Annuario pagine bianche 2017.qxp_Layout 1 31/03/17 10:15 Pagina 1 Legal Head Office 11, route de Suisse - 1295 Mies - Switzerland Tel. +41 22.950.95.00 Secrétariat Général / General Secretariat Via Giulio Romano, 18 - 00196 ROMA (Italy) Tel. +39 - Fax +39 E-mail:
[email protected] Service de Presse/Press Office:
[email protected] Les informations contenues dans ce répertoire reflètent la situation au 31.01.2017 S’il vous plaît consulter notre site web ( qui est régulièrement mis à jour The information contained in this directory reflects the situation at 31.01.2017 Please consult our website ( which is regularly updated Annuario pagine bianche 2017.qxp_Layout 1 31/03/17 10:15 Pagina 2 Annuario pagine bianche 2017.qxp_Layout 1 31/03/17 10:15 Pagina 3 Annuario pagine bianche 2017.qxp_Layout 1 31/03/17 10:15 Pagina 4 Annuario pagine bianche 2017.qxp_Layout 1 31/03/17 10:15 Pagina 5 TABLE DES MATIERES / TABLE OF CONTENTS Mot de bienvenue du Président de la FIM Europe /Welcome from the FIM Europe President 6 FIM Europe 12 Le Secrétariat Général/ The General Secretariat 18 Les Congrès / Congresses 20 Organigramme de la FIM Europe / Organisation chart of the FIM Europe 22 La structure de la FIM Europe / FIM Europe structure 23 Organizations Internationales Motocyclistes / International Motorcycling Organizations 50 Federations Motocyclistes Nationales / National Motorcycle Federations 51 Associations Régionales / Regional Associations 57 Sigles