Services of Interpreters ICI Psychologists Have Provided Consultation in 90 Cases
INFORMATION CENTRE FOR IMMIGRANTS – A ONE-STOP AGENCY 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 18 May 31 December Activities of the information centre are ensured and developed by the Society "Shelter "Safe House"" Statistics for the period up to 30 September 2017 ICI Points of Contact 2081 persons have benefited from support offered by ICI Cesis 162 Riga 1231 Cesis Daugavpils 167 RIGA Head Office Jelgava 158 Liepaja Jelgava Daugavpils Liepaja 363 3069 consultations have been provided ? The most popular subjects Face-to-face Residence permits Telephone, 60% e-mail, Employment and business Skype opportunities in Latvia 40% Everyday matters, including availability of health care, education opportunities ICI psychologists have provided consultation in 90 cases Services of interpreters 31 interpreter 18 languages To help clients to Dari, Farsi, Pashto, Urdu, Arabian, communicate with ICI French, Tajik, Kurdish, Punjabi, 1523 times consultants Chinese, Turkish, Uzbek, Hindi, 2243 h Spanish, Tamil, Bengali, Vietnam- To specialists working ese, Armenian with foreigners 576 clients Free consultations provided to persons from 74 countries Ukraine 205 China 130 Syria 302 India 130 Turkey 86 Russia 478 Pakistan 79 Other 355 Belarus 74 TOP 20 countries Russia 478, Syria 302, Ukraine 205, China 130, India 130, Turkey 86, Pakistan 79, Belarus 74, Uzbekistan 49, Iraq 37, Tajikistan 36, Georgia 33, Afghanistan 30, Eritrea 28, Azerbaijan 27, USA 27, Egypt 26, Armenia 23, Sri Lanka 20, Vietnam 19 Support to 333 specialists from various fields consultations provided by
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