Part I Highlights of This Issue
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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 38 ■ Number 202 Pages 29063-29202 PART I HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. NATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS WEEK, 1973— Presiden tial Proclamation.............. 1.......................................................... 29069 CABLE TV SYSTEMS— FCC extends deadlines for com pletion of performance tests; effective 1 1 -2 3 -7 3 ............. 29076 October 19f 1973— Pages 29063-29202 MORTGAGE AND LOAN INSURANCE PROGRAMS— HUD amends eligibility requirements for governmental institu tions approved as mortgagees; effective 10-19—73............. 29075 VETERANS BENEFITS— VA changes handling of guardian ship and institutional awards; effective. 10-12—73........ 29076 FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN SYSTEM— FHLBB pro poses amendments to application procedures for branch offices (2 documents); comments by 11-12-73.. 29090, 29091 SUPPLEMENTARY SECURITY INCOME— HEW proposal on eligibility and payment provisions; comments by 11-19-73 ..'...... ......................i ............... ......................... 29087 LOANS— SBA proposes change in gambling policy; com ments by 11-8—73..................................... i............................. 29092 FARM STORAGE FACILITIES— Agriculture Department re duces maximum loan and increases interest rate...:......... 29072 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE .COMMUNICATIONS— FCC pro vides additional frequencies; effective 1 1 -1 6 -7 3 ............. 29077 GUM NAVAL STORES— Agriculture Department proposal for a 1974 Price Support Program; comments by 1 1 -1 9 -7 3 ........ 29087 COTTON TEXTILES— CITA announces exemption of cer tain products from agreement program................................ 29109 NEW ANIMAL DRUGS— FDA approves use of pyrantel pamoate suspension for treatment of horses and ponies; effective 1 0 -1 9 -7 3 ...................................................................... 29086 (Continued inside) PART II: MINIMUM WAGES— Labor Department determi- nations for federal and federally assisted construc tion ......................................................... .............. .......... 29123 PART III: POSTAGE RATES AND FEES— Postal Service pro poses changes for first class and airmail________ 29197 No. 202— Pt. 1------1 NOTICE TO CFR SUBSCRIBERS The Office of the Federal Register has received numerous inquiries regarding the publication and availability of the Code of Federal Regula tions volumes that were scheduled for revision as of July 1, 1973. The volumes included in this group comprise Title 28 through Title 41. At present, the 17 volumes listed below of the 33 volumes involved are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. CFR Unit (Rev. as of July 1, 1973): Title: Price 28 (Rev. July 10, 1973)__________________ ______ $1. 70 29 Parts: 0-499 ______ __________________________ ____ 4.00 500-1899 __________________________________ 4.95 3 0 ___________ ;___________________________ 4. 15 31 _____________________ _____—______________— 4.75 32 Parts: 400-589 ______ i ___________________________ 4. 50 590-699 --------------------- ------------------------------ 2. 05 700-799 ___________ ________________________ 5. 90 1000-1399 ________________ :________________ 1.60 1400-1599 ________ I,__________________ _____ 3. 25 1600—en d ------------------- -------------------------------- 1. 65 32A ___________________________________ ________ 2. 80 3 5 ___ ______________________________i--------- 3.40 3 6 ___________________________________ ____ 2,50 3 7 ____________________ - __________________ 1.75 41 Chapters: 19-100------------------- 2.30 General Index Supplement----------------------------------- 1. 35 We have been informed by the Government Printing Office that pro duction of some of the remaining C FR volumes has been delayed clue to a severe shortage of the paper stock normally used to print the CFR. We regret that delivery of the CFR volumes has been delayed and together with CPO are making every effort to publish the remaining “ as of July 1” volumes as quickly as possible. As in the past, availability of individual volumes will be announced in the F ederal R eg iste r. F red J. E m e r y , Director of the Federal Register. Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services uljjjylL Administration,' Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R egister provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issue by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders an Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act oi Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actual i bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Washington, D.C. 20402, There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing .in the F ederal R egister. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 202— FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1973 HIGHLIGHTS— Continued ANTIDUMPING— Treasury Department determination of Commission on Civil Rights: State Advisory Committees sales at less than fair value on iron and sponge iron (4 documents), 10-23 and 10-25, 10-31—73.................. 29108 powders (excluding alloy powders) from Canada...... i ----------29098 U.S. Information Agency: English Teaching Advisory Panel, 10-25 and 1 0 -2 6 -7 3 ....................................... :..j_ 29113 m e e tin g s — Commerce Department: Semiconductor Manufacturing DOD: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 1 0 -2 5 -7 3 ......... 29098 and Test Equipment Technical Advisory Committee, Board of Visitors of the Defense Systems Manage 1 0 -3 0 -7 3 ........................¿.„„w................................................ 29101 ment School, 11-13 and 1 1 -1 4 -7 3 ...... ...................... 29098 AEC: Research Subcommittee of the General Advisory Advisory Committees, 10-17, 1 0 -31-73, and Committee, 10-25, 10-26-73 ..................... ................... .. 29105 11-1-73 ..........- ..... .......................... ........................ 29099 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards’ Sub Interior Department: General Technical Advisory Com committee, 1 0 -2 3 -7 3 ....................................................... 29104 mittee, 1 1 -13-73........................... ................................ 29100 Commerce Department: Sea Grant Advisory Panel, Justice Department: Guards and Investigations Commit 10-24 and 1 0 -2 5 -7 3 .......r...................................... ............ 29101 tee of the Private Security Advisory Council, 1 0 -2 5 -7 3 .. 29099 State Department: Advisory Panel on International Law, National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmos 1 0 -2 6 -7 3 .................................................... ............. ...... 29098 phere, 10—26 and 10—27—73.................... ....................... 29101 National Science Foundation— Advisory Panel for Math HEW: Workshop on Left Ventricular Assist Pump, ematical Sciences, 10-25 and 1 0 -2 6 -7 3 ................ ........ 29113 10-28-73 ........... ................................................................... 29102 CLC— Food Industry and Salary Committee, 10-25—73.. 29109 Contents THE PRESIDENT ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING COAST GUARD PRODUCTION AND MORTGAGE Proposed Rules Proclamations CREDIT OFFICE Radar observer; licensing; correc National Forest Products Week, Rules and Regulations tion __________________________ 29089 1973 _____________________ ___ 29069 Eligibility requirements for ap EXÉCUTIVE AGENCIES proval of mortgage; govern COMMERCE DEPARTMENT mental institutions____________ 29075 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL See Domestic and. International DEVELOPMENT ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Business Administration; Mari Notices time Administration; National Redelegations of authority regard Notices Bureau of Standards; National ing contracting functions : Advisory Committee on Reactor Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- . Affairs Officers (3 documents)_ 29094 Safeguards’ Subcommittee on ministration. * Mission Directors (8 docu Brown’s Ferry Nuclear Plant, ments) ______________ 29095-29097 COMMITTEE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION Units 2 and 3; meeting__________29104 OF TEXTILE AGREEMENTS Principal Officer______________ 29097 General Advisory Committee Re Representatives (3 documents) _ 29095, search Subcommittee; meeting. 29105 Notices 29096 Pacific Gas and Electric Co.; Certain cotton and man-made receipt of application for facil fiber textile products; elimina AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE ity operating licenses____________29105 tion from textile program______29109 Rules and Regulations Regulatory guides; issuance and availability______ ___________