PROCEEDINGS OF THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2 (683), pp. 71–83. DOI: 10.2478/prolas-2013-0013

Review DEVELOPMENT OF FRUIT SCIENCE IN Edîte Kaufmane*, Mâra Skrîvele*, Edgars Rubauskis*, Sarmîte Strautiòa*, Laila Ikase*, Gunârs Lâcis*, Dalija Segliòa*, Inga Moroèko-Bièevska*, Silvija Ruisa*, and Ilze Priekule**

* Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, Graudu iela 1, LV-3701, LATVIA; [email protected] ** Latvia State Plant Protection Centre, Struktoru iela 14, Rîga LV-1039, LATVIA

Contributed by Edîte Kaufmane

Development of fruit growing and fruit science in Latvia has always been closely linked to the de- velopment of the whole country. After the founding of the independent Latvia state in 1918, fruit growing developed rapidly. Although in the Soviet times the situation was not favourable for qual- ity fruit growing, research and breeding continued with good results. After Latvia regained inde- pendence, private land property rights were restored, and interest in intensive orchard establishment and growing technologies increased rapidly, which demanded change in the re- search focus. At present, the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing is the leading institution in this field, working in cooperation with Pûre Horticultural Research Centre, Latvian Plant Protection Research Centre, Institute of Agrobiotechology, and Faculty of Food Technology, Latvia Univer- sity of Agriculture, Laboratory of Plant Mineral Nutrition, Institute of Biology, University of Latvia. Research is carried out in the following directions: breeding and cultivar evaluation; genetics and molecular biology; plant pathology and entomology; orchard management; experimental process- ing and storage. Key words: breeding, growing technologies, pathogens, postharvest, genetics.

INTRODUCTION countries with different climate, this was one of the rea- sons why in the following severe winters the greatest part Development of fruit growing and fruit science in Latvia of orchards, about 6 million trees, perished. has always been closely linked to the development of the whole country. History has shown that perennial crops can Development of fruit growing after the Second World War be grown successfully only if the land and property belong was greatly hindered by the abolishment of private land to the grower, and stability is ensured by succession of property, as well as loss of generation succession. Yet sci- generations. Fruit growing expanded rapidly when the entific research continued. A new Experimental Station farmers obtained their own land. In the 19th century, when was founded in Ogre, along with several support sites. Re- Latvia was a part of the , farmers obtained search was targeted more to yield quantity, not quality, as knowledge about orchard management and cultivars from a significant processing industry had developed in Latvia. manor orchards and nurseries, which propagated mostly Later the specialisation of Latvia in the planning system of cultivars popular in Western Europe that were poorly USSR was changed, supporting mostly stock farming. adapted to the Latvian climate. There were no possibilities to become acquainted with Western experience, and instead, wide cooperation with After the founding of the independent Latvia state in 1918, other Soviet researchers developed. Studies of growing fruit growing developed rapidly. In 1929, there were 29 technologies were carried out both for the needs of large state-funded bodies carrying out extension service for the state farms and home gardens. Variety evaluation focus growers. Orchard areas increased, processing of fruits and was on the needs of home gardens, as only a few new or- berries started and export of fruits and their products to chards were established at the state farms. Western Europe developed. This created the necessity and opportunity to establish a State Research Station in Pûre. After restoration of an independent Latvian state, interest As evaluation of cultivars was just started, each nursery in commercial orchards increased rapidly. Similarly to the propagated cultivars of their choice, mostly from Western 1930s, Western European cultivars and technologies had Europe. Along with growing technologies introduced from the main interest. Yet, as shown by experience of the last

Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. 71 years, their introduction without preliminary trials can technologies were started only in a few fields — soil man- cause substantial financial loss. As the range of practical agement, tree training and need for irrigation. The research needed by the growers is wide and should go on Experimental Station had significant contribution to the for years, while funding for such research is lacking, sys- development in small fruit growing. Studies were tematisation and evaluation of former research is crucial. done in gooseberry propagation, and new cultivars resis- Although the systems and production needs have changed, tant to mildew were introduced. Red currants were also the soil, relief and climate remain the same. propagated and later, following increased market demands, white currants. P. Gailîtis carried out trials with a new According to the statistical data of Latvia Fruit Growers propagation method of blackcurrants applying irrigation Association, in 2011 there were about 10 000 ha commer- techniques learned in the Netherlands. For strawberry re- cial orchards. The main fruit crop is apple (over 4000 ha), search the first support site was founded in Jûrmala. Its main berry crops are strawberries (about 400 ha) and rasp- first task was to control the spread of strawberry mites and berries (300 ha). Areas of untraditional crops like Japanese nematodes in Jûrmala plantations by selecting and propa- quince, cranberries and blueberries are increasing. gating healthy clones.

Many of the established fruit plantations have already Research in cultivation of American cranberries was reached full yield, the growers have developed material started in the end of 1930s with an experimental plantation base for production, and gained some experience in grow- in Abava river lowlands. Investigations with grapes were ing technologies, business management and marketing. done both in glasshouses and open field and since 1938/39 Cooperatives are developing. As a result, during the latest also on Hill. years local fruits, berries and their products can be found not only in farmers markets, but also in supermarkets. The Baltic Bio-Entomology Station was founded in 1913, its director J. Bickis started investigations of pests on dif- This paper reviews information about fruit growing re- ferent hosts, including fruit crops (Áèöêèé, 1913). In 1922, search and its main results since the beginning of the 19th the Station was reorganised into the Plant Protection Insti- century till today. tute, in which studies of fruit cultivar tolerance to the most harmful pests and their control were carried out under the RESEARCH IN THE 19th CENTURY AND IN THE leadership of the mycologists J. Smarods and J. Vîksne. In FIRST HALF OF 20th CENTURY the 1930s, J. Zirnîtis studied the biology and control of strawberry nematodes, currant shoot borer and winter The first book about fruit growing by (Zirnîtis, 1937). In the 1920s–1930s, researchers of the In- J. H. Zigra (Cigra) was published in the same year as the stitute published booklets summing up the results of the re- first nursery was founded by him (Zigra, 1803; Daija, search of pests and their control methods (Smarods, 1936; 2008). Later large nurseries were established in Rîga by Eglîtis et al., 1937). C. H. Wagner and C. W. Schoch, and near Cçsis by A. von Sievers. The nurseries had pomological orchards where At the beginning of 1940s and during the Second World cultivars from Western Europe and were planted War, research continued. Damages caused to cultivars by and propagated. In 1871, a book Zemkopja augïu koku two successive severe winters were evaluated. The least dârzs (Farmer’s Orchard) was published by S. Klevers. damaged appeared to be the local cultivars and some Popularisation of fruit growing was done also by publicists cultivars of I. V. Michurin. The area of experimental plan- like J. Penìerots-Sveðais. Pomological descriptions of tations in 1943 was about 20 ha. The widest research dur- cultivars of Latvian origin have been published since the ing this time was done with strawberries in field and glass- mid-19th century (Ðåãåëü, 1868; Àòëàñú ïëîäîâú, house (Ozola and Dzelzkalçja, 2006). 1903–1906).

In 1910, the first Horticulture School was founded at DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH DURING THE SO- Bulduri manor. Later a Horticulture Trial Department of VIET TIME (1945–1990) the Agriculture Institute was established in Priekuïi. After the First World War, higher education in fruit growing was Deportations and emigration significantly reduced the available at the University of Latvia. number of experienced fruit growers in Latvia, yet fruit re- search continued both in Pûre and its support sites in In 1926, P. Gailîtis started a plan for creating the Pûre Jûrmala, Sabile and Dviete. The Research Station was un- Horticulture Experimental Station, which was founded in der the jurisdiction of the Institute of Biology, Latvian 1930 (Sudrabs, 1960). Its director P. Gailîtis was the only Academy of Sciences (Institute of Biology). At the begin- researcher, and he was helped by student practicants. In ning of the 1950s, research concerning problems of apple 1934, a pomological orchard was established, along with and plum pollination and use of growth regulators in fruit evaluation of introduced and local fruit cultivars for their orchards was carried out at these locations by the Institute suitability to growing in Latvia. Investigations of growing scientists A. Spolîtis and E. Pçtersons.

72 Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. Directly after the Second World War, the Kârïi Pomo- Spanish scientists was carried out during 1999–2001 logical Orchard was founded, which later became Ogre (Rumpunen et al., 1996). Experimental Station where variety evaluation of fruit and berry crops had the main focus. Support sites were estab- Breeding of apricot and peach was started at the Botanical lished in Koknese (A. Vîksne), Alûksne (V. Bleijers), Gardens of the University of Latvia by V. Vârna and con- Dobele (P. Upîtis) and Iedzçni (A. Maizîtis, R. Âboliòð tinued by I. Straþinska. This programme has resulted in and later R. Dumbravs) (Derilo et al., 1996). two apricot and two peach cultivars registered in Latvia that are grown in home gardens (Ruisa and Kaufmane, Fruit and berry breeding. Breeding was carried out at 2008). experimental stations and their support sites (Skrîvele et al, 1991). Most cultivars of apples, pears and sweet cher- Good results were also achieved in grape breeding by ries were developed at Iedzçni. Among these, the apple P. Sukatnieks in Dviete. Six of his cultivars are registered cultivars ‘Forele’ and ‘Iedzçnu’ are grown in commercial in Latvia and Sweden (Dobelis, 1999). orchards to some extent. In pears the most popular cultivar is ‘Suvenîrs’. The sweet cherry cultivars ‘Aleksandrs’, Breeding of Vaccinium spp. was started at NBG by A. ‘Iedzçnu Dzeltenais’, ‘Agris’ and ‘Balzâms’ are propa- Ripa, resulting in several promising hybrids (Ripa, 1996). gated by Latvian nurseries. Research in apple breeding In 2010, two cultivars were registered from this material. was carried out also by J. Taranova at the Institute of Biol- Variety testing. ogy. Of the cultivars created by P. Upîtis, the most recog- After the Second World War, a group of nized cultivars have been the apple cultivar ‘Ilga’ and the researchers carried out expeditions throughout Latvia and pear cultivars ‘Jumurda’ and ‘Paulîna’. The amateur found that the cultivars of local origin had survived the se- breeder J. Valters in Medze utilised Western European vere winters well. They evaluated and selected also acces- pear cultivars in his crosses, and obtained hybrids with at- sions of different fruit crops, the best of which were propa- tractive fruits but low winter-hardiness. Plum breeding gated as landraces. Several of these are still worthy of was carried out by A. Spolîtis at the Institute of Biology growing, like the apple cultivars ‘Krapes Cukuriòð’, ‘Cçsu and by P. Upîtis in Dobele. ‘Lâse’ and ‘Minjona’ are in the Sîpoliòð’, ‘Rîgas Roþâbele’ and ‘Jelgavas Vasaras’, as list of registered plum cultivars (Skrîvele et al,. 1999). well as the pear cultivar ‘Talsu Skaistule’ (Sudrabs, 1950; Spolîtis et al., 1955). Blackcurrant breeding was started by A. Meïehina, and crosses were carried out between cultivars of Ribes nigrum Evaluation of cultivars was carried out in new plantings ssp. europaeum. Further on she continued breeding at the where clones of local varieties and landraces as well as National Botanical Gardens (NBG) applying interspecific new cultivars of Soviet breeding were compared. The col- hybridisation. M. Eglîte also joined this breeding program- lections at Pûre and Ogre experimental stations were con- me (Strautina, et al. 1997). The cultivar ‘Mara Eglite’ was tinuously extended and renewed. Through the work at the selected from these hybrids and is registered. All-Union Institute, also cultivars bred in Western Europe and Northern America were introduced. As a result of this Strawberry breeding was done by A. Meïehina, V. Dûks research the cultivars which form the present commercial and P. Upîtis. Only the cultivar of P. Upîtis ‘Jûnija orchards were selected, namely the apple cultivars Smaids’ was included in the list of recommended cultivars ‘Auksis’, ‘Antey’, ‘Belorusskoe Malinovoe’, ‘Konfetnoe’, for some time. ‘Kovalenkovskoe’, ‘Orlik’, ‘Rubin’ (Kazakhstan cv.), Saltanat’, ‘Spartan’, ‘Tiina’, ‘Zarya Alatau’ etc. and the The gooseberry cultivars ‘Koknese’, ‘Pârsla’, ‘Mazçrkðío- pear cultivar ‘Belorusskaya Pozdnaya’ (Ñêðèâåëå, 1983; tâ’, ‘Veldze’, ‘Pçrse’ were selected by the breeder 1988; Skrîvele, 1998;). Large plum collections were estab- A. Vîksne. Together with the cultivars bred by V. Ðterns, lished and evaluated in Pûre and Ogre in this period namely ‘Kurðu Dzintars’ and ‘Pârsla’, they still form the (Jekoviès, 1972), and testing of berry crops was done at basis of the gooseberry assortment in Latvia (Strautina and both Stations (Dûks, 1981; Derilo et al., 1996). Lacis, 2000). The thornless gooseberry cultivar ‘Rita’ was selected from hybrid material of A. Vîksne at the Latvia In the end of the 1980s, evaluation of fruit and berry State Institute of Fruit-Growing and registered in 2012. cultivars was started at Dobele Laboratory of Pomology His red currant cultivar ‘Vîksnes Sarkanâs’ is included in (Skrîvele et al., 1995). the recommended Latvian variety assortment for commer- cial growing (Skrîvele et al., 1991, 1995). The laboratories at Pûre evaluated the biochemical content of fruits and berries, introducing methods for analysis of Breeding of Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) for the enzymes ascorbinoxidase, polyphelonoxidase and fruit purposes was started in the 1950s in Pûre by A. Tîcs peroxidase. The suitability of cultivars for jams, purees, (Tîcs, 1992). Since the 1990s, it was continued in Dobele compotes, juices, and later also freezing was tested by S. Ruisa. A joint research project on C. japonica in col- (Brencsons, 1966; Gûtmanis, 1961). Biochemical studies laboration with Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, French and were performed also at Dobele (Ruisa, 1991).

Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. 73 Research of orchard management. In 1947, an apple or- lar plant protection system for berry crops was developed chard on rootstocks M.1, M.2, M.4 and M.9 was planted at in Pûre by I. Grosa. the Pûre Experimental Station. Wider studies were started in 1969 when large trials were established with rootstocks The situation of fruit growing and its perspectives was re- from East Malling and Michurinsk. Further studies showed viewed in 1980s by V. Tumðs (Tumðs, 1986). that Russian rootstocks performed significantly better than East Malling rootstocks in Latvia. In 1971, a promising DEVELOPMENT OF FRUIT SCIENCE IN THE TRAN- rootstock Pure1 was selected from seedlings of B.9 (Bite, SITION PERIOD (1990–2000) 1978), which at present is propagated by commercial nurs- eries (Lepsis, 2006). The first years after regaining independence were very challenging for the fruit science in Latvia, mostly finan- In 1987–1989, complex trials were established at Pûre to cially. Research stations that previously had been a com- study the compatibility of promising apple cultivars with plex enterprise, in which scientific trials were only a tiny different rootstocks, as well as tree training methods for part of the total activities and area, were now split up. Pro- variety-rootstock combinations. In 1987, the first modern ducers of fruits and berries from the Pûre Experimental orchard on the dwarf rootstock B 9 was established. Station seceded as ”Pûres dârzi” Ltd. Processing units, Studies on bush fruit fertilisation and nutrient content in greenhouses, stock and grain farming at the research unit soil and leaves were carried out by A. Gross at Pûre and also became separate commercial enterprises. Soon after several state farms (Ãðîññ, 1974). The research showed the Experimental Station was privatised and reorganised as that each crop in dependence of other factors has its own the Pûre Horticulture Research Centre (HRC). Similarly, nutrient optimum, and the yield responds negatively both the Ogre Experimental Station was separated from the to low and high nutrient content in the soil (Gross and large state organisation, but it did not survive further com- Dimza, 1994). The research showed no difference in the petition and was closed down. The land and buildings of source of nutrient supply — mineral or organic, while ef- the support site „Iedzçni” were returned to former owners fect of irrigation was significant only in years with less or privatised, and all breeding material was handed over to precipitation (Äèìçà et al., 1974). Dobele and Pûre researchers. In 1991, the Baltic branch of All-Union Plant Protection Institute was reorganised into Extended studies were performed also on the effects of the Latvia State Plant Protection Centre, later renamed the microelements and growth regulators on fruit cropping and State Plant Protection Research Centre (LSPPC). winter-hardiness (Dimza, 1965; 1958), as well as yield control with growth regulators (Ñêðèâåëå è Äèìçà, 1969; In 1995, the Laboratory of Pomology of the Research In- Skrîvele, 1965). stitute of Agriculture separated from a 6000 ha state farm, and became the Dobele Horticultural Plant Breeding Ex- Trials with fertilisation of young apple-trees showed that perimental station (Dobele HPBES). The first task of its even in soils with low content of organic matter and phos- researchers was to complete the evaluation of the material phorus and medium potassium content, trees responded of the breeder P. Upîtis. The genotypes selected as a result positively to manure and organic fertilisers (Ãðîññ, 1974). of evaluation were included as donors in five breeding Various studies were carried out also on controlling yield programmes of the most important crops — apples, sweet bienniality by increasing fertiliser doses, by tree training cherries, Japanese quince, raspberries and blackcurrants. and fruit thinning (Dimza et al., 1975). Extended collaboration with research institutions in Eu- rope and the USA allowed significant broadening of the Research on local cranberry fertilising and berry biochem- genetic base and access to more modern genotypes for va- istry was conducted at National Botanic Garden (Ripa, riety testing. This work resulted in new recommendations 1975). of the best cultivars for commercial growing and selection of valuable breeding donors. At the Baltic branch of the All-Union Plant Protection In- stitute J. Zirnîtis and L. Pçtersons studied virus diseases of After private land property rights were restored, interest apple (Zirnîtis, 1955). In the 1960s, a forecast system was for intensive orchard establishment and growing technolo- developed for scab and other disease spore dispersal gies increased rapidly. In order to evaluate suitability of (Èakstiòa, 1962). In the1970s, Ilga Þerbele headed re- foreign experience of intensive fruit growing to local con- search on species composition and occurrence of the main ditions, similar research had to be started in Latvia. Prob- fruit crop pathogens in field and storage, and their control lems of the new commercial fruit growers had to be solved (Ýéõå, 1976). In the 1980s, monitoring of apple pests and as soon as possible, and involvement and collaboration be- diseases was carried out, a.o. studies on the distribution tween scientists from several institutions was needed. and control of pests and their economic importance thresh- For this aim a sub-programme, „Development and imple- olds (Priedîtis, 1971). A complex plant protection system mentation of a system for competitive and profitable horti- for orchards was developed (Þerbele et al., 1987). A simi- culture” was started in 1997 in the framework of the State

74 Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. Research Programme „Scientific background for develop- LATVIAN FRUIT SCIENCE IN THE 21st CENTURY ment of agriculture in Latvia”. In spite of insufficient funding, research was initiated in several directions After the turn of the millennium, more reorganisation of (Skrîvele and Kaufmane, 1999). fruit science in Latvia took place in order to make the Lat- vian fruit and berry sector capable to meet future chal- The Experimental Fruit and Berry Processing Centre was lenges. The leading research institution of fruit growing is established at the Dobele HPBES, in collaboration be- now the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing (LSIFG), tween HPBES and the Department of Food Technology of which was founded in 2006 after re-organisation of Dobele the Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA). This centre HPBES. carries out research on suitability of fruit crop cultivars for freezing and new innovative products. During this period, There are five more institutions presently carrying out re- a patent was taken for production of Japanese quince can- search in fruit-growing science in Latvia: died fruit. • Pûre Horticultural Research Centre (Pûre HRC);

In cooperation with the LUA Institute of Agricultural • Latvian Plant Protection Research Centre (LPPRC); Polymers and Water Management, studies were started at Dobele concerning use of drip irrigation and mulching for • Institute of Agrobiotechology, Latvia University of Ag- apples on dwarfing rootstocks, raspberries, blackcurrants, riculture (IA LUA); strawberries, sweet cherries and plums. • Faculty of Food Technology, Latvia University of Agri- In cooperation with NBG, the suitability of grass mixes in culture (FFT LUA); orchard alleyways was studied, as well as adaptation of in • Laboratory of Plant Mineral Nutrition, LU Institute of vitro growing technologies for different Rosaceae fruit Biology (LU IB). crops. Research is carried out in the following directions: Pûre HRC carried out research of apple winter cultivar harvest time (Drudze, 2003). LSPPC carried out observa- - breeding and cultivar evaluation (LSIFG, Pûre HRC); tions of orchard pest and disease development and optimal spraying times, as well as studies of apple scab infection - genetics and molecular biology (LSIFG); forecasting for optimal fungicide use during primary infec- - plant pathology and entomology (LSIFG, LPPRC); tion (Eihe and Puðpure, 1995). Investigations continued on pheromone trap placement for prognosis of pest develop- - orchard management (LSIFG, Pûre HRC, IA LUA, LU ment in apple and berry plantations (Cinîtis, 1995). IB);

The Science Centre „Ulbroka” developed a system for - experimental processing and storage (LSIFG, FFT LUA). mechanisation in fruit crop plantations together with tech- nical specifications of recommended machinery. Breeding and cultivar evaluation. The main task of the breeding programme is the development of market-com- At the Dobele HPBES nine trials were established with petitive cultivars with high winter hardiness, productivity, clonal rootstocks of different crops, to evaluate their suit- fruit quality and technological properties, easy plant habit ability for Latvian conditions and compatibility with and suitability for integrated fruit production, including cultivars promising for commercial orchards. In the frame- disease resistance. These criteria are also used to evaluate work of a cooperation project with Iowa University, all new introduced cultivars. Since the breeding process of USA, trials were established with new rootstocks from the fruit crops is long and expensive, the crops for targeted hy- USA. bridisation are selected together with the fruit growers. Farm trials are carried out for new cultivars and elite hy- Investigations were completed in the trials established at brids, to test their adaptability in different regions of Lat- Pûre in 1987–1989 with four clonal rootstocks, 24 apple via. At present, breeding at LSIFG is performed for apples, cultivars and tree training system influence on productivity sweet cherries, Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica), and fruit quality. These studies allowed discarding of un- raspberries and blackcurrants, as well as small scale breed- suitable cultivar-rootstock combinations which radically ing of plums and pears, and at Pure HRC for apples, pears reduce productivity of cultivars, like ‘Iedzçnu’, ‘Korichnoe and strawberries. Novoe’, ‘Tiina’ and ‘Lobo’ on B.490. Cultivar differences were established in the effect of distal shoot heading back A wide collection of fruit tree and berry genotypes (more on growth and productivity. The scale of trials allowed to than 3000) has been created to ensure material for breed- performing economic research: to develop technological ing. Work on cultivar introduction is carried out for the cards for intensive orchards, as well as calculate the profit- above mentioned crops, as well as for sour cherries, apri- ability of such orchards and cultivars (Dimza et al., 1995; cots, red and white currants, gooseberries and grapes. Skrîvele and Dimza, 1997; Skrîvele et al., 2000). Cultivars with proved value in field trials are planted for

Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. 75 wider investigation of growing technologies and at farms, The grape breeder G. Vçsmiòð in Cîrava, Liepâja district with the aim to select new cultivars suitable for commer- obtained disease resistant and hardy grape selections of cial growing, and are used in breeding programmes. Vitis vinifera and other species. New named cultivars in- clude ‘Dovga’, ‘Liepâjas Dzintars’, ‘Ciravas Agra’, all ex- Part of the breeding programme at LSIFG is carried out in tremely early ripening white wine varieties for the Baltic the framework of international cooperative projects or climate (Vçsmiòð, 2012). programmes. The common breeding programme with De- partment of Horticulture at Balsgård, Swedish University For many years, variety testing of introduced blueberry of Agricultural Sciences, and Institute of Horticulture, and cranberry cultivars has been carried out at the Depart- Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry ment of Horticulture of LUA. Several cultivars adapted to (LIH) resulted in two cultivars of Japanese quince ‘Rondo’ the Latvian climate have been selected as a result of this and ‘Darius’, which have successfully passed DUS tests, work (Abolins et al., 2009). and are prepared for registration in EU. This is the first The cultivars and hybrids of different crops bred at LSIFG time cultivars have been registered in this fruit crop and Pûre HRC are tested in collaborating scientific institu- (Ruisa, 1993; 1996; Krasnova et al., 2007). In cooperation tions of twelve European countries (Czech Republic, Esto- with Swedish plum breeders, three productive, disease re- nia, Finland, Germany, , Netherlands, Norway, sistant plum cultivars with high quality fruits have been se- , Romania, Russia, Slovakia and ) as well as lected — ‘Ance’, ‘Adelyn’ and ‘Sonora’ (Kaufmane et al., in a number of private companies: e.g. Bioessensa Interna- 2012). Sweet cherry and pear breeding is performed in col- tional Ltd (Sweden), GEVO Ltd (Germany), Þagares laboration with the Norwegian Crop Research Institute Sodai Ltd (Lithuania), Meiosis Ltd (Great Britain) and IFO (Feldmane and Ruisa, 2008). In 2010, a cooperation agree- (France). ment in apple breeding with the Belgian company “Better3fruit” Ltd. was signed at LSIFG and Pûre HRC. As the establishment of a new system for registration of Pûre HRC has a common pome fruit breeding programme fruit crop cultivars after regaining of independence took with “Color” Ltd., South Africa. New opportunities for time, the first official registration of new cultivars started berry breeding were given by the EU co-funded project after the year 2000. At present, 71 fruit cultivars of Latvian “RIBESCO — core collection of Northern European gene origin (29 apple, eight pear, five sweet cherry, four plum, pool of Ribes” (information published in the Ribes data- four apricot, two pear, six raspberry, two blackcurrant, six base: In grape, one strawberry, one lingonberry, one blueberry, one cooperation with Lithuanian, Swedish and Russian breed- gooseberry and one Japanese quince) are registered in Lat- ers, several promising blackcurrant hybrids have been se- via. Most of these are grown in home gardens. Potentially lected (Strautina et al., 2012), and cultivar ‘Karina’ was promising for commercial growing are the new apple registered. cultivars ‘Agra’, ‘Roberts’, ‘Gita’, ‘Dace’, ‘Edite’, ‘Eksotika’, apple rootstock ‘Pure1’, pears ‘Suvenirs’, Apple breeding at LSIFG was continued with the material plums ‘Lâse’, ‘Minjona’, sweet cherries ‘Aija’, ‘Indra’, transferred from „Iedzçni”. In recent years it has resulted raspberries ‘Ina’, ‘Lina’, gooseberry ‘Rita’, blackcurrants in five cultivars resistant to scab (Ikase and Dumbravs, ‘Mara Eglite’ and ‘Karina’, Japanese quince ‘Rasa’, and 2004a; Ikase and Lacis, 2013) and three columnar cultivars grapes ‘Zilga’, ‘Supaga’, ‘Sukribe’. (Ikase and Dumbravs, 2004b; Ikase, 2007; Ikase and Lacis, 2013). Candidate cultivar ‘Monta’ was handed in for DUS Latvia is the main market for the Latvian cultivars, but six testing in 2012. Promising apple and pear cultivars from grape cultivars are registered in Sweden and two apple „Iedzçni” material have also been selected at Pûre HRC cultivars in Belgium (LSIFG). One apple rootstock and (Drudze, 2000; 2004). At present, the apple crossing two apple cultivars are under the procedure of EU registra- programme is continuing at LSIFG. tion at present (Pûre HRC). A total of 156 fruit tree and berry bush cultivar propagation licenses have been sold to Latvian, Lithuanian and Swedish nurseries during the last As a result of sweet cherry breeding, the cultivar ‘Paula’ five years. was selected and registered in 2011 (Ruisa, 2011; Ruisa and Krasnova, 2013). Genetics and molecular biology. The research area in fruit crop genetics and molecular biology can be divided In the raspberry breeding programme, seven cultivars have into two main activities which are mutually connected: (1) been selected and registered, of which the most important research on fruit crop genetics, development and applica- is ‘Ina’ (Strautina et al., 2012). tion of molecular markers and (2) development of ad- vanced fruit crop breeding methods. Although the first ac- The most important result of the breeding work at Pûre tivities in the implementation of molecular genetics in fruit HRC has been a new strawberry cultivar ‘Suitene’, which crop research started in 1996, comprehensive investiga- was registered in 2010. tions at LSIFG started in 2005 by the establishment of

76 Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. Laboratory of Molecular Biology, which turned into the Plant pathology and entomology. At present two institu- Unit of Genetics and Molecular Biology in 2008. tions are involved in research on plant pathology and ento- mology aspects of fruit crops in the country — LSIFG and The main activities in fruit crop genetics have been linked LPPRC. to the evaluation and characterisation of plant genetic re- sources (PGR). The methods for phenotypic and genetic In LSIFG research activities in plant pathology and ento- characterisation have been developed or/and adopted (apple, mology started in 2006 when the Laboratory of Plant Pa- pear, cherry, plums, berry crops, sea buckthorn). Introduc- thology was established. Research is carried out in mycol- tion of molecular markers has been important in these activ- ogy, virology, bacteriology and entomology in order to ities. In this context the whole germplasm of cherries and establish a scientific basis for sustainable and effective berry crops (black, red, white currants, gooseberries) has plant protection systems in the orchards based on correct been genotyped along with the most important part of the diagnosis of pathogens and pests, knowledge of pathogen apple germplasm (Lacis et al., 2009; 2011; Lacis, 2010; and pest occurrence, population structure and dynamics, Antonius et al., 2012). The acquired information has been genetic diversity as well as interaction mechanisms with utilised for more accurate definition of pedigree, analysis of hosts. Also, great efforts are made to establish nuclear genetic diversity in the collections, detection of valuable stock collections for the main fruit species in order to gene sources for breeding and research on crop cultivation history in the area. Characterisation data has been included achieve a starting point for a certified plant material sys- in an on-line tree crop data base, developed in cooperation tem, which currently is not available in the country. with information technology experts. An important research area has been self-incompatibility genetics in Prunus. Surveys on occurrence of pests and diseases caused S-gene allele genotyping has been carried out for sweet by viruses, bacteria and fungi in the main fruit species are cherries along with further inheritance and population anal- carried out in collaboration between LSIFG and LPPRC in ysis (Lacis et al., 2008). Research of plum self-incompati- order to detect widespread pests and diseases and to deter- bility has started to apply molecular and cytoembryological mine the most serious threats for orchard crop loss in Lat- approaches. Due to climate changes the breeding for resis- via. Several new fungal and bacterial pathogens and insect tant cultivars is becoming increasingly important. There- pests have been identified in the country, e.g. the first es- fore, research on resistance to apple and pear scab has been tablished population of hippophaella on sea- started utilising molecular genetics, searching for new resis- buckthorn (Stalaþs and Savenkovs, 2011). Several emerg- tance sources and for clarifying resistance inheritance ing disorders were identified, e.g. strawberry root rot and mechanisms. A new fungal disease caused by Gnomonia petiole blight caused by Gnomonia fragariae Kleb. fragariae has become severe in strawberry growing; hence research of possible resistance mechanisms and resistance (Morocko et al., 2006). Since strawberry root rot and peti- sources has been started. ole blight was discovered, research has been going on con- cerning characterisation of the infection process of the host, G. fragariae virulence and strawberry cultivar sus- Fruit crop characterisation and application of different ceptibility, genetic diversity and phylogeny of G. fragariae gene markers has been carried out in cooperation with Ge- and evaluation of effects of cultural practices on disease netic Resources Centre of Latvia at the forest research in- severity (Moroèko and Fatehi, 2007; Moroèko-Bièevska et stitute “Silava” (Lacis et al., 2011). The collaboration with al., 2011; Moroèko-Bièevska and Fatehi, 2011). Prof. A. F. Iezzoni Laboratory at the Department of Horti- culture, Michigan State University, USA and Swedish Studies on the occurrence and genetic diversity have been University of Agricultural Sciences had significant impact focused on the most important viruses on Malus and to the implementation of molecular approaches in fruit Pyrus, Plum Pox virus and small fruit viruses (Pûpola et crop genetic research and breeding in Latvia. This collabo- al., 2009; Pûpola et al., 2010; Glasa et al., 2011; Pûpola et ration resulted in comprehensive characterisation of cherry al., 2011). Research has been started on identification of plant genetic resources in Latvia, as well as implementa- which species of Ribes are infested by particular species of tion of MAS (Marker Assisted Selection) in cherry breed- Cecidophyopsis mites occurring in Latvia, along with de- ing (self-compatibility Sf gene) (Lacis et al., 2008; 2009; termination of their role in BRV transmission and incon- Lacis, 2010). sistency of Ribes resistance to big bud disorder (Stalaþs, 2011). Studies on other important pathogens have been Several molecular markers have been introduced into the started and include identification of pathovars and races of routine breeding process: e.g. markers for apple scab resis- Pseudomonas syringae occurring on fruit crops, determi- tance gene Rvi 6 (Vf), sweet cherry self-compatibility al- nation of Venturia inaequalis races occurring in Latvia and lele S4’ and markers for detection of sweet cherry compat- characterisation of V. inaequalis and V. pyrina population ibility groups. The work is progressing for other genes diversity. Research activities concerning determination of important in breeding (additional apple scab resistance V. inaequalis races is a part of the global network gene markers, markers for resistance to Gnomonia ( for monitoring of fragariae in strawberries). Venturia inaequalis pathotypes, which aims to introduce

Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. 77 international monitoring for changes in V. inaequalis viru- started, along with studies of the suitability of vitro propa- lence in different populations to provide knowledge for gated local sour cherry ‘Latvijas Zemais’ as a rootstock. breeding of durable resistance. Research on the production characteristics and somaclonal variability of sour cherries propagated by meristems has A range of pest and disease problems in orchards has been also begun. studied by the Latvian Plant Protection Research Centre. In this context, studies concerning biology, epidemiology Pûre HRC takes part in the project “Baltic rootstock stud- and control methods of apple scab Venturia inaequalis ies”, in collaboration with the Polli Horticultural Research have been carried out (Eihe et al., 2009). Another study di- Centre (Estonia), Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture rection is features of the life cycle of pear scab V. pyrina, (LIH), Brest Regional Agricultural Experimental Station concerning the fungus behaviour in winter. Fruit rots of (Belarus) and Research Institute of Horticulture (Poland). crops from the Vaccinium have been investigated: The main aim of this project is to evaluate 15 apple, 16 identification of species of the pathogens involved and de- plum and five pear rootstocks under Baltic growing condi- scribing their life cycles. Vilka et al. (2009a; 2009b) pub- tions. Several rootstocks of Polish origin are included in lished the first descriptions in Latvia of the causal agents the trials, and the rootstocks P62 and P67 have shown of blueberry fruit rot Colletotrichum acutatum, necrosis of good winter-hardiness (Kviklys et al., 2006). Good results the cranberry vertical shoots and cranberry viscid rot were obtained for the plum rootstocks Brompton and Phomopsis vaccinii. Control methods of blueberry fruit rot Wangenheim (Äåêåíà et al., 2011). were evaluated in another study by Volkova et al. (2012). At the LSIFG, studies were carried out to estimate effects Studies have been performed to adopt innovative IT-based of fertigation and sawdust mulch on the root system distri- technologies in forecast and use of calculation methods for bution of rootstock B9, along with determination of pro- harmonising recommendations for apple scab Venturia ductivity and mineral nutrient removal of scion cultivars inaequalis and for codling moth Cydia pomonella under grafted on it (Surikova et al., 2011). Trials with different the agro-climatic conditions of Latvia. These models have mulching methods are continuing in apple, sour cherry and been developed in cooperation with Bio Fruit Advies Ltd, blackcurrant plantings, as well as on the effect of mulch on The Netherlands (Rancane et al., 2008). soil activity in strawberry plantations. The use of soil cov- Due to the increasing economic importance of the Ameri- ering with Agryl was found to be promising for Japanese can commercial cranberry in horticulture, a diversity of quince growing (Ruisa and Rubauskis, 2004); therefore, a pests species in the plantations was studied (Ýéõå è äð., broader trial on the soil surface covers and new varieties 2005). The biology of the cranberry tipworm Dasineura has been established. vaccinii (Smith) was described for the first time in Latvia (Apenite, 2010). New investigations have started in the field of tree training and support systems, rootstock-cultivar combinations and Another study was on detection and control methods of planting distances of new and some traditional apple cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi (Ozolina-Pole and cultivars, as well as on the influence of planting material Apenite, 2010). quality (standard or virus-tested). Under the same topic, plum cultivar, rootstock and tree training investigations Orchard management. This part of research includes have started at LSFIG in cooperation with LIH. At LUA testing of pome and stone fruit rootstocks, rootstock- investigations of cranberry pollination processes and blue- cultivar combinations for different growing conditions in berry plant training methods are carried out. Latvia and compatibility of rootstocks bred in Russia, Eu- rope, USA and other countries. The apple rootstocks B.9, In cooperation with LPPRC, Pûre HRC and the Faculty of B.396, M.26, MM 106, M.26 EMLA, B.118 have been Computing, University of Latvia, research is carried out recommended for orchards in Latvia (Skrivele et al., 2011; that involves advanced information technologies on data Rubauskis et al., 2011). More extensive testing should be transfer to provide solution for microclimate monitoring. carried out with the promising apple rootstocks Mark, Ot- Investigations of risk-reducing technologies in sweet tawa 3 and G.30. Pear rootstocks originating from Cydonia cherry, raspberry (including primocane) and strawberry oblonga have been found to be unsuitable for Latvian con- production were started to test the suitability of these tech- ditions, while Pyrodwarf may be more promising (Proko- nologies for Latvian climatic conditions, local cultivars, pova and Blukmanis, 2008; Lepsis and Drudze, 2011). In rootstocks and growing systems. plums, the rootstock PU-20651 (Prunus cerasifera x ussuriensis) was obtained and tested at LSIFG, and has In cooperation with Pûre HRC, investigations are carried proven to be promising (Kaufmane et al., 2007). Root- out on the possibilities to prolong the strawberry season, stocks recommended for cherries are at present seedlings using different top covers and mulches (Laugale et al., of Prunus mahaleb. For this reason, investigations on 2012). Studies have started about the possibilities of using other rootstock types that are promising in Europe have high tunnels for strawberry, floricane and primocane rasp-

78 Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. berry growing (Kalniòa, 2011; Kalniòa and Strautiòa, economic evaluation that will be useful for processing 2012). companies (Krasnova et al., 2012).

Studies of mineral nutrition regimes and methods of nutri- Investigations on applying different methods for the deter- ent supply to plants are going on with apples, sour cherries mination of fruit harvest maturity for fruit storage in cool- (Feldmane, 2011), as well as cranberries (Osvalde and ing chambers are carried out in collaboration between Karlsons, 2010) and blueberries (Osvalde et al., 2009), to LSIFG and Pûre HRC. A sufficient data set has been elab- reduce soil and water pollution risks. orated for maturity and harvest parameters for local cultivars. Research on fruit and berry storage is carried out Investigations are continuing concerning the fruit quality in conditions used in commercial production: standard of promising apple cultivars in relation to rootstock type cooling chambers with controlled temperature and con- and method of mineral nutrient supply, as well as the de- trolled atmosphere (CA) chambers with variable CO2 and gree and time of fruit thinning. O2 gas regimes (Juhnevica et al., 2009). Based on interna- tional experiences, a new research direction was launched Experimental processing and storage. Since 2005, for extension of fruit shelf life using the growth regulator LSIFG includes units of experimental processing labora- 1-methylcyclopropen (1-MCP). LSIFG and Pûre HRC tory, laboratory of biochemistry and laboratory of fruit have collaborated in a study on the storage of different ap- storage, which carry out research in close linkage with ple cultivars in the same room using 1-MCP. This tech- breeding and variety testing. nique saves energy in comparison with CA chambers.

Fruit and berry processing is carried out mainly in the field The contribution of science in the development of fruit of applied research, with an emphasis on healthy, function- growing industry. In the 1990s, a new system for commer- ally active product development for food and dietary sup- cial fruit growing was introduced in Latvia, which involved plements and market diversification. Testing of the suit- a transition to semi-dwarf and dwarf rootstocks and inten- ability of cultivars for various ways of processing and sive orchard management. LSIFG has been the leading initi- development of new products include analyses of the bio- ator, involving other scientific institutions in research chemical content of raw material and their processed prod- programmes, introducing new technologies, fruit crops and ucts. Physical and chemical indicators are evaluated for cultivars, and transferring the latest knowledge and technol- traditional (apple, pear, plum, cherry, raspberry, currants, ogies in farms. The results are spread to farmers through gooseberry, strawberry) and untraditional (sea-buckthorn, various activities: (1) training seminars in various regions of American cranberry, blueberry) fruit crops and their pro- Latvia and farms, (2) field days at the Institute, (3) advisory cessed products. In the context of new product develop- service, (4) lectures, (5) educational materials (booklets, ment, one of the research directions is related to the analy- DVD, books) and articles in the most popular indus- try-related magazines, and (6) participation and organiza- sis of anthocyanins, tocopherol, phloridzin and their tion of exhibitions. compounds, as well as fruit fibre in raw material. Research has started on crab apple and blackcurrant pomace chemi- The activities of scientific institutions partly compensate the cal composition for their use in production of healthy shortage of extension service in fruit-growing of Latvia. foods and dietary supplements. The data of chemical com- The Latvian–Lithuanian cross-border cooperation program- position are included in internationally accessible data- mes allowed to establish a Technology Transfer Centre bases. Special attention is paid to research on Japanese (TTC) for fruit growing in collaboration between LSIFG quince fruit and development of new processed products and LIH. A web-site has been constructed and is regularly for commercial uses (Seglina et al., 2009a). Sea buckthorn updated, providing information about TTC activities and the cultivar characterisation and application for different food created information materials, and answering questions both and feed products has been performed in cooperation with from growers and consumers ( LUA, LIH, and Lithuanian Research Centre for Agricul- LSIFG has established successful cooperation with the Lat- ture and Forestry (Seglina et al., 2009b; Ositis et al., vian fruit and berry processing companies. There are differ- 2010). In collaboration with a private enterprise a new ent forms of cooperation: raw material testing, development study of sea buckthorn leaves for the development of phar- of new products and recipes, and implementation in produc- maceutical product has been initiated. tion. All LSIFG patented technologies are used in produc- tion. Currently more than twenty products developed at In collaboration between LSIFG and LUA, Faculty of LSIFG are available for purchase in stores. Food Technology, research on the use of different packag- ing materials (including biodegradable) in packaging of One of the most successful cooperation initiatives with the fruit/berry processed products is carried out (Seglina et al., fruit growing sector is the close collaboration with the Lat- 2012). Work on fresh-cut product development using local vian Fruit Growers Association. LSIFG was the initiator of raw materials has started. It is conducted in several stages, its establishment in 1998. Institute scientists have been starting with suitable raw materials to development of board members from the founding of the organisation, and technologies, choice of packaging materials, as well as therefore, all key issues in the fruit growing sector (includ-

Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. 79 ing development of legislation, subsidies for orchard es- Drudze, I. (2000). Studies of perspective apple and pear hybrids of breeding tablishment, integrated fruit and berry production system station „Iedzeni” in Latvia. Acta Hort., 538, 729–734. in Latvia, etc.) are resolved on the basis of the Institute sci- Drudze, I. (2003). Investigations of harvest maturity and suitability for stor- entists’ research results as well as the best experience in age of some apple cultivars in Latvia, Acta Hort., 599, 631–635. Latvia and abroad. Drudze, I. (2004). New apple and pear selections from hybrid material of „Iedzeni” in Latvia. Acta Hort., 663, 895–898. The area of commercial fruit growing in Latvia is expand- Dûks, V. (1981) Avenes [Raspberries]. Rîga: Avots. 135 lpp. (in Latvian). ing due to the work of scientific institutions in fruit grow- Eglîtis, H., Eglîtis, M., Ozols, E., Íirulis, A., Smarods, J., Starcs, K., Zirnîtis, ing. Scientists contribute directly and indirectly to the de- J. (1937). Kultûraugu kaitçkïu, slimîbu un nezâïu apkaroðana [Control of velopment of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cultivated Crop Pests, Diseases and Weeds]. Rîga. 207 lpp. (in Latvian). Latvia, enabling them to produce fruits (fresh and pro- Eihe, M., Puðpure, L. (1995). Âbeïu kraupja ierosinâtâja Venturia inaequalis cessed), both for Latvian consumers, and for export. (Cooke) Wint. izplatîbas prognozes nozîme slimîbas ierobeþoðanâ [Impor- tance of spread prognosis of Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Wint. to restric- tion of diseases]. In: Proceedings of Scientific Practical Conference, 9–10 REFERENCES February 1995 (15.–16. lpp.). Latvia, : Latvia University of Agri- Abolins, M., Liepniece, M., Sterne, D. (2009). 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80 Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. Kârkliòð, J., Skrîvele, M., Kaufmane, E., Ikase, L. (2007). Plûmju ðíirnes Osvalde, A., Pormale, J., Karlsons, A., Nollendorfs, V. (2009) Mineral nutri- [Plum Cultivars]. Rîga: Reneprint. 204 lpp. (in Latvian). tion status of highbush blueberry, Vaccinium corumbosum L., in Latvia: Problems and tendencies. In: Proceedings of the XXXIII CIOSTA CIGR V Kaufmane, E., Grâvîte, I., Trajkovski, V. (2012). Results of Latvian plum conference. Technology and management to ensure sustainable agricul- breeding programme. Acta Hort., 968, 55–60. ture, agro-systems, forestry and safety, 17–19th June 2009, Vol. 2 (pp. Kaufmane, E., Rubauskis, E., Skrivele, M. (2007). Influence of different 1347–1351). Italy: Reggio Calabria. rootstocks on the growth and yield of plum cultivars. Acta Hort., 734, Ozola, A., Dzelzkalçja, V. (2006). Dârzkopîba un Pûre [Horticulture and 387–391. Pûre]. : Pûres DIS, 144 lpp. (in Latvian). 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AUGÏKOPÎBAS ZINÂTNES ATTÎSTÎBA LATVIJÂ Augïkopîba un augïkopîbas zinâtne Latvijâ allaþ bijuðas cieði saistîtas ar visas valsts attîstîbu. Pçc neatkarîbas iegûðanas 1918. gadâ augïkopîba strauji attîstîjâs. Lai gan padomju varas gados situâcija kvalitatîvu augïu raþoðanai nebija labvçlîga, pçtniecîba un selekcija turpinâjâs ar labiem rezultâtiem. Kad Latvija atguva neatkarîbu un tika atjaunots privâtîpaðums uz zemi, strauji pieauga interese par intensîvu dârzu ierîkoðanu un mûsdienîgu tehnoloìiju ievieðanu, un tas prasîja mainît pçtîjumu virzienu. Paðlaik Latvijas Valsts augïkopîbas institûts ir vadoðâ zinâtniskâ iestâde ðajâ laukâ, strâdâjot cieðâ sadarbîbâ ar Pûres Dârzkopîbas pçtîjumu centru, Latvijas Lauksaimniecîbas universitâtes Agrobioloìijas institûtu, Pârtikas tehnoloìijas fakultâti un Latvijas Universitâtes Bioloìijas institûta Augu minerâlâs baroðanâs laboratoriju.

Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci., Section B, Vol. 67 (2013), No. 2. 83