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OFFICERS INSPECT ST LL SM K G CROWN PLACED KAHAUIKI SITE on PIUS' HEAD Landslide Did Not Entirely Choke up the Volcano at First Reported Fire As Prof

OFFICERS INSPECT ST LL SM K G CROWN PLACED KAHAUIKI SITE on PIUS' HEAD Landslide Did Not Entirely Choke up the Volcano at First Reported Fire As Prof


and fair 1 l-- t Light trades weather. I 88 Analysis beets 8s ; EST. .BLJSHED JULY 2. 1858. MMtlMHMHMttMMHMMttMHI


OFFICERS INSPECT ST LL SM K G CROWN PLACED KAHAUIKI SITE ON PIUS' HEAD Landslide Did Not Entirely Choke Up the Volcano at First Reported Fire as Prof. 4?Today They Will Inspect Fortification Also in Old Crater. Langley's Airship Flies and Sites Recommended by Board Then Drops to the Bottom Engineers. Kilauea is still smoking. The famous old crater on Hawaii is of a River. of not a dead crater as reported, in the Ililo papers. Tourists who made a visit to the crater on Thursday afternoon and returned on the Ivinau ii Saturday, say that Kilauea is still in good working order, and that Colonel Kerr at the Head of Philippine Detail the. landslide was not nearly so effective in choking u the throat of AiIlionaire Dodge Dead Bloody Battle in the the volcano as has been reported. Which May Deal Also With Mr. and Mrs. "William lienwick of Southern California were in Balkans Anarchist Tries to Kill Combes. a party that visited the crater Thursday afternoon "With them were Hawaii's Defenses. a number of island people, Convicts Get Loose in Montana. "Kilauea is still smoking," said Mr. Renwick at the Hawaiian Hotel yesterday. "We visited the volcano on Thursday afternoon which was after the volcano was reported to have been choked up, OABLEQBAUS.) Seven officers of the new general staff Islands for future use. Today we will and smoke was rising in great volumes. I believe though that for a (ASSOCIATED PKES3 proposed of the army enroute to the Philippines visit the site of the fortifica- while after the landslide, that the hole must have been choked up. ROME, Aug. 10. The coronation of Pope Pius X. was a. mag- tions and possibly will go to Pearl mil- isn't now by any means. The smoke appears to be coming from Inspected the proposed site for the Harbor. It nificent function attended by 70,000 people. It took placer in the j we were told has always been the itary camp at Kahaulkl yesterday aft- "Plans one comer of the crater, where it for the defense of the Island extended only one Basilica of St John Lateran. Cardinal Macchi placed the crown ernoon. As members of the general of Oahu were made by a board of en heaviest. The stone and lava that fell to about width of the crater, and fell where there had never been either staff they are likely to have a good gineers some time ago. though when half the upon the Pontiff's head amid the acclamations of the multitude. Many we left Washington no lire or smoke. The guide told us that tire could still be seen on the 'deal to say In the future as to what the definite action civil dignitaries were present. had been taken in regard to these side but we didn't make the trip. The smoke is from the be. ether plan of fortification of Hawaii will plans. Congress has not appropriated place where the fire always was l:eavit The smoke lifted once and In the morning a visit was made to the money for the fortifications, so we could ce dewn in the cralir where the rock had fallen. THE LANGLEY AIRSHIP Camp McKlnley. Today an Interest- nothing can be done. The duties of this "It is just as hot as ever about the old volcano. "We were down ing program of inspection has been ar- General "Fortifications Board will now in Madam Pole's kitchen and nearly roasted. There seems to have to general ranged. however, in the morn- - fall the staff. been no diminution of either the heat or fire. Sticks and cards wire TAKES TO POTOMAC First "There appears to be some hitch In of the general as before the landslide, and I don't believe that f log the seven members regard to the Kahaulkl camp. Cap- charred as quickly an official call upon it mado much difference in the volcano." staff will make tain Williamson still has options on WINDEWATER, Md., Aug. 10. The Langley airship flow 500 Coveraor Dole at the CapltoL This will the leases, and is also considering other The Ililo Tribune's story in regard to the landslide is as follows: is bottom is covered - be 9:30 o'clock. In the afternoon land." The crater of Kilauea now a dead hole. The yards and then plunged into the Potomac and sank. It was rooover- at pulverized lava. The dense clouds over the Pall ln- - THE GENERAL STAFF. with thousands of tons of rock and It Is planned to drive Hale-mauma- damaged. i of smoke and steam rise no more from the lwttomless throat of u. ed th oitm of the troDosed for- - The general staff of which these machine, f Jbations on the way. If the time can seven officers are members Is a new did work. Prof. Samuel P. Langlev, inventor of the which has thing A big rock glide from the Puna side last Saturday the 7; bl spared a visit will also be made to in the American army. It Is pat a section six come to grief, has been dabbling in flying machines for years. Recent terned after the organization of the For a distance of 500 feet alongthe rim at the surface Pearl Harbor, for while the army and "tumbled 1000 foot walls, machine, which German army, and has forty-thre- e or eight feet thick caved in and down the ly it was announced that he had completed a new nothing to general staff naturally has members. General Toung, who recent with a roar tliat was heard three miles away. The throat of the volcano prize aerial navigation the St. Louis yet mem- he expected to take the for at do with the naval work, the ly succeeded General Miles, will be was choked with the debris. The depths of the big crater are now the navy Exposition. Professor Langley has been secretary of the Smithsonian bers are Interested because come the first chief of the general staff. as visible as the dead bottom of Kilauea-Ici-. The lava house, which will play an Important part In the plan 1SS7, during time has devoted quite a little The law does not go Into effect until was a to visitors on the Puna side, now stands sheer on the edge Institution since and that of defense for Hawaii. shelter August 15th. but the organization has of the great hole. One corner projects over the chasm and the edifice of his time to the problem of aerial navigation the Government foot PROMINENT MEN HERE. already been completed and tbe mem is ready crumble. has several working models of airships, and Is the ranking bers on board the Sheridan were given to ing the bills. He built Colonel John B. Kerr Almost coincident with the rock slide, there were seen on the on Sheridan and of the gen- an Immediate detail to duty in the Phil- is credited with having done much in the direction of solving the officer the Loo, over caverns of Mokuaweowco, three or He Is one of the medal men ippines, so that they might reach the summit of Mauna the being able to perfect eral staff. smoke or steam. This at once gave problem of aerial navigation without, however, the army. While captain of the Sixth Islands as soon as practicable after the four funnel shaped columns of of volcanic forces machine of commercial value. Ho 13 also prominent in other Cavalry in 1891 he received a medal Llaw becomes effective. rio to the theory that, with Kilauea dammed up, the a distinguished bravery while In Just how much influence these off- were seeking an outlet further up. This theory has not been borne avenues of scientific research, and is one of the most widely known for Mauna command of a troop In action against icers of the general staff will have on out however, for the reason that no tmoke has been seen on astronomers and physicists in the country. He has been an assistant In South Dakota. Other the military future of Hawaii is shown tostlle Indians Lea since' Saturday. in the Harvard observatory, professor of mathematics in the United are also by a slight reference to the duties of y members of the staff aboard Fred Bec-kle- of Humuula Sheep Station was "n Ililo yesterday are new of corps States Naval Academv and director of the Allegheny observatory, and prominent In the army. These this board. The head the and stated a Tribune representative that he with other men of the Simpson. will be chief of staff to the president. to has written many wellknown books on scientific subjects. lieutenant-Colon- el Wm. A. Loa Friday They slept at the 9000 McCain. He will act as his adviser and also of sta(in were up on Mauna niLt. Lieutenant-Colon- el Henry P. or smoke going up from Capt. William W. the Secretary of War and the chiefs of foot line and in the morning saw the st?am Major Wm. A. Mann. valley. They attributed the sight to the fact Captain Wm. E. Rivers and bureaus in the War Department. Mauna Loa across the DEATH OF A FAMOUS Gibson. peace and as is usual at such times, the heated Captain Robert E. U MIchle. Captain In time of the general staff will that a heavy snow had fallen, prepare war. will arrange columns of vapor to rise. Rivers was formerly adjutant at the for It in lava in theold craters caused the mass of having ref- NEW YORK PHILANTHROPIST West Point Academy. advance the details erence to the transportation and mobil- WILL CONTROL IN PHILIPPINES. WRITES assigned to ization of armies and the establish- THE PRESIDENT These men have been depots. Aug. 10. William E. Dodge, the millionaire Philippines. ment of supply BAR HARBOR, general staff duty In tne general staff will also prepare i not neces- - The ON HORRORS MOB LAW is dead. Their visit to Hawaii Is information desirable for a military Or philanthropist, their knowledge all Tjaruy oui-- . it ,nrrio undertaking a campaign. required If they commander William E. Dodge was born in 1S32. He was a son of the liitc conditions here la assigned to serve reassigned to duty Its members will be CABLEOBAMS ) head of should happen to be with commanders of troops, to furnish (ASSOCIATED PRESS William E. D. Dodge, whom he succeeded in business, as the plan of the gen-- f. fl at Washington. The with information, to help in the BAY, Aug. 10. President Roosevelt has written a 6c Co., wholesale metal merchants. He was certain number them OYSTER firm of Phelps, Dodge eral staff Is to keep a preparation of plans and orders anl to Washington.-V-enty-tnree-w- hile public letter to Governor Durbin of Indiana commemling his attitude interested in mining and manufacturing industries on a of Its officers on duty In relieve them of as much labor as pos- especially are detailed himself strongly e others gener als may at the time of the Evansville Ivnching, expressing laro-- scale; was chairman of the National Commission of Arbitration; army departments sible, in order that the be , with the various enabled to devote their attention ex- upon the horrors and dangers of mob law and suggesting speedier vice-preside- nt of the American Museum of Natural History; and a These seven men are iu mil- and scientific associations. Ho I - . - clusively to matters of immediate of many New York industrial fl . i Tlklllnnlnpjl.....----on UD" the rights. member campaign in me punishment for rape and murder, yet protecting prisoners asso- plan of Ha- itary importance. has taken an active interest in many religious and benevolent arrival there. Officially their jurlsdictlon-t- he The work of the general staff will ciations and has given largely to charity. waii is not within their preparation of maps, Trade. of the Depart- also Include the Sell Machinery, Lose Islands are a rart the drawing up of schemes fcr the or- ment of California. troops PEKING, Aug. 10. An American firm has contracted to fur inspection yesterday ganization and concentration of BEGINNING TO The visits of na- BLOOD Wil- and the preparation of plans for flour mills with $300,000 worth of machinery. The with Captain McK. nish Russian were made tional defense. the American importations Depot Quartermaster. ex- future output of these mills will displace FLOW IN THE BALKANS liamson. general scaft This same general staff is also mr of the complete plans for war flour. " are detailed for pected to make of aboard the Sheridan power, so as to be --o said one of with every foreign duty in the Philippines." moment's notice. 10. Insurgents at Monastir and yesterday. readily accessible at a A Nice Road Party. CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. tbe staff members Plans for equipping, provisioning and in- In the relation to that Okhreida attacked Turkish villages yesterday and massacred the simply stand transporting armies in case of war are "Unrnf Ann--. condemned murderers, one general staff does tjttttp 10. Two disturbed dis- department that the also to be made. habitants, light more battalions have been sent to the rto the whole army. murderer awaiting trial, a stage robber and two highwaymen broke This governing body will take the tricts. TOUR OF INSPECTION. General Fortifications Mc-v- i! place of the jail teday and are at large. -- Camp Aug. 10. Tn a battle with the insurgents yes- - This morning we visited and will superintend the erec- o KRUSHEVO, were driv Board in the afternoon and manning of coast defenses, in terdav the Turks lost 160 killed. new military tion Strikers. en over the site for the which event this visit to Honolulu be- The Cripple Creek o . ttovaucI. Hawaii Is not m comes of greater Importance. CREEK, Col., Aug. 10. A renewal of the mining Ithe Department of the Philippines, but CRIPPLE ANARCHIST TRIES TO jthe general as a whole has super- prolxible. The workmen say the agreements with them are etaff Attorney-Gener- al Andrews has as yet trike is vision over tbe work here. I do not general received no reply to his communication UI ifulfilled. KILL FRENCH PREMIER ,WHeve the members of the o al asking for staff hre will make any recommenda- - to Attorney-Gener- Knox ttow concerning the fortifications m a ruling In relation to the right of leg- Fatality List Longer. rtff? ilands. though a report will be to run for county offices. The MARSEILLES, Aug. 10. An Italian anarchist fired two shoU are simply islators PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 10. Five more deaths have resulted .TOade If called for. We request was sent over a month ago and yesterday but the latter was unhurt. IfrrU. . fmlMarlM- ourselves and at Premier Comles I' kl A""- forthcoming very soon. from the baseball disaster. i'udy the general plan of defense In the should be ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, AUGUST 10, 1903- - A THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL

HAWAII NOT A R0AAN esse Record Breaking CATHOLIC STRONGHOLD Money Saving Attractions at Our Store This Week Attributed to The Friend Disputes a Statement For One Week Only, Commencing: Monday, ace Sa Father Valentin Makes a Few Com- August 10. parisons as Proof. Xo such combination Las ever been offered before of fine READY-MAD- E WHITE DAMASK TABLE COVERS, 2 yards long, 65c prices plainly See the 1-- qualities and wonderfully cut prices. Hawaii not a "Roman Catholic stronghold." Such it is claimed READY-MAD- E WHITE DAMASK TABLE COVERS, 2 2 yards yourself. long, 85c. on goods our show window and judge for to be, in an article in the P. C. Advertiser apparently emanating, marked in UNBLEACHED LINEN TABLE DAMASK, per yard, of from Father Valentin, who "estimates tliat there are 27,000 Catholics 25c, 33c, The sale consists of an entirely new importation 40c., 50c. - Islands." He estimates that one-ha- lf the number of native In the WHITE LINEN TABLE DAMASK, Sterling valne, 65c, 75c of Roman Catholic church, the remainder VALENCIENNES LACES, TORCHON LACES, AND Hawaiian? are members the belonging either to the Protestant or the Mormon church. He also Bedspreads I Bedspreads! LACES. FANCY estimates that from ten to twelve thousand of the Catholics are The excellent value we offer at all times in this line is known to al-'m- ' every Lady. For a week only the following quotations are 25 per In the last figures there would seem to be some error, because cent, off regular prices. SEE OUR BEDSPREADS at 90c., $1.10, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. Eva Fort Street nearly all the Portuguese are Catholics, and by the last census of 1900 there were 15,075 Portuguese in the islands. It is quite pos White Madras Shirtings native-bor- n sible however, that large numbers of the 9,163 Porta Excellent line for Shirts or Shirt Waists. Choice assortment of pat- guese, having learned English in the schools, and acquired greater in terns; worth 20C This week, 10c telligence, have drifted away from Catholic superstitions. "Whatever numerical increase among Hawaiian Catholics may have Pineapple Silks Easy Payments occurred during the past thirty years, the evidence is decidedly against All Colors. This week at 45c yard. . ascendency INSTALLMENTS SAME AS RENT. ONLY THREE any of Catholicism in public sentiment, which continues to be dominantly Protestant, in the same sense and degree as it is Ladies' Wash Skirts MORE CHANCES, to secure a beautiful home on large lot WHITE AND NAVY DUCK SKIRTS, polka dots, throughout the United States generally. One strong evidence of this 95c complete for $3,000.00 in most DESIRABLE LOCATION BROWN CRASH SKIRTS, fashionably cut, $1.00. is the fact that among the four English daily papers, and several BROWN LINEN SKIRTS, nicely trimmed, $2.50. Honolulu. Cool, healthy and dry. in every way in Hawaiian weeklies, as well as several monthlies, Roman Catholics have WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS, insertion trimmed, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00. 1st, 1903. ' This offer will not hold good after Nor. not a single representative. Another evidence is in the relative number of Protestants and White Shirt Waists BEET W. M. Catholics among the members of the present Legislature. We have New and up-to-da- te styles. The whole line should go at the prices not the precise figures, but assert with no fear of contradiction, that we are offering them this week: 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, Office 1634, Young St. . Phone White 2111. $2.75. not over one-fift- h of the members of either House are Catholics. That does not look as if Hawaii is becoming a "Catholic stronghold." It is undoubtedly true that within the past thirty years there lias increase both Catholics Mormons Shoe Department been a great relative of and We have been as busy as bees Shoe Department among the native Hawaiians. But this is due chiefly to the fact that in our this week. HATS and CLOTHING We believe every customer has been more than satisfied, and well they :JL- - both of those religions have maintained a strong force of vigorous might be. The prices are lower than we can buy the goods for, but tho At right prices call at white workers among the natives, while the Protestant workers among sale will be CONUTINUED UNTIL ALL BROKEN LOTS ARE the Hawaiians have leen chief! v native pastors, who are relatively CLOSED OUT. ess efficient. Father Valentin states that they have twenty-fiv- e priests, all of whom are active white men, whereas the whole of Protestant Save Money: Come to Our Temporary white ministers now in active service who speak Hawaiian, numbers STORES. TWO STORES onlv five. Premises. C5VO In comparing Catholic and Protestant church statistics, it is im Fort St., below King and 152 Hotel St, opposite Young Bldg. P3I portant to remember that Catholics always count all the children in 1 DEPOT OF THE "BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS." Catholic households as members of their church, whereas Protestant figure include only actual communicants who have made a personal L. B. KERR & CO., LTD. Ts public "Wore their membership after X FANCY GOODS profession. Protestants to count Goo Kim, DRY and the Catholic fashion, their numbers would be doubled. TEMPORARY PREMISES PERRY BLOCK:, .Corner Hotel and Xuuanu Streets. The Catholic church in Hawaii is to be credited with having FORT AND QUEEN STREETS NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. adopted a vigorous system of education, as it always does in Protestant a 9 W and ererything just aa represented V countries, but never in purely Catholic ones, where their policy isj to keep the masses in ignorance and thus m easy subjection to the 3 Small Musical Instruments. . . m . 1 A 1 C priests. Ihus, the Portuguese immigrants Irom the Azores, come nere absolutely illiterate. But for their children their church hero main IMMIGRANTS CLING TO CITIES. tain flblA schools to oomnete with the public schools. The Protestant have set the educational pace in Hawaii for our Catholic rivals. They pi' rival- Mr. Frank Sargent, commissioner general of immigration, hajfy IB are laboring hard to follow; and the people are profiting by their ry. But Rome is extremely far from attaining in Hawaii imy serious been persistently advocating amendments in tho immigration hnvs dominance over public sentiment either in Religion, Morals, Politics which will provide for a more rigid exclusion of the undesirable iQrand or Education. The Friend. foreigners who are coming to this country at the rate of 100,000 a month, and who refuse to live anywhere except in the large cities. RTJCRjH Mr. Sargent contends that the social, moral and sanitary condition westrer in the tenement districts of Xew York, Boston, Philadelphia and yesterday's yachting other large cities are being seriously threatened from this constant stream of undesirable immigrants. Mr. Sargent reports that a major- ity of these newcomers have no idea of the country, no respect for its Yesterday's yacht races from Pear! There were only two boats racing in laws, and no desire to better their condition. They huddle down in Closing Sale Skip Out the to the city were made Inter- the fourth class, the and crowded Harbor Skip already tenement districts, live in filth and vie and contrib- OF participants Malolo. "Ward sailed the alone, esting:, at least for the which was rather a dangerous thing ute very largely to the cost of maintaining the criminal courts and through the rough weather, and the to do considering the state of the eler the almshouses of the cities. They cannot be kept out under the small yachts especially were glad to ments, but he finished way ahead of existing immigration laws. Hotol Strbot harbor. There was a strong the Malolo, In fact so far ahead that make the The June bulletin of the Xew York state department of labor wind and a rather heavy sea which the latter boat did not sail over the entire course but came into the harbor contains a table which furnishes a striking confirmation of Commis- made sailing somewhat difficult for the without rounding the bell-buo- y. sioner Sargent's contention. is shown imm- smaller boats, but there were no se- It that of the 126,555 The authentic starting time of the igrants who arrived rious accidents of any kind. various yachts could not be learned, at the port of Xew York in the first three months The Gladys won the first class yacht but the yachts of the various classes of the present year, 55 616 expressed their intention of making their race. La Paloma crossed the starting were started with one gun and were homes in Xew York city, and 31,802 declared their purpose- - to locate accordingly supposed gotten away 5 line before the time, and to have at the in Philadelphia. The report shows that 9,338 went to Illinois, but prize was awarded to the same time. the second most of these destined Helene. At the start the Helene ran The finishing times were as follows: were for Chicago, and probably made their - homes n Great Variety- Into the Gladys doing slight damage. FIRST CLASS. in that city. Kansas, Xebraska, Missouri and Minnesota, where The third class race was more or there is now demand for thousands of harvest hands and good wagfi,- - less of a procession, the Defiance show- Finish: are ottered lor men who will work by the vear, received, all told. Underwear, Shawls, Kimonos, ing sailing qualities aid be- h. min. sec. Shirts, wonderful Gladys. . 1 8 0 only 2,190 of the immigrants who arrived in Xew York during the way speed. ing a marvel in the of She La Paloma 1 11 25 nrst three months ot the year. The southern states of Georgia, Ken- finishing line in the harbor 1 0 crossed the Helene 25 tucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and when the Princess was rounding the L. 1 26 25 Smoking Doilies, West Virginia, which are now very busy because new Tea Gowns, Jackets, bell-buo- y and the Malihlnl was about THIRD CLASS. takinc on a har- commercial and industrial life, received but 1,400 or less than 1 per s. two miles from the mouth of the Finish: to cent. 01 the three months bor. Defiance on the run down h. min. sec. supply of immigrants. GENUINE SATSUMA WARE, VASES, Pearl Harbor on Saturday beat every- Defiance 1 16 0 Officials of the city of Xew York are becoming aroused to tho URNS, PLATES, CUPS AND SAUCERS, thing by two minutes and on the home Princess 1 28 6 importance of Mr. Sargent's argument for stricter immigration law?. run she was only beaten by 18 minutes FOURTH CLASS. The great cities cannot assimilate these hundreds of thousands of ig- WARE, TRAYS, STANDS, BOXES, Gladys. LACQUER by the winning first class yacht Finish: norant' and more or less vicious foreigners, the majority of whom race on account of CABINETS, CLOISONNE WARE in great variety, The Myrtle did not h. min. sec. refuse to become identified with legitimate labor, but go to swell the accident of Saturday but came up 45 her Malolo 1 38 laready alarmingly largo criminal and pauper class, confining their GRASS LINEN TABLE CLOTHS and alone later In the day. Skip 1 40 45 J. labor to peddling, pushing music carts, or dealing in junk. The prob- CENTER FlbLtb. lem is one which ARE WE BECOMING INDIANS. must very soon command the intelligent and honest consideration of the congress, instead of being used as a punching The collections of Bric-a-br- ac in Ivory, Bronze and Old bag in the legislative gymnasium. There i3 ample room in the West P prices never before offered to the public of and South for many thousands wil- Porcelain a: Professor Frederick Starr, of the University of Chicago, has re- of industrious foreigners who are ling make homes Honolulu. iterated his belief that the American people are fast developing into to for themselves, but the nation has a surfeit of the class. Indians. Professor has believed in the theory for some time, and undesirable The evils of unrestricted immigration are Starr being OPEN EVENINGS has now confirmed it, he announces, by a personal observation. He felt more keenly in the large cities every day, and the remedy be examined the descendants of a small colony of Germans who came to cannot witheld much longer without disastrous results. Washing- ro:- - ton Star. the United States years ago. locating in Pennsylvania, and found that the fourth and fifth generations had developed marked Indian charac- teristics, such as black hair, black eyes and darker coiored skins. These Charles Mott, of St. Paul, while standing at the counter of the variations in physical appearance, he declared, do not take place only Hotel Ryan the other day saw William J. Bryan pay his bill. It was in German immigrants, as other nationalities coming to the United $7.50, and the apostle of free silver extracted $8 of the dads from the States have been affected in the same way. "The changes noted take recesses of his raiment. "Always consistent, Mr. Bryan," the clerk place invariably," said Professor Starr, "through the influence of the remarked. "Yes, sir," was the dignified reply. "But I notice by the American climate and environment, and, furthermore, they WAVERLEY BLOCK. HOTEL STREET. potent serve dates," the clerk continued, "that these dollars were made while-- V to illustrate more effectively what forces are at work on the people of late William McKinley was president." "The conversation closed the United States. The American Indian as he exists today is a develop- there," Mr. Mott added. f "Mr. Bryan seems to be a man who cannot ment of the Mongolian." appreciate a joke. l V CTHE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, AUGUST 10, 1903.

m -- I PI STARCH H1L0 HAS A Free! Tree!! Dinner Sets Tltey lienr Thin Label. Senu-Vitr- The Celebrated wi Porcelain, Hand PainU-- Decora- 'LI r nr MMM ) 'ninrrnni FOR EXPORT W JUDGE tions, with Gold Trimmings, Given Away Frw? to our Customer. 1 No Complicated Measuring You Can Get a Dinner Set Free Given away with our Cash Sales from $1.00 and more, pioco Jared Smith Sees It's Tom Ridgeway by piece, and continued until you gret a complete set. Set consist of Cupa and Saucers, Pio Plates, Breakfast Plates, Dinner Plates, Necessary Chance for But He Gets Sauce Dish.es, Platters, Vegetable Dishes, Sugar Bowls, etc., etc. Anything wliich goes to make up a fine set. nor need you try-o-n the clothes several times before you are Farmers. No Pay. THE WAY TO OBTAIX THEM IS EASY. Trade with us and fitted probably then being disappointed if you buy get your friends to trade with us, and we will do the rest, by supply- ing you and them with these, dishes FREE OF CHARGE. Believes Industry Could Baseball League Ready Stein-Bloc- h Smart Clothes, Be Made Profit- for the Next (Ready-to-wear- .) Special j able One. Season. This Week Boy and Girl's Bathing Suits, regular price $1.50, on sale at90c You see the garments in the finished state ready-to-wea- r, Our Blue Serge Bathing Suits for Girls C, S, 10, 12 years Discusses Possibility of Growing Hilo Farmers Also Discuss Thtir select the style you want, try-o-n your size and there you are old, regular price $2.50, on sale at ( Agricultural Prospects $ 75 clad in clothes of the latest style that fit you perfectly, and which Manioc on Urge Scale for Mrs. Ladies Jersey Ribbed Vests, special half dozen for 70c Trade. Norton is Dead. have all the distinguishing "style-touche- s" of the finest Export garments. The only difference between the two is in ' The manufacture of starch from HILO, Aug. ". Thos. C. Ridgway PACIFIC IMPORT COMPANY, Ltd. the price our price being almost one-ha- lf less. rjfianioc or pia is the latest industry has been reappointed Second District MODEL BLOCK, FORT STREET. The majority of men want clothes that look just right and which Jared u. smitn, airector 01 me Magistrate of the South Hllo District f United States Agricultural Experiment This office in Honolulu pays 11400 per that will last. If you are such a man, we have what you are station, believes should be fostered in year, but in Hilo pays nothing. Judge I 177 S. KING STREET. looking for. - Hawaii. He sees in the .manufacture Ridgway will continue to serve for of this starch for export a good pro glory. fit for whoever will try it. H. W. Tom C. Ridgway, who returned with BTEIN-BLOC- H SMART SUITS AND SPRING OVER- Wiley, chief of the chemistry bureau of his mother this week from a four COATS, $15.00 to $35.00. the Agricultural Department has been months trip through the Orient, has Pau Saturday asked by Mr. Smith, In regard to the many interesting tales to tell of the starch- - and has given much encour trip and countries visited. They spent If there are some who have not taken advantage of our a few days in Manila, were Hong airement. Dr. "Wiley believes that the in sale, A-mo- big THIS SATURDAY, AUG. 8, is the last cultivation of manioc or pia should be kong ten days and visited Canton, Rfl. undertaken extensively and says' that and Macao. They were at Shang' chance. SVJclWERWY, Ltd. there is a good demand for the starch hai. the Paris of the East, and spent In the east. The manufacture of this two months in Japan. MATTINGS starch cannot be exactly called a new Mr. Ridgway was in Japan when the CLOTHIERO industry here, for there is already one war fever was at its height. The peo AT A DISCOUNT OF n pie in Japan, says, eager &33.C2. n.-- factory In the islands, that of.W, he were to Fort erc"h Streets called to fight t H. PUce at LIhue. Kauai. His starch be Russia. All elements 25 Per Cent is used only In the local trade, but alike were Imbued with the war spirit. Director Smith believes that a good and the ministry found It necessary to paring Industry can be built up on the adopt stern measures to stem the tide mainland, where there is much demand of popular feeling. The press was put LEWERS & COOKE, LTD. for the manioc starch. Florida is the under a strict censorship and every ORIENTAL BAZAAR only other place where it is being cul diplomatic art was used by the gov Large jctock Grass In colors. Embroidered tivated. ernment to maintain peace between of Uneni various Tea sad 177 S. KING STREET. L . "I see no reason why the manufac the people of Japan on the one hand Vabls Cloths. Also some nice bedspreads. ture of cassava or tapioca starch from and the Russian Bear on the other. In POKQEE In light and heavy weights. Just the thing for this weather the manioc cannot be developed in the fact it was only the financial embarrass islands," said Professor Smith yester- ment confronting the ministry, that Mrs. P. Peck, was alive with gaiety Waity Building, King Street opposite Advertiser Office. prevented Its giving way to popu- and pleasure last Tuesday night, tho day. "The pia, which is the native the occasion being a dancing party given Phone White 2748. name for the plant, grows very well lar clamor. MOSQUITO in honor of Mrs. Maydwell of Kallua, indeed. In the islands. It grows so Mr. Ridgway says: "Shanghai is the who is visiting in the city. About for- best place in the Orient. There are 10,- - ty guests were present and all passed well and so little care is required that enjoyable evening. A 000 Europeans and Americans in the a most aoooooooeooooooooooooeoooooooooooooooo all the cultivation needed after plant city and business is good. From this The funeral of Mrs. Norton, mother ing Is to pull out a few weeds now and city as a base some of the most ex- CAMPAIGN of Mrs. J. A. McLennon of Paauilo, was then. . tensive enterprises are being prose held at Paauilo last Friday afternoon. "W. .h. "already cuted. Rev. C. Hill conducting the service. "f. iff "There is a mill for the man. Mrs. Norton had resided on Hawaii ufacture of the pia Llhue, Manila," said Tom, "is a beastly 9C Good Printing starch at place. It is not Americanized to the only about one year. Deceased was a Kauai, and it seems to me that the in fraction of a degree. Hawaii is a Yan- Meeting This Week to sister of John Horner. 2 dustry could be developed on a much kee hotbed in comparison. I even had The Portuguese Lincoln Club, the Al to talk Spanish to the policemen." Hilo political organization, held a larger scale, and that the starch could Discuss meeting last night at Firemen's ball. be made for export trade. writ- The pleasantest part of the tour was the I have the visit to the interior of Japan. Three Officers were elected for the coming ten to Dr. "Wiley, the- - Department weeks were spent at Kyoto, the an- year. The political situation was dis- chemist in regard to the matter and capital. Tribune. Plans. cussed generally. It is expected that A Profitable Investment cient next meeting a have received a number of encourag THE BASEBALL. LEAGUE. at the candidate for ' member of the Board of Supervisors reply. s ing letters In He writes that The representatives of the Hilo Rail A meeting to discuss the mosquito will be decided upon. good road and Beamer's Specials ball teams Ivy there is a market for the starch will be held early this week in the Miss Richardson entertained a among the textile manufacturers of and the Olaa Athletic Association have number of guests at her home at signed to certain rules governing base office of President of the Board Reed's Bay last Friday evening at a go the east and at much better prices ball in Hilo during the present season number of prominent shirt waist party. The house was For the Best, to potato of Health. A than can be obtained for the and have submitted lists of players in men, estate agents, property own beautifully decorated and illuminated accordance with the rules. There will real evening was starch. ers and others have received Invita for the occasion and the "The cassava starch can be used both be nine league games played. Fol- a delightful one to all present. The as meeting hour to be i'V :; purposes lowing is the rules and schedule tions to attend, the ladles and most of the gentlemen wore The Hawaiian Gazette Co. for food and In the textile well as a list of players: announced later. shirt waist costume. Industries. The potato starch is not HAWAII BASE BALL LEAGUE. At this meeting it is expected to ' limited used for food at all. It is, however. Rules and Regulations. formulate a careful plan of campaign sought by man- DIDN'T SPEND much after the textile The captains of the teams Joining for the extermination of the mosquito. on this league will, before or at the time Printing and Engraving ufacturer and if manioc stands the will probably be necessary to ar Art same basis, there is a good chance of signing this agreement and sched It IT FOOLISHLY ule, hand in the names of their play range for a fund with which to carry 3 here production export on g mm Tml. for its for ers, both regular and substitutes. on work as there is no appropria O. sCIbk Mils a large Wiley says the scale. Dr. there After signing this agreement and tlon for the Board of Health, from Levi Daniel was ar?i?toi by Officer ft is good market for in tex schedule, all the teams shall be ex- charge larceny a it the which sufficient money can be taken Joy yesterday on a of tile trade, and if is suffi- pected to play ball as per schedule. degree. couple ago 000000000000000000000000000000000 00090000 it made in only to carry on the campaign. A public in the first A of days cient quantities, opinon and the excuse for not playing it is his that ball shall be that the regular players subscription will be started to raise he entered the home of Anna Apua in it can be marketed in the east with of Kalihl, while a luau was in progress, out much trouble. of the team in excess of the number the balance needed. substitutes shall be Incapacitated by Thousrh not definitely decided the and took $116 from a bureau drawer. "The pia grows wild and without cul or regular duties cam tivation in some parts of the islands. sickness that their Board of Health will conduct the No one saw him do it, but he seemrd averages shall demand their services. paign. That body has already made money L1HD FOR SALE. It about four or five tons to so report in- to be spending rather freely COLLEGE HILLS the acre in some parts as high as Captains of the teams shall a start in the right direction by and to the captain of the opposing team structing the sanitary inspectors to re- and he was taken inio custody. With eight tons to the acre. About five possible opportunity. tons is the proper basis per yield an at the earliest port the places which require attention. hardly any urging he confessed that LOTS IN iTANOA VALLEY are for sale at acre. Xon appearance of a team for" the A community campaign will also be he had taken the money. CIIOICE It takes five tons of the tubers reason or reasons shall declare every will be easy terms. to make a ton of starch, so that the above waged and householder "Did you spend It on a wahlne," Joy Tery reasonable prices and .upon yield the schedule game postponed and same asked to cooperate. To the poor fam- of starch likely will be from played off completion pay asked him. command a splendid view of mountain and 1600 2500 per shall be after the ilies who are unable to for the These lots to pounds acre. The starch of the regular schedule. probably be furnish- "No," the prisoner replied. "I did cool. will bring about three and a half cents oil, kerosene will ocean. Artesian water, fine soil and delightfully per pound Xon appearance of a team scheduled ed by the Board. not spend it foolishly. I put it all in the eastern markets, so to play, for reasons above oth- assistance in building, can arrange with that there ought to be quite a margin other than The Merchants' Association and in clothes and other useful things." V! Persons desiring stated, shall cause said game to be for- er commercial bodies will be called up- Daniel had fifty dollars on his person reasonable of profit. Of course it isn't. as paying feited, and same awarded to the op- to the Trustees of the Oahu College for a loan at a an industry as the raising of sugar on to assist in the campaign about when arrested. It was returned to posing team. be inausrurated. Mrs. Apua. cane and some other thlnes. but vet The of players handed in, both rate of interest. it is one which will be a convenient list I regular be deem apply to side issue many people. and substitute shall 000000OfO0OfO For particulars for The pia ed the official list, and no captain or well received. Mr. Kinney has had grows so very easily ! r. C. JONES, and with such player shall make application for much practical experience as a cane hi Ittle trouble, that I see no reason why to team until all his paper, , Oahu College, its transference another planter and farmer and Treasurer of cultivation cannot be undertaken schedule games, both regular and post- therefor, contained facts indisputable. on a liire scaie. At leasi it is a crop played. of 404 Judd Building. which will well poned, shall have been There was a general discussion the do for export and which The team winning most games of subject when Mr. Kinney finished and at the same time does not require a to a suit- was to small large of capital." the schedule shall be entitled much that of value the V1 investment able banner or pennant. Herald. farmer in Hawaii was brought out. HILO FARMER'S MEET. A paper on forage plants, read by-Hen- "ME AND GLUE" re- A very Interesting meeting of the E. Kelsey was also well If there Is anything in the world ceived. During the past year Mr. Kel that Hilo Agricultural Society was held at various Is sticky. It Is glue. Now, glue Is offices of Furneaux last sey has experimented with F. Morgan, President; CecU Brown Vice President, made the Charles grasses on his ranch in Kaiwiki and aiJ. BOTTLEO James of a of Saturday afternoon. The unusually Secretary; Charles H. Atherton, Auditor; W. H, combination "things" the prin- to his experience and opinion on the sub- F. Hustace, ciple Ingredient being large attendance was no doubt due of and Manager. cow's hoofs. Ev- the fact that papers were to be read ject are of value to the members Hoogs, Treasurer eryone knows that all cows were the society. i ,c X-it- by several of the members. in 33I-UJ3ta- Sc d.. calves once of course one Kaiwiki Brown will embark the Co., and behaved as Sheriff Andrews was down for industry. a good should on indigenous bananas and Professor pineapple WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN little calf behave. The rainfall at Olaa during July was Now men s me men have been Henshaw was to illustrate the article on mosquito breeding previously pub- nearly twelve inches. Blacksmith's Coal what Is called the "human calf and The genial Irving Schoen left on m Firevood, Stov8, Steam, lished in this paper. Both of these as- i : also have behaved as a good Sheriff An- Sunday for Honuapo where he will Telephone Main 295, little hu "talks" were interesting. management of branch Also Black and White Sand. man calf should behave. Both calves drews had not prepared a paper but sume the the Given to Praying. kick. They kick because enabled house of "U". C. Peacock & Co. Special Attention something his knowledge of the banana Drug Co., with lights on them when they least expect it him to speak entertainingly of his sub The South Sea Island and then they try to kick was new a capital of $15,000 has been Incorporat- it into eter ject and much that he said Arizona.by F. Dil- nal quietude: and they land against to many of the members. Prof. Hen- ed in Phoenix, W. nothing expanse experience in search- lingham and E. E. Paxton. but the wide of atmos shaw related his from the phere. ing for breeding places of the mos Postmaster Madeira learns pests Superintendent of the Railway Mail Let the "human calves" kick up just quito and told how rapldly the reason because the Douglas Patent Closet sells lncrease. He dwelt upon the import- - Service, Mr. Carr, that the i": delayed ten days ago j: for $25.50, is guaranteed, and is sold. ance of individuals keeping their prem-- Coast mails were not kept. The product of from old bottles, cans or tubs was because the sailing time of the the calf's ises free Enterprise was changed after the de- foot (the real ca?fs foot) Is a sticker; J which would hold water. so is the Douglas. Hence, "me and A paper read by "William Kinney on parture of mall steamers for Honolulu. World's News Daily glue'." the cultivation of manioc was very "Wehlkulani." the home of Mr. and


FIAT JUSTITIA. at Pearl Harbor, something about the I culture of frogs for on. Ha- incorruptible the market A wise, learned and waii, and an exceptionally good budget Rheumatism Judiciary and an Instructed and faith of cablegrams, commercial, court and 7s a rack on which you need not Csmmcrcial AdYcrtlser defence to A FIRE SALE ful bar are an impenetrable society news, local gleanings'and mis- suffer long. Pictures liberty and to social order. It personal cellany. If there are any who did not It depends on an acid condition O. BKTTH - - XPI70B is the distinct perception of this truth see the Sunday paper they missed a people of the blood, which affects the AT COST isn't in that has induced the American treat. . it MONDAY AUGUST 10 to submit to constitutional and statu- ; muscles and joints, causes inflam- tory limitations upon their sovereignty. A vigorous mosquito campaign can- mation and jiin, and results from citizenship realize that WE are remodeling our ART FORESTRY RENAISSANCE. All men fit for not be. started too soon. Few r men , defective digestion and a torpid Just if e is the cohesive element 'i civil- would refuse to subscribe liberally to ' action of the liver, kidneys and skin. DEPARTMENT and must 1 Probably !t I correct to nay that the they submit cheer- ization. Therefore be rid of the insects. Sciatica, lumbago and stiff neck have more room. REMEM- rllwt commercial rourre of Hawaii fully to the uual pressure of the law, '. under civilization was Its forent wealth upon which they also rely for their are forms of it. BER this a REAL SALE. Is now history way In CHASE OUT THE -- Hood's Sarsaparllla has me It the which that own protection. ccred cf "A word to the wise is narvlal-wor- xl I was so any- wealth wa o.uaniWel In the Theory and practice, however, are rheumatism. I could not lilt thing and my knees were so stiff I could snfficieat" tra'Je. Until a wore of years widely MOSQUITOES 0 - ao often dissimilar. In our own hardly ret up or down stairs. Since takiue no systematic was made re r effort at country trained, balanced and inde three bottles of Hood's SarsaparilU I nav-neve- forestation, while before and since that pendent Judicial minds, steered by edu Honolulu, T. H., Aug. S, 1903. felt a Bymptora of rheutr,atiro, and x gladly recommend Hood's for this din-eas- e. covert - turning point enemle overt and cated ronsclences. are frequent, but not Editor Advertiser: Now that it seems Mas. Hattic Tcbner, BoilTer. Mo. In preventing1 - Co.. Joined forces forest common. It is hard to define what a probable that the Board of Health is Pile to the extent nature, un likely to inaugurate vigorous rrowth that Judge Is. a war - idle perfect In both parts of the Hood's Sarsaparilla hampered, might have effected. The Bible, there are no denunciations so against the mosquito, it seems wise to - I to call Art Department comparative Indifference the extlnc bitter as those against unjust and dis- the attention of the people of the and Pills Frames tlon of commerce in Hawaiian forest honest Judges. In our own days, in city to the need of hearty Neutralize the acidity of the blood, FORT AND MERCHANT products which until lately has prevail- various forms, it has been freauently on the part of every householder, perfect digestion and excretion, ed. In both public and private consid- said by great thinkers that, if the ad and to the fact that while the entire and radically and permanently ATCOST STREETS. eration, is not hard to account for. ministration of the law is equal an.I extermination of the pest may be well-nig- h cure rheumatism. First, the piping times of prosperity pure, rottenness in other branches of impossible, still the undersigned incident to the market for agricultural the government can almost be tolerat feels confident from his own exDeri- - produce opened up suddenly In Califor- ed. What is meant is that the courts ments that very much can be done to or & nia, on the gold discovery in 1849, and have the power to extirpate political make out-do- life m the evenings not WING WO CHAN CO. to the extensive whale fleet traffic that rascality. only endurable but even enjoyable. out of the Importers of 3. -- seem During the past eight months took Its focus in these island, The Ideals and standards of the I have Juot Custom House, Fine Chinese and Japanese Chinaware, Silks, Linens, Embroid i have obliterated all regret for the been increasingly interested in this Y to American Judiciary In the public mind. problem of destruction of the mosquito eries, etc. sandal-woo- d trade as well as for the Porlo though unexpressed in mere trappings both because of the annoyance caused Nuuanu between Merchant and King streets almost total denudation of its source. and ceremony, are probably the highest by their bites and their singing and The Finest Line of to because of liability Next, when California became able n the world. .Reverence for the law the of inoculation pass- from their bites. feed Itself and the whaling traffic has survived much treachery to i:s years Tooth and Hair sprung-- up Two and also one year ago I ed away, there had the mandates. Examples of subserviency was unable to take any pleasure or nucleus of a profitable sugar Industry any to selfish or demoralizing Influences comfort in form of existence on t3 ETer Shown which was destined under American have been regarded as exceptions to our lanal at Halehala, Vineyard street, No because of a scourge of mosquitoes sqyrtoes impor reciprocity to overshadow in general rule. Confidence in the courts prosperity swarming around me as soon as I R Market R tance even the dreams of It is the struggle of thousands to main- would locate myself anywhere and I ... from a possible return of anything- akin sin- up O tain, even In the face of occasional would usually get in a disagreeable Call c to the departed resources. appearances. state of mind after a few moments and and See not too much heat ister my mosquito-pro- of Gradually, in these latter years, the prone retire to room. And for Human nature is variable and with reason. Within ten la- Industries has been feet of the f--J cause of diversified to elasticity, and Judges do not cease nal I had perfect breeding places. Yourself headway. Coincident with this three making' to be men. Nevertheless they must enougn to supply this veranda, our f The electric fan brings comfort into the house. Just at- and part of it must be regarded the in- front yard and our neighbors. Four submit to more searching criticism tach it to the chandelier . in place creasing' in forestry. Just now rods further away I had another tub of E lib IIUIIhHU 6 of an incandescent lamp--it interest than those whose responsibilities are through aid and stagnant water and some six rods from uses the same amount of current. An excellent fan for Federal lower. There are very few Judicial of- the lanal still another open tub of the efforts of a few successive govern- s home and office use, costs ficers who will accept bribes. This is standing water supplying mosquitoes TOOTH BRUSH systematic foresta-tlo- n ments of Hawaii at a coarse and unfrequent mark of cor- for the barn. places and re- This year things are changed; I can Price 35c of hitherto barren ruption, which is so clear that it is of tracts whose former sit here on this same lanal as I am Try forestation usually discerned. But there are In- now doing compara this one and tell us what trees fire and other destruc- this afternoon in you thing of it. ONLY $15.00 growth of numerable ways. In which Judicial in- tive comfort and can write you, Mr tive agents have laid bare are becom- open ex- dependence and probity may be stain- Editor, this letter without HOLLISTER DRUG CO,, Complete with all attachments. gTeat promise. There are few pending four-fift- hs of my ing of ed, many of which, though they can available countries in the world where the re energy in fighting and slapping at mos FORT STREET. be conjectured, are beyond actual de quitoes. This is possible, not because tree-planti- ng are returned to wards of tection. Inordinate affection for par- I have screened in with netting this tree-plant- er so quickly as here. the ticular attorneys is one mode of divert- lanal but because I nave done away The old story of the benevolent grand-sir- e dangerous. with those mosquito-breedin- g tubs. Hawaiian Electric Co., his ing business that is most only this, I am keeping a who planted an orchard for in- Jot but LIMITED. Still more subtle, and even more out-loo- k has no point in this country. sharp all around our yard and posterity jurious. Is secret determination of a I occasionally make an excursion into OFFICE KING may a home upon a bare the STREET NEAR ALAKEA. TEL. MAIN One establish Judge to promote a special interest cr my neighbors' properties and have sue 3. Honolulu and within three to five ceeded exciting lot In a particular faction. "Without a word, in their years have his table supplied with and the help of their yard-boy- s in without even a look, that could be used allowing no water stagnant many kinds of fruit from trees planted to become Breaking of THE BEST DRY GOODS as impeaching evidence, it is possible, in or bottles or other cast-o- ut homse was built. Hardwood oldcans after his very unusual, a Judicial of- containers. In emptying out dally manufacturing purposes though for SI ORE IN THE CITY. suitable for ficer to be unjust to the core. By the containers from which stock is water FUKURODA matures almost as rapidly, while trees ed. in filling in hollows where water Glasses very tone of his voice in charging a it fit mostly fuel develop branches so might collect and in covering absolute fcr Jury or in addressing counsel, he may ly tight all cesspools and 28 and 32 Hotel St. Robinson Block. it is not necessary to cut drains. More are broken through fast that affect a decision. Today I am reaping the fruits of my down the trunk for obtaining the fuel A Judge should be above all suspicion labors and I shall reap again tonight if slipping and falling off. the trimmings of a few trees being I want to. For I am sitting here In r- of wavering from the law and from the mos- - than in any other way. Also enough to keep a family cooketove go-In- comparative comfort, only one manufacturers of a fine line of STRAW HATS case before him. The best guarantee qutio has been bothering me this after Our "new method kind" Is character. There have been nd noon. Four months ago there would Ladies and Gentlemen. ' Is hardly necessary o advocate, It there are men on the bench, whom the have been at least a dozen around me. are an insurance against the benefit of the gentlemen com- Last night I was able to sit quietly for for vilest partisan or pettifogger never -. Board of Agriculture and a long time, nearly an hour in fact, be slipping off, thereby pre- posing the doubted. Hale, Mansfield. Eldon. becoming annoyed by mos HATS trimmed in the Tery latest styles Forestry, Importance of giving a Mar fore much venting expense and at lowest prices. the shall. Kent are illustrations of world quitoes. Four months ago I could not large share of attention to the propaga- done this, I feel confident t wide fame. In California, a decision have and annoyance of breakage. improvement of fruit trees of these changed conditions have tion and by Judge Norton or Judge Temple was that have proved an been brought about almost entirely Explanations of its merits those varieties that instantly accepted, and, while Judge my easy success In raising here. In addi- through own efforts. Beatty was paying no attention to any- Now It seems reasonable to suppose for the asking. to introducing of kinds of tion the thing except working on records, all that, If the efforts of one person can known desirability" and commercial be effective to such an extent as I re ' the underground partisans in the LHDWDRY are port, then there is hope for the com FREeMAll laundry left with us and not 39 from abroad. Neither those called. for ftPr value State could not deprive him' nom- pay expenses. days will be sold to gentlemen likely to overlook the merlta of a munity at large, if only every house- H. F. Wichman, ination or an election. There are near- holder will get in and help, and allow- of Hawaii's indigenous woods suitable misery-creatin- g er examples, in- no vantage ground for these ng to which might be cablnet-makln- g house-finishi- it WM. G. IRWIN & for and delicate to insects to gain a foothold. Optical Department. COMPANY. Ld purposes such as the sandal- refer. Mosquitoes are not strong on the New A sound bench requires the support "Exclusively Optica." Drvg Store wood, the koa and kou trees. The day wing, flying in still air not far from AGENTS FOR of a sound bar. An honest lawyer will their breeding places; but on account of Western Sugar will probably come when manufactur- weak-flig- Refining Co., San not accept an invitation to wreck an their ht they may be and are 1048 Fort Street. Francisco, CaL CHAMBERS DRUG CO., LTD. ing powerWill be developed as cheaply carried to considerable distances by I estate and divide the plunder. He Baldwin Locomotive Works, tiere as anywhere else and with our will winds like our northeast trades. It Philadel- not manufacture testimony in his own phia, Pa. THE PRINCIPLE ON soil producing such splendid raw ma- may be known that during strong WHICH WB office or anywhere else, lie will treat trades few mosquitoes are found on Newell Universal Mill Co., Manufac- DO BUSINESS. terial as the woods mentioned the ex- turers of National Cane Shredder, New witnesses with respect and, even Pacific Heights near the residences of Oour aim Is to port of Hawaii's forest products, In the Mr. von Hamm, of Mr. or Mr. xorK, N. X. serve our customers la though indulged, will not desecrate Pratt, of the way future, should mainly consist- - of man- Kerr. But within a few hours after Paraffine Paint Company, San Fran- which will In the long run be courts of Justice with foul language. cisco, CaL ufactured articles. Such a trade would A the trades stop blowing and quicker, if W.W. AHANACO., the most satisfactory to them and b good lawyer must necessarily be a gen- a kona comes up, mosquitoes become Ohlandt & Co., San Francisco, CaL to be incomparably more lucrative than their greatest welfare. We are-buildin- tleman, under all conditions. He will quite numerous In that region, flying Limited Pacific Oil Transportation Co., San oldtlme export of sandal-woo- d, Francisco, CaL Up a Drug Business and hope the honor the courts by up In the still air or helped along more - having wasteful element of honoring himself rapidly by to have a long list of customers withal the and his profession. may the south wind. who traffic obliterated. He be, and he This would surely indicate that our Merchant Tailors. will have the utmost confidence In us, that ought to be, vigorous, strong, Honolulu Co. 1 deter- methods of extermination, to be effec- Iron Works because we are aiming to be thorou mined, as well as studious and, as the tive, must be applied over large areas Waity Building, King ly reliable family Druggists. Such good Republicans as Repre and on the windward side of prop- St. STEAM ENGINES appear Vermonters say, "Judgmatical." But the We not only guarantee sentatives Aylett and Kumalae, erties which we intend to free from the Phone Blue 2741 BOILERS, SUGAR the Quality his demeanor, his manner, his lan- MILLS, COOL- of our goods, to believe that the County Act is in pests. I wish my more remote, as well ERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS but we guarantee our guage, his character, will all comport my up- - Opposite Advertiser Office need of their apologies. At the Ka-ll-hl as near neighbors, would enter ana machinery of every description prices to be as low as any Drueeist with a clean heart and a on a vigorous crusade against these meeting Friday evening both of cultivated made to order. Particular attention for the same class of goods. Any arti- mind. He will never lower his own dig- - I ineects especially those householders American and Foreign paid to ship's blacksmlthing. ."ob these legislative leaders made remarks on side. work cle purchased from us not giving sat- nity or degrade himself and. his pro the mauka Worsteadb executed on shortest notice. . County Act," which I shall keep up my campaign isfaction will be freely derogatory of the fession by coarse personalities because exchanged. was framed by the Republican Com- or by I have found that it pays in personal tricky methods. He will be truthful, comfort to do it. and I trust that this HOTICE TO DOCTORS mission, and made into law by Repub- Mid-Summ- er manly, broad, an elevating influence in open letter may incite others in the New swell Shirt HACKS ALL NIGHT Chambers Drug Go., lican votes, their own included. Now the community. city to adopt similar plans for dally Ltd. they are furnishing Home Rule cam- use. "Eternal vigilance is the price of Waist Hats at the at Fort J5ucn a Dencn a and King Streets. paign material by their apologies for and bar as have! liberty" and eternal dally vigilance been thus sketched are an Inspiration must be the habit of every household- - Club is put forth as the principal work FORT STREET.StoblooTEL. MAIN 109. what to civilization itself. er to free our city and these of Hawley Millinery Parlors of the Republican party. In this Territory, islands HACKS Nos. 3. 7. 24. 32. E3. S7 11 there is much to commend, mosquitoes. The Board of Health can 182. t but there not do Every Boston Building, Fort Street. may be also much to deprecate. it alone. householder To legislators like . Kumalae and The must get in a help. Let us all get in Aylett it doesn't make much differ result of pending investigations is and help in this exceedingly worthy awaited with hope cause. GO TO THE ence United Attorney-Gener- al and confidence that what the States Very truly, 1 1 may decide as to a legislator's our locai standards will correspond IF YOU HAVE A with American ideals. A. B. INGALLS. Asti Wines M right to hold other office during the SMALL SUM OF MONEY Best Table Wines term for which he is elected. They r in Use. Sold by Cleaning and Dyeing Woria have already announced their willing- xidwaiis aeiegates to the Trans-Mississip- pi NOTICE. all Liquor Dealers. Fort Opposite you good In- St. Star Block, ness to become supervisors at a salary Congress which That can't find a meets at vestment to we can SOMETHING To have your old SUITS MADE TO of fifty dollars per month and what Seattle next week might get through a The law firm of Humphrey "fit." "club NEW It" with several other small LOOK LIKE NEW. Dyeing and press- may be picked up on the side. resolution favoring a bounty on coffee Chewing Trilby Cups ing, and large and Watson will be dissolved at sums and Invest It in guaran- 11.75 to 12.50 per suit appropriations for Pearl Har And marshmallow Chocolata The Nothing but good 'can come of the bor Improvements. teed securities for you and pay rhv renewing of ladles' clothing 5 Both subjects the close of business this day. at the specialty. 3 you the every Prices very low. visit to Hawaii of the members of the should appeal to the delegates In that Interest In cash new general staff of the army. Upon body. I will retain the offices at the six months. Let us tell you niller's Candy Co. body now about it. PHONE WHITE 2362. that devolves the duty of corner of King and Bethel Streets King Street near BethL preparing the plan of defense for Ha- The leading features of the Sunday waii, or of accepting the one already Advertiser were the fire at the capitol. occupied by me for the past six Courteous treatment. PHIL. offered. The more knowledge its mem- the volcanic activity at Mauna Loa HENRY "WATERHOUSE I Prompt attention. LEINDECKER conditions in years. i bers have of the islands (Illustrated), the story of Bishop Wil- TRUST CO.. LTD. Best Quality and lots more at the better prepared will they be to say lis's A. S. HUMPHREYS. troubles in Tonga, a lively nar- Cor. Fort and Merchant street. Charges only $L50 away bow they shall be met. rative J Consolidated Soda Waterworks to take U, of Saturday sports in town and July 31s. 1903. sick, or dead animals. Orders by Pnana Flefl 4 Mala 71. Main 161 promptly attended t j


BABIES AND CHILDREN & should be fairlj plamp. They BISHOP CO.. BANKERS; ought to put on fat as fa3t aa THE LAUNCHING OF THE ERSATZ KAISER AT KIEL. ESTABLISHED JLN" 1858. they use it rip; for fat i3 fuel, Banking department. and the burning of it make3 pow- Transact business In all departmaata er and force. Thin children of banking-- . even along to the age of eighteen ' Collections carefully attended to. or twenty are in danger from ' " Exchange bought Ms - and sold. consumption, and from other : wasting complaints. The chil- fckvm&k - Commercial and Travelers Letters ol dren who starve, and the young Credit Issued on the Bank of California N. M. Roth-chl- con- and ld & Sons, London, men and women who are Correspondent: The Bank of Califor- sumed why, the very idea of it nia. Commercial Banking Co. of Syd- 13 frightful. For such as they ney, Ltd., London. there i3 always what the Bible calls a "mighty famine" in the Draft and cable transfer on Cain Food, may be ta- and Japan through the Hongkong and land. though it Shanghai Banking Corporation and ken plentifully, does not nourish Chartered Bank of India, Australia and them. It makes no fat; it gives China, no strength. To prevent this, to cure this, to save the young ones Interest allowed on term deposit) at at the mother's knees, and the the following rate per annum, rls: boys and girls who Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent. bright are Three months, at S per cent. just looking at the world with Six months, at 34 per cent. ambitious eyes, is the purpose of Twelve months, at 4 per cent. WAM POLE'S PREPARATION. Trust Department. Its success is decided and set- Act as trustees under mortgage. tled. Thousands owe to life Manage estates, real and personal. it Collect rents and dividends. nnd health. It is palatable as Valuable papers, wills, bonds, eto honey and contains the nutritive received for safe keeping. and curative properties of Pure Accountant Department. Cod Oil, Liver extracted by us Auditors for corporations and pri- from fresh cod livers, combined vate firms. with the Compound Syrup ol Books examined and reported on. IIypopho3phites and the Extracts Statement of affair prepared. of Malt and Wild Cherry. In Trustees on bankrupt or insolvent tates. buildm g up pale, puny, emacia-Hdre- n, : r r Office, 924 Bethel street ted ch particularly those t a rm w. AikJr" troubled with Anemia, Scrofula, 5avins Department. Rickets, and bone and blood dis- Deposits received and interest allow eases, nothing equals its ton- ed at 4 per cent per annum. In ac- it; cordance with rule and regulation, ic qualities are of the highest or- copies of which may be obtained on der. A Medical Institution says: application. "We have used your preparation - Insurance Department. in treating children for coughs, ' i. if- i;,..l J.,,Jlmae. n Agent for FIRE. MARINE. LIFE. colds and inflammation ; its ap- ACCIDENT and EMPLOYEES LIA plication has never failed us in Tlie recent launching of the German cruiser "Ersatz Kaiser," at Kiel, was one of the most spectacular events of the gathering of the' BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES. case, most aggra-Tat- ed Insurance office, 924 Bethel street. any even iii the 1 1 vv A v nc-rsi- n-- n . r -- - vjLiiiinii ill 1 in - - i triiiMii r.n i ill x iin" wirn. in c ciiirA n ininrA Li n i bordering on pneumonia. iiri ri v nifnir1 1inrNr " ounw aiiu mtiiiu t:miAtio iav t duueu suuai; importance the event. picture sent by special correspondent Kiel. The children like it, they love td The was a at It was taken at the moment when the officers ( the taste of it, it looks good to of the German fleet were saluting the Emperor, just before the ship was sent into the water. them, and it builds up their bodies; many little children owe their lives to it." Effective from the first dose. "You cannot AN ISLANDER WRITES with their hundred tons of pressure. Again it is dampened, and goes un- be disappointed in it." Sold by OF der a third sot, and' comes out almost dry dry enough to be used, as chemists here and everywhere. fuel, and sufficient to make steam for tho whole plant. Xinetv-tw- o THE SCENIC HILO RAILWAY x?r cent, of tho sugar is extracted from tho cane, and more could be, but 8 per cent, of sugar is worth more in the waste for fuel. The ashes . S. Grinbaum & Co. aro worth $20 per ton for fertilizer and thus, the grea t waste is utilized. il 1AMTTXJX Tlie T3 Auprrlos Sunday Time? lia tlio following: Pines, pumps, boilers and tanks in bewildering confusion, fill tho body of in and Commissloa Merchant The opening of tho Ililo Kailway to Mountain Vioiv, twenty-on- e the mill, and a thick dark mud drops into the centrifugal nnd a half mile nrilcs from Ililo, on the road to the volcano and conies out lxdow, clean, sweet sugar, good enough to eat. of Kilauea, mark? a new epoch in the development of tho largest Again wo board the train, and in a few minutes arc whirled SAKCTV COJM JLGZNTS TOM of tho Hawaiian Ldands. Few stop to consider that tho Island of through the beau t iful forest of Hilo, and wo find comfortable quar- For papers, policies, deed, n Jewelry, coins, heirlooms, etc TTawaii has an area of 4215 square miles, a.s against 2434 in all the ters at tho Hilo Hotel. tlti RKNT other wren inlands, and in 1001 pnxluc-o- d 1:4,G1S tons of supir, A ride to Puna should not be overlooked. The warm spring u FOR FIFTY CENTS (50c.) A Little, Jack Kopoko is a bit. of which has been my fortune to M MONTH one of our Fire and against 225,420 tons by the rest of the group. The opening of the at nature, it never 11 the u Burglar-Pro- of safes. Smoking Tobacco Olaa sugar mill, with its thousands of tributary acres of cane, and meet elsewhere. Fifty feet of perpendicular rock rising from tl Cc and 10c packages the Puna plantation, will swell the immensely. water, topped bv waving ferns and graceful cocoanuts, seamed and You are the only one who can next year's output open the safe you rent, unles The average tourist who comes to "do" the Hawaiian Islands creviced, with different fern in every crack, overhung with the grace- you designate someone else. We Agents seldom moves off the Island of Oahu. Indeed, coming ful lauhala. The water is twenty feet deep, clear as crystal, and tho have a private room where jrou for manv before your here think "Honolulu'' is the main island of the Hawaiian group. eye can hardlv distinguish tho bottom from the reflection. It cannot can examine valuables. BRITISH AMERICAN ASSURANCB HM7AH AH TRUST CO., LTD. COMPANY, of Toronto. Ontario. By this he misses one of the grandest sights of the world. "Within Ik? done in a photograph. Tho water slightly rises and falls with tho y tide. is about blood heat, and is delightful to bathe in, and. has CESSSSSSSSSSSaSSZZSSS!SE3 DELAWARE INSURANCE CO. t two days' travel of a live volcano, he pases bv on tho other side, to It Philadelphia. . say nothing of the beautiful ride through miles of virgin tropical the property of making the skin of a black man look white as paper one-hal- f of a man'3 Jorest, with its wonderful foliage and twenty-foo- t tree ferns; or of while under water. The effect is peculiar, to see YM. a 1RY1H & CO., Ltd. fnow-capie- d !Mauna Loa and Maunakea in tho distance. Heretofore hodv black and the other half white. Green lake is a beautiful bit of tropical scenery, surrounded by Wm. O. Irwin. ..President and Manager stage Vice-Preside- Keystone-Elgi-n tho long ride from Hilo has deterred many from making this A Claua Spreckels.... First nt most delightful trip, but this need no longer frighten the most timid, Loanlits, kukuis, breadfruits and guavas. W. M. Qlffard... Second Vice-Preside- nt WATCHES as tho luxurious cars of the Ililo Kailroad take ns to "within, nine 1 A! few miles from Puna, on the Pahoa trail, aro those wonderful H. M. Whitney, Jr.. Treasurer and Sec Durnbls and Accurate trunks, and George W. Ross Auditor miles of the Volcano House, leaving but nine miles of staging. Then lava casts, where the lava formed a casing around the tree Agent THE KEYSTONB Railroad Com- Sugar Factors and Commission WATCH CASE CO from the hotel one goes to the sulphur banks, only a short distance, sill remains. C. H. Kluegel, surveyor of tho Hilo AGENTS FOR THE a stump, the hole of which is about five inches PblUdelpbla.U.S.A. where the beautiful yellow crystals glisten in tho sun, and the pun pany, lias the cap of Oceanic Steamship Company I cliarcoal of tho original tree, having AMERICA'S OLDEST gent fumos givo some a foretaste of what they (perliaps) deserve. n diameter. It still contains the Francisco, CaL AhO LAnbtST i)cen old is, no ouc Of San WATCH FACTORY In tho distance, perhaps throe miles from the hotel, looms the hermetically sealed by the hot lava. How that AGENTS FOR THE newly-burne- d charcoal. of the Union & National Insurance, For aml br tho steam from Ivilauea, and we mount for a closer view. Down, down knows, but it is as perfect as Parts Scottish ct Company Edinburgh. Principal Vatb 1 imuie- - i,d fifty-fo- trees, covered of Iealera la tn with the sure-foote- d ponies, and at last wo reach the lava, which looks lava bods arc centred wi: i.e feras. Wilhelma of Magdeburg General In- Hawaiian Ilan like a groat sea of molasses candv, which had been pushed and turn with a most luxuriant growth of vari-colore- d vines. surance Company. ed and twisted and cracked while cooling; rivulets which had boiled H. It. IIAXXA. Associated Assurance Company of o Munich & Berlin. up and run again in strange fantastic shapes. Once in a while there Alliance Marine & General Assurance con- is a patch of cinder rock, called by the Hawaiins a-- a, while the hard, President Loubet, in calling on the Duke of Cambridge, held Co., Ltd., of London. Royal Insurance Company of Liver- smooth lava rock is called pnhoehoe. There are many little caves verse with a prince who remembers the days of Louis XVIII. and pool, Alliance Assurance Company of caused by air bubbles in the hot lava, from a few inches" high in the Charles X., knew Louis Philippe and Napoleon III., and has twice London. DENTISTS middle to two or three feet, and from two to ten feet wide. Rochester German Insurance Com- as the ruling factor in France. Moreover, the Duke Y. LmJABZZXOTOir BLOCK "Within few vards seen a republic pany of N. a hundred of tho crater wo leave our horses Crimea and is and pick our way gingerly over and around, the cracks, which send of Cambridge fought alongside the French troops in the a brigade command. forth their hot blasts, to the very edge of tho crumbling rocks, where the only survivor of that campaign who held Duke of Cambridge was 2 years Fire Insurance lundrcds of feet below still seethe the fires tho Almighty kindled so Napoleon Bonaparte died when the 1 a old, of the body of the emperor from St. Helena THE B. F. DILLISGHAM COSPANY, LTD many years nay, cycles ago. And a grand sight is betore us, such and the transference when the duke had completed his Agent for Hawaii. as is equaled by nothing else on earth except another volcano ami to the Invalides was undertaken General t r0 a Gfi-- 4 Cur, for Roptara. revolutions in France have occurred during the duke's LA World m.omncd. 7 itnpruvam'ta. have been go and it. your stall majority. Four Company of Lom4 ' K If t cnc. thousands too indolent to see Hold Atlas Assurance 1 rit!uM inrt;ff' V- Company e' .:i ,.r writ fur T -. t " way down crack and how soon it begins smoke. lifetime. Phoenix Assurance of L little that sx? to don. yOa. . V. ;' Sao rj.ct ml )rop a string down, and it blazes at once. Over a little wav and von New York Underwriter Agency. can step down that ladder ten or fifteen feet into the bowels of the Of t M Providence Washington Insuraaee L. Company. J. V. r.lcGuIre earth, where a gentle heat will make von think vou have found the Phoenix Insurance Company of Broei- - ut ehamlKT of a Turkish bath. Back a way, great quantities of TO MEN lyn. OKIST rl--e FREE RAAS, numWrless and we find a cave, large Manager. Orders Left at team frm cracks, sort of A Book That Brings Happiness ALBERT enough to walk into eonifortablv, but so hot as to prevent walking no man remains a weak- Insurance Department office fourU I know that floor, Stan genwald building. Hawaiian Bazaar, very far. Tho top rH-k- s are a dull red heat at night, and give ling because he wants to; I am sure every In- MASONIC BUILDINO rth a char ringing sound when struck with a hammer or stone. that you want to overcome iAJakea and Hotel Sts. Phone Main SS7. dication of early decay that has shown "We loil some coffee, and some eggs, and eat a meal cooked by Itself on you. I don't think the man Delightfully Cool made by man. Our guide has brought some lVle lerrios, lives who would not like to feel as big fire not strong as a Sandow, and I know half-de-ompos- and and no AJosquitoes. which grow in profusion in the lava on the sides of that if you have a reasonable founda- Qillman House tho old crater. They are eol and refreshing, tasting somewhat on tion to build upon I can make you i Boquet Muffed with watermelon rind. bigger man than you ever hoped to be. The Clears the style of a cranberry I want you to know that, you who can't Volcano bCAVER LUNCH ROOMS A moonlicht ride back to the hotel and we find solid as well as believe It. and I want you to have my House. the dearly-belove- Just H. J. KOX.TX. liquid comfort for the inner man, and that d boon to book in which I describe bow I learned as much that manly strength was only electric- travelers, a good bed. You may put in time as you like at ity, and how I learned to restore It: Place to Spend NOTICEv this delightful spot. There are many points of beauty in the neigh-l)orho- d also I want to tell you the names of Iki, only a short walk; another crater some eight some men who will tell you that when Kilauea they came to me they were physical ?. Vacation. ANT WOMAN OR GIRL NEEDING miles, ami a koa forest, probablv unexcelled in the world. Quite a wrecks and are now among the finest kel? or advice, la Invited to communi- summer residenois of Ililo magnates are near bv, and) specimens of physical manhood. person or by letter, wlta Timnlxr of C.Q, YeeHop&Co, cate, either in 1 - trt.. XnalgTi Nora M. UnderhKl. matron ol amusement is not wanting. A HAPPY MAN ' V W the Salvation Army Woman' Indna-trl- al As wo return we notice the waving of cane, and watch men pnl-- Dear Sir: Having used your famous electric belt for thirty days, I Kahiklnul Meat Marko Ar- man could gain is, Home, Young street, between with tho--e werful donkey I have received the greatest benefit that a that McCully maukj linir up great trees by the roots little strength. The tired, despondent feeling has gone, I feel the and Grocery tesian and tret, "We cross health and Honolulu- - engines, preparing the land to plant cane. the little streams beginning of a new life, and am ever your debtor. rmurrt and veqetablbs. of water in a Y-sha- llume, and wateh them dumping loads of cane P. O. box 4S2. Tucson, Arizona. W. E. . Ceretamla Street, corner AJeCr": you to this book and learn the truth about my argu- VOu x down I want read Faome IU1 Hawaii Shinpo Sha into it to Ike carried twenty-si- miles to the great Olaa mil, ments. If you are not as vigorous as you would like to be, if you have and there made into molasses candy for all the world. Go and .watch rheumatic rains, weak kidneys, loss of power, day or night losses, sr any THE PIONEER JAPANESE PRINT-!n- tin me on the endless apron to tho crushers. prostatic troubles, nervous Fe'K varicocele er ailment of that the cane fallinir from the kind unmans you. it would assure you future happiness if you office. The publisher of Hawaii x that raper i same Cane you saw thrown into the flume twenty-si- miles would liik into thi3 method of mine. Don't delay it: your best days are Bhlnw. the only dally Japanese It the you published :n the Territory of Hawaii. awav, up on the moutain. It comes down just as quick as you en com- slipping by. If you want this book, I send it closely sealed free if SHIOZAWA. Proprietor. send this ad. Call for free consultation. C v t tho mill. See how that great iron roller chews it up, and T. SOGA. Editor. fort aid to 90f Market Street, Editorial and Printing Office 1016 squeezes it almost, dry. As soon as it comes from the roller little jets of m. g. Mclaughlin. San Francisco. dr. A A A A A A A 07. A Brnlth St., above KU P. O. Box water are directed on it, which dampen it for the second set of rollers, TTTTTTTTl TTTTTT T T T T tTTTTtTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAA Telephoo 39lta f


Native Aurdcrcr Has Been the Longest Inmate of Oahu Prison Once Crazy OOCOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 Is Again Sane. Get If r ST03IACH

pri-onc- Tim oldest T in Oahu Prison is a woman. This 13 Pulolo i the murder of a number of This wonderful medicine has never the kahuna xdio is serving sentence for The Brownie Camera is a com- been equalled as a stomach strength Lanai people in a most atrocious manner. Though the oldest prisoner pact and perfect little instru- ener and health builder. It Is the only one to take when your system Is weak in length of service, she is not by any means, the oldest as respects ment with six exposure film n.1 run down and you suffer from jo g .'rVfvWj ''JfMf't--- Q cartridges and is so simple that 1 DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION'. CON There are a number of those incarcerated in Oahu Jail whose ae.' t 'pf-i it can be readily operate! by STIPATION. FLATULENCY. SOUR exceed those of woman prisoner. She is now only STOMACH OR HEADACHE. TRY IT. vir? nf life the any school boy or girl. IT will surely do you rood. Be sure about forty years of age and ha3 been in prison for ten years. But to ret the genuine, with our PRIVATE Price of No. I is $i.oo DIE STAMP over the neck of the bot she still has sixty more years to serve, so there is a good chance of her Price of No. 2 is $2.00 tle, taking1 the record both for age and length of service if she is not HOSTETTER'S pardoned beforehand. 8 - g ST0&1ACH BITTERS There is small hope of her getting a pardon, for Pulolo's crime Honolulu Photo was one of the most atroeious in the history of the islands. She was probably one of the first kahunas made to answer for her crime, but Supply Co. Warden Henry says that she has long since abandoned her heathenish practices. Fort street. OXCE BECAME INSANE. Pulolo is serving a seventy years sentence for the murder of her YES,SI1X, AE, SAYO. I LOO. husband, her six vear old nephew and her sister. In addition she I The statement of the Phoenix Sav- 'WW ings B. & Loan Association condensed, almost killed another brother because he did not believe in shows: her supernatural powers. At the time it was said that the woman, Total subscribed capital, J7, 903, 000.00. S. M. B. YOUNG, THE NEW COMMANDER OF THE 8 Total subscribed capital Hawaii Ter- (she was less than thirty years then), was not insane, and that her GENERAL ritory, $2,795,000.00. U. S. ARMY. g Increase in subscribed capital year desire to get rid of her husband and marry someone else was respon ending June 30th, 1903, 57 per cent. OOOOOOOCOOCXDOOOCKX Increase in assets, year ending June sible for the crime. 30th, 1903, 46 per cent. Brightest sun from out the sky Since then however, she has exhibited indications of insanity, necessary to put the husband of one and the wife of the other out of DIvidenus, from 9 per cent upwards, upon different classes of full participat- Bring the wrinWcs round your eye." and about two years ago was sent to the Insane Asylum. The woman the way. The other horrible acts were perjKitrated to conceal their real ing intensitv of popular feeling among the natives is stock. "The wrinkles which thy glass will seemed to have an overwhelming fondness for the Holy Bible. "Warden intention. The not One year term savings accounts, 6 truly show" as Shakespeare puts it. directed against kahunaism as a practice, but against this impostor per cent. are often quickly removed by the timely Henry says she would sit -- by the hour reading the book or staring at who has falsely claimed the powers of a Hawaiian magician." Ordinary savings accounts, with- use of proper eye-glass- es. drawable any time, 4 per cent. for it made no difference apparently, whether the types 1 The cosmetic value of right glasses Pulolo was sentence! to twentv vears for one murder and for All funds are secured by first liens oil Is sometimes truly miraculous, remov- were right side up or not. Even at night she kept the book in front fiftv vai-- s for the other, so that she still has' six tv vrars to serve. But real estate improved, on Pacific Coast ing tell-ta- le crows-fe- et causing and Honolulu, worth at least fifty per and her and became when was away. 1'inally she believes that is even better than being sentenced to prison for life drooped eye-li- ds to resume normal of frantic it taken a little cent more than amount loaned, security positions. before Christmas in l'JOl, Pulolo was II was tliat tllc natives all deserted the scene of the horrible constantly increased by repayment sent to the Insane Uvlum .Tint" Cosmetic value of good lenses must - - ' mJ ' I . - monthly of part principal and interest. a wa thm m-i- n crime at'I1the time, Xone of the other men arrested with the murder- be supplemented by perfectly fitting lew weeks aro sbo returnoil in fullv nwwwi In addition, the directors and man- frames, accurately adjusted to size "Pulolo is a good prisoner," said Mr. Henry yesterday. "Sli ess are in prison, uiic is said to tc an inmate oi tne nospnai nere ager's large Reserve Fund or Perma- and contour of face. doc--s not give us the slightest trouble, She is a rood while the others are either dead or have served out their prison nent Capital guarantees besides their needlowomnn reputation against any possible loss. and spends most of her time in sewing. should iudire is sentences. We do encourage w I w u that- - sho not our members to A.. N. SANFORD auout lorry years ot age. withdraw by giving them larger profits Herpicide. Sold by leading druggists ones MANUFACTURING - than the who stay to the 100th "blic hrst came here .Iun- IS, 1S02 and is our oldest nrisoner KICKS 10c. in stamps sample to OPTICIAN I r n ' AGAINST Pend for The month and longer, as it would not be iu poiiii oi ser'ice. Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Hollister consistent with sound business Judg- Boston Building, Fort St. SAMOAN OFFICIAL Drug Co., Special Agents. ment or safety to do so. Robert Over May & Co. THE STORY OF THE CRIME. Slaughter, General Agent, Judd build- ing, Fort street entrance, Honolulu, The story of the crime of Pulolo is nrobablv more interesting OMAHA (Neb.) July 31. Dr. F. E. H. T. fjjOANA HOTEL . . than that of any of the prisoners in Oahu Jail. The older residents of Brancht of the Rush Medical College Sugar, Electric and Honolulu probably remember it well, for it was not a story easily In Chicago. In a letter to Senator Mil The Overland Route forgotten. This account is taken from lard makes complaint respecting the WAIKIKI the files of the Advertiser in r.liningiYlachinery of the aIjicIi was contained the record of her trial held before the latn Judrrc administration of the United States BEACH Bickcrton. naval coaling station in the Samoan "On Thursday February islands and requests that his complaint Southern Pacific RAPID TRANSIT ELECTRIC 11th. the woman, Pulolo, who claimed be forwarded to the proper authorities to be a kahuna, and to have at her command a spirit named is the great CARS arrive at, and depart from, Kiilikina at Washington. For Sale iad two of her soldiers, Kelnkini and Kakaio, Trans-Ccatiasn- seize her husband and For eight years Brancht has been in One Quadruple Yar Yan EVAPORA Highway of tal Iratel the main entrance to the Moana nom nim Avnne sue beat mm cruelly, and cut Ins feet with broken charge of a sanitarium at Apia, in the TOR. - 7 K)ttles- till he could not walk- Xnt .. wi'tli Ji - German part of the islands. He says One VACUUM PAN. feet diame between San Francisco Chicago It Hotel every ten minutes. itifinlua. u iav via lis- )HU Willnr,- i'.VU I - . , . , and 1 , ne going ter, 8 feet deep. S o l.i xi r i ,1 . - is not to return to tne ismna, Is the MOANA HOTEL CO., LTD. r..-i,i-mml.n. nun: "iu, i"e sxn oi ikt eiaest orouiert-jvaiu. but makes complaint because he with One CORLISS ENGINE. 18"x42. .! other Americans is tired of being jeer-- Five 500-gall- on Brass CLARIFIEV, Shortest and Quickest - l.ltUlli.lC WAb bKEFTICAL. ed at by foreigners who point at the COILS. ' !. i. HOUSES MOVED i "Another One 60 H P Bipolar 500 VOL'i and the HOUSES RAISED brother, Hoopii, being skeptical as to her supernatural T ill toArw"tt .ZfZ: GENERATOR. HOUSES REPAIRED powers, at her comand was seized and held by some of her attendants, h. curr. secretary of the naval Gov-whi- le One 60 H P Fort Waynee DIRECT" Overland Limited NEW HOUSES BUILT this most inhuman wretch burned him horribly with torches, ir"or and secrary of native affair?. CURENT MOTOR. . . I xnis man, ne says, Desiaes Deing unni One 50 H P ELECTRIC LOCOMO is the most luxurious Train ln the Stores and Offices Repaired. ignited from a large fire in a near by dwelling. hile in the wit-- to occupy office, is a New Zeaiander, TIVE. world nes-bo- x, lloopn brought tears to tJie eves of some of the audience. an has no right to sit as a magis- - One 10x12 Fly Wheel AIR COMPRES and caused execrations to come from lips of SOR. Through Without Change W. T. PATY the others, by exhibiting tr? 1 Four Sullivan ROCK DRILLS. the fearful scars received during this fiendish torturing. At thi3 time plaint that natives are required to pay Two Doble ROCK DRILLS. Time Less Than 3 Days Contractor and Bnildar le was so exhausted by the pain and punishment that he could scarce- - taxes ln drie cocoanuts. in one case Two American Pump Co 6x3x12 direct I - r -- i a vmage naving no cocoanuts tena- acting AIR COMPRESSORS. Libraries, Writing Desks. Books. moi e, oniy groan witn agony. money through Magazines. Elec- Office 1048 Alakea street, ered the its tutor, and Two Speed Regulating PUMP GOV Current Literature, i he was imprisoned by Curr until the ERNORS. tric Lights, Reading Lamp, in every. between King and Hotel. CALLED A VAMPIRE. gave t ? village purchased and cocoanuts One 36 inch VENTILATING FAN. berth and...... 'Phone Blue 1801. "Her vampire instincts remaining still unmienched, she took the in payment of its taxes to secure his Two W. I. LIGHT WEIGHT PUL The of release. LEYS 65 in diameter, 12 face. Best Everything "rt ly in hand again, and buffeted him about until ho bled profusely --f- One Duplex Worthington CIRCULA at tiio nose and mouth, while his father and others stood by and IS TOUR COAT DUSTY? TING PUMP. Southern silently witnessed this new act of cruelty. The poor stripling cried You Probably Have the White Scab One T. C. Austin ROCK CRUSHER. Pacific of Dandruff on It. One Aveling & Porter TRACTION e. o. Mccormick, 1 i' l"""1 ruuVU, If your coat or shoulders have a white ENGINE. Passenger Traffic Manager. creature did not dare (or perhaps wish), to move hand or foot or sue- - dust upon it, the chances are that it is One 10 Tyne CULTIVA T. H. GOODMAN, COT his tortured offspring." from dandruff. The oniy way to per- - TOR. t?an Francisco General -- One Fowler STEAM SCOOP ana Passenger Agent, CaL Tliis brutal sorcerer finally put an end' to his suffering by spares. m 2 sitting on his head till it bent to his waist, like a broken reed, and Herpicide kins the germ. Every toilet Twelve Dump COOLER CARS on life Was extinct 11 I table should have such a hair-dressi- ng wheels; size 30wx30"x30". Subscribe that contains also the destroyer of the Honolulu sup CO. Now SUFFOCATED HER SISTER. dandruff . and hair falling germ. It For further particulars and prices ft MS stops ail irritation, keeps the scalp apply to "Her next victim was her sister whom she suffocated with the sweet, pure and wholesome. Remember ra CHICMftTtR'S CNCLIBM assistance of Kaholokai, bv thrusting her head into hot sand. After that something claimed to be "just as Theo. H. Davies & Co. OFFER FOR SALE good - will not do the work of genuine Sal Soda, this the dead body of her sister was placed upon the matting besido the Limited Caustic Soda, boy sw - OH IC II lTEK K.NGUSH bhe then ordered her satellites to seize her late assistant, Silicate of Soda, ' M W.ti HP M muiiu tela MMMl Jvaiioiokai, and tliey held him fast while she beat him to death. Tallow. "During the night, the house, which at this time much resembled t RESIN, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. r a morgue, caught tire, saved n Mail. l.aoy k. but was from destruction by the men all Dr" T.aii.fk.ailwlU, near liand. at. MU i , fun A . at Early the next morning, a council of war was held to M.W. McChesney&Sons, decide how best to cover up the dark deeds of the night. Her in structions to her tools were say, when Intrcdactory School. to interrogated, that the boy's Queen Street. death resulted from sickness; her sister died in a tit, and that the man Mr. t 'I and Mrst Philip IL Dodge Miss kaholokai lost his life in the fire which attacked the houses on the Grace Robertson. Opens Sept. H. 190X night before. Opportunity for French, German, . E Musk; Rowe and Drawing-- TRIED TO HIDE CRIME. 23 Kuaklnl Road. Honolulu. "The next move in thisi frightful tragedy after removing the Painting In all its branches, Paper-- ionea ot tne boy and the woman, was to cremate Kaholokai 5 corpse banging and Decorating. King and. nsTotico i iy iMiri-.ixi- uie nouso wnn an irs enecrs, tnus hoping to give an ap Alakea Streets. P. O. Box 293. The Bd Front is the only place in pearance ot accidental conflagration. The two other bodies were after town to buy Woolen OooJs reasonably. Also carry a foil line of wards burned. After the destruction of the dwelling and the bodies. JOHN OUDERKIRK BEITS CL0TMI16 AID FURMSHI1 fiOOS the murderess and her retinue spent the night at a neighbor's house CONTRACTOR AND BUILDIX mdio distance away. Repairing and House Moving. I T ; Wharf and Bridge Build f Cor. Queen and Knoano. T"1. T 1 in: also xm jurji on rnuay tne iitn inst. brought in a unanimous pair Work. verdict of Telephone Bine 11 XL Resldene. HIT WIRE BASKETS AND MOSS murder in the second degree against Pulolo and four of Maklkl. AT the men, for the murder of the bov. As to the motive for these unprecedented crimes, it is difficult HAWAIIAN SODA WORKS MRS TAYXOR'S to conjecture. The reason given out generally among Hawaiians is. ArALL GR0C uns. mat I'uiolo and her brother-m-law- , one of her willing tools, SODA .The Honolulu Florist. FOR AND CARBONATED wished to marry and in order to consummate their purpose it was WATERS. Phone Blue 1171, 4 t 7


respondent; Mr. E. H. King. 2nd Class Passengers-M- rs. Milton FORECLOSURES JESSE MOORE Q. M. Heckert. wife CURRENT CHAT ABOUT THE Sergt. 12th Cav.; Mrs. Geo. Cheek, wife Musician, 12th Cav.- - Mrs MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN A. A. WHISKY Loring A. Bond, wife Post Comsy. TION OF FORECLOSURE Mrs- - ANI t-'- ' MjTon G- - Brone, and OF SALE. child, fam. Sergt.. 2Sth Infty.; m. Ner, Filipino J. ON DONGS OF THE DIAMOND student; 53 casuals, 2S4 BEST EARTH enlisted men, 3rd squadron. 12th Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage, dated June 27, 1900, made by Mary C. Widdifleld. of Hono- The other day at the baseball grounds Hichards. K 8 32 8 .250 CHANGES IN lulu. Island of Oahu, Territory of Ha- Moore. E 9 37 9 .243 waii, Mortgagor, to Queen's Hospital, a a lady stepped off th corporation. Mortgagee, and recorded in L! A. Cunha, E 9 27 9 .243 THE ENTERPRISE Register Old Aged of coral, then walked Into several deep Gorman. E 8 29 7 .241 the Office, Oahu, in Liber 207, pages 322-32- 4, K 5 21 5 .238 the Mortgagee intends ruts, crossed some dusty patches and Plunkett. to foreclose Sheldon. K 9 33 9 .236 -- .c.,.lw win maice one more said mortgage for condi- last reached 13 3 .224 trip to tion broken, to wit: the non-payme- nt at the entrance to the Smith. M.I...... 5 Hilo and then lay up for ex of Thompson. A. 5 IS 4 .222 principal and Interest when due. grand etand. A good many have spok II. C. THE SHERIDAN tensive improvements. She will be Notice is given Lishman. P. A. 9 42 9 .214 out also that the property C. rct-tic- one conveyed by en of the bad condition of the nath- - M. 1 7 29 6 .206 trip, the Hilo run helm the said mortgage will be Pare In Clark. by cold at public way leading Fernandez, M. I. ... 9 34 7 .205 IS IN PORT taken the Rosecrans. The improve auction at the auction r from the trolley tracks rooms 847-8- 57 of 7 26 5 .192 ments to James F. Morgan. Nos. Taylor, E be made on the Enterprise are Kaahumanu street, to the grand stand and have suggested M. 1 9 37 7 .1S9 said Honolulu. Anderson. The transport to give her better facilities for carrying J on Saturday, the 2?th day A. 4 16 3 .187 Sheridan arrived off of August. that a board walk would be highly ap Babbitt. P. C... Captain I iS03, 12 o noon 16 3 port early yesterday morning rruit. Matson has hHevH at clock preciated Robinson. P. A. C. 5 .1S7 and The property covered by "said mort- by the crowds, especially the White, M. 1 6 27 5 .155 shortly after 7 o'clock docked Hilo as a banana exporting nort and - at Naval has had in mind gage and intended to be sold as afore Mat- Wood as are Castle, P. A. C 5 17 3 .176 wharf No. 1. 49 for sometime thc. (02$ttJ laaies. inasmuch the trustees She brought bags of improvements on his siMm said consists of all that parcel of land Perine. E 9 31 5 .161 mail and four men situated on Hassinger street, Honolulu under an unusually heavy expense at 10 47 7 .14S enlisted for this Not only will the Enterprise have bet- able Tucker. P. A. C port. aforesaid, being a portion of the prem- 1 21 3 .142 A pleasant trip was experienc- ter and larger facilities for handling 'I " the present time in endeavoring to pro- Mana, M. 5 ises described In Royal Patent Grant 7 29 4 .137 ed coming down, and only ves- bananas but the Rosecrans will touch vide good sport per- - Fernandez. H. A. C. the 3291, and more particularly described as W for Honolulu, it is A. Marcallino, PAC. 5 16 2 .125 sel sighted at Hilo whenever the offerings are suf- was Coptic haps Impossible the which was ficient to require follows: this season to make Luahiwa, II. A. C. 3 10 1 .100 it. Hilo Tribune. Beginning passed last Wednesday. In the first -- at the north corner of this many Improvements. However it would Meyer, E 8 22 2 .090 f lot on cabin of the Sheridan are eighty-fiv- e the makal side of Hassinger n be no gTeat expense to have the pres- Jones, M. 1 4 13 1 .075 Balling Notice. street at a point 200 feet distant from M. 4 13 1 .075 passengers, six in the second and 2S4 ent excuse for a walk levelled off and Desha.' I.... Orders mailed per America Maru. Pensacola street and running as fol- Cooke. P. A-- C 4 14 1 .072 enlisted men, fifty-thre- e lows: casuals, and sailing from Honolulu August 10th, perhaps sprinkled a few hours before 4 , 15 1 .066 Hansman. H. A. C. tne sra bquadron, 12th Cavalry. The 1. S. 46 25 E. 200 feet along Hassin- - ; the crowds are expected at the games. M. I. 6 16 1 .062 will arrive in San Francisfrt A ger Wood. leading men of the army aboard street. Kiwa, M. 1 5 20 1 .050 the 16th and connect with S. S. Nebraskan, 2. S. 438 35' W. 151 feet along Lot vessel are Colonel B. Ka-meham- Marcallino, 3 8 0 .000 John Kerr and sailing from, San The game next Saturday between eha J. PAC. Francisco for Hono- and Lot sold. 6eaersl Export ArU, Bpreckeli' Bldx. six of the General Staff who are on lulu direct, August ISth. 1903. 3. S. 46" 25' E. 200 along and Punahou should be ex- INDIVIDUAL, BASE RUNNING feet Lot sold. RECORD. their way to the Philippines. 4. S. 43 35' W. 25 feet along Plikol Honolulu, H. Ti citing for no other reason than it street, that . Games Stolen Lieut. Col. Geo. Shipping Notes. F. Chase is in com 5. N. 468 400 333 "JesseLlcore-HuntCo- . wm be between the two leaders of the Played Bases steamer 25' W. feet along Lots splen- mand of the troops on board the trans The Niihau arrived from Ka- and 342, League. Both teams are playing Jones, K. 8 7 . port. The 12th Cavalry part uai yesterday. 6. N. 43" 33' E. 176 feet along Kate L. Baa Francisco, Cat. Louisville, Ky. ' "ball, team work having Moore. E 9 7 of whom did Punahou's are on the transport, The Claudine arrived from Maul Vida's lot to initial point. .Area 4O,20t was formerly " been of the very best the last few Forbes, P. A. C 10 7 sta ports yesterday. square feet. Louis, H. A. C 9 6 tioned at Fort Clark. Texas. games. The Tillie E. Starbuck will begin Together with all rights, privileges Lishman, P. A. C....: 9 6 The officers came ashore as soon as appurtenances belonging. two teams met 7 loading sugar today. and thereto The last time these Knight, E. 5 vessel was Excepting DIMOND S WIHDOV 8 5 the moored and spent the The Noeau got Ha- from said parcel of land was July 11 and although Kamehameha Gorman, E 6teamer in from portion con- 9 day viewing the town. Several par- waii ports early all that thereof sold and won, it took eleven innings to defeat Lemon, K. 5 yesterday morning. veyed to P. R. Isenberg by deed dated 25c. 9 5 ties took the trip to Punahou, and the game was full of Williams. H. A. C. the Pall, Punch The schooner Solano will get away May 6. 1899, and recorded in said Regis- Gleason, H. A. C. . 8 4 bowl and other places of interest. possibly tomorrow for the Sound in ter Office in Liber 191, page 337, and all fine plays and surprises. .Since that 4 X thousand and one little ngs. Reuter, K. 9 Most of the troops were also given ballast. that portion thereof sold and conveyed time both teams have Improved and Cooke, P. A. C. 4 3 shore liberty and their presence on The transport Sheridan will probably to H. Fishel by deed dated November. USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL there should be some elements of cham White, M. I. ... 6 3 sail for Manila sometime tomorrow 3, 1S98, and recorded In said Register 6 3 the streets enlivened an pionehip ball on Saturday next. If Pu J. Kekuewa, K. otherwise morning. Office in Liber 194 page 51. Kiley, M. 4 3 quiet day. See the display in the C?s, King put I The oil carrying steamer Rosecrans Said premises were conveyed to the street wiadow. Among other articles nahou wins it will not her at the Richards, K. ... 8, 3 The majority of the officers of the said Mortgagor by deed of Laura E. 8 3 transport been sailed for San Francisco yesterday there are: head of the League as the Kams will Akau, M. I have in Honolulu be morning. Tracy and J. M. Tracy, dated Novem still have some thirty-si- x points to Anderson, M. I. 9 3 fore and many of them are well known 13, 1897. recorded in 173, CUPS AND SAUCERS here. Captain W. G. Hall from Kauai ber and Liber advantage. TEAM BASE RUNNING. Thomas Peabody, who The arrived page 315. their has been here several times, succeed ports yesterday morning with a good FANCY CAKE Stolen Terms: Cash U. S. Gold Coin. PLATES ed Captain Pierce in the command of sized passenger list. Deeds at the expense of the pur- There seems to be a wide difference Games Bases the Sheridan. The other officers of The Marion Chilcott was hauled over VASES, BOHEMIAN AND Punahou 10 35 chaser. in the aims of some of the pitchers of the transport are Captain H. P. Young, to the place occupied by the Rosecrans Further particulars can be had of Kamehameha 9 33 Quartermaster Commissary, Frank yesterday to discharge cargo of oil. attorneys the League when they are in the 9 25 her Robertson & Wilder, for POTTERY; PIN TRAYS, ASH Honolulu Randall, 1st offier, John S. Ktdd. Chief Mortgagee. games. The local men who occupy Elks 9 23 The Ventura is due from the Coast the Engineer, John J. Hughes, 1st Asst. Wednesday morning. She will bring Dated Honolulu. July 31. 1903. TRAYS, CREAM PITCHER'S, box appear to strive to put out as many Maile Ilima 9 20 Engineer, J. T. Van Cleve, Chief Stew PITCHING RECORDS PITCHING IN five days' later mail and newspapers. QUEEN'S HOSPITAL, men as possible, while outside pitchers ard, Harry B. Strauss, Quartermaster's 6547 Mortgagee. ETC. 3 OR MORE GAMES. Clerk, Lieut. J. B. Hanner, Surgeon, The U. S. Supply Ship Celtic, which such as Castle slem to follow out the was due from Guam, has not yet ar- Innings Base Hits Pc. per Geo. W. Yardley, 2nd officer M. C. Lin some IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Eastern Idea, and If a good batter gen, 3rd officer and J. J. Murphy, 4th rived. She will probably arrive Pitched Off Pitch. Inning time today. FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. TER- comes up prefers to let him hit the Reuter, K 55 43 0.7S officer. KDIM01ID&CIUTD, Coast on RITORY OF HAWAII AT CHA- ball and trust t" the fielders to gather Joy, H. A. C 71 57 0.80 The first assistant engineer, John J. The Siberia is due from the Hughes, Thursday afternoon. The Siberia will MBERSIN PROBATE. it in. However In Castle's pitching, Perine, E 80 65 0.81 is well known in Honolulu. He was formerly employed by the Hono- bring two days' later mail than is on In the matter of the Estate of Edwin Importers although men may ball, Castle, P.A.C...47 39 0.82 of CROCKERY, GLASS the hit the it Lemon, K 27 27 1.00 lulu Iron Works, and later was on the the Ventura. R. Newman, Deceased. And HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. invariably turns out to be a high fly Babbitt, 35 39 1.11 old Australia for many trips when TO I' Sole Agents In Terrl-- P.AC.. NOTICE CREDITORS. the Hawaiian which such men as Forbes and other that steamer ran between this port and 1 ;tory for STOVES, Innings Struck Pc. per ESTATE EDWIN R. NEWMAN. JEWEL GURNET difficulty secur- the Coast. Captain 11. P. Young has NEWS NOTES FROM - fielders have no in Pitched Outs Inning govern- hereby given un- - ing. Joy, 11. 71 81 1.14 visited here twice before on Notice is that the JONARCH BLUE FLAME OIL A. C ment vessels, Harry been appointed Adminis-I- I t r K 27 29 and t. Strauss THr MAIM IHAHr K dersisnel has 2f TTOVES. PURITAN BLUE OIL Lemon. J.07 was here also. He was formerly on II. mrn-l- l trator of the Estate of Edwin R. New- - STOVES and PRIMUS STOVES. aver- Reuter, K 55 41 0.74 transport Honolulu, deceased. All T The following official list of SO the Warren. man, late of The House Furnishing Goods Depart- Perine, E 53 0.66 began yes- of the deceased are hereby no ages and percentages of the various Castle, 20 0.42 The Sheridan loading coal Governor Dole strongly recommends creditors ment la on the second floor. Take the P.A.C...47 terday will on' 600 tified to present claims, duly players comput- 13 0.37 'and take tons. She Mc- their Elevator. in the teams has been Babbitt, P.A.C..35 will probably sail for Manila sometime the building of a new wharf at authenticated and with the proper ed up to date: Innings Bases on Pc per tomorrow. The passengers on Gregor's landing. vouchers. If any exist, even though said 83-- the 57 wp- - KINO ST. Honolulu, T. H. 9. Pitched Balls Inning transport are as follows: Dr. George Rebec of the State Uni claims may be secured by mortgage BATTING RECORD TO AUG. 47 Castle. P.AC... 4 0.08 Per 17. S. Transport Sheridan, versity of Michigan came over on Wed on real estate, to the undersigned at his G. A.B. B.H. Pc. Babbitt. P.A.C..35 4 0.11 leaving Francisco, Aug. 1. Col. office at the southeast corner of Fort -- 7 21 .476 San on Maui Knight. E. 10 Perine. E. 80 11 0.13 John B. Kerr, Gen. Staff, U. S. A.: Lt. nesday to spend a week and and King streets, in Honolulu, Terri Kiley. M. 1 7 21 9 .428 Reuter. K 55 22 0.40 Col. Wm. A. Simpson, Gen. Staff, U. will leave by Wednesday's Kinau for tory of Hawaii, within six months from Louis. H. A. C 9 36 15 .418 Joy, H. A. C....71 40 0.59 S. A.; Lt. Col. Henry P. McCain, Gen Hawaii. the date of the first publication of this Forbes, P. A. C 10 40 15 .375 27 Working Lemon. K 21 0.79 Staff, U. S. A.; Maj. Wm. A. Mann, It is stated that C. A. McDonald notice, or within Ix months from the Lemon. K 9 41 14 .351 Gen. Staff, U. S. A.; Capt. William W. date said claims fall due, or they will 9 appointed principal of La- - neuter, K 41 14 .351 Gibson. Gen. Staff. U. S. A.; Capt. Wm, has been be forever barred. Men Jones, K 8 37 13 .351 CONCERT AT THE C. Rivers. Gen. Staff. U. S. A.; Capt. halnaluna Seminary. He was former W. W. HALT.. Ensue, 11. A. C 9 36 12 .333 Robt. E. L. Mlchie. Gen. Staff. U. S. ly connected with the Kamehameha Administrator of the Estate of Edwin Need for a summer beverage Aylett. H. A. C 4 15 3 .ZZ3 YOUNG HOTEL A.; Lt. Col. Geo. F. Chase, 12th Cav schools in Honolulu. R. Newman, deceased. a drink that will effectually Steere, P. A. C 10 36 12 .333 airy; Maj. H. F. Kendall, 12th Cavalry; The .residence property of the late Hartwell & Bigelow, attorneys for quench the thirst and cool the Williams. H. A. C. 9 40 13 .325 Capt. J. W. Craig. Adj., 12th Cavalry; George Hons on High street was sold Administrator. blood they need to drink Leslie, H. A. C 9 37 12 .324 Capt. J. E. Cusack. Q. M., 12th Cav to Sheriff Baldwin last Saturday for Dated Honolulu, July 27. 1908. 6542 dally good Hemtnfray, P. A. C. 6 22 7 .218 Manager Lake has arranged a con $3,250. a beer airy; Capt. E. D. Anderson, Com., 12th - Kaanoi, II. A. C... 5 19 6 .315 cert and dance at the Alexander Young Cavalry; Capt. S D. Rockenbach, 12th A large hotel up Olinda way for tou:- DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER- Vanatta, K. 9 25 12 .315 Hotel for this evening. The Twelfth Cavalry; Capt. H. D. Berkeley, 12th Ists and summer boarders ought event- Joy. C 9 35 11 .314 to prove a paying proposition. SHIP. H. A. Cavalry off transport Cavalry; 1st Lt. A. H. Potter. 12th Cav ually Wilbur. M. I ' 4 ,17 5 .294 band from the Owners of business houses to rent Sheridan Is scheduled to play on airy; 1st Lt. L S. Morey. 12th Cavalry; WHITEHOUSE & HAWXHURST, JR. Wood. P. A. C 9 34 10 .294 the 1st Lt. F. Lee Jr.. 12th Cavalry; 1st n Wailuku are asking rather la.ger Kaai. E 9 31 9 .290 roof garden from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. Lt. G. N. Kimball. 12th Cavalry; 1st rents then such places are really The firm heretofore existing under the Gleason, H. A. C... 8 35 10 .2S5 At nine o'clock the dance will be Lt. J. D. Long. 12th Cavalry; 1st Lt worth. name and style of Whitehouse & D. Kekuewa, K 9 32 9 .281 G. The Lahaina branch of the Bisir.ark Hawxhurst, doing business in the Ter- gin and the number will be interspers H. Scott. 12th Cavalry, Asst. Surg.; ... M. 1 8 33 9 .272 S. Stables has been sold to Mr. 1 ritory of Hawaii, is this day dissolved Akau. ed with music by the cavalry 1st Lt. J. Burroughs, 12th Cavalry; C. Cunha, E 5 19 , 5 .263 band 2nd Lt. O. C. Troxel, 12th Cavalry; 2nd Halvorsen, who will take personal by mutual consent, L. M. Whitehouse It is pure and wholesome J. Kekuewa, K 6 23 6 .261 The Ellis quintette club will play for Lt. C. A. Stott, 12th Cavalry; 2nd Lt charge as manager. having purchased the entire Interest of and is the worklngman's as Wilder. P. A. C 3 12 3 .250 the dancers. C. R. Mayo, 12th Cavalry; 2nd Lt. J. The work of grading the road to Robert Hawxhurst. Jr., in said firm. drink. 20 5 .250 ana u well as the rich man's Judd. P. A. C 5 Officers from the transport town- - W. Devoll, 12th Cavalry; W. P. Hill, the beach is about concl'del, L. M. WHITEHOUSE, and is rumored that a number of men ROBERT HAWXHURST, JR. people are expected to be pt ih Vety, Surg., 12th Cavalry; 1st Lt. H. ?nt D. Bloomberg. Asst. Surg.. U. S. A.; will be laid off shortly. Dated July 25th, 1903. LODGE NOTICES large Cyc!one I to be 6342 3, Mitt Wis, numbers. 1st Lt. S. J. Morris. Asst. Surg., U. S, It is rumored that July 27, Aug. 10. 17. A.; Lt. H. S. Surg., disposed of on Maui. It iz just such lt. Purnell. Asst. are needed h"re, if we PACIFIC LODGE NO. 822, T00KV U. S. A.; Colonel O. J. Sweet, 28th In horses that NOTICE. 7" AGENTS FOR HAWAIL SOME ONE fantry; Maj. Wm. H. Cbrbusier, Medi want to build up racing. & A. M. W. The completion and opening of the TO ALL HOLDERS OF THE " A. F. cal Dept., U. S. A.; Capt. James Young in JAPANESE FIRE CLAIMS I Phone White 1331. P. O. Box 517. HIS DIAMOND . Paymaster. U. S. A.; 1st Lt. magnificent Alexander hotel AWARDS. C. Williams, Corps; 1st Honolulu is chapter one of tourist trav H. Art Lt. J is one of our O. Ross. 13th Cavalry; 1st Lt. Wm. M. el to the Islands, and The holders of Japanese Fire Claims Slaughter C. leading advertisements. It Is to be up 6691, Robert reported to the Treu. 28th Infantry; 1st Lt. Chas. exam Awards to No. inclusive, will be THERE WILL BE A STATED police Lawrence, 14th 2nd F. P. hoped that Hilo will follow the paid Japanese Claims office, 822, F, on Saturday that he had been Infantry: Lt. of at the Fire meeting of Pacific Lodge No. A. Jackson, 29th Infantry; George Z. Eck ple of Honolulu in the matter a first No. 115 North King street, Honolulu. A- Temple, robbed of a diamond stu 1 of three should & - M.. at Masonic THIS els. P. M. Clerk, U. S. A.; H. H. Hitch class hotel for tourists. Wailuku AH claimants must present the declara- f of California MONDAY, August 10. at 7:30 p. m. and a half carats and valued at several Capt. then follow suit with a $100,000 hotel. cock. P. M. Clerk. U. S. A.; F. on Island3 would tion of trust signed In their favor by TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. hundred dollars. Aivordin to the H. Pope, 15th Cavalry: Mrs. J. B. Kerr, Three such hotels the S. Ozakl and the receipt from the Jap- , be the best possible drawing card for Members of Hawaiian Lodge, Lodgs story told the poi;-.,e- the diamond was wife Col. Gen. Staff; Mrs. W. A. Mann, anese Committee. II Maj. Geo. F. tourists, because those who travel for Puol le Progres. and all sojourning brethren taken out of the s.-ttin- while the wife Gen. Staff; Mrs. right to demand that S. OZAKI, are fraternally invited to aiiena. Chase, and 3 children, fam. Lt. Col., pleasure have a 6528 Assignee. Office of Hawaiian Department, was in a Mr. be pleasant by high rlass By order of the R. W. M. stud shirt at his house. 12th Cavalry: Mrs. W. H. Corbusier, travel made m looca Bldg. E. P. CHAPIN. Slaughter suspectet: his Japanese ser Maj. Dept.; F, hotel accommodations. 307 Stangenwald Secretary. wife Med. Mrs. John NOTICE. Supt. vant, but so far the suspicion h.is not Madden and child, fam. Capt. 29th In C C PERKINS, fantry; Miss May Eastman, brother been verified. JJQTICE INTER-ISLA'N- D Main office, Mills Building', San EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. 1, and sister, fam. Major sub., Dept.; TELEGRAPH CO. 1 Maj Francisco. I. Mrs. Black and daughter, fam. This is to give notice that my wife. persons having against O. O. F. Island Political Comment. and Surg.; Mrs. J. M. Burroughs, wife day my All claims the JNO. BAKER. Jr., Mgr. Mrs. Hattie Ahoi. has this left Inter-Islan- d Telegraph Co., Ltd., are It Is time to begin to line up for the Lt., 12th Cav.; Mrs. S. J. Morris, wife bed board and that I will not be Lt., and requested to file the same on or before political campaign. The approaching Asst. Surg.; Mrs. C. Stott. wife responsible for any debt contracted by 15th undersigned 12th Cav.; S. Morey, wife Lt., August with the at fight will probably be a clean cut one Mrs. L her in my name. the office of Henry Waterhouse Trust J 12th Cav.; Mrs. Wm. P. Hill, wife vet. H. AHOI. Made There will be a regular meeting between two .parties, the republicans Company, Ltd., corner Fort and Mer to Order No. 1. I. O. O. at 12th Cav.; Mr. Geo. R. Smith and Wonohilu. Julv 2S. 1903. 6554 Excelsior Lodge F? home O. M. Holliday, 2 children streets. ELKS HALL. BeretanJa and Miller and the rulers. That the repub wife. Mrs. RICHARD H. TRENT, every Tuesday evening at 7:M licans represent the progressive ele and nurse, fam. Contr. Surg., U. S. A.; BOOKS CLOSED. Gentlemen's any street, Mrs. Glubetech daughter, fam. Treasurer. Shirts and Pajamas, ment, and the home F. and Aug. 5, 1903. 6552 o'clock. that rulers in Insular Emp.; Mrs. A. H. Beaumont Honolulu. tyle. Aleo manufacturers of straw WORK IN FIRST DEGREE clude the ignorant class Is an unde Emp.: Mrs. OAHU SUGAR COMPANY. LTD. 11th. and daughter, fam. Insular Utt. - Tuesday, August nted truism. There are however in W. B. Moses, wife Clerk, Q. M. Dept.; NOTICE. - Harmony Lodge and aT The Stock Books of this Company xr.Ki- nt telligent and progressive home rulers Mrs. H. A. Wells, wife Lt.. 29th In xne visiting brethren are cordially invite fantry: Miss Meda E. Houghton, fam. will be closed to transfers irom All boats left at my boat works on -- - as well as a considerable oom to attend. I vtzitii. e. democratic Capt., ISth Inft.; Mrs. F. Simcock, wife 10th to the 15th of August, King street for repairs, and not paid for L L. LA PIERRE, secretary. vote, and a liberal policy on th part Insular Emp.: Mrs. Robt. E. Murphy, dates Included. it by Sept. Eth, 1903, will be sold at publis H. SCHULTZE, expenses. Yamatoya of the republicans would do much to wife Emp.. Q. M. Dept.: Miss Maud pro auction to cover Lambley. Infantry; 6553 Treasurer tern. 1044 COOK LODUE. unite the Intelligent vote. Maui News. F. fiancee, Lt. ISth CHARLES D. WALKER. Nuuanu street. CAPT. H. S. asst. Surg.; 1903. 351 NO. S5J. A" careful study of the platform re Mrs. Purnell. wife, August 5.h, SONS OF ST. GEORGE. Miss Edith M. Wills. Army Nurse ANNUAL MEETING. cently adopted by members of the Corps; Miss A. . Army Annie NOTICE. . THE REGULAR MEETING OF THI Home' Rule party in Honolulu will ton. Nurse Corps; Miss Bessie Mills, Army N. S. SACHS DRY GOODS CO., LTD. Uianos for Rent Lodge will be held In fean An Army above y. nee any Nurse Corps; Miss Ida Marker. ill 4 Vineyard street, on bob-da- almost malihini that the meeting of The partnership recently existing be Smith Sc WiUard tonio Hall. Nurse Corps; Miss Carrie L. Howard, The annual stockholders' I Barnes and August 10th. at 7:30 o'clock. Home Rulers are It. When the clat- - Co., be tween A. S. Humphreys and myseii Ftanos for low prices. Army Nurse Corps; Miss Katherine the N. S. Sachs Dry Goods will jr.-- rent at By order. form is read, however, the question company's store, at 5 p. m. havinjr been dissolved, I have opened Reynolds. Army Nurse Corps; C. C. held at the practice of HAWAIIAN NEWS CO, LTD. REGULAR MEETING. arises "who wrote it?" The phrase StokJey. Clerk Q. M. Dept.: Mr. John Wednesday, August 12th, 1903, for elec- offices and will continue the 15 street. GEO. W. HATSELDEN. ology suggests the fine Italian hand of Carrigan. fam. Lt. Art. Corps: Mr. tion of officers. law at Kaahumanu Toung Building Store. Secretary. a disgruntled haole. Hilo Herald. George Denny, Associated Press Cor N. S. SACHS, President. E. M. W ATSON.

ir THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, AUGUST 10, 1903. 6 3 Robertson, J. H. Raymond, J. J. Walsh & and C. Hansen, directors.. jas. f. morgan. Castle Cooke, Ltd, One hundred and fifty shares at $100 BIG HONOLULU. RACE WaR each have been subscribed for, in fact PURSES B. F. Ehlers & Co. instead of the $15,000 capital asked for, Auctioneer and Broker Commission Mirchapts. $18,000 was offered. A premium of $25 per share can be now obtained at least SUGAR FACTORS. for a few shares, so It is reported. 42 QUEEN STREET. ON MAU STRAY NOTES. OFFERED AGENTS FOR On the afternoon of August 2nd, at P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72 The Ewa Plantation Co. Wells Park, the Morning Stars beat The Waialua Agricultural Co., Lti the Lahalnas at baseball, 15 to 9. For The Kohala .Sugar Co. three innings the Lahaina boys played The Waimea Sugar Mill Co. good ball and held their opponents in The Maui facing Club The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis. Japs and Chinese check, but then as has been their cus- Ho. PINEAPPLE tom of late, they collapsed and were Prepares Its The Standard Oil Co. easy victims. The George F. Blake Steam Pump. In a Riot at Some young men of Paia and Ma- Weston's Centrifugals. kawao went on a hunting trip to Lake Program. The New England Mutual Life lnsuiw Waianapanapa on the Koolau side of ince Co. of Boston. Paia. Haleakala on Monday of this week and The Aetna Fire Insurance Co. of ex- Hartford. Conn. returned on Saturday. They had program cellent sport and shot many goats in The following is the for the The Alliance Assurance Co. of Loa-- ks the crater and out. In the party were special race meeting of the Maui Rac tOB. Harvest Home Festival D. T. , G. S. Aiken, A. Mc-Nich- ol, ing Association to be given at Spreck-el-s Sam. Baldwin and J. Robert- Park, Kahului, Wednesday: M son. cts. Was a Brilliant 1 Wailuku Purse, $100. Pony Race. 0 50 By the Claudine of Wednesday, Prof. OF ALL Monday, Geo. of Michigan University ar- 14.2 or under, half mile dash, catch H We place 'on sale Rebec weights. our entire Success. rived on Maui and is the guest of W. U KINDS Aurast in. 100. D. Lowell of Paia. Prof. Rebec and 2 Puunene Purse, $200. Trotting and quality. Imported pacing to harness. Mile heats, best MONUMENTS line of Si Mr. Lowell departed for the crater of E AT Pineaoole silks and Pina Haleakala this morning. two in three. 2:30 class. New Matron for Maunaolu Semin Kahului schr. Sehome has 3 Walkapu Purse, $150. Running N colors, At the Three-fourt- fr-:- cloths, in full range of discharged her cargo of coal and will race. h mile dash, for T AXTELL'S light, dark, bla k, white and ary StocK in Liquor and clear for Astoria today. all. 4 !160. Running S all evening shades. D. B. Murdock, formerly bookkeeper Lahaina Purse, Tefephone Companies. plantation, upon race. One mile dash, for Hawaiian Fu'l 36 inches wide, the regu- at Ewa entered nis bred. duties as auditor for the Alexander & 1048-105- 0 lar Si quality at per yard Baldwin corporations on Monday. Mr. 5 Japanese Race. Purse, $50. Run- Alakea Street a One-ha- lf ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE MAUI, August 8. Last Sunday, the and Mrs. Murdock are living in the ning race. mile dash. Japa nese owners and riders; 1st money $10, P. O. Box 642. 2nd, was a In Chi- pretty residence Just mauka of the there small riot the 2nd money $10. Yokohama barred. Foreign church. . nese camp of Paia plantation. Paia 6 $100. Running-race- 50 cts. Miss Hart of Punahou Preparatory Kahului Purse, A quiet game of "pal kau" (domi- department Is visiting Mrs. W. O. Half mile dash for Hawaiian bred. Leasehold Waikiki Something Brand New noes) In progress between some 7 Maui Merchants' Purse, $150. Run- at vai Aiken of Puuomalel, Makawao. ning race. mile and repeat, free IN Chinese and Japanese, when during a Mrs. Freeth and Miss MacGoun of Half Sta- for alL dispute, a Chinese hit a Japanese over Honolulu are at Erehwon Cattle 8 $450. Trot- By order of Cecil Brown, administra- tion, Kula. Bismark Stables Purse, CUTLERY)5 & the head with an Iron coupling pin, cut- ting and pacing to harness. Mile heats, tor of the Estate of Geo. E. Bordman, FINE B. F. Ehlers Co. Yesterday afternoon, the 7th. the La- deceased, I will sell Public Auction ting him quite badly. The brown man Reading Club met home best three in five; free for alL at dies' at the 9 Teikoku Purse, $100. Japanese at my salesroom, 447 to 457 Kaahu-man- u you retaliated on the yellow man and then of Mrs. George Wilbur, of Kaluanul If need anything' in this line cjlH present. running race. One mile dajh. free for street on us and we will be pleased to show their yells attracted about two hundred twenty were Selections from all, Japanese owners 1st you "Lovey Mary" were read. and riders. ON SATURDAY, AUG. 29, 1903 the exact thing you want. j denizens of the camp who immediate- money $75; 2nd money $25. Miss K. L. Snow of Virginia is the 12 NOON, For the prettiest ly joined in the melee taking sides ac- new matron at Maunaolu Seminary. The Maui News says: AT O'CLOCK Levis & Comp'y, Itil cording to their race. Old tins, glass By' the steamer of Thursday night. On Wednesday's Claudine, Racine The leasehold of Premises at Kalia, THE BIG GROCERS, baby in the world that's bottles, pieces of board and other mis Messrs. W. C. Crook, L. R. Crook and Murphy and Cyclone, two of Hono- Waikiki. 1 169 King Bt. Wm. Mann hurriedly departed for Ho- lulu's so ThB lease has an unexpired term of The Lowers A Cooke Bldg. siles flew in a perfect shower. Then fastest horses arrive! and a' 14 years $140, Telephone 240. nolulu having received news of a Faro Bank, a noted goer. Lemps, Den- at an annual rental of 2402 yours buy a police were able only semi-annual- ly the rushed in but serious accident to Sylva Crook who ny Healy, McKirney, Maul Rose, Jen- payable on October 5th Sunday on by May 5th. to secure nine breakers of the had been thrown and rolled a nie S, and Yokohama will represent and A. HABHISOH f.'HL CO., LTD. peace, five Chinese and four Japanese. horse. Maui, and some of the going will Lessee pays taxes and water rates. sultry, cessation fastest The property fronts on the On Friday, the 7th, before Magistrate Weather: Warm, be witnessed on the 12th which has airect of trade winds. Few showers during Beach and is Improved "with a new ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS Copp Makawao, five Chi- marked the history of the track . for of two of the first of the week. some years. D. H. Davis is handling two story dwelling house, stables and OF MILLWORK. Baby nese pleaded guilty of gambling' and outhouses. large Cyclone and McAuliffe is in charge of A stock of mouldings always were fined $10 each, two were acquitted Racine Murphy and Faro Bank. The Terms Cash. kept on hand. of the same charge, and the other one WIRELESS WITHOUT free-for-a- ll trot for a purse of $450, in P. O. Box 552. Tel. 1221 White. For further particulars apply to Office and Mill, guilty was fined 125 and which Cyclone, Lemps and Faro Bank Kawaiahao St., was found and should start will be a great race. It costs. THE USE OF POLES will be more difficult to find competi JAS. F. MORGAN, Carriage one Japanese Two of the Chinese and tors for Racine Murphy, but an effort AUCTIONEER. pleaded guilty of taking part in the 31. new system will be made to make him run for Employment Office... CHICAGO, July A money. affray and were fined $5 each and costs. his of wireless telegraphy has Just been The 2.30 trotting race should be a HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL. put to a successful long-distan- ce test closely contested one, between Denny The Harvest Home celebration at on Lake Michigan. While Mrs. Emily Healy and McKinley. There are aiso Help of All Kinds Piggott, mother of the youthful Inven several good running races on the flamm- - Puunene mill last Saturday night was cards so that a rare day's sport will The von a success, was one of tor of this new system, ticked prear be Furnished brilliant it the ' witnessed. best and largest dancing parties ever ranged messages from her home in Berger's band will arrive either on ON SHORT NOTICE. Co., given on the island, recalling the An- Garfield avenue, Chicago, the son, G. the Claudine at Maalaea Bay on Tues- Young Ltd. S. Piggott, stood with his father, S. day evening, or on Wednesday morn- nexation ball in the Wailuku skating ing's Maui, and will remain till Thurs- rink and the reception to Queen Lillu-okala- ni Piggott, on the main' deck of the day afternoon, unless the citizens pro- in the Wailuku court house. whaleback Christopher Columbus and vide for them remain over till Sat HAVE messages out by his urday and on Yoshikawa JUST From a distance, as the crowded received the ticked return the Lehua from King St., opposite trains from the different villages of mother's hand. Maalaea Bay. Young Hotel. Maui approached it, tall, Owing to the that the Wilder Central the this new system, which the Fig-got- ts fact RECEIVED massive mill structure with Its myriad In Steamship Co. refused to reduce litee of electric lights blazing through num- hope to make commercially prac- for the Elks' team of ball players.Cun-h- a KEEP TOUR STOMACH WELL. A NEW berless windows, resembled some illu- ticable, there is no pole at either the wrote that they are compelled to What you need la minated winter palace in far away receiving or the sending station, and decline the liberal offer of the Maul . . . Canada. re- Athletic Association to come over and Bartlett Water LINE. although In yesterday's tests the play ball on race day. But the transformation of the In ceiver was exposed on the deck of th terior was the most surprising thing. Lovejoy & Co., Agts. Some kahuna from fairy-lan- d must vessel, the transmitter was in the room have used his magic art for the huge of a house. An intensifler makes the NEWS NOTES FROM July mud-pre- ss room had completely van- poles unnecessary. To prevent the in- place was beautiful ished and in its a terference of foreign currents, each In- LAHAINA TOWN ball-roo- m, ablaze with lights, aglow River Co. Will be a with, many colors, and peopled not by strument Is "timed" to respond only Mill the usual grimy denizens of a sugar to a current of a certain rapidity of Preparations are being made for the mill, by women elegant Contractors and Builders, also House but fair in alternation. removal of the Wireless Telegraph Sta- Material and Furniture. Estimates gowns and gentlemen in evening attire. given. Bargain Month From high crossbeams hung a mul tion to the point of land at Uuunoa, Orders promptly attended to. near the wreck of the steamer Kilo-han- a. Pauabl street near River. Tel.v Blue titude of signal flags of many colors CHINESE HAD TO 646. and designs, between which In festoons It is said that the new pole P. O. Box 990. THESE PRICES PROVE IT were ropes of greens In pretty contrast. will be 200 feet in height, so that mes- everywhere bunt- RETURN THE BABY & and amid ferns and sages can be easily received from Ho C BREWER CO.. LTD. Lead Pencils, per doz ...... 1 Oe ing, hundreds of electric lights some nolulu direct. As the old pole is only Sugar Factors and Comissioa Me- Playing Cards, pe r pack 1 Oo colored, shone and glittered, adding An amusing and characteristic 80 feet high, the superiority new rchants. Cloth Bound Books, 15o much to the brilliancy of the scene. type of the LIST OFFICERS. The walls of this spacious rectangular incident of oriental occurred arrangement will be seen at a glance. Or Business Envelopes, 500 for 75o were flags on Maul, week. A Japa- C M. Cooke, President; George B. hall adorned with the of all last The new wireless Telegraph pole Robertson, Manager; Bishop, Scratch Pads, per doz ...... 20o nations and conspicuous upon one of nese woman hus- E. F. in Kula deserted her consits of three accord- Treasurer and Secretary; CoL W. F. Money Receipt Books, .... 10o them was an exquisite center-piec- e of sections; and bright band and infant child and the hus- ing to the atest accounts, the entire Allen, Auditor; P. C. Jones; H. Water- - Fancy Qlass Ink Wells, . 25o red geraniums, bearing the cope G. legend "190337000." which interpreted, band, not feeling able to with height will be 216 feet. It is expect- FOR LEASE. house, R. Carter, Directors. High Grade Fount. Pens,...$1.50 is the record of the mill's grinding for his increased parental duties, sold the ed that the pole will be completed this the past season, as well as the reason babe for $30 to a neighboring Chinaman week. The raising of the longest sec- for the evening's festivity. tion of the pole was a difficult matter. Oahu Ice Sf and his wife who had taken a fancy is 110 long. Piece of land in Manoa Valley having Then the kahuna's power must also It feet It was lashed to a ge 580 gov to the little tot. The deserting wife, the side of the gasoline schooner Ec Iron of feet on the main Co. ALL OF have touched the vacuum pan room, ernment road and depth of 220 feet to Electric KIND3 RUB- in high up learning that the babe had been dis- lipse, and was thus transported from a Ioe for its stead, under the the stream. Contains 1 87-1- 00 acres. Delivered to any part of the city. Iflaoi vaulted roof watt a pretty supper-roo- m posed of, summoned the assistance of Honolulu to Lahaina. orders promptly filled. Tel. Bine 1161. BER STAMPS MADE It has been suggested Lease has 19 years t run. in green and white a veritable bower a number of her countrymen who went that a wharf Elegant for a country a lanal-frame-wo- residence: formed by a rk covered might be constructed at this point & TO ORDER. to Makena and found the husband just with comparatively little expense; as fine bathing pool can be had at the Hoffman Harkham, with palm branches, under which from stream. -- P.O. Box 0OQ. as he was on the point of embark- deep, water is found only a dis- mmt Office: Kewalo. long, white tables, ice cream and cake, short For further particulars apply to punch, lemonade, and other light re- ing for Hawaii. He was compelled to tance of the shoal. freshments were lavishly served. return to The dedication of the Chinese Joss Mail Orders Filled. Kula and tell what he had house did not take place acccrding New York At 8:30 began the grand march and done with the baby. The party circle, led by Mr. H. P. Baldwin, man- then to announcement on Monday, as the JAS. F. MORGAN, ager accompanied him to the home of the preparations were not entirely com- - 1 1 5- -' of the Hawaiian' Commercial and pleted AUCTION EJUS. Dental Parlors Wall Nichols Co., Ltd. Sugar Co., and Mrs. J. X. S. Williams, Chinese where he was compelled to re- on that day. the wife of the chief engineer of Puu fund the purchase price of the child Mrs. S. D. Heapy was entertained FORT last week at the homes of Mr. Tour Money Savers." nene, and participated in by the three who was to rightful moth- F.H. I ft C7 or present. restred its Hayselden and Mrs. W. Y. Horner. lUOy STREET four hundred dancers er, to regret of new Mrs. Berger's band-statione- in a gallery the tearful its Heapy has been appointed su parents. Mai.i News. perintendent of a public institution lnA raised above the dancing floor discours . THE WONDER MILLINERY ed sweetest mu?ic, the strains of which t Honolulu. A fine dramatic performance will BEST will linger long in the memories of the New Also Asks Credit. v STORE, soon be given, for the benefit of the Mauiltes. The Advertiser Justly claims credit Roman of all At midnight after the two "extras" Catholic school. Latest in Shirt Waist Hats. had been finished the band for a finale for the long, single-hande- d fight which The Hawaiian band came ashore on Children's Hats at reduced prices for played the usual "Aloha Oe." "Hawaii it has made In behalf of diversified Friday evening last week, and gave two weeks. a short concert In the Court house Fort street, opposite Convent. fABLE BEERS Ponoi" and "Star Spangled Banner," farming, but evidently the Advertiser Park. and the crowd listened attentively, regards the efforts of the Maui News sang "Aloha Oe" with the band, and in this direction as nit, because ever Recommended by all First Class last of all cheered. Thus ended a most BALDNESS since the News appeared in February, Physicians as a Tonic. enjoyable occasion, for which the offi is HOni'BAKERY All city orders delivered free of cers of the Hawaiian Commercial and 1900, it has made one steady, continu- the result of a diseased scalp. BERKTANIA, STREET. charge. Sugar Co. and all the committees in ous fight for small and diversified in- Nine times out of ten it is dand- COR. EMMA ' charge should be heartily congratulated ruff. At first Boston Baked Beans every Saturday S. I. Shaw & Co. for surely they fulfilled their dire In dustries. It is true though, that the the hair falls verv also Cream Puffs. making the event an epoch in Maui's utterances of the Advertiser, as com- - little, Lilt gradually continues un- Home made bread, pies, cakes, doui Phone 171. I social history. pared with those of News, have ben til one SDOt is bald then fnllruvc nuts, cookies. All kinds of salad ani NEW TELEPHONE CO. I like thunder of a as contrasted j baldness. delicacies made to order. BLEACHED FOR 50 CENTS. The new Maui telephone comnany I with the pin! of a dod-cui- i. Hntivn I - Having secured tne promoted by S. Ahmi and others is the News has kept steadily popping ramciu a uauaruu Miier ALL KINDS OF services of a reported to be making great progress. Porto Rlcan away, of - Upon one paper in circulation 1"00 and instead feeling Jealous of applied at the beginning- would Cantors' Aloha Millinery Parlors shares at 5 each have been subscrib the good work accomplished hv iho have saved the hair, by cleansing n Fort street, will make special prices ed for and then there are othr sub Advertiser in this direction, it lifts the scalp, removing the Goodyear Co. lor cleaning hats. scription papers being passed around. its in respectful dandruffJ Rubber hat admiration, for keeping the scalp in a healthy F. R. H. PEASE, President, WANT TO SELL LIQUOR. what has been accomplished James Morgan CaL, TJ. by its state, and the hair firm San Francisco, ft The prospective shareholders of the big neighbor. Nothing Ad- at the Visiting Cards Maui Wine Lirjuor that the roots. and Association (or vertiser has ever done has boer. of A few days use will prove - 4 : company) COTTON BROS. & CO. Printed from plate. held a meeting on the 2nd more benefit to the Islands than its its virtue. BfOI and elected the following officers: W. advocacy of small farming, and may mm XOINXJCRS AND GENERAL COS W. BEAKBANE. T. Robinson, president - O. Tt. Srhraflor. it good Sold by all Druggists and at vice-preside- continue its work cur TRACTORS. nt: Henry treas- - until 42 QUEEN Streubeck. Islands are filled with thrifty and in- - the Union Barber Shop. Tel. STREET. Plaaa and Estimates furntsWI fat L. - . . . llasonic BLkr. 'irer; J. Garcia, secretary, and G. B. J dustrious small farmers.-M- aui News. Main 232 P. Box tfasssa of Contracting Work. 0. 594. Telephone 72 'torn Block, Hoaolmhb j 1 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, AUGUST 10. 1903.

S3 LOCAL BREVITIES. SALVATION ARMY'S Rough-On-Bu- gs to 4 NEW DEPARTURE f The band played at Makee Island AUGUST ioth. af big audience 7esterday. E. R. Stackable returned from Kauai On the W. G. Hall yesterday. Is the name of a preparation and ' Special Showing Pacific Lodge will hold their regular is all that the name implies REMNANT W monthly business meeting this even- Rough-on-bug- s. It kills roaches, ing in Masonic HalL OF bedbugs, ants, and all insect pests was like old times yesterday to It instantly. is superior to Insect see soldiers from the Sheridan on It the Sprln LADIES' 'AT the streets. They visited the park and powder. It Is In liquid form. V the beach and many places of inter- kle in the crevices infested with JORDAN est. roaches and bugs and it kills the MUSLIM We h-.- ve a fine lot of COTTON DRESS REMNANTS There may be a disbarment ruling by old ones and destroys all the eggs. which we will sacrifice this week. Pieces range from I to 12 or. the Supreme Court today. That was Declare war on the bug tribe and varas. court when ad- the intention of the it arm yourself with Rough-On-Bug- s, journed Friday until three o'clock this UNDERWEAR afternoon. the modern ammunition for house A keepers. Big Cut in Professor and Mrs. Robinson of 25c including a large line of Ribbons Columbia University, who have been manufacturer's ALL OUR FANCY some SAMPLES RIBBONS WILL BE ON SALE AT visiting Mrs. S. N. Castle for THE FOLLOWING PRICES: time past, expect to return home on w?iieh are marked tomorrow's steamer. EXTREMELY LOW. 30c. Ribbons, ioc. yard. The tax appeal court will begin HOBRON DRUG CO. 25c. " 12 c. yard.

" C. dally sessions this afternoon. About ii 4L;. . Jw.. 35C 17 yard. fifty tax appeals are to be considered. TWO STORES Those are our celebrated 40c. ' 20c. yard. ADJUTANT AND MM. COE. E. C. "Winston will probably be elected "Home Made" Underwear. 50c. " 25c. yard. president of the court. ti The Solvation Army Is making: a new A driver left his car at the end of the E. W. JORDAN & CO., LTD. departure In their work In Honolulu. Punahou line yesterday, and while visiting In store the mules for FORT STREET. During: the past six months, the Salva- a started WHITNEY& MARSH their stalls dragging the car after them. tionists have visited the various ships The car was slightly damaged. The in the harbor leaving: a copy of the The Twelfth Cavalry band will give Daring War Cry. In conjunction with this a concert this afternoon from live to these Hard Times - work Adjutant Coe Is setting- apart a seven-thirt- y o'clock in at the Hawai- room to be known as a "Sailor's Re ian hotel. This hour is chosen to And 57 - - until further notice the treat" at the Hall on King- street. avoid conflict with other events. NEW - - Owl ENGLAND BAKERY will sell OF varieties proposed It Is to have reading- mat- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Young and Good Thlnco bio ter, paper and envelopes who from their store on Hotel street, fortho r for those the Misses Bertha and May Young, desire to write home. O commencing April 1st. .is tickets.! Perfection in Puro Food Product?. 4 The room will who have been in the islands since Jan S7 calling for . 35 Loaves Bread, for be made as cosy as possible and will uary, planned to return to "Rose' hoped prove have Une Dollar. Guaranteed best qual It Is a boon and a blessi- middle of August. ng- to crest" about the ity and full weight. Bread deliv ii1 the men who sail the deep and San Francisco Chronicle. Heinz Sweet Pickles enter this port. The Adjutant would ered from the waeons will be 28 was meeting of the are known throughout tho civilized world for delicate be pleased to have the public help him. There another Loaves for One Dollar. The dif their HIlo-Koha- la rail- aromatic flavor - and In this undertaking- as Is stockholders of the ference is simply the cost, of deliv- distinctive virtues. he in need are of suitable books, magazines, etc., and road Saturday afternoon. There ery, which benefit we extend to our Heinz' Sweet Pickles are entirely different from other changes to be in the a few pots of ferns. Any one who feels still a few made Now customers. pickles. legal papers but it is the expectation Be disposed and can help In way Heinz' Sweet Pickles are not only eafe to tropics him this arrangements eat in the should drop a card to Adjutant that the final will be but they assist digestion, stimulate tho appetite I meeting evening. and tickle tho Allison Coe, 1300. Punchbowl street. completed at a this FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. palate. The Army In their rounds of visita- Phllin Peck arrived from Hilo Sat phenomenal urday to attend the meeting. Their keeping qualities in color, crispnem and tion have lately come In contact with New England Bakery flavor, are due to their being preserved in absolutely puro spices, people who have not the proper cloth- Nearly 5800.000 worth of the Kalakaua granulated saigar, and vinegar made especially for tho purpose ing. In one family In silver has been redeemed and sent to particular J. Oswald Lutted, Mgrj Heinz. ' the mother would be glad to send her the mint by the First National Bank. by five children to Sunday school had she The remainder Is coming in very slow- GUNST-EAKI- N Mrs. C. L. Dickerson BUY TnEM FROM YOUR GROCER. proper clothing for them. It has oc- ly and it is doubtful if more than an- 1181 Alakea Street curred to the Adjutant that It would be other 5100,000 worth is offered for re- COMPANY, LTD., well to establish a cast oft clothing de- demption. The dimes are out of circu- GIGAR CO., H. HACKFELD & lation many quarters Has received a new stock of Fruits,! pot al the hall.' Then as the army and of the have Distributors. came across such cases they could gone into the making of belts and other Flowers, Foliage, Braids and shapes. render necessary aid. The Adjutant pieces of Jewelry. The half dollars SOLE AGENTS. Also Black and White and Red Hats. would be pleased to send for anything and dollars have also been used as belt of this kind. buckles and much of the silver was . taken away by tourists. oeoooooo 00000000000000 i BUSINESS LOCALS. Band Concert. Genuine English Polo Mallets Pineapple silks, 43c. Athletic Supplies this week, at The band will play Emma Square Kerr's. at And Polo this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The fol Ballss Camara tt Co. will put up assorted Baseball, Tennis, These Polo Mallets are made by SALTER, of 03 lowing program will be rendered: Qolf and J. the maker the dozens and half dozens of wines and PART I. famous "AL.DERSHOT" POLO MALLET. With and without India liquors. Polo Goods Rubber Handles. We also received a large shipment of Polo Balls, Overture Suppe Store open evenings and extra clerks "Juanlta" Polo Saddles and Bridles. Cornet Solo "Eleanor Polka" .Bjoetger engaged Ozaki's closing out sale on at ' Mr. Charles Kreuter. RES Hotel street. HUN Fantasia "My Old Kentucky Home" just opened up our Fresh Goo has received an Invoice of We have Loided Kim Dalby Bhell s. Loaded with Walsrode Powder. It is THE0. H. DAVIES & COMPANY, LTD. new patterns of goods suitable for Vocal Selections not effected by this climate. Does not deteriorate summer wear. (a) "Gladys." from age. HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Some very valuable real estate In (b) "Bamboo Tree." Is & eoeoooooooooocoooooeooooooooooooooooooeooT Iwllel, Just west of the rice mill. Miss J. Kelllaa. Pearson Potter Co., Ltd. W W M iM, offered for sale on easy terms. (c) "Blue Eyes." Union and Hotel Sts. Phcne Main 317. Kerr's sale of broken lines in shoes (d) "Scandalous Eyes." wUl fee continued until every pair Is Mrs. N. Alapal. A sold. PART II. There will be very few cotton dress Selection "American Melodies" C L3i remnants left after today at Jordan's Conterno Frod ChllF $ special Come early and avoid the and English Saddles. Pelham Bit Scotch sale. "By Schubert Australian Whiskies Ballad the Sea" rush. Waltz "Vienna Forest" Strauss We are direct importers and general agents for the "Clorlndy" Mackie Makers, The River Mill Co.. contractors and Selection ."Harness following celebrated brands: builders, are prepared to give estimates "The Star Spangled Banner." I. O. Hoae 13. on buildings or furniture. See their I advertisement. ENTIRELY NEW ANDREW USHER & CO.'S " The Very Finest" Fifty pieces black, white, cream, ANDREW USHER fc CO.'S "0. V. G. Special Reserve1' yellow and navy pink, blue, cardinal, Ready-to-lVe- ar WIIYTE MACKATS "Highland Special" pineapple silks, this week 45c, at 11 I. X. L. and & CRA WFORD & SONS Finest Very Old " Kerr's temporary premises. Kapp Street !? DANIEL Japanese JAS. BUCHANAN & CO.'S " Black and White" All persons holding Fire Apparel w"1 Claims Awards up to No. 6691 are re- ILvelcsim. Delicacies SPEYGATE BONDING CO.'S "Imperial Institute" quested No. 115 North King I x to call at on having They are prepared for immediate table use : street at once for payments. We pride ourselves the The aboTe are the finest grades of Scotch Whiskies brought finest and most complete stock of these ef Import Co. will give away BONELESS CHICKEN TOMALES, into this Territory. If your dealer does not carry them The Pacific goods In the city. There is one espe ev- CHILI-CON-CARN- E, inquire of fine hand painted dishes free with cially attractive lot of sample garments r ery dollar purchase. See their an- we warit you to see only one of a kind MACARONI and CHEESE (tomato sauce), nouncement on page three of this issue. consisting of NEW SILK DUST ENCHILADAS and FRIJOLES. ' Two complete sets of tools with der- COATS. PONGEE and BLACK SILK W. C. PEACOCK & CO., LTD. ricks, a boiler and engine for well bor- RAGLANS. STYLISH JACKETS for General Asents for Territory of Hawaii. ing outfit Is offered for sale at a bar- ladles and children, new walking C COM 5 gain. Particulars can be had by call- skirts, sun plaited alpaca skirts, white 22 TELEPHONE 92 ing at Pacific Mill Co. on Queen' street. P. K. skirts and silk waists. 2,.,4.4nn24. frUO Special sale of bedspreads and table OUR SPECIALS FOR covers this week at Kerr's. No such combination of high qualities Monday. Tuesday and and low prices has ever been offered Kyg (Jfjdfly Blom'i In the Progress block this week. Ladies' Balbrlggan Hose, extra fine READ THE ADVERTISER See the goods all plainly marked in the lace ankle, worth 50c pair. Sale price. CRYSTAL show window. SPRINQS Hose, drop stitch, 25e. Heinz sweet pickles are known Ladles Tan Sale price, 10c throughout the civilised world for their value. Madopolan, soft finish, full yard aromatic flavor and distinctive BUTTER delicate regular 12c quality. Sale price. Goods virtues. You can buy them from your wide, New Gents' Furnishing grocer. Sold wholesale by H-- Uack-fel- d Muslin Bonnets, tucked, lace Coast, is the finest in the market. 35c. the lb. at & Co., Ltd. ' Infants' Just received from the It and embroidery trimmed. Four big no mag- Suburban Honolulu has such specials: 25c. quality at 12Hc; 50c. also sites as are to be Jl-0- nificent resident quality 50c; 0 tract quality at 25c; 75c at Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. found In the beautiful Waialae quality at 65c Kalmuki). Here are superb Japanese Fancy Dress Goods (adjoining PHONE MAIN 45- - mountain scenery and ocean view, with pure air and rapid transportation to from Japan town. For full particulars apply of W. socus Dry Goods Go. 11.8. at - M. M in ton. Judd building. Beretania streets. White shirt waists cheap at Kerr's. Corner Fort and --A, good sized crowds at the The Commercial and Official There were stay. & Co. beach resorts yesterday, and the break, Record Las come to It is Iwakami Keaid the Advertiser, 1 ers on the reef were unuually high. (filling a long felt want. HOTEL STREET OITOSITE BETHEL. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, AUGUST JO, 1903. 8 THE Lewis, Geo. Cooper, Miss A. Smith, HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE- - Will lard E. Brown. AN EXCITING DAY j W. O. Smith A. W. Carter, J. C. Ridg- - Canadian-Australi- an Royal Mail Line way. Isaac Kaopua, M. G. Anjo, Ben Honolulu, August 8. 1903. Kamakau. Miss E. Dutot. Miss M. AT SHARK PISHING Bro. Halstead&Go.. Ltd. running In connection with the Canadian-- F Ao Railway Kellner, W. L Irven and wife, ( James, Bro. Lawrence, Bro. Clarence, SAH2 OF STOCK Capital Val. Bid Ui. tirrHonolulu on or about the following dates: a at Hearing of the possibilities of good C. W. Bridges, wife and 5 children, FOR VANCOUVER. . Kwong, Chow, W. K. STOCK rOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. 1901 Yee Chang IECA5TIL BROKERS 190 J. pport in shark fishing a crowd of Elks Hutchinson, wife and 2 children, Jno. 26 ! J. Brewer A Co 1,000,000 ion 390 28 ....August Hose. Mrs. Espinda and child. P. Hoke, August Moana 23 yesterday started for the briny deep U B. Kerr Co., Ltd.... 3WQ.0U0 50 neraczl September 2 Mlowera September W. II. . Kishida, Miss McCann, Moana 21 to monster. was se- V SVSM.M Oct. 24 Aorangi Oct. took a A horse F. H. Hayselden. Miss R. Hayseltfen. Members Honolulu Stock and Bon4 Jllewera Fu- Europe cured, which was 'undersi'od drop- O. M. Atwood. E. Langer, S. B. 3.000,000 30 Exchange. Hsued to all points in Canada, United State and it iv. 2m Tarourh ticket jiyama, Kam Yun. tiaw. Arricultural Co, 1,000,000 100 230 Correspondents San ped dead after hearing the result of W. G. Hall, from Kauai Haw. Com. A Bug. Co J a,sia.75o 100 .... Francisco Stock Per stmr. mw. sugar uo. 2,008,000 20 22 ports. Aug. 9. A. Kennedy, G. N...... and Bond Exchange. H. & Co., Ltd. Saturday's game, and tied to th? stern Jas. Honomu ...... 750,000 100 .. 102J Theo. Davies of one of Young's Wilcox. Mr. Stackable. B. Waggoner, Honokaa 2,000,000 30 12 Cable address: "Halstead.M launches. There O. Hollywood, A. S. Balkn 600.000 100 . General Agents. Chas. Bishop, 20 were various other things taken along o, Kahnkn...... 500.000 Wilcox. Mrs. A. S. Wilcox. K. IIama-n- &Utel Plan. Co.. L'd.. .2,500,000 50 9S U too which are sometimes found neces- Rev. K. Arai, F. Rutsch, F. Web- Eipahnln 180.000 100 . sary on fishing trip. er, Miss power, C. N. Girvin. J. ttoloa 500,000 100 .- -. "lis Co. and useful a McBryde Bug. Co. L'd 3,500,000 'JO 3 FOR SALE Stoamohlp Wilcox, S. Mahelona, 100 Oooanlo Among the fishermen who went were Quinn, Miss E. Oafcn Sugar Co. 3,00,C00 95 port C. Maser. S. Sujuki, F. G. Prescott, Onomea 1,000,000 20 .... line will arrive and lear. tkls Beswick, Meston, Geo. Martin, Ken- Sist- Ooka.la 500,000 20 ... i6 T enger steamers of this Miss F. Weber, Miss E. Batchlor, Olaa Sogfcr Co. Ltd. 5,000,0011 ao s 10 nedy, Smith, Hartman, McKillop. Jim A. Mahelona, Miss K. 100 BAN FRANCISCO: er Albertina, uiowaiu 150,000 .... FROM BAN FRANCISCO: FOR Gorman and Perlne. As eoon as the Wilcox, 70 deck. Paaohan Sugar Plan Magnificent lots on MoubI ports, tatlon Co 6,000.000 50 AUGUST 12 SIERRA AUGUST 11 mouth of harbor was reached and Per stmr. Noeau, from Hawaii Pacliic 560,000 100 ..... "250 Tantalus at rery reasonable fig nNTURA the Aug. 9. 21 Chinese, 8 Japanese, 1 Por 950,000 100 AT AUGUST 26 ALAMEDA AUGUST 21 AMnA the launch commenced to pitcn every tuguese. Pepeekeo . 760,000 100 170 ures and on very reasonable SEPTEMBER 1 Moaeer .. . 3,730,000 100 ... 100 SEPTEMBER 2 SONOMA one began to look for sharks. After 100 47 BIERRA IS Walalua Aft. Co. 4.500,000 59 terms. SEPTEMBER 11 ALAMEDA SEPTEMBER a few moment of silence several be- CHOLERA INFANTUM should be A ftUOXU .., 700.000 100 SCO ALAMEDA almanalo 35242GO 100 ..... 180 Commanding" extensive vien. SEPTEMBER 23 VENTURA SEPTEMBER 22 came excited and leaned far over the guarded against, and prevented by SONOMA SnAMixir Co'i One of these Hots contain! -- enta are pre--- side claiming that they saw fishes un- treating the child at the first unusual fa eonaeetkm wita the sailing of the above teajmera. the . a- Coupon Through Tlcketa by any Others went forward to looseness of the bowels. Mothers can wilder 8. 8. Co 500,030 103 some of the largest koa and leu - - T,jin(r. der the boat. inter-Islan- d 110 FrancTaco In "the United State, and froia 8. 8. Co.. 600,000 10 tTil Points keep an outlook seawvd and found it not be too careful about this, especially ltlSCXIXAHSOUl kui trees on the island. y any steamship line to a u turoptm irrw York necessary to lie down to balance them- In hot weather. They should have Raw'n Slectrin Co.... 500,000 100 .... 101 Both lots have a frontage FURTHER FARTICULAR8, APPLY TO medicine ready for such an emergency, H.E.T. AL.CO. Pld 101 rO K selves. In fact the crowd looked as K. T. Co. C, iiaftooo 'ioo 77 Hon. U the road. &S though twenty runs had been scored No better remedy is prepared than Mutual Tel. Co 150,000 10 6 OO.i Colic, . K. A I-- Co...... 4,ono.nno 100 92 WM. IBWIIT against them, only they didn't care. In Chamberlain's Cholera and Diar Hilo B. R. Co 50,008 20 17 20 a short time it Is said huge sharks ap rhoea Remedy. Every household should iiORM S. S. Co., Occidental & Oriental peared from every direction, the num have a bottle at hand. Get It today. daw. Go ft. 6 p. e. 97U Castle & Lansdalo Pacific Mail auo B. b. Co. 6 p. e. 100 105 It may save a life. Benson, Smith & 1 ber of them varying, according to the Hon. K. T. A Co. Real Xstata, LIfa, Fire and Plata statements, Co., Ltd., Wholesale Agents, seU it. 9 J) C t 105 ..... Ecj S. S. Co., and Toyo Risen Kaisha fishermen's from none to . . Swa Fl'n 6 p. o , Insuramos, iBTSsusaatsw fifteen. However things became ex O.S.4L, Co. , "ioi companies will call at Honolulu and leare tkls The S. S. Sierra Is due from the Colo Oahn H'nSp. c 100 . Steamers of the abore citing and those who felt strong enough Olaa Fl'n 6. p. 0. jot a r about the dates below mentioned: nies early tomorrow morning. She will Waialna Ag, Co. 6 p. e 100K SAN FRANCISCO: to hold harpoons made some frantic Eaauku 8 p. c nnu bam FRANCISCO: FOR probably sail for San Francisco the "ioo 14 AMERICA MARU AUGUST 11 jabs and at last Gorman pricked a Plonoer Hill Co. SIBERIA .AUGUST same afternoon. Btaxsanirml BsHciix aioasa K$ tstM AUGUST 25KOREA AUGUST 18 monster in the side. The excitement AUGUST 25 NT. Fifth Floor. Talhos VmSm O, ' AMERICA MARU SEPT. 2GAELIC was intense for a while but waa sud Profcssienlal Cards SEPTEMBER 10 HONG KONG JIAKU I L m.1 KOREA ..BEtriasiBtM denly brought Gor- - r1 J J GAELIC SEPTEMBER 18 CHINA SEPTEMBER 12 to a climax when M2SS1IlCa AaVCrUSCIIlCIllS. man and Meston fell overboard among ARCHITECTS. Ifma further Information apply to the 'raging denizens of the deep. Im FOR RENT. W. MATLOCK CXAIPBELLr-Offl- oa 1CM H. HACKFELD L COMPANY, LTD AGENTS, mediately harpoons flew In a cloud, Toung street. every man feeling that it was his duty to five in any direc- American-Hawaiia- throw at least old ATTORNEYS. n Steamship Company. tion. Hammers, pails, bottles and bas Attorney-at-La- w. via ' HENRY E. HIGHTON Monthly Service Between New York and Honolulu TEN-roo- m Direct kets followed. Gorman wasted no time house on Wafkikl Road. Southwest cor. Fort and Kins;. Pacific Coast. but stole his home base followed in h ilf partly furnished and on car line. Ap rHX SPLENDID NEW STEEL STEAMERS a second by Meston. No twenty foot ply W. C. Roe. Waikikl Road. 6553 FROM NEW YORK. FROM HONOLULU TO BAN FRAN- DENTISTS. FOR SALE . sharks were secured though it is un- on Nuu- - S. S. American, to aall about. .Aug-- 18 CISCO. THAT commodious residence DR. M. J. J. MARLIER DE ROUTON. 18 derstood that there were dozens to be anu Ave., formerly occupied by Min S. to sail about. ...Sept. IS S. S. Nevadan, to sail about. . Aug. Young building. 8. Hawaiian had for the hooking. Soon afterwards ister Stevens. Modern improvements, freight received at Company's wharf. S. S. Nebraskan, to sail Sept. 5 quarters. Brooklyn, about.. the crowd decided as they didn't stable and servants Rent A. B. EM street. South at all times. that .Apply to C. H. Dickey, 39 DRS. CLARK and P. F. FREAR McCULLY TRACT Freight received at Company's wharf, care to eati or to fish, or to sail, they reduced. Mclntyre Bldg., Fort and King. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Stewart Street Pier No. 20. King street. 6539 S. S. Nebraskan, to sail about. .Aug:. 18 had better throw up their Job and come KING STREET Sept. 4 S. S. Ncvadan, to sail about.... FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA. back to firm soil. A landing was THE residence and office of Dr. Alva ENGINEERS. 4jb avery IS days thereafter. S. S. Alaskan, to sail about.. ..Sept. 10 quickly made and the crowd took hacks rez, on Emma street, just above Bere ARTHUR C ALEXANDER. Survey '1 H. HACKFELD & COMPANY, LTD AGENTS. and went home. tania. Splendid location for practic- or and Engineer, 40 Judd bldg.; P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. ing physician. Apply to Henry Wa O. box 73. LOTS C P. terhouse Trust Company. Ltd. 6553 60x120 WHARF AND WAVE. CATTON, NEILXi & CO., LTD.- - .Engi SOME choice property in Manoa Val neers, Electricians and Boilermakers. to OfOOO WEATHER BUREAU. ley. Just the place for a pleasant 0700 home. Two cottages In Honolulu, Co. Honolulu, Alexander Street. $22.50. EASY TERMS IP DESIRED acific Transfer centrally $17.50: Hen CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE. located: INSURANCE. WILL Sunday, Aug. 9, 10 p. m. ry Waterhou6e Trust Co., Ltd. THJD MUTUAL. LIFE INSURANCE iWe pack, haul and ship your goods and save you money. Mean Temperature 79.0. 6552. CO. OF NEW YORK. Minimum Temperature 75. 3. B. ROSE, Agent : : : Honolulu. Maximum Temperature 83. TWO furnished rooms on Prospect and npHiiiiir Storage in brick warehouse, 126 King Street. Phone Main 58 Barometer at 9 p. m. 30.01, falling. Hackfeld streets. References. 6553 Rainfall, 24 hours up to 9 a. m. .03. MUSICIANS. Mean Dew Point for. the Day 65. CENTRAL location, cool, mosquito COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL Will remain , THE PACIFIC METEOROLOGICAL. RECORD. Mean Relative Humidity 63. proof rooms at HELEN'S COURT, open during July and August. Land Co., Ltd. Winds N. E. force I. , rear of Hart's Ice Cream Parlors By the Government Survey, Published ( Commercial Advertiser Every Monday. Weather Clear. Rooms reasonable. 6519 I Forecast for Aug. 10. Light trades PHYSICIANS. CHAS. H. GILLMAW, . Catered at the Post Office at Honolulu, and weather. COTTAGES; Chrlstley lane, off Fort St DR. K. HAIDA Office and Residence, I TiaTtrsai IL, as second class matter. ABOK. fair T. J. LYONS. Rent reasonable. Apply Wonj Kwal lieretania near Emma. Office hour: let StAsgenwald BuHdlng. J Territorial Meteorologist. C240 to 12 a, zn.; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone White SUBSCRIPTION RATES: V I 1551. year 212.00 ARRIVED. NEW modern eight-roo- m house; mos Biz months 6.00 DR. T. MITAMURA. Office 6S - quito proof, Klnau near Alapai. Kuknl - street 80 01 29 SK 83 0 02 61 KS s Advertising- rates on application. 8 Sunday, August 9. Paragon 6517 Lant. 8 to 10 a. m.; C to 7:1 p. m. 8 W OS 29 98! Si U 08 71 in Apply at Market. M 80 . 08 30 01 63 O 01 fU 'J--fl KK 4-- Stmr. W. G. Hall, Thompson, from every morning' except Sunday WS 4-- rusllahed T SO 04 29 ex 0.0WI7S3-- 7 1 Kauai ports, at 4:30 a. m., with tOOO W 0 01173 7- -4 KKB by the 29.99:29 9i M 1 bags sugar. 12 1 ROOMS AND BOARD. TYPEWRITERS. T VH 29 91 85 0 00 488-- 4 1 bags taro, bull, 101 CO.. LTD., A NICELY furnished cottage, mos HAWAIIAN GAZETTE T K 02,29 M 84 0 001 b 1 pkgs. sundries. BOUGHT, sold, rented and repaired at k fa b Holt Block. No. 65 South King St. Stmr. Niihau, W. Thompson, from quito proof and electric lights, with Kemmgton Typewriter office. Hotel St. k k k b -3. ENE-N- E. board, 1443 street. 6550 A. W. PEARSON. Manager. Kauai ports, at 4:43 a. m., . with 5 at Emma to 22 sea Barometer corrected F. and rollers. UNDERTAKERS. Real Estate and ! Ju (eve, and for standard gravity of Lat. 4S. Stmr. Noeau. Pederson, from Hono- - LARGE, airy rooms; electric lights; Investments 144 lUWXSaiJIVJJ UNDERTAKING Is 08 table board. . Beretania street. rn This correction for Honolulu. kaa and Kukuihaele, at 3 a, m., with AND HONOLULU 4345 9 near Fort. 6549 BURIAL ASSO bags of sugar, pkgs. sundr.e.?. CIATION. Phone Main 411. RAILWAY & LAND CO. TIDES, SUN AND . Stmr. Claudine, Parker, from Maui tie ri ports, 5 a. m., 266 bags sugar. AT WAHIAWA, ten dollars per week. Bought, sold appraised. Convey- - n, a M 6 at with and ye; r I i-- B 160 potatoes, 20 bags two dollars per day. Stage meets TIME TABLE V 8 sacks taro. FOR SALE. anclng, titles examined, loans placed 3 S IB horses, 16 hogs, 190 pkgs. sundries. 3:15 p. m. train from Honolulu at 4 H H 2 HI Stmr. Cooke, Pearl City, on Tuesdays and Fridays. and negotiated. Notary r si Waialeale. from Kauai Large and valuable property at Iwl- - Public tic ports, at 4:30 a. m. Address Mrs. Caroline Rhodes, at lel, west of and adjoining May let, 1903. U. S. S. body, Wahlawa. 6522 Rice Mill. It p.m. p.m. a m Sheridan, Pea from San extends 357 feet East IX am. Rise 7:30 m. and West along a OUTWARD. Mon I0j 4.69, 1J6 3 12 U U10.S3S.S8 6.33, 8.U9 Francisco, at a. proposed street, already surveyed and tic OFFICES FOR RENT. staked out. one-sto- nr buUdine-- 9 Personal attention For Walanae, Walalua. Kahuku and Taefl'U 5.18 1.3, 3 40 a,m.'ll 19 8.17 6.83 8 48 Two to all commissions. I I I DEPARTED. Way Stations 9:15 a-- m.. 3:20 p. m. i IN BREWER building. Queen street two years old with verandas two sides. 1 if 8 10 0 09 11 10 5 17 WeL. 6.10 1.3 6 31 9 26 9. on reasonable terms. Apply to C seven tenements each occupy For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Taur.13 6.48 1 4 7.10' 1 01 88 10 Sunday, August the East u.39 i 0.81 00 Brewer & Co., Ltd. end. And one two-tor- y 9 I cottage. m; 8tatIon 17:30 a. m., 9:15 a. m.. ia.m p.m I S. S. Rosecrans, Johnson, Tl(L.14,78 lOi S 7 7 for San rooms, 11:05 a. m., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. m., 1 1 23 2.08 5 38 8 31 10 49 12:15 p. with outbuildings, two years Sat... 9 24' 1 4 8 40 2 1( 8 6 3 J, 11 3 Francisco, at m. occupy R. C. A. PETERSON, t4:li p. m 5:15 p. m, Ji:30 p. lt 58.88 . FOR SALE. oia, west end. 10 The central portion, 240 tU:15 p. m. tan.. 18 37' 1 5 10 23 3 13 5 60 5.39 6 29 am. ONE fresh Milch Cow, $S0.00; Jersey about feet. 15 Kaahumanu Street. Tel. Office Main th. Hon 17 11 44 17 11 .51 4 177.(4 3 9 8 28 0.23 SUGAR ON HAWAII. being available for buildings of any INWARD. Bull, 1 years old. $100. Address 168. Res. Blue 227L P. O. Box 865. Last quarter of the moon on the 15th. Olaa. 1S50 bags; Waiakea, 4300 bags; Mrs. C. Rhodes, Wahiawa. 6353 kind. Soil black sand and gravel, seven tei (arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal- Time rt tide Hawaii Mill, none; Wainaku, 3500 bags; to ten reet above tide water. 5:31 the are taken from in price, etc., alua and Walanae S:3' a. m.. United States Coast and Geodetic Sur Onornea, 27,000 bags; Pepeekeo, none; A HANDSOME douDle antique oak For terms, apply to v p. m, rey tables. Honomu. 13.SO0 bags; Hakalau, 10,000 folding bed, mirror front; cheap. Ap W. O. SMITH, LOANS HADE lanive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and ' ply 1220 Matlock avenue. 6551 6550 Judd Building. ca The tides at Kahulul and Hllo occur bags; Laupahoehoe, none; Ookala, ON j 16:50 m., t7:4S a. Pearl City a. m.. about one hour earlier than at Honolulu none; Kukaiau, none; Ilamakua, 200 en S:M a. m., 10:2S a. m.. '2:05 p. m., Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours 29 bags; Paauhau. none; Honokaa, 4000 TWO sets double harness: 1 fine set for p. m., 5:31 p. m., 7:40 p. m. surrey set 4:tl minutes slower than Greenwich tlme.be-- 1 bags: Punaluu, 6000 bags. use.'l heavier with breech ! Real Estate tal Dafly. lng that of the meridian of 157 degrees 20 ing. May be seen at Lewers & Wellboring Outfit t Sunday Excepted. minutes. The time whistle blows at 1:29 Cooke's stables, cor. Kawaiahao and X Sunday Only. p. m., which Is the same as Greenwich. iVESSELS IN PORT. Cooke streets. 6349 APPLY TO S. P. DENISON. F. C SMITH. hours 0 minutes. Sun and moon are for FOR SALE PHOENIX SAVINGS, BUILDING M G. & A. ARMY AND NAVY. Cartys j Supt. P. T. local time for the whole group. CALIFORNIA mules at stables. LOAN ASSOCIATION. A U. S. Transport Sheridan, Peabody, cor. Richards and Merchant streets. 6484 San Francisco, Aug. 9. Two complete sets of tools with two Judd Building, Fort street entrance. v U. S. S. Iroquois, Rodman, Mahu- - derricks, a boiler and engine. All in kona, July 20. SPECIAL NOTICES. good order. th( Offered very NO DOUBT MERCHANTMEN. THE Hawaii and South Seas Curio cheap. Make us an offer. th: paul two Company C. K. AI, A You have for or three homes during your life- (This list does not Include coasters.) and The Guide Publishing City Home Company time. Alden Besse, Kessel, San Francisco, Co. have removed to 70 Young build- Mill Co., Queen street near inter by Aug. 7. ing. TeL Main 374. 6532 section with King. Tel. Blue 561. P. Especially if you have been paying rent; and you have Andrew Welch. Am. bk.. Drew, San U. UOX Sol. C547 CAPITAL $50,000. nothing to show for it. Francisco, July 21. GOOD pasturage can be had by inquir Organized under the laws of the The amount paid for rent would have. homo and Carman ian, Am. sp. Bunn, Newcastle, ing at Club Stables. Phone Main 109. Wight a July 26. 6539 O. Oollizxs Territory of Hawaii. tit a good home, too. Geo. Curtis, Am. ship, Calhoun, San MANUFACTURER Francisco, Aug. 5. FOR SALE AND TO RENT. OF THE fo WAIALAE TRACT Herat, Ital. sp., Clivarl, Newcastle, BA WAIIAN REALTY (Adjoining ICaimuki) Aug. 7. Harness Irmgard. Am. bktn., Schmidt, San Fine lot with new house on Makikl and Saddles and MATURITY CO., Ltd. be choicest residence sites Francisco, Aug. 8. street. Two fine places on Thurston offers the in Suburban Honolulu. King near Fort St. Tel. Main 144. P. O. Box B07 Loans, Mortgages, Securities, magnificent Minnie A. Caine, Am. sch., Olsen, New- - avenue. Three desirable residences on Ju Here are ocean and mountain scenery, pure, castle, July 23. Prospect street. One acre of land with Investments and Real cool and rapid transportation to Marion Chilcott. Am sp., Williams, fine dwelling Kalihi; also acres Estate. air town. at three ; Alcatraz, Aug. 7. with one dwelling and two cottages. CHAS. BREWER CO.'S Homes Built on the Install' an S50 cash, then $10 per month (without interest) Olympic, Am. bk., , IquiquI, suitable for subdivision. A fine busi- July 8. ness site on King street. A very de- NEW YORK LINE ment Plan. are the easy terms. S500 is the price per lot, size Rosecrans, Am. stmr., Johnson, San sirable place at Punahou of two acres. FOOHJiG Home Office Mclntyre Bld Hono Francisco, Aug. 6. with two dwellings, furnished SUEr lulu, T. li. of 75x150. Solano, Am. sehr., Rosich, Newcastle, cottage, servants' rooms, stable and Sailing from July 2S. cow pens and carriage house, with NEW YORK to HONOLULU ar For full particulars apply of Tillle E. Starbuck. Am. sp., Winn, New many varieties of fruit, and handy to On or about July 15. FREIGHT TDe BQWQliao Reolij end castle, July 23. PunrLou College. Fine building sites TAKEN AT LOWEST RATES. tVI. at makal of College Hills, and a very For freight rates apply to MINTON on AUTHORIZED PASSENGER. fine site Pacific Heights, and other CHAS. BREWER & CO. I, SELLING AGENT. properties In all parts of the city and Building. street Arrived. 27 Kilby St Boston, Judd Merchant entrance. Phone 350. at Pearl City and WalkikL OB C BREWER & CO., Li. K. KENTWELL, Per stmr. Claudine. from Maui, Aug. A. BARNES, LIMITED, 9. HONOLULU. Manager, Mrs. C. B. Wells and 2 sons, D. H. 79 Merchant street. General 9--