Records Clerk of Peace Office Home District of York. Quarter Sessions Minutes 1810-186'7. These records were copied for me from the originals in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Toronto. Volume XIV.contains the minutes for the years 1851-1854. XIV. Toronto. 1910. MEETINGS OF THE ROME DISTRICT GENE~~L QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE CITY OF TORONTO In.the 1aar 1 8 6 1. .,__, 199 ·- GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS :ruesday, 7th Janu~2·, 1851 .. Present s. B. Harrison, Esq*, Chairman~ Alexander Burnside, Esquire. Opened the Court •. Clerk of Peace read the Commissions. Sheriff returned the Precept. There being no Grand Jurors in atte:nd2::'.l.~1 1:":\e the Court adjourned. Adjourned till tomorrow,at 1 O'Clook P. M. - 200 - ADJOURN][}) GENERAL QUARTER SESSIO}TS Wedn~sdal,. 8th Jap~~r~J 1851. Present s. B. Harrison, Esq., Chairman. John Hawkins, Esquire. Called and swore the undermentioned gentlemen of the Grand Jury:- James Rowe, Foreman. Carleton Lynde, John Thorndike, Benjamin Yarnold, George Yule, David F. Reid, James Heri Gerrie, James Wallace, John Watson., Thomas Dow, Lancaster H. Schofield, Robert E. Perry, John Hyland, Henry Hopkins, William Laing, William Blair. Read list of Land Claims under the Heir and Devisee Act., ORD]~RED: That the Es treat of last Sessions on Joseph Ma.pas and Ingol Burton, Sureties for Jacob Mapes, be remitted, on payment of the Sheriff's Costs thereon .. Donald McIntyre,, oonvicted of Assault at July Sessions last, was now brought up for sentence, a.nd sentenced accordingly. To pay a fine of £2. 10. and Costs of Court, also Sheriff's Costs on Estreat, on pay­ ment of the whole of which it is - ORDERED: That the Estreat on McIntyre and his Surety, Thomas MoMurchy, be remitted, and M0Ir1tyre dis­ oharged from Custody~ ORDERED: That the whole of the Magistrates of the County be notified by Circular to attend an adjourned Sessions, to be held on the second day of the sittings of the County Council, (28th Inst.), for the purpose of dividing the County of York into Sections, with· reference to the Divi~·. _, ion Courts to be held therein, etc. Adjourned till Tuesday, 28th January Instant at 12 O'Clock. ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER i3£:SSIOJIS Tuesd.a.~_, 28th January~J851. Present William Thompson, Esq., Chairman, Pro~ Tem. J. ~. Gamble, ) (Abner Hurd, James Paterson, ) (William Birdsall, Benjamin Switzer, ) (George Wright, R. Cathcart, ) (William Dunbar, John Lynch, ) (James Johnson, Robert Campbell, ) (Thomas J. Preston, Daniel Switzer, ) (J. G. Howard, Jam~s Taylor, ) Esquires. (Chauncey Crosby, J. G. Chewett, ) (C. Reesor, Robert Cotton, ) · ( Benjamin Marr,, John Sanderson, ) ('r:r•111 ·/1 am Ad ams, Joseph Gould, (Reeve)} (James K. Vernon, (Reeve) George Evans, (Reeve)) ( Thomas Graham. (Reeve) • The Petitions of certain inhabitants of the Township of Reach, and of Uxbridge, and Sc6tt, North Gwillimbury and Georgina, praying respectively_to have those Townships set off as separate Division Court Sections,. Moved by J. W. Gamble, Esq., seconded by James Paterson, JiJsq 9 , that a Committee be a:p:po inted to takr:-1 into consideration the Petitions from Uxbrid.ge, Reach, Georgina and North Gwillimbury praying for an alteration in the boundaries of the Division Courts in this County, and report to the Bench, at an aajourned Sessions, to be held for such purpose on Saturday next, the 1st proximo, such alterations in the existing Divisions of the County as the olrcu:mstances require, and that the said Com:mi ttee be composed of Messrr3 .. _Hurd, Gould, B. SWi t zer, V:. Thompson, Ge or:~>:i: Hughes, J. G. Howard and the mover. Adjourned until Saturday, 1st February, at 12 O'Clock .. -----~-·--~SESSI01Tf3 Saturday, 1st Febr1iary, --~851 .. Present William Thompson, Esq., Chainnan, Pro. Tern. James Taylor, ) (J~ W. Gamble, Thomas J. Preston, ) (Thomas N. Gibbs, Abner Hurd, ) (Abel W. Ewers, (Reeve) James Paterson, ) ( Joseph Gould.. , (Reeve) George Wright, ) Esquires. (James Johnson, John Lynch, ) (George Evans, (Reeve) George Hughes, (Reeve)} (Charles H. Roward,(Reeve) Benjamin Switzer, ) (J. Ka Vernon, (Reeve) Kenneth Cameron, Esq.(Reeve). The Committee appo.inted at the last Adjourned Sessions, now brought up their Report respecting the division of the County into Divis ion Court Sect ions, as follows - The Committee appointed. to take into cons:id.eration certain Petitions from the Inhabi tEu1ts of Reach, tT:xbrldge, Georgina and North Gwill imbury ,with respect to a new a.rra:.nge­ ment for holding the Division Courts in the County of Yo1:·k, beg to report as fo11.ows:- Comr,osed of the City of Toronto, Township of Scarborough, that part of the Townshi:p of Etobiacke, which lies South and East of the line dividing Lots Nos. 16 and 17, together with all that part of the Township of York lying East of the 5th Concession, West of Yonge Strf)et. '1\7 (') .1.'10 ",::.. That part of the Township of· Toro11.to lying West of the Centre Road,and four Conoessions East of the Centre Road, together with that part of the Townshi:p of Chinguacousy, West of the Centre Road, lying Sou.th of the line between Lots 22 and 23, and a.11 tha.t :part of the said Townships East of the Centre Road, which lies South East of the llne between Lots 10 and 11. "C .,-, ~ I...,, '~-) ,.. .. ADJ OURnED 3.,:::::, SI ON S No. 3. The Township of Caledon, the 1st, 2nd, 4th t 5th and 6th Concessions of the Townships of Albio11, and all that part of Ch:i.nguacousy, not inclucled. in Division No. 2. --No~ 4.• The Township of Whitby. no. 5. The Township of Markham II the four first Coric:esE~ions of the Townshii:, of Vaughan, !ind. that part of the Town­ ship of Whitchurch lying South of the line divi.ding Lots 10 and 11. No. 6 .. The Townships of East Gwillimbury, a:nd !Torth Gwillimbury, the two first Concessions of Kir1g, and the remaining part of Whitchurch~ l~o. 7,,, The Township of Pickering. No. 8., The :l_lownships of Mara and Rama, Tho rah, G~eorgina, anB the Concessions in Brook, North of the 7th Con­ cession line;> --No. 9" The Gore of Toronto, the 5th and 6th Concessions of Toronto, East of Ce:ntrH Road, New Survey -- the 5th t 6th, 7th, 8th., 9th, 10th arid 11th Concessions of Vaughan .. The 5th, 6th and 7th Concessions of York, West of Yonge Street from Lot No. 1, and that part of Etobicoke lying North of the line beitween Lots Nos. 16 and 17. No. 10. The Township of Reach, ancl that part of Brock lying Sou.th of the Seventh Concession line. No. 11. The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Conoessions of King, together with the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Concessions of Albion. No. 12. The Townships of Uxbridge and Scott. All which is respectfully submitted to the Bench. (Signed) J. W. Gamble, Chairman. Committee Room, 1st February, 1851. ------·--- .._.., --· =---- §aturday, 1st ]'ebruary, 1851, continued., Mr& Gamble then moved the adoption of the Report~ Moved in amendment by James Johnson, Esq., second­ ed by George Evans, Esq., that Division No.3 be composed of all thei Township of Albion, and that :portion o~ the Township of King, lying West of the line between the 6th and 6th Concessions. Which Motion, upon being put from the Chair was lost~ Moved in amendment by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr1- Wright, that the 7th Cor1cesstcn of Albion be includ.ed. in Divis ion ]To. 3. Which was carried~ Moved in amendment by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Wright, that the second Division be Curu-r,JOSed.,._ of the Townshi:p of Toronto .. Vlhich was Lost. Moved in amendment by Mr. Lynch, sec~ond.ed by Mr~ Wright, that in view of the County being soon divided, a11d as it appears difficult, if not impossible for the Magistrates to come to any mutually satisfactory agreement in apportion­ ing the present limited. number of Divisions, it is not advis­ able at present to make any alteration in the Court Divisions of this Cou:nty, but that the existing Divisions do remain as those to be used under the Statute 13 a:nd 14 Viet.Chap. 53. Which amendment was lost. Mr. Gamble then moved the adoption of the Report as amended. ..... ,:,n r:) ..... NV"~ ADJOURNEJ) SESSIONS YEAS. Messrs11 Taylor, Preston; Hu.rd, Paterson,) ) Hughes, Switzer, Gamble, Gtbbs, Ewers, \' 'J Gould, Howardf Vernon an.d. Cameron. } 13 NAYS. Messrs. Wright, Lynch, Johnson and Evans. 4 Carried by a Majority of 9 On reading an ap:plicat ion of the Gaoler, to the Sheriff, and of the Sheriff to the Justices, for a supply of Iron Bedsteads for the Gaol, it was - ORDERED: That the Sheriff be requested to ascertain the number of Iron Bedsteads required for the Gaol, and for what sum a Contractor would undertake to .f\t:(i:J. sh them, of the neoessary description. Another Requisition of the Gaoler was deferred until next Session. Adjourned till Saturday, 8th Instant, at 12 o 'Cl ook .. 0 ~ :J-06 ..... ADJOURNED GEID.;RAL QUARTER SESSIONS Saturday, 8th Februa17, 1851. Present Alexander Burns'! de, Esq ... Chairn1an; Pro. Tem. Thomas J. Preston.} (G·. P. Ridout, Robert Cathcart. } Esquires. (Willian1 Wakefield, John Dael, ) (Alexander Dixon. Joseph Rogers, ) ( 'rhe Application of the Gaoler for Iron Bedsteads was again brought up with a letter of the Deputy Sheriff, explaining that Forty Bedsteads will be required, at £2. 7. 6. each .. The Bench having been informed that the House of Industry has been supplied at a lower rate it was - ORDERFID: 'T·ha.t the Sheriff be authorized to :Pur­ chase for the use of the Gaol, Forty Iron Bedsteads of a similar description and at the same prioe, as those now being made for the House of Industry.
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