Judaica Librarianship Volume 16/17 195-209 12-31-2011 Encyclopedia Interrupta, or Gale’s Unfinished: the Scandal of the EJ2 Barry D. Walfish
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://ajlpublishing.org/jl Part of the Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Information Literacy Commons, Jewish Studies Commons, and the Reading and Language Commons Recommended Citation Walfish, Barry D.. 2011. "Encyclopedia Interrupta, or Gale’s Unfinished: the Scandal of the EJ2." Judaica Librarianship 16: 195-209. doi:10.14263/2330-2976.1012. Encyclopedia Interrupta, or Gale’s Unfinished: the Scandal of the EJ2 Erratum On p. 203, the birthdate of Maimonides was corrected from 1038 to 1138. This review is available in Judaica Librarianship: http://ajlpublishing.org/jl/vol16/iss1/13 Reviews 195 text. To the extent that a rabbinic text is a window into rabbinic culture as well as the rabbis’ attitudes toward and interactions with the surrounding cul- ture(s), it is impossible to explain fully its broader significance until its cultural and ideological connotations have been explored. Here, too, one runs the risk of including so much in the discussion of a text that the focus of discourse moves away from the document itself towards a set of questions more properly belonging to other disciplines. However, the field of rabbinics has been insulat- ed from other academic disciplines longer and more completely than any other field of Jewish studies. Therefore it is crucial that we broaden our discus- sion of rabbinic texts to include the scholarship of those who have applied the tools and insights of disciplines other than philology to the study of rabbinic literature.