of a Catholic, or of the privilagee af selves in situations sometimes attend-j will oae dsy seek the Redeemer; but eseuing s holy soul from iatellseta- ; Uirai af the iely Pâtfcfr I American eitisenship, who will sbste • jppi. '(MHPHHPPI ed with great difficulties, and the slss ! they will aot be sble to find si error. Thie lesde me te a reflec- s jot of his ladefessible Coastitatiaa- „ÉMinwnnw»"' a. contracting parties who are not mar- Him. Quœretù me el non tnvenieetit, tion. . , . It is said of her in ths I el rights, or relinquish a partéele of ried in the ehnrch will no longer live el lis peceato vetfro moriemin». Whst Antiphon, "All heresies thou bsst The New York I the civil snd religions frsadam dut ÌN Frtemani Journal ia an illicit and reprehenaible alli- s subject of meditstion for sll 1 deetroyed alone." And rarely the ie gaeraateed by the Constitution to ^''¿¿SylSS» ma*»M». . give« the following triaiittioB of an ance. Speak! that the Chureh may But« you who belong to God be- truth of it is verified in thie sgs as ia ; sll eitiaeas aad to sii eresia, for the TiiiJiwili'Mt HTÌìr- — address delivered by the Holy Fath- be freed from all hindrances, snd thst eauae you hesrken unto Him: Vos au- former times. . . . She is ths aake of some peltry temporary gaia, she may act for the good of soals. ditif me, quia ex Deo ettie—you will grest exsmplsr of prsyer in s genera- i er •• the Srd of October to the BeU Í or with a view to obtsming eome »•ito I know thst the Chureh fears no slwsys find God when you need Him. I tion which denies the power of prsy- gisn Pftgriw:— petty ofilee. We relied on the soase oppoeition, because she is built upon Persevere in thie wsy, dearly belov- i er in Mo, whieh determines thst fats! of justice, snd the feiraess af aar Í ratify what has jsst been said s solid rock. Her very enemies welt ed ehildrea, sad msy sll who are laws govern the Universe, thst tbsrs te petsrty sostasi g»*« non Cstholic fello w-citisens, in es with so much sincerity, in your name kaow this, if they do not seknowl- with yoa ia spirit persevere with cannot be sny direct eommoniestton peetive of psrty. •ad In the »«aie of yoar friend« nod edge it. Bat fur from being willing you. Sic stars ui Domino cariteimi. between esrth snd hesven, thst God companions; and «till it is painful for to recognize her as what she is—s O, say God, looh dowa with msr- cannot visit His esrth, snd thst msn M, F moment when 1 feel so mveh csnnot influence His Pmvidencs.—- loving mother—they look opon her cy upon sll Thy ehiidree. Blsss sll A lsts English papsr spesks ss fol- ptesanre from your protestaliona of as sn enemy, with mistrust and jeal- who are hsre, their frieada, their re- Anglican Difficultiet, p. 423. lows oa a probsble rupture botwaea lore, so tenderly expressed, nod pro- ousy, snd deny her the liberty thst Istivss, their elites. Blsss, comfort, testations too, which come to me belongs to her. If they were amen- sod ealightsn thoss who rule over Germany aad Rsssia a« long:— ^ghrsassfaSSsT from other quarters, to be always eipsted from the passions thst bind them—bleas them sll, whetever may TIM Proper Felittet] Start far Ca- " Notwithstanding the intimate obliged to utter worda of lamentation be their condition! so thst Thy bless- friendship thst we know to exiet ha* them, tbsy would recognise in study- tholics te Takt. t M «Q hMTM «M «• Us righ*, and sorrow on account of the condi- ; ing oat the character of the Chureh. ; ing msy diminish the sorrows of this tween the Emperor Alexander and lialigkt. tion ia which the CLurch of Jeaua I that the liberty that is grsated to her mortal existence, end thst it msy be We extract the folfowiag from a ths Empsror Willism, snd notwith- ; tkat ¿wj Ou— Christ Sais itself. | is always sdvsntsgeous to the psrty ! au earnest of s future and sn stern si: recent letter of Bishop Ryaa of Bsf- standing ths close ellienee between ' i vftMn Coatd I apeak to von otherwise?— granting it. Givs for exsmple to re- life. I falo, to ths Catholic Onion in of thst their two Csbioets, tbs Russian pub- Stationed by lésas Ôl rist as the fret lic still suspeete snd fears Germaay ligion* the right of resolving them- Benedietio Dei, de. i city:—• eeatieet of this mystic viae, most I selves into corporations, aad yon will as now eonstitstsd by Prioes Bis- . Lirtag Worta, uf, Aran aiif mit itstfirrfrr in emets; et see the sdvsatsgee thst will result "Ws have taken sides with no po- marck There ie e Sort of vagee pre- «st ty tbasas; M y *» vùteam mearn mm cuUodivi? With the from it. The Earliest lieirirt Apparitisi litical party, ws expect nothing from sentiment that, rams dsy or ether, a IkH, of tbsss ooaditioas help of Ood, t Will «aver be reduced say political psrty. Cstholies as I struggle between the tare most ram« I will not now refer to their spolo- •f Iba Blessed f trgta. «4 the roadilioa of a dumb dog. Let gy'msds under other eircumstsnces, such belong to ao political psrty. ws snd thst the German ChnnesHor the whole world know this: if I I will oaly recall oae example of the 1 know of no instsnce to my per- ssid before, snd we repest sow, thst knows it, snd hss no wish thst U mourn over the misfbrtaass of the practical sdvsntages of their exiet- pose esrtisr thsn A. D. 234. snd it ia like other eitisene, they are fres to should not eome ; any, mesas that it Chareh il is because God commands enee, thst of the slms collected st s very rsmsrksbls oae. St. Grego- affiliate with whetever polities! or- shall. At the preseat moment, while 1 M <• it and I muat obey. The Church the doors of Conventa for the etsrv- ry Nyssea, thsn s native of Cappa- ganisation that, ia their beat judg- the troubles in Hersvgoviue era go- deepoiled. enchained, oppressed, now ing poor, whom s little soup revives, doeis ia ths fourth century, relatea ment tbey conscientiously believe ing on, the question is esksd here ASDFFATL» |>I»4 »TA «M» «M turns oa her perseeotors, especially snd who regsin their strength with n thst bis nsmssske, the Biehop of will promote the best interests of thsir whether Prince Biemsteh dose aot upon those who direct the destiaies morsel of bresd. It wss thus before Neo-Caasres, soroamed Thaumatur- country. The Church diotstes to ao wish to embroil Aostris with Rossis; of nations, I» attar a ery of sorrow, the sacrilegious expulsion of ths rs- gus, in ths century preceding, only s ons on this point, we question no snd it is said that if he eoeid oaly repeating the words ot her Divine ligious orders from Rome that soeie- short time before he wss cellsd to man about hia polities. Had we sn sueceed in forming a defensive ead Founder: Quid me OcedtuT Why i ty felt ite benefits. Now that all this ths priesthood, hsd s vision in which sdvies to givs to our own people, it offensive alliance with Auetria ha would be to pin their fsith to no par- mast I sea, ia rama of die countries ; hue been dune sway with, hss it not he received s Creed, which is still woald not hesitate to meke war with ty, but to exereise the right of suf- Russis snd Frsnee st ti s same time. of Europe, my children exiled, pun- | no re thaa oace happened that a poor sstsnt, from the Blessed Mary at ths frage with judgmsot aed discretion. Now when (tell you tbst the public ished, condemned, and east into the E unfortunate creature, weakened down bsads of St. John. Ths sccount of Allegiance to psrty should never reslly fears sseh s eombinstion, Ida prisoas, only because they s?e my by honger, hss fallea upon our pub- the occurrence runs thus:— I tempt them to cast s vote for s dis- not retail the talk of qaidaenss sad children, that hi to say, Iba ehildreo lic streets! If the elergy were not "He wss deeply pondering upon i honest, unprincipled, or inespabls political gobemoaeh«, bet I state -^foltfmlé^^esil^ïtaugls*« af trathî deapoiled. they could far more eare- theological doctrine, which the here- [ eandidatss, or help sny man to office Why deprive me of the rights felly esteebise snd instruct the peo- whst is the opinion of those well ie- tics of the dsy hsd deprsved. 'In who hss not the intelltgsnes to uadsr- formed sboat political questioas, men which Jesus Christ has given me, ple. snd render to society the grest I such thoughts, ssvs bis namesake of stand hia daties, and ths aaanhood well sbls to form e judgment frern a freedom of ahooeing the Levitee, who service of diminiehittg the number of a j Nyaai, be wss psssing ths night, and independence to disehsrgs them competent knowledge of fseta; in aé» to become a part ofthehiersrehyf those detsined in prtsooe. whsn one sppesred to him, ss if in fsithfolly. short, persons connected with the Why do yoa prevent the Biahopa "Improve die morals of our people, humsn form, sgsd in sppsrsnce, snd Government. I therefore ebnelade from wsshiegoot the stains aad from "Most wholesome, too, do I re- who so much require it," raid s per- ssiBtly ia the lash ton of his garments as t began, asmsly, by stdtiag that haul lag the sores Whieh defile the son to s Bishop who related the cir- aud vary venerable both in ths grsee gard the sdvies whioh ths Catholic Rome» tells us thst Rev. £. J. O'- Russia fears Cstholieity. sad fesre it sanctuary, not oily by depriving cuinstance to me. Ho wss sn Eng- of eountensnce and gsneral main.—- without reason, inasmuch aa bar them of the mesne of psnishing. bat lish gestleman. a member of the Min- Amsssd at ths sight, he started from Rielly gave st sreeent meeting of the Catholic Union in New York eity. plain interest is to reconcile hsrsslf what la still worse, by granting beue- istry, snd hs said this a short tims bis hsd, sad asked- who it wss. sad completely end eiaeerely with the "Cstholies, if araioos for ths boaor fices aad boaors to those who ratheri before the re-eetsblishinent of the why hs csme; bat oa the other eslm- Holy See. The Ressisa Govern* of s Cstbolic nams, have s duty to IatoM» iliaitimwsafadr m», I deserve exemplary condemn ilion. Hierarchy ia Eaglsad. The Bishop ing the pertnrbstion ol his mind by ment fears Socialism sad ths Reve- perform st the polls. Tbst duty is. Why do yoa here—yee, here in promised to do sll ia bis power, with his gsntle voice, sad sayiag thst hs lation, end does so with grest resseo, esrefolly to scrutinies the tickcts to Rome; hi thie centra of Catholicity- his eoUengnss, to comply with the bsi appealed to him by Divioe com- for it esnnot essspe ths eery serious bs votsd snd if in them there appears "Ovm Hi yiNÉMib vmaiet «*w> Œp allow tbefree exercise of every fatee jast desires af ths noble Lord. Here msnd oa sceouat of bis doubts, snd dangers with whieh it is msaseed aa «MétatMiMUiMl.oiA laptas» thriO, religiont Why do yoa allow Doe- the Cabinet sets ia sn opposite sense, in ordsr thst ths truth of the ortho- I the name of a Catholic, who either thst side, except by making eaeh IWkM» «agi Caagfit » tte Hasta* tors of Error to teach any heresy snd gives the people up to thoee dox fsith might be revested to him, from mental or morel defecte is unfit large sad importsat concessions ss whatever? Aad why do yoa perse- preachers who sew ia the wind to he took courage at the word, snd re- tor ths poaition hs seeks scratch that nothing will indues It tones be. Lsst- cale Catholic iastractars, sad particu- rasp the wbirlwiad. garded him with s mixture of joy snd name before any other on the ticket. ly the sHisaes of the tbres Courts ia larly instructresses, by subjecting la genersi. certain Governments fright. Then, on bis stretching his Be nasparing ia dealiag with aucb not so firm bet thst mistrust «ay ss- them to iasidaoas examinations, aad feer thst their people will become too hsnd straight forward and poiatiag misrepreseatstives of our people, for sily creep in to dissolve Ht snd, ia ia settiag yourselves tip ai judges ia "slevieel," as they call it, and there- with his fiogers at somstbing oa ons as ths ssms sbls journsl remarks, feet, very little depeadsnos ie pissed matters that da not belong to youT— fore they weald prefer thst they give side, he followed with his eyes ths men who pretend to be ou£ leaders, oa Prince Bismstek in Raesiea soci- Why da yoa profane holy days by little or ao attention to Jesus Christ, direction of the extended hsnd, snd and who have no fitneaa tor the po ety. It is felt thst he is elmost cer- eemmsnding work to ha doaa upon like unto the Gerasians, whose con- saw opposite to the other snotbsr sp- sitioa, are the worst misrepresents- tainly en enemy in disguise; aad the*, aad by openly mocking at the duet they imitate. pesrsncs, having ths form sad sitsps tives we could hsvs." i that eooner or Istsr he will iaevite» owa«an|i «I the Church! Quid aw These people of Gersss, seeing a of s womsa, but mors thsn humsa. This, thea, is sll thst ws would or bly shew himself ia his tree col- ftiifiuf number of their fellow-citixens given Whsa bis eyes could no loagsr besr need say to our people; pin your faith ors." Aad yea, rulers af Italy, what da over to the evil spirits by wl.om they the sppsritions, hs hesrd them con to no psrty; sdvocste such political y»» afea att To gal the patronage of ware possessed, sad thsse infernsl versing together on the subject of his meaaures, as before God you think aecfosisstical benefices, by eleiming spirits nfterwsrds pass iato s herd of doubt; snd thus he not only gsined juet and right, and eeek to advance Tax Cardinal do 81. Mere, oae of that yoa received it by iahertuace, I unclean animals, snd preeipitsts themi a tree knowledge of the fsith, bat hs such mea ss eommead themselves the French Prelatea recently raised forgetting that patronage ia not ae- iato a Iske where tbey sll psriehed, I also learned their asmss, aa they ed- for unimpeschsble honor, strict in- to the porple, received, oa the ItÉ quirod by successions of this kind, esaae before oar Lord to besqecb Him dressed esch other by their reapec- tegrity, sad adeqaste intelligence, of October, the red hst from the heada Máiü lasa by asarpstiaa? to lesve their eountry. Fearing, ao tive appellations. Thus fes said te and send no Cstholie to represent of President MaeMahoa, at the pal- These, sad a«ay otben,are ques- doubt, lest the rest of their herds bsve hesrd the persoa ia the shsps you ie sny post of trest or honor, ace of the Elysee. At It o'elock, tions propounded by the Church, aad should perish likewise, they detsr of a womsa bid 'J oho ths Evsagal- who is merely s Cstholie in nsme, two of the stste carriages, preesded I» which either ao reply a wade, or mined to bsaish Jeaua Christ, prefer- iet* disclose to the young man the who for ressons, esnnot or will not, by outriders, left the Elysee to bring it is accompanied by eyaiesl eon- ring rather to be deprived of Hie myetery of godliness; snd bs msds i live up to bis fsith, snd practice tbst the Gordiani from the Motel da Boa Mapi' presence rather than to be exposed anawer thst hs wss rssdy to comply I wbieh be proleeeea. Lsfontsins into the presso ss M tito Hiat, la persecuting ma»'* saya the to the loss of their pigs and their in this mstter with ths wish ot 'the Be this then oar snswer to thoss Chief of the Freaeh republic, lathe Chareh, "yoa asa loading yoar soul property. Mother of the Lord,' sad enunciated who srs aot sshsmed to ssy thst ws first earriage wss the Csrdiael with with inaaaaerable sins, whieh in- In like msuBer do men now-s-dsys, a formalary which wss wsll turned are leaguing or coquetting With po- i the secretary Of the Neaeie, sad ap- daily, sad basteo yoar and.— prefer the friendship of free-thinkersI am i complete, aad then vanished.— lities! parties, or simiag at a union of posito to hi« was M. Mollead, the s(ratu» fametmrèr e to diet of God, and a truly Christian He, oa the other hand, immedistely Chureh sad Stste. We wish for ao officer wboss daty it is to preseat si, im poregrinatio sesfra «par temra» mode of life Is termed religious feasti-'committed to writing thst divine union ot Church aad Stste ia this free Ambasssdors to ths President, lite eoaatry, for this plsia sad sufficient ^HH^BQBmi^?® ; A S £• : ; eism. tesching of his mystsgegne, sad be Vicsr-Geesrsl of Rranss, havieg oa i Pseee, thaa, or yaa will ha thaa- But if such be the idess of thoss thenceforth preached in the ehnreh reason, even it we hsd ao other, thai hia loft the Garde Nobel who brought | dor-etriskaa by this terrible eeataaee: who are at the hesd of Revolutions- according to thst form, snd bsqaesth- aaeh a union will aeceuarily mili- the hat from Rome, rode ia die sec- Jfess «Matorral pemimn. 'dad grant ry movements, they are aot yours, ed to postsrity ss so inhsritaace, that tate to the prejadiee of oar ee-religi- ond, the V iseoent Tsaisy occupying [Aa* I may eaceeed ia «akiag mysalf aer those of the millions of Catho- heavealy tesching, snd by meana of oaists, n compsrstively small aad a ssat ia the seme earriage. Mar- I beard. lies who ere aaaaimous ia seeking whieh his people ere iastraeted down hopeless miaority ia this Isad. ehall MaeMahon received the Cardi- As Cstholies, then, we belong to Aad aow, desriy beloved soas, I first the glory t>f Jeaua Christ, the to this dsy, being protested from all nal ia the grand raloa, baviag with ao party, seek no party alliaaew, ao ,. jaewtowsrds you ths sssuraace of salvatioa of souls aad the freedom of heretical evil.* He thea proceeds to him the Misistere of Foreign Affaira speeiel psrty patronage. As Ameri- l«y fosBafs af sffisctioo far yon. I the Chareh- rehesrse the Creed that was thas giv- aad Public Worship. Ths Ablegate can citisens we claim eqaality before I arga ajwa yaa, with sR gaad Cstho- Oa lesviag Gersss, oar Lord cross- en. «There ie one God, Fsthsr of ths read the usasi address ia Lstia, aad the Ipw, common jaetiea, oar nation- [ lira, ta ba firm, aoaetnat aad onsni- ed the lake ia a smsll vessel, and on Living Word,' j thaa the whole perty weal to hear al rights, and religious liberty. Ia ! maae la alwsys demanding from gov- the opposite shore He found a large Boll, after quoting this Creed ia ama, Towsrde the elaee of the ear* the agitstios of this school qaestioa, I aramama the liberties af the Chareh; meltitede awaiting Him, anxious to his work oa ths Nieeaa Fsith, ai- vice the Msrshsl preseoted Aa red we rested ao hopes opon either the ' a few days age, talé the i hear «he wards of steraal life whieh led« te this history of ite origin, aad Ihet. A grand bsaqnet ia the aug- Democratic or the Repablieaa party, fa* Laval, "Speak," fen from His lips, sad to admire the adds, "No oae should think it ia- nili cent bsaqaetiag hsll of the pelsee for ws did aat bslisvs, aad we da aot ' taima to yaa. - Among miiaeies that were wrought by His eredibis that such a providsncs eloeed the ceremonies, sad the Car- believe, that aae is e whit arere fs- that yaa mal require miglMy bsnd. should befeft a maa wboss life was diasi thea retornsd to bis hotel la the vorable la as as Cstholies thaa the •afctitet the This Ia alee hsppeaiag ia oar day. coaepteaoes for revelstiens aad mir- same stata ss he era».—OA ffrafew. other. We trusted to the jesties of Jesaw Christ la psreeeated by foUd- acles. as all eeelesisstiesl writers M | mir erase, snd to the Cstholie spirit of eel iaaevstors, bat Be is received by v|w hs«« msatioasd hi« (aad who of the Gathofie people. We da aot Tan crops of coffee aai coeos ai ipft laagar ha distressed. ywMrf by sll the aatkws liviag ia has Mif) witaess with oae voice." thiak sny «aa worthy af Aa asms Vearaaela will ba ibaadnaf 9| Ml laager ftad tbeaa- the faith. Uafortnnsie people, tfce y | Ha« ear Lady ia rspra«ated ss H B 1 wifc»l»iii bMim the Dialer MR. Baeton recently, «as simply atro- she lesvsa n husband snd n ehild o works followed in succeeding years, Chicago from est fcrmr snjoys eeearity «' lessee, etase. He denounced the Southern children, or the descendants of sny until in 17IA there were many (urns rede usad«- epea i JHP* wkhoat «hieh h« eeetd sever hope people at 'miecrable «helps,* against deeeesed ehild or children, her per- eea andforges i n Maryland, viiginia. Johnstown, Pa,, fträlMii •ÄS* Task, aa If eallivate M tiyimii s and preea «bom nothing bstetryehnine and tha sonnl property goes to the huabaud, j asd Massaehnsetts. At some of these Harrisbnrgh, P*p£l|ig ts bea» Mr. 0*> " H l«npM that «lifts. ' OlV« fix. aaaaos ought to bo naed. He thoa end tbs solid or children, ehara nnd forges the ore wps converted into bsr ere BOW eight Bessemer Mlart irtryvhm in Inland, »old «ith grant gusto bo« 8heridfta ebere alike—the deseendante of any iron by hsmmeriag.'SWd all sorts or operation, two abeat to If «Uh alone «Ili not enjoy n had once «aid that If be o«aed ball deceased ehild taking the ahare that merchantable abapee were made, m wm w ad, and oae about HI be pAf of the prosperity and the and Texas, ha «oald leaae ont Tex eech ehild would be entitled to if liv- while at others etas hammer of Ireland. Ho referred to n aa and live in tfaejMber place, and thie ing. The real eatate descends to the ed from the pig.' Maryland hammar iljN the best ieforatstteo^rebatl mSH «h made by Lord Carlisle, in beautiful speehsen of the Northern child or children and to the descend ed bar iron was exported to England too lievo that cast steel waaflr :h he hid expressed the hope Methodist Church, tickled wHb thia nuts of «ay deceased ehild; but the from 1732 until the Revolution, al and mt Ireland would become the fruit- thia eoentry during Äs i idea, aaid that 'berather agree d with husband ie entitled to the ineome of though ia 1730 England endeavored of Irti» M mother of J and herd», ano 49. ' Blister steel wm MÉI him.* the reel eetate during the term of hia to prohibit the production of bar iron, le, hör ineieted that tbe «iah of Cesitele was much earlier period, "So also in beautiful obedience to life. ae a common nuiaance, in America SI 1« A»|i«sfsrfrom baio, real ned. that the into colonial timea. fs tha graeioae injunction, «and thia Where n woman dies poeeeased of The Revolution stimulated the pro tii|}a4 Irish sheep and eattlo are faat taking the were five eaatateel eetabü eammand I give into yoa, that yoa property sad without msking s will, duetion of hammered iron, and forges mm esd woman. With en I860 thirteen; in 1970 twa love one another,* he declared that snd laavee a husband, but no sprang into extetenee In many parts aftbel t ps rotation the loe tarar eoa- child, and in 1874 about forty;, •the greatest »aaeala in tbft 8outh are and as deeeendanta of say child, but of the colooies, but principally in we hie addreaa »Mi applanae. ia tba Methodist Church,' adding leaves "collateral heirs," as above Pennyslvania. 8litting- mills, for «ith an «adaoious outburst of irreve- deecribed, the peraenal property goes sliuing the hammered plate into nail rence, approaching the very verge of to the husbsnd absolutely, and he rods, beeame quite numerooe. After "Depssltlsa" af (be etWsebì «ho haa blaaphemy. »that the more he hated Onci tai Mai«. takee also the income of the real es- the Revolution great changes took orante. u* < of tho s tha rebels of the 8oatb, tha more he tatefor th e term of his life, aa above place. The puddling furnace was m sd- Tba audacity of hypocrisy ia strik- loved God. The Soath haa not bean The long expected H deaeribed. The real eatate, aubjeet invented by Cort, a native of Eng as annale of America, iag. Tha Rapablieaa partv. «hieb plundered and persecuted enough for of the Prince Biehop ef to the hnaband'a life intereet, goes for land, in 1783. and 1764, and he also la constantly accusing »he Catholic ntm. Ha «ants ita spirit crashed oat come at laet. On Wed s life term to the father and mother introdored the use of rolls. From iyll|Nttby ^ «Ith Ohnrch with iuterlereing ia politic, by another, tvajr. *" * * 'He long- tober 6th. aftar a deli! of the deceased «oman, or to the anr- 1740 to 1810, rolling mills were very lidud «setotscetedlgivered e ae tha groesest. and «a may ed,' he said, 'for the appearance of grsdually erected in thia country to we are told, laeted two 121 vivor, If one be dead; but the fee aim- thhea daf^y Ptha t |eay, the only laataaeae, of miniatore some colored man able to become a take the plaee ol the forgea, and at half, the Supreme Coert «^B¡ pis litis deacends to and vests in her ^üDmittfk ssnssAscsd kl* s word m meddling therein. Wa tad tham io leader among hie people, «iclding the preacnt time only a .very lew sa tic al affairs" al Berlia, i sisters and brothera of the "whole awvy> department af tha pobJie «er the a«ord and the torch.—Albany forges in Virginia, South Carolina, that he "had ao offended' blood." If neither father nor moth- "" uiatarlsss sc- viee,et home, abroad. and ertn cir- Argus. and Tenneesee make hammered bar lawa ia hie official conductâ^ er be living, then the real eatate goea sosterieg union cumnavigating tha 8tate. iron in amall quantities, while the that hie continuance hi hie to the brothers snd aietera and the t«o Now, «a «oald suggest to the can- few forges and bloomeries now en could no longer be permitted.** deaeendante ef any deceased woman of • once happy did Protectant reader to look baek gsged in makinc blooms from ore sre thus so far as Iba Prussian civ{ latsetat* Laws sf Pcnsyltaaia. in the order that wc have already lai tared m «aar èia «hole life-time, wherever it found in New York and North Caro bunals can effect it, 0», mentioned. If no eiater or brother, at As gtsst ftepsb» besbssn paaaad in tènaa Sta tea. and DTINO WITHOUT MAKINO A WILL. lina, uaing the Catalan forge. Many Foerster baa eessed to befj or deeeendant of any aister or broth . «IftilÉii tha eana« «I reflecto* tèa charaoter and Uvea oi forgea, making blooma for boiler plate Breslau, although if mm frest i_ 8ome persons abatain from mak- er ef the "whole blood" be living, fÉÉMMfttlraa.« 8w î enuss of hemaaity, the Koma a Catholie prieata that bo from charcoal pig iren, atill exist in row boundary «hieb separata* ing wilia for the reason, na they aay, the fee aimple title of the real eatate «ai ia cash eeesieee 4e «In the »ja- •my hsvs known. Were they not Pennaylvania. sis from Anstriaa Sileaia «efiad I that "the la« makee a good enough goes bsck to the father and mother, Still recognised by theeitd im ' ed ait Asee whslneb «Ith my invariably ata of Hod? Leaving «til for them," By thia they mean ae before mentioned. Where such Pig Iron.—The firet furnace erect- as ecciesiasUcal 7 sigia n ef favor «a the efforts of e treg- their dootrinee ont of the qaestioa, that what are called tba MInteatate woman leavea neither baaband nor ed lor the maufaeture in the United vested «ith alt the -;ghls aiásm aslieaalities to pia their i ree- did they sot apead thai» day« ia the I'nws" of the State of Pennsylvania HB child nor detomdant in any degree, States of which we have any know! ing to thst Bishopric. ; ls retard ta äia social condì teaebiag of thai» floche. in minister- make a euffciently fairftnd props » dis- her father aad mother or the sarviv- edge, ia that built by a London Com For six meati» the pvecms efd* . there wsrs Store than ing to theit spiritual «anta, is build- position of tbs property of any per- or take a lite interest in her eatate, pany, represented by John Winthorp position has beim goiag oa. Tie fl,W8,8<8 taasat farmer« «ho «ara ing churches nnd school hoosee, vis- son who dine "intestate"—that ia to ths fee eimple going to her aiaters Jr., at Hammersmith, Maeeachusetts. first step «ne takes aa Baste» f^^ pissedes ismpleisly tt tèa smrcy of iting tha aiek, burying the daad. or aay, «itboat having made a «ill. In and brothers. If both the lather and in 1644. In Plymouth county. Mae- day, March 29th, «hen the f tb«)« Usdlotds. Uut they were liable I gassing bsns voient aaaociatioae.and general terms thia ia true. The la«s the mother be dead, then her eetate sacbusetts, Lambert Deapard built a Bishop received se invitation JMmest tp be throws ont of temperance aoeietiea, «ad myriada of are ia tha maia just la«e, aad yat tha goea to her brothera and sietere and furnance in 1703 at the outlet of Mat lbs Oberpresident of Silesia to redi . .jlikiw> Nine-tenths of other aimltar works, appropriate to disposition of the property of aa "in- the descendants of any deeeaaed takeeaet Pond. In 1715 there were his 0fil ce . The ground sliced twil «aa in the hasda oí mas «bo Ao good pasftorf Were not they at | testate" ia not alwaya each aa the mm brother or aister. If none of theee be many furnacea in the colonies, all ol Í " "U*"1 *M tks publication of u. HP which their poata sigbtasd dcy, is the mid deeeaaed person would have prefer»' living, then the title goes baek to the which used charcoal for fuel. In Pepsi Encyclicalofthe5thofFehre- wnssimpiy the right of Mate fona. keat of aammer, or ia tha depth of | ed, nor ie it alwaya an equitable die- father and mother, end it they be 1717 pig iron waa exported into Eng ary, ia tbs Diaeesaa ecclesiastical Ia re§md ta ths holding ol Ireland «inter. Poorly clad, often misera- position. dead, then to the eiatera and brothera land. Moat of theae furnacea made journal «hieh is addreaeed exefcl l^ jfijliS4 tbsra asfit «a» a time bly honaad, yat al«aya the aame ac In thia article ws propose to tell in of the "half blood." In default of all castings, such aa iron pote direct sively ta the clergy. Dr. Pem¡3 when, Hlhshtevy baad sípp»e» had tiva, sealasa, asd fervent Mieeiona a general way, and for the benefit ol tbeae, then the eatate goea to the Irom the lurnace. aa tbey etill do in replied thai having beca ~ffriri|¿g bass wilhdrswa, tèa Irish people riaa. Asd if thia ia one Protestant's | Mteral readers, how tbs "Intestate "next of kin," amonggrand-nephewa, some parte ol North Carolina and to hia Biehoprie by God tbroagk t^ wmM issiiaas tés English coanee- experience, lat bim dlacaaa to «ith awe" operate ia tba eases of moat grand-nieces, uncles, aunts, cousins, Tenneaaee. Coke waa firet uaed in Holy See, he hsd no ¡Mssiisa efIsf tiemfor a single moment. Ever asstbsr, aad bawitl And that the Oa frequsat occurrence. There arc two dee., nnd the courts frequently have the blast furnsce by F. H. Oliphsnt. linquishing it until deprived effe! * siaeeehe time wbeo the Aet of Hatea tholic priest ia the aame every where. principal classes af property aa to the cenaiderable difficulty in deciding of Fayette county, Pennaylvania, in God. either through death,it ky tl two If, tiias, oar priests isdividoaHy. j deeeeat of which the Inteetate Laws who ia "next ol kin." 1836. and anthracite coal at Mauch order of the Pope, On thstsstiplef fittest sstfsg «s tha Irish mind, tha are ams af thin stamp, and eolely at mftba a broad distinction, snd this The foregoing, as stated ia the be Chunk. Carbon county, Pennaylva thia noble and dignified asaltar, lie ' ' misQovernment of the im taative to*tha apiritaal duties of their I distinction must be kept in mind.— ginning of thia article, relate only to nia, by Baughman, Giteau & Co., in Oberpreaideat commenced S «eh «S*d4ha eeffestioB of the catling, ia it sol mt act of injustice to j There is "real estate," whieh means the moat frequent caaee in «hieh Jnly, 1830, though Mr. Lyamn, at the Court for Ecclesiastical A charge them collectively «ith offen- S (brosdly) houses aad lands; and "per property ia dietribotad by the Intes Pottavillc,first auceeedc d in keeping having for its object to dtfrivii (Melassa Is which lee* aive intermeddling ia Ifta affaire of I aonal aetata," which mssns manay tale Laws, where the owner of the a furnace in blaat for three month« Bishop of his Sse. SHaiaad dariag the brief tha State? Surely, they bava never | bonds, stocks, goods, msrehandise property dice without making any on anthracite, running from October pssfod of her Pariiamcntary indepen ae a body, «hatha» ia 8ynod or in Hie announcement of this furniture, jewelry, and generally al wilt. 1839. to January, 1840 The fur- dance. Hera the speaker footed Cooacil, discussed tha question of I tracted much attention is Balfcaáí valuables that ars movsabls. "Rea Theae Is we, however, go into much nace at Mauch Chunk waa amall. be- from Sir Jonah Berriogton, aa attrae Pallien. The Prince Biehop, it was §¡p|f estate" ie anb|eet to one kind of die more minuter detail than can be ape ing 21J feet high and feet across Uno ebetah of tba happy condition of How different the nation of other j waa highly esteemed snd rtpifllftw position by the law, and "peraona eified in a brief newepaper article. the bosh, while the Pottavillc fur- tbolrieb people before tha Act of denominations, notably that of the! Court circles, and it «#f»eu igt estate" to another. When a person It will be aeen that in the main the nace waa 35 feet by 8f feet. In Au- Uaioa wee paaaad, hew trade IN^ Meibodiet.a«y madid Protestant «ill lieved thst he hsd bess posaeaaed of property dice, the first diatribution ia an equitable one; yet gust, 1646, the raw b'taminoua coal iabad* bow ser sobility asi gentry acknowledge. h ¥ laboring to prevsst S , , * * sought to I claim against the property is ths pay in aome respects, it is not co. For waa first used in smelting iron st maid nt bsma oa their aeiataa, how 1 r r 7 the Governmest. It «es, fores their views apon tba nation.men—t- o f tha jeet- dsbtf. e o/f th. e dscess• - Lowellville, Mahoning county, Ohio, •nMjinii üsassrioas «MS subdued, example, «here a man dies without stated st ths time that Priai aad vary smpbatieally too. They sd snd ths legal cbsrges Against the making a will, leaving a widow, but in a furnace eapecially built for raw nail^iSSlvOcftl harmsay prevailed bass aaaumsd this attitude time aad marck «aa rssolvsd to . tbaaagh tèa iaflasass of aaaiive Par- eetate. If there is no will, and no no eh ild or deeeendanta. and no fath- coal, though in 1845, a charcoal fur- ons «ho «onld not opsnfy sgaia aa a body, aad handrede ef marriage settlement, the remainder er, mother, brother, or aieter, the nace in Mercer county, Pennsylva- liaawatstpuinsiisgselion in tetes ts. them era known ae poKtical parti himself with bis policy, mm** Ibsf ifcma wsaht ealy ia« after the debts arc paid, ia diepoeet widow gete bet one half of the par nia (Clay Furnacs,) hsd, during n etHete himself e schismndef_ aoaa, aad sa sack, seek for lucrative of by the law aa followa: aonal property, aad only a life estate scarcity of fuel, run for s short time tssaiff Ibe leagiaf ef tèa Iriah heart i oSaas, either from tha people or from he «as determined ts gitjfÉííi ftSNm bhk PasllaaftCBt as College Where tha deeeaaed person haa ia one half of the real eatate; but af on raw eosl alone. classes of PrsssisB subjects s |the Administration. Amongst ths left a wide« and a child or ehildrea. ter this is dons, ths lav searches flaws* He wae is èw of batiag In 1810 there were 153 furnaces, proof tbst no protection er " [ meet unworthy of these oSoc cask or tbs dssceadants of a child or chil- about amoag nephews, nieces, grand Jha-ÄRbsassa batwaaa Eaglaad and all charcoal, whieh msde in that year could ssvs aay one thai he " era ia oee Ivea of New York, sad dren, the «ido« ia entitled to one- nepbe«s, grand-nieces, and great a atrial iaterna- 54,000 act tons of pig iron. In 1874 np his mind to overthrow, ggg fram tba following extract it will be third part of the* personal property grand-nephews aad aieces, sad aaate igroanda thsrs were 701 furnaces, iacluding Almost immediately eftt» Ifta n Iralaadaad England E saea that Paraoa Ivas ia what they abaolately (that ia to diapoae of aa aad nnclee, and coneine, and "next Eaglaad charcoal, coke, raw eosl, snd snlhra- mencement of the procseffisgs | eall a "rod hot*' worker ia tha vine ehe may tbiak proper), and to one of kin" of hsr husband to ths remot- HMtèsaaeaties es ose eos* cite, and 46 more were in eonrae of gsrd to ths Bishop, t&S yard, bat in whoee vineyard lha third of the real estatefor th e term of est degree, aa long as any blood kin- s«fcf#asd És b by lès raatn conetructiou. Theee figures do not episode of the publie e reader must judge from ths followiag; her life. Tba other two-third« ol dred can bs foaad, before it will ac- imas i» fcliad nfiiaa nniiasftl bktè* include the large number of charcoal lion of Kick, the intruded MWbile tba sisases of tha people I both Aa personal and real estate be- cord to ths widow the other hslf of aiplHsf wbteh nbs ha* bcaa pluader- and other foresees that have been Kahme, took plaee. TSw ad. Tbe satiaaal membera from Nerth asd Sooth, without distiaction I come the property of bic child or the peraonal property, and fall titles mesi «as bewddered hy linmnatbad abaadoned. of party, are asisg every effort to re-1 ehildrea, aad the deeeendauta of aay to the real estate, which ehe, per rence, nntil st laet, from te F 1 In 1674 there were produced 573,- —stor-e w&mâtrater,a ìail feeling betwee*HHfn| gthe child or children that may be deceaa haps, had as large a part la accumu- privately received, (it is sd. ^hHwswiajaâii aaraleatiag hoatili- 817 net tons of ehsreosl pig iron; two sentinas of lbs country, say mas ed. The remaining one'third of the lating aa her deeeaaed baaband had. ths qnfortunsts Suscxy nski. ibi » a my Iriitiftè Mlsitry wèiaè do* 864,672 tona of raw coal aad coke; who lakes a position in favor of more A aimilar disability happena in the tsts psrish priest of Msglias, Blisid ia «èald le the wiahea of the real estate, in «bich the «ido« haa 1,202,144 aathraeite, aad 38,580 mix- 'blood-letting,* aad by his «orda and a life eetate, aleo descends at her de caae of a husbsnd whose wife makea gtejMHr sd psWie spi IiW^ÌMBÌ ed foel; total, 2.689,413 Ions nets. hss so lstely shocked nein tries to rekindle the flamea of eeaae to the child or children or the no will. If she dies leaving no ehild. laa^nsils ibe iadsetrial eosdi-1 by getting married, tbs Wir, sncfl'a man sMst be regarded as deseendaats of say deceased child or or deeeendanta of an^ ehild, sad no Ratit.—The first mills in this coun- m ed TisinUd, ho «as happy to say I as uasafs, bad man, unfit tofill aa y op was summoned to appear Ida» ehildrea, or to their hein,| father nor mother, aieter or brother, try which msde railroad iron were the loea! Court at IjrabMSn, tSffre faitjBHIIj improved. Of I oflfoial position. Such a man ie the When ths deceased peraon haa the huebani gete but the personal ths Mount Savage Worke, Mary- vidence in regard te tkesspsmme- •ApW ••» «Püysfte with I Bay. B. L. 1res, the Republican esn- made ao «ill, aad haa left s «ido«, property only, and then the law pro land, Montour Iron Works, Dnnvillo nieatioa* Whea bs d*asMffeir, m lwslasd sas» Moles. t is ]. didateJor the office of lnapecto„ . ILr. o—f .betnoehHd, nor any descendant of ceeda to make the eearch above re- Ps., nnd ths Great Western Worke - the Government dilstmieedta nrmst mm*1 issatas"ÍÉ| * i I SlatI jÊêam Prisons . Some months ago he I any deeeaaed ehild, hut has Isft «hat cited among her nephewe, nieces, at Brady'a Bend, Pa., all of which him, but timsly sotfoe faa s frisnd- m «snttb that s ssBsttf j addreeaed a meeting sf miaietera at •th s *la Éjfw fesH Ma M"collatera " l heirs.M " fath- and other "collateral heira," aunta. were pot in operation from 1846 to ly quarter elM liMiilii ^ ••dsrn daye. I Boaton, aad gave utterance to senti- er, mother, aieter, brother, aephew, unclea, cousins, fte., before the hus- 1843. Ths Mount Savage Mill msde the executioa ^D^s gljK tbsngbt» èswevsr, wss I mssts so atrocious and so in conflict niece, or other kindred, the la we band can take a full fee aimple title rails of the shape of the letter (j is caping 00 Ascesaiea uej Wo w0) maaafcslerisg industry, j with the conciliatory spirit of ths make Ibe following disposition of the to her real estate. verted, while the others msde invert- Anstriaa portioa St tiik Di day, ibal lliey attracted eoasidsrabls property: One half part of ths pereo ed X felts, of ths present puttern.— These last mentioned instancea are Ever since be bee ~ ey sf miserai weaiftb aa of tèe ieal- attention. The Baltimore &


ImHiii sll ths other! botterfliee t end they lar, and each, as his sweetheart de- lBd -JÈÈfàWÈÊïêMÉÊ *** * htlf in OIWUmEOfiES. « scended the stairs, wae to present kis tpmlt * Fur I order to consider, or to pretend te Rose sad Violet had played till slowly opened end shut their trims, so ss to mske a gsnilo breeae, wbteb besutifoi vissge in the mirror before !i they were tired. They hsd run racea HHH BB **** ****** her. A Beaarkakle Toalkfkl fool. down the plno-peth to the great Nor- Isnned the fsiries aad lifted their spirit tee» was kOetileastksteam «I »W» judgment they stated that they way apruee hy the wall; had givee flowing hair. " Now *t#se Oof tern to pot our umfl ka 0»Mtegd te«idi»is«iWowa- prieata withoat reference to the Pro- yellow eyea of daiaies, stripped of linked.} squeaked the wood-mouse. • How s dsrk lantern, we auccseded in mak- teg ofitotee, the Bishop's eeiion In aiaciai (Soveraor. and te aot fltiag their white petsls, were lumps ol rame you in my beue*? Be off ! Do ing .Tim look quite ghostly. W* «te- op vacancies. Bat his iao«t griev- «TORY or LITTLE VIOLBT. fresh bolter, snd partridge-berries ous offence waa ia the poblication of looked like ths prettiest red cheeked you aee my aharp teeth and clawa! noned him in the darkest corner of I Tt« PHMl »Mè^ ú ia oaneeee : Hidden under the leafy mold. No intrudera allowed here!, the eoHer, end f|vtefkterôib orders, eery to ssy, did set appesi ie person, the Papal Eecyeileal. aad its appl es* applea. thto to the esees of Kiek snd Lange. Snugly garmented, fold on fold, Violet «eited Koae's arm. *' Rose! hid behind e true, and waited te «i- but he eddreeeed t« t§e Court e writ ! And now," aaid Violet, •• let'a Rose! come away, qaiek! What's leotio.' Scarcely five minutes hsd 5>0lh fW aaeaeed. therefore, ee a Biehop. Lies Violet, fair sad sweet. I»« ÉÉwiliìÉP'Wj^^i^H'^^LS^Ilt -j ait dowa on that lovely green moaa the matter?*-*are yon aaleep! Where elspsed, before we ea« a procession I» tete pepd. sitar de«yleg the com- aad io the exercise of the fonctions Gone are the bee snd ths batterlly, under thoae thick pine bougha; per are we ! Take care of the mouae I of foorfiling roun d the corner ol toe pot*««y of *oy eseulsr tribunal to of his oAce had so transgressed the The aiooa ssils on thro* the for-off hape we «hall heer the fairies whisp- Where are the fairies !" kitchen, convulsed witk hidgkter. Jedgo him , Iwr—«•' pwfciüwi i» hi« lawe oí the Stste thst his continu- ering.*' " One hundredcalled out Roae. TJiey a çrfjpt slily down the cellsr ance ia his oBes esa ao longer be sky. 'Thie ie jaet the place for a (airy aitting np and rubbing her eyea. •lair«, and wlien we were quite cer- alloue*." And the old osk siags s lullaby to live," cried little Roae. "Oh. te ;l»M«t.. clerics! - Why, Violet, what are you uboutf tain that thqy were all dowa, elipped This is the third ease of pretesded Violet! aoppoae we really abouid reference to the Gut- To the darling sthis feet. Don't sbsks me so I" noiaolaealf out from out hiding plsce deposition by the State suthority un- hear aomething!" érttor of the Province. waa for him % " Have I been aaleep?" ssid Vio- and abet sad locked the cellsr door. der the May Laws, the previoss ooes Sleep, little Violet, sleep ••Huah! you will «care them a- doty; tod let, ataring, and then laughing. , " t Por a fow minetea silenee reigned Heing those of Mgr. (aow Csrdinal) way. You can never keep quiet long thai bshad abstained altogether fron Under the moss and mold. declare I have heard the fslrlss, snd «upreme. when,as T'm had bçço or- Ledoehowski. Arch biahop of Posent enough to give them a chance to be- msktef aay appointais siaec» the Hide awsy from the cold t seen them, too, instesd of yon. Bosy. dered, he flashed kli tantem, dia- sod of the Bishop of Paderbora. Dr. gin- Just count a hundred sloaly, dstcoftke cotton againet hi«. C»me. I must go rigbtaweytaad tell plaved hia ghoatly proportions. regarded it ei e Merita. The storm-fisad rushes by, and listen with sll your esrs." mamma. Aad they ran down the fto* wiir«iiii • bkp ' troti ti for as Proeeediags hsvs heea commenc- ^or dream« where thou doat lie Violet ssulsd herself comfortsbly hill and to the houae, «here their snd a yell, soocht the etepe, but Tim« ps«'«íblc% any colitelo« with the Go» ed for the deposition of Dr. Brink- 8efe, and happy, and warm i on her moeey pillow, end looked op. mamma waa aitting on the piassa I enjoy ing the fen, ran emong them, mann. Bishop ol Monster, snd it is rith hslf-ehttt eyee, it the waving «••tat. ' t ! J Sleep, Little Violet, aleep. and Violet told the wonderful fhlage giving one s punch, griiyiiRg ip tee believed that the Archbishop of Co- branches overhead; while little Koae Referring to eh old deader, which Thee he ahall never harm. a he had seen aad heard. face of another, all the «hua gtv(hg logne wiH follow. began, in grest earneatne««, her he* heea frequentfytepeated Hi «ri Little Roae liatsaed " with all her D iterance to the moét ufreUrthly Fertuaetdy lor Dr. Foerster, he is whiapered one, two, thru. * * * ont fera«, he obeervee teat he was The wild wind« come and go, ears," and with wide-opeo mouth aad sounds, until, becoming diepemts». at iargf, aad can. at least lor the Suddenly, to her great aatonieh able to Bake auch appointment« to eyea beatde; but their mamma aaid they rnshsd^in a body «gainst the present, govern his Diocese from hie Under the drifting «now, ment, Violet beard a rustling, aad thé Aéstrian portion of kit Dioceae. ehe betieved, for her part« that Vio- door, buraitag it ofr th« htngea. esfe retrest in Auatrisn territory, ft Sleep. Little Violet, aleep! saw a «oft light shining among some Wtth the eooeOrreueaof the State a« let had only been paying a little via Once free, they took to melr heel« will be interesting to see how far the drooping hemlock boughs, snd al- tboririee, unddr theterms o f the Con it to Dreamland.— Totmy Calhohc. in disgraceful flight, whiek #ss by aermtsos indulged io eosse aionthe Do aummer's baniahed beams most at the sams moment a tiny fsce eordat between the I) of y See and the no mesne skiekenod bp thn liughter ago will aow Had ttdfillment. aad hew looked down rather anxiously st the Jkaetstea Government. «He himself Perplex thee in thy dresms T of four merry girla.. The eexq morn- far tho position of the Prince Biehop children. Violet touched Roae, who hadcecs«!B»ieeied §o the £ravteeid Nsy, eseh must hsve its dsy ; ing farmer Oob^tnt. apon imestiga- will lead to any negotiationa between started up on her kneee jest ee the A Slory of HaUewe'ei. Goverament the nomination of Can tion, found that he was minus half a A estris aad rràesia. Sleep, Little Violet, sleep whole fairy figure eppesred, snd «É Olerieh é hi the Suece««or of the BY t* M4001C." barrel of applaa, aad a Vcore Or tWo The wintry wind swsy. cams tripping down a light green èrtiteli* A vaia teat Sis hop Wlodar ' A great msny y esrs ago there of mi!k-«ri»ehs. which bad keoii hurl- sprsy, whieh bent benesth her, until aky, beoaova he —aid do ee without stood, nestled cosily dowa among ths ed st random aite* head of unfortu- The old oak wreedee with the bisst she stood just sbove the children's any violation of hi« Epiaeopal doty. PoMpaéL lofty hdls of New England, a quiet nate Tim,—and the set lar floor wss As the winter elves go hurrying past. besds. Farther, be refewwd }o hi« action A traveler writing from this inter- little village. The inhab—ted oo s to htai «ko woB sad as foil of worór na It waa mouse's home. I don't believe he «• Welt« old fdlo«, «hat do yea | room. foea ko seald ie< seeeieo eaooaW whoa it waa made. I* carries On gold sod saure wings will object to your eitting bore n little think oftelegraphs no « f" All drew neer the huge fireplace, eai iaatitatioa ia the preeeat aahap- stream three by three at least, Around her dsnce aad play, while; sad I «ill eome snd csll you He wss cornered, bot died gamo. skoeld think, and ss paro ss a moun which waa fitted with biasing pine py eoaditioa of the Diocese of Po- Aad thoussnd minstrels string when her majesty'« court is dismiss- Drawiag himsdl np an inch taller, he sea, sad he ftfosed to give MM the tain spring. ed." knota. and the friendly fire which said: - • » s, Their hsrps snew leaped wildly dp the Chimoey, drove iiiiowf eathoriaatioa to fiM hie "At the bathe, sudali over the city " But «hat will mamma say!" be- » Gentlemen, when I wae te tee To sing her praises trae, eway all remembrance of ths eold OVODiooeoa. Kieh, however, weat. tefoot, w o ssw tee same lead pip»« gaa Violet, rather frightened and un- Legialature, I gave thi« subject my sad saowy oater world* The Biekop arroto to bio potette« that we nee at homo, wttfc the differ- The Goddess of ths spring. eaay; but abe had no time to remon- very unenti ve conddersBoa, and 1 " Well, well, I'm no grest hsnd at oat the gravity of his ofsaee. sad of enee that those at Pompali werp ev- atrate. 8he wss gently pushed slong aaid teen« ne 1 eny BOW, that it may Then, Violet, Violet, wske! story-tslliag, but I'll do my best. I the oeorpstioa of jurisdiction whieh idently bent lato shspe from fiat hy the fairy, and found herself snd dafor tetterò aa d anratt bandies, hai She cells her dsrlings sll, suppose you sit kaow thst this is ke waa sowaiVitiog. sod ««pi hlai to pieeee, the Mom kefing hammered to- Rose in a little passsge thst woald it wdl never take « cotton bale, nev- ratant. Bat^teo wkappy ataa was gether, not soldered. There were Arise for her sweet sake. have been dark had it But beea for a Hsllows'ee. How the very name er I" «ko oomo amp socks of brass, with a brings ap tboeghte of ghosts end for- è* Prteee glow-worm whieh Isy on s piecs of Vurust tko Frsßch surgeon, had eqaare tap for the wrench. Ia foot* tko a child, in alumbere deep, tune-trying I It wae oa thie sight «o kite agate, reaiiad dsmp moss, snd shone with a pretty soccessfolty performed, on n nttte they were nearly ap to as moderns 1 twenty, yee, thirty odd yeara ago, according to the Pepsi Vko turns aad murmurs ia her slsep, greea light. child five yirara dd a peritose opera- ia taese things. M wasn't |t, Joaeph ! feSayittoal. wfttek Mût been «ade At the mother's cheery 'Come,' Ish't this leany ?" ssid Violet, tion. Urs mother canto to ktel«Mt » Tks paintings on the wslls are In « Oh, never mind, never mind !** pebüe through the proos ho hsd in t peeping ontt "look« Rose! there eaid : . • ">>'* Offc .fetff^v a woaderfotly good mate of preeer Tko Little Violet stirred. eaid undo Joe, blowing hie nasal or- they eome 1" " Monsieur, my eon ie saved, sad eatioa* tet moat of them ace very Whether ehe deemed or h sard, gan vigorously with his yard equaru |a -te» n>n»ea ql kte apnook te i» reslly knnw aot ho« iß exprese my hod in drawing, an common decora» Searee knowing and half damb Six yellow botterfliee had alighted red handkerehief, "that atorv grow ply to tels defonce, the public press gratitude. Alio« até, however, to tive psiatiag would be likely to be. on the moaa carpet outaide, and on stale years sgo when these children's otite» •aaisuflìd thirt tlf Biekop waa Now languid carreóte ereep »resent yon with this pocket-hook, Now snd then there ia one that Is esch wss seated a fairy, like the one mothers sod fathers were yotftog." kaééífifelte in tko PraeelsB psrt of Through every vein, embroidered by my hsnds." reslly fiae, teowieg teat tee art waa Violet hadfirst seen . They eeemed " Well," aaid aaet Katie, meekly, hêeWsemu, with reepeot tO the fill- "Oh, madame," replied Vdpenn, aaderetood at tea* timo, perspective And now her pulaee leap. in a hurry, for they sprang- off. tied " if yoa'd rather I wouldn't tell it, teg-tepiki't'OMil M>»»lsii |lMme» ^m» sharply, " my art ia not saeraly a no matt ae desuMag aad ootemog. 1 Then with persistant toil over their bends roee leovoe, which I won't." question of fodteg. My lifo IHM It« kavo made a Pompeiiaa drawiag my Bke pushes up the soil, •eemed intended for dusters, and be- " Oh, I don't euro»" he returned, [SB to smooth sod straighten the " but you must bear in mind that I requii ementa tike yoars. Drass, ev- ÜÜ'Ü'^Ül'rtñ fï?ri»nlf »|th a pteee ef nkareosl\nnd| Itrstns upward toward tee san, moaa, polish the viaee and flowers, was vsry young, snd test seeounte en, which i« a luxury to you, Is ne- Si uioog the rutee. Notkteg like kae- ZMTT And Like some pretty nun, aad to erect a throne ia the heart at for sny weskness on my part.** cweary to mo« Allow aa dmtem ,, . „ npon Ae fait as she ia good, whiu dsisy, whieh stood aadsr a Aeat Kstie laughed and adjusted to refuse yon t a harming little present feet teet he M fmptey* pönal- She dons bsr purple hood toll and sbsdy foru. The fairy with her spectaeiee, while ehe began te exchange for o mon» »nbstsntid Béa sentent Kiek, and aleo against tko wand seemed to direct ten oth- " There wss n tsffy pulling at farm* rémunération.**, •«wkokad And etaade with downcast foce ers, sad to be ia a great harry. ar Dobhias', snd sll tet young folk« ' But* monaieur, whst remunera- llHAMHiui Bau. Inscatmon. la eimplo» modest groee, IHM —Tko MeShsas Bell Foundry of Bal Soon a loud buuiug waa beard, in the eoun'ry were there. After the tlon dò you fl«sltef Fit «k« tea The bright* winged moths flit round :rimara aoa w timo ago received sa ol- snd n swsrm of large bees flew up, taffy had beea duty foiled, and tko youredf." • her, besring between their wings tiny sol- games played, wo settled flown to « Fivu tkonssndfiraaeo, madame. " Ite teetify kle eoôdaet der Bate Prince Bdword'e Island for •te|««tete kell, with Bm follow The roving bee hath found her« diers, who rode etsadiag srect, grasp* story-telling. Naturally, the eoover Th« lady very qaietiy opened «Ite «OHM onte of ellegi-1 pocket-book, wktek contained tef iteg apao r inssiiptisa to ho eastte. tk o The suubcems stoop to love her. iag ia ooo hand n ehield made of a eatioa tented upon Hallowe'en. sosil shell, aad ia tk* otetr a sharp Theae stories took sunk deep effect thousand Arane« te »at««, couutofloul The bright sky bends above her, Ivo, and after politely landing tltom WÊËÊÊmÈÈÎÈËMMkiÊmi& ilwfaMfsn Imsw war dart, which waa aothiag alee than on the minds of loor of ns girls, wko Aad in her humid eyee the stiag of the hoe, whieh the foiry S were to remain ill night witk Mattl over te fdpeaa. retired, lmsgtes A swset contentment lies. carried for him, so that ke might give da (oar koeteee), that wo determined hie fadings! . •• .^ii* Wante UH^WM « Mv srtidss do not reeeive e very î lawa of tka BlMawiHi^MMMrar' kted Me attention wholly to flying na font to tf? oas of them; which ane wee Thn stste! y lily proudly lifts her gold- ae pnaaible. to go down the cellar backward, ear warm ranopttea oi, lato."|" Oer rtwf iwtllw :: tNiiièé' '. Wm test, rying a light sad a looking glass, and fair eptrsapsndsnt is mistakqp," it- ky takteg lUihl « T en ehaltee high. Aad aow quickly folle«ed num- EA ^TE ÜM I Í as tee atory goes, you «Tif see your plied tkn editor { tkey m«ot arlUt JIBBIBhbIIPSIW v'^ww^ All day te the rove's crimson heart bers of gsyly-dressed moths,-—so auay that Violet's syes «ere anaUa fot* mirrored la tko gloss bsfoes the w«rmeet reception peedM«. W« asieioa. ha wnald tenni as the SUB'S warm Itisses lie ; to distiegaisb them or their bright vim burn them sll." mm Alt tko lily sad tee crimson rose oro riders; bat la teak very midst, on a " We were planning, «Il, «nona " Toa never Üi# my hand« ss dfr- î setena thst fo«r pdrs of mite wer* not more bisssed than I. large, para-«kite butterfly* rode the ty usteat,** sei d 's SWÉWWWWMMÍ eagerly drinking in all thai «e said | . The bell wan onmfljM aad ship- To brighten som Bsglsctsd spot and brightest aad loveliest of sll ths (ai folly to ko« Bwle dght-yuar old girl. bat «s wate not destia edte ternate a fow day« ago okaer the passer kg«, ties, crowned, na4 waving ker hands «CBMO I aever see yea wkm m$ tamgte ignorance , for eoe of our pnr- To givo from aU that's given me, oi te welcome to the others. was • little girt,*' «as tk* prompt Tko butterfly IliHi before the ty overheard Bio merry jdottteg of sarth, aad air and sky, «a«w«r. tSS^m tkmao while tee tpatet sprung from the Mrtfol schemer«, Thsir plaa Ok l tkat ie tifo and kappiness—then kip book, and then he 4«« ap to ten wis, insteed of getag home, s« they Tan w«r of rs>«i r«««e for ol-i «koaM Borni done, to hide I« tko od- aaatasoel •ho more kinaaod than 11 . branch vktia hs settled with ng THE CATHOLIC.

ty, u4 with the btu secular educa- I compel those that are not of oar Tb« BfCirt StIHI of Ckattty. I bosoma. Let then oar charitable met advantagee, they will hato ai I faith, yet hone.t in their 6*a, »o lis- Vtieof some coaptation i It haa been our custom ia the past I ei»i«ens perforai the good deed. Lot ao a eoa ad aad aolid ground-work of I tos lo ou Now Testament road ia dice that reokiaaa and ISr fe Diego, C. ytJfe at the approach of Wiater, to put ia I them become the kind atewerde of .. Chrietiaa dettes. The mind the Common Schools, and, farther falac statements like 1k» ^Sj a plea far the poor, aad to call atten- God's bounty, miadful of the suffer- which wa bava daiatijyt PlMM*egc of tbcBIcMod Vir- ! »bat appartaina to more, to pay for tho unsolicited laxa- tion to the necessity for the exercise ings of their kiad, aad let thom re- above-givea qeotatiot^Sw^ Mary. |t.i I heowledge, it « barrea and i ry. «la it hoaorabia, aad ia it just?" of the beautiful virtue of charity ia a member too, that He who ia tha Eter- 1 1 vantags to tbe Church, j^ ^Jp 1», »I Gertrude,V, é. lí"* * " ^ I » • P«t »o »he mea who greater measure thaa duriag the more nal Father of us all haa promised eat. over reach themMbee Mi fall It, St, 8teaislaua Kostka, ]but tho miad indoetrin- would aphold so manifestly heinous geaial aoaaoaa of the year. From I that the gift of a eop of cold water aador the preoaara oT ibafol^Sj atad ia the truth« of ralifion, and 1 »• iniquity. The mattar ia debate» that practice, commendable aa it ta, ahall not pas* without ita reward. 3 lül St. Gregory Than taoght to pay aupreme homage to the J «e aot whether Catholics, ia viola aad ought to be, we are aot going to cbtovoae impulse. E^at jjf Creator, ia eoajeaettoa with ita eoo-1 »»on of the eomaiaade of their Chareh, depart. Still atroager reasons thaa aad destroy the Church of The Erangellenl Alliance aU II« mdfoetioe of the Ba alar acquirements io the fold of lit I committed offences agaiaat the la*, tboae adduced by ua heretofore ia asperse her member*, their Mm. lüMp^Aiiiiiii s» Pot- e rature, is her moa i a ed ia all its {human and Divine, aad lor which advoeaey of the eauae of eharity eaa for ill betrays them to their i The firet biennial eoaferenco of agi ~jt 4s potto, aad, if tro« to its light, «rill in I »hey if guilty, must account, bat be proposed by as at the present ia. They iavita invest the Evangelical Alliance waa held ia St. Eliaabsth, T. **fiably aad infallibly glide on ia the J whether ProtoaUnta, holding a rapid- time. Scarcely within the memory of provoke a challenge, ia thi. city a few day. ago. It devoted f, Iff, St. Felix, of Vaiata, way of truth, aad eoo teat itoalf only ! if decreasiag majority, ean by supe- the preseat generation, have the peo- tbey are aero to be tii*ietad!,|iP ita attention to aomc thing, wo e.n ve.tigatioa of aad eballeagee t# m: whoa ia ita fallest possession. To I »»or force rightfully compel that other pie of this country fallea upoa timea admire, and to aeveral other metter. «altitatio« of iatélleet, ia the aeeu I portion of our citisene reverencing that have beea ahadowed with ao much Chareh, whieb ia the m.utk which muat prove diataatefel to all lar eeaeo, the laatitate contribute* opposite religious tenete to aabmit to of fiaaaeial gloom. Proaperity baa Chr «at, aad very often in Aa^ eometbiag still mora beoeüeial. aad the maintenance of a flagrant act of paaaed away for a time from oar eiti- Catholic.. For ia.tanec, when one of her creed and praetJaM ;|g|j THKCATHOLflC. thia is the religious iatelligeaoe iajaetiee. Jowa do aot, nor ean aeaa, aad where comfort aad abua- of it. member, read a fairly able pa who iaveatigste, aid always wbieh It proposes to eonfor oo the they, ia accordance with their vene- daace only a few short year. ago per on the neeeaaity for the proper overthrow of tbe j»ety vlifmteM obaervaace of the Chriatiao Sabbath, challenge. All wa, aa ^-T|yi Janth vrha seek ite halla. It thaa rable faith, yield assent to the later dwelt, aow peaury aad affliction t| «TTSÔUKHS. ÉÊmMk we heartily coacurred with the spirit ie aa intelligent coaa^ni^r baa ¿aaL twofold, beae&ta ia atore Seriptures wbieh bear teetimoay to bide. Dieaeter after dieaeter haa tor tho applicant, and oao of these i. I »he Dlviaity af the God-Man; yet wa I ovorUkaa the iaduatrtel interests of aad essence of his remark.; for the scrutiny of oar tenets, ué^ oagh understanding of oar eaaaatial to the fatare well-beiag of J in »hie country • aoiay and fa-1 tht Uoited States, aad thereealt may eimplc reaeoa that it waa a graceful [ibi aoul of maa. I natica! clique that would cram the although unwritten tribute to the mo poses. So maeb ooce ¿m bo aeen in the harrowiag spectacles Can It be aeeeeeary, to argo fer-1 Bible, from Genesis to Revelations ther of all the Chriatiao eharehee, woald have good reaeoa Hê^ **» Forty Hernia' tb^tío^^f'''l^t!'*' ti that aad dea the hearta of the Chrie- J *. ÜÜ «j. I"** lhe of aeeediag to tbo down their throate, aad make them end to the heavealy wisdom which ed with the reealta. tian, tbo humanitarian, and the phil- Pf Has? ™ SSSS amJ wuoia-i aaeaiaaaraaat IMM>appeaIl ••»i.njuembodiedj ia .kth^e Bish-D:.L 1 pey heavily for the achievement to distioguishes the customs aod order anthropies Sights touchiag ia their boot. If the Jetas were aot entitled prevailing in the Chareh of Rome. aagaish, appeal to the aympathetie fi, a* Si JMeph'e, ANegheay. Ml boaeffted by the oporatioas of I »° ell the rights of citisenahip, if they I breast "snd The proofe which the Rev. Dr. Val- beg for a response at W* if ApottU Ä. " Dna. I, at SS. Pater aad J Paura, tba Catholic laatitate $ tor whose I »ere Pariahs ia the eommuaity, then eatine advanced were all drawn from ooce creditable to oar human nature, t. Baunard. ^raoUtad '•^^t^^^^^^^fj^Èl^jÊfÊ^é-* -s J., j v. . advantage aad gain waa it com-1 poaaibly a plausible reaeoa might bo | the .tore-house of Catholicism, and aad brimful of saccor aad coasola- iM •» Si. Mary*« Cm vent, meaced T It should require ao I nrged ia jaatificatioa of the etopid tho moment he failed to have re- rae Catholic Poblie^tel tioo to those who are immereed ia MHiim^ ? S^Ä ' %: ipft ? argameat from aa to demoaetrate to I end wrongful act; bat here they are ] course to thi. aevcr-tailing repoaita- the aea of sorrow. Tbe author of thie Ufo «f $ at St, Xavier** Academy. Catholic panate their daty towards ! iavested with fell honors and co-or- ry, hi. argumeot became weak with w! This lamentablecoadition of thiaga disciple wham Jesus focali IS, at Boty {fama. Ebeaaburg. 1 it : i» »e for their aad their desecad | diaaU privileges with tho illiberal | ita load of poor pleadiag aad eaeily- prevails to-day; how meeh more prompted to pea the work aft«r«i 10, atSt, Jaaepb'a. Johaatown. I ,nt'a benefit It waa instituted, aad Genetica who try to pereceóte them. poi«tBt|T will' disposed of sophistry. But take this ilio tba Eternal City, nad > > aot the state of af- V r- L*«-ialie corporata character All the «.oft sawder" as Artoma. ^ ¿ whe gentleman's paper all ia all, it coa- eomo hoar, ia pfoae meditatiea rmenvRte. tained a good deal of com moo sea«e. »be clomtcr of St. /«ài Latoraa." ÌS, at St. Patrkk'e, Sipa vil le. AD r d 0 ,htl lhe JSSÜZf**"**?*' H^ . TL' *** 1 oV wiVter comedown wTh^u no .mall ahare ol familiarity with the few yeara ago. The writer baa wynf happiness j..y depead oa ita Elbert S Poner, D. D., etc., esa of terrort from iu iee.bound bome of mwm osarla ; tha morality af the fetore I poar oa tho ebinke of Hebrew intel-1 tj,e Kortbf «Sabbath qaection," aad a whole- formed bis task well, aad in a i by labor, 8d 9 Ct eOBeWl tbe HTe some reverence for ea institution that oer tbat cannot ba aarpaaaad ini THE CAT»O«.K:. aak JÜ*1Ì*£!I!* ^ • * ^T ' " of we trust .hall loog maintain a deep ty of style wé diction. Bo ** *** °9t' wlH ™fB « * C,0M «P finità sesma of y ra.|voa the qaoation, aad i a yoar .•any a Catholic bMrt.beeea«e of ita OB hold oa tbe heart of tbe homao fam- ap the exalted traits «f H hia OWB argamoau. It ia weak, for | heart., aoftaned with the teadereat |aalatary met had af moulding aright | >» »• conceived in iajaetiee ily. It wa. Catholic maialy ia too., love, piety aad vfartaé,af dn| 9«v. 14, St. Bcvaard'e, Bradford. j sentiments of Christina love, try to [ifca yettthfeiand plastic HMalUgeaeoe aad because it wee, we oarelactantly diacipla in tbe moot glowiagaad M Si, irWi. Irvlagtoa. After telliag in hyperbolical peri- drive bock tbe gaaat spectre that ie coafide|Miaiaam. Ia all that has | give it,—in ao moch of It aa is or- ciaatiag colors, end < ;J||fe SS, St» DofMoic'e, Ficca.. ods of the glories of sncien tend mod-j striding so rapidly and relentleaaly for Ita ate tbo promotioa of moralHy, I era Iarael.'and essaying ^to"7w7ke"n thodox—oar earnest respect. complote master af Ae tariti Bee. hamacóte* Heart of Mary. towarda the bomee of the dcatitate! But if we give a word of praise to poeed upon himedf. The Wm OoaicaviHa. Crawford ooaaty. Mepect fot religio a, aad the higher fooli.h acati man ts of vanity ia the Warmed with the faith tbat glowa in certaia of tho proceeding, of tbe Al- tioa ie well read.red. % 1% St. Ceialia'a, Coudera port. davelopmoat oftha miad in tbe man- mtnds of Itia enea favored cbildren your Catholic breaeta, make renew- liance wo eenaore just ne emphati- : M If, St. Matthew'a, Jaeksoa. - tee of trath. wa ahall he foaad aai of God, the above-aamed clergymaa, ed effbrte to combat the perils which Wa eheerfully reeommei cally, aod fully as justly, the inflam- • fï $4, St. John's, Erie. eopporters. O.r «Ivacatiag the Common School sys- meaace, aad at the preaeat moment volume to tho oavefol penwal af < matory and bigoted di.eour.ee of Ibi«», boly ae it is, aecds lotclligeat tem, continue» la thi. weys—«Norie readers. They will fag tb«aa||i If'«•TOMfE/iT'- ' weary aad worry God's owa poor.— Mre>OOM other gentlemen who participated «i'ocatae, aad wa {that ittaetrfoua raca, wbich tracce ite Go back in thought to the tremblieg the diaeiplc whom Jetee know of no placa better eaited for ia it. doings. Tho old fling at the triple predc!i«tt(Hi of Iba TO Ron.—On Tuesday liaeage down to Abraham, tho pio- Babe ia tbe rade erib at Bethlehem, iba acqoiremeat of that which will Chareh of Rome, had to be made, oar owa day: the womMp#|^ oveew^, November id, it Sight j neer Missioaary, who brought the the God of humaoity, and consider daveli^ intelligent advocacy than ia aad a body whose professed aim ia Eucharist, thm of the Rov.M. Dapepee left thiccUy on eeeda of a raligion iato Western Aeia j the suffering which One who died to lie Catholic Institute. «Toar sons," to recoocile the aeperities of the M .Irta way f .'lpi>, , Mar eailed from | which is yet to wave like Lebaaon, save eadured for love of us. He and aad the veaerstioa the Bishop once aiore saya, «ean Cbristiaa churches aad smooth away 1m» Now York oto Thursday, the 4th, io over every Coatinent aad ielaad, to Hia surrooadiag. were poor- Bleeaed Mother. acquire with moderóle expenditure, -co poor diaeordaat sentiments, took a vary _Jffteamer o f that day. Wa .... ^ . . be eoaated among the opposere of I that tbe lonely atable'by the way The volume makee 417 our Common Sehoola. Now aaeh J aide was the sole spot wherein queer way of gaiaing ao avowed par- mm, of the fal^fel for ZÏÏZÏ ^ ^ spot wherein the ie pria ted from a good aad 1 foik ie simply bosh, gretaitoaaly pose, by driviag ia further the wedge m^S^^mb^m ^ of enee, and world's Redeemer could find a birth- ay even graduate, aa •aeeeasfnily, vouchsafed trash! What has all tbi. r _ Is P. oo fine white prnfo^ami ilf awlfimfe U M Starnai City. place or abetter. You, who read of acetarían aaimoaity, aad arousiag „«atially ia mualia. aa in the generality of Amerioaa Coï eulogy to da with the question? Wo I these lioas, recollect tbat He loved iato feller fery tbe flame of aagry t ITT T—- '' tegoe." When to this is added, that eoafideatly venture to assert for our I the poor, wa. ooe of them, preferred dissension. Rev. Dr. Porter, of BKACTIVCL Cnaonos •Wa- [other priceless blessing. Catholic ed- | Jewieb lellow-citizeo. that they are | to abide with them, aad to make -JÊhM Brooklyn, N. ¥., waa tbo special received from Beaaigff ïm TU aeation, what more I. aeeeeeary to Bot found in oppoeition to oar Com- their sorrow. Hi. own! Would not spokesman of the gospel of hate. New York, two very haa |eoafer di.tinction and tree merit oa mon School«; but we believe that th is splendid, solacing, and heavea- And if any ealighteaed Protestant exeeated ebromoe, oae «fl|nâ of i, we would noi M fp- itfea Catholic laatitate ? they are In open oppoeition to the j ly attested feet be sufficient reason can awallow the ealomoiee aad eaei- Sacred Haart of Jaaae, tbe otber iff Mf foil IÍ we did not tyranny thai insists that they must) for oar love for the poor, if other, ly refeted absurditie s of thie apostle Saered Heart ol tbo giinj i qetaatioa to tbo Qjiadir ad- pay taxes to teach Christianity to were waatiag? The maa aot perme- of a doctrine that is sursly aot heav- Mary. Theyaregolnplaoil m r by aar tetoeêS Biebop to tho TS» Java uri Um Bvasfrtieai their children, and parenthetically, ated with the love for hie neighbor ealy, thea we mast eoafoee that ha- and caanot be excelled for b< I Uity of Pitubargh and maa credulity ia capable of ao al- dcetroy Judaism ia the schools. The tbat beat proves itself in acts, ie aot anv otl paintiags of Ufoes eeet^ r. eqd directed to be read in ^ta af the speaker, of tho Confer-1 dfehoae«t aad tricky appeale to the moat iaeooccivabla tension. What in harmooy with the spirit of hia jecte wa bava eeM. They all' libe abwebee of the two oiltee. man of intelligence, in the foce ol¡ enecof tbc Alliance that convened prejudices of sapcrfleial thinkers, Creator, aad istakiag the aureet way al SI dollar eeeb, aad •p ^aadef lorn, la apaaka for -J»J facts that give the lie direct to the : ptber day íñ thie city, with a cannot always divert the attention of to demoaetrate hie eootempt for the by remittiag tba priee : l'Ufi Ü|*lpli a elory that moat iatcr- iafsmooa assertion, can believe in | 1 the people atlarge, influenced ia the affectiooate and loving actioo of Brothers eftber at New ^ait.an^^'-l^tfréf'-lPiPPPSff ^ poililytbuioing resentment tbe following extract which we take main, by a feeliag of justice, as they Chriat our Lord. cinnali. aWy mach ; for id jia tba breast of our Hebrew popal» Ml are from the stady of the ease we WKKKKfKKKKt^^M from the ill-tempered address of the m Ssj5&f • 't Cy*f.lf<*rrio" Nmn* *** iiM^r* paid I we present it. We, aa Catholic, There is but little prospect duriag j Brooklya tamiaary before the Evan- liii I tbeir aactcn t religions convictions Bisaer- Dovenac, 1$ have our owa grouod. of complétât, the coming Winter of any alleviation gelieal Alliance f There were, wo ep.AaMptflrtt gaardisa of! the Com moa 8chools, recites th? teraoon, October list, aSwfaepers of the privatioos that stare the poor [doubt not, many preeent at the aM-' Gmmto.im tfein pertian Of tba Lord's l aamberless advaatagea that tha Pro- aad the aamc artifieee are pot ia mo- ia the free, aad carry to their sad Confirmed ISO ptiqeM. eemc ol nl all M»|MeMMa bava beoa iaatromeaul in tion lo warp tbe lodgment aad right •ion, who knew in tbeir heart ol aad desolstc homes paags of intens- whieb were e4aba ia(i MW'lH*» 1 a knot ^ÊÊÊÊSÊÊÊSÊÊ^i ^^.- ' obtaiaiog for them ia ibis aad other aotiooe of the people to our detri heart, that « Romaniam curses the 1 est pain. The strong man may St. Patrfob'a abafob ka ttóa " P Ü HI • • ¡p wAefol ctHiinrie.. Tbe gentleman from meal. Tbe qaeetioa i. a piala oae Bible, and free thought, and a tree groan beneath his heavy bordeo, his At tbe 10:to MMM thè tb»»^ to, whom aad eaeily understood, if passion be press," wae an unmitigated falsehood whoae paper we will hereafter quote wesker companion may wipe in vain livered a sermon «i Ae tfc^^MlSÉÉ mm êfârimai dismissed from the popular miad, that injured the utterer much mere aeeke to divert atteaiion from the tbe tear from her own and her impor- tbe Church, teb^g Mb tf aod sooner or later it mast have a eo- thaa tbat againal wbieh and lo whoee saal iama, by a refeconee to the al- tunate little one's eyes, unless Chris- Gospel of the day, wMalf appeal, lation in aoeordaoee with the inexo- supposed detriment it waa launched Upad persceatioa of tbe Jowa by tbo tian charily, the seblimeet of virtaee, ed to with- the mtliàê rable dictatea of justice. Oar owa— Wa will not coacame oar apace qftattflifte of tbe lUteaa Catholic garbed ia ite habiliments of warm a£ usually paid wbentver Ml tbe Cetheliç—view has beea thor* with an introduction of qaotatioaa Çhéreh, aad aiso by directing the feetion aad provident eare, comee in, aa andieneo. eeghJy pat before the public. Wa from the maudlin mass of fanatical tboagbta of tbat people m tbe bcna-l ee is ite wont, with ite words of eon- •¡¡Mmrnrn^km flta which Protestsntism baa alraady arc eonviaccd that it ia a just view, uuersnces retailed by the Brooklyn solation aod ite aet of sterfiog com- I slanderer. It ia enough to eny that OlDtRtTlim.—Ol mmnutf. il rtawn in eaeared them aad baa la eme for aad when aay oae ia able to eoovioee fort. More thaa ever is the exer- the allegatioaa made, were refuted iog. October 30th, at St. the«for th e latere. aa of ita iajaetiee, we oabeeitatiagly ; cise of its noble attribete. requisite long ago, and thoasands of times. Seminary, tbf Right I» »« we recognise it, nothing profess oar williagaese to abaadoa it to-day. Let aot the chill of the wia- Yet with thi. readily aecertaiaed fact ' Bomeaec raised Rav- > •bfrtiOian inaalt to theiatell«cace of It,ip herd to believe in the sincerity try bleat congeal the epringa of the ia,,vtew. wa aotice that «load ep- lay to the Prictbeal," fttaa» tbat w rsspcel, however »« of the men, who, gifted with a high heart, and freeae over the atream on plauae" followed tbe varied aad coa- Oeaeonshlp on m«y differ from It. religious «fornai degree of^intelligence, endeavor, with whose placid boeom the bark of ataatly recurring outburata of bigot- fo t|y and eoneeal the main point by' all tbe conaing of tbeir aoderataad- charity, freighted with all that is ne- ed epleea from the lipe of tbe apeak- ÛMiavant verbiage and |«elesa com iag aad ornate rhetorical .cateacea, DxnrcâTfOK.- cessary to remove temporary griev- or. How aaae men can be ineane in The Jewish people have to ahelead tlia judgment af their fel- ing. tbe 7th last., ' ances, aad briag joy to tboae ia affiie- regard to religious matters, bee been irawikaww, eegaeity, and low ana, It ia a warfare egataat Hickey Dedicated tioa, glides to tbo rescue of tbe mis- oftentimes heretofore observed; bet iatelllgeace to sec through tba flteey truth, tbat may temporarily wta auc- at Millesoiown, Bailer* erable. What nobler use eaa wealth rarely haa it fallen lo oar lot to com- nttMoaae óf the Rsv. Dr. Porter.— ceas; hot it woeld be folly to forget aerriec of Almighty •a&Jmm be pat to thaa to miaister to the re- ment oa a more frenzied production ie whether the ehildrea the time-honored and iwvereueed ad- lief of suffering humanity ? There is than that which bad ita iaeptratiea mmn .... ••..•Hjfflff •IlirJianli cMiacas, who an en- age: «Trath crushed ta earth will affluence at the disposal of many, aad ia tba mind of tbe saintly clergy nun titled to eqeal righte with te» speak- riae again." ... ' Stat« BUHMMW tow eaa they tarn it more effeetive- coming from the municipsl .brine Tuesday, Nov. Sd, ia ' er ba* every other meseber af the 1 y to their owa eternal advaatege whereat Theodore Tilton and Henry New York, New JoiMy/ jy^Ma. fhallbeforced t o M sssschusetts, Yfafinfo» thaa by liftiag the veil of sorrow from Ward Beecher are tbe two high MhlNN wbieh Chris- Illinois, Wisconsin, i A special from Beri io eays Prosata the tear- bedewed cheek of tbo wid- pricte. Pittsburgh aad " the hap- HHp laiUMikm» arbfofctbey abhor. issippi, and Oregon, IM aeked Austria to prevent Biehop ow aad tbe orpbaa—and thie they py family " of the Evaagelleal Alli- (info and Mfoafoal Ijii^iiir^lpbteilMai,: preesal • against ?aarater, wbile residing in Ihn A us- ean ia a certaia ateaeare do, if thev ance eonld bavo been well .pared Democratic; « Na# . ...,. Ai Sm^ llfo|«Üil tf that portioa of tbo Democratic GovoraM a«l;i trinà portiea of hi. dioeeae, kom as* »at opea the portale of their hearta tbe iaflietion of eooh a phillipic be tana ht the Ifoaa Legmlatam 1%ei too, crci.ing any Episcopal fonction to the miaieteriag angel of ehsrity to againat "Romanism."aa that wroogbt have cast, ip most casco* i BjjWnlw^ tbat la'ia the minority, wlticb would touching the Prussian poftiob. instil its gentle ltd monitions ia their by the Rev. Dr. Porter. publican msjerities. -^^SSI «Ultra «f thie yrare ! Otlb M Á Na». Jidge Mae Tu« Comptroller of the Curreeey ••THE PeorLt'eConaoN SENSE MED- Wain TO Bev Piaoos «a» 01» ••Kfiftpf before, j| ieass|M kiy, of Moilr*«!, caused « writ of J received a telegram en tbt Sd of No- IC A I. ADVISEE," a copy ol whieh hot oaoe—Foremost among the «Mele : od,' bai tailor« bobo M entrai lo injunction lo imi pniMiinf tho I vember from toe Prmidenttf tht Na been recently laid oo our toblt. Tht detterà in the western country, wt j Rotolo, Mi in gtographical extent board of manager* of the Temporal tional Gold tod Trait Company of high proftetiont! attainments of its find tht Messrs. H. Kltber & Bro., ÍI G¡T HM ilBlllif nith ] *od It WTT^FIKWIJFNIII) with TO- I itiea ' Fund of the Preabyterian 8an Franatalo, informing him that oothor—Dr. R V. Piitcx, of Buffa- No. 1SS Wood itrttt, PiHtbonh, _ T^/T. I gard ta llio trepe ILWÍII . IIMHII» I Church io Ganada. io connection tht hank baa gooe imo voluntary lo. N. Y..—and the advantages de- who heep the largest tod bttt stock ¡m m.''wnÊÈÈm rtlli r « eooreaI^„un-i^afa,. Ä tbe dietreeera-1 vill i the Chorch of Scotland, from liquidation. rived by bim from to txleastve prac- of instrument! to be found anewbete. «CU tice, would alone ioaore for hie work Wt uro raft in eaying that Meesre. eolttag from foiling eropt, from their I transferring it to the newly formad Tot hog ttaaoo hai commeneed 1 A a cordial reception. Bet these ore Kleber it Bro. off« hotter induce- expirienee of tbo Samaria Camino. Presbyteria*— n Church of Canada—-»- . io LotiaviHt, all that bava been tak- Re*. Fatoer Bifham. not the merita for which it claima our ments than aoy other boote ; that That, bewerte, wet Otiti; a locai The writ was issued on o petitioe of] en to that eityfind in e reody purchas- attention. The Author ie a man oj they ttkt less profit off their cettom* ftmioit ; the present ia generai. UM Re». Gavin Lug and other too Un- ers, who pay at high as |7 75 ptr ike people. He eympathixee with tre, ood give tbem better piauot tod Om««yamitm«ot pw txpoetd omito teltiteied SOM it átfriooé OL ionists, «bo maintained that the fond hundred. Tbt indiotltoit tr« that them io all ttitir afflictions, tffortt. organa for their money. Agaio, (bia Ilo txpeeted harrtet. From Oy ti lo which tmounta to over 8«08 000. it large number of porkers will bt and attainmente. He pereetvee their firm ia uetorpoottd for bo nasty ood «re Crimta, tod from Tobo* to Po- tbo property of tho Choreh el Scot- slaughtered there during the winter. ef ih» Saio to. I doltb, itto tb t tome tale, and there la loof, ood eaeoot go to the newly want—a knowledge of themtelw.*—and fairotaa in dtoliog s their word may formed Chorch. Asvicas received from Gutdola believing that all troth ahoold be bt strictly relied upon, a» ni money »o». Fiil»i. •« ftth** K«w«tii>i, M prospect of hti p for them. All oro groaihig ander the ootoo load. jar, Mexico. atete that thtfive part i made at univereal a« God's own son eotld induce them to mierepreeent Too Dure K$pano of Madrid« of wrthhie raelttait, Fitbm Ro- |o othtr y tut, if thtro io o ftiloro of tiptolt in tbt murder of the Ameri- light, from hi« food of leerntog and an artielt, or ttkt advantage of o Novemberfith, aays:—"Th e Vatican m «o raiiet «lili tot crepa, it «moka ooijr one apt«ita, be can Miaeiooary.Jobn L. Stephens. experience he haa produced a work customer's inexperience. Mtetrt. hot ttol o oott to Madrid which tx i i> MIMÌH. Tho it Boot or fiotti bm ihit j tor oil the hieb oceorred at Ahualco, in the in which bt gives tbem the benefit Kleber Sc Bro. will tend yoo eoe of prtttet approval of tha conduct of otofo bavi etffered iltoe. - month of March'1870. were executed ol his labore. In it he cooeidere a tht world-re Downed Stein war Pian- Ctrdintl Simeoni in regord to tbo oo the i «ih «it. man io every phase of hie cxietenee, os for a trite over t4o0. tod equal io Tot Paotma Star and Herald of circular. Tht note inttatt upon tbt execution of. tht Coneordtl, refuses A telegram*f«om Berlio says that from the moment be emerget " from I tone to tay ft.000 instrument of otb- October flat haa detail a oía great On r ooo of tbo feaaoot wÊÊKKÊ&^M to rtcogoist tbo royal plaett, aitri tht arsenal at —Reulaber . . g waa almos• — t a rayleaa atom, too dimiootivt for | er makers. - — — rem wie fbraa eemy tnraitf öfter fire lo Iqbique. The fire broke oot tbt tight, until ht gradually evolves Boston Pieoee of Hatleti di Cost- butea tht civil wtr to rtligioue toler entirely destroyed by firt on tbt 3d lo o Obrara« Clob Heute« tboui two to the maturity of thoee Gmtciow atone for neerly one-balf Itti thtn toco, tod demanda that the Bithop of Novombtr. Forty thoonod rifies o'cloek on tht moroiof «f «ht 7th of 1 Jotoert. the exercise of which forntab- card priee— say a 1530 for ftOO, ole. «Ktlmittof dñtheratifiri of Urge! be tried by eceletiaatieal were destroyed. The total loss ie I Oetobcr, and btfort noon tbTee-quar- ea subjective evideeee of our immor- Or e very fine 7è oelove agrafie judgea, tod not by tht ordiotry tri- ttlimtttd tt five militóte of marka. proatttion wtt j iert ofIqoiqtehtd vtoithod ioamokt. tality. Proceeding upon the theo- sqttro grand Ntw York Pieno for bontl." firet tHdl the ' edolto of 1 Twooty-four bleeka of bouaes, atore«, A dispatch from Paaatra rayt that ry that every feet of mind has a phy- leea than f275. felly warratted. Thie jfjl Ihaaka. fia., wtrt eontomtd. The THE Royal Commissary for tht a terrible fight took pltct in Lima sical antecedent, he haa giveo ao ad-1 lattar ie tbefiorai pian ofor tb e IOOO- ». .. I mtrebtot vtratla io tht hoibor etm Dioeeae of Poeeo, Germany, ia not between toe partisans of Admiral mirable treatise on Cerebral Pbyei- ey e ver ofiisred. Theo tbey erti tbo 1 ^^«»Ji^A-a fpSI'W «« oothote, endeltifce ehr- to be allowed to have it all bit owe Moettro tod Geoertl Prado. Seve- ology, and ahown tht betriogt of tht u ori vai ed Burdett Organa CroM $85 oarryiog lighltd oandlto Jn »tir I ilil(1|i< foreign reaidents, tàMort, thé wty with reaped to the Oratorieoa ral of ihoee eogaged were killed aod tela thus eatablished upon individu- to 8500—tbe foremost organ to tote hMÎ<é Stertmtot, I poUet. and tho ootheritioo atruggled at Goetye. It tteme that a Saxon mtoy wounded. al aod aoeial welfare, The A otbor country. AH tbrat good a tra fin« believee with Speoeer, that " at vig- class, tod ore warramed far from five whUo the ehoir' ttog tht J\uye, Lia-1 to tubëwe tho fitmet, family hid t reviaionary right to the Twiirhr imported wtgoot belong lqsiqii wtt hoilt tlmost entirely property| tod they immedltttly com orooe health ood its accompanying to tee yeara. Aod wt aaay add tot« ing to merchants tt Rueeelville, Ar- of wood, tod àio tidewtikt of the iotoetd t law toil againat the intend ligh spirits art larger tlemeoto of tht Mirare. Kleber tri firat-elaas Thit btaulifol dovotloo of «ho ktntat, were ent to pieett oo Fridty MM mtltrial. Tho footed to I» #d confiaoatioo. It tit meantime an happintet than tny other thiegt men eira, tnd witb whom it it beth tight, October S9tb. by t body of mmfWiÊÊéi^ »ho pregoated with nitrttt, t|d tht Mil order woo telegraphed from Berlio whatever, tht leeching how to main- e pleasnre aod a pecuniary edveotage mttktd mte. supposed to belong to , and H it to bt hoped waterfottiog o n tho mrth only ttrv directing that the Orateriane were tain them ie e teeebiog that yitldtto to beve deelioge. Entrati yonr od to kindle «he firo hiddto by the the Wagon Mtktr't Union. oo othtr whtttvtr," aod according- thtl itt good froit wiU bo botiog^— BOl to be ttoletttd. choice witbout ftar to thrat geotle- taltptlre. Thefife twtp t like p hur La Paon, wbo wat indicted in Coo- ly bae introduced eo extensive die men, for tbey tre a bove ehevp triekt Tho tltara, thrto in onmbtr, wtrt riotnt over «he tity, ont the houaes ON tod tfttr the ltt of Deeember cord. New Htmpthin, for tbt mur- cuaeion of the method« by whieh we or oefoir dttliogo. ^Hf::liMi|Hi| Mtotoo went down before H like paatoboard the 4:H P. M. train for Cineinoati dtr of iotit Lontmade, wee identifi may preserve the ietegrhy of the oo the Penneylvania Railroad will be Haaley tnd Carlan, wbo dottrvt paletot. Tht damage done by thit ed on Saturday, October 30th. as the system and ofteotimee prevent too Fivt mill iocs tlarted to boor later, tod include io mao seen io the bushes near which onset of dittttt. Domestic Reme- Vow Retdy for th« FtR tafi WhM«r mooh ertdit for «hoir ioduatry and | anlMoitof harddolliry U immensee will M. i cover H. and | H ooo or more poatal railway ears, the girl paraed. dies—their preparation, uses, tod ef- trait. gooé teste. ' in I^oiqtoooiettrtoeeooold be ob- |»bioh«»to arrive to Pittsburgh at fects—form s prominent featere of E. Houston 4l Son. Mercbait Tail- • JVew A^Rfim»'!!^ 3Tee. 5, 187». taiood from the eery nature of, totM.. ot ot prtttet, tod io In the (Jolted Statee District Coort the work. Tbe hygienic treatment, ors. No. 133 Smithfield street, neor* errand, and the materials that wtrt Ctneirairti,«« fi P. M-. oo the fol- at Chicago, on Saturday. Nor. Oth, or oereing of the aick, it to import- ly opposite Municipal Hall, havt re- mm ompioyed for building porpotra. loWieg day, and at St. Lea is between Judge Blodgett gave t deeitioo of- ant aubject, aod reeeivee attention ceived their Fill aod Winttr stock | mi firming the right of the eitv to tax commemorate with ite importance. „Tht principal «fUte* which wore 16»« "»«"»'.ff- ™ of gooda. compriaing otl tht ltttet aoy veeael licenced and regietered at Nearly til ditttttt ** to which fleth dtatroytd by tho AM tie afcraoeh o f ] limited mail train will ti ll bt Al- styles of Clotkt, Caaaimerea, Veat- KWHiKP that port. it btir" are draeribed, their eymp- ike ttetieetl Btek, the Towo House, Ptttbtd from New York daily ol 4: ings tnd Overcoatinga, whieh hit 30 tomt tnd eaeatt explained, atd pro- Ttt XOÉOMO (Iodiaoa) tht fanlqne and National Hotels, the 1 THE London Daty Newt' epecia been uleeted with unusual em, ood per demeetie treatment toggetled. o••,,f «he 4«, h.,ton«., „ pwWithM'at . o, fbBew ^bsilliliog —oopind by tho Pacific A telegram from Seranton, Pa., from Alexandria, reports that the in will be made up io the bet« ttylt. To rteiprtettt toe mtoy fovort be- lag hi oo extro:—" Ooo of the jStttm Navigation Company, ood the I givee aome partieolare of tht robbery habilanta of Kaka, on the White Givt thtm t call. ted. mark our word, stowed upoo him by e generous pub- hn.ilblt, etld blttitd, alart-1 Marktt mvirPlace, , »Tth-e ftyorit<—J^Je cluLb bootS.--e^ I »^ ^ Ffrtt National Btok of Pitta- Nile, have revolted ood defeated the you will bt pltaaed witb both goedt lic. tht tulhor offers hit book tt a lutg mtrdert «iti tvtr bapptoed I of the city. Manyfornii it a ere det- too, en Tteeday night, Nov. Sd, by Egyptito troops, killing 100. tnd priett. prict (fl 5C) liult txcteding .he to the àttm-wtt ptrpttrtttd UttI«itole tnd homeless. 0 hood of burglar«, whereby N0.0M Ia Ctpe Breton. Note Scotia, H it eost of publiettion. Our readers ean night nt ti Ototoifo, fltwtid to— Tht Prttsdtot of Pero ha« order- io headt tod motty wtt stolen. Tbo calculated that over S.000 miners wil obtaio Ihia practical tod valuable «y. Tho eoMoM orm ootMtd of ^re td tht aulborltita to «tt 6*000 toltt raMmt,!^ a dexterous manceuvre. PlUihtrch Ctthtlte •«•RMwrt* lb*» wioter bttt to depend ©« exter work by addreteiog tbt author.—N. affair abont two t*otook «bit mom for tht ir «oliof. In the eity of Lime, effected an entrance to the vault, JOHN J. MURPBY, nal aid for lebsitttoee. owing to tbt T. Tribune. tog« Thyporttotri»™ of Iht tfSair the diibrtol nationalities bad con- having entered the building through dtprration in the eotl trade. 130 Grant atreet, oppoaite Cathedral, are tt yet eery mtagrt. bat oo neor tribettd libtrtlly. .. '^i tht roof, whtrt they blew open two haa oo heed e forge stock of ell the aa we ean totro oro ta foliowa : Da- Many «f tho owreboote hed taken Tax boiltr to the ptptr mill of opherieil etfee, from whieh they ab- Standard Catholic Works publish ed ! advantage et «ho redoeed teriff, ood Morritoo, Btrt & Co., it Roarinj; vid RoMM tooMto - «own y rater» atracted th« money tod decamped. in tbe United Statee aod Eerope: diepatehed large quantitita of oier- Sprioga, Pa., exploded on the Sfitb of doy, httfhl o tew «tit of clothet Md BUSINESS NOTICES. also Catholic School Bookt tod Sta- ebandtoe for tbipmiol^ nearly the Tax King and Queen of Denmark, October, deetroyiog tho mill ood se- a revolv«r. Ht went home, «howed tionery. Pictures,Crucifixes, 8tataee, whole of which hee been dtttroyed, andtheir daugkttr, the Princess Thy- riously injuring ten men. the Lii|htM|Jt htoJae^ly, ood oot THK Annual Election for Diree- I Me tl ale. dcc.. Ace. Priett low, Or- tod theae merchants aìre now abao- ra, accompanied by Prince John of hit tepptr. Bla brothtr tnd anoth- LOCK Btvta lumber «sen have tore of the Clerieel Relief Associa- ! dert by mail promptly etteeded to. lotely bankropl, tbtir liobilttiot toh Schlee wig- Holstieu, Stoderberg. tnd er wàm were éiàto boera, end Rob- Gluekatadt, arrived in England oo ahipped 30,750.000 feet of lumber, tion waa held at tbe Epiwopal Resi- tooon tttmtd to watl them to lento, tof very Itrgely in extett of thtir et* by rail and eanal. during 1875—an dence oo the Sd ioet.. when Revt. teli to eOottqutace Of tht dlsaater. the Sd ¡net. The toy el party wore end finally perauadtd them tt go to 1 met ot Dover by die Princess ot increase over the same period io 1874, Jamee Holland, M. Carroll, R. Phe- A Boly HAS« tf Tot Years. The warehouses in wbith largt ohoieh. Utk tout mm. to good ho- Wtltt ood suite, tod escorted to of 3.808,840 leet, lao, D. Kearney, tnd Jerome Kear- By order of Iht Rt. Ret. Bithop quautitiee of oitrate were atored, and ney wtre thoato to atrvi for the en- mor, end oppetrod ptrftetly rane, London. Tho diatingaiahed visitors CarraiM POLLOCK baa brought ie- Demente, of Pitttburgh, I Mm will wbteh were close to the tea, wtrt suing yetr. Immediately after eo flomt timt tfttr llw »en bad Wk «o Fort Laramie seventeen unauthor» be raid in 8t. James' church, of Be- toted»NlUfg« quontititt of eooi. o iriH¡*m*ÍBwtiì %h*¡gjíjj^ organlxtllon was effected by the se- Robinaon rtmarktd to hia wife that a ixed persons found in the Black Bill«, wickley, Allegheny Co., Pa., every eottly article in Iquiqut, Wtre dot-1®"«**' lection of Rev. D. Kearney, a« Presi- it monÜd-htto been moll if liuto Do«« tnd Lieutenant Delaney brought io Saturday, during ten yeara for ul troy td. , , . I Tao Madrid Impaniai states fh«t dent; Re»- M. Carroll. Vice Preai- hia tra, had ditd i«o wetht ago, tad tee more. those, living or dttd, who shall fire, r> dent; Rev. R. Phelan, Treasurer; «nid he heâ oMOMNoé «o kill the Etanx totr it bra beco tbo euttom h^ SS^^t^^ìÈ or for whom ehtll bt giren oaee, One fot rame Of the Jtteit Ftth ere te haa délivra^ aoother note to too Tax British Admiral io too Medi- Rev. J. Kearney,Secretary, and Rev. ehnd Ho dim ifew hit rtvotoar Dollar, to help thet poor thoogh will- s b MlB, l r terranean bae been ieetroeted to toko Jamee BolUnd, Assistant Secretary. tnd firet,n»^iiiiotdioo who wot ly- met« at Cologne, Otrmany^ group I P««' ' « ol Fore.gn Affa.rs, ing congregation to pay the heavy almifor to tbt« presented early io the action relative to the reetnt attacks ing in bed, tnd «tÄtoroed ltd Ao« tl tht lodt wlû» wtrt going oo to ttody debt oo their ehureh, whieh they hid lait month, in regard to the jurisdic- upon Britieh merchantmen by Span- at bit «üb. - ToitMod and orated tt Ftldktreb. in «he Aotlritn Tyrol. to build twice, bectutt it wit once tion ol Cotvtt Mortiti over citizens TLI Eighth Aoetal Concert and with fright. Mrt. Robiotra ran ont Thrat yoftha are children belonging ish piratet. dwtreyed in thoee tetera storms in of the Uaittd States in Cobt. Tbt Promenade of the St. Cecelia Cor- of lim honte» ttd' lhe eldttt .lit* M «tefirtt fomiliea i n Rhtntlaod and A nail EVANB, I colored aerttot of 8peeith Cabinet will tpttdtly reply net Baod will be given tt Lafoytttt 1888. •toiM y tart el OfO * aurtod to loUow. Weetpbalia. That year, at otoal, Mtmpbie, wat berotd to dttth by Bill on Monday eveoiog. Nov. 23. All kind beeefoetort are requeeted Bobiotoe thot btoi to tbe fooe. hot «tro Jeteii Fftthtrt «rat the boy» et Ite it. tht bed elothee taking firt from t A limited «umber of tickett htvt tt direct their letters to tbt baH glteeod,Md failed ttr' hort the Ktiltùty ttaiton at Colegnt. At Tax examination of tho affaira of eandlt, on Monday eight, October Rnv. D. ZWICKXIT, been iaeued. whieh ere offered to tbe him btdfy. Tbt fatbtr then atruck «ho tramite! Itoit they wert about to the Firat National Bank of Tifilo, Sewiektey. Allegheny Co.. Pi. S5tb. frieoda of tbe bend at Ont Dollar. him on tht btek of tbt htad with o enter the trrtt, they wert trrttted by Ohio, Whoao defaulting eathitr eoa ; THE Palo Alto Iron mille, Potts- leholr* «Ml jpilJ lit wooed,, , bm tht poltet, tnd tbt boyf hlu^'to tiih t milled tuie ido some timt tioct, haa ville, Pa„ idle over t yttr, htvt re- the tbo tooratMNl M jorow oot of J t^eir Murtty alone. Of tonrto the boon cot eluded. Tbt total amount FtMfty Bewtag. sumed work with ever 300 men, ti e Cocons ano Cotos aox orrtir or- loKlMMP >Mor. Robintoo I Feibert wiM htet to bt released, at of Hqaa' forgeries tod stealings ag- The Sietera of the Good Shepherd, reduction of waget of twtoly-fivt EttooxiD.—-A continuance for any tMe doittmit>tly «ttiL « ibftO it ytt to low that prohibits the g regates tbeot Il M.000. Bt btd | corner of Lowry tod OverhOl atreeta, ptr ram. leoglh of time eaoaet irritation of tht box otar bfro ood tpproaebtd hi« lit- ^oiraáom ieOteáltog .iiitoagh ftec 'bien togtged to iteek gambling with Luuga or aome Chronic Throat Die- Troy Bill, beg leivo to inform the tie giri hit only dingbttr. wbo woo I | t this act eoo hove mnT< ao bk othtr people'e money since 18M. Tax WiUitmtport RubbtrCompa case. " Broum't Bronckial Trocktt" I lidiet of the eity that thty ire pre- lyiog to bod«o|4 hra en« ber been doB Thto mtiotog o Ogle vee tt all timee occupy t pleee Ibot to pratervt iti taottUy, Gui- OOt, the ré Wild advtrtiatd. neaota, according to the ceneus just thy tod J. B. BeUitee prttidt over er«t fonod hMMN* the jeoetioo, botd*e hertal iot would be forever io tbe froot rook io their line of trade. thottediot. Ttrmt. fS 00 ptr mtoth. , Tai Govtroor ol Louitiana haa completed, is Si,000, and tbtt of tht wlOt to elottrar. Mtoeen got on tffttjfi. The Bithop eotclMdid by Thie eeeeoo they bave an immense Boon for ttody era from 7 to 8. For tigtrad the dooto iwerroete of tin eity of Minnttpaiit, 38,700. to oot of iht «ághefitHfbt traioa ot ttoprallibf the greateat forboaranco line of Seel Stqoee, Bote ood Mofie, criminals coetfoltd of murder; two ' particelara. the Rev. Prraideot, Fa- Tat Comptroller of the Oorreoey which ere being offered et such prices 00 the pati of tht ptopto, m tht op« in CoushalU, to be execuud on Frr- ther MeTighe. or any of Ike Profe«- hot appointed Warren P. Noble ra tt defy eoMpetitioo. % of ttoltelMÉMtd one mito proaebing burial. On no oteoeft day, Novtmbtr 10th, two io Moeret, sors may be eratelttd. wore totf to itttrfort. Ht wore ed Receiver of «he Firn National Book inAtp^ialfoNr Qrletnt, to be exe- All those who wieh to purchase them not to tlttnd the fonerai. ^ -. of Titta, Ohio» to« 0«raom%rao< tfTlpit o ttjMy, cuted on Novcmbff. 36tb. Two of I siything in tho for line are invited to APPEAL TO TUX CHAUTAIL«.—The atd wtt idt««ified at Bmtol D.vid , ta* Botara, who wat foro|eíy the the condemned •ce. white aod four I A diaeaae eimilar to the e^itooilt call md examine toe ttyltt it tht St. Viaránt dt Paul Society, attached ' , whi oeMMtoSfi flto ttrrir pfttidoot of tho dofoeol Maeu/acte- eehmd. «, it killing tot ealtlo it eeveral coun grattleading «o the Cathedral, confidently «¡ppee! Me dood loo« tight, tifo oahmtwt rer'o Natioetl Btok e( Cbieogo, has 1 tira bordering on tbe Peootylvtoie to the lidiet for donitioni of old %'' desperate fight took plaee at One /Vibe Furflorae of Fleming . I hew lii MM Uè de«h"hm » to top- tide of th* Delaware river. clothet, to tupply toe demand Mode LoodoO, Sum ner county, Kanaat,dnr- Oglevee. Na. 138 Wood Street. Tm fra of Raffaol Brothere, mer- upon them hy toe many poor onder aHMip sr^'ffiÄ ing tht election on Toeedey, Novem- P. S.—Seal Steqoet made to or- their charge. or oddrottet and tatteorwdf Ii«>ttt. Hit traete ber 8d. and Sheriff Neil, in allempt- ekunti of London, Eogltnd, have Puree)« dmibiw g^lBH - dtr. Old Bral Saequee altered into era he left it tot Oftee of the C««he oit ooteetred «otra tmounttog to ii|to rattoro orde r and preetrtt the failed. Their litMHtiti tie tttimtl is tbt ntw thtpe. dral ray «trto«. from 18 to IS 1 IM ti, o to«orrai it tof CUf- petet, thot tad iatltotly killed t des- td tl $880,888. , : o'clockt tito o« Jobo I. Merphy't too Boote, wbteh, hewtvtr,' It IM««* perado aaamd 1. H. Tomer, tnd Tta Britieh altowar Albo DoutTixaa tht matt of out raed' HHMBookstorei , Grant itreet, end J. Dtn- mm cagod te ooerly Ht foil tamout, end mortally wooed ed two others. trow haa been ordered to prooted «o < mj ^1 etock «f «ht Nttieotl ere for« rara in oor advertising col-1 Itvy't, in the Diamond- hraab bt tbo iodoot Ponant «o protect Britieh intereete ^mç^ÇSP^^ I^^^^^œPBH WM^l fibra. WQ»& ABOUT filttoo.. Bit Meet o•f th• t to iters to the Boek- Tell there. umot for a irag «tora, " Tht i|y|ji~iret traita i noe I I li I H^^HW Hi II |itf HOkto«0 owoatnke. but Gito Pris« Pletora rant free. We i Tan Pera or Aixieninr.—The tt«. ISÄrf ^ ' I tot iidications are thai U will «oí A haiUtorm In Rolla, Missouri, on ire ittertd «hit E. C. Abbey I« e j (MM, «O tratti to .s. m Ont prominent operatw St. Vincent de Paul Society, attach- the tt b of October, emithtd oboe« prompt end reliable gentleman* aid H; HMH ~ «0 tot demende of-hit ed to St. Peter'i chorch, Allegheny WWÊÈÊÊMg^nËMSm 110,000 pia«* of glttt. that for « tttmp to ait eddreee, at of eity, orami «a toe loditi rad the •f Buffalo, N. T., several of these very uthere wih follow, as the demand lor ehetitnMe fai general, for I«ttl8««« to te- i jfeijip tatoitdSfo« >Ttlfl»i||;'«to«io ingenious genre ora tent to etek ip- «ralltfttoi jtoí|P' mm of old clothes, teenpplythe fMtonâ tom e dettkhmtoi of Cakm fhnMn plieam. E»«ryhody it highly plttf V: The American miad it telfve. It audi opra it by toeraray peorender treopt rap te ted Tra Bot trat«» ^el tb« Triaairy td with tram. 1 hit ghratvtehraht idfiotto« fo t «ht iti ehirge. **Contributiont, or id- « hetd of eiflktoitoto ara addretted e «»reeltr to toe eei- drtraet, era he MI ti E. è 0. Mi-1 Wet«re of cuttooHi announcing that ta ttoa «otolira, loo«««d htfhtfottot «•m ^wtpra'trarao•HNj e jptpee.—• gira'«. Federal street, rad B. Roara, «aMalir rif f ko«, mFabil t Oral»—INIjpn *4 M. Stewer«. _ , naf M «h»tohratl«ieir •oMM«itolitnt«rf tra« «oitfo er hidra «tram of tri» he iRewed from Barrad oMor fevl#ok*;/<*tlmpeapie. A book >W)h«traottetgv,ra htftl tn exetilen« «MM» ALKFHMIY» the 8d of November "fa conseqoence (ie ora«?« «ut« mite «e i ttbjtet of I qetlUy of Coi{, Nnt Coal, tnd alack, ¥ lhi fwmtfooe» of the hoof sad uairersal ioUreit. 8«eh a subjeet i« I Tord No. 71 Btodmky «treft, dote ^•mssait 3|B •ttililiraira ta «h«t coumty. 1 the physical «tot;'rad neh * brak] to tire Roilwty traek, Allegheny tHy. W Mirara THE CATRUlJC. X. L. WHITE, PITTSBURGH BANK fOR SAVINGS, KI> U C ATIPIA Also RAlLWAf TRAÄMBDSÄ m- HK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NO. M FOl'RTH AY8NCE, PITTSBURGH ROCK HILL COLLE«E. **** ri ma srwuwM. Cbartered In lt»6Ì. Aim.—Orui efforts BLLICOTT CITY, MS. PITTSBURGH. YITS! k««f |«M aldi br atieMifie mai lo ASSETA JANUABY 1, 1173, *1T&,24I 56. fHIS Institution, under tha cars aad mss«ge mmmi« « i^M™™™ jais» If A meni of the Christian Brothers, is boated la mSmrn&akw which death OPBN DAILY trotti » la « o'olocx, and BA$- sos si the awst plotatasfas partloas af tha BOnrn raa oa Ods rate as MWHWjr ytomd. For FITS! FITS! FITS! URDAY EVENINtì, fram May l»t to Norem UÖHM H. O'BRIEN, M. D., —aad rifords «ara tipp«itanitist to the stadaat «OWR WB9P. 7S»wr Sto^flBtitili - Owwwat km ber i«t, from T to » o'cloch. aad Ama Novamfcer ci—or sitmrsr i mm. VAXJUB»« roo. Ist te May l*t, e te 8 n'otook. Intarwst paid st desi roe» of fitting himself for R^toeering, Mer- Ma.1. Natt, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE cantile, or Liteary parssfts. m4Mt««MéÍaf M«udof »Urge •T users mutrncnuu. (ha aste ut* per oenu,ouaqtated trum tho lat to STATIOKS. ^ M I owtor tliia ^atraaalaf auriadr. trill Par Buttar particulars ssa catalogue. «•MM at MAtf io sajr on« who jvm, MIS aswutm mrmmar, •awrda Hautomiw » Bunurai«toke>theoalBpljlepU£ Pill» tu «K.JU«.» oaVrem«d rei r ortBlr a I6th of each munth, aad if not withdrawn, PltUburghAOO sSÄ« ^SP'TÍÍ "»ri««flbiIrpaf o r Pallia* Tita. ODtnt'OuBds semi-annualty, la Janoary and Joly TERMS. woaM 4taeoeet sad eosatauiitcate BIRMINGHAM. ThafrOperia« oertiflcut- « ahoald ka nod by »U Ihn Roehester-3:M - jeasl-Sat !?" . i « arery rwp*rt trae, «od »liooIJ ih*rBoslt a of By-Laws, Ao.. fnraishod st Ite office. Board, Tuitioa, Aa., «MS M Allianoe....ft:2& - irtléftrtwy tsst, other thaw thai of Board of MrwMtgara—ttaorga A. Uerry, Prosi öne BatraaeaBom...... ISM Orrrillo..._r:10 N 3~}f- wfco la sot aOirtml hlnaelf. if JMI hadeal, ; John Scvu, Jatne, Park, Jr.. Vtoe Preei- SgBSltAteMEpooili—. iodica ltd by B. C. & J. H. SAWYER, a iriond wh.> ta a annr, ha will do a humana met by Bradeatiag Fee,.,.,. IM Mansfield..»47 - «Otting Ulta uo( aad wo<1lu« iluliim. dent; D. E. M'Kinlej, Seeretaty and Treasurer Physicians Fos.,. 0 M ths oh io loroiof to be black aod blue 47 WOOD STOBT. PITT?BITBOH, PA., Crest., Ar„9:4Q - «... A. BraJlej, J 1ti Graham, A. S. Bell, V Book* aad Stationary at Carrsat prices. •M gitisi. whiiih m eoaeloaive oo the A «OST BEXASKiStl! «TSR R. Nimich. John d. Dtlworth, F. Rahm, 0. Ft4- Ciast, Lv.. 16:00 a dtMaar Maaafoetaro, aad keep constantly oa hand, aB BRO. BETTEL IN, /Vm.dsat. Foreet...„11:18 » (WO « IM m s«fej*et; bat » eold weather thia o— » __ » ... fOVitSUSU, JeneüSth. HCT. lansbee, Joshua Rhodee, S. fi. Hartmaa, Robert Sjrla of AJUr Candle*, ornamented aad plain. ssrs HAiret. Bsltita»re. Md.— IVar Mir: Mal voor Wma ...„.lfeM p. g,is « , • ' sot take plaee io auf weeka, HH^^SSad,erOaaia«iiP. 1WMUKlnee w¡ka litduaad Id* Itrayoet Ur tamr BpäästwniUi KptUpUtM.l C. Sohmerts, Christopher Zug. aay»-t¿ 1 wlti K»)l«par ia Jul». 1363, IimuaOiatclr Soltaitor—John B. Bailey. JRTa GAJLUTZIK SEMIKART Ft. Wayao. 3:40 a lltM « lime « ! to " kaap the tonifico tang rnv phjr»id«o WM ~najetread but k.- coaidstretteaáo c t S-Sm Plymoutfcud:40 « l:Sftp« mll^ ü eojKjnlwd aaaikert>l:y.icl*il.bttf IsMaeS POR SMALL BOYS, i. w—M k ¡iBoamkit «¿d objaattoo "Sfowweraa I thon tri«I thath-aiw»t efattmhar.but Chicago....7:40 " 0:M - IkSrW ' Per Day at heme. Tenas free. saga "í food «IM. 1 arala ratartud to ar ta lui Ir Hwihs), Cambria «sew<|, Pa. v aWo oo aererai aeeooota. A method Addrem O. 8TINSON è CO., phjMdan ¡ ala eappriand bl^a aetvral different tlm«. JOHN« Ja MlTttHEL. GOUT« RA0K •HR Ra.». RsaBb Ra.te ho» raontely Ween given to the jan J0-1 y • Porti and, Mai ne. HIS Institution, ander tha direction of tho Sisters of St. 4osspl^ is ritetlad la one af STATIOSS. lag, MKA htk Preoeh Ooverooient, which «ill pro* ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itha most delightful aaa healthy location« ia ths Chicago...,.&:2ftam S^Oats ft*JftS b»Wf take the prèso. Hold o eoa» J. W. CONN El.Li. sud «u «»»enfiy luiawd «u»eral tlDwd from t£*Mia. li Stats. Ths plaee is famed tbreaghout the eoan- » af affected aa laacii Uta 11 lent all «ob Odatira i a tDTopl!OJ' le. ST Fi/ti acm*c, /runt room, té /loor, die io aojr portion of o body» a blis- i91 Maasaaad I ihM try for te bracing air, aar* water, and magali- Ft.Wayaa.lUO p m 3:4ft " Iljtf W PATTERN MAKER, roSrbflfTile Pinato lOd me f itPebraarr. UMB. I er >u - A few doors beWw tha Cathedral. seat scenery, ia which it stands without ariraL Ua». .3:40 "4M " hU¿* ter will iooo HM I If, on pateum, it »"•fco RM yoM i'ül», aad on 1 » had tao attaefca aOar- Boys reoeived between tho ogee of fear aad wart». The last Sao waa April Mb. ISSS.andtt>«-r wer e t.fM U Forni. fcftO « MM a m « givoo wit o ioM aohetanee. death ha* ••Ms, ftc^ a laaa *>l}?»*el>a«»et»r. W ui» the ileaalaae(i(àa«id«jir» twalra years. Ths discipline ite mode af in- Crest., AtJt'M - t:H - fan i» not MfcsB ptooo ; if it omita air only, NO. U WATER 8TREET, jrosr te»aielnuí « waa made the¡ramSw #«ieh 1 w a» «trootloa is adapted te tto e«e ot the pupU. No Creet., Lv_6:10 am Mi a foaa m > HÍF*, ¿HtofiliM aBlrtton, I tUñk that tha ARTHUR BLEARY, «oiyoral jisauieal. Maasteld...6:40 " T:4» « «m,.«,- it i» perfectly ooruin that Ufo ha» ho- PITTSBUROH PA. l 'U» aad their food electa ahoaia be mad« kaowa erery where, that Maoaa who are alnllaiiy affectn) ^soocsaooa TO ARO. t. o'MAST,] OrrviBs...... »:« « SOS « fdi a' jiMlMa mi» hara the beuelt of them. Any aeraos wiahioi TERMS PRR SESSION. cone extinct,for Whie h we offer hot farther iofiirmailon eao obtain it by calUor at aty twal- A Dioneo...tl.-M - Has • OSS • o»oisB»s»iMS»y tehdfra: io «aaoof deaoa, «o. a» ÄarththlrS St., «al»a»1t-ia a A »ET OF TEETH FOR Wtuiia utitL No as tra charge«. Pittsbargh S:M " sciati doath, th* biood io congealed Esch child win ha required to ha provided —in sseaae, (hero i« no «owtoto* ia TBCBE a. crac roa mum r CHINA, GLASS, with fear sate af elothiag, (tho aniferm will be - The aabjola<'d wUlauawrr. ¿*9 •imply a ÜMto «le j ih» beiag rari- DOSS»A»A.Mica..Jane30. —trraS llaves.—pearBir:' gray, trimmed with blank, sonare pants,) suita- Toa WillfladeoeUwed «v e dalláis, which I aaad yon fur kle to th« different seasons. He mast also s^tjari!^ ied OÍMÍOT n lame, raiaea «p the akio; bo*M of year Epileptic Pilla. I waa the SratMraoa hare six chance« of andorolotUag, six pain M., arrives at OMisgs Stftft A. ML who tried your mis la thia part of tha nmairy. My ana K Am in life, th* flame causes on was badly afllctad with Su far two year*. I wrute for BO. 8ft WOOD STREET, of «toekiage, few pairs of boots or shoos, a No. I, Daily, exoept M " iltijiiilifli, nnd »Miro, in ker a- •OÍ rac«i*.-d two bojtaa << »our Pilla, wltsoh he Wok ar-B«mmii Fourth ttreet aa4 Diamomi tUisp, cloak oc oT«roeat, six towels, ate trHranphint aad 8, aad I* Daily, excebt eoaiiaa to diractlaaa He >sa aerrr had a 1( éhicc. It a table knife and fork, silver spoon aad gablet • Daily. lira, aooda iacreaaed material then »• by my prnoaaioa that Mr. Lyon tried yosrgtU* Plttsburcb, Pa. R. HYRJML SUCH as sUmt Dentists charge ffj* *»» ».rery bad OB« T be had eta aearly an hla dressing box forai«bed with oombs, A«., valise V. tor rsasirs. a kiod of glairyfluid, an d tU aad tU for, jree oaa fat at •tra ramna here written te ma frum > latía an and aad postage «tsaip«. Gcb'1 Pianili Mi TUto* vesaeaaee oa the «object, tar tbe porpuae ofaaeertaiu- thi», hoiog soot titer* in OXOOM, '»« "T »pialOB lo eeñid to year Fitta. I tat«« aleara Beiletin« informing parents or aaardisas of OR. GILLESPIE'S, EDUCATIONAL.. tha bee 1th, proficiency, Ao., of their ohiidran fimicMi, mm _ CBOOM th* akia to riao. Inability to {•nauBeaoed them, ahd in no tastane« where I bars had a chaaaa of hearlot Ama tk*tr rftwt tiara they at every threS months. US Peña avenue, Mad« in the beet aaanner. tailed to cura. Your,, etp,, (',. il Qr PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBUS Bmos M A« poleo or heart beat, eold Also trst olass work of all kiads at tits saost T THE PITTSBURGH Tho Scholastie Year oommeaaes-on the seead •kin, or dew o» » bit of ftnao*—nono rsasoaaMs tales. drenada. Taiaboxba fjuiity, tflla. Mea lay of September ate aàoit« ah oat the arid- On and after May 3M, ISTI, te¿s¿MSte oa this road ss foBews: " of Ih—10 n«0 oondoaire, aa there baa Ws kw experi eoe* la tte ass of Hltrees CATHOLIC GVSTITfTB, die of/aly. Oxide (or Laaghlag Gas) saaMss hin ta war. Asronént »«kaekaflb Reforenoe oaa ha made to Rt. Rar. Blahop FOR BOYS, boon lito, when nono of these were rant imm with jtor/oot «a/rty in every oa ctsE ar mimri os, fall»» rrrs, Domeaeo or aay af the clergy of the Diocese. - ******* Ite»' m .Partetter particulars apply fo ar addrem ohoonrod.—BaW* Jownal of Health. HO. aaa PRBN AVENUE. ar HAScva apnjEPTio hvlm. Will re-open Septemhor the LSt, over the Bank LXAV* No. 8. No. dk Ma. a. Xl u. MOTHER SUPERIOR, Kttsbur^jLM7fc _ „ *9>rt«easar. Jim «ab, 1SS7. of Commeree, at Bio Powonooa Picun.—It is « eon ™ SSTW K H ASCI:—A parson lutoy emplo y had Im aug 14—tf Ebensburg, Pa. - Aaarra ar • » »* ) . ,< afflicted with Fila, or Epilepsy .fer thiiteea y vara;te ha d mm eoa torn with hoosewives to •aaaa attacks at interrai, or t wo to four weeka. and ofteCornern - of Wood street and Sixth avenw. Stsah'vills..J.M« IMS ** JAS • tM * CadirJunc._5.TS - 11.10 • ¿te a U&m ptokle freon fraila and vegetables TIE BOOK TRADE. tuaea aererai in aulclt aaceeaatoa.aoaietiaMMeontiaainK NT. ALO YSIUS' ACADEMY, »»»<> or three daya. On aererai occasions they lasted 11 Isrgi n«T f l*Tifmni ha« lamt mgaai Ö«alfoarMS- 13.Mr a.ftte« uZ o yatlt his mind appeared totally deraugud.iu « hlch stato : »ad «a preserve Hp* fruits, if th«y TO THE CATHOLIC PUBLIC. h« Woald roh tino« for a day or two after thefits eease thde coar«e of studies will he as thosoegh aaa M canna raaoAaa or ras N.Comerst a7.ftl « 1^4 « sa « fiX è ^ ItnedaosonU n'twilia,proscribed by anrraaldealphr- varied as in many of the bwt college« ia us knew the *vR effeets reaolliog from HE snderdgned, for nearly twenty years a «icfauta, bat withoot aocMas. Bar Ida aeea yooradrcr- SISTBRS OF M'ÌÉROT. Dres.Jsa^-0.13« Ut" TS" SS' 5wemeai I ooocloded p tryrar remöSjr, I ohiilned tw *Countr y Particular atteatioh will be paid to the a»* of aoch article*, they wool« resident of Jokastowa, kavtaf pnrekaeed b'»*es of y oar Pilla, tar« them accordine to dlrectlen«inetrneno. a ia Catiolie doetriae aad to the Re- Lorotto, Carni ria —aty, /V TMr. öao. QaMsy*s i took ef Books, Ae., respe and they «Meted H permanent eoM. Ti o perso-» is now Colanhas-ILM - IR* m¡. ¿J . abandon them forever. Whatever ligion* training of tho boys. HIS Institntion, situate ia by for the most fully iavitee the ntteatien of Iba pubUo to a »tont, healthy man. about 3d reare of ue, andfina no t «atemjtLJ.UA;».^ ÌM9m*M" J The term« are very reasonable, aad wfQtitt ihe healthy jpart of Pennsylvania, la distant fout oaalttoeat toad» lo preserve either silsaalis assoitaMBt of CalhoUe works; ooss- haed na St ataee BS roraa>.®eed tanac ymtr aadleia«. tea T Indian lls—US V.il^JMS « UJi.a f. * ata««. H« was my principal waror.er, and ha». reach of all. miles from Òre«soa Station. Mi ar grooa froite »ad vegetables prisiaf a (WD Hae of Popalar Books of Denrotios Mare that time, been expuaed to the aeraren «f tre«tlM0 oenti $15. Also Rosaries, Sold provement of tho rapils will ha partieularly re- »tao ine of *ay article that has been aad Stirer Msdah, Laos Edge and other Viae STILI A XOTSIEB (TVE. tun. i. McTIGHE, gaided, aad Ite Sistsirs will hasaaMsd fo sflord sooommodatioa te a touch largir nsmte af Columbus. 13.01 ra í.ll AOL. OJO « Qjils ' prosorvad or pickled. Io Ih* pro- Easiaelafs. AHsr«Uskke«riBposMvriysaO Bead the follow tua testimonial from a respactaìiìó an 1ft At the Episoopal Batidaasa. Newark.... 1.13 * RBAX at wwj lowest prises. «aiata of r¿«anuda, Mlssiseipi i. punii« thaa heretofore. eos* of tfifestioB, the food ha* to ua Owe 8. BAILS,BaKlatore,Md. —pear SIX; (lake crest The «cholastic year ts dlrided iato twa ses- Drea.Janc_l.A7 " MI a motil« AMIR JT, MURPHY, 44 gwe *ere inretarlas a «Si 6T Xpaatns, or* iti. cnrM TfNTe . FRAilCl^ €OLLfi«E, sioasaf Ite montho each, ooa«meaeing Piptim Coshoetoa-3t33 10:1» « dergo organic ohasgea. Therefore, Itaaesssor to 0E0. QU 10LET, yoer invaluable Pife MyhnfhcrJ. JJ-nou.h», Ion« ber 1 aad February 1. N.Comert'n3:ft3 " a whatever substance pfeventa organic US Qraat strsst, opposite CatbedrsL be«n afflisi, d with thiaasrftri dianase. ifo waeSKt at- Under the Chtttft offkt f\oawfateu BTufhe». tacked while «aite yoaua. Be would h»»e one or two Board aad tantioa, por aossioa, (payahle ia ad Donni«on...3:31 » l£l# y « IO.» chango witt also hind« digestion. apatnut at aae ettai* etlnC bot a, he gn w elder theT'HIy b IttTtitntiun, situated hi Loretto, fTamhila Cndla Jane.4t31 a M lptoth«timsh«commenoedtaklus vanoe,)...... ,.,...,., ,H„„H„ ....RI 00 IB 11.03 « «M * tUOKBTC • ILL FOUNDRY. 1 SteahMllaAttO a Fickle* are n most unwholesome aoai FlTfctrt had tKiwVerVnftaí liad ea)í«ae«M>A.t>Tas*X oouaxy, Pa^ ah oat tsar mile« tnm Oiaosoa i iT>il liilff ÌiiJiiiti"'f| iiT10m WS - IMuABfl awase*e« la 1SS7. traliusljia, bM y «uu Mod, Lif jt-indlmd suffiored sed-Station, oa the diiaet rout between Philadelphia Il alia a, .• «•• .w,.,...... ,...... JS SS Aantva AT artici*, awl should never he eaten, Mperior Orila of Copper aad JewFibat aow»t"ata baat>f^>««y, hñf«cared«rShoee II Tie, mounted with the brut Sta He has eBjoMjbM hajalth i'firth« Wilre Booths.am i Pittsburgh, ha« been lately ehartsrad with Bed aad Bcdding,..,.— ... ft 00 Ptttsbargh.7:fjRjlHM "H tw •specialty if of a bright green eolor.l Hit mind has alno rWanrrd to 1« orhr»h«Tbr1rthie«» Arprivileget s to ooafsr Collegiate Honors aad De- ¡Mary Haegieaa. for OsuK»«, tat« I tat I SI eel pleasure In ciiTin.uoirattnc.as it may tie staUoàory,.: a ¿0 I Ros. 1, », r aad lSnoi Daily. iBüfcÉ TitÜ The Loudon Imaaaf. » first-class med ,8CHOOU. FMISS, McToiHts. COURT the mean t of dk-ectia« oth. n. to tu ssuedy tasi wtH^Sro Dootor's Feo, fcAf.UU 2 M Daily, exoept Baa My. HOOSÍS. Ni Aumn, Toat s Cioat, — Toon, raajtaotfully, etc., w. P. LWIS7 The toeattun of tao (ìfUtgt ia oaa.of the ssast '^^MW^te.e»aate«e«aaaaadaaoeoa»as«»a. .s«me*«t«ds eàaaa «J® 00 W. XH 0*SÉIBS, ast>riai,sts,s< SCHOOL EXUIBITIOSIS. Ueomecry, Piane aad Sphericai Trigonometry, B Loratto to Ciasson every Satardsy, oonnecting STATIOSS. Accoat. W»H Rn whisk aw re have beea raada Engineering; Sarreytng, Mensuration, Land- with the Mail Traia from PittobutYh, at l.-MP aerve* are o»wholesome, because of atlkls sstaMjetoaast thaa at AN HOUR IN FAIUY LAND — A CantaU Cleveland,ftJS p m 8:30 s n tSlMpnSBfet «cape and Perspective Drawing, Arehiteotare, M. A ad datiy heak« raa te aad from ths trnias, M the additioa of *ame copper e«lt.** Hadaoa—«:*» «:M * Id« " 4tlS all the otker foaadries la tke la One Aet. No OImsk« »f iipeeery rt^uireii, Montai PhBosophy, Beok-keeking, ChrlsBaa Bari aad Wsat, mora iag aad erening. uoaafaj oosakteod. All Bells except for the Tableaux iDtroduc« Pittsburgh«...... 740am ldSta.».«» Meaa&etare thoee eelekrmted Bells fcr CItarello Parts, represaatutf the Four ~ea*ous. No Sete Aanaal Pession or Board aad Tuitioa diou» house oa CBff street, where they, oa ths Weilsviils 9:44 « «U « IÜP with ita juice«, to like piecea of ice in «a, Acadaastes, Ao. Priss List aad Cirealara change of Scenery required, exoept for Tableaux (Payable ia Advance,^ »flM 00 v 1st al tetelw, ra op«a«d their Boaitfagud Bayard...... IStIB " 4td» » * « «»tor, tor as the toe melt» ssat free. EE1KY McSHANE * CO , iatrodassd behind the main f*eeae. Priee, SO PipUt remaining at tits College daring Day School. Tha Ladies ara happy to ho ate Aliianoe UH »pat ft:10 " IJIsa from without inwarda, sa the atom- Jahr U ly BALTIMORE, MS. cents, la paper; 76 oeai«, io boards. vac at ion will hara to pay aa astra now ta oflv their pupils all the ooarfortsaad ad Ravenna...ti» a mUiftf " &47 « StU charge ...... Ii »eh jatooe dissolve th* bit* of food PAULINK, THE BELLE «>F SARATOGA. SA SSvantage « aaooaaary for their health ate edaea Hudson 4:40 « IJt • StU « *M " —An Operetta for adults, In Two Act*. Salt- Tita Classios aad Modern Languages form tion. Tha aow Aeadomy Is iHsatoi la oaaal Cleveland „8.*M " 3:4» « MS • Md» • gill from without iowftrd ; »od, ss the. MENEE LY * KIMBERLY, able for Parlor or Stag«. No Haencry reqaliad. an extra charge per aaaam of...... isso tha healthiest losatttte od tho city, aad tea a Leave BayaidILMs n.ste» Mpn. Actea MUX POUNÜBII, TROY, R. Y„ smaller the piece» of too, the sooner Prise, ft, la hoard«. Surveying aad use of In«trumeau, SO M pleemnt garden attached; tha roaias are large N. Philadelphia 1;M aad TtM a. sk LassaJt Musis on aad ass of Piaao, per «eeaion,... aad well ventilated; the building is heated «bey ara melted, so the smaller the Maaafsotars a raperior qaallty of Bells. Copies ssat, post-paid, oa reeseipt of priee. m UM Philadelphia TtM a. m. ate ImM p. n. Ateos " Vrnlia, throughout by «team, and furnished with ail th* bit* of , toad, tibe sooner they are Bpiiiel etsaatiia girea ts CHURCH BILIA Addraes, UM at Bayard lltM a. ak sad MS p. sk modern teprovesseaU. P«r«ati ami ha emani] MR. IHastiated Oatslsgas seat free, 9. L. PETERS, Ml Broadway, N. Y. IM dissolved, aad pass out of the stom- apr IS-1 y Ro allowance for oooasioaal absonos snlsm la that tte atmoet eara will bo taksa of Ite health MJVMM DIVmOM. ' ' ach to be distributed to the sys- (P. 0, Box M|9.) aass of «iokass«. of tho young ladiee. OODIB SUyXftrtt Postage of Letters, Baaks sad Stationary, 11 tem, giviog it Mis oad warmth »ad Ths ooarse of Instruction comprise« aB th. STATIOSSS. AEROSA,. CATHOLIC BOOKS. not faraiahed hy parents or guardiamo will Htm broa «te« of a European education seailiialag Belleair-...ft:4&a a 10:»0am . J vigor. Bat if the pieces of food we JHI CONDUCTED ON YIJROPEAN PLAN. aa axtca charge as will also medical attendeeoe. «olid priaospte, with aB tte aooompUehmsaU Bridgeport.»:« « IMS « SrfS lsrge, they begin to cat before they Uso af tke pakila to Ms sstoari»» stoat si Bash pupil mast oome provided with a Mi- which readeryoungladies asofol aad ssmafili StaeariDa-StM « IRMpsi R4f " us melted, e»o»iag heaviness, beleb* CatkaBe Prayer, aad ate OatkoBs Blnafcal dist anp]Hy of Basamsr aad Wiater Clothing, to sosfety. Tha French laagaafo Is htnttidml ia Well«vUle,„8:li « UM • kÙ " me>*i*» Works. Btaadard Prayer Baaks, la asaqr aMs ST. JAMES HOTEL, rix Shirts, di Pocket RaadhsrehMh, sia pair ar tteylaa oi sta Mi«, ate pasabar fceuMm sc« tog» aaasea, or other diacomforta. Roches ter,..8:3& * 3:M * AM « sf piala aod astra Heap» ftstoj* sots totU. Stocking«, six pair of Drawer«, six Towws aad sBerdsd for Hs perfect aoqelaitiott «te iasat am Not. 408 and 407 Liberty street. Pittsburgh 10:15 • « VOI * ——— Thea* make bad blood, cootimin»t- Also, a lane etook of Popolar Works of Doro- three pain of Hoots, or Shoes. la oeaveraaiioa. Tha English heaa^as will hs iag the breath, osading dullness to Rso aad Taaisstlis, ifistotlsal Works, Moral Or POSITS Tsa Uaioa Dxror, Pirresuaua, PA. A half year!) eoount af the health, ttiadnot taaght hy EngBsh aad Amsrtoaa la.lies. OODTB te^'XtS! aad liteary progress of each pupil, will bo trans- SvATtoas. Aesosi. ' HSR. :wiM. Ito head, depression to (die spirits, lMsa, d^sattokR fcr HoBdsy Pus Mis, Raa JAMES Ke LAN AH AN, Two «emioni of Ave month« fi ih, tteftrat ha- aodBBvw Modale, Lass Edge, aal mitted to his parent or guarwsn. fisaing with Sutern ber, aad tte sasoad with Pittsburgh ..TtMafo WS*« BWP» aad a aatvetoai feeling of aowell- syriag^aB af oUskdw Is pre PROPRIETOR. AB Iettar« addressed (post paid) to tha Su- fahraaiy, constitute ths sdraiaste year. No Rochester- ...... SsM « SBS f R» * aeea, tooting »ometimesfor half » day parad to soB at tke rsry lowest priee perior af the Ptatesesa Manate»!, Loretta, iilaitlii will he anda for ahaaaoa ar i «n 11 al Weils villa 2| M* W* This Jhoasais splendidly furnished ia tW most Cambria oounty, Pa., will receive prompt ìttia ar whole night. Therefore, eat slow- JOHH J. MURPHY, duriag tte aurina, exoept ia sass aI serious iB Stueb'viUe.7:lft amlMt * " modern «tyle, aaa is eonrealent to all Ike Rail- tion. , USOtaststroet,aaarly op- roads la the city. Btraogers oomiag to tke eity noes. A bulletin giving aa aosoaat of tte ha Bndgeport8:3» « ILM « * ly, whb deliberation ; talk a great Par farther partetetrs apply to tha Saperset tkoCatkedraP will find the plan «a vhich this hoqse k eoa- havior sad progress of saoh pupil Is transmitted do*! atflfeatot ealtireto eheerfal con- of the College, g ilmam may heamdeto the daetad tha mo*t satiafaetory and eoonomieal one. to paroats at BM sad of oash — büimpirr Rt. ROT, M. Domeaec, af Pittsburgh; Rt. Rar. versstioo, aad let say man or woman Too «ecu re yoar roam, aad: pay far yoar meal * Bishop Wood, Philadelphia; Rt. Rar. Bishop TERMS. kSBÉOBS¿pWMM be eaasidtrsd a domestic saemy «té • yoa get them. O'Hara, Scran ton; Very Rar. M. A. Walsh, Par session of Ire months, paid im arfe mis», pest who eays or doee aaything st The Restaoraat ooaasstad with th* Betel is Philadelphia} Vary Rar. Jote Hlckey, Pitts- kiste sad taitioa, la Un satea Ih^te aad spaa at all hoars of tfcs day aad aight. BU 4 nmicifil. I MM, RlP th* tptedtdMl io aaaea a siogle IB PORLIBHRD EVERT 8ATURDAT BY burgh; Vary Rar. J. Tuigg, AHoona; Rar. & A. Vraaah ooarss; washing, moading, had aad Ball aad Partiis «applied with «appara at the Bash, LeretSo, or ta any af tha Bar. Ctegr af bedding, $lftO M * mMLWL «^t e»ple»»aot «oae»tioH la soy oaa pro- dhortsst notioe, aad oa the ao» reaeoaahlo JACOB PORTER, tha Diooeee. ^^ Masie (piano) MM sent.—/WTs Jmrmdof Health. mar S~tf N. B.—Hacks run from Ores son ta L matte Has of the instrument, IS M If rom and aitar May 33, lífft» traías MB WS dally ooanoettng with tha düSrent trains. daily oa Asso roads snot|SBteMfb wer tf #Vtt "i»»i aad fraal mi, Vasau l masie la class, SS M EXRACSTIOB or VtKRii.-4 Oer» UCH FARAUBF L«B4S! - ari vate. SS SS OOINO SOUTH (Rslna 11 ao >MMt siiss.) Wot Sale VERY CHEAP hy tha ^eSrate^.sM«. Mae«.... aaeaeoeeaao« w^m WWSTATtoa a BlflSSS BtepMM •»p. paper tsaanti oa aaaieraas VIL.LANOVA COLLEGE, Drawing,... ^zZ - M M casse la whieh soldiers hare soe- Bris.— 7 JO am SB»« Unk» Pacific RaHroad Company. VILLA NOVA P; O., Paiating ate Hteriaotiea^ M M M TERMS, IH AD Y ANCE: Wax Flower«,..... SO M Girard —8:0ft IM * salila fatigo* Mihi, so tamer, der- DELAWARE COUNTT, PA. Jamostowa »4» " StM • 1 oepy, deHrered ky Carrier, per year_ ft M NOW IS THE TIME 1*HIS Institution, under tha charge of tho Aa- Bmbroldery,...... lft M io( tho Marches of the troopa. Eve- Statioaary, school boaha, deetarii free, astra. A. A «. w. - f¡u • ' espy, ly MaU, per year S M * gustinian Fathers, wa* founded ia IMS, aad ry Mob eaa*, it reatarás, excites «ore to seeare a BOMB in the Gasar Cistiti, Bait incorporated ia 1*48 with tho privileges of a PapBs rwaalnkigat Un A«oS«aay duriag ths eopy. OrOi swlsa. 1 II af Porcunas aad W SALTS, aad oa the line of Sharpeviiie... -10:U - XM * aager aad fiate A the relative* University. * vaoaUoa, SSO M par month. tho Wo*up'« HiettwAT! Pay meats mast ha ante punctually la ad- Newcastle...... ISsM n ti» * of the auto who ie killed hy the or- CLUB RATES. Tonas, IMS per annum. Homowood 13:4ft pn fc® 1,000,000 Ácre* ta Eatíer* Nebrmtk*i, vance or 10 per seat, will ho addai. •Mgae th»a is Wt ie liase of war Baad for a Catalano. Par tetter portionier« apply to tin Lady Allogheay —3JS " 1UM " . : hy Aa eoaaoetioos of » thooaaad sol- . • . im tas . Vaar Rar. T. GALBERRY, 0.8. A., Superior. sspt SI Pittsburgh 3:M « IUI» • GREAT PLATTE VALLEY fob 15-tf President. OOINO BORTS. diers eeorÜeed throogh th* hleader- ST. XAFIER*8 ACADEMY . iag f gteMsle. Ii reeoMoseads the STATtoas. Etyrw TIE «AUSI IF TWR VEST. ST. VWfENT'S rOLLECR Pittsbargh. -7:M a i ieMfSt eawwatM af tha eo»eitisioss of a PuB ialhrmatkm ia regard la lands, prisas, tranaa raa aaaa w t aa smraas or aBao*. xaa Allegheny...... -7tl0 " treaties p»hlish>d hy tho Berlin terms of salo, Ac., ta^ether with paiaphlati, cir- HosMWood -9:M * lara aad maps, may he obtained from a'l the THRO LOGICAL SEMIMARY Wmtmoroimmi Count], Pa. MbsMM^ ytlBlltit.u..iMM9^ * Ageats of the Dspartamat, also, 1 Mom Zaire ft«, (BeaStyl P. 0.) J%. HIS IastBatfoa is ritaatod asar tte Paawnri- SharpariBo—1U1A« *' THE PIONEER/' L vania Ceatral Rallmad, ia a most hsahhy A. A O. W•IUM * saM m HIS iastitatioa, under the ibaottoa at tha aad heaatifol pari of Wsstawrriaai Coaaty, Transfer A h«aS«ami iunruna Pana, with aasps, BoMdietiae Fathers, of tho Ahtey e#BL Jasasstcws 13JS pa Stl» : in kteoNteier, sad edeieee""eoT about three milee from Latro be. ato., aad ooataiaiag tha HMIIUUÜ LAW,— TViaoeot, fo situated ia tho Waste« fart e» The asholaste year is divided iato twosoa- Oirard ...... -IO» « U.-M aaa^HiMi af weak Ua, prepared th* Bill» Faxa to all applicants. Address, Psaaaylraaia, Westmoreland eoaaty, forty-ons riaas pnaanastag Un Miaday aitar tte Ifttha. «ria -n RM " IUM ** O. P. DAVIS, milee distant Crom Pittsbargh, aad two from La- Ia«a*.i ledgiafcea* oemed ioftaaha. Th* trata, aad eosy af aeoooo by ths T«im»jlisals ate taMaa, per ssasioa, (payable fo ad- t'"-' - Land Commiuiomer Vé P. R. R., Central Railroad psssiag thrnagh ita loads aapaae ««e««. ...a.« ••.... QQ ADYERTI8IJVG RATE8. *ay U-dt 6 MAH A, NEB. Tha ooarsos af study am ths EoetoeiastieaL th* Badate Siliiag, per sosrioa...... S M Classioal, aad the Oommmaisl, hted«« aa Eta I yriipl.i»»l.|ielis<>d >y » haod- om S«O»RE at 10 urn: Haan i, - " SM WANTED* W. C. STIL.L.WAGEN, as—te; Bah»ol for hogiaaeri. Ul« hack. ., Daotar'sltes,»^ SM 1BRBBI aotivaotive Ageats to KÉidi Board, taittoa, beddiag, aad washiag, )».p, ffco R«l«rn Language«, Mario, Drawiag, Am, . of tte moat popolar5&S3 Catht B sioa O(1TO isoBtha...... _JM M form Extra chargee. ed in tte Uai rntmmm^mJIfm *. % ATTOENEY AT LAW, anited Stetes. A «.....«• - ^ Ml AB eoasmaaioatkms 4MB hoadihaaaai talla men wha come well ^ .. sslsi|'fiih;»si —aesaeh, aor eü 87 GRANT STREßT, PITTSBVRSR. Prsnoh, ItaBaa, SpaaiA, Notarmi Philmtmha, «Pisautiosi of St Xavier'« Asadsaty, Bialljl JOHN J. MURPHY, 1M HdtewwHMÍÍIHÍII Chemistry, Mario, Painting sad Drawia»&oi P. 0., Weatmoralaad oomsty, Pa." jane 13 ' . , _ Oaart has!ais», exaaüaatiea st titles, sharps«, N. B—A sarriaas is la ateadaasoat Bate;'» IBWÉ.IIÍÍiy'! ****** aadeoaesysaditg, promptly sit «a Sod to. Col- far forth «i, atela aa erery Wateaaiap, Oa 1 tasy f#-tr ths PrsridisL «V 13—lv. ing AsaommodAstaaaiatj boa« Piustergh USiSAWTfiR'S BARBÖ^ iriee lot tM parpoee of deeoretinf REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK* CITY IVATM1VAL BANK,, Uvi^MgMpjf ouïra Mtep»t»erpry ' [Esraasisaan, ISSI] year, félpHatiot b« tao b%bly mm- CORARR Maltufiald atraet aad HTMTB AVA«. ] CELEBRATED mended. Being very strong, 'they fsnwr sí faarth STCSH aa4 Saitki*M itrwt, INSURANCE COMPANY. ÉfÈXË' CAPITAL, — #300.000. j will fore through any trealweai; B*K M WW1TB MVER PILLS; PITTSBURFLH, PA ATBIttB, •HH «tody their pecnliaritiea, and areai- ron THE CCRE OF INTEREST PAID OM DBPOSITS. [SWOSD FLOOF>] Mai feat arilttagatae to gratiiy Aeaa. aad Awcm, Kov. i, iota, S01W.3I0 ao •tmmm rum», fsssas Bvaasaaa bought oad aald, aad (MM they will grow witheet etiat. Moat LIVT,r COMPLAIOT; H«.&oa at ahaa daltiil raaatttedte Baftpa. PITTSBURGH. PA. HHÜ bPMlX^ara loo hot 1er tkeoir-et CoBaatteaa aa aB priaeipal O> DYSP£ISIA AND SICK HEADACHE, j Six Per Cent Interest on Oepoaita, asada tho patata deed thejr are fur their ownen. .Mer- tha Üalted Btetea aad Caaada*. tfcatti»« Ut«« « tber planta nòr people should have PAVABLK IH ua V AND Nov a si aa R. AMBTa,Jal|l,ieil, MtMI4M theteat paralar a over eikty-five de- Symptoms of a Diseased Livers DIRECTORS. *flll Chañar of thU Baak r—ttiau tha taw» ROBERT 3. AJTDBRSOL, FVIWDIL. green Pahreaheit. Take «are ao« to L taent of pÂusits to flit Liens oa Baal *mm pAIN to theright side , under the O. Ihasaea, Joba J. PeUit, aafoablf your Iviee by ezeaaatve ««. Batato within tha Cnmuionwealth, or ta Unltad Tassati« CáaaphaU, Chaa.Magiaa, CAPTAIS A. J. GRACE, Vim PR.lffl.l «ad mm i edge of theriM* increas e on prca- 8taSaa aad Banajrhnuda State Boaria. W^^SS^WmlSi taring or undue beai, aad you will 'aaea Phalaa, J. 6. Ada«, Ornarmi ÁgmU. •are | sometimes the pain ia to the PruidtHt-ISAAC J0NB8. Thaasas Bara««, Jasaos CaBary, eee they will aot aeem to mind left lidej the psticnt is rarely able rio. Prmidmt—YTCn VOBOTLY, Jr.,Thoaa, a Eaarka, P. LoOaaBaa. WILSON CVKBTHOHAM, «M* >t*>MI»l waa par- wbetbfar the eatt ahinee on the« or Saoratary—UBO. H. UOLTZMAN. Patelak Kane, Jaasaa Curran. to lie oa the left tides sometimes JOHN A. CLONINO BR, ttealaiti? load «C M. Tfce Atheataas oevtvbr Wbet poaMtoo or direction Solicitor—g. » RAÍ) FORD TODD. A. Sieafortb, the pain is felt under the shoulder, DOMINICK IHM8B9, Prmiimt. yoo tenia theaa. Indeed, ao aMeb Iasaraaoa oa Chanhsa, AaaéaaMlaa, PahBa blade, aad it frequently extends to TtUTUTBBO! JAMBS CALLBBT, FICA Pnifdwl. wijtt tbey do tbenaelvea to aaake a Iaaao Jaaaa, John Ee ana, Building«, aad othar property, takaa at iaaaal the top of the shoulder, and ia some- *. W. TAYLOR, Oaahter. ; nates constatent with «afoty, aadterca TOSA MÉOl ft> iHàf roea ebarmieg, tbatipe wouldratbar times mistaken for a rheumatism to Hoa. J K. MiK.rhead, Jaa. B. 0, Mooda, • CHAS. V. M'KENNA, GMMTER. pteood la tha MIoviag raBakls naapaalsa WA. bave ea anliaiiied number of them Jacob Bister, Jao. P. Baedaraoa, Ssa» M—tf 1—atad by Badasoad J. Oraoa: the arm. The stomach b affected Barray Cama, Nlnhnla« Voaftly, Jr^ to draw apon than anything elee in with loss of appetite and sickness | •M Alctaadar Ntelok. JOSEPH METER. ANTHONY MBYBR. AA I Co. of Ciaoiaaa- i mmmï'&i the- bowels to genaml are costive, Onaa daUy froa* » o'oteofc A. M.te S o'alook frMariw nmwwn m. oaw —«», J<*J h W4, $SM,M7 IT P. M., and on Saturday ovooing frona * o'clock | **vF»l!*rll JIE X JSK S SlPil« | Poo^Ia'« InaoraaoaCo. of Maaphla, The English ivp. growing over »he sometimes alternative with lax; the daoSl ., asseta, 1,1874. 43S,TF4 14 ANHPACTÜRBBS af « Tatui July wetta el a ¿¿ANTRAL CW««— Taaaraaoo Co. of Si. Lamia, «• Mf m^M that Napoleon h panied with a dull, heavy sensation F as alta» aad Chaira. Waroroeau Nos. dit teotiog daukpireaa, ae many pcrvoea ALTAR WINUEa sauMt 414 Paaa avenue, above Btereath «treat ' Mo., aaaato, July 1, »47, STIGLI A would aapp*aa,ie. aa«d te be a reine* in the beck part. There is generally —H' , . h Pa Planters' Iniuraaea Co. ef Memphis, dy for k| ead ilia Mention ad M a a considerable loss of memory, ac- ^¡Hpïipj JLaplytag the B«r. Clergy *fth pare Alte. I ^ to Haaraa and CarriagwfttrnUhed atte » Tana., aaaato, Jaly 1,1874, SS4,SST M companied with a painful sensation ttüiimCmamsaJÉÉI foet that ia e rooio where damp bad nrtaa. dec li—tf Clay Iasaraaoa Co. of Newport, Ky_ prevaQpd tot a of ti|»e, the af- of having left undone something — July 1,1174, tmjmm . ^JjplfllJT^ leeted perte ieetde bad baeen« dr*- which ought to have been done. A VO|«T ft VOBâW, Valuable Land far Male li Kaatoa laaaraaoa Co. of Oavtagtoo, llw Tjihi BMM labi I .^J, when tbe i#y fttd grown ap to ee ver slight, dry cough is sometimes sn at- Ky, aaaata, July 1, 1874, 311,Ml F* tendant, The patient of the Batler 9U Begfaa. ^T|irtafakge>al*>igBeae: PMajr the oppoaite ejltarior aide. The cloae, complains VllllSill il» tifililliillt aug 1FT weariness and debility; be is easily RPHE aahaarihar offer« for sale 41 aoraa aad Bfèefca eeparecOa ia «ritiofs overaaagiog pcndeat leavea preaeet J[ U « eaoolloat laad But- startled, nisfeet ar e cold dr burning, AO IS 0MJIÍMW, mts*ra(S, Fa. percho of faming in Ibe nia or aioiatuia flewa oonoteat- tar county, coareaiantto fausdaao » aaad for tha SPRIIft HOSIERY^] M»«wf dÍMNlMb. kvHaacb and be complains of a prickly sensa- likeé I» BMmmhûm, the eroe! ing the watt . Beauty and utility in prodttetfon "of"oii™ Tfetend uTtaat a u^ I UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR. Ac* tion of the skin j his spirits are low ; la addi ties (a tha paia Lisbon Wiaa, hav< wltoae tbia enea go bead ia band. -T 1 from Coylerrill«, J mile« frcm MIBaasteaa. aad I nr-arra a . . ^ . . and although be is satis&cd that exer- "aat added to their atook a rery «aparto t «ite« fr* a «tattoa oa the Botlar hraaek oi W rwi• • "• ^^ * a^pww^M aa aai arrotai aeeate i¿ life vii the h. article ef Catawba, which they warrant para, ; cise would be beneficial to him, yet | the Waat Paaa B. B., about 15 acre, of which rTlte.a l^iM^aadktTSn!?' pet- aad fina froPa. aiIl adafcerauoa». It la hlahlj 1 ara «daar. tha balance lata .Po d ttib«^-ao 1». I *** , be can *c*rce)y summon up fortitude rsaaassaatiiad.for Altar parp.«^»y Bar, ttbm prova^oata. Tbetend U riKaed wall watered. | atteatteate — r ateafc a€ eoeke* VníMiod pheaeaata' toagaes. 1 THE HOUSEHOLD. enough to try it. "In fact, he dis- Verdln, 8. J., President of St. XXaTter' ' *« Cattag* "or tanas eaquire o-f Jaz i Balbrigga« n Hose and ^ Halt, f» Hoao.. . WNÍ fawniM pao trusts every remedy. of tbe Cincinnati, to whom iaerane« ta laapwSflüb JOHN B. BPPINQ, Several aaada prieet of Men, Laeiaa CNMM MO- ebovc symptoms sttend the oor. of Paaa avaaaa aad Batter it, Pitta bar AK Ta €unrr Som volt Paeaeav- disease, Attentionto thi s is raapeedteUy i «qaoatad fieaa MM SHIRTS, 8HIKTB. TDHH fere e LUPI« tbe biU of IBI* but -cases have occurred where few the Clergy, managers of Iaotitutien«, aad tha Wa hasp eonateatly AE a lea ef «Mah bea beea preeerved io hie- ino.—rPat iato a preaerviag pan ae haad AsB of tha of them existed, yet examination of pa|Hie generally, and to tha sptendlÁ Steak M ILLIJ8TSATMN8 I asiahrate d tory. Ataeog tbe gaeete were àie a»ay pouada of augar aa yoa wieb ; choice mah Orooerie* kept ooart<«dy aa Baal. teatly te eeeh poend of anger pai belf a the body, after death, kss shown tbe ^A superior aMortmeat of W|ut aad Stai DIAMOND SHMTSj Veetal Vtrgiae. eatfì*oog tbe choice whkà we atea have awleto aeoee w pial of water, aod tbe orbite of en uvsa to have been extensively de- Caadlos, adapted «xpreaaly far ragghi ai par- roe THE viuda aeaarafoa Aforad aioat hoe- ranged. posee, always ia atora. mar f—tf I aataa a par/aei ft aad isH^ftalh«. egg to everv foar poaada t atir it lo oraM/.Hn tfco aiaeeeai of «tensile «A» rami, getter aotil the eager ia dieaolved ; ï^ùiït.JtT HAUL DUNLBvV aaeeitbed ia Poaipeii is a knife that AGUE AND FEVER. No. M Fifth ava,, Plttehargh. thea aet it over a gentle Are ; atir ii wee|B«*i 1er tettine aeparagoe Da. C. M'LAXK'S LIVE» PIUS, IN DinrUBFY A BROa, oeeeeieaally, aad take off the acum ENGRAVING REVOLUTIONIZED aléate» àrbleb ie a autoel ur each CASES or Acua AND Pavia, when (Sam aaa«a« to 3. Osiurr, Ja^ THOS. Fa HIRRo knivaa to tbia day. Tbe aode of aa it rieee ; after a few boilinge ep, taken with Quinine, are productive ibe augar witt riae ao high è| to rao Croeers aid Tea Dealers, IJtO^THB PCBLIC.—THE CSDERSIONED OF- eeüaf «m» • eookaá eagateblaa area of the most happy results. No better ^ .. . -. ML „ JUL I TEACHER OF MUSIC, Ì over ibe eide of tbe pan, to jprevaat Jft. 4 tX*a»«J, WMiW|l, Pa. ter exceptional inducement« to all who hare I tfcoft of tbe preaaat tie*; with abe cathartic can be used, preparatory to engTaetag to be executed. Wa produce metal- I _,„ , . . . _ __ . _ „ fi afera, «bieb preceded fdrka ia lo- whiah tabe te froaa the fra br a few or after taking Quinine. We would block* in relief (electrotype «r «teraetype) ««it- I will orgaalaa aad ooadaot Oaaaarto, Wash Oath JOHN LVIVirrfl Maar«aMa, bratea the aeeealeat plant ia hie arri- disease to give them A FAIX TRIAL. men who neod cheap aad elmat daaiaaa for poetai- I . — . acum or foam only wiil riae t then 1BX€ HA JIT d-K, card« or catalogues, aad otherfora» o f adrertla- I * ""•"I«- » » tiaga. aad Cato, Iba Omar, prefer* tec; pabliabera af book*, periodical«, or a«wa> labe off the pan, lay a alightly wet- f. A MM AAD RHYMICUN« ORDERING ON« red iato eabhafe, ia the eeltivatioe otlam than Flaning Bra. will So *tll to writ* H 4SI LIBERTY STRRKT, papera, who deaire reproduction« ot elegant ea- D&.J.P.TREACT, ted napkin over a baain, and tben graring« or «€ portrait«, or deaigaafer aa y uae, of arbiek he vea e devotee. ' tlxtr order* tUtUoeUa, uul uU* twa* Sal if. (orMaire trmoa MPOT,) C. rhurt lixr Nfa, fnpmti b) Fhftina can hare the aaate produced by our prooaaa with atraia the iaagar throagh h. Sdeiity aad cbaapaea*. NO. 143 GRANT STREE1 To MM I»M IO More recce t Brm , nM«|l, Al, wM ititf J»U ./ PITTSBDRQB, PA. We oaa copy wood, ataol, or Ut bug rapii io eagrae- MM iaMiK To UMM vtOllDf to fir« tt oni a loga, or peMkotchea of all Had«, oa tho moat tiaiee. WUIieoi, the Sileat, awed to Botuao Faurr.—The followiag, trial, «• will fonrMd per mail, pott paid, hi aay Opaa day aad algfaL Meals aod lodgiag part of O* raited State« ; ana boa of Pill* far BTorable terms. Add rea«, PITTSBURGH. opea bia aiooth with alaeritv before for bottiag fruii io eaaa, will doubt- MNt*e Uin* «oat porta* (tamps, or oaarial o f at reasonable prioe«. fob" PHILADELPHIA PHOTO-BBOBATINO CO.. DOT M—tf a ûeÈJ at wampw, . Hie deeeead- Vermifu*» for fourteen throe-rent Htanpa. AH Sit Locust Street, Philadelphia. leaa prove uaeful, aa tbe preeeat ia order* from Canada wurftfaa accoaipaa M kjr W. R—Oatplaa of oor work aaat on application. eat, Kiof Witiieai HI. of England, Ibolboofor pottin g up aeeb preaervea laauly ceo la extra. CHAS. F. M KENNA, ST. PA6L*8 R. C* ORPHAN ISfUTH, brought to MÉI eoeatry ia Dateh for ariater. Tbe first aotaber after W. CÜNNINSHAM. R. CUNNINQHAM. let bed of eetti af aad eetief it, and ATTORNEY AT LAW. D. IHMSEN. D. 0. CUNNINGHAM. TiBBtUil itmt, «V Centre inn», tbe ñame of tbe frait refera to tìnte DR. O. M'LANE'S teofbt H to Deca Swill, who of of boiling ia minatee, the aeeond to 1S4 FIFTH AVB^ OPPOSITE CATHEDRAL, J eoarae hop arlad k to Saetta aad Ve- PITTSBURGH, PA. oaaeee of augac lo quart: Cherriea, VERMIFUGE Pittsburgh, PA. CWMMIJUB 4 mm, il WéMa tbe btkioft SbaaU be kept ia «eery If jaa a«aM haee TW 8,6; raapberrlea. 1,4 ; blackberrica, nMHia fra» 9 aaauav, m, «ad faoanwa Iftaa Ia Charge of the Sia tara of Mercy. MU aay «ad tr, 4aa***f Court bastonea, asaaria^tea af Mm MANUFACTURERS OF K«tt 0, 6 ; gooaeberries, 8, 8 ; currante, 8, sama avar tea „ about reader doabaa 01 graper, 10, 8f pluma, Y0, 8 ; M'LANE'8 VERMIFUGE, JIR^SR "—¡TU-? C* WL^OW Glaaa, DR^ W I tha aariaaa as TO PREI THE woman. 1 ifiata Glaaawarea, Iaspravad I BOARSR» Willieaa ead Swift, MPNNTF peeebea (whole), 15, 4 ; peache» W.J.BURNS. T.S.CNEIL. J.C.REILLY. , I A aaabar FTAE ekildraa , swltehteforhiadi&g H (belvea), 8,4 ; peata (.»bèta). 88,8; BVRNH, riVEIL A RE1LLT, Fruit Jara of MOA-J crab applea, 85, 8 ; quince» (aliced), KNAKE & M'GINN, J Warekoaae: IS« 14. « I ^¿¿^^¿G love for ñapara- 15, 18; teaaetoee, 80, none; beane CENTKAL PITTSBURGH, PA. Antes mar $—TF. NO MMRAA will ha lu lestai al Loaia XIV. aad poee* ihree to foor honra. Pittsburgh Music Publishing House. I aastfoatea froaa a Clssg|saaa I o< Fraaee fairly doled oa it, aod We LIVERY A SALES STABLES | appHoaat. Noe. 146, U? eod 149 Great St., J. •. CALLAIA]«, bvaria, Mdaie. da Poaapedear, ia- PBACB Pia-— Por thoae who can- VUiting days : Sandays, Taaadays aad Thura. aet aet paatry ead y et loea pie, ibe GEIEKAL AGEM18 FOB THE aear SiEth Avenue. EN hatwaaa tha hoara af M o'otesk A. IL aet eoatad a Moda of eoeklBf aad aere- 4P. M af foilowibf recipe la reeooMÉeaded :— PITTSBURGH, PA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Tha aaaoad Sunday aai iaf it that etiU jgaree ee ibe aiaaaa Patent Avion Piano, aaasaislly for riatta af Oteada aad 1 Por araat, aaebe deagh - with yeeat ««.STABLES OPEN DAY AND NIOH*. { Diamond ttreef, oppontt Cour i Routt, theehüdree. of Freaee ee •* JmmmmmÊB ftapa Jtaofe è W Gin» Pimm, powder ead ereaai n for ereate bie- " aad i* Mfwded aa ibe aaeat JOHN BURNS, FURNISHING PITTSBURGH, PA. I Taraaoo Campbell, 8aiak , co it, rott tbia fot upper aad under Knahe 4s M* Own Organ». APRE street iyoy lbo lady till la bar VNDBRTAKEB load Charias MSH^AA, Hoa. « aad • I fteoeh aaaaaeiae nadaa eraate,pal bilwaao the create a thiek aaa, Allegheny. A larga Sad m aakated stock of GUION LINE BETWEEN tethrasatinn thai Poataaette, wbo ttppd near a lay or of paachae peeled ead quarter- D Far farther appfr te ed, baba la a quiek oven, ead eet VlólLtiS, Otritars, Clarionet«, Pint««, Banjoa, HI Till, tlfKMXnWI Ul UTIUNL B. HOUSTON, Fifth aveoaa, Pttteharfh, cautery, ia hie old «pi reuiaed bia GRAFF, V te BUGXNB J. SMYTH, Sm«m*, witb aagac aad omo* Thoae wbo Bras« and Haass Stivar Bandi lost manta, reUkb wr laparagaaT* Ra Kked H (CARRYING THB V. a. MAIL.) jaaa 1« 9T Washington street, PFOALOR) portaba Meo of thia pie witt ask for Sauts sal Frmtk Accordion«, 'fl[f aerved witb oii, whilehtairiead. Gar- IDAHO, NEVADA, more of the aamè aort. h ia aita pie, Stringa, Trimaalnga, aad IeatracMon hooka for HUGUS it witb eeaee. MINNESOTA, MONTAÑA— , PATRICK O'BRIEN, all Ia«tra»«ata soni aatly on t>aad, Oae day, wbea the Oecdiaal area; perfeetly wholeaome, economical aad MANHATTAN, DAKOTA, • WISCONSIN, coaúaf la diae with ht*,he ordered eaaily prepared. laatinasaeta Sold so Monthly Paymonti, WYOMING. 8oadfor OaUlogM a aod Prioo Lista. &C0„ oao-haif o( tbe aeperafaa to be »er?- PBBNCB Botta.—One onnee of h&tag few lew Yark every TMty. HOUSE, SIGN Ig, Ordara by Mail promptly aUandad to. ed ia oil aod tbe other half ia aaaee. better, half a piai milk, Uro apaoa CABIN Paaaagaftoas Va» York iflOislW AND WAB.BBOOMS, MANUFACTURERS OF Jaet before rite diaaer boar, aewa Me of yeeet, oae egg, e little eoli, C°ld. Stateroomi on the saiae deok as Saloon. STHERAGB: to aad ftaas NO» York, IIVAR- (ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, eaate of the »Mdwyfralh of the Car- one pound aod abalfof flour. Warm No. It 81XTB STREET, pool or Queenrtown, at the Iowo« ratea, payable diaal. laetaosly Peotaaaiie eatted dia batter ia tbe milk. Lei ü riae en [ ia oarroaey. (Noar Sospaaiioa Bridgo, ) eiLDER, «RAINKR, AN» OLAtlBE, oat to bie eoofc : f* Alt the eeparagae boar aad a half, kaead il watt, make PITTMBOKOm, PA. Paaaage fresa or to Geraaaay, Praaoa, Norvay, ia oH!M The iaeideat aad the ieto rolla, eod bake ia a quiek evea, I Oaadsa, AA, attew ratea . WYW Baaslttaaoa« te Great Briteia, Iratead aad tha NO. IO} FT»»I|lmi* A aaa a«, phraee lived ia hietory. . oa «if««. - B^fke tbree-qeartera of ao Continent. Apply ta WILLIAMS A GUION, PITTSBURGH. PA. . Tor-oaaeaaae McApowa.— Tbe boar. 8T, lAira CKICTKR¥. 29 Broadway, New York, aa nitfHM a 'lArfwiMÉMbtaaiaa To PiCKUl Bae».—Pick them ÜOTICB TO L0TH0LD1EB. T. HL MURRAY, AB afstk swasfly as eoated aa d aao efobtp^yaf Rge»tf bwifwa-aaao eeeb before they bave aey atriaga aad t a spaatel aaaatteg of tha Based af Maa- aaated te giva aatuteathMk The beat at nta* á 7 aws«as«R te MRS. B. THOMPSON, HO gieaa . oat I of s^gOwpM^aoE-'WSM.'Mtt** eoafc in weak ' aalt water-for' twenty- rs of St. Mary « Cemetery, held at tha aaaaaaa tf resaltad adkoêofBStt Paal'a Cathedral, May », IN«, It T Ninth'ST, Pitta bargh, Pa. â|riiiÉnt Odbn 'few exhibited foar boera t prepara viaager witb JtnaMf WM. PLEim« ü cm. thefoliooiag jaad a at abeead of three apieee ee for otber piekles, pour II "Mmot-4, That afaaaa 0aava;I«ta hare aaa hoaght, aad tha tl»o haa atapood «a which aB jrBeie: Tbe iop-dioeai^ wee applúd boloa the beane, aad thea after thre« GLASS STAFNEBS swain AH» arrsn.aaa«eesa io fi. dpdtbe fTeoa WaëéotlwieB or foa» d^O'ipoa»lM«i ead eapaald CFTTEBR, ABB BBBMHH. ah^H be allowed U inch Lot antil all arreara dae ; canca aria DO wa A spacsAXHT. «CAPA aad ladlaa» Van, ahall hara beaa paid. BM*M*M aaa aaaal" *a *aaa«*li*a. NA. tag Wood atea«I,, ia tMM " * tta^BS^H eeeb eat- d, That tha iaiisslatsaisat ha ta- am, OOUXTEB A IOF, BAKKO Eeoa.—Melt oae opoee of Itti A ta* E. Sd St.,CMCtsMTt,0. AT tkia «itaaahra sei tiaf aad of eeeb lot waa weighed ae- nislseaaynafrtia ftrft, at Osattea batte* aa a aftver diab, break *gg* af sale, of aB Lasa said la the Osai «tiri fresa mar 30-1 y [wUl Cad tha temati —IGEATElate'* iaCaa SitSlfet aniaa ' R| oà ' it, eerefotty praaarring tbe ir Ola dato"- -g»** a Tbe reealta for tbe tbteo eeaaeaa la aatapBaass wBik th» fhtagstag rasatati FI I aia Patt,, QHIT< H HATA gsati aalkays*plala sol rftepe, aaaaoa them wMt pepper end faaey Capa; ladtea aad *'ÌHJDLJ * ware ee foUowe : Oo tbe plot io af tip tae«af Maaagw«. I herahy aoti^y aB STAINED QLASS. Mteaas aalt. lay cMar them half aa ouace of paraoas whom it 'mj> »chiara, that laid tesali. aad sstiteas<¡ ladtea Fara; Capa*,YV whieb ao areaora or fertiHaer wee ! , , 1MB; Ms , better ta amali pteeee, bake io aalow Iteas wiB ho (ally «citad oat, aad tha oonditioaa Bugi nee Berthas Ladtea far s da thn haaoaa atetetly oaforoad. O&nm of FinU and Cat mm sfmefs, Oaaas goats' Far OAAA^ OoQan aad ' ^ jfr-ém *5¡m¡mSi tmfe%ad.>ei» i^aateatly By uiiir ef the Board of Maaagar«, PITTSBUBGH, PA* (SOUTH SIDB). 8 740 poaada. To Cuu« Biaaa.âao Suoas or aag 11—tf gains¿OTTLW, 9*pt. 8end for «pedmen« aod reference«. COTLI A BROa« if nlailtr per Eaaaaua LaATBKa. MPjÉai ieauf- More than OOKXKUtS (rDONXELL. M* oh broke« hare been famished with Stained | icteut to.cemove eay duri #biab THE FIERY FURNACE. Glass aausalhetBrad by aa. fob 14-tf Corner A/ PYTA awaaa ami WYTT* SRIA 1 ile thejloaa oa aaameled paaaiwt ALDERMAN OBALBBS la gsatliaiaftLtedtes aa d HBm* lapmid ' , Shaea A may afterward be itffiWÜ ailh e S* S* MARSHALL & BRO., ahildraa a Boats " u i « 4MP i 5| II The steak oa KTASÂ'lsterga aod fdry faaael. Bx-Mtefo J«rtk» af m» ruta MANUFACTURERS OF ! aai has hasa made ta ardsr hp the beat ' aad ha aati so ¿ Trranrr Sorv.»Scrape fine, -ala oavtoa: ao. 4M na» STAINED, ENAMELLED fit|ge lartiipe tota tao qaerte atrong isssarf itear Jmm Sa» TU WPBDVRD DOUBLB-OYHN ARB beef eatup, aitb vwo oateoe frwd io EMBOSSED GLASS, JMO, J. MURPHY, ITM batter} lei it aimmer alowly ; tbUW .. pirreByîfeii^ . ^ BOSTON BANGE»! W CEDAD A VENUE, ^mhBH r«b ibroa|t è «fente «HI aaaoolb* CATHOLIC BOOKSELLER, iljTn llfrrf . V i ill (Corner of 2nd «treat.) fasilVH aad. CtUMBlA mfc STIVE, ALLEGHENY, PA. Wa. ttOGnat Itraet. >ma»atj>u Spoei«ENA aaatte al l parte of tho ooaa- Newly Improved tryaa appWoattea. /CONSTANTLY oa haad, a tens oat mÊ •RI „ jìaea. ^ara IrtasSsI st a shaf Cat halls, FASAT WAAL R REFBRENCBSt «aa, aad ianaaOa Books, RAAAB mdal* bet tbere are J. O. WBLD05. ' I p : JÓHH KBLLT GognoBicBCQoinorm, f Bav. i. B. Sohmkt, StB Bngrariags, OA, AA* *WK ha Is srseatsl la sajTf LJ et wkolaaals aad wtsU tfea leoas ^MHkHI ' WïLDO» ftKILLT. lettili Urna, Inte hwta, tmtm, JtaNTa -Jla wMMJ^I 84a ] at J|M( M. CtrroQafiL MUR» SNHT • G. H. McELEVEY'S mSNT Books, Papar, Rav. F. Haghaa, BcTtmaaa', Braddook*s Fteld, I ' . I jWOidssshy ^ runout, ui ioMitrmm. OFFICE AND WAREBOPBtE; I *Tl—N 1 lapa ' '-ana1 At mnm — — ' 1 Wiadaws hare hasaforalshad b y aa fcraBat] " . ^ à *Êtoèmn*mx** m mrnm mm A toa» ir «ss sat OUI alao,toad ptea , '""'J ; j the ahisa daida1s ' | aptO li-lf ^BgWI •t hose, M^ PITT8MDM0M, PJL . . , | • ' '•?.!•' "TF Í . ! . 1 ga Thai AA MM JR •prtT—4f USE SAWYER'S BARBERS' SOAP. I Jr» mm ¿ÜJ3

ENOCH MOflGAN'S SONS' CATHOLIC JOSEPH MORNE T CO TME CELEBRATED SA POLIO Invite Special Attention to a Jassakatitato to Soap for all Boaaahold P»R[WII>, NWYT HMIM»| EHTTW S A FÖTTÖ CmfeClB A§^OBTffGKT For Cleeainf your Houae »Bt »vi UM B- THE LOWEST PRICES. her of Ott« aleener. Ol re it a trial.

; LADIES AHB MISSES' Wednesday, IVer. Mh. For VMm li bsttar than Whiting or All Department» of the Bourn hat* Water. K«riBni>|QifHimuJCwyto. CASIXMERE HOSIERY. within the lout few day» beem fully sup- JUST OPENED. plied with new and dsmrabk food* of ®"MI Paint end Wood, in hit the entire every description, which, hating been j Hmh, batter thaa Swap. No clopping. Embracing the following desirable atyle*: Sevse labor. Ton «n't afford to be with- Plate Fran, Indigo and Hui»« Bin«, Plum, bought in large quantities at the lowest oat it, SearUt, Mode« and B ack; «üo, Panej cash prim, we purpose offeting our cus- Strip««, is a variety of pattern*. tomer* EzTMMMRiiT GOOD BAR- Vor Scouring Knirea U better and cleaner FINE SILK STOCKINGS, GAINS, unsurpassed, if equalled, is «my than Bank Brick. Will not acmteh. teW city in the Union. Space here admits I» Media« and Sari Blue, Irm and Fiw; 14th M.u(M j . Sfripsa. of but 4 brief description. ^^iufSJä'SimiL VSDUWBA», MOB I.IWBg, Mew Winter BKM ««mb. UÜESEST RETAIL FAMCT White aiid Soariet A|!-Wool Vast* sad Brawns. At 1S§, 1» aad ISfc., Kick Dark Sflk-mlxed LISBMBBT is Be» tSL Poll* he« State sad Caamar eteaaila batter WMto end fiketlsad Marine Va«te and Braams, »mm Soods, bete« »baut on« half Uiir rale*. •antfraetoany addre«*. tkna AoMor Oiland Rotten St-me. Croat Ms. a p. At Mow Hw Winter Dim Uooö», ia gnat «ft. (Mm by mm mm* variety. From Si to S7)c., Black Mohei,- Alpaca*, aO FOE MISSBS ABB CBILDEEB, H—Wrtte Tka bast rate« we have avar offered. From &6o. U$IM, Black CMhjn«r*« of all tha WANTED Vast*, Drawer», aad Pkntbtil. • different priooa. Bui baigaiee possible. Pro» $1 »C to $3 »0, Black 0IM Silk« of aU UN DERD RESSES, gradte, fsBy oaa tote» eadsr «Mat prtos. New Plain Catered end Stnpod Drew Silk* at Whits aad Shetland, ia »0 grade* aad dm. to« prieaa. All dwirable Colon in CmI—w, TV «auk Me- HMR 8wpn Batiaal, Silk.mixed aad Mas 8im Qaeda aU priaoa. Moerning Dress Qood* of «vary description. Eamore* Stada* aad Staate from Carpet* Mew Stylo Plaid* aad Baiting* ia groat rariaty. Okildron'i Drais Goad*, oamplote aaanrtaaaat. sad other woran fabric*. ST. JOIfJFS COLL LADIES AMD MISSES' There ia no nan article knowa that will FDRDHAM, NEW Tffll do »e many klnda of work and do tt a« well 1BW WIBTMM STYLES IM aa Sapelie, Try 1U CLOAK! AHB JACKETS LADIBS* SDItS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Ac.11 The Cottega offer* eraryfoaito Ladia** Ready Made Safte ia all deeirable ma- cal sad Commercial Bdaantloa." terial». Stadlia a«l he neemsdea M Is sa srticla that la IS KEPT FULL ABB COMPLETE. J S«H.S,M7S. somiag lato mors gaaaa- Bearer Cloth "—prr «s fwrnmsa •lock. WMi M al favor ercry day. By Freak lots raoeirrd ovary day. asisg. it according to Fine Cloak* and Secqnea ay to SSM H each. Bsaai «id Teitiee. per year, Jl printed direction* the Elsgent SUh Cloaks, far ItaeA ö"®» P«*«*»* sppjyte mnrt astlafarfliiij iMBflla ScatttiiSacfMi, Ladies and Ckildren'a Fan, all kinds, at lowest follow. pries*. «gld-Us PI»«! ftuqMs, Nsffs aM SMS» New Paialay, Woolen aad Fine Shawl*. Moarning Skawia, all tka different q entitle«. I* anequaled far pro- ducing light, aweat, aa- tritiooa aad Sslioioas Jtost Advantages Prim for Buyers Extra Gssd BargslBi Offered la aUcoit, SoU«, MaMas, Flaanei», Ulaitati aad Woolen Seeds—all Cakea, Ac. kinds. GRAINER hm W^.%% Oaad ia Fancy, Cake* Cloth*, Cassiaiarcs, Jean«, Tweed*, etc., etc. aaveeona-third ibe En* Raady Mada Clothing for Msa, Tooth* «ad BmOw «teeat, near UA, Kmhrntk, fo. ! ' Bo^s. aad Bhortaaing, aad jpm* PsctiealBr att*altea said m 9*m makt* thorn more palat- M uruFFs Shoo*, Boot«, ate., far Ladies, Msg end Ckildren S able than the old wsy. Waterproof aad Cloaking Clotha.aU kind*. aM «iidiqg of Ahaia and Omm fioemaS WITH FUR TRIMMINGS AMD BOAS TOWinte r Uaitenrear, Stocking*, Shoo*, ate. Order« by mail will raeaivs t tes^A alsSSl Hon«et ««plag sad Domaatto Sty Sooda *f «raay HATCH. description. Millinery sad Fanqy Good», Intest stf las. MEW VATBUTm

EVERT DEPARTMEMT of oax Store ia hif« Alwiji U«ttt Iitkr Vktlenlt tr Retail ATMOSPHERIC IE woB filled with good« adapted to piaMkt Mas- FW.wmmim on *« wear, aad atrasgar* vulting the City dar- NOTICE. Belh Iffrr ud intg-M ing tha Exposition »hontd not fofl to pny as a Bead your asm« and postoMea eddies* for oar visit, at Mevemhar Vewwaf—sea* free containing It pagaa of Interesting aad vataaWa m) „ laiidMiE PETFJS AVENUE 145, W7 and IM FsMral street, MUMfi AND NIKERAL LARD. ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. T?0R SALE, S61 acre* of gas4 formiag lead J. —ST» of wkiea is Toaguegsay gss coaT— lay lag on the PitUbargk aad BaHimore Rail- road, at Snyder'* Station, M TaiiTt east of the city of Pittehargh. Apply to J. L. SMTDER, Thi* new moSs of aaearteg Weet Newtown, tharoaghly teated, aad has pass oct S-Sm* Wectmoraland county, Pa. iaveatioa ever mads ia Mg 48 FIFTH AVENUE. Ministers, lawyers, aad fSMS thee« who have baea pii^- a Mrawberrigs mmd Peaches, Aa iaatitn'aon foe impartiag a Beate Ma Bda- eatloa to yoang and middle aged man. their teach dropping dewa ae Si NEW SORTS, BY MAIL. No etäsasa —individual In*tmction only. Sta- mo«t inoppaftane time«, can now denU can enter at any time. wiH remain Irmly la plans ate Plant* of the aeweat andfineat im - Bar InftifsBaa oaU oa»ee ad ten*, Han a a a, Thta inaeaattua sea hes proved saris, carefully peeked and F. DUFF A BOMS, pre-paid by «ail. My collection of sag IM« riltskai^i. Pa. Htrawrberries took the Aral premium for the best Collection, al. the great GEMGITOWN COU^GE, D. L\ show of the Maes. Horticultural So- VtosM lTStt. ciety, in Boston, this season. I grow CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT open* Septem- nearly 100 varieties, the most coat- ber 7th. Taraw, including board, aar saaam. peteat Diafc aaay toS their aa plete collection in the Country, ia- $315 M. 4 ^ worthisM, bat reaaateterthstll MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, WMkingten,) it to be all that ft fa (amssfi eloding all the sew, large American open* Octobor flth. Lactnroc, Winter Saaaioa, aad aaHafoetory. AB MMsfi aad imported hinds. Priced descrip- •USEE-' «• 'I * • T ceted. tive Catalogue, gratis, by mat). Alao, LAW DEPARTMENT, ( Washington),«peas i s Dr. Seottnlso mahmaSJi Bulbs, Fruit Trees, Reee*', Ever- October «ih. Lectaraa, per naaam, $8S »S. Teeth, vrithoat the Blak. at to P. t. BE ALT, 8.1., Präsident. tha State. AH vat >u>toi greens. M packets Flower or Gar- ? Jely Sl-Sfen •• ^^ . Take only De. Bliai*i platoS len Seeds. AI 00 by aMil. SS0B SBflSStiMrtlS IkS^^lMMSlHlH MTSB SAW OF MAftVLANS, teoth, aad raa as ridt-'Baifl C. C. The True Cape CodCras- ereaa. Ofloa opea Seit S Sim c. be»y, bast sort for Upiaod, CfLLEfilATE UStHlffg fit ÜCS8 LIMB, Lowland, or Garden, mail, prepaid, Ntmr tfoeea»tew, Snttaaaawa County, Md., ft per 100, f& per 1,000. # hole- (S| l(Bw Berth of BaBiteore.) sale Catalogue to the Trade. Agents wsoted. Cs^sekd hfthe |dud Sden d Idn tmt. B. m WAXAOI, Old Colony mBIS INSTITUTION to mo*darirably to. 1 SlUi Ihe ground* sre extencire, aad the Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, Ply- hailiBaa is Sonrtracted with every acosssory for jam p.i mouth, Mass. Established 1843. emafon aad eeavsalMes. Tha «yatem of eda- asptdi ehiaa paraasd Is dmigaed to davelapa the maa- ATTORNEY tnl aad phyaieal power« of the papila, to aaake them isaaed, sccomptuhad aad aeefal member* JPwtfA Iswl IhmUfmnT of naisni. . Board and Tai> ion. including the French and' •«mnn tangs age«, |Ui 00 CUNNINGHAMS 4 IHMSEN, Tsaa« Ladiaa darirta« private apart- AV.1N *f. ««110 AM • " 346 M WMer for particular», aead to catalogs«. PITTSBURGH,

IWnauwaae i»a> Are ^e 8ole Maauiaeutrers oi the AMBCBSWS Cberrh.Seheel, (el lese. Celebrated Slre-AIaaraH A. Stone ACo.'i Patent Tia Top EXCELSIOR And BeHa eC isl kteda Ckiaaa Baiia Ka4a U Orte. Jar, and Cnnningham A Ihmsen's Scad for Circular to improved Fruit jar« A. retro»'» soa aoo T" CUMSWHto " HERO FRUIT JAH." mZsta^aaaa^^^ ma. a. Alsi^ aMaafootaters Wi- Thi» tmalamaat Is sa IndUmaasahie aritols ia M. A Ubaml dUaount mada to dcaJsn. Sowar aad ragetete« gardening; ft laaaaas the ... ^ - / * * • A«SHTi WAKVBS est* ae that weeds sea he r«aaaiad,tee* and hnashBardarar( alse oDsnlar uaafasl aala dtreaaplaatteg Florists, or .*oatkym* Sold to A JN «vary town sad aiaafrto saan yftr j y post-paid, on receipt of St oante. MsastoSm ed tt ILLUST&AT1D FAMILY ADD LI HI A ART A MONTH M'leEBB * BE AB DON, aad offers largs OktoSM. llti> loche« In ait«. aWhk III JMasr eftr- IMP, jr. Bl Is mm* mkanllii. BBS I PAPER. MST r • i 0MB0M0. BISSEST WAÖES. SOLD IRON ^ PREMIUMS. t Lte VOGE1» Jfc SOW, . TBS BEST IB TBB' €. C. DV7MMMX9, ARTISTS IN FRESCO, IRON RAILINGS, HQS ron Slock fronting on Wood efreet numiim and Stxth avenue, third Boor, BAMERICAN