Ideas of Early American Foreign Policy (Princeton, 1961), Pp. 144-7; Melvin Small, Democracy and Diplomacy: the Impact of Domestic Politics on U.S
Notes INTRODUCTION l. Felix Gilbert, To the Farewell Address: Ideas of Early American Foreign Policy (Princeton, 1961), pp. 144-7; Melvin Small, Democracy and Diplomacy: The Impact of Domestic Politics on U.S. Foreign Policy, 1789-1994 (Baltimore, 1996), p. 2. 2. Cushing Strout, The American Image of the Old World (New York, 1963). 3. The classic treatment of the improvement in Anglo-American rela tions is Bradford Perkins, The Great Rapprochement: England and the United States, 1895-1914 (New York, 1969). See also Walter LaFeber, The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansion, 1860-1898 (Ithaca, NY, 1963), pp. 62-101, and Michael H. Hunt, Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy (New Haven, CT, 1987), pp. 77-80, 133-4. 4. The conduct of the British in the war seems to have especially im pressed Lodge. 'Nothing could be finer,' he wrote in 1915, 'than the way in which the aristocracy of England has sacrificed itself nor the way in which the workingmen of England have gone to the front.' William C. Widenor, Henry Cabot Lodge and the Search for an American Foreign Policy (Berkeley, CA, 1980), p. 218. 5. Dennis J. McCarthy, 'The British,' in Joseph P. O'Grady (ed.), The Immigrants' Influence on Wilson's Peace Policies (Lexington, KY, 1967), pp. 102-3; Selig Adler, The Isolationist Impulse: Its Twentieth Century Reaction (New York, 1957), p. 76. 6. Henry Seidel Canby, 'Anglomania,' Harper's (November 21, 1921 ): 713. 7. The Source of Anti-Britishism,' New Republic 52 (November 16, 1927): 325-6. 8. Samuel Lubell, The Future of American Politics (New York, 1948), p.
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