Portland Daily Press: September 28, 1900
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DAg PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. GSS ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862— ■ VO I J‘ 3Q * ------ land, FRIDAY MAINE, MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900. {SZSi PRICE THREE GENTS bhor relations with the Chinese envoys. So it CONFERENCE PROPOSED. members of the fire GKLA TEST STC RE appears that much more depends department of this MAINE'S TO CO village by the lire department of Lisbon | upon what Tuan does than what he has Of Pekin Ministers to Draw Up Terms Falls, Me., some weeks ago, the members done. of Peace. of the East Weymouth department ten- dered the members of Gen. Bates Engine REPLIES TO GERMANE. Paris, September 27.—The practical company of Lisbon Falls a banquet last deadlock in the^ efforts to commence night at Masonic hall Favor Punlihiumt of lllng Leaders peace negotiations with China, has giv- but ENCOURAGING REPORT. dill Soon Bo Ordered To Not Neceessarlly He fore Negotiu- en an impetus to the suggestion that the tlous Are Ueguu. ministers at Pekin be Instructed to hold Austin, Tex., September 27.—Gov, Sayers returned from Galveston today meetings for the purpose of drawing up Berlli^, September 27. —The German and reported conditions in that city aa (Jo Ahead. the terms of a treaty of peace. The faot press and foreign ollioe oohtlnue to greatly improved. deny that the the The relief committee is excellent that Great powers, through exchange of doing Britain has rejected Ger- work and the views between their respective' foreign people, generally, talk many's proposal. They also continue to Negotiations Pending Which Are hoijefully. There were about 1700 men at are unable to reach an Likely offices, agreement, work the blame the United Sifcates for the recently clearing away debris on Wed- has, it is claimed, dearly emphasized the nesday. It Is his opinion that It will revived Chinese obduracy and the re- difficulty of settling on terms regarding require 4000 men to remove all the de- newed evidences that the Chinese intend ris within the next 110 BBl of General Nature of occurrences to days. \) Comfort In- so End The at great a distance, and, Coal Strike. to resume hostilities on a large plan. it is added, it has showed that the min- RED CROSS AT GALVESTON. House The Berliner Tageblatt alone udvises Your structions Given. isters on the 6pot are the persons most Galveston, September 27.—The Galves- Germany not to expect a favorable an- ton of the National fitted and capable for working out a auxiliary Red Cross rests on the swer to her from Lord Salis- organized All the proposition common of society today. publio ground settlement. General relief work will hereafter be bury, “as his wish to carefully nurse conducted Instructions only, it is further suggest- through the auxiliary and it is Intended HEATING. intimate relations with the United States ed, should be given to the ministers, the Powerful Said to Be to ma ke it a permanent organization. forms the keynote of his Influences, Miss Clara Barton will address the com- policy.” details to be left largely to their discre- work in hot water i The mittee tomorrow on the of the Expert steam, Not to Involve foreign ollioe told the correspon- subject Sought Any Other tion. home and heating costs less than dent of the Associated Press this after- building. .furnace An official of the foreign office here Political, at Work. think if you let us do it. An Power. noon, that Great Britain’s answer had you expressed the hope this morning that is free. not yet but that as soon as it estimate arrived, such Instructions would be forthcom- did, the government would be glad to ing, within a week and that the general publish no matter what its it, character. instructions would be under three Oren Sons Sir Frank the British ambas- Hooper’s Lascelels, heads: First, punishment of the conspi- sador, who was interviewed PORTLAND. regarding rators ; second, compensation for losses Inquiries As to Tuan’s the matter, said: President Mitchell Believes Ad- MptiOOOdtflp sustained, and, third, guarantees for ‘‘Great Britain's In delay answering the future. ^ Appointment. Germany's Is due to the as proposal faot, The determination ofjthe United States vance I understand Has Been Offered. it, that Lord Salisbury has to withdraw her troops from China, asked Sir ^Claude McDonald to report while at the same time Increasing the the STUDENTS upon feasibility of the German strength of her fleet in Chinese waters, Is plan.” rather disconcerting to the powers, but From Chinn Told It two high diplomatic sources it the it in offic- tr< o them find May Retard interpretation put upon Whose eyes will was learned today that all the answers ial circles is that the United States has Cardinal Gibbons Probably Selected as whiob have it to their a< tape to consult Negotiations. been received to^Germany's resolved to protect the policy of the proposition have one feature in common. open door to the extremity, and is,there- the Arbitrator* me. I mako care of the eyes While In accepting principle the demand fore,[preparing a fleet for the purpose of for a of students a <» chool children a proper punishment of the ringlead- maintaining that policy by a show.of Washington, September 27.—Minister ers, they refuse to postpone all peaoe ne- force. I nave examined the specialty. Conger has l>een advised by the state de- gotiations until after the settlement of The publication of an alleged edict this more than partment ol the substance of the replies one point. The replies of Japan and the annexation of Man- eyes of 1000 students announcing Philadelphia, Pa., September 27.—The the report that the operators would offer made by this government last Friday France are in agreement as to this. has caused a churia, decidedly uneasy feature of the coal strike situa- an advance to the was made while the aud havo re- towering men, during past year to the govern nents of Germany, Kussla Therefore, it cannot be truthfully said but no one here was able to reeling; tion today and one which attracted the he was holding a conference with his and clear- that Count Yon Buelow’s latest move definitely affirm Its authenticity. In lieved huudreds of cases of Japan respecting China,which all interests was lieutenants. Those eye- this the same attention of involved, atftheconference'were ly Indicated to him the general nature has proved an unqualified success, discussing point, foreign office official expressed emphatically a the widely circulated report that negotia- National Committeeman Fred Dilcher of strain by the application of suita- of the Instructions he Is to receive. More- desire that the United States should tions are pending and rapidly nearing Ohio, W. B. Fairley of Alabama, Benja- over, by this time, he Is informed of the know that France has no sympathy ble leuse*. HAVE WRITTEN CHING. completion for an amicable settlem ent of min James of Pennsylvania President orders lB6ued to Gen. Chall'ee to reduoe with any movement towards the partition strike. T. D. Nlcholls of the Diplomat* lie tarn to Pekin of of China, and that she will lend all her the Wyoming-Lacka- his force to a Suggest legation guard. influence towards averting what; she While the identity of the person or per- wanna district and President John Fahy Tne note to China Empress Dowager, would be a mistake and a I Make No for Examination. specifically pointed considers sons who are said to be at work endeav- of the Schuylkill region. Charge out the lines on which this wrong. government (Copyright, 1D00, the Associated Press.) oring to bring about ^.the immediate and After the meeting which lasted until will Issue Its Instructions to Its minis- Pekin, September 31, via Tafcu, Sep- WILL BE SETTLED. peaceful adjustment of the differences be- midnight President Mitchell Informed lour chance to secure a good pair ter. The document Itself Is In oourse of tween the and has the Associated Press that the tember 25.—All the foreign ministers Scranton Thinks Tliat Operators Can’t employers employes meeting of ladies’ Boots, former $4.00 N. T. WORTHLEY, JR., final Hill hav- prices approval, acting Secretary have addressed notes not been it was admitted was held for of discussing the to Prince Chlng, Stand Out. disclosed, openly the|purpose and $3.50, this season, for ing com Dieted the draft some davs asro 478 l-i» CONOUKSS ST. suggesting the return to Pekin of the in authoritatie.sources that such endeav- question of holding the men together if and forwarded it to the President. It Scranton, Pa., September 27.—At an Emperor and the court. The notes were or was in progress. negotiations for a settlement should be was the belief of the state Informal conference of the local operators 98 Cents. Rfgular consulting Optician at Maine department informal and not written in a President Truesdale of the Lackawanna on foot. diplomatic the of the late this afternoon that the aotual trans- tonight report negotiations such ad- Mitchell not been The writers do not consider company is quoted as making Mr. has yet officially To clean our stock these odd Wesleyan Seminary, Kent llill, and mauy capacity. for the strike was discussed and up mission of the Instructions would be settling manner or whom Informed of the action. It is them binding upon their respective gov- mission,but in what by operators but must be the concensus of was that in- lots, good wearing shoes, other leading New England schools. carried out in the opinion he to understood that the offer made the very soon, probably ernments.