CONTAMINANTS IN THE BALTIC SEA SEDIMENTS Results of the 1993 ICES/HELCOM Sediment Baseline Study Matti Perttilä (Editor), Horst Albrecht, Rolf Carman, Arne Jensen, Merentutkimuslaitos Per Jonsson, Harri Kankaanpää, Birger Larsen, Mirja Leivuori, Havsforskningsinstitutet Lauri Niemistö, Finnish Institute of Szymon Uscinowicz & Boris Winterhalter Marine Research No. 50 2003 Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research MERI - Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research No. 50, 2003 CONTAMINANTS IN THE BALTIC SEA SEDIMENTS Results of the 1993 ICES/HELCOM Sediment Baseline Study Matti Perttilä (Editor), Horst Albrecht, Rolf Carman, Arne Jensen, Per Jonsson, Harri Kankaanpää, Birger Larsen, Mirja Leivuori, Lauri Niemistö, Szymon Uscinowicz & Boris Winterhalter MERI — Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research No. 50, 2003 Cover photo by Maija Huttunen Publisher: Julkaisija: Finnish Institute of Marine Research Merentutkimuslaitos P.O. Box 33 PL 33 FIN-00931 Helsinki, Finland 00931 Helsinki Tel: + 358 9 613941 Puh: 09-613941 Fax: + 358 9 61394 494 Telekopio: 09-61394 494 e-mail: surname@fimr fl e-mail:
[email protected] Copies of this Report Series may be obtained from the library of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research. Tämän raporttisarjan numeroita voi tilata Merentutkimuslaitoksen kirjastosta. ISSN 1238-5328 ISBN 951-53-2557-9 Dark Oy, Vantaa 2003 CONTENTS ABSTRACT 5 1. INTRODUCTION 6 Matti Perttilä, Birger Larsen, Lauri Niemistö & Boris Winterhalter 2. THE 1993 HELCOM/ICES BALTIC SEA SEDIMENT BASELINE STUDY 9 Matti Perttilä, Per Jonsson, Birger Larsen, Lauri Niemistö, Boris Winterhalter & Walter Axelsson 3. MINERALOGICAL COMPOSITION AND GRANULOMETRY 21 Szymon Uzcinowicz, Wanda Narkiewicz & Krzysztof Sokowski 4. DISTRIBUTION OF TRACE METALS IN THE BALTIC SEA SEDIMENTS 25 Horst Albrecht, Matti Perttilä & Mirja Leivuori 5.