THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT I* O K Forcibly Recalling Ihr Trom T H V Following Bry- Viaiog Ia Nevada •E* Ik M4 Mfrtt Territory «N-N*K of Tk* Mia*

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THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT I* O K Forcibly Recalling Ihr Trom T H V Following Bry- Viaiog Ia Nevada •E* Ik M4 Mfrtt Territory «N-N*K of Tk* Mia* ■5 —! 6 cmciccat T(*> MUCH/ OWE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CLNTS IN ADVANCE NKWSKRIHS. VOL 16. NO. 28, PARIS, ME., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4. 1865. THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT I* O K forcibly recalling ihr trom T H V following Bry- Viaiog ia Nevada •e* Ik m4 Mfrtt Territory «n-n*k of tk* Mia*. tW ChMfciaf Ptrtpirttioa. Mr. Ki>it<>« : Tbe l«lt<r u w *w «t work. •• iol!own>( bway «m| hear Ike aoiae and Edward l< •• • f—rfcil ik>*( Kverett, iLc finished rWUt, Ik WM. A. r I DO in & Co., and full o( tWl it r*wM dia of ki and Tka Nrerofi r- Mod n Ikr t*» intirwlion. piv car* la ».i SoUlaqay. WMt<a| ikytrU, motion, omplisbed diplomatist. the orator. tbe rmrurroti. IWlW Ifcaaatf M tfc"« wilt. aUU. U'k«» Mtra mm4 l>fkl* >«■ iWi aiN (ail to uitrfrtl tbe rmlm of Uae and a lair view »( U|r |rt« lltaorrtl get of Id* uo MairMtaii. the •la****. hM I. «tin »«*• »rt • Kttrr II •»» Nilih 1 <)«*■ Wruround, patriot, became oMtbrtkJ !r»»c%« biucki, M at its kMt iWir f»-wr» -trif IU<Wd ik»■ l* ■ VBumt Aran IWi. vanish. and tber woader that so ftag »■»«.* Citt. 2*th, M testifying in t coart-rooa, tad went to j«»ii * j •• r. h h \ r 4 * i •». I ■ tor iV t»r«m luk a The iKrat to r» tk« Hrik*4 CM : trifling ih.oj ikoitM kin cauawd so mack • far a <«»»ara ><w. tkr aammit of lb» cilia is /.library Ftomiil 11*11. vkcb u oold. Mtia t dra ft |'ir r»* V"*! aim. »t»U. and and 1.41'IKm t.\D (iuTiuiu: Hum* re- of air until ku M a# *11 <|uita gradual easy. tin prtipfrt t»m na« to ipttk unt TF II M*—* I h« Ladte* |*i t»-l >'4 • aaaa. M toaa: from tUn it at one (»i*H aa indirect intittli >a to bttoaf I vwit tke aim, mJ ia n point g-and arvl kant frequently bands wkJ feet «frt ico. arr oa ;«■! »)»»f T»« ISilWn if ■ •• *i TW my lungs pa; nwl MKiln-f inataacea have • fel. N'»«r katr 1 twWIiltlw contributor to row fttobW imdciukw. many fainted before reach- fire )»d lovely mingl- In tkit (WMlitioa, I U*1 to go tod r. i* *«.•» V V Haar to fk* If" r k- to Urmonr me. to to a ing bottom. bwt are *o * Ml Iter. to ing witk tbe gran t and wild permit by proiy, pmrat J(<« they invariably •frnd three boun « Um <ourt- rooa He l•• m4 123 ^««»■< »• N»« h>4 " K In »' k»« well * • I Itof W H more »krt<-h tkat are aaiioo* to N .Ire, ('awl R lln «« (TW>. than fmm thi« «'*n r*>tipl» of tlx Silver Mian of Neva- pleased they reviait died in less than a week from tbis MHW'imt >|TM« Trl t ■»■»* to >»l perfectly l point. rhn-kiaf J«»H f'KIMI><i •(«<>«! Ml'( «a (• IV rfm W « can ia. not h. a it. for the liNTfiftlM knlf lo*>k down upon the m»n« of pri.«ini- j, wt»r, (• ne flow of prrkape. though. tvpmtr pU-a»- of thr It wti to kill m fi» d. TV ti <■ »toat |<aki perspiration. enough P«i> |trrrt>,' ora of a the (irtr« MounUina, north And lin(.ia{« or a vivid description. but a '*• kaving |«*l. old-lash.oned faint. •ar n»*n Wfcat la ritrnding M—.-■■.•Wn • m fart* an>l •itii ao tr»mt about for wrb I btlitn I W<- •oath. like ncnbrri remark*, vbirh ma» be of it. ia 1'nifrnor the M IIS. Z. K SAWrKLLK. I «».'M to tot younger of p*-rhapa MitcWll, gallant soldier, I- Mill. I »h Uatoa to interest. the kind tkal La obUiMj tkem iK' nmr '»nilr u Ibr on- on by oaly when and the moat Tito t«-arHiak • nf »||» Btotfi wkirk at eloquent aKro»ooiail lecturer Tearhrr of \ I mm Tbe arr well & ln«f rnramfal wto41» rmyuM mnl Ixxiking I'twinl, tSr pervence of fold an<l silver Waring they rcaQjr frightened thai ha* ever lived, while ta a Tktof W Ito Uaw 11*4 * foreground perspiration •kifk lies in tbi* vmaitv «a< in Couai'iHalioa with tko*e oa tke vuriacm at lU baK of tb» mountain ia juarti diacnverrd in Tellow fever. the certain tip) of racoe- *»' »ak M aw-a. w< aa I* a ia obtaiaed aa to «•, br«ili wooded. and i» tbc >. hv the name of love by iaftaiovi roaairortioa ei», left his weat into Ik !•■••• «kr Itok:kU w heyoa»d vil'aire by gentleman bod, another room, ■OITH I'tKI*. M4I1K. ItoT " ttol Ml llto toitok. railed a marker." which ao* 'n« aon Mil kl(ht. ia Nw««, aid nortb of thw ike fina •fork, from «bt<k tbe famoua Cowitock I will not r*- became chtlled ia a and died the W 1 * •» village moment, Tto- War* to * of Jokoaon. Mi. take* it« name, the extent while lala for and lowcr- D. B. SAWYfcR. M D. talk. aUa >M(, to w>»oU. \Vw>na:toa and tkc in* l^edjje of wb:rb plaia. ii( boiatiag eame nigkf. 1*4 toi ■■■» kmr4. »toy yto? l»Tior tanr ia a* vet m(. in caaea of or [<eala of tbe group *kn« oat tbo unknown, although it baa alrmlf Janfrr acri.Uali. Ac., If wbile perspiring. or while iomthta| PHTSiriAX AND v* u tkwk an. fto IVt «irw * t«een traced for oarer are tarant of a at SURGEON, <toaj be nd. T o tbr ant tbe whole com* two antra, north and (iftn bj bell ike of warmer than from or TV MMr 1.1 •• totokp top usual, exerciae a heat- w whtii r%Ri*. Mr. k »■ «a ato-a rraal a-ufri n south. of tke akah. conne ted witk tke Sog try. fro tbo (irr*n to tbc Adirondack brir.j roarac. somewhat bottom by a ed room, there ia • nddea in Wit*.** k < aa« aawr irregular tiponrt «M«f« ~ W» k»"« M ia an i U >nn« < ted in character at. l wire. aki iMvw to toeto* -4. jv.tain*. mapped out bclon ua. pre* furua- strong stillness. to a at ill. cold air. or to a raw. • n> m I H to oar bill tion Tke air ia bat in avaa C. y. EVANS M. D., •rnttng and d« II. mountain and valley, usually eery good, damp atmosphere, or to a draft, whether at TV »» 4* Ml. ?H •» «-aa Tbe tuia« a it baa beea found fi«M and woodland, and of tbe I that ia. aeoeaaary to pro- an window or or street WW* a atoM village roantrj. "cropping*" .edge. open door, comer, PBtMOlN WD \| Kt.l I • tlto tiie cure it artificial mean* ON, »|> 'ktrtof a4 nfto. lake and ri»« r in endleaa Ukf Mjr protruding from tbe aurfaee of tbe by Tke sea*oa of an inevitable result is a violent and maCao- Aa4 !■!' mm ft ia» (to 1*14 variety. NORWAY TILLAGE. Mr. • can be were found to be ricb in the year. o« tke atate of tk« weather affeifa 'bamplam traced from Koutf'i jjtowtvJ. botb tanrosa closing of the pore* of th akin, *•4 kff •« by r». r • • Wn (k tke below pti ir«ltr uim m 4t»- Point to mor»- (ban a hundred gold ami ailaer. although tbe former wai temperatar* but liule. and a* a nbich waste and matters, which • Tieowdcroga. impure Ikf f.i». I* 4 m M >ui|«f| s,| T*m mi4. m4 tkal »<l in fnan<l in more oar aiara are I • toi; •«-». milra filrrt, its narruwneaa and tortuous iliaodaixT tban tbe latter, general thing. very comfurt- were their oot of the lUarta rmmmmI »<*! 'to-a kaa« making way aystem. vnv able for tke ft.r atol Itot la !••• rour«e it more like a river bet attaining a it ia tbe Laborer*, and in fact. a«a who are to an •• l<M, making appear upon great seek exit soma V <a't1 mr* to- deptb compelled through tban a lake. m have beea ia in them To tk« north tbc view i« ter- reverse, fact, bet little gold ia obtained employed working other channel, and break some GKO. COLLINS. M D. through minated tbe at tbe m for of to by moantama be*ond tbc St. earept aerfare. I tx»e< It at rU ape any iengtk tia^. are unwilling do weaker part. Mt the natural one. aod harm •tort ato »i«a yrrlM m>~rr f»r ||fr. Law renew. thf« di«mverT, tbe wildest e ariu rner.t any otber kiad of labor. Tkc Ore take* to hmm a pre- that part ia the result The idea ia rmctH, *a4 ilk • Ifm |r>«t pre- M to Three vail--! trom tke Yellow oa an aver- BftTlirL HILL. atr««ry toalh rivers, tbe Onion, Wiiumki and throughout tbe roa«t; men ru«bed Jacket, yt«bla sented by that the eold ia ia •« IV at. -toarf saving (puled »yto.- ♦ ... iu s<>nv- * V" '■ aaa l^moille. interim tbc .»at..l«, rat-:.*! was i:iv. age |IU per toa.. while of it n»(ici ll'»r *»— * lo » % M »i. • r M 4k« to- Ullrtotl, k> cowatry between tbe «t*'i. part* that part. To illoatrate. M «ar -f»~« toak tlto lr*l lirrea Mountains and w rk i' and from a ruck ia found tkat aa as tbc I.ak« lteduced .BiimiWT'l.
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