www.maria-galland.com " www.maria-galland.com " www.maria-galland.com MY D-TOX D-TOX MY HERBAL RELAXING,MY HOMEMADE *  BREAKFAST BOWL ANTIOXIDANT-RICH & OMEGA-3 D-TOX MORNING MY and more . Kefir is alsothinnerandbest asadrink. Yogurt hasathicker consistency. also both have plenty ofprotein, , B , potassium, andprobiotics.However, they dohave significant differences. Kefir has moreprotein actually drinkit. Kefir andyogurt dohave alotincommon. They bothhave similarcreamy-but-tart tastes andare traditionallymadefrom dairy. They Kefir milkisacultured, fermented beverage thattastes like ayogurt drink. Becausekefir is fermented, mostpeoplewho arelactose-intolerant can 250 mlkefir milk* any otherberries A handfulofblueberries, blackberries or 1 very ripebanana 2 tablespoons chiaseeds 3 tablespoons ground flaxseed ¼ teaspoon lavender 1 teaspoon lemonbalm 1 teaspoon 1 cupofwarm water (around 500ml) ¼ teaspoon 1 teaspoon grated freshginger 2 tablespoons lemonjuice (must beraw, unfiltered, withthemother) 2 tablespoons applecidervinegar 1 cupofwarm water (around 500ml) INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS

3. 3. 2. 1. enjoy your breakfast! banana, fold in, addtheberries and the chiaseedsto soften. Chopthe let thissitfor10minutes, allowing ground flaxseeds andchiaseeds In alarge bowl,mixthekefir withthe in thewarm water. Steep theingredientsfor5minutes Heat thewater. Steep for15minutes inthehotwater. Mix alltheingredients together. " www.maria-galland.com www.maria-galland.com AVOCADO, PEA MINT AND SMASH WITH TUNA -SEARED RECIPES D-TOX &DINNER LUNCH MY CURRY TEMPEH RECIPES D-TOX &DINNER LUNCH MY 2 teaspoons cidervinegar 2 ripeavocados, chopped Finely grated zestandjuice of1lime 2 handfulsofmintleaves 150 gfreshpeas, orthawed frozen peas AVOCADO, PEA&MINT SMASH serve 4 tablespoons sesameseeds, toasted, to () leaves 2 large handfulsofmintorcilantro 90 gcooked, shellededamamebeans plus extra fordrizzling 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 4 tunasteaks 8 garliccloves, thinlysliced and cutinto matchsticks 5 cmknoboffreshginger, peeled 2 teaspoons sesameoil ½ teaspoon fineseasalt 1 tablespoon 475 mlcoconutmilk 100 gthinlyslicedscallions 10 gchoppedbasil 70 gchoppedcoriander(cilantro) 230 gsnappeas, freshorfrozen 70 gchoppedbroccoli 100 gchoppedcauliflower 230 gtempeh, cubed and finelychopped 1 smallchilipepper, seeded peeled andfinelygrated 1 piece(2.5cm)freshginger, 2 , finelychopped 1 mediumredonion, chopped coconut oil 2 tablespoons extra-virgin INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS

Enjoy your meal! the edamamebeans, herbsandsesameseeds. with thesautéed gingerandgarlic, andtopped with pea smash, drizzled withalittle olive oil, garnished 4. Serve thetunasteaks onabedoftheavocado and mash orcrushwithafork. Seasonto taste. a bowl, addtheremainingingredients, androughly smash, cookthepeasuntiljusttender, thenplacein 3. Meanwhile, to make theavocado, pea andmint until cooked to your liking. them to thepanandfryfor2-3minutes oneachside, with seasaltandfreshlyground blackpepper. Add 2. Brushthetunasteaks withtheolive oilandseason until golden, thenremove to asmallbowl. heat. Sauté thegingerandgarlicforafewminutes 1. Heatthesesameoilinafryingpanover amedium Enjoy your meal! with wildrice. A perfectbalancedmealwhenmixed sea saltbeforeserving. occasionally. Stirinthecurry powder and 4. Allowtosimmerfor10minutes, stirring , scallions, andcoconutmilk. for 2–3minutes. Add thepeas, coriander, 3. Add tempeh isbrowned onallsides. then addthetempeh andcookuntilthe 2. Move themto thesidesofskillet, minutes, oruntilthey start to sweat. ginger andchilipeppercookfor4–5 melt thecoconutoil. Add theonion, garlic, 1. Inalarge fryingpanover amediumheat, thecauliflower andbroccoli andcook

www.maria-galland.com " www.maria-galland.com AND PEAS AND CAULIFLOWER MASALA RECIPES D-TOX &DINNER LUNCH MY BOWL QUINOA AND BEET RECIPES D-TOX &DINNER LUNCH MY Coriander (cilantro) leaves, to garnish 500 gfreshorfrozen peas 125 mlfiltered water leaves (optional) 1 teaspoon driedfenugreek ¼ teaspoon chilipowder 1 teaspoon garammasala 1 teaspoon ground 2 teaspoons ground coriander(cilantro) 4 ripetomatoes, chopped 1 kgheadofcauliflower, cutinto florets 2 cmknoboffreshginger, finelygrated 4 garliccloves, finely chopped Pinch ofseasalt 1 white onion, finelychopped ½ teaspoon fennelseeds 1 teaspoon cuminseeds 2 tablespoons extra-virgin coconutoil pepper andcrushedblack juice Freshly squeezed olive oil 4 tablespoons extra-virgin fresh flat-leafparsley 4 tablespoons chopped, vinegar 1 tablespoon applecider 70 gsunflower seeds 50 gfreshcheese 170 gquinoa weighing around 400g 2 mediumbeets INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS

Enjoy your meal! and addtheparsley, roughly chopped. 6. Putthebeets onaservingplate. Crumbleover thecheese Season withsaltandpepper. the lemonandpourinolive oilandapplecidervinegar. 5. Mixthebeets, quinoaandsunflower seeds. Squeezeover dry-roast, stirring vigorously untiltheseedsturngoldenbrown. drain well. Puttheseedsinafryingpanover amediumheatand 4. Meanwhile, rinsethesunflower seedsunderrunningwater and Remove from theheatandallowto cool. 3. Cookthequinoafollowinginstructions. into wedges andputinto abowl. to have deepredhandsfortherestofday), cutthebeets the skinsoffwithyour hands(wear gloves ifyou don’t want 2. Drainandleave to coolonaplate. Oncethey arecool, slip turning into mush. able to askewer insert orsmallknifeeasily, butwithoutthem cold water. Boilgentlyforabout45–90minutes. You need to be 1. Scrubthebeets, thenaddto asaucepanofwell-seasoned Enjoy your meal! . Scatter thecorianderover and serve. 5. Seasonto taste withseasaltandfreshlyground water ifneeded. the cauliflower issoft, addingalittle more uncovered, 5minutes, forafurther oruntil 4. Remove thelid. Stir in thepeasandcook, for 10–12 minutes. 3. Cover andcookover amediumheat along withthewater, mixingwell. are softandmushy. Stirinallthespices, and cookfor5minutes, oruntilthetomatoes 2 minutes. Add thecauliflower andtomatoes 2. Add thegarlicandgingersauté for until theonionturnsgolden. add theonionandsaltcookfor5–6minutes, seeds. When the seedsbeginto splutter, over a mediumheat. Add thecuminandfennel 1. Meltthecoconutoilinalarge fryingpan