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Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

2-24-1910 Alamogordo News, 02-24-1910 Alamogordo Print. Co.

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Published tvery I rurdoy If) tl)e MOt Beoutifui Town 0 New Mexico. ó l'KI K. ( KNTf VOL. XIV. No. . ALAMKOUlMt. SEW MKXH. THI IWliA Y. FKRRI ARY 24. Ulo.

rams oof mifi ri inh strive gas f,o. athi w mmm V 1 ftes w ffl UUVIV ii'iiat VVWIMIIIWIIIIII Wkal I V M w w mm nm WORK METHODIST IS EIHED OR CITY TICKET KI REMODELED FOR NATIONAL HONORS BEGINNING

Expect-- To Chtirh Should Contmau to Pro-Arn- re i, m, JWhwr''n ks Jooet is Antinpitia? Growth of Two CletsUnd Mn d Auspices of National Athletic KrtM Loo'i Accept '.a-- i cf Town Under Tucd iy

Association atti" i t " L Grsat l:pprovmtiT m aV. fur Km ess ParrluMd 4 n CittHM Múg Ba T' r a a dM Mopes to Bring Noma a Superintendent Pratt a- Mrs K. (. Baker ar a HÉi of Yt mendy keeping puce with Indication are now that actual -l lie enforcement iday.a-.- V - . f ' I, Aknoopo a. hi " f ,r ii' tllatlf Trophy construction work m the plant " I, Kl JSOIHIlWesivrU National -- I a f.-- , at IL paring it gfnwtk end expansion. of th will after a -- i;, ,,. . ha. deprived us , I .y A Alamogordo. are amping" C . Jewee, pr'priif..r uf Hot- -! SSI un.ler way March I lews of Mr j, par-onag- e. - rmbtl Mfl li . . - at the Their furni- St .1 f 11 IkMf rti Id r r I...... Alamognrdo bu. Mini ite has bee,, pur. has- , to a national trt.phy The athletK mwl held at IM Lous, h-- ld .., council ..f ,,, ,,,, jtM . t.i..L .... ture and lurnishmg. ,fth hrt Th(, A. H. t'ux. the director - - 4v. ar-.e- from incorporated ItMtWBB of cle.nng and have I.e., for, ,,,! IMI ill tto f the rnornint memorable and the UM h7Z toft who and the work JfÜ proawrty, rnawk for the foundations . -- i un. .gordo. and will mU t.. way. mav have made' the rec .nl or PBBeBBJ J lnore than one it It almost h hi- -. tb at - commenced within the re' Mr. Roe explained in tractivrassef the batel,,ihe to think . f tho.e blind n pU. certainly are deserving Mr- - Bnd Mr" naker come to M well m adding to Naiapillt. n of recognition an-- t reward, oextiew ay.. r of withdrawal, that engaging the tame sport. suh Al.nwsjnr. fmm R,well, wh.rst The fairway in the corner of The records vere follows: R. Woltor was so unexpected. whirh try th nerve and endur sm too. engaged o - tin- Ii Im 11 Horpstor. of Cleveland, are ev ii limitCV will removed, .mm "..t' I fi rt (tit ta Mir ' tkiiirIK ii nwiro Hrau kick work for pa.t th- i surprise, that n March 1. They church the r- un M Battel The MBBHj coin-wi- ll her vault mi the bw hrothers W have their full Mr. Baker ,. a young in - speci BBBtl as -- imply overlooked the rule Ik- taken out. The removal í"an bring the plan, and plement id fatrultiea. Merino . . . ,r .imnl the I ItítíSricatioos for the plant, and win .m.-uo- assured the of afirWM mi vault will make Idind were not a Healf Ari these xvs Joetak Chaves 7ft. Sin. intensely earnest, en- - for bids from I Bsillllll for Tars. If e he would tare BOB BWi riMiins. tit ak - in.-- that Ipanw nor able to engace in athletic BtoDBM .... scientious efforts iarrv one for- The Alamofjordn Improvement - I - .:....k ioiirt- when thev Ira reixirleilut vi .... fa-e- just the HNM r . ,ur ti nos r the ordinary riMtiRM to feel ' dll'i .IICIIIIi HoOS. ward then wtH latvo tto qaorters IB WO "hy. tory and pipe de-pm- t., the Institute. They were LoUi Montoyo l tir.:e travels, he is no longer -- t in the growth and man then it -- 1 enraer, now hard-- ('h-ive- otililing thut sptSM hrinking. timid. anl had Frank .... 18 times young. He Iih been in the the town, and " THE DEEP WELL now up th- - stairway. r- -i taken of y more than a shred uf aelf hop. step ASb ji mp ministry only two yurs, but for , ev. ry ' ontin to remler BOJ the hot d iiaiice. But iiml'T IW to S"l),'r,,,tn prdnk ( htves '.') ft. '1 in ten or twelve years prior to that - Still Most . w his power. Indications are iieit-n-ifi-- ,.. anos ithin Will be iOPOtod abool where ike dent l'ratt'- excellent traiiiingj. Mtmm 4 ft IS in lin.e he had beeo closely i I I n rule of the i ipauy InipniN inciit 'o. k draw Dow liny have tieen rapidly moving .la. ob ( haves 19 ft. 8 in. with church work. self-- . on t he -t- r-t. I he forward. That increase in krly defined, and explained ofBBJ SJBMf. WAuaai on h vsds He vas educated in the high I U 1. 1. unit InnMiir mna hi.iI iclitincenot onlv enables the.r I today, and . ..r fr.,m...... Mr.- - ini'iloti-- . " Yiacero Gasbtea lit ft. 5 in. Rfor eloainc the forms sehonl if Kana, Ill ' ! parlor for hvlies, will built Is engage laid sport, but - Tuiver-it- y r Thursday, we tried to cotnmun- Baker at Baldwins U srsJ Manager. The lett.-- - Francisco (ion zule 10ft. 2in. on tto lir-- loor. The new makes them better able and actively i Daway Uwia 0ft5in. icate by telephone with Camp Kansas. He has ss foltoogi stairway will lead froto lohby qualiüed to get along through - tto StnttBI Oity, to tosrw wtot is new con- taken up the pastorate of (irace El Taso, Texa.x, will Ufa. There ought to aw WtW to tto soennd ioor, atol kave le . . ,r,:.. cerniiiff the uroeress of the well. Methodist church. Hi vigor and aOnrf. stinting in the commendation ' Hilo two Uodioas. Thee will be a . We were to get in touch earnestness convince us that no 4 n. unable nu ,. s . - lobby to Mr. Pratt and his awsitnfti blK-k- . - w .... i large d.,.r connecting the given afcfej ordinary stumbling will Mr. ommir . . , ... : . u u iwo-i- i u u. x H , u .... miwm mwm .l .lacoo rat rrwnri. psi n:rf-- (Irace Alamogornn the :md .lining i The t regable informition stay the progress of Edltat, ' be improvedhithe life condnions of 18 FOOT ROPK BtUftH A saaood loot liahwsfj will are able to secure is to the dist- - - . I 2-- .VI- .1 .1 .í J. .. !....., I. i... I...... I ,,,1 Montoyo 4 5 sec. aibled to t no irrin si'ie, ami " mi wgw aiwi I.uis effect that the well is now at aj Luciano Merino .8 2-- 5 sec. II par Sir: will afford a cool rating p!o e llus athletic meet was held depth of something more than College Xotes en- - auspices of the Nation- - Yiacero Gashtea 9 sec. I have your favor of the 21st for tto sesMtor days. The under the 900 feet. Mr. Mayo, who owns BTASDISO BROAD Jt'MP Rv eiirht o'clock Fridav nieht Boa. tranee to ImpmvaBaat U0.' Athletic Association or the is instant, in reference to Mr. tto the drilling outfit and supr.lth gaitorr Wa. teeminw vith Schools for The re-kt- o 1 1-- 2 in i will be near the corner of the Blind. Yiacero Gashtea 8 ft. We regret that conditions ar-- ntlei intending operations, declare. life and resounding with mirth. boildiag, near where the cords made have been submitted Francisco Gonzales 7 ft. 31-- 2 in. in all his experience he has h that Mr. Koe cannot serve that Beautiful young ladies flitted is located. . to the Association, and will be Dewey Gwin 7 ft. 8 io. present stairway never found indications more here and there. The young men as a member of your Council. in competitim with the records ARCH BALL H. B Singleton made the favorable. chatted gayly, smiled when they I if couvaa, in this particularcase, t,,e Instituto, of 19 dif- - Team 1 min. 29 2 5 sec. nlans and is doing the work. All That is encouraging, and is had a chance and played real any inter- - i reoi .tai-e- .nu ierruor3 Judges: R. R. Pratt, A. H. Cox, no harm could come to the stairway, the panul work and sw I something to feel hopeful aliout. gallants. There were no ameo work- - of these records may bring H. RuswIL W.Wells num- -t. but we have a rule that our other iosida laiakiog was ,Sme Probably before the next comers that night and no Quaker will employes must not mix up in ed up here in Alamogordo, at ber of The News is issued, it meetings,- - if there were the Sincleton s n aninir mill, IS New Time Card Important Meeting bo possible to write a story of politics or hold political offices, it spirit surely moved. not necessary to go outside of meeting well at Camp City This was the ninht of the ban sod to be we cannot The El Paso & Southwestern There will he .special ""'n consistent for finished product ' " at ai,y Ahmogordo issued a new time table which of the Cemetery Association held Wf rate' a?(1 quet given by Professors Morgan . any deviation from the rule Alamogordo o IB writing the in that line. An Sunday, Feb-- Business Men's " lo" time and Hays, in honor of the basket became effective ' at the Alamo , I am sure Mr. Koe will do supplies it. . . . . nr i atorv - pttnt ruarj 20. The only material...... at three o'ciock, weoneguay - ball boys. The boys and their he can to assist in the change is in No. 3, the afternoon, March I. Every mem- company were there, and if any train YVSG HERE up building of your town, as will WA SIIISO TON EXERCISES westbound Golden State Limit- ber i. urged to attend. Matters IT' one ever had a time, they did. were played, real, a! other officers of the Railway ed, which now leaves at 1 :25 of the gravest importance to the Games live. P. M., instead of 2:58, and ar- association and to the Wat of Several Days interesting games. The spirit of Oorapaslfi Blind Institute Renden an En- - iwipi jJafllei M. be discussed, mirth and general good time nev rives at Kl Paso at 3:50 P. nity are to and With his Father-in-la- w W ith kind regards, I am. tertaining Program of Golden State must be decided. er lagged one minute. The time very truly. The time the Yours Library As- ruH bv as if it had winen. . r ' ... o ' Limited between Chicago and The ladies of the 11. J . Simmons, . . u "Cy" Young, the original, thej puncn WM served, the boys prov-veter- an wumt.-Genera-:a l. sociation, and the members of WashiiigTon's mrrn.iay was ix)s Angeie. mwm j 1 Manager na baseball pitcher, cama patrons. There was obwrverl at the ably reduced. In point of equip- - any other organization interested f)g beral hile regret is in last Saturday night, and spent Btru,neotal music by Misses hff the Blind. A very ment and service this train ha. in the welfare of Alamogordo, father-in- - j t he loss Mr- - JSE several days with hi. Bemis, real music, of WJ entertaining pro- - for a number of year, been on are also cordially invited to be wftrock and n- - interesting and of t here is not remotest int . law. Mr. Robert Miller, Peoli, kind we aH invet tu kind the u-a- l present. the .. , mu rfiiinerc iiist alter tne of the finest on the continent. It Ohio, wno i. spriiuiug sounds like more. Mr. Aune Hose of the regular chapel is now one of the swiftest as well Mrs. Thos. O'Reilly, Pres. thar ,i;7íJlyf become , Mr. the winter at Hotel Alamogordo. Morgan sang "The Tempet," Koe s .uccessor on the ticKet. - . . . . Accident in El Paso Cy Young is one ol tne great- - ttnd we could hear the DreaKers t u. was preliminary to the Dig Notice to the Voten of Otero Street Car A miss mooting was ..Mr.,, est who have ever played the roar. Then came the feast, with . entertainment to be given at County Results in two Deaths lay evening to nominate a trds. ....I mA Resinninirm w more everything good to eat in most tne cióse riUtion. iiaviviini nf tee to fill the vacancy Judge The first Monday in April i. Mis. Maggie Riley, a .i.ter of , a gtto 0f a century ago, he tempting and appetizing array were not issued.rfMThe program was than Hyron Sherry presided, with the time for electing school di- Mrs. J.H. Laurie who lived in qUickly made good, and is still Does it pay to be a basketball follows Chas. E. Thomas serving as sec M rector., and also the best time Alamogordo for many years, was aiding his own. He is signed college boy? Well, I should Song : Ood bless our native land. car accident Cleve- - r,.Ury for making special levies for killed in a street r thii Mason with think! - By chorus. J.S. Kerr placed io nomina- the school purposes. This time will which occurred in El Paso at 8 :50 land. He left Tuesday morning Those io attendance were . ... .-- !. if.;i.i;.m' The character of won be here. p. in., last Sunday. Mr. and for Hot 8prings, to begin the Misses Holmes, Bemis, Warnock, Washington. By Louise Gon Mr. Kerr's remarks wore brief, The law. of 1909 require that Mrs. Laurie, and Miss Riley were spring training with the team. Anderson, Bennett, Burney. but just to the point. The nom- zales. a legal voter .hall pay hi. poll passengers on the ill-fat- car, Chamberlain, Berryman ; Messrs. Why am I like ination waa seconded by Judge Recitation: tax for the present year, before when the fuse under the con J. Manly Morgan, Sitnms, Aurie Washington. By Yiacero Gash-te- a. Pou tornee io Good Condition F. J. Bush, who moved further ho is a qualified voter id a school troller box burned out. Miss Morgan, Hall. Daugherty, What-le-y, that the nomination be made by election. See that the elerk of Riley thinking the ear was burn Dr. Robinson, assistant Pfaffenberger, Haynes. Washington Birthday Exercise. J.H. li'rUniAtinn Thin motion Was the school board gets your dollar ing, jumped from the car, and superintendent of registry divi- Tuesday wo all had a half holi (Song Interlude) By Mamie carried by the house without a and issoes yon a receipt for 1910 was almost instantly killed. A. sion of the poet office depart day. In the afternoon students Gnane, Lola Gonzales, Fran- al- dissenting vote. poll tax before election day. G. Smith, another passenger, ment, was here Monday oo his and teachers were bosy planting cisco Goniale., Lewi. Verela, Thus Mr. Park become, the You should vote in this election so jumped, and waa killed. Those In en nial visit. He checked up trees to beautify the college Mannlita Mestaa, Rnealita nominee for trustee, by the solid and your school should have the who remained in the ear were work of the local office and campus. This is --omething Archuletta, Susie Baca, Dewey the B not beyond ad- see-mor- vote of tto people. He dollars. injured slight reports that in the matter of worth while and we topa to e in Gwin, Luciano Merino. man wall enough advanood Lacy Siroms, County Sup't. sera tribes and bruises. to regulations, this of of tkis splendid spirit lav Reeding :Where the flag was first herence years to think and act calmly, ahead of the most of th fnturw. DumV B By Ada Hooker. iaa is far He raised. Rob-idso- without favor or prejudice of its clase. Dr. n : The good old times. Col. Henry J. Anderson return D. M. Barringer Jr., left last the others honorable straightforward, Recitation 8 is and ed Wednesday evening from a Sunday for his old home in has been in the service L. fary of- Rv Rosa Hardin. J. Mead and jifli aod will make aa excellent is the third time be : boy's plan. business trip of several days in Philadelphia, where to waa years. This wall, Okie., to ex Recitation The small any 7 ficer. Tan Nava deeiree El Paso. Ho had the privilege called on account of the critical has checked this office since Mr. Oil di last wosV both to Rv Luciana Morina. tend congratulation, bird-ma- been libe rest of America. By the chorus. of seeing the n fly illness of his sister. Hawkins has tw to Alamogordo and to Mr. Park. Souk: A--' e .

H0LB,N" FRUIT AND ALFALFA mnm mWLt tt ii got mm tanaialtj R mwmm aha hue o j un aiou'tf 0 Ciaail Mai J the who fetus ana t NeM latan) Weert aet mu waa enn fee treated s ni iMiri if nr r Manual Study sjo,d AmoiQ Easiest Cropt to Raise Be After it. One iartrterT nt annuo ngiy, aa i Dry La id. Sayt Expert. I, ttimh laa rl oi i. rears leO psas fear fertaad, ! nn of motet ghat tor the of spa n annul 'he em, rm' - ahouht c.a- ta feo aainayag V a schools ft I . eld llh B Mr a itor if fear power. n i p Pi. ( , II. MOR4K ' 'hiiaangaa al pagan ri-i- have ho-- . ang eul-- c fa at ...I iiv hand ina ii'-- Ñrt4 ith err ll 'If nreelplt.itlon Prid Is not a i Ar d Cy"' t in cwoatiy llh euBi where M ttj. U won't get ron n Jan. . .ntderaia- nltWiill and It of'eB l. v . I" '1 r. IT'. - , Ii It rtc- a I inkn hen erBe. . I . o, . H !n. PMgg aatal H Hr and cB Th common featto that n l r ii mi ntara sperlaUr hyalentc la tueweeact ...... , agrtriiltiiral jflgHHiiiiMrísH ..i nter than a w which teat U fur hyante i eta taSua on 'h' ladnt. u i . '.i I:: i 'tiB the sir la awra v l tn at the tart, a arhak. huaan It . v i. tilide ...iik nth mll th-t- ataUaa t. . pi ni T Ktimr in H iti li and AommySíimm Ss -- gkan u fined ind ara ao it mar mirfrlw tn ef " afejoltar one i or thai open. Th bewt for in In.' tei i' ir iiian wrr to in Ins'an 'ale ' . m-- nl Idea M pat k w.iir around in dry Nhe ta- I Niiél"rnt he camping naion. ti .. m ' hold near the tur-- I p ,. -. ? tr.v far,a. 'he walei tona dert. la made af faur - very bud for If . l'il I r .!' .llltl hi. adlce aurportlBg wire aaUlog. Into wi . . i i. a,- n. m drtea out I ...'I r. i' '.in of some trao antra fearn I"h l branches I klv im' if iaB coat down i staaX 'i ibi. h .i' uní Ju nougfe light to . (hi tren. 1'avins .i'-'- I: n l...ol' the nt aloioai . an bt m Bt riT' b i.' ' ,u ... p eo tbre- - feet or 07 '. .... I II In I !v lr.rt" liW .ill don . i ..rnt n re1 ha i ... ni . rj, r in-j- ihr-t- r r 'hi i Inn atinll' gecrtt of tmraaum, ! ilo" ' - i - ;nwIM. '! Hiilth 'all. W 1X ! "..111 ... or en luche nhortt ii 'liii lil.iv s' Uanranas hi Ha eapraoaaui of tit. mi r a! It (h- n.nt. 'ir innv. ft- gg aakgai 'Iry. the rootn will V -' .! riil.Utllle I k atasy; it is laU di wo vary that ao ! .. li l or n . high .i .it. .'iin tha' en Inchet. t fililí) training wh.U tunw .! ia common or unclean; It la the - . i..l no more, bu after a very wat l! school i',.'- n ti'iies In th sad wo :. ,l: Isiifh Itttvhnau . latlon of the latent maaic .f I v ith ... hen ib ngaal in wet and the in .in. whi . ii i: plower may which uoderlii all things; - nt o a hallnw i . ' ' mol- nr Iii 'be a.m. i.a into i ! man i thiuga be! To tb w it., i. ni i x. v h Miei :i tlry . almnm fine rrop aa the M. pfl "ni w be m it No. deed, cause to , - ' .,w . r,-t- v ig aau pag aaa hsj ayo i.: if s in ii..! X i last or twelve Incbe.i. and bi .t Inltiateu sud uner.üghtoané Ifcgj 1 onr A wt p.p when were ggag foiiu-1- - nnil i shal-.:- Jniiipni j'-- aun lli' ir r The major ;iro i ills ft! n leads to the belief that il;iini bi to an orh T ua ClMte'ataavUBBa aUass be Uvr' tl.ea ecaas g aggfetru of null ani oi, ta th. thins, but he tu mothe nf these schools lia, n tnnriv o t'ii ia lo.. inula pofibly rv whre lie nv.r lasUag lor BBS BteSO surfacea; art U hoWa all thing,, i -- . t wh-.i-- j t ' I nth I - niilv one aood crop once In Mi dUln't p i tuy ir.. - .Ir .itui could translucent, marvataaai i pn nrHtir i f. r th" hiulnr tirlt- mmm ablnlng. nio ."i wlBt-rkllU- but 'hn the who plow deep U I i I - .!) In tl.n,.' .U tn Lou T t - 'at thur Maciien. ésa nica! institutions. tbt:i fon. :!: H- -' t'ltinIM 1 tc tlli .! f .Mil I .li'l!" t ihln. ml his rrapa year wet or K. f .i rmmot neiually esati ilk ittu !ii.nn .lit .inywnys Weekly. íop iil'1 .III. I llj CUM ) fack d land v. ry mmh like id asga ha aat tai .,. ti Jaun; gal f.u:idat tii: r.h an - i !! Iltlinll ".put later get : 1 , bti u a r i p r.. n 'M fr I: of t -- ., - dliT . hayatael 'U; hi well aettled. the ni), ik n .i:i.'e Ii Two .. an.1 nil BS Bi't A Haro .tv irain ;i ti:. t el ni ollege. ot or'ni. i a,n ums not an Into I' much, but sinks ni parts th in l"r An a'd Liut wiui a l it. .. - may joy; whata'er he hnt i v ir-- . s i. Its hay is loose ihe rain Hi sing of In com !u:.n. I .vnulil mv that ti.- - wlio must luve hooi it an fnid o ina ni ru- ihnnat tteonaa it. 'ho same with Mv p. he says win ii he a rhild sadness ' hrf noiUi'.i - - 1 . K. tk II try tn , tr.un in school lo un) rtaivi uerfevtk one in dry aaoaapi taa bmmbs naa th anal didn't Hi Ihgnj for his own heart's ; th' An' n.akr H: nr agatgasa iMBk i - d S I L'lV" hi- - aliiii..-- 1 : a" thing, namely, a ll"1 per cent. Iv in thing, an.1 hart otih a rn-r- al :ree :s much Baaaagh o tr. r p m gata ljr íhare; .I? the inlaaior. il I . wants to 1: WINTER WHEAT ON DRY LAND ' un.., it waan t p" he sang, the worll Iffav auouleiigi of several other gj'.i! mil .i So a:: r.i'ner than to hiin . Hut rum. ff as SaMy t'bt'ia. .u'ij.v. Ic ). a question i . i the srej ararafS gUdne-- s pgaUtal ItMflrMgi of a of íuiiji-et- . hov . n .i thi the laiKi-- i t h upiilv tif larger number A "i, tml area inc. One Half Amount of Seed Required for H. mi- - I stiotild b - t.l trat atad To be noL tenant there. technical school will hare a itomlanl NOB i ron- mVt pvnetraif at Irrigated Landa Anawcra for I .Im, t bava i' maa Ilka hi had -- It- aat . Bj J! taawe lo aatali th aatt Dry Farming. saya tknu lots be denied whrh ill tr.arketlly inrli Bu: t.r fejaaaig to tie satisfied.tu In; dreams were his. and ta MM and In ;i tiff h'.i t nacf of ttn.i 11" n. v- -r itnamed. he says, f lint boy dawn's fair shining. whole life. Wh-- n tr.-e- .,. I::.- - l'i-l- the youug i: ta d aio! Kami says that one-hal- f sjh.iul.l I. ave a whoht rofiin full nf tuya. KM-- His spirit soared beyond the mo I ble fii hem to UN ll all tM the aaaaunt ot seed required for lrrt-gfen- l - I i..- : tag my rm and ins lark, t..i iie ;:tn! thi ur.ilus Is rtornt land w ill do iu dry farming, add-ta- I'm awful tbaut th i.a.--J tln-e- s that he I d. ihe ;..r luttire n- - uBBV-wh- ifelM paaasga Is Bu: from his lBa no accent of Bermanj lias gon.. ahead of ii! the H to the acre all Bat that hi'a relly lut-V- ti.i- a- rt tte heve our tree- - sMndibv In IS r. ii. Caloraga In tf'-'- a in nur laaanay, Ins countries of the aafM :tt the igaunftgnt iflcienl and that, one aautasv. ot Ua.i;;. i actually the cim inet::- p- Bl lasi. 2 bushels of Rood An' thai he shouldn't raise a f'.iw Tell alna ;he days grew dirk. of 'Iting the ;'rom ip tn Mi prpiw-- liut bo flBd be tivfa with matter Lict ii orchard hn ri as :hi acre was urown in thla n! Germany BMBBmt are earn Ktúi he earth, , Aa acre of !anl ia Qenaaay or iiothinn rap hut season. And though contending Icrg 1st uiy ear-Ti- n produces mure gruiu, potatoes and the like i this aacUM to aa pretty thin seed- Fate to master. Getting t:, in the itry orchard '. ia know that where there He gg in an v other of the tailed at last her asmit; than ten part inte,- Kin. bpeauM they do n. - K. dio lai ni maleta ia. It will not do to c'ueat ; e. Holland turnad. The nevH bieOBM ;.ui Vnu can not Ml Biggest rinks too thickly, and as weeda take Be turned with such a smile to tt an iron or any other .i- with u-- It of the Moaaa of the German Canaan Km motatura than grain. just will disaster irl fxect It not to lnr.t when the ; nt OS tolerate weeds all In dry Crops in cuftivutioa soil, the la at That he sublimed defeat. their intensive 0Í the lrosi ionics; .o with tree. Thn. tarmiiig. tr.-e-- kll!,-i- Florence Ear'e Coates, la On' i:snils of l --(- chief factor therein the aro in the A of new in Mon-a- sI anaHM .s.itlers ine. VMS year it rlanHng; I Masas By H. DUIIRSSEN i. Liohij. the rw i bf ltc ami aavi eogBpaaaaei lo us that thetr VSat yo ol Uamvarg wtnt to tell I tha' in 'he deaUi. l las present season would have Breaking it Gently. Bnaued ebetaift, ha!;" a century ago fouad Daily winter ut "..s and !'.. when thoin-and- n beca mocil better, ene says as good The patient opens his eyes. His Thought. oí out the tngrodienti oeeeaaar to tfianalata BMia tr.'i wrro laat la bo brtaat-n- i kgniB, had they not listened to the old glance takes in the white walls aud i inerva nomina; iiae senaria; the growth of plant lite and it i. bncgugg ranche?, e ilid not lo.-- e one. Nov.. -- tilers ami seeded lightly white furnishings of the hospital ward j ourselves as there's a deal art m Ii ii th-- . ' vet not tor warm sprllx. i In aaOOQU, tie looks down and Baas the bandages i do without In thla George LI hit zr ; tn. agrietiltorc ia raperiar to that of any other this parti, ular or last, the life which eanaa the sap to rU tail could new tattler may be right, for most of that swathe him Irein head to foot. A nation. uoi happen; la 'añada, lar instance, these complaints come from men who white-robe- d nurse appears beside his i lo. i mailer how wet the lives that bed. riten' are time of plant DonriihtueBt i nitrogen, admit the rainfall has been much OKLAHOMA CITY IM i became The loutl rMe of the tr greater than usual the past two or "Am I badly hurt?' he asks mas own rem sxawaaa vkb 1 nod i Miif.-i- s I phtsphoric i' :ion the nitrate of sods, which tin most bcauae it taa throe years With the regulation dry Ves." she ays, "but not latally warm side at When the automobile struck you It lEE HDCKHS HOTEL I , i ipkadid fertiliiin vhich Germany importa more Molilalia isons, however, we look for jj aaSBBBBBaSBSMB naa BBBBBBBsnBBBBI "8oma of our aiilanltitaU and more converts to broke both arms, one leg. five ribs enooe Chili doc ah - thin seeding. We van sToaitj or souo coneowv 0 II 'íu... than ut 10,000,000 ior- per Mr tell not . al- and your Jaw. besides dislocating roa ninn shall bo ghal to hear from some of six AA la aaa Ck flng-r- s. la Sam tjsssah Baa b Us ? on tMiitHap Nitrogi n ii ium I the oflal blood, etc.), falfa they know ton well how the expert, ill on this phase of knocking out three teeth and the ruuti KM II usuaily jilowcd In this country subject. blacking both eyes. Will you give BH cciortaa iaaMrt.ii asi o m fen í'tMni Safa rapa, iinue. Tba paoapborie aciil Dakota Parmer. a aaa Ban mix. i .three or four lachee def.ii iik- the name of your folks, so 1 may In tui r. nit It'i'.u the phoapbai t rroautitiei (ron Tunaraarr Bpranti out to dry. Drought Resisting Crops. form them that you will be here for a ifcuus klals icavn n mi i CV Itaakf- -t. M. la Jfc 1! itaattl Florida. (If tbi il ubolly il ept intent on the "Bal j ou can rataa atfaUa mi sod, It requires many years for cropa couple of months T" ' "Ves,"' and on sandy land will do bettor iban trout humid cttUaVhM to adapt them-- I he says, but break It to them Baa.lBUasBaBB "i? líait'! Stati i. U-- feat any other way. We never wait for Bain I to arid conditions, hence we gently. Just say that 1 have had to The i$ aiti?-- t potash, hoverer, !! a Cernían prluet. nce our tot to rot, a ro It with :Sn dlac. j should take advantage of any strain come to a sanitarium, owing to my OPENS JANUARY lat, IfetO t or run down wart anttlj has the only mine of am account. The stuir laoki ammilhlinj VO atan in the first aret da and din-I- variety which lias already acquired condition.' and itoss-iIL- Ir. entttag i' '11 to drought-resistin- qualities. Home--, - t3c eotnmon salt and El being taken out at a great depth, A fjadieate iii Help Wanted. planea a a the atac am Kn. grown Med should always be given PLANT ' - A swain who a which I am a director controli and operate! 5i big peuah minei iu all then va p!odiit eight menea, the preference but on this point we would aMaaag So, turntna To a girl : i U rourt ' eoaptetety erar di- -i are a little weak whin it cornea ii I'jjirrs of the empire on a capitalisation of about 1100,000,000. The gar and r the oth- to Asked Htíern she licd, SBgl I don i er tide; then work It as fine getting really good seed. We now k now : cv, , ns old Irnnent of then mine?, arhidi it i to the lyadkata, I t land beior.i planting. Pail iitnahjaj have mrtotioa m wheal grown In the think the strci-- Is Ooi'tha." ,i .bib i and prinn BlaMiBg are heal Mid , intermountain region for 25 years or the The ronductnr rinilnl and said. I Mio-ii- irf- - mere rr im in iorbaj tii- - 8 ai'd thane are thoroughly accll-- t " 'T! plain you do not know the tOBt period of mat d. While home-grow- Rlslit wy to aay nami-- . Inst, lo lh moit exnenaiva n-- we have En the year, about hall an our that ad If Goethe It Is ijoethc." bank io an ii,eh aeeja. Tie are pool they are d da eountiy, ahea gooil bf ra ala .ya often gEEDg f tpacimcai can a rich nt by aenalapnnng eenata apnailliig rntnabla first-clas- it :n! asn from Noble Woman! For sale by s deaJera etr ami itaincd, it curly valnat. Inp out beiore the abroad bUWUTOT. .Many - Curley next rail aft recent Intro- i declare!" says the new acquaint where in sealed dated parir eta on I mmbo MmpV - b rc aauUI leaas am panraM ductioi.s lia. been grown in .atini ban of tnea frr aa uming arid shaking out set-t- her skirts and i TEXAS SED FL0IAL TEX- - the oi i.gions tor centuries drought- - láaAJt, i..eli the piano lamber hat sutiiiner The pmi ortll and the ng down or a good gossip on i tt, OKJ Walnut vorken tad oaal I raaasUag the much batter tor work hnhti thnrnighlp fixed. I Send for Beautiful Illustrated OeSa . tab the Such ont piazza of the summer hotel "You taw rlT 1 would gtadl pay 1,000 per i! '..ii'nii dice drills I am not mrtaUea are the Kubanka a o... pe" wm Sanaa mueh in f.,,or and Tur- simply cannot trust Ihe men! Getting of inlirtia at p.iekius ki Red wheats and brome grasa, I've Hiail neap) iur all never aeen the man I would put any Rermination. rat three of whi.-- have provun Thi-e,- . aipailunti iKln that especial- confidence In. I iülh heantif!.! an.-tr- with ly They all drink, and 1172 I9U Scarce the firat good Ktorm v 111 pw k your valuable when grown on the high flirt, carry and on awfully. Why, I Lb it curling, way grain, ia i in nakiag land anil plateaus in baii ui st(lf. it mo,f lllJtU ou and the mountain valleys knew b " SEEDS of nrneical could do it in a of this region Horn tatO Csrtaioaaa of vr eatai iaatraaieati and oriirr o BreeaTi work You must live In Thin in nf rather a bad HONOR BRAMO ECOS By W R. HETH nanicntal furaltan. crot vital hii ,rt.uirr to neighborhood at home." saya Maa , Dry Farming the other Now igfrlts I Ttaa. the diversified tarnxir. for with Not New. alowly. Rsadv. Taaai i'mhi. Curly walnut ia no. ihe While ÜM lady, And tha chat la gttting arce, name h- ended Cggaaioy rerj amo'iot ot work i an rala movement See. k Ptnnt i littjfl l.i:i received Its greatest ilia there a left iu reiiii(. moaataii twice a mueh feed aa b peaeS Impetus dur Disappointing. 231 Elw St. Dadlas, Tasas any ing yearn of agricultural rcgioni of Vfagtabi inn oilier i rop. devel- "My husband dldn t get faooi I li ffatl nal Kaarackjr. opment in borne until ICW BEST RESULTS the west. It la not a aew two o'clock thla morning." UK tJnjLJLfniiati iu only totarabla abaaaaaai in taa Oaagi adiaa af science The remarks the ataarni Winter Cara of Poultry. Chinese have been ap- lady with the weary eyea. They urn tlie bayen ever that As the plying a syatem of tillage similar 0. K. SEEDS farftMiVl'fIM an tnteralag territory to get at season adv ne IUp to indeed!" exclaims the other lady bust trust git und egetrfiion become things that which we call dry farming for delightedly of Use more anticipating the narration psat. do not fot get that poa than i.000 yeara. according to of a family tiff. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THF-- tag to so! 8 e still F. And what did be aay Generally Oegfai arc aiirioin 1 X. Meyer, foreign exploration plnying that it summer in Ksking agent n explanation?" BARTELDES SEED your fowls of the l ulled Slates department of 00. ova gooab for cold weather eggs, and "Xothlng. I came borne with him that yvs mus agriculture, in Palestine and fUailasssSHaaaa CUUAHOBLV aheedle ih. iu into the north- We had been to the theater and to a It ern Africa, very dry Y-n- i Idea taal Is the pauper regions, cropa late aupper ' can iaki BPJ wonl or it thai BntaV laying sea-M- afterward Nice light bread asas BsAy I have raised for centurtea with- bison To nciomplish ihb. yu miimt lcn ran oe am btarrapt Km graar out Irrigation, Theeaa-lonlca- n iiiii anal and pub- keep up the supply ol gg la Turkeatan. . Made Honest tffVrtT Anyway. .'1!. pioduclng on ' lic lrni!ijillitv of Mexico. looda In addition to the the ateppea of Siberia, In Vea. dibbles Is a fellow who always mu A Mexico looda Hungary, in CHOCTAW FLOUR Mativ t ki Bp thi ni a arm. 8outh Africa, la the believe. In making an effort to do )ciijlc. in t!,ia cunirv ho do desert the Insist on thta liftW Olve rhini something In couiitrloa ot Auatxalla. la Mex- task set before him. but tkare braisd aad yoa nol until tag the v.ay of ico, are ara sure to rstaiul Iran situation are cer- in South America In north-wi-a- t times when (hat poll have tan ban Certain anliial foods in take the )dace at and la absurd." KM Un; Canada the meihnrf. ,.i a "Still. It U aa vpt n tiuocma Hral I tain ianta of Qeagggl Itia. aid buss, heel lea and insects, ilecf scrap ih. admirable quality In of farmers of the sooth and west a man Quiet In a icrioil .,f diled blood, blood meal and gr.-.-- have alaabt .iMiuriaiiHf ami cut oeen applied with aurcess. Yes. but bnne are all excellent for ibis purpoaa tba other day I saw him BILLIARD TABLES riglracg taat aill gmnaal to a trying to open raunlatian, iary them and do nol an oyster with a nut POOL TABLES Prosperity pTatkaa give oar Deep Breaklnfl Best ar f Hat sort ta til continuously. All of ihe alxn. rscker." towi raicis. aaav ravataaTs. hi.n. aie rich The dry farming Mea seems to have Yoa casmot aflord to aapirisisaS General Dm- - is now In the protein that is ueede.; nlino,t m, ,t )lc, tn vtM caught on with all the waatern ex Ready to Chang. autriaa suoda soad bv ggal making perlment ' B, AINOLD SHANKLIN is robust si iiin.l aiel muy lite to till (tie stations and dry farm bag Ar ion making aay good resolu aUsHssa fissalluiral ia Hiaka bulletins are numeroua. A lions for presuli ntial oflice fur monv Alfalfa Supplies bulletin llior asks the friend ear. Protein. from the Mexico ' oee Oais. Alfalla station says deep Just with regard to smoking " Hi' going will Ih I,,j i aupplies protein n mI. ,nr.a aafJÉ breaking of the sod la one of the answers the man with the fidgety .nee, ami U heai i l.erail. u hon,p of r no naimiílj do mobs, no paaaJf tisrlit sheets succeed In dry farming. It tak .rtia; groan. If It ia cut at the ptofM-- r MACHINERY BBUajK Mma opene up a volume of Smoking Wfey. for 'l liings arc m loo ggtaj a aaalg for Dial. before ihe stalks become sail sufficiently thought yon wimmIv. anrt thlrk to catch and hold swore off tobacco cured with the leaves on the heavy last New Years " In time his successor will lake the reina ar.O pfatfcg their sterna. showers, and also "Ho I did will in M próvidas room for I'm going to begin f pontalna ih.- neressary food " amok 4nict mi pati ba i,s r,.rlflin j.,,,in. ele- the development of plant roots lag again fwmmrm of Im(l0Diil rPno,n ,,, menta to ted Ihe unborn, foetus m a Turniag happiness. way the sod over flat retains the ro Insure strong. .a.rous off K!.-- ICEIE WPIUKITS spring moisture better than when It la left rough , nata VE LIE VCH ICLEt) aApawassk. A LITTLE COLO. CAREER OF SHEER H ra.ifhf a IIMI roM TlMM waa all Ho tba sadly nM. Ont of the Country'! Greatest Aa they vImt rouad ala bed, a woe dead. QamMtrt Ota. When ihey heard bar lla . mght a Stth cold That waa alt ( Plirk I Incitfanta bj ta L'a a' me ortif Man Kaaatiatf Maaav of a moa or c4d of n v,uwui,et? aerVi- -i trouble To break ir T latara to rad Catfabaraat AMsa) Guar, o ta lasa- - a cal In twetit) 'ir boors aad rum ta y r, 1Kb tbat la curable salt tw . th-ta- nt rhlratr. Thu rl lUopar. I" attneca of tl-rrr- a balf-awac- e of I M two ha altad up"w tkra Virgin Oil of Klae rnmpnmd mirr and of tha gratoat faaiblara thla eonratrj eight grjMbl of pure Whlakr Tak- - a Tr baa bnown to aah Iw thali taoaroaful erory foiir bour. You can ah"r-- k ' Tha tarwi Taali In tbatr buy fheor-- at any good drug tor" and la not al with llaraapwt aaally nils thorn la a larg- - bottle. for th. for had "Ithar of tha trto. Iiun Itiiart. Al atltli t Fat aaajy NATURAL INFERENCE. wtrttPii tliia alory. It would har an 'tha moat aatural thin In th" 'ld twaflLwH for tliom to ha" aad th- - plirup a IK members af Fres I Of Mi" trio. HhPawy. th lii-- t tn dla 4gjaBBnHfBn 'h-- - l il Taft'a ééMuí BaBSnáBSaSBfVA 1 I a or.p m a iita of the I " pmbahly waa tha nvrnt not. . har a now rata In W '1 II lactar Trna. Bntlth and nart saaaHvPLaaá fl If pr It Ibav to . and jfát I ait account k'p' In thla rnuntry. but vlelte paid to tb y Mr,, f Itkelv tha the Shr-d- a oppratlona raarbad out Into ty W Wh 'hey bore csnjpkue bit.. Whl'p Hoi.'' tieorg branrli-- a of llfp tliat iba otbara waaar - P- ' I , sunt amir on 81 HK.i'A am 1 ahM the genarnl would ha Invadad and mad blm a tbarartar af , to (Hi I (boa paid y any i ha days whoa tb fonti'l number .world aid" reputa MM All wpr? ron jY H Mr. Wicker sham l la earsaion. but A other cabinet oficial nartad at tlmaa with Buftltlam and 1KB V ttt charge the proaeeuttoa of the l part meet chipis. ,JI m la "f hora raclBR. Smith n tba ataba trfeB la breaker which the govarauieat la boldar for aavaral rhamplonahlp af carrin pjrword anil he attorney fair and waa an authority to wbwaa g n ral knows, aa the rountry know, warp laft far aai- - "I il 'i like that Ion. a girl. Stf a huodrvda of roatfar ' thai rh legil opinion of ta president tlampnt wbpn Ibera waa any doubt Iwayp ritaaiag paipp down' -- iiil.- Mr. Wicker "OoalaMfMr I know bait la worth about a bat. Rtuart : Into promt dldn t she ahrn he use flrn t .nilnnid for a nanre whn hp pnllcd off tba Corbott ,n antomobller" b.cdy waa one rttalmmcna liaht Cnarity by Proay. frlenda of the of Urn aarly bachera and There k an Orearni utatpaman ho ratfthty L. Sullivan. John v ry i.ntlent with b: mort--y Ha Sbeedy, known oo three rontlnrnta i. rareb enil anything t: he can K ' for gambling nnd partlrlpatloa In bla nn ilni' to do 'he wpendrng fer porta, gaitipd promlnanre In flrat him on" luorniLK he waa walking of life In Chtrsffo. lie those walks lovin lb.- - atrept with :i friend anil began bla career aa a gambl r at un ' :i I 2gar who bad a tnlp ot 'about waa 59 yeara of ih' K. tie sj a op thai amaxlag Th ta'" when he died. In the "good old days" vs Ils'eli'-r- l and ! simi" - JTATC. ' Hankinsaa uian qi tOX,ó.CRTRY Or HMflLf aV L of Mike XcUonald and tha ,iona Then he t'irrjwl to bi; frlml iPL3 ran gambling In maps In Chicago h and sa!l: Jobn. thin mu'a atorv here. Or.a of there was on Clark . itr-t- 'a m greatly. Give him a qur-ler- atrei-t- , where the Morrlaon hotel near - Lifi now. days came to a - teN I aPBBBaw I I TTT I i , : a SHt. la When these rrv.uru rvraii - cloae Sbeedy left for greener pas- Jutt Turned About. tures, and since then he visited many wíUi m hubatiil." said the wit. of Isnds beviir.d the seas. !.. bassy man. it is always a cas of But before hla change Sbeedy talattntr nhnn " played In big games or cnance every "And WMI try Maw, aaid Hal apouv in iimjmHv where and there is not a town this if the bnrxatn h.iutt . . "it la a country where his name Is not known. vav- - of fl!iiii:ig talk.' At one time be was known as the greatest faro player In America, but Of a Later Date. he had to give that up because the Lie.--- That'.-- i a quaint rinj: vou ;u proprietors of the banks would not let vea i ins It W lii heirloom? II Mi H rRAHKLlM fta c VfACH , JfCftE TARY him plr.y. This was In the '80s. After Tosí Well. It dates from the OM HUM! THE TREASURY that he went to Cairo and opened tbe quest. eablnet position was called by lha Ceowtpa'ion raonea saaay dlare press of thr country "lue g.vt un- i. tbnn.ujtri!T curca by Honor pi-- i . rtra Omr a laiatitr, ihrev lor tuiaarUc. known" Mr. Wickersham la no IVI...S. longer unknown. His position as When you can't tell the miah, don't the attorney for the United States (tl anything. HSf in all its civil and criminal pro I 'a I m ceedings keeps him constantly in ,,'1 the light. tiBlha. Tbe attnni'--y general looka like a tttdent. Lawyer? say of him that analytical eoII be brings hit best be has on of the keenest and most profession. Mr. Wickersham JArfJ WILSON. effort.-- i to bear to cul minds known to tbe life and perhaps ho 1 1 a garden. Tfco cares very little for the outdoor vale nave ap- AWICULTURC secretar) has read the Is n man who by tamperauient would not atory written by Mrs peal d in the letifct to a president like Theodore diversions (3 Theodore Thomas, the Kooüevelt, bu the attorney general baa they are dl widow of the great whlth occupy his leisure hours, and a 10 talk alüi the prialéant countrv h leader, a versions, of watch, unquestionably the betag obllgt-- to wult their or stra of story which fold how will approve He is Interested In the welfare li senators. repreaeniativei and one - nt r. Uo;m charitable organliaVone and the JACOB ft DICKItiJOfi, SECRETARY the- made a succeaa least rlvata citizens of the land, who 1 glvea or WAR (ul garden on the of his beliefs tbat: "He gives twice who new arrangement arc glVM immensely Mr. MacVcagh baa quickly." Mr. Wickersham Is interested I rr urn of thilr own. rnek lonnil bills of the north Ho of a per-liap- a In the welfare of the blind. la a director - while his garden faifa cabinet forma v. bat might bg CbllSw preSton by the reading and and edu- planned and cultivated great New York Institution which cares for family. Moat of the meml-er- a are law-- Is not equal to that Eight. many of the flowers cates children who have lost their the rank, It is an open asen! by Mrs. Thomas. It eontalns first and people are Frank M. Hit hcortr. who Is Mr. Taft's postman bign oí i kind make pleasant what they wcrn aalected becauao of their he that ter general. Is a bachelor, devoted to the outdoor Gheslreh palace. He opened bla !j arc no longer books on nature an t g:vn to call old fashioned gardens. There econ- life, a lover ot LlrdH and beasts and a student of house and the grand baila of Sbeedy office II Mr. consults his treasury thief about 00 general bluer? subjects in tbu Taft nearly every branch of natural history. Net only Paaha. as he waa known, became fa- In government It v as Mr. MscVeagh who nf (bo While House. New book tbelves omies general a atudent of nature, but mous. For Ave yeara be ran tbe soon as Mr. Taft took office, to pro Is the iostinaster u put In and on them aro hundreda of waa asked as of work along sci- palace, waa for- money differ-e-i- t he has done an immense amount Gheslreh which the AN ITCHING SKIN belo-- k ways and means to aavo in the roanlsh red covered volumes whlth vide entific lines. mer home ot Ismael Paaha. nieei-,ips- e departments. The merchant cabinet member Inw book. It Is said that cabinet Three years ugo last summer the writer of this Sbeedy was the man who restored la aba.ui be aaoaf I con-- advantage of a long business training, days take on the acinblanco of n hail the article went to Oyster Hay, the home of President tbe famous Gainsborough "Duchess of (blast Ibera ka. Vea ksssw II If ami It did not take him long to discover that It of lawyers. As an example of this it Hoosevelt Mr. Hitchcock waa there also, and sev- Devonshire" portrait to tbe world of yaa've aver bad ear blad af . to save many thousands of dollars Hal tbey all l --ild that one day the prealdeut In talking was iiosalble eral hours were spent In hla company In the art. after it had been stolen and afcla iraabte. uo by putting business methods In effect In the dif- war, Okaaoaear every kOSl awe iC newapáper correapondenia aald that ground outlying the former president a home. missing 26 yeara of government. It waa found for for every pimply. araly, Nrhlaa. what subject was broached In Ibe cabinet fer nt bureaus Is deep wood Just beyond the Roosevelt Thp ntcfiiro hail hppn twinphr hv C good many bureaus of the depart Theie a ' ' ' - " - w. blast af tara af lb i al that time the tbougbta of everyone went Instance, that a on w eraallve s larvn and gan'pu. and from the wood that Norland Agnew at an auction aale tor I ( were In the habit of purchasing their aup-plie- afcla abra yaa real Ibeaa a Las suggested subject to (he matter of the menta came constantly, songs of blrda, SaZ.OOO, arrangemanta independently. The result of this was that mer day there and had been ' the nlng of tbe aatl trust laws. many different spec lea singing on after tba oth- made to have a celebrated engraver y money prsc-all- of them were paying much more the prea(dent said at that time Is umo er. Many of note that were beard were thoae a plate. Some $60,000 bad been oí ror some articles than waa being paid by others tbs make true of aseat of that preaeat aesalona of of the little warbler family project - It differ nt members subscribed toward the when CURE H- baa come and - In purchase methods s HUNT'S while Mr. Taft form it-- - cabmat. for tt la known tbat fe birds whoso t; are so similar that It Is tmpos- tbe English public was astonished and I ho has come also in many other linea, the net itoua to tarry oat tha ooaerelt (Help, tibie for any except the most sensitive ear to differ-- horrified with the news thieves wall rabbet la. iblas lOke II no ault g tbat Uncle Sam's pocketbook la being tbat to buitrera them with tbe law o that entinte between them. Mr. Hitchcock identified one broken into tbe bouse where the la atakr tba abla beatrhy asa by saved a good many thousands of dollars yearly. bad iilonal flawa can be found In them bird sfter another simply by hearing Its song. One portrait was kept and had cut It out aaaeeSb aad fraa fraaa albas, aw on tbe M Dickinson, tbe secretary of war In Mr Patee ka 00 '..aa of which after the best intention laiob on a time tbe postmaster general classified 10.000 0f the frame. lab, aa pala. reala 1 might Hod a 'i ta man and n Demo- o bata, aa bes ka aaaraa-tar- d the lagialatora, the guilty alt's cabinet, a southern birds for a museum of natural history with which And all trace waa lost for 26 years. aad at thought, aay asa ra ar of escape. crat. It may seem s little curious first was connected. One of ties between tha la rara he the To be anre, detectives bad become V II be--' army officers In the main, yaa (iaTT til HOMEY n K iat not ha auppuecd for an Inatant that but It Is a fact that the present post master general and former President convinced tbat Adam Worth, one of be ra are glad a southerner la the chief of the war moat of Mr. Taffa cabinet mem are that Kooaevelt waa their common lore of nature. tbe moat Inventive and daring thieves Cure ra. in life to turn department. Despite the attitude of some Demo- ltd Druggist for tart's tbey have no atocatlona Secretary of the Interior Richard A. Bellinger of t lines, bsd engineered Takt members of congress on army modern the newtans Mimctn. co.. Taaa aatde frequently from their socatlona. cratic southern has few diverotooe except tbat of golf. Mr. Ballln-ge- r theft and controlled tbe portrait, but -- Instame, generally, the southerners feel kindly r.klng member of the cabinet for questions was bom tn Iowa SO years ago, and nearly all nothing had come of Incidentally, Hate I officers and men of the service. Tbore It ler Cbaae Knot Tbe secretary of toward the b life has been snoot to some part of the west however, the detective bad asked of life, and la no leas ac-i- n la Rometnlng in tbe military life tbat appeals to the outdoor When .lames Wilson, secretary of agricultura, Sheedy to assist In bringing about opea air pursuits than waa Preatdent them, and while the official southern Democrats was asked unca what hla diversion was he an- the restoration of the portrait, if the though tt la that Mr. Knox doea grnornHy are outspoken against what they call 'It. true swered, "farming." This Idea of diversion Is one occasion offered. re for of game nor for tbe study i he danger of a great standing army, tha military the pursuit men love Another thing which will snake total history establishment aa it is baa their sympathy always, tbat hi hew la Hail bjf who combine the - oí nature with agricultural Inaiinct. Sbeedy remembered In tha police and ecretary of state, when he la not dl- MO and their support frequently. Is story telling. criminal world I the fact ha waa the ti atters with tha preatdent. or Is not engaged The secretary of war comes from that section One of Mr Wtrtoo'a diversions They say In Waahlagton homely sayings man who engineered the escape of Kd rslghtcnlag out International tangles la elth of i he country where everybody lovao ho raes, aad tbat if hla gathered book, die Guerln from Devtl'a Island In the i laying golf pair of fast, aplrlted exception to rule. He Is a golf could be aad put Into a tha reader or driving a be is no the Pu French penal colony off too coast of There are few more ardent lovera of the er aleo, aad this fact perhaps makes him appeal would get a fund of humor and wisdom combined. - Africa. tile horse" Secretary Knox. He rides ae- Mr 'a sympathies juat aa much aa doea the Who Charlea Nagel. Mr. Taffa secretary of than to Taft Guerln waa a Chicago product and liriSsrba7 natty aad be la not averse to taking g ltd the secretary to a great lawyer. Secre- commerce and labor. Is not engaged In the work of fact that achieved International fame aa a bank d gate If bla mount la a jumper, and If the tary Die klu son Is not serving In Washington in his department ho Is thinking over matters of edu- thief, confidence man. and all around Happens Id Ms way. Tha aacretsry a chief an official capacity for the first time Tears ago cation and art. Mr. Nagel la to some extent a de- II ami.--- l with Finally tbe French police au- ixht ta driving Pennsylvania larm waa aaalatant attorney general during tha votee of the outdoor life, bat he la prone to giving crook On hta he tba caught bold of hla ana sent ar Valley forge, tba senna of tha awful slater last II monihs of tbe Cleveland administration much of bis tune to the study of matters pertain thorities ' to tbo famous African prison ' h waa panned by tha continental army under and he was counsel ror tha government afterward log to the si li ole blm island. ) Washington. Mr. Knot baa many horses in the matter of the settlement of the Alaskan Taking Mi Taft's cabinet all tn all It Is just about ff ' So tsr aa known febeedy was moved OiUdreii like approved pedigree, and many dairy anímale boundary dispute. aa human a body Of asen as can be gat her. d togeth by no "totive except pity for the " f noted forbears l-- mem- When thai president baa a particularly knotty er. Tharo an tmpraoajkoa pswvwlafit that the At any faflMy American. rata, ho aroom 'rankltn MacVcagh. tbe sgecatary of the treas i.robteju to legislation on hand aad aceda to study bers ut this VajraBkm official are rather Impooolbt y pllahed the and plannad bo la ranking officer In Mr It a regal standpoint, goes over It himself of what Walter graft calla, "thodry t" mata tbe second from he matters so cleverly thst Ooerln got although In early aa judge on bench doea with aub-mltle- d rial, there baa boon a misunderstanding appar- cabinet, b a Merchant, lirst, just a the but away tbe bland, mad way Da U not given from his be atodied law. Mr. MacVaagn evidence, forma his own opinion, and then ently concerning tba nature of these advisers of the and anally got -- - to tha mainland to etv pisos tx alarry tn tha atreauoua life aa It la viewed calls In the supreme cow of bla cabinet which prealdeat They know their law and- tbey know ' rf lllxatlon. - rally, la walker and baa a la coaspoasd of tha groat sawyers. Knox, Dtcklo-oon- . their agricultura and their ftaaace, but while they mtmmonmfwwlM ii, much of a gheedy waa anown as a aquara ve of nauia wbtcb leads bis aBead on many a Wlckr rsham. Nagel aad Hall lager It la poo know ho to study tbey atoo know hew to piny, but is so feasant to tak-e- bW II sec- gambler." and It la aald tbat this cant mile, bat far games, and far shooting, the tibie that Mr. Tail dependa joat aa apon not one of them knows bow to play one whit baa-to- r nan one of tbe kargest gamlag boo see an cama tittle the legal opinion of bla secretary" of war aa If thaa does their shlef. who la about as jolly blm MylSwtm a ever built la the world This was hit (,P t rea sur doea upon that of his attorney general any personally as tbe Called baa yet pra Ik MST Dnbttn. NOW lUmpahlre. the at States estsblUhmaot. han rocky rata tha war secretary hi nccoanled by Mr. Tail Cairo a cowatry boesa aad there aa tbe ii I aaaaaaajaag Jhr Alammutriin Nnufi Legal Notices. I h Stele ul I'll ukitokv or mo aajiicu, (miel nt iMh. (i ) THE NEW I SPRING C' ti trrK m "r- - rai r kktaky I aertMl that lb ; h d of Jan GUTHRIE 9MITH, Editor and Publisher iiar . Il" hef.ife ns i.ert ail rame K O F HMD, W a'l-- r Herie-te- r I' A. M.i I Ma'han Jaffa SWr-ta- rt of tbe fr- - Klielien K K gime an and Beaafa ti M ' ... rlt.-r- Me 'Li ii I aa.r- - , km i. rt R ! I 41 II,. I' I r n thr.i'ijrri " h. f. eeril Paid tie l - - MM trier. . hihii In Ibl ate l H tl p- NRRt !,( i 'ii.tter. recrd nori GOODS ARE HERE Ullrkl nana at eievei w a m mi the r M i ko . i in- - t.ire- - O i n rn men I SoeofWJN a.-- N ,i fifth 1a .ii K."fir ir IWO; Ing anil dun " ' iaiaajajpa . f i; u!Tipti'n I r i !."( Year in Advance MNtawafl ataaaaBtte. " 5" ""' ...... aad Mrrata rae mm I . I , ' a 'II ft nr. i 'i'"'"!."" '.if. ".n l l ín Wlnie. Mhere.'t. I ha" her.o.nt.. New Wmil and Oitton Dreaa N.. vw (Jla in Ce-.- .. ' ami m nflt.'.al MM all tba Ree.lo 0 Otero t, in. ha".l altltett eai Retrate"! "1 aet inU'lill M) New if an t a I tuv . taafjaffaja MM m a I axdjat the .t ana taat Silk" - aaaaaa 'hai fl Bj ml th- - 'nii l .ii. ..' ihn at with .rig .l...e rllten RtW l.inena for Waiata or Ilresai a 'tilxti i nal IbcriHtt . mi It a. ami u aiajnit Ven !. . OTHERS US t I AS SEE Ml. i .i o .rr.'.-- tfaaatrtai laonliam ami iJlo'artal "eii f New WI tie Materials fur Wttata and Suits ' MM - .1 Mv ,. fit. i li" I Itir- expire. ..ii ihe !m. ila I N- - A 'ii ig..r i.i - In- Nang-.l h i t.ain Chere ilutaill nothing I ".- - ,,i ajgnjajf, Now l ine , .'.., llwii iinlr my han aii't Urat litio e and Kmlironleriea a.' !i) thl am."' "''n-ii- t Th N -- v. r rh iging haml. "t atH.ut '.. do .f ih nf N. Mlea, at "f New Trrrttori Me New Kihbona ti ft i. Ma N a .' ''iii hi 'h man it i.irhi"" awllfe ' .i tia iiir"l id.. Cltl 'f "ant Kh the CafMtal, on us nf hViTi. A I i . ih". hft'i t. in Itflii of otero i ml .ti 4'tl" tl ..I a.. I $ .t.i r.. I. "in f'i ant MkfaM onnti New Nffkwear Nailon .Uffa. I Mi.-r.- - ' "r ' on day nf In hvtiu uriiht an t ,. m.. i r r lian w.iii lfr i' ha nl thai the ratafl feVllan WM .New Shoes And Hosiery - Faaeaarjf. hei.ire aat naail rea h. hat ii 'i., ag i'ii t h n un- flinin'ia! ilrath of a ('.riirti-ai- ni I .i I.mi ni' ...rat nf l'tie. f Meiiger to me perw.naUv Fancy i.f n . a nf rtiiti all ' on i i , "w Butt' ti and Presa Irimming tni.a iiat gi"i wr har mi iiuda iiiiwhr tkfm ra a i. AM'K.uiuN aHaaai h n in i'ii in ni" tn he th' .ame - . tl,.- i,,m ' i. !lri tar'-- .l 'In' t n a nw. ih'tiii iti. inrc md iK SK MKXH o i er.'in. aaaaviaad in atd aa aaaettat K in.lrii'ii-n- '. . .tarn MMBfaai ffejn N" ! li the l ant ark 1 Kav a '..r aia a a .it.riai t..g'aptn VV... th.' Mniieratgnnd. 'nr m v - aft to ine i h he had ataTneal -- 11 rl it it .if 4 haV aja i"i..i". AIM many v.hlch Interest yon. li'i .ari .Uier a. lni' iboi'r.h ta a iir..c.n.ii r..i trniiM our mi.' and n,ri..ifa, d ame tiller lines la fact l - and aai'aaa the I I U- aajao4a naneiaaf 'li- aaaW la naMa aaaa nmM hi. In h itiluli - a ohanro to ai' 'nf pur In VVitii... Whereof I to K'' f have herein. . formina .''rp ration hii.Ii a an h"tipi ug In a n t .". n.nh'-- tii'nk. ami ,a-- " "ii i .'t un hand .ind attlxe.1 tut ..Wi'ia' " dn entire new iide of and summer fabrics and tn- - ia nt ' ii- - ivrrii..r of Ma a aVaaaa sartni I if pap.-- r h at .aid i' Ntatf the la and tear k' iht i..v ii .... tiie that Jnln't ve enouifh I'm it.-- i Mtnta nf . an a herr lat i"r a 'mi e ritten a ' ' paper, r. I t . h Mlnaaa, ti... if!'i .'iumjli iti.f'T Jnattfj n certify anal deelafa kaadl H,a.,e. l II accessaries. ,( V.J'.r. - if tl p, hae heen ainur. m. hoiie.t in their .le.lee to ifin- - ' "" " "", 'rporanoei i. Notarial eali Notar. Patita Tl' a iimpan. K 4 aaantae i I'hei .n. . in t in- - Inn. in a Ii. Mi . ian.-l"l- on the '.'Tth running with new goods ion "i it. eh ami tie hile II I'l." orini'iual m of i expire ilat The store is oter aad we iif A aajaat. Mai i nt thr a aaamatr abafa ta acaawlaa tMaaMl ami tha waaaf nt tit Ciiipan In un Tti lb Dtrami i H-- ' r . 1 BJIOOattDt m i atnaraetk ih nt ii nroiker In !4 r. '. ir.p'mt h" i"' '' 'f .V'a unnlo in th.. Terr1 Invite your inspection while first choice b possible. e - irl NV He Ian, and he nam.- No 1.".1S Cor Ke,'"j Vol 11 IT ma Hablan b) RWa btabj Mhta IHa one. hl.-- are ii".Mle.l ni ,"r '' ..' paife Wild l rl. i h" t i in l ero of Inr rp.. ' r..t- - t i W'tit if r"ii in. abara tbareot ration W.ara nwil. him It I.- i the I'linin'e that - ll Hn Alaaord anl upon aaaa proaeaa aj; tin' rtii cur UK Al. .MOnoRDO UAa i .nil- N ' i U- - I- I- i t III I 'i"-- barat a real ..f annul. It an fnntllliie In ne nf the i lne (Htfa'mn taa he .erved I A Menaer PMd 'ii ifH-- ..i Oaarakarj .' Baa -- -- aPTe t .. ! J CTi'S ,l. t ' i.r ti .o n V" I'lier.' i. r.inm f..r a paper ju-- t an III I'he onjecia f..r vkaab an.l lor Mexico Keh lUil; a n. ilH bj a- - .r-- r. r- -- .1 ' the-am- the i C. V t .1 Wife am i, im am) - n r it. At e tune Umhrle i npaainiX "' h'rh rnrporatlon lorme.l mi. pared K u Bataaaal aaadaM II T' at...... kl...a .....I if Baata ...iL baas .. a. . . a . V .. ..I N I'll IM a .p..i"'iii. i4l T(( praaH a. taaabfa I ikfVk, Srs .....ii,.rriiwna" ril, Maaeaaar. r.'iiiierfn.'t ni i' taakaati mrw, eii. laara. aiatrlouar and -- mm . f vv A LAMO GORDO nr arnm-ia- l i TBMITOBt Of X BBXtOB, 3 i a, whether natural an I ababaaf aaata aa taaavatat Ntaai all m OF IfICS OK TBI SKi UKTAKV The Nea Mm Patterns fir Birch last t . . oibaf ui.iieriai nr naaaianaa The forcgoilig w:i i u liy Will Kiiliin'.ti. füf'ir uf ItM CBR Tl Kli'ATK UK uvIHAKImiV 1. I'.. a caa plant or aaa li"-A"- aaaaabi 1. N !I it nan Jaffa. Secret nf the Ter Regitf . A trc lia'i iH.'cai(n tu remark iu-- t P'ants ami t rmi.i rnoi w..rk for In. in ' r'tnrV nf Ne MltaU, 'III herein certilt wi . Mr. 1! ,!ii:'.in i. oaja ,.f th i moat an.l Nkf. reten in a aad dtatrtbuiina Ka. at. in bniHaat ffatilt N- ilrit tli re wa for ptaaM la hi o. in .ir Aiatii irdo, - Maitai an : ttll lb tin e M IbM optBkMM -- .ii Bhtvaa a'ataab A. on baa wfitwi .i'w M.'i."i avar ka4 Ili atatcbarata and ucli other plai-- r i. aces within or lxXXOCCXCCX 'nil fifth ia nf a D I - i m Ikout BlVa Mai ra t Pabiaar. lata. Bbl art- arnrtk c n si. in . the Ba:d .it t. Dtrvaaaav aaaM djaaaraitaai Ctnttataa al stockh dtaaV lb' i vvliim-ii-t- In ln tmn iui'tiitalile anlk and l. I e rasli tvc, aliirk quaint 'l la purcha-- leae or otherwi-- .' M of ...ROUSSEAU'S REPAIR SHOP... - ü aaia, iii In- prt-sent- d.-u- r -- un in ire nr im. ii lamia art nun ..r f)::.;tc a reniarkaltl.v tateineiit of hbSta, witlimit TBI ALAMOOOaDO i i As OOMfABf I Maowl Kan Haiiaa. drtU and I'l do oprat" No tMB prjiiilicf and vvitlmut mallet. he data nut oaTajf w.-- l op-r.i- t" If hita to the faa aad oil ami otMin and " I I Hottle---Tr- y 0 W ad a -- o. I Men MUo he One Bata aMMbfdjaabtnil nf Tai Niwi mma ni - aoal allana Ibarton aad pipe. eii ur nth- ttiat have compared the fol awwMraatiaaai nf amkaa- c -- friiTn lit til" prnltlll'ts of anl lowing .pt of th" auie. wnh the ( riK-na- is no erl." j ol aaliim, there hint nf itafjilriiiri n ill will tiuvar.l Alain. .nr.lo. anda, alalia and mine, whether in thmr thereof i.o on e. aud de.'lar.- II Electrical Wiring Done to a i mu i. rai or fad tie aaavaei Mbaaafra Mr. Kiiblnaon'i article tt.-.- l in ordar thai the iie .iile alta ataatK braaaarlai and bead .ii Tn nafabaaa, ieae ar aaaaeailaa of the whole thereof Electric Fixtures and Supplies of i tree, tins eomintaitj may know exactly Imw Alanioaoftiri rtMcarded arajalfa real prnpari) and ul! kind ..r linen under mi hand and th" Ureal aaraoaal pro peril ".il of tint Territori nl New Mexico Corner Penn. and 10th tbraa bf the pimple ..f Htxici . We may as Well (tea the iaattt whether within "r al Phone 66 tt arltbonl 'I'errit ol New Mexk-.- . he t in of Santa Pa, iba Capital, in O the .ri aa fairiv ami squarely. There is Dot hi nt ktttvtr tu Le niuexl ky ahfh the eorporatloa may deem nee ihi. Kifth dat of K.fru A I) tll"I!f in Ittt deladlRf niir-elve- s. or eimvaalent for ika purposes ..f taai) Nathan Jaffa. oooooocooooc oooo i. xoooooooo ira!. It. MlBaaa aad i" aell, exchange ur ith Secretan o Ne Bailen attaabjBfdts i.i u- agi e thick the little.viin 'I- was only a litt'e .rl-- e dhtpoaa at auab real or personal CCRT1PICATH OP J oat rt"nni-e- i from a honantt town, Im- - been retarded witfc nitv ami prnpartt a iba fnraorailna may aaata Or HTOCKHUI.Dktli w ,uii ljli e .. f'xpedlelit. cttmiuiseratiiin MDce th" railway phot I p.. We. the for MMi i ji ant an lateral kttdqwtr le) ajaaafaataf . bar. sen. export. aadarsltaat. aairaateaa. o. r t a o it oar baaaabMaa ami aaaxwaaara. having I'ottcr tcis were rtmortd. Thk.Nkws has ktd the raiiforttne to ktva i" lanaraiij deal la faaatMei p.p.- -. awvaa, aurnnra, ami nth ...... r iUr eome evil apiri t botreriiit m ar. The aatlana itaeetnta" ktvi btgat with r appuaaca and convenience nee-- - ee wrpmnm....l u.rasr General Concrete Contractor un unlimited tore nf nptimiam, -- art (or the be - of the eoinpani or na law. in an. i.'tri'on ol . w .Mexico i t i bttbitioli and taat. But playing lindar the enf paraba name The or aaafal la aoaaaetlaa iih lie-aa- a tlataai Load up w ii" ni Btrtapoitaiva ehorda ill break any kope. -- gorda Oaa Campaay. baaatj aarstli ami tttt'i With pint aad aaaaaaiBtbH af ita. oil an i ml t declare lba Iba a) bmktt atd he il bowed low, the aoal nr :i byprudaebi aaaee private praajnui the popu 'Mnnoeetto' have novad ot, Cicbliotdart of The Abjfagarda Ua - o. bo an inmg nncaaaary. coa eliding with tin- in la Bueeialiat in 'km ertr.reatleai haman tide. fanient. incHieiit nr paatotaarv to iba Coaaaaj taall he .mi herem aada concrete work of aero. i i for.'ter exempt from any liahilitt for This une point nofdit tn lie thorongblj andaratood : No man hum of the abora iaaa every iv. i i.e fo'inwiiitf htloea the dents or utilisations of the said cor and size. Es- Ukn on earth In for baa ao the piwer and tho adility to make toccete of tkii regulation of the i, . n,d ration rent t eonduat III gJadljr -- BltOaa Whereof We h tímate furnished. All a eat paper, without th- - uppnr: and COmptrttiot nf the paopta, It lies ut the - of the CtHn; u,t ar" il" here.into tpeellaci tal Our hand, and aoal tin- - ?sih da ol province, work - wiihin their tn make, .r bettk, him w In. makes ef- ia) ! January, who doM promptly, ander One the The oard o' e." r. hall have q I PET! fort. Whether or not wt ran pttbHeh a power without am aeMun on the part of issued r Pargaaaa iSei paper whitfa merits the A K a guarantee. : : : IHH7. the stock hinders to make, amend, MeaEar Hm : ,1 uppnrt ,,f the is a air All pepie, matter to be decided bj the people uf rep.-a- it la a1 m the corp.iratioo Walter Harp. ter (aV all - K A tbtmatl ves. n I'll.- It.. o.i of nrnator -- nail Knchen (Seat) K K ; Tli bar. i ba power t 11. Znn erman (S.-a- i i If that which heretofore has aaatga. knriaata. iK f btet inevitable ihotild overtake Comet or iitherwi-- e dl.po.e of an the Ueorge I'alda iSej.1, proi overwhelm !""p,''t- "Í State of Ohiu and us. the death struggle wili oeeor in the last liU'h - the Alttnoaofdn, 'OI -- 11.1. I. II .Kill I'D I , l l, ss W. H. Miller certtinlj not at any point thi- - tide. I New Mexico rh Then till be to give op, board .ball, w het her for c th Countv of Cayahoga r prop.-rt- t or I Pit ui let, up. ho ion"; us one ray ot Imp.. lekeriln:. ibaaa or boa da la oiher certilt that on the ;sth dav of Jan euro: corporal loe. art, 1910, before me per-nnal- came. cj fcxeept where provided K otherwi.e li PerguaiN), Walter'r. r. A v aw th- - -- N( Board of Diroeior. hail Kitchen, H K Ztinmerman and FOR A CLEAN TOWN hate tn (eorge PMUl Ih" piwer determiiie under I'alda lo me persoiiallt knowa ano tf' hat aaatiMoaa ana -- HENRY rataiaeaeaa and at known to me to he ihe ame pe -- on de J. ANDERSON. L fl les- - bal lime and place C. METER. R tIMSTtOtC. Within thai, week, Altmognrda will have the account! and cribad la and ho aaaaatad the f..reg.. I. . i Kovtrantnt nook- - -- h i n Prandent Viea f ni loe C'.rpnrat ipei, ing lustrum, ir. -- . President Ca.hlaf ft own. ... I I and terall) dulv (,'apuM all'! liltMl I tnm th.- a'k 'ill'' have iniieciuin "' tn ; "in iioiiiintted nnwieiiKM tn ihai i bad strand , ! d Turn Diracl . truste. u.i will const ituti lir-- t council. From r. tni ñt ti at. i egerate i i he ; ne time to time. i. - ...... I . i...... '...'- .Míe re ce- - nun In I thi ia- - WlttwM rtinT". . hate h. reuní.. council will mch romances a- - i are deemed to kaaa th" boaa .. n, -- I esstrv th. Comuam et int hand an aftix.d mv olticial seal The Firs. the government, nr it out the fVriitort ,,: Boa BaBMM food .md the pnim.tion and emiservatioB of tbt at aatd astnty the da) iind ye.r tat Hümi Bant at such place. (r,,, tn,,,. to tune w ritten. otti interests of the community. i..- deahraaied at baiai - - - a , (tajead) Vat svarc. I .... v 1 Of lie i.'omi a Alamogordo, Among those or.linances will e several which authorlxed (Notarial Se4l Notar N. M. will have for e -- Public to . p lal Ii , k OOJtet ami porp to lb" mni My eommisflon expires on the 2nd dai tntir the maintenance of at, .in-eo- i san.tarv eon.litit.ns. rbt aaaaar of October. IMe, Oriaalied Noiembcr 15. IBM Hi" Alamognrdo Improvement which the rap lal st -- hai. c oi-- it I. npany is anticipating the Territory of Ne Mexico . action luto liare, of par value of sum Ol the council by starting a I SS CAPITAL : general campaign nf I'l'" ai of capital tock With cleaning UD int which ( O'illtV of Ol'Ti j Acre tracts within Hie corporate limits are being th" Cea aaa) shaii aeaiSMBee batltaa (U7RPLC8 cleared up and S'.' ooo (to. I cert if t on BAKNID will lie hall he thai the tnd day of Feb i in put into cultivation. (;r,.eI1 . Itlda of tlftlft will grtttly VI. Tat aaataai of Ulreeiori win. man Ittt. befora bm pataeatlty aaate enhance the beauty of tbe town. hall man me UM cniicern- - of th- - Com . Una gat to me ptaaattBy known Vtetol lots are being .nipped to me be -- paaj for the Iral three BMMtbl i lo the person dercribed ajtd ol id tw. cans and rubbish. r. three, in We adhere strictly preenting the aceu.nulttioB ol ill of whom are r'lUeii. of Ibe LaMed aha rxacMlad ihe foreoln inaaet.Mo to the established customs if; rtmre than a day. state, nod one nf whom n a al and dull a.'n tin iedlFed In ram il.i l.u Ne BellCO The name, had .iK i and executed sound nankins, for many years Many bointtttktfi who will and ad 1r. . the same. of experience hi hankM vitit AUtKbjrwdo "f said first board of liir. cto. . nr. a In V linos Whereof I have hereiillle of proffmtive town- - trt rttidtatá et mt h ind convinces and cities that are clean and follows: anil allixed mi atlebbl taal us that conservative methods best samtarv We Names Addr. ai id fin mi the dav and are always "OI bop to prevail up,,,, Mek tow,", tear la.i pepo t locate in a which R. lergiLon s4 Uockeieii. r Beif., a Hove written ana we are phased is not clean and l II M to serve the legitimate unitary. Now U the time t gj CleVeiald. Ohio. raed it i ifir waits ol m When A. K. M. iig. r Tenth Stre. I.Voiariai S.-a- l Baban 1.,'hl.,- - we remove rubbish from .rroor Mi customers and the tai OWt premises, let's not do. Near Mexico r.imm..lon expires un Ibaa BVah aka development of the Interests empty ,t upm, al bisiness wn. Walter llarp.ter. Kockef . i tttfaai Ibl ftt vacant lot in I, is more than likely si4 lildg or the communiry. ha the kH belongs Cleveland, linio KNINIRNEO: tacant to some one. It j, hardly VII fair to make The duration of the irportBaá Ba Mat. Cot lloe'd Volóme oaae J7 hall he Ufiv year. Certlllcalj. of .Non ,'tt,U'r"ar,",,rr -''- totheoh.aroyas I l.iablllty of tttork tktwaTSi bt, VIII. The nain. and poat oihce ad .idem of dresael of tbe lucnrpotator. DIRECTORS Left Clttll and Ika TUB ALAMOt.oBDO OAS COB PA NY up. bt1 uhile we are cleaning, number of abare, of atoeh for afetoh Piled In II of let's do it ... U . . V - ...... - ... , . he Secretan of New right...... K',.., ... ' - ir.plllt.'ll We in herein .Mexico i 0; B BYRON SHKKKi tabearlba (the aaaeagaie ..t ...,r natd lit m'JS19; He iihcrlptloni. being NATHAN JAFFA. a n i i who procrastinate. litMat, la the MK i .'.a. ai "ill in .-- .a ( -- .secretary 0. KK. the end receit'u I... aj m capital in k with which K. B. Une ObrittBBMt man "' tbe torn pared C. F. K. to J O AfUI8TKON(x. - nt to a girl, a post card Ix aring fata Baa J will begin bajtacl are ai HKNKY 8. xtr:.x this legend follow: EVANS. in write you muy pronto.' " I At th Name. Post Office afill h,l ,...t , " me man Addr...... No hare. ,m "arj It ti 1'ergu.on. s'4 ILiCKefeller tildar Applications For . . tl. "aving ocasión to a Grating Per- . write note of Clavelaiid. Onto. 4 A. I Metiger Tenth Street, Alamogor mita do. 1 M . 4 Waller llarp.ter '4 aaWhaMtaf llld- - Notice is hereby given that repartee. Clevelahd. Ohio. 1. pure and simple, K. all applications for A. Kitchen s.'4 Rockefeller Hldg., permits to The Cash Cleveland. Ohio. 4. graze cattle, horses, hogs, sheep Feed Store E. K. Zimmerman 407 Wllliamtnn now well ttockjad wttl) Bldf and goats Na-tion- within the Alamo al There was a lime when we ClavalacC. Ohio. 4. said in derision "Tell it . at eorge Palda 4o7 Williamson Forest Grain, Mill Hide . during the season Feed, Hour, Meal, Cleveland. Oblo. 1. of 1010 must be In Wlmaaa Whereof, we here- filed in my office ,M "p'"i,.ige., i bate Garden :r. ,,.ersity." u i. tlotlbt unto tat oor handt and aealt thlt isth on or before April 1, lPlo. Full ard Field Seed tsk Dr. Cook. of day of January 1010. information in regard to .r (Signed I K O. r erg ,, the ii, grazing A. r. Bangar fees to be charged and ñnt CteM Soutfoctloo last us É (Hani) wwuoSSSi utilise our time Itl Lmi naaaatn. an m finir" t... I. Waller Harpalatr blank forms to be used in bat.- Booauu--. i,,.;.,....., . ."'iuu"'r .tin knock- - (Seal) mak- ..r..ui rmjiire; Knockers re the rear guard 9. A. Kitchen Mal ing applications will be furnished vi i ne malcontents who also E K ran." Zimmerman I teal j opon request. A. II. NtAt, Stepp A Oeorga Palda üaal MurrelliS tttf Supervi,r. "tweo. No. York aad Bkblfaa Aa.

' - wwaaaaa. I Frcsb Spriog jüCAbTEMS McwtfSy (sjotcs p,.0rT) SblWOte'JJ ,lk" PleeSeSSelee string 'rip it proverbial Trutr) ,,, Pees lMf Hart Scbaffner and Marx Suits If) buir)e$s deohog I r hfW- - Over Courjty encour- Wat'di indo tc a trirg to be lltnfTi lib majr. at Oliver's. Failer A Son Medium Priced Suits aged. We believe in K. W. n absolute truth If) our Mr MnriH. Cloudcroft Note. entrant Schwab's Knickerbocker and Loog Pant ,, - ruiirsra. relation wltr) our cus i i oty. were visitor in Ala- !' The l w "Mir thank- - Mfj ommittee. for Boys, from $3.50 to $10.00: ntrdo tbiM wrek. due Maud Suits tomart-'-- e want I.ri fur the ImI she (tav- - the1 ' them to Know trey i stylist), neat, good Mh W.Miilif Al .miff rv hhrurv. Farmers Fiat. coo depend upon what ,., tu return thin week MM Mallory Cravenette Hats. Stetson Hats, we soy. Our drugs r Ifftj arter api ni .Hatnrlay end Mr. Jul le will I nrlea. ..i.. Sunday vuili AfMftfJ and chemicals are ' in Thtirlav. fVl.y I. for an ex. heid Caps i" I'AI.M-- i 1 potent, of a 'a tesa Kreat. .l:llii 11. I i fresh and i 'in. temí. v k t with fri. ml- - and ,1 I. The fNaVfesre letbte! Large and Complete Assortment Men's. quality guaranteed. M. relation M liajM. pezesa. W. Tipton, nf Mayhill, wan ::::::: n't aet ran On we IN in town Women's and Children's Shoes in all these clairns n Stoftdaj ltd ii Inu'l "t Win. I A L.M M.IVK at Warr.-- n Ilvilf entertained hope to have a share MMJi tn the sewing NM at Iff hume M Styles ihn I .iinlhvrt;. Dr. Bryan'- - of your prescription Mr. m l Mr. Tun Kite in Fwwm1 Flats luf Friday. I !iMitiiant, went tu Kl are Dress Goods. Laces, Embroideries business On these 1 h th-i- r I . - little daughter. Mr. J. H. only can we hold in-- lav to MS tin- Hymn Ki'hardon npent :::::::: facts . ho i ry ill. Monday last Mr- -. TrunKs. Dress Suit Cases Kit) l it' the atmonlnT-- at Hobhiek'a tb confidence of your Masses. W. K. ami Vard home. Ihir new kixmI are arriuiiK I'nrter doctor. FViri MM ti rame in tow n M'Mtdey, Mr. Ma Hubbieb a , ctry lay. ami expects Prior) or anything irj our having put up th trh phonc Hue friehd W . frmn Katon for a few tin promptly 11 it, at Oliver's. dHVr tu 1 nria. week visit, in the near Tt)e Old Reliable Place" Phor 32 I future. 1 in. 1 iiililammer, of .it Lbs, Mr. W. II. ami family. r. Br- - tvvn, the on u a visitor in Alain. r In Wl n'v comer E. WARREN A BRO. d 1 art- - Mr. ha- - 'lay. arri.nM. and the Flat, purchased the re-Mr- -. .1 I DRUGGISTS 1. Wott, of tin pla. c. i Mll buten I ju-- t north uf hi J. WOLFINGER" I'ALftOUTB. At fiHiij', Qoite a fo of the little pongle bntaestrsd am! filed a desert - n 'lit' corner, "axy to r'U'v , wen- - entertaineil at th- - home of ilaim. HOLMES' CLEANIN6 WORKS H lAl.MoLIVK. awed, CONDENSED Mr. ha. Smit L Sumlay after-- 1 Uev. Miller OFFICIAL STATEMENT eej tu Ret ii,v from. returned thin mm tn. week fmin SBOÍrfice, which desire to inform OF THE Marshall I'arker han baca ta. wan Jebe Hanks. Job ft held somewhere in Texan. ting I ' Jones in opening anil Mir. w all our friends that (feberta, and other made a luini-Mr- st Mark Mlfwieh CITIZENS' BANK tying In- - new Stock of has taken the t JJm r NATIONAL Alamogorfki we uuw uu ma so. SjI.' 1. trip tn lust eontraet to do tbe wnodeorh ne uavv - Q Mr. Hampton's new Diav our new and ex- ALAMOGORDO. Gel vim a Felt more Nat trena, hue NEW MEXICO Elizabeth Uefker ipeill Satur Sim Bou.leii a ClUSÍV6 S 1 S . had horse hadly y 6 for t ry West, at Hirer's. t At the close of business January 3lst. 1910 day and Siiniluy with Willie Mr ut in the wire fem-- e one niht summer Mr. Mi Killett, of iMÜSDSpolif, her Imme in n snrinem w and Kan at James Cam this week. RESOLKtF.s LIABILITIES jc in Altwmgeraii. M.i. wear. Loan and DtaaowMa ÍU'.iwf Caoiial Stock - Sv"l 0U Clayton Stetley, of Alamogor-- i Mr. Brown ami ISjiUinn u- -r turn ,..i. ::.,t SarplMaoS Net Hn.fltii ot Mr. .Mi- -. wife returned n,..iii Ii. ii the sees! ami of Mvdemptmn ' ami Ctrcslatioa do, and Heiter Smith, of Jame week This line consists Un led Siatr Bond SMS SO - - R i HMfc lat. from a trip to the n, on St. Premium on I". S Bond 1.1 T i Canon, Oliie I C.nh f iited Alonzo and mountain, where he has lieen maüV DOW and desir and Siirht .ic' v.- 5.ÍI1M . ime in, ami ertog your last Bandej doing some work for Mr. Lynch. Toan Mbo.Js, os T..tal JbO.?. He- aDle fabrics; COloñngS in see us. we will DC The above itatemeni S. (i Caahicr. I )a! and Auhrey Tipton came! currecl. i'hiLLirs. 'd to meet them, at Uli- - and patterns most im- op from Alsmogorda last week,! Dog Canon. It is the policy of ami visited at Mr. I'ainter's here, pressive. this Book to assist in every Work is being rapidly pushed legitimate way in the development Mi Pieeee ostee in Sumlay ami at W, N. Turner's in James! We can take your of the different lit 011 the artesian well. A dt pth interests of Otero county, courteous from (ílolie. for a visit ( 'a in in. and liberal Itia people ami hi friends. of 8SÜ feel has Ween reached, order for immediate or treatment, and trust it may be your pleasure to place The west room has been fitted and every indication is favorable. future delivery U all or part of your business with us. I'ALMOLIVK. tiet it al up w ith work tallies, seats, sew W . 1 ou . S. D. Camp is having a reser- see Tens spend Bents. ing machine, ami tools for our Be sure to our C. E. MITCHELL. M. DENNEY. S. G PHILLIPS. voir luiilt. (ieorge Poe Hen- The Warrens' f?et the money. manual training department, ami and President. Vice President, Cashier. ry line before purchasing K-- t I Tally are doing the work. But voil ten time the une period a week will continue your tailoring wants a nut in pure satisfaction. to he devoted to that work. There was a dance at the Dog Canon Ranch Friday night. elsewhere. Mr. ami Mrs. M. J. Lott left Pnpiil neither taniy MM kbseat lat An enjoyable time was - Monday for tbetr bOe 1H Usee- - ,,r month ending Fed. IS, reported The values are unap- w - t. Mr. bitt's mother ill re- MO, were: Arzela Moser, I'earl There was a nice little pro- - nroaeh&ble and nerfect kin in Alamogordo until um- - Walker, le Mo-e- r, Fva Carter, gram given at the Walt null fit and satisfaction is The Boston Cafe mer. Kdar Smith, Mamie Smith. Pur-- school house last Mon 'ay. A Short Orders - - Lunches Bennie MeOiure, good many people were out to assured. l.:ion A 111 l)erol Records will Ml Peuder, t Oakes Pics a-- e Ned arter, Kliner McClure, enjoy the exercises. iter the etfieiem v of your ALAMOGORDO NEW MEXICO 1 . Iiiimlr.-- liuud Lewis. Fmiiiie Sdn rtz. (sum w , l.v.t ....,,1... l W. L Cían ill start a crew HOME COOKING ,M . . L ... .. I. Stalev, Bonnie Lewis, 1 cent. I11 listen to them is ' imum of men to work grubbing on the e convinced. March records '"' Wi- -t, (ieorge Bsrknees, Sacramento Deep Well land, in G. H. ECKERT, 1 'rop., Alamogordo, New Mexico "ii ale at the Evans Store. Uefker, Andrew Hendrix, order to get fuel, and also to EGGS. ( mil liiv Wet. live - lime to see us at our New Store. idear acres which the coin- and infemls to put - From best strain of S. Rhode D -- I. ted to have you call at1 Many people are enjoying ipany intocultiva- 0. edu- - tion in t he Reds of - 1 i;u,.r passing compliments on the spring. Island California beaut I NWS by ful founds. Fine layers eggs GROCERIES GROCERIES cations articles in Til Allof the (ka Be ,1 Mr W. i. .h went to El Ior Prof. C. D. George, it is hoped went to 1.50 per 16. I - avia-mee- t. the Washington birth Siuaduf to attend the ef-for- tlo- citizens will second his tl lay and to visii friends. entertainment giren at the Fine strain Brown Leghorn to improve and enlarge the Waitbai schiMil. can't be beat for eggs. Eggs 7ó THE BEST OF EVERYTHING The w ay to get M'hi of Alamogordo, since the I'ALMOLIVK. "Is Judge W. L Garrison has beenjeents per 1 Simply walk Warrens, county looks to them for into whole the busy man around Dog Canon W. E. letition that one magic word. higher education. 1'nder the this week, attend: to court, SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS. CARMACK ' tbe same tiiue producing your present plans, graduation from and ot her official mauers. Phone 92 teen centavos. One of sue i he eighth grade of the common Direct desent from worlds Mrs. W. A. Wells was k Warren tribe will do the rest. schools will admit the graduate champion and American model. last week. EVERYTHING OF THE BEST to Hixh School, and there should Write for prices and discriptions. Some of the concrete walks in 1 be a High School within easy Miss Olive Boyd who has been Residence four miles South of i lie business section are cracking reach with practical and and col- - quite sick 8 now improving. town. 0. N. Carne, i now get-- - i Sealiwj, They are Alamogordo N. M. GROCERIES GROCERIES very old. That ia one n u P. O. Box 72. , K. of Orogrande, To your - 'i for wearing. And beside-- i. Mollett. make home beautiful were not put dow n by Mil- - I as in town Thursday. and "tasty" see Oliver's. ier. Pay us a social visit, we like it, Dr. I, R. Jan is, the dentist, I. Jerzykowskl We certainly appreciate vour ,i Oliver's. left Tuesday for Tulamsa, on out fill That The Nan)e Implies of his regular prefessional (de, that w hy we moved elosef D. D. Willis, claim agent for visits. Merchant Tailor to you you will bear with and if for the El Paso & Southwestern, At the Grace Methodist Epis-- 1 Block. to Quinliven ui a little while we promise is here today. copal church Sunday morning Custom Tailoring In ISSSSt SSVteta i rry a stock that you will take service at 11 o'clock, subject our Queens-war- e display, pleasure in selecting from. S See "Knowledge without a quest iou Choice I'mttern always In slock. at Oliver's. little while" "and then" watch mark." Evening service at 7 SKI, French Dry (.'leaning aud Repair- our stock grow, at Oliver's. Oliver Lee came in Wednes- - subject "Dead and dying! i ing according tn latest methods. one of his regular busi- - Why?" You are cordially invited W. O. Roe left Monday for sdsy on Ooodt Baasateei not tu shrink. to these f htiainese to El Paso. From ness visits services. Special effort First Class Readiog for triow Ladle' Goods a spoelalty . . . trill be made to make the even- Kl Paso Mr. Roe will go to Doug Father Mignon, of Tularosa. ing service short and interesting. swt MM ttr mt mm 'Flew 117 Subscriber Makes a High) las to attend tbe conference with was a visitor in Alamogordo Or. James --Douglas, the head of Wednesday. McRae Lumber Co. is advertis- Class Medium for Phelpe-Dodg- e in ing for six good men to work C. nf Orogrande the interests We can please you better than at (eorge Oreen, the All depart- tne iuwm'" Mountain was a visitor in Alamagordo the southwest. tbe ever, amI will work harder to dot P'n will the con IV-k- Makes a sound like the latter part of this week ment hads attend so, at Oliver's Terence at Douglas. return of prosperity. you find any where Mrs. John W. Beik, of Russia, If can't it James E. Anderson, editor the i go to Tbe Evans Store is showing a came down Wednesday and went eise, Oliver's. Tularosa Valley Tribune, paid new line of hat pins, brooches, out Thursday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Emory, of KEEP YOUR EYE ON Tub Niws office a call Monday snd other of tbe latest jewelry friends on Farmers' Flats. Pitts ton, Penna., are now re novelties, just receired from a morning. Ho is still of tbe opin- giatered at Hotel Alamogordo. K. B. Dewey left Sunday ion New York boose. Keep up to that Tularosa is the finest and expect to spend the re- no night for bis horns in Oap, Tex-a- s, ever. Which is flttingand prop- date. The latest goods cost mainder of the winter here- - Mr. 5H)c Alammjiirim with bis son-inla- Nrms time-honore- after a visit er. That is the way he more than the old, d should and Mrs. Emory are from near Col. J. E. Edgington. feel about taftd-by- e. it. Mrs. Hal Major's old borne i m - Mm in Tww, A Lae" M g..o"y. laewaf. ,,Sf JF W4TER lal-rtt- aw 'jKAINAGE of lands "Tmn.ig th- - Mj yr ih ialie Af 'V iamt af Mir fall ad-i- In ka f tu u.u, hlf.4 p i. rnM- - I." iH Fee l1n leeoeeaf. me nrd la KHrr Vmtai (far . - M it C.n A hn wn said a wei..rn 'r r at the PVd 4Htt ill hereta f Ik Ma- dn'a things la aa ua-oa- - ' mlrnl oa - . A , H, ' I MM arsotdtaa t'tl ." ' D lt novel. Ink ihiaa. Kr 3- - ' ft if C""tts iW t ! af B'r.uraj tkji H Hrtkv9vttf In i 'i In '.'I Tmi .. Ms'1 anyavir-h'- t .tn n fa ih" Tus hi 10 any. ttay 4larn IV'. bel Turk L Is f fin perla."!! ni Idaho, i . n n!fica of ITrAMM Taft, who ped vttrq. , .. . MsQueBr nf 5n ' Irt I trtp IAO tasa U 'nat-- n a" I rv.rdei .i.t -- ia ft Klih th . Jl that the atl of waa aar aa a lo fir i! of I; ". ir '.o o rrii 'H pay k. 11 setting ta M ikrt af M apple " MM ih ala" tMM 'V ft gg 'fiBsssajasssaessr -- tMkfn t Ik MMMM of , t ..I, en ftM to Mi tb.y bar. hakaki ail tkr pre' in. aad carbohydrate tin n adulas asid tts tkMM MM I it- H get far '.thae TV tssaM. in hler Wind, bfoaftenns Mataa. aVrrMrr of Mata - gH M rmM h trMto.n ri. tin Maw Vofk. prw h- " Now C. Hliii't. IV". - pew. Indi they hnnwl I faVrmwn of . i. j war. aitalsrd Is g. t.e 'Ve Tf 'tti 'nf n to ha. il" -- ns f 'hem In Nvi. ata .f m uri rll la maa- - lh-- A 'ed ...un a xl. rtnt i' he'r and md-- d tber for bnr Ih--- P,T ,ww ...ion ni Mr Ih.UM twlth tríasela It. f ih i tu '.. t. tl ft'laai na- Ihln I alltr m air - - Mta her aar. M h'T ral ni i i i n r IV It 'Mil Ta. i n'o Ibr praAt a r":tln0 .l . I,, Ih- - Ni i i i tiM rii-a- f. Ill ali - ' lar .. r ron n- hrr.ik it r.k Mir ml ilU kr lell ih.m TK ' p 'n i Ml. h r twtrfc aaaaa Mr. tahb Priajraaatra. t th. ! iv n.l n.aoV. 4tafn' Oo Tlmr .il ifcjr." ll up.-- : ,!iiv Ilk- - ra, mat A t.p la a b -- br M io.!4.. fur a Tl n vn4 lila life In .n n ' I M o -- ar lloaloa in , ' III k mrarlf Mw r ta t. 'or raaMavM ka ' .1 lit. . t" t i" th ia on rlr.t pn.. Mi Wo ... .! Ta"fl r.. I i. r .1 '. It ..f al.ilaathioptr' lh-- ti a Thai ana .. Owa Hat a ' Q jp" VaripiKi .4a rant ' h' wb ' .1. M lo for a mar-- 1 lan h Vhn luina lor th. yea. Thjare a . r- -l l h lb r.anl fh- ' aviu :.. on - laialtui.o .innthwr pkyiAtlaa ; .1 - i It Irani i t hr iei i . t mmi d . aii.-- f? il. ii - h- -r hi I tlir I " TMjI! ho fa ta hi h.!.i I. ;.. .. l re! i H a tjainan. ai . i bow lew - I c- -a l 't II. t t'm kuowt. af M M- llb!r i., ar ao tit IMM Von i that man a tb ih- - nut: w !,'UI "T r inarluihla '; ... .1 itit !... .ate ror W'-l- c.n todays fat raj I' ! ' ' I -- 4 r r.i r.i.n i il. t.i I. . t,.,.i .lit R ' or IlU r it' "i '"i nork M. etapaao. - . l. . r" . . ataban Will '.. i pi l t. h dl II What i - it. i Uter. a MtMr) i er.- to i! - h.r n:-.- t ..I th. v..' rtappity TH- and Ital i All mira MM rt aacMl neal for - .iii. ; Ktod. , M Irat i 'a bB-i- r " a.ia oa tlnii't Ain''-- fan in ik- I I d- - aaaaa ' . - ...l i'l o "d.. and mi a af It. na la a r iv t.. I' i mirf a 41- - M world.' said 'h i .oh o..iú . n. lad. H'a aolk - '.i h -' n kt ktotore MMMm. . aa e hu r trr Ad I ' -- ' - ii a MM Mt$ Oral aatlaai." . littl lan r .i . I. .,, put l K.ldl I" )' M tii'.inir- r.ajr in. j I 1 tn - . ii r ihc ,a n er- - !. ' an ia Kotur ... moth era at your .(i ;in.l 'b '.ir hi-r- Aaava Wart s i "k a; .p! r n' - -- V- Whfra - am attract. .1 t'. ,ui. ntion !il." Friwtdi.- tia s no l. d ' a aa MtM ; : - ibi Prpya, il I.. n ..!.. fa and .i .. i -- l u.air r.iti.i a ' in a b ilali ri .t ' ' :h t fc rrart. ' lb r. an. I i it.. i o famar v. Hr... d tl' llttl- - sir I a. iu." i. O rationally n.i-- t poi'.- who MM la wrt foaaafed. ., .1 t.. safety a .ton oblle n- ap ' J aalf their Inn- - U lllnu ' - 'he man who kept t .. r . ( e Wouid Surprl-- MMl AH Right. . ;.- hl. h cboiilil tarfc t':ey . go'ii: tu anil the bnlf ..ia.-.- - :oi- - tb.n :i ywar." - pl; : - ihr l la .:.. f:th natiooa Oír!- - I War i mjr rtam in. ..ti.'-n- '.. .i L ..nii a ij i br) illdn i do It. t. ..I- - ! iiiaU-.i.- t.. for a s- !. .In '. i .intii' .riil bttihdxy at HapaaB M wmiM ha v. b.i:ii. i Sre, ...i j.k( t cr ihlr.f ff vi- -i s.a. a fault Irt o'h-r- a. th a i bar pr I f- - nt if mj wnnld haadla Irrlaatlon aill Mi Prvaton t.T ; i!i dl- - i.' Girl Ton tt.'ith' II him af :ii of MM own. and do not a.lj a .. r . ;.nj carefully aa ..r. u,.U,nt. aa) a . on- by your ! -- i In a j- - l thhd - kaaiy lodzmrn'. MM an ot.l hrlar rlro ay ibat toa MalraM it at bilf air anil hah i' Th .! r .ii lili 'b tiaitar lrrian - -- ilr.Uhint th-- :.; Dont Weep At th" tt II to ancb ' i .i' l - ion ao a not !. "lib :inl

:f wa(- -r table i liaMe lo The Ice House. irriiaMon rare iboultl 1. apply tin miirh that : api q m rljthl - - rals-- il nil the MMMJ area of 9m iwfl "nam !cn" ettUou TL- noisy, violent i ctclta a marc of syBpathetir rethtui-l- - u if th object lesson which they ! t . - uuu'irb get cih wf I 1 . i w ay laatrtrAatf. ov : into lb4 M MM MM M Ml MMat would tarry the b t, fore.d to give to tMM MksV Th. I; - ;.n I - Lahoi tat Uow (I lg tlok '.ill or raime ra tM trtck M M MM of tb aTMt Tl Mm to di icfratrw off their feet, and rtault In n is going 'o be and If tAwy wiraui.' rn.s- - M lafeoi - i.l . Labe: to twttl facta thla r. in ten- his reelection, go o' : 'h- - oil and ihe aiiend and make i. CM r.s to con. arm theiaaelvM and 'rIaMM ft- - :: - .. '.. an rr at the Mi awl Mi carry nut the lead- ibat o thl. at-tlo- . Ml S Ions trade nhjp, and 'a ir futan work and aa m kaj a of alkali kj ra ! -- ta Ml Mmm." (Thati , rt a( th taVi cmmm, fxaqMMJjr abhorr. nt to inipo.-.alhlllt-t- fill hia piaco cordan. e I MM wf jrcat ta reto." knhM ratat within feet on. I and ii waa pone Ia-- ? further Mj to a' .he late ha to bis head, and uiadc htn the that com-- - ilio itirfac-- aa on aome I t ti iiom iui (ji grj - co3lr:it,n. :nie:n-tha- he to much greater a man ah ConfT r a ;.it upon "" teat, Tho iv l. tation M Labor ta par-tical- iValM Mi i Bat 'h-i- and MMMktl ' !,a;U aaejUod I M ajM defy i ii courti irokins amrathy outd iMa M really la, undoubt. dly the standa before of puhlio f..r i. an lies 1:. caer, ii.i... thríe to four year. r ka Oorapera waatrw, Mt aMi aecaMM opinión ss - t h.. courts M taaAM M hvvlng been convicted of na - tr war trylni to deprive ihea M ' aad thaw aowi real work- b.. aJop-.- .n dealing with quertloM and a disposition to rule Ml h ; ore- all a; k aaaj ingmM tnatol on inj ard, o:::t-- Iff ,hrre he has uAnecea-M-ni-.- n fre prd ' the people of the country In Ihe Inter- ilv,- - !"-- y ani-Kwtt- Hf BATON IN f - 'I Xh". Tl"" ,;1!ir men to whom orl- THE WINTER .v-.kfr- ,1 i.rit,- . '' est of the few." ilion to m:t i o' " '"-:'- 10 M louk o- 'ir i n if IM S?ü " ' for The gn at 90 per cnt of Americana "van s fiWMoa oí 'Utl, demanda, wh-r- c la Vary Ml y Sections Water is CO i, V and labor uo cot lake kindly to the acts of t. " oderatlr:: BCaawM are opposed on ) an affect to t i , It a ,f' '" often account tyranny of these trust leader openly Tuined Into OraharMi and imi 1 " .tT ' ' M Lhto te C'U conspi raey V! r" " ould very an.agonUm. which would demanding that till paoftc Is of Benef t. nal to and u 1 " how down to - " "A unr' '"r'-- otlwrwtof Mcefra n:pPOrt. (tl Trt- cost of ralntftg i lie MM I other títizeM -- tho rules of the Labor Trust and wo I Oraad Coum lot tb Provtotcinl I There u no donb' but what erun-- are saeHbH in tkaar tavaatl .;ticns is mra.-r-s - . t treated to the humiliating specta- It s r. prACtjM, and one to and hla trut VVorkinamen'a .. a oi i'nnia t. . ri - .:. afTl - '"'''... cle of Iwi-i- s I In- our Congress and even the ...f for Btatottii iii that Kuril urted out to rata th Bocha ; la t - Chief ated, to plow the oi chard itove declared tvor of erertag all coa- awafi tVcr6r with a leader who i ! t , cutir entertaining these .litlH (Ira Its w n u- - li ... -- i::'-'r- -- convicted can arofttftbl) ' ! lo., drive hundreds orlan, tana with in th. r c av. in tnu-- h - fall are it in the rough ey ' with onrf'.ilrn ihar v "is b.-t- v..1 law4 reakora and listen ng with oonsid-erutio- a H "e Park MM, ha n only fit d 'ii- ""l th of ins "any unir it of -- dually fsi- -, iriM - wii.t-- r months. In thia " h..:ug i' seat :.nd who would bring to to '!i-- ir insolent the pUnl w,thotit ietjar.1 to th - demand that tor kAktajajga, aran ilralooi f " fací Ow't ta Ameika. an feuding lie front th.- parar organ-i.-.-- a. ' i pi. tobe pcikit s whir!: ve: y .n the (UI'l'lWI ahottld be plowed - - , the law be changed tbnf ha. J money (.i Cgu-MM- to allow .; $i-,r- par Dm in e;.:url tr'rrajajfMiil ia its scopo. . acr. iward ih- - tMM th- - uii w i r.bor mm ad. pt If it tjntl to them m safely carry on that winter bad MM j!:;! r . Au.eri-Tac- - their plan of ' ,rtlon MM tAcr. tanks accordtag ere maintain its prcartkt staniling, to gaining; '; will away - th control over the affairs drMg M from in i -- on lu-- ds. S .11 m thod.-- coo-COjr- .y of the wii-- at r.tpirators were told by th" have nothlnsof makltm mir- - progress." ):ti'te,l fo oat: ua plo-.iin- mi ami leaving the orchard to stop IMM trtCiOUl "tfMt kOajMBbMa v hi a ahhoCTMt to Wc quote portions The IMM wc-- r kj bMhalaof cf another article, The sturdy workers of KM wbok aintrr rair.iall wlii be ai- - (efforts to break ÜM peo; !., i : Canada Involv Ins a reprint, America Mve SO t v - Ml from the same labor paper: come to know ala, BAMla ot Ik ii.i urn- in.-l.-- . -- i the truth n .,,r,ni by M.i and that won't come Lmi bunax-r- mt :.. .iw.i'. hr.t mi - about these stored ka) r'r.i :. tabor, through Its kad- : i lni r Brarn s.n :.lcic f Misar i.. "i?, par norr (ar:.;:- the- Instead ot topping I MaWMf.aJIejl which themselves la the for MJBAMf use of the treea, I IMy Mare" the i!.Jht be tn:."t era. must rrcoirt.lae ih.. n ni.v: rj is cause to .. l COOTta ; a roble of Mr" but It' only land draltied coal ft Ii -rt to .;aiU them 33 ros"1 "; tile practical war row U tha aMrCM, unphmed. or Ml and dmand lat they espect to paigatmij their kyatetlMl ones who up new de-- 1 tn progress .u ; swell and cry v iavg to protect 'Leui in Rich our f:ir rcvita and rgintmfMM or move-BU- 'ii" latí r - to develop the rainfall will M b;- over the aforesaid heroes," reminding valiH- i struct i ve a- - ih.-- directed fortiga mil tma ten." th to f. lined ofi and tyrannical acts eataaMM cf the i.lik h fhey head. No covi au nt, one tha land. ofM carrying dc.-.l-r- of the two romantic elderly . may to d Mtaati ot Am-rk- a. - maid r acre. do t;... l'nitf " rganlzation, no e; n d-- v. w- WltB It tii nation lop B ho, ping 1 all of lis fulillty. In tM QoapAM s n hon-- st - copiously, were dtocov-- and his Land DOrMal d la try. Tint naggiiaa view of the guide-ihcs- tprtaf tL" latid again plowed, 'und taUliecta wh!lt by tho old janitor at Mt. Vernon. tkhl tag to rain the Lucks WorkJ cur tafamoaa "L:ttor Trust." if ds Valuable. Mtc and the leaders What U it alls you T" Irritated tia.e toward the trr?. and carefully WM because Ihc stove company insist- A law da.' ago the daily aaayagg BM domlnattU ladle dri-.i- i ty a motive the illcr ai! i. :.i we will ed on printed i Takiuj the handkerchief from one hnrrawad Md irnontriad fur the sum- the right to M p son.r old em- tha olio lag: rgaulictlcn will become llngetl with to corne i nal to pr'iposl- - ploy -- swollen red eye. between soba she amid : lie the Uer. NOW, the vain thai has fallen cm at work when do untou" or- Illy the Associated Press.)) a spirit of selfishness, which has never I "Why we havo long ii mom? oi later that mn Irrigati :, in dered them atoctawged kom- - Waahlngton, D. c , Nov. appealed to revered tho tlll the soil, and by constant and of If fMf lo mankind In any walk of of Oowgo ds aW tot n. grow- - "do gang" put on. actcri.'.in? th- - of 'jom-- life minory Washingtoa that are u.i ral at cnltivatiOB it ran be retain, d and the attitude S.imvl nt any time history began. it Now pers. John Mltvhed Kraak .Mor. M Ml a privilege to come hero and k. still aadai pretenl coodltloni ': M gt the whole benefit of it. By let us reverse the condition ii can to ram in cv. n nailon of crr- - p u--ln at bis tomb.' i nson of the American Pederáttao. of i kad-i- s nt-- pa bettt-- a; growing whrat : i'.-e- and have a look. of ti:"'hod the lind ll is convert- - dj organid Mac that sMm. ya m. yo shore ha four-cen- Labor ta tha enattan nwnimlhn in the precarious v. mm. .1,. .. a desire .fin II raising l cattle or ,, a Suppose the company n.itinn to yo1 into reservoir In whieh the win had ordered j the murta of th- - District of Columbia, 1 tpy as leaders aproM sympathy bnt yo are en hogs nt an Rreragc of six cents. are the union to oIéiií'ss certain in ti .ro:. has had a tendency to overflow-in- ' at do wrong tr rains stored for summer use. j in counectioa with the Iiia V:s' stove cause thera to lose higbt spot, yo la nía! prartk. i.s ;. upor. i 'hflr union, and, ite demand Ming r of the object wctpin' ice ' basis ,,.rv n:anr aaAttaM. :ih,t.. Maa and range comimny. g "a wtllfaJ, pre--, behind the at de house." arhtek to fgaoia should a boyeotl organization. The natural Don't c. t I a a form theories mid we are tan be had for the purpoee. winter meditated violatiou of the !a.v,, Simon nstinct in man maudlin iKnn, against that imion, publish it. MAM for power and position era who must rating whoii lot of things Burna. aencr&l rra.t. r en "If nihil fJ iKaa is 111 be panlabed ff the very rlgatM It a comaos ggrJ Ma In an - no small meaaure mttta unfair Mt,' Inntruct other man- l responsible for oi our 'out the ' : ;gcne.-.i- auembly, KnJghl of .- epi la to bo Main- ." it In this las- titacturers all over the Rtad labor. - 01 m- - i auers, not n- - nn-- in v Inittd V a tained. (re Colon fe the is --no. m i...v iw,- I , .w.r ..1 ' voiced Mvere tonaemuation of sarily in labor unions water turned on the land be w. .e- lu.,i .. 1. i,',-- .- alone. Ml in you -- tapie, - uuii i.i.:o:i. iheso thr. i, lw . ii have any surplus sympathy ci opa thai people miiet have, ton l.,lnmi't....j , .. . , i a. .,. i j ii an eiciy Of rotiety. It h" rata all aad :he soil u ". " - ...II " ": ' This desire can be " lirKSfl lisiiirtinninm bi tmmmmmm as .11. m ... ior r.nd ct'ended to the honest workers I'.'d aefl l.'a.iu. 'i'liis wheat toaked. now full threaten 10 boyeott if the merchants ii.,.,l. i,rir iwwer leaderahlp and personil who . and in those of the liuurict ol nggrandizement continue to earn food when threat MMA, howett'-- loomi up liM u It U Bom anjtnirg maoe by men who have of water. matters what the sea- that union Columbia in aarticnlar, been nod and aro frequently hart and -- . a log. TUi Mat H worn Picket th- - factortea where earnest and aincere in their ''at son u.ay be. whether one of iibrtndant members r.v i sometime, killed be for tb-- m tRBJIII in ucATia. In the the coarto can eom-lielCat- s work and slug on the way home start to deteriorate Into ot. Be uie irpalng the,.- - v- -r Intervene to protect ie' or of lizlK lait. all is mow Thú rebuke by liaras was In his an mere politicians them. la bi- - ! i,p uie.r nouses and wreck tb wboae every and bo far Wiltlli'.. ator-- d nw-n- .'1 act Now tbo Labor de- enouch in tha .i.h even , P"-- 1 report l,J.lD general ussemMy of -- ungea Trust MbAMa . . ' works. and a ia with tn fa iiit- - . mol,r TZÍ desire mand of Congress a'onr the li.ioner ..-.- that tM osarfta be husliitndiPC fi. rarrv th.. hers of tho union to MAb Searty'a,., ....1í rrigated nnn.tiy will Bnd .h & 222 ÍS MM sirtppeo of power something tArOMJl the summer months After a tuem they mnxtMMJobey the 2 "JarNy In tne to in coarae orders t h'tFSZT?. lUtlr mee,,n ".1 P"'' or to n: "Tent them horn iM arofltihia of tinie. seri-- a o( dry seasons th na; nal water 'organized Capital?" ,m.' aanual organlatloM and this is ucdoubteATy . . ' City. wnen .. nai murdering men wM dare earn M . . ma aunlied- to t. - th' soil lowera, and unless It WOllld Cfltalnlv to. fa!r fr.r Ih.. Th.,.1.- I i . ., . . a living - - 4..-.-,e- 10 Liu uu.-- or comSu ma 1100 era i'. n i.tnwi when ordered by Labor or of the Federation the tirigj'ed Larda io C e?t Oe.rar.d. there is sufficient rainfall during the company to do the- - things if Uwfui capital In the aorld," of Labor. We Trust to e,ult work. - aaid Mr. Buna, mention the Federation of par- V. J. Iilanchard. for the niiiie- o fill if down to ior the Labor Trust to do , Labor Don't ' stailfifian this soil water. thera. "that violar, s laws afiener than do the ticularly ta thia weep at the Ice Boom aad oiled -ft a ,aWS ,afccr ankle, MokMi that don't States reclamation lervke. there will be a dry stratum. Some UD,,,!r Ur. ,hc ÜL "rganlzatlotw. which report organization ia permit any Mt of law breakers 2?' . the only -- ooycotted apply organization d recei lly; times this la at the depth th- - to our to --more, diahon-cotirt- e to bully our coarta. If year that mualr and of lacor which haa yet found vafea sad - . ai.d the courts would itself in vote The t.gei for Uv !;:i;tt- -i to I . ate alai ill spite of order orablc methods toward their comneti-th- e ran preyeat. Be bum winter company to boycotting direct opposition t the law of th your aad write ay and tors than any Uruat or comblnatlonV Then-ar- e Representatives and In tha.. ever btforc our nahota rains tiny fur lack of ia and. orsaul-Mitlon- Haaitan moisture. tr)inj to ru.n these union men Kui- - " other of Congress tiatary tM pr! drying out as the country labor whoae asking them net ta vota for aad gmi" BMI and as scK.n the shallow layei thereupoB ' leader htne mto-tnk- e. taxe the company should Mr. Burns said iho action of made any meaaure to prevent ele enterprise cunt ( Opn Of ie- of noli on log has Uen deprived of sn- -. r "these but they have always the courts at the court and In open defiance d leaders" would bo kept them- from protecting '(.Ject faat MMMgh, Irrignted land its moisture. Very large harmful selves and their organisation home, preearty Md tracta of 8CU '? for ear to whenever attempts within peraoo from attack by paid of i tre-- La?aa!LS tho bound of the law agents iiiited lo fit ii gn atp Ii. Ing orehard s bnve w rlshei from thla slstent, out plan, pur- - were made to obtain nnd litis great ' labor lerlalatlon the right of erery labor Treat -- ought all over tlx weat and prirea cause. Insufficiency of the winter ralas ruin the union "The Higest." rVpuUtae other man In coo every SJ J Ubor a siderlng the right of themselyea IH reader rita, aad writ Mrb would ban n a . : t. r. ..1,1. to III up the l lly applying water "df"re? Poverty worklngman a paper, say, aa part oí and new. few ycara ago Mteg Ü to In What a howl would go up from the an tn.h0aD"UTjr; " tha motto Don't ait are paid fur the toll early ihe season thla article enntld "Tho beginnini of hi silent and allow tha organ union demanding that the courts pre-- j jut th revere 'The co' tin gon-riimui- t la the end of lk.mper.laui. many lied and paid men projects 'ower stratum filled up. the water . . organ cud unl.s the of tM great trust tect them and nmHh fhoir - .'.- - t . -- .. . leaders conform theav y a inlitio" nms ntid prob t" loaer soil imiiuui i eumiQg urea.'or too ntve-o- r selvea and io force Coogresa tt bollera tkary rep- saier MMM M water and ing oppressors. ' Then they would iMV.lcles their organization In accord -- ruin whhh hi law-- . ... resent the great ly IMM fainlli.t. ur now siding the ire-- s sill carry safely through the prais- tho eonrts and I'll nn pnnilti. - nnie vlth the .... i mataj of the Anter forced by the president ot A icaa peopie. Say your lioniet of own on rummer, it - livfag the lh aay aad Mt Heir the latid has been tound an excel- protected from rota and happy r. of LCnd onranlxation haelf year representatives i.lcli l n been u- lent plan In l." 't t se: u i ri I ram toil r. i is Coegresa know laiti.i where there la water avail the hnowkdgo that the people s TUW - I That he has maintained his leader- - hlatory. IMt VOII do a .a Ka able and Insures thr rana coum defend them. . for to America tha common orchard against iiiin for " hIT.umtJ .IT I0CC under new towa which wouM empower a dry an n riow could any f if Kr..'?." ,n.10 wBte of mankiad ia der- -i .1 . Potatoca Cood Crop, i !. tionfromUw-brekkauñrihun- ""f i 'no taoor Tnrat leaders tagal s ,hf T ottar wtth grow win d, i 'ully oro E" "ÜBl MtM right to tell yon WAjTil t'olatocs well tin v. i r k. , S - - . . . - and tho rsaave.u, t, when to work. nave rxi to. nm tn ...mut. - ... T Z "v- vw-- M BOMMMm u usía tor ear must be abandoned, ban nn For whom! At what M Tin y ian Feed for Sneep. men? ' of Ustreson In thi ountrvir rice! What to been on accountSwZrpartly of the sent!- MMI buy' What not e grown sever to buy! to thus wild IMAOMMa sue The rt-- at Tha court placad lit ailow any aylte Wham nuantiu of rouehaaa m Ii in position whr inen-a- i leeiing on ibe part of (0 derep vota for! How yea esa almost any season. A goo.! . It must tho ch maca atar! par r'.p our ri. grain (arma which do ana thing or th other bed-pos- i?UBtTy - si.t. ordl that he oaght not to ed, Mb m.t par month ta fees tat taw ohto.rud on .,K ptoi-r- ly - punish man who !n approval of sube nariiy 0M to was'.- should I profit persist defying It and the unwIlllngneM ihe majority mt etc.. peace I ,.. , of the t be otc. etc. -- - order or ao out- nt wruir.- u . . . . dt lien cf t country " - ' tana ably utlllo.l by sheep Th question . , iuru wnu Te o lor tn- - r.lare Thla Thla power to now being be qnal.ty of :. n must aar farceat liaalf Haa.tia U:u f In,.tt-- H ahould the um swsaasga '" I iee,,. eareful at leader, of the laws si.-- .l, FederatM by tato iMt land Rt,. ,en,lo. p. rhap the nuatt linportai.i Tell your RsaMm a may huh. M gioan upon lives ulainlv thai aw ,h-m- . MM a blem M bo the II all HI Él I of as their defender, whereaa thlovca, of A. F. T or,,rattow which ninount of when prop- - ot tho oi L. adluvoUÚZ ?VTÍ?rirm to vote for any ateaawr M allow right class leed Nitrogenous feed tarktai.. crooM of all kind, gacltr. which haa enableT hit ToJLt any Mt erty cared for. tof?:Vlok-n- t - m.w . h tartaM art of mm lhp - mem - iLluilllSipeart cither MorMaatlag urod,;f ,U,,y of ard tura nt lal.r - ..ei snd the mwm aaov. U1.W1I, a firm arlo on th.. mahtiuf-. s na.-e.-i Capital n - v. or labor .Thus the principal rough hate them and throau-- violence If " j ,,,,n Ww7 to corn saddle leed ahould ganutatloo. and to Mvo his faithful ir?ia?a5SÍ tato to th wfaw Good Ewes Valuable. , of legume their member are punished for which immiMM msssb. mMsi ll0aUi the Alfalfa bay break- henchmeu ta Ihe poalttona where they their to M fres to go asgrk flood esea are ill, more t ing tho law. They want th aad ceas, or at ,h. anrt H small auppletuenial feed courts to do him the meat good wto "nencTaí not -, of let them go mid oorw taMí IaMr Aad TM tar whoaa My pi;- b- free aad inner than the for - s.r-.t,in- ir. .,, at the same timo their whirh ..heat ,n,iev mtk an demand might M needed StMatML"í.,,M? iw Fvcry man's liberty will dtaappaarMa oiild aell then,. nni punishment for other men "out-Id- e lMa- l:Di ,hey M aMMal for areeg Aaother do - b' wod ewes, they nr. f'd union when they break the r Zfrtí,L ft!last MV Lla laioor in particular aorthless as romi.lnailon that haa coavMtiou, ta . T'""1 or aay other auccafitl law. Notice the above refer- Mm ire me Bar nf .,i,,i, nay. treat cm rids rough roeilera tutd moiliers should Ite ly Is aoma Mnaation to spring on tM - . . "awnian, M alfalfa and ltemrijeM bar-vl- ence to "violent" member of labor cn- I.. TK;lea v.nUon at th psychological moment. a to t our court i anion. The great majority of th which would place to mta lÁVtiZol. free "una ard- - union mea him In she light af Mg caamtry In th an peaceable, a martyr ta tha mum af unionism, InMrJXw i Md TW Perayle are pattaat and aw.iMngTo Mnfi c r ItWT. Battle Cresk.

i -- I FAME AND FORTUNE OFFERED e yev UMMOFESSiallAL REMEDY MiBMMm aaaTt SILHOUETTES OF TRIED ta Pelee tor Ma Who Ptaooworo FOR THE ORIP. WESTERN CANADA ta LeaaaM Cura tor At the National Capital Two raw' sale. Dr Oare W Woomer of Tale nal ThO man fl veralty. acting a ipobeamaa for aa well d KYasimT lead before the trata was out of aannymmm giver, be eawvim-e- that mahaeflaj IB V R Wlaolpsg, TW GoMipof People and Events S depot ta a prise of linóes p. beea set 1 talk brfMM In wat Gathered in Washington rather etrrlea. The to be awarded to brat aera any mull to ib lead, hamper ware m h world wha dtarovra a system nf I iHMier fallo la euro for liibercata i Th" gilt tin ln the (WMl-nr- district, tur-- nil rr.mtt lineal aa Ij lime idn or biltd ana with a tort of Ik lag - . . . . tba. of cure, 'he eaiy condition - yon apo'oajrtio aatie, tow maa Wot Have th that the new ( irerlainat havty mm How to Address Government It ntate hlnta-- lf with ta "l m a hit laterested la thl Officials leads to lam i use at least yeer. and - ntain cholera virus so that th ho may have myaelf. Boma of th- me iWe .on ' him Mr ' that the promote, of ear lb- - f'-- up v. hi. ni ttrved fot hla reatiKii at the eipertmant. laa't got a aoetloae her along this v'ns the Inveatlsatlna of Ue I. Hint fla r line, at.d I'm to hnv a look at lrd h I It i ÉM 'I ili) lied aoina i n rita of hla dlseovi ry I iW Proprii tor- - No. perfectly I h - Never keen up ta Canada k-- ; lorni fa apeak of !b' wife mad. A lare number .a? pby.i Ian have It. I ana fore - la how n W-fassss- sri Itl'Ul Including ike rail Suplanta ata tke nt curious these been working for yeer o perfect ver . i i ' .1 menta ray lienta A a pronouar Th wile of th" i inerte the clae. or antl tosta for tub. i alowl. o. i I name of Dominion aa If It waa ''.b-ren- llt tdent n gMappaal na lra ' th find agent, sic b ;i BOY to aoni i TORTURED BY ECZEMA "Can dy" "but If it bmbe good we Tan. lii ii.' nnd ni .1.4 Mr whbb will aaalat n th tv dl I' i' ).. I' b Mr f ! rni i will be up to stay next fall.' Thus far. the ciperii.ienf i haw my yew old, You Ilk said ee v MHIMiTON Moat ( pic "II in M hVeetor lilniH. h'.r Ihe wile "When boy waa aia ra ha Ita this." th not mrnlabed a prodm t vbiib will ff " nffepd terribly wit H man a.Iowa quite manifestly con- If . .rung to Waahtnfnn lor ni II .riii'. Mr C.ei, H!r.a. man from either absolutely eura or prevnu ran II ta go- - rtata sad about in Maní ., ..n v ii in .Vimhlnatnn tro kiMJ n could aeltker alt atlll nor quietly tinuing aa argument thai had been umptloa. or rander thi- pattaal ha - " Itching waa ,.r.- n 'i. perpleted ' .n il . Mr bed, for the dreadful. II ing oa In hla mind for eome timo. men against the Hie. Many of I 1 apota Ii bln ib" shall nddr. Mm i rMua hkh k proper woald Irritate by "Hack In our State lead kra become thewe aer'im have proved ' ffeeflve la de-dr- . with hla nail, and aaly dear. Anybody wanting to aell can ill unliormlty u in h ii i w ' K' in In !. r ...I mvr that Increasing th raslaUnee of the pi No Matter . them A htm get $7" or ffev an aera It. ret I nil government miir.. in ulln wore. doctor treated for aad ti nt aad than helping In the hot what Ltoer or Bowal ssadlolM yaw i ' -- " and we tried everytbtas. but every offered la aaapsed y Tur I hut reason there In M i Id .i Mr ilil .it abaoat farm that's a arleatlat of Mfiata rlaltn to aaáaaj. atoa) at awes Cot a Mo lfr. ara r i? pr l.l. m I'f-ai- tbe ecxema r.eesaed spread. It up. In flaakatobawaa we have Juat aa I in inner in whtfb in greet to have dlacoverad a tuberculin whbh ko week s Wisfial of CAS - small place good coat ua 111 111. so ifh.lils with whom n.- Be) rami started la a as tbe lower land that and will prodiiee n eura wl'hont the rni CAKE1S today srem your drwgiH aad spMad two years maa up or six HMkMl Tbe social nail hi. I. ti an irv. we entremitleo far that a esa take Ive blued aid ol freah air. ren and whole aad loare hew neatly, sat rail y aad It very nearly in toclsl Intercourse in ihi tal ire in I ..miin-- until eovered tbe bark time a much then aa la Iowa oa th aome food. ebgbtsalty your Kver as ha made part leg money iiil mM in ik national h aii of hla to tbe knee. same Investment of se aaare. mmé year law. all every ih M A' i y i i" "Finally I got Soap. Cull ameer, though, 1 l prescribed form which II In Calleara "It Ua't th that A Pooolwiistio View. day. 1 sera's mm tf every hoe ' - eura aad leura Filia aad bring moat of ua ap from I'm u bo helper ary lo follow If on won' T i ' Mr I'.Maiiius- ointment fat lows Among tbe patients in certain CASCA are aeturo's a. IHI . gave tfcem according d1rv-tlon- I money enough. In bin dealings with " i l .' to not sure that would ho pltal of Hsrrlaburg there waa reeeatly Ye will so lA étmmwá ata An . citie inV'i M in mador. or need them ta tke mora lag aad that The 'Invasion' la a family affair. We d.-- ; k ataaj of thcr of a mm tal or a huelars an oa disponed to take a - r KsrS ti' 1 evening, I my I'l-iT- m T mi l M a re-- .r Wlenaa w- before pat hoy to hoi. bave no cha ace of keeping our sons for recovery 111 - .!- - Mr Mit.inl. r " hla chances merUn Heaae.!. Ch eapo, . wnd reamr- ...... I used them again and the Improve- around ua hack They have up, " adiiionlrhed 1.. para aww vow i h. r bm tone tilled offlcUt in the i .ill. r i ra .f Hie .lipliim iili" horn. "Cheer old mu' h..iwa viiteair aa .. y - Mr. even few waa - satry who ajaMtad 'ii III. .ar lltli ." ment la those he ora to leave ta farm and go tato th big the yonthfnl medico attached to tbe T and arc . - paavwaai t, i njataw ..f tin- cent tke Inflammation aeemed to ctttaa of the neighboring states to get pe'k-n-t lay. "Yonr (bier ranh noelally by ro-- ay ia I ward wherein the M J"tl he so murk lesa. I used two boxea of work. To hoop them on tbe farm aad Identical with tho. e of CARADA i ate actually entitled to r, ,i . !' Mr " symptoms are WESTERN ft I'ml-.- l " Cutlcura Ointment, the aame of the la touch with as, are com ap here years ago I waa ni lientnaai eoaniaander In t !. H..I.1 nutor "aVdator my own esse foer i r Pilla and aad my chil- me are. by ronrteay. la aaataj life (nial m). snvral, lrint. f th boat aad maba little colonies with th just aa sick aa you are laseh at nal .1 i. rl" cared. My sen la new ta dren around ua, oa homaa toada or romiaadnw. while tboe J;i?nai,t ci lou'l "Cl- eow?" eateeath year aad ho baa I bimgbf taad. Thai makes It eaaior tor ata eye over th i bal rank laaa tkier aeirlal title nod Th patient raa TL I m- ecxema. aHtlreaaeil aa nlnln .. ipl lina arc lliir - a return of the the (armera back there la Iowa to get physician Y stalwart rrame. "What Mum - tp ttvi tliii- ' All aaararn .if ihr ran "I took car of a friend 'a child stay-a- t fam- The aani rale applies to the that land for the bornes. Tbe doctor did you have? "he finally naked, attai awlnn il. Una nf rafialn ara aitHnail eczema on Ita ' - had face and ttmba aad ilies that com to Canada are kept Sunda) Mutixlne dicen of th aavy. IJkewlse ihe aa an M on. ra i f lh mmtlinl Ie- feebly. Illustrated aaiwi ate " I used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. i i bm graa ant aecretaiiea af eaemtlve ilenart. anl batoW tan rank of a tb together and tho families that buy I'laJrf!. a al to if ' ..Mr- .1 . I tor. They acted? on tke child just aa fbey the farms they leave are kept to- Toilet Table. ' Lta are railed " M later. and Temperamental 'h Manfcral an'l admiral "Adnlra! " did on my son never re- many t- - and It baa gether, toe. There woof be any stack - ásted Knalishnmn y are - amm for tala ta abtrtou. It ael I'mnnnHi'-- r aptalna n:ntrVommanitra iTiha taa.- a taja- I wotSU Cntl-eur- a r turned. recommend the cither, they atlll to Mi .ii eaay natter to Introriun a aatral ... aaMraaoad fef rtaai rpw-tiv- aaM enlng of tbe rush, for ago gave this advbo iHtaaffat Remedies to anyone. Mrs. A. J. barah-routiit- bl families back Iowa." In as to a la!vY dreeing r bv K K...n'ly th.- state department baa rala la a letter what the lone and 1823 corre-.jKimi- I. Cochran, Columbia Ave.. Phila- One could almost aee tbe mental tabl should contain: of ' lleuteaaat-onimander.- " or '.iroiniilnaiol an order that all delphia. Pa . Oct 20. 199." a y .ng iadv can faff to tbe first lieutenant of an n addr ail to the necretary procesa of this typical American farm Tbe best beautlfler er in defending a atep that meant a aap is good humor. Tin- - best renovator i Hieeattaa department aa "Mr kaalat if i.'.i!( .ihnM read. Thn lionorable. Easily Eaplained. - ' Ih- new Has. a new allegiance, a new the best roui? is modesty, the .i ..i reiarr while It Would mam The Secretary of State." powerful preach- truth; cSSf?wamwpaariaof S3 hMheta ear area. Mr. Swainson is a land, nnd new associates. To aban- best eyewater is the Mara of sym- atnc whawi'iaaaaflOOaeraa. leavening hi er, but la never above don Old Olory of tbe Declaration of pathy; the best garble for the voice atwa sermons with humor. Independence for a good thing la la cheerfulness; the b' st waai for Nagel's Department Caused Commotion A good story be tells concoma a cheap land would hardly be playing smoothing wrinkles is contentment PaWEEfcSB: : visit once paid to the cottage of one b Ma department had derludc to let the game, but to go out Into Sas- tbe best cure for deafnes. is atten F if I lidah... alma of parishioners. was early i ho ahipa I'lylnK between the t'nlted hla It katchewan to "keep tbe family togeth- tion; the biist mirror In laaVOtton, nvA - long by lay a W ifm aa u and and South Amerl- spring and for a time be at Is Innov e n- - aiiiiw. Static t'eutral er," was another and a quite higher tbe whitest powder iilaca lor nulnac . !)' an clear for their deatluatlona. the window with the woman little Krts motive. Ham Tomes of International law were girl. Why seek too closely to analyze the Quick aa Wink. VWV' looking he remarked to tbe l.nrn-in- a roisrh' r..rth and dlplomnlic etiquette "In out." reasons for the greateat land trek In If yonr eyes ache with a martina, prodiired and quoted to iho that It child, "do you notice how bright la sensation uae PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. tbe history of America? It la enough AU Y. - green lea vea and gran?'' druggitaorHowardBror.,Uutfalo,N. 1. 1. eMwrena Invited erüve international complica- the of the to know tbe sons of the frontiers- The little girl nodded. that Bsll Mil. Isssss CSS, ta. 'lona if American ahlpa should aall man of Iowa, and Kansas, and Minne During the first six months of his smtl ' - tell me why does It appear (rom oar iort during Internecine con- "Now blood of mid west-- are a man pities old bacbel-lors- . jgjHHLiaBaBlBa! waa a commotion, ataaw! brighter Mr. sota tbe beat the married life THKKE filcta nnd insurfcent movementa In the so much at tbla timer Canadian west in be envies them. la the depart naked pouring into tbe After that eoer-get- atatea. Swainson in a short time ago when the iVntral American an ever Increasing stream, aad are fctat- - '"Coa," waa the unexpected reply, Make the Liver Secretary . r.. n MrHare broucht out the learning "Ood Save the King" and SIX BOCSKKEBrRMS and active Aaatatant I that M I anti nil II .. ail "ma's lust waaked the window and I'ae Red Cram Ball Blue. It make clothes of east-mer-e ' uv WliaJ Olalla "My Country Tls of Thee." are sung MeHarg of tbe department uiea oi tunm you can sec out better." clean aad sweet as when new. All groeen. Do its Duty over and inlan d that the collectora of cuatoma would the same tune. Toronto (Ontario) and labor went to uncom- bi- - Fiibject lo damages if they held Dont be common. Up the Nine tanas in ta wkea das swat it riaLt I I olted Statea atatutea against Inter Coala of Giobe. when there waa no state Fir. mon man xvbo causes the wvr!d to elt sjonacb aad be wait art ngto. n .tu nal law In tbe department. than hipa Chriatmaa evening a Sunday s. One For Celestials. of war exiting In any ol the coun-trt'- op and take notice. CARTER'S LITTLE The ra waa Assistant Secretary Ad, school pupil appear, d at church, only once a very rough boom but simply little Insurrectlona. I visited LIVER PILLS ho la au ateened in Intvrna'lonul law Immediately by a HARK1M-- . It A CK I NO. BASriJSO t (H . II .asnsssnst k to be surrounded town In Oregon, near Cottage Grove. Alk-n'- me oi twa an bnkrn apqalckly by i Ijihi Bulwm. aeadybatCnsIyi i: at it exudes from every pore, ami He tola omcuia iuc bei ,r , . er - number of deriding pbymatea. In the leading saloon a man in a red Tbia vld, rrmadi hat. n .Al f ' long partraent that he dldn t want to em- Sjurv Aah yoar araajsiat ahuul It. illi Itor Hoyt wko baa been so "She's wearing her slater's coat!" hirt said to me: . barraai tbler diplomacy, out me legal advlaer of the poveraaieal cried one. "Ye carry yersclf almighty may be alike, in CsswCa way ut of commerce and labor bad wanter Wine and women bal he Knows everytihng In the "And ühc'a got her brother's gloves In parts, stranger. Go slip to let the gblpa bave t'aelr straight these some respects, but age improves wine. i that e er pertains to the I'nl decided another. crinua, papera. That was what hap- on!" tried wrong tbe least mite and. by I State, and Commlsloner of Navl clearance "Yea," was the retort that turned we'll lynch ye as quick as look at ye." PILEH tl'KED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS PAXO lltSTMLS I uri-J- inlei.l lit eena . Chamberlain, who baa been pened. ' in the tide of ridicule, "and I came with I smiled. of ii' bu., iuiad. blredlae at flmniclcs afl"l'o. la HwaaWhe, Dials after luteri-st- a Dp to the present timo no ono baa tUc. fpttag. lylag navigation ever my motber'a blessing." Judge. "Would you lynch me." I asked, "if SlulldayauraiuDrj rrfnadad. beard of the wreck or ruin of the dip- mm rriaa the Brat part of Cleveland s last I dog?" lomacy that exlata between the gov- killed a A man can't help feeling restless GENUINE tarab How'i ThU? "Would wcT" he snorted. "Why. when even bis bills are unsettled. Into tbla gathering came Mcllarg In ernment of the I'nited Statea and of Central American Statea. Wa near Oaa nnndnd DoOara Rmit stranger, we've lynched fellers here lorceful manner. and remark' d (hose the saa of CattRh ISat cannot b (and by Ball' Smokers also like Lewi' Pinjrle Binder I Catarrh Cura. lor klllin Chinamen!" V. 1. Y CO- TOtodo. O. citrar fer its purity. It U never doped, ruF.NF - They may bita We. taa aall , han kaowa F. i. Caraey only tobacco in ita natnral ttste. R1TTVT TOtRIDIt.w, alth. Book Sat. Wat IS aad A of tbe of frea. tor Ua nam, salami htm mtawn great deal is heard art Wt ismall S c , l'ai-A- j a.nox K. Waastaaleaj) Taft Baffles the Secret Service Men atabla Is aB Mata aw maaaiuntw sad Saaa remembering, and but little of tbe Following cheap advice Is apt to - I lug any announcement of blS inten- una. Kimha a Uinn fine art of forgetting. prove expensive. W. N. U.. Oklahoma City, Np. 10. tlona, he left Ihe White House and , bieod and manm ef Um BTKAD. BACK AND f.BMS ACHFT inriwl out for a walk. Generally he dawnir up" tna sattacn t La . , . . nwrra Twwswnalf mat traa rnea r AehaaUovrt TUrual KRi.wllb eaitltt Thai uy TrSri Ortppc. Parry Darla' PalaklUer will braak It a If llCCOUipiiiiieu OaM all has been aoiue hotti. by DnoHt nuwapruaaatiy. All daalar. Sc aad att boilW Welcome Words Women mea Tala usli's rami? ma Sat i c to Ml offltlal. but none of wllkle a Wonts who snSer with dborder peculiar to their One good thing about a fall that I was along. of Economy. aox should write to Dr. Pierce aad receive free the Ono Idea hangs on is that It keeps back tbe On hl last walk the president "What do you mean when you tell advice of a physician of over 40 years' experience "beautiful snow" poems. ful arcoinpacted by his brother, Charlea they ought to a skilled and tweet n specialist in the diseases the people economise?" of Every latter of rbb sort haa tho most P, Taft, the millionaire l lncinnatian. Btsx, woaioa. "I mean." said Mr. Dusttn ALL secadal eooeideratioo aad h regarded aa sacredly u K , a Tbey walkt d up to the capítol and go In patron iun ' ought to 1 1 LMinvur' i ' ... a i Tiermmw a thrown "that tbey slow Should be in every borne. Ask your grocer eoaádoasiaL Masry scasitively modest women write ' through Its wide halla I lombahell into tbe moka of that strolled I ilng moat business enterprises In or- for it. Larga X os package only 3 cant. 'tally to Dr. Pieree what tbey woald shrink team - aa runs tbe memory of Alon I r.rildiffa I I'lrt- hit h I: So far tbey may have more money taBiad to their local physician. Tha local ptrrsida nf ha anrret ati der that Vices are contagious and . a...... i eoioeiin the 7.o Stewart, deputy sergeant at arma spend with mine." Washington Seneca: Is pretty sure to soy that bo cannot de anything üiaioui - to aad - la a full gen- there la no trusting the well sick Or. holds i. r At i MAtWm from aa- of the senate, and that Star. farrea that hi together. dietaateiul eramirastiosal are poaoraDy need-- nation. It Is n soft lob tor the It was loo iirav nui pai preMdrnt baa visited tho capítol on WW t mea and of ton lends to Important to taofjiat a, ONI.T O "SIOXO UClNIlfSV' service day. Thai U LAXATlVa mtowo glTlNINB. Loot for ometblng bettor, arveral of thoae the Sabbath Eiamlp canfully every bottle of bha alaatlara of B W LtaS tha Wurul yesj right hs mm P'Jwey s the president arctlZcwraaOoid lalma Par. www asm Has so It who formerly guarded president, now On another occasion PASTORIA, íaafe and adre remedy for a. jeasr I. " ra rriimipiisa Pennaylvanla avenue. children, aee It kindreds of tmoaaaawti, of thaas th wo lioldlng positions thai pay walked through Infanta and aad that A pessimist by any other name sa government bust-nea- a moat prominent fault-lnde- r i wet) Ud make the holder a rami of W .sblngton'a Bears tho would be a Just the same. B is the oaly mialclao of it kind that ia the pro data el o rtjslirty Ho was wearing n sack phvaicia. t noma consequence ta his home u-rr-l aireet. Signature of she oaly o psod a gray sweater. It's tbe yapgnMO t of many smoker that tagradiawt oa tory. coat and HO looks like President Taft." re- In Uae For Over Tear. lavaría' Bisada Hadar Se agar equals m taa. No alcohol aad It la feared aasoag Chief Wllkle s Tba' Always Bought eaehty mota tas etgsm one maa aa President Taft Tho Kind You Hare mea some of tfcem will have to be marked yernr health. WruT'to Worid" that five-ce- Pi tp tat try UetSviwdteMriatie, Dr. R. pa-n-- theaters oa the a eound argument looking for other joba If the president d ike Very Funny. that Hrlg. Gen Clarence Bon-ougb- a talk. to go out for long walks sveuue Edwar.s. Mr. Merchant out, you doaaa't mean loud Waab-ngto- a waa with the preaidoat. giggled through tho haoisot streets of who say? Why, ho had aa appointment president smiled. Mr. Taft J5raa aa protected The president and the with me here. That's very fanny. ggtjjfuaa J gf look muck like himself in hla haa "had the laagh" oa eoveral of the d.d not Now Office Boy -- Yes. air; I guess - with aweater underneath. blenthe reeeatly when, without mak- sack coat ho thought It waa, too. Any ways he Th best cat plana (all out, and the waa laughln' when ha went out. beet of friends get married. Three Cornered Jar for Weather Man Catholic Standard and Times. panamá If tbey aay It's going to Thla Will I harOray Saaat ñjitlll for CSUarea. PUTNAM FADELESS ftinw DYES At 111 V home." Interjected tho third TWhlua Dlaoedara. Saawlaha the aawalaaaal mir of the arouo. my wUe bao a P--" "i Fííf.--, atanding order with our confection or The aever lalL at aU Dr Sfllll. ma. Saaayl. Creel Alaaa a. my r AOeasiFoce send up Ice cream whenever ae t aaalWd FBEJC AS4raa, Otssslit. "Isa't that a 1004 Joke It's BROWN'S Wlbti to La Bar. M. T. rntoppwc MONWO aces the cold wave nag flying." No no are you so old as Tbe mild looking maa wita ta wboctíj ta th degree In whtafe you "Groat Scott! 1 UpptucoUs twinkling brown oyeo saw noum ran And c reataras greater than your thatr were an "- - "--- UPDNNY areaalaatloa thla weather Tney artf tt look up to. In that degree are Tbe three who had spokes MBObliag yonieelf In v aay aheat bar of os l?" aactalKiad a other yoo aad that de If eoebts KMOWN TKK r on way 10 new as papoy you member of grwap toar la ta were inter iora. g, Rnakta took before a ef mild maa with I "diking a Pennsyl Harrlsburg the the comaartmaat of eyes arose, gathered up his vania treta basad east ft to Chicago brown for baggage an. ooia w i svy, ooo H preitata goeerol reins to visiting day." paper sideways produced three cards. He dis aad he hpid the amlilng. to dodge of brilliant la tributed them aad. the glare a Thee the rilan ana. .t.rmii denertur. mamar cards. They read: Yea," said tbe ataa aa the sofa. "I mofead at taw Chief ef 'way take my rata coat when tbey Willis L Moor. Bureau, Washington. R O ' orvmla fair weather aad wear a Weather OLR" HAIR RpTORftpfe PfrffL wl ) i taT71i,tTMbaiíTr.iftífttí ai 11 it am 'a ial il l ml an i. iy. ii, i INN KtHivvm Mkasjojí )., ,tl',t,rfi unteb ai WliK o SHI iiiiil-taru itiaeiJta tolrrq mu ii "i. I Notices CLASSIFIED ADS BU,'weMP,RECIly ' r.' Tht Wtt-- t in S tty churco c. BKV.w Soufhwestem Hotel .r--- s QEoRiiE and Cafe, SIIMM

Wao S EUROPEAN PLAN .. i. a'erftirmh. L'.'

. ; . t, Ff ! Now Open for Business orrOMBTBitr 'Ifll' c TL.- - .. :e. La 01 mess H-u- r V to : a. at. T - ...... t Z Z S i Z 2 : 2 fi an i - Resillar Dinner for -- a ., i 33c 'ra taw S. - k SPECIAL CTLLLOrBEP. for 312 00 r?r Y Robert NewtM HpcdcrH . L - aj fcaar

. . . j. Laminations and r ; . - M , A - ' Genera. L.7 :i the Efer Grade of Lumber Keferenca eirhai c and anule La'L and Lime etc. Give us a cal. ... ll lrtrta . : - - V. t:ir .1. NIILLF.M .f McRae Company v- lumber r -' IU1 Wife la?, rk - I . Baby Q. J. GRANT, Wr.. and 1 K. J. i,. hi M.Mts Í - r fr D e . f tat STBATBO : 'n fc.rr-- ! If, ' ..' u r '1. ha!i white "". .r a.. 1M' trc City Livery " fa.. and Transfer ' a. : : : Ota aarra4 eartajsjfy !1 a ' SJSJI i - i rrifhl t, . m. Ma Ii f! PV K. M L" wo - t" i O tm H LKT I . i rntaai tow- fa i. tmfitt, 0c L -r- rfx-Fy a !.:, Ffft ra.sU i: tt tVff MMi Puone Residence Phone 170 tf. v-At- A X llO - y Paatflf. j- - T a Phillip. IrilV OvMMittltCrK w r o e!v. - . New rM frnm ; E56R4 VED Cá KM V art .:- - Mr-- : ?r I. Ml) r ' n.-t- P 1 V KINLtV. hart jrav..1 cardi y - viitr.f ALAM0G0RD0 HOTEL - j ... A y I tree. fmih an ar vnr low prie. F------PlfSiciii Sirirp inreo - - -- ul z :: !' M. - . q; y at: i in O i B 5 prrram vaa render-- . i . ta ilion' a: Nf a. T-iE- c c-- :, il known reti rj Ale-- 1 ' V - ' ! " g c: iw a rl) : . e a1 ri: ! tÉkwfc. TV refrafcir aLajtosaMMt x v -- - - at U)i rous c :' ?c ta 52 :jf j Pare' Srrir- S C Bla k Min.-r- - J. w cd-- i - - f. Quality anil H. ;' FJGBS, MÍ i mtf th Mrvic has c2- jc'ovzd. hunird an I thirty i'- c. Brei. at D Potter it prent. Thi E 0. Biker. Paur. COCO r r :- -r r a PhMM enai of a ari of aryit i. Ul T1-- l -- . r . ('Kfillv. attent or. g . trj .c 6Jf anT March IT. ' rccrr Operjmfr Voni r WaMrSJr 1 unit Mr nw pae .f Ku:rief. 'ti mci. ri Inai r. t. i.d . Ft vbieh will be known aa "Jonea T RFNT : 1. mM M lou w nF. entrtaintj th" b in build-ir.- am Mrs. Bertha B. Seal wek Grnr." will to b the Firr NaMTi BaDk f, 'i I IABTM Kt Nf. M I lalM Jhn Bowman. - e- - I Q: rcn ' hi I .inirt. Fehruanr i law, Apr'v at :i M. I wel-e- will V ad to w a chi -- Trr bar.k. H- -- T i r -- T - - -t Mtf. Bcitltt - s 7 : ani to U(Bf of oTr r1rt Nafoaai Baat. th rloh. Reereabmenri s- - '-- 71. r' "i'- - fr..a frinH ... rt.D -- -" - : : -- FINE I'KINTINt; T!ip T - i iH- - v it v. OM fnen1 and new. AL.Mi.t.giH. N. M. ei a foVara: Firat Mra. Itf the efjuippr-i-l j..F, print-- THE CASH MEAT MARKET to will rYiTe ermrteoa and hon- ift ' WiHian E. Warren: eenriil V -' - f est trratment. Prornptoeaa an i ' Par A -- Ja.-ki-- -- CHEKKY SHERRY R - M. riirH -- unfailing will be mm to Mrs. oartej The Choices: Curs H. H. Cat. ;:. ri. Anararyaat Lan The c!uK wiM b r ine.i ittfti ttANTEI: T" ex. hange 0c CMaira of Finest Bee-- ' we-- ue Fed nest kf Vital r. Bliche of 8 rr,m .iw lling(.n Michigan Battnal Baaa bi4 Ordon. n.t-r- e will h no A.i-.- e inlTy Millinery Opening. arpmiA T1..AI t.. á pr;z t V- .- awarlM. t.r MAJ0K- Mr-- . - Mcx.ryjrr) Q'ja.üy Vinirr)urT) Price . Benii.' Spring Open- imm with i.arh. Inquire H. Tu-Ja- :( ing will tcviu.f. Inprorement Co. A -- toirin March 1. 210tl Attaraay at law. re!y njoTahle little r-- l and continue throughout -- that ter. lered to the Rkw 1 amé M. i -- rmm H-- v. E The iine is varied ruMUfnmmmét Hatiuaal Biker ani w;f.. at e. and f rrt Baak BatM.rr í mplcte. Mr . w; fruit trees on hand at :i h m. Mr. ar. Mr. A. lith F. very Street La Luz Menfer. ToemUy g!a, t. have her friends call mi rrnif; ! I- THE POPULAR CO. Ah nd make th-- ir elections - E. Martin. DRY GOODS ot .ixty Tje.'. ar- - ;r--e- nt, at nd wirh the their earlie: convenience. rrat aUSOatC TEMIE SLilDUSi prerailinz spirit POB SALEr-Fra- me Ladii.' RraT it. Waaw Or Ikais "ao d.anty. Ha . aa4 Slat W as '1!,,4hip. all w-r- e RereemWr that the moat :oi,., orfl. tu A. J. BUCK rr.'cc phcsi 1f'í'r'í moeh attrac Hxl. m good ooasHtiM. la aa lantat ,4 to roa to mil . tive "W. ta ence witD the - - jifenngj will be sold first. IL aaso. IN kLn evening .ter- W. H. Mil,.r Tint aCrl fá Si. i tainment.P,i UNDERTAKER GatMla C.jncrete Contract. r. Alamoeordo Cottage Suutohnm In Alarn frrdo. it i still true The un lerizned wih to tati FOR SALE. tno throe room A. F. Menger that "It rains hut it t!. house on orr that Sanatorium is Maryland Ave. Newly-papere- d Tuej under Take Jav tlieir . . tniug L. ntn.l. rwt other in. and painted throughout. Real Estate, Loans. - frexai- p-t- V.,. , Will w-,- o é sell La I t vidual having any authority ..r this BrOM I ..lie.r. t... the court Insurance houiP. Dedication Ball A gix), In-qui- Jánes p. H ij ' interest in the same. .rh. investment re neputyj J. L i. v.b'j wa-- k iH- - iter. "iw innory. ol S. M. Parker iV . i - . t A R. Son. dlatri-.- t :l y a J S. !er'K. in El Paao unui agent L ' "uige nDnsti a Cte, Notary Public lor the --- Tu-"lay- . hn-.:.-- -- H. H. C.te. M. D "ri Pao k Sr,u:,-e,tert- i at Ancho. t'"n t Mr. Menger'-- . A-- . i they m ln i(,T ere M m en - an,i! mfjt tten.1l. C E. of !Jnt Fe. repre- UKDS-N- I1. vt Notice RHODE ISLAND ine Teotb St. ihooe 34 i witlt hie faruiiy. Mr. Skinner en'ing the National Bivtuit Co.,?. I year a Fire.-d- . r of high At-u-- Will U pleaaod class Wn 'lL tU Southwestern t twenty five of to have all nd W. M. Stone, of A.r.uouer. h" Lucille pure winning' traiiiM i.f - parties this, "T XnT"- h- - re-- indebted to me call and, r, r.;-..- , ' but just ! O'Reilly's friends, aav- .tA 1 an - nrunt,n.a.vbaa ti.i.HI' '.'111 Il"f7lV ' . JfTt. - - - ..r" va. - ' 1 M 1 barringers ..a.-- a . . I settle by March 1. and I accept a a.. avoid A )I C".. ere b "h ri in , io mucD .tter nghtfnl suprise party Mon- - last having accounts put in cdlec I1 'irciilar free. Alamogxrdo tbii w. .in me m , iv. at. i. at . , A. C. i. me"n hÍ tor'- - hands. Dr. O. Austin. Angus. N. M. . Sm.thville. -- W. Miller Feea&LiverySiaDle Mrs. J. H. Pir--- of Kuoaville. Texa. Mr Skwrner " Ue ""T wt" 'Pi-- t T-n- family will of arnv-- Alannagr-rd- o remain in Alamar. l A,ten,,"- - do ,nn3r ,lici in honor The young ladies of the Hi Uuttleineii! For e until the .dote of the present Pvent of Fine Monday afternof.n, and will . 0ne üew 8 Camping Uround i ... t i School are collecting afund to pur- - f' guest of Mr. Wiüiam R. fcnooi terui. ann tnen remove,"'' oinniaj. hüe under rover. . to Smithville. chase a piano for the asaemblv enK,,,e wholesale at Alaniog-rd- o San- - pri-e- . filtzrler rtNim of th now Uisvk a.k,.t one new 2 H. P. en- - Since Company am ti.rium. ur, "I" ha an ar. .... rsra a 1" . . mm cF... p... i building. Misses Avery í H. Fisher, '"" " ,U dUcM Wll,b' direr . "nl' OurCloudcroft correspondent! h"m evening after h.v-- . ""' and Ulive Mata fíanX rk. i.17. tf. Pennsylvania Are . Alamogr ""r ewtrj t wek Drente.i declarer that Prof. Georg. ', ar- - ng pent nearly two months in fht the subcription Hat at Taa News po,ble fur tb tides are attracting attention! her old home m FVt Worth on!" r to office. They are gettina the moo. Motel . linting favorable k- - J"oes among ey, which is more than Zeiger td omnientlyn, I the i Une the a great JOB of her TEXAS. PRINTIN6 in Uouücroft. The arti-U-.- . most atiractive feature of the many solicitors and col lectora ttPA, "Merit mother. Mr.. Dewar. Mis De- - attention. organ i zat usa. are able to do. war. Mr. Prince' sister was Of AMMtaás Hon. At the First Baptist asta Chas. P. IV.wn. is having In r. x at the time the church fl f a concrete After the dan-- e Tuesday even- the subject for the sidewalk put down in call home was received, and morning ser Oooducted in accordanc saátt. HJULT Mm UflZLT tlkUlltM front of his residence on Mi. di- ing, quite a number of Alamo. both left for Fiome at once. Mrs I gan Ave. Ir i NT, in ,,rdo - mis is tne eighth of the . feet length. Dowar died Saturday. February PP'- kit m the early senes Ta. ' tv i . Contractor Miller is of discourses lein, . :"Ta doing the It, of Bem ral uervinjs break. in"niing train u attend tlie H.lir TWM m m work. i I. by PMtor down. na naolilna All are .v.wmm .... cordially invited. ZJV""?'.aaamcn ana mm. in." men rBMírlníü"'"ni.irop, NEWS OFFICE