The Oxford Democrat: Vol. 59. No. 7
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The Oxford Democrat^ NUMBER 7. VOLUME 59. PARIS. MAINE. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16.1892. thmler mI4 to btm «nl thereby tuntin* bha *u prrfactly miUM, poor wo- nlnut# or two John Pf<rn«*i hi* tjw la • rrpnwrhfnlly; Ie<*l uiMlfriMrt, * wwuirr. WHKAT GROWING IN THE NORTH- ECHOES. "That vm Mr. th« ffTMt Amrr I«m lb* horrified nijtht a fra- tnu nun. (low littia aha knew—ll i* Juat aa lull, li*tl**a wij, (Uml il hla lusher ASHEVILLE Nf», api«i AMONG THE FABMKBS. wm. Iran hnmonxu writer. Mr. Kt*r. Ih-l w ■bit, eo durable and to pro- I w«U that >h« didn't—thai liters tm m iim! rlranl tltrra igiin. Th»a IVu rw- irtnr* A Conn—lor. There U i marked difference In wheat nam* tie burwa to Attornsy ha bli AS yoa nrvl»r»Un<l th« fulljr wlm I noanred that you could It, \mri hard and daring In thai littia iuiu*d hi* niMitaK. and ujwJ BILL NYC KEEPS US INFORMED r*»i«. Mains. groilu u It «»• wirwKil thirty SB. gamMera .lnr^l *mir *»rvH TAKEN illtf be mid: town Farmatad aa lha itwlf wl«|#r ami IrM to la IVnlrrn Mi. aod m It U » of m»tropnlia gmt up. HOW ARE MOVING. " *M«, ago hi*... JLur+rnm TO THINGS a !•»«( IWVMkyJ omff.r** Mi'l Mr. with ruin* uiubrat! •«.« »»»» writer not on It th« low fal- th* Un "Ym." Elwr. 'There, yoa oterfrown ■■ « now la North Dakota. Then the ctiulJ boan, among "Oo Into houa*. plmar, Kilty; ClWllI »ea««aal agWallaral toplta Inflation, Mhi Ml Amn <« tha rhlm- Tua of jtulir* with- la hMM 4-Mi— il MsmImIm la aad and In lha harrouma, who for Ihi* ain't »i for to mm. Lnn 1 (wunrh B A 'TUMi. plowed drafpd low* *l*hl you to»M hrlU* »a ll«W» l». Nt» ra-plnwad, played >mUt 1 »n NmI trmm Italy I nl. of • r -.tltKht "1 tin* I half h«»r*«l ont ite bnlnii uvrt|ruwn and Ii|||<iiWI thirl* artft of due wheat amall atakaa and loat aa littia aa liiru to ma. I'll him to hid." And a»y you iMik, I ia«r Mitart NanrfM. .■nwMlriimJ they |tklMt tpVUinl H hea harveat time cane, the fa- CHAPTER VIL A f»* lt»«» 1H« Urxl mm4 off him." fungua err# on the fare of nature; y«u Attorneys A Counselors. riik, Ma laad. won, but among an outwardly raafwrt* h# K**i>tlr pu«h#d hi* mi*trra* Inald# tha bflfl; | j ther and aon, wtlh the of nrlghu>r», I.Wi wl (XltM «•>»•< Nm Mf« .4.1 he tnud hrn at the iwimpi yoo maims. help N the n>e«a- a)4a claaa Tlw* waa a littia club of all, il<nrt .*i»• I llien In- Itrlpad hi* mMiff to Omtf v>i«at. rut the with an old-faahlooed intellertual wart an the crop waa (ha UK. malarial old *»■>»< S Nin HOMt OH A FARM lim#« of whom John llurlatona young- Mi f##t Mm Mm cradle, and bound It hand. Now, In ntrj* the tint* r*a II « tw ut by who met on err- i#ow of crreUoa, by y»u md,m Wtiuflfiii, Modern thing it the aal (and lha ahaqwal). "What's lit# matter, iwr aaldJohn, W. North OakoU, one man, with |< ..rTr««ki. tat. by U«t' Xy*| tin the hot tome and your u i linn dlaar nation on llf* in n room In lha \,. ir«» down father K A TARS. Vt, |«m one and old home at tain prirata 1 hia ap|>IUn«-r«, cropa hundred al*ty nighta ilitilng Aknkvilu. M. C.. January.—ThU baa lark and it bum* an<l boil on a farm i houaa ami high till tha "Nothin' oncurauKwi," tntarml IVU, m«|>lx lmttg acraa. The crop la aa large per FarmiUd Union pUjal n • and winter f..r ||UUt llrr* ibr ww, that <|ulte rrrj tpnitU balmy ait> I the cauetio fragrance Into it st Law, aa aa of dawn in tha and I'll it, pot Attorney" acre, and the jirr huahel high «u not m gray light crv(4 throngh I ironically. "Jo' Uke my arm, aa m th* lloa could ih» alth la* Halloa* price tko natlr* ur h»el*r wall Cap* for f 1 will be in an- help It, were limit ml tha window »huller* and another quart. ink, mains the rropa front the acreafet Kltth would chinka In h#lp jtr to l*d." w barter rethbl. "ihwt tioMv imI TUiki for lb* Cod aathmatic and brv>n< hul other and the Um* a ran »•« »' * of tear* the aoma county; by y< k » » thirty ago. Morro\er, hatt wUhrd It to warned tharn thai btuy luuiewifc, John t<M>k tha arm ot th* faithful th# iMk tl M»cr* i|'pr»«rtnli* of mr huaMr ert«»rt n> taka fmm th« fnn*n bom* of abolition}** draw another luittimua I wtll ><■ In m<«t market la now three to lie, or at would ••» tlwm to hla thr t»l h>r Ik* a It la only I*. John Hurl* up hrtimea, alinking nrjrn, ami ataggarlnf *litfht Ijr. |p4 bxrn th* *e**>o HOLT. ap |»d, par* the ten mile* from the farm lu who may ha** tpendinf otb«»ratate whwh I niar aelect i«NtlLI*l moat, In amall hour* unleaa m«n, whrra lit# old man undr*M«l him any tour aorthr ndumn* •t« 4M\ M I li*v» hwma tha they M thoae Ml. hlgau after llie fall wheat b#r* 'I now lad yon adieu. Cauliflower. Whll* fn>«B Ihr loll aotl rtit daya, wii i atola away al ooc*. ami liim In hla aoft whit# Ul. Thrra A Counsslor, r*«llB| waa In the for the neit Intimated, put ar« ifHttnjf al-n* on the meni- A?t<>rn«»v aafely (round | *>» Tmpi*-*! growth* ,1m rru4r. 41 iNtljrpue u(lhlrtT-ln \wiif«l»n and ap*adlag man fond What naal*rMilon thera would haft lir »«fl frll faat uWp, Uit Im4 hfiti- anrh Mains. vear'a crop. .-ante ihr rt rut of the rear— young Unit r»t» her# If kepf Indoor*. ami t#an* f nature, the Norway. lh» at nw of Ihr ihawrt of if of Ihia Whll» IIm mi «at blight great halUajra a of hit hfn la Fanuated kntiwlmlg* It thla Iim#. »lrr|> m I ho John hauling the tear wheat «r>»p |ih«wii«' |qb(ru|>i< *1 fifttell'ia |4M, of rreation, farewell.'" Itark. M*l* •!«* h"«M n* a farm, aad mllilai l«» I preaeut iJ lii It rani had mm# to tha vara of in hla nnw, Hi# tno«li#r waa Inn* )ob II»IM««« I thlrt«-alt in I Ira to halamatoo, wbrre It •o f««n<l, Indml, party iii( th* an«l th# hofwmiuh in nlral Ik* an<l maifurli 1 jonquil lie then kicked the old mother d' « |mi M*atln|i an of tha of that quia! town? for thaaa on Imt couch rarknl by • grW « brought awagr prk<e arrentjr- th«llhr|minth<7 pailpa u|aUln, in the air ■ t « ALRKS of awk I bu«r, I thought It aovlil not |m«ing open arrow the kit< hrti and »tr>>de fiercely ; flae I*ali |>er bualn-l. A large part of muni to nwn wn» tha "aolid men" of tha plat*— !(■> »l««rp for Iran. Ilul *h# kn«« thai Ti« b» anl« to a fra ntli«*% | Htnator Z#bnlon II. Vane* Uaa r»taro»l prti lh»«|hli regard- waa dooe with ok teania. on the liaiilliig and lha wnUthy merchants, lawyer* and *h« muat (tt up and put • ch##rful •t<>rr Attornsy * Counsslor, li< iiHBbifti oa i farm akkk I Wf" tlioar, too, fmm lh« lloljr l*and with • mw each load .vntalt.liitf tblrtt-flve buahrla and one of the number (1 regret face IWiin hrr children ami la to will tall under thr n* of anw»r discon- « Im*h Im held hanker*; r*«dy <« tb* N«t of (IiIIIm. It li i MAINS of whrat, an.I tl.» round trip taklt.f of Hi. Ann'* aak Iwr |»ck*d tip \»It. tented f«inwr and make Mm frrl I hat a in -t il«tr, did tohetray it) waaa vestryman anaw*r any qu#atlona they mlrfht three .la« a. Vet to and from (nrktr area [ lltoaelrip* lha collection Hunday. al'Mit John. farm la im>i oa* of Ihr a oral pi la n«4 liiarnjoMngiiMiti wmw iiiil. ami took up »trry Heaator Vane* t* well ami rv- ■ >ll\ • It iRLo*. halamaroo were 11.4 without thrlr prrtrnt looking thr aurld hat «»o# of lh* l«*t, atd ao «<a Thia man «aa indignant thai John waa n#*rr an and mll.l eirltrment. When Ap|«rrnlly, lt»»u ll* kiiMlnt of worthy F<>rtunatrly. mrly tnnui to hla atmtton il labor* with r*- a it h I oar* more pleaanrea *hnuld l« ao their wrre not that Idaa la »!*•. we n>< «t brother*. II* John lluiltfone piyingnwrt nm-r, tiiipici<«a rerf Attorney st Lsw. we atrut k the pLabk road generally •ml a/Trrtionata of *ttf'>r atxl a tr**ele»l air which nn*k W Iwa to Ihr edUor and reader* of to ill* rector** "liia young much firttnl a*krd lw didn't f.Hind a *tring of t<-ama a mile long, • uix irr Ltumn l<< (U* liia mother a ilaufhlrr, They why Wa North Carolina aloo# la> k to WrtlUa hf UeOifoH iMewrtl MAINS th»« |>««>pl* t>ltriKLt».