
I i T.tiE ‘n;-+jiTZ ilO,C:SE i THE DAIIJ c!IAW OF PRESIDENT %!1MMY CARTER 1 - I----LfX.\TiCN DATE (.%.. D&i. -fr.: I SEPTEMBER 2, 1980i THE -mlE my I WASHINGTON, D.CC 5:00 a.m. TUESDAY

i 5:ou ; R i The President received a wake up call from the White House I. 1I I signal board operator. i 5:39 i f The President went to the . i I. I * 1 7:15 i 7:20 I ' The President met with his Assistant for National Security t f I I I Affairs, . 1 I i 7:22 [ 7:23 R ' The President talked with the First Lady. . ,. k 7:30 ’1 1 P The President telephoned John , Prime Minister of i\ I f, i I. the Commonwealth of Australia. The call was not completed.

; I 7:40 I! i P The President telephoned his Press Secretary, Joseph L. "Jody" Ii i I Powell. The call was not completed. i I 7:46 i 7:51 : I R I1 The President talked on a conference line with: ! I j I t Prime Minister Fraser I! I Donald Gregg, Staff Member, National Security j I Council (NSC) I1 I 1 7:55 iI i ! The President went to the South Grounds. I i I 1 7:58 1i 8:07 1 The President flew by Marine helicopter from the South Grounds !1 to Andrews AFB, . For a list of passengers, see 1 i i I APPENDIX "A." 1 I EDT ': CDT I &12 i 9:25 1 The President flew by Air Force One from Andrews AFB to t 1 i 1 Kansas City Municipal Airport, Kansas City, Missouri. For 1 i a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "B." i! i I i I :I i 1I - (Actual flying time: 2 hours, 13 minutes) I I I 1 I ! The President was greeted by a delegation of Kansas and I 1 Missouri state officials and Democratic Party leaders. i 1 i : For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C." 1i :I Members of the press i 1 13 1 i 9:40 j t1 The President went to his . He was accompanied by: 1 !i f Governor Joseph P. Teasdale (D-Missouri) f i Senator Thomas F. Eagleton (D-Missouri) ! i t Representative Ike Skelton (D-Missouri) 1 i I I Representative Richard A. Gephardt (D-Missouri) I I. i Representative Richard Bolling (D-Missouri) I t ‘-- THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTE3 4I LCKATION DATE t ,Mo.. Day, ‘L i.: KANSAS CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI

ACTlVITY I & I I 1 9:40 10:03 The Presidential party motored from the Kansas City Municipal J , Airport to the residence of Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) Truman, iI < widow of the former President, Independence, Missouri. I i 1 . The President went inside the Truman Residence. i 10:03?! 10:12 The President met with Mrs. Truman. : i I c 10:15 j The President went outside the Truman Residence. I:< I I The President greeted the crowd gathered for his visit. I Members of the press I.\) i . I. I I [ 10:19 i The President returned to his motorcade. He was accompanied by: i Governor Teasdale : I ., 1 Senator Eaglegon Representative Skelton I I Representative Gephardt 1I I Representative Bolling 10:19 ! lo:25 The Presidential party motored from the Truman Residence to Truman High School. I The President was greeted by: I Ray Morrison, President of the School Board, I Independence, Missouri I Bob Henley, Superintendent of Schools, Independence, I Missouri Leroy Brown, Principal, Truman High School, Independence, Missouri 10 a0 28 If i I The President went to the holding room. 10:31 I The President went to the off stage announcement area. I l&31 11:40 The President participated in a Town Meeting with residents ! of Jackson County, Missouri. The President's remarks were broadcast live on local television. Members of the press IO:32 *I The President was introduced by Senator Eagleton.

10:37 i1 ? I , The President addressed approximately 2,000 guests attending i I the meeting. 1 1 11:40 The President participated in a question and answer session. i1 I 1 TM WHITE WUSE ; THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT II LOCATICN DATE (MO.. Day, Yr., SEPTEMBER 2, 1980 i -, HARRY TRUMAN HIGH SCHOOL TIME DAY INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI 11:50 a.m. TUESDAY,I

ACTlVITY ! fI i i 11:50 f The President returned to his motorcade. He was accompanied by:I Governor Teasdale I Senator Eagleton. Representative Skelton i Representative Bolling Charles E. Curry, Chairman of the Board, Curry Investmen4 Company, Kansas City, Missouri and Co-Chairman of the i Missouri State Carter Mondale Campaign Committee i iI 11158 The Presidential party motored from Harry Truman High School I i to the Harry S. Truman Library. I The President was greeted by Benedict K. Zobrist, Director of the Harry S. Truman Library. Members of the press The President went to the grave site of former President Truman. f i The President placed a boquet of flowers on the grave. The President participated in a tour of the Harry S. Truman j Library, including a reproduction of the Oval Office. I Members of the press i iI The President returned to his motorcade. He was accompanied by:,I Governor Teasdale ! I Senator Eagleton i Representative Bolling i Representative Skelton i Mr. Curry 12:23 1 12:49 The Presidential party motored from the Harry S. Truman Library 1 I to Kansas City Municipal Airport, Kansas City; Missouri. I: CDT EDT 12:58 7x3 The President flew by Air Force One from Kansas City Municipal Airport to Andrews AFB, Maryland. For a list of passengers, 1I see APPENDIX "D." i I (Actual flying time: 1 hour, 45 minutes)

4:oo The President flew by Marine helicopter from Andrews AFB to the South Grounds ot the White House. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A." ! i /, The President returned to the second floor Residence.

CQo:lOn Q-22&107 Page-3 of -4 PLye! 04. vay. x ;.I I LQC.ATIQ~ !,.WQ.. SEPTEMBER 2, 1980/ 6 THE'CWHITE HOUSE - ..s ..m.\ : Ti!dE DAY WASHINGTON, D.Ce 4:09 p.m. TUESDAY : 'BLU-." 2. .; .XTIV!TY .: I1 I :I I i9 4:09 i i I The President returned to the Oval Office. . f ,j ti . i The President met with: . f 4:12 , 4:19 .I J. Paul Austin, Chairman of the Board, Coca Cola Company; 1 I I i , I 4:12 j 4:19 i Edmund S. Muskie Secretary of State i 4:12 i 4:19 1 I Warren M. Christopher, Deputy Secretary of State 4:15 j 4:19 j I I f Mr. Brzezinski t I .3 l&5 1 I I The President returned to the second floor Residence. ? I i 1 I 4:44 j The President and the First Lady went to the tennis courts. , I 1I The President and the First Lady played tennis. I I 5:30 I The First Lady returned to the second floor Residence. I 5:50? 4! The President returned to the second floor Residence. I I 7:02 7:03 ! P I The President talked with White House Usher Joe Carr. I ; 8:Ol 8:06 I R The President talked with Robert S. Strauss, Campaign Chairman, I 1 Carter Mondale Presidential Committee, Inc. 1 I 8:12 I I The President and the First Lady went to the family theatre. ' I f I I 1 i The President and the First Lady watched the movie I 1I "Flim Flam Man." I 9:57 I . I The President and the First Lady returned to the second , I .’ floor Residence. 11:lO I The President retired. I I 11:12 P 1 The President gave a message to the White House signal board operator. I

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