
1pm - 4pm Last Thursday of the Month Reservations accepted Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm HILTON COLORADO HIGH ...$25.00 Enjoy a pot of Colorado tea properly brewed accompanied by scones served with cream and preserves, savory tea sandwiches and a delightful array of classic tea pastries Kuriyal Champagne and Chambord Raspberry Liqueur ...$7 Glass

Black Tea Earl Grey - A hand-crafted blend of organic Assam and China black and organic Bergamot Essence. The aroma has a stabilizing effect on the emotions, promoting positive thoughts and relieving anxiety. The flavor of the tea is fresh, citrusy, and slightly floral.

Glenburn 2nd Flush Darjeeling - Plucked in the early summer months of May and June, this stylishly rolled leaf is made from select shoots that draw their succulence from the late spring showers. The liquor is a clear amber, while remaining full-bodied with a flowery nose. It has a complex layer of maltiness with nutty undertones.

China Black Pearls - Leaves and buds are expertly rolled into a large pearl shape. The flavor is smooth with a touch of cocoa earthiness as the pearl unfurls. Great for multiple . China Jasmine Pearls - Hand-crafted Jasmine Pearls are gently twisted between the thumb and index finger to shape the pearl. The rolled pearls are then heat infused with jasmine at least five times. It takes at least 2,000 pearls to make one pound of tea. The flavor is very pleasant, sweet and fragrant.

Moroccan Mint - Green tea from China was introduced to Morocco by the British and it became popular to blend it with mint, and sweeten it with sugar. Full bodied Gunpowder green tea is blended with flavorful and creating a crisp, cooling brew that can be enjoyed either hot or iced. White Açaí - A delicate blend of white tea and the South American super food açaí. The exotic berries create a deliciously flavorful brew packed with antioxidants. Wonderful hot and “refreshelicious” iced. Tea China Royal Phoenix - Leaves from wild tea trees in the Phoenix Mountains are prized for their flavor and full body. Making Royal Phoenix oolong involves precise rolling and baking techniques to fully develop their texture and toasted aroma, with the subtle flavor of nectarines and peaches. Herbal Tea Chocolate Raspberry - Creamy in texture, deep and bright in flavor, Rooibos Chocolate Raspberry is a decadent but guilt-free treat. Have a friend who doesn’t like tea? Have them try this, and they will most likely convert right before your eyes.

Egyptian Dreams - A blend of Rooibos , , buds & petals, Lavender, Raspberry leaf, and create a mellowing brew with a spicy and floral profile. Great for relaxation or for the simple pleasure of the flavor. Great hot or iced.