Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 1 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved


We will often be guided as a Practitioner to teach a client how to Shield their Aura or Energy. This was the message I received from when I first asked for a shield, “My child, stop your focus on what color you desire for protection and healing; allow Us to take care of the colors within your shield. ASK for a Rainbow Shield of colors to be placed and leave it up to us to take care of what you require at any given moment in time. Picture all colors of energy around your aura with the intention of expanding or closing as the colors are needed. Allow us to monitor your Rainbow Shield. Remember to ASK every day when you wake as the shield is able to hold intention for 12 hours only. Vibration dissipates around you with time. It is important to remember to ASK every day to place a Rainbow Shield.”

Why use a Rainbow Shield: • Protection for your physical, emotional and spiritual being • You can feel others’ emotions without holding them within yourself • Filter what energy we need • Healing • Filter negative thoughts towards you • Stop being tired throughout your day • Allows you to be in harsher environments and know you are protected.

How to Place a Rainbow Shield: This is how I ask to have my Shield placed: “Angel Team please place my Rainbow Shield now and include the vacuum to remove any extra energy.” It is so simple, no ceremony or ritual of using certain words. ASK and it is done! It only lasts 12 hours; therefore you may find you need to ask twice in one day to place the shield. Personally, when I am home with family at night, I have no shield and place a white shield of protection around my home.

Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 2 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

Lead Shield of Protection: There is one more shield I use over my Rainbow Shield when needed. I ASK to have a Lead Shield placed over my Rainbow Shield when I am in environments I feel my Rainbow is unable to filter enough. Examples of when I need a Lead Shield: • Big crowds of people (e.g. shopping mall at Christmas or concert) • Hospital • Cemetery • Around people with strong anger

When the place the Lead Shield, people around you will stop feeling your Aura. Imagine that the Lead Shield becomes a block to energy, nothing goes out and nothing comes in. I have experimented in a shopping mall once - I place the Lead Shield as I am walking down the corridor and people started to bump into me. They were unable to feel my aura; they looked at me as if asking ‘where did you come from’.

When I enter a Hospital, I place the Lead Shield and then when I get to the room that I want to be in, I remove the Lead Shield and ask for it to be placed around the room I have entered. Because of the strong feeling sense I have, even with the Rainbow Shield I can still feel the heavy emotional charged energy in a Hospital. Once I leave the Hospital I ask to only have my Rainbow Shield in place.

For Practitioners who work in a Hospital Environment: I suggest the Rainbow Shield (no Lead Shield to be used all the time) because your energy is already accustomed to feeling the emotional charged energy and people need to feel your aura, as you share your light in service. We are all gifted to have our medical personnel being of service; and would like you to continue to do so in a healthy manner on all levels of your energy.

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1. Client is on Table. Ask Archangel for assistance to use your 4 Clair senses to connect with client’s chakras. 2. Share with client what you see, hear, feel and know. 3. Possibly explain to client why a particular chakra is being affected. 4. Remember- Fear related issues can shrink chakra (small) and Obsession to a related issue can increase size of chakra

Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 4 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

CHAKRA CLEARING WITH ARCHANGEL This quick Clearing Technique can be useful at the end of your sessions for client. Let Archangel Michael do the work.

1. Ask Client to Ground to Mother Earth (gold rope from Root Chakra while the client is laying on table) 2. Ask Client to Connect to Archangel Michael – Using all 4 senses, “perhaps you see a symbol or color connected to A. Michael” perhaps you feel his vibration…. Perhaps you just know because you have asked A. Michael is with you NOW and perhaps you hear thoughts confirming A. Michael with You. 3. Ask Client to connect to Crown Chakra and allow Archangel Michael to vacuum chakras (yes looks like a vacuum tube removing debris of all main chakras) It only takes seconds for Michael to do this allow the client a minute or more to experience the vibration. 4. Allow Archangel Michael to Balance Chakras the same size that works for individual client (One breath together) 5. Allow Archangel Michael to increase vibration within the Chakras, starting with Root Chakra and moving upward to the Crown Chakra. “Ask Archangel Michael to increase the vibration in my Root Chakra NOW.”) Say this statement for each of the 7 main chakras. Root – Sacral – Solar Plexus –Heart – Throat – Ear Chakras – Third Eye – Crown 6. Clearing Complete 7. Make sure your client is grounded before the client gets up off of the table.

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• Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel • Chakras are the organizing centers for the reception AND transmission of life energies ~ chi, prana, mana ~ essential to our physical, mental and spiritual development • Chakras act as sensitive contact points where the physical and spiritual worlds meet • These energy centers are the gateway to your intuitive, psychic abilities and connection to divine guidance.

Root Chakra (Ruby red) • Related to issues of physical security: finances, career, home, possessions and needs. Worries about money, career or possessions will affect this chakra. • Gland: Adrenals (Adrenal gland chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in conjunction with stress) • Key words ‘I have’ • Gemstones: agate, bloodstone, hematite, red coral, red garnet, ruby • Aromas: Cedar, clove, pepper • Associated Body Parts: Base of Spine, legs, feet, bones, and large intestine • Affirmation for Root Chakra: “I am rooted in life and myself. I am stable, safe and secure.” • Archangel Michael assists with Root chakra to stay out of Fear.

Sacral Chakra (Orange) • Your sacral chakra is affected by your thoughts and feeling with respect to: cravings for physical pleasures, addictions, and your body (exercise habits, sleep patterns, weight, health and thoughts about appearance). In addition, it relates to emotions, desires, creativity and sexuality. • Glands: Testicles, ovaries • Key words: ‘I want’ • Gemstones: carnelian, coral, gold calcite, moonstone • Aromas: gardenia, ylang-ylang, sandalwood

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• Associated Body Parts: hips, lower back, genitals, womb, bladder and kidneys • Affirmations for Sacral Chakra: “I feel creativity flowing within my physical, my soul and my consciousness.” “I open myself to relationship with others naturally.” • Archangel assists with emotions connected to sexuality and glands.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Sunshine Yellow) • Represents power, vitality, self-control, self-esteem, confidence • Your solar plexus chakra is affected by your thoughts and feelings: power, authority figures, obsessions with power, maybe felt overpowered • Gland: pancreas (primary hormone insulin to digest sugar) • Key Words: “I can” • Gemstones: amber, citrine, tiger’s eye, topaz, yellow sapphire • Aromas: bergamot, carnation, lavender, rosemary • Associated Body Parts: solar plexus, navel, digestion • Affirmations for Solar Plexus Chakra: “I am full of radiant light and energy.” “I accept myself completely.” “I am in the NOW.” • Archangel Metatron will assist with NOW energy and organization of time.

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Heart Chakra (Emerald Green) Clairsentience • Represents unconditional love, compassion, joy, balance, relationships, healing • Your heart chakra is affected by: o Your thoughts and feeling with respect to relationships, family, past lovers or spouses, friends, co-workers, employers, teachers, strangers and peers. o Love: Divine love from and your higher self, romantic love, platonic and familial love o People attachments will negatively affect the size of heart chakra o Forgiveness or unforgiveness o Clairsentience: clear-feeling, intuition or Divine guidance coming through physical and/or emotional feelings. o Our divine origin is spiritual love. Love is the source of all of our power, of everything we need and desire. • Gland: Thymus (responsible for directing many facets of the immune system) • Key words: “I love” • Gemstones: emerald, green jade, rose quartz, tourmaline • Aromas: marjoram, rose oil, yarrow • Associated Body Parts: heart, upper chest, upper back • Affirmations for the Heart Chakra: “I love opening my heart and sharing it with others.” “I am joy and flow joy easily to others”. “I am an open channel for divine love.” • Archangel works with you to accept and give love easily.

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Throat Chakra (Sky blue) • Represents sound, communication, creativity, speaking your truth • Your throat chakra is affected by your thoughts and feelings with respect to: o Speaking your truth, to self and others o Communication projects like singing, writing, teaching, artistic works o Asking for your needs to be met o Communicating with others • Gland: Thyroid (Controls how quickly the body uses energy and how sensitive the body is to other hormones) • Key words: “I speak” • Gemstones: blue sapphire, turquoise, aquamarine • Aromas: eucalyptus, frankincense, sage • Associated Body Parts: thyroid gland, throat, neck, teeth, jaw, mouth • Affirmations for your Throat Chakra: “I freely express my thoughts and feelings.” “I easily flow my words with love.” • Archangel works with you to communicate easily through your heart without fear.

Ear Chakra (Red violet) - Clairaudience • Represents what you hear or have heard. • Ear chakras relate to your thoughts and feelings about: o Divine Communication o Chakra becomes clogged if we hold unforgiveness toward a person who said something that felt painful to hear. • Key words: “I hear. I listen.” • Crystals: Rutilated Quartz • Associated Body Parts: ears, ear drum, pineal gland • Affirmations for Ear Chakras: “I hear clearly and effortlessly on all levels.” “I am open to hear my angels with thoughts and sounds.” • Archangel assists with communication with others and hearing what others have to say in white light energy.

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Third Eye Chakra (Indigo Blue) - Clairvoyance • The third eye is a little different from the other chakras because of the eye in its center. Surrounding the eye is an energy center radiating a deep color of indigo blue. • Associated with intuition and higher levels of consciousness • Third eye chakra is affected by thoughts and feelings relating to: o Your future – your desire to see or reluctance to see. o Your past – a vision that frightened you, or being told that psychic abilities are evil and the third eye closes. o Beliefs about spirits – your desire to see or fear of seeing angels or apparitions • Gland: Pituitary - the master gland secretes hormones regulating growth, blood pressure, metabolism and temperature regulation • Gand #2: Pineal – more description on page 11 • Key Words: “I see” • Gemstones: azurite, calcite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, quartz • Aromas: jasmine, mint, mugwort, star anise • Associated Body Parts: brain, nervous system, eyes, nose, sinuses • Affirmations for Third Eye Chakra: “I am attuned to my vision.” “I see with clarity and purpose.” “I am safe to use my clairvoyance.” • Archangel Haniel works with the Third Eye Chakra and assists with clearing when needed • Pineal Gland is a small endocrine gland. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions. It is located near to the center of the brain between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join. Unlike much of the rest of the brain, the pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system. It is reddish-gray and about the size of a pea (8 mm in humans). • Pseudoscience Theories • While the physiological function of the pineal gland has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long known this area in the middle of Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 10 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. Development of psychic talents has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision. • The third eye controls the various bio-rhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process. When it "awakens", one feels a pressure at the base of the brain. • The pineal gland's location deep in the brain seems to intimate hidden importance. In the days before its function as a physical eye that could see beyond space-time was discovered, it was considered a mystery linked to superstition and mysticism. Today it is associated with the third eye chakra. Crown Chakra (Royal Purple) - Claircognizance • Represents clear knowing, the ability to receive thoughts, information and ideas from the Divine mind. • Crown chakra is affected by thoughts & feelings relating to: o God – positive or negative, Religion or spirituality – negative experience with formal religion; unforgiveness will clog o Divine Guidance – fear about receiving o Trust: receive info or facts from the etheric plane, without knowing “how” we know • Key words: “I know” • Gemstones: diamond, alexandrite, amethyst, clear quartz, selenite • Aromas: lotus, rose, spruce • The center of your link with the universe, higher consciousness, Aumakua. “The Receiver of Light” • Associated Body Parts: muscular system, brain, cranium, skin • Affirmations for the Crown Chakra: “I know I am.” “I receive white light energy easily.” • Archangel assists with our Divine Knowing and allowing to trust in all we KNOW. Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 11 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved


• Ask Client to Ground while lying on table (gold rope from Root Chakra to the core of Mother Earth) • First name of who client is cutting cords with • Location - Ask Michael to show you where cords are attached on Client’s body. If cords are on client’s back, ask client to role onto their side. • Ask Client to feel Love/ Forgiveness as they release energy with Michael o 2 breaths with Archangel Michael – Ask client to take 2 breaths with you as Michael changes the cord energy. You can use kyanite crystal when /changingcutting cords. o 2 breaths with Archangel Raphael - Ask client to take breathe with you and be open to receive Raphael’s healing energy where the cords were cut. o Send love and light to people the client cut cords with ENERGY CORD CHANGING WITH ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - INFO TO SHARE WITH CLIENT THAT THEY CAN DO ON THEIR OWN FOR

• Simply ask Archangel Michael to cut your cords. Why Cut? o Stop energy from being drained from you. Think of yourself like a gas station and others are fueling up o Remove any negative energy between you and someone else. Clear unwanted negative emotions or thoughts. • You can cut cords with people and objects when you want to release (e.g. home, cars, etc.) . You can be specific about what cord needs to be cut . Close relationships often yield cords associated with physical pain (pain in the physical that makes no sense). Once cord is cut, pain is gone. • Cutting stubborn cords – you have to be willing – If you hold on to anger or are unwilling to forgive, the cord will not cut.

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• Steps to take when you first start cutting cords:  Make a list of people to cut cords with (family, friends, co-workers, etc.)  Cut cords with 6-8 people at one time - Archangel Michael will cut this amount when you first start this energy work.  First ground your energy with Mother Earth  Second, think of the person you are cutting cords with and then think and feel love and forgiveness for yourself and that person and ask Archangel Michael to cut the cord taking 2 deep breaths as he cuts at both ends.  Then ask Archangel Raphael to fill the area with healing energy once again with 2 deep breaths. Let the angels do the work.  It is that simple – trust that it is done.

• Once you have had some practice and worked with cutting cords, then you can do what I do. This is my statement at the end of my day:

“Archangel Michael, I please ask you to cut any energy cords that need to be cut from this day. I am in love & forgiveness energy.” I do some HA Breaths and then I ask “Archangel Raphael, can you please flow your beautiful healing energy to areas the cords were cut. I send gratitude.” Then I personally send love and light energy to all I was connected with during the day.

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This is what I think beliefs are and how we create them for ourselves. Beliefs are a filter of how we view the world. We experience life and create a programming code within our unconscious mind from actions, emotions, values and attitudes. Basically, all we experience is stored in our unconscious mind and we create our beliefs. Beliefs create expectations of how we view our world, what we expect to happen because of past experiences. The power of Belief equals the power of thought.

Examples of Beliefs you may work with clients are: first and foremost to remove a Belief that stops a client from believing they can be healed with Angels and the Power of thought; other beliefs to look for change are from this lifetime such as; no one will love me, I am unworthy of love, money is evil, rich people are negative people, I will never be healthy, I am here on earth to experience negative lessons, I have no control of my own destiny, I am unattractive… and the list can go on and on.

Belief Pattern Change (similar to Energy Ball Release): 1. First you will be guided as to what Belief the client is to change or what is in the client’s highest best interest to change. Remember to only create New Belief once the old has been removed. 2. Let client know Archangel Raziel is the Archangel that changes the cell memory stored with the pattern of a Belief. 3. Angels create a ball of energy (Magnetic) in the client’s hands (support clients hands from below). 4. Remind client we are protected throughout the process – I have my shield up and I place my right hand up as if I am blocking energy as a reminder while my left hand is holding their hands underneath as they are holding the ball of energy. 5. Breathe together with client and on the exhale breath the Angles are removing the belief pattern which is stored within client into the ball of energy. 6. Ask client if they are ready to let go … start breathing with client. The Angels will guide you as the number of Breaths.

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Keep reminding client: “That’s right keep letting go. Yes, you are safe to let this go.” 7. Explain the ball of energy is like a baseball and we are going to count to 3 and then toss the Ball to the White Light for Transmutation – releasing the old Belief. 8. Next create a new belief by creating a new ball of energy to be placed back into client. Ask or confirm what Belief the Angels and Client want to infuse back into body using an Affirmation - must be positive and stop from using any don’ts or not’s into the affirmation/belief. 9. Position your ‘giving’ hand over the clients’ hands to create a new ball of energy by asking Archangel Raziel to create the new belief. Have client repeat to him/herself the new Belief as we flow the Archangels energy through us into the new ball. 10. Ask client where in body (which chakras) they want to receive Belief? 11. Ask client to repeat Affirmation/Belief for 31 days or more.

Belief Pattern Change during first session suggest to use this Affirmation:

“I am fully open to receive and own my own healing with Archangel Raphael.”

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Once you have decided with client what Gestalt they want change with, below are the basic Steps for this technique.

Reminder the definition of “Gestalt” is a file folder holding energy or theme from many different lifetimes. A few examples are fear of judgement or prosecution, fear of abandonment, fear of commitment, fear of lack of money or poverty, phobias that make no sense from this lifetime, unworthy to receive, fear of success, fear of failure, physical ailments and the list can go on and on. Trust the Angels when you are guided to change a gestalt for a client.

Past Life Healing - Basic Steps: 1. Explain to the client about the gestalt (themes) and how it works. 2. Explain how you as the Practitioner do this technique:

“X” Events in the past Now (present time)

3. Explain how you are like an eagle and look down on the event. Explain why we look at the event without taking client with us. Explain how easy it is for Archangel Raziel to change the cell memory connected with the gestalt. 4. Please only create new affirmation once gestault is removed from cell memory. 5. Connect with client (hands) – can close eyes when doing technique. Reinforce that the client is perfectly safe. Place Selenite Crystal in Practitioner’s receiving hand with client’s giving hand over top of Practitioner’s hand (with selenite between our hands) 6. Ask Archangel Raziel to be with client and yourself. 7. State “Archangel Raziel, (client name) would like to change (gestalt) in all directions of time, so it is changed in the past,

Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 16 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

and so (client) stops from recreating it in the future, and heals in the now.” 8. Ask client: “Please allow Archangel Raziel for me to see or use my ‘clair’ senses”. 9. Practitioner closes their eyes and goes back over clients’ timeline; while client keeps eyes open and stays in the NOW. Ask to take a few deep breaths together. 10. Be the eagle over the time line. 11. Simple steps for Practitioner when going back over client’s timeline: Ask Archangel Raziel to use your senses to receive general information - is client male/female, approx. age, general setting, is there an action taking place, are other people with client, etc. Ask Raziel to expand the event to get more details. ASK Raziel for No fear based picutues 12. Practitioner comes back to Now and shares with client - stay away from giving too much detail and please no scary info. NO FEAR BASED EXPLANATION 13. State to Client: “Ask Archangel Raziel to change the cell memory of the gestalt. Remove what is no longer needed and keep the positive.” 14. Cut cords with the event - refer to Cord Cutting Technique. 15. When asking client to feel Forgiveness, state “You did the best you could in that life time, please forgive yourself and others.” 16. Give Affirmation from Archangel Raziel - usually close to the opposite of what was removed. Ask client to repeat Affirmation for 31 days.

Note: If client becomes very emotional when doing Past Life (ie anger, trauma, etc.), you can also do Energy Ball Release technique.

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Once you decided with client what Vow and/or Contract to be removed (similar to gestault energy) below are the basic Steps for this technique (this technique has no reference to Soul Contracts).

Vow or Contract is something we have done in past life that may be affecting us in this lifetime. Vow Examples are:

• Vows of Poverty/Anti-Materialism (Root Chakra ) - stem from underlying beliefs in both Western and Eastern religions that "money is the root of all evil" and "the material must be shed to enhance the spiritual". Replace with abundance language for affirmation. • Vows of Chastity/Sexual Abstinence (Sacral Chakra) - (different than celibacy below) means that one shows their love for God by agreeing not to have sex. "Worldly pleasures" selfishly takes one's attention off of God. Replace with Creation language for affirmation. • Vows of Self Sacrifice/Abnegation (Solar Plexus Chakra) - ("I must sacrifice myself to help others") at their core is vow of self - abnegation ("I am nothing unless I make such sacrifices"), Replace with Self-Love language for affirmation. • Vows of Celibacy/Separation (Heart Chakra) - (different than chastity above) means that one shows their love for God by agreeing not to have "a certain special someone" in their life. Replace with Union language for affirmation. • Vows of Silence/Voluntary Denial: (Throat Chakra) - in the religious sense mean we commit ourselves to communicating other than by the spoken word. Originally, sign language was invented by monks to help them stop the "devil from snaring their tongue". Replace with Expression Language for affirmation. • Vows of Suffering/Retribution: (Third Eye Chakra) – are among the most toxic that are carried over from past lives.

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The myth underlying vows of suffering is that the body-mind are impediments to spiritual progress and must be "chastened, mortified, and delivered into submission". Replace with joyful living language for affirmation. • Vows of Obedience/Humility: (Crown Chakra) - mean that we agree to "give up our own will and subordinate that to the Will of God". Replace with Trust language for affirmation.

Contracts - examples are with relationships: • An agreement made in relationship • Promise made in relationship • E.g. marriage contract

OR Ask Archangel Raziel to assist with what lesson is to be learned to change cell memory and let it go.

Trust the Angels when you are guided to change a vow or contract for a client. Remember - only create affirmation once the Vow or Contract has been released.

1. Explain to client about the (vow or contract) gestault and how it works 2. Explain how you as the Practitioner do this technique. 3. Show the diagram of timeline.

“X” Events in the past Now (present time)

4. Explain how you are like an eagle and look down on the event connected to the Vow or Contract Explain why we look at the event without taking client with us. Explain how easy it is for Archangel Raziel to change the cell memory connected with the gestault (Vow or Contract) 5. Connect with client (hands) – practitioner can close eyes when doing technique 6. Reinforce that the client is perfectly safe Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 19 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

7. Ask Archangel Raziel to be with client and yourself 8. State, “Archangel Raziel (client name) would like to change Vow or Contract (gestault) in all directions of time, so it is changed in the past, (client) stops from recreating in the future, and heals in the now.” 9. We ask client “Please allow Archangel Raziel for me to see or use my claire senses” I usually put a crystal in their hand to look at or play with while I close my eyes and go back. Make sure client keeps eyes open. 10. Ask to take one deep breath together. 11. Be the eagle over the time line. 12. Simple steps for us as the Practitioner when we go back over clients timeline: Ask Raziel to use your senses to receive general information; is client male/female, approx. age, general setting, is there an action taking place, are other people with client, etc. 13. Practitioner comes back to Now and shares with client (stay away from giving too much detail and no scary info.) 14. State to Client – “Ask Archangel Raziel to change the cell memory of the Vow or Contract (gestault). Remove what is no longer needed and keep the positive. 15. Cut cords with the event (refer to Cord cutting technique) 16. When asking client to feel Forgiveness state “ You did the best you could in that life time, please forgive yourself and others”. 17. Final Step – Give Affirmation from Archangel Raziel (usually close to the opposite of what was removed) – duration of affirmation is for 31 days. If client prefers use Vow language such as “I vow to accept abundance in all forms NOW.”

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Use to release a past event, emotion, experience or addiction from the body and cellular memory. The experience or event may still cause fear. Remember - only create affirmation once the Energy has been released. 1. Explain that our bodies store events/experiences 2. Let client know which Angels are working with us – Archangel Raziel and Raphael. 3. Angels create a ball of energy (magnetic) in the clients hands (support clients hands from below) 4. Remind client we are protected throughout the process – I have my shield up and I place my dominant hand up as if I am blocking energy as a reminder – my non-dominant hand is holding their hands underneath as they are holding the ball of energy. 5. Ask client if they are ready to let go? Start breathing with client. Angels will guide you as to the number of Breaths. Keep reminding client “That’s right, keep letting go. Yes, you are safe to let this go.” Breathe with the client and remind them Angels are doing the work. 6. Before completion Let client know “2 or 3 more breaths” allowing them to feel the completion 7. Explain the ball of energy is like a baseball and we are going to count to 3 and then toss the Energy Ball into the White Light for Transmutation. 8. Next create a new ball of energy to be placed back into client. Ask or confirm what the Angels and Client want to infuse back into body using Affirmation – it must be positive. Stop from using don’ts or not’s in the affirmation. 9. Position your ‘giving’ hand over the client’s hands to create a new ball of energy by asking both Archangel Raphael and Raziel to create the new ball. Have client repeat to him/herself the new affirmation as we flow the Archangel’s energy through us into new ball. 10. Ask client where in body (which chakra) they want to receive this energy. 11. Ask client to repeat Affirmation for 31 days. Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 21 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved


To help understand Boomerangs read original message below: BOOMERANG OF THOUGHTS – CHANGING THE PATTERN WITH ARCHANGEL URIEL Original Message July 2016 “My children, your thoughts are like whispers on our wings sent out to Universal energy. Are each of you aware of your process of thoughts? There is no filter within your mind as to the importance or discernment of each thought. WE know when you are ASKING or Praying for assistance to Divine Vibration because of the words used to do so. Universal energy is unable to discern your thoughts whether negative or positive. Thoughts can build energy to be sent out in what we refer to as the Boomerang Effect. This Boomerang Effect is a building of same themed thoughts (stacked in layers) which eventually sends out in a boost of force to the Universe. This Boomerang with the boost becomes its own force or culmination of energy and because it is like a boomerang it will return energetically to you at a moment in your time. My children, only you experience time; therefore, the understanding of which we or Universal energy has no experience of time is important for you to grasp. Your Boomerang may return at any time from this moment until the time you cross over to our white light. We chose to share this message to bring the importance concerning your thoughts now, and your thoughts created in your past. If you focus on a theme of thoughts and build a boomerang it will return; NOW ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DO YOU WANT ALL BOOMERANGS TO RETURN? Have you ever wondered why feelings, experiences, or lessons you have shut the door to or learned from seem to reopen with a similar experience once again; this is because a boomerang has returned. Your ability to learn and let go assisted you in the NOW (wonderful because you are creating change for self) your old boomerang is still floating in the Universal Vibration. It may or may not return. Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 22 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

First and most important ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR THOUGHTS YOU ARE CREATING NOW INTO BOOMERANGS! If the thoughts are positive and manifesting which you desire there is no need for change, if the opposite is true then there is need for change. We can assist to dissolve and remove boomerangs for you”


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Using the Dissolve Boomerang Technique is similar to Energy ball Releasement except allowing client to use senses when creating energy ball. 1. First you will be guided as to what boomerang to dissolve by working with client and Uriel. Client must acknowledge the boomerang they know would be in their highest good to dissolve. 2. Let client know Uriel is the Archangel that changes and dissolves the boomerang out in Universal Vibration. 3. Sit in front of client or if working phone/computer guide client to hold hands together. 4. Angels create a ball of energy (Magnetic) in the clients hands (support clients hands from below 5. Ask client to use their senses to create an image in the ball of energy that Archangel Uriel will use to connect with the boomerang and dissolve it 6. Next ask client to create an image in their minds eye of boomerang out in Universe and title the boomerang with the thoughts that created it. (Imagine words on boomerang) 7. Take some breaths together, count to 3 and throw the ball with image for Uriel to find the boomerang and dissolve it. ASK Uriel to dissolve any other boomerangs that are identical (can have more than one boomerang the same) 8. Next create new energy/vibration concerning what was just released by creating a new ball of energy to be placed into client’s vibration. Ask or confirm what belief or thought pattern the Angels and Client want to infuse into body (Must be positive and stop from using any don’ts or not’s into the affirmation/belief) 9. Our giving hand is positioned over clients’ hands to create a new ball of energy by asking Uriel to create the new belief. Have client repeat to his/herself the new Belief/Affirmation as we flow thru us into new ball. 10. Ask client where in body they want to receive new vibration (which Chakra)? Place Ball into chakra. 11. Do Affirmation/Belief –31 days Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 24 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

TECHNIQUE FOR CREATING BALANCE OF EGO AND DIVINE VIBRATION IN HARMONY (PRACTICE IN ACKNOWLEDGING SELF-TALK POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE) 1. Make sure client is comfortable 2. Explain the 3 mind connection 3. Ask Client to ground – connect to Mother Earth (give an example of how you do it) 4. Ask Client to close their eyes/if comfortable with this 5. Invite Archangel Raguel to be with Client and yourself (state invitation out loud) 6. Ask Client to give permission for Archangel Raguel to assist them, if client is willing allow the client to use their Clair senses to connect (eg. perhaps you feel his vibration, perhaps you see an image, color or symbol which represents Raguel, perhaps you hear a thought or sound, or perhaps you just know Archangel Raguel is with you NOW) 7. Ask Client to create with their senses a box within their mind’s eye which has a lid on it. Place this box where they can see it in their mind’s eye. (floating or stationary) Let them know they will use this box to remove ego based thoughts which no longer serve them. 8. Please state out loud below statements and Ask client to repeat to self (any negative response from ego is to be removed to box with ease and gentleness) give time in between stating statement and between each statement state: “ Allow the negative to be removed and accept the positive within.” A. I am smart and intelligent B. I am beautiful/handsome C. I am Loved D. I am worthy of Love

Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 25 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved

E. I accept Divine Love F. I am Healthy G. I am in Perfect Health H. I am Happy I. I experience Joy J. I am rich in financial abundance K. I experience my life purpose 9. Ask client to close the box and allow Archangel Raguel to remove/or dissolve it 10. Ask client for the purpose of this technique to acknowledge where they feel, think or know their ego resides within? Then ASK the same question where does their higher conscious mind reside (above or within)? Then ASK where does the unconscious mind reside? 11. Ask client to Allow Archangel Raguel to bring balance of Higher Self, Unconscious and Conscious Mind or ego. 12. Imagine a beam of Purple light coming from above the client, down going within client to join the Higher self, unconscious and conscious/ego self. Relax and Allow 13. Ask Client to acknowledge what it is like to feel, hear, see and know Harmony within. 14. Finish by asking client to state to self a. I love my ego and conscious mind b. I love my higher self/mind c. I love my unconscious mind d. I love being in harmony with self 15. ASK to slowly become aware of physical self and the room, wiggle toes, fingers and open your eyes.

Angel Empowerment Hands On Healing - Techniques Cindy Smith AEP™ and Carl Le Roux, MB ChB Page 26 © Jan 2017– All Rights Reserved