of a Catholic, or of the privilagee af selves in situations sometimes attend-j will oae dsy seek the Redeemer; but eseuing s holy soul from iatellseta- ; Uirai af the iely Pâtfcfr I American eitisenship, who will sbste • jppi. '(MHPHHPPI ed with great difficulties, and the slss ! they will aot be sble to find si error. Thie lesde me te a reflec- s jot of his ladefessible Coastitatiaa- „ÉMinwnnw»"' a. contracting parties who are not mar- Him. Quœretù me el non tnvenieetit, tion. , . It is said of her in ths I el rights, or relinquish a partéele of ried in the ehnrch will no longer live el lis peceato vetfro moriemin». Whst Antiphon, "All heresies thou bsst The New York I the civil snd religions frsadam dut ÌN Frtemani Journal ia an illicit and reprehenaible alli- s subject of meditstion for sll 1 deetroyed alone." And rarely the ie gaeraateed by the Constitution to ^''¿¿SylSS» ma*»M». give« the following triaiittioB of an ance. Speak! that the Chureh may But« you who belong to God be- truth of it is verified in thie sgs as ia ; sll eitiaeas aad to sii eresia, for the TiiiJiwili'Mt HTÌìr- — address delivered by the Holy Fath- be freed from all hindrances, snd thst eauae you hesrken unto Him: Vos au- former times. She is ths aake of some peltry temporary gaia, she may act for the good of soals. ditif me, quia ex Deo ettie—you will grest exsmplsr of prsyer in s genera- i er •• the Srd of October to the BeU Í or with a view to obtsming eome »•ito I know thst the Chureh fears no slwsys find God when you need Him. I tion which denies the power of prsy- gisn Pftgriw:— petty ofilee. We relied on the soase oppoeition, because she is built upon Persevere in thie wsy, dearly belov- i er in Mo, whieh determines thst fats! of justice, snd the feiraess af aar Í ratify what has jsst been said s solid rock. Her very enemies welt ed ehildrea, sad msy sll who are laws govern the Universe, thst tbsrs te petsrty sostasi g»*« non Cstholic fello w-citisens, in es with so much sincerity, in your name kaow this, if they do not seknowl- with yoa ia spirit persevere with cannot be sny direct eommoniestton peetive of psrty. •ad In the »«aie of yoar friend« nod edge it. Bat fur from being willing you. Sic stars ui Domino cariteimi. between esrth snd hesven, thst God companions; and «till it is painful for to recognize her as what she is—s O, say God, looh dowa with msr- cannot visit His esrth, snd thst msn M, F moment when 1 feel so mveh csnnot influence His Pmvidencs.—- loving mother—they look opon her cy upon sll Thy ehiidree. Blsss sll A lsts English papsr spesks ss fol- ptesanre from your protestaliona of as sn enemy, with mistrust and jeal- who are hsre, their frieada, their re- Anglican Difficultiet, p. 423. lows oa a probsble rupture botwaea lore, so tenderly expressed, nod pro- ousy, snd deny her the liberty thst Istivss, their elites. Blsss, comfort, testations too, which come to me belongs to her. If they were amen- sod ealightsn thoss who rule over Germany aad Rsssia a« long:— ^ghrsassfaSSsT from other quarters, to be always eipsted from the passions thst bind them—bleas them sll, whetever may TIM Proper Felittet] Start far Ca- " Notwithstanding the intimate obliged to utter worda of lamentation be their condition! so thst Thy bless- friendship thst we know to exiet ha* them, tbsy would recognise in study- tholics te Takt. t M «Q hMTM «M «• Us righ*, and sorrow on account of the condi- ; ing oat the character of the Chureh. ; ing msy diminish the sorrows of this tween the Emperor Alexander and lialigkt. tion ia which the CLurch of Jeaua I that the liberty that is grsated to her mortal existence, end thst it msy be We extract the folfowiag from a ths Empsror Willism, snd notwith- ; tkat ¿wj Ou— Christ Sais itself. | is always sdvsntsgeous to the psrty ! au earnest of s future and sn stern si: recent letter of Bishop Ryaa of Bsf- standing ths close ellienee between ' i vftMn Coatd I apeak to von otherwise?— granting it. Givs for exsmple to re- life. I falo, to ths Catholic Onion in of thst their two Csbioets, tbs Russian pub- Stationed by lésas Ôl rist as the fret lic still suspeete snd fears Germaay ligion* the right of resolving them- Benedietio Dei, de. i city:—• eeatieet of this mystic viae, most I selves into corporations, aad yon will as now eonstitstsd by Prioes Bis- . Lirtag Worta, uf, Aran aiif mit itstfirrfrr in emets; et see the sdvsatsgee thst will result "Ws have taken sides with no po- marck There ie e Sort of vagee pre- «st ty tbasas; M y *» vùteam mearn mm cuUodivi? With the from it. The Earliest lieirirt Apparitisi litical party, ws expect nothing from sentiment that, rams dsy or ether, a IkH, of tbsss ooaditioas help of Ood, t Will «aver be reduced say political psrty. Cstholies as I struggle between the tare most ram« I will not now refer to their spolo- •f Iba Blessed f trgta. «4 the roadilioa of a dumb dog. Let gy'msds under other eircumstsnces, such belong to ao political psrty. ws snd thst the German ChnnesHor the whole world know this: if I I will oaly recall oae example of the 1 know of no instsnce to my per- ssid before, snd we repest sow, thst knows it, snd hss no wish thst U mourn over the misfbrtaass of the practical sdvsntages of their exiet- pose esrtisr thsn A. D. 234. snd it ia like other eitisene, they are fres to should not eome ; any, mesas that it Chareh il is because God commands enee, thst of the slms collected st s very rsmsrksbls oae. St. Grego- affiliate with whetever polities! or- shall. At the preseat moment, while 1 M <• it and I muat obey. The Church the doors of Conventa for the etsrv- ry Nyssea, thsn s native of Cappa- ganisation that, ia their beat judg- the troubles in Hersvgoviue era go- deepoiled. enchained, oppressed, now ing poor, whom s little soup revives, doeis ia ths fourth century, relatea ment tbey conscientiously believe ing on, the question is esksd here ASDFFATL» |>I»4 »TA «M» «M turns oa her perseeotors, especially snd who regsin their strength with n thst bis nsmssske, the Biehop of will promote the best interests of thsir whether Prince Biemsteh dose aot upon those who direct the destiaies morsel of bresd. It wss thus before Neo-Caasres, soroamed Thaumatur- country. The Church diotstes to ao wish to embroil Aostris with Rossis; of nations, I» attar a ery of sorrow, the sacrilegious expulsion of ths rs- gus, in ths century preceding, only s ons on this point, we question no snd it is said that if he eoeid oaly repeating the words ot her Divine ligious orders from Rome that soeie- short time before he wss cellsd to man about hia polities. Had we sn sueceed in forming a defensive ead Founder: Quid me OcedtuT Why i ty felt ite benefits. Now that all this ths priesthood, hsd s vision in which sdvies to givs to our own people, it offensive alliance with Auetria ha would be to pin their fsith to no par- mast I sea, ia rama of die countries ; hue been dune sway with, hss it not he received s Creed, which is still woald not hesitate to meke war with ty, but to exereise the right of suf- Russis snd Frsnee st ti s same time. of Europe, my children exiled, pun- | no re thaa oace happened that a poor sstsnt, from the Blessed Mary at ths frage with judgmsot aed discretion. Now when (tell you tbst the public ished, condemned, and east into the E unfortunate creature, weakened down bsads of St. John. Ths sccount of Allegiance to psrty should never reslly fears sseh s eombinstion, Ida prisoas, only because they s?e my by honger, hss fallea upon our pub- the occurrence runs thus:— I tempt them to cast s vote for s dis- not retail the talk of qaidaenss sad children, that hi to say, Iba ehildreo lic streets! If the elergy were not "He wss deeply pondering upon i honest, unprincipled, or inespabls political gobemoaeh«, bet I state -^foltfmlé^^esil^ïtaugls*« af trathî deapoiled. they could far more eare- theological doctrine, which the here- [ eandidatss, or help sny man to office Why deprive me of the rights felly esteebise snd instruct the peo- whst is the opinion of those well ie- tics of the dsy hsd deprsved. 'In who hss not the intelltgsnes to uadsr- formed sboat political questioas, men which Jesus Christ has given me, ple. snd render to society the grest I such thoughts, ssvs bis namesake of stand hia daties, and ths aaanhood well sbls to form e judgment frern a freedom of ahooeing the Levitee, who service of diminiehittg the number of a j Nyaai, be wss psssing ths night, and independence to disehsrgs them competent knowledge of fseta; in aé» to become a part ofthehiersrehyf those detsined in prtsooe. whsn one sppesred to him, ss if in fsithfolly. short, persons connected with the Why do yoa prevent the Biahopa "Improve die morals of our people, humsn form, sgsd in sppsrsnce, snd Government. I therefore ebnelade from wsshiegoot the stains aad from "Most wholesome, too, do I re- who so much require it," raid s per- ssiBtly ia the lash ton of his garments as t began, asmsly, by stdtiag that haul lag the sores Whieh defile the son to s Bishop who related the cir- aud vary venerable both in ths grsee gard the sdvies whioh ths Catholic Rome» tells us thst Rev.
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