties of York, Ontario and Pee1. Ontario having been at that time proclaimed a separate County, but no notice thereof having reached. ..

Adjourned till to-morrow at l O'Clock, P .. M. ..., 329 -


Present S. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Samuel Alcorn, Esquire. Thomas Fisher, Esquire. Appeal Joseph Millivard against the Conviction of him bys. Alcorn, Esq. for selling spirituous liquors on the Sabbath day. Empaneled the following Jury:- Joseph Lemon, Alexander Gray, George Clubine, William Langford, Alexander McMullin, Hugh Laird, Hiram Pearson, John Campbell., Thomas Maloy, James Fuller, John McAfie, William Young. Pro@ Swore. Thomas Marshall, Joseph Hatoock, Robert Moore., Conviction quashed with Costs to Appellant ..

Reg. vs Micajah Williams and George Williams·. Larceny .. Swore John Burke, Agnes Moir and Jose1)h Grant to go before the Grand Jury.

Reg. vs Euphemia 1»7ill iams. Larceny. Swore John Burke, Agnes Moir and Joseph Grant to go before Grand Jury. Reg. vs Joseph Hare~ Assault .. • Swore Henry Trelore, Harvey Graham, J.W. Montgomery and Richard Sanderson. Ap1Jeal Alexander Moffatt against the Conviction of him by George Gurnett, ·~sq. for breach of the Highway

Laws. ~ fLI-..J,.,..!r;;;.,;, r·· ~

Friday, 7th April, 1854.i.__ continued ..

Empaneled the following Jury:- Joseph Lemon, Alexander Gray, George Clubine, William Langford, Alexander McMullen, Hugh Laird, Hiram Pearsonj John Campbell, Thomas Maloy, James ]1 uller, John MoAf i e , William Young .. Pro. Swore .. Con. George A. Barber, Jr. Anne Porter, Mary Anne Moffatt .. Verdict: For Appellant, quashir..g Conviction .. Costs awarded. to .Appellant .. Witnesses' Costs paid to Appellant in Court. The Grand Jury entered with:- Reg. vs Micajah Williams and George Williams.

Larceny .. A True Bill .. Reg. vs Euphemia Willlams. Larceny. A True Bill ..

Reg._ vs Joseph Hare. .Assault. No Bi.11. Also Presentments on the state of the Gaol and Lunatic Asylum .. Reg. vs Micajah andGeorge Williams .. Larceny. Arraigned the Prisoners. Plea& Not Guilty. Empaneled. the following Jury: - George Bond, George Howard, Thomas Branton, William Langford, John Campbell, John McBride., George Clarke, James Mccourt, James Dunton, 7lilliam Oliver, Charles Good, Thomas Rumble. Pro. Swore. Con. John Burke, John Evans, Agnes Moir, Harriett Williams. Joseph Ganton ..

Verdict: Not Guilty·. 'Ar.i:] - i..,'V- • -


fri_~, 7th April, 1854, continued..

Reg. vs ~uphemia Williams. Nolle :prosequi entered and :prisoner discharged by Proclamation. Reg. vs Joseph McS~adden and James Carrick. Larceny. (Nos. 1 and 2).

The vYi tnesses for the prosecution not having appeared during the Sessions, and no Recognizances having been filed, these cases were postponed until next Assizes.­ papers to be sent to Crown Prosecutor.

Adjourned. till 1\'ednesday, 19th Instant, at 12 O'Clock. , 3f2.C') ··-' i.){.J -


~ednesday, 19th April, 1854.


John G. Bm.ves, Es(l. , Chairman, Pro. Tem ~ Francis Boyd, John Tyson._ Thomas Russell, John Thom, James Sleightholme, Joseph Gardiner, John Hawkins, Robert Cotton, Hilary Clarks on, John Shar11e , William Birdsall, \~·illiam Thompson, Robert Irwin, William Duggan, John Holmes, Rowland Burr, 1frederi ck Eckhardt. Ira 17, .. hi te, James J. Hayes, C. Reesor, ' Daniel Mc])ougall, William E. Reeve, J. P. Vlhel er, Elihu Pease, William Allen, w,1:..1. ~r,. • T"11 o m,.;c, on , James Patterson, Thomas J. Preston, Robert Cathcart, Archibald Barker, James B. Harris, George Eell, A.Simpson, William Spiers, James Lesslie, George Wright, Richard L. Denison, James McMullen, ~Nilliam Crewe, Edward Arkland, William Johnston, i.)amue("I 1 .,J..rice,1) • James Taylor, Charles Bolton, John Todd. Samuel Li:ndsay, Thomas Noble, (Esquires) ..

~.~.Thomson, Esq., seconded by Francis Boyd,

Esq_., moves,

That so much of a resolution passed at an Aa .. journ­ ed Sessions held on the 6th February, 1854, as refers to the auditing of the C-:~uarterly Accounts connect ea ·t\"i th the Admin­ istration of Criminal Justice be rescinded. Carried unanimously, 36 Justices being present. The Public Accounts were then taken up, examined, audited and allowed, as per Schedule of this date in Audit Book.

A Requisition from the Gaoler for certain Articles for the use of the Gaol was read. ORDERED: That Messrs. Lesslie, Cathcart, Burr,

Denison, Preston and Barker, be appointed a. Gaol Cammi ttee, and that all Requisitions of the Gaoler be sent as u.sual to the Clerk of the Peace, whose duty it will be to submit the same to the Chairman of the said Cornmi ttee, for approval by them. A Communication from the Sheriff recommending an increased allowance of food to the Prif:oners in Gaol, anti the appointment of a Matron for the Gaol, was -read, and ,.... 3vD77 -

Wed.nesd.§LL_ 19th _,.April, ~854.,T. cont .inued ..

ORDJ~RED: To be referred to the Committee above named. With reference to the latter part it was moved. by

Mr. Lesslie, seconded by ivlr. Boyd. that a Matron be appointed to the Gaol at Toronto, and further that Mr. Allen be requir­ ed to consult ~ith the Committee of the ladies of the Magdalene Asylum, to recommend a proper person, and that a

salary of £40. per annum be given to the Ma.tron, and :oaid in the same way that the salaries of the other Officers of the Gaol are paid& Carried. unanimously.

Moved. by Mr. Thompson, secondect by Mr .. Button

that the question of re-arranging the Division Courts li.n:i ts be not now taken up, but that the matter be deferred until

th e Genera 1 Q~essions • i n J u 1 y, an~q th,.a t a Qupec1a • 1 N.o t·ice b e

sent to all the Magistrates, for the fourth day of the Sessions, and that on this occasion all the Reeves and Deputy Reeves be notifie& also to attend. Carried in the affirmative.

Yeas, 23. Nays, 18. The List of Constables was then ta.ken up and revised, seve:ral additions being made thereto. The following is the list as corrected:­ William Higgin~, High Constable.

Albion. Caledon. John Haru1ah , John Nesbitt, John Smith, Robert H. Booth, William Hunter, Archibald McBennan, John Lewis, Aeneas Shaw, John Jackson, William Morris, Jr., William Murchison, Alexander Hillock. George Morrow, Samuel Gray, Robert Whitters. .Adna Hemphill, Thomas Taylor, James Porter, Jacob S. Tracey. r7 /-.. • .,., ....·4l ~ - ti.)o.. .i

-r- "t\Y•-. -. r\.' 1,i I'{'. ~ ) AD Jou -.t ·~ • J .. d..J. GENERAL ---··---·,.. ... ~~~.------~----·---· ...,_. Wednesday_,_ 19th April, 1854, conti_pued. Etobiook~ .. Markham,cont'd Whitchurch, cont'd. Andrew Yfard, ~:"illiam Ingles, Richard Judford, John Russell, Stephen Burr, William Fox, William Macklem,Jr~ Donald McLean, Richard Srigley, Thomas Smith, Avery Bishop, George Armstrong, Robert Srigley, William Eckhardt, Maxson Jones, William Mathers, Edward Panton. Bryan Irvine, Arden Smith, Richard Knill .. Francis Bonner, Scarborougp. .. Ward :Miller, York .. James Newborn. George Stephenson, -- Richard Sylvester, Gwillim~ury East~ Calvin Davis, James Hewitt, Ignatius Nightingale, William Dowswell, William Reid, rrhomas s. Smith., Joseph H. Smith, John Higgins, Nelson Crone, Alexander Thompson, .Wilson Re id, Samuel Garside ., William Hough, John Blair, John Terry, David Brown. John Maguire, Charles Roddy, John Soules~ Daniel Wilson, Toront q__ ,!E. John Hill, Gwillimbury ,__ :Toryh. Alfio DeGrassi, Charles Cameron, John Edmund. , Charles Peck, Andrew Ross, George Earls, Donald Cameron, Charles Jones, Joseph Beck, John Bell, Richard Montgomery, William R. Bache, Joshua Pollard, John Newburn, Morris JoyQe, Robert Corner, Moses Ames, John Porter, Joseph Muir, James Humphrey, Hiram Moore, Emerson Taylor, l"1 • Amos Crittenden, John Higgins, Joseph vamp1on, David Van Norman. Francis Carney, James Deane, Joshua Giles, Jr., John Barker? Geo~gin!!. Adolphus Marigold, Thomas s. Thorn, Robert .Armstrong, Samuel Dunbar~ William Corner, James Edwarfts ., Charles Lawson. Henry Cook .. Joseph Shephe1--d. $ Gore of Toronto. Kin.g. ------' John Burgess, Andrew Sloan, John Cool, John Stevenson, George Balfour, Calvin Davis, Joseph Stonehouse. Thomas Burn, Richard Street, VaughaB. John Kirso1rp, Peter Rush, Thomas Mc.Adams, David Patchell, Thomas White, Thomas Renton, Francis Chadwick, David. Irwin, John :B,rank, n,.~ 1• 11 1am· "'ook:v • John Haystead, John Maynard, Markha~. James Simpson.

Francis Dalby, Whi tchurcE_. John }T. Dafoe, Francis Press, George H. Burke, Jacob Dafoe, James Hatt, Andrew L in.rts ay , Eli Jenning, Thomas 1Nils on, Levi Eeaoo cl: t John B. Degeer, Edwin Elvidge, William Crone, James Brown, Rufus Marr, Charles Grahaml Adjourned till Fridayt 19th May, 1854, 12 o 'Clock. - 335 -


Present .. John G. Howard, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tern .. John noel, Esquire. On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, and sanctionelt by the Gaol Committee, it was - ORD:Et}R:EJ): That the following Articles be pur- chased for the use of the Gaol, viz:- 90 Yds. Red Flannel for Shirts for Prisoners, 20 Yds. Factory for lining for Shoulders of same, 24 Yds. Scrubbing Flannel, l Chopping Axe, 2 Doz~ Corn Brooms, 6 Padlocks, 3 Ebls .. Lime, l Doz. Scrubbing Brushes, 1 Doz. Prs. Boots, 2 Bars Soap, 1 Load Straw.

ORDERED on Recommendation of the Gaol Cornmittee that the aliowance of Bread to the female Prisoners, be in­ creased to one and a half pounds per day, the same as the allowance to the male prisoners. On recommendation of Ephraim Wheler, Esq., it was ordered that George Cameron be appointed a Constable for Stouffville, for the current year ..

Adjourned till Saturd.ay, 17th June, 1854. -- 336 -

ADJOUR}~I) SBSSIONS Saturday, 17th June, 1854.


Robert Cathcart, e James s. Howard, Esquire.

On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, it was, - ORDERED: That the following Articles be pur­ chased for the use of the Gaol, viz:- 100 Yds. Blue Drill to make 18 Women's Dresses, 20 Yds. Factory for lining, etc., 260 Yds. Factory to make 6 Doz. Shirts, 2 Doz. Moleskin Trowsers, to be made in the prison .. 24 Yds. Osuaburg for Towels, etc., 12 Yds. Factory for Window Cloths, 2 Bxs. Soap) 1 Bbl. Soft Soap.

Adjourned Sine Die, .... 337 ....

Gl~~NERAL SESSIONS Tuesday, 4th July, 1854.

Present S. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Samu.el Alcorn, Esquire. Deputy Clerk Peace read the Commissions .. Sheriff returned the Precepts.

Called Sheriff's Jury pay lists. Empaneled the following Jury, (Grand). William Lane, Foreman. Robert Armstrong, John Boaks, Amos Crittenden, Robert Culverwell, Edward Huggard, Alexander Hunter,· James Keating, William Keyffer. David Kirkwood, James McMu.rchy, Andrew Paterson, 1Vill tam Pickering.

Swore Calvin Davis, as Bailiff, to attena Grand Jury. Read list of Land Claims under Heir and Devisee Acts.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock~ P .. M. - 338 --


Wednesdaz. 5th July 1 1854.

Present S.B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Samuel Alcorn, Esquire. Reg. vs James Blaney, John Radden and Thomas Hadde11$ Larceny. Swore Thomas Somerville to go before Grand Jury. Swore Andrew Mercer and James Boulton, Esquires, to prove Deed from Samuel Augustine to Abraham Walker. Cert­ ificate ordered to be issued. Appeal Andrew Barrie, against the Conviction of

him by Samuel Alcorn 9 Esq., for allowing tippling at his Grocery Store on Sunday. Empaneled the following Jury:- William Dodsworth, George Hutchinson, John W. Duncan, George Dixon, John Gray, Francis Daniels, Thomas Hastings, William Coopling, John Hetherington, James Edwards, Hugh Hunter, William Woods .. Verdict: For .Appellant quashing Conviction, without Costs to Witnesses. The Grand Jury entered with:­ Reg. vs James Blaney, et al. Larceny. True Bill against Blaneyo The Public Accounts were taken u:p, ana. the further consideration adjourned until Saturday next. Reg.vs George Thomson. Larceny. Recognizance estreated, he not appearing.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Glock, :P. M. .... 339 -


Present S. B. Harrison, Esquire. Samuel Alcorn, Escluire ).. ' Joseph Rogers, Reg. vs Joseph Grantham~

Killing a Calf Y/i th in.tent to steal the skinw

Swo:re Aibrather 1:Vebb 11 George Ed.wards, John Brown and Jeremiah Hardwick for Grand Jury. Reg. vs John McCarty. Defendant ord.erea. to be discharged, the \Vi tnesses not having appeared, no Recognizance of Prosecutor. Reg. vs James Blaney. Larceny.

hrra1gne.I\ • • d th;_e irisoner.Tl • Plea .. Guilty .. Sentence: t·o be imprisoned in the Common Gaol of the United for the per~od of one week .. The Grand Jury brought in:-

Reg. vs Joseph Grantham. Killing a Calf, etc9 A Tru.e Bill. Also a Presentment on the Gaol and Lunatic Asylum .. Reg. vs Joseph Grantham. Felony .. Arraigned the Prisoner& Plea.$ Guilty. Sentence: To be imnrisoned in the Common Gaol of ~ ' the United Counties at hard labour for the space of Four Calendar Months,,

Adjourned till Saturday next, at 12 0 1 Clock, Noon. - 34C .._


-----5~-..:.-=.:.--=-..::.=_,!'l...._L_Saturday, 8th Julv, ___1854._

Present John We Gamble, Esq. , Chairrnan, Pro. Tem .. John Kirkwood, William Birdsall, John Reesor, David Bridgford, Joseph Wright, John Crumbie, Thomas Sharp, Andrew Ward, James Paterson, William Allen, Archibald Barker, John Torrance, Archibald Sinclair, George P. Dickson, E. W.. Thomson, Matthew Teefy, S. E. Phillips, Thomas Swinarton, James IvlcMullen, James G. Chewett, Adam S im1;s on,

Edward Wallis, J. D$ Phillips, Robert Barber 11 Jarea Irwin, T. J. O'Neill, Daniel Switzer, James Johns on, Thomas Cook, Holland Payson, James Sleightholme, James Beaty, John r. Wheler, Benjamin Marr, R .. A. Parker, Edward Wheler, Peleg Howland, John Sleigh, William Clarke, John Lynch, RoH. Smith, Jordan Post, Samuel Lindsay, Rugh D. Willson, Job Hughes, John Doel, William M. Button, Henry Crosby, Rowland Burr, John Sharp, Christian Reesor. John Hughes, Joseph Gardin,e:r, R. L .. Denison, Ira White, John Willson, 4th, Peter Lawrence, Hugh Eccles. (Esquires).

Moved by J .D. Phillips, Esq .. , seconrled by :Jilliam Allan, Bsq,, that the arrangement of the Division Court Sections, which was agreed u:pon at the Adjourned Sessions, held on the 6th February, 1854, be confirmed and adopted by this Sessions.

Moved in amendment by r,ir. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Swinarton, that the Township of Caledon do form Division.

No. 11 .. That the Township of Albion do form Division No. 12~ Taking the four East Concessions of Albion from No. 6, and the remaining part of No. 6, shall constitute No. 6. Lost by a Majority of 13.

Moved in amendment by Mr. Bagwell, seconded by :M.r. White, that the original motion be not adopted, but that each Township in the United Counties of York and Peel do constitute a separate Division Court Section, with the exception of Georgina and North Gwillimbury, which shall constitute one Section, and East Gwillimbury and Whitchurch, and also with the exception of the Gore of Toronto, the South Division of which be added to the Township of Etobicoke, and that the North GR'I\TF'DAT, ('• A c:,·c· Cl ADJ OURlIBJ) _ _.£, -~1. -&.a ,. U.H. RT1:'"R.t...1.1. 0 ~ S u I QNC"Iu Saturdaz! 8th July, 1854, continued.

Division to the Township of Vaughan, and that the Divisional Sections be numbered. as follows: .... Scarborough, No. 1, MarlrJ:1am 11 110. 7' York, No. 2' Whitchurch, No. 8, Etobicoke, No. 3, King, No. 9 ' Toronto, No. 4, Albion, N·o. 10, Chinguacousy, No. .; Caledon ~To. 11, "',,. ' ' Vaughan, No. t> ' N. & E. Gwillimbury) and Georgina. )1:lo. 12. Lost by a Majority of 16. The original motion was then put and carried. The Public Accounts were taken up, examined, audited and allowed, as per Schedule of this date in Audit Book. On ion of several Just ices, it was ordered, that the undermentioned persons be appointed Constables for the United Counties, in addition to those al­ ready appointed for the current year0 John Maynhood, York, instead of John Hilln William Weston, King,

Jose1)h Lesslie,} ) John Jacobs, ) Scarboro. ) John Gates, ) Edward Sheppard, Sr.,) ) Markham. Joseph Kellar, } William Reid, King. Henry Croxon, E. Gwillimbury. John Taverner, York.

Adjournecl till Saturday, 5th August, 1854. - 342 -

ADJOURNRTI GENER.A.Ii QUliRTEI~ SESSIONS Saturday, 5th August, 1864*

Present J. G. Bowes, Esquire, Chairman, Pro~ Tern. D. McDowell, Esquire. On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved by the Sheriff, and sanctioned by the Gaol Committee, i.t was - ORDERED: That the following Articles be purchased for the use of the Gaol, viz:- 2 Bxs. Hard Soap, 1 Bbl. Soft Soap, 1 Woodsa.w, 1 Load Straw, 2 Doz. Corn Brooms, 24 Yds. Scrubbing Cloth, 1 Doz. Scrubbing Brushes$ On recommendation of Mr$ Howard, it was,- ORDrnzrm: That Michael Ryan be appointed a Con.stable for the current year.

AdjournEHl till Monday, 4th September, 1854 ~ - 343 ·-·


Monday, 4th Septembe!, 1854.

Present J. s. Howard, Esq~, Chairman, ~ro. Tem~ T. J. O'Neill, Esquire. William Wakefield, Esquire. by the On requisition of the Gaoler, approved Sheriff, it was,- be purchased ORDE.i.~D: That the following Articles of the Gaol for the use of the Gaol. subject to the approval Committee, viz:- 4 Dust Kettles, 24 Yds. Scrubbing Cloth, 2 Bxs. Soap, ½Doz.Splint Brooms. repairs And that in reference to the question of that the to the water tank, embraced ln the Requisition, property of the same be referred to the Committee on County Counties Council.

1854 . Adjourned till Wednesday, 4th.October,

.ADJOUR1iEJ) GEl\TERAL QUARTER SESSIONS Wednesday, 4.~4 October, 1854.,


Robert Cathcart, Esquire, Ira White, Esquire. of The application of the Gaoler for extention for Soup and the time during which the increased allowance the G-aol Committee Porridge was to be made was referred to for Report to the next Adjourned Sessions.

Adjourned Sine Die. GENERAL QUARTER Tuesday, 21st November, 1854.

Present S. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairmanu John Dael, Esquire. Samuel Alcorn, Esquire. The Deputy Clerk Peace read the Commissions. Sheriff returned the Precept.

Called Sheriff's Jury pay list. Swore the following members of the Grand Jury:­ Abraham Law, Foreman. George Andrews, Lawson Barber, George Barnard, Henry Carson, John Crawford, Andrew Clubine, John Culham, Judah Doan, Isaac Gardiner, vVill i,9.m Line , Angus :McLeod, Thomas McClure, David. Murray, Wi 11 iam Plur.nrt1er , Joel Raymond, Martin Snider. Swore Calvin Davis as Bailiff, to attena. Grand Jur:,T. The Deputy Clerk Peace produced in Court the Jurors'

Book for 18.55, and. the four parcels of Ballots appertai.ning

thereto, also the Jurors' Book for 1851 1 1852, 1853 and 1854, as required by the Act, and made Oath thereto under the Statute~ ORDERED: That fuJ.l Jury Lists be ballotted for 1855. Balloting was postponed until to-morrow. Reg. vs John Baskerville, (No.l} Shooting with intent, eta. Swore Luther Draper, Sr .. , William ]'erguson and Elisha Draper to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs John Baskerville. (No.2} .. Assault. Swore Luther Draper, Sr. to go before Grand Jury. Reg. vs Felix Brennan. Larceny. Swore Robert Hughes and Jemima Marsden to go before the Grand Jury .. Reg. vs Joseph McFarlane. Assault. c:rr.:.,~c:< GEJrgRAL ..... ~u r..J IONS"'°' Tuesday, 21st November, 1854, continued.

Swore Hannah Armstrong to go before Grand tTury .. Reg .. vs Samuel 11oKeown, Sr. and McKeown on prosecution of Samuel 1v1cKeown, Jr. Affidavit of prosecutor was put in,shewing the absence of a necessary and material Witness, (Owen Kelley}, on which the matter was postponed until the next Sessions, and the Recognizance was extended

accord.ingly. The papers were afterwards returned to the Crown Office on Certiorari. Reg. vs James Kavanagh, John Kavanagh and 7Ii1liam Kavanagh~ Assault. Swore Patrick Ingoldsby to go before Grand. Jury ..

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, P. T.Ce = 346 ....

!P-JOUR1TI!'iD GENgR1\L (~UARTER SESS IOlTS Wednes~~y, 22nd November, 1854.

Present S. B. Harrison. Esq., Chairman.

Samuel Alcorn, :::1:squire.

Reg. vs Felix Brennan. Larceny. Swore an additional 7fitness (F. J. B. Johns) to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs Joseph McFarlane. Assault. Swore an additional Witness, (Jemima Rehman}, to go before Grand Jury.

Appeal Thomas Stevens vs Thomas SmithD There being no Recognizance of Appellant to try the Appeal and pay Costs, the Appeal was dismissed.

The Grand Jury returned vri th the follov.ring Bills:-

Reg. vs John Baskerville. (No.l) Assault,etc. A True Bill .. Reg. vs John Baskerville. (No.2) Assault, etc.A True Bill.

Reg. vs Joseph McFarlane. Assault .. A True Bill ..

Reg. vs Felix Brennan. Larceny. -A True Bi 11. The for Jurors was post1)oned until to- morrow~ Reg. vs William Eckhardt, Jordan Eckhardt, James

Eckhardt. Samuel Edmondson, and Viilliam Wetherald., for Assault. Swore Rufus Marr, Frederick Bokhardt and Donald McLean to go before the Grand Jury. Reg. vs John Baskerville. Shooting with intent to kill. (No. 1). On consent of Counsel the case was postponed untj_l the next Court of Quarter Sessions in January 1855. The following parties were recognized accordingly~ John Baskerville in the sum of £200.

George Ardagh, of ~T. Gwillimbury, Lot 10, L. C. in £100.

Thomas McClelland of Toronto City, Innkeeper, in £100. - 347 -

Wednesday, 22nd N~vember, 1854, continued~

For the appearance of said Baskerville to answer and abide the award of Court, in January 1855.

Luther Drttper, Sr., EliBha Draper, ~"!illit.=J.m Jewel and William Iferguson in the sum of £50. each for their personal appearance to_ prosecute and give evidence at the same Sessions~

Reg. vs John Baskerville. Assault. (No.2) ~ This case was also postponed and the following parties entered into Recognizances. . John Baskerville 1n the sum of £50 9 George Ardagh " 1f £25 .. Thomas McClelland H " £25 .. 1:i"or the a Pl) e aranc e of the said John Baskerville to answer, etc .. at the next Sessions, January, 18559

Luther ])raper, Sr... in the sum of £50. for his a1rr:-ei1r-­ ance at the same Sessions to prosecute said Baskerville.

Adjourned till to-morrow at-1 O'Clock? Pe Mo ..ill J OURlIED SESSIONS Thursday, 23rd November 1854. ·--· ' '

Present S. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Samuel Alcorn, Esquire. Reg. vs Joseph McFarlane, Assa.ult. Arraigned the Prisoner~ Plea .. Not Guilty. Empaneled the following Jury:- Richard Bealby, Levi Crittenden, James Brennan, Donald Douglas, John Brilli:nger, Thomas Farmer, William Bell, Jr., Thomas Griffith, William Baker, Benjamin Grout, 7vill iam Cole, Richard Ha.rris. Swore. Pro. Hannah Armstrong. Jemima Reh.i"1Jan, J·ohn Dougherty~ Verdict: Guilty.

Sentence: To pay a Fine of £2. 10. O~·and Costs, ancl to remain in Custody until such 1fi:ne ana_ Costs be p:Jid_, and that he find two good and sufficient sureties to keep the Peace for Twelve Pionths, towards all Her Majesty's Subjects, and. especially towards Hannah Armstrong. His Recogni~ance before Magistrate, ordered to be estreated. Recogni~jed James Gibson of Markham, in £.f>O., and.

John Moore of Toronto City, Watchmaker in £50 .. , concli tlor1ed that the said Joseph McFarlane shall keep the peace towards all

Her Majest~· 1 s liege subjects, and especially towa.rc.s Hannah Armstrong for Twelve Calendar Months. Reg. vs Felix Brennan. Larceny ..

Arraigned the Prisoner. :Not Guil t:y. Empaneled the following Jury:- David Archibald, John Headen, ~benezer Armstrong, Thomas Leonard., George Qunningham, William Lemon, John Tiougherty, Silas Leppard, John Fleming, ~7illia.m Moffatt, James Higginson, Adolphus Merigold. - 349--

-·-----ADJOURNRJi·- -·----~ G: 1~EERAL SESSI011S Thurs~~ 23rd Wovember 1854 continuea_. '------···------' ' ·-····- .

nl,· Pro. Sl Vi· \.)-·re ' , • Robe_rt Hughes, Frederick J.B. Johns, Jemima Marsdeno Verdict: Guilty.

Sen~ence: To be im1Jrisoned in the -Common Gaol of the United Counties at hard labour for the space of Twelve Calendar TJonths. The balloting for Jurors was postponed until to­ morrow. Reg. vs Joseph McFarland. The Defendant having paid his Fi~e and Costs, and entered into sufficient sureties to keep the Peace. On application of Counsel for Prisoner, the Order for the r~iTtreat of his former Recognizance before the Magistrate was ordered to be rescinded~

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 O'Clock, P~ M. ,~, ;.;-· c·• S Ir,--,- C1 ~j _1,,. ,:.:, - \_,J .d u Friday, 24th No~ember, 1854.

Present S~ B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. Samuel Alcorn, Esquire. George P. Dickson,Zsquire. Rowland Burr, Esquire.

Appeal Hiram G .. Bernard., Appellant. William German, Respondent. Swore for Respondent, William German, Charles Appleton, H. A. Bernard and Isaac Sisooe. Conviction quashed on evidence for Respondent with Costs to the Appellant. The Grand Jury entered with a Presentment against Matthew Hurley, a Material Witness against the Murderers of Joseph Sheppard in ~carboro,, said Hurley being at large on his own Recognizance. The Court ordered that a Bench Warrant be issued against the said Hurley, which was duly issued in Court .. .Also a :Presentment on the state of the Gaol, and Reg. vs James Kavanagh, et al. True Bill against James Kavanagh. Reg. vs William Eckhardt, et al. Assault. A True Bill .. Bench Warrants ordered to be issued.

Adjourned till to-morrow at 1 0 1 Clock, P. ].1. - 351 -

Satui-dax,_ 25th---· -·------~---_J }lovember ______1854. _

Present S. B .. Harr:i.s on, Esq. , Chairman. John Doel, Esquire. Appeal of George Harrington vs Robert Godbolt. The Conviction. on argument of Counsel before the

Judge was quashed, with CostE, to Appellant. Reg .. vs James Simpson. Assault .. And application for forfeiture of Recognizance. ORDERED: That the Estreat be stayed upon his entering into sufficient sureties for his good behaviour~ Recognized aocordingly:­ James Simpson in the sum of, £100. James Playter, fY " 50. John Montgomery. '' " 50 .. Conditioned that said James Simpson shall keep the Peace, and be of good behaviour towards all Her Majesty's liege subjects, and especially towards John Langstaff, Jr.; for the space of Twelve Calendar Months. The Balloting for Jurors was adjourned.

Adjourned until Thursday, 30th Instant, at i2 O'Clock. - 352 ....


-----'!~---··Thursday, _"30th ____ Uove~m.ber ---- -· ___ _,_,., - 1854.

Present John Doel, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tern. Thomas J. Preston,, :Esquire ..

Opened the Court. The Balloting for Jurors commenced :pursuant to adjournment .. The Crier having the Proclamations under the Stat·u.te .. Firstlz to keep silenoe, and ~con.9-l~ for persons objecting or claimi.J1f~ exemption from service as Jurors to come forth, etc. The First Division of Jurors, viz, Grand Jurors for the Superior Co-u.rts, in number 96, were then d.uly ballot ...

ed 9 canvassed and transferred. For :names, etc .. vide Rough Minutes and the Jurors' Book for 1855.

Adjourned. t:il1 to-morrow at 11 0' Clock, A. M.. G.B~Nl~RAL CUARTER SESSIOI'JS ADJOURNEil ____..____,...._.._....,,.. -----=-·--...-~. =~- ___, --~--- Ifrida~r, l~~:Deoember, 1854 ..

Present John Doel, Esq., Chairman, Pro. Tem. John Thom, Esquire. Opened the Court@ Crier made the usual Proclamations. The Sec~.~-pivision of Jurors, viz., Grana~ Jurors for the Inferior Courts, in number 96, were then balloted, canvassed and transferred. For names, etc .. vide Rough Minutes, and the Jurors' Book for 1855.

Adjourned till to--morrow at 10 O'Clock, A. M.

.ADJOURNED ---- GEID~RAL QUART]1R SESSIO:NS Saturday, 2nd December,_1854 ..


John Thom, Esquireu Opened the Court. Crier made the usual Proclamations. The Third Division of Jurors, viz., Petit Jurors for the Superior Courts, in number 288, were then balloted, canvassed and transferred~ For names, etc .. vide Rough Minutes and the Jurors' Book for 1865.

Adjourned till Monday, 4th Instant, at 12 O'Clock. Present

·h ·:i ·1· Hugh Eccles, Esq~, r,VJl..J.(,.,.. rm~Q n t J • G • Bowes , ) (Thomas J. Preston, T. J. O'Neill,) (James Beaty, John Cameron, } Esquires .. (John Thom, John Doel, ) (J. S. Howard, Thomas Bell, ) (James Taylor. The Public Aceounts were taken up, examined, audited and allowed as per Schedule of this date, in Audit Book. The Petition of Theophilus Earl, Contractor for the su~ply of Bread for the Gaol for the year 1854, asking for an allowance to save him from loss on his .. Contract 11 was taken up, read and

  • Handcuffs for the use of himself and the County Constables. Monday, 4th December-1-1854, continued.

    ORDERED: That six pairs of Handcuffs be pur­ chased by :Mr. Higgins, ana. the same to in his charge.

    On Requisition of the Gaoler, approved 1)y the Sheriff, and the Gaol Committee, it was - ORDERED: That the following Articles be pur- chased for the use of the Gaol:- 2 Bxs. Hard Soap, 1 Bbl. Soft Soap, 24 Yds. Scrubbing Cloth, 2 Iron Wed.gas for splitting Firewood Knots ..

    Adjourned till Friday, 22nd Instant, at 12 O'Clock .. - 356 ....

    (_) . 4-.~· '-,:.,'UART-~·,· J.._:.J..;..

    Tuesday, 5th December, 1854 ..

    Present John Deel, Esq~, Chairman, Proe Tem. John Thom, Esquire. Opened the Court. Crier made the usual Proclamations .. The Fourth Division of Jurors, viz., Petit Jurors for the Inferior Courts, 288 in number, we£e then duly balloted,, canvassed and transferred ..

    1 ] or names, etc. vide Rough Minutes~ and J·u.rors • Book, for 1855.

    Adjourned till Friday, 22nd Instant.