HWIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIUIHmilllllHOllWWI, ' yv?f: !Paily WOMEN READ THE ADS AND BUY THE GOODS STEAMER TABLE, The local merchant needt a From Ban Francisco! 1 paper that reachea the Mongolia . f. . .'. j.SodL 1 ' ..... greateat number of H Ventura i. Sept. (J, people In their For 8n Francisco: ' hornet. Manchuria Sept. 8 i f3f THE .' Alameda..: ...Sept 20 P- - St EVENING BULLETIN g Korea t Sept. 22 fills the evening field and From Vancouver: JEjENING BULLETM guarantees advertlaera Aorangl , , 2IU.: ....Sept. both quantity and qual- For Vancouver: ity of circulation. " " " " Mlowera Sept. 20, THE BULLETIN IS HONOLULU'S HOME PAPER fSD O'CLOCK EDITION mmmmmms Voi XII No. 3169 HONOLULU. TERRITORY OjP HAWAII. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1905 Pbiob 6 Cknts. Some Straight Talk LABOR PEACE TOMORROW While tl i Outing At Pearl Harbor Waiting For Quorum I BASEBALITODAY Y IS MI a Calls Crowd To m FINAL SHOTS ARE Peninsula AIIWA CENTRAL COMMITTEE'S UNOFFICIAL IDEAS . A. CS AND ELKS IIS TERRITORY OFFICERS REST, FOR CHAMPIONSHIP The Republican Territorial Central (Lane "To smooth things over." -- "COUNTY SERVANTS TOIL Committee met at Republican head- Clarke "To go to I, hear" he has a jGood Property Will Soon FIRED AT FRONT now " quarters Saturday evening to hoar o WEATHER REPORTED FINE AT lane, Interrupting "Ko doubt the GOOD WEATHER PROMISED FOR PARK KAM3 AND MAILES report of on revi- Be Opened For the reports back on tho mainland were DASEQALL, GAME9 AND EX- PLAY FIR8T FOR TAIL- - of Less sion party rules. than halt a stretched a bit; tho reporters must CURSIONDANCING AT ENDERS. Mnocfalfd Veil Special (itM dozen members were present at, the have stretched things a bit." THE LOCHS. Settelers PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Sept. 4. The peace treaty will probably be signed tlmo appointed for meeting, , 7:30 Clarke "I don't think thcro was Baseball Is king today. What prom tomorrow. o'clock. Others dropped In be- and wait much stretching." There's too much blue smiling to biggest crowd of tho ob- ises bo the OF ROAD ed for a quorum, which was never Hughes havo tween tho raindrops to cause any wor- POSSIBILITIES John "We should lots seaton and perhaps a record-breake- tained and the time was passed very of tlmo to consider the revision of tho ry about tho weather at tho Penlnuula ground, will see tho gamo that AND WATfcR SUPPLY pleasantly and profitably, too, by as party rules. Every Republican should this afternoon and evening. for tho much of a discussion of general topics help tho committee. Don't let's be too At this delightful retreat tho Hono- will cither make tho Elks monarch? as would have been Indulged In had a quick In cutting out rules; we may cut lulu Trades and Labor Council havo of the diamond or mako a deciding se Robert Bacon To regular meeting been held; Indeed, the out something good. Here Is a chance arranged a great attraction for city ries of threo games with tho 11. A. C.'s ROADS ARE POSSIBLE FROM WYL-LI- E was more AND TER- discussion perhaps free in for everybody to get In and make flug folks. Merrymaking In varied forms necessary for the championship. Not STREET THE JUDD the Informal,chat'than could have been gostlons; let those who are already Is on tho program, and an outing wor- even polo has taken tho attention of MINUS OF expected official meetlngl gamo of an (Continued on Page 8.) thy of Labor Day, and one that will bo Honolulu sports as this baseball STREET. The following was said while the a long remembered, will give pleasure; today. faithful few were waiting vulnly for a to hundreds. Reports from tire Baseball Park up The surveying of tho landr of Alcwa, Take Loomis' Place quorum: This afternoon games will fill tho In Ihn tlmo of eolnc to cress were that will In llm nmr future tin onpn. Hughes UP glad and tho' John "Your KB time and make the excursionists. no rain had fallen at the Park, for sottement will probably soon report If will bo on enough games will bo played as scheduled, has a preliminary to make. Refreshments band, i, ...... party I H go play u from th, (Aftrialtt Pm$ Bptotal CaiU) we ever get a quorum. This report to around and moro. Plcnlclng at The Kams and Malles the first the nucleus of something to com tho Peninsula, Pearl Harbor, Is an ex- came. This has no bearing on tho cup Survey Department has been worKinf OY8TER BAY, L. I., Sept 4. Robert Dacon of New York has been ap- oftcr." 1811 perience In Itself worth having, talk- championship, but wilt bo fought out on the ground throughout tho pasf pointed Assistant Secretary to auccee dLoomls, resigned, M. wroto Mi ing writing to friends about. to finish It will determine the A. 0. Robertson "I to CaptainHILane of the steamer Noeau about and the since week. 0 three other Islands, asking for sugges- When twilight comes' hundreds of s of the race. Tho Kams The government lands at Alcwa aro FIGHTING CONTINUES. tions on revision of rules; the only ro ran Into a bit of surprise last week feet will point their Itchy way to tho havo' a percentago of .2$5, the Malles situated on the hill at the Ewa end ot I received was Rice." while he was on tho rugged Hamakia pavilions and tho merry danco will In- or .142. Should tho Kams win they jU((j a sort of a promon-wl- ll fly from street, where ST. PETER8BURQ, Russia, Sept. 4. Gen. Llnevlteh reports that furthea Senator John .Lane "I think every- coast The" Noeau was at KukulhaeU vito to pleasure. stand .375 as against the Malles' iory juts out Just above tho residence Council lose they will encountera with the Japanese have taken place. body is too busy with County affairs and was In tho, act of weighing her an Tho Trades and Labor have .125. Should the Kams 0f the Lane brothers. In many ways to give much attention to suggestions dono everything to bring about a tlo tho Malles for last place, each the land resembles that on Pacino 0 chor to (depart, when It, was' found that I for revision of rules." , great success and an unqualified tri team with .250 per cent. Heights, except It Is probablj STILL FIGHTING FEVER. useful hook had seemingly tripled that Silence; everybody but Senator Lan' "" "!""' V", umph of entertainment Is assured. After tho Kams and Mnllcs havo easily accessible. Tho soil is very n 1' nnd ho cham- - meditating over pipes and cigars. I ,T.he ,chf " Btral(n., Trains will leave Palama depot at fought it out for the submarlno ,0g00(1 nnd ghould with the aid of sufll (Alioclatei rmi Sprcfa! CatU) T9n.L"riM .., ta dipped as the 3:20, 5:15 7:30 p. m., and game of sea- - .m,. 2:15, and plonthlp tho biggest the cent wntcr for irrgration purposes NEW ORLEAN8, Sept. 4. Thlrty-fou- r new cases and four deaths consti- t,U winch labored astmathlcally under Its will tho Honolulu tho Elks leave Peninsula for son will bo battled between be abit to produce various products. tute the yellow fever record today. t?on fh lb"rIcn- - Lane thouSht that he WM at 4:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 11:30 p. m H. A. C.'s. These teams aro the Jalir and lieu, The two prncpal questions connect-- 1 0 ,.,,. ... .,. pulling up a couplo of tons of geolo- - Scvcnty-flv- cents will bo charged for first with .714 per cent., each team C(, wUh lno opennB of thc Aewa ian(1. .i.j. sea . . : LOBS IN TYPHOON PATH. bottom formation until the trip. hnwlii.... umn.. ...-flvn and-- lost tn'fl.- -- 1, ...... en. for tho round ....0 - - j- - ,g OI tt rona 10 nnu 01 a ,,7B ?i,7 S m Bnchor aPPeared abovo the 8u"a goes (nj incni l mZ7J, The following are tho officers and If the Elks win, tho Becond series wnter BUppiy. Ag rescr-t- o h. the Nuuanu (AMMoctatfi 8prfat OiMJ committees: them with a percentago of .750 voir Is above tho Alewa land In elev'a- - Fmt Las that ho had hooke1 a Prlz0- - The No Chairman of tho day, M. Heffernan; 11. 11 mo ,, . ,.. Cochin China, 4. A typhoon has caused great loss along fired '" against tno A. ..s .w. i. Uo ,d b nogslMe t0 brlna 8AIG0N, Sept . , au's anchor brought up no less than re- - i floor manager, T. O'Drlen; commltteo A. C's win tho pcuxentages will bo wfltcr ,rom thcre up on the Wghi. the Tonqutn coast. w other mud hooks, weighing 1200 Toomey, Lar- LTCnIHnjLI.:(; of arrangements, L. F. versed, and since theffclks took thu WIt ag ,hIg W0)I,d lnyo,vo cngUemuio 0 which cbafnMon.hlp will bo ?"d 10? PUnU -"- vely son, J. Rcmwik; finance committee, first scries tho axpcndlturo , ,he way of a plpo no ELEVEN OF CREW LOST. ..lJi.i-..h'- t occas tons been lost be. games. feJXE"taT.k.i.J-- ...... T. Cahalan, F. Crozler, C, Colden; decided by a scries or.hreu ,t ,eemg probablo thal the ncw Bmall tl"ea.l:..K.'aA. neath the rocky landing. Accompany- - commltteo, F. McLaughlin, F Betting has been rn her active, odds fJrmer. w ,mve ,0 t )hor wUcr BAYFIELD, Wis., Sept. 4. Eleven of the crew of the steamer 8evona ;:..-:- ! them was about forty fathoms of games com of " Schmidt, W. P. O'Drlen; favoring tho II. A. C.'s on account from ,h gk nnd pre,orvo , 0f whIch flnd lt tnnk were lost In the wreck of that vessel at Sand Island, Lake Superior. Deal seats, himself and display, re wa8 a wortb mttteo, J. E. Langren, J, Hackett, F. their two victories against one for tho some , an markable .naving. Sackowltz. mis ... . --..- on for n nine lino enn bo interest. hap- nrlat made I Labor Day was observed by tho Ull lUUir UUIIIIIHv. win vt Fifth District Charlie "Every man lu h"v, As Nuuanu valley, which Alewa bordcrr l" py wights In the Government employ whllo Elks' mainstay Is fast field Brown's fired, Henry, has appointed to ANH tho on, was never known for n sparing RITflff TAKFS TPIP by an almost general absenco from ing. the Jail, without 'any recommendation ,D,JWVliil"U lflftLJ lnlr rainfall. It Is not probable that tho wa tho sacred precincts of tho Capitol, Tho tenms will probably lino up In Invent Plan ter question will cause much ot a hard- Japanese I Auckland, the chief clerk of Tho Governor, Secretary Atkinson nnd following batting order, the play to flro the Walanae Jailor because he a n' tho ship. tho omce of IUr-hl- m Chief Clerk Duckland held forth, but er's batting average to dato following didn't vote for him;, but Atkinson told the Secretary of the I With regard to a road up tho Alcwa no heads of departments, excepting At- to wait a bit. Now Carter's back rltory, will leave In tho Sierra to make his name: 'ridge there nro two feasible plans. A By Which They Can torney General Andrews, offended un Kn Stic, 3b, .229! Fernan- a changed' man wo' can't say what II. A. C road might be run from mnuka, begin ja round trip to the Coast as a vacation. ion labor by a semblanco of work. dez, If, .23; J. Williams, 2b, .327; win noppen. Ho will go, accompanied by daugh ning In tho neighborhood of Wylllo his In tho. Judiciary building M. T. Ly- Bruns-Louls- , rf, .i00, .288; Aylett, cf, Robertson "That Walanae matter street nnd proceed by nn easy grade to ters. Misses Vivian and Hazel Duct ons used the spare time left him from .125; Joy, p, .322; II. Williams, .ss, Dodge Tax Collector has been smoothed over. It does seem tho plateau above This plun would bo land, as tho guest of J. D. Spreckels, attending to tho wants of the new Pa, .200; QlcaBon, lb, .189; SoarcB, c, odd that everybody In Henry's depart preferable ono, were It not .for tho whoso prlvato secretary be formerly lolo settlers by finishing up soma oth- .214 .the mem nas suuueniy uecome inenicieni. was. 1 na e o run rougn er work. Tho Federal officials on tho Klks-Ham- pton. p. .327; Moore, 3b, Jo,a FROM EACH OTHER He let them out In a bunch." i BORROW RECEIPTS other hand appeared In all their glory irn. whUn ..If .3S4! Cncflwell.. lb.- , .va""" " """""'"i j Senator Lane "Johnson would make a.ww( ., prevent Its being through.ti. As 8HERIDAN SIGHTED. Marshal Hendry and his deputies, .245; Vnnatta, 2b, .177; Kia, cr, .2u; carried good Vlda would a good a could be discovered a Jailor; make Winter and von Roenitz, were all in Eyers, ss, .222; Wilder, rf, .276; King an alternative rond run from Local tax officials havo of lato run The schemo was first end of up hill, condi- when was by Japanese who Jailor." Tho transport Sheridan was sighted their offlco. whllo United States Dis land, c, .300. tho Judd street the but up against a now and peculiar it worked Two more committeemen drop In. off Darber's Point at 1:30 this after- - trict Court Clerks Mating and Hatch owing to tho topography o! tho placo tion of things In the lino of tricks of Intended to depart from the Territory. Lane "I wonder what old (used In noon, were working as hard as usual. this would hardly bo as easy a road wily Japanese, who try by foul mean" The tax officials do not bellevo In hay I sunny Its affectlpna'te:Bense, no doubt) Roose County offices were not supposed to: PORT as the mauka one. to oado tho eaglo cyo and vulturo ing any Japancso leaving tho ' i NEVADANJN paying velt told the Governor?" BORN, bo open today, but Treasurer Trent, scent of tho tax gatherers. To the tax shores of Hawaii net without n Chas. Clarke "To go home and talk EAKIN In this city, Saturday, Sept official tho members of tho Japanese for the privilege ot using the most ex- Auditor Blcknoll, Clerk Kalauokalanl Tho American-Hawaiia- n freighter :l It over with Robertson." 2, 1904, H, moro or less alike, and cellent roads which prevail In abund- j to the wife of P. Eakin, end his corps of experts and County CapL Greeno, arrived In port look Robertson blows smoke. daughter. Novadan, some difficulty In their ance. In the Japanese, quarters, and a Attorney and Deputy County Attorney San Francisco, with New Rugs this causes yesterday from wily sons of tno sunnso without putting up for' tho privilege-o- Douthltt and Mllverton saw fit to toll, Including a deck loa.1 work The s general cargo, - police when already so public service that Am- hnvn nvlilpntlv discovered that th being nabbed by tho used to of 283 hogs. Tho vessel brought four- A Indulged carving up a to their posts even on tax officers labor under this disadvan they have In habit takes them teen bags of mall. Sho will load 1000 . FINE or some popular Japanese holiday. tage and havo taken advantage tnia wife, or other tons of sugar here, sailing for San ASSORTMENT lending each pastime. For this reason a tax col- Around town closed doors and open tnM i,v hnrrnwlnc and rruncisco via ivuuuiui luuuuuijr uh OF personal tax receipts, so that lector holds forth at the gangplank ot doors seemed about a tie, with all beta evening. CREX others' Wednesday one worn iur every departtnv steamer and holds nn EVENING off., but this afternoon It Is likely that am GRASS receipt win uikii ur The ancee. (Continued .on Page 8.) everything will be shut THE LAST TRAIN. RUG8. DRESS CLOTHES With the Peninsula doings and base- ball, and a bunch of other things folks The last train from the Labor Day & find to do on a holiday, there will ba picnic tonight will arrive In Honolulu J. Hopp Co., enough to make the air pink with nt 11:20 p. m. to connect with tho Young Bide; - I That bear thla label have-mad- e pleasure. street cars. See- that your children It unnecessary for men 1 T to any longer pay exorbitant prices, or to 'submit to annoy- A PLAGE OF SAFETY KNOWING HOW are comfortably ing try-on- delays, and fre- quent misfits. AND AN ! They provide Dress Suits TO GUT FIT IS ART fitted with and Tuxedos, that It) style, fit for valuables may be found In finish 'are the EQUAL3 ' 1 ' Our cutting and fitting la done by an artist. and, to of the choicest custom tailor our. safety deposit vaults KNOWING HOW put a garment together Is also an art Our Is to 8HOWN by NO other SHOES: FOR SCHOOL work at much less cost, ready which are designed for the work artistic that degrae of perfection to wear for Instant service. TAILOR In town. storage of household valuables We particularly desire to call your attention to our all alllc of every description at all lined Comfortable are an aid to diligence In the schoolroom times of the year. Tuxedo-Suit-s $35.00 and enhance the merry pleasures of recess, f your child la jljredenjamins The safes rent from For not well fitted he Is apt to stand lower In his class than would otherwise be the case. Many parents have unpleasant memo- A YEAR UP. DONT FORGET OUR VAAKERS MyRK 95 ries of the way their feet were pinched In their school days, and are unwilling that their children should endure the tortures At $20.00 that they did, WE FIT SHOES TO THE CHILD NOT THE Business Suits CHILD TO THE SHOES. Hawaiian There Is where we hand It out to the other fellow good and plen- FOR 8ALE ONLY BY ty. They can't come near u on the quality, fit or workrnanshlp. IjrediJenjaminsJ? Trust Co;, Ltd, MAKERS MVyoRK The Kash Company. Manufacturer's Shoe Co.. Ltd; - IfcV " sJbLIbMbV- ' Clothes for Men Port Street, Honolulu & Correct " LIMITED AGENTS. LevingaSton Roland J05J FORT STREET Arlington Block, Hotel Street.

''. v

' ' - ' 1 ' ..mimsfmi WaaaUiflfctfu . 1rn rv: Vr n ill :.:An j ifr iriifisi'fik w:.ijiiik-- a - rr-ytgrn- s jr'nIIIBII""III "Ml fHF" Wf" ISnPfw,,,ra;m'-4 ' ' , Ty,' 2 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903.

ESTABLISHED IN 1858. LOCAL AND iENERAL & BISHOP & CO.. Castle Cooke, Ltd. MASONIC TEMPLE page 6. Read "Wants" on BANKER8. HONOLULU. BELIE Read the Bulletin's latest offer on page 6. BANKING DEPARTMENT. OF Big coat price sale of children's near Transact business In all depart- Gommlss.0.1 Merchants at Dlom's this week. ments of banking. Best cup Hawaiian coffee In the city (slpi Collection, Factors WEEKLY CALENDAR. carefully attended to. ii Sufir JEFFERSON at New England Bakery. Exchange bougtit and sold. Bargains lu pianos at Coyne Furni- Commercial and Traveler.' Letter, AGENTS FOR MUNDAV ture Co., Ltd. Making room for fall jfronr Barter ) of Credit Issued on the Bank of Cali- The Ewa Plantation Co. Hawallan--State- d. BOURBON stock. Your Druggist?wal fornia and N. M. Rothschilds A 8ons, The Walalua Agricultural Co. Frco to School Children, presents A. N. 8ANFORD m aMH TUBSOAV London. "he Kohala 8ugar Co. with eery 25c. purchase, at Arlelgb Correspondent, for the American The Walmea Sugar Mill 'Co. Pacific Third Degree. & THE HIGHEST TYPE Co.'s. If yonr hair Is too long, co to your Express Company, and Thos, Cook A The Fulton Iron Works, St Louis, Mo, WRDNltHDAV Neatly furnished rooms at the Pop. barber. Ho has tbo remody a pair Son. The Standard Oil Co. Hawaiian Third Degree. OF KENTUCKY ulur. $1, 11.50 and 12 per week. 1248 Optician ot shears. If your hair Is too short, co Interest allowed on term and Sav- The Geo. F. Blake Steam Pumps. Fort street to your druggist Ho has tho romody ing! Bank Deposits. Weston'. Centrifugals. WHISKY Vigor. T.HUH8DAV Camera views, Paradise ot the Pa a bottle- ot Aycr's Ilalr TRUST DEPARTMENT. The New England Life Insurance Co. Rote Croix Regular 5 p.m. clflr, on sale at all news dealers and Act a. Trustees, Rent, Boston Building, Fort 8L, collect and of Boston. . rHirAY curio stores. . Dividends. Th. Aetna Fir. Ink Co. of Hartford, Honolulu Chapter Royal PURE A. A. Montnno Is In bed with nn Ayer's Hair Vigor Safety Deposit Vault Conn. Arch. Injury to his foot received through A over May Co. ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT, The Alliance Assurance Co. of London RICH 928 HATIIMIMV fall from a horse. i Is a Hair Food. Bethel Street It Is said that many Hawaii Chinese Auditors and Trustee. In Bank- Rose Croix 18th Degree. MELLOW It feeds tho hair. Tbo hair grows W Ct., are preparing to emigrate to Mnzatlan long and heavy because it gives to the ruptcy. j. I. Irwli t IH R, and Dutch Oulana. hair Just what It needs. Book, examined and reported en. All visiting memberi of tke Members of the Camp McKlnley al WORLD NEWS BY If your halris turning gray, It shows IN8URANCE DEPARTMENT, WM. Q. IRWIN... President and Mar. order are cordially Invited to at- Club gave a dance Saturday oven- thero Is lack of hair nourishment 924 Bethel Street JNO. D..8PRECKEL8..1st Vic. Pres. tend meetings of local lodge. lng In Exchange Pavilion. Giro your hair this hair-foo- d and it Agents for Fire, Marine, Life, AceL W. M. GIFFARD 2d Vie. Pre.. Hoffschlseger International Stock Food Is the (Associated Press Cable.) will tako on new life. Soon all tho dent and Employer.' Liability Insur H. M. WHITNEY Treasurer deep, rich color ot youth will return quickest pig or bog grower In the i ance Companies. RICHARD IVER8 Secretary to It HARMONY LODGE, No. 3, I. O. O. F. COMPANY, LIMITED world. California Feed Co., agents. PEACE NEWS WELCOME. Wo aro suro you will bo greatly E. I. 8PAULDING Auditor French or German taught in 5 weeks. Gundshu Pass, Sept. 2. The news leased with Ayer's Hair Vigor as Clau. Spreckels, Wm. O. Irwin. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 27-3-1 Kin Street, neat Bethel Satisfaction guaranteed. For particu- of peace has been well received by the It makes the hair soft SUGAR FACTOR8 tn I O. O. F. Hall, Fort street. 1 lars address L. Mathews, Y. M. C. A. troops. and smooth, and prevents splitting at Claus Spreckels & Co. and E. It. HENDRY, Secretary. "Arabic" applied to Iron roofs is TREATY 18 FINISHED. tho ends. COMMI88ION AGENTS. CHARLES O. BARTLETT, N. O. Sept. 2. treaty Agent, for ' for Its extreme durability. Portsmouth Tho PrtMfW tr Dr. J. Am C. UnlL MtM., U. f. A,' All visiting brothers Terr cordially ECONOMY IS WEALTH has been finished. is agreed t BANKERS. Oeeanlo Steamship Co., 8an Francisco It lasts for years. California Feed Co., It that : Invited. agents. tho Island of Saghallcn shall not be HONOLULU.J: T. H. Cal. Buy your groceries of us and save If you have tried Injurious drugs and 1 p. fortified. Ne- Western Sugar Refining Co., San Fran money. AT RETAIL At m. today, Labor Day, the medicines Internally with no results, 8an Francisco Agent. The MYSTIC LOD'JE, No. 2, K. of P. library Is closed for the circulation of CHOLERA IN BERLIN. vada National Bank of San Francisco, Cisco, Cal. Soap, . bars for j25 now try books. The reading room Is open rs Berlin, Sept. 2. Thero are flfty-on- Draw Exchange on tho Nevada Na- Baldwin Locotomotlve Works, Phila 1 per lb. Meets every Tuesday evening at Rice, No. Hawaiian 5 usual. cholera cases in this city and nine tional Bank of San Francisco. delphia, Pa. King once. Newatl Universal Mill Co. (Manufac- 7:30 o'clock In K. of P. Hall, Delivered at Your Door. Try us Gift Week at Wall, Nichols Com- teen deaths. The authorities are con SANOZOL London The Union of London and Visiting in- 3161 turers of Cane Shredder), street brothers cordially KALIHI STORE. Phone White. pany; Lead Pencils, Tablets, Sponges, fident of getting the disease under LOTION AND Smith's Bank, Ltd. National 80AP. New York, N. Y. vited to attend. given away with each purchase ot a control. Positive Cure for all Skin Diseases. New YorkAmerican Exchange Na- Q. H. DERREY, C. C. School Text Book. Lowest Prices. SHAH MEETS CZAR. Tho wonderful discovery of tho fa- tional Bank. Pacific Oil Transportation Co., 8an F. WALDRON. K.R.S. Alexander & Baldwin Ono of tho largest single shipments St. Petersburg, Sept. 2. Tho Shah mous specialist In Bkln diseases, A. J. Chicago Corn Exchange National Francisco, Cal. made by the sisal company, at Sisal, has arrlvod here and been welcomed Fulton, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Bank. OAHU LODGE, No. 1, K. Of P. LIMITED. Onhu, went to the Coast in the Ncbras-Kan- , by tho Czar at Pcterhof. Sanozol Treatment Is external only. Paris Credit Lyonnals. 30,200 pounds. During tho hot Is worst amounting to TAFT AND BOYCOTT. weather the Hongkong and Yokohama Hongkong- C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. period for Meets every Friday ovenlng at J. P. COOKE Manager Architect Newcomb and Mr. Cattou Hongkong, Sept. 2. Sccretnry -Shanghai Banking Corporation. K. King street, 7:30. Mem aro In the East, matching stone ot SUFFERERS FROM Queen Honolulu, T. H. P. Hall, at the Tnft tins nrrlvn Imrn nnil will viol, Eczema, Lupus, Herpes. Ringworm New Zealand and Australia Bank Street, Lodge, 2, bers of Mystic No. Wm. Mo OFFICERS. which St. Andrew's Cathedral is built 'canton notwithstanding tho antl-Ame- - Prurigo, Scrofuloderma, Skin Cancer, of New Zealand and Bank of Austra- KInley Lodge, No. 8, visiting mo and H. F. Baldwin President u is tnougni mat rcquireu siono rcan placards displayed there. Tho reticulosis, Psoriasis, Ecthyma, Llch lasia. tor-Hawa- iian brothers cordially invited. B. Vice President may have to be brought from England, AsrentB J. Castle (Viceroy has promised to punish tho en, Sycosis, and all other forms of Victoria and Vancouver Bank ot Agricultural Co., Ookala General Business. W. M. Alexander... Second Vice Pres. mo may oe cumpicicu. Scaly Skin iuui luiucurui perpetrators. Ulcerative. and Parasitic British North America. Sugar Plant. Co., Onomea Sugar Co., W. E. MAC. C. C. L. T. Peck Third Vice Pres. Direaecs find Immediate relief and per It Is believed that Cotton Bros, have LABOR FOR CANAL. Deposits received. Loans made on Honomu Sugar Co.,Walluku Sugar Co, E. M. COLEMAN, K.R.S. J. Waterhouse Treasurer lm-- n.ancnt euro by tbo use of Sanozol, It been awarded the contract for the 1 Colon, Sept. 2. FIvo hundred approved security. Commercial and Makeo Sugar Co.,Haleakala Ranch Co. G. M. Rolph Secretary at Quarantine Island. Mr. borers from Martlnlnuo have been reuioves Pimples and Blackheads and Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of HONOLULU B. E, cures sweaty or aching feet. The Planters' Lino of San Francisco LODGE 616, P. O. W. O. Smith Auditor n- -! Canton, tho contractor's locnl roprcse landed hero to work on tbo canal, Scmo of tho now famous cures by bought and sold. Packets, Chan. Brewer & Co.'s line of tatlve, received a cable Saturday from SHANGHAI FLOODED. ' Sanozol Treatment were fully describ- Collection sPromptty Accounted For. Boston Honolulu Lodge- No. C16, B. P. 0. E., Packets. which ho infers that tho contract li Shanghai, Sept. 2. This city has ed In tho New York World on March List of Officer.: will meet In their new ball, on Miller SUGAR FACTORS, 9. Sanozol secured. , been flooded by a typhoon. Lotion was also the cur . M. Cooke, President; George and Bcretanla streets, every Friday READY FOR SIGNATURE. ative agent through which Dr. Fulton COMMISSION MERCHANTS It's wonderful the things ono sees The First Robertson, Manager;' E. F. Bishop, evening. and N. 11., 3. accomplished tho marvelous cure of a when bo hasn't got n gun. When ona Portsmouth, Sept Tho Treasurer and Secretary; F. W. e, By order of the E. R. treaty of peace completed case of Lupsus that attracted atten- INSURAN6E AGENTS hasn't a kodak with him the chancel has been tion throughout the country, described AMERICAN SAVINGS Auditor; P. C, Jones, C. M. HARRY H. SIMPSON, and will probably be signed by tho Secretary. to take good pictures, which bob up, In tho Brooklyn Eagle of March 29th. Cooke and J. R. Gait Directors. envoys today. NINDE-MAN- , CEO. II. ANGUS. E.R. ore simply surprising. Get a koda READ WHAT MR. W. F. C. SIGNIFIES HIS ASSENT. JEAN-NETT- E AND GO. A rents for nt once and take the next snap-sh- THE HERO OF THE TRUST Oyster Bay Sept. 3. Tho Emperor EXPEDITION, HAS TO Wm. M'KINLEY LODGE No. 8, K.of P. ting opportunity by the horns. Hono Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. Photo-Suppl- y of Japan has cabled his thanks and SAY: OF HAWAII, LTD. lulu Co. very Sugar Company. , appreciation to President Roosevelt. '1 have been troubled with a 1st and 2d Rank. Plantation. His messnee slcnlfles nn nrrentanco Itchy eruption, called eczema, for sev SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL... $200,000.00 Meets Pala years. or patent medi every Saturday evening at Maul Agricultural Company. T lot tho terms ot peace as concluded by eral Doctors PAID UP CAPITAL $100,000.00 7:30 o'clock in K. of P. Hall, King cine gave me no relief until I was ad Klhel Plantation Company. I the conference. One Visiting vised to uso Sanozol. bottle of -- street brothers cordially Hawaiian Sugar Company. lfi.enTo.neAi.c whiid President Cecil Brown LIFE to attend. your lotion and four cakes of soap Is File . Kahuku Plantation Company. St. Petersburg, Sept. 3. The Czar any re- Vice President M. P. Robinson ill FARMER, all I used, and havo not had , E. C.C. Kahulul Railroad Company. iS .ias notified General Llnevltch of his currence of the disease. You may use Cashier W. Q. Cooper E. A. JACOBSON, K.R.8. Haleakala Ranch Company. acceptance of the peace negotiations. my testimonial as you requested. Offlco: Corner Fort and King St.. Insurance Agents BIG FIRE IN TURKEY. (Signed) WILLIAM NINDEMAN. SAVINQ8 DEPOSITS received and llONOLULU HARBOR, No. 54, A. A, Tho third annual report of the Ho Constantinople, Sept. 3. Soven Write for testimonials and full par- Interest allowed for yearly deposit, at AGENTS FOR M. convincing of & P. nolulu Seamen's Institute, for the year thousand houses In metropolis ticulars of SANOZOL and the rate ot 4 per cent per annum. Hawaiian Carriage this on file In our NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE IN- ' ending June 30. iiave testimonials office. regulations up- been destroyed by fire. There Treatment requires combined use of Rules and furnished SURANCE CO. OF BOSTON. Meets on first Mid third Sunday The treasurer's report shows: are many victims of the disaster. on application. venlngs 7 Lotion and Soap. Sent on receipt of AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COM. of each month at o'clock at Manufacturing Co. RECEIPTS. SOCIALISTIC RIOTING. K. ot sojourning price or at druggists. PANY OF HARTFORD. P. Hall. All breth- Subscriptions collected J2.330.00 Llbau, Sept. 3. The departuro of Lotion full half pint, (1.00; soap The Yokohama Bank, LTd. ren are cordially invited to attend. sun- Spscle 427 QUEEN ST. TEL. MAIN 47. Donations received from reservists henco was attended with 25c. per cake or Jar. By order Worthy Captalr: dry persons 289.13 Address Sanozol Laboratory, dept P. O. BOX 191. socialistic rioting, in which ten were F. MG.1HER. Donations received from sun- killed and fifty wounded. U, 6, 100102 Elton St, Brooklyn, N.Y. ESTABLISHED 1880. Tire insurance J. M. RADTyAY, C.C. dry vessels 152.75 Car-rlag- MUTINEERS TRANSFERRED. Manufacturers of all kinds of Capital Subscribed Yen 24,000.000 " St. Petersburg, Sept. 3. Ono thou- - HONOLULU 140 and Vehicles, Vagons, Wagon Capital Paid Up Yen 18.000,000 THE AERIE F. O. E. (2,771.88 gantl of recent naval mutineers Materials of all descriptions supplied; tho FIRE 9,720.000 have been to tho Reserved Fund Yea WED-NEDA- put on transferred Far East Meets on the 2nd and 4th Y Rubber Tires at reasonable EXPENDITURES. prices; Repairing, Fainting and army. B. F.DILLINGHAM CO. evenings ot each month at 7:30 Trim F. W. H. Evcrton, Balnry 1 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. esti- SPANISH CATASTROPHE. Yclock In K. ot P. Hall, King street ming; satisfaction guaranteed; year at $125 (1,500.00 B RANCH E8 Bombay, Hongkong, Ho mates given. Ilarccolona, Sept. 3. A bomb explo- INSURANCE .LIMITED, Visiting Eagles aro invited to :t-an- d. Rent ot Institute room 1 year nolulu, Kobe, London, Lyons, Naga- ded amidst holiday makers here. One Agent at 480.00 - saki, Newchwang, New York, Po General for Hawaii: C. W. ZIEGLER, Manager. U0 person was killed, flvo wero fatally In- M. ROSENBERG, W. P. Janitor's wages 1 vear at 20 210.00 king, San Francisco, Shanghai, Tl Atlas Assurance Company of London. -,,.,, .,, thlrlv olhm hllr. MOORE, Secy. 1 entsln, Toklo. H. T. W. Incidental Fund year at (10 120.00 Is of Less Importance than weather In- Phoenix Assurance Co. of London. Our $65 White Lighting 1 year 10G.40I The bank buys and receives for col New York Underwriters' Agency. tOURT CAMOES No. 8110, A. O. F. Printing and sundries '27.00 QJY Mckinley tennis surance. The great majority of build- lection Bills ot Exchange, Issuea Providence Washington Insurance Co. 4UUIllg 1'IUUU 6.00 Drafts and Letters of Credit and trans 4th floor, Stangenwald Bldg. ings fire, all buildings Meets every 2d and 4th Tuesday of never take but acts a general banking business. Bronze Monuments I tennis players of Camp McKln-jle- y ach month at 7:30 p. m., In San An- (2,479.40 The to HONOLULU BRANCH, 87 KINO. ST. court, up- are constantly exposed the sun and tonio Hall, Vineyard street started their now tennis on expend. An Investment In :0TT0N BROS. & CO. Visiting brothers cordially Invited are marvels of beauty and du- The annual report concludes with: which much work has been rain, heat and cold. on Saturday by having a handicap ENGINEER8 to attend. rability. They stand 6 feet 8 "Beforo going to press It Is very gratl' 'd, W. P. FULLER 4 CO.'8 Y. Wo Sing & Co. AND Inches, the four sides are fit- singles. seven contestant GENERAL A. O. ROSA. C. It., tying to bo able to report the Thero were CONTRACTORS. ted with removable tablets that games closo. FINE PREPARED PAINT FRUIT8 AND QROCERIE8. M. O. PACHECO, F.8. Commlttco havo leased tho upper floor and the were Plans and estimates furnished for with raised letters. Endorsed In the flrBt round Cnpt Schocffel beat Intelligently applied, Is an Investment all classes contracting by Scientific ot tho old Castlo & Cooko premises on Fresh provisions and fruit by every work. "The American" Lieut. Cooper, R. Van Vllet beat Lieut Tel. Main 245. MWHATTAN TRIBE No.2, 1. O. R. M. as moss-pro- and strictly King and Bethel streets, which will be In weather Insurance, and the money California steamer. Fresh Island but Capt Lieut oung, ROOM 300, BOSTON BLK., everlasting. the future home of tho Seamen's In- Garrett, Bush beat ter from Hawaii. Honolulu. y MIbs Van VlYIet drew a bye. Is never spent Jn vain. Meeta every first and third Thurs-a- FRED. HARRI80N, stitute and wo shall be pleased to wet-cfn- o 1123 Fort 8t and 1188 Nuuanu St of each month at 7:30 p. m. t K. Sole Agent for Islands. Box 184, all our friends at an early date." In the scml-fln- round R. Van Vllet Ibeat Capt. Schoettel, Miss Van Vllet M. & of P. Hall,. King street Officers ot the Institution are: P. O. Box 881. Tel. Whit. 9J1. Phillips Co. beat Capt, Bush. Members of Hawaiian Tribe No. 1 President, tho Right Rov. Henry D. Wholesale Importer, and Jobbers. In- Shoeing, The finals R. Vllet, who LEWERS & COOKE and visiting Red Men ore cordially Horse Restarlck, D. D.; Committee: T. Cllve went to Van SANG CHAN, 4, 5, In very vited. Davlea, chairman; M, Rolph, ; beat his sister, a EUROPEAN AND .0. were Limited, MERCHANT TAILOR, A. D. CASTRO, C. of R. W. M. Mist treasurer; closo match. All the matches ''AMERICAN DRY GOODS, II. HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. A. NELSON, Sachem. W.W.Wright Co. D. W. Anderson, secretary; Pi close and many more will bo played in S. LIMITED, J. 177 KING ST. to In Cooko, Gcorgo F. Davles, General E. the future. Suits made order the latest Fort and Queen 8U. have opened a horse-shooin- g styles. Pertect fit guaranteed. Cloth 35. Davis, Dodge, H. A. Isenberg, TELEPHONE department In connec- P. II. ing cleanod, dyed and repaired. Lieut. Com. Nlhlack, U. S. N.; Hon. The BU8INE8S MAN'S HANDY IN tion with their carriage . rhaj-la'n- Rev. Canon Alex. Mack- DEX, published In the Saturday Bulle- Beautify The. Home P. If. BISMARK STABLE CO., LTD. shop, etc. Having secur- tbo fiurnette, intosh; lay reader In chargo, F. W. tin and the Weekly Edition, gives services of first-cla- WAILUKU, MAUI. ed the a ladles' committee, Mrs. concise and complete resume of all le- SATO, shoor, they are pre- Evcrton: Attorney-at-La- and Notary Public George Davles, Mrs. A. O. Hawcs, gal notices, calls for tenders, Judg Rugs, pared to do all work In-- with tasteful Couch Covers and 131 HOTEL 8TREET near RIVER. Real Estate, Loans, Collection Mrs. Niblack, Mrs. W. R. Foster, Mrs. ments, building permit, and real es- We now new trusted to them in a first-clas- s Curtains. have a fine Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses. TELEPHONE 228. At Jordan, Mrs. Restarlck; honor tate transactions. Evening Bulletin, R. stock of these goods, which are ex Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries; Re- Phones: Office, Main 310; - manner. Mrs, Cllvo Davles, 75 per Weekly Bulletin, Res.Wh.1341 ary secretaries, cents month. ceedingly pretty and of splendid qua! pairing a Specialty. Goods not called Office, 78 BISMARK BRANCH helper, I1 year. Merchant St, Honolulu. STABLES Miss Parko, Miss Toggartj lay oer Ity. for in 30 days will be sold. Harry Turner. am LAHAINA, MAUI. CAMARA & CO., Lay worker, Mr. Cnrl M. Lovstcd, On'o of tho most energetic nest M director of tho Brotherhood of St. An- builders Is tho marsh wren; In fact, S. SAIKI, J. Davis, Porter Furniture Co., 8EWING MACHINE LIQUOR DEALERS. drew ; ho hits the habit to such a degree that 583 REPAIRER. Carriages, Buggies Sad-fi- e 8. BERETANIA ST. 1258 Hacks, and QUEEN AND ALAKEA 8TREETS, he cannot stop one but goes FORT 8T. near BERETANIA. with nest Young BulldlDg. TELEPHONE BLUE 881 TEL. MAIN 492. Fine Job Printing at Tba Bulletin on building tour or five in rapid suc- Corner Hotel 8t Sewing machine, Horses on short notice. Dealer In Bamboo rented, $2.60 per FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED. Office. cession. . Furniture, Pic month. ture Frames, Grass Linen, Drawn Llr Orders delivered to all parts of city, A machine cleaned and put In oA Special in, Table Cloths, Collars, Neckties, Com-ten- Sale t der 81.00. Carriages meet all Bteamers. ' OF Etc W. ENGLAND COMPANY. BRONZE drivers, reasonable rates, new Neill & J. EUMBINO FISHNETS, TWINE and Gatton, Co., WIRE CLOTH t HONOLULU IRON WORKS NICHOLSON & NELSON vehicles and live stock. Limited. A. FERNANDEZ & SON, Chronometer and Watchmak.rsu Improved and Modern 8UQAR MA- 44-5- Nautical Instrument Is kept on, file at E. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS The Leading Nos. 0 King Katsey Block, bet. remlrari and Plumbers. St., CHINERY of every .capacity and de adjusted. THI8 PAPER C. DAKE'8 ADVER- - QUEEN and RICHARDS ST8. Nuuanu and Smith 8ts.; Tel. am 189, scription made to Boiler Satisfaction guaranteed. order. work Mr. Nicholson TI8INQ AGENCY, Boilers with charcoal Iron and RIVETED PIPES for Irrigation Is formerly of D. Mc Greaor A. Co. nf niamnui 124 8anome 8t, 8an Francisco, Cal., or steel tubes; general ship work. Tel. Main Blank books of all sorts, ledgers, purpose, a atten- 323 speclajty. Particular 928 FORT where contracts for advertising can etc., manufactured by the Bulletin Pub-llrhl- tion mlH to JOB WflllK nH ST., Honolulu Drug Co, ho mads Sale" cards at Bulletin ofllc.. 121 Arlington Block. Company. ..l. for it "Fir Hotel st, execr.Uc' t shortest notice. Fine Job Printing at The Bulletin.

r ' i - tW7'.t - " jrr-i"- i uTtMTT-wiw)1)- '. t,i ''"Tyinfw yT'TW'.'ilMMjt PfSfy

"1 . EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., MONDAY, BEPTEMBER 4, 1905. 3 lft4WCIfMft!Wf Oahu Polo Team Wins DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD IN THE BED-CHAMB- ER A Reflex From In Hard Battle A In the bed-roo- or nursery, lighted by electricity, there Is no lurking terror born of the dark and the unknown. m First Game From Maui The versatility of the light In use Is a further advantage. It may be employed Just as It Is necessary. The push button may be placed so tha, at a touch, the room I lighted Immediately upon entrance or before, as neces- j-- i Forth Form and ComDlaxton CAPT. DILLINGHAM RETIRES FROM INJURY Hm bea sacetssfelty ased by ItftdlasJ sities, or even wish, require. Fashion icircssca, singer woman OI laaaioa lor V cnort than 9ft year ft. Wherever applied It It Instantly ftbaorb And Oahu won. strokes. and riding off wero very good, imovEn ids porta 01 me sain IDQ lie WOD dtf fulnatrltioa feed! the tiaeuea. It was In tho closing minutes of the and Cooko played beyond any form be willing REMOVING gamo that Maul pulled her team to- tins previously shown. Angus won ap- WRINKLES HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., Ltd. gether tho ball down plause as If by mtrle, ens spplleetloa often showing and carried tho for well executed strokes. n remarkable Improvement. Office 390 field with an Irresistible rush. With Capt. Frank Baldwin and Fred star- Dr. Chftrltft Huh Foo4 It positively the King St., near Alakca 'Phone Main ten seconds to Maul got long Mauls. Is only preparation known to medical edenee Centers play a red for the Frank a hard that will round out hollowa In fh ntck and tttlftfriMMfMDttt chance at goal, and Fred Baldwin took rider and a very aggresslvo player, proMM n tn, a tun chtaka, rmftftud hands.miliar that chance. The whlto ball sped Fleming and Harry Baldwin both did straight toward tho posts. Then sound some very good work. For Developing the Bust or breasts, shrunken from nurslo j It has the It provided by the following new goods, which came to ut by ed the gong across the field for tho THE GAME. htgnet Indorsement of physicians. Two call of time and before the echoes had FIRST PERIOD OAHU, 2; MAUI. t. buss are ansa saflkteai t snake the bast NICKEL PLATING the Alameda: flrae, larg. and beaatlfal. died away flashed be- Tho gamo a few the ball had started minutes after SOLD BY DA.TI(SNTTOMtSAMD tween tho posts too late. It was three, Oahu defending tho south goal. DRUOOUTa. Neatly Done by the Oahu's day, and tho wearers ot tho Frank Baldwin made a long run down Kegnlar price, U.09 a bos. bat ta alt who Linen take adnata ot this BPHCIAL OFFBR Ladies' White Shirt Waist Suits, HI no and Whlto had won the game, tho field but the ball rolled out Dil- ana hdq ddi aoiiar, we win sena two m 4 to 4. lingham broke through the scrimmage boxes, In plain auappcr. Guy Owens Electrical Construction Company. was polo from start to finish, and and took ball towards Maul's goal. A ft)asapa Kost an! esr book, "Art ot Beautifully trimmed with Applique and Embroidery. Theie It the felly THONE MAIN 315 1120 beau- riifc.si Mamie," Hlustiaui, will bt UNION ST. that tells the story of a hard and A short stand In front of the goal and seat free lo any lady sensjaf 10 coats to par for aulti are enjoying a vogue created by leader of fathlon. tifully fought game. Oahu won be- Maul went down again. Frank Bald- cost of mailing . Alarsss. cause her men wero the more1 nccurate win mndo a pretty backhand stroke, DR. CHARLES CO. In but it was the closest scoring the first goal for Maul. Time, "SMV"' Ladies' White, Soft Serge Suits, kind of a victory. Oahu scored five 4 minutes. goals, and lost a quarter point on nt Judd got Into the thick. of battle and Geo. Angus Hakulanl. RAINIER Tucked and trimmed tn accordance with the very latest Idea of a safety. Maul scored four secured tho ball, making a fast rnc Officials A. W. Carter, umpire; ' on Oahu. down tho field till D11J Ingham drove kMTmmxmm. vaacrt;ii Very atrtklng. times a Harold Dillingham, A. F. Judd, lines- '''rlH'ahalaBatsatwBBWva9k iXl Captain Frank Baldwin of the Maul long shot through tho goal, and the men; George Potter, Harold Glffard, Ts"l gamo on ground up team protested tho tho crowd began to wako and cheer. goal judges; E. A. Mott-Smlt- Clifford that tho had not allowed Time, 1 minute. Kimball, timekeepers; John Fleming, lAnn y S!HB A NEW LINE OF Xrw iul wSi JHtitABftTau enough tme, and that the last goal Castle and Dillingham ran tho ball tournament manager'. nKaaafti should count. Ho based his decision down between them for a second goal on tho fact that time had been taken In half a minute. Gypsy took Castle America liii'lll HftWnraOftt flDfttKftSaftaBftl LADIES ALPACA SKIRTS out for Oeorgo Angus, of the Oahu tho length of the field In brilliant style, Yti:.Xm laW'Jwl llrf ftFTaftftaatiaBal team, to chango horses tn the last pe- but tho ball misses by a few feet. S riod. Umpire A. W. Carter declared Time is called with the hall lit the cen that the time was correctly kept, and ter ot the field. 1 5 awarded Oahu tho game. SEQOND PEIUOD OAHU. 3; MAUI. 2. loH Linen and 'Silk Embroidered Stocks was an ending to a tnu ball be- It unfortunate Frank Baldwin shot "aSaaaaaaaBftalftaaiaftaiftBasV rawaaaKST0atHaaaftftaaF splendid game. Only one accident tween tho posts a few seconds after FIRST SEIUES. tor JI There are only a very limited number of each design marred tho day. At the beginning ot play is resumed. Fleming did some P. W. L. Pet. H T RAINIER flBE&gferggai tho period Dilling- good riding off on play. Dilling- 5 4 1 third Capt, Walter the, Alohas .800 U BOTTLING WORKS fuGgmSBA Oahus, leaning over to ham nursed ball down field, II. I. W 5 3 2 .600 1 ham ot the far tho the j&jgam3&aaa Ladies' Silk Belts and Girdle; make a difficult stroke, wrenched or scored goal on a short stroke In half Aalas 5 3 2 .6oo; y lovers- Phone W. 1331. tore the Insldo muscles of his thigh a minute. In a brilliant rally In front Diamond Heads 5 2- - 3 .400 I HdROLULU. and had to bo taken from tho field. nt Oahu's goal Castle drove the ball Maklkl G 2 3 .400 II L flMHlaa. ' Theie belts are In black, white and colors, and are sure to Up till then ho had been tho star of nut of danger by a long hard stroke up SECOND SEIUES. I Ul tho game, and the Oahu team was out the field. Maul carried the ball down, P. W. L. Pet. I "V please. 1 playing Its opponents. George Angus hut Castle rode off finely and tho ball Diamond Heads 1 1 0 1.000 took his placo, and played bard. By missed goal by six inches. A few mo- Alohas 0 Ifl II desperato work the Oahus held their ments later Frank Baldwin leaned over Aalas 0 advantage and won out. Dillingham and made a quartering shot between Maktkls 0 0 0 .000 VM Mi inn, IV will probably bo out of tho gamo next the posts. Time, six minutes. Frank Stars 0 0 0 .000 Wednesday, and 'this means a great Baldwin's pony. Bob Wilcox, rolled 11. I. W. 1 0 1 .000 loss to team. over on him, tho plucky captain the but I N.S. SACfl'S DRY GOODS CO., LID , It was an Ideal day for the game, was In tho saddle again quickly. Tim Tho Alohas won the first scries of and the crowd was a large one. In au- was called with tho ball out of bounds. the Midwinter League yesterday with- tomobiles came, In surreys, OAHU MAUI 3. out even playing game. Tho Cor. Fort Beretaiia Sts. It backs, THIRD PERIOD 4i: a Aalas PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. aid dog carts, tally-ho- s, busses, carriages, Dllllnghnm was hurt. In attempting needed yestlerday's game with the Ma- riding all manner of beasts, and sonio a stroko on tho western edgo of the klkl to tie the Alohas for first 'place, WILL CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE tramping afoot tho dusty miles from field; Geo. Angus taking his place but tho Maklkls hammered out the game the car lino. Cooko was playing brilliantly. Maul in tho first inning and were nev- We pack, haul and ship your When three o'clock came, around tho missed three chances at goal. After er headed. Larsen, "Togo" Mlchl nnd goods and you money. big Moanalua field stretched an end' six minutes ot play Fred Baldwin shot Tom Ulukou were successively used In tare less chain of vehicles. The sky was a difficult goal while going at full tho box, but the Maklkls pounded all Dealers in STOVE WOOD, COAL and KINDLINGS. almost cloudless, a keen fresh wind speed. Castle's horse kicked tho ball unmercifully. , Ulukou pitched good blew down tho beautiful valley, and across the goal-lin- o for a safety, losing ball for about two Innings, then he the green turf was firm and springy, Oahu a quarter of a point. blew up and added to the sluughtcr by toragje in Brick Warehouse, ,26" King; St. Phone Main 58 Ideal polo weather. Ideal polo grounds. Castle and Gypsy were responsible an error at n critical point. m Thero was not an accident among tho for Oahu's next goal. Castlo picked Tho second game was better, but tho CRYSTAL SPRINGS BUTTER throng ot vehicles and horses, duo to the ball out of the crowd and carried Diamond Heads got the jump on tho excellent pollco arrangements, under It down tho field with right and led Iron men at the start, nnd kept going. m the supervision of Lieutenant Sam Les- strokes, outrunning Fred Baldwin and Tho Anvil chorus begun to get dan- lie. Tho accommodations for specta- shooting a gallery goal In ono and ona- - gerous toward the Inst, but four tallies Is renowed for Its quality and exquisite flavor. It tastes bet- m tors were very good. Most of them halt minutes. Geo. Angus came Into for tho Diamond Heads In the eighth ter and keeps better than other butter and Its quality never were grouped along the western sldo tho limelight by getting tho ball from inning broke their hearts. What Is It? varies. Families of refinement use no other. We pack this of tho field, and tho heights abovo even a mlxup In front ot the Maul goal In Tho teams; ' butter In neat cardboard cartons, which preserves Its delicate wero scaled by skilful drivers. driving It through In, 35 seconds. Maklkls M. Freltas, rf.; A. Sebasll-n- keeps It firm all I consumed. M. Something flavor and until Maul's field were PERIOD OAHU 2b.; K. Sllva, M. New! tent and stables FOURTH 4&; p.; Sebastian, m at tho upper end ot tho field on tho MAUI 4. lb.; F. Scliarsch, c; Ah Sin, cf. ami eastern side, Oahu's at tho lower end. Maul opened playing fast and desper- 3b.; D. Palalna, 3b. and cf.; 0. Mcdcl-ro- s, The spectators wero about evenly di- ately. Over anxiety spoiled two easy ss.; J, Hiram, If.; Honun, rf. and vided In sympathy, according to colors cbanccs at goal, ono for Fred and tho 2b. Peach Mellow Metropolitan Meat Co,, Ltd., displayed, Maul's black and gold flaunt- other for Frank Baldwin. Fred got a Aalas W. Ayau, If.; Kuhlna, lb.; ing alongside the blue and whlto of cornering shot through tho posts, In Larsen, p. and cf.; Luntng, c; II. - Telephone Main 45 E Oahu. one minute. Castle made two brilliant Walker, rf.; E. Ayau, bs.; Mlchl. 3b. The game Itself was fast and pretty. runs, but could not get goal. Maul lost and p.; Ulukou, p.; Harris, cf.; Par- and Vfe? 21k Vl 2 "Xt Vt i Vk VtVt 2 Vk Vk Vt VZ ? H K X W ? In the early periods Oahu's horses held another chance when the ball took a sons, 2b.;, Dento, 2b. Rasport.p. their own. In tho last two periods the bad bound. Fred Baldwin drovo the 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 strain began to tell, and the Maul ball from a difficult angle toward tho Maklkls 0 5 G 0 0 0 0 0 414 horses outfooted their tired opponents. fatal posts. The bell rang before tho Aalas 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 210 Consolidated Soda ltd Maul had fresh mounts throughout, ui-In- g ball was through and the goal did Ilaso hits Maklkls 1G; Aulas 10. Water Works, Service, Comfort and Privacy twlco as many horses as did Oahu. not count. Base on balls-- Off Mlchl 1; oft Ulu TELEPHONE MAIN 71 Brilliant plays were executed by tho HORSES. kou 2; off Sllva 1. f J of horn are offered to the tr nslent and boarding public by members of both teams. Until forced Maul Harry Baldwin Flashlight. Struck out Dy Larsen 3; Ay Mlchl to retire on account of Injury, Captain Tom Thumb, Alazan, General Bumps. 1; by Ulukou 9; by Sllva 8. Dillingham played fine polo. He was Fred Baldwin Strawberry, Daisy, Double playB Medelros to A. Sebas The Majestic Hotel, In the thick of every rally, directing Hue, Katrina. tian to M. Sebastian. EUREKALOL SACHS BLOCK, bis men Intelligently and hla own clean, Frank Baldwin Sure Kelo, Bob Wil- Diamond Heads D. Desha, of.;

long hitting was directly responsible cox, Reindeer, Nigger, Clark, lb.; Chllllngworth, cs.; Freeth, ITCH-ECZEM- A CURED Room renlsd with or without board. Special rate to families and tor goals, iinroiu casue naa a posi- Dave Fleming Venus, Manu, Jubi- 3b.; Sullivan, p.; Soper, 2b.; Horner, tive genius for diving Into the bunch lee, Polly. c; Soarcs, rf.; Sumner, If. T soiia-riira- a that will come rratliiiNa. but a aptclflo preacrlbed tor or tourist parties. Transient Island trade especially solicited. Rates by day thlrt earn by Doctor Dura-es- one ot la ondon'a most celebrated akin specialists. ot men and horses, picking out the ball. Oahu C. H. Cooke Duke. Charcoal, H. I. W. Honan, .lb.; De Ponte, p. guaranteed quickly C. BADDAKY, Mgr. Trie EUMKALOb Ecuui Cus.1 la tn e famoun remedy to 12.50. Telephone 244. MRS. and carrying It down tho field. Ills lit' Harold Castle Foxy Grandpa, Gyp- and 2b.; Pryce, c; E. Husscy, 2b. and relieve and permanently cure any disease ot tha skin or scalp. It la purely anil- - aepllo and Eermlcldal. We have thouaa, nda ot testimonials to prove tha tru vu tie black mount, Gypsy, was the beat sy. rf.; Kuhlna, It.; Ilcgo, cf.; Nelson, tua nf lta noaltlva rura. horse on tho field, fast, quick as a Walter DUllngham-'-PuuIo- a, Cock-tal- l. 3b.; Freltas, ss.; Swanston, rf.; Don't wast your tlma and money o n ' cukx-au- They absolutely do no OANA JOHN POTTIE & SONS' rood. cat, and a marvel for gameness and p. Writ to ua at onca for our famous Eurkkaloi. Eciim Cua. It will tell staying qualities. Judd's backhand 0. P. Judd llakulanl, Derby, the story that la mora convincing than p oeea or argument. Price postpaid. ID 123456789 centa ana II. oo. HOTEL Australian HORSE Diamond Heads.. 5 0 3 2 0 0 0 4 0 11 Don't eurrm from those tortureaora e Piles. One application of the famous M cum will give e rener. 1'nce posipaia, i cenia. II, I. W. 0 Erxkalol I'lLk immwui Harry Baldwin Fred. Baldwin Frank Baldwin Dave Fleming 203002108 THE EUREKALOL REMFOY CO., 11 97 Bergen 8L. BROOKLYN, N. Y. and CATTLE Ilaso lilts Diamond Heads 1G; H. I. BEACH No. 1 No. 2 (Capt.) No. 3 No. 4 W. 14. REMEDIES. Ilaso on balls Oft Sullivan 1; off Do Ponto 3; oft Ilodrlgues 2. Rapid Transit Electric Car arrive Testimonials have been received Struck out Ily Do Ponto 1; by Ilo- NOW WE'RE OFF ? at and depart from the main entrance from Alexander & Baldwin Stock drlgues G; by Sullivan 7. jJfEEEjJaW of the Moana Hotel every ten minutes, Ranch, Parker Ranch Co., J, M. Hor- Homo run Sumner, Wa are prepared to supply the Peof.1 of Honolulu with Freshest at MOANA HOTEL CO., LTD. ner Ranch and all the leading planta I8LAND MEATS. Also, Garden Produce of all kinds; Butter, Eggs, Chick. tion managers bear witness to wonder KAIMUKI ZOO BY NIGHT. ens. Turkeys, Sucking Pigs. Bacon, Ham; In fact,, everything a FIRST' ful cure wrought by these remedies. CLA8S MARKET Is called upon to furnish. Tho Kawalliau Orchestra wilt play DAVID DAYTON at tho Knlmukl Zoo Wednesday and 137 MERCHANT 8TREET. trifny evenings from 7:30 until 11 p. Washington Light Co. m. Take ac qvcnlne rtde and soo the Arc I.lchts and Electrlcpl Effects In The ISLAND MEAT CO. tho Fish and Turtle Poni C. W. MACFARLANE, JAS. E. WESTBROOKE, Manager. Lots for Sale manager Dr. Yung Wing, of Harford. Conn., TELEPHONE MAIN 76. - FORT 8T.. OPP. LOVE LD. In KAPIOLANI PARK ADDITION, was tho first Oriental who was over KALI HI, and other desirable localities Clothes Cleaned and Pressed by the graduated from an American college, Ho took his degree nt Yale In tho Class RENOVATING CO., HONOLULU 1S54. 1S76 was Chinese Also 1 JUMP-SEA- BUCKDOAnD, J. J. Fern, Manager. of In ho tho J. LANDO second-band- ; good as new. .Minister to the United StntcH. Dr. TRUNK8 CLOTHING PAJAMA8 1MB" St., opposite Office: North Fort Yung Wing Is In his 7Ctn year, but Is HAT8 8HIRT3 AND Catholic Mission. All telephone mes-cage- s Blank books of all sorts, ledgers, still In good health, and his Intellec- AND AND Nl 8HIRT8 promptly attended to. We call v'AP8 UNDERWEAR 8UIT CASES etc., manufactured by the Bulletin Pub- for and deliver. Dyeing extra. Tele-aton- e tuality is ns bright os In his younger lishing Company. " Main 378. Flashlight Daisy Nigger Manu days. 1024 FORT 8T IC.O.r Bldg 4 til MOTEL 8TS opposite YOw'NQ HOTEl!

0 r&cWM&.iZ- - Nii.t -- 1JK.4- Lwiai,j!u.':.gl M'jU: . m - T 'MkM&M& JJ.AlMa yp--- ifTfiffllto ftsniM ii:l&r)m4&. .ffcn.Miftf.TiTlilir' 'if t i..i. T"T''T- to owXJL


I along tlio northern American border '.I.-- .. n-- ii; EVENINGBULLETIN muu uia'B.1 newf unuuus1 ...I.wunI. iih,l.. jkihw..ll..... scourge. Should cholera unco ' fever ( - . a-.UTI- LI Published Every Day Except Sunday, get Into the northern Staler ItwuuKI A r ftr ' at 120 King Street, Honolulu, give disastrous proof ofliowllttle at- SE, T. H., by tlio tention the smaller It not the larger BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. communities give to sanitation. 5 ia.j-T- O MAKE USE OF. A WALLACE H. FARRINQTON.. Editor iS ' The Advertiser Is telling funny 1 Thi? wlidt I should do with thnt iwnll spneo tliat I have. stories of how Iloyd was "forced" out ifow well would look to linve it fitted in with n nieo set of Entered at tlio Postofflco at Hono- 37:00 VtOVTOrNCIt GUARANTEED it of the Promotion Committee, The fun- TJMlS J, CfLOBE-WEKXICK- as second-claB- matter. E bookenses; nnd it would certainly keep, lulu niest part of It Is, the alleged friend- TO ' ship change my books in tatter shape. I thihk I will tnko ten minutes nnd SUBSCRIPTION RATES. of that paper niter the has teen made A real Interesting story go nnd too them nt , why CURE , , Payable In Advance, would be a full account of the Advertiser religiously and regularly OR I.A. M. JOHNSON COMPANY, LTD,, Evening Bulletin. weeps on llojd's shoulder but never Per month, anywhere In U, 3...J .75 tomes to his jesctio. Per quarter, nnywnar 10 v a(. z.uu. ' j PREVENT 931 Fort Street. vpnr II. R. R.Ofl fili.rp llipro la n T.nlinr llnv. wfiv Prtr nnvwbern in ' lint Pe car, po:4.pald, foreign 11.00 Corporation Day, Or do the cdrpor-- HOG wetKiy uuiieun. 'utlotis celebrate the other 304? i SPECIALIZED IN MODERN OFFICE AND STORE METHODS Bu months $ .60 m Pur tpnr. nnvwhprn In IT. S . 100 CHOLERA Per vear. nostDald. forelen .... 2.00, LABOR DAY IN HAWAII - Territory ol Hawaii ) L,auor uay in Hawaii rurnisnes am- 1 ss! pic food for reflection, It Is somewhat Honolulu, County of Oahu. ) 'of a question whether the peoplo of C. O. DOCKUS. Business Manager ol th Territory nro really In sympathy INTERNATIONAL 8TOCK FOOD causes perfect digestion and assimi- 'h.eJlULJ.I.-4,0?L,ISnl?- CPV; with the spirit of the day. And being lation. n' IS nrtl t sympathy with It how closely INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD permanently strengthens the entire ? Thatn,then SltoVlnWa true'd they arc In touch' with the foundation system. 'Sflk. correct statement of circulation for ot free American Institutions, INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD purifies the blood and give strong week ending 1st, 1905, If Labor Day represents anything In vitality. the September SJJ of the Dally and weekly Editions of the scheme ot American holidays, It INTERNATIONAL 8TOCK FOOD Is the quickest pig or hog grower In tbo Evening Bulletin: Is tho more complete emancipation ol the world. f t Circulation of Evening Bulletin. tDe laboring man, greater independ-Saturda-y, Aug. 26 2527 encei 8trong ,nulvdlmltyi ucttcr recog-- Tuen.d7y. fts:::::::::::::::ii vaclor "10 c,or,un, CALIFORNIA FEED CO., taJ Wednesday, Aug. 30 2123 It may be to Thursday, Aug. 31 2108 wall Is not In sympathy with tha Agents Friday, Sept. 1 2119 American spirit ot Independence and Average DAILY CIRCULATION. .2189 dignity of labor. It Is nevertheless so Circulation of Weeklv Bulletin. tremendously near tho truth that It Tuesday, Aug. 29th, 1905 ...... 236Z f 1 -- h d, furnishes ground for argument. t&! iaS&t & NUte,r..rndWoVkHlae:al!.e,,aV.rneed..0.?1036 -r-shlps labor--.t must hav. P.M. CO. 1,TD. to Its prosperity Combined GUARANTEED average labor maintain but Annl) lluently, understands their Hindoo nnd the Mussclmnn blend to- Hawaii doesn't worship labor In tha cus- circulation 4551 castes, nnd thoroughly re- gether, and the writer knows of hun- COMPANY, Day toms and MARINES TO BULLETIN PUBLISHING manner that tho American Labor nn Inoffensive, dreds of cases, where a high casta PLaV LIMITED. spects tho Hindoos as suggests. hardworking, thrifty race ot peoplo. Hindoo (a Ilrahmln), has married a by C. O. DOCKUS, would bo unfair however to hold Bus. Manager. It Tho Hindoo coolie is recruited from Mnhommcdan woman and vlco versa! that there has been no Improvement In all parts of India excepting Nepal. Tills would have been simply Impos- Subscribed and sworn to be- - the sentiment of this Territory. Whcth-for- o In opinion tho Central sible in India. ' CONGRESS GIVES - the writer's mo this 2d dny of r this Improvement has been volun- Province men are best for field work. Tho coolie soou adapts himself to SEAL Sept.. A. D. 1903. Itary or ..... Is of ...... Importance so Punjabis arc goou men for plow circumstances, both as regards food THE APPROPRIATION p. 11. "tliA ",'jno duunette, gradual change is being brought 0(lu.rvN80 not and matrimony. Clr-- work hM nro the best Notary rubllc. Judicial - - First L0Ul- u,croaro ,css American moor- of )abortlmt ,8( umcr tho indenture The Hindoo A omen nro splendid nf Onh ' Iea8t "mn ln Vrs ln ,Ionol!"u nt th Uystcm, at present existing In Kljl, Na-- workers, cspeclnlly at stripping nnd PASSES ACT AIDINQ not I ',li.a nt Inflntlmi lin !),. ,Wrnn lint .' .. OUTDOOR fil " " " "" iai nnu ucmcrarn. lururuuig. 1110 men nro cxceneni, SPORTS LOCAL CORPS EX. "" -j brought more tliaupno nnd era- light-rloy- MONDAY ..SKPTK.MUER 4,1903 citizen Tho i.njabls nro a flno raco; cano cutters nnd two tons (long tons) PECTINQ OUTFITS SOON. to realize that low wages Is not ln)t nppcarauco. per man, per day. Is tho day's "' , CO0rclI( am of n0 usual FOOTBALL. everything a Orlcntallz-- wnn'r ti i oinrinn. ir ii i Wnn.ix and thoroughly a. frCo men thov should do wall, work. That means that one man cuts, Talk Hawaii means an American Tcrrl-- j ra- - A - packs (100 In 150 In Tea actually succeeds In making some Ho- 'J The natives of .Madras are next to feet plant feet By lrtuc of nn Act of tho last Con' noluluans pull together and others ""' """ "'" " "", useless In tho Holds Still, thev make toons), and loads a car of cane, weigh- - gress, the local U. S. Marine Corps will Wake up, Aliens do not view"'"'"'"outu u uiiiuiiuu-- exce lent, nouse servants nnd stauie-- Ing two tons (4,480 pounds). Ho, ln soon blossom fnrlh In lirnml nnw Imon li allzatlon with especial apprehension. men. FIJI, lecolves tho magnificent amount hall gulls nnd take tho diamond road) lt's n dollar to a split polo ball that Some Americans who loo a dollar In tho FIJI Islands, the plantation lot Is. Id. (20 cents) for this work 'for all comers. Thlstwill bo In th There Is no drink that deserves to be mere popular than the departments head find tho Gov- more than all clso In tho world Ioo!;(Coollo (men) get a shilling a day nnd thinks he Is treated very well of an Innovation for the Marines, good Tea the SAW kind. S&W TEA Is obtainable In five va- up- - ernor's dinners Just as good as the) upon Amorlcnnlsm In Hawaii, ns that Is, If ho earns It. All work Is d001" for. thouch thev had a real team last rieties Ceylon Blend, English Breakfast, Formosa Oolong, piled to labor, more to bo approved In on a Is Cano is grown In thoso Islands ever were. set tnsk basis, and tho laborer for year, this year Uncle Sam Is footing Natural Japan,' Cosmo Blend. Each variety Is the best of Its theory than ln practise. paid pro rata for tho amount of work Cs. (1.S0) per'tonl the bills for equipment. sort, possessing its own characteristic merits. Your choice of From the standpoint of the outsider, The main body of American cltlzuns'jio completes. In the event of Tho cost of cano cutting Including Tho Marino Corps has had an nppro Mnul won tho game. The rules, nec- among the large employers of completion providing It Is proved to laying of portablo track, transport to prlatlon for Indoor games, but for the one of the five depends on your preference for a particular fla- essary to conducting every form o labor are thoroughly ln earnest In their have ticcn n fair task, which, say, B0 main railroad (In some cases two and first tlmo the appropriation has been vor and aroma, and one of the 'five w'lll surely be to your lik- sport, gae It to Oahu. effort to dignify labor where It has been I per cent, of the gang had completod three miles), nnd, In fact, alt tbo work made available for outdoor games. ing. We are sole agents for 8 AW goods. degraded, nnd do their utmost to bring ) tno offender Is taken to court and necessary to take off a crop of cano Tho law was rlassed by tho last Con- IN 25 AND 50 PACKAGES. Theodore Richards with a coffee rs- - nbout conditions favorable to the la fined. never exceeds '2C cents 'a ton (2,240 gress and went Into effect on July 1. loon would be a poor Imitation ot Dish, forer whose birthright Is a share v With tho exception of horso work lb.). Lieut. W. C. Harllee of the local op Potters subway venture. The the emoluments as well as the nnd cano cutting, tho women do the It Is not a ewyof "Can the Hindoo Marines, some time ago sent In a Iii8hop dealt In tho real thing. of his country's growth. same work as the men. be Introduced (nto theso Islands!" It requisition for baseball outfits, and Is These efforts nro yet barren of greoj Tho women's dally task Is three-- Is n case of "May heT" Will tbo Brltexpcc(nB thera to arrive soon. Then Op. The Advertiser Is trying to mnko results and while this condition pre- fourths of the men's. They, therefore, Ish Government allow tho Indian to'thn Marin will hn renilv for camca. HenryMay& Ltd Governor Carter keep quiet by telling vails, Labor Day In Hawaii Is more a If thoy completo their allotted task, leave India for American territory The team Is not picked yet, but tho - Retail,Main 22.TELEPHONES Wholesale. Main 92 Its readers every other day that Carter suggestion of Ideals to be attained than earn 9d. a day. God knows they should. At tho pros- mCn practice regularly, and will go always makes a row wherever he goes. celebration ot great victories galnod. The Hindoo coolie they are all call cm raomeni minions 01 uinaoos ar out for dlamontl honors In earnest, ed Hindoos, although at least 60 por starving, and famine rations are b 'tmo nik nmnm? tho men l Hint an at. It is always one of the world's sure cent, of the Immigrants are Mussel ing distributed by tho Imperial will be made to put a team In things. That no sooner have others (HIE Ao ' men Is a patient, hardworking plan ornment. '.he Midwinter Leaeuo. but LleuL l HI stopped real war than Turkey comes In Mill tation hand, when not maltreated, If the Immigration matter can b Harllee states that tho team will not produce quota clouds, Of course every shipment of coolies nettled satisfactorily, there should to tho regular of ( bentor the League, but will meet othor clouds. Includes a few "bad eggs." Still, mo3t no trouble whatsoever In recruiting tvnmn whenever nnnortunltv offers. THE PACIFIC HOTEL . PUNTiPlJiEll of theso "black Bhecp" settle, down, thousands of Indian coolies for tbest The last appropriation by Congres, Labor Day will not be tho real under stern management and turn out Islands. 'making It possible to equip outdoor Amerjcan Labor Day until every arm Editor Evening Bulletin: Might I fairly well. When, for the ralsorablo wages and teams. Is cvldcnco of tho Interest Un-- Union Street that guides the Implements of tho bo allowed a llttlo space, to make a Caste prejudices aro hard to con- wretched life of other places, Indians c)0 Sara g taking In his fighting men. la the only restaurant In the city serving first-clas- s meal, mechanic In' Hawaii Is an few to tend with In India, but onco tho coollo can be Induced to Blgn agreements for Is generous enough skilled remarks, with reference tho In The appropriation for 25 cents that ha. American arm. terview that your reporter had with mixes with the other recruits In tho uvo years' slavery, can mere uo any to cover nil needful expenses, Mr. B. T. Rogers of tho Vancouvc- r- depots at Calcutta nnd Bombay, tho doubt that a fow recruits, knowing tn There Is talk of putting a Marino Judged from outside demonstration Fljl Sugar Company, peoplo and language, would bo any- - footbnll team on tbo gridiron this fall, Honolulu's wlde-awn- citizens nro The writer ngrces with Mr. Rogers thing but successful, In obtaining aslU this is not likely. Such players Ah American Cook, bearing tho sorrows ot Secretary Taft that. In the Introduction of the Hindoo FOB SALE, much labor us could be required fofns there are among tho Marines will In charge of the culinary service. Room and board, $8. passing Hawaii with great fortitude coolie lies the salvation of tho sugar Hawaii? probably play with other teams. Meal tickets, $4.50. Transient and local patronage solicited. spirit. Tho pay In Islands Is about and uncomplaining Christian luuumry in imwnii. A brand new cotta ,fl Manoa theso . ino present scriuo spent many year Eaiy payments. Builder unexpectedly One ot the blessed things about tho iuuuug uie fuuuuuH, uu uugur puiuia- - leaving city, places. Tho labor houses aro palaces QUIET ON WATERFRONT new Normal School la that the style lions, speaks tneir languago linuuu TRENT A CO., compared with tho earth-floo- r shun-- l from an architectural point of vlow. of architecture displayed on the build 938 FORT 8T. tics, In which coolies aro domiciled in The waterfront Is quiet today. The NORMAL SCHOOL . ,PrlnclpalsEdgar Wood of tho Normal I J0r ; ing Is no Indication of the character ot tbo FIJI Islands. i8ianil steamers received freight up to r School(deslres to met the .teachers of WE NOW tho work done within. ARE SHOWING! OUR The coolie, being a freo man, would nnnn 0j.iv ti,n mnloves cettlne a half bis staff at thevold quarters On1 School bo tho greatest of all, and street tomorrow QFALL ARRIVAL OF Inducement holiday. Most of the vessels in port OPEN ON MONDAY morning. It Is reported ln the cable dispatches tho fact that thoy would bo protected are not working at all. Several ot the mm that the peace brought about by Roosc from assault and abuse, would seem ships are dressed out In flags, and La' The BU8INE83 MAN'S HANDY TZlBkasBWsVr COMPANY. publlci.schools Ter- velt will cause a change of'goyernment GOODS too good to bo true! Day Is generally observed. The While tho. of the published In the Saturday Bulle- .WOOLEN DRESS bor ritory will" open morning leaders in japan, thus it is ucmon Tbo whole business hinges on tha Police, Station Is closed, with the ex tomorrow tho tin and the Weekly Edition, give. Intro- Normal School Is the only ono which strated that the pacific national friend MUMMA49A one question, "Can tbo labor bo ception of the receiving office. The concise and complete rc.uma of all lt changes duced with the sanction, ot the Brit- will have its opening later, namely on gal of today can undergo lightning COMPRISING ALL THE NOVEL-TIE- 8 Naval Station closes all day ln accord notices, calls for tenders, Judg- f ish next Monday. This Is due to the fact es-7- when pressure is exerted by a mllltant-- Government?" ance with. law. ment., building permits ant. real 5 people. OF THE 8EA8ON, AND If that can be answered In, the af thnt the new Normal School building cent, per month. Weekly Bulletin, firmative, tho writer vvould'only be tbo has not, as yet been made qtilto ready tate transactions. Evening Bulletin, INCLUDING THE Largest stock of School Text Books (or tenancy. There Is no suggestion of a lack ot HOW pleased to give all tho information la In Honolulu, and sold at cost price. $1 per year. good sportsmanship In the protest his power, as to cost of Introduclnf Wall. Nichols Company. The new building, which Is situated . by Maui's polo captain. Tho Indian coolies; the methods of recruit on the corner of Hackfcld'and Lunallio The lawyer is 'about the only man. made preferable' by Buch close mar- Ing, and tho best way to transport tht arrcets, Is far to the old who looks tor al- point was decided a TOE NEW FIRM NAME OF. trouble nnd doesn't gin that It Is properly open to argu NOVELTY WAISTIN6S labor to these. islands. tunrtora ,on School and Fort streets, ways find It, f ' INVEST going Into which were In' a bad Btato of decay. " rnent, and tbo man who falls to mak It is not of much use the n t i , flght own team Is a weak details of the Hindoo matter, until tis It Is roomy find, commodious even If it Man rarely ever stops to a for his called.'etrlctly' count his sporting asset. In Figure .Stripes, Cheeks, Plaids settled whether or not tne coouo can AXTELl & SHAW could not be beautiful money when he la spending It on hjm be brought to Hawaii. self. ' " and Dot ,Flgured Albatross , Dot- Berlin with Its cholera epidemic fur- MY MONEY? Hoping this will be of sufficient In nishes more cause for apprehension ted Bedford Cords, Scotch Flan- terest to print, THE Yours very truly, LIMIT nels, French Flannels, Poplins, Pa- J. V. STEVENSON. Is a synonym for falrdeallng, Up to date THI8 VITAL QUESTION nama, Figured Challies, Embroid- Hawaii. YOU MU8T AN8WER YOUR- All business entrusted to them ered Black Challle, Shepherd """ of combined with good SELF. WE CAN, HOWEVER, Weekly of Evening " comfort FORSALE The Edition the will be faithfully executed. Is In LIVERY RIGS Nuns-vellln- look. found our HELP YOU TO A DECISION Plaids, Cashmeres, Bulletin gives a complete summary of BY POINTING OUT TO YOU They sell $15 OUTING 8UIT8, Alpacas, the news of the day. are THE'DIFFERENT WAYS OF MONUMENT8, SAFES, which unrivalled at tht INVESTING MONEY AND price for finish, fit and wear- SINOLE OR DOUBLE IRON FENCES and' ing qualtles. These' suits, A Nice Cozy Cottage, THE COMPARATIVE NOVELTY SKIRTIKGS FROM EACH METH- Correct Clothes LAWN FURNITURE. which are 'are es- pecially designed for' thos .. TALLYHO OD, FOR Completely Furnished GLADLY DO .Personal supervision of hot summer day. when And Gentle Saddle Horses; WE WILL In Black and Colors. tht THIS, MAKING NO CHARGE work our guarantee of satis careful dresser want, to get During these hot days and even- DIS- In one of the most desirable parts of FOR CONSULTATION. THESE GOODS ARE NOW Gentlemen! through the day with as light ing, hire a rig, keep cool and en- . faction. bus-len- s, Honolulu, near car line. This Is the PLAYED IN OUR WINDOW8. a suit a. the demand, of joy yourself. home of a and will be and good taste will per- L. B. KERR & CO., Ltd, mit. old at a bargain and upon easy terms, ALAKtA STREET. Henry Waterhouse THE AXTELL and SHAW Territory Stables, FISHER, ABLES CO.. Ltd EHLERS LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR8 Geo." A. Martin Garment, cut and made throughout J. G, QUINN, Manager. Corner Fort and Queen St, Trust Co., Limited. GOOD GOODS on the premises by expert white labor. 1048-5- 0 ALAKEA 8T. P. O. BOX 642. MERCHANT ST. next POSTf FFICE.

- ..--'' . jv amMWi w'gw ," nywyfyr v ' "' "" ' hHWHHP& - ,. - "V- - -

EVENING BULLETIN. HONOLULU, T. II., MONDAY, SEPTEMDEtl 4, 190S. ' LOCAL AND GENERAL m ,l Purity Is rare In beers because the wm preservation of many of them Is gained 1 Read "Wants" on page 6. through chemical adulteration. Not chool Shoes wi i n ruun "31" Gift Week at Wall, Nichols Com so with pony. I Now that our tale It doting we are openlnn Head tho offer on I our new line of School Shoes. Bulletin's latest page 6. Next week will show Sfu 10 0I4JKHHB Tlio Territory Stables havo auto ' PRIIVIO LAGER A m for hire. Great Reduction J.3L Whllo. Captain Welsuarth and lilt Si's dead I Armstrongs inro t lour, ai l.ftC famous Bcliooner arc an their crulso SI was a dog, and a good dog. For sale by all groceries. Our "ANVIL" line of little Gent's La lit and to l.aysan Island, the Federal author- - knew lots more than some people but, Delicious pie;, like your AND dies' spring-hee- l a mother retail kl.50. and looking up enough made. Now England IlnJtcry pilr. 82 Itles have been a matter In das, ho didn't know to steer 82.50 which the vessel Is connected. It np-- clear of fatal stomach disorders through The best and cheapest stovo wood OUR pcars that four sailors of the German Indiscriminate gorging. In this parti In tho city. Porlflc Transfer Co. WURZBURGER ship Mario which In The Y, M. C. A. bible clasi will meet "EASY-WAI,KF,- Hackfetd, was culnr he was peculiarly human. MISSES R port at tho time when Wclsbarth's SI won tho mascot of the fire laddies this evening at 7:30 In Y. M. C. A. schooner left for Laysan, decided to tho headquarters of the Honolulu Hall. BEER - at with 1 rubber heels, In sizes from- 2 2 to 6, re seel: their fortunes under tho modern Fire Department, Ilerctanla street, Today is the anniver- tail at 82.00 viking's banner and deserted their sad- - and many's tho time he has yelped to sary of. the birth of C. M. White of the Which are STRICTLY PURE and bot- RILV erkraut for .this purpose. hhe tune of the Are whistle telling of Fdbllc Works. tled without the Introduction of for- 1 Ais H The story goes that Welsbarth,! the district of the blaze or falso alarm. E. E. Paxton arrived on the steamci eign matter. The rubber heel on these make them great Othelto-llk- 'appeared on hoard tho'lio was a pet and the friend of ever W. O Hall yesterday from a business Marie Hackfcld and spun thrilling soul on the .force, the big, strapping, trip to Kauai. ' CLASS ROOM SHOES yarns of his voyages under the horses Included, Capt. H. P. Lake arrived on Ihn ern skies. Tho four sailors HstcneJ gomo folks don't know what It Is to steamer Noeau from Honokaa Satur to his siren song and decided to Jump have n dog for a friend. ltVn goo day afternoon. their ship and go with Welsbarth. Tho thine tn lenow. Thern lire hlnn Imvi Major R. C. Van Vllct paid his offi- COME AND SEE viking lent them a boat belonging to'.t hcadauartcrs today. Their facn cial call on board the German cruiser z his schooner and stood out to sea. The'match ther uniforms, for Si Is gone, Condor this morning. r--k Vk.fc?; four Germans went on their boat asj..sr wag ,nort for "Silas." A riding whip, with a buckhorn han- far as Diamond Head, where Wels- -j si spent two years on this earth. HI dle, was lost on the road to Moanalua barth picked, them tip. Tho wholo frIcndg believe he was accidentally Saturday. A liberal reward to the find now If it Isn't performing its duty outfit Is on tho Laysan .voyage. po80ned. 1Io complained the nlsh er If returned to this office - as it should, give it to skillful When ho desertion of the four sail- ,Mt nt 0.cIock ,, There will bo a full chorus nnd prin- uefore nnd mor. hands aud have the fault reme- ors was discovered the German Consul , ,,e look a u ,, m 0, ,,,, cipal rehearsal 'this evening for th Mclnerny Shoe Store made a request to tho United Stnlcs , klng(lom.come. "Screnads" at tho Hawaiian Opera died. Marshal that they be apprehended. th ncpanmclU.g Pxpert vet j. House. We repair watches with a skill - The Marshal looked up tho case and , appointed funeral director The Honolulu Clothes Cleaning Co. m- only obtained by years of pracj ,uuuu ni.fc iii mvii viu u. bu. n,-f- c., .. t ..t .1... t....l- - ninko a specialty of cleaning nnd press- 'm tical experience. "HAIR on-- a Woman's HEAD Is a CROWN of GLORY" tno Mario IIU UIMVI tlJV ', nulla ..1 KUV 1.411.(11- meantime tho Hackfcld has cal wagon assisted at the Inst sad rite?. ing ladles' woolen skirts. Tctepkona &2S5t But on her FACE, NECK or ARMS Ahl A terrible and ugly story. departed and consequently tho Mar- Interment occurred this morning lu the Main 147. MAJI TREAT8 WITH THIS "OTHER 8T0RY." shal's In tho mattei w R. Jurisdiction plot behind the central station. When you have carpentry work to M. COUNTER ceases. On tho other hand, tho de- !o call w FORT Si was a fox terrier and brlslit Hi W. Hlrnl, builder and contract 1142 STREET, serters are still llahlo to get Into hot or, 'phono Main 101. Ilerctanla Love Block. ...1. .!...... I... 1. VHJUIU 1U1I11IU6 III 111U3. 11 UlClUft I n Smith and Maunakca Btrccts. Superfluous Hair Is Curable !!! (i ...ii,n;i.i.. Jin ,M.oi.i..'lE-heave- ,81 won't he barred. It does ll Judge De Dolt post- n fo,1w J"8' bcc,,8 ll0 has.had a notice MADAM: pounco upon them for being unlawfully V'at .wn 1 ed to the elTcct that lie will call tho In country, as they havo notipasS' IIIU uua lie luuob bu III uiu uiiii Are you afflicted with this the civil cases of tho calen- dlseat? Immigration as place. Are you still using a RAZOR?" - cd tho examination, dar and spt them fur a day on j- required. The central station fire fighters will certain , Are you still using a TWEEZER? W always remember SI. Thursday, Sept. 7, at 9 n. m. Grand Games, Dancing. ., Then you certainly have not used . Parents" nnd guardians who wish to A enthusiast turns to Dr. baseball the enroll their children for the four year LABOR DAY CELEBRATION ! Alexander Grossman, the eml.ient Hair Specialist, has after 15 sporting page with less eagerness years of Research ABSOLUTE Remedy than SUGAR. 4, In the primary department of the High . - and Experimenting discovered an the man who wants to buy a house this Disease. School nro asked to take their children AT for unsightly turns to the real estate ads. and LONDON BEETS 8s 8 to tho Kaakopua primary Bchool for there could hardly be a stronger com- enrollment. PEARL HARBOR, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th , 1901 parison than this. Mrs, Under auspices of HONOLULU AND LABOR: Guaranteed to de Guaranteed to be I.ulla Knlaukoa announces that the the TRADE8 ' Is prepared to fill your COUNCIL. .stroy the coars- absolutely Non- - Geo. Thielen, she order for Kenr) Walerhouse Trust Co., Ltd.,i P. bou- Trains leave Honolulu, 2:15, 3:20, 5:15, 7:30. arrive-Honolulu- est growth or Injurious to the STOCK AND BOND BROKER. cut flowers. Fresh, beautiful Trains quets, fern wreaths of all kinds nnd 4:30, 5:30, 7:30, 11:30. your money most delicate Stock and Bond Brokers, Member Hon. Stock and Bond Ex- refunded. change. evergreens at a very reasonablo price. kin. Telephone White 1052. Offices: Cor. Fort LOANS NEGOTIATED. Tickets, 75c. Children. 35c. and Mrehant 8ts you Telephone Exchange No. 4. 920 FORT' ST. TEL. MAIN 12. There Is no limit to the fun can have with a kodak. A camera Is - on nn outing for things are THE 6ERMANIA LIFE WOP'- A -- sure to happen which photographed mm: OLD INSURANCE And We Can Prove It Stocks and Bonds Wanted will furnish n souvenir of a plcasanl G0.V The above Is not the result of magic, but of this Wenderful Discovery time which will be treasured for yean Of NEW YORK ; named MAJI. I alt of Honolulu Photo Supply Co. have demands for kinds Securities. HAYDEN Excells in point of r . This photograph Is but one of the THOUSANDS of cases that MAJI has List your Stocks end Bonds with me and I It Is reported that Cotton Bros., con- cured. tractors, have been awarded tho con- Strength,. ' MAJI Is endorsed and reeommendsd by the most reputable Physicians will secure you the highest prices. tract for the proposed Quarantine Is- .Financial as the ONLY Remedy for PERMANENT removal and destruction of land Improvements. No ofllclal con- WHISKEY the result of d effort HAIR. Geo. P. Thielen Broker. firmation of this had been received tjils and prudent, conservative anet morning, but A. S. Cantln, local rep- A FINE, MELLOW. economical administration of Mss MA I Acts Quickly and Permanently. resentative of tho contractors, received affairs. J LtHllE PERSONiL NEWS HANAIEI NEWS NOTES nn unofficial cablegram last Saturday ,.,The action of this, Wonderful Compound commences Immediately on Its HAWAIIAN AGENCY, application 'to the parts' afflicted; It does"hot burn" tfi'e Hair thus making' It night Intimating that his firm was the Kentucky return more cosrso and bristly than ever; MAJI goes to the root of the Evil; (Speclat to The DitlMM (Special to Tht Bulletin) lucky bidder. 43 YOUNG BLD3. It destroys the CAUSE of the growth; It destroys the factors favorable to Llhue, Kauai, Sept. 2. Chas. Hall Hanalel. Kauai, Aug. 31. Tho steam- growth; MAJI cures by destroying PRODUCTIVE waa returning passenger er Kcauhou arrived here on Tuesdaj X 'Its the conditions that of Walmea a KOLOA NEWS NOTES Bourbon cause this Disease. " In tho Hall Wednesday morning. with tho following passengers: tht PER BOTTLE. Devcrlll anil $1.00 If you wart to be. Cured, If you want to dispense with the Razor, If you Miss Wclbko of Honolulu Is visiting Misses Florence and Lena BOTTLED EXPRESSLY FOR THE want to discard' the heavy veil you are compelled to wear to conceal this, her parents, who resldo near Llhuo. Mr. Percy Doverlll, who comes to Ha- (Special to Tht Bulletin) RAINY Ron-rig- , FAMILY TRADE BY humiliating, umlghtly blemish, send for a bottle of MAJI now, once, and Lorrln A. Andrews Is ov- home, .to spend a few 'weeks Koloa, Kauai, Sept. 2. Mr. II. at nalel, his " It will be mailed to you (postage preoald) In plain wrapper. er from Hlto, making a business tour vacation. The Mlssesj DeveriU hnv late of Hllo, Is now chief account- , Address: of the Island and incidentally visiting been In Honolulu for! tho last foul ant for tho Koloa Sugar Company, DAYS Dr. Grossman, "Personal." old friends. weeks where they spent their Bummei Judgo Lindsay lias been visiting' his CARE OF Lewis & Company, A, Duchholtz, manager of Koloa, vocation, they both look' well and scon sister, Mrs. E. Flohr, nt Koloa. U are effectually provided for bgr store, Hono schoo- returns to Honolulu today. plantation returned from ready for their work In the l- . LIMITED, the use of one of our HtU Co. lulu Wednesday, A. S. Wilcox and family catno to Ha- J4 a. iiiuruwB ui iiiiu nun u bucpt home savings bank. Once The Turkish Remedy Q R C E R 8. r;L"E Judgo II. K. Kuhcle Is very 111 at nalel on Monday, Mr. Wilcox comes of P. Mcl.ano yesterday, LEADING 0 you one of little have these party 240, 169 King Remember MAJI. Is Guaranteed to Cure or Money Refunded. his home In Nawillwill. Jas. II. Kaiwl to llnnalcl this tlmo on business. John Cockett gave a birthday letephone Street. safes In your home It become, FREE Valuable booklet "The. Key to the Problem" sent on request of Nlumalu filling K Mr. Austin of tho Pacific Hardware nt lils homo Thursday night In honor a habit to drop a coin In hclo's judicial scat. Co, was n visitor In Hanalel on of his son. Dancing was GO TO every day. The Illness of Arthur Tllco Is the Wednesday where be remained until enjoyed during tho evening and a We allow 4 Interest o THERE IS 0 SUBSTITUTE FOR A WOVEN WIRE BED. ruuslng good was had. principal reason which prevented Thursday when he took the steamer time all deposits, computed twlcar-annuall- Miss Mrs. Kern's Factory from entering tho lntcr-lslan- polo Kcauhou to town. Mrs. Sorunson, Miss Anna and tournament this year. Tho hlramcr Kcauhou left here ou Helen Sorcnson and Miss Cameron nra The Woven Wire Bed has become so deservedly popular that 999 out of K. Omsted Is now manager nnd O. Thursday with the following passen- visiting Mrs. P. McLnno. for all Island specialties. Manoo Chut AMERIGArfsAVINOS gavo FIRST every 1,000 beds sold are of that make. Why? Because, when properly Omsted editor of the Garden Island. gers 'for Honolulu: Mrs. J, M. Kadway, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. II. II. Cooper ney, Papaia Marmalade, cuava Jelly, & by no A level, flexible top, poha Etc., Etc. constructed, It has excellences possessed other. Tho I.lhuo Kegal Club have erected h. Llndley, M. Krcdcnberg, Tullctt, the a card party last week. Jam, TRUST GO, Op HAWAII, LTGL gaps, will resume Its shap after' use. Its supports, however, Carl Hot Miss I.a- - 'no always a now building which, with tho new. Misses K. Ilndway, 11. Llmllcy, U. Tin- Mrs. Du and Jane y "For Bent" cards on ufa at Bulletin. must be rigid. Wire or hoop Iron wl!l not support a spring bed. bowling alloy, lias cost about $3,00p, ker, "and the Musters Llnley and a big throp AVInno return to Honolulu ' you Vermin-proo- f Beds, you spent When buy one of Bailey's Rtst and Wire Tho bowling alloy Is tho best In tun list of deck passengers. after a pleasant visit with get very close to perfection. In Furniture K, Mrs. Du UolV an article For sale the Stores Islands, being made of oak, hickory The amount of rain In Hanalel for Mrs. Flohr. This Is "'.';VV'. at on Atapal Main 1661. and the factory St. Tel. and hard maple. " tho month of August was 1C.40 Inchui, first visit toaKaual. to Mrs. JJ" Tho building was built upon planta tho largest amount of rain In Uil dis A daughter was born tion property and Is across tho roud so year. In other Flohr last week. MADE-TO-ORDO- R trlct far for thbi gave A SUIT. from tho plantation office. Members Is having now Mr. and Mrs. E. Flohr a card ' ' words Hanalel her rain Saturday evening .. of tho club, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Instead of tho first part the year party and dance last of Win-n- RUGS! RUGSL In of Miss Jane WInthrop FOR LESS MONEY Hans Isenberg, erected the building. when heavy rains were expected. honor C. M. Cooke has presented the club Wllsou, contract A. A. who has the delightful luncheon and card with a handsome silver cup to bo play- the Lumahal bridge, Is now about A most READY-TO-WEA- R for narty was given by Mrs. P. McLanf THAN A ed for In a tournament which begins finished, Wilson Is now engaged and yesterday In honor to her vUltor. New Year's. to put up cul-ce- by Mr. Wilcox. a concrete present were Mr. and Mrs. P. Tho officers of the club are: F. of bis big fish pond In Hanalel. Those Sofa Rugs. J. KODRIGUES McLanc, Mrs. Sorcnson, Mrs. Ilalpi Matan, President and C. Maser Sei'. W. E. Rowell Is again In dis THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR, 18 MAKING FROM ENGLISH TWEEDS this Wilcox. Mrs. Carl Du Itol, Mr. anl ' . 7w u rctary. H. Carls, W. H. Wee Jr., ani trict. He Is running the polo line for Center Rugs, Mrs. E. Flohr. tho Misses Anna and U. F. Winter constitute tho commit- the Kauai Electric Co. from Walnlha A Suit For $15.00 tee; Mrs. Dora Isenberg being an hon Helen Sorenson, the MIbscs Elsto and Business to Eleele. Mis Door Rugs. orary life member, while Frank Craw-ton- ', ' Mabel Wilcox, Miss Cameron, Silk Lined Tuxedos For $25.00 Arthur nice, Charles A. Rice", W. Jane Wlnno, Miss Edmonds, Miss Bed-roo- m Messrs. II . Rohrlg, A. Duohr Rugs. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Corner ALAKEA and MERCHANT 8T8. H. Illco Jr. and C. W. Splt'i are life APPROPRIATIONS WAIT members. holtz and C. H. Wilcox. of Kekaha, 1b now, e J. J. lllorth, lato some a bookkeeper at Llhuo store. "There has been talk," said RUBBER-STAMP- Bulletin reporter to Governor JUST RECEIVEn Miss Anna Thronas Is bidding her Carter RAILROAD'SBIRTBDAY S Vaudeville this morning, "that soma Items of the friends good-by- e preparatory to leav- loan appropriation will be cut out, ing for Honolulu, whero she Is 'to Today Is the sixteenth anniversary , At The or, at least, will not be expended. Are of tho running of the first train on the teach school. gomo NEWEST DESIGNS Manager F. W, Weber of Llhue you able to give us Information Oahu Railroad & Land Co.'s lino. It plantation, returned from Honolulu on Iq also tho sixty-fir- anniversary ot We haVe supplied AIR ZOO yesterday morning. "Tho Secretary has all the news, tno birth of n. F. Dillingham, the fath- SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. CUSHION RUBBER 8TAMPS answered tho Governor. "Ask' him system. Every Wednesday' Satur- Mrs. Chas. Christian1 Jr. will taka er of tho for a very long time and have and Miss Tlcor's place tn tho public nbout'It.'1 ' t I say t; never had a complaint If schools at Llhuo this year, can nothing about It,' you need a stamp you can't day Evening. Mrs. Chas. Christian gave aparty awcred Secretory AtklnBon when asked TODAY Also, place your or- uavu SHERIDANJUE do better than V ot w hnmn In lYnnnmniilu Wedfiea. ui "" uar. Ye uui inncu ' der with us. Air Cushion Rub- , day evening In 'honor ot herlnfantthe matter up yet."t The Army transport Sheridan Is ex- CARRIAGE and DOOR MATS ber Stamps print well and 80NG8, son, who was eurlstoned Hans Kd And that was as much as could bo pected to appear at any time today affair, clearly and are wonder for 8TUNT8, ward Waldemar by Father 'Adalbert. ascertained about this from Manila. Tho transport will make In Many Sizes. wear. There Is no better NOVELTIE8. Tho houso was prettily decorated a very brief stay here, having no coal stamp made. , Variety of Vaudeville Acts. Changes for tho occasion by Miss KaCo Chris- Captain Degas of the German cruis to discharge It sh'e, arrives tonight forenoon, In bill each week. tian. A pig and pol luncheon wan er Condon this paid an offl' she will probably leave tomorrow served during, tho .pvenln. clal call on tho Clovernor.v NEWS CO., Ltd. morning or afternoon. HAWAIIAN Performance begin at 8:45 o'clock. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. .W. & Co., Ltd. Mrs. Chas 404$4'$''$6$$Anna Thronas, Mrs. H, D. Sloggett, Jordan YOUNG BUILDING 8TORE. Admission to grounds and theatre, Chas. Christian, Mr. and Keeps good hours The correct tlro M Dor- - tho Misses Gr.ote (3), Mrs, H, Cum 25M Reserved seats extra. Christian Jr., Mr. and Mrs. V. J, piece. 3t 10i- Wins, Miss Cummins Mr. of sorts, ledgers, Telephone Main 381,- Territorial rto'l Mr. and Mrs, F. Demerit Mr, and Esther and Street Blank books all goodly U 37 Fort r g Mrs, HJorth, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.' II, Andiews and a gathering A high hat has a grotcsquo look If J etc., by the Dulletln Messenger Service, for reserved seats. J. h. manufactured of onougb to nn it. Company. They will be left at the Zoo for yod Christian, Miss Katlo Christian, Miss children. there is not lieau

. Si .Vugaiffl Kji-nntVUltefc- - . vAu .iMMWrmrnitliilteifmaiw tiff i aft iiMiittAiMiiii4wfy&tmrtigK: SFtos.xili&tmi 4eW2k-L- - i.aoifcfcuat tJStLux immt '''f Vf Tpfwr'rrw

, - " T , - ' ' ' '" , , 'l EVENING nULLKTIN. HONOLULU. T. II., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903.

papers which w6uld tell yon that ho had been there. You were not nwnre imwMVImWiMWMimtotVlim CT of any hurrying t,eet on the stair as "Return you entered the outer door?" WANTS "No, I say I enn't was." N3W TO-DA- Y, for Now Ada. of See Pno 8. "Well, he wrote so furiously that ho The Ability a broke lilt pencil, nnd hnd, as you to make iTUATfoNS WANTED TOR SALE. SHERLOCK to sharpen It again. This Is of Interest Wntson. Tho pencil wns not Groom wants position In prlvato family A big stock of cigars, has been bought an ordinary one. It was above the Beginning is the or watchman. T. Savage, Alakea from the American and Theobald usual size, with n soft lead, tho House 31G0-1- and Oppenhclmer Cigar Co.'s. To HOLMES outer color was dark blue, tho maker's make room for this new Block, I will name wns printed In silver lettering, CO cigars, now for the next days sell nnd tho piece remaining Is only In stock, by box for less than Author of "The Advcnturct of Shtrlock Holmta," about WANTED. the ILLUSTRATED nn Inch a long. cost. Over 100,000 cigars are ou "The Hound of the niiktrvlllu." Th fisn and half Look for such I A young man or woman as clerk. Must sale. All tho leading brands of of th four," "A Study In Sctrlct," Etc. SY F. D. STEELE a pencil, Mr, Soames, and you havo got REAL your I pos- TEST! be willing to bo generally useful. cigars will bo sold from $1.50 man. When add that he r sesses a 3165-l- to $3.50 per 100; clear Ha- large and very blunt knife you Address W., this office. to give yon advlco as I ': vana cigars from $3.50 to $6.00 per such can," said have an additional aid." Holmes, rising his 100. Myrtle Cigar Store, T. J. The Adventure of and putting on over Mr. Soames was somewhat over- A cocker spaniel pup. Address Dog, prop., Fort St coat "The Is not entirely ftorold whelmed by this flood of Information. this office. 2120-t- f cast I Anybody Can See a Finish 1 3 the Three Students of Interest. Had any ono visited yon In "I can follow tbo other oolnts." said Two housee and lot, 100x130, at your room after the papers came to I ho. "but nnllv. In thla matter of the near Knlulanl School, for- yonr length-"- SPECIAL NOTICES. merly rcsldenco of H. R. H. Ruth No. 0 of the Series i "Tin; young Dnulnt Ras, an Indian Holmes held out a small chip with FOR RENT. Kecllkolanl. Two lots, 60x130, ad- joining same. At a Bargain. P. E. (Continued from Saturday) student, who liven on the same stair, tho letters NN and a space of 'clear camo In to me wood after them. Heights. It. Straucb, Walty Dldg, No. 7 King "1 tnust explain to you, Mr. Holmes, ask some particulars HOUSE On raclflc examination." "You see?" THE BULLETIN'S LATEST AND BEST Walklkl. St. that tomorrow Is tho first day of the abouthe I HOUSE On lleach at I even examination for tho Fortescuo scholar- "For which he was entered?" "No, fonr that now" OFFICES In Walty Ditlldlng and Flno corner lot In Maktkl. Curbing, 1 have you nn PROPOSITION ship. I am one of tho examiners. My "Yes." "Watson, always done corner of Merchant and Nuuanu StB. water, fruit and ornamental trees Injustice. aro subject Is Greek, and tho first of tho "And the papers were on yonr There others. What STOKES On Fort Street, opposlto and all Improvements. Two min- could this NN be? Is nt tho end of a papers consists of a large pnssago of . It A NEW subscriber to the Evening fiullcHn Catholic Church. utes' walk from cars and Punahou "To the best of my belief they were word. You aro a ware that Jobann f WAIIEIIOUSES On Queen Street. College Addrees R. F., this office. Greek translation which tho candidate who will pay $4.00 in advance for 6 months' lias not seen. This passage Is printed rolled up.", Fnticr Is tho most common maker's a might recognized name. not clear there Is Sterling Hawaiian soinenlr spoons, on tho examination paper, nnd It "lint be as proofs?" Is It that Just subscription WILL BE GIVEN A SAVINGS FOR SALE. "Possibly." ns much of the pencil left ns usually lllg assortment of different designs would naturally bo nn Immense nd-t- o "No ouo elso In your room?" follows tho Johann?" Ho held the BANK, a deposit of $1.00 and a Deposit Book of Improved and Unimproved Proper- select from. Dlclz, Fort St, vnntago If tho candldnto could prepare It In advance. For this reason great "No." small tnblo sideways to tho electric The First American Savings & of ties. Did nny one theso light was hoping If tho paper Trust Co. Soui water latest drinks, care Is taken to keep the paper secret. J, know that proofs "I that Houses In alt parts of tho City. and all tho would bo there?" on which, lie wrote wns thin some trace Hawaii." All the subscriber has to do is Hawaiian Soda Works,- 1425 Emma I "Today oliont 0 o'clock tho proofs to go 11ISHOP & CO., "So ono save the printer." of It might como through upon thjs pol- 2871. 3113-t- f of tnls Paper arrived from the printers. i Merchant St. Tel. Bluo 1 into the First National Bank and sign the signa- Street. The exercise consists of half a chapter "Did this mnu Bannister know?" ished surface. No, I sec nothing. Thucydldes. 1 had to read It over "No; certainly not. No ono knew." don't think there Is anything more to ture book, the Bulletin will do the rest to' start a Flno men's suits made to order In all , "Wliero In Bannister now?" bo learned here. Now for tho antral styles. W. L. Lung, 1018 Nuuanu, Bank Account. TO LET. carefully, as the text must be abso- "Ho was wry 111, poor follow! I table. This small pellet Is, I presume, King. 3121-t- f near lutely correct 4 my left him collapsed In the was the black, doughy mass you spoke of. Two modern two-stor- houses, on Kl- - At 30 task was chalr,I I not yet completed. I had, however, In such n hurry to conic to you." Roughly pyramidal In shape and hol- A new subscriber is any person who has not nau street; mosquito proof; electric $12 per doz; 2 good cows. chickens, promised to tako tea In n friend's "Vou left your door open?" lowed out I perceive. As you say, light and servants' quarters. Rent ddrcss Mrs. C. Rhodes, Wnhlawa. taken the Evening Bulletin since May J, 1905. - rooms, so I left tho proof upon my "I locked up tho papers first" there appear to lie grains of sawdust In $35 and $30. Inquire 736 Lunnlllo, 3108 In- desk. I was absent more than an hour. I "Then It amounts to this. Mr. It. Dcnr mo, this Is very Interesting. phone TCI lllue. saving habit promotes thrift, con- Cheap Homo near Park, Walklkl. "Vou are aware, Mr. Holmes, that Bonnie, thnt, unlcsi the Imllnu student And tho cut a positive tear, I sec. It The inspires self-respe- Address R. S. K., Bulletin. our collego doors arc double a green recognized tho roll ns being proofs, tbo began with n thin scratch and ended fidence and establishes On Mnklkl St. near Wilder Ave., 1 balzo ono within nnd a heavy oak ouo man who tumpcrcd with them camo with n Jagged bolo. I am much In- cottage, C rooms, modern Improve- without? As I approached my outer upon them accidentally without know-doo-r debted to you for directing my atten- o The Bulletin habit guarantees thorough ments; 1 furnished cottage. FARErVELL LUAU I was nmazed to see a key. In It Ing that they were there." tion to this case, Mr. Soames. Where a 1527 Maklkl St. 3101-l- For an Instant I Imagined tlmt I had "Bo It seems to inc." does th,nt door lead to?" knowledge of local affairs, an education in the left my own there, but on feeling my Holmes gave an enigmatic smile. --i'o my bedroom." (Special to The Bulletin) In great happenings that make up the daily history who wnnt good rooms rlgh't-Tli- you bet--a Ad- Those furnished pocket I found that It was all "Well," said ho, "let us go round. "Havo In It since your of the world and all the best of will And tbcm at THE NEW ERA. Spreckelsvllle, Maul. Aug. 31. A only dupllcato which existed, so Not ono of your cases, Watson men- venture?" icatures modern on Fort street, on their own terms. farewell luau wns given nt tho home far as I knew, was that which belonged tal, not physical All right; como If "No, I camo straight away for you." ' c journalism. 3161-t- f lot Mrs. W. II. Daniels on Saturday to my servant, Bannister, a man who you want to. Now, Mr. Soames, at "I should llko to have a glance, ' . i evening In honor of her daughter has looked after my room for ten years your disposal." round. What n charming, old fashion- The Regular Price of $4.00 secures the Bulletin nl- - Nancy who departs Honolulu on ed room! Perhaps you will kindly tarnished Rooms Housekeeping for and whoso honesty Is absolutely nbovo for 6 months, and in addition Steel Savings lowed; cool and mosquito proof. Ala-- 1 Wednesday to enter school. The event suspicion. I found that the key wns wait a minute until I have examined a was n'sa ,0 commemorate the 20th Indeed his, that ha had entered my tho floor. No, I sec nothing. What Bank, a Dollar Deposit and a Bank pro-pcr- ly kca House, Alakea St bet Hotel and ' Account King. 22C5-t- t birthday of her younges' son Harry. room to know If I wnnted tea and that about this curtain? You hang your 1 begun. - ! Eatables of various Hawaiian dishes he had very carelessly left tbo key in clothes behind It If any one were Nicely furnished room In prlvato fain- - were spread on n table forty feet long the door when ho enmo out. His visit forced to conceal himself In this riutu lly; no other roomers; largo garden; nt which the Invited guests sat down to my room must huvo been within n be must do It there, since tbo bed Is JhisjaaiisM,'iM;IH',aM,aaP WiMil s too low and tlio too shallow. only $6. C8 Kuktit St. nr. Fort nt about 7 o'clock nnd It wns well be- - very row minut.-- of my leaving It Ills wardrobo No oue there, I suppose?" 31C0-l- I twecn 8:30 nnd 9 o'clock before they lorgcuuincs? nuoui mo Key wouiu imTo An tbo I was had Inner man mattered little upon nny other occa- Holmes drew curtain land on August 11, and after 12 days the contented. aware from somo rigidity nnd Newly painted cottago; sanl-- l cleared nnd sion, but on this ouo ilny It has pro- little at sea ran Into strong trades, Th The tables were then alertness of his nttltudo ho was IN Pill tary plumbing. River St Apply lancing was Indulged In until way nft- - duced the most doplornblo conse- that main boom sprung again and from that J.', quence. .prepared for an emergency. As a mat- w. I'oamcre, uctnei ana King. ; cr midnight The feature of tho even- - time on the mainsail had to be partly M - ter of fact, tho drawn curtain dlsclos- - I f "Tho moment I looked nt my I ftgBPPptt SMl-t- ling wns llie music furnished by tho1 table sBsBHJ3sxffivii reefed. The schooner continued to ' wns aware some, ouo rum- - - a.- - n n. 1.. A.nt..l 1... r that had buck head winds nil the way to Kauai. .!.. - T" SCHOONER ARRIVES Two good rooms at Mrs. Kearn's. 184 r Bhw cred t Is due hta' a8 ""' .",J' lm- VC From that time, last Tuesday morning, street; rent very ,.u,!ul T '" tl,rco lo"K K"1"'- - l lmd lc" until' port, al- Hotel reasonable Uie ' TM AFTER LONG PASSAGE making variable winds, to right party. 3168-l- n"a,B,n,f nB..rf them nil together. Now I found that ternating with calms, were experienced. I by them It shows thero ,U(,m wn oncof ,y,II(0I1 lll0 oor ouc The Woodbury was picked up off Dia- Apply'1" no neCS8y sending to Hono- - ou Cottages In Chrlstly Lane. ' was the sldo table near tbo window mond Head and towed Into port yes- Hotel,1"1" for musicians to como to Maul ,), tllIril l Wong Kwil, Smith St, mauka ( unJ was wlu.ro lllul lert ,t BUCKS HEAD WINDS AND SEA terday morning. She Is tied up I to play any of our big dances, at 3071-t- f for Holmes stirred for the first tlmo. FROM LAY8AN JAPANESE I Railway wharf No. 2, and Is discharg- . Among those present were the follow- - "Tho tlrst page on tho floor, tho sec- HELMSMAN DIE3 AT ing hor guano today. She will need sTtarnlshed bout ekceplng rooms at Cot-- Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh, Mr. ond In tho window, tho l,lrd wbcroyou 'b: WHEEL. nn overhauling of her rigging before tage drove, King Enquire No. 8. nnd Mrs. James Fantom, Mr. nnd Mrs. left It?" said he. St another, trip to Laysan. 2126-t- t A. J. Gossln, Mrs. C. Hansen and "Exactly, Mr. Holmes. You amaze After bucking a .head wind, a head daughter, Mrs. Belts and three daugh- me. How could you possibly know westerly twenty-t- Furnished rooms; flno air. 1329 Ala- - ters, Mrs. Onlway, Mrs. E. F. Dlnert, that?" sea and a current for pal between Lunalilo St. Mrs. W.'H. Cornwcll Jr., Misses Nancy, Tray continue your very Interesting hree days in a badly crippled ves- 3168-l- Mollle, Y:tta, Hannah and Rose Cum-mlng- s, stntement" sel, CapL Harris brought tho schooner A. Buchanan, Rose Daniels, El- "For nn iustnnt I Imagined that Ban- Chas. Levi Woodbury safely Into port Vewly furnished mosquito proof rooms. len Daniels, Helen Wrenn, Messrs. A. nister had taken tho unpardonablo lib- yesterday morning. Since the an. 84 2728-t- f IT At Vineyard St J. Case, George Mayflcld, II. Amundsen, erty of examining my papers. He de- nouncemejit a few days ago that tho E. C. Campbell, A. Voss. A. S. rrescott, nied It however, with tho utmostenr-neatnes- schooner was safe, at Laysan Island, no Furnished rooms at 1223 Emma street Orrrllht liy Tho weather was splendid at Hale-Iw- a, T. A. Lloyd, C. R. Show, W. E. Smith, and I am convinced that ho Collltr'i ViMt. serious fears were felt tor her on her Mrs. McCunnell. 2563 was speaking tbo H. Sullivan, II. Shoemaker, A. C. Betts, truth. The alterna- homeward trip. Dut, according to Capt. Walalua, on Sunday, and the hotPl tive was that some ono passing ob- OopnVM bjr Collltr'l WmU. -- room cottage, 325 Vineyard St near W. Lougher, J. B. Thomson, Edgar had Daulat Rat, Harris, tho schooner nearly met with had a very lively day. Dr. Howard served tho key In tho door, had known TtannlMtcr. Emma. 3101-t- f Morton, T, Nicholson and J. II. Nelson. ed nothing throo a mishap on the last passage that that I wns out and had entered to look, The sitting room of our client opened but or four suits of Humphrls and Mr. C. W. Case Deerlng clothes hanging from pegs. would have made her chances of get- at tho papers. A large sum of money by a long, low, latticed window on to a lino of made tbo trip down In Mr. Dcerlng'a Holmes away stooped sud- ting hero slim. patched Is stake, for tho scholarship Is tho ancient lichen tinted court of tho turned and rather The at a denly boom sprung again heavy auto, the party Intending to spend La- very valuable one, nnd an unscrupulous old college. A Gothic arched door led to tho floor. main In a "Hollo! What's this?" said be. wind. If it bad given way completely bor Day at Halelwa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY man might very well run a risk In or- to a worn stone staircase. On tho was a small pyramid of black, practi- der to gain on advantage over bui fel- ground Door wns tho, tutor's room. It the schooner would have been Over SO guests sat down to an ex- lows. Above wero three students, ono ou puttylike stuff, exactly like the one cally unable to heat against the trad cellent luncheon and dinner and speuk upon tho tablo of the study. Holmes "Bannister was very much upset by each story. was already twilight winds. In eulogistic terms of Manager Bid-goo- BALLASTING. MUSIC. It held It out on his open palm In the Incident Ho had nearly fainted when wo reached tho scene of our the Ajuong old skippers and sailors along catering. ' glare of the electric light i when wo fonnd that tho papers problem. Holmes halted and looked the waterfront it is regarded as extra' Mr, Joseph played somo selec- Ballasting Company. Mr. Jas. Sheridan has opened a repair- had "Your visitor seems to Aea 'Hawaiian undoubtedly been tampered earnestly nt the window; then he ap- have left ordinary that Harris should have at- on. black sand $2 to $3 load ing shop 1168 Bere- with. I traces In your bedroom tions the piano during the evening, Best from a at Miller St cor guvo him a brandy nnd proached and, standing on as well as In tempted to beat against the trade num- llttlo left him It tiptoe and everyone had a glorious time. j according to distance hauled. Coral tanla. Charges reasonable. A chair-wh- your sitting room, Mr. Soames." collapsed In a ile I made a with his neck craned, he looked Into' winds with bis vessel crippled as she Is, golf rocks for roads and side-- ber of second-han- pianos In good "What could he have The links are In excellent shape stable, most careful examination of tho room. the room. wanted there?" One old sea captain said this morning walks; firewood. Third door below condition, cheap. Orders may be "I think it IS clear enough. You came JuBt now, and many pleasant matches I soon saw that tho Intruder had left "He must have entered through tho that the schooner should have run i Maunakea St; P. O. box 820. left at Haw'n. News Co. hack by an unexpected way, and so were brought off. Mrs. Phillips and, other traces of his presence besides the door. There no opening except tho out ".Telephone Main 396. Js ho had no warning until you were nt northward of the trades and then Mr. Oswald Mayall are matched against rumpled papers. On tho table In tho ono pane," said our learned guide. easting, asserting Piano taught In 6 tho very door. What could ho do? Ho made her that tbll Messrs. Bottomley and Phillips on La months by experi- window wero several shreds from a "Dear me I" said Holmes, and ho caught up everything which would be- course would have been far less hazard- hor Day, In a two ball foursome, a good DYEING AND CLEANING. enced teacher; $3 month (8 lessons); pencil which had been sharpened. A smiled In a wuy us ho glanc- singular tray him, ho rushed Into your bed- ous, and about as short In the end. gamo Is special attention to adult beginners. broken tip of lead was lying also. ed and .certain. , there nt our companion. "Well, If thtvo room to conceal The schooner Woodbury left this Uemura dyes (any color) and cleans Address Music, this office. 3157-t- f Evidently tho rascal had copied tbo Is wo himself." nothing, to bo learned hero had "Good gruclous, Mr. Holmes, do you port on July 1 and made a quick trip clothes; repairs bicycles and fur- paper In n great hurry, had broken Ills best go GIVES $50,000,000. Inside." .mean to tell mo that all tho tlmo I wus to Laysan Island,' Arriving there In n nishes empl.jees. 620 King St PAINTING. pencil nnd had lieen compelled to put Tho lecturer unlocked the outer door talking to Bannister in this room we little over four days, At tho Island 9. World-Ne- a fresh point to nnd ushered us room. Cleveland, August Tho See John M. Martin for paiptlng and It" into his We had tho man prisoner If wo had only 150 short tons of guano were loaded, 'Ring 'up Main "147, when yci have "Excellent 1" snld nolmes, who was stood nt the entrance whllo Ilolnieu today says: At conferences now Interior decorating, 1010 Alakea known It?" on 13 tho clothes to clean or press. Makea ' St recovering his goivl humor as his at- made nn and July Woodbury sailed tnklng place at Forest Hill between Tel. 3131 White. 3097 examination of tho carpet "So I read It." Kaplolanl Bldg. 3060-t- f became moro engrossed for Honolulu. Tho second day out In John D. Rockefeller nnd President St, tention by tho "I am afraid there are no signs "Surely case. "Fqrtuno has been your friend." there is another alternative, a gale Bho lost her staysail and fore- William It. Harper of Chicago Univer- LOCK8MITH. (here," said he. "Ono could hardly Mr. Holmes. I dou't Hayashl Clothes "Tills wns not all. I havo a now hopa upon know whether sail. The pumps became clogged and sity, plans are being formulated tor r. cleaned, repaired for any so dry a day. Your you observed my bedroom whitlow?" E37 See Hastings for repairs of Locks, writing tablo with n flno to free tho decks from the water of the edu- and dyed. Beretanla St surface of servant seems to havo quite recovered. "Lattlco paued, lead framework, the further endowment of that I Keys, Music Boxes, Sharpening of red leather. I am prepared to swear, You left him In a chair, you say. bulwarks were knocked away. At this cational 'by Mr. Rockefel- m x three separate windows, ono swinging .institution Fine Cutlery. Union Grill. nnd so Is Bannister, It wns tlmo the schooner was running undot EMPLOYMEN TOFFICE. Rear tlmt smooth Which chair?" on bingo largo enough to ler. and unstained. Now I found a clean and admit a bare poles. i "By the window thero." man." After threo days the storm President and Mrs. Harper arrived In house-hel- Ma- LAWYER. cut In It about three Inches long not a subsided. 'For phone White 2891, "1 see. Near this little table. You "Exactly. And looks on On Wednesday night, when Cleveland today. Tho visit of the I. mere scratch, but a positive cut. Not It out an klkl. General Employment Office, can come In now. I have finished unglo of tho courtyard so ns to be the storm seemed ,tp have blown Itself Harpers to tho home of Mr. Rocke- V. T. Rawlins, Counts!-lor-at-La- only this, but on tbo table I a llt- cor. Pensacola and Beretanla. Attorney and found with the carpet Let us take the partly Invisible. The man might havo nut, Captain Harris went below to feller Is said to. be one of a social 3160-t- f 502 Stangenwald Build- small ball of black dough or clay, with sleep. tlo tablo first Of courso what has effected his entrance there, left traces About 9:30 o'clock he was awak- nature, but It Is known that plans in- W ing. 3118-t- f specks of something which looks like happcued en- Is very clear. Tho man as. ho passed through tho bedroom, and ened by a crashing overhead and ran volving the outlay of $50,000,000 are sawdust In It I am convlnout that tered papers; CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8. and took the sheet by finally, finding tbo door open, es- on deck. He found that the schoonet under consideration by DRAYING. theso marks wero left by the man who have Mr. Rockefeller, sheet from tho central table. Ho car- caped thqt way," bad been 'struck aback by a sudden who desires to make the university the rifled the papers. There wero no foot- - ried Uiom to tho window Wing Chong, cor. King and Bethel, over tablo, Holmes shook his bead Impatiently. squall ami 'tho malnboom broken off greatest seat of learning In Wing Hlng Draylng Express and Ba- becauso seo you the world. Contractor and Builder, and Dealer from thero he could If "Let us bo practical," said he. "I Just over the house. Capt Schlemmer, It Is believed final' steps llast Co., Klawl and Ohla wood for marks and no other evidence as to bis camo across tho courtyard 'and so in the matter in furniture; manufacture all kinds understand you to say that thero are who was 'aboard, fixed up a fairly good will have been '.taken before 3139-- sale delivered to any part of the Identity. I was at my wits' ends when could effect , President of Koa an escape." tlirco students who uso this stair and boom, and the schooner was headed foe Harper city. Office at Kee Chang Co., suddenly the happy thought occurred to "As a matter could leaves, and his return to Chi- of fact he not" xo In the habit of passing your door?" Laysan. Tnen Captain found cago Smith and Hotel Sts. Tel. White me that you were In the town, and I said Boames, by Harris will be followed by the an REPAIRING. "for I entered 'tho "Yes, there are." that be was far to the westward. 1696. 3151-t- f came straight round to put the matter side door." ' souncement that the work of enlarg- "And tbey are all U (or tola examina- Therefore he ran down to Ltslanskl Is ing (Umbrellas repaired and brass polish- Into your bands. Do help me, Mr. "Ah, that's good! Well, anyhow, that ' the university will be begun at tion?" land, and from thero made for Laysan, once. ing. Takata, 1284 Fort PHYSICIANS. Holmes. Ton see my dilemma. Either I was in his mind. Let mo see tho three St t'Yes." which was reached on August 9. 8085-t- f must find the man or else the examina- strips. No finger Impressions no I i, "Have you any reason to suspect any On way A. N. Residence Tele-pho- tion most be postponed until fresh pa-- Well, he carried over this one and the to Laysan one of thf The BU8INE88 MAN'S HANDY Dr. Sinclair first one of them moro than the M. pers are prepared, and since cannot ho copied long would others?" Japanese sailors died at the. wheel, and published Bulle- VETERINARY SURGEON. W. 2861; office Telephone this It How It take Soames hesitated. In the Saturday 885. Has changed his office hours uo uodu wiiuoui explanation mere will him to do that using every possible when found some time later, with hit tin and the Weekly Edition, gives a A: R. Rowat, D.V.8., 777 King "It Is a very delicate question," said clutching spokes. street to tho following); 8:30 to 10 a. m.; ensue a hideous scandal which will contraction? A quarter of an hour, not hands still the He concise and complete resume of all le- TeL Bine' 3101. he. "Ono hardly likes to throw sus- wns throw a cloud not only on tho college, less. Then be tossed down and seiz- burled the next day. Judo-ment- 4 to 5 p. m.; evenings by appoint- It picion where there are no proofs." gal notices, calls for tenders, 3166-lr- but on the university. Above all tilings ed the was In the midst of At Laysan Island the main boom was ment or Tel. W. 2861. next lie that "Let us hear tho suspicions. building permits and real es- BARBER 8HOP. I desire to settle the matter quietly and when your return caused him to mako I will repaired, being Bpllced up old look after tho proofs." with the tate transactions. Evening Bulletin, Fff nlcs, smooth shave call at tho Fine Job Printing at Tho Bulletin discreetly." a very hurried retreat very hurried, noom of the schooner C. Kennedy, 75 cents pr month. Weekly Bulletin, "I shall bo haDDV to look Into It ami since bo hnd not time to replaco the (To be continued) Is- - Wti Criterion Shop, 1111 Fort St Offlcs The schooner sailed from Laysan 1 per year.

j( i . ..), .'Cjsiu. . - .K ...; a. .." . .! w ., .... terfiu; j --, -- niiaKwaBHBIH(IHMw iJkMimmataKsr70tmmmmiumfSiSiy!!ris)iBgff; SSmmmi&MM ""in n'.y fvvffyjWftTF w'f a iflVENINO BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. It., MONDAY, 8EPTEMRER 4, 1905. '7 DRESSY, SNAPPY SUITS ALL THAT IS NEEDED TO MAKE HOME HAPPY. V, I MINT Oceanic Steamship Company Prom $G.OO Up To $20.00; OF TIME TABLE PromQood Ones Up To The Best Ones. The steamers of this line will arrive and leave this port as herenndaU Thli It the range of price we are offering, that should please the taste MONTIILY METEOROLOGICAL and poeketbooks of all. The aulta are of the Latest Styles, Workman SUMMARY. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: the Station, Honolulu, T. II.; month, Au- ahlp First-clas- and the Quality the Best ever offered for the same money. gust, 1905. VENTURA SEPT. 6 SIERRA SEPT. K Anmosphcrlc Pressure, (Reduced to JO Globe Clothing Co., Hotel sea level; Inches and hundreds): ALAMEDA SEPT. 15 ALAMEDA SEPT. 64 St. Mean, 30.02; highest, 30.11; date, 2d; SIERRA SEPT. 27 SONOMA SEPT. 2 Ion est 29.94, date 22d. ALAMEDA OCT. 6 Business Notices. Temperature: Highest 84, date Do You Want To See The 15th; lowest 70, date 29th; greatest dally range 13, date 22d; least dally In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, tbe agenta NOTICE. tango 8, (Into 19th. Grandest Temperature: Mean for this month prepared to Issue, to Intending passengers, coupon through tickets, by any All persons hereby In: 1890, 78; 1891, 80; 1892, "79; 1893. railroad from San Francisco to all points In tho United States, and from r are warned that 1894, 1895, 189G, 1897, ports w no shooting or hunting Is allowed on 78; 77; 79; 79; New York by any steamship line to all European Scenery the lands of Walplo. 79; 1898, 78; 1899, 19; 1900, 80; 1901, FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO In All trespassers will be prosecuted 79; 1902, 79; 1903, 78; 1904, 78, 1905, America to the full extent of the law. 77. Mean of this month for 16 years, THE JOHN II ESTATE, 79. Absolute maximum for" this month Be tote your ticket is goad for 16 years, 88. Absolute minimum Wm G. Irwin & Co,, Ltd By C. A. DROWN, Mgr. 16 years, 63. Aver over the The lessees offer reward vof $10 for for this month for OCEANIC CO., GENERAL AGENTS. cge dally excess or deficiency ( ) 8. 8. convicting evidence. 3168-3- () cf this month as compared with mean of 16 years, 1.2. ex- REMOVAL NOTICE. ' Accumulated Denver and cess () or deficiency ( ) since Jan Co uary 1, 394. Average dally excess Pacific Mail Steamship Dr. H. V. Murray has removed his U) or deficiency ( ) since January Rio Grande offlco from Dr. Raymond's office to 1. 1.0. Occidental and Oriental Steamship cottage, opposite 1'rsclpltatlon: Total this month, 2.20. tho Hawaiian Hotel On hundred and fifty Oklahoma farmers have advertised for helpmeets. Greatest precipitation In 24 hours 3166-l- R.R. Pacific Club. News Item. Chicago Irtttr Ocean. 1.04, date 8th and 9th. Total precipitation this month In: Company The scenic line of the world. 1877, 0.54; 1878, 1.22; 1879, 1.78; 1880, 8teamera of the above companies will call at Honolulu and 0.84; 1881, 2.17; 1882, 1.72; 1883, 2.12; leave this port on or about the dates below mentioned: Through 8leepere, Dining Car 1884, 1.09; 1883, 2.01; 1880. 1.71; 1887, NIPS!! 1.32; 1888, 4.47; 1889. 1.20; 1S90, 1.12; on all fast trains of the South NEW AT FOR JAPAN AND CHINA. FOR 8AN FRANCI8CO. ern Paelflo Co. to All Principal 11 1891, 0.93; 1892, 1.65; 1893, 1.10; 1894, iA 2.20. Points. 0.16; 1905, Average of this H month for 19 years, 1.54. Excess or CHINA SEPT. 13 MANCHURIA BEP'ir All your questions fully and If you use stout or ale, and deficiency of this month as compared DORIC SEPT. 27 KOREA SEPT. 27 correctly answered by return with nvcrago of 19 years, 40.66. Accu- MANCHURIA OCT. 4 COPTIC OCT. S mall. trav- wish drink-- a FOR HANDLING IIAW1 CANE MARKS PUCE WHERE Profusely Illustrated do not to whole mulated excess or deficiency slnco Jan- KOREA OCT. 19 SH1E1UA OCT. 17 elers' book free on application uary 1, 10.53. KAMEHAMEH4 WAS BORN Call Manila. MONQOLIA OCT. 37 to bottle at a time, WILL BE ONE OF THE BrST Wind: Prevailing direction NE (67 at W. E. 8HOTWELL, per cent.)); total movement, 6,653 miles; average hourly velocity, 8.9; General Agent, 625 Market St, PRESENT CAPACITY 45 TONS. OLD HAWAIIAN WOMAN NEAR BY mnxlmum velocity (for flo minutes), Palace Hotel, San Francisco. "NIPS" THIS WILL BE INCREASED TO WHO RELATES THE DETAILS 28 miles .per hour, from tho northeast BO TON8 IN TWENTY. OF SOME HISTORIC on tho 27th. For general Information apply to FOUR HOURS. EVENTS. Weather: Number of plcar days, 5; were mj.de for your special rartlyicloudy, 21; cloudy, 5; on which fSpecial (o Tht Bulletin) (Special to Tht llullttln) .01 Inch, or more, of precipitation oc Ha a O. R. & L. Co, benefit. curred, 19 Hackfeld & Co,, Ltd., Kohala Club, Hawaii, Aug. 25. Tin Kiihalu Club, Hawaii, Aug. 23. Mod (dates new Haul plantation mill at Hoea Helaii, largest pro Miscellaneous Phenomena TIMB TABLB ktnl the anl best of): Auroras, none; halos, solar, 24th, ground Its first cano upon July 27th egrrcd betatt In the Islands, Is sltuat 1904. 25th, 28th; lunar, none; hall, nono; AMERICAN-HAWAUA- October 6, "NIPS" last year, yet It Is not completed and ed but a short dlstanco from Hoea sleet, none; fog, none; thunderstorms, N S. S, CO. will not be working up to its Intended mill near leading Honolpu. tho road. to none. Direct Service between New York tnd Hawaiian Islands, Via Pacific Coast OUTWARD. capacity until many necessary Ira In olden days It was thcro that th Note: Rainfall to 1894. Inclusive, For Walanae Walalua, Kahuku and provide a package that will en provements have been made. Hawaiian allls of Kohala, Hnmakut from McKlbbln record; nil other data Prom New Yorlc Way Stations 9:16 a.m., 3:20 p.m. From January 17th this year until and Hllo congregated and It was thorr to 1904, Inclusive, from records of Ter- 8.S."0REG0NIAN" .to sail SEPT. S For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way able you to use the proper 19th Inst, tho mill out ritorial Meteorologist; 1905 data from tbe has turned that tho serfs and plebeians came tc nureau 8.8. "ALASKAN" , to sail OCT. 3 Stations t7:30 a, m., '9:15 a. m, 1557.8C tons of sugar. The present worship gods U. S. Weather records. quantity without loss, or the their heathen and bow ALEX. McC. ASHLEY, Freight received at all times at the Company'a Wharf, 41st Street, SootH 11:05 a. m., '2:16 p. m., 3:20 p. m, capacity Is 45 tons In 24 hours, but down their bumble heads to the Brooklyn. p. m. Section Director, Weather Durcau. 6:15 p. m., (9:30 p. m., tll:16 necessity of leaving any re-- this will bo increased to over 50 tons ground In obedience to their chiefs s i II INWARD. for tho sarao number of hours. and masters. you tho Prom Son Pranclaco To Honolulu Dlreset. Denners: Don't tllnk that 8.8."NEBRA8KAN" to sail 8EPT. 18 maindcr to become stale. One more 8 ton and one pan, Tho Hclau, Ilko all others still re- Jcn- - Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal- early bird catchoe tho worm? 8.8."NEVADAN" to sail OCT. 7 Walanae S:36 a. m., 65:3.1 four new centrifugals and another set maining In the Islands, is but a largo ners: No; I have beon out before alua and Freight Company's p. m. , of triple effects, when operating In enclosure surrounded by stone walls, dawn digging for fish bait received at Wharf, Greenwich Street. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and "NIPS" conjunction with tho mill furniture which were built by piling stone upon and each month thereafter. Pearl City 17:46 a. m., 8:36 a. m., now lu use, will mako Hoea one of the stono until tho desired height was SS$Sis$$$&3SSSS Prom Honolulu to San Pranclaco. 10:38 a. m., 1:40 p. m., t:31 p. m., most attractive and 9 rolls' reached. Mooklnl sanctuary Is soma 6.S."NEVADANK to sail 8EPT. mills upon 200 E:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m arc what you require. For tho Island. I where In tbe neighborhood of feol 1 to sail SEPT. 28 Dally. The greater part of tho contents of long, insiao measurement, anu auout AUlUfflUBlbhS Sunday Excepted. sale by Hoen are new, yet a few things were 100 feet wide. It runs rnakal and m.., Prom Samttle and Tacoma t Via Francisco. , Only. remoyed from the old place at HawL mauka, tho wall upon the windward San t Sunday "HAWAIIAN" to all 8EPT. Tha MolAlwfl T.tmllAd iwn.fimir Most of the old Ilawt mill win bo reie aide being from IS to' 20 feet high, th On call day and night 8.8. 5 gatod to tbe scrap heap and anothci atones bolng so arranged at each end For further Information apply t4 train, leaves Honolulu every Sunday W ILIU, Fine aaddle and driving returning "' lEAUUbrv ft UU., old Kohala landmark will soon fade that one can walk up over tho wall at 8:22 a.m.: arrives in horses. C. P. MORSE, 10:10 p. m. Limited from the memory of man. and down Into tho Interior. H. Hackfeld & Co., Lt nolulu at The SOLE AGENTS. General Freight AgenL AGENTS, HONOLULU. tops only at Pearl City and Walanae. At Hoea the cane Is brought to the Just below Mooklnl Is a large, hol mill by a wagon train which Is hauled lowed out pobaku, where human sac-- P. DENI80N, F. C. SMITH, by n steam plow englno and then put. r I flees wero raado, and to one who has Canadian-Australia- n Supt Q. P. A T. A. inruugu iuu ruuere, wuicu viusu iu made a study of Hawaiian history and CLUB STABLES RoyaS Mall juice out of It. The julco Is pumped Is somewhat familiar with the anolent FORT ABOVE HOTEL STREET. Staamahlp Company. up Into the heaters and brought to thf customs and religious rites of tho Ha- - Telephone 109 Main. Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN HALEIWA. boiling point, which causes It to over wallans, tbts stone is of extreme In- PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, N. 8. XV - flow Into tho settling tanks. Wbllo lit terest. & and calling -- t Victoria, D. C, Honolulu and Suva, FIJI, and Brisbane, art The HALEIWA HOTEL, Honolulu's the heaters It Is clarified by lime. The sanctuary Is of moro than ordi LORD BELSER DUE AT HONOLULU t or About tho dates below stated, Tlx.: settling tanks It goes to thi nary to famous country resort, on the line of From the Interest, because, according General Contractors and Teaming. From Vancouvsr and "-"- C From 8ydney and Brisbane. supply then to triple of reports, - the Oahu Railway, contains every tanks and tho the most authentic It was Bridges, Steel and Concrete and Sewer (For Brisbane and Byinj. ' (Fo- Victoria and Vancouver, B. O.I whero It Is boiled a tempera- grent s mod'rn Improvement and affords Its fects, at near hero that the Kamehameha, Work. Guarantee first-clas- work at MANUKA AUO. 26;AOKANOI ATJO, 28 32 Daume. guet an opportunity to enjoy all ture from to degrees tho master mind of tho Hawotlans V low prices. MIOWERA RAPID BATH HEATERS Into SEPT. amusements golf, tennis, billiards, The Is now pumped anoth- all times, was born. Also curbing, crushed rocK, DiacK water bathing, er set of supply tanks and then to the A few hundred yards mauka of Mo- fnh and salt shoot Furnish plenty of hot water ln and white sand, soil or filling material Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United Statea asst (.eg, fishing, riding driving. Tick, or night vacuum pans, where It Is boiled to a oklnl llyes a very old and decrepit and itantly any time day for at lowest ratea. Europe. For Freight and Passage and all general Information apply to ets, Including railway fare and one toilet and oath. granular form, and at this stago be- Hawaiian woman named Kckaula, full day's room and board, are sold at Can be Installed In any, bath comes sugar. It Is dropped from titer who tells a vivid story of Knmeliome-ha'- s OFFICE AND YARDS. Theo. H. Davles & Co.. ltd. Qeieral kgats. Honolulu Trent & room or anywhero ele without vacuum pans Into tho mixing tanks birth and early joutli, g the 8tatlon and Oncrated $5.00, of tearing everything i'p and from thcro It Is sent to the cen been told theso things by her grand- Company for For departure by anyone. Very economical. SOUTH and KAW&IAHAO trains', consult time-tabl- trlfugnls, where It Is dried. From tbr mother, who lived In tho Immediate Telephone Main 198. Union Express Co., 63 Queen Street. Op Sundays, the HALEIWA LIMIT. Fir Salt ly centrifugals It goes to tho granulator. vicinity during Kamehamcha's time. ED, a two-hou- r train, leaves at 8:22 E. R. BATH, AGENT, where It receives Its finishing toucho This old lady cannot speak n word of HUSTACE, v a. m.; returning, arrives In Honolulu hfforo being, bagged. English, yet when asked to tell what CO., LTD. BRANCH PECK CO. PLUMBER, 165 KING 8T. WM. 6. IRWIN& Having baggago contricts with the following Steamship Co.'s Lines:. at 10:10 p. m. PHONE MAIN 61. she know of Knnu'hamchn and tho nn dent hclau during tho years that havo Oceania Stramehlp Co. Pacific Mall 8teamshla Co. UNION MILL PROGRESS long ago away, her mind seemed Anenta for the Ocfild oal & Oriental 8teamshlp Co. faded Co. of Liverpool, Eng. to wander back to the scenes of her Royal Insurance Wilder 8. 8. Co. Toyo Klsen Kalaha Steamship C. William Ti Paty, Co. of London, you (Special to Tht Dulltllnl childhood and to tho stories sho had Alliance Assurance We check your outgoing baggage at your homes, saving the trovbla CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, It them Eng. annoyance checking on bums Club, Hawaii, Aug. heard, for In her native language sho and ot the wharf. tUtatndmleauoonharcAlMini Kohala,, Scottish Union & National Ins. Co. of Incoming baggago checked on steamers of abovo compose and Alakea Street. rJMm' 11 which wero enact aVr VHfflPty' toff aXUng lnau aftr MUng Union Mill closed down August 16 and told of hannenlncs Edinburgh, All classes of Building Work ' tii In ffnhutn BAvnrnl npn Scotland. ercd with quickness and dispatch at your homes. carefully executed. mSm Stiarm Eliotrlo undergoing a thorough overhauling Fire Association of Philadelphia. TELEPHONE MAIN 80. promptly and la li as clearly as though they had occurred Office 'Phone Blue 1801, ABSk Rt and lUaoh Pasta Engineer Alliance Insurance Corporation Ltd. Tbr mat- - oat of door for air n under tho supervision ot yesterday. Residence 'Phone Blue 2332. K and WkUr, tftd quickly dt. Wllhelma of Magdeburg General Ins. J. F. Morgan, Prealdent; C. J. Campbell, Vice President; J. L. McLean. aWLLPsve IottlTtt7 arntrtntd a ur Joseph Melnecke. Kamehamcha's parents lived to- MUitOrftU,Ullc.COCkTbtClie I Co. Secretary; A. F. Clark, Treasurer; N. E. Gedge, Auditor; Frank Huetaoey JALftPKXrVfe throe-roll-er MdallTrnniii. 1 The old mill, which has the Kohala mountains from tho s. ,, wards . I PKfvA - Manager. Imon In nan tnr mnnv In helnC helm- ana Kamenamena-- momcr, an j G CO. W. LET, IsaillHsl riWK sjrlfcw fjf mill which la'tlclpatlng his set out for Moo-no- lUtJv torn down and a new birth, BUILDING MATERIAL 8ANITARY PLUMBING AND TIN- In tbe shops of the Honolulu Iroo.klnl, as It was customary for children Hustace-Pec- k Co., - Ltd SMITH WORK. Works will replace It. f high rank to bo born In the sanctu- 20 PER CENT, less than sold by WAIKIKI 8IDE 8MITH 8T. The old rollers were 20x54, wbllo nrlos. Tho alii mother, with her o other dealers. Doors, screen doors 63 QUEEN ST. Bet. HOTEL and PAUAHI. new ones will be 30xCO. Amonfjtalners, not being able to reach tho sash and builders' hardware, DRAYMEN, Good Workmanship. Work Completed the other extensive Improvement holau. camped at a place not far away C. B. REYNOLD8, DEALERS IN When Promised. which are to be Installed will be a new from It that night and It wasTiere that Alakea 8t, mauka Sallora Home. Corliss englno from Hamilton, Ohio; Kamehameha, who afterwards became 'Firewood, Stove and Steam Coal. BLACK 8AND. MAIN 14 or 1C knives for chopping the cano King l an me itawanans, was Dorn. AL80 WHITE AND TELEPHONE MC OPEN AQAIN as It goes from tho carrier to the roll-'- A stone today marks the spot, which 8x12 'b sacred to loyal Hawallans, To Rent 5 p. m. PIANOS ersj an engine to drive theso, Pianos h, j. ROUE, MHHftctmi frt From Wednesday this week, at centrifugals Kamohamcha was kept In, Mooklnl CALIFORNIA RE8TAURANT, knives and four more new We have a choice selection of new I a tlmo and then wab iirpr of English mako. A 14x36 engine, helau for short renting purposes all M(i4.Midi wit Hotel street, near Nuuanu, under the w near wneru r.lanoe for at i management of which was taken from the old mill will1 """"i I10 prices. SMOKE Don't pay rent for a piano WHEN drive the eight centrifugals which the. his f c"'d be protected""from JealoiiB Delivered to any part oc - him on of MUSIC T-OD- YOU CAN BUY ONE FROM US AT U'val8- wh cnvlcd account BER6STR0M CO.. Ltd., city by courteous driven. A new mill will contain. RENTING PRICES. Ed. Qulnn, boss carpenter of the tho power which was to be his. At ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. 61LLMAN DOUSE COYNE FURNITURE CO., LTD. lawa ho grew , to young manhood, Oahu Ice Electric (V, OPENED- plantation, will have chargo of tho ail JUST - "?' " construction of the wood work In the ""'i??,.Ja,?.r,? NEW HATS CIQAR Kewalo. Telephone Blue SIM new mill vhlch will probably bo "'-"- "; V" ""-- "" BOUQUET HOTEL LAUHALA world he knew, to begin upon tho next crop by w4tr.'"7Jan- - world, ""''only DR.GUHN'S'!c way, amid THE POLO SEASON Cor. ALAKEA AND HOTEL 8TS. Blok and fought his almost BUILDING MATERIALS Makes Flash and atrenstn for and rary 1st, famq NervousWomen.Btopsweaknesslnelther obstacles, to and AT Terms: Meals, 25c; Board and ei by making strong, rloh rod blood, glory. OF ALL KINDS. oheeksdlseasebyglnlngiou strength to BU3INE83 MAN'S HANDY IN- Beaver Lunch Room Lodging, $1 to $2 per day. GEO. Druggists. 7S ote boi, The e resist It. Sold br b DEX, publlahed In Saturday Miss Power's Millinerj Parlors 8teward. or 3 boies lor Si., or mailed on receipt ot the Bulle ARRIVED. " Dialers In Lumber and Co) Write us about Home Treatment. Weekly Edition, gives PA68ENGER8 BOSTON BUILDING FORT ST. R. BOSANKO CO., Philadelphia, Pa. tin and the complete of le- ALLEN & ROBINSON, A. NUNES concise and resume alt From Hllo and way ports, per stmr. J. gal notices, calls for tenders, Judg Queen St, Honolulu. THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND MA Klnau. Sept. 2. Geo. Goldstein, Mrs. Orders taken at the Yoshikswa ments, building permits ano real es TURITY CO., LTD. Annie Kahoolena, H. W. Kahoolena, The Bike Doctor. I have a big 75 cents per month. Weekly Bulletin, Y, Wal- - Von Hamm-Youn- g Co., Ltd,, horse-shoein- J. Wakelcka, Mrs. Kcha, Wm. stock ot wheels. Repairing I have opened a shop tate transactions. Evening Bulletin, Woman's Exchange Car-- Mortgage, Loans In- bridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brown, Miss our specialty. Wheels Rent on Queen street, next to Hawaiian Real Estate, and $1 per year, ' Alice Brown, Kenneth Brown, Miss ed. Two Stores: 163 King Bt, IMPORTER8, COMMISSION lage Shop. vestment Securities. e s for INFANT'S JACKETS, Office: Mclntyre Bldg., Honolulu, T.H. Gertrude Brown, MUs E. Fratt, Alfred Hotel near River. MERCHANTS. 8PECIALTY Work neatly dona H-- guaranteed. P. O. BOX 265. PHONE MAIN 141. 0fKS dte8bbaved7hobu8taraeT? '-. J SOCKS and SHAWLS and satisfaction "J --Ja... ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING there wouldn't be enough days to go ucm iiu..i. .., J. i . Fine Job Printing at The Bulletin ?.ur". King Blehep Fine Job Printing at tho Bulletin. Fine Job Printing at iu . tin around. Hitchcock, T. T. Meyers. For 8sls" cards at Bulletin office. Office. Cor. and Bta..

' ' ' . - '

I eJ V .. trs.r ,1.., aWrifii gyvwpujiiup irer-- tTSF TT BVKNINQ BULLETIN, HONOLtTLP, T. II.. MQNDA'y, SEPTEMBER 4, 1905.

' SHIPPINi INTELLIGENCE J. . 4 - aajmrnmn'mmmmmmmmmmnK Ife.v ! Auction Sales - Vino Vito TIDES. THE MOSQUITO QUESTION SOLVED, IF YOU USE THE Moon Whitney & kTKi. t sf I if Riles Marsh and 13,-- e: id tjC MORGAN AMERICAN DOOR CATCH! a i"S Sell ,3 JAS. F. 847-85- 7 Kaihumanu ( KING OF INVIGORATORS Slml. p. m. ft.'a, . p s A.m. n. Rlt Dame Fashion Says P. O. BOX 694. TEL MAIN T, ji 1 1 16 4J 9 6 19 49 YOU WILL FORGET ABOUT MOSQUITOES AND ZZS i i I lo i.l i j I Ji 9 y 6 19 4 3 flies. r2 restores youthful strenath and vlg. 1 '.' I 9 l " 6 ll Sets U PREVENTS DOOR WARPINQj SZ or. A delightful tonic, agreeable I I p. in a.m. 4 r,i.(i 4 - lo ) ? KEEPS MOSQUITOES AND FLIES OUT! ZZm si III JI V to the taste; sure In action. STOPS RATTLING; l Ml i oo ii as 10 JO o 16 I ai X- - - ALPACA" i - ANY ONE CAN PUT THEM ON. ;p. . J i- Try a bottle for that tired feel. 3 1 i.J. s i " 41 6 16 .l J i m. p. m. - " A perfect catch for Screen Doors, Cupboard Doors, Tran- 6 41 o olill 4 II 9 34 Mtt-'- M FOR 8UIT8 AND 8HIRT3 FOR EARLY FALL. THEY ARE soma, Ac. f '??$' Call and ee a working sample and you will want I'l o 43 31 ! 10 4) LIGHT WEIGHT, AND THEY SHED DUST AND RAIN. YOU on for your doors. ., ,, - New moon Aug-- . 30th, at 2:42 a. m. WILL FIND OUR STOCK REPLETE WITH THE BE8T OF VAL- . K j, 1 if v r . The tides at Kahulul and Hllo occur UES. AMONGST THEM WE MAY MENTION: vMr.. FDR YOUR DOORS TWMpCo, about an hour earlier than at Hono- 3- lulu. . "..:.' $y 1 I. ill' Hawaiian Standard Tim la lob. Sum V )LE AGENT8, ALPACA: slower than Greenwich time, being & O. HALL & SON, LTD. 101 TO 105 S. KING ST. that of the meridian of 157.30. The CREAM, BROWN, NAVY andBLACKi 38 In., at GO fl. time' whistle blows at 1:30 p. m which TELEPHONE MAIN 140. NAVY, BROWN GREY, extra In., Is the same as Qreenwlsh. Oh Om. and width, 50 aj 75 iiiiUiiiiiuiiiHiiliiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiilli FANCY BROWN, very stylish, 38 In., at GOJ NEW - TO-DA- Y ARRIVED. j SOME STRAIGHT TALK vcrton didn't put In an application. HONOLULU CLOTHES CLEANING . Friday, September 1. SERGE:'' Here's Something Much The Republican Supervisors ngrecd Stmr, l.lkcllkc, Knopala, from Maul, (Continued from Page 1.) they would not npprove applicants not Co., J. F. COLBURN, Manager. Moloknl nnd Lanal ports, 4:4S p. m. LIGHT WEIGHT, ALL WOOL; JUST THE THING FOR SKIRTS, fMnklrw of running tor office Kct In endorsed by Hie founty Commutes, Saturday, Saptcmbcr 2. EITHER WALKING OR RIDING. Better Than Stocks jjuil make stifigcstlons. I think tho 'They have not stood by their word." Clothes Clean and Pressed; called for Stmr. Klnnu, Freeman, from Hllo Come In BLACK, NAVY, iRED, BROWN, 33 In., GOd nut nlKm of the Chic Federation should j Hughes "It li up to the commlttco and delivered. Ladles' Woolen Skirts and way ports, 9:52 n. m. Bonds, ite railed to the fact that we arc re- - to see that none but competent men a specialty. Alakea near King St. Ka Sunday, September I. and t'JaUj; ihc party rules und will welcome nro appointed and then to put them ptolanl Bldg.; Telephone Main 147. Schr. Chas. Levi Woodbury, Harrlc, ETAMUNE: iUKP'tlons. I say this not because )' through at all hazards. If I was on from Laysan Island, 7:30 n. m. I havo for Balo on Fort Street, be- urn ui iuc tno committee and endorsed n comtio- - SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. Stmr. W. Q. Hall, S. Thompson, front tween Merchant nnd King Streets, a iivic rouira, ALL WOOL; A. HANDSOME SOLID COLOR , MATERIAL WITH tana, but with a view to giving them tent man and the committee was Ignor- Kauai ports, 5 a. m. flno business block, fronting 27 no cause for a kick." ed, IM resign." K. KULIHARA vs. SAKAI. A.-- 8. S. Ncvadnn, droene, from DOTS. COME8 IN PRETTY SHADES OF feet on Fort Street and a depth ot U 12 property now Kobcrtson "I think the Lane "Men we have worked to elect San Francisco, m. TAN, GREY, RED, GREEN, BLACK and NAVY, 36 In.; A BAR-GAI- feet. Tho Is let at a should send a sneclat Invitation will take a man to employ him In their Under and by virtue of certain ex- Stmr. N'llhmi, W. Thompson, from moderate rental, bringing In net re- AT . so the Civic Federation to attend a department without any committee rec- ecution Issued out of tho District Kauai ports, G a. m. 50d - turns ot nearly 8 per cent, on the Bel- Koolaupoko, muatlns." ommendation. After they nre elected Court of County of Oahu, Stmr. Noeau, Pedcrson, from Hona-ka- a ling price. rflinfina .r lnl.1 n Tl.ttlnH. I Territory of Hawaii, on tho' 29th day Fancy All Wool bargain will not open ..UfiHia .VfU " UUIIV.IU .,....n.fA.IMI1 i they seem to do as they please and Kukulkaole, 1:15 p. m. Skirtings This remain tine .other day that all good Hcpubll- - Hughes "There should be three of August, A. D. 1905, In tho matter of very long, nnd tho "first come" will ba ' vs. I otneo holders and prospective of. quIsKcs a man should bo n good Ito- - iv. Kullhara Sakal, defendant, PA8SEN0ERS ARRIVED. IN LIGHT 8HADE3, 36 In., at Q06 tho fortunato one. have on this 30th day of August, A. D. aoe holders Included should offer ut publican, ho should be competent and WE AL80 HAVE THE CORRECT TRIMMINGS FOR THESE For further particulars apply nt 817 uaiKBeslIons, " . 1. -- !..., . ... i i...... 1905, levied upon, end shnll offer for Per smr. W. O. Hall, from Kauai Kaahumanu Street. j ue suuuiu ue in uarinuny wun inc neau sale and sell at public auction, to tho ports, Sept. 3. Mrs. H. Smith, GOODS, AS WE HAVE JU8T RECEIVED THE LATE8T IN Clarke "Is It tho Idea to change ths 01 me uepanmeni in wnicn He is to II. ' xuJ generally?" he employed, highest bidder, at the Court House in Mrs. B. Fountain, Mrs. J. H". Cum-mln- g, JAS. F. MORGAN, . Kancohc, In of Koolau- ' ClURhcs "The Idea Is to go carefully Iinc "There Is a man In the tax said District Mrs. Du Itol, Mrs. Turner, Mr? AUCTION. poko, 12 noon Moore.-MIs- s Novelty Silk taronfih thorn from A to Z. There If olllce who was not recommended." at o'clock of Saturday, and Mrs. A. A. Fountain, Braids the 30th day of September, A. D. 1905, Miss Miss co particular hurry." Fernandez "The Board of Supcrvls Eva Fountain, M. Mundon, all the right, tltlo and interest of the Miss L. Mundon, Miss Mundon, Jlobertson "There's no special hnr- - ors appointed a man who did not make A. New Kimono Flannelettes said Sakal, defendant, In and to tha fol- Miss M. Waterhouse, Miss C7 There are some difficult matters application for endorsement to tha E. Lorna lowing described properties, unless laukca. Miss M. Orote, Miss M. Ellin, Xo handle In the fixing of the rules. County Committee." tho sum of Seventy-tw- Dollars ($72.-00- ), Miss W. Tcnnoy, Mrs. H. O. N'oonan, IN HANDSOME JAP. and other designs at and iVour tho Fourth District Committee Is Hughes "I'd nddrcss letters to tho 12'.'ii 15 that being tho amount for which Miss A. Thronas. Miss W. Do SIN practically out of existence; it never Supervisors and tho Tax Office and llnd P. said execution Issued, together with va, Miss Cummtngs, Miss Daisy Shel- riedds a meeting; It has about gone out out why." Interest, costs nnd my fco nnd ex- don, Miss A. Sorenson, Miss Camcrou, commission. Yet these do re Clarke "The Tax Offlcc mnttcY Is it rules penses nro previously paid: Miss L. Wlnnc, Miss O. cjulnj some definite very the only one wc J. a. Sllvu. action beforo have anything to do One mule, sorrel, Brnnd XS. Miss M. K. Sakuma, Judgo Lindsay. See Our WINDOW DISPLAY long. If you wait for recommenda with." Flfty-on- o bags of rice paddy. Chas. Smyth, Smyth, Mun- 'flons, you may Fernandez J. Herbert have to wait until "He supported the CIvl Dated at Knncohe, Oahu. August don, V. A. Qrotc. alonnisday." Feds." Ellis. Mrs. B. D. 29th, A. D. 1905. Tenncy, Master II. Tenney, Father Ad. Clarke "Ho was of- "Hughes "Well, let people send la fired out of one FKANK PAHIA. clbcrt, A. McBryde. II. Q. nnmsay, - fice Oeorgc K. Low, Chtfc- suggestions or forever hold thcll Third I'reclncL Deputy Sheriff or Koolaupoko, M. Ferrclra John Ball. II. W. Mist, Ho said he was a Civic Fed. peaw." County of Oahu. 1 C. P. Ah Chuck, Paul Kablbnum, Hughes E. TtoVrtson "They won't do "Did Turk take any part III 3109 Sept. 4, 11, 18. fl) .11111 either. ' E. Paxton, J. B. i'ernnndez, L. Saku- S btvU: thti other Islands. Kauai favon the campaign? ma, A. K. Hanchctt, C. Blake, K. Ooinx away with the district commit' Clarke "He was working for the Blako, Si Blake, Ah Kim, llev. Nobis Cleanab'e Refrigerator' HAVEN ran and having only tho County com civic Feds." BY AUTHORITY and C7 deck. csnUtit;." Murray "Ho was going about boom Per stmr. Nllhau, from Anahola, Tjaac Ing Wm. Henry." "Couldn't the district commit NOTICE Sept. 3. Mr. A. Wilson, Chung Pa Fernandez "Every man TO TAXPAYER8. See inret and name candidates for both Henry Sung and 5 deck. 'IiVLbbsibsisisSbmI nsa OF REST tonnes nnd then adjourn slno die?" Knows to have supported Brown he lets Per stmr. Noeau, from Hawaii ports, out," Tho Taxpayers arc hereby notified Itohertson "You mean to' have lls that the" 'Property Taxes. for: 1905 aru Sept. 2. Capt. H. P. Lake. clitct conventions, hut nor district com, Lane "I don't see why Henry should now duo and payable to tho Deputy AT II A.M. DAILY sntUwsf . appoint the lunns In the Jail when they Assessors of tho several districts, at CARTER DINES HEADS For the poor weary deferred ine more conventions w are paid out of County funds. Let tho the times and places mentioned In tjio the finest train going east E Supervisors dividend policy holder. wave tho more material we bring out put a finger In tho pie. notices posted throughout tho dis- Clarke "Conventions strengthen th They seem to be afraid to move one tricts. (Section 29 Act 51, Session Governor Carter last Saturday even' Bany." way or the other. There nro turn- Laws 189C) and (Session Laws 1901, Ing gave a banquet at the Hawaiian , OVERLAND Lane "Let the County Commute keys at the Jail getting only ?7!i whlla Act 20, Sec. 10.) Hotel to the heads of departments .run the campaign." tno third turnkey Is getting $80." If any rroperty or Income Tax shall Those prosent were Governor Carter, 920 FORTSJREEJ Ttcfbertson "There Is no sense In Murray "Well, Henry had to give remain unpaid after tho lGth day of Secretary A. L. C. Atkinson, Attornej 60th committees existing." mm nearly as much as he was rccclv November In nny year 10 of the General Lorrln Andrews, Superintend CLINTON f, HUTCHINS LIMITED Clarke "Hut on this Island there ar ing at tho police station." amount of such taxes shall bo added ent of Public Works C. S. Hollowny, two district committees, tho Fourffl and Clarke "Billy Woods Is the first by the Assessor to tho amount of such Auditor J. II. Fisher, Treasurer Camp- General Agent t leaves San Francisco JLhe- Fifth. If the district committees white man who was over turnkey al taxes at said date, and shall become bell, President of the Hoard of Health tare abolished here, the Fifth District Oahu Jail." and bo collected as part of such h. K. I'lnkham, Superintendent of Pub- FOR THE GREAT twon't he In It; It will be swamped; Lauo "We will have a hard time In taxes. lic Instruction C. Davis Survcyoi Chicago In 3 Days J. and ANNUAL DIVIDEND "all the cream will go to your side of the next campaign If things contlnm AH Property and Incomo Taxes not Qcneral W. E. Wall. High Sheriff Hen LIFE the house. You will cut us out on th this way. We will have a mixed Housi paid by Novombcr 15th will bo dclln-luen- t. ry was out of town and was not nbl tvotes. Lorrln Andrews nppolnts and fights." to attend. Special Rates to 'Eastern Torn CLEAN INSURANCE COMPANY, IQlck and Harry and devil Hughea "The more we learn The Dellnquet List will be published points during JulyV the to tbs tin DURABLE June and wxtcutlve committee of closer we get together." after December 1st, 1905. JAPANE8E INVENT the Countj PLAN. Call on agent at Irwin A Co. ommUtee." Murray "Walt till John is presldenl JAMES L. HOLT, ECONOMICAL These refrigerators can be taken all THE iBobertson "By the present system of tho Civic Feda." Assessor 1st Taxation Division, (Continued from Page 1.) office and secure Information to pieces, which means that with prop- tM representation the Fifth has a much Lane "I should think the Clvlci Island of Oahu. the departing Japanese for their tax er care they are absolutely germ-pro- of about rates and salt dates. as tho I would next tima put fight In 31G9-3- t money. Fourth.' their at Zinc lined, Porcelain lined and PACIF Tdftrlrci. :"Tha nc ...... iKl...,..'tha nrlmnrffis ' It was In connection with this busi- Porcelain lined and covered. n your side. If It Is to go by delegates I Clarke "Now, don't give things ness that the bogus receipt dodge was BUSINESS DIRECTORY discovered. passenger MUTUAL I a.UoaU rarer doing nway with the dla-- away." The will dig up H Hackfeld & Co., Information Bureau, 'trlct committees on this Island. If w, Murray "Well, we had a pretty good a tax receipt of some other man who iad two counties here It would be dlf-- ticket. If we had Jim Qulnn on tha CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. has paid his taxes. In Bomo cases the Limited. 613 MARKET ST., 8AN FRANCISCO, s. ferenC Board of Supervisors there would b receipt Is passed up as It were, and AGENTS ' CALIFORNIA, U. 8. A. ne-Ibetter." "Tho more suggestions the something doing for the County Cow W. Hlral Builder and Contractor and will then often be discovered to be mlttce. He's n good party man." Employment Office. Phono Main Phony as the narao on It does not cor- SOUTHERN PACIFIC respond pa- COBWEB 2Iarkc 'JYou have tho representation Lano "Qulnn'g got a good head." 161. Dcrctanla between Smith and with the traveler's other THE CAFE,. NEW . pers. enscs .find we haven't; divide the business Adjourned, tired of watting for Maunakca streets, , In other the trick is evl. eqnnlly and It will be nil right." quorum. dent by Its crudencss. The, namo of QUEEN and ALAKEA 8T8. Jtohertson "I don't seo any obje- tho original holder of tho receipt, to TEL. MAIN 492. HOT ction to" the representation being ac- WARM'S NEW CHURCH whom it was issued, is ovcrllned and FINE MEALS, T ."f ? .;. .)..(. .j. .;..;. 4. '.j. .;. ., cording to the Itcpubllcan voting V the nnmo of the departing man sub- WINES, LIQUORS, Wtrangth. I THE QUEEN Wnlluku, Sept. 2. Walluku will In stituted, In other Instances tho origi- AND BEER. SODAS Clarke "Wo bunch course ot n he proud nal namsvhas been erased and tho new have tho hardest the month tho -- contend with. In the Fourth tho The various models of 1905 possessor ot another English church. 0110 written over It. Camara & Co , Props IfLitliCIin QUEEN 4 "Tutors don't change; In the Fifth a man of the automobile are Itov, Dr. Dodge of Warren, Mass., Slnco tho ofllclals caught on to tfieso Kgiiiiisiiik each marvels of perfection, tricks a number of these BEEF TEA, "may no a Hepubllcan today and nnv old . nas tueen seni. pui vy inp i(oani 01 second hand ALLIGATOR PEAR) I'lhtag'v tomorrow. Tho other day they combining to the highest de- Missions and acting up'def'thq Hawnl-Ia- receipts havo been gathered In and are GOLDEN SHOWER, CHICKEN. DROTH, appointed n gree simplicity, reliability, now held at tho tax offlco. No legal Fourth District man ns Board will reopen tho old forelue ROYAL PALM, and ''TOMATO .NECTAR, arecpiT of Aala park, In the Fifth Di- power and durability alt es- church on Hlght street. steps havo been tnken In tho matter, COC08 PLUM08I8 strict." sential features In an automo. Dr. Warren paid Walluku a prelimi- hut it would be quite practicable for PLANTS FOR 8ALE AT CHOCOLATE, Three Trains Lane "Yes, thcro seems to bo qulto bile. nary visit, last week, being tho guest tho ofllclals to strike tho original own MR8. E. M. TAYLOR. FLORI8T. er of MALTED MILK, ETC., ETC. SB kick about that." SGHUMAN CARRIAGE GO. of Manager O. D. Wells who will he the receipt for taxes and collect YOUNG BUILDING. Dally he two amounts from him as would Clorker-"T- Fifth was simply ruled Automobile Warehouse on active In tha opening ot the church. he TEL. MAIN 339. ' VIA aut What show has It?" Merchant 8t. between Fort Evening services only will bo bold not he able to show his receipt tor tho IMurray "The Aala park keeper op. and Alakea 8ts. nnd tho 'Church will be' conducted on first payment.' As a'rule tho departing The above ars few of tha latest . Japanese are quite willing to dig up "tflledto the Board .pf Supervisors. Mil- - (. tho same lilies' as tho Central Unlou Plnofrosh Bamboo drinks added; to our already 'long list UNIONJACIFIC of Honolulu, being open to persons of their taxes when requested in order to For hats, fans and weaving, (ust re- " nil creeds wbo dcslro to participate ll get away. When tbey refuse the ofl- ceived. Sold In quantity cheap of fountain drinks. .1 the service. lclals, have a remedy against them by Hawa'l & South Seas Curio Co Omaha, Kansas City, a holding their baggage. Alexander Young nulUIng and Royal PEOPLE DIE SOMETIMES MAUI TENNIS. ' Hawaiian Hotel, tl Chicago. St. Louis Fine Job Printing at Tha Bulletin. Chambers Drug Go,, Walluku, Sept. 2. The last match ol And All rlnclpal Eastern Point. 'Singles tournament Puu-ne- n from neglect of the teeth. Causes we are to the men's at which better able was played Tuesday evening BUSINESS DIRECTORY LIMITED. remedy than others; are not well enough understood by suffer, with To DenTti. George Henderson a winner, Tin WANTS ens for them to come here for relief. To avoid harm from COR. FORT AND KING 8TREET8. ! score ot the games from lact. Wedncs No Change Kaniat Citr teeth, come In for F ee Examination. Miss Warland, Trained Nurse Un- Omaha. day to date are as follows: Ppr Want Column See Page surpassed You Get Sis location for convalesc- I Chicao-c- . Second Round Thompson and Wil- ents and patients. Fine grounds, liams, 'Henderson with ocean view 8ANITARY PLUMBING AND and Ault nnd mountain the) 4, TIN8MITH WORK Be Bure your ticket reads via F. L. D. NlckeUon and Lougher, 3 LOST. breezes. Separate cottages. Hour- FERGUSON.D. S. ly at RIGHT PRICES you UNION PACIFIC. On road to Moanalua Saturday, one nursing and offlco work a spe- when order cialty. Maternity casos a from The Expert Dentist, Finals Henderson and Thomson riding whip, buckhorn handle, Leave specialty. Surgical supplies. Tourists accom- For full Information call on 215 HOTEL 8T 3, Henderson and Nlckelscn, 1 at this office and recelvo reward. modated. Telephone Dluo 1911. 1C01 S K. AKI & CO., 8. F. BOOTH, O. A., 3169-l- Prospect St., Honolulu. 1028 8MITH STREET. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal I