, - 5, THS SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING-- SEPTEMBER 1909. . , 17 . H " "" ' ' ' l kfl f Elfrct'watklnsi Copyright, 1900, Jolm

BvfcHINOTON, D. Sept. 1. Four-W- k, at Hayes, C under he io said to have phy, as a "Domocrat of the school 'of ard. who has been assigned to the French administration, and Is now embassador t cratlc administration of Mr. Cleveland, rectly to the diplomacy spent $:I0,000 a year, taking upon Bay- ItiOO. front rank of our lucky young men lutve. just, passed himself Grovor Cleveland and Thomas F. capital since when he became third Paris afler having remained in the serv- who appointed him second secretary to are Arthur M. Beaupro. Mor-ga- n tho burden of n, Edwin N. com-'Io- tho hospitality at our le- secretary, now succeeds his Berlin In 18'.i4. A. K. examinations for secretaries' gation. ard." ice with only a four-ye- ar Interval. Ilia Alvey Adee, the dean and Spencer F. Eddy. Mr. Beaupro . Young Hitt is following closelv in Henry VIgnaud, the veteran diplo- of foot diplomatic sen-Ice- They Thrco Literary Secretaries. American diplomacy, had his Was secretary of legation to Guatemala In our his father's footsteps, for aa first secre- mat, who, at the age of 7S, has just re- wife was a chum of Queen Alexandra placed upon the lowest rung the diplo- early In tary Berlin to of McKlnley's first term and is now scattered all over the earth, from at he must expend at least A young novelist Is to go Havana as tired, after more than a quarter century's while sho was Princess of Wales and matic ladder by President Grant, who minister to Tho Hague Luxem-M- ,.be ten times his meager as secretary Dur- and to i fJjfcMfclor down to Rio Janeiro and from salary of 5.1000. second secretary. This is Norval Rich- career first al Paris. many years ho sec- commissioned him secretary to Madrid nr. Mr. Morgan began as secretary to btlll another of these ing wlille secretary In name, during tho that was thirty-nin- e . Each lias a heredltarv eases Miss., this time, years ago, slnco when he has Korea at $2000, and Is now minister to yjRcViflco up to Is that of George Barclay Rives, 'the ardson of Vlcksburg. author of Mr. VIgnaud was often minister or em- retary lo , Herbert II. D. Pelrcc been continuously $12,000. young rich "The Heart of Hope" and of numerous connected with the Cuba at Mr. Eddy started In as Boil3 chanco to sue the world and rub New Yorker, who is our first, sec- bassador. In fact and. Indeed, he would started In the service as secretary lo St. diplomatic service under two Democratic private- secretary to .Totin Hay when the Ei-- wltli kings and queens, if he will retary at Vienna. lie is the son of George magazlno stories, Another literary man have had the full rank and title of em- Petersburg under Mr. Cleveland, and held and eight Republican Dl e t administrations. latter was embassador to London. Then IH sen-Ic- Loch-har- In tho service is George Post. Whoeler. Stick to the and make Rives, who was assistant sec- bassador had he possessed the meant. the samo rank under Mr. McKlnloy, while Arthur commissioned him third and ho was third secretary to Belgium and lH to tho state department. retary of state under Cleveland, and who second secrctnry at Tokio. better known Prominent Americans In Paris have Just Mr. Roosevelt made him third assistant Cleveland made him second assistant sec- Sen-l- 510.000. His or among tho newspaper fraternity at home $20,000 as Is at wifo was Lurlhn TJmiro commence as second secretaries describes himself In his authorized blogra- - subscribed a retirement fund secretary of state and now he minister retary of state, tho latter of which posi- Elizabeth Spreckels of the mullimllllon-alr- o rwJKssy. at $2000: three as third secre-IVK- e as plain Post Wheeler- - He has hail quite for Mr. VIgnaud. Mr. Ballly-BIancha- to Norway. Herbert G. Sqtiiers, our min- tions he now holds. San Francisco family rr graduated dlplo-rnatl- c and his sister of embassy, at $1200. one as a varied career. After bclug has beon Ills understudy since eight ister to Panama, also began his Other former secretaries of legation and Is the wife of Senator Bevcrldge of of GEO. POST WHEELER. - 'H of legation, at $2625: seven as at Princeton he traveled In the arctic years ago,, when promoted from third to apprenticeship under tho Demo- embassy who have worked their way dl- - JOHN ELFRETH W ATKINS. legation, at $2000, and one as regions, whoro he made a study of the second secretary. The only other new HUBnd cebrctarv of legation, al $1800. PETER AUCUSTUS JAY. Tukudh Indians. Returning to Xew first secretary of embassy Is James G. begins In the lowermost secretary - York, ho wrote of his travels and ihen for Bailey of Kentucky, who goes to Mexico WUa the capital to which' he Is seven years was one of the editors of the from . IKtat 1H0R,' At some capitals wc have two .New York Press. Christmas week, Sons of Millionaire Baddies. I - I VHT'gt others throe secretaries of cm- - ho married at the American embassy, flHtles: at some or.n and at others two Tokio, Hallie IGrminc Rives, the Ken- It Is a story of wealthy and lnllucntlal. WILL RECEIVE BEAUTIFUL CHAPEL remainder of way clown I I "th.rles Qf legation. In the entire tucky novelist, who in the author of fathers the the . there are sixty secretaries of "Hearts Courageous," "The Castaway," the revised list of secretaries. Young I HHLssvIBlcc and legation In grades receiving and other novels. Mrs. Rives-Wheel- Robert Bliss, who goes now to Buenos "Sctfvcly $3000, $2C25V $2000, $1800 and now has an attractive study In her hus- Aire?. Is the son of William Henry Bliss", band's quarters within our embassy Hie rich New York clubman and lawyer, Mr2Tow who was T'nlted Stntcs district, attorney Examined and Tutored. grounds. Tokio, and her future novel will years secretaryships have a Japanese setting". at St. Louis for fifteen at a stretch, I'TilBf holders of tieso on this roll of un- and who has later been an influential I JUKI 'be contirmed by the senate before Still another author railway official and attorney. Henry C by prcsi-B- der diplomats is Lewis Ulnsteln. Ilnit vRr finally commissioned the l secretary Constantinople He Is a MaV. who is promoted from third secre- Such is the Importance ylvcn them at tary at Sl. Petersburg to republic. bc-'t- o Columbia graduate and has produced four "Bno fathers of the But many reviews and at Stockholm, is the son of Col. Henry nimbelng nomInat-- i to the senate all books besides book May. the wealthy Washington clubman, appointment now bo special articles. Me lias also edited two MlBluates for must of "The Hnmnrlsls Library" who dales his ancestry back to William fnlticd at the slate department by a i sets books. Conqueror. Wlnthrop, who. ' and "Leonardo da Vinci." Among hi? the Robert rd consisting of the second assistant Will now be second secretary at Athens. "i513: gtnry, solicitor and the chief of own works are "The Italian Renaissance the In lingland" and "Tho Relation of Liter- Is a selonof the Massachusetts colonial at. Mlplomatlc board. Those examlna-il- k family of w'lnthrops, and W. Bayard Cut- in-- ature to History." Speaking of writers Jnre both r nl and written, and c Montgomery Schuyler, ting, Jr.. Is the son of I lie. rich New York International law, diplomatic usage in tills connection. the same name, who has been one. jr.. our secretary to St. Petersburg, is reformer of IjjcL 'jnodem languages. No can now veteran journalist of the civil service commissioner of New York - embassy tho son of the iu to become a secretary of name, was with tin New York 'and who Is a director In many big cor- egation unless he Is proficient in at same who porations. M. Marshall Langhorne, our 3 Itiugungo World for eighteen years, until the early t one foreign immediately) eighties, when he jollied tin staff of the secretary at Chrlstlania. Is a scion of the ,r, f receiving their appointments new Virginia Langhorne family, famous for u new regulation Times, where ho still remains. ctnrlcs are under Sheldon Whltehouse. who gus as sec- Its beautiful women. Young Waldorf Slils summer, ivr;uirert to spend an Astor and Charles Dana Gibson are period days In retary lo Caracas, Venezuela, is Hie son I i ruelion of tliirty the or William KItzhugh Whltehouse. the among bis brothers-in-la- , irtnieni 'of state. Hero they confer George L. Lorlllard. our secretary at to New York explorer, who ditd last spring L : nnd llsfit talks by government lien-so- n, Lisbon. Is tho sou of Louis L. Lorlllard ' jnls bavin,- - important at BeauHeu. France, and Alexander on subjects an who goes to La Pa::, Bolivia. Is the (who married Katherlno Bookman) an! I lug on diplomatic work. Tills is son of Edwin North Benson, who was the grandson of Peter Lorlllard, the floxtciU of the government's "diplo- of Lorlllard fortune In Amer- oxploiti-- president of the Philadelphia I'nion founder the ic le school." lately J In sonio of league, back In the eighties. Young Ben- ica. He is a nephew of Pierre Lorlllard, papers. who eight years ago. young son's sister married Jay Cook, grandson died kc poor man lias but a slim of the famous Philadelphia financier. That of Astor Is another J Vi ice for success as. a secretary of le- -, Frank B. Arnold, who goes to Guatemala. American family with a scion occu- k on or embassy in one of the large Is the son of a wealthy hat manufacturer pying one of our diplomatic secretary- 6pcan capitals. Those accredited in of Reading Pa., and Trwlu B. Laughlin. ships. Peter Augustus Jay, our first sec- i capacities; to these posts are cx-e- d who Is promoted f mm secretary of lega- retary at Tokio, Is not only a descendant to spend live or teulimcs their tion ut Athens to second secretary of em- of John Jay. but Is the i;Mries in making a oeia! "bowing for bassy at Paris. Is the son of James of- - the first John Jacob Astor. 5 V Sk'O' of their republic at liome As Laughlin. the wealthy Pittsburg yachts- He comes down through the hitter's Ji tMe suite of our minister or cin- - man. Another newcomer at the Paris daugter. Dorothea Astor. who, Just at the ' ratlor the STictary becomes, Tor the embassy is Setli Low Plerreponl, second outbreak of our second war with Great tf1 ; being a courtier of he ruler to secrotary. scion of the wealthy Plerre- Britain, married Walter Lnngdon. GIFT CHAPEL AT FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS, WHICH PRESIDENT TAFT WILL RECEIVE OCTOBER 18. sc capital he Is accredited; and In ponl family of New York. He is a bride- As the years go by our diplomatic serv- ope all courtiers must be lavish hosts groom, having only Ibis summer married ice approaches nearer anil nearer to a ' FORT SAM is - HOUSTON, Tex., Sept. chapel a gift from the people of San It was pointed out by those in charge KOod spender:- If the secretary Is Miss Natalie, daughter of iillhu Chau.-c- ov permanent organization. In which party s I. Antonio to the federal government as of gift chapel ono ! 1, fled hi? expens-- manifoldly Increase lines are disregarded. Thus we havu President Taft, on the occasion of the movement that ! a enlarge- I, wife must bin a aew gown for Tho Paris is the pick o" aM those f.'car 5trnu3 accredited to Constantinople his mark of appreciation of the dollar would buy one hundrod bricks ll nst visit to Fort Sam Houston on Oc- J - ment l.lic i separate appearance a court and he on the continent Arthur BaLiy Blanc!. iaJ-t- bom democratic and Republican of Fort Sam Houston to that of for edifice and this anneal met ll tober IS, will receive as commander-in-chie- f a brigade post. The building when wilii a generous response on tho part ilIH of the army the beautiful chapel completed will have cost approximate- of San Autonio citizens, particularly ly This among- - and library building now $80,000. entire sum was raised the laboring class. Tho build- under by public subscription. Many of the ing.is of attractive architecture and in- - at this military post. This donations were as small as one dollar. tcrior finish. iHil GREAT CAREY ACT LAND OPEN- New Volumes for Library. ING. The following fifteen volumes will be DEAFNESS CURED ijl added to the public, library Tuesday In tho Famous Twin Falls Country of morning. September 7, 1000: By New Discovery. Miscellaneous Alden, Introduction to I Sunny Southern Idaho, Poetry, Benson, Lyrics; Blgelow, Bud- On Moudav. September 'JO. 1900, at dhism and Immortality; Bowie, Practical H 10 a. in., under the supervision of tho Irrigation; Desmond & Frohne, Building Idaho Board, will bo a Home; Dudley & ICellor, Athletic Stato Land there Games for Women; Foltz, Federal Civil opened for entry at Milncr. Idaho, HS.-00- 0 Service: Gebliardt. Steam Power Plant H acres of tho finest selected land Engineering; Grenfell. Adrift on An Ice that lias ever been offered to t lie Amer- Pan; Hartt. People at Play; Lucas. Mu- ican pcuplo. This land lies under tlio sical Form; Walton. Wild Flowers and canal system of tho Twin Falls Oak- Fruit; Vaka. Hercmllk; Williams. A. How ley Land and Water company, and will It Is Done; Williams. A. Mr-- Cleveland. Jhave H be, when under cultivation, one of tho most to be l'ouud ANNUAL YELLOWSTONE EXCUR- fertile garden spots SION, in tho empire of irrigation. The secret of how to use the mysterious Tho price af tlic land and perpetual and Invisible nature forces for the cure of water rijlit is $t!5.fj) per acre. Only Sept 16, Deafness and Head Noises lias at last $.'!.2.j per acre will he required at the Via Orogou Short Line. Round trip been discovered by the famous Physician- - cH time of lilinj;. second payment for from Salt Lake for complete five-da- y Scientist, Dr. Guy Clifford Powell. Deaf- - 'H So .nces and Head Xolses disappear as If by nearly three years, and no interest un- tour of the park, iuehiding rail and mnic under tho use of this new and won-derf- nl '1 til water is on the land. The balance stage transportation and accommoda- discovery. Ho will send all who of the payments extends over eleven tions at the first-clas- s hotels in tho suffer from Deafness and Head Noises ifll (11) years", with interest al (5 per cent. pari;. io.25. Sec agents 'for further full information how they can bo cured, H Water will in all probability be avail- particulars. City Ticket Ofiice, 201 absolutely free, no matter how long they irrigation purposes April 1, Main street. have been deaf, or what caused their deaf-nes- s. IH able for This marvelous Treatment is so 1911. simple, you SUNDAY EXCURSIONS natural and certain that will U V SECSETARY'S HOUSE, SECRETARIES' HOUSES, This project is under tho same man- wonder why It was not discovered before. H I. t, XJ. S. Tokio. U. S. Legation, Peking. agement a the Twin Falls North Side Investigators are astonished and cured Embassy, & patients : ? Land and Water compauv, the Via Denvor ilio Grande R. R. themselves marvel at the quick i To Canvon, 7:50 a. m., S:10 results. Any deaf person can have full administrations, and this tendency is railroad, and otlier successful Provo to t have accommodations for returning An extension of a. m '. $1.23 how be cured quickly and ;1 pf )lUlltIes offered lier. Al oriental shown more particularly among those Idaho enterprises. the cured to stay cured at home without in- - ldalio-Southor- To Ogden. 1:35 p. 1.00 H ?(! 'South American capitals the de- - young secretaries of legation who show railroad from Jerome to 10:25 a. in.. m.. vesting a cent. Write today to Dr. Oak-lev- Gv H Sj' ids upon tho secretary arc not so genius for tho calling of tho publicist. Hillsdale and IMiliier, and on to , To Pharaoh's Glen. 8:20 a. in 50 Clifford Powell, SL'Oi P.ank bids.. Peoria, 5 'T' In Tokio and Pekln our govern- - William F. Sands, who commenced his is now under construction. Return on auy train. Special leave? 111., and ct full Information of this new diplomatic career as second secretary to Bur-lev- , 3 It quarters our principal secretaries in r railroad rates, address D. E. Provo Canyon 7:30 p. m. nnd wonderful discovery, absolutely free, jH ! plc-'- .'' under Cleveland, Is now promoted 89 homes seen In the accompanying G. P. A.. O. S. L. IJ. H., Salt Lake i ajl,i tll?y do not have to pay Uncle from the first secretaryship at Mexico to HERE'S SOMETHING WORTH i any rental. the rank of minister to Guatemala. Lloyd Citv. Utah. -- Grlscom began under Cleveland as pri- 'f'heso lands can be cruised either WHILF: "Lights and Shndows of " t Sons of Diplomats Enter. vate secretary to Embassador Bayard at Moriuonisiu '" Revelation in the from Burley. Tdnho. or Milncr, Tdaho. "A m no j 53 bung London, serving as secretary r There is Tonic better than Philip Bayard, who is to be sent and after For full information, maps, pamph- Mountain." Tho former, a history of . Mo-,- 3 of legation at Constantinople became de- t BCcretary of legation to Tangier, let s. power of attorney, blanks, etc., the Mormon church; the latter, a I A. D. S. Malt Extract for run- - 1 ' , is the son of Thomas F. Bayard, minister to Persia and Japan, and then Mormon romance. l" only SI. Ho address lightful, sparkling, under Cleveland was secretary of was an embassador while bus-- down Women u could have remained as embassador un- TWIN "FALLS OAKLEY' LAND & If you get you can have both h constitutions. who h a IP and our first embassador to Lon- - $2.25. Single copy of 3 v Another case where diplomatic der President Taft had he so desired. WATEK COMPANY, M1LNBK, books for either' g have sleepless nights, are nervous )ltion runs In the blood is that of W. W. Rocklilll. our new embassador to IDAHO. work, $1.25. Postpaid upon receipt of I ig R. S. Reynolds Russia, began as second secretary to Pe- price. For sale by all news dealers and and have little appetites, will m J son of the king under Cleveland. H 1 millionaire Representative Jlltt of paints. Need any signs 7 at The Tribune oiTice. u yJ iqls, Hamlin S find this is just the remedy they wlio was chairman of the com- - His Wife Chummed With Queen. Both phones I jH B v Jeo on foreign affairs of tho house, and tho big I X L auction sale : Wait for V vbeforo entering that body had a dip- - sannm batlly-blanghar- Henrv White began as. secretary of Wundamere. ecmmeucmg September 7 nt 10 n. m. - - atle career. Whllo our first secretary at Vienna under Cleveland's first Spend tin evening at This week only, S large-siz- e


glomes .costing a total of aV ac If s Reckless I ))300 I to trust to luck, even in ordering a H your coal. Some kinds arc, with- - jj H I out question, belter than others. V H I Our CLEAR CREEK lump has an H k enviable reputation and our cstl-- I H I inatlon of this coal certainly seems i B jH f Homes to cost a total of 'm mrse' erem t to bo the popular one. 1 J42 000 ! BAMBERGER I H I 161 Meigun St., U. S. A. 1 1-- jPlans homes to CT for Jr mm Have been prepared for buyers - Olifi cosS a total of BljFJi rlj j The OWL Says: Grape Juice, pints i..2oc H Grajio Juice, quarts 50c. 1 iIIH Pozonni Powder 25c 1 iiiij licrpicidc '6c I IIIJ 338 Maift Street I And tho P. O. is next if;. THE TELLURIDE REALTY CO., (Owner.) PHONES 975. 414-15-1- 6 McCORNICK BLOCK