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THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT I* O K forcibly recalling ihr trom T H V following Bry- Viaiog ia Nevada •e* Ik m4 Mfrtt Territory «n-n*k of tk* Mia*. tW ChMfciaf Ptrtpirttioa. Mr. Ki>it<>« : Tbe l«lt( bway «m| hear Ike aoiae and Edward l< •• • f—rfcil ik>*( Kverett, iLc finished rWUt, Ik WM. A. r I DO in & Co., and full o( tWl it r*wM dia of ki and Tka Nrerofi r- Mod n Ikr t*» intirwlion. piv car* la ».i SoUlaqay. WMtfkl* >«■ iWi aiN (ail to uitrfrtl tbe rmlm of Uae and a lair view »( U|r |rt« lltaorrtl get of Id* uo MairMtaii. the •la****. hM I. «tin »«*• »rt • Kttrr II •»» Nilih 1 <)«*■ Wruround, patriot, became oMtbrtkJ !r»»c%« biucki, M at its kMt iWir f»-wr» -trif IU'4 • aaaa. M toaa: from tUn it at one (»i*H aa indirect intittli >a to bttoaf I vwit tke aim, mJ ia n point g-and arvl kant frequently bands wkJ feet «frt ico. arr oa ;«■! »)»»f T»« ISilWn if ■ •• *i TW my lungs pa; nwl MKiln-f inataacea have • fel. N'»«r katr 1 twWIiltlw contributor to row fttobW imdciukw. many fainted before reach- fire )»d lovely mingl- In tkit (WMlitioa, I U*1 to go tod r. i* *«.•» V V Haar to fk* If" r k- to Urmonr me. to to a ing bottom. bwt are *o * Ml Iter. to ing witk tbe gran t and wild permit by proiy, pmrat J(<« they invariably •frnd three boun « Um 4 " K In »' k»« well * • I Itof W H more »krt<-h tkat are aaiioo* to N .Ire, ('awl R lln «« (TW>. than fmm thi« «'*n r*>tipl» of tlx Silver Mian of Neva- pleased they reviait died in less than a week from tbis MHW'imt >|TM« Trl t ■»■»* to >»l perfectly l point. rhn-kiaf J«»H f'KIMI>«! Ml'( «a (• IV rfm W « can ia. not h. a it. for the liNTfiftlM knlf lo*>k down upon the m»n« of pri.«ini- j, wt»r, (• ne flow of prrkape. though. tvpmtr pU-a»- of thr It wti to kill m fi» d. TV ti <■ »toat | |trrrt>,' ora of a the (irtr« MounUina, north And lin(.ia{« or a vivid description. but a '*• kaving |«*l. old-lash.oned faint. •ar n»*n Wfcat la ritrnding M—.-■■.•Wn • m fart* an>l •itii ao tr»mt about for wrb I btlitn I W<- •oath. like ncnbrri remark*, vbirh ma» be of it. ia 1'nifrnor the M IIS. Z. K SAWrKLLK. I «».'M to tot appear.ng younger of p*-rhapa MitcWll, gallant soldier, I- Mill. I »h Uatoa to interest. the kind tkal La obUiMj tkem iK' nmr '»nilr u Ibr on- on by oaly when and the moat Tito t«-arHiak • nf »||» Btotfi wkirk at eloquent aKro»ooiail lecturer Tearhrr of \ I mm Tbe arr well of.il & ln«f rnramfal wto41» rmyuM mnl Ixxiking I'twinl, tSr pervence of fold an. hv the name of love by iaftaiovi roaairortioa ei», left his weat into Ik !•■••• «kr Itok:kU w heyoa»d vil'aire by gentleman bod, another room, ■OITH I'tKI*. M4I1K. ItoT " ttol Ml llto toitok. railed a marker." which ao* 'n« aon Mil kl(ht. ia Nw««, aid nortb of thw ike fina •fork, from «btM(, to w>»oU. \Vw>na:toa and tkc in* l^edjje of wb:rb plaia. ii( boiatiag eame nigkf. 1*4 toi ■■■» kmr4. »toy yto? l»Tior tanr ia a* vet m(. in caaea of or [nn« < ted in character at. l wire. aki iMvw to toeto* -4. jv.tain*. mapped out bclon ua. pre* furua- strong stillness. to a at ill. cold air. or to a raw. • n> m I H to oar bill tion Tke air ia bat in avaa C. y. EVANS M. D., •rnttng and d« II. mountain and valley, usually eery good, damp atmosphere, or to a draft, whether at TV »» 4* Ml. ?H •» «-aa Tbe tuia« a it baa beea found fi«M and woodland, and of tbe I that ia. aeoeaaary to pro- an window or or street WW* a atoM village roantrj. "cropping*" .edge. open door, comer, PBtMOlN WD \| Kt.l I • tlto tiie cure it artificial mean* ON, »|> 'ktrtof a4 nfto. lake and ri»« r in endleaa Ukf Mjr protruding from tbe aurfaee of tbe by Tke sea*oa of an inevitable result is a violent and maCao- Aa4 !■!' mm ft ia» (to 1*14 variety. NORWAY TILLAGE. Mr. • can be were found to be ricb in the year. o« tke atate of tk« weather affeifa 'bamplam traced from Koutf'i jjtowtvJ. botb tanrosa closing of the pore* of th akin, *•4 kff •« by r». r • • Wn (k tke below pti ir«ltr uim m 4t»- Point to mor»- (ban a hundred gold ami ailaer. although tbe former wai temperatar* but liule. and a* a nbich waste and matters, which • Tieowdcroga. impure Ikf f.i». I* 4 m M >ui|«f| s,| T*m mi4. m4 tkal »~rr f»r ||fr. Law renew. thf« di«mverT, tbe wildest e ariu rner.t any otber kiad of labor. Tkc Ore take* to hmm a pre- that part ia the result The idea ia rmctH, *a4 ilk • Ifm |r>«t pre- M to Three vail--! trom tke Yellow oa an aver- BftTlirL HILL. atr««ry toalh rivers, tbe Onion, Wiiumki and throughout tbe roa«t; men ru«bed Jacket, yt«bla sented by that the eold ia ia •« IV at. -toarf saving (puled »yto.- ♦ ... iu s<>nv- * V" '■ aaa l^moille. interim tbc .»at..l«, rat-:.*! was i:iv. age |IU per toa.. while of it n»(ici ll'»r *»— * lo » % M »i. • r M 4k« to- Ullrtotl, k> cowatry between tbe «t*'i. part* that part. To illoatrate. M «ar -f»~« toak tlto lr*l lirrea Mountains and w rk i' and from a ruck ia found tkat aa as tbc I.ak« lteduced .BiimiWT'l. barren an«J assay* kigk A lady wis about getting into a mill D Ak4 WW tkM at laci to to d» »olate haa in an to tkc ton. but like white ta LOWELL M D , aua, plain Kng!i»k. ibeac rtaers all bear tbe villi-, »preng up. years, bLack-bird*, boat to croes the I Ma ware LAMSOX. *•1►' ■» -klM-»JW toIn M4aa-t ; tut wishing ix >» r»»r»' ItotIM ia tanw name, were a ntv of va«t rather scarce. Woik i»i Ri.roN TV to narrM, and so called from tbe wealth. imf>->rtan «ra4- rut ia 1 ebtir •*»!-*■ a a* IV HUB, rw4 tbeir de»« I am to ao banks Tbew rivers paraiae a tortu- ription of deep mining, and give yo aorry aay. witk regard for tke turn to the boat lowed herself I mdrr iW Vl ^ Jail 14. I*»/ considerably *!»•"» I haw |v aa aa a»« ous coarse a* M Nabbatk. At «.-n. h. iLe rick bottom good idea of il a* I «an. any kour of tbe or heated, lor it was was ka tkruugk land*, day aigkt. ssmarr, bat there a ttFHCK— V~. tif rar. a/ toWkfallT mm V.— V.Ml, and after '1 be i* to tk« din and hustle of ► *a< ■( at- 'Itv. becoutuig swollen by tkr n*oun- initiatory *tep. for** a m» labor aad b-iaiaes* i* little wind oa the wat» r, and the **fc. «fca M r>U tV clothing iKvr.ri Rii. Mr. |4>a V r. tain torrent*. overflow tkctr im- with a rtiin ant unt of a lo- keanl. while a continual stream of felt to *H. toal fl»» Mr pnuKgat, tbey Lanka, [||' raj ital. wagona eold her. The next morning sha <* a »« falh al all w4 to tke cation is made o/ a* a* i* and OEOHOE A. WILSON, parling plama tbe mbaeM of I be nv; frri prarti' paaaing. employed ia conveying tke ore had a severe cold, whit-b settled oa hre N'k'1 to» and tb»*n the is to tbe where ia laipt—k»Vkltof. 1 tnounlaina. rendering tbem aa fertile aa tbc raMe, ump«n incorporate I milia. it crushed aad aimai- long*, and witbia the rear abe died of eoo- i •un«rllor aid at An to to> a ( all Ulorifi lav. • H Iku lands oa tbc a ! rraa? l(r} tciia mj> usually pro- gold A •tout, rtraaf Mn *11 work ra a •• mg whtm Mr »a4 all ratoliM Ikaarl B* ik» » mm — kuvrW >om1. b<>r*e at i* from tke r«Rt". pelled by power th« start. but in- aeparated aad tke in a littlr »»■•«,l«l qiickiilrer, garden May. Feeling fired abou» I'.. J Wri «ik K«i A nt«i ikrrt iW fcnk [y Wl.»t (*.<■;*"fca, Jaia twfc. Iftok. mmA fcrt»W ■!■<, variably cbanjfvd power cop- boob, Ml dowi in tbe iktjr of tbe how— br «n>« h t, a« a (ml drblh baa bctn reached I w ill per. are converted into bar*, aad tke a it m and fell He waked Ia- WM WIHT VIUGIN M t»Wp up chilly. M.aiaj lH» ml (■> ay* take a minr, known aa tbr Yellow Jacket ready tor *h.;«nent to 8»an Francisco, for flamilK>a of the lunfollowed, C >1 I sr K 1.1. A N V. Hut lh* of the ending, masellor <4 at Law l«--nctbrning hiTl-abadowa for ei and with which an Hut for lark Attorney my ample, I well coining. of time. I will wea- after two rear* of preat toferioj, in eon* MORN A ¥ ■ K •« l tbe c»th»nitj of tbe Mora cload »rt t'wr IW OikxJ |uamtril hoisting patience loager. although witk aumpcion. opening In* (Vn there wai mo»i»H u« (kit »f mutl r» h« o«r •t-pe arc built of at > aad Vint to company wood, about 4*» proper thought attentioa I might make wrh an extenaive that the lUrk r«f A Pf ■%••••, Xouat M*aafleld- Tbe 'Irtrfin dfcijr jreQow (boa;h >nnK«h«( to if* in tke aa W •• trying frrt dinmion*, cacio*ive of tbe *abje«.t <«r to also matter wn br the Aarf k!m'« ff hum, atiiiar l at TWmi afco m mi >«« •>»» ilk*>MliW tad interesting yo*; Kooped up cupful. a>t4, •me'* kn»-** >■» mi about y» k.. »•«« <«» ur'i tlr»» ut • Ji lwiv in^. brought engine, of boistin* A"U too* of on those una with them. warm BtiTTisaoto, Vr., lt, •(■able ijaaiatcd iWai^Kei in a kitchen until weary, to m» (riroj'f bou*e •PW«Ut ahrit » tired, bat a ii stance « Wub lllariff and Councilor at law Krrrnlli. i*>t«nj* Nuctbem Vcr- of 4<') f< t eeery twenty-foiai wy l»eat wiakea tor tke prosperity and then throwing tbemaelvea on a bed or well for oar iwxil, I call. I t*iv pmi.U Mwiil.rll. tb* proportion*, for tb« pqqwtr of drain' aubacrib* myaelf. ruon without fire; or by removing the out- Aj®** Arraara af K»lf»*l. It i« of ftf, b'(4rl>r Ixril KM K or TUB OX \ttornr>* at l aw. year ajp>. depth Moo* TMK The rule should be iavariablj to go at ooca " Tbe ninnit ii nearl* bare of M >nir.«rj, 'part/ racaralmai boo(cJ potmt of tbe ir.llo- er». if yon hare to walk or rtda oa any oe- iiirniti tbe b id. a tbr< of tbe V and to * Miid| mpl". tbe wrre uia-ic in a'l encc of (kr ouoa oa pf'«T<-'l lij itijr Stow*. a. do the riding first. B'jn l« r of of tbe beart aiin> t»n Milrt. nbrr*- b** 1^-* paUali^nt per antil tbe ore waa that iu lufljrn.t <>a tV W« W. RailTl* I' II KiraiBita* rtiratljr trrrUt iI»m publ bo j»r. »r> ! *Wrc aa«i » SHERIFF OF OXFORD (01 material. average probability of a change of drnt A young lady, whilst in I ha Ml. White M • intaina na tb» ra*t. ant! Adtron- In tbr otUr <-*•» •« |r*vr tkr car* at tion* are ttml>er» I in a we *i ber oa iaO r%ni«. i» by aet*. durable any day li»l, ibat tbe country aome year* ago. on a rusty •la< k oa tbe *r«t. I*wt prob- steppud JuBttiM, »r.l ■wanner. *et consists a pwwimj tbrvifh A flf timber* of twelsr ability of change of weatber on tbr a«( \\ m<»'« \\ mo. Tbe Nt* Y"rk J urna! piees-s. ru«pri*in( I'J.'t; «iay pma of conrae vary aiilrl to tbr »<..#•\*4 t«M tb* f.- iT »t« * in " tjr of Bvua- oft oaarn* »**• : height. 6*e |r» t l*nfk, two *i1!< ao*a, 14-1; ant for tbe «iay after I be new gr>-ai. and A fneud W I NTII HOP 8TKVKNS. lock-jaw apprehended. liux. nb*r« fr* b rw» ar< for tbr and two feet m »o>< for mi- rap* ea<-h«ia length. and all K>tb at aa«i fall auoa of the family, bouaver. recommended the I) K 1»T TT H H K >1 I J? '»B*ht of tK> **■ «b<> Jo not f cl to tbe I? I.' in be* Hi breadth an I tbi tbeca change* ri|«al eral »ear» a a»»mber ot tbe I'aitod Mat*« by ane*s, bar* been froai f j«l to fair application of a beet, taken frnab from the v-RWiv *r 1 viuaiic, Ink of tb« ir »n on tr t < an I %> e l on a s I loimktu**. and *ei Of>« boixirel a"< -■ •»».! I" k a I rwmt r»»- pr..«j«* of tbe lnt«riartaeat. daring lb- p plumb, aewerity-ae done, tbe was »ery beauirul. H * bit ii * clear ilia aWn ll< >. a* to form a of other aeta the Tbc well kaowa y<8 < «plirrr, If. greater part of Mr. H«> btaan a Administra- portion fr-m rule of M. Kogeaa at .frri- •nit wid ibta; Kle**a time# oat of on JOHN JACKSON, tion. lie resigned wb.-n hta State •«ceded, top. twelve tbe by keeping the emabed heut. and rhang- rbu, an.! »ftrr * p.|r of *n in inn k*n i#.' iiatifn if* i» aera in weatber tbe pl*a«*nt b«»ir. an 1 on tbe mauguraM n of b atilit:ra ac- during wbola aoun fallow* tbe it lor a fr*uh one, a* ita virtu* Muaaed to and sheriff r*». tl* b«» of tb- m •ant* n. *lirr* shout frrt froa ik Mton weatber of tbe ftftb fomnrr, Dfptily cepted ailiiar» |rr«M. Ila t #rm« rlr (or day of tbe aooa if aa become impaired, t >paedy cure »u 1. a»i»<^ civ b>r<« at a little of the md «Koat art* n tbe siatb it ruR «»XF<»RI» k FKOM.IM rO'l w»jai.|* Inn, loo «rart in i-oaaaal of a njimat, and tunnel.) tqvarf «lay reiaaiaa aa it waa on tbe ad. *rx b>ar«« tor «•.» a ■ — < ■ m ti»* *ill. Tb* in tK»• a niml^r of tbe foartb if oa tbe «iatb u *p rn|fg*hi l* l • rW of bo»«fi nr- tbc auna or re a ;ii; pttb and diplomat k 9f' a»ing g it to tbe tbc rluab i* aow generally re- ■tar towng lawyer. Tbe ;nu*| man. aLilf •tmraa * *w»»i ■ ■» w»« > in Im •« DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, r*fr*«lm<|lT rool, of tS* pur- >rm»-fly himt fare. |r* «tf*ftjtWtiinj ar>.| |nppnrlin| garded aa a fart. bo*r?rr, tbowgb poor in purif, «w Iwitb eat, aa« rU at water n*» f*ff lutri), rom* ike I arte*! Vii»i < <«|rrN Ifiai AUIimi, tbe lo»r» liiahm. TW «Kaft aia tb<-« •a m<] ••» aunk to • farther of *.1 trat, m l A RorWun r : llarrr I^«k« for ku bctottil. A* *br »•' of PAIlfTS. DYK-STUFF*. OLAS9. laanilj ifrptk ttpon W* rnrpw* ago ■!im ai l ai on tbrir to it' in • a» at u w va <-m*— 4 tk« U orro aaar- BOOKS Mt STATIONCRY. irjj C"'Z *a} lb* nmiltr ip». iff, •irrpt- namng brf'ira, (W Mg< ijna rapHt* N Kali* on lU to for Wrwlf. (W coople m 1. I. .. »W— •-! — |hr |* n m I iniiti a?r-n i*» fi ri« ber in| mnrr e*te»«ita h>arlK tl * H» rwd I' ll went on war ia«rait'( imri, mg |«*t »|*»»< k. of tIkMMiw'i oU rroHini tbw ibeir rr)ONin|. n mi m * r M« alpm* N«*»l A|»»l fc»f ibr f^jrt at \r« York About oa* haixtml amrra art- una f«|>lnt< kti i|ilitf iimJ ibriA( frtU to m A pbtlo*«>pber writ#* to a tailor vko Ui •• aw ■> £ «b»-li »»• fW mi Mf. B* iMiiin. M n«ti«« «( km- r l in working tbia '.eeel. sad •< h e»tin>ai« -I •i*li«rore iiriu«U r*4ii**f««i tl from foiled to |*t reed; kn wedding ml. It D H YOUNG. / '<• If tin ■»« U» *17" *>»l*a to take »lfht>f lb"«Mrnl pa-raOM. •u mo mrtrm 4i*appotn«a*ent. only I -JO. 'J LXl bar ted in , ||» »>•«, an«l «bi—$»g •«* »• i»t M<%- afcooWJ kit* ■wrd if 1 Hod roeoirod tkt Aa4 M " »|>m ia iW «•* »•» l*|rtlilf!i«M of W>« *1 iow« ion*%y «r nr.{ I.f fltr lrrrp» fatnr*. h». lan' if-aKt t»i« mar tkr..a(fc tk« of iiaelf ta an raomna an-1 eap»aai*e Cwflitn |«rttki)i| o4 tome to w«ufr «« < fan tl.at mr wrr g^llin^ fa? V rtk I mi lt, «r<] •« t ■' gaMoaa par amata. four mi»«(*-•. After a "Sort rrtfiiW. ibotrt bo built Too oJiion* Ml M%««h»Id t ball or* w- rk. Tkat laowt l>a« br*R (in- ifaltj r*|>r* r»rf, H 'li.llfd tka «lr»1 witk Mr **an» Froa* th* aaouib of tbe afcaA. a frat k h i|»m fiU hi* ippttrMot mi «mm» gmr*>. plrd|H for tb» DENTIST, •rr.ie.1 a* *"* rr**Mbling tbr brad of a b w' w^ikriIj rftinifi) la f an*!*. boiIt to a aailabte pla*w railed a dump. f..r nfto-l Hamilton *a»• ba • 4 i«l>> Unrola't prw* la>d pari of I be aa*a*, tk* ropa. I unkrn daogbtor. el «K* t r «• '>«( *k n il Mt mMrn .* art on fneod. oitboot ot of ono'a *>*aag I'dk -<«gb« n»ar ImIkm, To wbrb aill tain aknal 1 pa*n«le **•», «U|pi ng. ruling, * villi i p*r» aiatrr. loprybai Dr O " p. lbs a> I oa a *• rn bot it i* a dreodfol eodorwoent JONES, (r««t afMit •*>'!•* Ik* |t« »*fkt r k»r M I v irf fiiw. publiik- of r<» b. are awd. an.! a* faat a* filed lakea f»rt klrMbTM of hf« <* Imb. Ilr voa»l •agar it/ " mm" i U trl baa oa* to bioi. ( brra trrti*4 a I tkr >r«iinci m Wa*fcingio« ta (be wrfarr, emptied aad b»weeed agaia. Up In« fpal-ktriii rsplotu t? ranawig oat o< a oarry rw mm" •• an ( Mini o( tka «»fl W m (Uift, ftmlnl al»«a> m l«.Vi. i»l to Uf«rfo«| |ro« br a»*a« af a aaHatantial iron wwtrarlion OM «-•»« f btliacr. and lWo«t«( Ih«< I( at (all Wvfftb line, " that ba la drikak »« »• a»«> a »m ku wbnee fret were ao bod Tkf F Tr• H »4» •»' a*»rd TIm rL«a" a WitliMn «' CWarT. of Mr. aard an I aaeead; brake* are (•ark. Thu, it au kImhusI big poll 4«(»" »*', ■ W»n kr powerful nrpai • I IIw l«»1 " ki* antalnona oror k.« b ad |i<« ilMM '• >N Wawkt ■tW K-nla of lb* aoa*~ an I m t»a bua- C lay, h fr >m flarri«n« Co«at?, Krwterkr, a«r« J Biii'i Hi m a to a in A flirt liha attached hy- Ik* Mt »• »bia t« | iW '"•Bttk." 1*41. II* *t* tW K»./< rtt « Ta a atranger. deacend.ng the abafl. tbe difper M> ooa at ••kl-iK- »"H J -H ■ are like ante? Heraaee tto drant ia to driok rRhTU«i> •bnk m p. aakiaa tW ka«4 wwUr of tV K«-nt»'k> I in tk« a«-n«atKva ta somewhat and W» mar » Wky jokw Ferry liberty *• |h , x iti on ••fi«la»grr ^ * IJrrd peenliar ao aoe at S+Aj la kw'••*£« at IWthrl IIill «aa lhr M rrf»i»r | n'mna. > ko rrwon Uiai an it. > p>od jwatif* Im* MooiUt. mJ i-nn..!,»»,!, rW. J. ?*. I vxn r\ It) tjM nlU>l • Inmi tarn, A >UM- TV pnaa*» aol.l -rr. aK « I m'aril? k ft al in inpnrUi t Uiim 1h« in >! •••- fit o«»''«• J M tbwt: iIm irrnfl in ik# f*n | r« 1*» a l< PARl>. MAIN9. ArCl ST 4. !*.*». MtrtUMi-i (^»r »'t«n» *r« V*f mn Bin I Jt k of Voters. u» a aur ^tr Qaal;fic*Uoa krro. to ki« tfti »'»] r »"• ■ bfcuimfif v»'|«irrrk- (la (mug If tS c4 i*. «k» •rnf# «>f th« ('no*, to «!*»«■ t» 1 iW »W * roUi i n>* in ki< » (H I. I We k*»r ii.« afgement wae mm* i*«-i I ifi.llfr llr llf ntv a* in Union «»«"< r»w<7 ia tka k >«r of >U (mt Wiik.iii;' n count*. a» I a/tee waiting State Convention. iW al. n>te ' •- I •' da*. tWat mWI set 'kf ri|» |»t |lk« Mi«or, %.♦ I J<4m |i>> et M uftl. II* ••«>.! W t »•< k*i |w- I. m r»> itU4 * gratila i? »l %»it'y •r»li |.-f |W rt»il *«th -ritiM. TV iWinai tflliiM «W «fa- v^hixt Wti^c rtuM »krr or* b*m mf N<»» nil? hi* in r. YiH. ami otkrr >int« of 'fffit, ntii a»i «i« nr-i to fiM< «•-!»»» NU' k* l« >»rtr >r • ttelii>«rati.« af k»trr« iM tW *t* ]• aL |>*tr t»pr. .*!;« k J»'i4rk»r, I take Mmmm, «un»i iW fx* r*-al an>« af r — »i I !>•*. m* i««Mr4 H r»«Af Mr. k»n*lVi' M«ra> I (r n tk •»«. *11* »' L« n hi» r ib 1 i mw.i*- «upjH Io«I(ib|. II*- «I«■! r 'I K* •(»r «.f Kn m tufi ikcuM be iu i<- a a- • « Tv*tv**p, Tm*»nar. %r«-nrr H*rw. q«»lii« m f loo Huall to »rn « n-skr t>t* tk« f f t i|-|»-tranf ■ntiiornin;, »n«i pot* toui »«»■•(>« an 1 tiunnu of lk* Affiin »t Ji«tr t arre»fe»| Jt 1 »»•' I I* t V on lo ■ ut,« nan l« *• tk brtKr HfMr «T «( lnKii>'n of ibr *»n • iiiiMrMr mt«d tabl««i. kii W ■ •n-l tvitiBj U l i*«alrl it. > ilk Ami < ■» i« «' til J t » tk* k Mtoji.lt" »•»it trial k» Tt»r# are «l>8« rewt t • ofinxmt in-. »«"» r1> «J to r«-»< H hi* ■ I rk« tuffragr. Irj»irij «'! r* »l»i. S U «<>rr |n !< mm] lb* of Mlitin faiwiwm A "fit nl k c* Mm of Nal» al tW ^afa^ •*—* * <»• 4liing |r*tils atrartl ki* al>*>ut tW>« biKt. S*ww» n-nirml thai M >»- rV '■■■ _ --•«•» t» tix* «etw»4-»ior* «w lo*a to cam * kit »rr» t hi* i > />«» »u n«di it. a»- I < I I h. naa te>» Karh »»t» wfc.jiatn.ot a* ntt. l»n *1 t n'-^-* i* >11 i» ratltM I m«i aWovM r«-a-nal lot nn of for a 1(|||» Wrr* rvalraJ MtlifuHw. <«-n»nI t<» tk** li»»it of kou* n. U'uto I «ti a «• prviprri* (kil.|n«. k»r an«■' »11 p »it a rwt far 0«« < out lut «- » t. ni(lrt roofort* >4 life, to u>ak» t ^ TW» qer at»««n araaoa t!-«« tr*t% ■ • >>'■» <4 tom wLjr appK 11*11. {« h*. written fc» trim in Jannarr. of kw •• •k*a U ««M la irrtr taftf !»_» rr»*in«lcr a«mt a« p«*i- tW *rit. ta «Jjit U > to * wan k-fiw tWr nvl' J 1*1.* KL M V. Vttai^l.'r tL« kxtt to wkm» be k>'*<4 »•" *a« >Ut<4 at H *«h- •«« ■ v Lin<-*la nal. bU- «it!i k» d ««''M or %4* to *tn k j t*r» « -t. .ml H«»f aimr lo>riUtril it An (Krr ». »• 'tvii'ipr ** "*> Ml VtRIK'tr, Ili.i^it, VVrr'.lba*. of tkrx- n h.rtu ■! wtrf«n», an.l mr 4o«bl »W>. in of rMrrt f « tk« admit tWe arr tWe ■»"»-t intel W«L»- HI HH % V. I tKia *••*- negroe* j»nt r«liMWiutM' ikan lot Urr 1. rr aa* »l*o • mrp)**» ilintrtl I* III* frcaa Xortfc nv« it wii« *m a U> rn I'nt, «|e*;t»»e»l to Jcliivr Jt »"* »«( |« <«>!**, plra»>«r olont p*o- kwn of iWe two. m ! we aft k now iW«-t are I»A»I» LUKK |Wr o>r>H >n iiiwir ci(ic«, mJ a« iiti»k n.k V|. lti> n> t Tkiakinf g' kivr ako rvmaiM.1 it kooK* ia ri*« a» 1 m- •trr to lk< < n1 talk'iriiiri, tnan I«J« |W<- mill «n •» (.« H«K"K p« CatWoii,- Iri«W m tWia •• 1 WAI.L roawtr*. I W Itrr.frr | narkni about « *»l«rjt a *k it \t\w f" nvOK NIIK rlur a * a* f rr b»»at.n a* ai U tk« r*t>» I • 1 Li* »»atrtr« t mJujtfl < ii t«. h »• \ i\» (for a frr-tntamt Irlthman t» l«o»W noM cm L. an « ►. *» f»wn1« I I J ;w*»Jc t * a"+• J for L to ! tkj ron» to rrr* w«H>t*Kt k1»j prwrj' j>»rt!^>>f' >•!•, tti if*a* Jaly U, u+k. intdii^ft lojal^ air i» to iW I'nU* IIoum «Lrre lb* I m <|iff>rr*t Jirr tiiW*. aU L.« l«]( of tkrir S. paitt nwani. oth. «kr*rirr (kv rui! < ■ i^jnoro in advance of tte iw-to? In tWry lojalte «>f dinar In Ik- rwa "* a»a« I in4 m tKr- An Irt • lk« pwtook *key riaer. a It .t a trrr «lifl rrnt »puit «ai rKr»l!« rt^Ht* of tk* frr, daarn. thc% are a wa« WWtnd tW< r I ia Oxford great m. tlrotr ab»«l !«••«, tail a:irr»*r l iIk (j»v •b.»rt Ji*tan. IV>r»J. \lxrra!t<.n A mk TV «f ( ««Mt, »faa —iniwrt il»r itf UoIau4 ca*r ioi*j frma Wrtr*i .r- ««u^: t«» wWo ia t it tWr tool of \V» !nr«Ur ro. llttfr ■ X» ignorant f«rrif»rr. r^nij; a ibltc i«- L» »<-r» in »k» .»7tb tk» >111 t >H'||I Itoi r—»■■><■. to k» fcril la tw p "1 >4M«rf 11 >*»*• ar.l !!»•»• A I *. tha fcurtU (rvm tkr mw in of(VI | a aove or IVarliaf <. art Hi-war. fori* person. to tWe n<-;ro wW<* at 1'ilr an I in lUr t- 1 IliU, drri(*ia* llail, afirraom "r • ll»*! >r, «»!• »»« » » rtfiimi r«la art m« aWat Uil !aw «ka ha I nii»t. a" 1 Joan lo %g ». -n (Sr i»* Vihtnnn. rat Writ T>»t o» \<... :<*&. aJmoat aaitrr^alt (km iikn.-wWfn Wia all* U tuiifii Urwa •■«.« 'um ««• to !»• TVur«vii» tkr »»f, «u r tkc p»« lar H tbr a«> t » whk-W W-«t» e»n >t 1W I r*al «t So* »< U<» %j thai negro. appf* with ■ltt aftrr»>ofl br«ni f t to tko W •• u M. ►un- ty M* f" ifrilr nar Mar. Utr V'antaO'a opra! •wribi f mm ia tU k!*ilr, »**•! mnitm «i I rv>f T>." iV — i»i iKr * luffrtin^ L a !■>•• MM i* f rre t>» tWe wb*t<-« W- r»* tW«- r-t K» Mr (• »*»• Iliw|>ilal. yt«tatM« ratlH la mm> Ani wWoW fa.n» A* • Tort m, b« t»»U t k»»«! I tki'l ha'l li'Wi!, »r kr »i« lit* i'«J 'urn an wd hMhimhI » I |ll fartft I iar «rj* 1 front tho »rni «. a» l pi-w'l rLri-ujjL I »■■ oftr-n milr n«c ne- It tUir »'.<* h aaarir »»faafaf«at» A ft»iM al •"» a>^'uBH»>t of againet a f-w iboawait at SvaU >o ika pc»arnt kr< i»ua »t«>p I'ari*, •nur »• ijM kin lot ktl*. »krr» Ilia lx>li »r. 4ial tattttw t lan ?>»■»*• aiii«r4 it liKr 11 I (a mm 4rfa. tn •'#! f»rri't< gro »»fr»cr, fall* tWr If we w*» kat* a lavk at Wn. I F." b l o*' r ht« rroenthr |i » TV taaaa V gT"uri,l p*«fU jr» wrr* k»*l oO*M art b* wen kr tkr rtrat t> ar*tnl wHI »»ihM «a <1 I a*» ■ aa |» »r. an! it «o«U tbai unr in ; 11 fa U. a a t.laut makr a man'a *» -n or rolor a tr »n ronapl- l.a» *>1 m A' m». N ^ k « b« k • < .OrfM « lrj« g nn« ki'l tW-ld «. IferMM.' * ll'r -n 3; < tMml lU La»r f bill a Iutl« rapnn*4. pa»—-1 ta\4fal-t in ■r »• « n. tWr of »ot- Till Xl» H'r ar- to ! «f t »9 cf f « 4 Itrnatrk I I .»«i»i qaaliSrati^n neWrinp rijWt Eki. injrbtr4 i".; in tli *»l- tS« c' • »»ar»j traaklwa l .-a •no•Liar to r?rn p*'i t'o-jgh »lf h Irf, ar> trcw! !• at one*1. f>T I W bjtaank lor -• k<|^»1 Hrfaia H ruat o frajr*. plttBgr af't. nf of lit N Era. I rl. ( Mritmli Wlhaaa aill (ku«. il»rj> fwr»ii •->.»«. (Hfaf : tW« white ••! at I > ( TU»» lo«a Br* \ rW a. >arlin£«oa. TW wk of »t«r« » * • tkr- ike t«>»» »f the art iter rar»i- fv»a ram 4. K-\Vii ? R» r i »•»» the nett to the toe S. Wiliifai f S «j> an*! atvarlt kal ooiinl trv««i tk» ia jr»at He !a« W«»i>ral 4. (>4 all .4b- tWr wkitr-a p)uroa»*t, tab laaaa aal TWrre ! We Wat one nil*, r*»»«aaa i »f (W M.i ian I'.nr. i ta Ukr '■ aar». j,, of «wrr«l ptaataDaaa a-M k an- Wa •• kr oo«M •*- IIkn>) mlirr a Jar. ««« ihen taken IVr far «f and lUt tWe i»a» >wn prof.t. la; I «1 in tWr ! i'Mii-r «f lU r an«l »i>nr>l f ▼■ft (*«tu« rp Onv. «il!i{r. f ki# avpport. |'>J a littlr »b for pr»>o«>er rtttertl t«l Mb. ti "i r-f « p*»r«| -p Jftlf In ?»>prri! -n-e. fWat •••»*' ii»w ar» U l'ra«a<: Ja«l. < a 2 « r t- a[ Mr tkt* man >• ».i« n W ere. L irjcr, lU L*tc L t 1 Un>i! rd of fl at I .']> I'm! tkrir a** a errtlia Sk*- tn«n( ir»»'rr, t l-om into tW« wot M free and ar l mr»k I'm* tt-Mtokai <«f .• m >-i auk* ar»«l m erpal. (U iViUri ll<> r<-« in t« an tul not 'a«« * lit, koi !mii 4 a;a »t tkr fnoilhraltk perre;*ub|y of *• rtam ra I#- -t. C&h in»Vna*>l» i.«m tl»-- a »r*>'a »r s: > the Rebels b« Tra»ted? pMtrie-J Ahmm( l * wriM mu*t k. 11.* i«anr i* K. I*. 1; k*jr v|w» kungra it t»:t p*i'!t wr do :a«tice to *irral visaed Itiaae 4c tiatw* arcMwtUl* tl.al lU rrbrl ka>l- 1V>»|woa. im »•••*»* Mr < r»»» K«»l lurg Um an opportunity cr» wbo »t tat *t'. kt ira4iit nc >i/«J »a Ik* »i ia- w h»»e cw rftj f< oti tKis rx laat k<( kaowa lo * HIT* ilonrt.fi ll«sk At tW v- bol- k>* knf (imm! kutrl. to miaxrr kia U n< »rf a a-i 1km. tra at i*jr. W« ButKT ikat (ita. 1'xai •• r»it Ura f tbe > r> car Wait, rtU-b ».m1- pr»i.» at* a a r | J ><1. it! Court Ilninj Mr Ji>Sw at »r ur WnltoJ tkat t »• m. *ta( tliArrent ba*irj II on Mam f.a- I kl- to* Joart.»! •> «-l «»<*rr |rt|'h., ai Mro- apxi jouaj tbr jvjwtr ot i; tWawrliN U> tW r*» I »«ier «l irr»*»tirrl * I Ma > fofrnl tU adapt un,;'. »Jr*r » palrnairr l.i« a: up Ln a/ 4 aot ar.t i wmr fcoJ»}:np barbari»ta •!< t 1>! br W k- nra oa «ku »Lrpri»» ikrit *k>>p. a£am»t tkr (utrrMM' I. K I'tfoul rrj- rri»»j p«u aill work it. AnottWr Littleton. «m au k A«> tn I W am own W*ok« b» t %'• *' m nrpro «S'> mr at lW odk* lU pood lb« taiabrd .fca»»;a.l. N k> IMM •ofeabltr be w p*ar»-! of for (tk «a. -Vf« KiwJuh n't i» (irewtn tiwif |o < to Hurras lo »«L for rrlirf Irnl ia. a-ui ih« rril %H loja'. fb« war ha« ii»y g- b; of tka I)«iUri- U ... i* U''« '!U, t> 1 Mbjerta. Mr .1 TW roauk ia lU ji>ikj B>aa'a bnnarM i* pre- 1\':« T>lor»d «nr «ar» V* wu f .nwrlr !rre Ik* of 1 lacrrMi] tbr if l«r»rr Uur l » adfM aaii iW I.waif 1 a <"ba| iiaaifirrkitirj dnwmr-1 wr.tr 1 lo Mil I o«nitH arr • * <1 »h« Ia tkruaa « ut of and for mm»r« a rr.«« a!! iW war a' >;i ap cap! riu ittcrvd a it 'rkir; M*»»lau ! Pro* ama I ib» tu €r» J tbrni a* -i ||w g u.ntnri.1 ■oalki frvaa Tb« or !»r »f lW tbr Kutrrn Bf*w h He »| lit S' in uf a £o# «uit rf room for a wow l.b I ■■ TW* luloiit tot iron* r*aia?ir*-(t urt llw will a r» cbc»<«. I» it fro«n WrUf fc'lH Ul< >k*W..k rotfrinj |«rlH->iltf« 1*17 with 1 r »k If • i. » m< »t m .«> .{•>!* too* a* «r mtrrmrty Tbrr »fr lallrn. n«>r<>«* tnJ fuLi NotMU A fuirr»p»»« U An acta- '.intr i 10 U« r of lW> ktK-v talk r»'r.< l» till tLual •ua'amtrg iW <»o»- ot amrkinj. br n lent at .V>rtk Jit »*»» • from and tLr batrrti tj* wt tbe 1 tnim ik> ir prrraatfrd Ifari' pro«oi«** »tn ieata Irva iprrimra, arifaru tank t<> a ana > J k « muk •« u*( to ibc l»rf» of finf to I >\ « > ar >1 m ova lufkrr fur. piiitf Atl^M, timr- -li »fr» r; a*l« jimJ orjrr < fully ar>«i M'larM tbrr bare J.«t tbeir l*n<« at I ryabrit minifr*!. bf- «t»i 1 ihr N»ff on o| frr4p*n C• i- iftrraard to kr '*» *» *• u I r t •!<•. IVri abrrr tt if IM of t %t« •: •jv lo of rart >nrn »la»e» Ow wki b tbr* tvl bmt rt N III*; pWnlr 4 aatiirr TW iai«a< tu>o aw Mot pruprrty I •« md4< l»r. I^r for a tior !_» r»cil,HE. ! kt* rr»»m *»«! Ji'i'» tbr air it >r»« tbf Ki •xtillr bo- W • are ~U<1 t. krar Mr A I*, • f IVif ol&« niaa* krf>t ikat tin* tkr ra*r. litaai, II >.u Mail •« 1. a« »»• AO rvaioi l»» tW C* t» u a- Aftat f' H» tW t f to Irl. *n l kb'.I» Tfiaci |trutp> p >n>| ikr l-attle- ot tb«u | to J nr|. At tkr ttaaiaiuj* < < tb< l> luu U to tb« to no* («| •»£ :k« -xttr.au *•! iu T X at «a» ■ (bat ibr k^or* < ef. M> lUt liar kullt f jtcbi an.iun ky f (rid I -uh!( of tW hlitk ju'.J b« " Ur.ro Hut tU ol ifllin k»lf »r«*»»it» >«* »a^i at fcmt. br aa< at I tecUiu < «. i.. t:.«r* m> r* liia f~ * li»»r »l|»rl ao»l O.&ta II a. \ j rn«» fi rt« »i.l br ai!i> iti ili rrgaialiu(i« r r»i i» u» •intrr of 1* «, jrr Jrafi. v I t.» l»r I.r* l.irr l biir» nut Ia. ha in iI atai a 1 On ia*« i.iii k« |MrCt« jj it •*» bar l>aJ .'J UmUIi " •atr*ratrr. a. Mttlrarat wf f»M l'<«t irt i *n: \ «t tk>« mu Tbr reU-I ***r t^iarttr»««trT at Jimr»NW. lki» nxkrT that »r t iiiMrr t U urtr ! IcaJcr* ai. ib.«. a>.-i in ti«w a*r«] tU it-aa. Our oarr Ultrra I'ofilan l tfl»n »! tW btnk I! ai :.»• to ;>.bli Attrr inatiain* or |*i I'hiiMH, Vu of tbr»c • Ira wont L» br at- r * ai> 1 \ ariai <• •;*«.! fa< can again U «»pbt «~orrr»poa«le*»t prnan Li.narli k, a >laac« ul i.' tbey rrane»l w.tb plea«r« a Kr fki »«« orrr gorni.w>tv kul} apf*o>at- |K» « k»* k ibn tional forrr*. He » »i,!r» a«a> Tbat it a pot bat •is a *.*r i.aard, tr» wrrr <>1. (m> i»ur ar»*a qurtlMM *wacrp«a >ir of uw frva lipa, g inj areata wrtki of irriio* kt*r r»«l £rratl« fr<*m rhittt oal; ■ti Hit »r xrm (a n I > 'nin »r ll .i r an \ take* * to U an »(••«! Mar.v of tb« • >iptam) back, wbm tb»« rrb- from mr.f a. oat ft i-aa *!■ ! too * an t t»f m>ii Ul rr tbr Haauttf, ami wrkatf n«t. alun.a'*' I. »-« L i« iii i. >4 l< tkr aii*uJrrf!aihl iWtr lut«. Nxur of tbr«r nu«l>U (_ru» r-n.< r» wf Yin»lt> A r.»lr from 1*1 *U> ho-l Airi yr< and »>l. u.jl »1 >• I.» rtn.i tafaw•! Liu. r. to II t. jtrti Bkwl ft General Tom*r ba> teamed An ur i. IVtla n. »»• « n an iff' taai mar o»< t band*, fmfiit. Lr *«uj, L.« a't< t 4at< tb> •*- r«- rl# ia partial. lir li* •«!» iMak ofu*ca to lU •«•«. i d«tr t. wilL.a ikr Ika Sivm A1 k> rr(«Ui!'>M >ar(T'«' our |rMnl rral K»aitaU* l-a a-** >• mdimtljr ir-iuiauc rcUliKia, ao-1 lrs« ja*t dniiwtl; KitatoWnUjr i«oU. tixl «■&■!» it put up in a pri~ |li»» tbr to tk.t l/>w • (W<1 lU n. '*< tor* m tba ankle Hr lr(t tbr un tW Ml lb# t«-Ulw»B« •bW Lft i diapau liar pri»t*ry torn l|j«rm (ban roa- pM]>U arc «ti.« iu ti* m«rkrt to toaw (frttrr drr«ar«l nttr n Vat i*f» an *«:«r.t. »• v .Cbt. bita i) ft tbr «>•»*»r>:in lUt L«* »r k■ It trot tk> voal'l r.ot frndin; itirarr. (wi