Munthes gate 31, Oslo INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH The Institute for Social Research (ISF) is an tion see independent foundation whose primary objec- tives are: The institute’s history and current position in social research bear witness to its long-standing ▪ To promote the study and understanding of desire to avoid drawing a sharp distinction bet- social structures and social change, ween basic and applied research. Both types ▪ to develop practical and theoretical method- of research are pursued in the same environ- ologies in the study of social conditions, ment. The Institute also collaborates with the ▪ and to encourage the development of profes- University of Oslo on research projects and post- sional skills. graduate education. In recent years much emphasis has been pla- Ever since its foundation in 1950, the institute ced on establishing contact with ministries and has been multidisciplinary in its orientation. The unions, with a view to communicating research institute pursues research not only in all bran- findings and identifying research needs. This ches of the social sciences. ISF is currently one type of contact is time-consuming, but it is enco- of the few social science environments outside uraging to experience a growing understanding the universities not limited to the study of a par- of what social research can contribute with, as ticular segment of society. For further informa- well as its limitations. Contact information Institute for Social Research, P.O. Box 3233 Elisenberg, N-0208 Oslo, Norway Visiting adress: Munthes gate 31 Telephone: (+47) 23 08 61 00 Fax: (+47) 23 08 61 01
[email protected] Director’s introduction INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH – A MEETING POINT FOR BASIC RESEARCH AND APPLIED RESEARCH FOR 60 YEARS In 2010 Institute for social research celebrated it’s 60th anniversary – a dynamic institute with a proud history.