PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON BY ESTABLISHMENT 7O SE & PORTER Having every facility in Pressefl, 1 ype and Material 244 Main Street. to which we are constantly making additions,w e are prepared to execute with promptness and good style, t i: 11 31 H : every variety of Job Printing, including Town Reports, Catalogues, By - Laws, Posr- If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2.00 4 it payment is delayed G months 2,25 ora. Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Programmes, jt not paid till tne close oi the year, 2,50 Circulars, Bill Heads, BotteT Heads, «*' New subscubers are expected to make the Law and Corporation Blanks, Receipts, Bills ol Lading, Business. Addross and I Wedding Cards. Ushers. T ags. B ab els, JT S‘ncle copies Dvi :s—lor sale at the office & o.,& o., and at the bookstores. VOL. 30. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 4, 1875, NO 13. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZING Z. 1‘OI’E VOSE. J. II. PORTER. will receive careful attention.

live you, mark my words. And if the “ My name is Wolf Ileatherclough, TH REE 1) A YS UNDERQ li OLS our feet: and, following it almost instantly, use of their signal of “attention.” The darling wish. She had seen in town just I ’ iictrn. law had its just titles this day, you'd be up miss,” he said. r _ ------. was seen at a little distance to faniilar tap—tap—tap tap—tap was re- the sewing machine she coveted. With EFJohn B. Gough has a lecture con­ yonder, with a striped suit on and a hall to Then the two pairs of eyes, one black, , The sun on Friday, April 2, had risenisen j sway jind then to fall,, making a,draft of | turned, and I saw at once that my instrue- this wonderful little helper in the house, cerning “ peculiar people,” and if he had your leg.*’ the other blue, looked at each other, and brightly on (he mining village of Caobon- air wilieh immediately extinuished tor must he among those outside.* she had no doubt but that she would in time had occasion to revise it during the past once glance was just as firm, fearless, and °fr» aU(I the dull and dismal March day. TIIE IIAllBO Il LIGHTS. She hurried oft’ in the opposite direction lamps and left us standing, for the moment J rapped: “ Is there any hope for us?” grow rich. Meantime she was stitching season he might have found ample illus­ at a prodigious rate, just to show her ene­ decided as the otlier. with their raw, rainy, inclement weather, hercfl of speech in the darkness, while the Unanswered: “ We’ll t.y to save you; the roses from her cheeks, and almost the trations of his subject in the principal char­ BY JOHN W*. CHADWICK. my how much more active she was than “ I'm a civil engineer, and a civil sort of looked a long way back since the genial dull,, heavy echo reverberated till it was rainclond burst over the shaft deluging it life from her heart. There she sat in the Just at the harbor’s inuulh she stood; he. His rage cooled sufficiently for him to fellow generally, I hope. I’ve been sur- sunshine had brightened our disposition lost in the recesses of the mine. We were, with water, and one of the boilers shortly pleasant room, the blinds half open, the acters that have come to public notice in Behind her was the beacon white, be sarcastic as she disappeared, lie waved veying Northern railroads, and I’ve hardly and dried our roads. is I slid, stupefied for the moment, but afterwards exploded, blowing up the cn-1 sweet roses budding in cluster, and the connection with the Tilton-Beecher scan­ Which send* its kindly warning forth his hand after her in the manner of high seen a lady for ten years. Consequently,” The miners had “ struck ” the previous soon recovered our speech and senses and gine house. “ How did you get in?” I wisteria blossoming into the very window, dal. Strange notions of social morality, From evening shade till morning light, tragedy, and remarked, serenely. continued the hearty, solid, strong young *«« from fire-damp; to observe the tim leathlite by th e yellow gleam of the ! something soft resisting. It was the body sewing machine. my too was ill. lias spent ten years surveying railroads, hers, for in parts of the mine there had It shows, however that Mrs. Moulton is not Sweet bands, hut browner than the i ock of the Boss. I drew back with a shudder. It was a nice little dinner, and the widow “ Aha!” said the terrible old woman. and farms so big that it was a two davs’1 been indications of a “ squeeze;*’ and als< were fastened in Aral crawled up my leg; it made my and her daughter grew quite chattv over the least singular of all the singular people U hereon tier pretty ftet had place “ I ’ll outlive him yet. I will not die.*’ journey to cross ’em, twenty acres looks like • to notice the workings of our two ten-incl iy the fall of coal; but that did not concern ; blood curdle “ **■ concerned in this trial. Believing that Mr. Which, browner yet. laid hold of it Nevertheless she grew yet weaker, until contemptible little patch. As to steam pumps, which were strained to theii ts grvatly, as it was well known that we • I put my hands toward the water again “ 'Vlien I get the machine,” said Saman- Beecher had debauched his friend’s wife, With naked puiily and grace. she says that she kissed him tenderly omtho she was no more than half conscious of that little frying-pan full of water with the utmost—working as they were under tin veit inside, and men would soon he sent and felt several rats floating; the air, with tha, “ I shall have a little time to attend to forehead and told him that if there ever One day I dared to speak to her: mortal things. While she was in this state minnows in it*—jerking his thumb over high pressure of ninety pounds of steam— in search of us. But what were we to do a pressure of at least three atmospheres, the garden. I've got just twenty dollars was a good man she believed he was one. “ What have you caught to-day m one day the hell began to toll, in token his shoulder toward thelish-pond—“ I know to keep the mines clear of water, •vith the stunned man, for by this time we had killed them. more to make up.” Jn another occasion when Mr. Beecher *• Nothing but just a thought or two that some poor soul was passing out alone lakes out yonder so big and beautiful that On the day before, out of curiosity, I had n d ascertained that he breathed faintly, And we heard the sound of picks and “ I’wenty dollars! dear me; and the heft was on his way to prayer meeting, in the More thoughts than lisn come swiiu over the cold waters of eternity. The very whenever you see them your heart aches measured the steam they were throwing riiough neither of us ha dthe advantage of bars on the other side. They had sent on:- of the work coming with the heat of sum- presence of her husband, she threw her lirst stroke of the bell aroused her wander­ with the wonder and admiration which von and found to my astonishment that theii modieal education, we knew what to do in side for them. It reinspirited us, and we mer,” exclaimed her mother. “ A nd have you ca t.lOJg 1 ‘ arms around Mr. Beecher's neck and ing, already half-escaped senses. She even can ’t put into w ords.” He looked thought- com bined outputs am ounted to SOOOgallons i case of this sort, ami dampening our worked for life. “ Never mind: 1 shall have a large order. That I love you and you love w e t " asked Mr. Mo ilton to save this|good man.” 1 durtd not speak the question out; counted the strokes—one, two, three, and fully at the ground a moment, and then 1 Per minute. hindkercliiefs from a little dripper, we The water w;is within three feet of us. maybe, from Col. Stone’s daughter, if this hied, as if it was an after-thought: “And. I had not mentioned this to the surveyor laved his temples and soon had the satisfac­ They soon signalled from the other side 1 work saits her.” Strange notions of goodness and honor RutliJj) at that might m ail be. and purity seem to prevail under the shad­ “ Sixty, sixty-*ivc, seventy, one, twi . ! miss, when a limn sleeps half tile time un- the amount being so large as to make im tion of observing the return of his faculties. that they were going to blast. We awaited j “ Yes. maybe; but don’t trust no rich Se every day I pass her by, three, four, Jive—sevenfy-jicc! ” scream e > i der the open stars, and has not a living soul j fr*‘l uncertain in my calculations; yet then After we had explained the situation to the shock and could almost hear the fizzing ones, Manthy: there’s that debt owing von ow of Plymouth church. Mrs. Tilton is , tile fierce old woman. She raised her hea 1 j who cares much for him. except the good "’ere those calculations in black and white him. which the slowly comprehended, we of the fuse. . which you may have to sing for, ainfshe’s either an adultress or a liar; for she wrote “ My heart is caught upon jo u r hook,. i and shoulders desperately. “ Severny-livt 1 who cares for usall, is it likelv that lie 1 according to the latest formula of Ameri- took counstd as to what were the best “.(*ra—Hi! “—the thunders liearlv deaf-. rich.” * a confession of adultery. Her husband's And cannot tear it self a way.” Ileaven above me! it’s John Clough | wjH miss an old house that he never lived : ean engineers, so that I came to the conclu- means of escaping from our underground ened me. " j “ Well, that money’s all spoken for, any- theory is that she is an adultress and he is Wiiy should I speak ? She would not »l!p they’re tolling for. Ila, ha! I told him to . jn, even though it was the home of his an- , sion that they were right, but that 1 would pt’ison. 1 called the Superindent name. No ans-! way,” laughed Manthy; “ I couldn’t buy* :i working with all his might to prove her sncli. Yet he continually aflirms, both on From oil the rocks into my boat. his face I'd outlive him. They said I was Ci;Hors? Miss Clou'di, I don’t care two 'not speak of it to any Ihougl. we felt certain that it could not wer. 1 put out my hand to feel him: he , machine with it if I had it.” And suy: • As thus forevermore going to die. did they? I will not die! 1 i cents for IIcathertoiTl’ark, with the whole • As our tramp was to be an extended one, be long before parties would he in search was breathing faintly. I reached down a : Pretty, bright, dainty Floss Stone came the witness r to you all the rights of the Heather- direction was driven for more than a mile, remam ii le, hut endeavor to cut our way face. He heaved a sige which, light though How very, very beautiful she was, standing ever was.” Beecher’s theory is that Mrs. th e would not lovi—*tis not her tim e; Tilton is a liar. It is the only theory con­ But naught that she can do or say The people who had been listening with { doughs, if they ever had any, in this prop- mid had labyrinthine passages that would it into some other chamber of the mine. , it was, sounded like a deep groan in tlie there in the lowly doorway! Manthy could momentarily chilled solemn hearts to the ; erty, and von arc to take it’ and welcome , have sadly puzzled anyone not acquainted Picks mil shovels were lying around, , thick, heavy atmosphere. hardly keep her eyes from that genuine sistent with his innocence. Yet he com­ Cun rob me of my right divine mends her character upon every possible To loveuud worship her alway. bell which tolled for the departing soul o f you are to it. That’s what I came hereto with the workings, we took our dinner.' the miners the preceding evening 1 heard the tap—lap—tap—tap—tap—of fnee with its dove’s eyes and wondcrou old John Clough had returned to their buy-! say.” along in the little buckets that miners car­ had left them, and each taking one of these “ attention,” and tried to answer, hut had bloom occasion and publicly recognizes her in the court room as a dear friend of himself and O maiden at the harbor’s mouth! ing and selling, their gossiping and dress-j She looked at the broad-shouldered, ry, and also a hottie of oil for the supply in hand, ve proceeded to tap lightly the not enough strength. My face felt suftused “ I was going by, Miss Lane, and I his family. By day, with their detracting light, ing, their marrying and giving in m ar-, l,niVc young man, with a bright glow in of our lamps. coal in older to determine if possible by with blood, and I could hear the pulsations thought I’d give you a call. How docs that Mrs. Monlton represents herself as con­ Toureyes will wreck more venturous hearts riage, and their poor little tricks to keep her fair cheeks. The previous day h:ul been somewhat an die sound wher« the thinnest pillar stood, j of my heart. They seemed to become dress get on ? ” tinuing to believe in Mr. Beecher’s good­ Thau ever beacon saved by night. the breath of life within their bodies. I ‘-Mr. Ileatherclough,” said she, “ von idle one with me, and knowing the course nd, therefore, where we would have the | more rapid, faster—faster—faster, an d I “ Bravely,” said Samantha, with her [From the I mb pendent. ness after his alleged confessions of his sin. say they had returned to all this just the are Verv generous and noble. But I don’t our trip was to take, I amused myself by least cuttiig to do. counted no mon honest smile, “ I do hope it will suit same, for it had been half an hour—nay, care two cents for it either.” making a little sketch from the large map While vc were engaged in sounding the y o u .” But she says that when he turned upon 1 can distinctly remember, however, a Frank and began to accuse him of double had it not struck three-quarters?—since the “ Then we’ll donate it to the town for a of the vicinity of the particular “ breast” walls of dir prison, a distant rumble was “ Why, it’s as pretty as a [picture; what more violent crash and violently being dealing she “ lost all faith in human na­ aak.5 and Shcftlw'S. bell ee.ased tolling for old John Clouglr j innatie asvlum,” said the broad-shouldered, ! "’e intended visiting. I thought nothing heard which caused us to stop short in our fine taste you have. Miss Lane; but yt u forced through a narrow aperture. ture.” This is only surpassed in fine humor What would you have? Must one think brave young man. of it at the time; but afterwards, as will labor and look at each other with blanched look so tired and heated.” ; * * * + by her assertion that Mr. Beecher came to about dead people forever? Must—Hark! They\valke I peaceablv away together, be seen, it became of the greatest import- faces. “ Sewing on this trimming is rather M lien I recovered my senses and recol­ her and declared that he was tired of life what’s that? in the jiale November light, Clough ami mice. nervous work,” said Samantha, trying to THE CLOUGHS AND THE Our thoughts ran on hut one thing—the lection I was in bed, with my gray-haired »nd had a powder on his library table The great deep bell had begun to toll Ileatherclough side by side. So calm. We took a walkthrough the break and laugh, but breaking out into a sigh instead, I L E A T I I E E C L O U G H S . limbers in another part of the mine must mother bend r me ami asking how I which w’ould put an easy end to all his again. People ceased their poor liLtle strong, and self-controlled these two were, the out-idc workings before we went in­ “ and I believe I am tired.” have given wav and blocked us out com- jeJt I tried ve, but shooting pains troubles. Mrs. Moulton goes on to say, tricks, and listened again with solemn so different from the noisy, squabbling, shle. There were the eight engines work- pletcly. ‘ Another moment and Floss had dex­ What passion is it that keeps man quar­ went through my body. I looked at my *• The interview was brought to an end by hearts. One, two, three, chanted the great cackling Clough and Ileatherclough who ing at a pressure of ninety pounds of steam, terously transferred the work from Man­ reling to all eternity, which clings to him AVe now waited motionless for the gust hands; they were covered with strips ol his stating that his dinner was ready.” bell—thirty, forty, sixty. had died bequeathing their mutual hate to mid each trembling with the mighty pow- illa’s weary fingers to her own, ami in­ after every other human emotion has de­ of air which always follows a fall, but as plaster. The tropical and figurative dialect which “ It is an old person—real old,” said the these their heirs. Genuine strength is al- ‘T within them ; but of their .safety we felt sisted that the little dressmaker should sit serted him—yea. which grasps his soul in air lamp gave hut the slightest ilicker, we I was about to interrogate my mother, seems to prevail in this Brooklyn circle is its steel clutches even as the man is grow­ younger ones. wavs calm ; “ inferior force is always vio-' ,l° fear, as llb-y had a few days before been were entirely at a loss to account for it. _ when the telegraph operator stepped in, back in her easy chair and rest. The wid­ Sixty-one, sixty-four, sixty-flvc, seventy, lent.” ’ • examined by the Inspector and pronounced only less remarkable than their demonstra­ ing cold in death? Avarice. So dazzed by this collection of mishaps, and seeing that 1 was convalescent, began ow, going by the window, declared to her­ called tlie deep-mouthed hell. pale November whitened into winter,: safe to a pressure of one hnndred and forty tive methods of testifying regard for each It had kept .John Clough and Babylonia md wondering how soon they would conic without questioning (he always was rather self that she was “ struck all of a heap ” to Miss Patience Hopkins struck her hands winter changed into green spring, and i pounds to a square inch, other. We find Mrs. Moulton kissing Mrs. Healherelough quarrelling for forty years. in search of us. we continued our tapping garrulous), to acquaint me with the par­ see that pretty, rich, little aristocrat work­ together. spring, again, deepened into the gold of} A loud hissing sound, like the rush of Woodhull: Mrs. Woodhull kis-ing Moul- They were deadly enemies. I Ie was a wid­ »n the sides of the “ breast” ; but it al­ ticulars. ing away for dear life, and her Manthy “ Heaven help us, it's Widow Heather- summer; hut still the Clough mid Heather- waters, caused us to turn suddenly, hut it restin g . * :on: Mrs. Beecher kissing Airs. Tilton; ower, seventy-livc years old; she was a ways gave back the same ringing sound, “ You sec” he said, “ we did not miss .Mrs. Tilton embracing Mr. Beecher; and, d o u g h ! she exclaimed. “ Them two old dough dispute bad not been settled. Since i was only the steam blowing through the “ I should think you would have a sewing widow, and seventy. and that was no guide whatever. you till after the hurry and confusion inci­ last and most extraordman', Air. Beecher creeters has gone into t’other world side the world began there never was a dispute ; safety valve. A l last, our examination he- machine,” said floss, brightly. Both laid claim to the fairest and rarest .Just then the wick of my candle needed dent to the explosion by which the fireman kissing Theodore. We are forced to con- an' side. God he merciful to us all. miser­ whieli required so much consultation he- j big completed, we lighted our lamps, “ I mean to; that's what I'm working bit of properly in the village of Heather- trimming. I seached in my pockets for :i as killed and the engineer badly hurt— •lude that there are singular people in ton. This property was known in all able sinners! I wonder if th y 11 ev< r tween the chief parties as tills dispute. 1 climbed into the eage, and gave the en- knife, and feeling a piece of paper, took it were over. 1 hen, in* the evening, when lo1*’ ^ft^^fessmaker, as much squabble any where they’re gone? It's B rooklyn. Ileatherton, all the county, indeed through Dame Ileatherclough would have surely i gineerthe signal to lower us down theshaft mt and found that it was the sketch of that th ree of you were missed, they stnrtea) ilston^ lud.?s *"11' nwtl*ur >>een to tied wicked to question God’s merev. hut it :...... i ...... r i ,.' ...... i i ...... *i • 1 well-nigh the whole State, as the “ Bone.” jut of her year-old grave and | slowly, portion of the mine. ■“•‘■•'■h of ybu. I was away and did not 11 erselt resting. docs appear :ls if heaven was llv hig- The Springfield Union tells the following That was because it was the bone of con­ clawed the red-brown cheek and hold black 1 The descent in shaft is a very peculiar We felt that this little drawing was our return till venino* of SaturdaY when I at “ G, but they re tiresome things,” said cnough to hold them two both at once.” tention which these two old misers had f Wolf Heatlicrelough, like a eat o' feeling to t! ho have never experi­ lvation, for without it we would hav< once ordered a research as far as wo were! capital story about the iate Rev. G eorge been picking at for forty years. The And so it was. These two, who had inountain. if she could ha h eard tin enced it. We have all felt the odd sensa­ been w.irking blindly. After a close ex able, for tile water was not over all tile , * l,°" 1 one would be tiresome to frask. the anti-tobacco apostle : luted c:ich oilier mid hurt each other and mysterious hints which wer tion in the hack and breast when using a “ Bone consisted of a wide old house, rife in the amination of it we determined just when gangway. We supposed that you must I lne’ s:Ul*-'lantiiy A few years ago, :is a car well filled with abused each other forty years, had passed village nt a new way to pay old debts, forty-foot swing. ‘ Well ! now 1 think of it,” cried Floss. surrounded by a magnificent park, English to start in order to cut into an air-holt ; taken refu« in the father end of the , ... . 3 r ii it • , c ministerial anuiavuciegateswasand iav delegates was on its wav over together, quietly enough at to the As to Mariana and Wolf HeatherclougL Tiie feeling there is difficult to d crihe style, with grand trees, and a lovely little Last, , , , , , w,iich was thirty feet away, through solid ,nine ;lluj we d instead o f making its natural | After having decided upon the spot the search when I recollected the air way, Uhotjsslupnl? ’ ...... |lvith ;l oftl,lets in hi3 hand3> antl strifes, worryings, and torments of this little lake in the midst of th e‘* Bone’’—the to the light. exit, was going from the back to the front an work immediately. Only one could where we found you and afterwards heard “ That 1 forgot all about mine. W hy,, ..Uncinghiseyedmvnthechurchlylooking Here, on the icy covered banks of this world are inexpressibly mean, small, and little lake where the trailing vines drooped of your lungs, ami thence out through the work at a lime, and as we were each to your picks. You remember the conversa­ von must know that I drew a machice at | .eats with a rather triumphant air, began pitiful. to the water’s edge, and the darting tinv breastbone. lakelet. I begin my story. Here, whether work fifteen minutes, in order to tell when tion by telegraph? ” one ot the Boston fairs last winter. It s a | distributing his documents to the company. Ay! quietly, quietly enough, God knows! fldi turned up their glancing redgold sides by a remarkable accident or by real fell in­ So with the sensation in descending a the time would be up, the Superintendent I m uliled, though I could but indistinctly beautiful thing and easy enough, Isuppo. file lirst one was taken by a slightly wag­ They died within the smile hour : they to the light. She had gone there first, and tent of the adversary himself, at the self­ shaft. Here it is not only the breath that looked a t Ills w atch. recall it. for one who has patience, but that's not me. gish parson, who, reading at once its sub­ were buried in tlie same grave-yard : and he followed, seeking her, his “ enemy,” he appears to he leaving you, but the blood, same hour and moment, the two people The hands pointed to a liLtle after 12. • Well, then,” he continued, “ we got as Yoh shall have it.” ject, bluntly asked Air. Trask why he her funeral procession went in through the always said. who had been fighting each other for forty bones and brain all seem to be trying to es­ He said, “ I thought it was later, as it large a force as we could to work, made :i Alanthv made a sudden exclamation, and hadn’t turned the other way into the smok­ gate as his came out. ■ *• Miss Mariana,” he began, without a y ea rs m et. cape through the roots of the hair: a ca- i must have been almost that when wc he- blast, and afterwards heard nothing fron sat straight up in her chair. ing car, the next ahead, where he would “ I bequeath all my earthly possessions moment’s ceremony, “ we hav been cn- | pillarv sensation which is anythin “ There,” says Babylonia Ileatherclough | hut 1 gan our dinner.” you whatever. Then we worked on vigor “ You know 1 could buy it, perhaps, if certainly find a much more missionary field. to iny granddaughter, Mariana Clough,” gaged—” to the stout serving-maid on whose arm j ple:isant. I he boss responded, “ is it noun or ously, and when we thought we had gone J J' »u would sell it.” It was amusing to see tlie look of mingled she leaned—“ there’s that old wretch? 1 said the old man s wdl. “ I also bequeath •• we haven't,” said Alariana, laugh- Mre made the descent of 357 feet in two night? ” , far enough put in a slight blast, which “ Sell it!” cried Floss, with a musical ippreeiation of the joke and of punctured to her, as a sacred legacy, my Ileatherton Jng. ° and one-half minutes, and arrived safelv at wonder if he’s going to live forever?” “ Noon, of courseanswered the Super- broke * a hole, • - through • which a gust of air : little laugh; “ A\ by, I never sold anything self-esteem which flashed over the good Park lawsuit. I request her to fight lor i He blushed like a big cabbage-rose. “ I the bottom of the shaft. “ Who’s that, Mariana?” says John iutcndcnl. and water came, shooting you ami the Sil- ’ niy life. I wouldn t be so mean as to nan's face. Ho paused an instant, cast a ( lough to his grand.laughter. “ It isn’t— | that property till she dies or gains posses- ' mean we've been quarrelling with all our The working of our mino had begun on AVe thought for a time by way of deter­ perintendent violently into the water and 1 ift cither, when it cost me almost noth- glance into the rowdy car, something as a sion ol it. If she gives it up while she is ! might for nearly a year now. and we're no the most scientific principles, hut several yes it is: it s my old friend, that sweet-1 mining, when the boss said: “ Have you extingiEshing all of our lamps. W e! *no- No, you. shall have it. A\ hat do I new comer to a Cannibal island might face alive, I hope she may die in the alms-j nearer to an agreement than we were at payers of hard rock had made the shaft ex- voiced female of the name of Babylonia. • a watch key? ” “ Yes.” idit you to the surface as soon ; want of a sewing machine? Alamma ha. his lirst audience, hut the case was too clear lions They said last week that she was on her • lirst. There is one way of settling our dis-J tremely costly; and the circumstances of ‘Then whid up your watch and you can file, carried you with trouble through the ! <>ne. The worst of it is, it’s in town, and for doubt. Turning right about with a “ Land o’ liberty !” said Miss Patience. death-bed. Death-bed! Hump! She'll nev-: pute which I’ve often thought of lately, hut the company were somewhat straitened tell.” The Superindent did and found crowd—for there must have been nearly will take almost a week to get here; I droll expression of reluctance and rising “ To think how two poor worms o' the dust er die. Teey won’L have her in heaven, i which I’ve never mentioned to you. I’ve when we had reached the coal vein of which that his watch w:is al lown. jive thousand people on the ground, as the wouldn’t bring it on, you know, when we pluck on his countenance, he marched can hate each other even with one foot in and L other place ain't big enough for her.' ! been afraid you wouldn’t like it.” i we were in search. We looked at each other in silence news had spread, and our conversation came out here for the summer.” straight in among the smokers and gam­ the grave !” At this they came up opposite. It was “ Alay I inquire what that is?” asked j It is generally customary to have a Could it be that we had been there twelvi through tiie coal had been in every paper Icstruck Alanthv suddenly, that she could blers, and, after a while emerging from the “ I wonder what’ll become of the “ Bone” a painful sight, these two. in whom hate Alariana, very composedly. I “sump,” or chamber for holding water, at hours, ami no help come to us It must jn the L’nion. Intense interest had been smell the opening rose buds very plainly, fumes with the most ineffable disgust writ­ now?” said the gossips. had outlived strength, glaring at each other He looked hard at the ground, ami when the bottom of theshaft, so that in ease :inv- he. excited, and hourly telegrams were sent and that the sky was blue, every bit of it. ten all over his countenance, but with emp­ Alariana bought some black dresses, and like a couple of toothless tigers. The spite he spoke at length, it was hesitatingly,and thing should happen to the pumps tin It seemed strange that we had not yet :lway from here.” Never before hail the trill of the birds tied hands, lie set himself quietly down st:iid at home in the old Clough h.iuse. and venom of nearly half a century hissed with much embarrassment. He was very 11 he a reservoir for the mine water to felt the pangs of hunger; but now. our at- j asked about the Superintendent. *‘ He sounded so sweetly. among the ministers with an air which said She was a handsome, clear-headed, high- in their trembling voices as they fought modest, this brave fellow. How into, and which will require some time tention being called to the fact that we js :lhle to walk around, hut has no reniem- “ And so you shall have it,” laughed .is plainly as words, “ There—I've gone into each other with hard words, almost the on­ spirited young woman of three-and-twen- “ Aliss Alariana, Pm hilt a rough fellow, to fill before the tracks are overflowed and lrave eaten nothing all day, we turned inance of anything which occured in those Floss, “ just for thank you.” Topliet and done my duty, anyhow—you ty. Aleantiine the opposing lawyer adver­ ly weapons left them in their helpless, love­ because I never had time to learn the line work stopped : but just below the coal, when towards our dinner-cans with a good appe- three days.” “ And the mining boss “ But I shall make all your dresses for see, don’t you! ” Yes, we saw it, and also tised for the legal heirs of the late Baby­ less old age. Clough spoke lirst: ways which ladies like, though I think I the sump was begun, a bed of iron pyrites tite. Wc eat sparingly, however, for the Poor fellow!”—here he pointed to the; nothing. ’ how common it is for good people to do, “ I'd have you understand, mistress, that lonia Ileatherclough. might learn them even yet—from a teach­ was met, on which the best cast-steel drills reason that the period o f our immurement graveyard, which was in view of mv win- “ No, you shan’t; you shall charge your not the work which is most necessary, but I have told you of the hate of two old my park isn't a public highway.” er of my own choosing. That’s neither made no impression; and, after a week of seemed very uncertain. No thirst was dow. * “ He weighed hut 125 pounds when | usual price, and I won't allow anything for that which is easiest. people. It is left me now to speak of the “ Fo«r park'.’ screeched Babylonia. “ I here nor there, though. Once, standing utterly futile work, the design of making a felt because of the dampness of the air in wc found him—he must have lost twenty favor. love of two young people. suppose my silver spoons belong to you too, right here by this little kettleful of water, sump was abandoned, ami a slight roll oc­ the mine. Thus reinvigorated, we started pyimds of blood.” Floss was gone, but her dainty little G ood E conom ists.—F ren ch people have don’t they? John Clough, I'm seventy I begged you to accept this patch of land curring at some distance from the bottom again at our work, and ere long had the I am now ten years olden then when this figure floated yet before Alanthy's eyes. a knack of making a little go a great way. years old this day, and you’r the lirst man 1 It was late in November. The two old I with the old house up yonder. I must have of the shaft, the coal was mined therefrom satisfaction of seeing that wc had made happened, but should I live fifty more the The widow came in, surprised to see her In the lirst place, not an ounce of food is saw who was mean enough to try and drive enemies hail been sleeping quietly in their bungled wretchedly in mv oiler of it, for and the cavity thus made was used as a about ten feet of progress. remembrance would be as distinct as it is diligent daughter seated at the windowt wasted in harvesting or preparing for mar­ a childless widow out of the home her graves for three months. The lawvcr li:ul von refused it, and you have refused it sump, although it only held a few thousand While I was resting and awaiting my now of mv Throe Days Underground. toying with the vines that crept in. ket. In the next place, not an ounce more lather gave her with his dying breath.” at length found an heir to the estates of steadily ever since. Miss Alariana, I wish gallons of water. turn with tin; pick, 1 heard a confused “ iiow beautiful everything is, mother! ” of vegetable, flesh, fish or fowl, groceries John Clough winced a little; but he Babylonia Ileatherclough. The said heir to oiler it to you again, and this time I beg We skirl cd-on our tramp after examining squealing in the lower part of the“ breast.” HAS TH Y'S SE UTNG M ACHINE said Alanthv, her eyes full of grateful tears. or liquids, then is really needed ever goes gathered courage in a moment. “ I was a nephew of the deceased lady. His you very earnestly to accept it, it and—and the two steam pumps and noting the num­ We stopped work ami looked in that direc­ “ You shall have a silk dress next winter, into the pot or kettle, or is placed on the wouldn't try to put you out of the house, mother had been her youngest sister. His a half-civilized fellow who would carry you ber of strokes per minute they were mak­ tion. ami saw, to our astonishment, rats in “ Don't tell me there's any good in ’em; dear, and a new bonnet, for Floss Stone, table. The wife of every French family mistress, if you didn’t have a better one to father had been a cousin of the deceased in his heart to the world’s end so tenderly ing. Till* mines were very wet, and little great nunihcrs making their way through I hate ’em ; ” said widow Lam; viciously. the Colonel's daughter, has made me a knows to a nicety, what quantity of each go to. What possesses you to want to • lady's husband, and his name waslleather- that life should scarcely have a rough place drippers falling from the roof trickled down the interstices of the loose coal. “ They wouldn’t, nary a one o’ them, turn present of a splendid sewing machine .” kind of food is the least that will suffice to bang to that old barn I don’t know. It j clough too. lie was coming in person to for y o u ,” our backs, causing very unpleasant sensa­ Wc thought at lirst that they had in some a linger over to help us poor tins; I've seen “ What! given it to you, Manthy? ” make a comfortable meal, and not a parti­ leaks all over. The neighbors tell me that j take possession, he wrote. Tiie news had lie seemed as if choking with the effort tions. wav ascertained our condition, and inten it in so many cases. And there's Miss “ Yes, dear, „given it to me; you won’t cle more than that is cooked or served. whenever it rJiins you have to keep pans | been formally announced to Alariana. to speak, he was so embarrassed. Alariana We did not find much to complain about tied m aki hut a Wells owes my Manthy nigh on lifty dol- say anything more agajnst the rich people, There are no slop-buckets full of broken a-settin' all over the floor to catch the wa-1 Marianna took it quietly enough. In the was silent. How could she look into the in the workings till wc came to the point >ob: dispelled this idea, lars, and inis owed her all summer, the will you? There are plenty of them doing victuals left on a table, after breakfast or ter that leaks in. You'll catch your death j afternoon—the pale November afternoon— eyes of this “ rough fellow,” his brave, where the squeeze had manifested itself. al and frightened, wicked selfish thing. Did that make any good all tile time.” dinner, to be thrown on the street or ma­ there yet, woman.” she walked out to the tiny lake in the mid­ pure, child-hearted man, and tell him that Here stout timbers of about one foot and a gilt,sought secitl- dill'erence with Iter trip to tile watering Mrs. Lane was silent; and somehow, nure heap, or flung to dogs or swine, as in “ Don't you flatter yourself John dle of the “ Bone.” She had not been he himself was more of a knight and hero half in diameter had been bent into a bow­ tai. place, I wonder? No, but my poor Man- after that, if site was t 'tuple I to rail at America. No pieces of bread and meat, Clough, 111 live to hear tin; bell toll for there before since the time her grandfather to her than any otlier living man? like form by the pressure of thousands of lamp.. •n burning brighter thy couldn't just get a week oil' to go over faults of her neighbors, rich or poor, a eer- or vegetables, are thrown aw ay; such quan­ vour funeral, and long enough after it to and Dame Ileatherclough had quarreled “ I m ean t to g o back y o n d er,” said W olf tons of superincumbent rock, and the crush e now llaming vio- to Lvnn where her cousin lives, for want of l tain little whintting sound across tiie hail tities are not bought as to become stale or come into my rights. I’ll build a monu­ so furiously. It was chilly, and Alariana Ileatherclough. “ But I have no heart to was only beginning to make itself mani­ that’money.” ; elteekeil the unpleasant comment, and she spoiled in the cellar or pantry. Servants ment over your grave then. I'll promise forgot she was in mourning so far as to go back to my wild mountains again, be­ fest. T^c practised eye of the Superinten­ uperintendent looked j “ Rut rtty dear Mrs. Lane, all the rich! told instead the i-t try of Floss Stone, “the are never permitted to waste or steal food yon. I’ve life enough in me to last twenty wrap a scarlet shawl about her firm, plump cause my heart will be here—here where dent, aided by his unerring judgment, soon belt, in all litter ag- ! are not heartless,” sweetest girl in the world, if she was for poor relations, iis in America. The years yet, I’d have you know.” shoulders. She was always forgetting the you ai*c. Dear Alariana, let mu stay where noted the points where extra strength was ‘ By—! ” (and I lie- •• I tell you they are, every mother's child I rich.” housewife looks after the marketing, her “ It isn’t life, it's the Old Nick in the most important matters in life—like the my heart is, and call you by the name required, and he gave his orders to the unregistered) “ the of ’em. It stands to reason. They never kitchen, and her pantry, with sharp eyes s x o ii s / . y woman, that’s what it is,” muttered Clough impropriety of putting on a scarlet shawl which my heart has called you a million “ mine boss,” who carefully marked them. have to ask, why can’t 1 have this or that? ii ix ri:n . and unflagging care. The economy in the over mourning, for instance. tim e s.” We now retraced our footsteps, and, Suppose they see things in the shop win­ consumption of fuel for cooking and house­ to himself. mute despair. The quantity of snow in New England “ Come, grandpa, let’s go home,” said She was melancholy on the whole. She Once more Clough and Ileatherclough turning into another gangway, reached the dows: they don'ton’t have to stand and starstare, , ‘ “ r ,, .,..11.1, u. so. warming is immense, as compared with ; were I ean- them; no, there's the monev j d,innS thu wl"tel;s, olof the eighteenth cen- his granddaughter. really did not know whether she meant to walked peaceably home from the little Like “ breast” in which the roll had occurred. and long lor the that in our wasteful country. One reason, nat tell, b .1 m y ictions went il. I tell yon, don’t wonder i tury was greater thanin now. In the winter “ Mind your own business, Mariana,*’ re­ light for her rights or not. She carried in side by side, and this time they walked arm The pitch, or slope o f the coal vein was right to hand of course, is, that wood and coal in France like a pan ental vision. k . i ,1,1 in ... I., ...... 1 <>f 1/4” 3- w:is over f c°uld upon lumps of coal. We opened our telegraphy on the Morse instrument, of the mortgage that was left upon the very 1mm- hain’t nobodv kinolav onter pented of it. God loves your fault mixed him. “ I ’ll outlive you, and come into my knight politeness, you see. He touched ly in his own cloud, but by another man’s' CIlusV .nia and—hut e of is 1 new half medium I t C. Hall, r , 125 F. E. Hitchcock, d., 77 with estimated cost of completing the same, Rockland, returnable to the Supreme Court which II. Stickney: Grafton, Oxford county, John lohn IJmlscv, r., 124 Win. Spofford, d., idealized. between the Courier and the Opi lion, but as the [Since the above came to hand, the following Globe Press, with ink fountain, etc, cost $500; 1 new W C. McIntosh, r.. r.S S. E. Knlloch, d , and amount of additional loan retailed. meets on Tuesday next. Beattie; Phillips, Franklin county, Seward quarto Universal Press, with ink fountain, etc., cost Scattering 3. (A W ard Fo ticket, by mistake ) The four facades are crowned and terminated Contract with W. II. Glover & Co...... $50,524 00 former has taken an “ appeal ” to us, we suppose detailed account of the meeting has been received Dill. $38); 500 lbs Brevl. 5ou lbs Minion and 250 lbs Non­ by a bold enriched entablature, terminating in a Additional expense incurred as follows; courtesy may require us to say that we are totally from our correspondent “ Finis.” E d.] W.« > Six. Local iirevities.— Only five intentions ot The Senate has confirmed the following pareil type, all nearly new: variQUS fonts of new .lob pleasing cornice, forming the seat of a most grace- Foiinda!ion,...... $7,070 84 unaware of any foundation, whatever, for the as­ nominations: Augustus B. Farnham of Type, a complete outfit of chases, rules, leads, dashes, Whole No. o f votes, 174. Healing apparatus,...... 7, >5 72 marriage were entered at the City Clerk’s office Corporation Meeting.—Last Tuesday even­ sertion that the editor of the Courier was ever Bagor. to be collect >r of customs; Barnabas etc., for a seven-column paper, good as new, etc., etc. F.'lwin II. I.nwrv, r , 8S Cyrus W entworth, d., 7’ f il hipped roof, relieved by pediments in the front ifluiubillg,...... 1,511 86 ing, Camden Village Corporation met in the High Thomas J. Gravi sr.. 103 S. H. Sawyer, d., 6 Grading grounds,...... *,34.’ 51 in the month of February.—March fulfills its W. Roberts, Bel fas . George Leavitt, Ma­ .Also, at a great bargain, the power press (may be rue and rear ends thereof, as well as by Luthern win­ “ kicked out of the Gazelle office.” Schoolroom to elect officers an 1 transact other Thomas U . McLain, r.. un A. T. Sherman, d., 7 Extra liiickuess of wall,...... 792 09 traditional character this year aud “ comes in chias, Ebene/.cr T. Fox, Bangor, postmas­ J . Fred Hull, r., 4 n, pipe and laying the same,. :ili 78 by lisnd) on which the Gazette is now printed. Apply dows in the center of its two sides. This rool A “ Temperance Mass Meeting,” was business. The meeting was called to order by J. ters. W ard S ev en . like a lion.” We devoutly pray it may complete ut once. VOSE & PORTER- terminates in a center “ flat,” which is bordered 46 45 calle I at Farwell & Aines Hall, last Friday evening Knight. The moderator was next elected, and Whole No. of votes, VI. Printing and advertising ...’...... 143 75 the proverbial antithesis and “ go out like a on its four sides by a heavy balustrade and at which it was announced th at” the nominations resulted in the unanimous choice of II. H. Cleve­ The Ci y Election. Almon Bird, r.. 87 John II. Adams, cl., S Coiumiitee’s fees...... 196 20 lamb.” —Several lime-kilns have been set on fire J orty-Third C myr< ss. (;»•<>. F. Thomas, r., S8 Sani’l it. Ulmer, th, X from the center of the flat rises a double-story Couu.-el fees,...... of the prohibition caucus would be ratified.” land. J. Knight was re-elected for the ensuing Win. Thompson, 2d, r.,87 Isaac Urbetou, d., 8-‘ County Cominissioiiera during the past week.—A number of snow-slides The municipal election last Monday Was cupola for more than thirty feet in bight. This There were perhaps three hundred present, of year. Three assessors were next chosen, one at a In the Senate. Friday, Feb. 2oth, the helped to keep things lively on the street Tuesday. House bill restricting the refunding of cus­ quite warmly contested, the vote east be­ cupola is very ornate in its detail of parts and is Constables Elected. which but a small proportion were voters. Mr. How about those snow-guards? — The storm time. Mr. T. R. S.monton arose and nominated toms duties was passed. The civil rights Freigut bills,, ...... 14-» ing the largest ever polled at a spring elec­ Ward 1.—Eph. Peri v r. Ward 4 .-E . S. McAlister crowned with a conical pyramidal dome, sur­ Payson presided, but there seem • 1 to be an un­ D. II. Bisbee as a temperance candidate for the H o u se, •• 2.—O. F. Brown, d. “ 5. - J. II. Thomas, r J asm m ic e,...... 249 (MJ whistle at White Head made its warning notes bill was discussed at length. In the tion since the city was incorporated, with mounted with an appropriate vane and thecardina. A rc h ite c ts,...... 2 000 nO first assessor; E. G. Knight was also nominated. 3.—E. I.. Lovijov, r. “ 6.—Win. Witharn, r fortunate lack of speakers ready to talk, aud con­ very plainly heard here on Monday.—A post-office the civil appropriation bill was discuss? ! Ward 7.— -i. F. Ulmer, r. points. The base of the roof is surrounded by an Conn Room Inmlturc,. The whole number of votes cast were 171; for D. at length, aud the clauses in reference to the single exception of that of 1868, when Engraving bonds,...... sequently of life and purpose in th'! meeting. Re­ has been established at Hurricane Island, with ornamental grille of rich design, adding materiai- Miscellaneous...... marks were made by Messrs C. F. Littlefield, A. H. Bisbee 123, E. G. Kuight 53, B. C. A lams 1. the purchase of paintings were stricken 45 more votes were thrown. As will he W ardens and Clerics. Capt. (Jeo. T. Crabtree as post-master.—The gas out. In the evening, the force bill Wiis dis­ . . ; » t o. i a ; 1UV53 , an I this enrichment Estimated cost of completion : II. A. Mffls was nominated as a temperance can­ seen by the returns published below, then Wardens. Cler k s. iI.oves, and R. Au lerson,in support of prohibition. lamps have shed a dim uncertain light for two or cussed. 1. A. Tiiomas, r. K. C. Perry, r. in connection with the numerous paneled and Iron fence...... I,d didate for second assessor, the whole number of was no choice of Mayor. Mr. Bryant re­ Grading...... 1,5* Rev. Mr. Knowl.s was called upon, but excused three nights past.—A masquerade Dali was held at In the Senate, Saturday Feb. 27th., after 2. —D. Thomas, <1. Win. V. Simon*, d. capped chimney tops above the two principal j himself. Judge Hall being calle I out, made a notes cast were 1G2, of which 115 were for Mr. ceived a larger vote than was ever given a 3. —< '• F. Tapper, <1. Chas. A Davis, r. Furniture...... <*■ Washington Hall, Mi t lie street schoolhouse, last a long discussion, the civil rights bill was 4. —F. L. Cummings, W alter.l. Wood, r. facades, materially enhances the architectural Gas littin g s...... 6. Mills. For temperance candidate for third as­ passed precisely as it came from the House, Democratic candidate for Mayor, except in ltnfiis T. Hall, r. Finishing tire.prools,...... 5' forcible and vigorous speech, iu which he ex­ Friday evening, for the beuefit of Good Samaritan 5. —Jo h n F . H arden, character of the staylines of the edifice. sessor, D. W. Russell was elected by 113 out tf by a vote of 38 to 28. The tax bill was 6. -M ark l urry, r. John Colson, r. pressed dissent from the movement which had Lodge, I. 0. of G. T. A very pleasant time was 3868, while the Republican vote was divid­ 7. —G. W. Ingraham John W. Turner r. Cistvru and pumps...... 4UJ UO then considered without action. The an­ I nterior A rrangement ano C onveniences. ------$ 8,300 00 been made by some of the prohibitionists with 151 votes. Considerable excitement was manifested ed between Mr. Lovejoy and Mr. Bowler. enjoyed and the affair proved qutito successful.— nual post route bill was passed. Iu the in the eleetion of the assessors; the room was Passing to the interior of the structure, the ...... $83,140 81 reference to the coming election—claiming that it Teams were engaged yesterday in hauling off the House, reports were received from the Pa­ The largest vote for Mr. Bowler was in cd...... bv.ooy uo crowded, even the standing room being densely oc­ The Knox Counia Court Jlouse. basement story, which is well elevated above ex­ was disapproved by the great majority of the piles of snow which Monday nigh ts’ storm drifted cific .Mail and Mississippi committees. The W ard 1, where he came within four votes ol cupied. A town hall is needed. A treasurer was force hill was at last passed—132 to 111— terior grade of grouud, is subdivided into two Additional loan required...... $33,140 friends of prohibition in the city—and defended along Main street.—.Mr. James Fernald is improv­ having as many as both the other candi­ next elected. A. Miller was elfcted by 36 votes, after being amended making section 13 parts by a center corridor reaching from front to his official conduct as Judge of the Police Court ing his store by putting in a new hard pine floor. dates. In Wards 2, 3, and 7 he has a good Airs. Ilontvet, who came very near being against Alden Miller, who had 10. At this point ipplicahle only to Louisiana, Arkansas, rear, and flanked by apartments for cellar and fuel against the unfounded imputations which had been —Sleighs were flying briskly yesterday an 1 the Mississippi and Alabama, and limiting its vote, but in Wards 4, 5 and 6 it is small. one of Wagner's victims, was one of the of the proceedings a vote was passed allowing one purposes, as well as boiler-room, lock-ups and lobby made against it. Mr. Littlefield made some fur­ street presented a lively appearauee.—Mr. S. 2d. term to two years. As it is undoubtedly true that a very large Gn the first of next month the County of Knox twelve who secured a pass to witness his for prismers waiting trial from day to day only, ther remarks and G. A. Perrigo was called out by and one-half per cent, to the collector. E. W. In the Senate, Monday, Alarch 1st, the w'll have been in existence fifteen years, having execution. Wagner's threats to kill her Ve:izie is renovating and repainting his store.— proportion of the friends of prohibition in ease he got clear, for testifying against persons in the audience, and responded, taking Gould was elected collector Three fire wardens force bill was taken up but was tabled. been organize 1 Aprii 1, 1SG). During this time i ncluding also rooms devoted to water-closets and Mr. F. Sacker is refitting his barber shop in very voted for the regular Republican candidate, him, made her, as she says, “ anxious to were next electe I an I resulte 1 in tiie choice of A. The resolution recognizing Kellogg was urinals. There arc two entrances to this story, a position not very much in accord with the pro­ ban dsome style. it is evident that all M r.Bowlefs supporter- it has been without public buildings. Its courts see with her own eyes the villait. hung. * Wetherbee, A. J. Q. Knowlton an l S. Mero. The passed. The tax bill was discussed at one beneath th? front exterior portico hereinafter hibitionists. A little sparring followed between length. In the House, the resolution of have been held, and its offices kept, in the Pills­ We lind the above paragraph in several report of the chuirrn m of the assessors, N. C. did not vote for him solely for the reasoi described, and a second entrance by an interior him an I .Mr. Littlefield, when the latter moved to Thom aston. the Louisiana committee in regrad to re­ bury Block, corner of Main and School streets, Fletcher, WJ3 rea l. Mr. Fletcher reported among that he is in favor o f executing the liquoi stairway comniunieating with the rear entrance of our exchanges. Mrs. Ilontvet must aljourn, and the audience began ro depart with­ seating members of the Legislature was ,h? entire second and third stories of which have Rev. J. F. Norris, who has been preaching at other tilings that only nine persons had been ar- law. In Ward 5. in which both Air. Bry­ vestibule of the first story. The walls and ceil­ have been deserving of very little respect out wailing to vote upon the motion. No “ ratifi- passed. The army appropriation hill been leased and devoted to county uses. These the Baptist church, has been called home on ac­ reste 1 in the post year, only seven of whom were sent to a conference committee. The con­ ant and Mr. Lovejoy reside, the former had ings of this story arc without interior finish,— if she could entertain a desire o be pres­ ; Hion ” was m ale, and the tu.-ting certainly accommodations, though the best obtainable, hail count of sickness in his family; and Rev. Mr. committed to th? station house. He also spoke of ference report on t'ue military academy hill a majority of one over the two other candi­ its flooring being of concrete—other than white­ ent at Wagner's execution, end Sheriff failed to be pro luctive of any good result to the long been unsatisfactory, the court-room being Sanford, ol* Warren, will supyly the pulpit at the the good order which had prevailed on Memorial was accepted. The Indain appropriation dates. A second balloting will take plan wash and plaster on ceilings, though in the event Torrey would have been of very temperance cause. hill went to a conference committee, and incapable of being properly heated and ventilated B iptist church on Sunday next. May, Fourth of July, a id circus day. The ex­ of additional office conveniences being hereafter grave censure if he had grantei such a re­ f i T The High School graduation exercises will a new conference committee was appointed next Tuesday, when if the situation re­ for such use, while there was no means for the; A. 1’. Gould, Esq., has put up a newly painted penses of the town for the past year were S158,- required, several apartments of this story could quest. In point of fact the Sher If has nev­ take place next Tuesday afternoon, at the school­ on the legislative appropriation hill. mains unchanged there will doubtless be a sure protection of the public records of the Clerk office sign. By the way, Bro. Moore, had you not 33; indebtedness for past year SI 1.33 In the Senate,Weilnesilay, Feb. 24th, the be utilized for various purposes and appropriately er been applied to for a “ pass” for Mrs room, on which occasion there will no doubt be a second failure to effect a choice. On a »f th? Courts, the Court of Probate and the Regis­ better do likewise? A vote of thanks was passel to the retiring House hill for the regulation of the govern­ ii i'sh ‘1, receiving the most ample light from win­ large attendance of interested friends, as usual. third trial (which if it he rendered necessa­ try of Deeds. The need of better accommodations Ilontvet; and the “ twelve persons” re ­ Tax collector Hatch is out with a “ special nc- boird of assessors. The report of th? treasurer ment of the army was passed. In the dows in the exterior walls. ry must be either on Frid- y or Saturday .or the county courts and records having long ex­ ferred to are exclusively composed of the The Grammar School examination will take place tfoe ” calling oa delinquents to pay their tax be­ was given, by which we understan 1 that th? total House, a bill for the improvement of the Tin- :i a t ing apparatus is extensive and occupies at - heLincoln street schoolhous •, u-xt Mon lay. &t Fox and Wisconsin rivyrs was passed. The following), a plurality of votes will cleet, isted, and the lease of the building ■ ow occupied physicians invited to be present profession­ fore Town Meeting. A word to the wise is suffi­ indebte lness of town amounts to about $1533,00. large space. There are two large steam boilers, 1 ) o’clock a. m. All the schools of the city close civil appropi ia ion bill was taken pu. The and if both the Republican and prohibition uaving lnu a few months to run, the County Com­ ally and the reporters for the « aily press. cient. The report of the police was also called for but as debate drifledbinto a discussion upon south­ wh' -h, with their pipes, are so arrange 1, that they their winter term this week. candidates are kept in the field, the resuli missioners (Messrs George E. Cummings, of A similar paragraph concerning the inten­ A new board of Assessors is talked of for the the chief was absent, it was nut given. After ern affairs and at one lime became quite exhaust but 2 1-2 gallons of water each per day, • >ur thaw of last week was not of long du­ will undoubtedly be to give the election t< •'nion, John Davis, 21, of Friendship an l Watson sion of the father and brothers of Mrs. Al­ uc:;t municipal year. A board that will tax all some debate it was voted to raise S1G00.03 to pay turbulent and personal. M. Trussell of St. George) on the 30th of Decem­ most of the steam being condensed and returned ration. Friday an I Saturday gave us col 1 weather (grumblers at so large a rate that they will be sat­ off indebtedness. Adjourned. In the Senate, Thursday, Feb. 25th. the the Democratic candidate. mon Gordon lo witness Gordon's execution j ber, 1S73, appointed lion. A. P. Gould, of to the boilers when ; ? it was generated. The heat­ again, the week closing with a su-uv-storm which isfied. time was mainly occupied in the consider­ On Monday four Republican and on< has probably as little foundation in fact. i ation o f the hill iu regard to counting the Thomaston, Hon. E. M. Wood of Camden and Mr. ing arrangement is both direct and indirect, or began early Saturday afternoon and continue 1 Tiie Thomaston Savings Bank hel l their annual H'ashinyton. Democratic Aldermen were chosen, am by enclosed and exposed radiators. votes for resident and Vice President, ami Andrew Burkett, of Vfashington, a committee to Destitution in Nebraska i well into the night. San day was cold , with a very meeting on Tuesday last. The following board of The annual election of towu officers took place several amendments were agreed to. In twelve Republican and four Democratic examine the buildings then leased by the county The principal entrance to the building is in tin* strong N. W. win 1, while another snow-storm be­ Trustees were chosen :— W e print below the principal portion of a : on Munday, with the following result: the House, Wednesday s session was con­ Common Council men. There then re­ and ascertain what alterations, if any, would be east on I of the first stoiw an I is crowned by an g in Monday afternoon and continue 1 through the Thomas O'Brien, Alfred Watts, Warren W. tinued. At 2.50 p. m. the friends of tlio letter from Mr. Geo. Barrows, of Fairmount, • C/erfc—L W. Johnston. mained to be elected an Alderman ami twt necessary to render them suitable fur county use elaborate portico, elevated in a stylobate of uniform night, proving, in le. I, one of th • heaviest snow­ Rice, E. I<. O'Brien, James Henderson. Subse­ force hill at last succeeded in obtaining a Fillmore Co., Nebraska (formerly of this 1 Selectmen and Assessors—A. J. II. Newhall vote to take it up. Several amendments Councilmen in Ward 1. two Councilmen in for not ex tee ling twenty years; to ascertain on bight with the basement story, approached by storms of the season. Larger drifts were piled quently, Thomas O’Brien was chosen President, Wm. A. Humes, L. A. Law. were offered, hut the members being com­ Ward 8, one Councilman in Ward 4, am mu im p’sing an l easy light of steps, which are city), to a friend in Rockland, setting forth ' (i) r i>( i s | >s q. what terms the lease could be renewed for such a cats than w? have seen and James M. Beverage, Treasurer. Town Agent—J. M. Newhall. pletely worn out by the protracted session, flanked by two stringers footing into the ground the destitution prevailing in his region on ; j n.;~ r {1|w u.„r an Alderman in Ward 7. In Ward 1 m oerio l; to ascertain whether there were any other The harbor was clos.’l with Il »u. Georg? W. French, of Thomaston, has Treasurer— P. G. Ingalls. an adjournment was carried at 4.15. suitable buildings built or to be built that could be at its gra le surface. This entrance communicates account of the “ grasshoper raid ” and ap­ tin n:« I tit? islau I butts prevented from choice of any of these officers was efieete. been appointed Secretary of the Territory ol Collector— Isaae W. Johnston. In the S *n:ite, Tuesday, the H ouse bill with a vi -tibule which encloses a triple stairway pealing for assistance. Our readers may for the equalization of bounties was passed on Tuesday, and at the third trial on Wed so leased; to procure plans and estimates for the ng. G,i Wednesday the Clara Clarita cam? Wyoming, an I been confirmed by the Senate. All the above are Republicans and were elected by the vote of tiie Vice Presi lent, after be­ reetion of a Court House on the county lot, and for communication with the court room story and place eonti lence in what Mr. Barrows says Reckport, being unable to get into our nesday, the Democratic candidates wer» TIls we learn is a goo I position, and we eon- : i)y a jicavy m.,jor;!y. ing somewhat amended. Tiie bill with the third or mezzanine story .formed of portions and any relief sent to him —for himseif or House elected. The difficulty in this Ward wa> to prepare a form of notice to municipal officers gratulate our neighbor on his good fortune. Wc j ______to change the name of the port ot Nobl *- of th? intention of the County Commissioners to of the court room story, by a sub-division of its —others will he worthily betsowed. that some of the Republicans were dissatis­ Tiie fair of th? Free B lpti.-t Society, last are pleased to see some of the loaves and fishes boro’, Maine, to Damariscotta passed. procure a loan to erect a Court House. The re­ lieight, at each of the two ends of the structur . V agx' e i: a n d G o r d o n . I lie reprieve 1 Committees reported unfavorably < n a large fied with the method or management of tlu Fri lay evening, was well atten 1 • 1 an I very su;- distributed in this part of the State. There can be The entrance vestibule aforesaid is connected with F airmont, F illmore, Co. Neil, Feb. 221, 1875. ule out by the G .» v ern o r 011 ! number of bills. In the House, the sundry port of that Committee was submitted and pub- ccssful. Th; comp my enjiycl themselves, the uo doubt that Judge French will be both active caucus ami ran an independent ticket, tin a public hall or center corridor, which sub-divides * * * * “ You who are my friends . . . .. 1 ls sent by Counedniin Pochards, who j cjvjj appropriation hill, the D triefc of fosbed in February, 1871. The committee regard- drpheus Club furnished exec’lent music, and the a a 1 n . .... nea orii.--, a n l t.n t the met by .snetiil I'.rray at B u ll, lo whom , C,.|1im bil biH. an., bit H pi o: c-t , tnessai consequence of the split was to give tin the entire length of the first story into two parts and relatives know that I came to Nebraska, el the present bail ling unsuitable, the matter of clLzawol Wyoai.a.; will ha.l baa cuurieoua aud tile b l.--|.r,.lo n -in ^.ln , uiueiit w a .d a liv w c l. h ,,f()1.u Cun<, r eoInm t . ,,, i;o ln ;ir. election of members of the city government with limiti.' 1 means, to secure for myself an 1 net receipts were over £2 )d. making the alterations to ren ’• r it so, impractica­ in width; the north half containing the offices cl obliging. I At the Council meeting five out ol the six family a hottie. You know also tin t 10 change Lxf" Tiie members of Gen. Berry Engine C0111- rest on c vil processes, were pissed. to the Democrats in a Republican ward, ble, and strongly recommended the erection of si Probate with its tire-proof vault room attached, 1G ) acres of the p iblie domain fount the w.l 1 members voted in favor of granting the re­ 0 my, with their ladies, enjoy? 1 a very pleasant Yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon Mr. Cassidy, except in ease of one Councilman electei suitable building by the county, submitting plans and the Gran I Jury, with its witness room at­ prairie to cultivated lan Is an I erect si .table budd­ prieve. File Council adjourned to meet ings for the comfort of a large fam ly, requires social party at their hall last Fri lay evening, with of Rockland, an I two la lies, were coating fn in M..rc h 2,'ld, and in Dome . c. Monday, who was on both tickets, It of a Court House substantially like that erected tached. In the south half of this story are locat­ the action of the much perseverance, and under the aiore circum- n islc an l other diversions, an 1 a t aho it ten t'aat city, wita the horse a i l sleigh of It?v. Father court is advers’e to the points raised by tin; The Eastern w is the the only railroad in W ard 3 one of the Republican Couneilmei. in Skowhegan at a cost of about ^'-18,001). A ed th * apartment of the County Commissioners, •; -s, hardships an I privations, as well as tire o’clock rep ure I to Snow’s IIill, and finished the Peterson, an l when they arrived on top of ti-.e counsel of Wagner and Gnr.lon, the exeeu- .Massaeimsett t mt m ale any considerable was elected at the second trial on Tuesday, f rm of article to be inserted in the town war­ conneeting with that of tire Cierk of Courts, with strictest economy. many others on the h il near the old Dodg? house, the “ bits ” brokt, lion will occur .March 25th. Should the increase in t; earnings from freights last its fire-proof vault room attached, an I th? Regis­ frontier, I have a lopted an 1 workel uu ier these •i . using with a social dance. and the other was chosen at the third bal­ rants was reported. This article was acted upon t ie horse beeame unmanageable, and ran furious­ ease he continued fo r a hearing before the year. Its fre gh rem ipfcs exceed by £374,- try of Deris, which is in itself a fire-proof room. rales lor the past 3 years, and this country, ,2r* Ti» ‘ M i’-’-’1 fo‘rm of S. J. Court will cora- full bench in June, still another reprieve loting on Wednesday. In Ward 4, the Re at the March meetings and the people of the Jirough cft'uris the- , ha, ma le rapid stri L-. 501, those of the year be.'o: e. The Boston ly. Mr. Cassidy juinpcl out aud endeavored to will he required. S h o .ih i their decision he .•ounty voted by a large majority to authorize the The west cud of th? bailor corridor also commun­ —ansurpasse I we are sure ill the history of any .ts session ai th ; new Court Houph have been very efficiently assisted by Edwin Rose, ourselves beyond these embarrassing ci •cumstanees ;!o(|U'?nce is as t eleg 11 finished as receiving so painful an injury. Mr. Cass.dy and said that a son of hers was at one time in-! lion. :bs estaN* i he largest that has been Council there areseven members who served mezzanine story. Th? princip il or “ triple ” stair­ Esq., Clerk of the Courts. has been thwarted by the “ grasshopper raid ” in ard Everett’s. 1 > conscientious his sister are relatives of Rev. Father Petereon sane, this being caused by an injury. He i in l’l;‘ *h*obatc C ourt o f Suffolk < nintv for in that branch last year. way before named as locate I in the cast entrance our State. You know that this calamity under Plans and specifications for the new edifice were . 1 la Th? hors? ran up ?.lain St., an I was secured With­ afterwards-died in Libby prison. As to the svviiral years. which we are now suffering as a people, is no Date ns qir.ek a i lp > m tela3 ?4arfon's, his style Below we give the full official vote of the procured from Messrs. Bryant & Rogers, Archi­ vestibule, reaches by squire an l easy landings existence of hereditary insanity in the fam- Lawrence Mining Company boring fault of ours—nothing for wh ch any person, State as captivating : s th it we pi jture for the orators out injury to the horse or sleigh. p the court room entrance in the second story, city for Mayor and members of the Cin tects, of Boston, and proposals were advertised for or nation can reflect discredit upon us. We know who live in hi: :ory an I whom we h ive never Capt. Ali're 1 Watts, our representative to tiie ily, which lias been claimed. Mrs. Gordon f„-. silver ore with the diaiuon 1 ’drill, at denied it in the 1110it emphatic terms. Un Xewburvi>ort, struck the vein Moudav, 43 Council and also a table of the vote of the about the 20th of April. The bids (seven in at which level it is flanked by two apartments de­ that the people of other Slates have responded 1 b- hear I. H u is : learn • 1 in 1 1, a close stu lent, a Legislature, is at home looking well after his legis­ Thursday she wa< promptly apprised of the , b..n;.atli the surface of the ledge,’ aud city for Mayor at eighteen successive spring ’•umber) Wire opened on the Gth of -May, and the signed to be appropriated as a library and retir­ crally to the appeal of our people for help. Wi le votes to the j •inplus of a republican form of lative duties during the past session. reprieve of her son. !p*nelrated fifteen inches. It is a fine sil- elections. ing room':, or for consultations of counsel, as m ly know that through mismanagement of the State go vert m cut, : 1 a man of cosmopolitan rupuui- contract was awarded to Messi's. W. II. Glover & and county aid societies a d the rascality of some il I no: be permitte I to drop out of The public schools of this town were closed to­ — — ------j ver bearing rock an l the assay will tell its Co., of this city, who were the lowest bidders. be desire U Above these apartments, in the mez­ persons for selfish motives an l ends, there active puli ties.” day, 0:1 account of the severe snow storm. T h e C a s e o f L o w e l i ., t i i e W i f e M u r - V:lhie to-morrow. It promises great rieh- Vote for Mayor for Eighteen Years. zanine story, are lo ;a‘ • 1 two other apartments cor­ i T.iey contracted to prepare foundations, furnish are many still in a suffering condition. We know Capt. Charles W. Stimpson has finished his . DEREK.—T he c o u n c ilo r Lowell, the An T h e K em pton lode as it is called, vvill the supplies received by the State society tfff’ It is announce 1 tin t th? steamer Lewiston, iness- Years. Whole N'o. Rep. Deni. Scat. Rep. Mnj. all materials and erect an I complete the building responding in area with the two rooms of the sec- ,1 his son Charles will commence trade iu | burn wife m u rd erer, now un d er sentence I ^e opened a t once, ib is success creates an I sent forth from there ha ve not been justly dis­ of th? I’octiin l an I Mic’aias line, will mik? her 1857 120S 702 5S5 2 115 for 8'5'),524. Some delay occurred about the on t story, an 1 easily accessible by a continuation of death, claims that the very action by much excitement. 1858 12'5 Cl'J 6 «2 1 H tributed, and that ii our county an l township, nest trip for ille season on the U til, if th? har­ this store about the first of April. 1S59 9U1 665 268 55 33'J foundation, on account of the discovering a bed of of th e triple st lirway aforesaid, to the mezziaiu e aid societies many who are really destitute an I The dancing school of Meservey & Burkett will which the Legislature this winter intended The entrance-o Provincetown harbor is i860 3208 7!‘» 460 9 270 bors are free from ice. to make the death penalty certain, has now clear. It is feared several of the fish­ 3861 3107 6‘JJ 5‘»$ 5 2s5 soft clay some distance below the excavation for levcL needy have not been supplied—many having ap­ close on Friday evening next with a grand Calico 1852 421 Wiggin (Union) 393 22 plied for ai 1 an 1 been refused. fif" Business has been dull in the Police Court practically abolished it in this case. His ing vessels will he crushed m the iee. the foundation walls, .and in corseqnencc extra The Court Room is a noble hall 41 by 52 feet Bail. A good time is anticipated. Union. Opp. U. Mnj. While we know that such a statu of things does the past week, but a somewhat notable liquor case sentence was pronounced last April. Un­ Several have already been sunk. 1863 1011 (ill a.».i 0 2.8 work was put into the laying of heavy stone be­ in size and 21 feet in bight. Ii has six ample exist, I would advise you there, or any who may The Thomaston Amateur Dramatic Club held lro'4 362 361 0U0 1 3* 0 was before the court yesterday. G. A. Perrigo, der the then existing law tile Governor and During a high wind at about 8 o'clock 1865 500 491 003 9 4s2 neath the foundation walls (to render them safe windows, five feet wide and sixteen feet high and read this, if published,and wish to send money or their annual meeting on Wednesday evening last, Connc.l were to wait, one year, then review Years. Whole No. R. p. D. u. Scat. Rep. Maj. supplies to relatives, fmends, or those whom you Esq., Democratic candidate for Alderman in Ward on Thursday evening of last week, while beyond all doubt) which was not embraced in the in the evening will be lighted by four very hand­ and made choice of the following officers :— the case, and fix the day of execution if it a lent -n service was being conducted in may know only by th? ties which shoui 1 bin 1 m in 2, caused John Rm llett to be arratnged oa Hie was devilled not to commute. The law is builders’ contract. The work was begun about some chandeliers, of ten burners each, with por­ Thomas A. Carr, President ; William E. Vinal, St. Andrew’s(Catholic)Chureh, corner of to man, to send it direct to friends whom you can ch irge of being a common seller of intoxicating now changed and will go into effect before June l'k h and has been pushed forward with much celain shades. The ceiling is arched an d hand­ trust. If you choose to send it to me, Geo. Bar­ Silcrctary and Treasurer; Samuel F. Robinson, Duane street and City Ilall. New York, a liquors. Mr. Perrigo testified to “ treating” sev­ the year elapses. Consequently there will vigor. The exterior was completed before winter somely ornamented with cornice an I center piece rows, (soil of. t’apt. Otis Barrows of Roeklan 1, Stage Manager; George W. Tillson, Property- portion of the high side wall of the adjourn­ 49 i 381 2D.M j. 8 Me.) Fairmont, Fillmore Co., Nebraska, in care eral young men in Randlett's place last Saturday be no review, and no one to name a day ing building(which has been left in that 425 5 « 2 13 m l all the work of the contractors will be fin- in stucco work. The wnod-work is of ash, thor­ man. Another series of entertainments will be for execution, and he will remain in the 491 584 0 9 of State Aid-Society, Omaha, an d if y ju wish ref­ and one of the witn.Fses testified to drinking there condition by a lire some weeks hefore)fell fcri 003 2CR.Mj.7a. shed this week. The furniture for the Court oughly oiled and finished in the most workman- given in April by this club. State Prison until ho may die a natural erences here you can have ail you want imm? li- with Perrigo on a previous occasion. Randlett was on the roof of the church, causing part of Room is being put in and the March term ol'S. J . like manuer. The doors arc of pin?, with very ely. If you wish individual receipts forwarded The excitement on Capital Punishment is abat­ death. bound over in the sum of $233 to appear at the it to cave in instantly. Thirteen hundred F o r TVFityor. Court will open there next Tuesday. heavy veneering, making them superior to solid ! to slimy to whom such suppl given, please ing. Wagner and Gordon items since the reprieve persons were in the building, and a great 1 S 3 4 3 G 7 7 u.,01, an 1 the doors and wood-wort throughout’? -v°“ “ n t h? ve th:! March term of S. J. Court and gave sureties. The The bull Dug is located on the county lot corner are at a discount. Maine Items panic and rush for the doors ensued. The Whole Number, 374 173 255 24 205 171 163 I 0 to designate the amount lor nte or any other per­ sun? day Mr. Perrigo made a second complaint, of Lime R ick, Union and High streets, thus hav­ lite building arc of correspond:ng style, lhu bar , son, }U1 j tiia rcst for distribution, make it known, debris from the falling wall and broken David Bartlett, one of the Bowdoinham Bank Speaking of the Rev. James A. H e a le y , roof fell upon one of the galleries and the ing a street on three of its four sides, while on the is large and enclosed by a heavy black walnut ! and I will ccuj'l} with your request. Money will upon which a warrant \yas issued to search Rand­ lett’s place and ten gallons of liquor, in two kegs, I robbers, is very sick witn an attack of pneumonia, D. 19.. the new bishop of Portland, Maine, persons in that part of the church received south it will be flanked in months by the new ,.,^1^ with posts of the same. The ju fo the tuns; goo 1, as it is easier an 1 sooner got the Pilot says that “ to the gift of elo­ acre. I have stood here lently, was obtained. Randlett was arraigned t W morn­ the severest injuries, though many were Universalist church. The budding extends baek j on raise(i pfotforms, are enelosed by corrcspon 1 quence the new bishop adds that of a thor­ hurt in the rush fo r th e doors, and fone jklclea*nien. those who are suffering, and now when six of my ing on a charge of keeping said liquors with in .-ame distan.;? fro 11 Union street, which it fa?? dig rails. 'fh e Ju lg e’s pi.r.form is raised threc family arc y r .H « •! with ty:? fever, and the I'iital D aren. ough executive, managing large and em­ persons are reported to have been crushed W ard On e . W a r d T h r e e . Lint to sell, as convicted, and fined §59 aud costs barrassing concerns with a clear head and to death and their bodies found at the foot Whole No., 172. Whole No 2-3. the East, an I is 85 feet iu length from cast to steps an l is furnished with a handsome black near approach to death of my mother in Belfast, M unicipal Affairs.—Our annual town meet­ and 1 see th? suffering around m•’, I can stan 1 it which he paid. Those who heard Mr. Perrigo’i business tact Boston, in resigning him to of the gallery stairs. Seven persons in all M A. Achorn, r., 86 Joseph Farwell, r , 121 west, by 55 feet in width. The grounds around walnut desk of elegant style an 1 the best work­ ing cam? off Monday, the first instant. T. L J. It. Richardson, d., Freil Merrill d., no longer. My heart sickens wititin me; 1 must speech at the hall the other night will be a little the diocese of Portland, sends one singular­ were killed and twenty-live h.elly injured, Robert 1’. Taomas, r.. Bei j. Williams, it have already been partially graded, an l when manship, running its entire length. The Clerk’3 Roberts was chosen Moderator; M. II. KifF, Calvin ly qualified to walk in the footprints and do something to try and alleviate this suffering. rprised at his appearance in the character of a 'flic wounded were taken to the hospital S econd B alloting W ai:i> Four. the grading is finished and the grounds sur­ platform is raised a single step and is furnished I have no other way of doing it than by stating Smith and Charles B. Viual were chosen Selcc*- supplement the labors of the distinguished and the (lead were buried with every token Whole No. 240. vigi rous ci.fureer uf the prohibitory law. We hope Whole No. 174 rounded by a haudsc-me fence the whale will pre­ with an elegant black walnut desk, with rolling th? facts an I appealing to the generosity of those men; F. II. Hunt was chosen. Treasurer; T. L. p relate.” of public sympathy, while contributions J . iP ld r t,g d L rn. .1., M A- A- n oo'ib/wg:. d„ lo' of my native State, to come quickly to the rescue. ho has beromo an lioaest convert to prohibition sent a very attractive appearance. top, of corresponding style to that just mentioned. Roberts, J. Smith Hopkins au.l S. G. Libby were Sch Sea Foam, William Sawyer, sailed were liberally made for the benefit of tho Robert 1*. Tiiomus, 1 I senil this forth hoping I shall hear from it soon. but the reason currently reported for his notion i families bereaved. W ard F iv e . E xterior Style and Construction. is furnished with three han Isom? tables Geo. Barrows. chosen Superintending Sohool Committee, aud T. from Castine for Swan’s Island, the latter Th ir d Ba lloting. that Ruidlett “ went back on him ” at tiie election Whole No. 200. L. Roberts was chosen Auditor on Accounts. part of November. Since that lime nothing Whole No., 179. The limit? 1 amount of money at the disposal of of corresponding pattern. This furniture was A. J Ihigivy, r , on Monday. has been bean I from her, and fears are en­ Heal Estate Conveyances in Knox JU. A. Acliorn. r A . 1. M ather, <1., the County Commissioners under Legislative made ;o order by F. O. Bailey & Co., of Port­ Maine LvyislatU: e. The appropriations for ensuing year amount to J.R. Iticiiardsun, d., 101 A. A. Woodbridge, d„ ‘ J/" Three sehooners at anchor in tiie harbor— tertained by the friends of those on board Count y9 enactment for the construction of the structure land and does them credit. The Court Room has In the Legislature, Wednesday, Feb. 24th, about §10,539, the most important of which are for their safety. For the week ending Thursday noon, March 4th, 1*7». W ard T wo. W ai • Six. a ban Isom? woolen carpet, which covers the space the hill relatingto duties and fees of sheriff's two ioa led and one light—were forced iu shore by required of tiie architects that strict economy should as follows : §3899 for highways, §3099 for niis- Rev. S. P. Mathews, late o f KOCKI.AND—W ifliani Guv to E. (I Orb-ton lot . f and county attorneys in the enforcement of tho ice driving iu Tuesday night aud came near pastor the Whole No. 173. Whole No. 174. J be kept iu view in idealizing the style of the four occupied by the judges, jurors, bar and oflicers, celiancous town charges, §1899 for schools, §1009 Baptist church in Auburn, has been invited tiiiiri, S2uo; Geo. T. Gray to John Bietht-n, lot of land,. II. G. Bird, r., S3 Isaiah A Jones, r., the liquor law p.issed both branches to he $1200. G. A. Periigo, d , 82 John Mefian, d.. facades of the building, requiring the most careful the public portion of the room being covered with .'uiii ’’ ashore, but sustained no serious dam agetx, for war debt, §599 for free high school. The meet­ to settle over the church in Brunswick. engrossed. The hill relating to womans’ i’amden—'Villinni F. Du 1‘v to Cam.b n S tvfnea hemp matting. The furniture for the county of­ oopt that one parted her cable. Bank, lor ot i mil. $ 75: i r.u.k c . Andrew* consideration of the amount of the elaborate orna­ suffrage and bill relating to poor debtors, ing was very harmonious, notwithstanding there Mrs. Almira C. Dummer of Hallowell, E. Dimton tor , $T»0; It iclit-1 11. Thoraus to ment, if any, in one or all of sal 1 faca lcs. It was fices, on first floor, is not yet put in. were referred to the next Legislature. The The levee of the II. Ci. Bird Engine Co. were quite a number of locally important questions who aided so liberally in founding the James I.. Kidder, L nt land. 145. T homaston—<’iilDtfa n Williams to Isaac 31. Tilden, Alvin McLain, r., 06 also a desideratum with the Commissioners that The mechanical execution of the works of th e ' reS0lve ap p ro p riatin g $50,099 for a new in- No. 1, is postponed until to-morrow night. to be decided. The warrant was the longest ever Maine Industrial School for Gilds, has ro^ land and b;u d ’H"* Alden U. Brown, d.. 78 eutirc building, both inside au l outside, is of t'.c , sane hospital was reconsidered an d am end- cently established a free bed in tho Majno F i I'.-.ndsu ip —Claris ith t j Susan Gray & •No election of Alderman Monday and no 1 the structure should be of such ample ground di- xt their general catI3U3 on Thursday before the town, containing forty-five articles. We most substantial anl thoroughly workmanlike or- j ed. The Governor is to appoint commis- General Hospital by the annual payment il., lot of land, $ 175. was made. The above is the vote on Tuesday. | mensions us to fully insure the accommodation of evening of last week, the Demaerats were unable are making rapid strides in the line of progress. , , , ,• „ , 1 at sinners to negotiate for the purchase of the of $250. She will have the right of designa­ I all the respective county offices of necessity to be der an-l does creht to all concern?.! a u l we take | A • 11 ■ 1 . i> .1,., 1 We do not have to fight so hard to get respectable ting any one regularly admitted to the Com m on Cou.ncLlmon. , . , ... United States Manne Hospital at Portland, to find and agree upon a candidate fur Mayor. 2>usinesgi Notices. lios|).tal to the enjoyment of privileges Ward On e. : located iu th? “ shire” town of a county, includ­ pride IU calling the attention ol the people of the , .in() jfn ()t sucoesst-„t t - rep o rt a locution lor Two ballots were taken. On tiie first the princi­ appropriations for our roalsas-we used to. Our Whole N o. of votes, 181. ing a court room that should be of ample dimen­ county to one public building, at least, that com- ;l I1(jn, one Xo ap p ro p riatio n is math?, pal candidates were Merrill, 3S votes; Bryant, 31; citizens are getting to realize th? fact that liberal conferred by philanthropic investment. Established 1855. T. A. Wentworth, Whole­ sale and R?ta:.l dealer in Hats, Caps, Furs, Boots, 1 W . Holbrook, r., S3 B IJ. Bean.d., sions and in other respects satisfactory to the bines, in a singularly complete manner, the essen­ TheSimnte passed the capital punishment ll'ee, 2J, while Bewler(proh'b'.tion) receiveJ 31. appropriations make liberal iinproveraents. Our The semi-centennial of the Penobscot r in.i D. S. Junes, d., hill. The Senate non-enncuiTod in tho' Conference of Congregational clinches Shoes, Rubbers, Gent’s Film sh'ng Goods, Um- 81 S. W. V d., Judge and other court officers, including th? Bar, tial requisites of interior convenience and utility All three of the gentlemen first in nel deeUged cl ler men, instual of falling into th? usual traits G. il. Hicks, i House amendment reducing the military will be celebrated in Brownville. Tues I ty brelbis, Canes, &•?. 243 Main 8t. Roeklaml Me. Lvannder Fales r., -2i and for others in attendance upon trials. Wc I for the purposes for which it was designed, with ivo A full line oP ail tho latest styles const mtly in Alien l.. Trier, r.. 25 appropriation, and further amended by in­ to h the’.r names used. Mr. Bowler, who is a of ‘i oi l fogy sin,” come up and lend a hand in aud Wednesday, June 8 and 9. The Pis? think a candid examination of the exterior taste refined architectural taste, a u l substantial con- stock, and for sale as cheap os t'au chcape-.t. No election of two Couucilmeu. creasing the amount S6>99 for a State.mus­ Republican, was, naturally, not p Oa 4 I the right direction, an 1 we of the younger class eataquis aq.l Aroostook Conference, \y»1h h .Second B alloting. and construction of thus? facade, as erected, will I struction. ter, in some retinal place away from any seco.i l ballot Mr. M ill in h al 83 votes, Merrdl say long may they live to lend us their counsel originally were a part of the Penobscot, Whole No. of votes, 174. bear witness to the fact that a most successful, It should be mentioned that the construction of city, for military instruction alone. The 7d, Bowler 82, an I M.t M:han also deelining to an 1 influence. May their heals, crowned with will be invited to participate. Nation of Dyspeptics.— . . ___ I. W . Holbrook, r., S. D. J«»ues, d., House refused to concur with the Senate. o • J. 8. KeauUton, d., V4 C. L. Allen, r., ‘J j or pilasters^ archivolt Loads or orders aud keystone H on. E dwaod H ill. gospeL »'P ATE M E N T B. KIltKPATRICK, G. K. JOHNSTON GBEAT .A. j Z’JLTEHSTT. AN a w f u l RESPONSIBILITY. McCAMBRIDC&’S OF THE ■V A LTTJLBI E Everybody has something tosavabout consumption, B. KIRKPATRICK & CO. 71? deplore Uh It rr.ble ravages but only - “ » c? f-erin to have cornnon s.-n-e enough to take the 13air Dressing’ Dooms, H. H. HARVEY, of Augusta, Me., ^ ^ r p S T d » Gr*n“* Too!’ proper nieann of preventing it. It * f'Ct mi ea>y «'f proof us tint! t no ii ml tv n m •• lour, that 11A LI. 8 HON- {y’of Iloni.liot-M’AND TAF, ta k en as a remedy Berry Bros. New Block. Dealers in Ship Chandlery, Ship Stores, ide (to avoid-bringing,) which is much upp.eciated by the mechanic. The hammer is of medium weight, A. CARD {other sizes will be made) mechanically made amt highly polished, fhe mechanic, (on seeing and working The members of G en . Be ::ky E ng in e Co . tender f o r s^ a t ^tz:. from other sources, 1874, their most grateful acknowledgments to the Ladies H U M A N I J A .I f 2 I the tool,) is atonce taken with admiration. Orders are already taken for them, one of ’.hem is goiug to who so generously responded to our invitation to fur­ rMPORTED SHORT HORN BULL, 3?; years old, L with pedigree. Address tor particulars. nish the r« freshnient tables i.t our late Annual Levee, A Large Assortment Constantly D isbursements. fcsTOXE CUTTER. atid tothose win* so efficiently assisted as by their pres­ W. R. GRACE, s by Death, $1,276,375 87 ence and generous -• rvices on that occasion. Vt e lm!2 P. O. Box 53S3, K- V. Purchased Policies, so return our thunks to the public, lor the liberal ex- on hand ! Matured Endowments, pressiun of their appreciate.11 of uiir efforts as a Lire O r Work of all kinds done to order. 0 Dividends and Returned Company, manifested !•> their presence and patron- Ko. 259, Main St., Rockland. Premiums on Canceled age. We heart ilc appreciate all these lavors and will Seneca, Pet and Madoca- Policies, FARM FOR SALE! endeavor to maintain such a character for oar organi­ zation that their will never be regretted. Amount paid for Re-insur- For THIRTY DAYS, pW E L V E or thirteen acres of nice By order of ttie Company. wando V-'e hnvejust secured some C’omii issions, Agency and A WOODSIDE, K. D., RE making the season at a very low* figure, for alt other expenses, previous to taking ac­ Kcsclutious of R oped. A such horse.'. For particulars address Physicians’ Fees, lin!3 J. B- WATTS, Thomaston, M t. - Dwelling House and 1.; also Barn, At the last regular meeting of the Independent Physician and Surgeon, 4,638,513 25 count of stock, a shah 1 he buildings arc iu good condition; the land Lodge I. O. of G. f.. the following resolutions were [•best in this city; goo*! Well of Wan-r and .-nine Special Bargains in Net Assets. Ian. Isf, 1875, $20,27U,432 89 The utove will be sold low if applied cficscd »ii(i*ace< p’ed. TENANTS HARBOR, ME. Add .Market Value ol Seen- cfoss out AT COST, lines over cost. Accrued H'l.rre.ts. <»ur Heavenly Katin r in Ills All-wise G ents’ Spring StySe l’li* sieu Jit to remove from among us, by WIGGIN «5t IXOeSE, Plain Black My entire STOCK of de tin. one wlmin to know W.i» to honor and respect, Rockland, Feb. IS, 1875. S A L E 50,100 CO 387,170 67 JT ' , the daughter if the dese. C. P. FESSENDEN, S i lk s , $20,£57,063 56 Jicsi-lcnl, I l»a* •• tile Hiet Druggists & Apothecaries, W IK TEE, GOODS,' REMOVAL HOTICE ’ L o Ig No. 3N . I. O a n d h e ar f-1: synipa1 iv to our sisier. Tliora- 281 MAI-S' STREET, Black and White Check, I A ssets. 11 tins their hour of affliction Il «> o k 1 a n d , M o . F O R 1 8 7 5 , Real Estate, $ 113,602 14 .jin 1 eving that God •‘tempers Cush on lla n l and in i I; mb ” that lie that lias Jan . 1, 1875 5 Bunks. 1.227.70G 41 consist?^ of The Subscriber lias removed from Lime Dock her to the fatherless and the Just received and for sale cheap for cash by Silver Cray with a white Invested in U. S. Bonds, Street to the 6 0 D a y s ! i those wiio are doubly (cost). 356,550 63 I T STEVENS Stripe, Invi-'ied in Railroad and Cardigan Jackets, es That by the d. n’h of Mrs I horndike, D R . other 8tccks and Bonds has lost an I ho< I her 1 miily Has removed his House and (cost), 675,263 43 Berry Bros’. New Block, a t* ' ionat*- dang Undershirts and Drawers, .th wh »*e loss they O ffice Black ground with White Invest' d in Bank Stock*', 243 Main Street, 1.0R.572 04 Scarfs, Mufflers, ‘ 3S513E1 St. Jlctolcc./, That a < op .4 these resolution< be sc t ) M.-ter I ii. riu’ike, and oue to the Rockland Gaze: To Second House on Winter Si., i Stripe &c., &c., to the right; the .1. Spear hou Committee. Which we propose to sell as cheap, if not a little Loans on L'oJatcr.tls, i Men’s Buck Gloves, «j. A . Babb. ) OFFrCB'JHOUItti cheaper than the lowest prices quoted by any one. (Market Value, $195,- j German, American, French and | Positive, from 4 and lrom 7 to 9, I’. M. 534 00), 315,256 29 Men's Lined Castor Gloves, July 22, 1873. 32 Loans on Personal Securi- Rockland Literary Association 91,610 77 ' Men’s Lined Cloth Gloves, SPECIAL NOTICES i Pn iniums on Existing Pol- English Cloths, of the shall sei! w ith o u t. ; ivies in hands of Agents Boys’ Lined K id Gloves, P P UH f J in course ol transmission, 215,559 00 ' Men’s W inter Caps, i Loans on Exi-tiitg Policies, 1,661,483 45 i Interest due Dee. 3lst. 1874, 520,964 22 i Boys’ W in te r Caps, Latest and Nobby WHAT ISVE8ETINE P Semi Annual and Quarterly WINTER GOODS, Lap B,obe3, 63.509 69 Among which are a lot of Men’s Beaver Boots, etc., etc. Patterns. It is a compound <-vraefed from bark, roots and Net Assets, Jan. 1st, 1875, $20,270,432 89 herbs. It i-Nature’s Kerned1,• It is perfectly harm­ Add Market Val­ less from nut bail eflect upon the We are prepared to make Gents’ Suits in the most Knit Jackets, Woolen Hosiery, isfiing aud sircitgthcniug. D act» direct 1 v upon the ue of .'-ecuri-. fashsonable aud stylish manner, at prices to conform . . i . p blood. <{ lie s :h<- n. 'Vous ststem . It gives you good >u<< t sleep at night l» i- a panacea for our Farwell & Ames Ha!!, with the times. Clouds, Shawls, a lot of u p d f itters aial motile.--. for it give- them strength. CLOTHING. Xf3- The Cutting Department is in charge of I). D. i*d ga HALEY, known as one ol the best Cutters in the Remnants of Dress It I-Thc Hi this Monday Eva’g, March 8, 1875, , I Lave on hand a small stock of CLOTHING which New England States. We keep ready-taulc clothing Horace Martin, aged .7.1 'ears, li mouths. - I 5 V - will be exchanged tor cash at wonderfully low < y to, o, In Rockville, I * ;-. Kith, Harvey It , -on ol Ephraim and furnishing goods. Remember theJNEW STORE Goods, C.. and Harriet It. Long,aged jears.b montiis aud prices, as I am closing out tills departm ent of my in the NEW BLOCK. HON. CARL SCHURZ, business entirely. VI-.GEi'IXE. Give it a fair Ih Union. Feb.2f*th. Minnie J., daughter of Au­ Blankets at $2.50 a pair, &c. then vo:: will say to your gustus I,, a n i kuna M. Jones, agtd 11 yeais, 2 mos., OF MISSOURI, 3mo3 HUGH GIBBONS. cquatutauce, ” Try it; it has 12 da) s. Su b je c t : educational Problems” LOS'PS due sub-:, quent lo In I lionia-ton. f«b 27th, Hi b-n. daughter ol Mi- : Senator Schurz is one of the most eloquent speakers SiaSOliTO^ BROS., Jan. 1st, Jb75. mid Loss- chael < rowley. aged Ifiyeaia and 11 mouths. and eminent statesmen in the c.iuntrv, mid the pub- ei reported awaiting Men’s Calf Boots, in Th- mast i • b. e-'i!, Sirs, oarah, v. ile of Pat­ ln- should embrace Hu- opportunity to hear him on Have just opened the largest lot of HAMBURG further proof, rick Curran, aged years. subject of tun- 1. interest. Di'i.ieiios declared to A t - I’lum G rove. ICn.-:.-, ,i:;t-.?:h, Mr. Hugh n . EDGINGS ever clTered In this city, and O IB S | T K KUTM GO OISTVT.S, Poliv, Holders, not due, Men’s Kip Boots, A lot of Hamburg.-; for -1, G, 8 and 10 cents. Godding, aged 73 years an 1 3 months. at pi ices that defy competition Capital stock, Whole number inteimeats superintended hv Mr with secured seats, which can he obtained at at Re.-ervcd for ip- Insurance 289 Alain. Street, RELIABLE EVIDENCE. h'alloch in this city in the month <4 : ebruurv is three. time previous to the lecture, at I-. It. m t . \t: & (’<» Men’s Thick Boots, A lot of Extra Patterns for 23 cents. on • x;«tii.g Polices, (New JNYITE the attention of the public t By C. V. R. Boynton, ten—two ol uou-re.-idcuts. Doors open at to 7. Lecture prompth at S. Vo:k Stundiird. 368.84) Actuaries four M arked ©owra I A lot of Remnants of Prints far G l —l cento: per. cut. .Muss .Stand­ E r The following unsolicited 0 ”, fn P ei tirc in eu ts, ceived and selling Duii g tl slim ’.l - eli 1 ar 1S‘4, the Company issued 9.7lf> h ave ti*C(l it f*>r i !ie last t vo 'e a rs. In nervous de- I".i u i . j < I; i. | u lhdo mimbiT ■ ? of COTTONS bought before t.ility it i- invaluable, an 1 I r. comni- nd it to all who DOMESTIC PORT3. New Vork.tur their PA MPil l.E I’-IP »<».'( '.V- ' very low of p . i in lb:-',- nt. !s'5. was 55 572, insuring D o w r a Slrsiizes, DhwHisads, may’need an invigorating, renovating tonic. w : n lk o.'/u'/,conJa :: u il'-lsiito .i-i ii:-"->pni e s BALTIMORE—Ar 27th,sen Isaac Orbeton, Achorn :in-i ••siimatcr. showing : hce-i-t. Ad»'er;i.->eiii!-ut-> ink a . Ti e ,x»M ts ol tl.i- ('••tiipnin w«-r I ^ e r 11 a i d ’ s. the late rise in Boston, o.r leading paper- in many .it a tiein.-nd uts re At Sim onton Bros. :n »ln- 'ra r. 5 re -urpkis was ina!« riallv m reus -d >!d 2*:b. sell Maggie EG duct ion lrom publishers ’ rates. < i ;r t h e Bo M W YORK—A. gdth. in-: : in j an in-r. n-ed dividend to Policy-holdei which we shall continue Keen. Havana; Adele Mel. winch wil. !?-.• a: plied upon all policies entitled tin it S s a t i f t . roe fur, < ieiducg'*- 1 days; it V. right, ( M ai sport). I also keepcnii-ia ,i'y on ::!id a fall and carefully i fcsesa to sell at the old prices. 2 h e B e s t E v id e r .e e , Meyers, Cardenas, i! nays; George Gilchrist, Orcutt, ¥ ev»~york tribune. 1 saigua 15 days. “ Tin* Leading American Newspaper.” T. O. ENDEKS, Pres’t. .1. I.. ENGLISH, Sec j selected Mock • f v I j..MI NG i'OX, NC—Mary E Yancl ::f, Thorndike, Kadit-s, Jii- a nd Children’* Rockport. TH7 BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. A. G. DEWEY, General jm ariuS cid, CoraS and S tone The following id le r from Rev. E. <. Best. Pastor of P lIiE A D E E P H I\.A r2 ith , ech David Ames, A me , D aily . tsGO :i y e a r. H -ir.i-W eekly, S 3 . .Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, f Cameo Sets, Baud, Seal lb-- 5'. E. i Lurch. Natick, M a - •» ; i b -te d w ith ’n- Ames. .',Ia:.:oza-. Agent, Portland. :e «•'* b in-anv ph'> :c- ■ «: a ’- > -ud'-riag from P<> 11 1.ANH— \r 27th, •-h pb-a Woodbury, ! which will be sold at price? •ailed to the times. ' and Stone Rings, of the Rev. E..“ . Woodbury, Georgct .“.'u, S (.’ t< r I l oma-ton. L 'i n ” ’" L. T. BEAN, Special A gent. lb--. Nopet-o sti-oonv, n-i tlr I; W [ 1 (J o Bi*ac©iGts, rof YEGEflN FOREIGN. Kl .12 I'. G. W . UOC’I ;i A77. A gents, Ito c k a n d . Wo hare just moved into our New Ar at Havana, F« b 2lt.i, sch Kale Carltoa, Belfast, E. r. WALKER, Agent, Vinallmi Carpet Room, j u tho re a r o fo u r storo Me |351 Main Street : Rockland. Also, a rich assortment of Ar a’ Cardenas, E«-b 2’5:b, sch Angie Ainesburv. E. A PIPER, Agent. Dix Island. ! Fetruary 10.1875. i where cm always ba found one of Ma*:,’ - :5 t . se i J- im Bird, X* w ! ork. S 1 STfi O ilto 53 B V O 3., — 10 A II .vana, I «b 2:. r-ch nab h Carlton, Harkness, • I’. LEW IS, Agent, Camden. Opera Glasses, the Latgesl; Stocks ia the County. io. A t . G R o q s m E s . , Still continue to sell Cottons Gold Headed Canes, Ws havi»ag°°a S P O K E 2T . We are selling Groceries Colton tliiii;> Cnrpet for 50 els. irgc Gilcbres’., Orcutt, Below Present Wholesale d beautiful and useful goods too numerous 1 LOW lo cash customers. Brices. Now is the Tapestry Carpefin? far 551.25, of the most approved tim e to lay SPECTACLES, utlv and all other kinds at greatly re- C. E. SHAW & CO. ind Examination for Entering High Rockland, Dec 30; 1S74. 3ui4 in y o u r rate, t-peciai attention paid to dvcsd prices. Pioaso call and look our stock ever. School. ed our Citiuiy Manufactory from I.ime- Watch Efpisir-njr, I'ar-raving, j Rock M iei-t to tiie mure coiumodtons store in I' \ IDS - Tin* examination of the firs! e’:is---r*rf the Rook" i Arlington House. y la t i si B I.U 'K , r. «-.;ly occupied !.. Mi: E.C.A h H-IHT mil an o th er work in our line and ihe lu st effort] FULLEK & COBS, iand Grzmio.i: > lam -| at the tligll . Causeway and Canal Sta...... BOSTON. and Im-»ng : 1.1 leased taeilili"-, n e are now better. a.iih- lo ~:iii ly our vii.|.-i:u r-. r-ehoo’: i.uih ;i g, • ) i i-r loom, M« l day, Mairh 8th flS cl li EH } pn ;,,m it than e-ver belore to furnish customers at I imug tie r- commencing at 9 M.: and .ad sc nnais , itirely new mid luini^li'd with all the modern im- 325 Main St. 4, a._- ; .ve the fall. B L O O D Ci H IX , where Li- Ii:ob v •he e it' <>. > •:' r tl If’2h -<-‘i io] j. xf t.-rm , i nn-uti. Clerks in s.tleudaeci- at all hour*. Il- I*. S. BLACK nastftkcu rooms over l,r* E, bur ut» Iv r l.f le, as lie dec arcs he is tho.-e arriving late at night or taking Il.i to do all kinds of Fashionable ZDreSH-Making. Per erdc. -. 2 r . Befc-re th© R 'se. , w s t i f t ! too W.-11 to be ta A. L. TYLER, Sec. eurlv •norning trail).-'. Board 5 i a dav. fresh C onfec­ * S. H. DU>j Proprietor. W A T C H E S ^ Li:!,' <4 Pit-nix Hotel. Concord. N. H .a n i Pi-qrie t i o n e r y tar Boar’s llemi Hotel, ilainptuii Bench. N.3ni9 JOHN G. LOVEJOY'S NEW ERA IN BAKING. i of our own and foreign manufacture, anti at the most - £ 3 : \ XEW AlJVEltl ism iEX IS ■ 0?easo^3b!e spates. insurance Agency, If you want to m a mo«t DELICIO U S,’LIGHT PicpareJ by TAB LINGS, in Bleached, ’.YHIIK, bWEEi ; id IIE A L IIIY , MO j E i FRUITS »f all Liu!s in lln-irseason. CUSTOM HOUSE SLOCK, Brown, and Turkey Red. H, R. STEVEWS, Boston. Mass BISCUIT, NUTS—ail kinds, R o c k la n d , - - M a in e . ROLLS, NAPKINS, in large Variety of TOBACCO, KHOT-GUNS. R IFLES.PISTO LS^ VEGETINE BUCKWHEAT CAKES, Style and Sise. Cigars, etc. 0- G. M O FFITT GRIDDLE CAKES, Cfnuyand evcrykSnd Send Wo desire, particularly, to call the 15 SOLD r.v and i.-4:.-ito3 V-'e:-: TOWELS, in every Siae aud attontion of DEALERS and S M O - Life and Fire insurance Agent. W A F F L E S , Represents Thirty-nine M illion Dollars. - ' 0 02 0 I© 0333. P rice. KERS, to our own Moted Brands of All Draggls’s and Dealers MUFFINS, CIGARS, viz: Losses iuLusied nt this nffl-.-?.' R ” WHITS LINEN, from 40 EVITIXYWIll^llE. 4w!3 CORN BREAD, 2n3? B 5 ^ s a L y a “T he PearS,’ No. 287 Union Sleek, The* sensation of the agp. Co;. Oleutl’s won- Cents upward. 5 RODE LAND. MAINE. JOHNNY CAKE, ririful report on the EDDY Ht'MESTKAD SPIRIT MANIFESTATIONS ‘The Prettiest Tiling Out', GRAHAM GEMS, fliilv ldus'rnled. Agmit-wuutt'I e-. »-rvxvIl-re. Address ALL TEE- ABOVE GOODS AT jiml Horclioand vi;; :•<- um A.MEltl' AN I'UBI.ISHINU Co.'IPAaY, lia r ford, Conn. for all fill-...,: and i.nng D:-« - ‘The Toy h ’, C. F. KITTREDGE, siiel ; revt-ntiv ot C h.-uu p:ion it 1 DUMPLINGS, AGENT FOR THE Whooping Cmigh it liu.. a elm HAVE YOU TRIED BARGARS ; AI-<>, o:i Eiiisid nisil loi s:tle-w liol€— opium or o:le r dunge PUDDINGS, -ale :>:■- Hampton Tea Comp’y, of N. Y. POUND CAKES, voi il<-» ; -e-E»Ai. WAVE, AKT1S- Best Oolong Tea, 37 1-2 to 40 cents. JURUBEBA? s a cKEoaa;, su.viai i.iuc, Best Japan, 50 to GO cents. JN<>. W. P i KKixs Whnle.«a!c AgtY. , Tl.e =urest, quicke-t and most satisfaclery way is to Whelesnl and Retail. Samples at Store, Mi»ICKl-> X HERITAGE. PliiL.delphia, u-« the ARE YOU ItOSC DALE and oilier choice 1«.44 Proprietor’. b ra n d s . O pposite th e P o st Ofiicc, D o c k la n d . ly50 Wcnk, Vencus, or Debilitated ? Royal Baking Powder, Are you so Languid that any « x- rtion requires TIIE PLACE, CRESCENT SPECT1CLES. H. C, LEVENSALEB, HU l , Ii now u«ed in the bast fam ilies’he countrv over­ n te fe o l nil elbo-i lent ' on feel cai-able of making ? ,1 - M l! BLOCK, IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT. laid stun U highest tor sJrcngiii ami j. irity. You tan T h en 1 ry .11’KV B E B A , ’he wond««rttil to n ic and Watches, and Clocks, Silver THOMASTON, MAINE, not tail w tn it it properly used, even in p >or tl mr. in v ig o r a to r . winch actf so lieneficnllv on the secre­ DevoteH Id-ntten-b, , »o the PRACTICE of MEDI­ Housekeepers, Cook-, K- staiirant Keepers and tive und with ??:». 1, Ttlcsniph Slock, E. C. MOi'FIT i Lu . Merchant Ti-ilors.) has Lctgk Its operation is not violent, but is characteri-eo great c 1 e, they are free Loin all im 6 TKOMASTOM, ME. them our, and will continue the business at PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, by great g« iiilem -s: theputn i.t experiences no su «!< n D R . W. D O W N E S , u.-if.-ctioiis ind i.iipn Lie-- T'w. m-mut.-il ill ( ohh, W ight & Norton. change, no marked re-ulis, hut grninailv his troubles lu addition to the very line stock of Carpetings which Gold, ."i'.ver, Ciheii, Rubber and Mcel frames and will OFFICE IN BERRY BLOCK, irm the people of Rock Rockland, March 4, >875. 13 “ H.ld their tents like the Arabs, we usually carry, we shall open l lie lias taken the oliice hint many years v.jitmut change. r a n d V i s i t i n g C a r d s corner Mum and l.imc Rock Streets. Residence And silently steal mvav.’’ Med din; 3 2 1 § M a i n S t r e e t , •uph d by Dr. 1 e. 2?s Main Street, win-re For sale only by our Agents. printed at tills office, Main S t, South Lnd, nearly opposite Florence St. This is no new and untried discovery, hut has been be will rendi-r every pos-ibi) : service to patrons who W . Wl. P U R I N G T O N , long used with wcnceifu! leim-dia! r. -uhs, and ts may call upon him. First Store South of Berry Brothers’ Stable, B O O K S .™ . pronounced by the highest medical authorities, •- the Jew eler and Optician. i« sole Agent for Rockland, CITY ®F ni ?-t powerful tonic mid alterative in the worl l. MARCH 3d, 1875, Office bouts; 9 to 12 A. M , and 1 to 5 P . M. K 01 & LiKOh Railroad Conpay. H. K ittredge & C o,,( A-k vonr druggi-’ for it. 4wl3 Hoa.-e first door west ol Francis Cobb’s, Esq. r-i- None genuine withoutlite trade-mark Stamped where he hopes to have an early call from many Fiectiora ^otscea For side by GEO. C. GOODWIN A CO.. Boston. Biech m i. . i. friends, old mid new Having had ueariv twenty D ru g g ists 4i A potheearias R o n a V f i ? I .,j a.g.NCEs : Drs. Bowditch and Niorer, Boston, A n n u a l T/Eoeting. ) ears experience in the business, he feels competent si’id Dealers in Jan . 281 h, 1573. N. DOWNES. jt-l E Tl'-eiiog ( f o ’tb-.s ..ft!'.* Er.ox & to warrant satisfaction to all who may favor him with j ’xrr.v?1 ji e m c ix n s . X Lincoln Railroud Comt'.my, will be b> 11 i.t the The inhabitants of the city of Rockland qualified U O i FAlKBA.XICi’ s c a l e s . « tty Hall, i t tin -« i:y . . on W ED.'7 l-SD \ Y, their patronage, as he will '.lave the best help obtain- f NO. 3, SPEAR, BLOCK, according to law, are hereby notified to meet at their tin* !.t 1 m the ’lu- fore- fore­ able, and will pay strict personal attention to the several ward room-, on KOCKEAND, ME noon, fa- the following p . >-cs tn :— wants of his customers, his motto will be Tuesday next, tlie Qtli day of March, HE 8TAN3SnD OF HE W33.D. 1st. -'<• b e ar uiaI n« 1 i!.'"ii the Repm 's .f the of- Feb. 1. : LI. persons having any bills against the School nt fen o’clock in the forenoon, to give -in their vo’cs Caoiee Spsing Sty^e Department of the city of Rockland, are r« - Highes.t Prizes at Paris in 1807. fivers of the Com! a a -. lor a Mayor of the ci tv. Vqm t'-d to present them lor set tinmen: Lefure the 5 th 2d. To c':!>o-.- -j I’.r.ard ef Directors. Justice, Civility and Punctuality. 3 lie polls will be kept open until four o’clock in the of March; awl ah’ pert-niis indebted to the same for Vienna, Montreal, Macon, IS73, 3d. Tn.-«e vG.i uctfon ihe .sti’c'Jiolders will rec­ S. II. BOYNTONT, M . ID., ommend in refill inn to the construction of the Fcnob- afternoon of raid day, and then c- tvti to make -e f lemeut before Notice is a so given that the Board of Aldermen that da’e. i lie Agent n ay lie found at the Commit­ Philadelphia, 1374. scot Bay and River Ruiir nul. HOMOEOPATHIC Having disposed of our Stock in Trade to Mr . A, will lie in session at their room in Iknry Block, on tile Which we prnpo.-'* io sell at the very lowest {prices tee Rooms, every W ednesdav and Saturday I’. 5l._ vp5 The most Accurate, EDW IN FLYE, Clerk. j three seen: ir days nest preceding the dav ofelection. Rath, Feb. 13, 1875. 11 E vans, we take pleasure iu recommending him to quoted in this or any other City. A. !.»TYLER, School Agent. a 'I be most Durable. Physician and Surgeon, from 2 o’clock to 3 o’clock JI our former patrons and the public generally, as a Rockland, Feb. 16, 1875. 3wll The must Convenient. 4a s, am', from 3 o’clock to 5 o' gentlemau worthy of their patronage and esteem. . f said tl ivs for t: e puipo-e -f is ~ drT r? b? b aynesT” tiie qualification of \ -is -.vimsenames have n n b een BBOS. v ; ’ plici* confidence. W arehou-ei: 9 E. C. MOFFITT & CO. 0 ROCKLAND, ME. entered on the voting lists and lor tin; correction of that im one who has ever tri»*d it will be wit'hnnr it. Z N O T L O E ! tin- voting Ji-;s. C II U ’PED HANDS AND FACE.-Pond’s Ex­ 3 MILK STREET, BOSTON, Lists uf voters In < ach of the several wards have tr a c t should be in every Family Uns rough ’ I HIE Stockholders of the Rockland Shoe Company Dentist, Homoeopathic aud Mag been posted in the t. ll /Wing place-, viz:—War I I. at | a: i- :u r. v notified to meet at the Citv Council F A IR B A N K S . B R O W N & CO. p. COWLES, M. D., tin- f o ie of A. J. Bird ft Co ; 2, at the store of Room , ut 2 o’clock P. M . on SAI UKDa Y, March netic Physician, Pliysician A Surgeon, & Rankin: Ward at the store of Farrand Ac Gill fur Hie purpose of taking aunun o-i the sale ol 311 Broadway, New York. | O re of tin most successful healing mediums ir. Ihe Sp’ iir; U ard 4. ir- ti e Post Ufiic : Ward 5, at ti e tie-; mp! rty belonging to the Corporation, and for the ! profvssinsi. '. i res Kh-umatism. Neuralgia. Nervous- IJl'.X. - - - MAIXE. -’ore of'*. I'. Ilix; Ward 6, a* t ie store of I. A. be one day without Pond’s Extract, which al­ traii-ac.i'.n ol anv other business that may legally OmelO F A IR B A N K S & CO. ways relieves. :ui many ca-ei o* deafness, • cfci-is paribus. GEO. W. McXENNEY’S esnecifll attention to Chronic Diseases, but Jones; Ward 7, at the store of John Bird & Co. SOKE LUNGS, CONd'MTION, COUGHS, come before them. pt-ciai treatmei t for diseases cl the mouth •at acute t s in• the •’ iilagc. CHARLES A. DAVIS, City Clerk. /'K a /C A caused bv w« anng A.ti.-chil' ti.icial Teeth.mi!Teeth, made 011 common COLDS.—This .<14 -aI d 9 J % - 4 •"— I I'ed Rubber Base. Ofiu- -hours, all du Rockland, Ma ch 1st, lb75. Iwl3 Have IN 2 7 5 P A I R S rs, all day. Rliemuttfic liuim ent! It relieves the pain a. d cures the di I t . ’ So.3Mt J1AIX.STKEK1- (aiip„,ie flight of stairs) C H IL B L A IN S u ill be promptly relieve.I and ulti- r : land, ia in e. 2m3 JA. 'AZE. .A .T7ST’IZ T - KNOX COUNTY LOAN. tnnut'-iv cured bv bathing the affiiu'.ed parts with i* 1 ' DR. IL R. BAYNES ! Cures Rheumatism, W hite Swelling, Diphtheria. P o n d ’s E x tra c t. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR Neuralgia, Toothache. Dysentery, Pain in the EA!.ED Piopo-ais will be received ut the Office of cl? cf TEETH, 1 ‘ FROSTED LIMBS.—Pond’s Extract invariably Still continue? «lo make 1 awl Stomuch, Rack or Head. I t also cures the undersigned. I r a tirer of su 4 County, at reliev es tin- pain mul • milk C ures, SALE. ol tim best material- 0 to $2 ‘, haif .-i ts, w. II-; G A SJT 3 O ^ , DENTIST. SRockland, until ilmrsduy. Mureh 25, Jt75, at noen, ! W H ER EA S, mv w;.- EMMA, has left mvbed and Inflammation ef the Kidneys for bills for a < ounty Loan J'«*r Thirty Thousaqd D< I- SOKE THROAT. fjUINSY, IN* LAMED TON­ large TWO-STORY HOUSE SILS and AIK PASSAGES me promptly wliole'^c? i i'K<:h n’hanifi-oinegol'I Fiug.-r 7 board with-ur any cause nr provocation w lnt and Bladder, and authmize.i n-. A t of the I.' ure for the; itli L and. out-buildings Ring will be tbrov.’i in.m ideot pare gold: wi.I never ev< r. this is lu v.arn all persons from harboring or OFFICE OYER T. A. WENTWoRTIPS bTORE, completion I tin-n-w < ourt llou-e now in proc-ss : eur« ii by the use ol P o n d 's E x tra c t, i t n e v e r North all Humors 1 fails. i ’ 7 ‘-'•‘-•R’d. ">i Washington st reet, > break; can make twent;, a day. trusting her on my accuuur, a < 1 shall pay no bills RKItRY I5LOUK. ut .-uid Rockland, "s.-iid i.jib may be fir the whole, Tj i - End, built anil occupied by the tin I ot the Skin, and for all kinds of Lameness and cores or any pur; of said loan, not le-s than five hundred FOND’S EXTRACT. Pamphlet, history ami uses :---- < lit HAS M ARREIT.isofTerv fie red for T.clii ll’I.-I w ith pur:- roM from 8! 50 to SO: com- coutracled by ller after thia date. Dentislry in all its branches promptly attended to nolhtrs in amount in any oue bid. | wiiii eneii bottle,and mailed free on a, plication The house is only a few years old. is hi li-ht- mon size cavities, with tin or atnaigtini, $1,50 per ( n horses. ET Don’t fall to try it. Put up by nt REAM,NAB .E PRICES. Mad Bonds hem-date April i>-75, and are issued in ! to your dmggists, or US uaiden Lane, X. Y. ii’der. i-oiivi niei'ily an a aged, and is supplied cavity ; in some ruses 1 ■>». Teeth extracted without pain, by J he use ol denuuiiiiMlions made pajnb'e n- t.41cw- : fold by (Iiuggists. 4wl3 Teeth extracted willi- nt pain by a new Amrsthetic, Goo. W. ftscKenney, l(» $:000 bonds payable In 25 vcar«, thus disuensing wilh the danger ot chloroform and ROCKLAND, HE. ’-’0 $50» “ “ ‘ ::o ' •• GILT and PAINTED BA1WS 1 is a very desirable propeiiy. Fur further partic­ other similar agents. 10 fltXM) “ ’• “ 35 “ together with our usual fine line of Curtains, Muslin, ulars awl ti rm-, apply to MR?.'. SfAKKETT, on thg All operation? wrrraiifed tn give satisfaction; con­ Xto'For sale by all Druggists. 6m7* 10 PEU CEVr. iVTEHE-T. . premises, or lo and 1 ear interest at six per cent, f er annum, payable 1 Luce Curtuiua, Loops, Hooks, Fixtures etc. etc., J. FRED MERRILL. sistent with hi? well-known reputation. •• Ilaticslas seini-.uinuullv S I5 000. CODE COUM V.IIJ.I 'UHS, 10 percent. ent melar rcgula.” ts. IL A. PRESCOTT, just received and selling iow at Teacher of Piano. Organ,SViolin and Bids should be endersed • I’rcpo.-als for Court School District Bund-. t>?upun-< payable Jan. 1. in Patients suffering from any derangement of hoalllh F vO T ’C E . Uuusu Loau ” New Yerk, or at our office.—<51-9 each; td-o oilier undergoing o»-nt:d operations such ~ 1 ’ ' *’*•- " Harm ony. Ladies’ urse, J . E. .MILKMAN, County Ircafurer. seven, c g o t and ton per cent, .'•'uuicipal -i-eurities. Tw-tb’i i i s - u i « ill i"»i i* tli irg.-.l for Homirtipathic J TERMS •—Or-an and Piano, $13 for 24 Lessons -PHE Office of llio Rockland U a!er Company and Thenc repre-ent?' thclir.-t • laim onthi-entire jirojn r ’y, m.-.licine.- proscribed in Ids office, or I .r aar cur. a in- y , , for J tbs Hneklaod Siosni lldl ( on,pan,■ has been re. iKIL'A.ND, - - - Maine. Rockland, Marc!, 2, ls75. 3wi3 PATEflT SHIPP! NC-2 TACS • - / •:..•«...!« (ii.p-i.Pd • v. A . . no moved to No. 216, Mam btrcct,over iles.-rs. W iggic& stuntanvou? bv nuigm ti?m. Chronic r-<- >2 ; ffnM> encc corner Cedar and Brewster streets. Ad- cepted. Office hours all day, P.-O. Address. Box 5G. absolute. Bought and sold by G C<> ICG E U'M. HAL Simonton Bros. N. T. SLEEPER, Treas. . <>. Box, 236. LuU, BanVer, 72 Dcvoushire Street, Boston. Write Priut8d to order at Shorj No 22 4 Main S treet, (up first flight ofslaira) T i; Dr.Alexander's Vegetabio Cough I ' IIOCJKJL.AAIU, 31A.INI2. 3m3 Syrup for Cougbsland Colds chronio or recent. I Eocklacd, Feb. 15, 1873. Swll , 1574. 1 Braids at G iotray’s. for particulars. 3mo7 Rockland, March, 1875. N otice. Fact, Fun and Sentiment. EQUAL TO THE EMEIiGENCY. • llw dlaw toy «. JlixceUi'-ntottti NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Uaitrouds A' Steamboats. Business Cards. A license to marry is often wanted when A GEN fS. Chung Chang sells at sight. Neces- — Twitted hemp cures felons. sary us soap. Goods tree. Chang Chang M’fg Co., E who in the world would rise' it can’t be had, h u t a poor one is better than Boston. 4wll KNOX &. LINCOLN RAILROAD. Gilchrest, White & Co,, i * 3 — Rooted sorrow—An aching tooth. none when a man is in a hurry—viz., 1 BARGAINS SAMPLE to Agents. Ladies’ Combina­ DEALERS IN H Must net neglect to advertise!, — A man of great promise—your boot maker. namely, to wit, the following: tion Needle-book, with Chromos. bend In the early days of Texan independence FREE stamp. DEAN & Co., New Bedford, Maes. — One of our favorite prima donnas has -I IV— WINTER ARRANCEMENT. Ship Stores&Chandlery and youth, an eccentric genius, still living AGENTSWANTED^'^^sa falsetto' teeth. and reigning, was clerk of one of the west- Takes effect Nov. 23d, 1874. 36 SOUTH STREET, ?.e!,.!?.for *Pe.cln,en pages and our extra termsito Agents. N and after MONDAY, Feb. 15th,a passenger man can do business and make a living without — A dressmaker’s apprentice speaks of her era counties. The village was quite se­ N A llQ N A L PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, l*u. O train will leave Rockland for BButh, Port Innd, Sept. 22,1673. Y O « « - advertising; and so, possibly, he can walk from Bos­ cluded in the prairies, and the squire pas­ Boston and all points ou the Maine Central R. It., at on to Sau Francisco, but he will accomplish the cross-eyed lover as the fellow whose looks are cut tured his cows on the broad acres around, K O I t 9.45 A. M. Leave Rockland for Bath, Portland and Boston, ourney quicker und enjoy himself better on the way, bias. bringing them home at night, and letting COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, (by night train) Lewiston and Augusta, at 2:05 1*. 31. if he makes use of the modern facilities lor travel. them go to grass in the morning. He kept Leave Bath lor Rockland at 8 A. 31., connecting A. A. UEWBERT A SON, — Mrs. Paritngton declares that she does not Would call attention to their And all Throat Diseases, The wise man advertises when trade is good, to a bell on one of them to help him in finding with trains leaving New York at 3 P . 31. Boston at wish to vote, as she fears she couldn’t stand the 12 P. 31., and I’ortlund at 5 A. 31., due in Rockland make it better; aud when business is dull, he adver them; but one morning as he was letting ut 11 A. M. House and Ship Joiners, Uses all the more, creates “ a breeze” himself and ahock of the electrical franchise. FURNITURE Leave Bath at 3.20 P. 31., due in Rockland at 5.55 them loose, he perceived that the clapper Fall & Winter Stock WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS. P. 31. RF prepared to do all kinds of House and Ship fills his thrifty sails, while his unenterprising neigh — An Indiana man had the ramrod of a shot­ of the bell was lost out, and being unable -AT- PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A mixed train will leave Rockland for Bath ut 0.3 Joining and Jot. Work, either by the day or job, bors stagnate in the calm and busy themselves iu to find it, he made a substitute by making A. M. Returning, leave Bath at 11,30 A. 31. Aus the customer may desire, furnishing first-classgrowling at “ ill luck,” and “ whistling for a wind.” gun fired through him, and the only damage was —OF— tioukmen’ an<1 eVtry Way fiuur«uteeiug satisfac- fast his own office key. Not till he had 51 C. A. COO3IBS, Supt. e “ practice what we preach,” and "embrace adurn queer feeling.” reached his office did it occur to him that Fovcignjainl Domestic LONC AND SHORT LUMBER, this opportunity ” to remind the public that we ar — A New Jersey editor, who pretends to be he should want the key; but now, finding TIGHE’S ROCKLAND Mouldings, Windows, Window Frames, Doors, &c. always ready to fill their orders for familiar with Spanish politics, says that Alfonso himself locked out, he betook himself to _ . SHOP ON SEA STREET, other matters, proposing to recover the key AND One door East ol G. F. Kaier & Co.’s Steam Mill wears an ulcer overcoat N. B Ail Goods told, will be delivered free ot at night. About noon a rough-and-ready W OOLENT S , — “ Missa Speakah? ” howled a member of VINALHAVEN. 24 young Texan, in buckskin dress, came rid­ CONSISTING OF Kellogg’s Legislature. “ Ordah dar! ” replii ing Into town, inquired for the clerk, scared WARE ROOMS the speaker. him up, and asked for a marriage license. I ENGLISH, Winter Arrangement! — The Grand Duchess Constantine of Russia, “ Sorry I can’t accommodate you to-day, J FRENCH AND. has the finest set of hair jewelry in the world but it’s no go.” Where mav be found tlio LATEST STYLES, BERRY BROTHERS “ Why not? I’m going to be spliced to- most fashionable d e sig n s, and a good CERMAN On and after Nov. 15,1874, The Grand Duke is entirely bald. n ! s n ’ ’ r’11? - 1 U,"' ' ! assortm ent o f H O USEH O LD FD K N IT C K E . NEW LIVERY & HACK STABLE “ But the fact is,” said the clerk “ my of­ MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, Me. JobPrintin — A Pennsylvanian boasts that he makes a Steamer Clara Clarita, soap that would “ wash a politician’s character fice is locked up, and my cow has gone ■ Coatings, Suitings, Broadcloths, £ away wizAttctw.'” A good time to Furnish the Par- white as snow.” There must be a good deal ol The cow—what does the cow want of j 9 n , ,, , . Captain Creed, IS ALL ITS BRANCHES! “ lye ” about that soap. Doeskins, &c., the key?” 1 lor. Extraordinary Induce- Carver’s Harbor, Vinalhaveu, for Rock — The readiest and best way to find out what So the old fellow told the whole story, j , , D j a l « land, daily, )8unday’s excepted) at 7;30 A. M.. con and the two setoff for the Prairie, to find. ITlGIlLS ’ nOau lilS A nd'a full line selected.from the br Double Team furnished at but we have always "ROOM FOR ONE M ORE” — A Kentucky paper endeavors to pay a they looked the less they found, and finally S ch ed u le! American Manufacturers, way. short sonable rates, order for anything in the Job Printing line, and will Best a ccoimnoilatioi is for Boarding Horses and delicate compliment to a favorite actress by call­ had to give it up. A bright thought struck Dr. J. Walker’s California Vin­ Fare, 75 Cents Each Way. transient Teams, in tl_ execute YOUR commands with j romptness and Those wishing to buy Woolen Cloths or Tailors ing her “ a sweet little red-haired chandelier Trimmings ut retuil.’are respectfully invited to call egar Billers aro a purely Vegetable Freights’taken at Fair Ratos. Particular attention is to furnishing team despatch—for a lair equivalent in U. 8. Currency. and Coaches tor funerals. We don’t offer to "w ork for nothing,” because it kicker.” V e n n , PARLOR FURNITURE. md examine our GOODS and PRICES, lor preparation, made chiefly from the native <1. A. SAFFOIiD, Agent for Rockland. Books kept at this office for the ditlerentStage Texas jumped a rod, so tickled was he to | we do not mean to be UNDERSOLD. herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sier­ B. LANE, Agent for Vinalhaveu. 40 Liin all orders should be left. disagrees witlt us—and with our creditors—and we — Charles Lamb said of one of his critics: know that lie was to lie fixed out of the fix Comprising PARLOR SUITS In Terrv arid ra Nevada mountains of California, the • KULU 1I.BEKKY. hold out no inducements to make our prices " lower „ , , CHAS. H. HEItKY. •‘ The more I think of him the less I think o', he was ill. They proceeded to H Store close Haircloth, which arc us good as can be found medicinal properties of which are extract­ Rockland, Jan. 1,1875. 5 than t h e Low est,” because tlte man who prom­ him.” liv the office, and there the county scribe » thccity. p a r l o r d e sk s, c e n t e r t a - ed therefrom without the use ot Alcohol. MISS BEECHER’S ises th at will be pretty sure fo cheat hi.-customers, or indilcd tile following autograph: ISLES, ETC. The question is almost daily asked, “ What S HI 1 T IB «!k L. U D W 1 G , fail himself, In the long run—if not soouer. But we Only three guests were bid, and thirteen crowd PO TTLE fit K N iC H T , Republic of Texas:— To all who shall is the cause of the unparalleled success of HAIR OR WHISKER DYE, Jobbers and Retail Dealers iu DO “ aim to please” by giving the hall; see this present, greeting: Whereas 1, the Dining Room Furniture. Vinegar B itter s?” Our answer is, that 'rovislons m id UvOcerleM, Hut- Pour water in the soup, and bid them welcome undersigned clerk of this county, haring Wilson & White Block, they remove the cause of disease, and the ges Ughl tor, C heese, E ard , <&c«. G o o d W o rk this morning unthouglitcdly tied my office, A grand selection in this line, sucli as SIDE- | klaud. Jan . 7, ie?$. 5 gray hair to a Jei FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. all. patient recovers his health. They are the black, dark brown, c key as a clapper into my cow's bell; and great blood purifier and a life-giving prin­ Sent for Vicki ry, Crockett & Co.’s Lt wistou Stean — When a Dubuque landlord turns a sick wi­ BOARDS, DINING TABLES, in Walnut, I Bakery whereas tile said cow has gone astray to ciple, a perfect Renovator and Xnvigorator At Fair Prices, AT TH E BROOK. Mail .. ROCK LA XD. dow out of doors for non-payment of rent a crowd parks unknown, bearing with her the said Ash and Oak, with Dining Chairs in the same 1 of t he system. Never before in the history to match. Also, a great variety of COMMON I requires but 1 single 31. P. 8311111. Ilje72 W. It. LUDWIG. which shall b. at low a« in our opinion the work can wait upon him and escort him down to the shore key, and therefore the said key is nun in ­ of the world lias a medicine been com­ application to effect ventus esl— th a t is. can’t lie h a d : And CHAIRS, to be sold Cheap for Cash. pounded possessing the remarkable qual­ Its purpose^tnd wash­ be honestly aud profitably done for. of a lovely pond and insist upon his taking a swim. ing is required after whereas one Abner liarnes has made appli-; ities of V inegar B itters in healing the sick dyeing, as In the caso — A Boston restaurateur furnishes “ sacred D. EM. BERD & CO, cation to me for a marriage license, anil; CHAMBER “ FURNITURE. of every disease m an is lieir to. T h ey are a or other dyes. It Is not CSuccessari' G. ff. ISrutcu ' clam chowder ” on Sunday. What then lias be­ two separate articles the said Abner persists that lie cannot wait j o gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, reliev­ (as ‘DEALERS IN come of New England pork-and-beans ? It seems dyes . but _ , until tile cow comes hack with the key, lint ‘ ing Congestion or Inflammation of tho combination; and to us this is a very important question. is compelled by tile violence of his feelings A full assortment, consisting of BLACK ! Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis­ perienced wholesale West India Goods and Groceries. WALNUT, ASH and PAINTED SETS, i druggists, who have Also, Hard and Blacksmith’s Coal, Wood, llav and tile arrangements already made to get eases. handled all the various dyes, pronounce it th — “ Prance out some more pancakes!” ranging in prices from S27 to $120, ! Sand, Fire Brick and Cement. married. Therefore these presents are to I f men w ill enjoy good health, let warned William McDuff, as he sat at a table in or as low as at any Ware-rooms NO. C, RANKIN BLOCK- BUSINESS M O , command any persons legally authorized to them use V inegar B itters as a medicine, Rockland, April 5, 1874. in Knox County. case, or the money refunded. Prepared only by I Kansas City; and as the waiter wouldn’t pranci celebrate the rites of matrimony, to join and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants TUO31PSON, Rockland, Me. Sold by all dealt' ’em, Mr. McDuff split his ear with a bowio knife. tile said Aimer Barnes to Rebecca Downs; in every form. However mo lest the sum total of their yearly trans­ and for doing so this shall be your suffi­ ‘b . ii. McDonald co., E. G. STODDARD & CO., actions, should not attempt to Jdo business without — Said she: “ How long are you going to cient authority. R AI TAN GOODS Druggists and General Agents, Sau Francisco, Califon- Manufacturers ol and Dealers in employing the printer. A good supply of stand before that glass? ” Said he : “ Until 1 uia, and cor. Washington and Charlton Sts., Now York. Given under my hand and private seal, Sold, by nil Bruggists and Dealers. G. L. BLACK, see how my ulster hangs. But that’s just the on tile door-step of my office—the seal of Iu this department will bo found some of j SOAPS, TALLOW, GREASE Business Cards, the very beat RATTAN ROCKERS, RECEP- ' NEATS I-GOT GIL, way; a woman never takes any interest in her the office being locked tip, and my cow Letter Headings. husband’s dress after she’s been married a year.’* having gone away with the key—this TION CHAIRS and CHILDREN’S CHAIRS rtocitL.A .rx’ r>, m e . AJVZ> I’U ItE GTIOTJND UOX3E, fourth day of October, A. D. 1838. All work will be faithfully and ,‘promptly attended FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. Biil Heads,' Leaves have their time to fall [Also, a large stock of H en r y O sborn, C lerk .” 9Apr74 Gay Street, Rockland, Maine. . Statements, And flowers to wither at the north wind’s Hail Stands, Orders may be left or bundles sent to th ! Eastern Express Office. 31 Shop Bills, moan. Library and Book Stands, “Sta n d out fr om t h e D a n g e r .’ ™ Has possession of all the best boards in the city. Bricks for Sale I C ircula rs, And men to die; but all, We were fast approaching Cape Hatteras. Shelves and Card Stands, and at their The salary-grab at all times claims its own. best quality La bels, Already its dim outlines was appearing to Wall Brackets, O P E N I N G ’ ; usual grades, which they vill seil, in quuutlties —Overworked; Cousin Kate—“ Are you com­ the southwest, and we were anticipating a CD i i Tags, etc., close run to its rocky shores, when sudden­ Office Desks, etc. ing to skate with us to-morrow, Fred ? ” Fred— t t , The Lowest Mnrkel Price** ly the order to taek was given, and we yr. eyries. “ Well, I don’t know. Awful busy just now. Agent for First Class Stock Companies J , and deliver in any part of the city, Jor tor shipment are always a good investment and no “ live business stood out far into the Atlantic, leaving the ut short notice. man ” Iu these days will do without them. Have to be at the office about 1; then there’t .VING just returned from NEW YORK and Thomaston and Vicinity. eape far astern. MATTRESSES A ought a'u rg e Business Promptly Attended to. luncheon at 2, and don’t get away till past 3.” “ Is not the water deep enough to make H E . G. STODDARD & CO. Thomaston, Aug. 24,1874. 33 @ Rockland, April 2, 1874. Iyl7 — An irreverent editor says of spirits, “ What’.- a closer run to the shore?” asked Adjutant are a specialty with r s, consisting of Huslc, Culver, who was impatient to get a good Tow, Wool and Hair, < irectfroni the Manu- the good of em ? They can’t subscribe—don’t Bankmpt Stock of Clothing and sight of land after a three day’s voyag fact urers, per rai 1. Alt o, P IL L O W S,SP R IN G Warren Powder Mills, Thorndike Hotel, want to advertise, and their news is not worth a “ Certainly,” answered the captain, gaz­ BEDS, etc., besides a v iriety of FUR N 1 TV It E irkeep constantly mi hand a lull |n=sortment of BURIAL CASKETS ami CO! FINS, in : Ein. might have been, had God consulted with thy sins, “ Because,” replied the captain, if in Prices to Suit the Times ! with thy deserts, or with its own justice. running close to the cape we hail become „ , ,, x FUNERAL UNDERTAKING, REEFERS, — How strange it is that anxious souls do most in any way disabled, we might have been ItOlUGllibCr tllO P lace, at I furnishing prompt,and careful attendance and ever. WHOLE SUITS. CHARLES BURRILL, T reasurer, drifted on the rocks and have been tiling required. No. 27, Douce St., Boston K ^ I O X H e m of all doubt the willingness of Christ to be their COATS, PANTS, VESTS, wrecked. A good sailor when possible, ’. 8. Orders for our Gunpowder Saviour; yet these should least of all doubt him. tlie Old Stand of Saw­ Blankets, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, «Sfcc., Rockland, N llllt LETTER HEADINGS, or any forms which are stands out from the danger. o be tilled aud copied, priutvd iu If he is a willing Saviour to any, 0 surely he is a When I see a young man leaving the yer & Colson. W hieh I will sell cheape E- E. POST, Proprietor, willing Saviour to a weary soul. pure influences of the home circle, and Boynton’s Coffin W arehouse, MEM ire R these goods a and must be sold within P. F. HANLEY, CLErtK. spending bis hours in places where drink 31 TislieY Building, 308 Main Stree,. — Evils in the journey of life arc like the hills t i: Transfer Printing inks, and gambling have their programme, al­ THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. which alarm travelers on their road; they both though he may take part only as a specta­ KNOX COUNTY.—In Probate Court, held at Rock­ appear great at a distance, but when we approach UTuiicis Tighe. land, on the third Tuesday of Februurv 1875. ami Tdi-graph Offices, (Either Black, Grev tor, yet 1 tremble for his safety, and long to A CERTAIN INSTRUMEN I’ purporting to be the I have a lot of Overcoats anil Reefers which will be five minutes walk ol thi , ha.- them we fiiuTthat they are far less insurmountable warn him to stand out from the danger. Rockland, January 1875. A last will and testament of ELIZA JAN E CUSII- sold for $5.(0 and upwards. Call early und secure ..ughly renovated papered, p and When I see fair hands proffer the sparkling .MAN, late of Rockland, in said County, deceased, some of the GREAIE>T BARGAINS EVER OF­ including beds. so that the printed matter :an be copied in an erdin- than we had conceived. having been presented for probate: FERED IN RUCK I. AND. wine to the noble and gifted, I think what ary letter-cc pving prtss, i i readily us the body of tho — An individual was standing on the steps c Or d er ed , That notice thereof be given, three a terrible wreck theirs would be if the weeks successively in the Rockland Gazette, printed isHitt and Rockland Accom letter or other document. Evans’ Hotel, Covcut Garden, when a gentleman in Rockland, in said County, that ail person, inter­ rocks were encountered, and 1 pray that VEGETINE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE WORLD ! w ith ail the boats at Rocklai came up to him and asked him if there was “ a ested may attend at a Probate Court to be held at Trunks, Valises, Hats, Caps, the scales may fall from the eyes of the Rockland, on tlm third Tuesday of .March next, readiness to convey pussenj gentleman with one eye named W alker” in the tempted so that they may stand out from Strikes at the ro and show cause, it any they have, why tlie said in­ restoring the liv Boots, Shoes, &c,, A good Boarding and Liv ry Stable iu counec- the danger. vigorating tlte nervous system. strument should not lie proved, approved and allowed club. “ I don’t know,” responded the savage; as the last will and testament of the deceased. W hich will be sol very low Pri ONLY 3 GEftiTS J “ what was the name of the other eye? ” When I see the reformed inebriate fre­ VECETINE 3wI2 E. M. WOOD. Judge. quenting the bar-room and mingling with ££ • Kem cK, and a church? ” lication, the b. . Criiicit good order. “Well, who knocked you down this VECETINE tilic. Biographical, Historical und Politi- Good prices paid tor Second Hand Stoves in printed from the latest styles of type on Fine Plriea Is acknowledged and recommended by physicians and cal Info.tin tke entire body of Foreign Pe- change tor new. Bristol, Tinted Bristol. Repp Bristol, white or tinted — “ You jist ought to have been over to our tim e? ” apothecaries to he tlie best purifier und cleanser of Adm inistratrix’s Notice. riodical Lit- I he highest market prices j aid for all kind: TRUE P. PIERCE, Snowflake, etc. Also Visiting or Business Cards house last night ! ” shouted one small boy to an­ “ Oh, I’ve had the same thing ail my eye, tlie blood yet discovered, and thousands speak in its TRUCK usually bought by Junk Dealers. Second Dining the coming y . the serial and short stories printed iu gold, ou the irunspareut Gela tin e or so- and I always laid it to a stick of wood! ” praise who have been restored to health. ol the hand SAILS bought and sold. other. “ Why—making pictures? ” inquired the Attorney and Counsellor at Law culled “ Ila! ha! The policeman struck hard, 2F5 2 0 . 0 0 IP . of JOHN De l ASK I. lute of Vinalhaveu, in the LEADING FOREIGN AUTHORS Crockett’s Building, other. “ Naut much ! Humph ! No, sir; our didn’t he ?” County of Kr.ox, deceased, intestate, and has unde taken that trust bv giving bond ns tlte law directs :— will be given, together wiih the amount unapproach­ folks went away and we had pop corn, two kind* “ Ot course it was a stick of wood—ye— W H A T fl* A E E D E D . ed by any other periodical in the world, of the NORTH END. OFFICE IN PILLSBURY BLOCK, O-IuA-SS C A R D S , hav Rockland. Jan . 14,1874. of sweetened water, milk and camphor, drew the lie—he—he! ” Boston, Feb. 13,1871. sired t o exhibit the sa rterury and scn-ntitic m atter ot the day, from ROCKLAND, : Mr . II. R. St e v e n s : the pens of the ubovi othe >r settlement; and all indebted t tore most tian'? Rs Scteutiests, Critics, Dis- Ox’ Various Colors. dog around in the tablecloth, and the hired Then there were people who pointed him Dear Sir—About one year since I found myself in a equested to make immediate payment to Prompt attention given to all business ei out as the abductor of Charlie Ross, and cotterers and Editoi pre: •ry department told us eight ghost stories.” feeble condition from general debility. VEGETINE HARRIET E. De LASKI. of knowledge amt progr people who thought he was one of the was strongly recommended to me by a friend who Vinalhaveu, Feb. 1G, 1875. 3wl2 1 lie iinportai of IttE Liv ing Ag e to every One D o lla r a Year. — The “ Poor Man’s Blanket ” should not be Gad’s Ilill robbers, and over fifty respecta­ had been much benelitted by its use. I procured s the only satisfactorily fresh and the article and after using seven hotties, was restored COMPLETE compilation of an tmlispensable cur­ forgotten this hard winter. Two thicknesses of ble men asked him why he didn’t get the to health and discontinued its use. 1 feel quite con­ Adm inistrator’s Notice. rent literature,—indispensable, because embraces the POSTAGE FREE. paper are better than a pair of blankets, and much other one blacked, so as to have a matched fident that there is no medicine superior to it for productions of those complaints lor which it Is especially prepared, VTOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber ha UBSCRIBE for your countv paper; pay ter it; and SOLARGRAPHS Town Reports, lighter for those who dislike heavy bed clothes. pair. and would cheerfully recommend it to those who feel 11 beend ’ ’ - ...... THE ABLEST LIVING WRITERS S_ and then scud one dollar for the that they need something to restore them to perfect ! COUNCE, bite of Thom A spread made of double layers of paper tacked health. Respectfully yours, the County of K; deceased, testate, ami in all branches of Literature, Science, Art and Poli­ U n iq u e A ddress to a C r im in a l .— A t tics—is sufficiently indicated bv ihe l'oiluwiug recent Portland Advertiser, together, between a covering of chintz or calico, :e U. L. I’ETTINGILI . has undertaken that trust ving bond as the law Chester, England, a woman was recently Firm of S. 31. Pettiugill &Co , 10 State Street, Boston. directs:—All persons, tl )re. having demands eklv -paper. In favo Catalogues Pamhiets really a desirable household article. neninst the estate of said < OPINIONS. SViekoora, A rtist, tried for killing her husband. The testi­ •• Reproduces the best thoughts of the best minds intelligi tariff’and civil ref , and opposed to in­ CINCINNATI, Nov. 20, 1672. hibit tiie same for settler flation, gov.vernment subsidie ti office-brokerage, — A woman at Williamsport, Pa., who was mony showed that she bore patiently Ion -aid estate ure requested of tiie civilized world, upon :»11 topics dT*iiving iu- of all kinds, as well as Mu. II. R. St e v e n s : ter.sts.”— I’hilidelphia Inquirer. Due of Hu intelligent journals of New Eng- continued provocation. At last, in a mo­ Dear Sir—The two bottles of VEGETINE fur­ ment to robbed of §160 by burglars a few nights ago, took 3wl2 JOSHUA L. JORDAN. •• in no other single publication can there be found and.—Xeic York Commtrcial Adcerti, ment of ungovernable irration, she threw a nished ine by your ugent, my wife has used with so much of sterling literary excellence.”—N. J . Ev till engaged in tlie Portrait busiue a shot gun and killed one of them, who was thrown great beuelit, One of the most influential Republican journals in Posters, sharpened steel at him, struck him, and r Pc Maine.—.Yew York Rost. into the Susquehanna river by his companions. For a long time she has been troubled with dizzi- the best of all eclectic publications."—The fatally wounded him. The Judge be­ ziness aud cositivcness; these troubles are entirely Nation, New York, A recognized and influential exponent and organ ot SOLAR PORTRAITS MADE FROM LIFE Hand Bills, Sha heard them talking about “ murder ” as they lieved from the evidence that the conse removed by the use of VEGETINE. W IC&VARIETY STORE gg-And the cheapest. A monthly that come every public cpiuion.—Maine Farmer. She was also troubled with Dyspepsia and General . iiicago. The most thoroughly independent newspaper in stood outside after the robbery, and on their at­ quences of th e act were deeply deplored by Debility; and lias been greatly benefited. 278 MAIN STREET. “ The ablest essays, the most entertaining stories, Maine.—Maine Standard. Programmes, tempting to re-enter the house fired with good the wife; that she did all in her power to THOS. GILMORE, 229.'; Walnut Street. the tiuest poetry ui the English language. : re here Characterized by thoughtfulness and candor.— of all kinds copied, such as D n sn rrre* gathered together.”—HI. state Journal. Flyers, effect. aid the man after wounding him, and Kennebec Journal. o ly p c , k mbi*olypt*M. .M c ln in o trp c M ,\c ., in FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. “ With it alone a reader may litirlv keep up with he most lepant style of the art, making them of any therefore, although the jury convicted, he flLBERT“SM!’ H, all that is importaht in the lit< rature, history, politics Entirely free from even the suspicion of complicity — A New York paper advertises—“ Lost; Natick, 3Iass., June 1st, 1872, with political rings.— J'or/.- Coirafy Independent. equired the size ot Lite. By this made the following unique address Mr . II. R. St e v e n s : d ea ler in and science of tin day.—.Methodist, N. Y. I ickets, coming out of Simpson & Norwell’s store, pocket­ •‘A pure and perpetual reservoir ami fountain of Very good and very cheap.—Machias Union. tlie criminal: “ All the real right in this Dear Sir—Through the advice and earnest persu entertainment aud instruction.”— llou. Hubert C Splendid Picturo can bo Obtained book containing twenty odd dollars.” Any num­ sion of Rev. E. S. Best, of this place, I have been Piano Fortes, Mebdeons Not a blanket sheet, and yot contains a digest of ease was on your side, all the real wron taking VEGETINE, for Dyspepsia, of which I have Winthrop. all current events and gives therurder much more Placards, I he best periodical in America.—Rev. Dr. Cuyler. titan his m oaej’s worth —Eltsxarth American. Jinny persons are possessed of pictures of deceased ber of dollars looks odd, now-a-days, and it is odd on your husband’s and God forbid that I suffered for years. periodical in the world.”—Alfred B. 1 have used only two bottles, and already feel my­ O l X r A N S , 9A~ Specimen copies sent free on application. relatives, which, though they are valued highly, are that any one man should have so many of them. should punish you. I will be no party to mid die various smaller Musical Instruments Street. still not so desirable as au elegantly fluished photo­ Circulars, self an ew mau. Respectfully, ‘It has no equal in any country.”—Philadelphia it. I will not allow it to be said by any­ D r. J. W. CARTER. Write to PORTLAND ADVERTISER, Portland graph. He must be a newspaper publisher. Stools, Covers, Strings, Instruction Maine. body that you are a convicted felon, for a Report from a Practical Chemist and B oks, Sheet Music, Fancy Its publication in weekly numbers gives to it a — British parson and commercial traveller in conviction is not complete until a sentence and Staple Goods, great advan age over its mouthly contemporaries in Law and Corporation Blanks, is passed, and I mean to pass no sentence Apothecary. the spirit and freshness of its contents.—The Pacific, Pictures Tastefully Framed the cars (conversation slow). Commercial travel­ seen as at all. I shall merely ask you to enter into San Francisco. in highly finished heavy Black W alnut, Oval and Bills of Lading, Receipts, ler ;—“ What line are you in 7 ” Parson ans­ Boston, Jan. I, 1874. Reticules, Pocket Knives, Portemonnales, Al­ “ ihe more noted new novels appear as serials, and E .H .& G . W. GOGHRAN’S Square Frames, new style Bos'ou und New your own recognizances to come up for Dear Sir—This is to certify that I have sold at re­ bums, Fancy Boxes, Stereoscopes ai ' ie most distinguished foreign thinkers in criticism, York Paterns. manutnctuied expressly wers, with a faint joke, that he is “ in the spirit­ judgment if called upon; and nobody in the tain 154 1-3 dozen (1852 bottles) of your VEGETINE Views, Desks, Fans, Toys, Dairies foi :ience and art ate represented iu its pages...... It Drafts, Notes, the only compilation that presents with a satis­ ual line.” “ Ha, ha,” says the other, “ blessed world will ever call upon you—God forbid siuce April 12.1870, andean truly say that it has given 1875, Wax and Wax -Materials, FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, the best satisfaction of any remedy for tiie complaints Initial Stationery Baskets, factory completeness, as well as freshness, the best and every other description of Mercantile and Gen­ if I didn’t think so. But, I say, what a d—1 of they ever should. for which it is recommended, that I ever sold. Scarce­ Brushes, Perfumery, literature of the almost innumerable and generally AND Pictures to their satisfaction. Necessary information ly aduy passes without some of my customers testify­ ROBINSON’S FARMERS’ ALMANACS for inaccessible European quarterlies,. monthlies and will be given by addressing the artist. eral Job Printing executed with roatnes3 and de- a price you’ve got gin up to.” •klies.—a literature embracing the productions of ing to its merits on themselves or their friends. I sale at retail by tho doz. 100 or 1.000. ReMidcucc Studio. Spenr Bloch* Main St. W iia t a T a il o r O f f e r e d f o r a Song ant perfectly cognizant of several cases of Scrofulous the ablest aud most cultured writers living. It is, Accident I xsukaace ■patch. — He who has got nothing in this world but to Tumors being cured by VEGETINE alone iu this We keep only first-class) 31usical Instruments therefore, indispensable to every one who desires a It is told of the great singer Farinelli that vicinity. Very respectfully yours, which we sell for Cash at t h e low est pr ic es, and thorough compendium ot all that is admirable and amuse himself has got the hardest job on hand a tailor having brought to him a magnifi­ Al GILMAN, 4C8, Broadway. on Instalments. We sell any make of Piano Fortes note-worihy iu the literary world.”—Boston Past. gency lrom 10 to 40 per cent, discount. Send for the “ Vox PUBLISHED WEEKLY at $8.00 u year, free of post- A . that we know of. cent costume which had been ordered de­ To II. R. Ste v e n s, Esq. 4wU Humana,” a .Monthly 3Iusic Paper, containing sever­ •e. Volume begins January 1. Address, CAPITAL KEPKESKNTED, OVER THOS. McLOON, Artist. — Lovo covers a multitude of sins. When a clined to present any bill, but with much al pages of desirable VochI und instrum ental 3Iusie Rockland, July 5. 1872. 30 Orders by Mull solicited* which will be promptly and interesting reading matter. Single copy, 10 L IT T L E & GAY', B o ston. tecuted and ut the surne rates as contracts made in diffidence begged that the artist should pay cents, sent to any addies?, post paid. One dollar per scar cannot be taken away the next kind office is him by singing one song. Farinelli, sur­ Vegetine is sold by all Druggists. SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS person. Addresx to hide i t Love is never so blind as when it is to prised, first endeavored to make the man All communications by mail reeelve prompt atten­ Losses Adjusted aud Paid at this ‘Agency.] tion. epy faults. name tlie amount of his bill, and failed. He Instruments warranted. Rent of Instruments p-Y T V O T I C i n . Curls at Giofray’s then gratified the man by a full display of able in advance. I Claims of the Berry Block, Rockland. — A pilot on the Mississippi telepraphed to his on at the City Rockland, 1874. 36 his powers, affording him unbounded de­ 278 Main Street . Office. .Masonic Block, on the last FRl wife in New Orleans. “ Ico-bound, my dear.” Rockland, Oct. 12, 1874. DAY evening of each mouth, front 7 1-2 till 9 o’clock, light. This done he handed him a sum l.ockiand, Nov. Ii, 1874. Her reply was “ Dear Hubby—Take blue mass at for the purpose of examining claims against the c it', double the value of tho costume, sayiiing, All bills m ust be approved bj tho party coLtructi; g Switches at Giotray’s ‘I night and a seidliU powder in the morning.” “ Now I have yielded to the request uponuj C LV cr-rioix z them. POTASH! BLANKS, Towu Orders and Auditor’s Be which you insisted, I insist that you accede , persons are hereby forbidden to take i G. BIRD. ) — A ^Chicago man closed his testimony in h’a to my request and accept this.” ports printed atjfihort notice R. C. HALL, > Committee. LE aNDER 1U 03IA S,) action for a divorse from his wife as follows: •* I the wreck ol STEAMSHIP GEORGIA, PATENT SHIPPINC-3TACS lion of said wreck, us 1 have purchased said wreck BEST LUMP POTASH. AZETTE JOB PRINTING HOfJSE don’t want to say anything again the woman, Wedding Invitations.—Latest Styles she lies, witlt everything ou axd about and per- By the way many people in society waste with or without monogram, and envelopes to I talblHfi t0 8U*^ steamer. l Printed to order at Shorj Judge, but I wish you could live with her a little I O , E . Shaw Ac Co. their passing time, one would think that match, 1 unlisted al short nuliceAT Tin a of Braids at Giotrav’s. iN o tice. 244 Main Street, Sookland. while.” they expected to live eternally. *ick, I Boston, Jan. 29, 1675, 3 329 Main Street, Rockland.