2020 by NATURE

Nature as a source of inspiration

Kuopio aims at strong growth

Top 10 events in Kuopio EDITORIAL CONTENTS

“In Kuopio, it seems Kuopio – Nature Wellbeing and Happiness as if everyone knows 04 The wonder of nature across Where people have all seasons in Kuopio PAGE 08 a secret about life.” 08 Wellbeing and Happiness discovered something 12 Nature as a Source of Inspiration Kuopio Aims at KUOPIO by NATURE essential about life 14 Forest Pre-school Enriches Children’s Creativity and Strong Growth Imagination ANNUAL JOURNAL OF I was brought to Kuopio by fortunate Situated between East and West, PAGE 42 THE CITY OF KUOPIO winds twelve years ago. Since then, Kuopio is the capital of ’s 16 Mika Kojonkoski – a Coach the diversity of the offerings of this Lakeland region. We cherish our be- by Nature Editor-in-chief Kirsi Soininen city and the warmth I have felt in my loved Lake Kallavesi, and from Kuo- 17 Nature – Travel & wellbeing Executive editor Reetta Airaksinen encounters with its people will never pio, you can sail even to the edge of 18 Fun(ny) Ways to Travel in Kuopio Visual Designer cease to make me happy. The ease the world via the Saimaa Canal. The Jenni Loimulahti, Oddy Inc. of everyday life and the inspiring en- changing beauty of the lake’s scenery 20 Hospitality and a culture of getting things done English editing Elisa Wulff vironment unleash boundless energy throughout the cycle of the seasons for innovation and world-class excel- and its significance to our well-being Journal texts Akiola-Media Oy lence. It is as if the power of nature is open to everyone. There are also Top 10 Events Cover Puijo Tower, and the good willpower of people many exciting projects in the pipeline photo by Wille Markkanen in Kuopio reign in Kuopio. With everything you including the innovation and learning Special thanks to: Anne Lappalainen, need available within close reach, centre, Savilahti, which will be built PAGE 38 Satu Hilden, Henna Lindroos, there is time to slow down. You can beside the shore of Lake Kallavesi. Raija Korhonen go to work on foot, by bike, by boat The region holds exquisite and ex- Printed by Grano or even on skis in winter. Networking ceptional know-how and solutions happens easily, and a straightforward for global challenges, including world- Editorial office atmosphere prevails on all levels. class excellence in neuroscience, en- The key to Kuopio’s future lies in its vironmental safety and healthcare. City of Kuopio / Future Kuopio Marketing and Communication communities and in their coopera- Kuopio has the lofty vision to be the Tulliportinkatu 31, tion. capital of the good life, where each Live Like Local 42 Kuopio Aims at Strong Growth P.O. Box 228, FI-70100 Kuopio Kuopio unites its native residents of us plays a crucial role, sharing a 46 Kuopio – a growing with people from elsewhere. There chance to write the future story of 24 Kuopio State of Mind international city with top level Feedback [email protected] are nearly 120,000 of us, and the Kuopio and to do things that make 28 Life and culture in Kuopio expertise in health sciences number continues to grow. Here, you our hearts sing. 32 Sauna Experiences 47 Working life & Business www.kuopio.fi will find an abundance of positive cu- The COVID-19 pandemic shocked The Centre of the Universe: riosity for new things. Minna Canth’s the world in 2020. However, we be- 33 48 Savilahti – the Future Lives Here www.kuopiohighlights.fi Positive Encounters (1844–1897) impact as an advocate lieve that together we can rise from 52 Wellbeing in Kuopio is a Sum Pride in the Community for www.kuopiotahko.fi of freedom of speech and responsi- this crisis and continue building the 34 of Many Parts Personal Competence bility, a promoter for understanding, capital of good life. 54 The Twin Peaks of Kuopio: and an eliminator of grievances, is 36 Constructing Neurocenter Life and culture Puijo and Tahko Finland in Kuopio in still present in the city today. In Kuo- a Collaborative Atmosphere in Kuopio pio, we nurture a desire to increase 37 Everyday life and studies PAGE 28 understanding and have a passion for Kirsi Soininen development and for taking a stand. Marketing Director, City of Kuopio 38 Top 10 Events in Kuopio

2 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 3 The wonder of nature across all seasons in Kuopio

Kuopio, the Capital of Lakeland, is located at the heart of the most beautiful Finnish lake scenery Finland has to offer. Kuopio’s residents love that nature surrounds the city and particularly Lake Kallavesi. This environment promotes a way of life focused on wellbeing, enjoyment and vitality across all seasons.


The untouched nature of the north, including catch fish from Kallavesi – particularly vendace, a ancient forests and lakes inform the unique and delicacy served in Kuopio’s restaurants. special character of the Kuopio region. As winter comes along, the lake surface freez- Swimmers can jump into the refreshing and es over offering new activities including ice-­ clean water of Lake Kallavesi in the summer. You skating, skiing, riding snowmobiles on the lake can also ride the waves with a canoe or a SUP and paragliding. Every year an ice track is creat- board, or hop on a water jet or a motor boat. Tra- ed for the Kuopio Ice Marathon which is also en- ditional inland waterway ships joyed by all who wish to glide transport passengers to the on a 12.5-kilometre course of Saana travel centre and the “Kuopio makes it crystal-­clear ice. Alahovi vineyard. The Tahko extremely easy In the spring, the sun at- tourism area is also accessible tracts ice fishers who hunch through the channels and locks for people to over a hole carved in the ice in the waterways. visit nature.” waiting tirelessly for a catch. In the autumn, leaves that The springtime sun also spurs have turned yellow adorn the boaters into action, ready to forests by Lake Kallavesi, and a northern wind prepare their boats for the summer. casts waves on the lake, serving as a reminder Kuopio is a city surrounded by nature offering As winter comes along and the lake surfice of the approaching winter. This will not stop the clean air, water in every direction as well as many freezes, you can enjoy all kinds of fun on ice ceaseless fishermen from using their nets to events and activities year round. such as ice windsurfing.


EXPERIENCES AND ACTIVITIES In Tahko, local visitors get to enjoy a trendy nature for Kuopio’s residents and making full use staycation at its best. Kasurila, another down- of the health impacts of nature, Jauhiainen plans. Seppo Jauhiainen, a forester at the city of Kuo- hill ski resort in the Kuopio region, is a neigh- pio, believes that genuinely having four seasons bourhood centre easily reached by a local bus. UNIQUE PUIJO AND EVERYMAN’S is the area’s greatest strength. Suutari­nen says that Kasurila has been named RIGHTS – We also have a genuine winter here. Many for- the local centre of the year. eigners gasp when they see the Finland Ice Mar- – In Kasurila, visitors get a taste of the local At the centre of Kuopio soars Puijo, an ancient athon ice skating track in Kuopio. While Finnish culture and community. It is a joy to see how this granite hill and the world’s northernmost nemoral people are used to spending time on the ice, it is small downhill skiing centre has emerged as a liv- forest zone. Puijo is also Finland’s oldest private something new and amazing for many foreigners. ing room for the locals. nature reserve. There is also another wonder- With different seasons come different outdoor ful nature reserve close to Kuopio’s centre, the activities and ways to enjoy the beautiful nature REACHING NATURE WITH EASE Kolmi­soppi-Neulamäki. The area’s size is around in the area for both locals and tourists. Kuopio 230 hectares and Puijo’s area size is slightly over offers a great variety of hiking and outdoor trails, Kuopio makes it extremely easy for people to vis- 200 hectares. and has also invested in resting areas. it nature. The city is located in the midst of na- The cross-country skiing season already be- There are many campfire sites, lean-tos and ture, surrounded by Lake Kallavesi. The city plan gins at the Puijo sport and recreation venue in fishing huts in the forests and shores of Kallavesi, also pays attention to ensuring easy accessibility November. In Puijo, skiers can also practise on a enabling visitors to build a fire and cook food. The to nature, and recreation offered to the residents 2.5-kilometre track named after skier Iivo Nis­ shores also have many beaching sites for pad- also involves nature. kanen, Olympic champion on the men’s 50 kilo- dlers and boaters. – I am sure the most exotic metre classical, and they might even run into the – Those into high-energy “Kuopio thing in Kuopio for a foreigner is master himself there. activities will also enjoy our our nature itself and the effort- – Puijo has seen incredible successes in sports. snowmobile routes, Jauhiai­ offers the most less way to access it, Jauhiainen Thanks to Puijo’s ski jumping hills and cross­ nen tips. estimates. country skiing tracks, athletes from Kuopio have It takes less than one hour astonishing nature According to Jauhiainen, the won a huge number of world championship and from the centre of Kuopio to and cleanest air!” distance from homes to Lake Olympic medals, says Pekka Niemelä, the man- reach Tahko, a leisure time re- Kallavesi is less than half a kilo- aging director of Puijo Peak Oy. Nature’s treasure hunting. In autumn, people can sort for golf, horse riding and metre in the Saaristokaupunki­ Above the sports venue, in the middle of an- harvest berries and mushrooms. mountain biking in the summer, and amazing neighbourhood, and nature paths and non-mo- cient pines, is the Puijo Tower Restaurant whose downhill and cross-country skiing in the winter. torised traffic routes start nearly at the resi- windows display a breath-taking view of the lake – We are known for beautiful snowy winters of- dents’ front door. Public transport from different scenery. fering many different experiences to our visitors areas of Kuopio also transports people close to – Kuopio offers the most astonishing nature and locals alike. What an amazing experience it natural sites. and cleanest air! The city has the cleanest urban these activities must not cause any harm to na- is to see the sun rise from the top of the slope Many choose to live in a sparsely populated air in Finland and sixth cleanest urban air in Eu- ture. when you are about to take the morning’s first area with easy access to berry and mushroom rope, Niemelä rejoices. – Many foreigners are wondering how people ride down the hill, describes Lauri Suutarinen, picking sites as well as excellent conditions for Thanks to the cleanliness of the nature sur- can simply go into a forest here and eat berries the managing director of Huippupaikat Oy, which hunting, fishing and camping. rounding Kuopio, people can harvest berries and when they are in season. Kuopio’s residents are runs the Tahko ski resort. By 2030, Kuopio’s vision is to be not only the mushrooms to eat every autumn. Finland and familiar with spending time in nature, and out- In the summer, the slopes are used for downhill capital of Lakeland Finland, but also the capital the Nordic countries have particularly extensive door and camping associations are very active in mountain biking, while visitors can also reach an for a good life. Good life manifests as health, vi- everyman’s rights. Under these rights, anyone Kuopio, says Seppo Jauhiainen. observation tower by climbing the stairs leading tality of the region, and richness of everyday life. can spend time in nature regardless of who owns The closeness to wilderness and clean nature up the top of the Tahko hill and enjoy the delica- – The vision of becoming the capital for a good the area. are what makes Kuopio a nice place to live and do cies at panoramic restaurants. The world’s north- life is a great reason for further utilising and im- Everyman’s rights enable nearly free move- things in. Indeed, Jauhiainen noted that perhaps ernmost IRONMAN race will also take place in proving the opportunities for physical activity in ment, berry and mushroom picking, boating, Kuopio got a little more than many other places Tahko in August 2020. swimming and moving on natural ice. However, when the world was created.

6 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE 7 Wellbeing and Happiness

Throughout the ages, Finns have perceived forests as a sanctuary of spirituality and humanity. The mystical powers held by forests have been known since the time of Finnish paganism.

Nature affects our wellbeing in many ways. Hiking and chilling in Tahko. The more often a person engages in physical activity in nature, the better his or


When you walk through nature, your benefit the most form physical activ- cess nature even in more densely blood pressure is reduced, stress ity in natural settings, Pasanen says. built living environments. Kuopio disappears, and eyes tired from star- What people pay attention to when pays attention to this fact, and its ing at a screen are revived. Finland’s spending time in nature is also im- residents can easily access nature for nature is safe, and while forest areas portant. Focusing on your thoughts recreation, even from built environ- are large, the paths leading to them and emotions, the activity you are ments. are clearly marked. Visitors can also engaging in, and the surrounding na- In 2017, the city of Kuopio was make forest trips with a wilderness ture correlate with feeling better af- granted the national urban park sta- guide. ter spending time in nature. tus for an area mostly covering the ar- The effects nature has on our well- chipelago of Lake South Kallavesi, the being have also been studied scien- city’s park areas and buildings repre- tifically. The doctoral thesis of Master “The national urban senting different eras. The national of Science Tytti Pasanen of Tampere park of Kuopio is urban park of Kuopio is the largest in University concerned the role of the Finland at 7,300 hectares. The area settings of physical activity for well- the largest in Finland.” covers important bird conservation being. zones, geological formations, recrea- - The more often a person engages tional and camping areas, and bodies in physical activity in nature, the bet- Pasanen evaluates that those ex- of water owned by the city. ter his or her mental wellbeing. Those periencing a lot of stress have little under a lot of stress feel that they free time, and should be able to ac-


Forest yoga provides one way to engage in exercise and relax in nature.

Urban park in the city centre has many activity possibilities and also a beautiful view to chillax.

URBAN PARK ATTRACTS PEOPLE TO NATURE In addition to the archipelago, the people to get to know all areas grant- Vähäsarja thinks that Kuopio’s res- tunities for recreation at the heart of vides a perfect mix for this purpose. Kuopio urban park also includes 24 ed the status and understanding how idents are lucky to be able to access nature. The area’s nature is clean and - It is easier to let go of stress and hectares of park areas. Different lay- unique this country really is. water and forests, whatever their its quietness can astonish you. Forest worries in a forest, as the environ- For up to centuries, nature has been a ers of the city’s development are vis- neighbourhood. yoga provides one way to engage in ment already puts your mind at ease. source of mental health and physical ible alongside these parks in the form NATURE PRODUCES GOOD Indeed, Kuopio’s residents see na- exercise and relax in nature. Just spending some time in nature activity while also enabling many to of the market square, barracks, the LIFE ture as a key factor for a good life. En- lowers your stress levels. earn a living. Heli Laurinen, a mas- old Kuopio museum, and church. The gaging in physical activity in nature is “Nature also These days, Remes-Koponen lives ter planning manager at the City of area of the urban park located with- The location of recreational sites in popular, and good opportunities for in Scotland and misses Finland’s for- Kuopio, assesses that the status will in the city’s grid plan is like a string the city at the heart of an archipelago exercising in nature contribute to the significantly affects ests and lakes. She particularly longs lead to improved awareness of natu- of pearls made of key sites, including is largely based on the area’s history quality of everyday life. Nature also mental wellbeing.” for the silence and space that prevails ral sites. the square and parks. of fishing and spending nights around significantly affects mental wellbe- here. National urban parks serve as a - Research has shown that even water. As the city maintains these ing. - There is immense value in being window to Finland’s nature and devel- small green areas are beneficial for sites, it is easy to reach them to enjoy - When we protect nature, we also Forest yoga melds the mind, body able to walk on ice, surrounded by opment stages. Kuopio is character- health. The urban park status enables nature and campfire. protect human welfare, Vähäsarja es- and nature. People can meditate on a whiteness for as far as the eye can ised by its formation into an inland ar- us to keep these areas despite pres- - The Kuopio region also has an timates. tree stump or relax among tall grass see and not seeing a single house or chipelago at the lap of Lake Kallavesi. sure for denser urban construction, unusually high number of ski tracks, on a slope while looking at the Kalla­ other person. - The archipelago of the Kuopio ur- Laurinen notes. hiking trails and nature paths, all of FOREST YOGA AND PEACE vesi scenery, for example. In a forest, every one of us can stop ban park creates great conditions for The urban park of Kuopio is part of which lower the threshold for peo- OF NATURE Yoga aims at calming down the and smell the air or feel the ground picking berries, fishing, canoeing and the national network of urban parks ple to experience nature, says Kati body and spirit, and yoga teacher beneath our bare feet. Nothing is other forms of recreation, Laurinen in Finland. The nine cities included in Vähäsarja, manager of civic activities Kuopio offers numerous sites for and nature guide Johanna Remes-­ more revitalising for a busy modern explains. the network share an aim of inspiring at the City of Kuopio. physical activity and versatile oppor- Koponen finds that forest yoga pro- person than relaxing in nature.

10 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE 11 Harri Nylund distilling the end product. Nature as a Source


Finland’s nature inspires art, literature and innovations alike. The unspoilt nature The Kuopio region and North and its many offerings inspire Kuopio’s Savo county has been granted the European Region of Gastron- residents to create products that garner omy (ERG) award. The county awards around the world. Lingnell & Piispanen product development starts will celebrate the award in 2020– outdoor by testing different ingredients. 2021. The year of celebration and PHOTOS LIGNELL & PIISPANEN award are one step towards the recognition of the region of North Savo for its foods and as a A plane is circling over the Kallavesi dients for Lignell & Piispanen’s prod- – We started developing the inter- artist brothers active in the 1800s, served as an example for his younger food tourism location national- lake. Its windows display water and ucts. nationally renowned Gustav Metsä particularly depicted birds in their brothers. ly and internationally. European forest as far as the eye can see. The – I asked our guests whether they Gin based on a story. We wished to paintings and painted landscapes. In addition to visual arts, nature has Region of Gastronomy is a na- Chinese clients of Lignell & Piispanen, had a look from the airplane to see create a world of flavour reflecting The brothers were the twice-great also strongly inspired the local liter- tionally renowned award annually an alcohol producer from Kuopio that how much of Finland is covered by what people might encounter when uncles of Professor Emeritus Atte ature in Kuopio. Nature is ever-pres- granted for one of several Euro- has gained international acclaim, are forest. They were astonished when I stepping into a Finnish forest on a von Wright. He be- ent in the works of pean regions. about to arrive in Kuopio as the com- told them that was where the ingre- humid summer morning, sensing the lieves that nature great authors from The ERG award emphasises pany’s guests. dients are growing and where they different scents around them, Nylund had a major impact the Savo region, responsibility, local food, and The guests have kept asking Harri are handpicked. describes. on the brothers’ “Nature is Juhani Aho and cooperation between small and Nylund, the company’s development Nature is present everywhere in Finns have always eaten and used art as it was always present everywhere Minna Canth. Sirpa medium-sized enterprises. The director, for a permission to visit the Kuopio and serves as inspiration for forest plants. In fact, Lignell & Piis- near, and as hunting Kähkönen, a con- status provides those involved company’s plantations during their many industries. panen also gets some raw ingredi- was a typical way to in Kuopio.” temporary author, with international visibility, new stay. He has been trying his best to ents for their products from its staff, earn a living, even keeps this tradition business, tourists, and events. explain that the company has no ac- DELICACIES FROM NATURE including wood sorrel and spruce among the gentry. alive. The year of celebrations will bring tual cultivated land. sprouts. This meant that the – In addition to along a lot of activities related to Instead, Nylund is planning to lead Those involved in the product devel- brothers had no shortage of models art and literature, nature also inspires food and culture, and taking part the guest to a nearby forest. At the opment at Lignell & Piispanen spend NATURE INSPIRES ART for their work. science. We are a university town fo- in them can bring companies and ground level, the guests can spot a lot of time outdoors testing dif- – In his diaries, Magnus von Wright cused on natural and environmental their services a lot of visibility. blueberries and lingonberries, and ferent ingredients, including herbs, Nature has also left its mark on Kuo- wrote about his love for forests and sciences, and when nature is your raspberries and rowanberries also roots and berries. They also follow pio’s cultural heritage. Magnus, Wil­ lakes and everything under the sun. subject of study, it is also sure to in- Source: grow near. These are the raw ingre- current trend surveys. helm and Ferdinand von Wright, He took inspiration from nature and spire you, von Wright notes. www.tastesavo.fi/erg_2020

12 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE 13 Forest Pre-school Enriches Children’s Creativity and Imagination

The wind is humming, stones rattling under our feet and a woodpecker is pecking on a tree as we approach a hut screened by a forest in the The natural environment provides tools Saaristokaupunki neighbourhood in Kuopio. The environment stimulates for children to play and learn. Children all senses and fresh air fills our lungs. We have just arrived to the forest get to climb trees freely. pre-school of the Uppo-Nalle day care centre.


Smoke coming up the hut chimney adds to the solve any problems that may come up, says Heli physically demanding. The children get naturally The children explore real-life issues through peaceful atmosphere as the pre-schoolers are Pohjola, an early childhood education and care tired, says Katri Viik, an ECEC nanny. natural phenomena. Examining phenomena is starting their morning activities. Two girls excit- (ECEC) instructor at the pre-school. The forest pre-school involves a lot of excur- based on the children’s interests and questions. edly rush over to a treehouse to play while other The forest setting encourages group forma- sions into the forest. The Suomen Latu outdoor The children learn extensively through the phe- children are playing a game by the hut guessing tion and building strong social relationships. association has awarded the forest pre-school of nomena, without limits set by learning subjects. which letter their friends are drawing on their the Uppo-Nalle day care centre the Metsämörri – The children are interested in things such as backs. A few boys start building an airplane out of RESTING AT THE FOREST HUT quality certificate. why do birds sing. At our pre-school, this ques- pieces of board. – The certificate’s Metsämörri troll character is tion was used as the basis of an action-based Kuopio already has three forest pre-schools. The activities are only interrupted by meals, at very important to the pre-schoolers. The char- two-week project aiming to answer the question, Their surroundings boost children’s creativity. which point the group leaves the forest to eat at acter helps teach the children about camping as Pohjola says. The natural environment provides tools for chil- a day care centre located near the hut. After the well as respecting nature and taking care of the The forest is also a great environment for de- dren’s play, and there is hardly any need for actual meal, the children have a rest on sheepskin rugs environment, Pohjola rejoices. veloping motor skills. The children develop their toys. The children use materials found in nature in the hut. At this point, the children listen to the coordination skills in the natural, uneven terrain, as the building blocks of their sounds of the nature and a sto- EXPLORING NATURAL PHENOMENA and end up engaging in a lot of physical activity play. ry told by the children of the without even noticing. They also get to use up – While the children get to “The children are adventures of the Hut Fox. The forest pre-school follows the same curricu- energy, which calms down hyperactive children. climb trees, the pre-school – After taking a rest, the chil- lum set for pre-primary education as others. An- The embers are fading in the hut stove and it’s staff has agreed on the play interested in things dren can engage in quiet activ- ything typically done indoors at a desk can also time to return to the day care centre. As the hut area and rules for playing in such as why do ities by the fire in the hut or go be brought outside and made to include more door opens, the crisp winter air gently nips at our the forest. The staff trust the out and play in the forest. Many activity. Materials from the forest are used in the faces. The stories of the Hut Fox will be set aside children and encourage them birds sing.” children actually fall asleep, as instruction, and the activities focus on playing until tomorrow, as the joyful group of pre-school- to take care of each other and spending time in the forest is and learning through play. ers frolic back to the day care centre.


Mika Kojonkoski Nature – Travel & wellbeing – a Coach by Nature

REVENUES FROM TOURISM IN OVERNIGHT STAYS IN KUOPIO With a swing of a flag, coach Mika Kojonkoski THE AFFECTED AREA sends another ski jumper down the hill. Kojonkoski, who has won his spurs in international top sports and coaching, € 2 545,000 BILLION has returned to his hometown of Kuopio after years spent abroad. In Kuopio, he NUMBER OF values both excellence and the exceptional SKI SPAS INTERNATIONAL RESORTS nature surrounding the city. CONGRESS VISITORS 2 5 UP BY


REVENUES FROM NATURE THE BEST “My goal was to return To this setting of excellence and been reaping international FIS scores. ACCOMMODATION CONSERVATION DISC GOLF nature Kojonkoski is bringing prom- – The expectations originally set SERVICES AREAS TRACK AT to Kuopio after achieving ising new ski jumpers, this time from for the Chinese athletes’ success many great successes China. He has been asked to coach were overly optimistic. Despite this, Chinese summer sport athletes as we have been able to reach pretty abroad during my career.” € 34 2 PUIJO ski jumpers for the Beijing 2022 Win- much all of them while even exceed- MILLION ter Olympics. ing some of our wishes and dreams. – My goal was to return to Kuopio There is no clear formula for mak- For decades, Mika Kojonkoski‘s name after achieving many great successes ing a ski jumper successful. It involves FINLAND ICE MARATHON has been linked to international elite abroad during my career. It has been collaboration with a large group, and COMPETITION TRACK AMONG THE TOP sports and coaching skills. Kojonkoski a pleasure to operate in my home involves searching, experimenting ON NATURAL ICE 100 calls Kuopio his home. The city has a town, Kojonkoski says. and deliberating. special meaning to him. The projects with the Chinese ath- – Coaching requires constant DIFFERENT FIRE PITS, 3 – Kuopio is a lively city. There is letes was launched in 2018 and has brainstorming, Kojonkoski summa- GOAHTIS (FIN: KOTA) 12.5 FISHING LODGES AND TOURISM IN FINLAND amazing expertise here and the na- already produced promising results rises. KM LEAN-TO SHELTERS (FIN: LAAVU) ture surrounding the city is one of its thanks to the experienced coach: kind, Kojonkoski notes. some of the jumpers have already

16 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE 17 Nowadays “Vossikka”, a horse-drawn carriage from the 19th century is popular in weddings and tours. Fun(ny) Ways to Travel in Kuopio

Kuopio has made a wide selection of physical activities available for locals and visitors alike. Electric city bikes provide a popular way to get around the city.


Everything is near and easy to reach The city bikes are typically used for runners propelled by kicking, which in Kuopio. Perhaps this is why Kuo- short distances. There is a clear trend can reach quite a speed on snow. pio’s residents are masters in coming in riding the bikes from the city centre Kicksleds also have a chair seat, up with new and fun ways to travel. to the Savilahti science park and back which means that the sled can have a Depending on the time of year, peo- to the centre. Väätäinen believes that passenger. ple can hop on a kicksled or a horse- the students of Savilahti form one In the summer, a sauna boat takes drawn carriage. major Vilkku bike user group. happy groups across Lake Kallave- The city has also been a forerunner Kuopio will introduce 100 more si. Customers can enjoy the heat of in introducing smart transports solu- Vilkku bikes next summer, after which the sauna and have a swim in the lake tions, such as the Vilkku bikes. These the total number of bikes will be 250. while travelling on the boat. Most are the first pedal assist e-bikes used sauna boats also offer snacks. as city bikes in any Nordic country. OTHER ENJOYABLE In the summers, bike taxis also op- The Vilkku bicycles make it quick MEANS OF TRANSPORT erate in the Kuopio city centre and and easy to reach places such as IN KUOPIO neighbouring areas. Book this rick- Saana with its sauna facilities or the shaw by telephone or try and catch Väinölänniemi beach. If they so wish, Kuopio’s residents can one on the fly. - The locals have been quick to ac- actually reach even the airport, with In the summer, you can hop on a cept the e-bikes, and each bike is used cross-country skis in winter. The horse-drawn carriage at the side of on average five times per day. Use area has a vast number of ski tracks, the market square. Customers can rates were highest in the first sum- and people can travel for as far as the choose between a few journey length mer of operation during the Kuopio-­ eye can see if they choose to ski on alternatives. In the winter, sleigh rock festival, as the bikes were used unbroken snow. In the summer, peo- rides are also offered during various around ten times per day, says Han­ ple can trade their skis for roller skis. events. na Väätäinen, design engineer at the Few modes of winter transport are city of Kuopio. as fun as a kicksled, a sled on long

The Vilkku bikes are quick, easy 18 and fun way to reach places. KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / NATURE 19 COLUMN COLUMN

Hospitality and At the end of last summer’s Kuopio Dance Festival I was interviewed by a Swedish journalist visiting a culture of Kuopio for the first time. While he was marvelling at the festival’s warm atmosphere, getting things done he asked me “Where does it come from?”


In my answer, I mentioned a certain sense of af- I have heard of one event manager, for example, finity that embraces the top dancers perform- who decided to provide performers with food in- ing side-by-side with non-professional enthu- stead of paying them per diem allowances. The siasts, the big team of committed volunteers meal they received consisted of chopped frank- working in the background of the festival, and an furter sausages, while the dessert was Christ- open-minded dance loving tribe that has evolved mas pastries cut into four pieces, both served in a in Kuopio over the festival’s long history. No plastic bag. Indeed, many hospitality differences doubt these all were true and exist in the events sector and valid statements. Neverthe- in many places, the performers less, the question kept playing “Women have been won’t get even their plastic bag on my mind. meal – though it may be better Kuopio Dance Festival was the driving force so. created over 50 years ago behind the festival’s In Kuopio, I am in the fortu- thanks to the initiative of two nate position of being able to brave men, but I believe that the operating culture.” allow myself to focus primarily spirit of the festival is largely a on just my own work as an ar- creation of the women in Kuo- tistic director. At the festival pio. Women have been the driving force behind office, there are five resourceful women engaged the festival’s operating culture, and they seem in finding solutions, who are all well-attuned to to set the standards concerning how audiences the importance of getting down to business and and performers are welcomed as guests. Indeed, to make sure even the wildest ideas are realised. there are real differences existing in the hospital- First, however, you must convince them of the ity levels offered throughout the events sector. magnificence of the idea!


Nevertheless, a culture of getting things done seems to be typical of Kuopio residents and you will notice the same qualities in the people work- ing in the background of the festival. For example, ladies working in costume maintenance do not sleep many hours during the festival week, being so busy washing and drying performers’ clothes, and sometimes they have even sown brand new costumes during the festival. At a volunteers’ au- tumn get-together, a member of our board who in addition to her many positions of responsibility works as a public health nurse – also a woman – took the initiative to give me a flu shot just on the fly. She had grabbed a few vaccine doses along the way when leaving work. How convenient!

“There are good conditions for dance to exist in Kuopio.“

It takes some time to get accustomed to things being so smoothly organised. In my previous en- gagements, I had grown used to doing pretty much everything imaginable that is required for preparing a dance performance. In addition to ar- tistic and production work, I have filled up a fridge for a dancer who was exhausted to tears, I have destroyed my vacuum cleaner as I was cleaning shared living room for Kuopio residents and its open up new perspectives on dance as an art mountain landscape with cliffs and spruce - for the stage of concrete chippings, and I have hunt- guests. Over the years, an open-minded dance form and break presumptions with performanc- ests will be built on stage. It’s hard to imagine ed extra chairs in the homes of friends on the audience with wide-ranging experiences of dif- es that are surprising, self-determined, and not that no surprises are awaiting us organisers as premiere morning when performances suddenly ferent performances has gradually built up in adjustable to existing definitions. In the pro- these performances are realised. sold out at the last minute. Kuopio. The unprejudiced mindset allows them gramme, multi-disciplinary artistry stands out Fortunately, we have Kuopio’s resourceful There are good conditions for dance to exist to approach and view the performances from the and is present not only through new content women. in Kuopio. The city is human-sized and allows for offset of each work and gives courage not to shy but also through technical challenges. One of intimate encounters with the performances. Al- away from the creations of previously unknown the performances, for example, requires a pre- though the festival presents world-class art, the choreographers. cisely controlled temperature to succeed while, Riku Lehtopolku atmosphere is very laid-back. During the white Next Kuopio Dance Festival is the first one I in another, a dancer performs in a water tank of Artistic Director nights of summer, the homelike city becomes a have curated myself. I hope that the festival will over 4,500 litres and, in a third work, a hyperreal Kuopio Dance Festival

22 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 23 Kuopio State of Mind An attitude of life with curiousity for caring

People are happy in places where their dreams are given time and space. In Kuopio, people get to live as they like – at their own pace, in the middle of nature and city, while always surrounded by human compassion. Many prominent people in science, art, culture and politics have drawn their creativity from Kuopio’s inspiring and tolerant atmosphere.


Encounters in Kuopio are in a league of their some of the strong traits Kuopio’s residents are own. Thanks to the locals’ vibrant language use, known for. talkative residents, positive curiosity towards new things and interest in others, Kuopio is also TALKATIVE BY NATURE a good place for those moving to the area from other places. In the Kuopio region, openness is rewarded with People have been living in the Kuopio region more openness, and trust with more trust. You for thousands of years. The locals are used to may be in for a surprise when you encounter a Reading dog Sylvi helps and inspires meeting new people from talkative person from Savo in children to read. Honoured as the Citizen close and far. Neighbours have the market square. of the Year in 2019, Sylvi is on duty in Kuopio city library. been coming to the area from “Come as you are The locals tend to be talka- everywhere in the region now tive and familiar with the noble known as Finland and the for- and live a life that art of small talk. People care for mer mainlands of Sweden and each other and no one is too Russia. reflects you as busy to exchange a few words Tolerance and acceptance are a person” with a person they meet. part of the character of people The locals have always been from Savo. Innovation, courage ready to accept new people and open-mindedness are also and things in their own time. In-


Dignitaries from Kuopio

stead of immediately shaking hands to look at things from different view- and first schools were established. for friendship, people have first asked points before acting, they are open to Steamships coming to the city who the visitors are and what has new ideas and bold to take action. brought new influences from faraway brought them to this place. Kuopio’s internationally well-known places. In fact, Kuopio quickly be- Such encounters with strangers dance festival has also contributed to came the capital of eastern Finland, have shaped the locals into a tolerant, this atmosphere. Courage and taking and a centre of education and culture. perhaps even diplomatic, bunch. Per- action are also translated into perse- Many prominent people have since haps this is the relaxed attitude the verance, collaboration and a certain then originated from the city, con- Savo residents are known for. sense of pride among the local com- tributing to building Finland, Finnish- ness and the country’s education and A PERMISSION TO LIVE A culture. Prominent people born, living LIFE THAT REFLECTS YOU “The people are willing and exerting influence in Kuopio have to do things together risen, and continue to rise, to the top LITERATURE: The city has a direct and tolerant at- of politics and the economy as well as Minna Canth promoted women’s right to mosphere: come as you are and live a and make ideas work.” music, literature and visual arts. vote, freedom of speech and questions life that reflects you as a person. Peo- One of the most well-known and relating to inequality at the end of the 19th century. She wrote, discussed, influenced ple here have a permission to be hap- influential women in the city was and keeps influencing us even today. py, smile and be in good spirits. munity. Riku Lehtopolku, the artistic Minna Canth, a local author, journal- Her voice still echoes on the traditional The locals have a word for such an director of the Kuopio Dance Festival ist and merchant (1844–1897). She pedestrian Ränni streets of Kuopio. attitude, “lupsakkuus”, which could estimates that the perseverance and was a naturally curious person ac- International Kuopio Dance Festival over MUSIC: be translated as “jovial”. Above all, community spirit of local volunteers tively engaging in discussions and 50 years ago was an extremely bold move. Erja Lyytinen is a singer, songwriter and this joviality is a way of communica- have been moving the festival for- paying attention to equality, freedom blues guitarist who was awarded the title tion, but it also includes a smidgen ward for 50 years by now. of speech and various forms of social of World’s Best Guitarist. She studied in the Kuopio Senior High School of Arts, which of caring for others, gentle curiosity – Kuopio has curious and open-­ injustice. continues to educate talented musicians and a tendency to crack a joke. Sirpa minded inhabitants who do not hes- Great cultural figures and thinkers haps even annoyance and fear. Nev- city continues to provide a fertile even today. Kähkönen, an author who grew up in itate to work towards new things. The often met in the salon of the building ertheless, Minna’s era in Kuopio was breeding ground for them. DESIGN: Kuopio, can clearly remember all this people are willing to do things to- where Minna lived and worked. Those something special, setting the city The future influencers and Ritva-Liisa Pohjalainen is one of the most from her childhood and youth. gether and make ideas work. Starting discussing world events at her home apart from ordinary rural towns. And thinkers can draw from the acclaimed designers in Finland. Her road – It is not difficult to talk to others an international dance festival here included painter Eero Järnefelt and how amazing is it that she was deal- high-quality education, versatile as an artist led her from fashion design to the design of jewellery, ceramics and glass and make social contacts here. It is with volunteers 50 years ago was an his siblings, author Juhani Aho, com- ing with the same themes centuries business life and excellent cul- sculptures. common to start by chatting about extremely bold move, and the fact poser Jean Sibelius, and painter Ak­ ago that we continue to discuss to- tural activities Kuopio offers. The SCIENCE: this and that, and only later move on that the festival is still going strong seli Gallen-Kallela. day, reflectsAnja Lappi, an entrepre- strong character of the city and Hilkka Soininen is a Finnish doctor to the actual topic of conversation. deserves our respect. Visitors from further away brought neur in the cultural sector. features of the local inhabitants distinguished as a researcher of memory I still get reminded of this joviality news all the way from Central and lay a foundation for all of this. disorders and Alzheimer disease. She whenever I am in Kuopio, visiting the NEW WINDS FROM Southern Europe, where the intel- AN INTERNATIONAL CITY Even though the character of made a long career as a professor in market hall, square or a café. There EUROPE ligentsia were interested in similar the Kuopio’s residents has shifted neurology in the University of Eastern Finland. is a certain kind of peacefulness and social issues as Minna. In fact, Kuopio Today, Kuopio is a genuinely interna- as cultures have come into con- general friendliness, a desire to chat Kuopio was officially founded by might have been closer to the great tional city and one of Finland’s havens tact, the traits known since pre- POLITICS: and even make jokes. Gustav III of Sweden on 17 Novem- wide world than people might have for education and culture. New fig- vious centuries can still be iden- Martti Ahtisaari is a Finnish diplomat and peacemaker, who held the office of Similar directness can also be seen ber 1775. After this, trade in the area imagined. ures in science and culture aim to fol- tified. It seems that the familiar, President of the Republic of Finland during in different phenomena and activi- became increasingly active, the city’s – The way Minna thought, wrote low on the footsteps of Minna Canth jovial attitude of life continues to 1994–2000. He spent a large part of his ties. While people from Kuopio tend number of inhabitants increased, and behaved caused confusion, per- and other prominent locals, and the carry people forward. childhood in Kuopio.

26 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / LIVE LIKE LOCAL 27 Berries can be picked from the backyard.

What drawns people to cottage life is nature and its quietness, peace and calmness.

In Kuopio water is intertwined with and cook fresh, Finnish ingredients, ple typically follow the daily rhythm daily life, people live by the water including fish caught from Kallavesi. of nature and have no need to keep and also spend time at their summer Bathing in a sauna, an activity all Finns looking at their watches. cottages by the lakeside. Kallavesi is love, is an essential part of cottage Kaija Lipponen, the chair of Kuo- Finland’s tenth largest lake, and the life. pio Tourist Guide Association, en- total length of Kuopio’s shoreline is courages people to try and live by the Life and culture 6,340 km when also including island COTTAGE AS A WAY OF rhythm inherent in Finland’s nature, shores. There are about 2,000 islands LIFE especially in the summer. in the area. The neighbourhood of – The Finnish summer days are very Saaristokaupunki has over 13,000 in- Nearly all of Kuopio’s residents have long. You have not fully experienced a in Kuopio habitants, all of them living just a few a cottage or boat, many even have Finnish summer unless you have wit- hundred meters from Lake Kallavesi. both. A person does not have to be nessed the sun rise and fall on one of The Maljalahti area, located just one particularly well-off to own a cottage these nightless nights. And the magic Living by the water, spending time in a summer cottage, kilometre from the city square, also or a boat. Instead of being a luxury of these endless summer days is em- eating local food, and enjoying the peace of mind that offers amazing living by the water in item only affluent people can afford, phasised when experienced by the comes with sitting in a sauna are just some of a row of apartment buildings with a enjoying lakeside life is part of peo- lakeshore. shore of their own. Each building has ple’s daily lives. When Finns spend time at their the highlights of life in Kuopio. a long dock where the residents can Kuopio has the highest number of cottages, they typically wish to re- keep their own boats. leisure time dwellings in Finland at turn to old times, which includes do- Spending time at cottages by Lake around 10,800. What draws people ing away with some of the comforts PHOTOS KUOPIO-TAHKO MARKETING Kallavesi is also a form of lakeside liv- to cottage life is nature and its qui- of modern life: they enjoy washing ing. People use their cottages to relax etness, peace and calmness. Peo- dishes by hand, chopping wood, and


People gather around to In the summer of 2020, Kuopio’s Tahko centre to celebrate tourist guides organise the Tasting Midsummer night. Kuopio guided food walk in the city centre and the Tasting Kuopio round trips taking people to try local deli- cacies in restaurants located further away from the city centre, such as the Try ice swimming – it refreshes historical Koivumäki Manor. the body and the mind and people say it can be very addictive. SAUNA CULTURE

Finns are known for enjoying time in the sauna – no matter the season. Bathing in a sauna sets your mind at Sauna is an essential part of cottage life and ease and relaxes muscles tight from also provides many health benefits. stress. When you bathe in a sauna by a lake in the summertime, you can doing small outdoor chores. Picking and vegetables, is amazing and most swim and also enjoy the sun beams berries and mushrooms, rowing, and visible at the market square in the reflected from the blue waves of the fishing are also popular activities – heart of the city. lake. In the winter, it is very common not to mention enjoying the sauna – Foreign tourist groups have told to enjoy the sauna with an invigorat- and swimming in the lake. me that the food here in Finland is of ing winter dip in the water. By contrast, tourists tend to opt for the highest quality, and full of flavour Visitors from all over the world in well-equipped and high-quality hol- and variation, Lipponen rejoices. Kaija Lipponen’s tourist groups have iday cottages near services. Kuopio also learned to enjoy the sauna. What makes Kuopio so unique? excels at meeting this demand with – At times, foreigners need a lot of its Tahko Holiday Resort, located less “Kuopio favours fresh encouragement to enter a sauna, but Kuopio stands out with its festive events, amazing food and unique nature. than an hour’s drive from Kuopio’s local food, making use of once they get in, it is even harder to But take a look at these slightly different facts: city centre. You can also enjoy cot- get them out. Sauna is a place where the fish, berries and tage life with all the amenities at Rau- you do not have to pretend to be an- • Kuopio is surrounded by over 100 lakes. • The jovial Savo dialect is ever-flowing in Kuopio. halahti Holiday Centre, located just 6 ything. Wearing just a towel, even top mushrooms caught and • Kuopio has a shoreline of 6340 km. • The locals have named Kuopio’s marketplace as km from the centre. executives can talk freely, Lipponen the Centre of the Universe, or “Mualiman napa”. picked from the area.” laughs. • Is said to be ten minutes walk from the doorstep LOCAL FOOD FROM In recent years, the researchers at of any home in Kuopio to the sport facilities. • Every winter, the fur hat season is declared in Kuopio. A fur hat is a symbol of a good life. KUOPIO the University of Eastern Finland have • Nightless nights – in summer, the sun sets The fact that North Savo has been shown that the sauna also provides below the horizon only for a short time in • The National Championship Contest in baking the Kuopio region. the local traditional savoury fish pie,kalakukko , Kuopio favours fresh local food, mak- recognised as the internationally many health benefits. A study con- is organized annually in Kuopio. ing use of the fish, berries and mush- renowned European Region of Gas- ducted among one hundred people • The frozen lakes in wintertime are used for example, cross-country skiing, ice skating and • The rooms caught and picked from the tronomy (ERG) is also an indicator indicated that spending 30 minutes Wife Carrying World Championship Contest ice fishing. is hosted annually in Sonkajärvi, 1.5 hour’s drive area. The same ingredients are used of the quality of the food in the area. in a sauna reduces blood pressure from Kuopio. in restaurants and the locals’ kitch- The local food has drawn influence and increases blood vessel elastici- • Ice swimming refreshes the body and the mind. ens alike. The variety of produce par- from international culinary trends, ty. Bathing in a sauna also increases ticularly available at the end of the and Kuopio has a number of events heart rate similarly as moderate in- summer, with berries, mushrooms celebrating the region’s local food. tensity exercise.

30 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / LIVE LIKE LOCAL KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / LIVE LIKE LOCAL 31 The Centre of Sauna the Universe: Experiences Positive Kuopio has many special saunas. The sauna provides Encounters a holistic experience for tourists and locals alike. The market square serves as a natural meeting place and hub of everyday life for Kuopio’s residents. The square

PHOTOS KUOPIO-TAHKO MARKETING is where the residents meet to talk about what is going on in the world, engage in business, and celebrate events such as the local football Kuopio offers plenty of saunas to those renting the hut. The Pilppa out- team’s national championship. choose from: from rural saunas in door area is a great location for family cottages to glamorous saunas for outings, no matter the season. Eating PHOTO VICENTE SERRA, CITY OF KUOPIO hosting dignitaries, to tiny barrel sau- snacks at a lean-to is the highlight of nas in a sauna boat. a successful trip. The smoke sauna of Jätkänkämp­ In fact, the locals have jokingly named of conversation. The vendors sell within the square year-round. Cus- pä, Lumberjack Lodge, an authentic “In the winter, the market square as the “Centre of fresh berries, vegetables and other tomers can buy things such as the lumberjack lodge from the 1950´s the Universe”. A special logo has been seasonal produce. The liveliest sea- produce of local farmers at the hall, located in the Spa Hotel Rauhalahti, try ice swimming...” ko hill. This is a large, wood-heated designed for the market square, indi- son ends with the Autumn Market even during winter, Martikainen says. offers private bookings and tradition- sauna that embraces Finland’s sauna cating the exact location. held in October, preparing the square In recent years, the square has also al smoke sauna evenings on Tuesdays traditions. Customers get to marvel - The name comes from the Savo become the centre of food culture. open to everyone all year round and The modern Saana is a unique site at amazing scenery while enjoying residents themselves. The market “In recent years, Popular events include the Street- in summer also on Thursdays. In the surrounded by nature and the Kallav- the hot and humid heat of the sauna. square has been and continues to be Kuopio street food event held every summer, visitors can go for a swim in esi landscape. In the Saana sauna & The windows of the panoramic sau- the centre of the universe to every- the square has also become spring, the Satoa Food Festival by Lake Kallavesi, and in the winter, try spa, customers can enjoy the heat of na of the Panorama Bar, also located day life in this region: a space in the the centre of food culture” local restaurants in August, and the ice swimming. The lodge often has an a smoke and regular sauna, and relax at the top of Tahko, also display a view heart of the city where things hap- International Grand Market in early accordion player providing entertain- in outdoor pools, hot tub and a special extending far over Lake Syvärijär- pen, says Tilla Martikainen, the ex- autumn. These events also introduce ment, and a delicious evening buffet effects shower. Saana’s restaurant is vi and the Tahko village as well as its ecutive director of the Kuopio City and the entire city for winter. Nev- visitors to the food culture in the meal. In the summer, lumberjacks a conference facility as well as an à la lights. An outdoor hot tub with spring Centre Association. ertheless, the vendor stall selling a Kuopio area, which has also been ap- perform their traditional skills. carte restaurant offering delicacies water is heated next to the panoram- The culture around Kuopio’s mar- traditional kalakukko dish stays open pointed the European Region of Gas- The traditional Pilppa sauna can that pay respect to local cuisine. ic sauna, allows customers to trade ket square is lively. Most activities oc- year-round. tronomy in 2020. be enjoyed by the members of the The Mualiman sauna of Pehku­ the sauna benches for a steaming hot cur in the summer, when the square is - The market hall, located at the Puijon Latu outdoor association and Baari is located at the top of the Tah- bath while looking at the starry sky. filled with people and the happy hum market square, supports the culture

32 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / LIVE LIKE LOCAL KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / LIVE LIKE LOCAL 33 Pride in the Community for Personal Competence

Success stories emerge from places where they have room to grow. The attitude of Kuopio’s residents is built on courage, persistence and, above all, collaboration. The city’s business life dances to the same beat, one that everyone can identify with.


Persistence, endurance and goal-orientation ly promotes competence, research and business fused into a relaxed and peaceful mindset. Some- life in health care. thing about this equation simply works – innova- – A good example of the open, collaborative at- tions, competence and life skills stem from the mosphere in Kuopio is the fact that two different attitude of Kuopio’s residents. research institutes can openly collaborate here, The area is also characterised by freedom from even if they are competitors, says Aki Gröhn, the Tahko Ski Lift Pitch is a thrilling, two-day pitch event that self-importance – you do not have to be in a cer- managing director of Kuopio Health. pairs startups with investors, in a ski lift chair in Tahko. tain position to be able to approach different Companies are also open about their activities agents. Company executives and experts in var- and understand they need an entire ecosystem ious fields do not hide behind their secretaries; of other agents to support them. Huhtiniemi instead, you can actually call anyone you like. evaluates that the collaboration serves the busi- – Companies are bold in their efforts to grow that originates from a fun idea that involves pre- – Kuopio is quick to accept you if you have en- ness development of everyone involved. and enter the international market. They all have senting your business idea to investors in the re- thusiasm for doing things and courage for exper- – This is even reflected in a saying we have here: a shared intent to develop activities even though laxed environment of a ski lift. imentation. What matters most is your personal we’re in this together. It does not matter who you there is a lot of work to be done. – It is very different to chat in your ski gear than input in this community, says Kaija Savolainen, are and where you come from – if it needs to get The Kuopio Goes concept launched in Kuopio at some hectic trade fair where you meet a large managing director of the Kuopio Region Cham- done, it will get done. is a collaborative export model aiming at the in- number of investors within a short time, Savolai­ ber of Commerce. ternational market. Export promotion and mar- nen estimates. COURAGE TO GROW AND BECOME ket survey trips have been organised to cities The attitudes prevalent in Kuopio are particu- THE POWER OF OPEN MORE INTERNATIONAL such as London and Shanghai. larly related to the attitudes of individuals and COLLABORATION – Different agents have taken part in the trips the power these have together. The local com- According to Mikko Juuti, formerly an Invest In with an open mind and an enthusiastic and fu- munity feels proud of its competence. In Kuopio, Kuopio has ready-made traditions and a good project manager at BusinessKuopio, an attitude ture-oriented mindset, Juuti explains. you get to build your narrative in an encouraging frame for easy-going collaboration. The open open to internationalisation is prevalent in Kuo- The Tahko Ski Lift Pitch event organised at the atmosphere – using your courage, creativity and innovation ecosystem of Kuopio Health is an ex- pio – and it is easy to get participants to interna- Tahko ski resort is a good example of the laid- personal strengths. ample of the power of collaboration. It particular- tional events. back attitude of Kuopio’s residents. It is an event


Constructing Neurocenter Everyday life and studies Finland in Kuopio in a Collaborative Atmosphere 76% APPROXIMATELY OF YOUNG PEOPLE THE HAPPIEST RESIDENTS 3,100 The currently planned ARE SATISFIED WITH AMONG THE LARGEST FOREIGN NATIONALS THEIR LIVES CITIES IN FINLAND LIVING IN KUOPIO Neurocenter Finland will merge a network of brain research THE MUNICIPALITY POPULATION DENSITY OF AROUND and promote the appreciation WITH THE MOST SUMMER and knowledge of Finnish HOUSES IN FINLAND research in neurosciences 26 100 around the world. RESIDENTS PER DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES 10,700 SQUARE KM LIVING IN KUOPIO

PHOTO NEUROCENTER FINLAND AMONG THE TOP 77% 32% 5 OF THE POPULATION HAVE A DEGREE FROM A HIGHER CITIES IN FINLAND LIVES IN THE URBAN AREAS EDUCATION INSTITUTE WHEN ASKED ABOUT RELOCATION PREFERENCES The goals of Neurocenter Finland in- search, medicine and particularly clude promoting precision medicine, “Fraunberg believes neurosciences. Kuopio has what it A UNIVERSITY CITY 23% 76% discovering new innovations, and takes for providing an effective loca- AMONG THE TOP IN THE COUNTRYSIDE FROM SECONDARY EDUCATION building wider operating environ- that Kuopio is in tion for the Neurocenter. ments, or ecosystems, for healthcare a strong position.” Once the operations of Neuro- operators. center Finland have been launched 300 TH Mikael von und zu Fraunberg, the in Finland, the centre aims to make IN SEVERAL 1,000 director of Neurocenter Finland and a The decision of whether the Neu- Finnish research visible around the INTERNATIONAL RANKINGS THE BEST 6 FOREIGN STUDENTS docent in neurosurgery, believes that rocenter will eventually be located in world. AIR QUALITY AMONG the biggest success and main ac- Kuopio remains unsolved. The future – Our mission is improving the con- THE LARGEST NATIONAL EUROPEAN CITIES complishment of the centre has been location of the centre will be decid- ditions for research in neurosciences. CITY PARK WITH reaching a national consensus for en- ed once the final organisation type Engaging in closer collaboration and A SURFACE AREA OF A10-MINUTE tire Finland immediately after the in- is determined. However, Fraunberg developing innovation activities ena- itial meetings of a preparatory team. believes that Kuopio is in a strong po- bles us to create better brain health, THE MOST WALK FROM ONE’S FRONT – An atmosphere of collaboration is sition. and prevention and treatment of in- 7,200 CONTENT RESIDENTS DOOR TO THE NEAREST SPORTS FACILITY a vital condition for engaging in these – Kuopio has good competence: dividual illnesses, Fraunberg summa- MILLION activities. the city has high-level health re- rises.


IRONMAN is an international triath- ment with great accommodation ca- The Finntriathlon race has also lon event, which will take place in Tah- pacity. been organised in Tahko for around ko for the first time this year. - Tahko is the only place in the five years. This means that even - This is a full-distance triathlon, world that has created this spirit of an though this is the first time IRON- which involves swimming 3.8 km, IRONMAN village around the event. MAN takes place in Tahko, the organ- cycling 180 km and running 42.2 km. The competitors can travel here with isers already have a clear view of the The top 40 contestants will proceed their families and include other recre- required arrangements. to the legendary IRONMAN world ational activities to their trip, Kutvo- » www.ironman.com/im-Finland championships in Hawaii, says event nen explains. Top 10 Events in Kuopio manager Juuso Kutvonen. The event held in Tahko, an excep- tional environment, will be the world’s Many exciting events are organised in northernmost IRONMAN competi- tion. The event typically takes place the Kuopio region each year. Look no in or close to a large city, but in Tahko, further for the best tips. We invite you to the competitors will be surrounded by nature in a resort style environ- join us and enjoy these wonderful events!



1.5-kilometre from the market Kuopio Dance Festival is the most includes activities for beginners, en- are located within a walking distance square. Festival goers have access versatile, largest and oldest festi- thusiasts and professionals alike. makes for a unique event, not to to the beach and the activities or- val for the art of dance in the Nordic There are over one hundred dance mention having a range of hotels and ganised around it. The event stands countries. The festival is held annual- performances, courses, seminars and other tourism destinations near the out from other festivals thanks to its ly in June, during a magical time when side events, including both free and city centre – while being surrounded 3. THE KUOPIOROCK close proximity to nature combined the Finnish summer nights are filled paid events. The events are visited by by clean air, water and forest. with music and other experiences. with light. 30,000 to 40,000 people. The Kuopio Dance Festival is an The Kuopiorock festival brings a va- The event’s VIP area is unique on - Many families combine different The festival offers high-quality, - Every June, Kuopio turns into a international meeting place for all riety of artists, including interna- Finland’s scale and can fit around activities when holidaying in Kuo- world-class events, including perfor- unique, international meeting place dance fans – occurring with the locals tional stars, to the naturally beautiful 1,500 people. Kuopiorock is not only pio, starting their week by visiting a mances and courses as well as small- for those who love dance! rejoices in an enthusiastic atmosphere that Väinölänniemi cape every year such a festival, but also provides a plat- summer theatre or seeing sights, and er side events. The range of dance Anna Pitkänen, the director of Kuo- is both local and global at the same as Nightwish and Within Temptation. form for networking in a relaxed at- spending the rest of the week in Kuo- courses offered during the festival is pio Dance Festival ry. time. Time and time again, Kuopiorock has mosphere. piorock, says festival manager Allu the broadest anywhere in the Nor- The fact that the performance and » www.kuopiodancefestival.fi been selected as one of the top ten Despite being surrounded by na- Koskinen. dic countries during summer, and course locations and restaurants festivals in Finland. ture, Väinölänniemi is located only » www.kuopiorock.fi



Kuopio Comedy Festival is the grand Jylhäsalmi says that the comedy The festival also has the Comedy SATOA GOES WILD will turn Kuopio slam of Finnish stand-up comedy. festival is Kuopio’s biggest event in Festival on the Road tour, which will city centre into culinary haven for one Practically every major name in Finn- spirit and laughs. He organises the take place on Finland’s biggest sum- weekend, where 10 local restaurants ish stand-up comedy performs at the event on his own and believes that mer theatre stages. will pamper you with culinary flavours festival. Jason Byrne and Al Pitcher, the only way to be known as the big- » komediafestivaali.fi of North Savolocal wild food. SATOA who have been performing at the gest in town is by granting the title to KUOPIO FOOD FESTIVAL is a street world’s biggest stand-up festivals, the event yourself. food festival in the Kuopio city cen- will also join the list of performers. tre. SATOA Kuopio Food Festival cel- It is Finland’s biggest stand-up ebrates the traditional harvest sea- event in terms the number of per- son and local tastes. formers and clubs. » www.satoa.fi - While we could make the festival bigger, even the performers agree that it is exactly the right size now. People enjoy coming to the event, and the performers also see it as a summer camp of sorts where they 9. KUOPIO WINE FESTIVAL get to see people they know, notes festival director Juha Jylhäsalmi. Kuopio Wine Festival is an annual wine festival in the Kuopio harbor area during the summer. The event is known for its relaxed atmosphere, annually changing wine area and top domestic artists. Festival gathers 5. FINLAND ICE MARATHON around 35,000 people annually. 6. ANTI – CONTEMPORARY » kuopiowinefestival.fi ART FESTIVAL Finland Ice Marathon is one of Fin- land’s oldest ice-skating events on ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival natural ice. The race centre is in the works with innovative artists on pro- harbour of Kuopio, catering to par- jects that explore and explode urban 10. THE INTERNATIONAL ticipants with activities and compre- space. GRAND MARKET hensive facilities. » antifestival.com » www.finlandicemarathon.com The International Grand Market pro- vides a lot of visibility to food prod- 7. TAHKO SKI LIFT PITCH ucts from different countries and re- gions, as producers and farmers sell Tahko Ski Lift Pitch is a thrilling, two- and present their products. day pitch event that pairs start-ups » www.eurooppamarkkinat.fi/kuopio with investors, in a ski lift chair, for a chance to win a grand prize of EUR Summer’s events are subject to 20,000. change, please see the websites » www.tahkoslp.com for further information.


The aim of the lively city of Kuopio is to become a sustainably growing centre of one million people. The city provides unique opportunities for living, studies and business alike. Kuopio joins a diverse range of competence, which serves as a pathway to the international market.


UNIQUE COMBINATION OF SKILLS AND Many foreigners are in awe when they realise how KNOW-HOW much competence there is in this city, small on an international scale. Kuopio is a pioneer in health, environment and welfare competence. The spearheads of excellence in Kuopio include Kaija Savolainen, the managing director of the wellbeing and health technology, and emerging Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce, believes competence areas such as ICT, robotics, clean- that new innovations stem from the interfaces of tech, the circular economy, bioeconomy, func- expertise. The city has exceptional cooperation tional foods, and special fields, such as neuro- between different agents. sciences. Technological and service competence – The size of this city is ideal, people know each are merged in the different industries. other, and different organisations are located – The fact that Business Finland, a body grant- close together. Business com- ing innovation funding and in- petence and top research are ternationalisation services to closely linked in Kuopio. “The size of this city Finland, is providing the com- Key projects carried out in is ideal, people know panies in the region with signif- the city include projects devel- icant funding is a tell-tale sign oping investments, develop- each other...” of the business potential in the ment projects revolving around region, Savolainen evaluates. Neurocenter Finland, develop- Kuopio is also strong when it ing digitalisation and related issues, promoting comes to traditional food industry. According to cooperation with companies and internationali- Mikko Juuti, formerly a project manager at Busi- sation, and other endeavours that enhance Kuo- ness Kuopio, Kuopio’s food industry has major pio’s vitality. potential for entering the international market.


Development plans of Kuopionlahti also includes the Kuopio Music Centre and Lumit, Kuopio senior high school of Arts. For its part, the Microsurgery Cen- is unique on a European scale. The tre enables practising demanding planning of this area has particularly surgical operations before applying aimed at creating opportunities for them to patient work. The centre also practical training under as safe and allows companies to test their inven- life-like conditions as possible. tions, instruments and technology – The area has 50 different simu- before introducing them to clinical lators, such as those for practising practice. different fires, chemical and railway – The ecosystem structures aim accidents and water rescue opera- at strengthening the hub of innova- tions, says Mervi Parviainen, the rec- tions and competence attracting new tor of Emergency Services Academy companies to this area. Our message Finland. is that we provide you with strong While global safety environments competence and highly-skilled em- have changed, living conditions are ployees, Mönkkönen says. safe in Kuopio and Finland in general. To ensure that the situation remains “Water research is the same in the future, Kuopio wishes to invest in a training area improving Student happening in also an emerging field safety. the campus area by at the county level” – The training area is not finished, the bay of Savilahti. and will actually never be fully com- STRONG COOPERATION BETWEEN pleted. We must be able to respond Future internationalisation and university and biggest educator of search collaboration, explains Ant­ COMPANIES AND EDUCATIONAL The VTT Technical Research Cen- to changes in the operating envi- growth are also supported by up- physicians. The university also brings ti Hedman, the medical director of INSTITUTIONS tre is about to launch a digital health ronment, including accidents involv- coming investments in outdoor and various fields of science together. KUH. unit in Kuopio. The unit will strongly ing new electric and hybrid vehicles, recreational areas, such as Puijo and The university’s rector, Jukka Mönk­ Thanks to research in translation- The university provides competence contribute to creating new business, Parviainen assesses. Tahko. Instead of merely aiming to könen, believes that the fact that al medicine, the results of basic re- for companies and also learns from and this will also affect other com- In addition to a safe living environ- attract tourists, these sites are also Kuopio is a university town is particu- search can be turned into practical business at the same time. Joining mercial activities in the area as well as ment, Kuopio offers strong quality of important to companies providing larly behind the city’s success. care on the same campus. these areas produces products and the operations by the university and life. The city provides functionality travel services. – The university plays a huge role in Cleantech, a field combining envi- international business. The Kuopio the university of applied sciences. and comfort, its settings attractive improving the attractiveness of the ronmental and climate competence, health cooperative, a novel, open-­ Kuopio also has several other sec- to living, work and leisure time alike. WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION AND region. The city also has good con- is a growing business area in Kuopio. innovation-based ecosystem, brings toral research institutes, such as the In Kuopio, nature and cleanness are RESEARCH ditions for employing the students The Savonia University of Applied together the competence in health Centre for Occupational Safety, Finn- present in people’s daily lives. once they graduate. University towns Sciences, University of Eastern Fin- care found in companies, the univer- ish Institute for Health and Welfare, Kuopio’s versatile range of educa- In Kuopio, the University of Eastern tend to grow. land and the Geological Survey of sity, Savonia and KUH. and Natural Resources Institute Fin- tion, strong competence in research, Finland, Savonia University of Ap- Kuopio University Hospital (KUH) Finland coordinate a national clean- Practical experiences of the testing land. and active business ecosystems plied Sciences and Savo Vocational provides the most demanding medi- tech programme specialised in mine platforms emerging from this coop- make the city a top location for bud- College (Sakky) form a whole whose cal care in Eastern Finland. The hos- water management. The university eration include the Living Lab and the HIGH-QUALITY SAFETY ding business, product development, parts support each other. The educa- pital has high-quality international also has a broad-based, interdiscipli- Microsurgery Centre of Eastern Fin- COMPETENCE and industry. tional institutions are also physically competence. nary centre of water research. Water land operating under KUH. In its strategy, Kuopio aims at at- close to one another and are signifi- – We basically form the valley of research is also an emerging field at – It is a big deal for a health tech- The level of safety competence is tracting strong growth. There is faith cant education providers in a number science in Savilahti, conduct top re- the county level. nology company to test and develop high in Kuopio, also based on inter- in the future and building a growing of fields at the national level. search and have many internationally its products in cooperation with pa- national assessment. The operat- city. The city’s business life and oth- The University of Eastern Finland well-known research groups, some tients or through experimentations ing area of the national Emergency er agents all support this common is Finland’s most multidisciplinary of them involving transnational re- in the Living Lab, Hedman estimates. Services Academy located in Kuopio intent.


Kuopio Working life & – a growing international city with Business top level expertise in health sciences Kuopio is the center of Eastern Finland – the Capital of Kuopio region is home for large companies, Lakeland – and one of the most dynamic cities when it innovative start-ups and world class research. comes to residential development, attractiveness, job A regional competence hub, Kuopio has generated numerous opportunities and population growth. Kuopio has: success stories. Below, you can find just a few of them.

FINVECTOR OY, a company de- Contract research company OY NEWICON OY is the market leader A POPULATION OF veloping viral-based gene therapy MEDFILES LTD provides research in pharmacy automation in Finland products is a pioneer in its field. and analysis services for pharma- with a firm foothold in the glob- 200,000 840,000 The owners’ investment decisions ceutical, medical device and food al markets as well. Collaboration 120,000 and commitment to developing industries. Medfiles’s international with Kuopio University Hospital RESIDENTS LIVING IN RESIDENTS LIVING IN the facilities in Kuopio have been expansion was accelerated when (KUH) has been beneficial for both RESIDENTS ITS COMMUTING AREA ITS CATCHMENT AREA the key factor behind FinVector’s the company was sold to the pub- parties. NewIcon has been able to success. licly listed globally active Japanese test their products in authentic service company WDB Holdings hospital environment while KUH Co. The company’s European op- has received innovative hospital erations are managed from the automation tailored for their spe- KUOPIO CENTER FOR GENE AND Kuopio headquarters. cific needs. 7,000 52,000 CELL THERAPY (KCT) is a centre conducting research on advanced COMPANIES JOBS therapies, or biological medicinal products. According to KCT, Kuo- CHARLES RIVER provides con- 200 pio’s active campus and the spin- tract research for pharmaceutical TOTAL INVESTMENT TOTAL COMBINED offs in the area, the university that and biotechnology companies. EXPORT VALUE OF THE CITY’S TURNOVER OF COMPANIES is highly focused on health scienc- The company was established DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THE COMPANIES AT es and the University Hospital around the solid expertise in cen- have a positive impact on staff re- tral nervous system diseases cruitment. available in Kuopio. Charles River is a multinational company, and in € 4 € 2,500 300 addition to Kuopio, it has 80 oper- BILLION MILLION FROM IMPORT ational units in different parts of JANUARY 2019 TO MAY 2019 COMPANIES the world.

46 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / FUTURE KUOPIO KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / FUTURE KUOPIO 47 Savilahti – the Future Lives Here

Savilahti provides a platform for growth, development, experimentation and inspiring living by a beautiful lake, at the heart of the city. This new and unique neighbourhood responds to our future needs for living, working and communicating.


Project Director Antti Niskanen coaches Savilahti towards being an inspiring environment as well as internationally attractive learning and innovation hub.

Savilahti brings together living, studying, work- Savilahti is one of Kuopio’s priorities corre- AN ENVIRONMENT FOR ing, transport and sustainable development ing and leisure time in a unique way. It is a place sponding to the city’s growth targets and aims for DEVELOPMENT AND solutions. where people get to live close to their jobs and serving as a capital for a good life. The develop- EXPERIMENTATION According to Project Director Antti Niska­ nature, and at the same time be local and global, ment of the area is based on the city’s strengths: nen, developing the new solutions will be always urban and ecological, and to be an individual yet a competence, communality, and closeness to na- Savilahti will be a communal and ecological based on user demands, namely what the people part of a community. ture. neighbourhood where people live, exercise and and companies in Savilahti actually need. While Around 15,000 experts from various fields will – Kuopio needs new inhabitants, students consume wisely. smart technology and data will also be harnessed work in Savilahti, and the number of students in and jobs to attract growth. Savilahti is the city’s This opens up new opportunities for urban in this development, these stay out of sight in the area will be the same. The area will also pro- most important future project, bringing togeth- planning and the development of communal ser- people’s daily lives. vide around 8,000 Kuopio inhabitants with their er strategic priorities, namely growth, wellbeing, vices. The neighbourhood will serve as a platform New, innovative solutions are already under new homes. resource wisdom and renewal, says Strategy Di- for a culture of experimentation used to develop planning and construction. The future solutions rector Sirpa Lätti-Hyvönen. and test various things, such as different hous- include cooling down properties using water


from the nearby lake and en- “Savilahti is an erating in the area. One inspir- abling residents to look for ing example is Kuopio Health, a free parking space with an environment whose a company advancing research e-service. The aim is that every operators know each and business in health oper- solution used will improve peo- ating with a network-like ap- ple’s wellbeing, smoothness of other and are engaged proach. daily life and a community spirit in close cooperation.” – Savilahti is an environment while creating new business. whose operators know each – Key ideas in the develop- other and are engaged in close ment work include communal cooperation. We are certain and ecological aspects. For instance, an impor- that new innovations and business will emerge tant question in developing solutions for mobility here, and this will attract more new companies concerns how joining living, work and leisure time and experts from Finland and abroad to the area, in the area is going to influence the way people Sirpa Lätti-Hyvönen believes. move between places and whether they will give up their cars, Niskanen says. OUR SAVILAHTI

JOINT OPPORTUNITIES In Savilahti, open space solutions will also be used to support collaboration between companies Savilahti is not only an inspiring environment, but and people, serving as a natural meeting place. also an internationally attractive learning and in- These encounters will create partnerships and novation hub. Key agents include the Kuopio Uni- networks - a fruitful ground for new competence. versity Hospital, University of Eastern Finland, Right from the get-go, collaboration and part- Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Savo Vo- nerships have served as an important premise cational College, and various research institutes. for developing Savilahti. This has involved shar- Strong areas of expertise include health and well- ing information and asking for opinions from being, cleantech and applied physics. various agents, students and others interested The high, internationally recognised expertise in the matter from the very start of the planning and available networks in Savilahti provide both process. startups and large corporations with an interest- – People have been extremely interested in ing operating environment full of opportunities. making this our common cause. As a result, com- When it comes to innovation and business, a mitment to the issue has been broad, Antti Nis­ lot is already going on in Savilahti. Hundreds of kanen notes. companies with world-class competence are op-

50 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / FUTURE KUOPIO KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / FUTURE KUOPIO 51 Wellbeing in Kuopio is a Sum of Many Parts

In Kuopio, wellbeing and growth are intertwined with the richness of everyday life and a safe living environment. At its simplest, wellbeing is about smooth daily life: livelihood, health, loved ones and meaningful activities. Among others, families with children have discovered the value of good everyday life in Kuopio. Kuopio is a safe living environment where children get to move around PHOTO SOILE NEVALAINEN, CITY OF KUOPIO AND The city also views wellbeing through freely and nature is always near. ARCHITECTURAL FIRM PETRI ROUHIAINEN OY the development by creating better conditions for the wellbeing. Illustration from Kuntolaakso.

Kuopio wishes to be the capital for a active and participate in many ways. tion in the city centre, will be a meet- and the heat emitted from this is For the youngest children, day- In Kuopio, as everywhere in Finland, good life. As nothing is more valua- - Every resident contributes to cre- ing place for the city’s inhabitants used to warm up the swimming pool. care centres and school provide a all children have equal opportunities ble to a city than inhabitants who are ating wellbeing and writing the story and the focal point of searching for Other important projects include safe place during the days when their for participating in education. feeling well, wellbeing is reflected on of Kuopio. The city creates conditions knowledge. The open and communal Savilahti and Lippumäki. parents are at work. Children learn The children moving here from all activities and decision-making. for the wellbeing of its residents, spaces foster experiential activities - Big sports centres are supported knowledge and skills and build rela- abroad also always have the right to When people get to live close to na- meaningful activities and positive for groups such as children and fam- by the local sports network whose tionships with their peers. High-qual- participate in education. The children ture, engage in activities and attend experiences, says Janne Hentunen, ilies. development is important to us. In ity ECEC and basic education lay a of families moving to the region per- education, they are feeling good and director of wellbeing promotion. - The block enables producing ex- Kuopio, people can engage in phys- strong foundation for future wellbe- manently start their school path with happy. periences that allow people to un- ical activity close to their homes as ing. preparatory education, which in- - People’s daily lives are good when EXPERIENCES AND derstand our cultural heritage, living there are places for physical activity, “The children find cludes learning the Finnish language they have something meaningful to COMMUNALITY environment and the North Savo playgrounds and fitness trails, Janne and culture, after which they proceed do and a sufficient livelihood. Other identity, describes museum lecturer Hentunen notes. their school days to continuing their studies at their important aspects include family or Meaningful leisure time and commu- Sanna Reinikainen. meaningful and safe.” local school. The children who spend community and an environment that nality play a major role in construct- When it comes to physical activity, BEST PLACE FOR a shorter time in Kuopio also get to is clean and encourages physical ac- ing wellbeing. Kuopio is investing in the city has invested in sports cen- CHILDREN study in a learning group in Finnish tivity, says Kati Vähäsarja, manager versatile leisure time facilities, and tres. The Kuntolaakso (Fitness Val- - The school path, which begins and English. of civic activities. users have also been given a chance ley) facility will be completed near the High-quality early childhood educa- with ECEC and continues through - The children find their school days The city’s role is to enable good to participate in designing these. city centre. This complex will include tion and care (ECEC) and basic educa- basic education to upper secondary meaningful and safe. Overall, Kuopio everyday life and wellbeing. The city Joining the city museum and library a new swimming pool and renovated tion are main elements for children’s school or vocational training, forms is a safe living environment where views wellbeing through the develop- into the block of knowledge and sto- ice arena. The building utilises pro- wellbeing. The school path binds chil- the basis of wellbeing for a person’s children get to move around freely ment of the operating environment ries is an important current project. gressive technology. The ice arena dren to their community, living envi- entire life course, says director of ed- and nature is always near, Auvinen and encourages the inhabitants to be This block, currently under construc- has a carbon dioxide cooling system, ronments and the entire society. ucation Leena Auvinen. says.

52 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / FUTURE KUOPIO KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 / FUTURE KUOPIO 53 Puijo offers all sorts of fun in the winter. Latest activities are husky dogsleds rides and snowtubing.

Puijo and Tahko play an essential role nature reserves, which sets limits to Puijo has been actively developed for Kuopio in various ways. The areas investments. in recent years. The city has renovat- are located less than one hour from ed the frame of the tower. The entre- each other. Puijo is Kuopio’s best- preneurs have renovated the café, known landmark and a popular place “Visitors can also try restaurant, souvenir shop, the Puijo to visit, particularly in the summer. By cottage, and sauna cabinet to fit the contrast, Tahko is the uncontested virtual ski-jumping or nature theme. The souvenir shop and centre of winter tourism in the area, visit the ski jump sauna cabinet have been fully con- The Twin Peaks of Kuopio: and also one of the biggest hubs for structed with wood harvested with- leisure time activities in the country. tower by the biggest out clear felling. Kuopio wishes to develop the two ski jumping hill Activities merging into the sur- peaks into increasingly versatile rounding nature have also been Puijo and Tahko tourism destinations. The city aims on request.” brought to Puijo. These include husky to create conditions and structures dogsleds rides, snowtubing and one The calmness of primeval forests, an open view to nature spotted with that allow the entrepreneurs in the of Finland’s finest disc golf tracks. area to develop their tourism servic- - When it comes to developing Pui­ Visitors can also try virtual ski-jump- lakes, and meaningful activities for people of all ages around the year. es around the year. jo, nature is always put first, which ing or visit the ski jump tower by the These are the themes around which Puijo and Tahko, at the top of means things such as no heavy con- biggest ski jumping hill on request. ON NATURE’S TERMS struction on the ridge summit. The - We want to make Puijo a tourism Kuopio’s tourism, are developed and complement each other. wishes of Kuopio’s residents are also area with year-round activities. We Both peaks are important sites when considered in the development work, are going to develop new activities it comes to their natural features. For as Puijo is loved by locals, says busi- with respect to nature, and aim to ex- PHOTO KUOPIO-TAHKO MARKETING instance, Puijo is partly covered by ness adviser Unto Juutinen. tent the time tourists spend in Puijo



and Kuopio, says Pekka Niemelä, the ing playing fields, Tahko Event Park, the centre into a hub pulsating with managing director of Puijo Peak Oy. hiking tracks winding in the wilder- life, including pedestrian streets, The city is also planning to con- ness, and Finland’s longest stairs with boutiques and other services. struct a two-seat chairlift from the around 1,000 steps, taking you to the The area is also developed into a Puijo sport and recreation venue to top of the Tahko hill. The slope area centre of various activities, which the peak. If the chairlift system was has a full disc golf track and downhill supports tourism around the year. constructed, Puijo would become mountain biking routes. The most Many well-known events have already more accessible, there would be less recent investment is an observation found their way to Tahko. These in- car traffic to the summit area, and the tower high enough that on a clear clude a full distance Ironman race, the chairlift would provide an experiential day, visitors can even see Puijo from Tahko MTB mountain bike event, the way to travel from the venue to the there. Tahko Ski Lift Pitch start-up event, summit. The lift would also help de- Many private investments are also and the Tahko Juhannus midsummer veloping the downhill skiing slope. currently launched in the area. The festival. Panorama Bar is planning to build a - All of these are major reasons for RENEWING TAHKO unique, high-quality tourism centre coming to Tahko – also outside the consisting of a panoramic hotel and a downhill skiing season. The city’s task The city is actively developing the forest spa which seamlessly merged is to enable the related investments, Tahko area together with entrepre- into the nature. The hotel’s panoram- which means investing in streets, neurs, the local village association ic suites display an amazing view to municipal technology and other basic and other stakeholders. lake Syväri and the centre of Tahko. structures, Unto Juutinen says. The joint efforts have resulted in The centre of Tahko will look differ- a local physical activity park, includ- ent in the future. The aim is to renew


Reykjavik TH Kuopio - the Capital THE 9 LARGEST CITY of Good Life IN FINLAND

Among the top 5 cities in Finland when asked THE IMAGE OF KUOPIO Oslo Stockholm about relocation preferences (factors affecting Moscow ND Tallinn Kuopio’s attractiveness: Safety, level of expertise, THE 2 studying opportunities and the development of Dublin Copenhagen local businesses and industry) MOST POSITIVE (AMONG FINNISH CITIES) Minsk London Berlin KUOPIO IS KNOWN FOR THE Kiev Prague HAPPIEST THE MARKET 15 Paris Munich RESIDENTS AMONG SQUARE, PUIJO TWIN CITIES Vienna THE LARGEST AROUND THE WORLD CITIES IN FINLAND AND TAHKO Milan Budabest Zagreb Bukarest




58 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 KUOPIO BY NATURE 2020 59 The best memories are born, where the heart lives.

Kuopio is easy to love, but difficult to explain. It is a city full of sensation from the freshness of the morning to the pulse of the night.