################################################################# ################################################################# ####### ####### ####### Open Icon ####### ####### File ####### ####### ####### ################################################################# #################################################################

Table of Contents: * Description * Sources * * File List * Icons from Wikicommons * Icons under Creative licenses * Icons under GPL and LGPL licenses * Icons under * Icons under MIT license * Icons under BSD license * Icons from app-install-data ################################################################# ## Description:

The Open Icon Library contains icons from various sources. This file list the license and source of each file in this package. In the rare occasion where there is two files with the same name, you will have to check the developers package. If you wish to use these icons in your project, include this file in your projects documentation.

################################################################# ## Sources:

AEM Pictorial Database (aem) link: http://www.aem.org/Technical/PictorialDatabase/index.asp license: PD license link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain : eps -> svg, png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/aem app-install-data (app-install) link: http://packages.debian.org/lenny/app-install-data licenses: Various, see docs/AUTHORS_app-install license link: see docs/AUTHORS_app-install format: xpm, svg, png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/app-install

Creative Commons (cc) link: http://creativecommons.org/about/downloads license: CC-BY 3.0 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ formats: svg, png subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/cc open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/cc

Crystal Clear (crystal_clear) link: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Clear license: LGPL-2.1 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ formats: png subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/crystal_clear open_icon_library- devel/icons_by_subject/crystal_clear Crystal Project (crystal) link: http://everaldo.com/crystal/, CrystalXp.net license: LGPL-2.1 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ formats: png, ico subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/crystal

Technische Regeln für Arbeitsstätten (DIN Standard) (din) link: http://www.baua.de/nn_56926/de/Themen-von-A- Z/Arbeitsstaetten/ASR//ASR-A1-3.pdf license: Public Domain license link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain format: pdf -> svg, png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/din

FAMFAMFAM Flag Icons (famfamfam-flag) link: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/ license: Public Domain license link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain formats: png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/famfamfam-flag

FAMFAMFAM Silk Icons 1.3 (famfamfam-silk) link: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ license: CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ formats: png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/famfamfam-silk fineicons (fineicons) link: http://www.fineicons.com/en/free-icons/credit-cards/ license: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/ formats: -> png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/webpage/fineicons

UNECE GHS of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (ghs) link: http://www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/pictograms.html license: PD license link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain format: eps -> svg, png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/ghs

Gimp 2.6 () link: http://www.gimp.org/ license: GPLv2 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ formats: png subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/

GNOME Icon Theme 2.26.0 (gnome) link: http://art.gnome.org/ license: GPLv2 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ formats: svg, png subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/gnome open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/gnome

GNOME-Colors (gnome_colors) link: http://code.google.com/p/gnome-colors/ license: GPLv2 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ formats: svg, png subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/gnome-colors open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/gnome- colors

Inkscape () link: http://www.inkscape.org/ license: GPLv2 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ format: svg subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/inkscape

Intrigue Icon Set 0.6.2 [Green] (intrigue) link: http://simpleinnovation.net/index.php?page=22&source=2&id=2 license: GPLv2 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ formats: png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/intrigue

Nuvola 1.0 (KDE 3.x icon set) (nuvola) link: http://www.icon-king.com/projects/nuvola/ license: LGPL 2.1 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ formats: png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/nuvola

Map Symbols & Patterns for NPS Maps (nps) link: http://www.nps.gov/hfc/carto/map-symbols.htm aquired: 27 Dec 2009 license: Public Domain license link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain format: pdf -> png, svg subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/nps

Open Clip Art Library (open_clip_art_library) link: http://openclipart.org license: Public Domain license link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain format: svg -> png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/open_clip_art_library

Open Icon Library (homemade) link: http://openiconlibrary.sourceforge.net/ license: Public Domain license link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain format: svg -> png subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/homemade open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/homemade

OpenOffice.org default theme 3.2 (openoffice) link: http://www.openoffice.org/ license: GPLv3 license link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/3.0/ format: png subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/openoffice

Oxygen Icons 4.3.1 (KDE) (oxygen) link: http://www.oxygen-icons.org/ license: Dual: CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL License link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ formats: svg, png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/oxygen Icon Library 0.8.90 (tango) link: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library license: Public Domain License link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain formats: svg, png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/tango

Tango harm-on-icons (tango-harm) link: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Tango+mine?content=76316 license: CC-BY 3.0 License link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ formats: svg->png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/tango-harm

Warthan's Stuff: Sovereign State Flags of the World (warthan) link: http://warthan.org/nation_flags.html license: GPL License link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ formats: png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/warthan

Wikimedia Commons link: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page license: CC, GPL, PD, MIT, BSD (in separate directories) License link: format: svg, png subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/wiki_commons_bsd subdirectory: open_icon_library-devel/icons/wiki_commons_mit subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/wiki_commons_cc open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/wiki_commons_cc subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/wiki_commons_gpl open_icon_library- devel/icons_by_subject/wiki_commons_gpl subdirectories: open_icon_library-devel/icons/wiki_commons_pd open_icon_library-devel/icons_by_subject/wiki_commons_pd See AUTHORS_wiki_commons* for details on each image with license info

WPClipart (wpclipart) link: http://www.wpclipart.com/ license: PD

################################################################## ## Licenses:

Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 Generic (CC-BY 1.0) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/1.0/

Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC-BY 2.0) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic (CC-BY 2.5) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY 3.0) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Creative Commons Attribution- Alike 1.0 Generic (CC-BY-SA 1.0) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/1.0/

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic (CC-BY-SA 2.0) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic (CC-BY-SA 2.5) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-SA 3.0) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

GNU General Public License 2 (GPLv2) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/

GNU General Public License 3 (GPLv3) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/3.0/

GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 (LGPL) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/

GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 (LGPLv3) link: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt

MIT License (MIT) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/MIT/

BSD License (BSD) link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/

Public Domain (PD) link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain

List of other Free/Open licenses (not used) link: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html

################################################### ## File List: ##

File Name / Source / 0101.png / openoffice / GPLv3 0103.png / openoffice / GPLv3 0105.png / openoffice / GPLv3 0109.png / openoffice / GPLv3 0112.png / openoffice / GPLv3 0126.png / openoffice / GPLv3 02.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03123.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03125.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03126.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03127.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03128.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03129.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03130.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03131.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03132.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03137.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03139.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03140.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03144.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03145.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03150.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03151.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03152.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03158.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03160.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03161.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03162.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03163.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03214.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03216.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03217.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03219.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03220.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03226.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03227.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03228.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03242.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03243.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03244.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03245.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03246.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03247.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03248.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03249.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03250.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03251.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03252.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03253.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03254.png / openoffice / GPLv3 03255.png / openoffice / GPLv3 036.png / openoffice / GPLv3 037.png / openoffice / GPLv3 038.png / openoffice / GPLv3 039.png / openoffice / GPLv3 040.png / openoffice / GPLv3 045.png / openoffice / GPLv3 047.png / openoffice / GPLv3 048.png / openoffice / GPLv3 049.png / openoffice / GPLv3 051.png / openoffice / GPLv3 052.png / openoffice / GPLv3 053.png / openoffice / GPLv3 054.png / openoffice / GPLv3 05500.png / openoffice / GPLv3 05554.png / openoffice / GPLv3 057.png / openoffice / GPLv3 05711.png / openoffice / GPLv3 058.png / openoffice / GPLv3 059.png / openoffice / GPLv3 060.png / openoffice / GPLv3 061.png / openoffice / GPLv3 062.png / openoffice / GPLv3 063.png / openoffice / GPLv3 06312.png / openoffice / GPLv3 064.png / openoffice / GPLv3 067.png / openoffice / GPLv3 068.png / openoffice / GPLv3 069.png / openoffice / GPLv3 070.png / openoffice / GPLv3 072.png / openoffice / GPLv3 074.png / openoffice / GPLv3 076.png / openoffice / GPLv3 077.png / openoffice / GPLv3 078.png / openoffice / GPLv3 079.png / openoffice / GPLv3 10350.png / openoffice / GPLv3 10454.png / openoffice / GPLv3 10710.png / openoffice / GPLv3 10863.png / openoffice / GPLv3 10864.png / openoffice / GPLv3 10928.png / openoffice / GPLv3 10929.png / openoffice / GPLv3 12454.png / openoffice / GPLv3 12464.png / openoffice / GPLv3 12466.png / openoffice / GPLv3 12468.png / openoffice / GPLv3 12477.png / openoffice / GPLv3 12602.png / openoffice / GPLv3 12603.png / openoffice / GPLv3 18022.png / openoffice / GPLv3 1964.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 1964.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 1964.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 1964.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 2-2_ski_selector_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 2-2_ski_selector_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 2.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 20007.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20011.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20012.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20018.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20019.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20171.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20172.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20173.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20174.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20175.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20186.png / openoffice / GPLv3 20236.png / openoffice / GPLv3 27036.png / openoffice / GPLv3 3-2_ski_selector_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 3-2_ski_selector_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 3-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 3-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 3.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 4-2_ski_selector_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-2_ski_selector_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(floating_mid-position).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(floating_mid-position).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid- position_closed;_in_locking_position_the_pump_pumps_to_the_tank).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid- position_closed;_in_locking_position_the_pump_pumps_to_the_tank).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(soft_switching_off_on_stop).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(soft_switching_off_on_stop).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 5-2_ski_selector_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 5-2_ski_selector_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 5-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 5-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 5-3_way_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 5-3_way_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 6.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 7.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 7zip.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 7zip.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 7zip.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 7zip.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below 7zip.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below AClock.app.icns / app-install / See Below AClock.app.ico / app-install / See Below AClock.app.png / app-install / See Below AClock.app.xpm / app-install / See Below APP-6_Aerial_Refuel.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Air-transportable.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Air_Defence.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Air_Force.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Airmobile.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Airmobile_Infantry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Airmobile_Mod.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Airmobile_Mortar.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Airmobile_Supply_Transport.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Ammunition.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Amphibious.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Amphibious_Mechanized_Infantry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Anti_Tank.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Anti_Tank_Helicopter.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Armored.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Armored_Air_Defence_Artillery.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Armored_Artillery.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Armored_Engineer.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Armored_Reconnaissance.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Army_Aviation.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Artillery.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Basic.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Bridging.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Combat_Service_Support.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Combat_Supply.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Combined_Arms.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_EOD.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Electronic_Warfare.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Engineer.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_HQ_Support.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Hospital.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Infantry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Infantry_Mechanized_IFV.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Infantry_Motorised.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Infantry_Wheeled_Mechanized_IFV.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_MLRS.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_MP.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Maintenance.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Mechanized_Infantry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Medical.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Meteorological.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Missile.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Missile_Air_Defence.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Mortar.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Motorised.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Mountain.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Mountain_Artillery.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Mountain_Infantry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_NBC.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Navy.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Ordnance.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_PYSOPS.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Parachute.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Parachute_Infantry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Radar.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Reconnaissance.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Refuel.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Rocket.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Signals.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Special_Forces.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Special_Operations_Forces.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Topographical.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Transport_Helicopter.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Transportation.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Unmanned_Air_Recon.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Wheeled.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Wheeled_Armored_Reconnaissance.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Wheeled_MLRS.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Wheeled_Mechanized_Infantry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_Wheeled_Tank.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_battalion.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD APP-6_company.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD BioCocoa.app.icns / app-install / See Below BioCocoa.app.ico / app-install / See Below BioCocoa.app.png / app-install / See Below BioCocoa.app.xpm / app-install / See Below CA2pp.icns / app-install / See Below CA2pp.ico / app-install / See Below CA2pp.png / app-install / See Below CA2pp.xpm / app-install / See Below CaRMetal.icns / app-install / See Below CaRMetal.ico / app-install / See Below CaRMetal.png / app-install / See Below CaRMetal.xpm / app-install / See Below Camera.app.icns / app-install / See Below Camera.app.ico / app-install / See Below Camera.app.png / app-install / See Below Camera.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Cblob.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Cenon.app.icns / app-install / See Below Cenon.app.ico / app-install / See Below Cenon.app.png / app-install / See Below Cenon.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Charmap.app.icns / app-install / See Below Charmap.app.ico / app-install / See Below Charmap.app.png / app-install / See Below Charmap.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Chook.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Ctail.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 DeSmuME.icns / app-install / See Below DeSmuME.ico / app-install / See Below DeSmuME.png / app-install / See Below DeSmuME.xpm / app-install / See Below Delta.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 DictionaryReader.app.icns / app-install / See Below DictionaryReader.app.ico / app-install / See Below DictionaryReader.app.png / app-install / See Below DictionaryReader.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Eb.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 EdenMath.app.icns / app-install / See Below EdenMath.app.ico / app-install / See Below EdenMath.app.png / app-install / See Below EdenMath.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Eserif.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Et.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 FBReader.icns / app-install / See Below FBReader.ico / app-install / See Below FBReader.png / app-install / See Below FBReader.xpm / app-install / See Below FontBookSquare.icns / app-install / See Below FontBookSquare.ico / app-install / See Below FontBookSquare.png / app-install / See Below FontBookSquare.xpm / app-install / See Below G.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 GNUWash.app.icns / app-install / See Below GNUWash.app.ico / app-install / See Below GNUWash.app.png / app-install / See Below GNUWash.app.xpm / app-install / See Below GNUstep_Grr.app.icns / app-install / See Below GNUstep_Grr.app.ico / app-install / See Below GNUstep_Grr.app.png / app-install / See Below GNUstep_Grr.app.xpm / app-install / See Below GNUstep_LuserNET.app.icns / app-install / See Below GNUstep_LuserNET.app.ico / app-install / See Below GNUstep_LuserNET.app.png / app-install / See Below GNUstep_LuserNET.app.xpm / app-install / See Below GTAMSAnalyzer.app.icns / app-install / See Below GTAMSAnalyzer.app.ico / app-install / See Below GTAMSAnalyzer.app.png / app-install / See Below GTAMSAnalyzer.app.xpm / app-install / See Below .app.icns / app-install / See Below Gorm.app.ico / app-install / See Below Gorm.app.png / app-install / See Below Gorm.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Gridlock.app.icns / app-install / See Below Gridlock.app.ico / app-install / See Below Gridlock.app.png / app-install / See Below Gridlock.app.xpm / app-install / See Below GvRng.icns / app-install / See Below GvRng.ico / app-install / See Below GvRng.png / app-install / See Below GvRng.xpm / app-install / See Below HPmenu.icns / app-install / See Below HPmenu.ico / app-install / See Below HPmenu.png / app-install / See Below HPmenu.xpm / app-install / See Below HelpViewer.icns / app-install / See Below HelpViewer.ico / app-install / See Below HelpViewer.png / app-install / See Below HelpViewer.xpm / app-install / See Below IBSerif.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 ITSerif.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 LabPlot.icns / app-install / See Below LabPlot.ico / app-install / See Below LabPlot.png / app-install / See Below LabPlot.xpm / app-install / See Below Lb.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Lt.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Lynkeos.app.icns / app-install / See Below Lynkeos.app.ico / app-install / See Below Lynkeos.app.png / app-install / See Below Lynkeos.app.xpm / app-install / See Below MB.icns / app-install / See Below MB.ico / app-install / See Below MB.png / app-install / See Below MB.xpm / app-install / See Below MPDCon.app.icns / app-install / See Below MPDCon.app.ico / app-install / See Below MPDCon.app.png / app-install / See Below MPDCon.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Mines.app.icns / app-install / See Below Mines.app.ico / app-install / See Below Mines.app.png / app-install / See Below Mines.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Ocross.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Oterm.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 P.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 PRICE.app.icns / app-install / See Below PRICE.app.ico / app-install / See Below PRICE.app.png / app-install / See Below PRICE.app.xpm / app-install / See Below PipeWalker.icns / app-install / See Below PipeWalker.ico / app-install / See Below PipeWalker.png / app-install / See Below PipeWalker.xpm / app-install / See Below PlopFolio.app.icns / app-install / See Below PlopFolio.app.ico / app-install / See Below PlopFolio.app.png / app-install / See Below PlopFolio.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Poe.app.icns / app-install / See Below Poe.app.ico / app-install / See Below Poe.app.png / app-install / See Below Poe.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Preview.app.icns / app-install / See Below Preview.app.ico / app-install / See Below Preview.app.png / app-install / See Below Preview.app.xpm / app-install / See Below ProjectManager.app.icns / app-install / See Below ProjectManager.app.ico / app-install / See Below ProjectManager.app.png / app-install / See Below ProjectManager.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Q.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 RLPlot.icns / app-install / See Below RLPlot.ico / app-install / See Below RLPlot.png / app-install / See Below RLPlot.xpm / app-install / See Below Rblock.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 RemoteDesk.app.icns / app-install / See Below RemoteDesk.app.ico / app-install / See Below RemoteDesk.app.png / app-install / See Below RemoteDesk.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Sci48M.icns / app-install / See Below Sci48M.ico / app-install / See Below Sci48M.png / app-install / See Below Sci48M.xpm / app-install / See Below TagTool.icns / app-install / See Below TagTool.ico / app-install / See Below TagTool.png / app-install / See Below TagTool.xpm / app-install / See Below Tb.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 TeXmacs.icns / app-install / See Below TeXmacs.ico / app-install / See Below TeXmacs.png / app-install / See Below TeXmacs.xpm / app-install / See Below Terminal.app.icns / app-install / See Below Terminal.app.ico / app-install / See Below Terminal.app.png / app-install / See Below Terminal.app.xpm / app-install / See Below TextEdit.app.icns / app-install / See Below TextEdit.app.ico / app-install / See Below TextEdit.app.png / app-install / See Below TextEdit.app.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below Thunar.ico / app-install / See Below Thunar.png / app-install / See Below Thunar.xpm / app-install / See Below TimeMon.app.icns / app-install / See Below TimeMon.app.ico / app-install / See Below TimeMon.app.png / app-install / See Below TimeMon.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Tt.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 U.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 VolumeControl.app.icns / app-install / See Below VolumeControl.app.ico / app-install / See Below VolumeControl.app.png / app-install / See Below VolumeControl.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Vser.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 WrapperFactory.app.icns / app-install / See Below WrapperFactory.app.ico / app-install / See Below WrapperFactory.app.png / app-install / See Below WrapperFactory.app.xpm / app-install / See Below Xh.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Xne.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Xnw.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Xvb.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 Xvt.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 a.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 a7xpg.icns / app-install / See Below a7xpg.ico / app-install / See Below a7xpg.png / app-install / See Below a7xpg.xpm / app-install / See Below abase.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 abe.icns / app-install / See Below abe.ico / app-install / See Below abe.png / app-install / See Below abe.xpm / app-install / See Below -3.icns / app-install / See Below abiword-3.ico / app-install / See Below abiword-3.png / app-install / See Below abiword-3.xpm / app-install / See Below abiword-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below abiword-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below abiword-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below abiword-4.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below abiword-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below abiword.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 abiword.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 abiword.png / intrigue / GPLv2 abiword.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 absoluterecord.png / openoffice / GPLv3 abuse.icns / app-install / See Below abuse.ico / app-install / See Below abuse.png / app-install / See Below abuse.xpm / app-install / See Below acap.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 accerciser.icns / app-install / See Below accerciser.ico / app-install / See Below accerciser.png / app-install / See Below accerciser.xpm / app-install / See Below accessories-calculator-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-calculator-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-calculator-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-calculator-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-calculator-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-calculator-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-calculator-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-calculator-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-calculator-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-calculator-4.icns / tango / PD accessories-calculator-4.ico / tango / PD accessories-calculator-4.png / tango / PD accessories-calculator-4.svg / tango / PD accessories-calculator-4.xpm / tango / PD accessories-calculator-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-calculator-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-calculator-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-calculator-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-calculator-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-calculator-6.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 accessories-calculator-6.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 accessories-calculator-6.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 accessories-calculator-6.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 accessories-calculator.icns / / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-calculator.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-calculator.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-calculator.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-calculator16.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-calculator16.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-calculator16.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-calculator16.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-character-map-2.icns / tango / PD accessories-character-map-2.ico / tango / PD accessories-character-map-2.png / tango / PD accessories-character-map-2.svg / tango / PD accessories-character-map-2.xpm / tango / PD accessories-character-map-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-character-map-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-character-map-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-character-map-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-character-map-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-character-map.icns / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-character-map.ico / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-character-map.png / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-character-map.svg / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-character-map.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-clock-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-clock.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 accessories-clock.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 accessories-clock.png / intrigue / GPLv2 accessories-clock.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 accessories-date-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-date-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-date-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-date-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-date.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-date.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-date.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-date.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-dictionary-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-dictionary-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-dictionary-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-dictionary-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-dictionary-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-dictionary.icns / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-dictionary.ico / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-dictionary.png / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-dictionary.svg / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-dictionary.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-miscellaneous.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-miscellaneous.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-miscellaneous.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-miscellaneous.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor-4.icns / tango / PD accessories-text-editor-4.ico / tango / PD accessories-text-editor-4.png / tango / PD accessories-text-editor-4.svg / tango / PD accessories-text-editor-4.xpm / tango / PD accessories-text-editor-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-text-editor-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-text-editor-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-text-editor-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-text-editor-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL accessories-text-editor-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 accessories-text-editor.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-text-editor.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-text-editor.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor.png / intrigue / GPLv2 accessories-text-editor.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 accessories-text-editor.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 accident.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ace.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ace.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ace.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below achilles.icns / app-install / See Below achilles.ico / app-install / See Below achilles.png / app-install / See Below achilles.svg / app-install / See Below achilles.xpm / app-install / See Below aconnectgui.icns / app-install / See Below aconnectgui.ico / app-install / See Below aconnectgui.png / app-install / See Below aconnectgui.xpm / app-install / See Below acrobat.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acrobat.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acrobat.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acrobat.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acroread-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 acroread-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 acroread-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 acroread-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 acroread-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acroread-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acroread-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acroread-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acroread-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL acroread.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 acroread.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 acroread.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 acroread.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 actionmode.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ad_hoc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ad_hoc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ad_hoc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 adanaxisgpl.icns / app-install / See Below adanaxisgpl.ico / app-install / See Below adanaxisgpl.png / app-install / See Below adanaxisgpl.xpm / app-install / See Below add-to-desktop.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 add-to-desktop.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 add-to-desktop.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 add-to-desktop.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 addfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 addons.png / openoffice / GPLv3 addprintarea.png / openoffice / GPLv3 address--new-2.icns / tango / PD address-book-new-2.ico / tango / PD address-book-new-2.png / tango / PD address-book-new-2.svg / tango / PD address-book-new-2.xpm / tango / PD address-book-new-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL address-book-new-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL address-book-new-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL address-book-new-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL address-book-new-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL address-book-new-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 address-book-new-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 address-book-new-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 address-book-new-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 address-book-new.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 address-book-new.icns / gnome / GPLv2 address-book-new.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 address-book-new.ico / gnome / GPLv2 address-book-new.png / gnome / GPLv2 address-book-new.svg / gnome / GPLv2 address-book-new.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 address-book-new.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 addtable.png / openoffice / GPLv3 addtemplate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 addwatch.png / openoffice / GPLv3 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below adium.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below adium.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below adium.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below administration.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 adobe_air.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 adobe_air.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 adobe_air.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 adobe_air.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 adobe_air.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 adrbook.png / openoffice / GPLv3 aerodrome.svg / / PD aeskulap.icns / app-install / See Below aeskulap.ico / app-install / See Below aeskulap.png / app-install / See Below aeskulap.xpm / app-install / See Below aestheticscenter.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 aethera.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below aethera.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below aethera.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below aethera.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below agar.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD agar.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD agar.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD agar.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD agave.icns / app-install / See Below agave.ico / app-install / See Below agave.png / app-install / See Below agave.xpm / app-install / See Below agenda.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 agenda.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 agenda.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 agriculture.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 agriculture2.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 agriculture3.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 agriculture4.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 aim-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 aim-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 aim-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 aim-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 aim-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aim-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aim-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aim-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aim.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 aim.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 aim.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 aim.png / homemade / PD aim.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 aips.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below aips.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below aips.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below aips.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below air_reservoir.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below air_reservoir.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below aircraft-small.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 airplane-sport.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 airplane-tourism.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 airport-apron.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 airport-runway.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 airport-terminal.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 airport.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 airport.svg / openstreetmap / PD airstrike.icns / app-install / See Below airstrike.ico / app-install / See Below airstrike.png / app-install / See Below airstrike.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akonadi.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akonadi.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akonadi.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akonadi.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akregator-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akregator-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akregator-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akregator-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akregator-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL akregator.icns / app-install / See Below akregator.ico / app-install / See Below akregator.png / app-install / See Below akregator.xpm / app-install / See Below aktion-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 aktion-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 aktion-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 aktion-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 aktion-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aktion-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aktion-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aktion-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 aktion.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 aktion.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 aktion.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 aktion.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .ico / app-install / See Below alacarte.png / app-install / See Below alacarte.xpm / app-install / See Below alarm-clock.icns / app-install / See Below alarm-clock.ico / app-install / See Below alarm-clock.png / app-install / See Below alarm-clock.svg / app-install / See Below alarm-clock.xpm / app-install / See Below albumshaper.icns / app-install / See Below albumshaper.ico / app-install / See Below albumshaper.png / app-install / See Below albumshaper.xpm / app-install / See Below alc.icns / app-install / See Below alc.ico / app-install / See Below alc.png / app-install / See Below alc.xpm / app-install / See Below aldrin.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below aldrin.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below aldrin.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below aldrin.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below aldrin.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below alex4.icns / app-install / See Below alex4.ico / app-install / See Below alex4.png / app-install / See Below alex4.xpm / app-install / See Below alexandria.icns / app-install / See Below alexandria.ico / app-install / See Below alexandria.png / app-install / See Below alexandria.xpm / app-install / See Below alien.icns / wpclipart / PD alien.ico / wpclipart / PD alien.png / wpclipart / PD align-bottom.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-bottom.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-bottom.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-bottom.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-center.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-center.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-center.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-center.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-hoizontal-left.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-hoizontal-left.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-hoizontal-left.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-horizontal-bottom-out.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-bottom-out.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-bottom-out.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-bottom-out.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-center-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-center-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-center-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-center-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-center.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-horizontal-center.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-horizontal-center.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-horizontal-left-out.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-left-out.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-left-out.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-left-out.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-left.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-left.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-left.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-left.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-out.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-out.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-out.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right-out.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-right.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-horizontal-right.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-horizontal-right.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-horizontal-top-out.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-top-out.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-top-out.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-horizontal-top-out.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-left.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-left.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-left.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-left.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-middle.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-middle.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-middle.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-middle.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-right.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-right.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-right.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-right.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-text-middle.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-text-middle.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-text-middle.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-text-middle.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-top.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-top.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-top.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-top.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 align-vertical-bottom-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom-out.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom-out.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom-out.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom-out.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-bottom.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-bottom.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-bottom.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-bottom.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-center-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-center-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-center-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-center-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-center.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-center.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-center.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-top-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top-out.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top-out.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top-out.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top-out.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL align-vertical-top.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-top.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-top.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 align-vertical-top.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 alignblock.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignbottom.png / openoffice / GPLv3 aligncenter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 aligndown.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignhorizontalcenter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignleft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignmiddle.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 aligntop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignvcenter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 alignverticalcenter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 all_alone.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 all_alone.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 all_alone.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 alltray.icns / app-install / See Below alltray.ico / app-install / See Below alltray.png / app-install / See Below alltray.xpm / app-install / See Below alsamixergui.icns / app-install / See Below alsamixergui.ico / app-install / See Below alsamixergui.png / app-install / See Below alsamixergui.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amarok-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amarok-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amarok-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amarok-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amarok-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amarok-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amarok-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amarok-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amarok.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 amarok.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 amarok.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amarok.png / intrigue / GPLv2 amarok.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amarok.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 amarok.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amenity-atm.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-bar.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-cafe.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-cinema.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-fast_food.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-fire_station.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-hospital.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-pharmacy.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-pharmacy_dispensing.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-police.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-post_box.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-pub.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-recycling.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-restaurant.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-school.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-telephone.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity-theatre.svg / qgis / GPLv2 amenity_firestation2.svg / openstreetmap / PD amenity_firestation3.svg / openstreetmap / PD amenity_police2.svg / openstreetmap / PD amide.icns / app-install / See Below amide.ico / app-install / See Below amide.png / app-install / See Below amide.xpm / app-install / See Below amor-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amor-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amor-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amor-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 amor-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 amor-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 amor-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 amor-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 amor.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 amor.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 amor.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 amor.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 amph.icns / app-install / See Below amph.ico / app-install / See Below amph.png / app-install / See Below amph.xpm / app-install / See Below amphitheater-tourism.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 amphitheater.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ams.icns / app-install / See Below ams.ico / app-install / See Below ams.png / app-install / See Below ams.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amsn-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amsn-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amsn-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below amsn.icns / app-install / See Below amsn.ico / app-install / See Below amsn.png / app-install / See Below amsn.xpm / app-install / See Below amsynth.icns / app-install / See Below amsynth.ico / app-install / See Below amsynth.png / app-install / See Below amsynth.xpm / app-install / See Below amule-2.icns / app-install / See Below amule-2.ico / app-install / See Below amule-2.png / app-install / See Below amule-2.xpm / app-install / See Below amulegui.icns / app-install / See Below amulegui.ico / app-install / See Below amulegui.png / app-install / See Below amulegui.xpm / app-install / See Below anchor.png / gimp / GPLv2 anchor_over_background.icns / wpclipart / PD anchor_over_background.ico / wpclipart / PD anchor_over_background.png / wpclipart / PD ancientmonument.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ancienttemple.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ancienttempleruin.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 angband.icns / homemade / PD angband.ico / homemade / PD angband.png / homemade / PD angband.xpm / homemade / PD angrydd.icns / app-install / See Below angrydd.ico / app-install / See Below angrydd.png / app-install / See Below angrydd.xpm / app-install / See Below animals-ant.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-ant.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-ant.png / wpclipart / PD animals-armadillo.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-armadillo.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-armadillo.png / wpclipart / PD animals-bat.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-bat.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-bat.png / wpclipart / PD animals-bear.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-bear.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-bear.png / wpclipart / PD animals-beaver.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-beaver.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-beaver.png / wpclipart / PD animals-bee.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-bee.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-bee.png / wpclipart / PD animals-bird.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-bird.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-bird.png / wpclipart / PD animals-black_widow.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-black_widow.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-black_widow.png / wpclipart / PD animals-blowfish.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-blowfish.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-blowfish.png / wpclipart / PD animals-bull_head.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-bull_head.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-bull_head.png / wpclipart / PD animals-bumble_bee.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-bumble_bee.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-bumble_bee.png / wpclipart / PD animals-butterfly.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-butterfly.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-butterfly.png / wpclipart / PD animals-cat.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-cat.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-cat.png / wpclipart / PD animals-cow.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-cow.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-cow.png / wpclipart / PD animals-crow.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-crow.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-crow.png / wpclipart / PD animals-dog.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-dog.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-dog.png / wpclipart / PD animals-.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-dolphin.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-dolphin.png / wpclipart / PD animals-doves_of_peace.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-doves_of_peace.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-doves_of_peace.png / wpclipart / PD animals-dragon.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-dragon.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-dragon.png / wpclipart / PD animals-dragon_abstract.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-dragon_abstract.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-dragon_abstract.png / wpclipart / PD animals-eagle.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-eagle.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-eagle.png / wpclipart / PD animals-eagle_face.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-eagle_face.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-eagle_face.png / wpclipart / PD animals-elephant.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-elephant.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-elephant.png / wpclipart / PD animals-elk.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-elk.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-elk.png / wpclipart / PD animals-feather_4.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-feather_4.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-feather_4.png / wpclipart / PD animals-frog-poison_dart.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-frog-poison_dart.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-frog-poison_dart.png / wpclipart / PD animals-gaur.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-gaur.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-gaur.png / wpclipart / PD animals-giraffe.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-giraffe.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-giraffe.png / wpclipart / PD animals-gnu.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-gnu.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-gnu.png / wpclipart / PD animals-goat.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-goat.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-goat.png / wpclipart / PD animals-goat_head.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-goat_head.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-goat_head.png / wpclipart / PD animals-hamster_face.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-hamster_face.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-hamster_face.png / wpclipart / PD animals-hippo.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-hippo.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-hippo.png / wpclipart / PD animals-hornet.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-hornet.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-hornet.png / wpclipart / PD animals-horse_flame_outline.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-horse_flame_outline.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-horse_flame_outline.png / wpclipart / PD animals-hummingbird.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-hummingbird.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-hummingbird.png / wpclipart / PD animals-kitten_cute_toon_character_t.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-kitten_cute_toon_character_t.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-kitten_cute_toon_character_t.png / wpclipart / PD animals-ladybug.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-ladybug.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-ladybug.png / wpclipart / PD animals-lion.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-lion.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-lion.png / wpclipart / PD animals-lion_rampant.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-lion_rampant.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-lion_rampant.png / wpclipart / PD animals-lizard-eft.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-lizard-eft.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-lizard-eft.png / wpclipart / PD animals-mouse.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-mouse.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-mouse.png / wpclipart / PD animals-mouse_on_top_of_a_cheese.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-mouse_on_top_of_a_cheese.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-mouse_on_top_of_a_cheese.png / wpclipart / PD animals-octopus.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-octopus.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-octopus.png / wpclipart / PD animals-owl.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-owl.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-owl.png / wpclipart / PD animals-penguin.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 animals-penguin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 animals-penguin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 animals-penguin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 animals-rabbit.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-rabbit.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-rabbit.png / wpclipart / PD animals-rabbit_face.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-rabbit_face.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-rabbit_face.png / wpclipart / PD animals-ram-dall_sheep_ram_stylized.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-ram-dall_sheep_ram_stylized.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-ram-dall_sheep_ram_stylized.png / wpclipart / PD animals-scarabe.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-scarabe.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-scarabe.png / wpclipart / PD animals-sheep.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-sheep.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-sheep.png / wpclipart / PD animals-whale.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-whale.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-whale.png / wpclipart / PD animals-zebra.icns / wpclipart / PD animals-zebra.ico / wpclipart / PD animals-zebra.png / wpclipart / PD animals.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 animationeffects.png / openoffice / GPLv3 animationmode.png / openoffice / GPLv3 animationobjects.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below anjuta-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below anjuta-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below anjuta-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below anjuta-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below anjuta.icns / app-install / See Below anjuta.ico / app-install / See Below anjuta.png / app-install / See Below anjuta.xpm / app-install / See Below anki.icns / app-install / See Below anki.ico / app-install / See Below anki.png / app-install / See Below anki.xpm / app-install / See Below anniversary.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_1.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_1.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_1.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_1.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_10.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_10.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_10.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_10.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_11.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_11.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_11.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_11.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_12.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_12.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_12.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_12.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_13.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_13.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_13.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_13.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_14.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_14.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_14.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_14.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_15.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_15.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_15.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_15.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_2.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_2.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_2.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_2.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_3.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_3.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_3.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_3.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_4.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_4.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_4.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_4.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_5.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_5.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_5.png / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_5.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_6.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD anonymous_simple_weather_symbols_6.ico / 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crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 antivirus.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 antivirus.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 antivirus.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 antiword.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below antiword.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below antiword.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below antiword.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below anymeal.icns / app-install / See Below anymeal.ico / app-install / See Below anymeal.png / app-install / See Below anymeal.xpm / app-install / See Below ap_connect.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ap_connect.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ap_connect.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 apache-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 apache-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 apache-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 apache-2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 apache-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 apache.icns / homemade / PD apache.ico / homemade / PD apache.png / homemade / PD apache.xpm / homemade / PD apartment.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 apcupsd.icns / app-install / See Below apcupsd.ico / 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application-qif.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-relaxng.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application--effect.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-rhythmbox-.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-rss+.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-rss+xml.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-rtf.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-rtf.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-side-boxes.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-boxes.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-boxes.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-boxes.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-contract.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-contract.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-contract.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-contract.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-side-expand.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or 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application-view-list.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-view-list.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-view-list.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-view-tile.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-view-tile.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-view-tile.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-view-tile.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.corel-draw.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.hp-hpgl.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.ms-access.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroenabled.12.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.ms-excel.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.ms-excel.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.ms-excel.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 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application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.rn-realmedia.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.rn-realmedia.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-vnd..svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.stardivision.calc.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.stardivision.calc.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.stardivision.calc.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-vnd.stardivision.chart.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-vnd.stardivision.draw.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.stardivision.impress.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.stardivision.impress.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-vnd.stardivision.writer.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-vnd.stardivision.writer.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-vnd.sun.xml.calc.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-vnd.sun.xml.calc.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 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CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-desktop.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-desktop.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x--diagram.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-dia-diagram.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-dvi.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-e-theme.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-egon.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-emerald-theme.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-emerald-theme_old.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-executable-script.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-executable.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 application-x-executable.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 application-x-executable.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 application-x-executable.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 application-x-executable.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 application-x-executable.svg / gnome / GPLv2 application-x-executable.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-executable.svg / tango / PD application-x-executable.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 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application-x-gerber-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below application-x-gerber.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below application-x-gettext-.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-glade.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-glade.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-gnome-theme-package.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-gnucash.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-gnumeric.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-gtktalog.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-gtktalog.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-gzdvi.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-gzip.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-gzip.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-gzpostscript.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-ipod-firmware.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-java-applet.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-java-archive.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-java-archive.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-java.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-kcsrc.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x--app-info.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-kgetlist.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-killustrator.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-kontour.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-kpresenter.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-kspread.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-kvtml.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-lha.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-lha.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-lyx.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-lyx.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-lzma-compressed-tar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-lzop.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-m4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-mimearchive.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-ms--executable.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-ms-dos-executable.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-ms-dos-executable_old.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-ms-wmp.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-mswinurl.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-mswinurl.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-mswrite.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-nero-disc-image.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-nzb.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-object.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-object.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-pak.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-pcb-layout-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below application-x-pcb-layout-3.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-pcb-layout.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below application-x-pem-key.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-.svg / gnome-colors / GPLv2 application-x-perl.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-perl.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-php.svg / gnome-colors / GPLv2 application-x-php.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-php.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-php.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-plasma.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-plasma.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-python-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-python-bytecode.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-python.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-qet-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-qet-project.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-quattropro.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-qw.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-rar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-rar.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-reject.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-rpm.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-rpm.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-ruby.svg / gnome-colors / GPLv2 application-x-ruby.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-ruby.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-share-library-la.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-shared-library-la.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-sharedlib.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-sharedlib.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-sharedlib.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-shellscript.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-shellscript.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-shockwave-flash.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-shockwave-flash.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-shockwave-flash.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-siag.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-smb-server.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-smb-workgroup.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-smb-workgroup.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-smil.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-sqlite2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-subrip.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-tar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-tar.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-tarz.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-tex.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-tgif.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-theme.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-theme_old.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-trash.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-trash.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application-x-troff-man.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-tzo.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-vmware-snapshot.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-vmware-team.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-vmware-vm-clone.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-vmware-vm-legacy.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-vmware-vm.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-vmware-vmfoundry.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 application-x-wmf.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-zerosize.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-x-zoo.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-+xml.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-xml.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-xp.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-xp.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-xp.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-xp.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application-xsd.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-xslt+xml.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-zip.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL application-zip.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 application_3ddesktop.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 application_3ddesktop.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 application_3ddesktop.png / intrigue / GPLv2 application_3ddesktop.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 application_blender.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 application_blender.png / intrigue / GPLv2 application_blender.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 application_designer.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 application_designer.png / intrigue / GPLv2 application_designer.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 application_home.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application_home.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application_home.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 application_home.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 applications-accessories-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-accessories-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-accessories-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-accessories-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-accessories-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-accessories-3.icns / tango / PD applications-accessories-3.ico / tango / PD applications-accessories-3.png / tango / PD applications-accessories-3.svg / tango / PD applications-accessories-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-accessories-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-accessories-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-accessories-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-accessories-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-accessories-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-accessories.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-accessories.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-accessories.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-accessories.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-development-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-development-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-development-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-development-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-development-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-development-3.icns / tango / PD applications-development-3.ico / tango / PD applications-development-3.png / tango / PD applications-development-3.svg / tango / PD applications-development-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-development-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-development-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-development-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-development-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-development-translation.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-translation.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-translation.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-translation.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-translation.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-web.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-web.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-web.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-web.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development-web.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-development.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-development.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-development.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-development.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-education-language.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-language.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-language.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-language.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-mathematics.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-mathematics.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-mathematics.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-mathematics.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education-mathematics.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-education.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-engineering-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-engineering-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-engineering-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-engineering-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-engineering-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-engineering-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-engineering-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-engineering-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-engineering-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-engineering-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-engineering.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-engineering.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-engineering.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-engineering.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-games-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-games-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-games-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-games-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-games-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-games-3.icns / tango / PD applications-games-3.ico / tango / PD applications-games-3.png / tango / PD applications-games-3.svg / tango / PD applications-games-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-games-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-games-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-games-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-games-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-games-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-games.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-games.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-games.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-games.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-graphics-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-graphics-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-graphics-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-graphics-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-graphics-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-graphics-3.icns / tango / PD applications-graphics-3.ico / tango / PD applications-graphics-3.png / tango / PD applications-graphics-3.svg / tango / PD applications-graphics-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-graphics-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-graphics-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-graphics-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-graphics-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-graphics-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-graphics-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-graphics-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-graphics-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-graphics-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-graphics.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-graphics.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-graphics.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-graphics.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-internet-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-internet-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-internet-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-internet-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-internet-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-internet-3.icns / tango / PD applications-internet-3.ico / tango / PD applications-internet-3.png / tango / PD applications-internet-3.svg / tango / PD applications-internet-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-internet-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-internet-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-internet-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-internet-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-internet-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-internet.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-internet.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-internet.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-internet.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-multimedia-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-multimedia-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-multimedia-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-multimedia-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-multimedia-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-multimedia-3.icns / tango / PD applications-multimedia-3.ico / tango / PD applications-multimedia-3.png / tango / PD applications-multimedia-3.svg / tango / PD applications-multimedia-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-multimedia-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-multimedia-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-multimedia-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-multimedia-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-multimedia-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-multimedia-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-multimedia-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-multimedia-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-multimedia-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-multimedia.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-multimedia.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-multimedia.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-multimedia.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-office-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-office-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-office-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-office-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-office-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-office-3.icns / tango / PD applications-office-3.ico / tango / PD applications-office-3.png / tango / PD applications-office-3.svg / tango / PD applications-office-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-office-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-office-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-office-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-office-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-office-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-office-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-office-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-office-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-office-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-office.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-office.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-office.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-office.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-other-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-other-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-other-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-other-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-other-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-other-3.icns / tango / PD applications-other-3.ico / tango / PD applications-other-3.png / tango / PD applications-other-3.svg / tango / PD applications-other-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-other-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-other-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-other-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-other-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-other-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-other.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-other.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-other.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-other.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-science-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-science-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-science-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-science-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-science-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-science-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-science-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-science-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-science-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-science-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-science.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-science.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-science.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-science.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-system-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-system-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-system-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-system-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-system-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-system-3.icns / tango / PD applications-system-3.ico / tango / PD applications-system-3.png / tango / PD applications-system-3.svg / tango / PD applications-system-3.xpm / tango / PD applications-system-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-system-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-system-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-system-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-system-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-system-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-system-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-system-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-system-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-system.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-system.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-system.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-system.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-toys.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-toys.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-toys.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-toys.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-toys.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-utilities-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 applications-utilities-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 applications-utilities-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 applications-utilities-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 applications-utilities-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 applications-utilities-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-utilities-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-utilities-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-utilities-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-utilities-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL applications-utilities-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-utilities-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-utilities-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-utilities-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 applications-utilities.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-utilities.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-utilities.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applications-utilities.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 applixware-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 applixware-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 applixware-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 applixware-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 applixware.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 applixware.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 applixware.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 applixware.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 appointment-missed.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-missed.icns / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-missed.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-missed.ico / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-missed.png / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-missed.svg / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-missed.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-missed.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-new-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-new-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-new-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-new-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-new-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-new-3.icns / tango / PD appointment-new-3.ico / tango / PD appointment-new-3.png / tango / PD appointment-new-3.svg / tango / PD appointment-new-3.xpm / tango / PD appointment-new-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-new-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-new-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-new-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-new-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-new-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-new.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-new.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 appointment-new.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-recurring.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-recurring.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-recurring.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-recurring.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-reminder.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-reminder.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-reminder.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-reminder.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL appointment-soon.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-soon.icns / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-soon.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-soon.ico / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-soon.png / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-soon.svg / gnome / GPLv2 appointment-soon.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 appointment-soon.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 aptoncd.icns / app-install / See Below aptoncd.ico / app-install / See Below aptoncd.png / app-install / See Below aptoncd.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below aqualung.ico / app-install / See Below aqualung.png / app-install / See Below aqualung.xpm / app-install / See Below aquarium.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 aranym.icns / app-install / See Below aranym.ico / app-install / See Below aranym.png / app-install / See Below aranym.xpm / app-install / See Below arc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arch.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 archery.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 archery.svg / openstreetmap / PD archive-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-extract-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-extract-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-extract-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-extract-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-extract.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-extract.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-extract.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-insert-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert--2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert-directory-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert-directory-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert-directory-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-insert-directory.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-insert-directory.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-insert-directory.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-insert.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-insert.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-insert.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-new.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 archive-new.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 archive-new.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 archive-options.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 archive-options.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 archive-options.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 archive-remove.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-remove.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-remove.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-remove.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL archive-select-all.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-select-all.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-select-all.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-view.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-view.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 archive-view.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ardour-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ardour-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ardour-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ardour-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ares_galaxy.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ares_galaxy.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ares_galaxy.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ares_galaxy.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ario-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ario-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ario-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ario-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below ario.icns / app-install / See Below ario.ico / app-install / See Below ario.png / app-install / See Below ario.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below ark-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ark-2.ico / app-install / See Below ark-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ark-2.png / app-install / See Below ark-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ark-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ark-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ark-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ark-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ark-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ark-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ark.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ark.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ark.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ark.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ark2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ark2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ark2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 armagetron_advanced.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below armagetron_advanced.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below armagetron_advanced.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below armagetron_advanced.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below arora.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below arora.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below arora.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below arora.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below arora.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below arrow-branch.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-branch.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-branch.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-branch.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-divide.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-divide.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-divide.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-divide.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-down-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-down-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-down-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-down-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-down-double-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-double-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-double-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-double-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-double-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-double-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-double-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-double-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-double-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-down-double.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-double.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-double.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down-double.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-down.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-in.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-in.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-in.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-in.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-inout.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-inout.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-inout.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-inout.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-join.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-join.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-join.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-join.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-left-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-left-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-left-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-left-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-left-double-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-double-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-double-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-double-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-double-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-double-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-double-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-double-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-double-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-left-double.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-double.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-double.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left-double.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-left.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-merge.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-merge.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-merge.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-merge.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-out.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-out.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-out.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-out.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-redo.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-redo.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-redo.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-redo.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh-small.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh-small.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh-small.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh-small.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-refresh.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-right-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-right-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-right-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-right-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-right-double-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-double-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-double-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-double-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-double-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-double-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-double-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-double-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-double-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-right-double.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-double.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-double.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right-double.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-right.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-rotate-anticlockwise.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-rotate-anticlockwise.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-rotate-anticlockwise.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-rotate-anticlockwise.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-rotate-clockwise.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-rotate-clockwise.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-rotate-clockwise.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-rotate-clockwise.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-switch.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-switch.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-switch.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-switch.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-left.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-left.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-left.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-left.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-right.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-right.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-right.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-turn-right.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-undo.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-undo.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-undo.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-undo.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-up-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-up-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-up-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-up-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 arrow-up-double-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-double-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-double-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-double-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-double-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-double-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-double-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-double-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-double-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL arrow-up-double.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-double.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-double.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up-double.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrow-up.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 arrowshapes.chevron.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.circular-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.corner-right-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.down-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.down-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.left-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.left-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.left-right-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.left-right-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.notched-right-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.pentagon-right.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.quad-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.quad-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.right-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.right-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.s-sharped-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.split-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.split-round-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.striped-right-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.up-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.up-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.up-down-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.up-down-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.up-right-arrow-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.up-right-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowshapes.up-right-down-arrow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 arrowstoolbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 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artsbuilder.xpm / app-install / See Below artscontrol-2.icns / app-install / See Below artscontrol-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol-2.ico / app-install / See Below artscontrol-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol-2.png / app-install / See Below artscontrol-2.xpm / app-install / See Below artscontrol-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 artscontrol.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 artsmidimanager.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 artsmidimanager.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 artsmidimanager.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 artsmidimanager.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 assistant-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 assistant-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 assistant-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 assistant-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 assistant-3.icns / app-install / See Below assistant-3.ico / app-install / See Below assistant-3.png / app-install / See Below assistant-3.xpm / app-install / See Below assistant.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 assistant.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 assistant.png / intrigue / GPLv2 assistant.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 asterisk-orange.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 asterisk-orange.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 asterisk-orange.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 asterisk-orange.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 asterisk-yellow.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 asterisk-yellow.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 asterisk-yellow.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 asterisk-yellow.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 atanks.icns / app-install / See Below atanks.ico / app-install / See Below atanks.png / app-install / See Below atanks.xpm / app-install / See Below atcalc.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atcalc.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atcalc.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atcalc.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atlantik-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 atlantik-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 atlantik-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 atlantik-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 atlantik.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atlantik.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atlantik.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atlantik.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atlantikdesigner.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atlantikdesigner.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atlantikdesigner.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atlantikdesigner.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 atm.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 atm.svg / openstreetmap / PD atomic.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atomic.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atomic.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atomic.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below atomix.icns / app-install / See Below atomix.ico / app-install / See Below atomix.png / app-install / See Below atomix.xpm / app-install / See Below atv.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / app-install / See Below audacious.ico / app-install / See Below audacious.png / app-install / See Below audacious.xpm / app-install / See Below audacity-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below audacity-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below audacity-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below audacity-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below audacity-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below audacity-3.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audacity-3.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audacity-3.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audacity-3.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audacity-3.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audio-aac.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-ac3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-ac3.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-basic.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-basic.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-card-2.icns / tango / PD audio-card-2.ico / tango / PD audio-card-2.png / tango / PD audio-card-2.svg / tango / PD audio-card-2.xpm / tango / PD audio-card-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-card-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-card-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-card-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-card-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-card-4.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audio-card-4.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audio-card-4.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audio-card-4.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audio-card-4.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 audio-card.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-card.icns / gnome / GPLv2 audio-card.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-card.ico / gnome / GPLv2 audio-card.png / gnome / GPLv2 audio-card.svg / gnome / GPLv2 audio-card.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-card.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 audio-headset.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-headset.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-headset.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-headset.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-headset.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-line.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-line.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-line.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-line.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-microphone-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone-3.icns / tango / PD audio-input-microphone-3.ico / tango / PD audio-input-microphone-3.png / tango / PD audio-input-microphone-3.svg / tango / PD audio-input-microphone-3.xpm / tango / PD audio-input-microphone-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-microphone-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-microphone-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-microphone-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-microphone-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-input-microphone.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-input-microphone.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-input-microphone.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone.png / intrigue / GPLv2 audio-input-microphone.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-input-microphone.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 audio-keyboard.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-keyboard.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-keyboard.png / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-keyboard.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-midi.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-midi.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-mp4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-mpeg.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-prs.sid.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-speaker.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-speaker.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-speaker.png / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-speaker.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD audio-vnd.rn-realaudio.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-vnd.rn-realvideo.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-high-2.icns / tango / PD audio-volume-high-2.ico / tango / PD audio-volume-high-2.png / tango / PD audio-volume-high-2.svg / tango / PD audio-volume-high-2.xpm / tango / PD audio-volume-high-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-high-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-high-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-high-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-high-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-high-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-high-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-high-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-high-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-high.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-high.icns / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-high.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-high.ico / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-high.png / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-high.svg / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-high.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-high.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-low-2.icns / tango / PD audio-volume-low-2.ico / tango / PD audio-volume-low-2.png / tango / PD audio-volume-low-2.svg / tango / PD audio-volume-low-2.xpm / tango / PD audio-volume-low-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-low-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-low-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-low-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-low-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-low-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-low-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-low-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-low-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-low.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-low.icns / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-low.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-low.ico / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-low.png / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-low.svg / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-low.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-low.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-medium-2.icns / tango / PD audio-volume-medium-2.ico / tango / PD audio-volume-medium-2.png / tango / PD audio-volume-medium-2.svg / tango / PD audio-volume-medium-2.xpm / tango / PD audio-volume-medium-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-medium-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-medium-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-medium-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-medium-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-medium-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-medium-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-medium-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-medium-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-medium.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-medium.icns / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-medium.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-medium.ico / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-medium.png / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-medium.svg / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-medium.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-medium.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-muted-2.icns / tango / PD audio-volume-muted-2.ico / tango / PD audio-volume-muted-2.png / tango / PD audio-volume-muted-2.svg / tango / PD audio-volume-muted-2.xpm / tango / PD audio-volume-muted-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-muted-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-muted-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-muted-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-muted-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-muted-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-muted-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-volume-muted-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-muted-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-volume-muted.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-muted.icns / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-muted.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-muted.ico / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-muted.png / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-muted.svg / gnome / GPLv2 audio-volume-muted.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-volume-muted.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 audio-x-adpcm.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-aiff.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-aiff.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-+ogg.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-flac.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-generic.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-x-generic.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-x-generic.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-x-generic.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-x-generic.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-x-generic.svg / gnome / GPLv2 audio-x-generic.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-generic.svg / tango / PD audio-x-generic.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 audio-x-generic.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 audio-x-it.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-matroska.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-midi.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-mod.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-mod.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-monkey.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-mp2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-mpegurl.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-mpegurl.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-ms-asx.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-ms-wma.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-pn-realaudio-plugin.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-pn-realaudio.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-s3m.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-scpls.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-+ogg.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-stm.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-ulaw.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-voc.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-+ogg.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL audio-x-wav.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-xi.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio-x-xm.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 audio.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 audio.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 australianfootball.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 autocad.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 autocad.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 autocad.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 autocad.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 autocad.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 autoclave.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD autoclave.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD autocontrolfocus.png / openoffice / GPLv3 autofilter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 autoformat.png / openoffice / GPLv3 autopackage.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below autopackage.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below autopackage.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below autopackage.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below autosum.png / openoffice / GPLv3 avahi.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below avahi.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below avahi.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below avahi.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below avahi.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below avant-window-navigator.icns / app-install / See Below avant-window-navigator.ico / app-install / See Below avant-window-navigator.png / app-install / See Below avant-window-navigator.xpm / app-install / See Below avant_window_navigator.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD avant_window_navigator.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD avant_window_navigator.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD avant_window_navigator.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD aven.icns / app-install / See Below aven.ico / app-install / See Below aven.png / app-install / See Below aven.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below avidemux-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below avidemux-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below avidemux-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below avmediaplayer.png / openoffice / GPLv3 avogadro.icns / app-install / See Below avogadro.ico / app-install / See Below avogadro.png / app-install / See Below avogadro.xpm / app-install / See Below award-star-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-bronze.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-bronze.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-bronze.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-bronze.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-gold.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-gold.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-gold.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-gold.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-silver.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-silver.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-silver.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 award-star-silver.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 awesome.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD awesome.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD awesome.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD 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babelfish.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 babelfish.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 babelfish.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 babelfish.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 back_draft_damper.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD back_draft_damper.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD backcolor.png / openoffice / GPLv3 backgroundcolor.png / openoffice / GPLv3 backgroundpatterncontroller.png / openoffice / GPLv3 backpack.icns / wpclipart / PD backpack.ico / wpclipart / PD backpack.png / wpclipart / PD backward.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bag.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD bag.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD bags.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bahai.svg / openstreetmap / PD balder2d.icns / app-install / See Below balder2d.ico / app-install / See Below balder2d.png / app-install / See Below balder2d.xpm / app-install / See Below ball_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD ball_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD bamboo_grove.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD bamboo_grove_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD bank.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bank.svg / 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basicstepinto.png / openoffice / GPLv3 basicstepout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 basicstepover.png / openoffice / GPLv3 basicstop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 basket-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL basket-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL basket-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL basket-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL basket-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL basket-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or 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basket-remove.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-remove.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-remove.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket-remove.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 basket.icns / app-install / See Below basket.ico / app-install / See Below basket.png / app-install / See Below basket.xpm / app-install / See Below basketball.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 baskteball2.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 battery-040-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-040-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-040-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-040-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-040-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-060-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-060-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-060-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-060-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-060-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-080-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-080-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-080-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-080-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-080-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-100-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-100-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-100-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-100-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-100-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-2.icns / tango / PD battery-2.ico / tango / PD battery-2.png / tango / PD battery-2.svg / tango / PD battery-2.xpm / tango / PD battery-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-caution-2.icns / tango / PD battery-caution-2.ico / tango / PD battery-caution-2.png / tango / PD battery-caution-2.svg / 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3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-caution.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-caution.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-caution.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-low.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-low.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-low.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-low.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging-low.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-charging.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-empty-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-empty-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-empty-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-empty-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-empty.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-empty.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-empty.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-empty.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-full.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-high.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery-low-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-low-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-low-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-low-3.png / oxygen / 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or LGPL battery-missing.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-missing.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery-missing.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL battery.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery.icns / gnome / GPLv2 battery.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery.ico / gnome / GPLv2 battery.png / gnome / GPLv2 battery.svg / gnome / GPLv2 battery.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 battery.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 battle_for_wesnoth.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below battle_for_wesnoth.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below battle_for_wesnoth.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below battle_for_wesnoth.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bbq_gril.icns / wpclipart / PD bbq_gril.ico / wpclipart / PD bbq_gril.png / wpclipart / PD beach.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 beast.icns / app-install / See Below beast.ico / app-install / See Below beast.png / app-install / See Below beast.xpm / app-install / See Below beautiful.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bebo.png / homemade / PD bed-and-breakfast.svg / openstreetmap / PD bedita.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bedita.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bedita.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bedita.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below beer-mini.icns / app-install / See Below beer-mini.ico / app-install / See Below beer-mini.png / app-install / See Below beer-mini.xpm / app-install / See Below beforeobject.png / openoffice / GPLv3 behindobject.png / openoffice / GPLv3 beidgui.icns / app-install / See Below beidgui.ico / app-install / See Below beidgui.png / app-install / See Below beidgui.xpm / app-install / See Below bell-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bell-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bench.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bench.png / openstreetmap / PD beryl.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below beryl.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below beryl.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below beryl.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below beryl.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bezier.png / gimp / GPLv2 bezier_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bezierappend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bezierclose.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bezierconvert.png / openoffice / GPLv3 beziercutline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bezierdelete.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bezieredge.png / openoffice / GPLv3 beziereliminatepoints.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bezierfill.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bezierinsert.png / openoffice / GPLv3 beziermove.png / openoffice / GPLv3 beziersmooth.png / openoffice / GPLv3 beziersymmetric.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bibledit.icns / app-install / See Below bibledit.ico / app-install / See Below bibledit.png / app-install / See Below bibledit.xpm / app-install / See Below biblememorizer.icns / app-install / See Below biblememorizer.ico / app-install / See Below biblememorizer.png / app-install / See Below biblememorizer.svg / app-install / See Below biblememorizer.xpm / app-install / See Below bibletime.icns / app-install / See Below bibletime.ico / app-install / See Below bibletime.png / app-install / See Below bibletime.xpm / app-install / See Below bicycle.svg / openstreetmap / PD bicycleparking.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 big.qucs.icns / app-install / See Below big.qucs.ico / app-install / See Below big.qucs.png / app-install / See Below big.qucs.xpm / app-install / See Below bigcity.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bighandles.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bike.svg / openstreetmap / PD billard-gl.icns / app-install / See Below billard-gl.ico / app-install / See Below billard-gl.png / app-install / See Below billard-gl.xpm / app-install / See Below billiard.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 biloba.icns / app-install / See Below biloba.ico / app-install / See Below biloba.png / app-install / See Below biloba.xpm / app-install / See Below bin.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_closed.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_closed.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_closed.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_closed.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_empty.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_empty.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_empty.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bin_empty.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 binary.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 biniax2.icns / app-install / See Below biniax2.ico / app-install / See Below biniax2.png / app-install / See Below biniax2.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below bitlbee.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below bitlbee.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below bitlbee.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below bitpim.icns / app-install / See Below bitpim.ico / app-install / See Below bitpim.png / app-install / See Below bitpim.xpm / app-install / See Below bitrocket.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD bitrocket.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD bitrocket.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD bitrocket.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD bitscope.icns / app-install / See Below bitscope.ico / app-install / See Below bitscope.png / app-install / See Below bitscope.xpm / app-install / See Below bittornado.icns / app-install / See Below bittornado.ico / app-install / See Below bittornado.png / app-install / See Below bittornado.xpm / app-install / See Below bitweaver.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bitweaver.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bitweaver.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bitweaver.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bkchem.icns / app-install / See Below bkchem.ico / app-install / See Below bkchem.png / app-install / See Below bkchem.xpm / app-install / See Below blackduck.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD blackduck.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD blackduck.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD blackduck.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD blank.svg / openstreetmap / PD blank_font.svg / openstreetmap / PD blend3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 blender-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blender-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blender-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blender-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blender-3.icns / app-install / See Below blender-3.ico / app-install / See Below blender-3.png / app-install / See Below blender-3.xpm / app-install / See Below blender-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below blender-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below blender-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below blender-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below blender.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 blender.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 blender.png / intrigue / GPLv2 blender.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 bless.icns / app-install / See Below bless.ico / app-install / See Below bless.png / app-install / See Below bless.xpm / app-install / See Below blinken.icns / app-install / See Below blinken.ico / app-install / See Below blinken.png / app-install / See Below blinken.xpm / app-install / See Below bloboats.icns / app-install / See Below bloboats.ico / app-install / See Below bloboats.png / app-install / See Below bloboats.xpm / app-install / See Below blobwars-2.icns / app-install / See Below blobwars-2.ico / app-install / See Below blobwars-2.png / app-install / See Below blobwars-2.xpm / app-install / See Below blobwars.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 blobwars.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 blobwars.png / intrigue / GPLv2 blobwars.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 blockattack.icns / app-install / See Below blockattack.ico / app-install / See Below blockattack.png / app-install / See Below blockattack.xpm / app-install / See Below blockdevice-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 blockdevice.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 blockdevice.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 blockdevice.png / intrigue / GPLv2 blockdevice.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 blogger.png / homemade / PD blogmarks.png / homemade / PD bluefish-2.icns / app-install / See Below bluefish-2.ico / app-install / See Below bluefish-2.png / app-install / See Below bluefish-2.xpm / app-install / See Below bluefish-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bluefish-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bluefish-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bluefish-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below blueproximity.icns / app-install / See Below blueproximity.ico / app-install / See Below blueproximity.png / app-install / See Below blueproximity.svg / app-install / See Below blueproximity.xpm / app-install / See Below blueradio.icns / app-install / See Below blueradio.ico / app-install / See Below blueradio.png / app-install / See Below blueradio.xpm / app-install / See Below bmpmask.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bmpx.icns / app-install / See Below bmpx.ico / app-install / See Below bmpx.png / app-install / See Below bmpx.xpm / app-install / See Below boa-constructor.icns / app-install / See Below boa-constructor.ico / app-install / See Below boa-constructor.png / app-install / See Below boa-constructor.xpm / app-install / See Below bobsleigh.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bochs.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bochs.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bochs.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager_old.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager_old.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager_old.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmanager_old.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boincmgr.icns / app-install / See Below boincmgr.ico / app-install / See Below boincmgr.png / app-install / See Below boincmgr.xpm / app-install / See Below bold.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bomb.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bomb.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bomb.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bomb.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bomb.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bonjour_browser.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below bonjour_browser.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below bonjour_browser.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below bonjour_browser.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below book-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-addresses.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-addresses.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-addresses.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-addresses.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-next.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-next.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-next.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-next.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-open.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-open.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-open.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-open.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-previous.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-previous.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-previous.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book-previous.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 book.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 book.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 book.png / intrigue / GPLv2 book.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-folder.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 bookmark-new-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 bookmark-new-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 bookmark-new-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 bookmark-new-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 bookmark-new-4.icns / tango / PD bookmark-new-4.ico / tango / PD bookmark-new-4.png / tango / PD bookmark-new-4.svg / tango / PD bookmark-new-4.xpm / tango / PD bookmark-new-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-new-list-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-list-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-list-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-list-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-list-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-new-list.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-new-list.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-new-list.png / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-new-list.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-new.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-new.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-new.png / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-new.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-silver.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-silver.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-silver.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-silver.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookmark-toolbar-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-toolbar-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-toolbar-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-toolbar-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-toolbar-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmark-toolbar.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-toolbar.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-toolbar.png / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark-toolbar.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark.png / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmark.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 bookmarks-organize.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmarks-organize.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmarks-organize.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmarks-organize.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmarks-organize.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmarks.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmarks.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bookmarks.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL .icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 books.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 books.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 books.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 bookstore.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 borderdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 boson.icns / app-install / See Below boson.ico / app-install / See Below boson.png / app-install / See Below boson.xpm / app-install / See Below boswars.icns / app-install / See Below boswars.ico / app-install / See Below boswars.png / app-install / See Below boswars.xpm / app-install / See Below bouml.icns / app-install / See Below bouml.ico / app-install / See Below bouml.png / app-install / See Below bouml.xpm / app-install / See Below bouncy.icns / app-install / See Below bouncy.ico / app-install / See Below bouncy.png / app-install / See Below bouncy.xpm / app-install / See Below bovo.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bovo.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bovo.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bovo.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bovo.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL bowling.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 box.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 box.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 box.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 box.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boxee.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boxee.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boxee.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below boxing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 brasero-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below brasero-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below brasero-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below brasero-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below brasero-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below brasero.icns / app-install / See Below brasero.ico / app-install / See Below brasero.png / app-install / See Below brasero.xpm / app-install / See Below bread.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 breve.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below breve.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below breve.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below breve.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below brick-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 brick-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / 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CC-BY-3.0 brightkit.png / homemade / PD brightlit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bringtofront.png / openoffice / GPLv3 briquolo.icns / app-install / See Below briquolo.ico / app-install / See Below briquolo.png / app-install / See Below briquolo.svg / app-install / See Below briquolo.xpm / app-install / See Below broadleaf_trees.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD broadleaf_trees_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD browseview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 brutalchess.icns / app-install / See Below brutalchess.ico / app-install / See Below brutalchess.png / app-install / See Below brutalchess.xpm / app-install / See Below bsc.icns / app-install / See Below bsc.ico / app-install / See Below bsc.png / app-install / See Below bsc.xpm / app-install / See Below bsd.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD bsd.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD btanks.icns / app-install / See Below btanks.ico / app-install / See Below btanks.png / app-install / See Below btanks.xpm / app-install / See Below bubbros.icns / app-install / See Below bubbros.ico / app-install / See Below bubbros.png / app-install / See Below bubbros.xpm / app-install / See Below buddhism.svg / openstreetmap / PD buddypress.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below buddypress.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below buddypress.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below buddypress.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bug-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-buddy.icns / app-install / See Below bug-buddy.ico / app-install / See Below bug-buddy.png / app-install / See Below bug-buddy.xpm / app-install / See Below bug-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bug-edit.ico / 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CC-BY-3.0 bugsquish.icns / app-install / See Below bugsquish.ico / app-install / See Below bugsquish.png / app-install / See Below bugsquish.xpm / app-install / See Below build.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 build.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 build.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 build.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 building-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 building-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / 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/ CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-disk.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-disk.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-disk.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-disk.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-feed.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-feed.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-feed.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-feed.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-go.png / famfamfam-silk / 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/ famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-toggle-minus.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-toggle-minus.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-toggle-minus.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-toggle-plus.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-toggle-plus.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-toggle-plus.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-toggle-plus.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-white.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-white.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-white.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-white.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-wrench.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-wrench.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-wrench.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-wrench.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-yellow.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-yellow.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-yellow.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet-yellow.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 bullet.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bulletsandnumberingdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 bullfight.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bum.icns / app-install / See Below bum.ico / app-install / See Below bum.png / app-install / See Below bum.xpm / app-install / See Below bungalow.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 buoh.icns / app-install / See Below buoh.ico / app-install / See Below buoh.png / app-install / See Below buoh.xpm / app-install / See Below burgerspace.icns / app-install / See Below burgerspace.ico / app-install / See Below burgerspace.png / app-install / See Below burgerspace.xpm / app-install / See Below burn.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below burn.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below burn.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below burn.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bus.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 bus_station.svg / openstreetmap / PD bus_stop.svg / openstreetmap / PD business.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 business.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 business.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 business.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 butcher.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 butterfly_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD butterfly_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD button-blue.icns / wpclipart / PD button-blue.ico / wpclipart / PD button-blue.png / wpclipart / PD button-green.icns / wpclipart / PD button-green.ico / wpclipart / PD button-green.png / wpclipart / PD button-purple.icns / wpclipart / PD button-purple.ico / wpclipart / PD button-purple.png / wpclipart / PD button-red.icns / wpclipart / PD button-red.ico / wpclipart / PD button-red.png / wpclipart / PD button-seagreen.icns / wpclipart / PD button-seagreen.ico / wpclipart / PD button-seagreen.png / wpclipart / PD button-yellow.icns / wpclipart / PD button-yellow.ico / wpclipart / PD button-yellow.png / wpclipart / PD buxon.icns / app-install / See Below buxon.ico / app-install / See Below buxon.png / app-install / See Below buxon.xpm / app-install / See Below bzflag.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bzflag.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bzflag.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below bzflag.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .svg / inkscape / GPLv2 cabin.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cablecar.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cabos.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cabos.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cabos.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cabos.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cafe.svg / openstreetmap / PD -clock.icns / app-install / See Below cairo-clock.ico / app-install / See Below cairo-clock.png / app-install / See Below cairo-clock.xpm / app-install / See Below cake.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cake.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cake.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cake.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cakes.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 cakes.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 cakes.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 calculator-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calculator-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calendar-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 calibre.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below calibre.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below calibre.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below calibre.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below call-start.icns / gnome / GPLv2 call-start.ico / gnome / GPLv2 call-start.png / gnome / GPLv2 call-start.svg / gnome / GPLv2 call-start.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 call-stop.icns / gnome / GPLv2 call-stop.ico / gnome / GPLv2 call-stop.png / gnome / GPLv2 call-stop.svg / gnome / GPLv2 call-stop.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 calloutshapes.cloud-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 calloutshapes.line-callout-1.png / openoffice / GPLv3 calloutshapes.line-callout-2.png / openoffice / GPLv3 calloutshapes.line-callout-3.png / openoffice / GPLv3 calloutshapes.png / openoffice / GPLv3 calloutshapes.rectangular-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 calloutshapes.round-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 calloutshapes.round-rectangular-callout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 camera-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-10.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 camera-photo-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 camera-photo-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 camera-photo-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 camera-photo-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 camera-photo-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 camera-photo-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 camera-photo-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 camera-photo-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 camera-photo-5.icns / tango / PD camera-photo-5.ico / tango / PD camera-photo-5.png / tango / PD camera-photo-5.svg / tango / PD camera-photo-5.xpm / tango / PD camera-photo-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-photo-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-photo-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-photo-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-photo-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-photo-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo-9.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo-9.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo-9.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo-9.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 camera-photo.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 camera-photo.png / intrigue / GPLv2 camera-photo.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 camera-photo_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-photo_mount-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo_mount-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo_mount-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo_mount-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo_mount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo_mount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo_mount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-photo_mount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 camera-video-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 camera-video-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 camera-video-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 camera-video-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 camera-video-3.icns / tango / PD camera-video-3.ico / tango / PD camera-video-3.png / tango / PD camera-video-3.svg / tango / PD camera-video-3.xpm / tango / PD camera-video.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video_mount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video_mount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video_mount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-video_mount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 camera-web-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-web-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-web-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-web-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-web-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL camera-web-3.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 camera-web-3.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 camera-web-3.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 camera-web-3.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 camera-web-3.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 camera-web.icns / gnome / GPLv2 camera-web.ico / gnome / GPLv2 camera-web.png / gnome / GPLv2 camera-web.svg / gnome / GPLv2 camera-web.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 camera-.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 camera-webcam_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cameramonitor.icns / app-install / See Below cameramonitor.ico / app-install / See Below cameramonitor.png / app-install / See Below cameramonitor.xpm / app-install / See Below camorama.icns / app-install / See Below camorama.ico / app-install / See Below camorama.png / app-install / See Below camorama.xpm / app-install / See Below camping.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 camping.svg / openstreetmap / PD campingsite.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 canoe.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cap-butt.png / gimp / GPLv2 cap-round.png / gimp / GPLv2 cap-square.png / gimp / GPLv2 capros.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below capros.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below capros.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below capros.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below car-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 car.svg / openstreetmap / PD car.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 car_ferry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD car_ferry_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD car_sharing.svg / openstreetmap / PD cards-club.icns / wpclipart / PD cards-club.ico / wpclipart / PD cards-club.png / wpclipart / PD cards-diamond.icns / wpclipart / PD cards-diamond.ico / wpclipart / PD cards-diamond.png / wpclipart / PD cards-heart.icns / wpclipart / PD cards-heart.ico / wpclipart / PD cards-heart.png / wpclipart / PD cards-spade.icns / wpclipart / PD cards-spade.ico / wpclipart / PD cards-spade.png / wpclipart / PD carrental.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 carrepair.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cart-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-put.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-put.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-put.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-put.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-remove.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-remove.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-remove.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart-remove.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cart.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 carwash.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 casino.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 castle.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 castle.svg / openstreetmap / PD castle.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD castle_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD cat.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 cat.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 cat.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 cat.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 catalogmanager.icns / app-install / See Below catalogmanager.ico / app-install / See Below catalogmanager.png / app-install / See Below catalogmanager.xpm / app-install / See Below catfish.icns / app-install / See Below catfish.ico / app-install / See Below catfish.png / app-install / See Below catfish.svg / app-install / See Below catfish.xpm / app-install / See Below cathedral.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cathedral2.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cave.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cave.svg / openstreetmap / PD ccsm.icns / app-install / See Below ccsm.ico / app-install / See Below ccsm.png / app-install / See Below ccsm.xpm / app-install / See Below cd-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-burn.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-burn.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-burn.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-burn.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-eject.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-eject.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-eject.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-eject.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cd015.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd016.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd017.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd018.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd020.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd021.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd025.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd026.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd06.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd07.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cd08.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cdaudio_unmount.icns / app-install / See Below cdaudio_unmount.ico / app-install / See Below cdaudio_unmount.png / app-install / See Below cdaudio_unmount.xpm / app-install / See Below cdk.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD cdk.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD cdk.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD cdk.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD cdk.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD cdrskin.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cdrskin.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cdrskin.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cdrskin.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ceferino.icns / app-install / See Below ceferino.ico / app-install / See Below ceferino.png / app-install / See Below ceferino.svg / app-install / See Below ceferino.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below celestia.ico / app-install / See Below celestia.png / app-install / See Below celestia.xpm / app-install / See Below cellvertbottom.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cellvertcenter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cellverttop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cellwriter.icns / app-install / See Below cellwriter.ico / app-install / See Below cellwriter.png / app-install / See Below cellwriter.svg / app-install / See Below cellwriter.xpm / app-install / See Below cemetary.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 center.png / gimp / GPLv2 centerpara.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -2.icns / app-install / See Below cervisia-2.ico / app-install / See Below cervisia-2.png / app-install / See Below cervisia-2.xpm / app-install / See Below cervisia.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 cervisia.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 cervisia.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 cervisia.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 cgoban.icns / app-install / See Below cgoban.ico / app-install / See Below cgoban.png / app-install / See Below cgoban.xpm / app-install / See Below chainframes.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chandler.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below chandler.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below chandler.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below chandler.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below changebezier.png / openoffice / GPLv3 changecasetolower.png / openoffice / GPLv3 changecasetoupper.png / openoffice / GPLv3 changedatabasefield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 changepolygon.png / openoffice / GPLv3 channel-alpha.png / gimp / GPLv2 channel-blue.png / gimp / GPLv2 channel-gray.png / gimp / GPLv2 channel-green.png / gimp / GPLv2 channel-indexed.png / gimp / GPLv2 channel-red.png / gimp / GPLv2 channel.png / gimp / GPLv2 channels.png / gimp / GPLv2 chapel.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 char-aquarius.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aquarius.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aquarius.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aquarius.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aquarius.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aries.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aries.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aries.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aries.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aries.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aum.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aum.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aum.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aum.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-aum.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-cancer.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-cancer.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-cancer.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-cancer.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-cancer.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-capricorn.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-capricorn.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-capricorn.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-capricorn.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-capricorn.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-gemini.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-gemini.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-gemini.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-gemini.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-gemini.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-leo.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-leo.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-leo.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-leo.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-leo.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-libra.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-libra.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-libra.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-libra.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-libra.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-picker.png / gimp / GPLv2 char-pisces.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-pisces.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-pisces.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-pisces.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-pisces.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-sagittarius.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-sagittarius.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-sagittarius.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-sagittarius.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-sagittarius.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-scorpio.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-scorpio.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-scorpio.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-scorpio.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-scorpio.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-taurus.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-taurus.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-taurus.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-taurus.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-taurus.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-virgo.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-virgo.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-virgo.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-virgo.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD char-virgo.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD char.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 char.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 char.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 character-set.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL character-set.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL character-set.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL character-set.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL character-set.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL chardevice.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 chardevice.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 chardevice.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 chardevice.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 charfontname.png / openoffice / GPLv3 charm.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL charm.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL charm.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL charm.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL charm.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL chart-bar-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-bar-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-bar-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-bar-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-bar-delete.icns / 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famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-curve-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-line-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-organisation-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-pie-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 chart-type-area-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-area-full-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-area-full.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-area-piled-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-area-piled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-area.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bar-3d-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bar-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bar-percent-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bar-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bar-stack-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bar-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bar.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-bubble.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-3d-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-line.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-percent-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-stack-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-stack-line.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-column.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone-horizontal-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone-horizontal-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone-horizontal-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone-horizontal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cone.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder-horizontal-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder-horizontal-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder-horizontal-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder-horizontal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-cylinder.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-donut-3d-exploded.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-donut-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-donut-exploded.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-donut.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net-fill.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net-line-point-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net-line-point.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net-point-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net-point.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net-stack-fill.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-net.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-no-stack-direct-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-no-stack-direct-both.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-no-stack-direct-lines.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-no-stack-direct-points.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-no-stack-smooth-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-no-stack-smooth-both.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-no-stack-smooth-lines.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pie-3d-exploded.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pie-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pie-exploded.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pie.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind-horizontal-deep.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind-horizontal-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind-horizontal-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind-horizontal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind-percent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind-stack.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-pyramind.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stack-direct-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stack-direct-both.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stack-direct-lines.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stack-direct-points.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stack-smooth-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stack-smooth-both.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stack-smooth-lines.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stock-block.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stock-column-attach.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stock-column.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-stock.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-value-axis-direct-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-value-axis-direct-both.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-value-axis-direct-lines.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-value-axis-direct-points.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-value-axis-smooth-3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-value-axis-smooth-both.png / openoffice / GPLv3 chart-type-value-axis-smooth-lines.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -2.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD chatzilla-2.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD chatzilla-2.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD chatzilla-2.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD chatzilla-2.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD chatzilla.icns / app-install / See Below chatzilla.ico / app-install / See Below chatzilla.png / app-install / See Below chatzilla.xpm / app-install / See Below check_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below check_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below check_valve_(spring-tensioned).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below check_valve_(spring-tensioned).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below checkbox-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL checkbox-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL checkbox-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL checkbox-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL checkbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 checkedbox.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkedbox.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkedbox.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkedclipboard.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkedclipboard.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkedclipboard.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkgmail.icns / app-install / See Below checkgmail.ico / app-install / See Below checkgmail.png / app-install / See Below checkgmail.svg / app-install / See Below checkgmail.xpm / app-install / See Below checkmark.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkmark.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 checkmark.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cheese.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cheese.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cheese.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below chemtool.icns / app-install / See Below chemtool.ico / app-install / See Below chemtool.png / app-install / See Below chemtool.xpm / app-install / See Below chicken_of_the_vnc.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below chicken_of_the_vnc.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below chicken_of_the_vnc.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below chicken_of_the_vnc.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below chimney.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD chimney_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD chmsee.icns / app-install / See Below chmsee.ico / app-install / See Below chmsee.png / app-install / See Below chmsee.xpm / app-install / See Below choosecontrols.png / openoffice / GPLv3 choosedesign.png / openoffice / GPLv3 choosemacro.png / openoffice / GPLv3 choosepolygon.png / openoffice / GPLv3 christian.svg / openstreetmap / PD chromium-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below chromium-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below chromium-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below chromium-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below chromium.icns / app-install / See Below chromium.ico / app-install / See Below chromium.png / app-install / See Below chromium.xpm / app-install / See Below church.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 church.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD church2.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 church_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cinelerra.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cinelerra.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cinelerra.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cinelerra.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cinema.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cinema.svg / openstreetmap / PD circle.png / gimp / GPLv2 circle.png / openoffice / GPLv3 circle_blue.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_blue.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_blue.png / wpclipart / PD circle_green.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_green.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_green.png / wpclipart / PD circle_grey.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_grey.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_grey.png / wpclipart / PD circle_orange.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_orange.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_orange.png / wpclipart / PD circle_purple.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_purple.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_purple.png / wpclipart / PD circle_red.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_red.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_red.png / wpclipart / PD circle_tan.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_tan.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_tan.png / wpclipart / PD circle_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 circle_yellow.icns / wpclipart / PD circle_yellow.ico / wpclipart / PD circle_yellow.png / wpclipart / PD circlearc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 circlecut.png / openoffice / GPLv3 circlecut_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 circlepie.png / openoffice / GPLv3 circlepie_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 circus.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 circuslinux.icns / app-install / See Below circuslinux.ico / app-install / See Below circuslinux.png / app-install / See Below circuslinux.xpm / app-install / See Below city_hall.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD city_hall_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD citysquare.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 clamav.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clamav.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clamav.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clamav.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below clamtk.ico / app-install / See Below clamtk.png / app-install / See Below clamtk.xpm / app-install / See Below clamwin.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clamwin.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clamwin.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clamwin.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clanbomber-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 clanbomber-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 clanbomber-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 clanbomber-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 clanbomber.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clanbomber.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clanbomber.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clanbomber.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 classilla.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below classilla.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below classilla.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below classilla.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below claws-mail.icns / app-install / See Below claws-mail.ico / app-install / See Below claws-mail.png / app-install / See Below claws-mail.xpm / app-install / See Below clawsmail.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clawsmail.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clawsmail.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below clawsmail.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below click.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 click.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 click.png / intrigue / GPLv2 click.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 clickchangerotation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 clicknrun.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clicknrun.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clicknrun.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clicknrun.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clicknrun_grey.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clicknrun_grey.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clicknrun_grey.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 clicknrun_grey.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 climbing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / app-install / See Below clips.ico / app-install / See Below clips.png / app-install / See Below clips.xpm / app-install / See Below clock-2.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 clock-2.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 clock-2.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 clock-2.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 clock-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-pause.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-pause.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-pause.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-pause.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-play.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-play.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-play.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-play.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-red.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-red.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-red.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-red.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-stop.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-stop.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-stop.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock-stop.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 clock.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 close.png / gimp / GPLv2 closedoc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 closedocs.png / openoffice / GPLv3 closemasterview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 closewin.png / openoffice / GPLv3 clothes-female.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 clothes-male.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 clothes.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 clothes.svg / openstreetmap / PD clouds.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cloudsun.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 club.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cluster.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cluster2.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cluster3.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cluster4.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cluster5.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 clusterssh.icns / app-install / See Below clusterssh.ico / app-install / See Below clusterssh.png / app-install / See Below clusterssh.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below coccinella.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below coccinella.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below coccinella.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below cocktail.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 code-block.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-block.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-block.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-block.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-class.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-class.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-class.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-class.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-context.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-context.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-context.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-function.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-function.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-function.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-function.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-variable.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-variable.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-variable.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL code-variable.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL coffee.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cog-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cog.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 coins.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 collate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 collectd.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below collectd.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below collectd.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below collectd.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below collectd.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below color-fill.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-fill.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-fill.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-fill.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-fill.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-pick-from-screen.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-picker-black.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-black.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-black.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-picker-black.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-black.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-black.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-gray.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-picker-grey.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-grey.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-grey.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-grey.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-grey.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-white.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-white.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-white.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-picker-white.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-white.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker-white.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 color-picker.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 color-picker.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-picker.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 color-picker.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL color-rotate-360.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-rotate-a-b.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-rotate-ccw.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-rotate-cw.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-swatch.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color-swatch.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color-swatch.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color-swatch.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color-triangle.png / gimp / GPLv2 color-wheel.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color-wheel.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color-wheel.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color-wheel.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 color.png / openoffice / GPLv3 colordlg.png / openoffice / GPLv3 colorize-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorize-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorize-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorize-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorize.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colorize.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colorize.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colorize.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colorman.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colorman.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colorman.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colorman.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 colormap.png / gimp / GPLv2 colorpicker.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorpicker.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorpicker.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorpicker.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 colorsettings.png / openoffice / GPLv3 colorview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 combobox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 comix-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below comix-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below comix-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below comix-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below comix-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below comix.icns / app-install / See Below comix.ico / app-install / See Below comix.png / app-install / See Below comix.xpm / app-install / See Below comment-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comment-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 comments-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 commontaskbarvisible.png / openoffice / GPLv3 communications.svg / openstreetmap / PD communitycentre.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 company.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 compcal.icns / app-install / See Below compcal.ico / app-install / See Below compcal.png / app-install / See Below compcal.xpm / app-install / See Below compilebasic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 compiz.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 compiz.png / intrigue / GPLv2 compiz.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 compiz_fusion.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz_fusion.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz_fusion.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz_fusion.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below compiz_fusion.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below completion.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 completion.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 completion.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 compress.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 compress.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 compress.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 compress.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 compressor.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below compressor.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below -2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 computer-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 computer-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 computer-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 computer-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 computer-3.icns / tango / PD computer-3.ico / tango / PD computer-3.png / tango / PD computer-3.svg / tango / PD computer-3.xpm / tango / PD computer-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-5.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 computer-5.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 computer-5.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-5.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 computer-6.icns / wpclipart / PD computer-6.ico / wpclipart / PD computer-6.png / wpclipart / PD computer-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 computer-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-laptop-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-laptop-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-laptop-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-laptop-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-laptop-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL computer-laptop.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 computer-laptop.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 computer-laptop.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 computer-laptop.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 computer-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-mainframe.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-mainframe.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-mainframe.png / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-mainframe.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-server-rack_mount.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-server-rack_mount.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-server-rack_mount.png / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-server-rack_mount.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-server.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-server.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-server.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-server.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-server_database.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-server_database.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-server_database.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-server_database.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 computer-tablet_pc.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-tablet_pc.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-tablet_pc.png / open_clip_art_library / PD computer-tablet_pc.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD computer.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 computer.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 computer.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 computer.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 computer.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 concessionaire.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / app-install / See Below conduit-2.ico / app-install / See Below conduit-2.png / app-install / See Below conduit-2.xpm / app-install / See Below cone.png / openoffice / GPLv3 conference.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 config.png / openoffice / GPLv3 configure-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 configure-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 configure-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 configure-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 configure-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 configure-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 configure-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 configure-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 configure-shortcuts.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-shortcuts.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-shortcuts.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-shortcuts.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-shortcuts.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-shortcuts.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-shortcuts.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-shortcuts.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-toolbars.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-toolbars.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-toolbars.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-toolbars.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-toolbars.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-toolbars.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure-toolbars.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 configure-toolbars.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL configure.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 configure.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 configure.png / intrigue / GPLv2 configure.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 conglomerate.icns / app-install / See Below conglomerate.ico / app-install / See Below conglomerate.png / app-install / See Below conglomerate.xpm / app-install / See Below coniferous-and-deciduous.svg / openstreetmap / PD coniferous.svg / openstreetmap / PD coniferous_trees.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD coniferous_trees_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD connect.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 connect.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 connect.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 connect.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 connector.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorarrowend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorarrows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorarrowstart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcircleend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcircles.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcirclestart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcurve.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcurvearrowend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcurvearrows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcurvearrowstart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcurvecircleend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcurvecircles.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorcurvecirclestart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinearrowend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinearrows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinearrowstart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinecircleend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinecircles.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinecirclestart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlines.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinesarrowend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinesarrows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinesarrowstart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinescircleend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinescircles.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectorlinescirclestart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 connectortoolbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 conspire.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below conspire.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below conspire.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below conspire.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below construction.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 contact-new-2.icns / tango / PD contact-new-2.ico / tango / PD contact-new-2.png / tango / PD contact-new-2.svg / tango / PD contact-new-2.xpm / tango / PD contact-new-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL contact-new-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL contact-new-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL contact-new-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL contact-new-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL contact-new-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 contact-new-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 contact-new-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 contact-new-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 contact-new.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 contact-new.icns / gnome / GPLv2 contact-new.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 contact-new.ico / gnome / GPLv2 contact-new.png / gnome / GPLv2 contact-new.svg / gnome / GPLv2 contact-new.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 contact-new.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 contacts.icns / app-install / See Below contacts.ico / app-install / See Below contacts.png / app-install / See Below contacts.xpm / app-install / See Below context.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below context.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below context.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below context.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below context.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below contourdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 contrast-decrease.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-decrease.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-decrease.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-decrease.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-high.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-high.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-high.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-high.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-increase.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-increase.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-increase.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-increase.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-low.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-low.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-low.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast-low.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 contrast.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 control_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD control_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD controlcodes.png / openoffice / GPLv3 controller-keyboard.png / gimp / GPLv2 controller-linux-input.png / gimp / GPLv2 controller-midi.png / gimp / GPLv2 controller-wheel.png / gimp / GPLv2 controller.png / gimp / GPLv2 controlproperties.png / openoffice / GPLv3 convenience.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 convent.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 convert-grayscale.png / gimp / GPLv2 convert-indexed.png / gimp / GPLv2 convert-rgb.png / gimp / GPLv2 convertall.icns / app-install / See Below convertall.ico / app-install / See Below convertall.png / app-install / See Below convertall.svg / app-install / See Below convertall.xpm / app-install / See Below convertinto3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 convertinto3dlathe.png / openoffice / GPLv3 convertinto3dlathefast.png / openoffice / GPLv3 convinience.svg / openstreetmap / PD convrt3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cooled_or_heated_pipe.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD cooled_or_heated_pipe.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD cooler-symbol.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD cooler-symbol.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD cooling_tower.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD cooling_tower.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD coord.png / gimp / GPLv2 copy-object.png / gimp / GPLv2 copy.png / openoffice / GPLv3 coq.icns / app-install / See Below coq.ico / app-install / See Below coq.png / app-install / See Below coq.xpm / app-install / See Below core-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 core-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 core-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 core-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 core.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 core.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 core.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 core.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw_old.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw_old.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw_old.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw_old.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 coreldraw_old.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 corral.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 country.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cournol.icns / app-install / See Below cournol.ico / app-install / See Below cournol.png / app-install / See Below cournol.xpm / app-install / See Below court.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 court_of_law.svg / openstreetmap / PD court_of_law.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD court_of_law_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD covered_gas_vent.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD covered_gas_vent.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD cowbell-2.icns / app-install / See Below cowbell-2.ico / app-install / See Below cowbell-2.png / app-install / See Below cowbell-2.xpm / app-install / See Below cpu-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL cpu-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL cpu-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL cpu-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL cpu-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL cpu-fan.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD cpu-fan.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD cpu-fan.png / open_clip_art_library / PD cpu-fan.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD cpu.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 cpu.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 cpu.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 cpu.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 crack-attack.icns / app-install / See Below crack-attack.ico / app-install / See Below crack-attack.png / app-install / See Below crack-attack.xpm / app-install / See Below crack_attack!.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below crack_attack!.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below crack_attack!.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below crack_attack!.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below crater_or_fumarole.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD crater_or_fumarole_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD creditcards.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 creditcards.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 creditcards.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 creditcards.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 creox.icns / app-install / See Below creox.ico / app-install / See Below creox.png / app-install / See Below creox.xpm / app-install / See Below cricket.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cricket.svg / openstreetmap / PD crookrotate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 crookslant.png / openoffice / GPLv3 crop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cross.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cross.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cross.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 cross.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cross.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 cross.svg / openstreetmap / PD cross.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 crossingguard.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cruise.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cryptkeeper.icns / app-install / See Below cryptkeeper.ico / app-install / See Below cryptkeeper.png / app-install / See Below cryptkeeper.xpm / app-install / See Below cryptload.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD cryptload.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD cryptload.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD cryptload.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD crystal-style/application-octet-stream.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 crystal-style/application-octet-stream.ico / intrigue / 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cyclinguncategorized.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 cylinder.png / openoffice / GPLv3 cylinder_(absorption_of_the_piston).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(absorption_of_the_piston).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(adjustable_absorption_of_the_piston).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(adjustable_absorption_of_the_piston).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(double_working).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(double_working).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(double_working;_bilateral_piston_rod).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(double_working;_bilateral_piston_rod).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(double_working;_simple).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(double_working;_simple).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(reciprocal_absorption).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(reciprocal_absorption).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(simple_working;_return_stroke_spring).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cylinder_(simple_working;_return_stroke_spring).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below cyramid.png / openoffice / GPLv3 d3lphin.icns / app-install / See Below d3lphin.ico / app-install / See Below d3lphin.png / app-install / See Below d3lphin.xpm / app-install / See Below daemons.icns / app-install / See Below daemons.ico / app-install / See Below daemons.png / app-install / See Below daemons.xpm / app-install / See Below dam.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 dancinghall.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 dansguardian.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dansguardian.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dansguardian.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dansguardian.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below darcs.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below darcs.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below darcs.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below darcs.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below darkplaces.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / 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CC-BY-3.0 database-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-connect.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-connect.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-connect.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-connect.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 database-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 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date-previous.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 date-previous.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 date-previous.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 date.icns / app-install / See Below date.ico / app-install / See Below date.png / app-install / See Below date.xpm / app-install / See Below dates.icns / app-install / See Below dates.ico / app-install / See Below dates.png / app-install / See Below dates.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 dates.xpm / app-install / See Below daycare.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-dim.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-dom.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-jeu.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-jue.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-lun.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-mar.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-mer.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-mie.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 days-qua.png / 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LGPL-2.1 db_comit-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_comit-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_comit-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_comit-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_comit.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_comit.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_comit.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_comit.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_remove-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_remove-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_remove-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_remove-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_remove.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_remove.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_remove.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_remove.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_status-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_status-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_status-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_status-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_status.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_status.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_status.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_status.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_update-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_update-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_update-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_update-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 db_update.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_update.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_update.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 db_update.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dbaddrelation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbchangedesignmode.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbclearquery.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbdistinctvalues.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbdtableedit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbformdelete.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbformedit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbformopen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbformrename.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbindexdesign.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewform.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewformautopilot.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewquery.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewqueryautopilot.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewquerysql.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewreport.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewreportautopilot.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewtable.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewtableautopilot.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbnewviewsql.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbquerydelete.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbqueryedit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbqueryopen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbqueryrename.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbreportdelete.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbreportedit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbreportopen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbreportrename.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbsortingandgrouping.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbtabledelete.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbtableedit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbtableopen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbtablerename.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbviewaliases.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbviewfunctions.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dbviewtablenames.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dc_gui2.icns / app-install / See Below dc_gui2.ico / app-install / See Below dc_gui2.png / app-install / See Below dc_gui2.xpm / app-install / See Below de-2.icns / app-install / See Below de-2.ico / app-install / See Below de-2.png / app-install / See Below de-2.xpm / app-install / See Below deb-gview.icns / app-install / See Below deb-gview.ico / app-install / See Below deb-gview.png / app-install / See Below deb-gview.xpm / app-install / See Below deb.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 .icns / app-install / See Below debian.ico / app-install / See Below debian.png / app-install / See Below debian.xpm / app-install / See Below --instruction.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-instruction.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-instruction.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-instruction.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into-instruction.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into-instruction.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into-instruction.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into-instruction.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-into.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-out.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-out.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-out.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-out.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-over.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-over.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-over.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL debug-step-over.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL decibel-audio-player.icns / app-install / See Below decibel-audio-player.ico / app-install / See Below decibel-audio-player.png / app-install / See Below decibel-audio-player.xpm / app-install / See Below decibel.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below decibel.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below decibel.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below decibel.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below decibel_audio_player.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below decibel_audio_player.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below decibel_audio_player.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below decibel_audio_player.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below deciduous.svg / openstreetmap / PD decrementindent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 decrementsublevels.png / openoffice / GPLv3 default-colors.png / gimp / GPLv2 defaultbullet.png / openoffice / GPLv3 defaultnumbering.png / openoffice / GPLv3 defendguin.icns / app-install / See Below defendguin.ico / app-install / See Below defendguin.png / app-install / See Below defendguin.xpm / app-install / See Below definename.png / openoffice / GPLv3 defineprintarea.png / openoffice / GPLv3 del1bmp.png / openoffice / GPLv3 delall.png / openoffice / GPLv3 delete-object.png / gimp / GPLv2 delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_col.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_col.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_col.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_col.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_row.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_row.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_row.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 delete_table_row.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 deleteallannotation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 deleteannotation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 deletecolumns.png / openoffice / GPLv3 deletemasterpage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 deleteprintarea.png / openoffice / GPLv3 deleterecord.png / openoffice / GPLv3 deleterow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 deleterows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 delicious.png / homemade / PD deluge-torrent.icns / app-install / See Below deluge-torrent.ico / app-install / See Below deluge-torrent.png / app-install / See Below deluge-torrent.xpm / app-install / See Below deluge.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below deluge.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below deluge.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below deluge.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below deluge.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below denemo.icns / app-install / See Below denemo.ico / app-install / See Below denemo.png / app-install / See Below denemo.xpm / app-install / See Below dentist.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 dentist.svg / openstreetmap / PD deptstore.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 designed_using_gimp.png / homemade / PD designed_using_inkscape.png / homemade / PD designed_using_notepad.png / homemade / PD designed_using_vim.png / homemade / PD designer.icns / app-install / See Below designer.ico / app-install / See Below designer.png / app-install / See Below designer.xpm / app-install / See Below designerdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 designmoo.png / homemade / PD desmume.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD desmume.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD desmume.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD desmume.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 development-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 development-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 development-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 development-application_designer.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 development-application_designer.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 development-application_designer.png / intrigue / GPLv2 development-application_designer.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 development-chuck.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-chuck.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-chuck.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-chuck.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-clisp.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-clisp.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-clisp.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-clisp.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-database.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-database.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-database.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-database.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development--2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-eclipse-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-eclipse-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-eclipse-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-gtk.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-gtk.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-gtk.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-gtk.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-haskell.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-haskell.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-haskell.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-haskell.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-haskell.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-java-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-java-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-java-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-java-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-java-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL development-java-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL development-java-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL development-java-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL development-java-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL development-java.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 development-java.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 development-java.png / intrigue / GPLv2 development-java.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 development-jspx.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-jspx.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-jspx.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-jspx.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-perl.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-perl.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-perl.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-perl.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-php.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-php.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-php.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-php.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development-python.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python_ogre.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python_ogre.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python_ogre.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python_ogre.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-python_ogre.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 development-qt.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 development-qt.png / intrigue / GPLv2 development-qt.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 development-.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-r.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-r.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-r.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-rkward.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-rkward.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-rkward.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-rkward.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below development-ruby-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-ruby-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-ruby-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-ruby-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-ruby-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-ruby.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 development-ruby.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 development-ruby.png / intrigue / GPLv2 development-ruby.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 development-ruby_on_rails.icns / wiki_commons_mit / MIT development-ruby_on_rails.ico / wiki_commons_mit / MIT development-ruby_on_rails.png / wiki_commons_mit / MIT development-ruby_on_rails.xpm / wiki_commons_mit / MIT development-scheme.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-scheme.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-scheme.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-scheme.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-scheme.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD development-smalltalk.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-smalltalk.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-smalltalk.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-smalltalk.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-smalltalk.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-tcl.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-tcl.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-tcl.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-tcl.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-wxwidgets.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-wxwidgets.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-wxwidgets.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development-wxwidgets.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below development.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 development.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 devhelp.icns / app-install / See Below devhelp.ico / app-install / See Below devhelp.png / app-install / See Below devhelp.xpm / app-install / See Below deviantart.png / homemade / PD device-notifier.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL device-notifier.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL device-notifier.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL device-notifier.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL device-status.png / gimp / GPLv2 devil_bat.icns / wpclipart / PD devil_bat.ico / wpclipart / PD devil_bat.png / wpclipart / PD dfeet.icns / app-install / See Below dfeet.ico / app-install / See Below dfeet.png / app-install / See Below dfeet.xpm / app-install / See Below dia-2.icns / app-install / See Below dia-2.ico / app-install / See Below dia-2.png / app-install / See Below dia-2.xpm / app-install / See Below dia-3.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 dia-3.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 dia-3.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 dia-3.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 dia-3.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 dia.png / openoffice / GPLv3 diaauto.png / openoffice / GPLv3 diaeffect.png / openoffice / GPLv3 diagonal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 diagramdata.png / openoffice / GPLv3 diagramtype.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -accept-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-accept-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-accept-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-accept-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-accept.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-accept.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-accept.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-accept.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-block.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-block.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-block.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-block.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-blue.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog-cancel-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-cancel-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-cancel-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-cancel-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-cancel-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-cancel-6.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-cancel-6.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-cancel-6.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-cancel-6.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-cancel-7.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-7.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-7.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel-7.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-cancel.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-cancel.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-cancel.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-cancel.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-cancel.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-cancel.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-cancel.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-clean.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-clean.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-clean.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-clean.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-close-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-close-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-close-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-close-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-close.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-close.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-close.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-declare.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-declare.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-declare.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-declare.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-disable.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-disable.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-disable.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-disable.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-error-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-error-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-error-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-error-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-error-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-error-3.icns / tango / PD dialog-error-3.ico / tango / PD dialog-error-3.png / tango / PD dialog-error-3.svg / tango / PD dialog-error-3.xpm / tango / PD dialog-error-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-error-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-error-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-error-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-error-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-error-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error-6.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-error-6.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-error-6.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-error-6.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 dialog-error-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-error.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-error.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-error.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-fewer.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-fewer.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-fewer.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-fewer.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-green.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog-important.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-important.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-important.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-important.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-information-2.icns / tango / PD dialog-information-2.ico / tango / PD dialog-information-2.png / tango / PD dialog-information-2.svg / tango / PD dialog-information-2.xpm / tango / PD dialog-information-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-information-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-information-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-information-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-information-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-information.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-information.icns / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-information.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-information.ico / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-information.png / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-information.svg / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-information.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-information.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-more.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-more.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-more.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-no-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-no-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-no-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-no-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-no.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-no.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-no.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-no.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-apply-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-apply-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-apply-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-apply-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-apply-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-ok-apply-6.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-6.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-6.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply-6.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 dialog-ok-apply.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-ok-apply.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-ok-apply.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-ok-apply.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-ok.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-ok.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-ok.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-ok.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-ok.png / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-ok.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-ok.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 dialog-orange.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog-password-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-password-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-password-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-password-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-password-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-password.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-password.icns / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-password.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-password.ico / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-password.png / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-password.svg / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-password.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-password.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-question.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-question.icns / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-question.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-question.ico / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-question.png / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-question.svg / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-question.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-question.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-red.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog-shadow.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog-warning-2.icns / tango / PD dialog-warning-2.ico / tango / PD dialog-warning-2.png / tango / PD dialog-warning-2.svg / tango / PD dialog-warning-2.xpm / tango / PD dialog-warning-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-warning-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-warning-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-warning-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-warning-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-warning-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-warning-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL dialog-warning-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-warning-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 dialog-warning.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-warning.icns / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-warning.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-warning.ico / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-warning.png / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-warning.svg / gnome / GPLv2 dialog-warning.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 dialog-warning.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 dialog2-blue.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog2-green.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog2-orange.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog2-red.png / iconicon_net / PD dialog2-shadow.png / iconicon_net / PD diamond_blue.icns / wpclipart / PD diamond_blue.ico / wpclipart / PD diamond_blue.png / wpclipart / PD diamond_green.icns / wpclipart / PD diamond_green.ico / wpclipart / PD diamond_green.png / wpclipart / PD diamond_orange.icns / wpclipart / PD diamond_orange.ico / wpclipart / PD diamond_orange.png / wpclipart / PD diamond_red.icns / wpclipart / PD diamond_red.ico / wpclipart / PD diamond_red.png / wpclipart / PD diaphragm_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD diaphragm_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD diaspeed.png / openoffice / GPLv3 diatime.png / openoffice / GPLv3 differential_pressure_measuring_instrument.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below differential_pressure_measuring_instrument.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below diffuse.icns / app-install / See Below diffuse.ico / app-install / See Below diffuse.png / app-install / See Below diffuse.xpm / app-install / See Below digg.png / homemade / PD -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 digikam-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL digikam-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 digikam-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL digikam-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 digikam-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 digikam-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL digikam-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL digikam-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL digikam-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below digikam-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below digikam-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below digikam-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below digikam.icns / app-install / See Below digikam.ico / app-install / See Below digikam.png / app-install / See Below digikam.xpm / app-install / See Below diigo.png / homemade / PD -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dillo-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dillo-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dillo-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dillo.icns / app-install / See Below dillo.ico / app-install / See Below dillo.png / app-install / See Below dillo.xpm / app-install / See Below dimension.png / gimp / GPLv2 dimlit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directioneast.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionnorth.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionnortheast.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionnorthwest.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionsouth.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionsoutheast.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionsouthwest.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionstraight.png / openoffice / GPLv3 directionwest.png / openoffice / GPLv3 disability.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 disabled.svg / openstreetmap / PD disabledparking.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 disc-00.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-00.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-00.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-00.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-00.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-05.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-05.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-05.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-05.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-05.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-10.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-10.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-10.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-10.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-10.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-100.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-100.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-100.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-100.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-100.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-15.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-15.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-15.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-15.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-15.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-20.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-20.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-20.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-20.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-20.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-25.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-25.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-25.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-25.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-25.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-30.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-30.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-30.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-30.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-30.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-35.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-35.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-35.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-35.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-35.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-40.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-40.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-40.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-40.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-40.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-45.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-45.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-45.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-45.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-45.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-50.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-50.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-50.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-50.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-50.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-55.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-55.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-55.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-55.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-55.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-60.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-60.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-60.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-60.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-60.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-65.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-65.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-65.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-65.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-65.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-70.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-70.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-70.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-70.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-70.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-75.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-75.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-75.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-75.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-75.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-80.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-80.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-80.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-80.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-80.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-85.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-85.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-85.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-85.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-85.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-90.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-90.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-90.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-90.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-90.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-95.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-95.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-95.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-95.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disc-95.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 disconnect.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 disconnect.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 disconnect.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 disconnect.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 disk-manager.ico / app-install / See Below disk-manager.png / app-install / See Below disk-manager.xpm / app-install / See Below diskcryptor.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below diskcryptor.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below diskcryptor.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below diskcryptor.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below disksearch.icns / app-install / See Below disksearch.ico / app-install / See Below disksearch.png / app-install / See Below disksearch.xpm / app-install / See Below disksfilesystems.icns / app-install / See Below disksfilesystems.ico / app-install / See Below disksfilesystems.png / app-install / See Below disksfilesystems.xpm / app-install / See Below dispencing.svg / openstreetmap / PD display-filter-colorblind.png / gimp / GPLv2 display-filter-contrast.png / gimp / GPLv2 display-filter-gamma.png / gimp / GPLv2 display-filter-lcms.png / gimp / GPLv2 display-filter-proof.png / gimp / GPLv2 display-filter.png / gimp / GPLv2 displayconfig.icns / app-install / See Below displayconfig.ico / app-install / See Below displayconfig.png / app-install / See Below displayconfig.xpm / app-install / See Below distribute-horizontal-center.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-center.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-center.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-center.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-equal.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-equal.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-equal.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-equal.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-left.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-left.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-left.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-left.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-margin.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-margin.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-margin.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-margin.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-page.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-page.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-page.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-page.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-right.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-right.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-right.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-right.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-x.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-x.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-x.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horizontal-x.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horozontal-page.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horozontal-page.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horozontal-page.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-horozontal-page.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-bottom.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-bottom.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-bottom.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-bottom.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-center.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-center.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-center.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-center.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-equal.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-equal.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-equal.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-equal.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-margin.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-margin.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-margin.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-margin.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-page.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-page.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-page.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-page.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-top.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-top.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-top.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-top.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-y.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-y.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-y.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distribute-vertical-y.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL distributecolumns.png / openoffice / GPLv3 distributerows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 distributions-archlinux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-archlinux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-archlinux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-archlinux.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-archlinux.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-archone.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-archone.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-archone.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-archone.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-bsd.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-bsd.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-bsd.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-bsd.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-bsd.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-buddhaubuntu_linux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-buddhaubuntu_linux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-buddhaubuntu_linux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-buddhaubuntu_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-cdlinux.pl_linux.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-cdlinux.pl_linux.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-cdlinux.pl_linux.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-cdlinux.pl_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-centos_linux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-centos_linux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-centos_linux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-centos_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-crux_linux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-crux_linux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-crux_linux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-crux_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-damn_small_linux.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-damn_small_linux.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-damn_small_linux.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-damn_small_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below distributions-debian.icns / homemade / PD distributions-debian.ico / homemade / PD distributions-debian.png / homemade / PD distributions-debian.xpm / homemade / PD distributions-deeproot_linux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-deeproot_linux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-deeproot_linux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-deeproot_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-dos.icns / homemade / PD distributions-dos.ico / homemade / PD distributions-dos.png / homemade / PD distributions-dos.xpm / homemade / PD distributions-dreamlinux.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-dreamlinux.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-dreamlinux.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-dreamlinux.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD distributions-eeebuntu_linux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-eeebuntu_linux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-eeebuntu_linux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-eeebuntu_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-emnix_linux.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD 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distributions-freebsd.png / open_clip_art_library / PD distributions-freebsd.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD distributions-.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-freedos.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-freedos.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-freedos.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-frugalware_linux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-frugalware_linux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-frugalware_linux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-frugalware_linux.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-gentoo.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-gentoo.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-gentoo.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-gentoo.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-guadalinex_linux.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below distributions-guadalinex_linux.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 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/ See Below djvulibre.ico / app-install / See Below djvulibre.png / app-install / See Below djvulibre.xpm / app-install / See Below dlume.icns / app-install / See Below dlume.ico / app-install / See Below dlume.png / app-install / See Below dlume.xpm / app-install / See Below dock.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dock.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 dock.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 doctor.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 doctor.svg / openstreetmap / PD document-close-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 document-close-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 document-close-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 document-close-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 document-close-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 document-close-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 document-close-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 document-close-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 document-close-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL document-close-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL document-close-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL document-close-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL 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draw-donut.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-donut.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-donut.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-ellipse-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-ellipse-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-ellipse-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-ellipse-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-ellipse.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-ellipse.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-ellipse.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-eraser-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-eraser-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-eraser-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-eraser-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-eraser-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-eraser.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-eraser.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-eraser.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-eraser.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-fill.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-freehand-closed.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-freehand-closed.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-freehand-closed.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-freehand.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-freehand.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-freehand.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-freehand.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-freehand.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-gradient.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-gradient.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-gradient.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-halfcircle1.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle1.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle1.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle1.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-halfcircle4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-line-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-line-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-line-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-line-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 draw-line-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-line-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-line-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-line-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-line.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-line.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-line.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-line.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-neonpen.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-neonpen.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-neonpen.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-path.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-path.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-path.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-path.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-penbrush.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-penbrush.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-penbrush.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-pencil.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-pencil.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-pencil.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-pie.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-pie.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-pie.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-pie.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polygon-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polygon-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polygon-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polygon-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polygon.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polygon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polygon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polygon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polyline-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polyline-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polyline-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polyline-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-polyline-closed.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polyline-closed.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polyline-closed.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polyline.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polyline.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-polyline.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-quadric-bezier-curve-closed.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-quadric-bezier-curve-closed.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-quadric-bezier-curve-closed.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-rectangle-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-rectangle-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-rectangle-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-rectangle-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-rectangle.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-rectangle.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-rectangle.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-rectangle.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-round-rectangle.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-round-rectangle.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-round-rectangle.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-sinus.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-sinus.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-sinus.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-spiral-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-spiral-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-spiral-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-spiral-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-spiral.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-spiral.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-spiral.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-square-inverted-corners.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-square-inverted-corners.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-square-inverted-corners.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-square-inverted-corners.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-star-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-star-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-star-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-star-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-star.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-star.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-star.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-text-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-text-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-text-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-text-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-text-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-text.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-text.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-text.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-triangle.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle1.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle1.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle1.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle1.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-triangle4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL draw-vector.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 draw-vector.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 draw-vector.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 draw-vector.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 draw-whirl.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-whirl.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 draw-whirl.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drawcaption.png / openoffice / GPLv3 drawchart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 drawtext.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dreamchess.icns / app-install / See Below dreamchess.ico / app-install / See Below dreamchess.png / app-install / See Below dreamchess.xpm / app-install / See Below dreamule.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dreamule.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dreamule.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dreamule.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below driconf.icns / app-install / See Below driconf.ico / app-install / See Below driconf.png / app-install / See Below driconf.xpm / app-install / See Below drink-beer.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drink-beer.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drink-beer.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drink-empty.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drink-empty.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drink-empty.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drink-empty.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drink-martini.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drink-martini.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drink-martini.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drink.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drink.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drink.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drink.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drinkingfountain.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 drinkingwater.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 drive-harddisk-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-harddisk-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-harddisk-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-harddisk-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-harddisk-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 drive-harddisk-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 drive-harddisk-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 drive-harddisk-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 drive-harddisk-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 drive-harddisk-5.icns / tango / PD drive-harddisk-5.ico / tango / PD drive-harddisk-5.png / tango / PD drive-harddisk-5.svg / tango / PD drive-harddisk-5.xpm / tango / PD drive-harddisk-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-harddisk-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-harddisk-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-harddisk-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-harddisk-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-harddisk-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk-ieee1394.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk-ieee1394.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk-ieee1394.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk-ieee1394.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk-usb.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk-usb.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk-usb.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk-usb.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-harddisk.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 drive-harddisk.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 drive-harddisk.png / intrigue / GPLv2 drive-harddisk.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 drive-harddisk_mount-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk_mount-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk_mount-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk_mount-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk_mount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk_mount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk_mount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-harddisk_mount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-network.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-network.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-network.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-network.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drive-nfs.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-nfs.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-nfs.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-nfs.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-optical-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 drive-optical-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 drive-optical-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 drive-optical-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 drive-optical-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 drive-optical-3.icns / tango / PD drive-optical-3.ico / tango / PD drive-optical-3.png / tango / PD drive-optical-3.svg / tango / PD drive-optical-3.xpm / tango / PD drive-optical-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-optical-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-optical-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-optical-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-optical-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-optical-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-optical-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-optical-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-optical-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 drive-optical.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-optical.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-optical.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-optical.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-raid.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-raid.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-raid.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-raid.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-removable-media-1394.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-1394.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-1394.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-1394.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 drive-removable-media-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 drive-removable-media-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 drive-removable-media-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 drive-removable-media-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 drive-removable-media-3.icns / tango / PD drive-removable-media-3.ico / tango / PD drive-removable-media-3.png / tango / PD drive-removable-media-3.svg / tango / PD drive-removable-media-3.xpm / tango / PD drive-removable-media-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-usb-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-usb-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-usb-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media-usb.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL drive-removable-media.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-removable-media.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-removable-media.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-removable-media.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 drive-samba.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-samba.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-samba.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-samba.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-samba_mount.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-samba_mount.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-samba_mount.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-samba_mount.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 drive-webhdd.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 drive-webhdd.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 drive-webhdd.png / intrigue / GPLv2 drive-webhdd.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 drive.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_burn.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_burn.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_burn.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_burn.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd_empty.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd_empty.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd_empty.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_cd_empty.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_disk.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_disk.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_disk.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_disk.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_magnify.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_magnify.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_magnify.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_magnify.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_network.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_network.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_network.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_network.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_rename.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_rename.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_rename.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_rename.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_user.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_user.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_user.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_user.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_web.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_web.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_web.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drive_web.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 drivel.icns / app-install / See Below drivel.ico / app-install / See Below drivel.png / app-install / See Below drivel.xpm / app-install / See Below droidbattles.icns / app-install / See Below droidbattles.ico / app-install / See Below droidbattles.png / app-install / See Below droidbattles.xpm / app-install / See Below drop.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drop.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drop.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drop.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 drpython.icns / app-install / See Below drpython.ico / app-install / See Below drpython.png / app-install / See Below drpython.xpm / app-install / See Below drscheme.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below drscheme.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below drscheme.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below drscheme.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below drugs.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 drupal.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below drupal.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below drupal.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below drupal.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below drupal.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dryer.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD dryer.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD ds9.icns / app-install / See Below ds9.ico / app-install / See Below ds9.png / app-install / See Below ds9.xpm / app-install / See Below dsbdocumentdatasource.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsbeditdoc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsbformletter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsbinsertcolumns.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsbinsertcontent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsbrowserexplorer.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dssi_ll-scope.icns / app-install / See Below dssi_ll-scope.ico / app-install / See Below dssi_ll-scope.png / app-install / See Below dssi_ll-scope.xpm / app-install / See Below dsth_cen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsth_dst.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsth_hig.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dsth_low.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dstv_cen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dstv_dst.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dstv_hig.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dstv_low.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dt_icon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dt_icon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 dt_icon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 duplicate.png / gimp / GPLv2 duplicatepage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 dust_trap.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD dust_trap.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD dvdisaster.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dvdisaster.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dvdisaster.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dvdisaster.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below dxicon.icns / app-install / See Below dxicon.ico / app-install / See Below dxicon.png / app-install / See Below dxicon.xpm / app-install / See Below dynebolic.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below dynebolic.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below dynebolic.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below dynebolic.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below e.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 .icns / app-install / See Below earth.ico / app-install / See Below earth.png / app-install / See Below earth.xpm / app-install / See Below eas3.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below eas3.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below eas3.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below eas3.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below easychem.icns / app-install / See Below easychem.ico / app-install / See Below easychem.png / app-install / See Below easychem.xpm / app-install / See Below easymoblog.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 easymoblog.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 easymoblog.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 easymoblog.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 easytag-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 easytag-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 easytag-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 easytag.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below easytag.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below easytag.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below easytag.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below easytag.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below eboard.icns / app-install / See Below eboard.ico / app-install / See Below eboard.png / app-install / See Below eboard.xpm / app-install / See Below ebview.icns / app-install / See Below ebview.ico / app-install / See Below ebview.png / app-install / See Below ebview.xpm / app-install / See Below ecawave.icns / app-install / See Below ecawave.ico / app-install / See Below ecawave.png / app-install / See Below ecawave.xpm / app-install / See Below edit-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-6.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-6.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-6.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-6.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-add-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-add.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-add.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-add.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-add.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-bomb.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-bomb.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-bomb.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-bomb.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-bomb.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-clear-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-clear-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-clear-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-clear-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-clear-3.icns / tango / PD edit-clear-3.ico / tango / PD edit-clear-3.png / tango / PD edit-clear-3.svg / tango / PD edit-clear-3.xpm / tango / PD edit-clear-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-history-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear-history-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear-history-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear-history-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear-history-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-history-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-history-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-history-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-history-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-history.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear-history.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-clear-history.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear-history.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-clear-history.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-clear-history.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear-history.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-clear-list.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-list.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-list.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-list.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-list.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-ltr.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-ltr.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-ltr.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-ltr.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-ltr.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-clear.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-clear.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-copy-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-copy-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-copy-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-copy-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-copy-4.icns / tango / PD edit-copy-4.ico / tango / PD edit-copy-4.png / tango / PD edit-copy-4.svg / tango / PD edit-copy-4.xpm / tango / PD edit-copy-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-copy-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-copy-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-copy-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-copy-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-copy-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-copy-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-copy-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-copy-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-copy-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-copy.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-copy.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-copy.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-copy.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-copy.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-copy.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-copy.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-cut-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-cut-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-cut-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-cut-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-cut-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-cut-4.icns / tango / PD edit-cut-4.ico / tango / PD edit-cut-4.png / tango / PD edit-cut-4.svg / tango / PD edit-cut-4.xpm / tango / PD edit-cut-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-cut-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-cut-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-cut-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-cut-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-cut-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-cut-red.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut-red.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut-red.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut-red.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-cut.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-cut.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-cut.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-cut.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-cut.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-cut.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-cut.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-delete-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-delete-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-delete-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-delete-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-delete-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-delete-3.icns / tango / PD edit-delete-3.ico / tango / PD edit-delete-3.png / tango / PD edit-delete-3.svg / tango / PD edit-delete-3.xpm / tango / PD edit-delete-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-delete-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-delete-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-delete-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-delete-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete-shred.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-shred.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-shred.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-shred.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete-shred.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-delete.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-destroy.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-destroy.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-destroy.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-destroy.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit--10.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-4.icns / tango / PD edit-find-4.ico / tango / PD edit-find-4.png / tango / PD edit-find-4.svg / tango / PD edit-find-4.xpm / tango / PD edit-find-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-8.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-8.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-8.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-8.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-9.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-9.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-9.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-9.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-and--2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-and-replace-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-and-replace-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-and-replace-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-and-replace-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-and-replace-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-and-replace-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-and-replace-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-find-and-replace.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-and-replace.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-and-replace.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-and-replace.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-mail.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-mail.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-mail.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-mail.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-mail.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-project.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-project.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-project.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-project.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-replace-2.svg / tango / PD edit-find-replace-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-replace-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-replace-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-replace-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-find-replace.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-find-replace.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-find-replace.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-find-replace.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-find-user.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-user.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-user.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find-user.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-find.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-find.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-find.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-find.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-find.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-find.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-find.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-group.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-group.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-group.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-group.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-guides.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-guides.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-guides.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-guides.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-history-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-history-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-history.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-history.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-history.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-history.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-layout.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-layout.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-layout.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-layout.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-link.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-link.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-link.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-link.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-move.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-move.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-move.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-move.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-node.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-node.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-node.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-node.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-past.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-past.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-past.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-past.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-paste-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-paste-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-paste-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-paste-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-paste-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-paste-4.icns / tango / PD edit-paste-4.ico / tango / PD edit-paste-4.png / tango / PD edit-paste-4.svg / tango / PD edit-paste-4.xpm / tango / PD edit-paste-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-paste-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-paste-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-paste-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-paste-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-paste-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-paste-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-paste-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-paste-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-paste-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-special.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-special.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-special.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste-special.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-paste.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-paste.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-paste.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-paste.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-paste.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-paste.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-paste.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-picture.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-picture.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-picture.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-picture.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-pie.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-pie.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-pie.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-polygon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-polygon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-polygon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-redo-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-redo-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-redo-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-redo-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-redo-4.icns / tango / PD edit-redo-4.ico / tango / PD edit-redo-4.png / tango / PD edit-redo-4.svg / tango / PD edit-redo-4.xpm / tango / PD edit-redo-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-redo-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-redo-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-redo-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-redo-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-redo-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-redo.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-redo.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-redo.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-redo.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-redo.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-redo.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-redo.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-remove-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-remove.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-rename.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-rename.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-rename.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-rename.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-rename.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select-all-2.icns / tango / PD edit-select-all-2.ico / tango / PD edit-select-all-2.png / tango / PD edit-select-all-2.svg / tango / PD edit-select-all-2.xpm / tango / PD edit-select-all-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select-all-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select-all-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select-all-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select-all-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select-all-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-select-all-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-select-all-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-select-all-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-select-all.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-select-all.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-select-all.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-select-all.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-select-all.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-select-all.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-select-all.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-select-all.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-select.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-select.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-shred.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-shred.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-shred.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-shred.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-shred.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-shred.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-shred.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-az.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-az.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-az.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-az.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-decrease.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-decrease.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-decrease.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-decrease.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-increase.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-increase.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-increase.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-sort-increase.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-table-cell.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-table-cell.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-table-cell.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-table-cell.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-tag-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-tag-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-tag-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-tag-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-frame-update.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-text-frame-update.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-text-frame-update.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-text-frame-update.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-text-padding-bottom.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-bottom.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-bottom.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-bottom.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-left.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-left.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-left.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-left.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-right.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-right.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-right.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-right.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-top.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-top.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-top.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-text-padding-top.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 edit-undo-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 edit-undo-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 edit-undo-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 edit-undo-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 edit-undo-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 edit-undo-4.icns / tango / PD edit-undo-4.ico / tango / PD edit-undo-4.png / tango / PD edit-undo-4.svg / tango / PD edit-undo-4.xpm / tango / PD edit-undo-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-undo-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-undo-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-undo-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-undo-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL edit-undo-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 edit-undo.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-undo.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-undo.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-undo.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-undo.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-undo.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 edit-undo.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 edit-user.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-user.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-user.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit-user.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 edit.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 edit.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 edit.png / gimp / GPLv2 edit.png / intrigue / GPLv2 edit.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 editdoc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 editglossary.png / openoffice / GPLv3 editheaderandfooter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 editprintarea.png / openoffice / GPLv3 education-edutainment-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-edutainment-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-edutainment-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-edutainment-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-edutainment.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 education-edutainment.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 education-edutainment.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 education-edutainment.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 education-languages.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-languages.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-languages.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-languages.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-mathematics.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-mathematics.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-mathematics.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-mathematics.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-miscellaneous.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-miscellaneous.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-miscellaneous.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-miscellaneous.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-science.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-science.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-science.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education-science.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 education.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 education.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 education.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 education.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 effect.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 effect.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 effect.png / openoffice / GPLv3 effect.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 effectfade.png / openoffice / GPLv3 effectpath.png / openoffice / GPLv3 effectshape.png / openoffice / GPLv3 egicon.icns / app-install / See Below egicon.ico / app-install / See Below egicon.png / app-install / See Below egicon.xpm / app-install / See Below egoboo.icns / app-install / See Below egoboo.ico / app-install / See Below egoboo.png / app-install / See Below egoboo.xpm / app-install / See Below eiciel.icns / app-install / See Below eiciel.ico / app-install / See Below eiciel.png / app-install / See Below eiciel.xpm / app-install / See Below einstein.icns / app-install / See Below einstein.ico / app-install / See Below einstein.png / app-install / See Below einstein.xpm / app-install / See Below electrem.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below electrem.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below electrem.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below electrem.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below electric_wave_tower.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD electric_wave_tower_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD electrical_manipulation_with_electric_motor_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below electrical_manipulation_with_electric_motor_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below electrical_manipulation_with_magnetic_coil_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below electrical_manipulation_with_magnetic_coil_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below electronic_datum_point.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD electronic_datum_point_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD elementary_or_junior_high_school.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD elementary_or_junior_high_school_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD elevator.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 elisa.icns / app-install / See Below elisa.ico / app-install / See Below elisa.png / app-install / See Below elisa.svg / app-install / See Below elisa.xpm / app-install / See Below ellipse.png / gimp / GPLv2 ellipse.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ellipse_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ellipsecut.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ellipsecut_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ellipsetoolbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 elmer.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below elmer.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below elmer.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below elmer.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 emacs-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 emacs-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 emacs-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 emacs-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emacs-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emacs-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emacs-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emacs-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emacs.icns / app-install / See Below emacs.ico / app-install / See Below emacs.png / app-install / See Below emacs.xpm / app-install / See Below -add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 email-open-image.icns / 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3.0 emblem-contradict.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-contradict.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-default.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-default.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-default.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-default.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-default.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-desktop.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-desktop.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-desktop.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-desktop.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-desktop.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-documents.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-documents.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-documents.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-documents.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-documents.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-downloads.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-downloads.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-downloads.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-downloads.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-downloads.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-downloads.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-downloads.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-downloads.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-favorite-2.icns / tango / PD 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PD emblem-important-2.svg / tango / PD emblem-important-2.xpm / tango / PD emblem-important-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-important-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-important-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-important-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-important-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-important-red.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-red.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-red.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-red.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-red.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-yellow.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-yellow.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-yellow.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-yellow.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important-yellow.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-important.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-important.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-important.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-important.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-important.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-important.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-important.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-important.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-important.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-important.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-interrobang.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-interrobang.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-interrobang.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-interrobang.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-interrobang.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-link.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-link.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-mail.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-mail.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-mail.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-mail.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-mail.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-money-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-money-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-money-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-money-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-mounted.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-mounted.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-mounted.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-mounted.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-mounted.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-new.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-new.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-new.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-new.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-new.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-notice.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-notice.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-notice.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-notice.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-notice.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-package.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-package.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-package.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-package.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-package.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-paragraph.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-paragraph.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-paragraph.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-paragraph.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-paragraph.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-percentage.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-percentage.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-percentage.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-percentage.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-percentage.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-photos-2.icns / tango / PD emblem-photos-2.ico / tango / PD emblem-photos-2.png / tango / PD emblem-photos-2.svg / tango / PD emblem-photos-2.xpm / tango / PD emblem-photos.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-photos.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-photos.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-photos.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-photos.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-photos.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-photos.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-photos.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-pr.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-pr.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-pr.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-pr.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-pr.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-red.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-red.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-red.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-red.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-yellow.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-yellow.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-yellow.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-yellow.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question-yellow.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-question.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-readonly-2.icns / tango / PD emblem-readonly-2.ico / tango / PD emblem-readonly-2.png / tango / PD emblem-readonly-2.svg / tango / PD emblem-readonly-2.xpm / tango / PD emblem-readonly.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-readonly.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-readonly.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-readonly.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-readonly.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-readonly.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-readonly.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-readonly.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-shared.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-shared.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-shared.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-shared.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-shared.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-special-characters.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-special-characters.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-special-characters.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-special-characters.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-special-characters.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-symbolic-link-2.icns / tango / PD emblem-symbolic-link-2.ico / tango / PD emblem-symbolic-link-2.png / tango / PD emblem-symbolic-link-2.svg / tango / PD emblem-symbolic-link-2.xpm / tango / PD emblem-symbolic-link-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-symbolic-link-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-symbolic-link-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-symbolic-link-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-symbolic-link-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-symbolic-link.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-symbolic-link.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-symbolic-link.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-symbolic-link.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-symbolic-link.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-system-2.icns / tango / PD emblem-system-2.ico / tango / PD emblem-system-2.png / tango / PD emblem-system-2.svg / tango / PD emblem-system-2.xpm / tango / PD emblem-system.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-system.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-system.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-system.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-system.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-system.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-system.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-system.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-unmounted.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-unmounted.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-unmounted.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-unmounted.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL emblem-unreadable-2.icns / tango / PD emblem-unreadable-2.ico / tango / PD emblem-unreadable-2.png / tango / PD emblem-unreadable-2.svg / tango / PD emblem-unreadable-2.xpm / tango / PD emblem-unreadable.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-unreadable.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-unreadable.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-unreadable.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-unreadable.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-unreadable.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-unreadable.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 emblem-unreadable.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-urgent.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-urgent.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-urgent.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-urgent.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-urgent.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-web.icns / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-web.ico / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-web.png / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-web.svg / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-web.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 emblem-what.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-what.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-what.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-what.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emblem-what.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 emergency.svg / openstreetmap / PD emesene-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emesene-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emesene-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emesene-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emotes.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL -evilgrin.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-evilgrin.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-evilgrin.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-evilgrin.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-grin.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-grin.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-grin.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-grin.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-happy.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-happy.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-happy.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-happy.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-smile.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-smile.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-smile.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-smile.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-surprised.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-surprised.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-surprised.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-surprised.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-tongue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-tongue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-tongue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-tongue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-unhappy.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-unhappy.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-unhappy.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-unhappy.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-waii.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-waii.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-waii.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-waii.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-wink.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-wink.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-wink.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 emoticon-wink.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 -2.icns / app-install / See Below empathy-2.ico / app-install / See Below empathy-2.png / app-install / See Below empathy-2.xpm / app-install / See Below empathy-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below empathy-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below empathy-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below empathy-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below empathy-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emptypage_11x15.png / openoffice / GPLv3 emptypage_a_11x15.png / openoffice / GPLv3 emule.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emule.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emule.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emule.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below emule.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below encrypted.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL enemylines3.icns / app-install / See Below enemylines3.ico / app-install / See Below enemylines3.png / app-install / See Below enemylines3.xpm / app-install / See Below enemylines7.icns / app-install / See Below enemylines7.ico / app-install / See Below enemylines7.png / app-install / See Below enemylines7.xpm / app-install / See Below enhanced_browsing-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 enhanced_browsing-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 enhanced_browsing-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 enhanced_browsing-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 enhanced_browsing.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enhanced_browsing.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enhanced_browsing.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enhanced_browsing.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enigma-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below enigma-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below enigma-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below enigma-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below enigma.icns / app-install / See Below enigma.ico / app-install / See Below enigma.png / app-install / See Below enigma.xpm / app-install / See Below enlightened_sound_daemon.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL enlightened_sound_daemon.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL enlightened_sound_daemon.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL enlightened_sound_daemon.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL enlightened_sound_daemon.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL entagged.icns / app-install / See Below entagged.ico / app-install / See Below entagged.png / app-install / See Below entagged.xpm / app-install / See Below entergroup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 entirecolumn.png / openoffice / GPLv3 entirerow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 entrance.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 enumlist.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enumlist.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enumlist.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enumlist.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enumlist1.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enumlist1.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enumlist1.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 enumlist1.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 epi_info.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD epi_info.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD epi_info.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD epi_info.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD epinions.png / homemade / PD epiphany-bookmarks-2.icns / app-install / See Below epiphany-bookmarks-2.ico / app-install / See Below epiphany-bookmarks-2.png / app-install / See Below epiphany-bookmarks-2.xpm / app-install / See Below epiphany-game.icns / app-install / See Below epiphany-game.ico / app-install / See Below epiphany-game.png / app-install / See Below epiphany-game.xpm / app-install / See Below epiphany.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below epiphany.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below epiphany.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below epiphany.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below epiphany.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below epsilon.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 eqonomize.icns / app-install / See Below eqonomize.ico / app-install / See Below eqonomize.png / app-install / See Below eqonomize.xpm / app-install / See Below equation-attribute-21701.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21702.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21703.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21704.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21705.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21706.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21707.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21708.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21709.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21710.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21711.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21712.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21713.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21714.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21715.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21722.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21723.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-attribute-21724.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21205.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21206.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21207.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21208.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21209.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21210.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21211.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21212.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21214.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21215.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-binary_operator-21221.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21801.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21802.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21803.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21804.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21805.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21806.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21808.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21809.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21810.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21811.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21812.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21813.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21814.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21821.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21822.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21823.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21824.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21825.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-bracket-21826.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-101.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-102.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-103.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-104.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-11.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-12.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-13.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21902.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21903.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21904.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21905.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21906.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21907.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21908.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21909.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21910.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21911.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21912.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21916.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21917.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-21918.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-22.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-31.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-32.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-41.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-42.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-51.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-52.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-61.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-62.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-71.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-72.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-81.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-82.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-91.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-format-92.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21501.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21502.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21503.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21504.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21505.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21506.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21507.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21508.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21509.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21510.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21511.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21512.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21513.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21514.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21515.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21516.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21517.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21518.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21519.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21520.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21521.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21522.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21523.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21524.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-function-21908.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-lc26047.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-lc26048.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-lc26049.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21601.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21602.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21603.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21604.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21605.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21606.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21607.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21609.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21610.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21611.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21613.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21614.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-operator-21615.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-21608.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-21612.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22003.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22004.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22005.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22006.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22007.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22008.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22009.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22010.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22011.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22012.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22013.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22014.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-other-22015.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21301.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21302.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21303.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21304.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21305.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21306.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21307.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21308.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21309.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21310.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21311.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21312.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21313.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21314.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21315.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21316.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21322.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21323.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21324.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21325.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-relation-21326.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-sc26047.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-sc26048.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-sc26049.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21101.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21102.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21103.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21104.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21105.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21106.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21107.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21117.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21401.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21402.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21403.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21405.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21406.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21407.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21408.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21409.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21410.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21411.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21412.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21413.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21414.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21415.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21416.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21417.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21418.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21419.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21420.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-21421.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-22001.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-set_operation-22002.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-unary_operator-21201.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-unary_operator-21202.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-unary_operator-21203.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-unary_operator-21204.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation-unary_operator-21213.png / openoffice / GPLv3 equation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 eric.icns / app-install / See Below eric.ico / app-install / See Below eric.png / app-install / See Below eric.xpm / app-install / See Below error-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 error-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 errorbothhori_30.png / openoffice / GPLv3 errorbothverti_30.png / openoffice / GPLv3 errordown_30.png / openoffice / GPLv3 errorleft_30.png / openoffice / GPLv3 errorright_30.png / openoffice / GPLv3 errorup_30.png / openoffice / GPLv3 escalator-down.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 escalator-up.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 etherape.icns / app-install / See Below etherape.ico / app-install / See Below etherape.png / app-install / See Below etherape.xpm / app-install / See Below ethereal.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ethereal.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ethereal.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ethereal.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below etracericon.icns / app-install / See Below etracericon.ico / app-install / See Below etracericon.png / app-install / See Below etracericon.svg / app-install / See Below etracericon.xpm / app-install / See Below etw.icns / app-install / See Below etw.ico / app-install / See Below etw.png / app-install / See Below etw.xpm / app-install / See Below euler.icns / app-install / See Below euler.ico / app-install / See Below euler.png / app-install / See Below euler.xpm / app-install / See Below euroconverter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 evernote.png / homemade / PD evilvte.icns / app-install / See Below evilvte.ico / app-install / See Below evilvte.png / app-install / See Below evilvte.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below evince.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below evince.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below evince.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below evince.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below evolution-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 evolution-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 evolution-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 evolution-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 evolution.icns / app-install / See Below evolution.ico / app-install / See Below evolution.png / app-install / See Below evolution.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below exaile-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below exaile-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below exaile-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below exaile-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below exaile.icns / app-install / See Below exaile.ico / app-install / See Below exaile.png / app-install / See Below exaile.xpm / app-install / See Below exchange.svg / openstreetmap / PD exclamation.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 exclamation.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 exclamation.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 exclamation.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 executereport.png / openoffice / GPLv3 exfalso.icns / app-install / See Below exfalso.ico / app-install / See Below exfalso.png / app-install / See Below exfalso.xpm / app-install / See Below exit.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 expandpage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 expert.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 explosion.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 exportdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 exportdirecttopdf.png / openoffice / GPLv3 exportto.png / openoffice / GPLv3 expresso_livre.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below expresso_livre.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below expresso_livre.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below expresso_livre.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below extension.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrema.icns / app-install / See Below extrema.ico / app-install / See Below extrema.png / app-install / See Below extrema.xpm / app-install / See Below extrusion05inch.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusion0inch.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusion1inch.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusion2inch.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusion3dcolor.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusion4inch.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusiondepthfloater.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusiondirectionfloater.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusioninfinity.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusionsurfacefloater.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusiontiltdown.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusiontiltleft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusiontiltright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusiontiltup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 extrusiontoggle.png / openoffice / GPLv3 eye.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 eye.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 eye.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 eye.png / gimp / GPLv2 eye.png.icns / wpclipart / PD eye.png.ico / wpclipart / PD eye.png.png / wpclipart / PD eye.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 eyeos.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below eyeos.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below eyeos.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below eyeos.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below f-spot.icns / app-install / See Below f-spot.ico / app-install / See Below f-spot.png / app-install / See Below f-spot.xpm / app-install / See Below f.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 face-angel-2.icns / tango / PD face-angel-2.ico / tango / PD face-angel-2.png / tango / PD face-angel-2.svg / tango / PD face-angel-2.xpm / tango / PD face-angel-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angel-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angel-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angel-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angel-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angel.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angel.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-angel.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angel.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-angel.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-angel.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-angel.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angel.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-angry-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angry-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angry-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-angry-yelling.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angry-yelling.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angry-yelling.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angry-yelling.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angry.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angry.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-angry.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angry.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-angry.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-angry.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-angry.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-angry.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-clown.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-clown.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-clown.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-confused-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-confused-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-confused-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-confused.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-confused.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-confused.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-confused.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-cool-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-cool-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-cool-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-cool.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-cool.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-cool.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-cool.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-cool.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-crying-2.icns / tango / PD face-crying-2.ico / tango / PD face-crying-2.png / tango / PD face-crying-2.svg / tango / PD face-crying-2.xpm / tango / PD face-crying-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-crying-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-crying-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-crying.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-crying.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-crying.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-crying.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-crying.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-crying.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-crying.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-crying.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-devil-grin.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devil-grin.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devil-grin.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devil-grin.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devil-sad.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devil-sad.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devil-sad.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devil-sad.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-devilish-2.icns / tango / PD face-devilish-2.ico / tango / PD face-devilish-2.png / tango / PD face-devilish-2.svg / tango / PD face-devilish-2.xpm / tango / PD face-devilish-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-devilish-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-devilish-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-devilish.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-devilish.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-devilish.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-devilish.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-devilish.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-embarrassed-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-embarrassed-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-embarrassed-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-embarrassed-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-embarrassed-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-embarrassed.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-embarrassed.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-embarrassed.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-embarrassed.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-embarrassed.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-embarrassed.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-embarrassed.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-embarrassed.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-foot-in-mouth.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-foot-in-mouth.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-foot-in-mouth.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-glasses-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-glasses-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-glasses-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-glasses.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-glasses.icns / tango / PD face-glasses.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-glasses.ico / tango / PD face-glasses.png / tango / PD face-glasses.svg / tango / PD face-glasses.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-glasses.xpm / tango / PD face-grin.icns / tango / PD face-grin.ico / tango / PD face-grin.png / tango / PD face-grin.svg / tango / PD face-grin.xpm / tango / PD face-hug-left.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-hug-left.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-hug-left.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-hug-right.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-hug-right.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-hug-right.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-in-love.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-in-love.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-in-love.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-kiss-2.icns / tango / PD face-kiss-2.ico / tango / PD face-kiss-2.png / tango / PD face-kiss-2.svg / tango / PD face-kiss-2.xpm / tango / PD face-kiss-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-kiss-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-kiss-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-kiss-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-kiss-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-kiss.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-kiss.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-kiss.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-kiss.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-kiss.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-kiss.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-kiss.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-kiss.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-laugh-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-laugh-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-laugh-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-laugh-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-laugh-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-laugh.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-laugh.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-laugh.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-laugh.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-laugh.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-laugh.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-laugh.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-laugh.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-laughing.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-laughing.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-laughing.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-monkey-2.icns / tango / PD face-monkey-2.ico / tango / PD face-monkey-2.png / tango / PD face-monkey-2.svg / tango / PD face-monkey-2.xpm / tango / PD face-monkey.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-monkey.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-monkey.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-monkey.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-monkey.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-monkey.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-monkey.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-monkey.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-ninja.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-ninja.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-ninja.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-pirate.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-pirate.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-pirate.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-plain-2.icns / tango / PD face-plain-2.ico / tango / PD face-plain-2.png / tango / PD face-plain-2.svg / tango / PD face-plain-2.xpm / tango / PD face-plain-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-plain-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-plain-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-plain-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-plain-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-plain.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-plain.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-plain.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-plain.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-plain.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-plain.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-plain.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-plain.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-quiet.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-quiet.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-quiet.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-raspberry-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-raspberry-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-raspberry-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-raspberry-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-raspberry-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-raspberry-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-raspberry-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-raspberry-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-raspberry-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-raspberry-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-raspberry.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 face-raspberry.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 face-raspberry.png / intrigue / GPLv2 face-raspberry.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 face-sad-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-sad-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-sad-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-sad-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-sad-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-sad-3.icns / tango / PD face-sad-3.ico / tango / PD face-sad-3.png / tango / PD face-sad-3.svg / tango / PD face-sad-3.xpm / tango / PD face-sad-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sad-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sad-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sad-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sad-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sad.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-sad.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 face-sad.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-sad.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 face-sad.png / intrigue / GPLv2 face-sad.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-sad.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 face-sick-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sick-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sick-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sick.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-sick.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-sick.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-sick.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-sick.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sleep.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sleep.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sleeping-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sleeping-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sleeping-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-sleeping.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-sleeping.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-sleeping.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-sleeping.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smile-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-3.icns / tango / PD face-smile-3.ico / tango / PD face-smile-3.png / tango / PD face-smile-3.svg / tango / PD face-smile-3.xpm / tango / PD face-smile-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-big-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-big-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-big-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-big-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-big-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-smile-big-3.icns / tango / PD face-smile-big-3.ico / tango / PD face-smile-big-3.png / tango / PD face-smile-big-3.svg / tango / PD face-smile-big-3.xpm / tango / PD face-smile-big-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-big-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-big-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-big-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-big-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-big.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smile-big.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smile-big.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smile-big.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smile-big.png / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smile-big.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smile-big.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smile-gearhead-female.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-gearhead-female.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-gearhead-female.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-gearhead-male.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-gearhead-male.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-gearhead-male.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-grin.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-grin.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile-grin.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smile.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smile.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smile.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smile.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smile.png / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smile.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smile.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 face-smirk-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smirk-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smirk-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-smirk.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smirk.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-smirk.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smirk.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-smirk.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-smirk.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-smirk.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-smirk.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-star.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-star.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-star.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-supprised.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 face-supprised.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 face-supprised.png / intrigue / GPLv2 face-supprised.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 face-surprise-2.icns / tango / PD face-surprise-2.ico / tango / PD face-surprise-2.png / tango / PD face-surprise-2.svg / tango / PD face-surprise-2.xpm / tango / PD face-surprise-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-surprise-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-surprise-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-surprise-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-surprise-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-surprise.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-surprise.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-surprise.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-surprise.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-surprise.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-surprise.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-surprise.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-surprise.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-tired.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-tired.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-tired.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-tired.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-tired.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-tongue.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-tongue.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-tongue.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-tongue.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-uncertain-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-uncertain-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-uncertain-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-uncertain-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-uncertain-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-uncertain.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-uncertain.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-uncertain.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-uncertain.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-uncertain.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-uneasy.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-uneasy.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-uneasy.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-uneasy.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-wink-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-wink-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-wink-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-wink-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-wink-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-wink-3.icns / tango / PD face-wink-3.ico / tango / PD face-wink-3.png / tango / PD face-wink-3.svg / tango / PD face-wink-3.xpm / tango / PD face-wink-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-wink-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-wink-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-wink-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-wink-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-wink.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-wink.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 face-wink.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-wink.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 face-wink.png / intrigue / GPLv2 face-wink.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-wink.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 face-worried-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-worried-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-worried-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-worried.icns / gnome / GPLv2 face-worried.ico / gnome / GPLv2 face-worried.png / gnome / GPLv2 face-worried.svg / gnome / GPLv2 face-worried.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 face-yawn-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-yawn-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-yawn-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL face-yawn.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-yawn.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-yawn.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 face-yawn.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 .png / homemade / PD factory.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 factory.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD factory_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD fairmat.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fairmat.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fairmat.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fairmat.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fakenes.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fakenes.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fakenes.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fakenes.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below falf.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below falf.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below falf.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below falf.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fallingrocks.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fama_im.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fama_im.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fama_im.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fama_im.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below family-off.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 family-off.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 family-off.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 family-off.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 family.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 family.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 family.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 family.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 family.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 fan.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD fan.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD fantasdic.icns / app-install / See Below fantasdic.ico / app-install / See Below fantasdic.png / app-install / See Below fantasdic.xpm / app-install / See Below far_manager.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD far_manager.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD far_manager.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD far_manager.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD farm.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fastfood.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fastfood.svg / openstreetmap / PD favorites.png / homemade / PD favorites.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL fax.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fce_ultra.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fce_ultra.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fce_ultra.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fce_ultra.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fedora_linux.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD feed-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 feed-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 feed-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 feed-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 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firstrecord.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fish.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fish.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fish.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fish.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fishing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fishing_port.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD fishing_port_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD fishingshop.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fitnesscenter.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fityk.icns / app-install / See Below fityk.ico / app-install / See Below fityk.png / app-install / See Below fityk.xpm / app-install / See Below fixed_straight_tubes_heat_exchanger.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD fixed_straight_tubes_heat_exchanger.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD fjord.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 flag-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL flag-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL flag-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL flag-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL flag-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 flag-3.ico / crystal_clear / 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tango / PD folder-drag-accept-3.ico / tango / PD folder-drag-accept-3.png / tango / PD folder-drag-accept-3.svg / tango / PD folder-drag-accept-3.xpm / tango / PD folder-drag-accept.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-drag-accept.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-drag-accept.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-drag-accept.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-explore.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-explore.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-explore.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-explore.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-favorites.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-feed.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-feed.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-feed.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-feed.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-find.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-find.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-find.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-find.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-forbidden.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-games.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-green.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-grey.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-heart.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-heart.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-heart.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-heart.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-html.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-html.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-image.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-image.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-image.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-image.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-image.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-image.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-important.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-important.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-lightbulb.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-lightbulb.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-lightbulb.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-lightbulb.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-locked.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-locked.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-magnify.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-magnify.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-magnify.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-magnify.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-new-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-new-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-new-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-new-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-new-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 folder-new-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 folder-new-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 folder-new-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 folder-new-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 folder-new-5.icns / tango / PD folder-new-5.ico / tango / PD folder-new-5.png / tango / PD folder-new-5.svg / tango / PD folder-new-5.xpm / tango / PD folder-new-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-new-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-new-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-new-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-new-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-new-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-new-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-new.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 folder-new.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 folder-new.png / intrigue / GPLv2 folder-new.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 folder-open-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 folder-open-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 folder-open-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 folder-open-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 folder-open-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 folder-open-3.icns / tango / PD folder-open-3.ico / tango / PD folder-open-3.png / tango / PD folder-open-3.svg / tango / PD folder-open-3.xpm / tango / PD folder-open-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-open-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-open-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-open-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-open-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-open-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-open-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-open-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-open-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-open.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-open.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-open.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-open.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-orange.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-page.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-page.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-page.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-page.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-page_white.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-page_white.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-page_white.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-page_white.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-palette.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-palette.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-palette.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-palette.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-photo.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-photo2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-picture.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-picture.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-picture.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-picture.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-print.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-print.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-red.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-remote-2.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-2.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-2.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-2.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ftp.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ftp.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ftp.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ftp.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-nfs.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-nfs.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-nfs.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-nfs.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-smb.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-smb.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-smb.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-smb.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ssh.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ssh.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ssh.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote-ssh.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-remote.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-remote.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-remote.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-remote.svg / gnome / GPLv2 folder-remote.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-remote.svg / tango / PD folder-remote.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-saved-search.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-saved-search.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-saved-search.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-saved-search.svg / gnome / GPLv2 folder-saved-search.svg / tango / PD folder-saved-search.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-sound.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-sound.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-star.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-star.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-star.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-star.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-sync.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-sync.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-sync.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-sync.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-table.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-table.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-table.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-table.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-tar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-tar.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-txt.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-txt.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-user.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-user.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-user.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-user.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-user.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-video.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-video.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 folder-violet.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder-visiting-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 folder-visiting-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 folder-visiting-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 folder-visiting-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 folder-visiting-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 folder-visiting-3.icns / tango / PD folder-visiting-3.ico / tango / PD folder-visiting-3.png / tango / PD folder-visiting-3.svg / tango / PD folder-visiting-3.xpm / tango / PD folder-visiting-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-visiting-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-visiting-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-visiting-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 folder-visiting.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-visiting.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-visiting.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-visiting.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder-wrench.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-wrench.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-wrench.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-wrench.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 folder-yellow.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder.svg / gnome / GPLv2 folder.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL folder.svg / tango / PD folder.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 folder_image.icns / app-install / See Below folder_image.ico / app-install / See Below folder_image.png / app-install / See Below folder_image.xpm / app-install / See Below folders-dialog-gray.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-dialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-docs.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-files.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-forms-3.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-forms.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-home.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-new.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-open.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-overlays.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-plugin.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-scripts-2.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-scripts-gray.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-scripts.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-up.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders-web.png / openoffice / GPLv3 folders.png / openoffice / GPLv3 followpath.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 font-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font-x-generic.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 font-x-generic.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 font-x-generic.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 font-x-generic.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 font-x-generic.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 font-x-generic.svg / gnome / GPLv2 font-x-generic.svg / tango / PD font-x-generic.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 font-x-generic.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 font.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 font.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 fontcolor.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontforge.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL fontforge.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL fontforge.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL fontforge.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL fontforge.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL fontheight.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontmatrix.icns / app-install / See Below fontmatrix.ico / app-install / See Below fontmatrix.png / app-install / See Below fontmatrix.xpm / app-install / See Below fontwork.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkaligncentered.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkalignjustified.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkalignleft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkalignmentfloater.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkalignright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkcharacterspacingfloater.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkgalleryfloater.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworksameletterheights.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-down-curve.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-down-pour.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-left-curve.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-left-pour.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-right-curve.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-right-pour.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-up-curve.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-arch-up-pour.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-chevron-down.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-chevron-up.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-circle-curve.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-circle-pour.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-curve-down.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-curve-up.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-fade-down.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-fade-left.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-fade-right.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-fade-up-and-left.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-fade-up-and-right.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-fade-up.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-inflate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-open-circle-curve.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-open-circle-pour.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-plain-text.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-slant-down.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-slant-up.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-stop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-triangle-down.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-triangle-up.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.fontwork-wave.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontworkshapetype.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fontypython.icns / app-install / See Below fontypython.ico / app-install / See Below fontypython.png / app-install / See Below fontypython.xpm / app-install / See Below foobar_2000.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foobar_2000.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foobar_2000.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foobar_2000.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foobillard.icns / app-install / See Below foobillard.ico / app-install / See Below foobillard.png / app-install / See Below foobillard.xpm / app-install / See Below food-apple_worm.icns / wpclipart / PD food-apple_worm.ico / wpclipart / PD food-apple_worm.png / wpclipart / PD food-beer.icns / wpclipart / PD food-beer.ico / wpclipart / PD food-beer.png / wpclipart / PD food-blackberry.icns / wpclipart / PD food-blackberry.ico / wpclipart / PD food-blackberry.png / wpclipart / PD food-cake.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food-cake.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food-cake.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food-cupcake_iced_with_cherry.icns / wpclipart / PD food-cupcake_iced_with_cherry.ico / wpclipart / PD food-cupcake_iced_with_cherry.png / wpclipart / PD food-egg_blue.icns / wpclipart / PD food-egg_blue.ico / wpclipart / PD food-egg_blue.png / wpclipart / PD food-fried_egg_sunny.icns / wpclipart / PD food-fried_egg_sunny.ico / wpclipart / PD food-fried_egg_sunny.png / wpclipart / PD food-grapes.icns / wpclipart / PD food-grapes.ico / wpclipart / PD food-grapes.png / wpclipart / PD food-kiwi.icns / wpclipart / PD food-kiwi.ico / wpclipart / PD food-kiwi.png / wpclipart / PD food-peper-cayenne_red_chili_pepper.icns / wpclipart / PD food-peper-cayenne_red_chili_pepper.ico / wpclipart / PD food-peper-cayenne_red_chili_pepper.png / wpclipart / PD food-pizza.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food-pizza.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food-pizza.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food-strawberry_with_light_shadow.icns / wpclipart / PD food-strawberry_with_light_shadow.ico / wpclipart / PD food-strawberry_with_light_shadow.png / wpclipart / PD food-worm_in_apple.icns / wpclipart / PD food-worm_in_apple.ico / wpclipart / PD food-worm_in_apple.png / wpclipart / PD food.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL food.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL foodtruck.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 foomatic-gui.icns / app-install / See Below foomatic-gui.ico / app-install / See Below foomatic-gui.png / app-install / See Below foomatic-gui.xpm / app-install / See Below for_pneumatic_or_hydraulic_manipulation.png / 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format-cap-butt.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-butt.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-round.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-round.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-round.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-round.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-square.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-square.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-square.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-cap-square.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-column-width.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-column-width.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-column-width.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-column-width.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-connect-node.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-connect-node.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-connect-node.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-connect-node.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-disconnect-node.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-disconnect-node.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-disconnect-node.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-disconnect-node.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-fill-color.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-fill-color.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-fill-color.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-fill-color.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-fill-color.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 format-font-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 format-font-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 format-font-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-down.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-down.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-down.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-down.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-less.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-less.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-less.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-less.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-more.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-more.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-more.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-more.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-font-size-up.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-up.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-up.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font-size-up.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-font.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-less-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-less-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-less-3.icns / tango / PD format-indent-less-3.ico / tango / PD format-indent-less-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-less-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-less-3.xpm / tango / PD format-indent-less-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-less-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-less-4.png / tango / PD format-indent-less-4.svg / tango / PD format-indent-less-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-less-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-less-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-less.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-indent-less.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-indent-less.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-indent-less.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-indent-more-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-more-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-more-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-more-3.icns / tango / PD format-indent-more-3.ico / tango / PD format-indent-more-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-more-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-indent-more-3.xpm / tango / PD format-indent-more-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-more-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-more-4.png / tango / PD format-indent-more-4.svg / tango / PD format-indent-more-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-more-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-indent-more-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-indent-more.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-indent-more.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-indent-more.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-indent-more.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-join-node.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-join-node.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-join-node.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-join-node.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-joint-bevel.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-bevel.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-bevel.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-bevel.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-miter.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-miter.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-miter.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-miter.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-round.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-round.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-round.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-joint-round.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-center-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-center-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-center-3.icns / tango / PD format-justify-center-3.ico / tango / PD format-justify-center-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-center-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-center-3.xpm / tango / PD format-justify-center-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-center-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-center-4.png / tango / PD format-justify-center-4.svg / tango / PD format-justify-center-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-center-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-center-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-center.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-center.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-center.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-center.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-fill-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-fill-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-fill-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-fill-3.icns / tango / PD format-justify-fill-3.ico / tango / PD format-justify-fill-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-fill-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-fill-3.xpm / tango / PD format-justify-fill-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-fill-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-fill-4.png / tango / PD format-justify-fill-4.svg / tango / PD format-justify-fill-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-fill-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-fill-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-fill.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-fill.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-fill.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-fill.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-left-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-left-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-left-3.icns / tango / PD format-justify-left-3.ico / tango / PD format-justify-left-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-left-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-left-3.xpm / tango / PD format-justify-left-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-left-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-left-4.png / tango / PD format-justify-left-4.svg / tango / PD format-justify-left-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-left-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-left-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-left-last.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left-last.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left-last.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left-last.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-left.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-right-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-right-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-right-3.icns / tango / PD format-justify-right-3.ico / tango / PD format-justify-right-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-right-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-justify-right-3.xpm / tango / PD format-justify-right-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-right-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-right-4.png / tango / PD format-justify-right-4.svg / tango / PD format-justify-right-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-right-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-justify-right-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-justify-right-last.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right-last.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right-last.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right-last.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-justify-right.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-line-arrow-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-arrow-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-arrow-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-arrow-end.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-arrow-end.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-arrow-end.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-circle-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-circle-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-circle-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-circle-end.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-circle-end.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-circle-end.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-dimension-line-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-dimension-line-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-dimension-line-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-dimension-line-end.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-dimension-line-end.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-dimension-line-end.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-arrow-end.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-arrow-end.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-arrow-end.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-line-arrow-beg.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-line-arrow-beg.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-line-arrow-beg.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-line-arrow-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-line-arrow-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double-line-arrow-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double_arrow-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double_arrow-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-double_arrow-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-end.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-end.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-end.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-normal-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-normal-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-normal-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-normal-end.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-normal-end.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-normal-end.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-rectangle-end.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-rectangle-end.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-rectangle-end.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-spacing-double.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-double.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-double.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-double.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-normal.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-normal.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-normal.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-normal.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-triple.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-triple.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-triple.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-spacing-triple.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-line-width.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-width.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-width.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line-width.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line_rectangle-begin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line_rectangle-begin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-line_rectangle-begin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-list-ordered.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-list-ordered.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-list-ordered.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-list-ordered.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-list-unordered.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-list-unordered.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-list-unordered.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-list-unordered.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-precision-less.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-precision-less.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-precision-less.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-precision-less.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-precision-more.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-precision-more.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-precision-more.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-precision-more.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-remove-node.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-remove-node.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-remove-node.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-remove-node.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-roundcorners.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-roundcorners.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-roundcorners.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-stroke-color.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-stroke-color.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-stroke-color.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-stroke-color.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-stroke-color.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-table-cell-layout.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-cell-layout.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-cell-layout.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-cell-layout.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-column-width.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-column-width.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-column-width.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-column-width.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-table-row-height2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-align-center.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-center.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-center.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-center.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-justify.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-justify.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-justify.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-justify.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-left.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-left.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-left.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-left.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-right.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-right.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-right.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-align-right.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-allcaps.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-allcaps.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-allcaps.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-allcaps.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-bold-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-bold-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-bold-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-bold-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-bold-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-bold-3.icns / tango / PD format-text-bold-3.ico / tango / PD format-text-bold-3.png / tango / PD format-text-bold-3.svg / tango / PD format-text-bold-3.xpm / tango / PD format-text-bold-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-bold-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-bold-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-bold-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-bold-5.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-bold-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-bold-5.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-bold-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-bold-5.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-bold-5.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-bold-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-bold-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-bold.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-bold.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-bold.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-bold.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-bold.png / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-bold.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-bold.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-color.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-color.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-color.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-color.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-color.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-color.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-color.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-color.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-columns.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-columns.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-columns.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-columns.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-direction-ltr-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-ltr-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-ltr-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-ltr-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-ltr.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-direction-ltr.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-ltr.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-direction-ltr.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-ltr.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-ltr.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-ltr.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-direction-ltr.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-rtl-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-rtl-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-rtl-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-rtl-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-direction-rtl.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-direction-rtl.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-rtl.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-direction-rtl.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-rtl.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-rtl.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-direction-rtl.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-direction-rtl.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-dropcaps.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-dropcaps.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-dropcaps.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-dropcaps.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-italic-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-italic-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-italic-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-italic-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-italic-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-italic-3.icns / tango / PD format-text-italic-3.ico / tango / PD format-text-italic-3.png / tango / PD format-text-italic-3.svg / tango / PD format-text-italic-3.xpm / tango / PD format-text-italic-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-italic-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-italic-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-italic-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-italic-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-italic-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-italic-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-italic-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-italic.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-italic.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-italic.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-italic.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-italic.png / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-italic.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-italic.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-smallcaps.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-smallcaps.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-smallcaps.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-smallcaps.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-strikethrough-2.icns / tango / PD format-text-strikethrough-2.ico / tango / PD format-text-strikethrough-2.png / tango / PD format-text-strikethrough-2.svg / tango / PD format-text-strikethrough-2.xpm / tango / PD format-text-strikethrough-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-strikethrough-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-strikethrough-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-strikethrough-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-strikethrough-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-strikethrough-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-strikethrough-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-strikethrough-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-strikethrough-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-strikethrough-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-strikethrough-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-strikethrough-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-strikethrough.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-strikethrough.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-strikethrough.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-strikethrough.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-strikethrough.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-strikethrough.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-strikethrough.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-strikethrough.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-sub.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-sub.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-sub.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-sub.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-subscript-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-subscript-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-subscript-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-subscript-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-subscript-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-subscript-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-subscript-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-subscript-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-subscript.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-subscript.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-subscript.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-sup.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-sup.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-sup.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-sup.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-superscript-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-superscript-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-superscript-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-superscript-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-superscript-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-superscript-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-superscript-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-superscript-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-superscript.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-superscript.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-superscript.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 format-text-underline-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-underline-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-underline-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-underline-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-underline-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 format-text-underline-3.icns / tango / PD format-text-underline-3.ico / tango / PD format-text-underline-3.png / tango / PD format-text-underline-3.svg / tango / PD format-text-underline-3.xpm / tango / PD format-text-underline-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-underline-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-underline-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-underline-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL format-text-underline-5.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-underline-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-underline-5.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-underline-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-underline-5.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-underline-5.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-underline-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-underline-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 format-text-underline.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-underline.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-underline.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-underline.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-underline.png / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-underline.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 format-text-underline.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 format-text-uppercase.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-uppercase.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-uppercase.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-text-uppercase.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 format-wordwrap.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 format-wordwrap.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 format-wordwrap.png / intrigue / GPLv2 format-wordwrap.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 formatarea.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formatgroup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formatline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formatpaintbrush.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formattedfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formatungroup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formdesigntools.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formelcursor.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formfilter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formfiltered.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formfilterexecute.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formfilternavigator.png / openoffice / GPLv3 formproperties.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-check_box.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-na010.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-na011.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-radio_button.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-styfamnu.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-sx03188.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-sx10144.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-sx10593.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms-tables.png / openoffice / GPLv3 forms.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fortress.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 forward.png / openoffice / GPLv3 foss.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foss.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foss.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foss.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below foss.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fossil.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fossil.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fossil.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fossil.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fossil.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fossils.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fotoprint.icns / app-install / See Below fotoprint.ico / app-install / See Below fotoprint.png / app-install / See Below fotoprint.xpm / app-install / See Below fountain.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 fpm2.icns / app-install / See Below fpm2.ico / app-install / See Below fpm2.png / app-install / See Below fpm2.xpm / app-install / See Below fr01.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr010.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr011.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr012.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr02.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr03.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr04.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr05.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr06.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr07.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr08.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fr09.png / openoffice / GPLv3 frame_bottom.png / openoffice / GPLv3 frame_left.png / openoffice / GPLv3 frame_right.png / openoffice / GPLv3 frame_top.png / openoffice / GPLv3 framedialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 framelinecolor.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fraqtive.icns / app-install / See Below fraqtive.ico / app-install / See Below fraqtive.png / app-install / See Below fraqtive.xpm / app-install / See Below free_download_manager.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below free_download_manager.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below free_download_manager.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below free_download_manager.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freebasic.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freebasic.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freebasic.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freebsd.png / homemade / PD freeciv-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freeciv-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freeciv-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freeciv-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freeciv-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freeciv.icns / app-install / See Below freeciv.ico / app-install / See Below freeciv.png / app-install / See Below freeciv.xpm / app-install / See Below freecol-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freecol-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freecol-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freecol-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freecol.icns / app-install / See Below freecol.ico / app-install / See Below freecol.png / app-install / See Below freecol.xpm / app-install / See Below freedm.icns / app-install / See Below freedm.ico / app-install / See Below freedm.png / app-install / See Below freedm.xpm / app-install / See Below freedoom.icns / app-install / See Below freedoom.ico / app-install / See Below freedoom.png / app-install / See Below freedoom.xpm / app-install / See Below freedroidrpg.icns / app-install / See Below freedroidrpg.ico / app-install / See Below freedroidrpg.png / app-install / See Below freedroidrpg.xpm / app-install / See Below freeline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 freeline_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 freemat.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freemat.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freemat.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freemat.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freemind.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freemind.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freemind.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freemind.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freenet.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freenet.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freenet.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below freenet.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freeotfe.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freeotfe.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freeotfe.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freepascal.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freepascal.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freepascal.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freepascal.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freeplane.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freeplane.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freeplane.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freeplane.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below freepops.icns / app-install / See Below freepops.ico / app-install / See Below freepops.png / app-install / See Below freepops.svg / app-install / See Below freepops.xpm / app-install / See Below freetennis.icns / app-install / See Below freetennis.ico / app-install / See Below freetennis.png / app-install / See Below freetennis.xpm / app-install / See Below freevial.icns / app-install / See Below freevial.ico / app-install / See Below freevial.png / app-install / See Below freevial.xpm / app-install / See Below freevo.icns / app-install / See Below freevo.ico / app-install / See Below freevo.png / app-install / See Below freevo.xpm / app-install / See Below freqtweak.icns / app-install / See Below freqtweak.ico / app-install / See Below freqtweak.png / app-install / See Below freqtweak.xpm / app-install / See Below frets_on_fire.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frets_on_fire.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frets_on_fire.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frets_on_fire.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below friday.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 friendfeed.png / homemade / PD friends.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 frostwire.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frostwire.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frostwire.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frostwire.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble_2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble_2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble_2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below frozen_bubble_2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below fslint.icns / app-install / See Below fslint.ico / app-install / See Below fslint.png / app-install / See Below fslint.xpm / app-install / See Below fslview.icns / app-install / See Below fslview.ico / app-install / See Below fslview.png / app-install / See Below fslview.xpm / app-install / See Below fsview.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 fsview.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 fsview.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 fsview.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 fuel_station.svg / openstreetmap / PD fugu.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD fugu.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD fugu.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD fugu.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD funnel.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD funnel.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD funnyboat.icns / app-install / See Below funnyboat.ico / app-install / See Below funnyboat.png / app-install / See Below funnyboat.xpm / app-install / See Below furnace.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD furnace.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD fusion.icns / app-install / See Below fusion.ico / app-install / See Below fusion.png / app-install / See Below fusion.xpm / app-install / See Below fvwm.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fvwm.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fvwm.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fvwm.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fvwm.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below fw07.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fw08.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fw09.png / openoffice / GPLv3 fwbuilder.icns / app-install / See Below fwbuilder.ico / app-install / See Below fwbuilder.png / app-install / See Below fwbuilder.xpm / app-install / See Below fyrdman.icns / app-install / See Below fyrdman.ico / app-install / See Below fyrdman.png / app-install / See Below fyrdman.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below fyre.ico / app-install / See Below fyre.png / app-install / See Below fyre.xpm / app-install / See Below g.icns / app-install / See Below g.ico / app-install / See Below g.png / app-install / See Below g.xpm / app-install / See Below gPicon.icns / app-install / See Below gPicon.ico / app-install / See Below gPicon.png / app-install / See Below gPicon.xpm / app-install / See Below gSTM.icns / app-install / See Below gSTM.ico / app-install / See Below gSTM.png / app-install / See Below gSTM.xpm / app-install / See Below gabedit.icns / app-install / See Below gabedit.ico / app-install / See Below gabedit.png / app-install / See Below gabedit.xpm / app-install / See Below gadmin-bind.icns / app-install / See Below gadmin-bind.ico / app-install / See Below gadmin-bind.png / app-install / See Below gadmin-bind.xpm / app-install / See Below gadmin-dhcpd.icns / app-install / See Below gadmin-dhcpd.ico / app-install / See Below gadmin-dhcpd.png / app-install / See Below gadmin-dhcpd.xpm / app-install / See Below gadmin-proftpd.icns / app-install / See Below gadmin-proftpd.ico / app-install / See Below gadmin-proftpd.png / app-install / See Below gadmin-proftpd.xpm / app-install / See Below gadmin-rsync.icns / app-install / See Below gadmin-rsync.ico / app-install / See Below gadmin-rsync.png / app-install / See Below gadmin-rsync.xpm / app-install / See Below gadmin-samba.icns / app-install / See Below gadmin-samba.ico / app-install / See Below gadmin-samba.png / app-install / See Below gadmin-samba.xpm / app-install / See Below gadmin-squid.icns / app-install / See Below gadmin-squid.ico / app-install / See Below gadmin-squid.png / app-install / See Below gadmin-squid.xpm / app-install / See Below gadu.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gadu.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gadu.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gadu.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaim-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaim-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaim-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaim-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaim-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gaim-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gaim-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gaim-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gaim-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gaim-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gaim-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gaim-4.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gaim-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gaim.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 gaim.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 gaim.png / intrigue / GPLv2 gaim.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 gaimphone-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gaimphone2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gajim.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gajim.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gajim.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gajim.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galaxymage.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galaxymage.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galaxymage.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galaxymage.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galeon-2.icns / app-install / See Below galeon-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 galeon-2.ico / app-install / See Below galeon-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 galeon-2.png / app-install / See Below galeon-2.xpm / app-install / See Below galeon-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 galeon-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 galeon-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galeon-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galeon-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galeon-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below galeon-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 galeon-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 galeon-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 galeon-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 galeon.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 galeon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 galeon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 galeon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 galleon.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD galleon.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD galleon.png / open_clip_art_library / PD galleon.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD gallery.png / openoffice / GPLv3 galternatives.icns / app-install / See Below galternatives.ico / app-install / See Below galternatives.png / app-install / See Below galternatives.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gambas.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gambas.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gambas.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gambas2.icns / app-install / See Below gambas2.ico / app-install / See Below gambas2.png / app-install / See Below gambas2.xpm / app-install / See Below gambit.icns / app-install / See Below gambit.ico / app-install / See Below gambit.png / app-install / See Below gambit.xpm / app-install / See Below games-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-8ball.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 games-8ball.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 games-8ball.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 games-8ball.xpm / 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games-config-custom.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-custom.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-custom.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-options.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-options.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-options.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-options.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-options.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-theme.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-theme.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-theme.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-theme.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-theme.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-tiles.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-tiles.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-tiles.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-tiles.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-config-tiles.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-difficult.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-difficult.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-difficult.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-difficult.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-difficult.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-endturn-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-endturn-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-endturn-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-endturn-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-endturn-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-endturn.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-endturn.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-endturn.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-endturn.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-highscores.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-highscores.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-highscores.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-highscores.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-highscores.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-hint.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-hint.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-hint.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-hint.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-hint.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-kids.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games-kids.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games-kids.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games-kids.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games-solve.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-solve.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-solve.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-solve.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-solve.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL games-strategy-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-strategy-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-strategy-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-strategy-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 games-strategy.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games-strategy.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games-strategy.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games-strategy.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 games.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gamespot.png / homemade / PD gamine.icns / app-install / See Below gamine.ico / app-install / See Below gamine.png / app-install / See Below gamine.xpm / app-install / See Below gamma.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 gaphor.icns / app-install / See Below gaphor.ico / app-install / See Below gaphor.png / app-install / See Below gaphor.xpm / app-install / See Below garden.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 garden_centre.svg / openstreetmap / PD garlic.icns / app-install / See Below garlic.ico / app-install / See Below garlic.png / app-install / See Below garlic.xpm / app-install / See Below gas_bottle.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gas_bottle.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD gas_bottle.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gas_bottle.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD gas_bottle_with_gas_tightener.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gas_bottle_with_gas_tightener.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gas_pressure_manipulation_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gas_pressure_manipulation_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gateswalls.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 gato.icns / app-install / See Below gato.ico / app-install / See Below gato.png / app-install / See Below gato.xpm / app-install / See Below gaupol.icns / app-install / See Below gaupol.ico / app-install / See Below gaupol.png / app-install / See Below gaupol.xpm / app-install / See Below gausssum.icns / app-install / See Below gausssum.ico / app-install / See Below gausssum.png / app-install / See Below gausssum.xpm / app-install / See Below gazpacho.icns / app-install / See Below gazpacho.ico / app-install / See Below gazpacho.png / app-install / See Below gazpacho.xpm / app-install / See Below gazstation.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 gbemol.icns / app-install / See Below gbemol.ico / app-install / See Below gbemol.png / app-install / See Below gbemol.xpm / app-install / See Below gbgoffice.icns / app-install / See Below gbgoffice.ico / app-install / See Below gbgoffice.png / app-install / See Below gbgoffice.xpm / app-install / See Below gbonds.icns / app-install / See Below gbonds.ico / app-install / See Below gbonds.png / app-install / See Below gbonds.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below gbrainy.ico / app-install / See Below gbrainy.png / app-install / See Below gbrainy.xpm / app-install / See Below gcatalog.icns / app-install / See Below gcatalog.ico / app-install / See Below gcatalog.png / app-install / See Below gcatalog.xpm / app-install / See Below gcc.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcc.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcc.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcc.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcc.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcdmaster.icns / app-install / See Below gcdmaster.ico / app-install / See Below gcdmaster.png / app-install / See Below gcdmaster.xpm / app-install / See Below gcfilms.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcfilms.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcfilms.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gcfilms.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gchem3d-viewer.icns / app-install / See Below gchem3d-viewer.ico / app-install / See Below gchem3d-viewer.png / app-install / See Below gchem3d-viewer.xpm / app-install / See Below gchemcalc.icns / app-install / See Below gchemcalc.ico / app-install / See Below gchemcalc.png / app-install / See Below gchemcalc.xpm / app-install / See Below gchempaint.icns / app-install / See Below gchempaint.ico / app-install / See Below gchempaint.png / app-install / See Below gchempaint.xpm / app-install / See Below gchemtable.icns / app-install / See Below gchemtable.ico / app-install / See Below gchemtable.png / app-install / See Below gchemtable.xpm / app-install / See Below gcin.icns / app-install / See Below gcin.ico / app-install / See Below gcin.png / app-install / See Below gcin.xpm / app-install / See Below gcmd.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gcmd.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gcmd.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gcmd.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gco.icns / app-install / See Below gco.ico / app-install / See Below gco.png / app-install / See Below gco.xpm / app-install / See Below gcolor2.icns / app-install / See Below gcolor2.ico / app-install / See Below gcolor2.png / app-install / See Below gcolor2.xpm / app-install / See Below -edit.icns / app-install / See Below gcompris-edit.ico / app-install / See Below gcompris-edit.png / app-install / See Below gcompris-edit.xpm / app-install / See Below gcompris.icns / app-install / See Below gcompris.ico / app-install / See Below gcompris.png / app-install / See Below gcompris.xpm / app-install / See Below -editor-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gconf-editor-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gconf-editor-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gconf-editor-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gconf-editor.icns / app-install / See Below gconf-editor.ico / app-install / See Below gconf-editor.png / app-install / See Below gconf-editor.xpm / app-install / See Below gconjugue.icns / app-install / See Below gconjugue.ico / app-install / See Below gconjugue.png / app-install / See Below gconjugue.xpm / app-install / See Below gcrystal.icns / app-install / See Below gcrystal.ico / app-install / See Below gcrystal.png / app-install / See Below gcrystal.xpm / app-install / See Below gcvs.icns / app-install / See Below gcvs.ico / app-install / See Below gcvs.png / app-install / See Below gcvs.xpm / app-install / See Below gcx.icns / app-install / See Below gcx.ico / app-install / See Below gcx.png / app-install / See Below gcx.svg / app-install / See Below gcx.xpm / app-install / See Below gdal.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdal.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdal.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdal.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdal.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdb.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdb.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdb.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gdb.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gddccontrol.icns / app-install / See Below gddccontrol.ico / app-install / See Below gddccontrol.png / app-install / See Below gddccontrol.xpm / app-install / See Below gdesklets-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdesklets-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdesklets-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdesklets-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdesklets.icns / app-install / See Below gdesklets.ico / app-install / See Below gdesklets.png / app-install / See Below gdesklets.xpm / app-install / See Below gdm-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdm-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdm-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdm-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gdmap.icns / app-install / See Below gdmap.ico / app-install / See Below gdmap.png / app-install / See Below gdmap.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below geany.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below geany.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below geany.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below geda-gattrib.icns / app-install / See Below geda-gattrib.ico / app-install / See Below geda-gattrib.png / app-install / See Below geda-gattrib.xpm / app-install / See Below geda-gschem.icns / app-install / See Below geda-gschem.ico / app-install / See Below geda-gschem.png / app-install / See Below geda-gschem.xpm / app-install / See Below geda-xgsch2pcb.icns / app-install / See Below geda-xgsch2pcb.ico / app-install / See Below geda-xgsch2pcb.png / app-install / See Below geda-xgsch2pcb.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gedit-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gedit-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gedit-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gedit-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gedit.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gedit.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gedit.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gedit.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below geekast.icns / app-install / See Below geekast.ico / app-install / See Below geekast.png / app-install / See Below geekast.xpm / app-install / See Below geeqie.icns / app-install / See Below geeqie.ico / app-install / See Below geeqie.png / app-install / See Below geeqie.xpm / app-install / See Below gegl.png / gimp / GPLv2 geist3d.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below geist3d.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below geist3d.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below geist3d.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gelemental.icns / app-install / See Below gelemental.ico / app-install / See Below gelemental.png / app-install / See Below gelemental.xpm / app-install / See Below gemdropx.icns / app-install / See Below gemdropx.ico / app-install / See Below gemdropx.png / app-install / See Below gemdropx.xpm / app-install / See Below generic_mapping_tools.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below generic_mapping_tools.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below generic_mapping_tools.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below generic_mapping_tools.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below 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Below gftp-2.xpm / app-install / See Below gftp-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gftp-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gftp-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gftp-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gg_away.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_away.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_away.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_away.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_busy_d.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_busy_d.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_busy_d.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_busy_d.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_connecting.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_connecting.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_connecting.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_connecting.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_ignored.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_ignored.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_ignored.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_ignored.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_invi_d.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_invi_d.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_invi_d.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_invi_d.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_offline.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gg_offline.ico / crystal / 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ggzboard.ico / app-install / See Below ggzboard.png / app-install / See Below ggzboard.xpm / app-install / See Below ghex.icns / app-install / See Below ghex.ico / app-install / See Below ghex.png / app-install / See Below ghex.xpm / app-install / See Below ghextris.icns / app-install / See Below ghextris.ico / app-install / See Below ghextris.png / app-install / See Below ghextris.xpm / app-install / See Below ghost-blue.icns / wpclipart / PD ghost-blue.ico / wpclipart / PD ghost-blue.png / wpclipart / PD ghost-game_basic_guy.icns / wpclipart / PD ghost-game_basic_guy.ico / wpclipart / PD ghost-game_basic_guy.png / wpclipart / PD ghost.icns / wpclipart / PD ghost.ico / wpclipart / PD ghost.png / wpclipart / PD .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ghostscript.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ghostscript.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ghostscript.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ghostscript.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below giFToxic.icns / app-install / See Below giFToxic.ico / app-install / See Below giFToxic.png / app-install / See Below giFToxic.xpm / app-install / See Below gift.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL gift.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL gift.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL gifts.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 giftui.icns / app-install / See Below giftui.ico / app-install / See Below giftui.png / app-install / See Below giftui.xpm / app-install / See Below giggle.icns / app-install / See Below giggle.ico / app-install / See Below giggle.png / app-install / See Below giggle.xpm / app-install / See Below gimp-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gimp-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gimp-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gimp-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gimp-3.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD gimp-3.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD gimp-3.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD gimp-3.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD gimp-3.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD gimp.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gimp.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gimp.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gimp.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 girlfriend.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below git.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below git.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below git.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below git.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below giver.icns / app-install / See Below giver.ico / app-install / See Below giver.png / app-install / See Below giver.xpm / app-install / See Below gjots.icns / app-install / See Below gjots.ico / app-install / See Below gjots.png / app-install / See Below gjots.xpm / app-install / See Below gkdebconf.icns / app-install / See Below gkdebconf.ico / app-install / See Below gkdebconf.png / app-install / See Below gkdebconf.xpm / app-install / See Below gkrellm.icns / app-install / See Below gkrellm.ico / app-install / See Below gkrellm.png / app-install / See Below gkrellm.xpm / app-install / See Below gksu-root-terminal-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gksu-root-terminal-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gksu-root-terminal-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gksu-root-terminal-2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gksu-root-terminal-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 glabels.icns / app-install / See Below glabels.ico / app-install / See Below glabels.png / app-install / See Below glabels.xpm / app-install / See Below glacier.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 glade.icns / app-install / See Below glade.ico / app-install / See Below glade.png / app-install / See Below glade.xpm / app-install / See Below glade_2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_interface_designer.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_interface_designer.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_interface_designer.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_interface_designer.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glade_interface_designer.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glame.icns / app-install / See Below glame.ico / app-install / See Below glame.png / app-install / See Below glame.xpm / app-install / See Below glc_player.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below glc_player.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below glc_player.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below glc_player.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below glipper-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below glipper-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below glipper-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below globe_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD globe_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD globulation_2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below globulation_2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below globulation_2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below globulation_2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below glpuzzle.icns / app-install / See Below glpuzzle.ico / app-install / See Below glpuzzle.png / app-install / See Below glpuzzle.xpm / app-install / See Below gltron.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gltron.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gltron.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gltron.xpm / 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Below gmane.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gmane.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gmane.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gmane.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gmdb2.icns / app-install / See Below gmdb2.ico / app-install / See Below gmdb2.png / app-install / See Below gmdb2.xpm / app-install / See Below gmobilemedia.icns / app-install / See Below gmobilemedia.ico / app-install / See Below gmobilemedia.png / app-install / See Below gmobilemedia.svg / app-install / See Below gmobilemedia.xpm / app-install / See Below gmpc.icns / app-install / See Below gmpc.ico / app-install / See Below gmpc.png / app-install / See Below gmpc.xpm / app-install / See Below gmsh.icns / app-install / See Below gmsh.ico / app-install / See Below gmsh.png / app-install / See Below gmsh.xpm / app-install / See Below gmult.icns / app-install / See Below gmult.ico / app-install / See Below gmult.png / app-install / See Below gmult.xpm / app-install / See Below gmysqlcc.icns / app-install / See Below gmysqlcc.ico / app-install / See Below gmysqlcc.png / app-install / See Below gmysqlcc.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below gnash.ico / app-install / See Below gnash.png / app-install / See Below gnash.xpm / app-install / See Below gnochm.icns / app-install / See Below gnochm.ico / app-install / See Below gnochm.png / app-install / See Below gnochm.xpm / app-install / See Below gnoemoe.icns / app-install / See Below gnoemoe.ico / app-install / See Below gnoemoe.png / app-install / See Below gnoemoe.svg / app-install / See Below gnoemoe.xpm / app-install / See Below gnomad2.icns / app-install / See Below gnomad2.ico / app-install / See Below gnomad2.png / app-install / See Below gnomad2.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gnome-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gnome-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gnome-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 gnome-aisleriot.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-aisleriot.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-aisleriot.png / app-install / See Below gnome-aisleriot.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-alsamixer.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-alsamixer.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-alsamixer.png / app-install / See Below gnome-alsamixer.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-app-install.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-app-install.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-app-install.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-app-install.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-apps.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-apps.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-apps.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-apps.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 gnome-apt.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-apt.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-apt.png / app-install / See Below gnome-apt.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-balsa2.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-balsa2.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-balsa2.png / app-install / See Below gnome-balsa2.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-blackjack.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-blackjack.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-blackjack.png / app-install / See Below gnome-blackjack.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-blog-2.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-blog-2.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-blog-2.png / app-install / See Below gnome-blog-2.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-calc2.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-calc2.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-calc2.png / app-install / See Below gnome-calc2.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-chess.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-chess.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-chess.png / app-install / See Below gnome-chess.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-color-chooser.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-color-chooser.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-color-chooser.png / app-install / See Below gnome-color-chooser.svg / app-install / See Below gnome-color-chooser.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-commander-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gnome-commander-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gnome-commander-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gnome-commander-2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gnome-commander-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gnome-commander.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-commander.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-commander.png / app-install / See Below gnome-commander.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-cromagnon.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-cromagnon.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-cromagnon.png / app-install / See Below gnome-cromagnon.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-db.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-db.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-db.png / app-install / See Below gnome-db.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-dev-dvd.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-dvd.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-dvd.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-dvd.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-1394.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-1394.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-1394.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-1394.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-usb.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-usb.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-usb.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-harddisk-usb.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-network.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-network.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-network.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-network.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-new.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-new.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-new.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-printer-new.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-1394.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-1394.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-1394.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-1394.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-usb.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-usb.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-usb.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-removable-usb.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-symlink.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-symlink.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-symlink.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-dev-symlink.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gnome-device-manager.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-device-manager.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-device-manager.png / app-install / See Below gnome-device-manager.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-dictionary.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnome-dictionary.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnome-dictionary.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnome-dictionary.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnome-dictionary.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnome-freecell.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-freecell.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-freecell.png / app-install / See Below gnome-freecell.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-gamazons.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-gamazons.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-gamazons.png / app-install / See Below gnome-gamazons.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-genius.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-genius.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-genius.png / app-install / See Below gnome-genius.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-glchess.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-glchess.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-glchess.png / app-install / See Below gnome-glchess.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-glines.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-glines.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-glines.png / app-install / See Below gnome-glines.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-gnect.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-gnect.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-gnect.png / app-install / See Below gnome-gnect.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-gnibbles.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-gnibbles.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-gnibbles.png / app-install / See Below gnome-gnibbles.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-gnometris.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-gnometris.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-gnometris.png / app-install / See Below gnome-gnometris.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-gnumeric.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-gnumeric.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-gnumeric.png / app-install / See Below gnome-gnumeric.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-hearts.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-hearts.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-hearts.png / app-install / See Below gnome-hearts.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-iagno.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-iagno.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-iagno.png / app-install / See Below gnome-iagno.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-klotski.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-klotski.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-klotski.png / app-install / See Below gnome-klotski.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-mahjongg.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-mahjongg.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-mahjongg.png / app-install / See Below gnome-mahjongg.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-mastermind.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-mastermind.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-mastermind.png / app-install / See Below gnome-mastermind.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-mines.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-mines.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-mines.png / app-install / See Below gnome-mines.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-mud.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-mud.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-mud.png / app-install / See Below gnome-mud.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-nettool.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-nettool.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-nettool.png / app-install / See Below gnome-nettool.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-oregano.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-oregano.png / app-install / See Below gnome-oregano.svg / app-install / See Below gnome-oregano.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-panel.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-panel.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-panel.png / app-install / See Below gnome-panel.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-photo-printer.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-photo-printer.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-photo-printer.png / app-install / See Below gnome-photo-printer.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-planner-2.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-planner-2.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-planner-2.png / app-install / See Below gnome-planner-2.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-power-manager.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-power-manager.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-power-manager.png / app-install / See Below gnome-power-manager.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-power-statistics.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-power-statistics.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-power-statistics.png / app-install / See Below gnome-power-statistics.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-ppp.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-ppp.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-ppp.png / app-install / See Below gnome-ppp.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-rdp.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-rdp.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-rdp.png / app-install / See Below gnome-rdp.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-reclevel.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-reclevel.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-reclevel.png / app-install / See Below gnome-reclevel.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-robots.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-robots.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-robots.png / app-install / See Below gnome-robots.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-samegnome.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-samegnome.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-samegnome.png / app-install / See Below gnome-samegnome.xpm / app-install / See Below gnome-schedule.icns / app-install / See Below gnome-schedule.ico / app-install / See Below gnome-schedule.png / app-install / See Below 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wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnumail.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnumail.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnumail.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below gnumed.ico / app-install / See Below gnumed.png / app-install / See Below gnumed.xpm / app-install / See Below gnumeric.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnumeric.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnumeric.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnumeric.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnumeric.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below -gtk.icns / app-install / See Below gnunet-gtk.ico / app-install / See Below gnunet-gtk.png / app-install / See Below gnunet-gtk.xpm / app-install / See Below gnunet-qt.icns / app-install / See Below gnunet-qt.ico / app-install / See Below gnunet-qt.png / app-install / See Below gnunet-qt.xpm / app-install / See Below gnunet.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnunet.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnunet.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnunet.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnunet.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnupg.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnupg.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnupg.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnupg.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnupg.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnusim8085.icns / app-install / See Below gnusim8085.ico / app-install / See Below gnusim8085.png / app-install / See Below gnusim8085.xpm / app-install / See Below gnusound_gui.icns / app-install / See Below gnusound_gui.ico / app-install / See Below gnusound_gui.png / app-install / See Below gnusound_gui.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnustep.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnustep.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnustep.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gnuzilla.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnuzilla.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnuzilla.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gnuzilla.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below go-bottom-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-bottom-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-bottom-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-bottom-3.icns / tango / PD go-bottom-3.ico / tango / PD go-bottom-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-bottom-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-bottom-3.xpm / tango / PD go-bottom-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-4.png / tango / PD go-bottom-4.svg / tango / PD go-bottom-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-bottom-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-bottom-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-bottom-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-bottom-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-bottom-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-bottom-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-bottom-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-bottom-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-bottom-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-bottom.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-bottom.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-bottom.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-bottom.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-down-10.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-down-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-down-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-down-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-down-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-down-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-down-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-down-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-down-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-down-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-down-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-down-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-down-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-down-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-down-5.icns / tango / PD go-down-5.ico / tango / PD go-down-5.png / tango / PD go-down-5.svg / tango / PD go-down-5.xpm / tango / PD go-down-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-down-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-down-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-down-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-down-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-8.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-down-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-down-8.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-down-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-down-8.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-down-8.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-down-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-down-9.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-down-9.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-down-9.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-down-9.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-down-search.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-search.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-search.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-search.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down-search.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-down.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 go-down.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 go-down.png / intrigue / GPLv2 go-down.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 go-first-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-first-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-first-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-first-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-first-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-first-3.icns / tango / PD go-first-3.ico / tango / PD go-first-3.png / tango / PD go-first-3.svg / tango / PD go-first-3.xpm / tango / PD go-first-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-first-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-first-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-first-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-first-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-first-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-first-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-first-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-first-view-page.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view-page.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view-page.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view-page.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view-page.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first-view.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-first.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-first.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-first.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-first.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-frist-view.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-frist-view.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-frist-view.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-frist-view.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-home-10.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-home-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-home-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-home-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-home-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-home-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-home-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-home-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-home-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-home-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-home-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-home-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-home-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-home-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-home-5.icns / tango / PD go-home-5.ico / tango / PD go-home-5.png / tango / PD go-home-5.svg / tango / PD go-home-5.xpm / tango / PD go-home-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-home-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-home-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-home-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-home-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-home-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-home-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-home-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-home-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-home-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-home-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-home-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-home-9.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-home-9.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-home-9.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-home-9.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-home.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 go-home.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 go-home.png / intrigue / GPLv2 go-home.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 go-jump-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-jump-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-jump-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-jump-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-jump-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-jump-3.icns / tango / PD go-jump-3.ico / tango / PD go-jump-3.png / tango / PD go-jump-3.svg / tango / PD go-jump-3.xpm / tango / PD go-jump-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-declaration.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-declaration.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-declaration.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-declaration.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-definition.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-definition.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-definition.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-definition.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-locationbar.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-locationbar.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-locationbar.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-locationbar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-locationbar.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-today.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-today.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-today.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-today.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump-today.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-jump.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-jump.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-jump.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-jump.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-kde-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-kde-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-kde-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-kde-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-kde.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-kde.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-kde.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-kde.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-last-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-last-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-last-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-last-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-last-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-last-3.icns / tango / PD go-last-3.ico / tango / PD go-last-3.png / tango / PD go-last-3.svg / tango / PD go-last-3.xpm / tango / PD go-last-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-last-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-last-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-last-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-last-view-page.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view-page.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view-page.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view-page.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view-page.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last-view.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-last.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-last.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-last.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-last.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-linspire.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-linspire.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-linspire.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-next-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-next-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-next-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-next-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-next-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-next-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-next-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-next-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-next-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-next-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-next-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-next-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-next-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-next-5.icns / tango / PD go-next-5.ico / tango / PD go-next-5.png / tango / PD go-next-5.svg / tango / PD go-next-5.xpm / tango / PD go-next-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-next-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-next-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-next-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-next-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-next-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-next-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-next-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-next-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-next-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-next-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-next-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-next-context.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-context.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-context.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-context.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-use.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-use.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-use.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-use.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view-page.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view-page.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view-page.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view-page.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view-page.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next-view.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-next.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 go-next.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 go-next.png / intrigue / GPLv2 go-next.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 go-parent-folder.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-parent-folder.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-parent-folder.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-parent-folder.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-previous-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-previous-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-previous-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-previous-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-previous-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-previous-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-previous-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-previous-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-previous-5.icns / tango / PD go-previous-5.ico / tango / PD go-previous-5.png / tango / PD go-previous-5.svg / tango / PD go-previous-5.xpm / tango / PD go-previous-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-previous-context.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-context.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-context.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-context.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-use.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-use.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-use.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-use.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view-page.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view-page.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view-page.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view-page.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view-page.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous-view.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-previous.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 go-previous.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 go-previous.png / intrigue / GPLv2 go-previous.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 go-top-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-top-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-top-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-top-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-top-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-top-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-top-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-top-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-top-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-top-4.icns / tango / PD go-top-4.ico / tango / PD go-top-4.png / tango / PD go-top-4.svg / tango / PD go-top-4.xpm / tango / PD go-top-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-top-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-top-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-top-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-top-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-top-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-top-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-top-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-top-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-top-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-top-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-top-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-top-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-top-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-top-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-top-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-top-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-top.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-top.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-top.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-top.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-up-10.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-up-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-up-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-up-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-up-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 go-up-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-up-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-up-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-up-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 go-up-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 go-up-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 go-up-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 go-up-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 go-up-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 go-up-5.icns / tango / PD go-up-5.ico / tango / PD go-up-5.png / tango / PD go-up-5.svg / tango / PD go-up-5.xpm / tango / PD go-up-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-up-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-up-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-up-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 go-up-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-8.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-up-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-up-8.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-up-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-up-8.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-up-8.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 go-up-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 go-up-9.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-up-9.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-up-9.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-up-9.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 go-up-search.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-search.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-search.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-search.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up-search.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL go-up.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 go-up.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 go-up.png / intrigue / GPLv2 go-up.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 goalseekdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 goattrk2.icns / app-install / See Below goattrk2.ico / app-install / See Below goattrk2.png / app-install / See Below goattrk2.xpm / app-install / See Below goban.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below goban.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below goban.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below goban.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gobby-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gobby-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gobby-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gobby.icns / app-install / See Below gobby.ico / app-install / See Below gobby.png / app-install / See Below gobby.xpm / app-install / See Below gok.icns / app-install / See Below gok.ico / app-install / See Below gok.png / app-install / See Below gok.xpm / app-install / See Below golearn.icns / app-install / See Below golearn.ico / app-install / See Below golearn.png / app-install / See Below golearn.xpm / app-install / See Below golf.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 golf.svg / openstreetmap / PD golly.icns / app-install / See Below golly.ico / app-install / See Below golly.png / app-install / See Below golly.xpm / app-install / See Below gondola.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 gonet.icns / app-install / See Below gonet.ico / app-install / See Below gonet.png / app-install / See Below gonet.xpm / app-install / See Below goobox.icns / app-install / See Below goobox.ico / app-install / See Below goobox.png / app-install / See Below goobox.xpm / app-install / See Below gooffice.icns / app-install / See Below gooffice.ico / app-install / See Below gooffice.png / app-install / See Below gooffice.xpm / app-install / See Below google.png / homemade / PD google_voice.png / homemade / PD google_wave.png / homemade / PD googletalk.png / homemade / PD googlizer.icns / app-install / See Below googlizer.ico / app-install / See Below googlizer.png / app-install / See Below googlizer.xpm / app-install / See Below gopchop.icns / app-install / See Below gopchop.ico / app-install / See Below gopchop.png / app-install / See Below gopchop.xpm / app-install / See Below goplay.icns / app-install / See Below goplay.ico / app-install / See Below goplay.png / app-install / See Below goplay.xpm / app-install / See Below gosa.icns / app-install / See Below gosa.ico / app-install / See Below gosa.png / app-install / See Below gosa.xpm / app-install / See Below gosa2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gosa2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gosa2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gosa2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gosafe.icns / app-install / See Below gosafe.ico / app-install / See Below gosafe.png / app-install / See Below gosafe.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gossip-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gossip-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gossip-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gossip.icns / app-install / See Below gossip.ico / app-install / See Below gossip.png / app-install / See Below gossip.xpm / app-install / See Below goto.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 goto.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 goto.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 goto.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gotoend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 gotoendofdoc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 gotostartofdoc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 gotostartoftable.png / openoffice / GPLv3 gourmet.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 government_or_municipal_office.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD government_or_municipal_office_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD goweb.icns / app-install / See Below goweb.ico / app-install / See Below goweb.png / app-install / See Below goweb.xpm / app-install / See Below gpaint.icns / app-install / See Below gpaint.ico / app-install / See Below gpaint.png / app-install / See Below gpaint.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below gparted.ico / app-install / See Below gparted.png / app-install / See Below gparted.xpm / app-install / See Below gpass.icns / app-install / See Below gpass.ico / app-install / See Below gpass.png / app-install / See Below gpass.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-calendar.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-calendar.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-calendar.png / app-install / See Below gpe-calendar.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-clock.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-clock.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-clock.png / app-install / See Below gpe-clock.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-contacts.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-contacts.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-contacts.png / app-install / See Below gpe-contacts.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-edit.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-edit.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-edit.png / app-install / See Below gpe-edit.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-expenses.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-expenses.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-expenses.png / app-install / See Below gpe-expenses.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-julia.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-julia.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-julia.png / app-install / See Below gpe-julia.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-lights.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-lights.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-lights.png / app-install / See Below gpe-lights.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-mininet.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-mininet.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-mininet.png / app-install / See Below gpe-mininet.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-mixer.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-mixer.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-mixer.png / app-install / See Below gpe-mixer.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-othello.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-othello.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-othello.png / app-install / See Below gpe-othello.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-screenshot.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-screenshot.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-screenshot.png / app-install / See Below gpe-screenshot.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-shield.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-shield.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-shield.png / app-install / See Below gpe-shield.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-play.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-play.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-play.png / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-play.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-record.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-record.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-record.png / app-install / See Below gpe-soundbite-record.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-su.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-su.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-su.png / app-install / See Below gpe-su.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-taskmanager.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-taskmanager.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-taskmanager.png / app-install / See Below gpe-taskmanager.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-tetris.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-tetris.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-tetris.png / app-install / See Below gpe-tetris.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-timesheet.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-timesheet.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-timesheet.png / app-install / See Below gpe-timesheet.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-todo.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-todo.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-todo.png / app-install / See Below gpe-todo.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-watch.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-watch.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-watch.png / app-install / See Below gpe-watch.xpm / app-install / See Below gpe-what.icns / app-install / See Below gpe-what.ico / app-install / See Below gpe-what.png / app-install / See Below gpe-what.xpm / app-install / See Below gperiodic.icns / app-install / See Below gperiodic.ico / app-install / See Below gperiodic.png / app-install / See Below gperiodic.xpm / app-install / See Below gpg.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gpg.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gpg.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gpg.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphoto.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphoto.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphoto.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphpedit-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphpedit-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphpedit-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphpedit-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gphpedit.icns / app-install / See Below gphpedit.ico / app-install / See Below gphpedit.png / app-install / See Below gphpedit.xpm / app-install / See Below gpicview.icns / app-install / See Below gpicview.ico / app-install / See Below gpicview.png / app-install / See Below gpicview.xpm / app-install / See Below gpodder.icns / app-install / See Below gpodder.ico / app-install / See Below gpodder.png / app-install / See Below gpodder.xpm / app-install / See Below gpomme.icns / app-install / See Below gpomme.ico / app-install / See Below gpomme.png / app-install / See Below gpomme.xpm / app-install / See Below gpredict.icns / app-install / See Below gpredict.ico / app-install / See Below gpredict.png / app-install / See Below gpredict.xpm / app-install / See Below gprename_gprename.icns / app-install / See Below gprename_gprename.ico / app-install / See Below gprename_gprename.png / app-install / See Below gprename_gprename.xpm / app-install / See Below gps-2.icns / app-install / See Below gps-2.ico / app-install / See Below gps-2.png / app-install / See Below gps-2.xpm / app-install / See Below gps-3.icns / wpclipart / PD gps-3.ico / wpclipart / PD gps-3.png / wpclipart / PD gps.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD gps.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD gps.png / open_clip_art_library / PD gps.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD gpsk31.icns / app-install / See Below gpsk31.ico / app-install / See Below gpsk31.png / app-install / See Below gpsk31.xpm / app-install / See Below gquilt.icns / app-install / See Below gquilt.ico / app-install / See Below gquilt.png / app-install / See Below gquilt.xpm / app-install / See Below gqview.icns / app-install / See Below gqview.ico / app-install / See Below gqview.png / app-install / See Below gqview.xpm / app-install / See Below grace.icns / app-install / See Below grace.ico / app-install / See Below grace.png / app-install / See Below grace.xpm / app-install / See Below gradient-bilinear.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-conical-asymmetric.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-conical-symmetric.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-linear.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-radial.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-shapeburst-angular.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-shapeburst-dimpled.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-shapeburst-spherical.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-spiral-anticlockwise.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-spiral-clockwise.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradient-square.png / gimp / GPLv2 gradientdlg.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gradientdlg.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gradientdlg.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gradientdlg.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 grafattrcrop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafblue.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafcontrast.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafgamma.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafgreen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafinvert.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafluminance.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafmode.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grafred.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graftransparence.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gramps-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gramps-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gramps-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gramps.icns / app-install / See Below gramps.ico / app-install / See Below gramps.png / app-install / See Below gramps.xpm / app-install / See Below granule.icns / app-install / See Below granule.ico / app-install / See Below granule.png / app-install / See Below granule.xpm / app-install / See Below graphic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfilterinvert.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfiltermosaic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfilterpopart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfilterposter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfilterrelief.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfilterremovenoise.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfiltersepia.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfiltersharpen.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfiltersmooth.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfiltersobel.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfiltersolarize.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphicfiltertoolbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 graphics-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 graphics-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 graphics-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 graphics-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 graphics-design.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-design.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-design.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-design.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-scanner.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-scanner.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-scanner.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics-viewer-document.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL graphics-viewer-document.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL graphics-viewer-document.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL graphics-viewer-document.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL graphics-viewer-document.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL graphics.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphics.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 graphthing.icns / app-install / See Below graphthing.ico / app-install / See Below graphthing.png / app-install / See Below graphthing.xpm / app-install / See Below grass.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below grass.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below grass.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below grass.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below graveyard.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD graveyard_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD gravitation.icns / app-install / See Below gravitation.ico / app-install / See Below gravitation.png / app-install / See Below gravitation.xpm / app-install / See Below -east.png / gimp / GPLv2 gravity-north-east.png / gimp / GPLv2 gravity-north-west.png / gimp / GPLv2 gravity-north.png / gimp / GPLv2 gravity-south-east.png / gimp / GPLv2 gravity-south-west.png / gimp / GPLv2 gravity-south.png / gimp / GPLv2 gravity-west.png / gimp / GPLv2 grdesktop.icns / app-install / See Below grdesktop.ico / app-install / See Below grdesktop.png / app-install / See Below grdesktop.xpm / app-install / See Below greatestheight.png / openoffice / GPLv3 greatestwidth.png / openoffice / GPLv3 greenwich.icns / app-install / See Below greenwich.ico / app-install / See Below greenwich.png / app-install / See Below greenwich.xpm / app-install / See Below gresolver.icns / app-install / See Below gresolver.ico / app-install / See Below gresolver.png / app-install / See Below gresolver.xpm / app-install / See Below gretl.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gretl.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gretl.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gretl.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below grhino.icns / app-install / See Below grhino.ico / app-install / See Below grhino.png / app-install / See Below grhino.xpm / app-install / See Below gri.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gri.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gri.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gri.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gri.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below grid.png / gimp / GPLv2 griduse.png / openoffice / GPLv3 gridvisible.png / openoffice / GPLv3 griffith.icns / app-install / See Below griffith.ico / app-install / See Below griffith.png / app-install / See Below griffith.xpm / app-install / See Below gringotts.icns / app-install / See Below gringotts.ico / app-install / See Below gringotts.png / app-install / See Below gringotts.xpm / app-install / See Below gripicon.icns / app-install / See Below gripicon.ico / app-install / See Below gripicon.png / app-install / See Below gripicon.xpm / app-install / See Below grisbi.icns / app-install / See Below grisbi.ico / app-install / See Below grisbi.png / app-install / See Below grisbi.xpm / app-install / See Below grocery.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 group-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / 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group-key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 group.png / openoffice / GPLv3 group.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 groupbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 grow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 .icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD growl.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD growl.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD growl.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD grsync.icns / app-install / See Below grsync.ico / app-install / See Below grsync.png / app-install / See Below grsync.xpm / app-install / See Below grub.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD grub.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD grub.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD grub.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD gscan2pdf_gscan2pdf.icns / app-install / See Below gscan2pdf_gscan2pdf.ico / app-install / See Below gscan2pdf_gscan2pdf.png / app-install / See Below gscan2pdf_gscan2pdf.svg / app-install / See Below gscan2pdf_gscan2pdf.xpm / app-install / See Below gsmc.icns / app-install / See Below gsmc.ico / app-install / See Below gsmc.png / app-install / See Below gsmc.xpm / app-install / See Below gsoko.icns / app-install / See Below gsoko.ico / app-install / See Below gsoko.png / app-install / See Below gsoko.xpm / app-install / See Below -properties.icns / app-install / See Below gstreamer-properties.ico / app-install / See Below gstreamer-properties.png / app-install / See Below gstreamer-properties.xpm / app-install / See Below gtetrinet.icns / app-install / See Below gtetrinet.ico / app-install / See Below gtetrinet.png / app-install / See Below gtetrinet.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gthumb-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gthumb-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gthumb-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gthumb-3.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gthumb-3.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gthumb-3.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gthumb-3.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gthumb.icns / app-install / See Below gthumb.ico / app-install / See Below gthumb.png / app-install / See Below gthumb.xpm / app-install / See Below gtick.icns / app-install / See Below gtick.ico / app-install / See Below gtick.png / app-install / See Below gtick.xpm / app-install / See Below gtimer.icns / app-install / See Below gtimer.ico / app-install / See Below gtimer.png / app-install / See Below gtimer.xpm / app-install / See Below gtk-chtheme.icns / app-install / See Below gtk-chtheme.ico / app-install / See Below gtk-chtheme.png / app-install / See Below gtk-chtheme.xpm / app-install / See Below gtk-gnutella-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtk-gnutella-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtk-gnutella-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtk-gnutella-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtk-gnutella-3.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gtk-gnutella-3.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gtk-gnutella-3.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gtk-gnutella-3.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gtk-gnutella-3.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 gtk-gnutella.icns / app-install / See Below gtk-gnutella.ico / app-install / See Below gtk-gnutella.png / app-install / See Below gtk-gnutella.xpm / app-install / See Below gtk-imonc.icns / app-install / See Below gtk-imonc.ico / app-install / See Below gtk-imonc.png / app-install / See Below gtk-imonc.xpm / app-install / See Below gtk-recordmydesktop.icns / app-install / See Below gtk-recordmydesktop.ico / app-install / See Below gtk-recordmydesktop.png / app-install / See Below gtk-recordmydesktop.xpm / app-install / See Below gtkam.icns / app-install / See Below gtkam.ico / app-install / See Below gtkam.png / app-install / See Below gtkam.xpm / app-install / See Below gtkboard.icns / app-install / See Below gtkboard.ico / app-install / See Below gtkboard.png / app-install / See Below gtkboard.xpm / app-install / See Below gtkorphan.icns / app-install / See Below gtkorphan.ico / app-install / See Below gtkorphan.png / app-install / See Below gtkorphan.xpm / app-install / See Below gtkpod.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gtkpod.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gtkpod.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gtkpod.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 gtkpycad.icns / app-install / See Below gtkpycad.ico / app-install / See Below gtkpycad.png / app-install / See Below gtkpycad.xpm / app-install / See Below gtkvncviewer.icns / app-install / See Below gtkvncviewer.ico / app-install / See Below gtkvncviewer.png / app-install / See Below gtkvncviewer.xpm / app-install / See Below gtkwave.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtkwave.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtkwave.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtkwave.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gtkwhiteboard.icns / app-install / See Below gtkwhiteboard.ico / app-install / See Below gtkwhiteboard.png / app-install / See Below gtkwhiteboard.xpm / app-install / See Below gtm.icns / app-install / See Below gtm.ico / app-install / See Below gtm.png / app-install / See Below gtm.xpm / app-install / See Below gtodo.icns / app-install / See Below gtodo.ico / app-install / See Below gtodo.png / app-install / See Below gtodo.xpm / app-install / See Below gtorrentviewer.icns / app-install / See Below gtorrentviewer.ico / app-install / See Below gtorrentviewer.png / app-install / See Below gtorrentviewer.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below gtranslator-2.ico / app-install / See Below gtranslator-2.png / app-install / See Below gtranslator-2.xpm / app-install / See Below guarddog.icns / app-install / See Below guarddog.ico / app-install / See Below guarddog.png / app-install / See Below guarddog.xpm / app-install / See Below gucharmap.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gucharmap.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gucharmap.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gucharmap.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gui-apt-key.icns / app-install / See Below gui-apt-key.ico / app-install / See Below gui-apt-key.png / app-install / See Below gui-apt-key.xpm / app-install / See Below guidepost.svg / openstreetmap / PD gun.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 gunroar.icns / app-install / See Below gunroar.ico / app-install / See Below gunroar.png / app-install / See Below gunroar.xpm / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_av-cp.icns / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_av-cp.ico / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_av-cp.png / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_av-cp.xpm / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_network-light.icns / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_network-light.ico / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_network-light.png / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_network-light.xpm / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_universal-cp.icns / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_universal-cp.ico / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_universal-cp.png / app-install / See Below gupnp-tools_universal-cp.xpm / app-install / See Below gurlchecker.icns / app-install / See Below gurlchecker.ico / app-install / See Below gurlchecker.png / app-install / See Below gurlchecker.xpm / app-install / See Below gvb.icns / app-install / See Below gvb.ico / app-install / See Below gvb.png / app-install / See Below gvb.svg / app-install / See Below gvb.xpm / app-install / See Below gvim.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gvim.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gvim.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gvim.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 gvsig.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gvsig.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gvsig.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gvsig.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below gwc.icns / app-install / See Below gwc.ico / app-install / See Below gwc.png / app-install / See Below gwc.xpm / app-install / See Below gweled.icns / app-install / See Below gweled.ico / app-install / See Below gweled.png / app-install / See Below gweled.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gwenview-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gwenview-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gwenview-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gwenview-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below gwenview.icns / app-install / See Below gwenview.ico / app-install / See Below gwenview.png / app-install / See Below gwenview.xpm / app-install / See Below gwget.icns / app-install / See Below gwget.ico / app-install / See Below gwget.png / app-install / See Below gwget.xpm / app-install / See Below gworldclock.icns / app-install / See Below gworldclock.ico / app-install / See Below gworldclock.png / app-install / See Below gworldclock.xpm / app-install / See Below gwyddion.icns / app-install / See Below gwyddion.ico / app-install / See Below gwyddion.png / app-install / See Below gwyddion.xpm / app-install / See Below gxine.icns / app-install / See Below gxine.ico / app-install / See Below gxine.png / app-install / See Below gxine.xpm / app-install / See Below gxneur.icns / app-install / See Below gxneur.ico / app-install / See Below gxneur.png / app-install / See Below gxneur.xpm / app-install / See Below gym.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 gym.svg / openstreetmap / PD h.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 h2.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 hairsalon.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 half_pipe_reactor.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD half_pipe_reactor.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD halfencrypted.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 halfencrypted.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 halfencrypted.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 halfencrypted.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 halfsphere.png / openoffice / GPLv3 handball.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 handbrake.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below handbrake.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below handbrake.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below handbrake.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below handicapped.svg / openstreetmap / PD handlesdraft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 hanggliding.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 hannah.icns / app-install / See Below hannah.ico / app-install / See Below hannah.png / app-install / See Below hannah.xpm / app-install / See Below happydigger.icns / app-install / See Below happydigger.ico / app-install / See Below happydigger.png / app-install / See Below happydigger.xpm / app-install / See Below hardinfo.icns / app-install / See Below hardinfo.ico / app-install / See Below hardinfo.png / app-install / See Below hardinfo.xpm / app-install / See Below hats.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 hcap.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 hcenter.png / gimp / GPLv2 hchain-broken.png / gimp / GPLv2 hchain.png / gimp / GPLv2 headstone.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 headstonejewish.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 health_center.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD health_center_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD health_hospital_emergency2.svg / openstreetmap / PD heart-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-3.icns / wpclipart / PD heart-3.ico / wpclipart / PD heart-3.png / wpclipart / PD heart-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-broken.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL heart-broken.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL heart-broken.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL heart-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 heart.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL heart.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL heart.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL heat_exchanger_no_cross.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD heat_exchanger_no_cross.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD heat_exchanger_with_cross.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD heat_exchanger_with_cross.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD heater-symbol.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD heater-symbol.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD helicopter.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 help-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 help-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 help-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 help-about-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-about-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-about-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-about-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-about-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-about-kde-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-about-kde.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 help-about-kde.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 help-about-kde.png / intrigue / GPLv2 help-about-kde.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 help-about.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 help-about.icns / gnome / GPLv2 help-about.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 help-about.ico / gnome / GPLv2 help-about.png / gnome / GPLv2 help-about.svg / gnome / GPLv2 help-about.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 help-about.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 help-browser-2.icns / tango / PD help-browser-2.ico / tango / PD help-browser-2.png / tango / PD help-browser-2.svg / tango / PD help-browser-2.xpm / tango / PD help-browser-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-browser-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-browser-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-browser-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-browser-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-browser-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 help-browser-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 help-browser-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 help-browser-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 help-browser.icns / gnome / GPLv2 help-browser.ico / gnome / GPLv2 help-browser.png / gnome / GPLv2 help-browser.svg / gnome / GPLv2 help-browser.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 help-contents-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 help-contents-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 help-contents-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 help-contents-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 help-contents-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 help-contents-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 help-contents-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contents-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contents-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contents-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contents-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contents.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 help-contents.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 help-contents.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 help-contents.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 help-contents.png / intrigue / GPLv2 help-contents.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 help-contents.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 help-contextual-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contextual-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contextual-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contextual-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contextual-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL help-contextual.icns / crystal / 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help.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 helplinesmove.png / openoffice / GPLv3 helplinesuse.png / openoffice / GPLv3 helplinesvisible.png / openoffice / GPLv3 heroes.icns / app-install / See Below heroes.ico / app-install / See Below heroes.png / app-install / See Below heroes.xpm / app-install / See Below hex-a-hop.icns / app-install / See Below hex-a-hop.ico / app-install / See Below hex-a-hop.png / app-install / See Below hex-a-hop.xpm / app-install / See Below hfixedline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 hideslide.png / openoffice / GPLv3 hieroclash.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below hieroclash.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below hieroclash.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below hieroclash.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below high_school.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD high_school_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD high_tower.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD high_tower_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD highway.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 hiking-tourism.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 hiking.png / 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home_for_the_aged_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD homebank-2.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD homebank-2.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD homebank-2.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD homebank-2.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD homebank.icns / app-install / See Below homebank.ico / app-install / See Below homebank.png / app-install / See Below homebank.xpm / app-install / See Below homepage.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 homepage.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 homepage.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 homepage.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 horde.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below horde.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below horde.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below horde.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below horde.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below horse-racing.svg / openstreetmap / PD horseriding.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 hospital.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 hospital.svg / openstreetmap / PD hospital.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD hospital_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD hostel.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 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or CC-BY-3.0 house.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 house_link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 hp.icns / app-install / See Below hp.ico / app-install / See Below hp.png / app-install / See Below hp.xpm / app-install / See Below hscrollbar.png / openoffice / GPLv3 html-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 html-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 html-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 html-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 html-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 html-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / 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Below httrack.ico / app-install / See Below httrack.png / app-install / See Below httrack.xpm / app-install / See Below hugin.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below hugin.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below hugin.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below hugin.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below human_skull.icns / wpclipart / PD human_skull.ico / wpclipart / PD human_skull.png / wpclipart / PD hunting.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 hwinfo-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL hwinfo-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL hwinfo-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL hwinfo-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL hwinfo-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL hwinfo.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 hwinfo.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 hydro_pump.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below hydro_pump.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below hydro_pump_(firm_direction_of_rotation).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below hydro_pump_(firm_direction_of_rotation).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below hydrogen.icns / app-install / See Below hydrogen.ico / app-install / See Below hydrogen.png / app-install / See Below hydrogen.xpm / app-install / See Below hydrogen_drum_machine.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD hydrogen_drum_machine.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD hydrogen_drum_machine.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD hydrogen_drum_machine.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD hydrogen_drum_machine.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD hyperlinkdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 hyphenate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 iceape.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceape.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceape.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceape.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceape.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icebreaker.icns / app-install / See Below icebreaker.ico / app-install / See Below icebreaker.png / app-install / See Below icebreaker.xpm / app-install / See Below icecat.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icecat.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icecat.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icecat.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icecream.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 icedove-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icedove-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icedove-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icedove-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icedove.icns / app-install / See Below icedove.ico / app-install / See Below icedove.png / app-install / See Below icedove.xpm / app-install / See Below icehockey.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 iceowl.icns / app-install / See Below iceowl.ico / app-install / See Below iceowl.png / app-install / See Below iceowl.xpm / app-install / See Below iceskating.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 iceweasel.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceweasel.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceweasel.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceweasel.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iceweasel.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below icomic.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD icomic.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD icomic.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD icomic.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD icons.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 -2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 icq-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 icq-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 icq-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 icq-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 icq.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_away.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_away.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_away.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_away.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_dnd.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_dnd.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_dnd.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_dnd.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_ffc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_ffc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_ffc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_ffc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_invisible.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_invisible.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_invisible.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_invisible.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_na.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_na.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_na.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_na.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_occupied.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_occupied.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_occupied.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_occupied.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_offline.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_offline.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_offline.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_offline.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_online.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_online.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_online.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 icq_online.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 id.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 id.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 id.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 id030.png / openoffice / GPLv3 id031.png / openoffice / GPLv3 id032.png / openoffice / GPLv3 id033.png / openoffice / GPLv3 id040.png / openoffice / GPLv3 id041.png / 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ikea.png / app-install / See Below ikea.xpm / app-install / See Below im-ban-kick-user.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-kick-user.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-kick-user.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-kick-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-kick-user.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-user.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-user.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-user.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-ban-user.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-invisible-user.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-invisible-user.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-invisible-user.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-invisible-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-invisible-user.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-kick-user.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-kick-user.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-kick-user.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-kick-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-kick-user.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-away.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-away.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-away.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-away.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-away.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-busy.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-busy.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-busy.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-busy.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-busy.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-offline.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-offline.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-offline.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-offline.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user-offline.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im-user.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL im30821.png / openoffice / GPLv3 im30826.png / openoffice / GPLv3 image-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-bmp.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-flatten.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 image-flatten.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 image-flatten.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 image-gif.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-ief.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-loading-2.icns / tango / PD image-loading-2.ico / tango / PD image-loading-2.png / tango / PD image-loading-2.svg / tango / PD image-loading-2.xpm / tango / PD image-loading-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-loading-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-loading-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-loading-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-loading-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-loading-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-loading-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-loading-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-loading-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-loading.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 image-loading.icns / gnome / GPLv2 image-loading.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 image-loading.ico / gnome / GPLv2 image-loading.png / gnome / GPLv2 image-loading.svg / gnome / GPLv2 image-loading.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 image-loading.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 image-missing-2.icns / tango / PD image-missing-2.ico / tango / PD image-missing-2.png / tango / PD image-missing-2.svg / tango / PD image-missing-2.xpm / tango / PD image-missing-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-missing-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-missing-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-missing-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-missing-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-missing.icns / gnome / GPLv2 image-missing.ico / gnome / GPLv2 image-missing.png / gnome / GPLv2 image-missing.svg / gnome / GPLv2 image-missing.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 image-peppermint.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-peppermint.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-peppermint.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-png.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-spearmint.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-spearmint.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-spearmint.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image-svg+xml-compressed.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-svg+xml.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-svg+xml.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-svg.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-tiff.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-vnd.djvu.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-vnd.dxf.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-3ds.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-3ds.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-adobe-dng.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-x-applix-graphic.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-canon-cr2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-cmu-raster.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-eps.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-x-generic.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 image-x-generic.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-x-generic.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 image-x-generic.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-x-generic.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-x-generic.svg / gnome / GPLv2 image-x-generic.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-x-generic.svg / tango / PD image-x-generic.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 image-x-generic.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 image-x-lwo.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-photo-cd.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-portable-anymap.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-portable-bitmap.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-portable-greymap.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-portable-pixmap.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-psd.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-psd.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-rgb.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-tga.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-vnd.trolltech.qpicture.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-x-xbitmap.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-xcf.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-xcf.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-xcursor.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 image-x-.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL image-x-xfig.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-xpixmap.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image-x-xwindowdum.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 image.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 image.png / gimp / GPLv2 image.svg / xfce4 / GPLv2 image.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 imagebutton.png / openoffice / GPLv3 imagecontrol.png / openoffice / GPLv3 imagej.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD imagej.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD imagej.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD imagej.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD imagemagick.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below imagemagick.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below imagemagick.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below imagemagick.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below imagemapdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 images.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 images.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 images.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 images.png / gimp / GPLv2 images.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 imagevis3d.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below imagevis3d.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below imagevis3d.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below imagevis3d.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below imgseek.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below imgseek.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below imgseek.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below imgseek.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below important_port.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD important_port_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD importdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 importfromfile.png / openoffice / GPLv3 imview.icns / app-install / See Below imview.ico / app-install / See Below imview.png / app-install / See Below imview.xpm / app-install / See Below incrementindent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 incrementsublevels.png / openoffice / GPLv3 indent_task.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 indent_task.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 indent_task.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 indent_task.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 infinite_canvase.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below infinite_canvase.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below infinite_canvase.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below infinite_canvase.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below info.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 information.svg / openstreetmap / PD .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below infrarecorder.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below infrarecorder.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below infrarecorder.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below inkblot.icns / app-install / See Below inkblot.ico / app-install / See Below inkblot.png / app-install / See Below inkblot.xpm / app-install / See Below inkscape-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below inkscape-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below inkscape-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below inkscape-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below inkscape-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below inkscape.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL inkscape.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL inkscape.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL inkscape.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL inkscape.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL inode-chardevice.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 inode-directory.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL inode-socket.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 input-gaming-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 input-gaming-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 input-gaming-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 input-gaming-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 input-gaming-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 input-gaming-3.icns / tango / PD input-gaming-3.ico / tango / PD input-gaming-3.png / tango / PD input-gaming-3.svg / tango / PD input-gaming-3.xpm / tango / PD input-gaming-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-gaming-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-gaming-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-gaming-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-gaming-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-gaming-6.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-6.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-6.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-6.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-controller_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming-joystick_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-gaming.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-gaming.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-gaming.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-gaming.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-keyboard-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 input-keyboard-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 input-keyboard-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 input-keyboard-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 input-keyboard-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 input-keyboard-3.icns / tango / PD input-keyboard-3.ico / tango / PD input-keyboard-3.png / tango / PD input-keyboard-3.svg / tango / PD input-keyboard-3.xpm / tango / PD input-keyboard-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-keyboard-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-keyboard-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-keyboard-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-keyboard-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-keyboard-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard-6.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard-6.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard-6.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard-6.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-keyboard.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-keyboard.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-keyboard.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-keyboard_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_magnify.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_magnify.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_magnify.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-keyboard_magnify.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 input-mouse-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 input-mouse-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 input-mouse-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 input-mouse-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 input-mouse-4.icns / tango / PD input-mouse-4.ico / tango / PD input-mouse-4.png / tango / PD input-mouse-4.svg / tango / PD input-mouse-4.xpm / tango / PD input-mouse-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-mouse-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-mouse-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-mouse-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-mouse-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-mouse-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-mouse-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-mouse.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 input-mouse.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-mouse.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 input-mouse.png / intrigue / GPLv2 input-mouse.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 input-mouse.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 input-mouse_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-mouse_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 input-remote_control.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD input-remote_control.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD input-remote_control.png / open_clip_art_library / PD input-remote_control.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD input-tablet-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 input-tablet-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 input-tablet-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 input-tablet-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 input-tablet-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 input-tablet-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-tablet-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-tablet-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-tablet-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 input-tablet-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-tablet-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-tablet-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-tablet-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-tablet-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL input-tablet.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-tablet.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-tablet.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 input-tablet.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 inscellsctrl.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insert-anchor.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-anchor.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-anchor.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-anchor.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-button.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-button.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-button.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-button.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-chart-bar.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-bar.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-bar.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-bar.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-curve.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-curve.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-curve.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-curve.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-line.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-line.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-line.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-line.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-organisation.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-organisation.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-organisation.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-organisation.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-pie-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-pie-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-pie-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-pie-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-chart-pie.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-chart-pie.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-chart-pie.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-chart.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-chart.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-chart.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-chart.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-clipart.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-clipart.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-clipart.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-clipart_from_file.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-clipart_from_file.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-clipart_from_file.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-comment-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-comment-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-comment-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-comment-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-comment.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-comment.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-comment.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-comment.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-comments.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-comments.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-comments.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-comments.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-edit.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-edit.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-edit.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-edit.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-field.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-field.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-field.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-field.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-formula-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-formula-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-formula-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-formula-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-formula.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-formula.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-formula.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-formula.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-horizontal-rule.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-horizontal-rule.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-horizontal-rule.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-horizontal-rule.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-horizontal-rule.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-image-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 insert-image-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 insert-image-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 insert-image-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 insert-image-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 insert-image-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-image-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-image-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-image-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-image-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-image-inline.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-image-inline.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-image-inline.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-image-inline.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-image-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-image-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-image-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-image-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-image.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-image.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-image.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-image.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-knots.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-knots.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-knots.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-link-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-link-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-link-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-link-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-link-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-link-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-link-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-link-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-link-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-link.icns / gnome / GPLv2 insert-link.ico / gnome / GPLv2 insert-link.png / gnome / GPLv2 insert-link.svg / gnome / GPLv2 insert-link.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 insert-list-bullets.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-list-bullets.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-list-bullets.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-list-bullets.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-numbers.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-numbers.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-numbers.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-numbers.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-object.icns / gnome / GPLv2 insert-object.ico / gnome / GPLv2 insert-object.png / gnome / GPLv2 insert-object.svg / gnome / GPLv2 insert-object.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 insert-page-number.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-page-number.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-page-number.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-page-number.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-pause.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 insert-pause.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 insert-pause.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 insert-pause.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 insert-pause.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 insert-pilcrow.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-pilcrow.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-pilcrow.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-pilcrow.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-query.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-query.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-query.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-query.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-bottom.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-bottom.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-bottom.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left-bottom.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left-bottom.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left-bottom.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left-top.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left-top.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left-top.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-left.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right-bottom.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right-bottom.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right-bottom.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right-top.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right-top.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right-top.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-right.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-top.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-top.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow-top.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-shadow.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-signature.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-signature.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-signature.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-signature.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-special-charator.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-special-charator.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-special-charator.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-special-charator.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-spreadsheet.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-spreadsheet.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-spreadsheet.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-spreadsheet.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-table-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-table-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-table-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-table-column.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-column.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-column.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-column.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-inline.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-inline.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-inline.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-row.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-row.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-row.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table-row.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-table.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-table.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-table.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-table.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-table2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-table2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-tag.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-tag.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-tag.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-tag.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 insert-text-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 insert-text-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 insert-text-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 insert-text-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 insert-text-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-frame.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-frame.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-frame.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-frame.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL insert-text-heading.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-heading.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-heading.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-heading.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-italic.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-italic.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-italic.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-italic.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-kerning.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-kerning.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-kerning.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-kerning.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-letterspacing.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-letterspacing.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-letterspacing.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-letterspacing.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-linespacing.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-linespacing.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-linespacing.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-linespacing.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-lowercase.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-lowercase.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-lowercase.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text-lowercase.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-text.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-text.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-text.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-text.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 insert-textfield.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-textfield.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-textfield.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insert-textfield.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 insertannotation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertauthorfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertavmedia.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertbookmark.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertcaptiondialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertcellsdown.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertcellsright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertcolumns.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertctrl.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertcurrencyfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertdatefield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertdoc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertdraw.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertedit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertendnote.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertfieldctrl.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertfilecontrol.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertfixedtext.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertfootnote.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertformattedfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertframe.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertframeinteract.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertframeinteractnocolumns.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertgraphic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserthyperlink.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertimagecontrol.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertindexesentry.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertlistbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertmasterpage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertmath.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertneutralparagraph.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertnumericfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertobjctrl.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertobject.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertobjectchart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertobjectdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertobjectfloatingframe.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertobjectstarmath.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertpage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertpagecountfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertpagenumberfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertpatternfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertplugin.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertpushbutton.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertreferencefield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertrows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertsection.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertsound.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertspreadsheet.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertsymbol.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserttable.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserttextframe.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserttimefield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserttitlefield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserttoolbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserttopicfield.png / openoffice / GPLv3 inserttreecontrol.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insertvideo.png / openoffice / GPLv3 insight_toolkit.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below insight_toolkit.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below insight_toolkit.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below insight_toolkit.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below insulated_pipe.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD insulated_pipe.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD intensity-ambient-high.png / gimp / GPLv2 intensity-ambient-low.png / gimp / GPLv2 intensity-diffuse-high.png / gimp / GPLv2 intensity-diffuse-low.png / gimp / GPLv2 interactivegradient.png / openoffice / GPLv3 interactivetransparence.png / openoffice / GPLv3 internet-application.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-application.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-application.png / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-application.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-chat-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-chat.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-chat.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-chat.png / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-chat.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-config.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-config.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-config.png / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-config.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-connection_manager.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-connection_manager.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-connection_manager.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-connection_manager.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-connection_tools.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-connection_tools.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-connection_tools.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-connection_tools.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-download_manager.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-group-chat.icns / tango / PD internet-group-chat.ico / tango / PD internet-group-chat.png / tango / PD internet-group-chat.svg / tango / PD internet-group-chat.xpm / tango / PD internet-mail-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-3.icns / tango / PD internet-mail-3.ico / tango / PD internet-mail-3.png / tango / PD internet-mail-3.svg / tango / PD internet-mail-3.xpm / tango / PD internet-mail-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-mail-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-mail-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-mail-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-mail-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-mail-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-reminder.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-reminder.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-reminder.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail-reminder.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-mail.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 internet-mail.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-mail.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 internet-mail.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-mail.png / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-mail.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 internet-mail.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-news-reader.icns / tango / PD internet-news-reader.ico / tango / PD internet-news-reader.png / tango / PD internet-news-reader.svg / tango / PD internet-news-reader.xpm / tango / PD internet-telephony.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-telephony.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-telephony.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-telephony.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-telephony.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-web-browser-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 internet-web-browser-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 internet-web-browser-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 internet-web-browser-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 internet-web-browser-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 internet-web-browser-4.icns / tango / PD internet-web-browser-4.ico / tango / PD internet-web-browser-4.png / tango / PD internet-web-browser-4.svg / tango / PD internet-web-browser-4.xpm / tango / PD internet-web-browser-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-web-browser-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-web-browser-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-web-browser-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-web-browser-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL internet-web-browser-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 internet-web-browser.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-web-browser.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-web-browser.png / intrigue / GPLv2 internet-web-browser.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 internet.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 internet.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 intrigue-style/book.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/book.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/book.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/book.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/file-broken.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/file-broken.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/file-broken.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/file-broken.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-bin.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-bin.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-bin.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-bin.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blender.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blender.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blender.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blender.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blue.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blue.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blue.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-blue.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-coffee.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-coffee.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-coffee.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-coffee.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-crystal.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-crystal.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-crystal.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-crystal.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-develop.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-develop.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-develop.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-develop.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-documents.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-documents.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-documents.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-documents.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-favorite.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-favorite.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-favorite.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-favorite.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-games.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-games.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-games.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-games.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-green.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-green.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-green.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-green.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-grey.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-grey.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-grey.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-grey.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-html.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-html.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-html.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-html.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-ideas.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-ideas.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-ideas.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-image.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-image.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-image.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-image.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-important.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-important.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-important.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-important.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete2.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete2.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete2.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-incomplete2.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-iso.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-iso.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-iso.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-iso.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-kde.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-kde.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-kde.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-kde.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-leaf.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-leaf.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-leaf.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-leaf.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-locked.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-locked.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-locked.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-locked.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-man.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-man.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-man.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-man.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-multimedia.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-multimedia.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-multimedia.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-multimedia.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-open.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-open.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-open.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-open.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-orange.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-orange.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-orange.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-orange.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-packages.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-packages.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 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intrigue-style/folder-ruby.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-ruby.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-ruby.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-searched.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-searched.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-searched.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-searched.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-simplefoundation.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-simplefoundation.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-simplefoundation.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-simplefoundation.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-sound.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-sound.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-sound.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-sound.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-starred.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-starred.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-starred.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-starred.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-system.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-system.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-system.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-system.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tar.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tar.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tar.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tar.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tasks.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tasks.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tasks.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-tasks.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-time.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-time.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-time.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-txt.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-txt.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-txt.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-txt.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-video.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-video.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-video.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-video.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-violet.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-violet.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-violet.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-violet.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-yellow.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-yellow.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-yellow.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder-yellow.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/folder.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/lockoverlay.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/lockoverlay.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/lockoverlay.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/lockoverlay.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/my_computer.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/my_computer.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/my_computer.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/my_computer.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network-local.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network-local.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network-local.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network-local.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/network.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-desktop.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-desktop.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-desktop.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-desktop.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-home.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-home.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-home.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-home.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash-full.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash-full.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash-full.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash-full.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/user-trash.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/www.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/www.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/www.png / intrigue / GPLv2 intrigue-style/www.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 invert.png / gimp / GPLv2 invert3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ipcop.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ipcop.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ipcop.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ipcop.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below ipe.ico / app-install / See Below ipe.png / app-install / See Below ipe.xpm / app-install / See Below ipf.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ipf.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ipf.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 iph.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 iph.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 iph.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irate_radio.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below irate_radio.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below irate_radio.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below irate_radio.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below irc-away.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-away.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-away.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-away.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-close-channel.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-close-channel.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-close-channel.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-close-channel.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-close-channel.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-join-channel.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-join-channel.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-join-channel.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-join-channel.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-join-channel.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-join-channel.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-join-channel.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-join-channel.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-normal.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-normal.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-normal.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-normal.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-online.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-online.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-online.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-online.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-operator.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-operator.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-operator.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-operator.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-operator.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-operator.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-operator.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-operator.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-remove-operator.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-remove-operator.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-remove-operator.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-remove-operator.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-remove-operator.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-server.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-server.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-server.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-server.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-unvoice.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-unvoice.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-unvoice.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-unvoice.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-unvoice.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-voice.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-voice.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-voice.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-voice.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-voice.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-voice.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irc-voice.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irc-voice.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL irf.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irf.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irf.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irh.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irh.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irh.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkick-2.icns / app-install / See Below irkick-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkick-2.ico / app-install / See Below irkick-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkick-2.png / app-install / See Below irkick-2.xpm / app-install / See Below irkick-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkick-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkick.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkick.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkick.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkick.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkick.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickflash.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 irkickoff.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD irssi.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD irssi.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD irssi.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD irssi.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD iscrobbler.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iscrobbler.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iscrobbler.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iscrobbler.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below iskat.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 iskat.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 iskat.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 iskat.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 iso-image-burn.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 iso-image-new.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 isomaster-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below isomaster-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below isomaster-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below isomaster-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below isomaster.icns / app-install / See Below isomaster.ico / app-install / See Below isomaster.png / app-install / See Below isomaster.xpm / app-install / See Below istanbul-2.icns / app-install / See Below istanbul-2.ico / app-install / See Below istanbul-2.png / app-install / See Below istanbul-2.xpm / app-install / See Below istumbler.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD istumbler.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD istumbler.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD istumbler.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD italic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 itheater.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below itheater.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below itheater.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below itheater.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below j.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 jaaa.icns / app-install / See Below jaaa.ico / app-install / See Below jaaa.png / app-install / See Below jaaa.xpm / app-install / See Below jabber-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 jabber-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 jabber-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 jabber-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 jabber-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 jabber-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 jabber-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 jabber-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 jabber-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 jabber-4.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below jabber-4.ico / 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jabber-xa.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 jabber.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 jabber.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 jabber.png / intrigue / GPLv2 jabber.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 jabbim.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jabbim.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jabbim.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jabbim.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jabbim.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jack-rack.icns / app-install / See Below jack-rack.ico / app-install / See Below jack-rack.png / app-install / See Below jack-rack.xpm / app-install / See Below jackbeat.icns / app-install / See Below jackbeat.ico / app-install / See Below jackbeat.png / app-install / See Below jackbeat.xpm / app-install / See Below jackeq_thai-gold.icns / app-install / See Below jackeq_thai-gold.ico / app-install / See Below jackeq_thai-gold.png / app-install / See Below jackeq_thai-gold.xpm / app-install / See Below jacketed_pipe.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD jacketed_pipe.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD jainism.svg / openstreetmap / PD jalbum.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 jalbum.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 jalbum.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 jalbum.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 jalbum.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 jamin.icns / app-install / See Below jamin.ico / app-install / See Below jamin.png / app-install / See Below jamin.svg / app-install / See Below jamin.xpm / app-install / See Below java.png / gimp / GPLv2 javacomponent.png / openoffice / GPLv3 javalibrary.png / openoffice / GPLv3 jbrout.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jbrout.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jbrout.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jbrout.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jclic-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jclic-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jclic-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jclic-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jclic.icns / app-install / See Below jclic.ico / app-install / See Below jclic.png / app-install / See Below jclic.xpm / app-install / See Below jclicauthor.icns / app-install / See Below jclicauthor.ico / app-install / See Below jclicauthor.png / app-install / See Below jclicauthor.xpm / app-install / See Below jclicreports.icns / app-install / See Below jclicreports.ico / app-install / See Below jclicreports.png / app-install / See Below jclicreports.xpm / app-install / See Below jd.icns / app-install / See Below jd.ico / app-install / See Below jd.png / app-install / See Below jd.xpm / app-install / See Below jedit.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jedit.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jedit.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jedit.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jetski.svg / openstreetmap / PD jewelry.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 jewish.svg / openstreetmap / PD jewishquarter.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 jigsaw_piece_t.icns / wpclipart / PD jigsaw_piece_t.ico / wpclipart / PD jigsaw_piece_t.png / wpclipart / PD jiten.icns / app-install / See Below jiten.ico / app-install / See Below jiten.png / app-install / See Below jiten.xpm / app-install / See Below jkdefrag.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jkdefrag.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jkdefrag.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jkdefrag.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmol.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmol.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmol.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmol.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmulti.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmulti.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmulti.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jmulti.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below jogging.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 join-bevel.png / gimp / GPLv2 join-miter.png / gimp / GPLv2 join-round.png / gimp / GPLv2 jokosher-2.icns / app-install / See Below jokosher-2.ico / app-install / See Below jokosher-2.png / app-install / See Below jokosher-2.xpm / app-install / See Below journal-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 journal-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 journal-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 journal-new.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL journal-new.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL journal-new.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL journal-new.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL journal.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 journal.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 journal.png / intrigue / GPLv2 journal.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 jpilot.icns / app-install / See Below jpilot.ico / app-install / See Below jpilot.png / app-install / See Below jpilot.xpm / app-install / See Below judo.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 juk-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 juk-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 juk-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 juk-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below juk-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below juk-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below juk-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below juk.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 juk.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 juk.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 juk.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 juk_dock.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 juk_dock.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 juk_dock.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 jumpnbump.icns / app-install / See Below jumpnbump.ico / app-install / See Below jumpnbump.png / app-install / See Below jumpnbump.xpm / app-install / See Below junior_college.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD junior_college_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD justice.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 justifypara.png / openoffice / GPLv3 jxplorer.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below jxplorer.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below jxplorer.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below jxplorer.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below k.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 -2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 k3b-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 k3b-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 k3b-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 k3b-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL k3b-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL k3b-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL k3b-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL k3b-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL k3b-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k3b-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k3b-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k3b-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k3b.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 k3b.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 k3b.png / intrigue / GPLv2 k3b.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 k3d.icns / app-install / See Below k3d.ico / app-install / See Below k3d.png / app-install / See Below k3d.xpm / app-install / See Below k3dsurf.icns / app-install / See Below k3dsurf.ico / app-install / See Below k3dsurf.png / app-install / See Below k3dsurf.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k9copy.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k9copy.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k9copy.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below k_alarm.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 k_alarm.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 k_alarm.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 k_alarm.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle-2.icns / app-install / See Below kaboodle-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle-2.ico / app-install / See Below kaboodle-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle-2.png / app-install / See Below kaboodle-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kaboodle-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaboodle.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-2.icns / app-install / See Below kaddressbook-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-2.ico / app-install / See Below kaddressbook-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-2.png / app-install / See Below kaddressbook-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kaddressbook-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaddressbook.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kadu.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kadu.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kadu.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below -2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kaffeine-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kaffeine-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kaffeine-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kaffeine-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kaffeine-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kaffeine-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kaffeine-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kaffeine-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kaffeine.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kaffeine.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kaffeine.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kaffeine.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 -2.icns / app-install / See Below kalarm-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm-2.ico / app-install / See Below kalarm-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm-2.png / app-install / See Below kalarm-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kalarm-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kalarm-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kalarm-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kalarm-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kalarm.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kalarm.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kalarm.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kalarm.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kalarm_disabled.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kallery.icns / app-install / See Below kallery.ico / app-install / See Below kallery.png / app-install / See Below kallery.xpm / app-install / See Below kalzium-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kalzium-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kalzium-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kalzium-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kalzium.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalzium.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalzium.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kalzium.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 .icns / app-install / See Below kanagram.ico / app-install / See Below kanagram.png / app-install / See Below kanagram.xpm / app-install / See Below kanatest.icns / app-install / See Below kanatest.ico / app-install / See Below kanatest.png / app-install / See Below kanatest.xpm / app-install / See Below kantaris.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kantaris.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kantaris.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kantaris.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kappfinder-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-3.icns / app-install / See Below kappfinder-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-3.ico / app-install / See Below kappfinder-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-3.png / app-install / See Below kappfinder-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kappfinder-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kappfinder.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kappfinder.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kappfinder.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kappfinder.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 karate.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 karbon-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL karbon-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL karbon-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL karbon-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL karbon-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL karbon.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karbon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karbon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karbon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karbon14.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon14.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon14.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon14.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon_14-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon_14-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon_14-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon_14-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon_14-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below karbon_14.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karbon_14.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karbon_14.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karbon_14.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karm-2.icns / app-install / See Below karm-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 karm-2.ico / app-install / See Below karm-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 karm-2.png / app-install / See Below karm-2.xpm / app-install / See Below karm-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 karm-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 karm.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karm.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karm.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karm.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karm_2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karm_2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karm_2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 karting.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 kasablanca.icns / app-install / See Below kasablanca.ico / app-install / See Below kasablanca.png / app-install / See Below kasablanca.xpm / app-install / See Below kasteroids-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kasteroids-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kasteroids-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kasteroids-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kasteroids.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kasteroids.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kasteroids.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kasteroids.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kasumi.icns / app-install / See Below kasumi.ico / app-install / See Below kasumi.png / app-install / See Below kasumi.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below katapult.ico / app-install / See Below katapult.png / app-install / See Below katapult.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kate-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kate-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kate-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kate-3.icns / app-install / See Below kate-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kate-3.ico / app-install / See Below kate-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kate-3.png / app-install / See Below kate-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kate-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kate-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kate.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kate.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kate.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kate.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 katomic-2.icns / app-install / See Below katomic-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 katomic-2.ico / app-install / See Below katomic-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 katomic-2.png / app-install / See Below katomic-2.xpm / app-install / See Below katomic-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 katomic-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 katomic.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 katomic.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 katomic.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 katomic.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 katuberling.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 katuberling.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 katuberling.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 katuberling.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kaudiocreator-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaudiocreator-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaudiocreator-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaudiocreator-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kaudiocreator.icns / app-install / See Below kaudiocreator.ico / app-install / See Below kaudiocreator.png / app-install / See Below kaudiocreator.xpm / app-install / See Below kayak.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 kazehakase.icns / app-install / See Below kazehakase.ico / app-install / See Below kazehakase.png / app-install / See Below kazehakase.xpm / app-install / See Below kbabel.icns / app-install / See Below kbabel.ico / app-install / See Below kbabel.png / app-install / See Below kbabel.xpm / app-install / See Below kbabeldict.icns / app-install / See Below kbabeldict.ico / app-install / See Below kbabeldict.png / app-install / See Below kbabeldict.xpm / app-install / See Below kbackgammon-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbackgammon_engine.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kball.icns / app-install / See Below kball.ico / app-install / See Below kball.png / app-install / See Below kball.xpm / app-install / See Below kbarcode.icns / app-install / See Below kbarcode.ico / app-install / See Below kbarcode.png / app-install / See Below kbarcode.xpm / app-install / See Below kbattleship-2.icns / app-install / See Below kbattleship-2.ico / app-install / See Below kbattleship-2.png / app-install / See Below kbattleship-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kbattleship.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbattleship.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbattleship.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbattleship.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbemusedsrv.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbemusedsrv.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbemusedsrv.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbemusedsrv.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbfxconfigapp.icns / app-install / See Below kbfxconfigapp.ico / app-install / See Below kbfxconfigapp.png / app-install / See Below kbfxconfigapp.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below kbibtex.ico / app-install / See Below kbibtex.png / app-install / See Below kbibtex.xpm / app-install / See Below kblackbox-2.icns / app-install / See Below kblackbox-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kblackbox-2.ico / app-install / See Below kblackbox-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kblackbox-2.png / app-install / See Below kblackbox-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kblackbox-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kblackbox-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kblackbox.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kblackbox.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kblackbox.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kblackbox.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kblogger.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kblogger.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kblogger.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kblogger.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kblogger.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kboincspy.icns / app-install / See Below kboincspy.ico / app-install / See Below kboincspy.png / app-install / See Below kboincspy.xpm / app-install / See Below kbounce-2.icns / app-install / See Below kbounce-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbounce-2.ico / app-install / See Below kbounce-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbounce-2.png / app-install / See Below kbounce-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kbounce-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbounce-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbounce.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbounce.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbounce.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbounce.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbruch-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbruch-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbruch-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbruch-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbruch-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbruch.icns / app-install / See Below kbruch.ico / app-install / See Below kbruch.png / app-install / See Below kbruch.xpm / app-install / See Below kbrunch.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbrunch.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbrunch.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbrunch.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kbtobexclient.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbtobexclient.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbtobexclient.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbtobexclient.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kbugbuster-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbugbuster-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbugbuster-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbugbuster-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbugbuster-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kbugbuster.icns / app-install / See Below kbugbuster.ico / app-install / See Below kbugbuster.png / app-install / See Below kbugbuster.xpm / app-install / See Below kcachegrind.icns / app-install / See Below kcachegrind.ico / app-install / See Below kcachegrind.png / app-install / See Below kcachegrind.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcalc-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcalc-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcalc-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcalc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcalc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcalc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcalc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcc.icns / app-install / See Below kcc.ico / app-install / See Below kcc.png / app-install / See Below kcc.xpm / app-install / See Below kcharselect-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcharselect-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcharselect-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcharselect-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcharselect.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcharselect.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcharselect.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcharselect.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kchart-2.icns / app-install / See Below kchart-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kchart-2.ico / app-install / See Below kchart-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kchart-2.png / app-install / See Below kchart-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kchart-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kchart-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kchart-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kchart-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kchart-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kchart-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kchart-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kchart-5.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kchart-5.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kchart-5.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kchart-5.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kchart-5.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kchart.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kchart.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kchart.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kchart.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcheckgmail.icns / app-install / See Below kcheckgmail.ico / app-install / See Below kcheckgmail.png / app-install / See Below kcheckgmail.xpm / app-install / See Below kchmviewer.icns / app-install / See Below kchmviewer.ico / app-install / See Below kchmviewer.png / app-install / See Below kchmviewer.xpm / app-install / See Below kcmdevice.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevice.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevice.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevice.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdevices.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-2.icns / app-install / See Below kcmdf-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-2.ico / app-install / See Below kcmdf-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-2.png / app-install / See Below kcmdf-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kcmdf-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdf.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmdrkonqi.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdrkonqi.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdrkonqi.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmdrkonqi.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmfontinst.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkicker-2.icns / app-install / See Below kcmkicker-2.ico / app-install / See Below kcmkicker-2.png / app-install / See Below kcmkicker-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kcmkicker.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkicker.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkicker.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkicker.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmkwm.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kcmkwm.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kcmkwm.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kcmkwm.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kcmmemory-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmemory-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmemory-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmemory-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmemory.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmmemory.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmmemory.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmmemory.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmmidi.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpartitions.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmpci.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmprocessor.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsambaconf.icns / app-install / See Below kcmsambaconf.ico / app-install / See Below kcmsambaconf.png / app-install / See Below kcmsambaconf.xpm / app-install / See Below kcmscsi-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmscsi-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmscsi-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmscsi-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmscsi.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmscsi.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmscsi.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmscsi.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsound.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsound.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsound.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsound.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmsystem.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmx-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcmx.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kcmx.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kcmx.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kcmx.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kcolorchooser-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcolorchooser-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kcolorchooser-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcolorchooser-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kcolorchooser-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcolorchooser-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcolorchooser-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kcolorchooser-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kcolorchooser-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kcolorchooser.ico / app-install / See Below kcolorchooser.png / app-install / See Below kcolorchooser.xpm / app-install / See Below kcoloredit-2.icns / app-install / See Below kcoloredit-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcoloredit-2.ico / app-install / See Below kcoloredit-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcoloredit-2.png / app-install / See Below kcoloredit-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kcoloredit-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcoloredit-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcoloredit-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kcoloredit-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kcoloredit-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kcoloredit-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kcoloredit.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcoloredit.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcoloredit.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcoloredit.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kcontrol.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kcontrol.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kcontrol.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kcontrol.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kcron.icns / app-install / See Below kcron.ico / app-install / See Below kcron.png / app-install / See Below kcron.xpm / app-install / See Below kdat-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdat-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdat-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdat-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdat.icns / app-install / See Below kdat.ico / app-install / See Below kdat.png / app-install / See Below kdat.xpm / app-install / See Below kdb_form.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdb_form.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdb_form.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdb_form.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdb_table.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdb_table.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdb_table.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdb_table.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / app-install / See Below kdbg.ico / app-install / See Below kdbg.png / app-install / See Below kdbg.xpm / app-install / See Below kde-bluetooth.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-bluetooth.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-bluetooth.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-bluetooth.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-resources_configuration.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-resources_configuration.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-resources_configuration.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-resources_configuration.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kde-windows.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde-windows.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde-windows.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde-windows.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde-windows.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kde.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kdebluetooth-2.icns / app-install / See Below kdebluetooth-2.ico / app-install / See Below kdebluetooth-2.png / app-install / See Below kdebluetooth-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kdebluetooth.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdebluetooth.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdebluetooth.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdebluetooth.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kded.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kded.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kded.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kded.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdedragonplayer.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdedragonplayer.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdedragonplayer.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdedragonplayer.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdenlive.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdenlive.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdenlive.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdeprintfax-2.icns / app-install / See Below kdeprintfax-2.ico / app-install / See Below kdeprintfax-2.png / app-install / See Below kdeprintfax-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kdeprintfax-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdeprintfax-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdeprintfax-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdeprintfax-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdeprintfax.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdeprintfax.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdeprintfax.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdeprintfax.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdesvn.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdesvn.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdesvn.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdesvn.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdevdesigner.icns / app-install / See Below kdevdesigner.ico / app-install / See Below kdevdesigner.png / app-install / See Below kdevdesigner.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below kdevelop-2.ico / app-install / See Below kdevelop-2.png / app-install / See Below kdevelop-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kdevelop-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdevelop-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdevelop-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdevelop-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kdevelop.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdevelop.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdevelop.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdevelop.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdf-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdf-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdf-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdf-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdf-3.icns / app-install / See Below kdf-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdf-3.ico / app-install / See Below kdf-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdf-3.png / app-install / See Below kdf-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kdf-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdf-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kdf-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kdf-4.png / nuvola / 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kdisknav.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdisknav.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdisknav.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdissert.icns / app-install / See Below kdissert.ico / app-install / See Below kdissert.png / app-install / See Below kdissert.xpm / app-install / See Below kdm_home.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdm_home.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdm_home.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdm_home.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-3.icns / app-install / See Below kdmconfig-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-3.ico / app-install / See Below kdmconfig-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-3.png / app-install / See Below kdmconfig-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kdmconfig-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdmconfig.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kdmconfig.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kdmconfig.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kdmconfig.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kdvi-2.icns / app-install / See Below kdvi-2.ico / app-install / See Below kdvi-2.png / app-install / See Below kdvi-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kdvi-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdvi-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdvi-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdvi-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kdvi.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdvi.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdvi.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kdvi.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kedit-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kedit-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kedit-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kedit-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kedit-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kedit-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kedit-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kedit-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kedit.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kedit.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kedit.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kedit.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmark.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 keditbookmark.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 keditbookmark.png / intrigue / GPLv2 keditbookmark.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 keditbookmarks-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmarks-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmarks-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmarks-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmarks.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmarks.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmarks.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 keditbookmarks.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 keduca.icns / app-install / See Below keduca.ico / app-install / See Below keduca.png / app-install / See Below keduca.xpm / app-install / See Below keep.icns / app-install / See Below keep.ico / app-install / See Below keep.png / app-install / See Below keep.xpm / app-install / See Below keepalive.icns / app-install / See Below keepalive.ico / app-install / See Below keepalive.png / app-install / See Below keepalive.xpm / app-install / See Below keepalivecontrol.icns / app-install / See Below keepalivecontrol.ico / app-install / See Below keepalivecontrol.png / app-install / See Below keepalivecontrol.xpm / app-install / See Below keepass.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepass.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepass.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepass.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepassx.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepassx.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepassx.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepassx.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below keepassx.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kenolaba-2.icns / app-install / See Below kenolaba-2.ico / app-install / See Below kenolaba-2.png / app-install / See Below kenolaba-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kenolaba.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kenolaba.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kenolaba.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kenolaba.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kerry.icns / app-install / See Below kerry.ico / app-install / See Below kerry.png / app-install / See Below kerry.xpm / app-install / See Below ketm.icns / app-install / See Below ketm.ico / app-install / See Below ketm.png / app-install / See Below ketm.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kexi-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kexi-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kexi-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kexi-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kexi-3.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kexi-3.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kexi-3.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kexi-3.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kexi-3.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kexi.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kexi.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kexi.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kexi.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 key-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 key16.icns / app-install / See Below key16.ico / app-install / See Below key16.png / app-install / See Below key16.xpm / app-install / See Below keyjnotegui.icns / app-install / See Below keyjnotegui.ico / app-install / See Below keyjnotegui.png / app-install / See Below keyjnotegui.xpm / app-install / See Below keytouch.icns / app-install / See Below keytouch.ico / app-install / See Below keytouch.png / app-install / See Below keytouch.xpm / app-install / See Below kfax-2.icns / app-install / See Below kfax-2.ico / app-install / See Below kfax-2.png / app-install / See Below kfax-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kfax-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfax-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfax-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfax-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfax.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfax.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfax.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfax.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfig.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfig.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfig.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfig.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfilereplace-2.icns / app-install / See Below kfilereplace-2.ico / app-install / See Below kfilereplace-2.png / app-install / See Below kfilereplace-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kfilereplace.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfilereplace.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfilereplace.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfilereplace.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfind-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfind-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfind-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfind-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfind.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfind.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfind.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfind.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-3.icns / app-install / See Below kfloppy-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-3.ico / app-install / See Below kfloppy-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-3.png / app-install / See Below kfloppy-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kfloppy-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfloppy.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kfloppy.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kfloppy.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kfloppy.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kfm-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfm-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfm-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfm-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kfm-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfm-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfm-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfm-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kfm.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfm.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfm.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfm.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfmail.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kfmail.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kfmail.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kfmail.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kfontview.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfontview.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfontview.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfontview.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kformula-2.icns / app-install / See Below kformula-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kformula-2.ico / app-install / See Below kformula-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kformula-2.png / app-install / See Below kformula-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kformula-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kformula-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kformula-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kformula-4.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kformula-4.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kformula-4.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kformula-4.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kformula-4.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kformula.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kformula.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kformula.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kformula.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfouleggs-2.icns / app-install / See Below kfouleggs-2.ico / app-install / See Below kfouleggs-2.png / app-install / See Below kfouleggs-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kfouleggs.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfouleggs.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfouleggs.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kfouleggs.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kftpgrabber.icns / app-install / See Below kftpgrabber.ico / app-install / See Below kftpgrabber.png / app-install / See Below kftpgrabber.xpm / app-install / See Below kgamma.icns / app-install / See Below kgamma.ico / app-install / See Below kgamma.png / app-install / See Below kgamma.xpm / app-install / See Below kgb_archiver.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kgb_archiver.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kgb_archiver.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kgb_archiver.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kgeography-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kgeography-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kgeography-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kgeography.icns / app-install / See Below kgeography.ico / app-install / See Below kgeography.png / app-install / See Below kgeography.xpm / app-install / See Below kget-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kget-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kget-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kget-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kget-3.icns / app-install / See Below kget-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kget-3.ico / app-install / See Below kget-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kget-3.png / app-install / See Below kget-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kget-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kget-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kget.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kget.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kget.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kget.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kggz.icns / app-install / See Below kggz.ico / app-install / See Below kggz.png / app-install / See Below kggz.xpm / app-install / See Below kghostview-2.icns / app-install / See Below kghostview-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kghostview-2.ico / app-install / See Below kghostview-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kghostview-2.png / app-install / See Below kghostview-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kghostview-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kghostview-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kghostview-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kghostview-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kghostview-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kghostview-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kghostview.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kghostview.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kghostview.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kghostview.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgoldrunner-2.icns / app-install / See Below kgoldrunner-2.ico / app-install / See Below kgoldrunner-2.png / app-install / See Below kgoldrunner-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kgoldrunner.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgoldrunner.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgoldrunner.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgoldrunner.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / app-install / See Below kgpg-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg-2.ico / app-install / See Below kgpg-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg-2.png / app-install / See Below kgpg-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kgpg-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kgpg.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_docked.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_docked.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_docked.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_edit.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_edit.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_edit.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_edit.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_export.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_export.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_export.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_export.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_gen.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_gen.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_gen.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_gen.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_identity.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_identity.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_identity.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_identity.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_import.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_import.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_import.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_import.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_info.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_info.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_info.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_info.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key1.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key1.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key1.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key1.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_key3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_photo.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_photo.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_photo.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_photo.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_show.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_show.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_show.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_show.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_sign.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_sign.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_sign.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_sign.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_term.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_term.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_term.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgpg_term.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kgrubby.icns / app-install / See Below kgrubby.ico / app-install / See Below kgrubby.png / app-install / See Below kgrubby.xpm / app-install / See Below kguitar.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kguitar.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kguitar.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kguitar.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / app-install / See Below khangman-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khangman-2.ico / app-install / See Below khangman-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khangman-2.png / app-install / See Below khangman-2.xpm / app-install / See Below khangman-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khangman-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khangman.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khangman.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khangman.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khangman.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 khelpcenter.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 khelpcenter.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 khelpcenter.png / intrigue / GPLv2 khelpcenter.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 khexedit-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khexedit-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khexedit-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khexedit-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khexedit.icns / app-install / See Below khexedit.ico / app-install / See Below khexedit.png / app-install / See Below khexedit.xpm / app-install / See Below khmerconverter.icns / app-install / See Below khmerconverter.ico / app-install / See Below khmerconverter.png / app-install / See Below khmerconverter.xpm / app-install / See Below khotkeys-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khotkeys-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khotkeys-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khotkeys-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 khotkeys.icns / app-install / See Below khotkeys.ico / app-install / See Below khotkeys.png / app-install / See Below khotkeys.xpm / app-install / See Below kicad.icns / app-install / See Below kicad.ico / app-install / See Below kicad.png / app-install / See Below kicad.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kicker.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kicker.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kicker.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kiconedit.icns / app-install / See Below kiconedit.ico / app-install / See Below kiconedit.png / app-install / See Below kiconedit.xpm / app-install / See Below kid3.icns / app-install / See Below kid3.ico / app-install / See Below kid3.png / app-install / See Below kid3.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kig-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kig-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kig-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kig-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kig-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kig-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kig-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kig-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kig-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kig-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kig-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kig-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kig.icns / app-install / See Below kig.ico / app-install / See Below kig.png / app-install / See Below kig.xpm / app-install / See Below kildclient.icns / app-install / See Below kildclient.ico / app-install / See Below kildclient.png / app-install / See Below kildclient.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kile.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kile.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kile.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kile.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kimagemapeditor.icns / app-install / See Below kimagemapeditor.ico / app-install / See Below kimagemapeditor.png / app-install / See Below kimagemapeditor.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below kino.ico / app-install / See Below kino.png / app-install / See Below kino.xpm / app-install / See Below kiosktool.icns / app-install / See Below kiosktool.ico / app-install / See Below kiosktool.png / app-install / See Below kiosktool.xpm / app-install / See Below kipina.icns / app-install / See Below kipina.ico / app-install / See Below kipina.png / app-install / See Below kipina.xpm / app-install / See Below kitchensync.icns / app-install / See Below kitchensync.ico / app-install / See Below kitchensync.png / app-install / See Below kitchensync.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kiten-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kiten-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kiten-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kiten.icns / app-install / See Below kiten.ico / app-install / See Below kiten.png / app-install / See Below kiten.xpm / app-install / See Below kivio-2.icns / app-install / See Below kivio-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kivio-2.ico / app-install / See Below kivio-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kivio-2.png / app-install / See Below kivio-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kivio-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kivio-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kivio-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kivio-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kivio-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kivio-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kivio-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kivio-5.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kivio-5.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kivio-5.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kivio-5.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kivio-5.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kivio.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kivio.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kivio.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kivio.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjobviewer.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjots-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjots-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjots-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjots-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kjots.icns / app-install / See Below kjots.ico / app-install / See Below kjots.png / app-install / See Below kjots.xpm / app-install / See Below kjournal.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kjournal.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kjournal.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kjournal.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kjournal.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kjumpingcube-2.icns / app-install / See Below kjumpingcube-2.ico / app-install / See Below kjumpingcube-2.png / app-install / See Below kjumpingcube-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kjumpingcube.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjumpingcube.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjumpingcube.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kjumpingcube.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kkbswitch.icns / app-install / See Below kkbswitch.ico / app-install / See Below kkbswitch.png / app-install / See Below kkbswitch.xpm / app-install / See Below klaptop.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klaptop.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klaptop.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klaptop.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klaptopdaemon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klatin.icns / app-install / See Below klatin.ico / app-install / See Below klatin.png / app-install / See Below klatin.xpm / app-install / See Below klavaro.icns / app-install / See Below klavaro.ico / app-install / See Below klavaro.png / app-install / See Below klavaro.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klettres-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klettres-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klettres-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klettres.icns / app-install / See Below klettres.ico / app-install / See Below klettres.png / app-install / See Below klettres.xpm / app-install / See Below klibido.icns / app-install / See Below klibido.ico / app-install / See Below klibido.png / app-install / See Below klibido.xpm / app-install / See Below klickety-2.icns / app-install / See Below klickety-2.ico / app-install / See Below klickety-2.png / app-install / See Below klickety-2.xpm / app-install / See Below klickety.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klickety.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klickety.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klickety.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klines-2.icns / app-install / See Below klines-2.ico / app-install / See Below klines-2.png / app-install / See Below klines-2.xpm / app-install / See Below klines.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klines.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klines.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klines.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klinkstatus.icns / app-install / See Below klinkstatus.ico / app-install / See Below klinkstatus.png / app-install / See Below klinkstatus.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below klipper-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper-2.ico / app-install / See Below klipper-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper-2.png / app-install / See Below klipper-2.xpm / app-install / See Below klipper-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL klipper-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL klipper-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL klipper-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL klipper-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL klipper-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klipper-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klipper-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klipper-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 klipper.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper_doc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper_doc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper_doc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper_doc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klipper_dock.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper_dock.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper_dock.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klipper_dock.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kllckety.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kllckety.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kllckety.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kllckety.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klogic.icns / app-install / See Below klogic.ico / app-install / See Below klogic.png / app-install / See Below klogic.xpm / app-install / See Below klpq-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klpq-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klpq-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klpq-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 klpq.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klpq.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klpq.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 klpq.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kluppe.icns / app-install / See Below kluppe.ico / app-install / See Below kluppe.png / app-install / See Below kluppe.xpm / app-install / See Below kmag.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmag.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmag.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmag.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmahjong.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmahjong.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmahjong.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmahjong.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmahjongg-2.icns / app-install / See Below kmahjongg-2.ico / app-install / See Below kmahjongg-2.png / app-install / See Below kmahjongg-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kmahjongg.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmahjongg.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmahjongg.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmahjongg.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmail-2.icns / app-install / See Below kmail-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmail-2.ico / app-install / See Below kmail-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmail-2.png / app-install / See Below kmail-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kmail-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmail-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmail.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmail.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmail.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmail.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmaillight.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmaillight.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmaillight.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmchart.icns / app-install / See Below kmchart.ico / app-install / See Below kmchart.png / app-install / See Below kmchart.xpm / app-install / See Below kmenu-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kmenu-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kmenu.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kmenu.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kmenu.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kmenu.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kmenuedit-2.icns / app-install / See Below kmenuedit-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenuedit-2.ico / app-install / See Below kmenuedit-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenuedit-2.png / app-install / See Below kmenuedit-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kmenuedit-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenuedit-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmenuedit.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmenuedit.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmenuedit.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmenuedit.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmess-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmess-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmess-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmess-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmess-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmess.icns / app-install / See Below kmess.ico / app-install / See Below kmess.png / app-install / See Below kmess.xpm / app-install / See Below kmessedwords.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmessedwords.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmessedwords.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmessedwords.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmid-2.icns / app-install / See Below kmid-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmid-2.ico / app-install / See Below kmid-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmid-2.png / app-install / See Below kmid-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kmid-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmid-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmid.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmid.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmid.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmid.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmidimon.icns / app-install / See Below kmidimon.ico / app-install / See Below kmidimon.png / app-install / See Below kmidimon.xpm / app-install / See Below kmines-2.icns / app-install / See Below kmines-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmines-2.ico / app-install / See Below kmines-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmines-2.png / app-install / See Below kmines-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kmines-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmines-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmines-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmines-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmines-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmines-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kmines.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmines.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmines.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmines.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmix-2.icns / app-install / See Below kmix-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmix-2.ico / app-install / See Below kmix-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmix-2.png / app-install / See Below kmix-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kmix-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmix-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmix-master.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmix-master.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmix-master.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmix-master.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmix.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmix.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmix.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmix.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_error.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmixdocked_mute.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmldonkey.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kmldonkey.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kmldonkey.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kmldonkey.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kmoon.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmoon.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmoon.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmoon.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kmousetool.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmplayer-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmplayer-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmplayer-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmplayer-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kmplayer.icns / app-install / See Below kmplayer.ico / app-install / See Below kmplayer.png / app-install / See Below kmplayer.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmplot-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmplot-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmplot-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kmplot.icns / app-install / See Below kmplot.ico / app-install / See Below kmplot.png / app-install / See Below kmplot.xpm / app-install / See Below kmyfirewall.icns / app-install / See Below kmyfirewall.ico / app-install / See Below kmyfirewall.png / app-install / See Below kmyfirewall.xpm / app-install / See Below kmymoney2.icns / app-install / See Below kmymoney2.ico / app-install / See Below kmymoney2.png / app-install / See Below kmymoney2.xpm / app-install / See Below knemo.icns / app-install / See Below knemo.ico / app-install / See Below knemo.png / app-install / See Below knemo.xpm / app-install / See Below knetattach.icns / app-install / See Below knetattach.ico / app-install / See Below knetattach.png / app-install / See Below knetattach.xpm / app-install / See Below knetconfig.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knetconfig.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knetconfig.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knetconfig.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knetdockapp.icns / app-install / See Below knetdockapp.ico / app-install / See Below knetdockapp.png / app-install / See Below knetdockapp.xpm / app-install / See Below knetload.icns / app-install / See Below knetload.ico / app-install / See Below knetload.png / app-install / See Below knetload.xpm / app-install / See Below knetwalk.icns / app-install / See Below knetwalk.ico / app-install / See Below knetwalk.png / app-install / See Below knetwalk.xpm / app-install / See Below knetworkconf.icns / app-install / See Below knetworkconf.ico / app-install / See Below knetworkconf.png / app-install / See Below knetworkconf.xpm / app-install / See Below knetworkmanager-2.icns / app-install / See Below knetworkmanager-2.ico / app-install / See Below knetworkmanager-2.png / app-install / See Below knetworkmanager-2.xpm / app-install / See Below knetworkmanager.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 knetworkmanager.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 knetworkmanager.png / intrigue / GPLv2 knetworkmanager.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 knewsletter.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knewsletter.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knewsletter.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knewsletter.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knewsticker-2.icns / app-install / See Below knewsticker-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knewsticker-2.ico / app-install / See Below knewsticker-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knewsticker-2.png / app-install / See Below knewsticker-2.xpm / app-install / See Below knewsticker-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knewsticker-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knewsticker-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knewsticker.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knewsticker.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knewsticker.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knewsticker.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knime.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below knime.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below knime.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below knime.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below knmap.icns / app-install / See Below knmap.ico / app-install / See Below knmap.png / app-install / See Below knmap.xpm / app-install / See Below knode-2.icns / app-install / See Below knode-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knode-2.ico / app-install / See Below knode-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knode-2.png / app-install / See Below knode-2.xpm / app-install / See Below knode-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knode-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knode.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knode.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knode.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knode.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotes-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotes-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotes-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotes-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotes-3.icns / app-install / See Below knotes-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotes-3.ico / app-install / See Below knotes-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotes-3.png / app-install / See Below knotes-3.xpm / app-install / See Below knotes-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotes-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knotes-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knotes-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotes-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knotes-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knotes-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL knotes-6.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotes-6.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotes-6.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotes-6.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotes.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 knotes.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 knotes.png / intrigue / GPLv2 knotes.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 knotify-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotify-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotify-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotify-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 knotify-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotify-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotify-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotify-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 knotify.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotify.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotify.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 knotify.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 koban.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD koban_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD kobo.icns / app-install / See Below kobo.ico / app-install / See Below kobo.png / app-install / See Below kobo.xpm / app-install / See Below kodo-2.icns / app-install / See Below kodo-2.ico / app-install / See Below kodo-2.png / app-install / See Below kodo-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kodo.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kodo.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kodo.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kodo.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 koffice.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below koffice.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below koffice.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below koffice.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kolf-2.icns / app-install / See Below kolf-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kolf-2.ico / app-install / See Below kolf-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kolf-2.png / app-install / See Below kolf-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kolf-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kolf-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kolf-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kolf-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kolf-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kolf-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kolf-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kolf.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kolf.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kolf.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kolf.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD kolourpaint-2.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD kolourpaint-2.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD kolourpaint-2.svg / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD kolourpaint-2.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD kolourpaint.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kolourpaint.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kolourpaint.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kolourpaint.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kommander.icns / app-install / See Below kommander.ico / app-install / See Below kommander.png / app-install / See Below kommander.xpm / app-install / See Below kommando.icns / app-install / See Below kommando.ico / app-install / See Below kommando.png / app-install / See Below kommando.xpm / app-install / See Below komparator.icns / app-install / See Below komparator.ico / app-install / See Below komparator.png / app-install / See Below komparator.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kompare-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kompare-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kompare-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below kompare.icns / app-install / See Below kompare.ico / app-install / See Below kompare.png / app-install / See Below kompare.xpm / app-install / See Below konqsidebar_mediaplayer-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_mediaplayer-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_mediaplayer-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_mediaplayer-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_mediaplayer.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_mediaplayer.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_mediaplayer.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_mediaplayer.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_news.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_news.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_news.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqsidebar_news.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqueror-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqueror-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqueror-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konqueror-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konqueror-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konqueror-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konqueror-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konqueror-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konqueror-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konqueror-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konqueror-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konqueror-4.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konqueror-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konqueror.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqueror.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqueror.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konqueror.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konquest-2.icns / app-install / See Below konquest-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konquest-2.ico / app-install / See Below konquest-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konquest-2.png / app-install / See Below konquest-2.xpm / app-install / See Below konquest-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konquest-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konquest.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konquest.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konquest.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konquest.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konsole-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konsole-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konsole-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konsole-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konsole-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konsole-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konsole-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 konsole-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konsole-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konsole-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konsole-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below konsole-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 konsole-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 konsole-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 konsole-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 konsole.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 konsole.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 konsole.png / intrigue / GPLv2 konsole.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 konsolekalendar.icns / app-install / See Below konsolekalendar.ico / app-install / See Below konsolekalendar.png / app-install / See Below konsolekalendar.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kontact-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kontact-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kontact-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kontact-3.icns / app-install / See Below kontact-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kontact-3.ico / app-install / See Below kontact-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kontact-3.png / app-install / See Below kontact-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kontact-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kontact-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kontact-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kontact-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kontact-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kontact-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kontact-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kontact.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kontact.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kontact.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kontact.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 -2.icns / app-install / See Below konversation-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konversation-2.ico / app-install / See Below konversation-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konversation-2.png / app-install / See Below konversation-2.xpm / app-install / See Below konversation-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konversation-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konversation-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL konversation.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 konversation.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 konversation.png / intrigue / GPLv2 konversation.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 konverter.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konverter.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konverter.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 konverter.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kooka.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kooka.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kooka.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kooka.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kopete-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kopete-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kopete-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kopete-3.icns / app-install / See Below kopete-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete-3.ico / app-install / See Below kopete-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete-3.png / app-install / See Below kopete-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kopete-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kopete-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kopete-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kopete-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kopete.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_all_away-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_all_away-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_all_away-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_all_away.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_all_away.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_all_away.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_offline-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_offline-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_offline-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_offline.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_offline.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_offline.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_some_away-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_some_away-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_some_away-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_some_away.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_some_away.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_some_away.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_some_online-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_some_online-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_some_online-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kopete_some_online.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_some_online.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kopete_some_online.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 korgac-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL korgac-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL korgac-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL korgac-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL korgac-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL korgac.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korgac.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korgac.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-2.icns / app-install / See Below korganizer-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-2.ico / app-install / See Below korganizer-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-2.png / app-install / See Below korganizer-2.xpm / app-install / See Below korganizer-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 korganizer-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 korganizer.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 korganizer.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 korganizer.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 korganizer.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 korn-2.icns / app-install / See Below korn-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korn-2.ico / app-install / See Below korn-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korn-2.png / app-install / See Below korn-2.xpm / app-install / See Below korn-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korn-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 korn.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 korn.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 korn.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 korn.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 koshell.icns / app-install / See Below koshell.ico / app-install / See Below koshell.png / app-install / See Below koshell.xpm / app-install / See Below koules.icns / app-install / See Below koules.ico / app-install / See Below koules.png / app-install / See Below koules.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-3.icns / app-install / See Below kpackage-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-3.ico / app-install / See Below kpackage-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-3.png / app-install / See Below kpackage-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kpackage-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpackage-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpackage.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kpackage.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kpackage.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kpackage.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kpager-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpager-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpager-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpager-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpager.icns / app-install / See Below kpager.ico / app-install / See Below kpager.png / app-install / See Below kpager.xpm / app-install / See Below kpaint-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpaint-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpaint-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpaint-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpaint.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpaint.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpaint.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpaint.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpalmdoc.icns / app-install / See Below kpalmdoc.ico / app-install / See Below kpalmdoc.png / app-install / See Below kpalmdoc.xpm / app-install / See Below kpar2.icns / app-install / See Below kpar2.ico / app-install / See Below kpar2.png / app-install / See Below kpar2.xpm / app-install / See Below kpat-2.icns / app-install / See Below kpat-2.ico / app-install / See Below kpat-2.png / app-install / See Below kpat-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kpat-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpat-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpat-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpat-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpat.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpat.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpat.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpat.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpdf-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpdf-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpdf-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpdf-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpdf.icns / app-install / See Below kpdf.ico / app-install / See Below kpdf.png / app-install / See Below kpdf.xpm / app-install / See Below kpercentage-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpercentage-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpercentage-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpercentage-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpercentage.icns / app-install / See Below kpercentage.ico / app-install / See Below kpercentage.png / app-install / See Below kpercentage.xpm / app-install / See Below kpersonalizer-2.icns / app-install / See Below kpersonalizer-2.ico / app-install / See Below kpersonalizer-2.png / app-install / See Below kpersonalizer-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kpersonalizer.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpersonalizer.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpersonalizer.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpersonalizer.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpgp.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpgp.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpgp.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpgp.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL .icns / app-install / See Below kphotoalbum.ico / app-install / See Below kphotoalbum.png / app-install / See Below kphotoalbum.xpm / app-install / See Below kphotobymail.icns / app-install / See Below kphotobymail.ico / app-install / See Below kphotobymail.png / app-install / See Below kphotobymail.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below kpilot-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpilot-2.ico / app-install / See Below kpilot-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpilot-2.png / app-install / See Below kpilot-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kpilot-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpilot-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpilot.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpilot.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpilot.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpilot.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kplato-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kplato-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kplato-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kplato-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kplato-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kplato-3.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kplato-3.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kplato-3.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kplato-3.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kplato-3.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kplato.icns / app-install / See Below kplato.ico / app-install / See Below kplato.png / app-install / See Below kplato.xpm / app-install / See Below kpoker-2.icns / app-install / See Below kpoker-2.ico / app-install / See Below kpoker-2.png / app-install / See Below kpoker-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kpoker-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpoker-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpoker-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpoker-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpoker.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpoker.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpoker.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpoker.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpovmodeler-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpovmodeler-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpovmodeler-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpovmodeler-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpovmodeler.icns / app-install / See Below kpovmodeler.ico / app-install / See Below kpovmodeler.png / app-install / See Below kpovmodeler.xpm / app-install / See Below kpowersave.icns / app-install / See Below kpowersave.ico / app-install / See Below kpowersave.png / app-install / See Below kpowersave.xpm / app-install / See Below kppp-2.icns / app-install / See Below kppp-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kppp-2.ico / app-install / See Below kppp-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kppp-2.png / app-install / See Below kppp-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kppp-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kppp-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kppp.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kppp.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kppp.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kppp.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-2.icns / app-install / See Below kpresenter-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-2.ico / app-install / See Below kpresenter-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-2.png / app-install / See Below kpresenter-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kpresenter-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpresenter-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpresenter-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpresenter-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpresenter-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kpresenter-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter-6.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kpresenter-6.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kpresenter-6.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kpresenter-6.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kpresenter-6.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kpresenter.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kpresenter.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kq_kq.icns / app-install / See Below kq_kq.ico / app-install / See Below kq_kq.png / app-install / See Below kq_kq.xpm / app-install / See Below krdc-2.icns / app-install / See Below krdc-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krdc-2.ico / app-install / See Below krdc-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krdc-2.png / app-install / See Below krdc-2.xpm / app-install / See Below krdc-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krdc-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krdc-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krdc-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krdc-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krdc-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krdc-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krdc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krdc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krdc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krdc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krec-2.icns / app-install / See Below krec-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krec-2.ico / app-install / See Below krec-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krec-2.png / app-install / See Below krec-2.xpm / app-install / See Below krec-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krec-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krec.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krec.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krec.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krec.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krecord.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 krecord.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 krecord.png / intrigue / GPLv2 krecord.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kregexpeditor.icns / app-install / See Below kregexpeditor.ico / app-install / See Below kregexpeditor.png / app-install / See Below kregexpeditor.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below krename.ico / app-install / See Below krename.png / app-install / See Below krename.xpm / app-install / See Below kreversi-2.icns / app-install / See Below kreversi-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kreversi-2.ico / app-install / See Below kreversi-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kreversi-2.png / app-install / See Below kreversi-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kreversi-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kreversi-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kreversi.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kreversi.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kreversi.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kreversi.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krfb-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krfb-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krfb-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krfb-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krfb-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krfb-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krfb-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krfb-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krfb-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krfb.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krfb.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krfb.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krfb.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krita-2.icns / app-install / See Below krita-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krita-2.ico / app-install / See Below krita-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krita-2.png / app-install / See Below krita-2.xpm / app-install / See Below krita-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krita-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krita-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krita-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 krita-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krita-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krita-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL krita-5.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below krita-5.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below krita-5.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below krita-5.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below krita-5.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below krita.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krita.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krita.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 krita.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kruler-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kruler-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kruler-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kruler-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kruler.icns / app-install / See Below kruler.ico / app-install / See Below kruler.png / app-install / See Below kruler.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below krusader.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below krusader.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below krusader.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below krusader.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below krusader_root.icns / app-install / See Below krusader_root.ico / app-install / See Below krusader_root.png / app-install / See Below krusader_root.xpm / app-install / See Below krusader_user.icns / app-install / See Below krusader_user.ico / app-install / See Below krusader_user.png / app-install / See Below krusader_user.xpm / app-install / See Below ksame-2.icns / app-install / See Below ksame-2.ico / app-install / See Below ksame-2.png / app-install / See Below ksame-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ksame.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksame.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksame.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksame.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksayit.icns / app-install / See Below ksayit.ico / app-install / See Below ksayit.png / app-install / See Below ksayit.xpm / app-install / See Below kscd-2.icns / app-install / See Below kscd-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscd-2.ico / app-install / See Below kscd-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscd-2.png / app-install / See Below kscd-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kscd-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscd-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscd.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kscd.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kscd.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kscd.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kscope.icns / app-install / See Below kscope.ico / app-install / See Below kscope.png / app-install / See Below kscope.xpm / app-install / See Below kscreensaver-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscreensaver-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscreensaver-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscreensaver-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kscreensaver.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kscreensaver.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kscreensaver.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kscreensaver.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kseg.icns / app-install / See Below kseg.ico / app-install / See Below kseg.png / app-install / See Below kseg.xpm / app-install / See Below kservices-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kservices-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kservices-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kservices-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kservices-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kservices-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kservices-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kservices-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kservices.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kservices.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kservices.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kservices.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kshisen-2.icns / app-install / See Below kshisen-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kshisen-2.ico / app-install / See Below kshisen-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kshisen-2.png / app-install / See Below kshisen-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kshisen-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kshisen-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kshisen.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kshisen.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kshisen.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kshisen.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kshutdown.icns / app-install / See Below kshutdown.ico / app-install / See Below kshutdown.png / app-install / See Below kshutdown.xpm / app-install / See Below ksig-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksig-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksig-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksig-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksig.icns / app-install / See Below ksig.ico / app-install / See Below ksig.png / app-install / See Below ksig.xpm / app-install / See Below ksim.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksim.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksim.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksim.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksimus.icns / app-install / See Below ksimus.ico / app-install / See Below ksimus.png / app-install / See Below ksimus.xpm / app-install / See Below ksirc-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksirc-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksirc-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksirc-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksirc.icns / app-install / See Below ksirc.ico / app-install / See Below ksirc.png / app-install / See Below ksirc.xpm / app-install / See Below ksirtet-2.icns / app-install / See Below ksirtet-2.ico / app-install / See Below ksirtet-2.png / app-install / See Below ksirtet-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ksirtet.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksirtet.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksirtet.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksirtet.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris-2.icns / app-install / See Below ksmiletris-2.ico / app-install / See Below ksmiletris-2.png / app-install / See Below ksmiletris-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ksmiletris-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksmiletris.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksnake-2.icns / app-install / See Below ksnake-2.ico / app-install / See Below ksnake-2.png / app-install / See Below ksnake-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ksnake.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksnake.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksnake.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksnake.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / app-install / See Below ksnapshot-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksnapshot-2.ico / app-install / See Below ksnapshot-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksnapshot-2.png / app-install / See Below ksnapshot-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ksnapshot-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksnapshot-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksnapshot-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksnapshot-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksnapshot-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksnapshot-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksnapshot-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksnapshot.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksnapshot.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksnapshot.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksnapshot.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksniffer-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksniffer-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksniffer-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksniffer-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksniffer-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksniffer.icns / app-install / See Below ksniffer.ico / app-install / See Below ksniffer.png / app-install / See Below ksniffer.xpm / app-install / See Below ksokoban-2.icns / app-install / See Below ksokoban-2.ico / app-install / See Below ksokoban-2.png / app-install / See Below ksokoban-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ksokoban.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksokoban.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksokoban.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksokoban.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel-2.icns / app-install / See Below kspaceduel-2.ico / app-install / See Below kspaceduel-2.png / app-install / See Below kspaceduel-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kspaceduel-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kspaceduel.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-3.icns / app-install / See Below ksplash-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-3.ico / app-install / See Below ksplash-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-3.png / app-install / See Below ksplash-3.xpm / app-install / See Below ksplash-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksplash-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksplash.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 ksplash.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 ksplash.png / intrigue / GPLv2 ksplash.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kspread-2.icns / app-install / See Below kspread-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kspread-2.ico / app-install / See Below kspread-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kspread-2.png / app-install / See Below kspread-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kspread-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kspread-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kspread-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kspread-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspread-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspread-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspread-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kspread-5.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kspread-5.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kspread-5.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kspread-5.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kspread-5.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kspread.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kspread.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kspread.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kspread.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kst.icns / app-install / See Below kst.ico / app-install / See Below kst.png / app-install / See Below kst.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below kstars-2.ico / app-install / See Below kstars-2.png / app-install / See Below kstars-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kstars-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kstars-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kstars-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kstars-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kstars.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kstars.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kstars.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kstars.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kstreamripper.icns / app-install / See Below kstreamripper.ico / app-install / See Below kstreamripper.png / app-install / See Below kstreamripper.xpm / app-install / See Below ksubtile.icns / app-install / See Below ksubtile.ico / app-install / See Below ksubtile.png / app-install / See Below ksubtile.xpm / app-install / See Below ksudoku-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksudoku-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksudoku-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksudoku-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksudoku-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ksudoku.icns / app-install / See Below ksudoku.ico / app-install / See Below ksudoku.png / app-install / See Below ksudoku.xpm / app-install / See Below ksysguard-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysguard.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 ksysguard.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 ksysguard.png / intrigue / GPLv2 ksysguard.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 ksystemlog.icns / app-install / See Below ksystemlog.ico / app-install / See Below ksystemlog.png / app-install / See Below ksystemlog.xpm / app-install / See Below ksysv-2.icns / app-install / See Below ksysv-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksysv-2.ico / app-install / See Below ksysv-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksysv-2.png / app-install / See Below ksysv-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ksysv-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksysv-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ksysv-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysv-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysv-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysv-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ksysv.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksysv.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksysv.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ksysv.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktalkd-2.icns / app-install / See Below ktalkd-2.ico / app-install / See Below ktalkd-2.png / app-install / See Below ktalkd-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ktalkd.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktalkd.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktalkd.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktalkd.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-2.icns / app-install / See Below kteatime-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-2.ico / app-install / See Below kteatime-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-2.png / app-install / See Below kteatime-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kteatime-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kteatime-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kteatime.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kteatime.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kteatime.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kteatime.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kterm.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kterm.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kterm.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kterm.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kthememgr.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kthememgr.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kthememgr.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kthememgr.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kthesaurus.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kthesaurus.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kthesaurus.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kthesaurus.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kthesaurus.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktictactux.icns / app-install / See Below ktictactux.ico / app-install / See Below ktictactux.png / app-install / See Below ktictactux.xpm / app-install / See Below ktimer-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktimer-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktimer-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktimer-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktimer-3.icns / app-install / See Below ktimer-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktimer-3.ico / app-install / See Below ktimer-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktimer-3.png / app-install / See Below ktimer-3.xpm / app-install / See Below ktimer-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktimer-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktimer.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 ktimer.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 ktimer.png / intrigue / GPLv2 ktimer.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 ktip-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktip-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktip-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktip-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktip-3.icns / app-install / See Below ktip-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktip-3.ico / app-install / See Below ktip-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktip-3.png / app-install / See Below ktip-3.xpm / app-install / See Below ktip-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktip-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktip-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktip-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktip-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktip-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktip-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktip.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 ktip.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 ktip.png / intrigue / GPLv2 ktip.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 ktnef.icns / app-install / See Below ktnef.ico / app-install / See Below ktnef.png / app-install / See Below ktnef.xpm / app-install / See Below ktoon.icns / app-install / See Below ktoon.ico / app-install / See Below ktoon.png / app-install / See Below ktoon.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktorrent-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktorrent-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktorrent-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktorrent-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL ktorrent.icns / app-install / See Below ktorrent.ico / app-install / See Below ktorrent.png / app-install / See Below ktorrent.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below ktouch-2.ico / app-install / See Below ktouch-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktouch-2.png / app-install / See Below ktouch-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ktouch-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktouch-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 ktouch.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktouch.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktouch.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktouch.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktron-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ktron-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ktron-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ktron-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 ktron.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktron.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktron.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktron.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kttsd.icns / app-install / See Below kttsd.ico / app-install / See Below kttsd.png / app-install / See Below kttsd.xpm / app-install / See Below ktuberling-2.icns / app-install / See Below ktuberling-2.ico / app-install / See Below ktuberling-2.png / app-install / See Below ktuberling-2.xpm / app-install / See Below ktuberling.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktuberling.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktuberling.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ktuberling.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kturtle-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kturtle-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kturtle-2.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kturtle-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kturtle.icns / app-install / See Below kturtle.ico / app-install / See Below kturtle.png / app-install / See Below kturtle.xpm / app-install / See Below kudesigner.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kudesigner.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kudesigner.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kudesigner.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kugar-2.icns / app-install / See Below kugar-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kugar-2.ico / app-install / See Below kugar-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kugar-2.png / app-install / See Below kugar-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kugar-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kugar-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kugar.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kugar.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kugar.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kugar.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuickshow-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuickshow-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kuickshow-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuickshow-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kuickshow-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuickshow-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuickshow-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kuickshow-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kuickshow-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kuickshow.icns / app-install / See Below kuickshow.ico / app-install / See Below kuickshow.png / app-install / See Below kuickshow.xpm / app-install / See Below kuiviewer.icns / app-install / See Below kuiviewer.ico / app-install / See Below kuiviewer.png / app-install / See Below kuiviewer.xpm / app-install / See Below kuser-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuser-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuser-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuser-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuser-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuser-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuser-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuser-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kuser-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kuser-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kuser-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kuser-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kuser.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kuser.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kuser.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kuser.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kuzer.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuzer.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuzer.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kuzer.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kverbos-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kverbos-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kverbos-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kverbos-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kverbos-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kverbos.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kverbos.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kverbos.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kverbos.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kview-2.icns / app-install / See Below kview-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kview-2.ico / app-install / See Below kview-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kview-2.png / app-install / See Below kview-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kview-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kview-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kview-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kview-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kview-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kview-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kview.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kview.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kview.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kview.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kviewshell.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kviewshell.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kviewshell.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kviewshell.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kvirc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kvirc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kvirc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kvoctrain.icns / app-install / See Below kvoctrain.ico / app-install / See Below kvoctrain.png / app-install / See Below kvoctrain.xpm / app-install / See Below kvpnc.icns / app-install / See Below kvpnc.ico / app-install / See Below kvpnc.png / app-install / See Below kvpnc.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kwallet-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kwallet-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kwallet-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kwallet.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwallet.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwallet.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwallet.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwalletmanager-2.icns / app-install / See Below kwalletmanager-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kwalletmanager-2.ico / app-install / See Below kwalletmanager-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kwalletmanager-2.png / app-install / See Below kwalletmanager-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kwalletmanager-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kwalletmanager-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kwalletmanager-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kwalletmanager.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwalletmanager.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwalletmanager.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwalletmanager.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kweather-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kweather-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kweather-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kweather-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kweather.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kweather.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kweather.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kweather.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwifimanager.icns / app-install / See Below kwifimanager.ico / app-install / See Below kwifimanager.png / app-install / See Below kwifimanager.xpm / app-install / See Below kwikdisk-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk-3.icns / app-install / See Below kwikdisk-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk-3.ico / app-install / See Below kwikdisk-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk-3.png / app-install / See Below kwikdisk-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kwikdisk-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwikdisk.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kwikdisk.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kwikdisk.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kwikdisk.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 -2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwin.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwin.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwin.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwin4-2.icns / app-install / See Below kwin4-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin4-2.ico / app-install / See Below kwin4-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin4-2.png / app-install / See Below kwin4-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kwin4-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin4-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwin4.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwin4.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwin4.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwin4.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwlan.ico / app-install / See Below kwlan.png / app-install / See Below kwlan.xpm / app-install / See Below kword-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kword-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kword-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kword-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kword-3.icns / app-install / See Below kword-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kword-3.ico / app-install / See Below kword-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kword-3.png / app-install / See Below kword-3.xpm / app-install / See Below kword-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kword-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kword-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kword-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kword-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kword-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kword-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL kword-6.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kword-6.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kword-6.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kword-6.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kword-6.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below kword.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 kword.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 kword.png / intrigue / GPLv2 kword.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 kwordquiz.icns / app-install / See Below kwordquiz.ico / app-install / See Below kwordquiz.png / app-install / See Below kwordquiz.xpm / app-install / See Below kworldclock-2.icns / app-install / See Below kworldclock-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kworldclock-2.ico / app-install / See Below kworldclock-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kworldclock-2.png / app-install / See Below kworldclock-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kworldclock-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kworldclock-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kworldclock.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kworldclock.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kworldclock.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kworldclock.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 -2.icns / app-install / See Below kwrite-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwrite-2.ico / app-install / See Below kwrite-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwrite-2.png / app-install / See Below kwrite-2.xpm / app-install / See Below kwrite-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwrite-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kwrite.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwrite.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwrite.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kwrite.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxconfig.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxconfig.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxconfig.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxconfig.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kxkb-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 kxkb.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxkb.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxkb.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxkb.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 kxneur.icns / app-install / See Below kxneur.ico / app-install / See Below kxneur.png / app-install / See Below kxneur.xpm / app-install / See Below kzenexplorer.icns / app-install / See Below kzenexplorer.ico / app-install / See Below kzenexplorer.png / app-install / See Below kzenexplorer.xpm / app-install / See Below l.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 laboratory.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 lake.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 lame.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD lame.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD lame.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD lame.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD lame.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD landmark.svg / openstreetmap / PD landscape.png / gimp / GPLv2 landscape.png / openoffice / GPLv3 laptop.icns / app-install / See Below laptop.ico / app-install / See Below laptop.png / app-install / See Below laptop.xpm / app-install / See Below lassist-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lassist-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lassist-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lassist-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lassist.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lassist.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lassist.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lassist.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lassists.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lassists.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lassists.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lassists.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 last-exit.ico / app-install / See Below last-exit.png / app-install / See Below last-exit.xpm / app-install / See Below lastfm.icns / app-install / See Below lastfm.ico / app-install / See Below lastfm.png / app-install / See Below lastfm.png / homemade / PD lastfm.xpm / app-install / See Below lastpage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 lat.ico / app-install / See Below lat.png / app-install / See Below lat.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD latex.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD latex.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD latex.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD latex.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD launch.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 launch.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 launch.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 launch.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD launchpad.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD launchpad.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD launchpad.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD laundromat.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 layer-arrange.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 layer-arrange.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 layer-arrange.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 layer-backward.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 layer-backward.png / 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app-install / See Below lingot.ico / app-install / See Below lingot.png / app-install / See Below lingot.svg / app-install / See Below lingot.xpm / app-install / See Below linguist.icns / app-install / See Below linguist.ico / app-install / See Below linguist.png / app-install / See Below linguist.xpm / app-install / See Below link-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-break.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-break.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-break.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-break.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 linked.png / gimp / GPLv2 linkedin.png / homemade / PD .icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 linphone.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 linphone.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 linphone.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 linphone2.icns / app-install / See Below linphone2.ico / app-install / See Below linphone2.png / app-install / See Below linphone2.xpm / app-install / See Below linsmith.icns / app-install / See Below linsmith.ico / app-install / See Below linsmith.png / app-install / See Below linsmith.xpm / app-install / See Below linux.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below linux_distribution-archlinux.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below linux_distribution-archlinux.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below linux_distribution-debian.png / homemade / PD linux_distribution-gentoo.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below linux_distribution-gentoo.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below linux_distribution-redhat.png / wpclipart / PD linux_distribution-slackware.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below linux_distribution-slackware.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below linux_distribution-suse.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below linux_distribution-suse.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below linux_distribution-ubuntu.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below linux_distribution-ubuntu.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below linuxconf-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 linuxconf-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 linuxconf-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 linuxconf-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 linuxconf.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 linuxconf.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 linuxconf.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 linuxconf.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 liquid_level_measurer.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquid_level_measurer.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere;_fitting_over_the_fluid_level).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere;_fitting_over_the_fluid_level).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere;_fitting_under_the_fluid_level).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere;_fitting_under_the_fluid_level).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below liquidwar.icns / app-install / See Below liquidwar.ico / app-install / See Below liquidwar.png / app-install / See Below liquidwar.xpm / app-install / See Below liquor.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 list-add-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 list-add-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 list-add-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 list-add-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 list-add-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 list-add-3.icns / tango / PD list-add-3.ico / tango / PD list-add-3.png / tango / PD list-add-3.svg / tango / PD list-add-3.xpm / tango / PD list-add-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-add-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-add-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-add-6.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 list-add-6.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 list-add-6.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 list-add-6.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 list-add-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-font-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-font-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-font-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-font-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add-font.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 list-add-font.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 list-add-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-add.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 list-add.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 list-add.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 list-add.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 list-add.png / intrigue / GPLv2 list-add.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 list-add.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 list-remove-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 list-remove-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 list-remove-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 list-remove-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 list-remove-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 list-remove-3.icns / tango / PD list-remove-3.ico / tango / PD list-remove-3.png / tango / PD list-remove-3.svg / tango / PD list-remove-3.xpm / tango / PD list-remove-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-remove-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-remove-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-remove-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-remove-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-remove-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-remove-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-remove-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-remove-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 list-remove-user.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL list-remove.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 list-remove.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 list-remove.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 list-remove.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 list-remove.png / intrigue / GPLv2 list-remove.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 list-remove.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 list.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 list.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 list.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 list.png / gimp / GPLv2 list.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 listbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 listen.icns / app-install / See Below listen.ico / app-install / See Below listen.png / app-install / See Below listen.xpm / app-install / See Below littlewizard_littlewizard.icns / app-install / See Below littlewizard_littlewizard.ico / app-install / See Below littlewizard_littlewizard.png / app-install / See Below littlewizard_littlewizard.xpm / app-install / See Below llaunch.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 llaunch.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 llaunch.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 llaunch.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lletters.icns / app-install / See Below lletters.ico / app-install / See Below lletters.png / app-install / See Below lletters.xpm / app-install / See Below lmarbles.icns / app-install / See Below lmarbles.ico / app-install / See Below lmarbles.png / app-install / See Below lmarbles.xpm / app-install / See Below lmms.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below lmms.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below lmms.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below lmms.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below loadbasic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 local_port.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD local_port_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD locationbar_erase.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 locationbar_erase.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 locationbar_erase.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 locationbar_erase.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lock-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lock-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lock-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lock-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lock-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 lock-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 lock-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 lock-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 lock-5.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-5.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-5.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-5.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-6.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-6.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-6.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-6.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-break.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-break.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-break.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-break.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-open.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-open.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-open.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-open.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lock-pink.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-pink.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-pink.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-pink.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-silver.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-silver.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-silver.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock-silver.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lock.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 lock.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 lock.png / intrigue / GPLv2 lock.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 lock.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 locked.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 locked.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 locked.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 locked.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lockerrental.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 lockoverlay.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lockoverlay.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lockoverlay.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lockoverlay.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 logo_cp.icns / app-install / See Below logo_cp.ico / app-install / See Below logo_cp.png / app-install / See Below logo_cp.xpm / app-install / See Below lokalize.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL lokalize.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL lokalize.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL lokalize.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL lokalize.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL lon-capa.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD lon-capa.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD lon-capa.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD lon-capa.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD lopster.icns / app-install / See Below lopster.ico / app-install / See Below lopster.png / app-install / See Below lopster.xpm / app-install / See Below lordsawar.icns / app-install / See Below lordsawar.ico / app-install / See Below lordsawar.png / app-install / See Below lordsawar.xpm / app-install / See Below lorry-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-flatbed.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-flatbed.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-flatbed.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-flatbed.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lorry.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 lost_souls.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below lost_souls.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below lost_souls.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below lost_souls.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below lostirc.icns / app-install / See Below lostirc.ico / app-install / See Below lostirc.png / app-install / See Below lostirc.xpm / app-install / See Below lpg.svg / openstreetmap / PD lphoto.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lphoto.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lphoto.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lphoto.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lprof.icns / app-install / See Below lprof.ico / app-install / See Below lprof.png / app-install / See Below lprof.xpm / app-install / See Below lreminder.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lreminder.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lreminder.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lreminder.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lserif.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 lshw-gtk.icns / app-install / See Below lshw-gtk.ico / app-install / See Below lshw-gtk.png / app-install / See Below lshw-gtk.xpm / app-install / See Below lskat-2.icns / app-install / See Below lskat-2.ico / app-install / See Below lskat-2.png / app-install / See Below lskat-2.xpm / app-install / See Below lskat.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lskat.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lskat.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lskat.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsongs-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lsongs-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lsongs-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lsongs-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 lsongs.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsongs.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsongs.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsongs.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsuite.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsuite.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsuite.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 lsuite.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 luatex.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below luatex.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below luatex.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below luatex.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below luatex.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below luciole.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below luciole.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below luciole.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below luciole.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below luminanc.png / openoffice / GPLv3 luola.icns / app-install / See Below luola.ico / app-install / See Below luola.png / app-install / See Below luola.xpm / app-install / See Below luxrender.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below luxrender.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below luxrender.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below luxrender.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below lxde.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below lxde.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below lxde.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below lxde.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below lxterminal.icns / app-install / See Below lxterminal.ico / app-install / See Below lxterminal.png / app-install / See Below lxterminal.xpm / app-install / See Below lybniz.icns / app-install / See Below lybniz.ico / app-install / See Below lybniz.png / app-install / See Below lybniz.xpm / app-install / See Below lyx.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD lyx.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD lyx.png / open_clip_art_library / PD lyx.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD m.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 m23.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below m23.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below m23.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below m23.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mac-on-mac.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mac-on-mac.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mac-on-mac.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mac-on-mac.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mac.png / homemade / PD macrorecorder.png / openoffice / GPLv3 madbomber.icns / app-install / See Below madbomber.ico / app-install / See Below madbomber.png / app-install / See Below madbomber.xpm / app-install / See Below magic-tophat.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magic-tophat.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magic-tophat.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magic-tophat.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magic8ball.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magic8ball.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magic8ball.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magic8ball.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 magicshow.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 magifier-zoom-out.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magifier-zoom-out.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magifier-zoom-out.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magifier-zoom-out.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magma.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below magma.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below magma.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below magma.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below magnifier-zoom-in.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magnifier-zoom-in.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magnifier-zoom-in.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magnifier-zoom-in.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magnifier.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magnifier.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magnifier.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 magnifier.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 mail-anti_spam.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-anti_spam.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-anti_spam.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-anti_spam.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 mail-attach-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 mail-attach-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 mail-attach-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 mail-attach.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-attach.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-attachment-2.icns / tango / PD mail-attachment-2.ico / tango / PD mail-attachment-2.png / tango / PD mail-attachment-2.svg / tango / PD mail-attachment-2.xpm / tango / PD mail-attachment-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-attachment-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-attachment-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-attachment-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-attachment-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-attachment.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-attachment.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-attachment.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-attachment.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-attachment.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-delete-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-delete-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-delete-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-delete-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-find-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-find-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-find-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-find-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-find.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-find.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-find.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-find.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-flag.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-flag.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-flag.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-flag.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-flag.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-folder-inbox.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-folder-outbox.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-folder-sent.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-forward-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-forward-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-forward-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-forward-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-forward-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-forward-3.icns / tango / PD mail-forward-3.ico / tango / PD mail-forward-3.png / tango / PD mail-forward-3.svg / tango / PD mail-forward-3.xpm / tango / PD mail-forward-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-forward-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-forward-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-forward-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-forward-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-forward-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-forward.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-forward.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-forward.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-foward.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-foward.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-foward.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-foward.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-generic.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-get-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-get-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-get-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-get-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-get.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-get.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-get.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-get.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-inbox.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-inbox.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-inbox.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-inbox.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-mark-important-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-important-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-important-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-important-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-important-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-important.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-important.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-important.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-important.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-important.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-important.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-important.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-important.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-junk-2.icns / tango / PD mail-mark-junk-2.ico / tango / PD mail-mark-junk-2.png / tango / PD mail-mark-junk-2.svg / tango / PD mail-mark-junk-2.xpm / tango / PD mail-mark-junk-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-junk-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-junk-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-junk-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-mark-junk-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-mark-junk-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-junk-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-junk-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-mark-junk-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-mark-junk.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-junk.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-junk.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-junk.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-junk.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-junk.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-junk.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-not-junk-2.icns / tango / PD mail-mark-not-junk-2.ico / tango / PD mail-mark-not-junk-2.png / tango / PD mail-mark-not-junk-2.xpm / tango / PD mail-mark-not-junk.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-not-junk.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-not-junk.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-not-junk.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-read-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-read-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-read-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-read-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-read-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-read.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-read.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-read.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-read.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-read.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-read.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-read.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-read.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-task.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-task.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-task.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-task.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-task.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-new.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-new.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-new.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-new.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread-new.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-mark-unread.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-unread.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-unread.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-unread.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-unread.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-unread.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-mark-unread.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-mark-unread.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-message-new-2.icns / tango / PD mail-message-new-2.ico / tango / PD mail-message-new-2.png / tango / PD mail-message-new-2.svg / tango / PD mail-message-new-2.xpm / tango / PD mail-message-new-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-message-new-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-message-new-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-message-new-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-message-new-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-message-new-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-message-new-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-message-new-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-message-new-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-message-new.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-message-new.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-message-new.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-message-new.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-message-new.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-message-new.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-message-new.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-message-new.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-message-reply.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-message-reply.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-message-reply.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-message-reply.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-message.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-new-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-new-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-new-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-new-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-new.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-new.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-new.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-new.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-new3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-new3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-new3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-new3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-notification.icns / app-install / See Below mail-notification.ico / app-install / See Below mail-notification.png / app-install / See Below mail-notification.xpm / app-install / See Below mail-outbox.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-outbox.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-outbox.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-outbox.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-post_to3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queue-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queue-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queue-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queue-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queue.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-queue.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-queued.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queued.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queued.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queued.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-queued.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-read-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-read-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-read-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-read-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-read-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-read.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-read.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-read.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-read.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-read.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-receive.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-receive.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-receive.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-receive.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-receive.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-replied-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-replied-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-replied-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-replied-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-replied-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-replied.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-replied.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-replied.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-replied.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-replied.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-all-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-all-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-all-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-all-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-all-3.icns / tango / PD mail-reply-all-3.ico / tango / PD mail-reply-all-3.png / tango / PD mail-reply-all-3.svg / tango / PD mail-reply-all-3.xpm / tango / PD mail-reply-all-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-all-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-all-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-all-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-all-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-all-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-reply-all.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-reply-all.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-all.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-reply-list.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-list.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-list.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-list.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-list.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-sender-2.icns / tango / PD mail-reply-sender-2.ico / tango / PD mail-reply-sender-2.png / tango / PD mail-reply-sender-2.svg / tango / PD mail-reply-sender-2.xpm / tango / PD mail-reply-sender-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-sender-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-sender-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-sender-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-sender-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-reply-sender-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-sender-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-sender-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-sender-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply-sender.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-reply-sender.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-sender.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-reply-sender.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-sender.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-sender.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply-sender.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-reply-sender.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-reply.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-reply.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-replylist.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-replylist.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-replylist.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-replylist.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-send-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-send-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-send-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-send-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-send-receive-2.icns / tango / PD mail-send-receive-2.ico / tango / PD mail-send-receive-2.png / tango / PD mail-send-receive-2.svg / tango / PD mail-send-receive-2.xpm / tango / PD mail-send-receive-3.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-receive-3.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-receive-3.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-receive-3.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 mail-send-receive.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-send-receive.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-receive.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-send-receive.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-receive.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-receive.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send-receive.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-send-receive.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-send.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-send.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-send.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-send.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mail-signed-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-verified-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-verified-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-verified-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-verified-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 mail-signed-verified.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-signed-verified.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-signed-verified.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-signed-verified.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-signed.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-signed.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-signed.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 mail-unread-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-new.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-new.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-new.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-new.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread-new.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mail-unread.icns / gnome / GPLv2 mail-unread.ico / gnome / GPLv2 mail-unread.png / gnome / GPLv2 mail-unread.svg / gnome / GPLv2 mail-unread.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 .icns / app-install / See Below mailody.ico / app-install / See Below mailody.png / app-install / See Below mailody.xpm / app-install / See Below mainroad.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 make_kdevelop.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 make_kdevelop.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 make_kdevelop.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 make_kdevelop.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 male.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 male.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 male.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 male.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 mameexecutor.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mameexecutor.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mameexecutor.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mameexecutor.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mameexecutor.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL managebreakpoints.png / openoffice / GPLv3 managelanguage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 manedit.icns / app-install / See Below manedit.ico / app-install / See Below manedit.png / app-install / See Below manedit.xpm / app-install / See Below manual_operation_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_operation_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_operation_with_pressure_and_pull_button_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_operation_with_pressure_and_pull_button_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_operation_with_pressure_button_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_operation_with_pressure_button_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_operation_with_pull_button_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_operation_with_pull_button_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below manual_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD manual_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD manview.icns / app-install / See Below manview.ico / app-install / See Below manview.png / app-install / See Below manview.xpm / app-install / See Below map-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-compass.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 map-compass.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 map-compass.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 map-compass.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 map-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-magnify.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-magnify.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-magnify.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map-magnify.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 map.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 marabunta.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marabunta.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marabunta.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marabunta.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marathon.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below marathon.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below marathon.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below marathon.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below marathon.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below marble-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marble-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marble-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marble-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below marble.icns / app-install / See Below marble.ico / app-install / See Below marble.png / app-install / See Below marble.xpm / app-install / See Below marina.svg / openstreetmap / PD massage.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 matchbox-keyboard.icns / app-install / See Below matchbox-keyboard.ico / app-install / See Below matchbox-keyboard.png / app-install / See Below matchbox-keyboard.xpm / app-install / See Below matchgroup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 mathomatic.icns / app-install / See Below mathomatic.ico / app-install / See Below mathomatic.png / app-install / See Below mathomatic.xpm / app-install / See Below mathwar.icns / app-install / See Below mathwar.ico / app-install / See Below mathwar.png / app-install / See Below mathwar.xpm / app-install / See Below matroskalogo.icns / app-install / See Below matroskalogo.ico / app-install / See Below matroskalogo.png / app-install / See Below matroskalogo.xpm / app-install / See Below matte.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below maxima-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below maxima-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below maxima-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below maxima.icns / app-install / See Below maxima.ico / app-install / See Below maxima.png / app-install / See Below maxima.xpm / app-install / See Below mbpanelmgr.icns / app-install / See Below mbpanelmgr.ico / app-install / See Below mbpanelmgr.png / app-install / See Below mbpanelmgr.xpm / app-install / See Below mcap.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 mcsim.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mcsim.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mcsim.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mcsim.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below me-tv.icns / app-install / See Below me-tv.ico / app-install / See Below me-tv.png / app-install / See Below me-tv.xpm / app-install / See Below measure.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL measure.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL measure.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL measure.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL measureline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 mecanog.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD mecanog.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD mecanog.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD mecanog.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD medal-bronze-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-bronze.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-gold.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 medal-silver.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-cdrom-audio.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-cdrom-audio.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-cdrom-audio.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-cdrom-audio.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-eject-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-eject-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-eject-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-eject-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-eject-4.icns / tango / PD media-eject-4.ico / tango / PD media-eject-4.png / tango / PD media-eject-4.svg / tango / PD media-eject-4.xpm / tango / PD media-eject-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-eject-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-eject-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-eject-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-eject-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-eject-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-eject-8.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject-8.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject-8.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject-8.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-eject.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-eject.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-eject.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-eject.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-flash-2.icns / tango / PD media-flash-2.ico / tango / PD media-flash-2.png / tango / PD media-flash-2.svg / tango / PD media-flash-2.xpm / tango / PD media-flash-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-cf.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-cf.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-cf.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-cf.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-memory-stick-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-memory-stick-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-memory-stick-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-memory-stick-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-memory-stick.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-memory-stick.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-memory-stick.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-memory-stick.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-memory-stick.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-memory_stick.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-memory_stick.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-memory_stick.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-memory_stick.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-memory_stick_mount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-memory_stick_mount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-memory_stick_mount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-memory_stick_mount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-sd-mmc-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-sd-mmc-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-sd-mmc-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-sd-mmc-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-sd-mmc.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-sd-mmc.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-sd-mmc.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-sd-mmc.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-sd-mmc.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-sdmmc.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-sdmmc.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-sdmmc.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-sdmmc.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-smart-media-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-smart-media-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-smart-media-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-smart-media-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-flash-smart-media.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-smart-media.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-smart-media.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-smart-media.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-smart-media.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-flash-smartmedia.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-smartmedia.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-smartmedia.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-smartmedia.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-smartmedia_mount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-smartmedia_mount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-smartmedia_mount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-smartmedia_mount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-flash-usbpendrive.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-flash-usbpendrive.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-flash-usbpendrive.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash-usbpendrive_mount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-flash.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-flash.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-flash.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-flash.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-flash.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-floppy-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-floppy-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-floppy-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-floppy-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-floppy-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-floppy-3.5-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-3.5.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-floppy-3.5.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-floppy-3.5.png / intrigue / GPLv2 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media-floppy-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-floppy-5.25.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.25.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.25.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.25.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.25_mount.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.25_mount.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.25_mount.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.25_mount.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy-multiple.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-floppy-multiple.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-floppy-multiple.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-floppy-multiple.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-floppy.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-floppy.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-floppy.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-floppy.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-holographic_versatile_card.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD media-holographic_versatile_card.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD media-holographic_versatile_card.png / open_clip_art_library / PD media-holographic_versatile_card.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD media-jaz.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-jaz.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-jaz.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-jaz.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-mo.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-mo.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-mo.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-mo.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-10.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-10.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-10.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-10.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-10.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-optical-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-optical-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-optical-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-optical-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-optical-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-optical-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-optical-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-optical-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-optical-5.icns / tango / PD media-optical-5.ico / tango / PD media-optical-5.png / tango / PD media-optical-5.svg / tango / PD media-optical-5.xpm / tango / PD media-optical-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-9.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-9.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-9.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-9.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-audio-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-audio-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-audio-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-audio-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-audio-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-audio-6.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-6.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-6.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-6.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-new.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-new.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-new.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-new.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio-new.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-audio.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-audio.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-audio.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-audio.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-audio_mount-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-audio_mount.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-audio_mount.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-audio_mount.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-audio_mount.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical-bd.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-bd.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-bd.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-bd.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-blank.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-blank.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-blank.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-blank.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-blank.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-blu-ray.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-blu-ray.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-blu-ray.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-blu-ray.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-blu-ray.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-burn-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-burn-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-burn-2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-burn-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-burn-image.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn-image.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn-image.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn-image.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-burn.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-cd-r.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-cd-r.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-cd-r.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-cd-r.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-cd-rw.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-cd-rw.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-cd-rw.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 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crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-dvd-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-dvd-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-dvd-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-dvd-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-dvd-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-dvd-5.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd-5.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd-5.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd-5.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd-r-plus.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-r-plus.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-r-plus.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-r-plus.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-r.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-r.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-r.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-r.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-ram.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-ram.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-ram.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-ram.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rom.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rom.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rom.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rom.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rw.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rw.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rw.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-rw.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-dvd-video.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL 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famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-dvd_link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-optical-erase.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-erase.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-erase.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-erase.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-format.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-format.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-format.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-format.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-hddvd.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-hddvd.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-hddvd.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-hddvd.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-info.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-info.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-info.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-info.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-new.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-new.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-new.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-new.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-recordable-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical-recordable-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-recordable-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-recordable-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL 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media-optical-video-new.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 media-optical-video.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-video.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-video.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-video.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical-video.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-optical.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical_mount-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-optical_mount.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical_mount.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-optical_mount.png / intrigue / GPLv2 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media-playback-pause-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-pause-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-pause-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-pause-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-pause-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-pause-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-pause-9.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause-9.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause-9.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause-9.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-pause.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-pause.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-pause.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-pause.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-play-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-play-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-play-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-play-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-play.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-play.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-play.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-play.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-start-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-start-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-start-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-start-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-start-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-start-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-start-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-start-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-start-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-start-5.icns / tango / PD media-playback-start-5.ico / tango / PD media-playback-start-5.png / tango / PD media-playback-start-5.svg / tango / PD media-playback-start-5.xpm / tango / PD media-playback-start-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-start-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-start-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-start-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-start-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-start-9.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-9.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-9.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start-9.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-start.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-start.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-start.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-start.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-stop-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-stop-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-stop-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-stop-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-playback-stop-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-stop-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-stop-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-stop-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-stop-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-playback-stop-5.icns / tango / PD media-playback-stop-5.ico / tango / PD media-playback-stop-5.png / tango / PD media-playback-stop-5.svg / tango / PD media-playback-stop-5.xpm / tango / PD media-playback-stop-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-stop-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-stop-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-playback-stop-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-stop-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-stop-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playback-stop-9.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop-9.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop-9.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop-9.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-playback-stop.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-stop.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-stop.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playback-stop.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-playlist-repeat-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-repeat-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-repeat-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-repeat-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-repeat-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-repeat.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-repeat.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-repeat.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-repeat.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-repeat.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-shuffle-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-shuffle-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-shuffle-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-shuffle-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-shuffle-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-playlist-shuffle.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-shuffle.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-shuffle.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-shuffle.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-playlist-shuffle.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-record-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-record-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-record-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-record-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-record-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-record-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-record-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-record-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-record-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-record-4.icns / tango / PD media-record-4.ico / tango / PD media-record-4.png / tango / PD media-record-4.svg / tango / PD media-record-4.xpm / tango / PD media-record-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-record-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-record-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-record-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-record-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-record.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-record.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-record.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-record.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-repeat-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-repeat-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-repeat-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-repeat-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-repeat.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-repeat.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-repeat.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-repeat.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-backward-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-backward-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-backward-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-backward-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-backward-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-backward-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-backward-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-backward-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-backward-5.icns / tango / PD media-seek-backward-5.ico / tango / PD media-seek-backward-5.png / tango / PD media-seek-backward-5.svg / tango / PD media-seek-backward-5.xpm / tango / PD media-seek-backward-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-backward-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-backward-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-backward-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-backward-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-backward-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-backward-9.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-9.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-9.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-9.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-backward.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-seek-backward.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-seek-backward.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-seek-backward.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-seek-forward-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-forward-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-forward-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-forward-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-seek-forward-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-forward-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-forward-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-forward-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-forward-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-seek-forward-5.icns / tango / PD media-seek-forward-5.ico / tango / PD media-seek-forward-5.png / tango / PD media-seek-forward-5.svg / tango / PD media-seek-forward-5.xpm / tango / PD media-seek-forward-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-forward-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-forward-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-seek-forward-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-forward-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-forward-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-seek-forward-9.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward-9.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward-9.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward-9.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-seek-forward.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-seek-forward.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-seek-forward.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-seek-forward.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-sim_card.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD media-sim_card.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD media-sim_card.png / open_clip_art_library / PD media-sim_card.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD media-skip-backward-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-backward-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-backward-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-backward-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-backward-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-backward-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-backward-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-backward-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-backward-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-backward-5.icns / tango / PD media-skip-backward-5.ico / tango / PD media-skip-backward-5.png / tango / PD media-skip-backward-5.svg / tango / PD media-skip-backward-5.xpm / tango / PD media-skip-backward-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-skip-backward-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-skip-backward-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-backward-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-skip-backward-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-skip-backward-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-skip-backward-9.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward-9.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward-9.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward-9.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 media-skip-backward.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 media-skip-backward.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-skip-backward.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-skip-backward.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-skip-forward-10.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-10.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-10.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-10.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-forward-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-forward-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-forward-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 media-skip-forward-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-skip-forward-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-forward-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-forward-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-forward-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-forward-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-skip-forward-5.icns / tango / PD media-skip-forward-5.ico / tango / PD media-skip-forward-5.png / tango / PD media-skip-forward-5.svg / tango / PD media-skip-forward-5.xpm / tango / PD media-skip-forward-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 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intrigue / GPLv2 media-skip-forward.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 media-skip-forward.png / intrigue / GPLv2 media-skip-forward.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 media-smartcard.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD media-smartcard.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD media-smartcard.png / open_clip_art_library / PD media-smartcard.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD media-tape-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-tape-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-tape-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-tape-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-tape-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL media-tape-linear_tape-open.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD media-tape-linear_tape-open.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD media-tape-linear_tape-open.png / open_clip_art_library / PD media-tape-linear_tape-open.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD media-tape.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-tape.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-tape.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-tape.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-tape.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-zip-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 media-zip-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 media-zip-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 media-zip-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 media-zip-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 media-zip-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-zip.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-zip.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-zip.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 media-zip_mount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mediawik.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD mediawik.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD mediawik.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD mediawik.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD mediawik.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD medit.icns / app-install / See Below medit.ico / app-install / See Below medit.png / app-install / See Below medit.xpm / app-install / See Below meeting-attending-tentative.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-attending-tentative.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-attending-tentative.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-attending-tentative.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-attending.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-attending.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-attending.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-attending.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-organizer.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-organizer.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-organizer.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL meeting-organizer.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL megamek.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below megamek.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below megamek.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below megamek.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below meld-2.ico / app-install / See Below meld-2.png / app-install / See Below meld-2.xpm / app-install / See Below memory-ram.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD memory-ram.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD memory-ram.png / open_clip_art_library / PD memory-ram.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD memory-rom.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD memory-rom.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD memory-rom.png / open_clip_art_library / PD memory-rom.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD memory.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 memory.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 memory.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 memory.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 men.svg / openstreetmap / PD menu-left.png / gimp / GPLv2 menu-right.png / gimp / GPLv2 mercurial.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mercurial.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mercurial.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mercurial.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mercurial.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below merge-down.png / gimp / GPLv2 mergeant.icns / app-install / See Below mergeant.ico / app-install / See Below mergeant.png / app-install / See Below mergeant.xpm / app-install / See Below mergecells.png / openoffice / GPLv3 mergedialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 meritous.icns / app-install / See Below meritous.ico / app-install / See Below meritous.png / app-install / See Below meritous.xpm / app-install / See Below meshlab.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below meshlab.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below meshlab.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below meshlab.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below message-news.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL message-rfc822.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL message.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 message.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 message.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 message.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL message.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 message_reply.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 message_reply.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 message_reply.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below metacity.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below metacity.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below metacity.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below metal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 metamath.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD metamath.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD metamath.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD metamath.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD meteorological_observatory.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD meteorological_observatory_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD mgm.icns / app-install / See Below mgm.ico / app-install / See Below mgm.png / app-install / See Below mgm.xpm / app-install / See Below mhwaveedit.icns / app-install / See Below mhwaveedit.ico / app-install / See Below mhwaveedit.png / app-install / See Below mhwaveedit.xpm / app-install / See Below midnightbsd.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below midnightbsd.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below midori.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below midori.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below midori.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below midori.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below military.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 military_bunker.svg / openstreetmap / PD milkytracker.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below milkytracker.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below milkytracker.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below milkytracker.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below minbar.icns / app-install / See Below minbar.ico / app-install / See Below minbar.png / app-install / See Below minbar.xpm / app-install / See Below mine.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 mine.svg / openstreetmap / PD mine.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD mine_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD minefield.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below minefield.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below minefield.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below minefield.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below minirok.icns / app-install / See Below minirok.ico / app-install / See Below minirok.png / app-install / See Below minirok.xpm / app-install / See Below mirage.icns / app-install / See Below mirage.ico / app-install / See Below mirage.png / app-install / See Below mirage.xpm / app-install / See Below miranda_im.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below miranda_im.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below miranda_im.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below miranda_im.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below miranda_im.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below miro.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below miro.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below miro.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mirror.png / openoffice / GPLv3 mit-scheme_lambda2.icns / app-install / See Below mit-scheme_lambda2.ico / app-install / See Below mit-scheme_lambda2.png / app-install / See Below mit-scheme_lambda2.xpm / app-install / See Below mixer-ac97.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-ac97.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-ac97.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-capture-secondary.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-capture-secondary.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-capture-secondary.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-capture.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-capture.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-capture.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-cd.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-cd.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-cd.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-digital.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-digital.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-digital.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-front.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-front.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-front.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-headset.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-headset.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-headset.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-lfe.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-lfe.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-lfe.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-line.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-line.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-line.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-master.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-master.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-master.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-boost.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-boost.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-boost.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-front-boost.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-front-boost.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-front-boost.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-front.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-front.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone-front.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-microphone.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-midi.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-midi.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-midi.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pc-speaker.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pc-speaker.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pc-speaker.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pcm-default.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pcm-default.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pcm-default.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pcm.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pcm.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-pcm.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-surround-center.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-surround-center.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-surround-center.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-surround.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-surround.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-surround.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-video.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-video.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixer-video.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL mixx.png / homemade / PD mlgui.icns / app-install / See Below mlgui.ico / app-install / See Below mlgui.png / app-install / See Below mlgui.xpm / app-install / See Below mlterm-icon-24colors.icns / app-install / See Below mlterm-icon-24colors.ico / app-install / See Below mlterm-icon-24colors.png / app-install / See Below mlterm-icon-24colors.xpm / app-install / See Below mnemosyne.icns / app-install / See Below mnemosyne.ico / app-install / See Below mnemosyne.png / app-install / See Below mnemosyne.xpm / app-install / See Below mnemosyne_1.x.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mnemosyne_1.x.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mnemosyne_1.x.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mnemosyne_1.x.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below .png / homemade / PD mobilephonetower.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 modem-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 modem-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 modem-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 modem-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 modem-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 modem-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 modem-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 modem-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 modem-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 modem-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL modem-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL modem-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL modem-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL modem-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL modem-dsl.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD modem-dsl.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD modem-dsl.png / open_clip_art_library / PD modem-dsl.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD modem.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modem.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modem.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modem.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modem1.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modem1.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modem1.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modem1.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 modernmonument.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 moderntower.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 modifier-anchor.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-background.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-bad.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-control.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-foreground.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-intersect.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-join.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-minus.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-move.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-pattern.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-plus.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-resize.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifier-select.png / gimp / GPLv2 modifyframe.png / openoffice / GPLv3 modifypage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 modula3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 moduledialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 moinmoin.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below moinmoin.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below moinmoin.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below moinmoin.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below moinmoin.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below molicule-sphalerite_unit.icns / wpclipart / PD molicule-sphalerite_unit.ico / wpclipart / PD molicule-sphalerite_unit.png / wpclipart / PD molicule-stilleite_zinc_selenide_unit.icns / wpclipart / PD molicule-stilleite_zinc_selenide_unit.ico / wpclipart / PD molicule-stilleite_zinc_selenide_unit.png / wpclipart / PD monastery.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 monday.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 money-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-dollar.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-dollar.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-dollar.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-dollar.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-euro.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-euro.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-euro.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-euro.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-pound.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-pound.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-pound.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-pound.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-yen.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-yen.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-yen.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money-yen.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 money.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 money.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 money.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 money.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 money_atm2.svg / openstreetmap / PD money_bank2.svg / openstreetmap / PD .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below monodevelop.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below monodevelop.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below monodevelop.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below monodevelop.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below monodoc.icns / app-install / See Below monodoc.ico / app-install / See Below monodoc.png / app-install / See Below monodoc.xpm / app-install / See Below monotone.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below monotone.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below monotone.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below monotone.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below monster-masher.icns / app-install / See Below monster-masher.ico / app-install / See Below monster-masher.png / app-install / See Below monster-masher.xpm / app-install / See Below monsterz_graphics.icns / app-install / See Below monsterz_graphics.ico / app-install / See Below monsterz_graphics.png / app-install / See Below monsterz_graphics.xpm / app-install / See Below monument.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 monument.svg / openstreetmap / PD monument.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD monument_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD morecontrols.png / openoffice / GPLv3 mosaic.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mosaic.ico / 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app-install / See Below mozilla-mail-compose.xpm / app-install / See Below mozilla-mail.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mozilla-mail.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mozilla-mail.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mozilla-mail.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mozilla-mailnews.icns / app-install / See Below mozilla-mailnews.ico / app-install / See Below mozilla-mailnews.png / app-install / See Below mozilla-mailnews.xpm / app-install / See Below mozilla-thunderbird.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mozilla-thunderbird.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mozilla-thunderbird.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mozilla-thunderbird.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mozilla.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mozilla.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mozilla.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mozilla.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mp3gain.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mp3gain.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mp3gain.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mp3gain.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mplayer-2.icns / app-install / See Below mplayer-2.ico / app-install / See Below mplayer-2.png / app-install / See Below mplayer-2.xpm / app-install / See Below mplayer-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mplayer-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mplayer-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mplayer-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 mplayer-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mplayer-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mplayer-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mplayer-4.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mplayer-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ms_dos.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD ms_dos.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD mscore.icns / app-install / See Below mscore.ico / app-install / See Below mscore.png / app-install / See Below mscore.xpm / app-install / See Below -away.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-away.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-away.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-away.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-blocked.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-blocked.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-blocked.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-blocked.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-brb.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-brb.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 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msn-online.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-online.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-phone.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-phone.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-phone.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-phone.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-protocol.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-protocol.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-protocol.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn-protocol.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn_messenger-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 msn_messenger-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 msn_messenger-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 msn_messenger-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 msn_messenger-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 msn_messenger.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn_messenger.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn_messenger.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 msn_messenger.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 mtpaint.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mtpaint.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mtpaint.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mtpaint.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mu-cade.icns / app-install / See Below mu-cade.ico / app-install / See Below mu-cade.png / app-install / See Below mu-cade.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mucommander.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mucommander.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mucommander.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below muehle.icns / app-install / See Below muehle.ico / app-install / See Below muehle.png / app-install / See Below muehle.xpm / app-install / See Below muffler.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below muffler.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below muine.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below muine.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below muine.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mulberry_field.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD mulberry_field_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD multimedia-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-audio.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-audio.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-audio.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-audio.xpm / crystal / 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multimedia-player-mp3player_mount-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-player-mp3player_mount-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-player-mp3player_mount.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 multimedia-player-mp3player_mount.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 multimedia-player-mp3player_mount.png / intrigue / GPLv2 multimedia-player-mp3player_mount.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 multimedia-player-mp3player_unmount.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-player-mp3player_unmount.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-player-mp3player_unmount.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-player-mp3player_unmount.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-player.icns / gnome / GPLv2 multimedia-player.ico / gnome / GPLv2 multimedia-player.png / gnome / GPLv2 multimedia-player.svg / gnome / GPLv2 multimedia-player.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 multimedia-video.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-video.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-video.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-video.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 multimedia-volume-control-2.icns / gnome / 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LGPL-2.1 multisync.icns / app-install / See Below multisync.ico / app-install / See Below multisync.png / app-install / See Below multisync.xpm / app-install / See Below mumble-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mumble-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mumble-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mumble-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below mumble.icns / app-install / See Below mumble.ico / app-install / See Below mumble.png / app-install / See Below mumble.xpm / app-install / See Below mupen64.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64plus.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64plus.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64plus.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64plus.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below mupen64plus.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below murmur.icns / app-install / See Below murmur.ico / app-install / See Below murmur.png / app-install / See Below murmur.xpm / app-install / See Below muse.icns / app-install / See Below muse.ico / app-install / See Below muse.png / app-install / See Below muse.xpm / app-install / See Below museeq.icns / app-install / See Below museeq.ico / app-install / See Below museeq.png / app-install / See Below museeq.xpm / app-install / See Below musetup-gtk.icns / app-install / See Below musetup-gtk.ico / app-install / See Below musetup-gtk.png / app-install / See Below musetup-gtk.xpm / app-install / See Below museum-archeological.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum-art.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum-crafts.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum-historical.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum-naval.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum-science.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum-war.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 museum.svg / openstreetmap / PD museum.svg / 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/ wiki_commons_gpl / See Below n.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 na03.png / openoffice / GPLv3 na05.png / openoffice / GPLv3 na06.png / openoffice / GPLv3 naev.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD naev.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD naev.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD naev.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD nanny.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 nano.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nano.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nano.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nano.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nateon.icns / app-install / See Below nateon.ico / app-install / See Below nateon.png / app-install / See Below nateon.xpm / app-install / See Below nateon_messagebox.icns / app-install / See Below nateon_messagebox.ico / app-install / See Below nateon_messagebox.png / app-install / See Below nateon_messagebox.xpm / app-install / See Below nautilus-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-actions-2.icns / app-install / See Below nautilus-actions-2.ico / app-install / See Below nautilus-actions-2.png / app-install / See Below nautilus-actions-2.xpm / app-install / See Below nautilus-cd-burner-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-cd-burner-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-cd-burner-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-cd-burner-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below nautilus-cd-burner.ico / app-install / See Below nautilus-cd-burner.png / app-install / See Below nautilus-cd-burner.xpm / app-install / See Below nautilus.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 nautilus.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 nautilus.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 nautilus.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 navigation.png / gimp / GPLv2 navigationbar.png / openoffice / GPLv3 nc01.png / openoffice / GPLv3 nc02.png / openoffice / GPLv3 nc20000.png / openoffice / GPLv3 nc20001.png / openoffice / GPLv3 nc20006.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ncbilogo.icns / app-install / See Below ncbilogo.ico / app-install / See Below ncbilogo.png / app-install / See Below ncbilogo.xpm / app-install / See Below ncollate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ndisgtk.icns / app-install / See Below ndisgtk.ico / app-install / See Below ndisgtk.png / app-install / See Below ndisgtk.xpm / app-install / See Below needle_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD needle_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD .icns / app-install / See Below nemiver.ico / app-install / See Below nemiver.png / app-install / See Below nemiver.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL nepomuk.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL nepomuk.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL nepomuk.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL nepomuk.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL nero_linux.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nero_linux.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nero_linux.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nero_linux.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nerolinux.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nerolinux.ico / 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netscape-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 netscape-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 netscape.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 netscape.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 netscape.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 netscape.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 netsurf-2.icns / wiki_commons_mit / MIT netsurf-2.ico / wiki_commons_mit / MIT netsurf-2.png / wiki_commons_mit / MIT netsurf-2.svg / wiki_commons_mit / MIT netsurf-2.xpm / wiki_commons_mit / MIT netsurf.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below netsurf.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below netsurf.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below netsurf.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below netsurf.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below netvibes.png / homemade / PD network-bluetooth.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-bluetooth.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-bluetooth.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-bluetooth.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-card-wireless.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD network-card-wireless.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD network-card-wireless.png / open_clip_art_library / PD 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network-globe2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network-globe2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network-hub.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD network-hub.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD network-hub.png / open_clip_art_library / PD network-hub.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD network-idle-2.icns / tango / PD network-idle-2.ico / tango / PD network-idle-2.png / tango / PD network-idle-2.svg / tango / PD network-idle-2.xpm / tango / PD network-idle.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-idle.icns / gnome / GPLv2 network-idle.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-idle.ico / gnome / GPLv2 network-idle.png / gnome / GPLv2 network-idle.svg / gnome / GPLv2 network-idle.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-idle.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 network-nfs-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 network-nfs-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 network-nfs-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 network-nfs-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 network-nfs.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network-nfs.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network-nfs.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network-nfs.xpm / crystal / 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/ famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 network-wireless.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-wireless.icns / gnome / GPLv2 network-wireless.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-wireless.ico / gnome / GPLv2 network-wireless.png / gnome / GPLv2 network-wireless.svg / gnome / GPLv2 network-wireless.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-wireless.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 network-wireless_router.icns / wpclipart / PD network-wireless_router.ico / wpclipart / PD network-wireless_router.png / wpclipart / PD network-workgroup.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-workgroup.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-workgroup.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network-workgroup.svg / gnome / GPLv2 network-workgroup.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL network-workgroup.svg / tango / PD network-workgroup.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 network.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 network.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 neverball-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below neverball-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below neverball-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below neverball-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below neverball.icns / app-install / See Below neverball.ico / app-install / See Below neverball.png / app-install / See Below neverball.xpm / app-install / See Below neveredit.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD neveredit.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD neveredit.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD neveredit.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD neverputt.icns / app-install / See Below neverputt.ico / app-install / See Below neverputt.png / app-install / See Below neverputt.xpm / app-install / See Below new.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 new.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 new.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 new.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 newarrangement.png / openoffice / GPLv3 newrecord.png / openoffice / GPLv3 newrecurevent.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 newrecurevent.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 newrecurevent.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 newrecurevent.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 news-subscribe-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-subscribe-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-subscribe-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-subscribe-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-subscribe-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-subscribe.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 news-subscribe.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 news-subscribe.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 news-subscribe.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 news-unsubscribe-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-unsubscribe-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-unsubscribe-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-unsubscribe-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-unsubscribe-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL news-unsubscribe.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 news-unsubscribe.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 news-unsubscribe.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 news-unsubscribe.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 newsagent.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 newslide.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 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nuvola-style/recycled.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/resource.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/resource.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/resource.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/resource.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/services.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/services.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/services.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/services.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/socket.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/socket.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/socket.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/socket.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-css.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-css.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-css.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-css.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-directory.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-directory.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-directory.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-directory.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-html.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-html.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-html.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-html.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-plain.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-plain.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-plain.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-plain.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-vcalendar.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-vcalendar.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-vcalendar.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-vcalendar.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-asm.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-asm.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-asm.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-asm.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-c++src.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-c++src.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-c++src.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-c++src.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-chdr.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-chdr.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-chdr.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-chdr.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-csrc.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-csrc.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-csrc.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-csrc.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-ebuild.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-ebuild.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-ebuild.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-ebuild.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-fortran.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-fortran.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-fortran.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-fortran.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-generic.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-generic.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-generic.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-generic.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-gettext-translation.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-gettext-translation.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-gettext-translation.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-gettext-translation.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-install.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-install.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-install.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-install.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-java.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-java.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-java.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-java.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-log.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-log.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-log.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-log.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-makefile.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-makefile.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-makefile.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-makefile.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-moc.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-moc.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-moc.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-moc.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-pascal.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-pascal.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-pascal.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-pascal.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-patch.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-patch.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-patch.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-patch.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-python.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-python.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-python.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-python.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-readme.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-readme.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-readme.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-readme.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-script.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-script.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-script.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-script.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source-template.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source-template.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source-template.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source-template.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-source.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-tex.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-tex.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-tex.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-tex.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-texinfo.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-texinfo.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-texinfo.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-texinfo.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-troff-man.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-troff-man.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-troff-man.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-troff-man.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-yacc.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-yacc.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-yacc.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/text-x-yacc.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/unknown.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/unknown.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/unknown.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/unknown.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-desktop.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-desktop.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-desktop.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-desktop.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-home.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-home.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-home.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-home.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash-full.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash-full.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash-full.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash-full.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/user-trash.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-quicktime.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-quicktime.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-quicktime.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-quicktime.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-x-generic.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-x-generic.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-x-generic.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/video-x-generic.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/widget_doc.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/widget_doc.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/widget_doc.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/widget_doc.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/www.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/www.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/www.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/www.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-document.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-document.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-document.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-document.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-spreadsheet.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-spreadsheet.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-spreadsheet.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/x-office-spreadsheet.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/zip.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/zip.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/zip.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nuvola-style/zip.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 nvidia-settings.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nvidia-settings.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nvidia-settings.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nvidia-settings.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nvidia-settings.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 nvtv.icns / app-install / See Below nvtv.ico / app-install / See Below nvtv.png / app-install / See Below nvtv.xpm / app-install / See Below o.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 obconf.icns / app-install / See Below obconf.ico / app-install / See Below obconf.png / app-install / See Below obconf.xpm / app-install / See Below object-flip-horizontal-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-horizontal-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-horizontal-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-horizontal-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-horizontal-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-horizontal-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-horizontal-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-horizontal-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-horizontal-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-horizontal.icns / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-horizontal.ico / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-horizontal.png / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-horizontal.svg / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-horizontal.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-vertical-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-vertical-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-vertical-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-vertical-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-vertical-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-flip-vertical-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-vertical-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-vertical-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-vertical-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-flip-vertical.icns / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-vertical.ico / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-vertical.png / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-vertical.svg / gnome / GPLv2 object-flip-vertical.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 object-group-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-group-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-group-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-group-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-group.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-group.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-group.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-locked-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-locked-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-locked-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-locked-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-locked-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-back.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-back.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-back.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-back.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-front.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-front.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-front.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-front.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-lower.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-lower.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-lower.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-lower.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-raise.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-raise.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-raise.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-order-raise.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-left-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-left-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-left-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-left-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-left-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-left-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-left-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-left-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-left-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-left-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-left-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-left-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-left.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-left.icns / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-left.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-left.ico / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-left.png / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-left.svg / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-left.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-left.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-right-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-right-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-right-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-right-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-right-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-right-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-right-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-right-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-rotate-right-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-right-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-right-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-right-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 object-rotate-right.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-right.icns / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-right.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-right.ico / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-right.png / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-right.svg / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate-right.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate-right.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 object-rotate.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 object-rotate.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 object-rotate.png / intrigue / GPLv2 object-rotate.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-rotate.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 object-ungroup-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-ungroup-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-ungroup-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-ungroup-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-ungroup.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-ungroup.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-ungroup.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 object-unlocked-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-unlocked-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-unlocked-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-unlocked-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL object-unlocked-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL objectalign.png / openoffice / GPLv3 objectalignleft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 objectalignright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 objectcatalog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 objectposition.png / openoffice / GPLv3 objects3dtoolbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 objspc3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 observatory.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ocap.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 octave.icns / app-install / See Below octave.ico / app-install / See Below octave.png / app-install / See Below octave.xpm / app-install / See Below odb.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odb_16_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odb_32_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odb_48_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 oddmuse.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oddmuse.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oddmuse.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oddmuse.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oddmuse.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below odf.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odf.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL odf_16_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odf_32_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odf_48_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odg.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odg_16_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odg_32_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odg_48_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odm_16_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odm_32_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odm_48_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odp.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odp_16_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odp_32_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odp_48_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ods.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ods_16_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ods_32_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 ods_48_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odt.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odt_16_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odt_32_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 odt_48_8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 office-address-book.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-address-book.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-address-book.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-address-book.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-address-book.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-calendar-2.icns / tango / PD office-calendar-2.ico / tango / PD office-calendar-2.png / tango / PD office-calendar-2.svg / tango / PD office-calendar-2.xpm / tango / PD office-calendar-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-calendar-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-calendar-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-calendar-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-calendar-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-calendar-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 office-calendar-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 office-calendar-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 office-calendar-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 office-calendar.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 office-calendar.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 office-calendar.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 office-calendar.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 office-chart-area-percentage.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-percentage.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-percentage.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-percentage.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-percentage.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-precentage.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-precentage.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-precentage.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-precentage.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-stacked.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-stacked.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-stacked.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-stacked.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area-stacked.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-area.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-percentage.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-percentage.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-percentage.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-percentage.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-percentage.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-stacked.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-stacked.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-stacked.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-stacked.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar-stacked.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-bar.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-percentage.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-percentage.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-percentage.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-percentage.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-percentage.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-stacked.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-stacked.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-stacked.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-stacked.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line-stacked.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-line.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-pie.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-pie.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-pie.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-pie.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-pie.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar-stacked.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar-stacked.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar-stacked.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar-stacked.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar-stacked.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-polar.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-ring.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-ring.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-ring.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-ring.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-ring.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-scatter.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-scatter.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-scatter.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-scatter.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-chart-scatter.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL office-word_processor-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 office-word_processor-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 office-word_processor-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 office-word_processor-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 office-word_processor.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 office-word_processor.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 office-word_processor.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 office-word_processor.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / app-install / See Below oggconvert.ico / app-install / See Below oggconvert.png / app-install / See Below oggconvert.svg / app-install / See Below oggconvert.xpm / app-install / See Below ogle_ogle.icns / app-install / See Below ogle_ogle.ico / app-install / See Below ogle_ogle.png / app-install / See Below ogle_ogle.xpm / app-install / See Below oil_or_gas_well.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD oil_or_gas_well_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD oilpumpjack.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 okteta.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL okteta.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL okteta.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL okteta.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL okteta.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below okular.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below okular.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below okular.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ole.png / openoffice / GPLv3 oleobj.png / openoffice / GPLv3 -gtk.icns / app-install / See Below olive-gtk.ico / app-install / See Below olive-gtk.png / app-install / See Below olive-gtk.xpm / app-install / See Below olympicsite.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 omegat.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below omegat.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below omegat.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below omegat.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below omegat.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below one_flow_path.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below one_flow_path.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oneisenough.icns / app-install / See Below oneisenough.ico / app-install / See Below oneisenough.png / app-install / See Below oneisenough.xpm / app-install / See Below oolite.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oolite.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oolite.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below oolite.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below open-invaders.icns / app-install / See Below open-invaders.ico / app-install / See Below open-invaders.png / app-install / See Below open-invaders.xpm / app-install / See Below open.png / openoffice / GPLv3 openarena.icns / app-install / See Below openarena.ico / app-install / See Below openarena.png / app-install / See Below openarena.xpm / app-install / See Below openbabel.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below openbabel.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below openbabel.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below openbabel.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below opencity.icns / app-install / See Below opencity.ico / app-install / See Below opencity.png / app-install / See Below opencity.xpm / app-install / See Below opencubicplayer.icns / app-install / See Below opencubicplayer.ico / app-install / See Below opencubicplayer.png / app-install / See Below opencubicplayer.xpm / app-install / See Below opendict.icns / app-install / See Below opendict.ico / app-install / See Below opendict.png / app-install / See Below opendict.xpm / app-install / See Below openfiler.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openfiler.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openfiler.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openfiler.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openid.png / homemade / PD openjdk.icns / app-install / See Below openjdk.ico / app-install / See Below openjdk.png / app-install / See Below openjdk.xpm / app-install / See Below openlayers.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD openlayers.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD openlayers.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD openlayers.svg / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD openlayers.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD openmovieeditor.icns / app-install / See Below openmovieeditor.ico / app-install / See Below openmovieeditor.png / app-install / See Below openmovieeditor.xpm / app-install / See Below openoffice.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-base-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-base-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-base-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-base-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-base-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-base.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-base.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-base.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-base.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-calc-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-calc-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-calc-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-calc-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-calc-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-calc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-calc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-calc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-calc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-draw-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-draw-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-draw-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-draw-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-draw-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-draw.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-draw.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-draw.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-draw.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-impress-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-impress-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-impress-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-impress-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-impress-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-impress.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-impress.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-impress.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-impress.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-math-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-math-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-math-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-math-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-math-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-math.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-math.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-math.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-math.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-setup.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-setup.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-setup.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-setup.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-writer-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-writer-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-writer-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-writer-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-writer-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openoffice.org-writer.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-writer.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-writer.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org-writer.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.org.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openoffice.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openreadonly.png / openoffice / GPLv3 opensolaris.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below opensolaris.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below openterm-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openterm-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openterm-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openterm-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 openterm.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openterm.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openterm.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openterm.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 openttd.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openttd.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openttd.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openttd.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openttd.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below openurl.png / openoffice / GPLv3 opera-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 opera-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 opera-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 opera-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 opera-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 opera-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 opera-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 opera-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 opera.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 opera.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 opera.png / intrigue / GPLv2 opera.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 ophcrack.icns / app-install / See Below ophcrack.ico / app-install / See Below ophcrack.png / app-install / See Below ophcrack.xpm / app-install / See Below ophthalmologist.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 opinion-agree.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-agree.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-agree.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-disagree.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-disagree.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-disagree.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-no.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-no.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-no.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-okay.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-okay.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL opinion-okay.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL optician.svg / openstreetmap / PD optimizetable.png / openoffice / GPLv3 orbital-eunuchs-sniper.icns / app-install / See Below orbital-eunuchs-sniper.ico / app-install / See Below orbital-eunuchs-sniper.png / app-install / See Below orbital-eunuchs-sniper.xpm / app-install / See Below orc.icns / wpclipart / PD orc.ico / wpclipart / PD orc.png / wpclipart / PD 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oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-2sides.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-2sides.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-2sides.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-3sides.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-3sides.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-3sides.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-3sides.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-4sides.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-4sides.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-4sides.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-4sides.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-attach.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-attach.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-attach.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 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page-white_stack.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 page-zoom.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL page.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pagedown.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pageexcl.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pageobjs.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pageup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pagobjex.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pagoda.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 paid.svg / openstreetmap / PD paint.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 paintbrush.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 paintbrush.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 paintbrush.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 paintbrush.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 paintcan.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 paintcan.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 paintcan.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 paintcan.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 palace.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 palette.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 palette.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 palette.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 palette.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 palm-pilot-sync.icns / gnome / GPLv2 palm-pilot-sync.ico / gnome / GPLv2 palm-pilot-sync.png / gnome / GPLv2 palm-pilot-sync.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 palm_trees.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD palm_trees_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD -2.icns / app-install / See Below pan-2.ico / app-install / See Below pan-2.png / app-install / See Below pan-2.xpm / app-install / See Below pan.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pan.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pan.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pan.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pandora.png / homemade / PD pandora_fms.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pandora_fms.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pandora_fms.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pandora_fms.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below panel.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 panel.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 panel.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 panel_settings.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 panel_settings.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 panel_settings.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 panoramic.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 panoramic180.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 paper_green.icns / app-install / See Below paper_green.ico / app-install / See Below paper_green.png / app-install / See Below paper_green.xpm / app-install / See Below paragraphdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 paralefttoright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 parallel.png / openoffice / GPLv3 parallel_manipulation_(pushbutton_or_electrical_magnet)_on_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below parallel_manipulation_(pushbutton_or_electrical_magnet)_on_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below parallels.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 parallels.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 parallels.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 parallels.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pararighttoleft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 paraspacedecrease.png / openoffice / GPLv3 paraspaceincrease.png / openoffice / GPLv3 park-urban.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 park.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 park.svg / openstreetmap / PD parkandride.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 parking.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 parking.svg / openstreetmap / PD parsec47.icns / app-install / See Below parsec47.ico / app-install / See Below parsec47.png / app-install / See Below parsec47.xpm / app-install / See Below party.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 passage.icns / app-install / See Below passage.ico / app-install / See Below passage.png / app-install / See Below passage.xpm / app-install / See Below password-gorilla.icns / app-install / See Below password-gorilla.ico / app-install / See Below password-gorilla.png / app-install / See Below password-gorilla.xpm / app-install / See Below password.icns / app-install / See Below password.ico / app-install / See Below password.png / app-install / See Below password.xpm / app-install / See Below paste-as-new.png / gimp / GPLv2 paste-into.png / gimp / GPLv2 paste-plain.icns / 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GPLv3 paw.icns / app-install / See Below paw.ico / app-install / See Below paw.png / app-install / See Below paw.xpm / app-install / See Below payment_types-alipay.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-american_express.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-cash_u.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-cirrus.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-delta.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-dinersclub.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-discover.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-e-gold.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-easy_cash.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-icbc_china.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-jcb.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-laser.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-mastercard.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-moneybookers.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-neteller.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-paypal.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-solo.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-switch.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-visa-2.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-visa.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-visa_electron.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-western_union.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK payment_types-worldpay.png / fineicons / CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK pcb-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 pcb-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 pcb-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 pcb-2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 pcb-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 pcb.icns / app-install / See Below pcb.ico / app-install / See Below pcb.png / app-install / See Below pcb.xpm / app-install / See Below pcmanfm.icns / app-install / See Below pcmanfm.ico / app-install / See Below pcmanfm.png / app-install / See Below pcmanfm.xpm / app-install / See Below pcmanx.icns / app-install / See Below pcmanx.ico / app-install / See Below pcmanx.png / app-install / See Below pcmanx.xpm / app-install / See Below pcsx.icns / app-install / See Below pcsx.ico / app-install / See Below pcsx.png / app-install / See Below pcsx.xpm / app-install / See Below pda-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 pda-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 pda-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 pda-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 pda-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 pda-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pda-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pda-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pda-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pda-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pda.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_alt.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_alt.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_alt.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_alt.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_black-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_black-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_black-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_black-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_black.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_black.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_black.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_black.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pda_blue.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pdf-annotations.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pdf-annotations.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pdf-annotations.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pdf-annotations.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL pdf.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pdfedit.icns / app-install / See Below pdfedit.ico / app-install / See Below pdfedit.png / app-install / See Below pdfedit.xpm / app-install / See Below pdfforge.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pdfforge.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pdfforge.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pdfforge.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pdfview.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pdfview.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pdfview.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pdfview.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below peak.svg / openstreetmap / PD .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below peazip.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below peazip.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below peazip.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pedal_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pedal_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pedal_with_two_operation_directions_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pedal_with_two_operation_directions_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pedestriancrossing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 peekko.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below peekko.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below peekko.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below peekko.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below peless.icns / app-install / See Below peless.ico / app-install / See Below peless.png / app-install / See Below peless.xpm / app-install / See Below pencil-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pencil.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pengupop-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pengupop-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pengupop-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pengupop-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pengupop.icns / app-install / See Below pengupop.ico / app-install / See Below pengupop.png / app-install / See Below pengupop.xpm / app-install / See Below pens.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 people-block_figure-fireman.icns / wpclipart / PD people-block_figure-fireman.ico / wpclipart / PD people-block_figure-fireman.png / wpclipart / PD people-boy.icns / wpclipart / PD people-boy.ico / wpclipart / PD people-boy.png / wpclipart / PD people-delivery.icns / wpclipart / PD people-delivery.ico / wpclipart / PD people-delivery.png / wpclipart / PD people-girl-anime_with_silver_hair.icns / wpclipart / PD people-girl-anime_with_silver_hair.ico / wpclipart / PD people-girl-anime_with_silver_hair.png / wpclipart / PD people-girl-blowing_dandelion_seeds.icns / wpclipart / PD people-girl-blowing_dandelion_seeds.ico / wpclipart / PD people-girl-blowing_dandelion_seeds.png / wpclipart / PD people-kid_head.icns / wpclipart / PD people-kid_head.ico / wpclipart / PD people-kid_head.png / wpclipart / PD people-melting.icns / wpclipart / PD people-melting.ico / wpclipart / PD people-melting.png / wpclipart / PD people-xbill.icns / wpclipart / PD people-xbill.ico / wpclipart / PD people-xbill.png / wpclipart / PD percent.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 percent.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 percent.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 perfect_dark.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD perfect_dark.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD perfect_dark.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD perfect_dark.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD perfumery.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 perian.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below perian.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below perian.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below perian.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below perlprimer.icns / app-install / See Below perlprimer.ico / app-install / See Below perlprimer.png / app-install / See Below perlprimer.xpm 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or CC-BY-3.0 pictures.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 .icns / app-install / See Below pida.ico / app-install / See Below pida.png / app-install / See Below pida.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below pidgin-2.ico / app-install / See Below pidgin-2.png / app-install / See Below pidgin-2.xpm / app-install / See Below pidgin-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pidgin-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pidgin-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pidgin-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pidgin-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pie.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pie_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 piklab.icns / app-install / See Below piklab.ico / app-install / See Below piklab.png / app-install / See Below piklab.xpm / app-install / See Below pill-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pill-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pill-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 pill-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 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pinot.icns / app-install / See Below pinot.ico / app-install / See Below pinot.png / app-install / See Below pinot.xpm / app-install / See Below pioneers-editor.icns / app-install / See Below pioneers-editor.ico / app-install / See Below pioneers-editor.png / app-install / See Below pioneers-editor.xpm / app-install / See Below pioneers-server.icns / app-install / See Below pioneers-server.ico / app-install / See Below pioneers-server.png / app-install / See Below pioneers-server.xpm / app-install / See Below pioneers.icns / app-install / See Below pioneers.ico / app-install / See Below pioneers.png / app-install / See Below pioneers.xpm / app-install / See Below pipe.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pipe.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pipe.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pipe.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD pipe.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD pipe.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pipette.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pithead.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD pithead_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD -2.icns / app-install / See Below pitivi-2.ico / app-install / See Below pitivi-2.png / app-install / See Below pitivi-2.xpm / app-install / See Below pixelize.icns / app-install / See Below pixelize.ico / app-install / See Below pixelize.png / app-install / See Below pixelize.xpm / app-install / See Below pixen.icns / wiki_commons_mit / MIT pixen.ico / wiki_commons_mit / MIT pixen.png / wiki_commons_mit / MIT pixen.xpm / wiki_commons_mit / MIT pixfrogger.icns / app-install / See Below pixfrogger.ico / app-install / See Below pixfrogger.png / app-install / See Below pixfrogger.xpm / app-install / See Below pizza.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 place_of_worship.svg / openstreetmap / PD place_of_worship3.svg / openstreetmap / PD place_of_worship_bahai3.svg / openstreetmap / PD place_of_worship_buddhist3.svg / openstreetmap / PD place_of_worship_christian3.svg / openstreetmap / PD place_of_worship_hindu3.svg / openstreetmap / PD place_of_worship_islamic3.svg / openstreetmap / PD place_of_worship_jain3.svg / 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CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasma.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasma.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasma.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasmagik.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasmagik.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasmagik.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasmagik.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plasmagik.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL plastic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 plate_heat_exchanger.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD plate_heat_exchanger.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD play.png / openoffice / GPLv3 player-time-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-time-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-time-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-time-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-time-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-time.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 player-time.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 player-time.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 player-time.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 player-volume-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-volume-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-volume-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-volume-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-volume-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL player-volume.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 player-volume.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 player-volume.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 player-volume.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 playground.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 plone.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below plone.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below plone.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below plone.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below plotdrop.icns / app-install / See Below plotdrop.ico / app-install / See Below plotdrop.png / app-install / See Below plotdrop.xpm / app-install / See Below plugin-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-delete.icns / 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plugin-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 plugin.png / gimp / GPLv2 plugin.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pluginsactive.png / openoffice / GPLv3 plurk.png / homemade / PD pneumatic_motor.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pneumatic_motor.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pneumatics_pump.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pneumatics_pump.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below podbrowser.icns / app-install / See Below podbrowser.ico / app-install / See Below podbrowser.png / app-install / See Below podbrowser.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD poedit-2.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD poedit-2.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD poedit-2.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD poedit-2.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD poedit.icns / app-install / See Below poedit.ico / app-install / See Below poedit.png / app-install / See Below poedit.xpm / app-install / See Below poi_hunting_stand.svg / openstreetmap / PD poker.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 pokerth.icns / app-install / See Below pokerth.ico / app-install / See Below pokerth.png / app-install / See Below pokerth.xpm / app-install / See Below police.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 police.svg / openstreetmap / PD police2.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 police_station.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD police_station_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD polygon.png / gimp / GPLv2 polygon.png / openoffice / GPLv3 polygon_diagonal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 polygon_diagonal_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 polygon_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 polyxmass-icon.icns / app-install / See Below polyxmass-icon.ico / app-install / See Below polyxmass-icon.png / app-install / See Below polyxmass-icon.xpm / app-install / See Below pondus.icns / app-install / See Below pondus.ico / app-install / See Below pondus.png / app-install / See Below pondus.xpm / app-install / See Below pool-indoor.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 pool.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 port-parrellel.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD port-parrellel.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD port-parrellel.png / open_clip_art_library / PD port-parrellel.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD port-ps2.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD port-ps2.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD port-ps2.png / open_clip_art_library / PD port-ps2.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD port.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 port.svg / openstreetmap / PD portrait.png / gimp / GPLv2 portrait.png / openoffice / GPLv3 post_box.svg / openstreetmap / PD post_office.svg / openstreetmap / PD post_office.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD post_office_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD postal.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 posterous.png / homemade / PD postfix.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD postfix.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD postfix.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD postfix.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD postgis.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below postgis.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below postgis.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below postgis.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below postgresql-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below postgresql-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below postgresql-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below postgresql-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below postgresql.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD postgresql.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD postgresql.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD postgresql.svg / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD postgresql.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD postr.icns / app-install / See Below postr.ico / app-install / See Below postr.png / app-install / See Below postr.xpm / app-install / See Below potamus.icns / app-install / See Below potamus.ico / app-install / See Below potamus.png / app-install / See Below potamus.xpm / app-install / See Below potrace.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below potrace.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below potrace.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below potrace.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below power_explorer.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD power_explorer.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD power_explorer.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD power_explorer.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD power_plant.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD power_plant_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD powered_by_apache.png / homemade / PD powered_by_linux.png / homemade / PD powered_by_mac_os_x.png / homemade / PD powered_by_mediawiki.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below powered_by_netbsd.png / homemade / PD powered_by_windows.png / homemade / PD powerlinepole.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 powermanga.icns / app-install / See Below powermanga.ico / app-install / See Below powermanga.png / app-install / See Below powermanga.xpm / app-install / See Below powerpad.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below powerpad.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below powerpad.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below powerpad.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below powerplant.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 powersubstation.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 pppoeconf.icns / app-install / See Below pppoeconf.ico / app-install / See Below pppoeconf.png / app-install / See Below pppoeconf.xpm / app-install / See Below pppoeconfig.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pppoeconfig.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pppoeconfig.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pppoeconfig.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 ppracer.icns / app-install / See Below ppracer.ico / app-install / See Below ppracer.png / app-install / See Below ppracer.xpm / app-install / See Below pr01.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr010.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr011.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr012.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr013.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr014.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr015.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr016.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr017.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr018.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr019.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr02.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr020.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr021.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr03.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr04.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr05.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr06.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr07.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr08.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pr09.png / openoffice / GPLv3 praat.icns / app-install / See Below praat.ico / app-install / See Below praat.png / app-install / See Below praat.xpm / app-install / See Below preferences-contact-list.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-contact-list.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-contact-list.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-contact-list.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-contact-list.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-3.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-3.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-3.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-3.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-3.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-accessibility-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-accessibility-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-accessibility-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-accessibility-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-accessibility-3.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-accessibility-3.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-accessibility-3.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-accessibility-3.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-accessibility-3.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-accessibility-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-accessibility-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-accessibility-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-accessibility-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-accessibility-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-accessibility-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-accessibility.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-accessibility.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-accessibility.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-assistive-technology.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-assistive-technology.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-assistive-technology.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-assistive-technology.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-assistive-technology.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-bluetooth.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-bluetooth.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-bluetooth.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-bluetooth.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-color-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-color-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-color-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-color-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-color-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-color-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-color-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-color-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-color-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-color.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-color.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-color.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-color.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-cryptography.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-cryptography.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-cryptography.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-cryptography.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-cryptography.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-default-applications-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-default-applications-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-default-applications-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-default-applications-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-default-applications-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-default-applications.icns / app-install / See Below preferences-desktop-default-applications.ico / app-install / See Below preferences-desktop-default-applications.png / app-install / See Below preferences-desktop-default-applications.xpm / app-install / See Below preferences-desktop-display-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-display-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-display-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-display-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-display-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-display-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-display.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-display.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-display.png / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-display.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-filetype-association.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-filetype-association.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-filetype-association.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-filetype-association.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-filetype-association.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-font-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font-4.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-font-4.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-font-4.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-font-4.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-font-4.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-font-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-font-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-font-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-font-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-font-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-font-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-font.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font.png / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-font.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-gaming.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-gaming.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-gaming.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-gaming.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-gaming.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-icons-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-icons-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-icons-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-icons-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-icons-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-icons-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-icons-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-icons-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-icons-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-icons.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-icons.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-icons.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-icons.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-iconthemes.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-key-bindings.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-keyboard-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-keyboard-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-keyboard-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-keyboard-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts-2.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts-2.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts-2.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts-2.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts-2.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-keyboard.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-keyboard.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-keyboard.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-keyboard16.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard16.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard16.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-keyboard16.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-launch-feedback.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-launch-feedback.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-launch-feedback.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-launch-feedback.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-locale-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-locale-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-locale-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-locale-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-locale-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-locale-3.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-locale-3.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-locale-3.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-locale-3.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-locale-3.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-locale-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-locale-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-locale-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-locale-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-locale.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale16.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale16.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale16.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-locale16.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-looknfeel.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-looknfeel.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-looknfeel.png / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-looknfeel.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-mouse-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-mouse-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-mouse-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-mouse-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-mouse-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-mouse.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-mouse.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-mouse.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-mouse.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-multimedia.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-multimedia.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-multimedia.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-multimedia.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-multimedia.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-notification-bell-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification-bell-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification-bell-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification-bell-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification-bell-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification-bell-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification-bell-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification-bell-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification-bell-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification-bell.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification-bell.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification-bell.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification-bell.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-notification.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-notification.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-pda.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-pda.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-pda.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-pda.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-peripherals-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-peripherals-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-peripherals-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-peripherals-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-peripherals-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-peripherals-3.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-peripherals-3.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-peripherals-3.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-peripherals-3.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-peripherals-3.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-peripherals-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-peripherals-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-peripherals-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-peripherals-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-peripherals-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-peripherals.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-peripherals.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-peripherals.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-peripherals.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-personal-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-personal-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-personal-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-personal-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-personal-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-personal-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-personal-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-personal-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-personal-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-personal-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-personal.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-personal.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-personal.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-personal.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-printer-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-printer-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-printer-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-printer-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-printer-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-printer-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-printer-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-printer-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-printer-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-printer.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-printer.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-printer.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-printer.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-remote-desktop-2.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-remote-desktop-2.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-remote-desktop-2.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-remote-desktop-2.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-remote-desktop-2.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-screensaver-2.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-screensaver-2.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-screensaver-2.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-screensaver-2.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-screensaver-2.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-screensaver-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-screensaver-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-screensaver-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-screensaver-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-screensaver-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-screensaver-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-screensaver-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-screensaver-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-screensaver-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-screensaver.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-screensaver.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-screensaver.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-screensaver.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-screensaver.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-screensaver.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-screensaver.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-screensaver.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-sound.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-sound.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-sound.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-sound.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-sound.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-text-to-speech.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-text-to-speech.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-text-to-speech.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-text-to-speech.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-text-to-speech.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-theme-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-theme-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-theme-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-theme-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-theme-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-theme-3.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-theme-3.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-theme-3.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-theme-3.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-theme-3.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-theme-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-theme-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-theme-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-theme-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-theme-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-theme-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-theme.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-user-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-password.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-password.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-password.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-password.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user-password.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-user.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-user.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-user.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-user.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-4.icns / tango / PD preferences-desktop-wallpaper-4.ico / tango / PD preferences-desktop-wallpaper-4.png / tango / PD preferences-desktop-wallpaper-4.svg / tango / PD preferences-desktop-wallpaper-4.xpm / tango / PD preferences-desktop-wallpaper-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-desktop-wallpaper-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-wallpaper-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-wallpaper-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-wallpaper-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-wallpaper-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-desktop-wallpaper.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-wallpaper.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-wallpaper.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop-wallpaper.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop-wallpaper.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 preferences-desktop.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-desktop.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-kcalc-constants.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-kcalc-constants.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-kcalc-constants.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-kcalc-constants.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-kcalc-constants.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-other-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-other-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-other-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-other-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-other-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-other-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-other-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-other-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-other-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-other-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-other.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-other.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-other.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-other.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-plugin-script.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin-script.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin-script.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin-script.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin-script.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-plugin.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-3.icns / tango / PD preferences-system-3.ico / tango / PD preferences-system-3.png / tango / PD preferences-system-3.svg / tango / PD preferences-system-3.xpm / tango / PD preferences-system-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-bluetooth.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-bluetooth.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-bluetooth.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-bluetooth.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-bluetooth.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-login.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-login.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-login.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-login.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-login.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-network-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-network-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-network-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-network-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-network-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-firewall.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network-firewall.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network-firewall.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network-firewall.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network-proxy.icns / tango / PD preferences-system-network-proxy.ico / tango / PD preferences-system-network-proxy.png / tango / PD preferences-system-network-proxy.svg / tango / PD preferences-system-network-proxy.xpm / tango / PD preferences-system-network-sharing-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-sharing-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-sharing-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-sharing-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-sharing-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-network-sharing.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network-sharing.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network-sharing.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network-sharing.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-network.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-system-network.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-system-network.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-system-network.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-system-performance.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-performance.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-performance.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-performance.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-performance.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-power-management.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-power-management.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-power-management.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-power-management.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-power-management.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-power-managment-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-power-managment-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-power-managment-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-power-managment-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-power-managment.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-power-managment.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-power-managment.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-power-managment.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-session-manager.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-session-manager.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-session-manager.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-session-manager.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-session-services.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-session-services.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-session-services.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-session-services.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-session-services.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-session.icns / tango / PD preferences-system-session.ico / tango / PD preferences-system-session.png / tango / PD preferences-system-session.svg / tango / PD preferences-system-session.xpm / tango / PD preferences-system-time.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-time.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-time.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-time.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-time.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-windows-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-windows-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-windows-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-windows-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 preferences-system-windows-3.icns / tango / PD preferences-system-windows-3.ico / tango / PD preferences-system-windows-3.png / tango / PD preferences-system-windows-3.svg / tango / PD preferences-system-windows-3.xpm / tango / PD preferences-system-windows-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows-actions.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-actions.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-actions.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-actions.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-actions.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-move.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-move.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-move.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-move.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows-move.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-system-windows.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system-windows.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-system.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-system.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-system.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-system.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 preferences-web-browser-adblock.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-adblock.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-adblock.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-adblock.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-adblock.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cache-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cache-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cache-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cache-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cache-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cache-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cache-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cache-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cache-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cache.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cache.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cache.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cache.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cookies-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cookies-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cookies-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cookies-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-cookies.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-cookies.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-identification.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-identification.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-identification.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-identification.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-identification.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-shortcuts.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-shortcuts.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-shortcuts.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-shortcuts.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-shortcuts.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-stylesheet-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheet-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheet-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheet-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheet.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheet.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheet.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheet.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 preferences-web-browser-stylesheets.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-stylesheets.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-stylesheets.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-stylesheets.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL preferences-web-browser-stylesheets.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL presentationlayout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 pressure-air_reservoir.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure-air_reservoir.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_control_valve_(adjustable).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_control_valve_(adjustable).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_control_valve_(adjustable;_with_discharge_opening).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_control_valve_(adjustable;_with_discharge_opening).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_manipulation_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_manipulation_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_manipulation_on_vent_(indirectly;_pneumatically_actuated_preliminary).p ng / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_manipulation_on_vent_(indirectly;_pneumatically_actuated_preliminary).s vg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_reducing_valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD pressure_reducing_valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD pressure_relief_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressure_relief_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below pressurized_vessel_horizontal.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD pressurized_vessel_horizontal.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD pressurized_vessel_vertical.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD pressurized_vessel_vertical.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD previewprintoptions.png / openoffice / GPLv3 previousannotation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 previouspage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 print-2.png / homemade / PD print-resolution.png / gimp / GPLv2 print.png / homemade / PD print.png / openoffice / GPLv3 print_class-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 print_class-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 print_class-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 print_class-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 print_class.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 print_class.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 print_class.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 print_class.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 printer-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 printer-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 printer-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 printer-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 printer-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 printer-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 printer-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 printer-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 printer-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 printer-4.icns / tango / PD printer-4.ico / tango / PD printer-4.png / tango / PD printer-4.svg / tango / PD printer-4.xpm / tango / PD printer-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 printer-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 printer-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 printer-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 printer-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 printer-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 printer-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 printer-8.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer-8.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer-8.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer-8.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 printer-dot_matrix.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-dot_matrix.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-dot_matrix.png / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-dot_matrix.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-error-2.icns / tango / PD printer-error-2.ico / tango / PD printer-error-2.png / tango / PD printer-error-2.svg / tango / PD printer-error-2.xpm / tango / PD printer-error-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-error-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-error-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-error-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-error-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-error.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 printer-error.icns / gnome / GPLv2 printer-error.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 printer-error.ico / gnome / GPLv2 printer-error.png / gnome / GPLv2 printer-error.svg / gnome / GPLv2 printer-error.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 printer-error.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 printer-laser.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-laser.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-laser.png / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-laser.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD printer-printing-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-printing-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-printing-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-printing-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-printing-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL printer-printing.icns / gnome / GPLv2 printer-printing.ico / gnome / GPLv2 printer-printing.png / gnome / GPLv2 printer-printing.svg / gnome / GPLv2 printer-printing.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 printer.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 printer.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 printer.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 printer.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 printer.png / intrigue / GPLv2 printer.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 printer.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 printer_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_empty.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_empty.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_empty.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_empty.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printer_error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 printersetup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 printlayout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 printpagepreview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 printpreview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 prism-icon4.icns / app-install / See Below prism-icon4.ico / app-install / See Below prism-icon4.png / app-install / See Below prism-icon4.xpm / app-install / See Below prison.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 prison.svg / openstreetmap / PD process-idle-kde.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-idle-kde.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-idle-kde.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-idle-kde.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-idle.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-idle.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-idle.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-stop-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 process-stop-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 process-stop-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 process-stop-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 process-stop-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 process-stop-4.icns / tango / PD process-stop-4.ico / tango / PD process-stop-4.png / tango / PD process-stop-4.svg / tango / PD process-stop-4.xpm / tango / PD process-stop-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-stop-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-stop-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-stop-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-stop-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-stop-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 process-stop-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 process-stop.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 process-stop.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 process-stop.png / intrigue / GPLv2 process-stop.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 process-working-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-working-2.ico / tango / PD process-working-2.png / tango / PD process-working-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-working-2.xpm / tango / PD process-working-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-working-kde.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-working-kde.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-working-kde.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL process-working.ico / gnome / GPLv2 process-working.png / gnome / GPLv2 process-working.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 progressbar.png / openoffice / GPLv3 project-development-close-all.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close-all.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close-all.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close-all.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close-all.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-close.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-new-template.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-new-template.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-new-template.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-new-template.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development-new-template.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-development.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-open-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 project-open-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 project-open-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 project-open-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 project-open-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-open-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-open-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-open-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-open-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL project-open.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 project-open.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 project-open.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 project-open.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 projectControl.icns / app-install / See Below projectControl.ico / app-install / See Below projectControl.png / app-install / See Below projectControl.xpm / app-install / See Below projectSynchro.icns / app-install / See Below projectSynchro.ico / app-install / See Below projectSynchro.png / app-install / See Below projectSynchro.xpm / app-install / See Below projectl.icns / app-install / See Below projectl.ico / app-install / See Below projectl.png / app-install / See Below projectl.xpm / app-install / See Below proxy.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 proxy.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 proxy.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 proxy.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 psi.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below psi.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below psi.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below psi.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below psi_old.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below psi_old.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below psi_old.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below psi_old.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below pterm.icns / app-install / See Below pterm.ico / app-install / See Below pterm.png / app-install / See Below pterm.xpm / app-install / See Below pub.svg / openstreetmap / PD publicart.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 pump.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD pump.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD puredata.icns / app-install / See Below puredata.ico / app-install / See Below puredata.png / app-install / See Below puredata.xpm / app-install / See Below pushbutton.png / openoffice / GPLv3 .icns / app-install / See Below putty.ico / app-install / See Below putty.png / app-install / See Below putty.xpm / app-install / See Below pybliographic.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pybliographic.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pybliographic.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pybliographic.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pybridge.icns / app-install / See Below pybridge.ico / app-install / See Below pybridge.png / app-install / See Below pybridge.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below pychess.ico / app-install / See Below pychess.png / app-install / See Below pychess.xpm / app-install / See Below pydance.icns / app-install / See Below pydance.ico / app-install / See Below pydance.png / app-install / See Below pydance.xpm / app-install / See Below pygmy.icns / app-install / See Below pygmy.ico / app-install / See Below pygmy.png / app-install / See Below pygmy.xpm / app-install / See Below pykaraoke.icns / app-install / See Below pykaraoke.ico / app-install / See Below pykaraoke.png / app-install / See Below pykaraoke.xpm / app-install / See Below pymol.icns / app-install / See Below pymol.ico / app-install / See Below pymol.png / app-install / See Below pymol.xpm / app-install / See Below pympd.icns / app-install / See Below pympd.ico / app-install / See Below pympd.png / app-install / See Below pympd.svg / app-install / See Below pympd.xpm / app-install / See Below pyntor.icns / app-install / See Below pyntor.ico / app-install / See Below pyntor.png / app-install / See Below pyntor.xpm / app-install / See Below pypar2.icns / app-install / See Below pypar2.ico / app-install / See Below pypar2.png / app-install / See Below pypar2.xpm / app-install / See Below pype.icns / app-install / See Below pype.ico / app-install / See Below pype.png / app-install / See Below pype.xpm / app-install / See Below pyracerz.icns / app-install / See Below pyracerz.ico / app-install / See Below pyracerz.png / app-install / See Below pyracerz.xpm / app-install / See Below pyrenamer_pyrenamer.icns / app-install / See Below pyrenamer_pyrenamer.ico / app-install / See Below pyrenamer_pyrenamer.png / app-install / See Below pyrenamer_pyrenamer.xpm / app-install / See Below pyscrabble.icns / app-install / See Below pyscrabble.ico / app-install / See Below pyscrabble.png / app-install / See Below pyscrabble.xpm / app-install / See Below pysol.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pysol.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pysol.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pysol.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 pysycache.icns / app-install / See Below pysycache.ico / app-install / See Below pysycache.png / app-install / See Below pysycache.xpm / app-install / See Below python2.5.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 python2.5.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 python2.5.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 python2.5.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 python2.5.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 q3map2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below q3map2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below q3map2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below q3map2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below qa-2.icns / app-install / See Below qa-2.ico / app-install / See Below qa-2.png / app-install / See Below qa-2.xpm / app-install / See Below qalculate.icns / app-install / See Below qalculate.ico / app-install / See Below qalculate.png / app-install / See Below qalculate.xpm / app-install / See Below qbittorrent-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qbittorrent-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qbittorrent-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qbittorrent-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qbittorrent.icns / app-install / See Below qbittorrent.ico / app-install / See Below qbittorrent.png / app-install / See Below qbittorrent.xpm / app-install / See Below qcad.icns / app-install / See Below qcad.ico / app-install / See Below qcad.png / app-install / See Below qcad.xpm / app-install / See Below qcomicbook_qcomicbook.icns / app-install / See Below qcomicbook_qcomicbook.ico / app-install / See Below qcomicbook_qcomicbook.png / app-install / See Below qcomicbook_qcomicbook.xpm / app-install / See Below qdacco_qdacco.icns / app-install / See Below qdacco_qdacco.ico / app-install / See Below qdacco_qdacco.png / app-install / See Below qdacco_qdacco.xpm / app-install / See Below qelectrotech.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL qelectrotech.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL qelectrotech.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL qelectrotech.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL qelectrotech.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL qemu.icns / app-install / See Below qemu.ico / app-install / See Below qemu.png / app-install / See Below qemu.svg / app-install / See Below qemu.xpm / app-install / See Below qemulator.icns / app-install / See Below qemulator.ico / app-install / See Below qemulator.png / app-install / See Below qemulator.svg / app-install / See Below qemulator.xpm / app-install / See Below qfreefax.icns / app-install / See Below qfreefax.ico / app-install / See Below qfreefax.png / app-install / See Below qfreefax.xpm / app-install / See Below qfusion.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qfusion.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qfusion.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qfusion.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qik.png / homemade / PD qink.icns / app-install / See Below qink.ico / app-install / See Below qink.png / app-install / See Below qink.xpm / app-install / See Below qjackctl.icns / app-install / See Below qjackctl.ico / app-install / See Below qjackctl.png / app-install / See Below qjackctl.xpm / app-install / See Below qlandkarte.icns / app-install / See Below qlandkarte.ico / app-install / See Below qlandkarte.png / app-install / See Below qlandkarte.xpm / app-install / See Below qliss3d.icns / app-install / See Below qliss3d.ico / app-install / See Below qliss3d.png / app-install / See Below qliss3d.xpm / app-install / See Below qnapi.icns / app-install / See Below qnapi.ico / app-install / See Below qnapi.png / app-install / See Below qnapi.xpm / app-install / See Below qrfcview.icns / app-install / See Below qrfcview.ico / app-install / See Below qrfcview.png / app-install / See Below qrfcview.xpm / app-install / See Below qstardict.icns / app-install / See Below qstardict.ico / app-install / See Below qstardict.png / app-install / See Below qstardict.xpm / app-install / See Below qsynth.icns / app-install / See Below qsynth.ico / app-install / See Below qsynth.png / app-install / See Below qsynth.xpm / app-install / See Below qt-designer-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 qt-designer.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 qt-designer.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 qt-designer.png / intrigue / GPLv2 qt-designer.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 qt-linguist.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qt-linguist.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qt-linguist.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qt-linguist.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qtella.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qtella.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qtella.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qtella.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 qterm.icns / app-install / See Below qterm.ico / app-install / See Below qterm.png / app-install / See Below qterm.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below qtiplot-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below qtiplot-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below qtiplot-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below qtiplot.icns / app-install / See Below qtiplot.ico / app-install / See Below qtiplot.png / app-install / See Below qtiplot.xpm / app-install / See Below qtoctave.icns / app-install / See Below qtoctave.ico / app-install / See Below qtoctave.png / app-install / See Below qtoctave.xpm / app-install / See Below qtodo.icns / app-install / See Below qtodo.ico / app-install / See Below qtodo.png / app-install / See Below qtodo.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below qtparted.ico / app-install / See Below qtparted.png / app-install / See Below qtparted.xpm / app-install / See Below qtpfsgui.icns / app-install / See Below qtpfsgui.ico / app-install / See Below qtpfsgui.png / app-install / See Below qtpfsgui.xpm / app-install / See Below qtractor.icns / app-install / See Below qtractor.ico / app-install / See Below qtractor.png / app-install / See Below qtractor.xpm / app-install / See Below qtstalker.icns / app-install / See Below qtstalker.ico / app-install / See Below qtstalker.png / app-install / See Below qtstalker.xpm / app-install / See Below quake_3.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD quake_3.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD quake_3.png / open_clip_art_library / PD quake_3.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD quanta.icns / app-install / See Below quanta.ico / app-install / See Below quanta.png / app-install / See Below quanta.xpm / app-install / See Below quark-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quark-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quark-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quark-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quark.icns / app-install / See Below quark.ico / app-install / See Below quark.png / app-install / See Below quark.xpm / app-install / See Below quarry.icns / app-install / See Below quarry.ico / app-install / See Below quarry.png / app-install / See Below quarry.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD quarry.xpm / app-install / See Below quarry_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD quassel_irc.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quassel_irc.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quassel_irc.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quassel_irc.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quassel_irc.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below queries.png / openoffice / GPLv3 question.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 quick-mask-off.png / gimp / GPLv2 quick-mask-on.png / gimp / GPLv2 quick_exhaust_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quick_exhaust_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below quicklist.icns / app-install / See Below quicklist.ico / app-install / See Below quicklist.png / app-install / See Below quicklist.xpm / app-install / See Below quickopen-class.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-class.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-class.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-class.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-file.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-file.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-file.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-file.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-file.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-function.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-function.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-function.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen-function.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quickopen.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL quicksynergy.icns / app-install / See Below quicksynergy.ico / app-install / See Below quicksynergy.png / app-install / See Below quicksynergy.xpm / app-install / See Below quicktime-2.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 quicktime-2.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 quicktime-2.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 quicktime-2.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 quicktime-2.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 quicktime.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 quicktime.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 quicktime.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 quicktime.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 quicktime.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 quit.png / openoffice / GPLv3 quod_libet.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below quod_libet.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below quod_libet.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below quod_libet.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below qutim.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qutim.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qutim.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below qutim.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below r.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 rachota.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD rachota.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD rachota.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD rachota.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD racing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 radial_fan.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD radial_fan.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD radiant.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below radiant.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below radiant.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below radiant.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below radiation.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 radio-old.icns / wpclipart / PD radio-old.ico / wpclipart / PD radio-old.png / wpclipart / PD radiobutton.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rain.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 rainbow.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rainbow.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rainbow.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rainbow.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rakarrack.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD rakarrack.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD rakarrack.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD rakarrack.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD randr-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 randr-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 randr-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 randr-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 randr.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 randr.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 randr.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 randr.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 rapidsvn-2.icns / app-install / See Below rapidsvn-2.ico / app-install / See Below rapidsvn-2.png / app-install / See Below rapidsvn-2.xpm / app-install / See Below rasmol.icns / app-install / See Below rasmol.ico / app-install / See Below rasmol.png / app-install / See Below rasmol.xpm / app-install / See Below rating.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rating.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rating.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rating.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rating.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rattlesnake.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 rawstudio.icns / app-install / See Below rawstudio.ico / app-install / See Below rawstudio.png / app-install / See Below rawstudio.xpm / app-install / See Below rbbr.icns / app-install / See Below rbbr.ico / app-install / See Below rbbr.png / app-install / See Below rbbr.xpm / app-install / See Below rcap.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 reactos.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below reactos.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below readernaut.png / homemade / PD readonlyevent.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 readonlyevent.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 readonlyevent.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 realestate.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 realplayer.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 realplayer.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 realplayer.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 recoll.icns / app-install / See Below recoll.ico / app-install / See Below recoll.png / app-install / See Below recoll.xpm / app-install / See Below recsave.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rect.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rect_rounded.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rect_rounded_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rect_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rectagle_blue.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_blue.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_blue.png / wpclipart / PD rectagle_green.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_green.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_green.png / wpclipart / PD rectagle_grey.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_grey.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_grey.png / wpclipart / PD rectagle_orange.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_orange.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_orange.png / wpclipart / PD rectagle_purple.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_purple.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_purple.png / wpclipart / PD rectagle_red.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_red.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_red.png / wpclipart / PD rectagle_tan.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_tan.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_tan.png / wpclipart / PD rectagle_yellow.icns / wpclipart / PD rectagle_yellow.ico / wpclipart / PD rectagle_yellow.png / wpclipart / PD rectangle.png / gimp / GPLv2 rectangletoolbox.png / openoffice / GPLv3 recundo.png / openoffice / GPLv3 recur.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 recur.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 recur.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 recycle.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 recycling.svg / openstreetmap / PD reddit.png / homemade / PD refbase.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below refbase.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below refbase.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below refbase.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below referencer-2.icns / app-install / See Below referencer-2.ico / app-install / See Below referencer-2.png / app-install / See Below referencer-2.svg / app-install / See Below referencer-2.xpm / app-install / See Below reflectivity-diffuse-high.png / gimp / GPLv2 reflectivity-diffuse-low.png / gimp / GPLv2 reflectivity-highlight-high.png / gimp / GPLv2 reflectivity-highlight-low.png / gimp / GPLv2 reflectivity-specular-high.png / gimp / GPLv2 reflectivity-specular-low.png / gimp / GPLv2 refreshformcontrol.png / openoffice / GPLv3 regexp.png / openoffice / GPLv3 regexxer.icns / app-install / See Below regexxer.ico / app-install / See Below regexxer.png / app-install / See Below regexxer.xpm / app-install / See Below regina.icns / app-install / See Below regina.ico / app-install / See Below regina.png / app-install / See Below regina.xpm / app-install / See Below register.png / openoffice / GPLv3 reglin.png / openoffice / GPLv3 reglog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 regno.png / openoffice / GPLv3 regpow.png / openoffice / GPLv3 regroup.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 rehearsetimings.png / openoffice / GPLv3 .icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below rekonq.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below rekonq.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below rekonq.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below religion-buddhist.svg / qgis / GPLv2 religion-christian.svg / qgis / GPLv2 religion-hindu.svg / qgis / GPLv2 religion-jewish.svg / qgis / GPLv2 religion-muslim.svg / qgis / GPLv2 religion-pastafarian.svg / qgis / GPLv2 religion-place_of_worship.svg / qgis / GPLv2 religion-sikh.svg / qgis / GPLv2 removebullets.png / openoffice / GPLv3 removecomment.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 removecomment.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 removecomment.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 removecomment.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 removefilter.png / openoffice / GPLv3 removefiltersort.png / openoffice / GPLv3 renamemasterpage.png / openoffice / GPLv3 renpy-demo.icns / app-install / See Below renpy-demo.ico / app-install / See Below renpy-demo.png / app-install / See Below renpy-demo.xpm / app-install / See Below renpy-thequestion.icns / app-install / See Below renpy-thequestion.ico / app-install / See Below renpy-thequestion.png / app-install / See Below renpy-thequestion.xpm / app-install / See Below renpy.icns / app-install / See Below renpy.ico / app-install / See Below renpy.png / app-install / See Below renpy.xpm / app-install / See Below rental_bicycle.svg / openstreetmap / PD rental_car.svg / openstreetmap / PD repeat.png / openoffice / GPLv3 replac3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 report-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-disk.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-disk.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report-disk.png / 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famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 report.png / openoffice / GPLv3 report.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 reportnavigator.png / openoffice / GPLv3 reports.png / openoffice / GPLv3 repository.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL reset.png / gimp / GPLv2 reshow-filter.png / gimp / GPLv2 resize.png / gimp / GPLv2 resort.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 resources.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 resources.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 resources.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 resources.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 resourcespace.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below resourcespace.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below resourcespace.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below resourcespace.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below restaurant-barbecue.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurant-buffet.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurant-fish.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurant-romantic.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurant.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurant.svg / openstreetmap / PD restaurantafrican.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantchinese.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantfishchips.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantgourmet.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantgreek.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantindian.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantitalian.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantjapanese.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantkebab.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantkorean.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantmediterranean.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantmexican.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantthai.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 restaurantturkish.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 retract_resistor_check_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below retract_resistor_check_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare1.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare1.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare1.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare1.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below retroshare2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below revelation.icns / app-install / See Below revelation.ico / app-install / See Below revelation.png / app-install / See Below revelation.xpm / app-install / See Below reverseorder.png / openoffice / GPLv3 revolution.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 rezound.icns / app-install / See Below rezound.ico / app-install / See Below rezound.png / app-install / See Below rezound.xpm / app-install / See Below rfdump.icns / app-install / See Below rfdump.ico / app-install / See Below rfdump.png / app-install / See Below rfdump.xpm / app-install / See Below rhinote.icns / app-install / See Below rhinote.ico / app-install / See Below rhinote.png / app-install / See Below rhinote.xpm / app-install / See Below rhythmbox-2.icns / app-install / See Below rhythmbox-2.ico / app-install / See Below rhythmbox-2.png / app-install / See Below rhythmbox-2.xpm / app-install / See Below rhythmbox-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rhythmbox-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rhythmbox-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rhythmbox-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rhythmbox-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rhythmbox-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 rhythmbox-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 rhythmbox-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 rhythmbox-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 ri-li.icns / app-install / See Below ri-li.ico / app-install / See Below ri-li.png / app-install / See Below ri-li.xpm / app-install / See Below ribbon-blue.icns / wpclipart / PD ribbon-blue.ico / wpclipart / PD ribbon-blue.png / wpclipart / PD rice_field.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD rice_field_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD right.png / gimp / GPLv2 right.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 rightpara.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rightthendown.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 rightthenup.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 riparian.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ripperx.icns / app-install / See Below ripperx.ico / app-install / See Below ripperx.png / app-install / See Below ripperx.xpm / app-install / See Below ristretto.icns / app-install / See Below ristretto.ico / app-install / See Below ristretto.png / app-install / See Below ristretto.xpm / app-install / See Below road-sign-us-crosswalk.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-crosswalk.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-crosswalk.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-crosswalk.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-crosswalk.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-dead_end.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-dead_end.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-dead_end.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-dead_end.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-dead_end.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-do_not_enter.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-do_not_enter.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-do_not_enter.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-do_not_enter.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-do_not_enter.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-mutcd-w21-1a-construction.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-mutcd-w21-1a-construction.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-mutcd-w21-1a-construction.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-mutcd-w21-1a-construction.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-mutcd-w21-1a-construction.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-school.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-school.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-school.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-school.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-school.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-stop.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-stop.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-stop.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-stop.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-stop.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-yield.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-yield.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-yield.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-yield.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD road-sign-us-yield.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD robowar.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below robowar.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below robowar.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below robowar.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rocks_n_diamonds.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rocks_n_diamonds.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rocks_n_diamonds.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below rocks_n_diamonds.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below roll-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL roll-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL roll-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL roll-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL roll-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL roll.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 roll.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 roll.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 roll.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 roller_lever_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below roller_lever_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below roller_shaft_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below roller_shaft_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below root-system-bin.icns / app-install / See Below root-system-bin.ico / app-install / See Below root-system-bin.png / app-install / See Below root-system-bin.xpm / app-install / See Below ropescourse.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 rose-wilted.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rose-wilted.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rose-wilted.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rose.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rose.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rose.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL rosegarden.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below rosegarden.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below rosegarden.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below rosegarden.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below rosette.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rosette.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rosette.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rosette.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rotate-180.png / gimp / GPLv2 rotate-270.png / gimp / GPLv2 rotate-90.png / gimp / GPLv2 rotate3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 round-icons/flag-ad.icns / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-ad.ico / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-ad.png / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-ad.xpm / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-ae.icns / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-ae.ico / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-ae.png / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-ae.xpm / warthan / GPL round-icons/flag-af.icns / warthan / GPL 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See Below rsibreak.png / app-install / See Below rsibreak.xpm / app-install / See Below rss-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-feed.png / homemade / PD rss-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-valid.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-valid.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-valid.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rss-valid.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-gear.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-gear.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-gear.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-gear.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-get.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-get.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-get.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-get.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-put.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-put.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-put.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby-put.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 ruby.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 rugby.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ruins.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ruins.svg / openstreetmap / PD rulerrows.png / openoffice / GPLv3 rulerrowsvertical.png / openoffice / GPLv3 run-build-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 run-build-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 run-build-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 run-build-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 run-build-clean.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-clean.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-clean.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-clean.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-configure.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-configure.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-configure.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-configure.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-file-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-build-file-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-build-file-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-build-file-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-build-file-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-file-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-file-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-file-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-file.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-build-file.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-build-file.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-build-file.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-build-install-root.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-install-root.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-install-root.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-install-root.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-install.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-install.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-install.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-install.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-prune.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-prune.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-prune.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build-prune.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL run-build.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-build.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-build.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-build.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run-rebuild.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run.icns / app-install / See Below run.ico / app-install / See Below run.png / app-install / See Below run.xpm / app-install / See Below run_bounding.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_bounding.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_bounding.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_bounding.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_not.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_not.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_not.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_not.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_skip.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_skip.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_skip.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 run_skip.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 runbasic.png / openoffice / GPLv3 runit.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 runit.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 runit.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 rutilt.icns / app-install / See Below rutilt.ico / app-install / See Below rutilt.png / app-install / See Below rutilt.xpm / app-install / See Below s.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 sabayon.icns / app-install / See Below sabayon.ico / app-install / See Below sabayon.png / app-install / See Below sabayon.xpm / app-install / See Below sagasu.icns / app-install / See Below sagasu.ico / app-install / See Below sagasu.png / app-install / See Below sagasu.xpm / app-install / See Below sage.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sage.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sage.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sage.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sailboat-sport.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sailboat-tourism.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sailboat.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sailing.svg / openstreetmap / PD saint.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below saint.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below saint.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below saint.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below samba-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 samba-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 samba-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 samba-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 samba-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 samba-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 samba-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 samba-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 samba.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 samba.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 samba.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 samba.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 sample-point.png / gimp / GPLv2 satursday.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sauna.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 save.png / openoffice / GPLv3 save_as-2.png / homemade / PD save_as.png / homemade / PD saveas.png / openoffice / GPLv3 saveastemplate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 savebasicas.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sbabrwinsert.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sbaexecutesql.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sbanativesql.png / openoffice / GPLv3 scale.png / gimp / GPLv2 scanner-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 scanner-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 scanner-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 scanner-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 scanner-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 scanner-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 scanner-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 scanner-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 scanner-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 scanner-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scanner-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scanner-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scanner-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scanner-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scanner-barcode.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD scanner-barcode.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD scanner-barcode.png / open_clip_art_library / PD scanner-barcode.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD scanner.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 scanner.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 scanner.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 scanner.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 schism-itf.icns / app-install / See Below schism-itf.ico / app-install / See Below schism-itf.png / app-install / See Below schism-itf.xpm / app-install / See Below schism.icns / app-install / See Below schism.ico / app-install / See Below schism.png / app-install / See Below schism.xpm / app-install / See Below school.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 school.svg / openstreetmap / PD schrink.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sciencecenter.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 scorched3d.icns / app-install / See Below scorched3d.ico / app-install / See Below scorched3d.png / app-install / See Below scorched3d.xpm / app-install / See Below scorched_3d.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scorched_3d.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scorched_3d.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scorched_3d.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scratch.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below scratch.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below scratch.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below scratch.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below screem.icns / app-install / See Below screem.ico / app-install / See Below screem.png / app-install / See Below screem.xpm / app-install / See Below screenlets.icns / app-install / See Below screenlets.ico / app-install / See Below screenlets.png / app-install / See Below screenlets.svg / app-install / See Below screenlets.xpm / app-install / See Below screenruler.icns / app-install / See Below screenruler.ico / app-install / See Below screenruler.png / app-install / See Below screenruler.xpm / app-install / See Below scribes.icns / app-install / See Below scribes.ico / app-install / See Below scribes.png / app-install / See Below scribes.xpm / app-install / See Below scribus-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scribus-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scribus-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scribus-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scribus-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL scribus-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scribus-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scribus-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scribus-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below scribus.icns / app-install / See Below scribus.ico / app-install / See Below scribus.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 scribus.png / app-install / See Below scribus.xpm / app-install / See Below scribus.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 script-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code-red.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code-red.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code-red.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code-red.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-code.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-error-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-error-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-error-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-error-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-error.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL script-error.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL script-error.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL script-error.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL script-error.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL script-gear.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-gear.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-gear.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-gear.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-lightning.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-lightning.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-lightning.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-lightning.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-palette.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-palette.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-palette.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-palette.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-save.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-save.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-save.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script-save.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 script.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 scroll-blank.icns / wpclipart / PD scroll-blank.ico / wpclipart / PD scroll-blank.png / wpclipart / PD scummvm.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below scummvm.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below scummvm.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below scummvm.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below scummvm.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sdljump.icns / app-install / See Below sdljump.ico / app-install / See Below sdljump.png / app-install / See Below sdljump.xpm / app-install / See Below sea_mine.icns / wpclipart / PD sea_mine.ico / wpclipart / PD sea_mine.png / wpclipart / PD -2.icns / app-install / See Below seahorse-2.ico / app-install / See Below seahorse-2.png / app-install / See Below seahorse-2.xpm / app-install / See Below seahorse-preferences-2.icns / app-install / See Below seahorse-preferences-2.ico / app-install / See Below seahorse-preferences-2.png / app-install / See Below seahorse-preferences-2.xpm / app-install / See Below seals.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below seamonkey.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below seamonkey.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below seamonkey.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below searchmonkey.icns / app-install / See Below searchmonkey.ico / app-install / See Below searchmonkey.png / app-install / See Below searchmonkey.xpm / app-install / See Below seashore.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below seashore.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below seashore.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below seashore.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below seaview.icns / app-install / See Below seaview.ico / app-install / See Below seaview.png / app-install / See Below seaview.xpm / app-install / See Below secpanel.icns / app-install / See Below secpanel.ico / app-install / See Below secpanel.png / app-install / See Below secpanel.xpm / app-install / See Below sectionalignbottom.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sectionalignleft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sectionalignright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sectionaligntop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sectionshrink.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sectionshrinkbottom.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sectionshrinktop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 security-high-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-high-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-high-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-high-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-high-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-high.icns / gnome / GPLv2 security-high.ico / gnome / GPLv2 security-high.png / gnome / GPLv2 security-high.svg / gnome / GPLv2 security-high.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 security-low-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-low-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-low-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-low-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-low-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-low.icns / gnome / GPLv2 security-low.ico / gnome / GPLv2 security-low.png / gnome / GPLv2 security-low.svg / gnome / GPLv2 security-low.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 security-medium-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-medium-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-medium-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-medium-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-medium-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL security-medium.icns / gnome / GPLv2 security-medium.ico / gnome / GPLv2 security-medium.png / gnome / GPLv2 security-medium.svg / gnome / GPLv2 security-medium.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 select-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 select-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 select-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 select-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 select-nodes.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 select-nodes.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 select-nodes.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 select-object.png / gimp / GPLv2 select-rectangular.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL select-rectangular.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL select-rectangular.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL select-rectangular.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL select-rectangular.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL select.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 select.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 select.png / intrigue / GPLv2 select.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 selectall.png / openoffice / GPLv3 selection-add.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-all.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-border.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-grow.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-intersect.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-none.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-replace.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-shrink.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-stroke.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-subtract.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-to-channel.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection-to-path.png / gimp / GPLv2 selection.png / gimp / GPLv2 selecttable.png / openoffice / GPLv3 semn.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL semn.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL semn.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL semn.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL semn.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL sendfax.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sendmail.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sendtoback.png / openoffice / GPLv3 seniorsite.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sequence_valve_(adjustable).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sequence_valve_(adjustable).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sequence_valve_(with_discharge_opening).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sequence_valve_(with_discharge_opening).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below series_manipulation_(electrical_magnet_operates_pressure_control_valve)_on_valve .png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below series_manipulation_(electrical_magnet_operates_pressure_control_valve)_on_valve .svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below serif.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 server-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-chart.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-chart.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-chart.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-chart.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 server-compressed.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or 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setdocumentproperties.png / openoffice / GPLv3 setobjecttobackground.png / openoffice / GPLv3 setobjecttoforeground.png / openoffice / GPLv3 setoptimalcolumnwidth.png / openoffice / GPLv3 setoptimalcolumnwidthdirect.png / openoffice / GPLv3 setoptimalrowheight.png / openoffice / GPLv3 seyon.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 seyon.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 seyon.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 seyon.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 shading.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shading.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shading.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shading.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shadow3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 shadowbridge.icns / app-install / See Below shadowbridge.ico / app-install / See Below shadowbridge.png / app-install / See Below shadowbridge.xpm / app-install / See Below shadowcursor.png / openoffice / GPLv3 shadowed.png / openoffice / GPLv3 shaman.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shaman.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shaman.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shaman.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shape-circle.png / gimp / GPLv2 shape-diamond.png / gimp / GPLv2 shape-group.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-group.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-group.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-group.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-handles.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-handles.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-handles.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-handles.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-back.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-back.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-back.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-back.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-backwards.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-backwards.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-backwards.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-backwards.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-forwards.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-forwards.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-forwards.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-forwards.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-front.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-front.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-front.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-move-front.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shape-square-key.icns / 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shapes.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL shapes.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL shapes.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL shapes.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL share-2.icns / app-install / See Below share-2.ico / app-install / See Below share-2.png / app-install / See Below share-2.xpm / app-install / See Below share-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 share-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 share-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 share-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 share.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 share.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 share.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 share.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shareaza.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shareaza.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shareaza.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shared.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sharethis.png / homemade / PD .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sharpdevelop.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sharpdevelop.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sharpdevelop.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shear.png / openoffice / GPLv3 shebang.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD shebang.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD shebang.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD shebang.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD shebang.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD sheepshaver.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sheepshaver.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sheepshaver.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sheepshaver.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below shell3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 shelter-picnic.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 shelter-sleeping.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 shelter.svg / openstreetmap / PD shield-2.icns / wpclipart / PD shield-2.ico / wpclipart / PD shield-2.png / wpclipart / PD shield-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shield.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 shiira.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD shiira.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD shiira.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD shiira.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD shinto.svg / openstreetmap / PD .icns / app-install / See Below shoes.ico / app-install / See Below shoes.png / app-install / See Below shoes.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 shoes.xpm / app-install / See Below shop-convenience.svg / qgis / GPLv2 shop-supermarket.svg / qgis / GPLv2 shoppingmall.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 shore.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 shorewall.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below shorewall.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below shorewall.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below shorewall.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below show-all.png / gimp / GPLv2 show-menu.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL show-menu.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL show-menu.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL show-menu.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL show-menu.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL showannotation.png / openoffice / GPLv3 showbookview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 showbrowser.png / openoffice / GPLv3 shower.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 showfmexplorer.png / openoffice / GPLv3 showfoto-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL showfoto-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL showfoto-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL showfoto-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL showfoto-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL showfoto.icns / app-install / See Below showfoto.ico / app-install / See Below showfoto.png / app-install / See Below showfoto.xpm / app-install / See Below showmenu.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 showmenu.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 showmenu.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 showmenu.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 showmultiplepages.png / openoffice / GPLv3 showpropbrowser.png / openoffice / GPLv3 showtwopages.png / openoffice / GPLv3 shrine.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD shrine_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD siberian_dwarf_pines.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD siberian_dwarf_pines_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD sight.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sign-crossroads.icns / wpclipart / PD sign-crossroads.ico / wpclipart / PD sign-crossroads.png / wpclipart / PD sikhism.svg / openstreetmap / PD silk_style/page-code.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 silk_style/page-code.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 silk_style/page-code.png / 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LGPL-2.1 sl_delrecord.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 slashem.icns / app-install / See Below slashem.ico / app-install / See Below slashem.png / app-install / See Below slashem.xpm / app-install / See Below slide-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 slide-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 slide-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 slune.icns / app-install / See Below slune.ico / app-install / See Below slune.png / app-install / See Below slune.xpm / app-install / See Below smallcity.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 smallestheight.png / openoffice / GPLv3 smallestwidth.png / openoffice / GPLv3 smb4k.icns / app-install / See Below smb4k.ico / app-install / See Below smb4k.png / app-install / See Below smb4k.xpm / app-install / See Below smokingarea.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below smplayer-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below smplayer-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below smplayer-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below smplayer.icns / app-install / See Below smplayer.ico / app-install / See Below smplayer.png / app-install / See Below smplayer.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 sms.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 sms.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 sms.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 smserver.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 smserver.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 smserver.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 smserver.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD smultron.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD smultron.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD smultron.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD smultron2.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD smultron2.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD smultron2.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD smultron2.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD snake4.icns / app-install / See Below snake4.ico / app-install / See Below snake4.png / app-install / See Below snake4.xpm / app-install / See Below snap-extention.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL snap-extention.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL snap-extention.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL snap-extention.xpm / 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sodipodi.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 sofa_framework.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sofa_framework.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sofa_framework.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sofa_framework.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below software-properties.icns / app-install / See Below software-properties.ico / app-install / See Below software-properties.png / app-install / See Below software-properties.xpm / app-install / See Below software-update-available-2.icns / tango / PD software-update-available-2.ico / tango / PD software-update-available-2.png / tango / PD software-update-available-2.svg / tango / PD software-update-available-2.xpm / tango / PD software-update-available.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 software-update-available.icns / gnome / GPLv2 software-update-available.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 software-update-available.ico / gnome / GPLv2 software-update-available.png / gnome / GPLv2 software-update-available.svg / gnome / GPLv2 software-update-available.xpm / echo / 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openoffice / GPLv3 solidfilldlg.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 solidfilldlg.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 solidfilldlg.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 solidfilldlg.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 sonata.icns / app-install / See Below sonata.ico / app-install / See Below sonata.png / app-install / See Below sonata.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songbird.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songbird.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songbird.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songbird_bw.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songbird_bw.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songbird_bw.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songbird_bw.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below songwrite.icns / app-install / See Below songwrite.ico / app-install / See Below songwrite.png / app-install / See Below songwrite.xpm / app-install / See Below sopwith.icns / app-install / See Below sopwith.ico / app-install / See Below sopwith.png / app-install / See Below sopwith.xpm / app-install / See Below sortascending.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sortdescending.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sortdown.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sortup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sound-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-grey.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-grey.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-grey.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-low.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-low.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-low.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-low.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-mute.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-mute.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-mute.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-mute.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-none.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-none.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-none.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound-none.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 sound.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sound_juicer.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sound_juicer.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sound_juicer.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sound_juicer.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sound_juicer.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below soundconverter.icns / app-install / See Below soundconverter.ico / app-install / See Below soundconverter.png / app-install / See Below soundconverter.xpm / app-install / See Below soundkonverter.icns / app-install / See Below soundkonverter.ico / app-install / See Below soundkonverter.png / app-install / See Below soundkonverter.xpm / app-install / See Below sourceview.png / openoffice / GPLv3 spa.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD spacepara1.png / openoffice / GPLv3 spacepara15.png / openoffice / GPLv3 spacepara2.png / openoffice / GPLv3 spaceport.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sparkle.icns / wiki_commons_mit / MIT sparkle.ico / wiki_commons_mit / MIT sparkle.png / wiki_commons_mit / MIT sparkle.xpm / wiki_commons_mit / MIT spe.icns / app-install / See Below spe.ico / app-install / See Below spe.png / app-install / See Below spe.xpm / app-install / See Below specto.icns / app-install / See Below specto.ico / app-install / See Below specto.png / app-install / See Below specto.svg / app-install / See Below specto.xpm / app-install / See Below speed100.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed110.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed120.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed130.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed20.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed30.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed40.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed50.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed60.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed70.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed80.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speed90.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 speedcrunch.icns / app-install / See Below speedcrunch.ico / app-install / See Below speedcrunch.png / app-install / See Below speedcrunch.xpm / app-install / See Below speedhump.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 spelling.png / openoffice / GPLv3 spellonline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 spelunking.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sphere.png / openoffice / GPLv3 spiral.png / gimp / GPLv2 spiral_heat_exchanger_symbol.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD spiral_heat_exchanger_symbol.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD spire.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 spire.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 spire.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 spire.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 splitcell.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sports-basketball.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-basketball.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-basketball.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-basketball.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-football.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-football.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-football.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-football.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-golf.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-golf.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-golf.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-golf.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-raquet.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-raquet.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-raquet.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-raquet.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-shuttlecock.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-shuttlecock.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-shuttlecock.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-shuttlecock.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-soccer.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-soccer.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-soccer.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-soccer.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-tennis.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-tennis.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-tennis.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 sports-tennis.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 spring_on_vent.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below spring_on_vent.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below spydr.icns / app-install / See Below spydr.ico / app-install / See Below spydr.png / app-install / See Below spydr.xpm / app-install / See Below sqlite_database_browser.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD sqlite_database_browser.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD sqlite_database_browser.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD sqlite_database_browser.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD sqlitebrowser.icns / app-install / See Below sqlitebrowser.ico / app-install / See Below sqlitebrowser.png / app-install / See Below sqlitebrowser.xpm / app-install / See Below square.png / openoffice / GPLv3 square_rounded.png / openoffice / GPLv3 square_rounded_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 square_unfilled.png / openoffice / GPLv3 squeak.icns / app-install / See Below squeak.ico / app-install / See Below squeak.png / app-install / See Below squeak.xpm / app-install / See Below squeeze.icns / app-install / See Below squeeze.ico / app-install / See Below squeeze.png / app-install / See Below squeeze.xpm / app-install / See Below stadium.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 standard_point.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD standard_point_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD star-10.png / hawidu / PD star-11.png / hawidu / PD star-2.png / hawidu / PD star-3.png / hawidu / PD star-4.png / hawidu / PD star-5.png / hawidu / PD star-6.png / hawidu / PD star-7.png / hawidu / PD star-8.png / hawidu / PD star-9.png / hawidu / PD star-blue-full.png / homemade / PD star-blue-half.png / homemade / PD star-blue-none.png / homemade / PD star-blue-one_forth.png / homemade / PD star-blue-three_forths.png / homemade / PD star-finish.png / hawidu / PD star-red-full.png / homemade / PD star-red-half.png / homemade / PD star-red-none.png / homemade / PD star-red-one_forth.png / homemade / PD star-red-three_forths.png / homemade / PD star-start.png / hawidu / PD star.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 star.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 star.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 star.png / gimp / GPLv2 star.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 stardict.icns / app-install / See Below stardict.ico / app-install / See Below stardict.png / app-install / See Below stardict.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below staroffice-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below staroffice-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below staroffice-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below staroffice.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 staroffice.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 staroffice.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 staroffice.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 starplot.icns / app-install / See Below starplot.ico / app-install / See Below starplot.png / app-install / See Below starplot.xpm / app-install / See Below starshapes.bang.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.concave-star6.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.doorplate.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.horizontal-scroll.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.signet.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.star12.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.star24.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.star4.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.star5.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.star6.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.star8.png / openoffice / GPLv3 starshapes.vertical-scroll.png / openoffice / GPLv3 start-here-kde.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL start-here.svg / gnome / GPLv2 start-here.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL start-here.svg / tango / PD startupmanager.icns / app-install / See Below startupmanager.ico / app-install / See Below startupmanager.png / app-install / See Below startupmanager.svg / app-install / See Below startupmanager.xpm / app-install / See Below statue.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 status-away.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-away.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-away.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-away.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-busy.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-busy.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-busy.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-busy.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-offline.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-offline.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-offline.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-offline.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-online.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-online.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-online.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 status-online.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 steam.svg / openstreetmap / PD steam_trap.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD steam_trap.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD steamtrain.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 steered_check_valve_(control_prevents_closing).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below steered_check_valve_(control_prevents_closing).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below steered_check_valve_(control_prevents_opening).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below steered_check_valve_(control_prevents_opening).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stellarium-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stellarium-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stellarium-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stellarium.icns / app-install / See Below stellarium.ico / app-install / See Below stellarium.png / app-install / See Below stellarium.xpm / app-install / See Below step.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL step.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL step.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL step.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL step.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stop.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 stop.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 stop.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 stop.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 stop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 stop.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 stop_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below stop_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below stoplight.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 stopmotion.icns / app-install / See Below stopmotion.ico / app-install / See Below stopmotion.png / app-install / See Below stopmotion.xpm / app-install / See Below stopwatch.icns / app-install / See Below stopwatch.ico / app-install / See Below stopwatch.png / app-install / See Below stopwatch.xpm / app-install / See Below stormbaancoureur.icns / app-install / See Below stormbaancoureur.ico / app-install / See Below stormbaancoureur.png / app-install / See Below stormbaancoureur.xpm / app-install / See Below stratagus.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stratagus.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stratagus.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stratagus.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below straw.icns / app-install / See Below straw.ico / app-install / See Below straw.png / app-install / See Below straw.xpm / app-install / See Below streamtuner.icns / app-install / See Below streamtuner.ico / app-install / See Below streamtuner.png / app-install / See Below streamtuner.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL strigi.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL strigi.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL strigi.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL strigi.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL strike.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 strike1.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 strikeout.png / openoffice / GPLv3 stroke-cap-butt.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-butt.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-butt.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-butt.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-round.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-round.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-round.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-round.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-square.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-square.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-square.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-cap-square.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-bevel.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-bevel.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-bevel.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-bevel.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-miter.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-miter.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-miter.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-miter.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-round.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-round.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-round.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL stroke-join-round.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL strongdcpp.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below strongdcpp.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below strongdcpp.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below strongdcpp.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below stroq.icns / app-install / See Below stroq.ico / app-install / See Below stroq.png / app-install / See Below stroq.xpm / app-install / See Below stumbleupon.png / homemade / PD styfam3.png / openoffice / GPLv3 style-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 style.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 stylenewbyexample.png / openoffice / GPLv3 subscript.png / openoffice / GPLv3 subtitleeditor.icns / app-install / See Below subtitleeditor.ico / app-install / See Below subtitleeditor.png / app-install / See Below subtitleeditor.xpm / app-install / See Below subway.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 suitcase.icns / wpclipart / PD suitcase.ico / wpclipart / PD suitcase.png / wpclipart / PD sun-wearing_shades.icns / wpclipart / PD sun-wearing_shades.ico / wpclipart / PD sun-wearing_shades.png / wpclipart / PD sun.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sunday.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 sunflow.icns / app-install / See Below sunflow.ico / app-install / See Below sunflow.png / app-install / See Below sunflow.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below superkaramba.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below superkaramba.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below superkaramba.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below superkaramba.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below supermarket.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 supermarket.svg / openstreetmap / PD superscript.png / openoffice / GPLv3 .icns / app-install / See Below supertuxkart.ico / app-install / See Below supertuxkart.png / app-install / See Below supertuxkart.xpm / app-install / See Below surfing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 survey_point.svg / openstreetmap / PD susehelpcenter.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 susehelpcenter.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 susehelpcenter.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 susehelpcenter.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 suv.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 svn-commit.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-commit.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-commit.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-commit.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-commit.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-update.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-update.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-update.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-update.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-update.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL svn-workbench_wb.icns / app-install / See Below svn-workbench_wb.ico / app-install / See Below svn-workbench_wb.png / app-install / See Below svn-workbench_wb.xpm / app-install / See Below svxedit.icns / app-install / See Below svxedit.ico / app-install / See Below svxedit.png / app-install / See Below svxedit.xpm / app-install / See Below swap-colors.png / gimp / GPLv2 sweep.icns / app-install / See Below sweep.ico / app-install / See Below sweep.png / app-install / See Below sweep.svg / app-install / See Below sweep.xpm / app-install / See Below swfdec.icns / app-install / See Below swfdec.ico / app-install / See Below swfdec.png / app-install / See Below swfdec.xpm / app-install / See Below swimming-indoor_pool.svg / openstreetmap / PD swimming-outdoor.svg / openstreetmap / PD switchcontroldesignmode.png / openoffice / GPLv3 swscanner.icns / app-install / See Below swscanner.ico / app-install / See Below swscanner.png / app-install / See Below swscanner.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sylpheed-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sylpheed-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sylpheed-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sylpheed.icns / app-install / See Below sylpheed.ico / app-install / See Below sylpheed.png / app-install / See Below sylpheed.xpm / app-install / See Below symbolcatalogue.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.brace-pair.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.bracket-pair.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.cloud.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.diamond-bevel.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.flower.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.forbidden.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.heart.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.left-brace.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.left-bracket.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.lightning.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes..png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.octagon-bevel.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.puzzle.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.quad-bevel.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.right-brace.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.right-bracket.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.smiley.png / openoffice / GPLv3 symbolshapes.sun.png / openoffice / GPLv3 sympy.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sympy.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sympy.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below sympy.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below synagogue.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / app-install / See Below synaptic-2.ico / app-install / See Below synaptic-2.png / app-install / See Below synaptic-2.xpm / app-install / See Below synaptic.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synaptic.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synaptic.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synaptic.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synaptics_touchpad.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synaptics_touchpad.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synaptics_touchpad.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synaptics_touchpad.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 synfig.icns / app-install / See Below synfig.ico / app-install / See Below synfig.png / app-install / See Below synfig.xpm / app-install / See Below synkron.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below synkron.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below synkron.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below synkron.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below sysprof.icns / app-install / See Below sysprof.ico / app-install / See Below sysprof.png / app-install / See Below sysprof.xpm / app-install / See Below system-config-lvm.icns / app-install / See Below system-config-lvm.ico / app-install / See Below system-config-lvm.png / app-install / See Below system-config-lvm.xpm / app-install / See Below system-daemons.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-daemons.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-daemons.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-daemons.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-device-notifier.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-device-notifier.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-device-notifier.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-device-notifier.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-device-notifier.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-diagnosis.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-diagnosis.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-diagnosis.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-diagnosis.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-diagnosis.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-file-manager-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-file-manager-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-file-manager-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-file-manager-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-file-manager-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-file-manager-4.icns / tango / PD system-file-manager-4.ico / tango / PD system-file-manager-4.png / tango / PD system-file-manager-4.svg / tango / PD system-file-manager-4.xpm / tango / PD system-file-manager-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-file-manager-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-file-manager-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-file-manager-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-file-manager-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-file-manager-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-file-manager.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-file-manager.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-file-manager.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-file-manager.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-help-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-help-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-help-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-help-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-help-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-help-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-help-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-help-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-help-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-help-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-help.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-help.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-help.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-help.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-hibernate.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-hibernate.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-hibernate.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-hibernate.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-installer.icns / tango / PD system-installer.ico / tango / PD system-installer.png / tango / PD system-installer.svg / tango / PD system-installer.xpm / tango / PD system-lock-screen-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-lock-screen-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-lock-screen-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-lock-screen-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-lock-screen-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-lock-screen-3.icns / tango / PD system-lock-screen-3.ico / tango / PD system-lock-screen-3.png / tango / PD system-lock-screen-3.svg / tango / PD system-lock-screen-3.xpm / tango / PD system-lock-screen-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-lock-screen-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-lock-screen-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-lock-screen-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-lock-screen-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-lock-screen-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-lock-screen-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-lock-screen-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-lock-screen-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-lock-screen.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-lock-screen.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-lock-screen.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-lock-screen.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-log-out-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out-3.icns / tango / PD system-log-out-3.ico / tango / PD system-log-out-3.png / tango / PD system-log-out-3.svg / tango / PD system-log-out-3.xpm / tango / PD system-log-out-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-log-out-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-log-out-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-log-out-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-log-out-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-log-out-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-log-out.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-log-out.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-log-out.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-log-out.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-logout.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-logout.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-logout.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-logout.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-multiple_monitors.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-multiple_monitors.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-multiple_monitors.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-multiple_monitors.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-partition-manager-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-partition-manager-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-partition-manager-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-partition-manager-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-partition-manager-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-partition-manager.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-partition-manager.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-partition-manager.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-partition-manager.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-password-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-password-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-password-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-password-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-password.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-password.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-password.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-password.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-quick_restart.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-quick_restart.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-quick_restart.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-quick_restart.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-reboot-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-reboot-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-reboot-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-reboot-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-reboot-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-restart.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-restart.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-restart.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-restart.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-run-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-run-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-run-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-run-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-run-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-run-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-run-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-run-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-run-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-run-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-run-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-run-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-run-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-run-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-run-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-run-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-run-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-run-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-run-6.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 system-run-6.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 system-run-6.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 system-run-6.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 system-run.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 system-run.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 system-run.png / intrigue / GPLv2 system-run.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 system-search-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-search-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-search-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-search-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-search-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-search-3.icns / tango / PD system-search-3.ico / tango / PD system-search-3.png / tango / PD system-search-3.svg / tango / PD system-search-3.xpm / tango / PD system-search-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-search-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-search-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-search-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-search-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-search-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-search-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-search-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-search-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-search.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-search.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-search.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-search.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-settings-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d-off.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d-off.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d-off.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d-off.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3d.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings-3ddesktop.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 system-settings-3ddesktop.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 system-settings-3ddesktop.png / intrigue / GPLv2 system-settings-3ddesktop.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 system-settings-3ds.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-settings-3ds.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-settings-3ds.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-settings-3ds.svg / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-settings-3ds.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-settings.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-settings.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-settings.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-settings.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-settings.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-shutdown-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-shutdown-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-shutdown-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-shutdown-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-shutdown-4.icns / tango / PD system-shutdown-4.ico / tango / PD system-shutdown-4.png / tango / PD system-shutdown-4.svg / tango / PD system-shutdown-4.xpm / tango / PD system-shutdown-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-shutdown-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-shutdown-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-shutdown-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-shutdown-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-shutdown-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown-7.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-shutdown.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-shutdown.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-shutdown.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-shutdown.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-software-install.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-install.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-install.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-install.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-install.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-installer-2.icns / tango / PD system-software-installer-2.ico / tango / PD system-software-installer-2.png / tango / PD system-software-installer-2.xpm / tango / PD system-software-installer.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-installer.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-installer.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-installer.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-update-2.icns / tango / PD system-software-update-2.ico / tango / PD system-software-update-2.png / tango / PD system-software-update-2.svg / tango / PD system-software-update-2.xpm / tango / PD system-software-update-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-software-update-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-software-update-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-software-update-4.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-software-update-4.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-software-update-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-software-update-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-software-update-4.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-software-update-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-software-update.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-software-update.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-update.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-software-update.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-update.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-update.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-software-update.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-software-update.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-standby.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-standby.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-standby.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-standby.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 system-suspend-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-hibernate.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-hibernate.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-hibernate.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-hibernate.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-suspend-hibernate.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-switch-user-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-switch-user-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-switch-user-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-switch-user-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-switch-user-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-switch-user-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-switch-user-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-switch-user-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-switch-user-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-switch-user.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 system-switch-user.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 system-switch-user.png / intrigue / GPLv2 system-switch-user.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 system-switch_user.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-switch_user.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-switch_user.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-switch_user.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-upgrade.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-upgrade.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-upgrade.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-upgrade.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 system-users-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 system-users-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 system-users-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 system-users-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 system-users-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 system-users-3.icns / tango / PD system-users-3.ico / tango / PD system-users-3.png / tango / PD system-users-3.svg / tango / PD system-users-3.xpm / tango / PD system-users-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-users-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-users-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-users-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-users-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL system-users-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-users-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-users-5.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-users-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 system-users.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-users.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-users.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-users.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-wifi.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-wifi.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-wifi.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system-wifi.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 system.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 .svg / inkscape / GPLv2 tab-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-3.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-3.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-3.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-3.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-close-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-close-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-close-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-close-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-close-other.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-other.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-other.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-other.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close-other.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-close.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-close.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-close.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-close.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-detach.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-detach.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-detach.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-detach.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-detach.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-duplicate-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicate-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicate-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicate-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicate-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-duplicate-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-duplicate-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-duplicate-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-duplicate-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-duplicate.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicate.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicate.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicate.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicatee.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicatee.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-duplicatee.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-new-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 tab-new-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 tab-new-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 tab-new-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 tab-new-3.icns / tango / PD tab-new-3.ico / tango / PD tab-new-3.png / tango / PD tab-new-3.svg / tango / PD tab-new-3.xpm / tango / PD tab-new-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-7.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-new-7.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-new-7.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-new-7.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tab-new-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-background.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-background.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-background.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-background.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-background.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-background.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-background.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-background.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tab-new-raised-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-raised-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-raised-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-raised-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-raised.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-raised.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-raised.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new-raised.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab-new.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab_breakoff.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab_breakoff.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab_breakoff.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tab_breakoff.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tabdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 table-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-border-all.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-all.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-all.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-all.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-bottom.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-bottom.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-bottom.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-bottom.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-bottom2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-bottom2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-bottom2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-fall.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-fall.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-fall.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-fall.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-horizontal.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-horizontal.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-horizontal.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-horizontal.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-inside.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-inside.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-inside.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-inside.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-left.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-left.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-left.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-left.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-left2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-left2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-left2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-outline2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-remove.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-remove.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-remove.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-remove.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-right.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-right.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-right.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-right.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-top.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-top.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-top.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-top.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-top2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-top2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-top2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-up.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-up.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-up.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-up.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-vertical.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-vertical.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-vertical.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-border-vertical.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-dissociate.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-dissociate.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-dissociate.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-dissociate.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert-copy.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert-copy.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert-copy.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert-copy.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-insert.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-merge.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-merge.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-merge.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-merge.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-remove.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-remove.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-remove.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-cell-remove.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-hide.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-hide.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-hide.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-hide.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-show.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-show.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-show.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-column-show.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-delete-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-delete-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-delete-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-delete-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-error.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-error.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-gear.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-gear.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-gear.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-gear.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-key.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-key.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-key.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-key.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-lightning.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-lightning.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-lightning.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-lightning.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-multiple.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-multiple.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-multiple.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-multiple.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-refresh.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-refresh.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-refresh.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-refresh.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-relationship.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-relationship.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-relationship.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-relationship.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-delete-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-delete-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-delete-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-delete-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-row-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-row-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-row-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-row-insert.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-insert.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-insert.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-insert.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-row-show.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-row-show.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-row-show.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-row-show.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-save.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-save.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-save.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-save.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 table-table-row-hide.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-table-row-hide.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-table-row-hide.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table-table-row-hide.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 table_2.png / openoffice / GPLv3 table_3.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tabledesign.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tabledialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tablemodefix.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tablemodefixprop.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tablemodevariable.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tablesort.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tag-blue-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-blue.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-green.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-green.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-green.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-green.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-orange.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-orange.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-orange.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-orange.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-pink.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-pink.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-pink.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-pink.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-purple.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-purple.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-purple.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-purple.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-red.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-red.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-red.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-red.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-yellow.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-yellow.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-yellow.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tag-yellow.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tagua.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tagua.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tagua.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tagua.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tagua.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tailor.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tangerine.ico / app-install / See Below tangerine.png / app-install / See Below tangerine.xpm / app-install / See Below tango-style/application-certificate.icns / tango / PD tango-style/application-certificate.ico / tango / PD tango-style/application-certificate.png / tango / PD tango-style/application-certificate.xpm / tango / PD tango-style/application-illustrator.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-illustrator.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-illustrator.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-illustrator.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-java-archive.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-java-archive.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-java-archive.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-java-archive.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-javascript.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-javascript.ico / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-javascript.png / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-javascript.xpm / tango-harm / CC-BY 3.0 tango-style/application-msword.icns / tango-harm / CC-BY 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See Below taskjuggler.xpm / app-install / See Below tasks.icns / app-install / See Below tasks.ico / app-install / See Below tasks.png / app-install / See Below tasks.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below tasque.ico / app-install / See Below tasque.png / app-install / See Below tasque.xpm / app-install / See Below tatan.icns / app-install / See Below tatan.ico / app-install / See Below tatan.png / app-install / See Below tatan.xpm / app-install / See Below taxbird.icns / app-install / See Below taxbird.ico / app-install / See Below taxbird.png / app-install / See Below taxbird.xpm / app-install / See Below taxi.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 taxi_rank.svg / openstreetmap / PD taxiway.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tea.icns / app-install / See Below tea.ico / app-install / See Below tea.png / app-install / See Below tea.xpm / app-install / See Below tea_plantation.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD tea_plantation_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD 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/ CC-BY-SA 3.0 telephone.svg / openstreetmap / PD telephone.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_error.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_error.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 telephone_error.png / 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throttle_valve_(cross_section_setable).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below throttle_valve_(cross_section_setable).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below throttle_valve_(cross_section_setable_by_hand).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below throttle_valve_(cross_section_setable_by_hand).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below thumb-down.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumb-down.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumb-down.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumb-down.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumb-up.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumb-up.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumb-up.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumb-up.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 thumbnail-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 thumbnail-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 thumbnail-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 thumbnail-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 thumbnail.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thumbnail.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thumbnail.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thumbnail.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thunar.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below thunar.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below thunar.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below thunar.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below thunder.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 thunderbird-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 thunderbird-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 thunderbird-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 thunderbird-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 thunderbird.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thunderbird.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thunderbird.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thunderbird.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 thursday.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 thwab-lib.icns / app-install / See Below thwab-lib.ico / app-install / See Below thwab-lib.png / app-install / See Below thwab-lib.xpm / app-install / See Below tick.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tick.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tick.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tick.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or 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app-install / See Below titanion.png / app-install / See Below titanion.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tkabber.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tkabber.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tkabber.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tkcvs.icns / app-install / See Below tkcvs.ico / app-install / See Below tkcvs.png / app-install / See Below tkcvs.xpm / app-install / See Below tkdiff.icns / app-install / See Below tkdiff.ico / app-install / See Below tkdiff.png / app-install / See Below tkdiff.xpm / app-install / See Below tkgate.icns / app-install / See Below tkgate.ico / app-install / See Below tkgate.png / app-install / See Below tkgate.xpm / app-install / See Below tleenx2.icns / app-install / See Below tleenx2.ico / app-install / See Below tleenx2.png / app-install / See Below tleenx2.xpm / app-install / See Below to-back.png / gimp / GPLv2 to-front.png / gimp / GPLv2 today.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 today.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 today.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 today.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggle_docbrowser.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggle_docbrowser.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggle_docbrowser.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggle_log.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 toggleanchortype.png / openoffice / GPLv3 toggleaxisdescr.png / openoffice / GPLv3 toggleaxistitle.png / openoffice / GPLv3 togglebreakpoint.png / openoffice / GPLv3 togglegridhorizontal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 togglegridvertical.png / openoffice / GPLv3 togglelegend.png / openoffice / GPLv3 toggleobjectbeziermode.png / openoffice / GPLv3 toggletitle.png / openoffice / GPLv3 toilet-paper.png / gimp / GPLv2 toilets.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 toilets.svg / openstreetmap / PD tokbox.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tokbox.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tokbox.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tokbox.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tollstation.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tomato-torrent.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD tomato-torrent.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD tomato-torrent.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD tomato-torrent.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD tomatoes.icns / app-install / See Below tomatoes.ico / app-install / See Below tomatoes.png / app-install / See Below tomatoes.xpm / app-install / See Below -2.icns / app-install / See Below tomboy-2.ico / app-install / See Below tomboy-2.png / app-install / See Below tomboy-2.xpm / app-install / See Below tomboy-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tomboy-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tomboy-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tomboy-3.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tomboy-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tool-airbrush.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-align.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-animator.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tool-animator.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tool-animator.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tool-animator.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tool-animator.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tool-blend.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-blur.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-brightness-contrast.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-bucket-fill.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-burn.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-by-color-select.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-clone.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-color-balance.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-color-picker.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-colorize.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-crop.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-curves.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-dodge.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-ellipse-select.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-eraser.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-flip-horizontal.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-flip-vertical.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-flip.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-foreground-select.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-free-select.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-fuzzy-select.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-hand.png / gimp / GPLv2 tool-heal.png / gimp / GPLv2 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/ LGPL-2.1 tool_delay.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_delay.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_delay.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_delete.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_delete.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_delete.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_dock.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_dock.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_dock.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_drop_target.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_drop_target.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_drop_target.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_pause.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_pause.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_pause.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_restart.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_restart.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_restart.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_resume.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_resume.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_resume.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_timer.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_timer.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_timer.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_uselastdir.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_uselastdir.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tool_uselastdir.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tooloptions.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tooloptions.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tooloptions.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tooloptions.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-anvil.icns / wpclipart / PD tools-anvil.ico / wpclipart / PD tools-anvil.png / wpclipart / PD tools-check-spelling-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-4.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-check-spelling-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-check-spelling-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-check-spelling-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-check-spelling-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-check-spelling-6.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-check-spelling-6.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-check-spelling-6.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-check-spelling-6.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-check-spelling-7.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-7.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-7.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling-7.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 tools-check-spelling.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 tools-check-spelling.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 tools-check-spelling.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling.png / intrigue / GPLv2 tools-check-spelling.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 tools-check-spelling.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 tools-equalizer-blue.icns / 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tools-report-bug.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-report-bug.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-report-bug.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-report-bug.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-sort-table.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-sort-table.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-sort-table.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-sort-table.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-sum.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-sum.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-sum.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-sum.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tools-translate.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-translate.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-translate.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-translate.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-wizard-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-wizard-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-wizard-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL tools-wizard.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools-wizard.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tools.png / gimp / GPLv2 tools.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 toppler.icns / app-install / See Below toppler.ico / app-install / See Below toppler.png / app-install / See Below toppler.xpm / app-install / See Below tora.icns / app-install / See Below tora.ico / app-install / See Below tora.png / app-install / See Below tora.xpm / app-install / See Below torcs.icns / app-install / See Below torcs.ico / app-install / See Below torcs.png / app-install / See Below torcs.xpm / app-install / See Below tork.icns / app-install / See Below tork.ico / app-install / See Below tork.png / app-install / See Below tork.xpm / app-install / See Below torque_measuring_instrument.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below torque_measuring_instrument.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tortoisecvs.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tortoisecvs.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tortoisecvs.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tortoisecvs.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below torus-trooper.icns / app-install / See Below torus-trooper.ico / app-install / See Below torus-trooper.png / app-install / See Below torus-trooper.xpm / app-install / See Below torus.png / openoffice / GPLv3 totem-2.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below totem-2.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below totem-2.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below totem-2.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below totem-2.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below totem.icns / app-install / See Below totem.ico / app-install / See Below totem.png / app-install / See Below totem.xpm / app-install / See Below touchpad.icns / app-install / See Below touchpad.ico / app-install / See Below touchpad.png / app-install / See Below touchpad.xpm / app-install / See Below tourism-hotel.svg / qgis / GPLv2 tourism-museum.svg / qgis / GPLv2 tourist_art_gallery2.svg / openstreetmap / PD tourist_batlefield.svg / openstreetmap / PD tourist_beach.svg / openstreetmap / PD tourist_waterwheel.svg / openstreetmap / PD tower.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tower.svg / openstreetmap / PD town_or_village_office.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD town_or_village_office_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD toys.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tplogo.icns / app-install / See Below tplogo.ico / app-install / See Below tplogo.png / app-install / See Below tplogo.xpm / app-install / See Below trac.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD trac.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD trac.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD trac.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD trackballs.icns / app-install / See Below trackballs.ico / app-install / See Below trackballs.png / app-install / See Below trackballs.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / app-install / See Below tracker.ico / app-install / See Below tracker.png / app-install / See Below tracker.xpm / app-install / See Below trafficenforcementcamera.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 train.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 train_station.svg / openstreetmap / PD train_station2.svg / openstreetmap / PD tram.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tram_stop.svg / openstreetmap / PD transcriber.icns / app-install / See Below transcriber.ico / app-install / See Below transcriber.png / app-install / See Below transcriber.xpm / app-install / See Below transfermii_gui.icns / app-install / See Below transfermii_gui.ico / app-install / See Below transfermii_gui.png / app-install / See Below transfermii_gui.xpm / app-install / See Below transform-autoform.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-autoform.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-autoform.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-autoform.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-crop-and-resize.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop-and-resize.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop-and-resize.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop-and-resize.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop-and-resize.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-crop.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-distort.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 transform-distort.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 transform-distort.png / intrigue / GPLv2 transform-distort.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 transform-move.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-move.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-move.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-move.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-move.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-rotate-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-rotate-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-rotate-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-rotate-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-rotate-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-rotate.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-rotate.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-rotate.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-scale-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-textbox-points.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-textbox-points.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-textbox-points.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale-textbox-points.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL transform-scale.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 transform-scale.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 transform-scale.png / intrigue / 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transform-shear.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform-shear.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transform.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 transformdialog.png / openoffice / GPLv3 transmission.icns / wiki_commons_mit / MIT transmission.ico / wiki_commons_mit / MIT transmission.png / wiki_commons_mit / MIT transmission.xpm / wiki_commons_mit / MIT transparency.png / gimp / GPLv2 transportation-airport.svg / qgis / GPLv2 transportation-bus_stop.svg / qgis / GPLv2 transportation-hummer_01.icns / wpclipart / PD transportation-hummer_01.ico / wpclipart / PD transportation-hummer_01.png / wpclipart / PD transportation-motorcycle.icns / wpclipart / PD transportation-motorcycle.ico / wpclipart / PD transportation-motorcycle.png / wpclipart / PD transportation-parking.svg / qgis / GPLv2 transportation-plane-business_jet.icns / wpclipart / PD transportation-plane-business_jet.ico / wpclipart / PD transportation-plane-business_jet.png / wpclipart / PD transportation-plane-cessna.icns / wpclipart / PD transportation-plane-cessna.ico / wpclipart / PD transportation-plane-cessna.png / wpclipart / PD transportation-railway-station.svg / qgis / GPLv2 transportation-taxi.svg / qgis / GPLv2 transportion-ferry_terminal.svg / qgis / GPLv2 trash-bin.svg / openstreetmap / PD trash-empty-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 trash-empty-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 trash-empty-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 trash-empty-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 trash-empty-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL trash-empty-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL trash-empty-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL trash-empty-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL trash-empty-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL trash-empty.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 trash-empty.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 trash-empty.png / intrigue / GPLv2 trash-empty.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 trash.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tray_column.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD tray_column.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD tree-ppuzzle.icns / app-install / See Below tree-ppuzzle.ico / app-install / See Below tree-ppuzzle.png / app-install / See Below tree-ppuzzle.xpm / app-install / See Below tree-puzzle.icns / app-install / See Below tree-puzzle.ico / app-install / See Below tree-puzzle.png / app-install / See Below tree-puzzle.xpm / app-install / See Below treeviewx.icns / app-install / See Below treeviewx.ico / app-install / See Below treeviewx.png / app-install / See Below treeviewx.xpm / app-install / See Below trigger.icns / app-install / See Below trigger.ico / app-install / See Below trigger.png / app-install / See Below trigger.xpm / app-install / See Below troll2d.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below troll2d.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below troll2d.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below troll2d.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below truck.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / app-install / See Below tsclient.ico / app-install / See Below tsclient.png / app-install / See Below tsclient.xpm / app-install / See Below tserif.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 tuesday.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tumblr.png / homemade / PD tumiki-fighters.icns / app-install / See Below tumiki-fighters.ico / app-install / See Below tumiki-fighters.png / app-install / See Below tumiki-fighters.xpm / app-install / See Below tunnel.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 turnleft.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 turnright.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 tux-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tux-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tux-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tux-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 tux.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tux.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tux.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tux.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 tux_paint.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tux_paint.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tux_paint.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tux_paint.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below tuxguitar.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tuxguitar.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tuxguitar.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tuxguitar.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below tuxmath.icns / app-install / See Below tuxmath.ico / app-install / See Below tuxmath.png / app-install / See Below tuxmath.xpm / app-install / See Below tuxpaint-config.icns / app-install / See Below tuxpaint-config.ico / app-install / See Below tuxpaint-config.png / app-install / See Below tuxpaint-config.xpm / app-install / See Below tuxpaint.icns / app-install / See Below tuxpaint.ico / app-install / See Below tuxpaint.png / app-install / See Below tuxpaint.xpm / app-install / See Below tvtime.icns / app-install / See Below tvtime.ico / app-install / See Below tvtime.png / app-install / See Below tvtime.xpm / app-install / See Below twinkle.icns / app-install / See Below twinkle.ico / app-install / See Below twinkle.png / app-install / See Below twinkle.xpm / app-install / See Below twisted_matrix.icns / wiki_commons_mit / MIT twisted_matrix.ico / wiki_commons_mit / MIT twisted_matrix.png / wiki_commons_mit / MIT twisted_matrix.svg / wiki_commons_mit / MIT twisted_matrix.xpm / wiki_commons_mit / MIT .png / homemade / PD twitux.icns / app-install / See Below twitux.ico / app-install / See Below twitux.png / app-install / See Below twitux.xpm / app-install / See Below two_closed_connections.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_closed_connections.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_flow_paths_(diagonally).png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_flow_paths_(diagonally).svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_flow_paths_and_a_closed_connection.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_flow_paths_and_a_closed_connection.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_flow_paths_with_connection.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_flow_paths_with_connection.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_pressure_valve.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below two_pressure_valve.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below twopages_11x25.png / openoffice / GPLv3 twopages_a_11x25.png / openoffice / GPLv3 tworld.icns / app-install / See Below tworld.ico / app-install / See Below tworld.png / app-install / See Below tworld.xpm / app-install / See Below u_shaped_tubes_heat_exchanger.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD u_shaped_tubes_heat_exchanger.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD ubudsl.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ubudsl.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ubudsl.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ubudsl.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ufo_alien_invasion.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ufo_alien_invasion.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ufo_alien_invasion.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ufo_alien_invasion.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below ufraw.icns / app-install / See Below ufraw.ico / app-install / See Below ufraw.png / app-install / See Below ufraw.xpm / app-install / See Below ultimatepp.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD ultimatepp.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD ultimatepp.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD ultimatepp.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD ultrastar-ng.icns / app-install / See Below ultrastar-ng.ico / app-install / See Below ultrastar-ng.png / app-install / See Below ultrastar-ng.xpm / app-install / See Below umbrella-black.png.icns / wpclipart / PD umbrella-black.png.ico / wpclipart / PD umbrella-black.png.png / wpclipart / PD umbrello.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below umbrello.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below umbrello.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below umbrello.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below umbrello.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below underline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 underlinedouble.png / openoffice / GPLv3 undo-history.png / gimp / GPLv2 ungroup.png / openoffice / GPLv3 unhainframes.png / openoffice / GPLv3 unindent_task.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unindent_task.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unindent_task.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 uninstall-product.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 uninstall-product.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 uninstall-product.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 uninstall-product.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unison-gtk.icns / app-install / See Below unison-gtk.ico / app-install / See Below unison-gtk.png / app-install / See Below unison-gtk.svg / app-install / See Below unison-gtk.xpm / app-install / See Below university.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 university.svg / openstreetmap / PD university.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD university_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD unknown.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL unmount_overlay.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unmount_overlay.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unmount_overlay.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unmount_overlay.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist1.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist1.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist1.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 unsortedlist1.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 up.png / gimp / GPLv2 up.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 update-product.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update-product.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update-product.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update-product.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_drivers.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_drivers.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_drivers.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_drivers.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_misc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_misc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_misc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_misc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended1.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended1.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended1.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 update_recommended1.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 upgrade_misc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 upgrade_misc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 upgrade_misc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 upgrade_misc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 upleft.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 upright.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 ups-caution-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-caution-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-caution-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-caution-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-caution.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-caution.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-caution.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-caution.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-charged.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-charged.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-charged.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-charged.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-empty.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-full.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-high.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-low.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium-charging.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium-charging.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium-charging.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium-charging.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 ups-medium.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 upthenleft.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 upthenright.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 uri-mms.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL uri-mmst.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL uri-mmsu.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL uri-pnm.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL uri-rtspt.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL uri-rtspu.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL usb-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 usb-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 usb-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 usb-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 usb.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 usb.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 usb.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 usb.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-away-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-extended.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-extended.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-extended.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-extended.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away-extended.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-away.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-away.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-away.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-bookmarks.svg / gnome / GPLv2 user-busy-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-busy-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-busy-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-busy-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-busy-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-comment.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-comment.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-comment.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-comment.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-delete-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-delete-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-delete-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-delete-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-delete-3.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-delete-3.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-delete-3.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-delete-3.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-desktop-2.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-desktop-2.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-desktop-2.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-desktop-2.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-desktop.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-desktop.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-desktop.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-desktop.svg / gnome / GPLv2 user-desktop.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-desktop.svg / tango / PD user-desktop.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-female.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-female.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-female.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-female.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-gray.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-gray.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-gray.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-gray.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-green.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-green.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-green.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-green.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-group-delete-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-delete-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-delete-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-delete-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-delete-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-delete.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-delete.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-delete.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-delete.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-new-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-new-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-new-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-new-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-new-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-new.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-new.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-new.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-new.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-group-properties.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-properties.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-properties.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-properties.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-group-properties.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-home.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-home.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-home.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-home.svg / gnome / GPLv2 user-home.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-home.svg / tango / PD user-home.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-idle.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-idle.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-idle.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-idle.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-info-2.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-info-2.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-info-2.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-info-2.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-info.icns / gnome / GPLv2 user-info.ico / gnome / GPLv2 user-info.png / gnome / GPLv2 user-info.svg / gnome / GPLv2 user-info.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 user-invisible-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-invisible-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-invisible-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-invisible-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-invisible-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-new-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-new-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-new-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-new-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 user-new-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-new-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-new-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-new-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-new.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 user-new.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 user-new.png / intrigue / GPLv2 user-new.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 user-offline-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-offline-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-offline-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-offline-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-offline-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-offline.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-offline.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-offline.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-online-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-online-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-online-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-online-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-online-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-online.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-online.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-online.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-orange.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-orange.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-orange.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-orange.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-properties.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-properties.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-properties.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-properties.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-properties.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-red.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-red.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-red.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-red.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-suit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-suit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-suit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-suit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user-trash-full-2.icns / tango / PD user-trash-full-2.ico / tango / PD user-trash-full-2.png / tango / PD user-trash-full-2.svg / tango / PD user-trash-full-2.xpm / tango / PD user-trash-full-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-trash-full-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-trash-full-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-trash-full-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-trash-full-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-trash-full.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-trash-full.icns / gnome / GPLv2 user-trash-full.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-trash-full.ico / gnome / GPLv2 user-trash-full.png / gnome / GPLv2 user-trash-full.svg / gnome / GPLv2 user-trash-full.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-trash-full.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 user-trash.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-trash.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-trash.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-trash.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-trash.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user-trash.svg / gnome / GPLv2 user-trash.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL user-trash.svg / tango / PD user-trash.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 user-trash.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 user.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 user.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 userconfig.icns / app-install / See Below userconfig.ico / app-install / See Below userconfig.png / app-install / See Below userconfig.xpm / app-install / See Below usewizards.png / openoffice / GPLv3 usfootball.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 utilities-agent-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-agent-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-agent-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-agent-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-agent.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-agent.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-agent.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-agent.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-announcements.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-announcements.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-announcements.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-announcements.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-antivirus.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-antivirus.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-antivirus.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-antivirus.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-applications.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-cd-burner.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-cd-burner.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-cd-burner.png / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-cd-burner.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-desktop-extra.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-desktop-extra.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-desktop-extra.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-desktop-extra.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-desktop-extra.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-file-archiver-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-file-archiver-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-file-archiver-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-file-archiver-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-file-archiver-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-file-archiver-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-file-archiver-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-file-archiver-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-file-archiver-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-file-archiver.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-file-archiver.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-file-archiver.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-file-archiver.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-find-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-find-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-find-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-find-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-find.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-find.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-find.png / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-find.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-list_manager.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-list_manager.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-list_manager.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-list_manager.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-log-viewer-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-log-viewer-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-log-viewer-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-log-viewer-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-log-viewer-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-log-viewer.icns / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log-viewer.ico / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log-viewer.png / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log-viewer.svg / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log-viewer.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log_viewer.icns / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log_viewer.ico / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log_viewer.png / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-log_viewer.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-reminders.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-reminders.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-reminders.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-reminders.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-remote.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-remote.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-remote.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-remote.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-run.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-run.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-run.png / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-run.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-system-monitor-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-system-monitor-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-system-monitor-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-system-monitor-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-system-monitor-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-system-monitor-3.icns / tango / PD utilities-system-monitor-3.ico / tango / PD utilities-system-monitor-3.png / tango / PD utilities-system-monitor-3.svg / tango / PD utilities-system-monitor-3.xpm / tango / PD utilities-system-monitor-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-system-monitor-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-system-monitor-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-system-monitor-5.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-system-monitor-5.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-system-monitor-5.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-system-monitor-5.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-system-monitor-5.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-system-monitor-6.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-system-monitor.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-system-monitor.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-system-monitor.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-system-monitor.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-terminal-2.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-terminal-2.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-terminal-2.png / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-terminal-2.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 utilities-terminal-3.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-3.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-3.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-3.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-4.icns / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-terminal-4.ico / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-terminal-4.png / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-terminal-4.svg / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-terminal-4.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-terminal-5.icns / tango / PD utilities-terminal-5.ico / tango / PD utilities-terminal-5.png / tango / PD utilities-terminal-5.svg / tango / PD utilities-terminal-5.xpm / tango / PD utilities-terminal-6.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-6.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-6.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-7.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-terminal-7.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-terminal-7.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-7.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-terminal-8.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-8.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-8.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-terminal-8.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL utilities-terminal-8.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 utilities-terminal-osx.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal-osx.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal-osx.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal-osx.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal-xp.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal-xp.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal-xp.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal-xp.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 utilities-terminal.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-terminal.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-terminal.png / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-terminal.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 utilities-user-info.icns / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-user-info.ico / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-user-info.png / gnome / GPLv2 utilities-user-info.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 utilities.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 utilities.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 v.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 vacuum_pump_or_compressor.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD vacuum_pump_or_compressor.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD vagalume.icns / app-install / See Below vagalume.ico / app-install / See Below vagalume.png / app-install / See Below vagalume.xpm / app-install / See Below val-and-rick.icns / app-install / See Below val-and-rick.ico / app-install / See Below val-and-rick.png / app-install / See Below val-and-rick.xpm / app-install / See Below valknut.icns / app-install / See Below valknut.ico / app-install / See Below valknut.png / app-install / See Below valknut.xpm / app-install / See Below valve.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD valve.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD vandal_proof_super.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vandal_proof_super.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vandal_proof_super.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vandal_proof_super.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vcalendar.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 vcalendar.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 vcalendar.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 vcalendar.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 vcap.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 vcard-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcard.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vcenter.png / gimp / GPLv2 vchain-broken.png / gimp / GPLv2 vchain.png / gimp / GPLv2 vector-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vector-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vector-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vector-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vector-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vector-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vector-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vector-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 vectoroids.icns / app-install / See Below vectoroids.ico / app-install / See Below vectoroids.png / app-install / See Below vectoroids.xpm / app-install / See Below vega_strike.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vega_strike.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vega_strike.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vega_strike.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below verbiste.icns / app-install / See Below verbiste.ico / app-install / See Below verbiste.png / app-install / See Below verbiste.xpm / app-install / See Below verticalcaption.png / openoffice / GPLv3 verticaltext.png / openoffice / GPLv3 verticaltextfittosizetool.png / openoffice / GPLv3 vespa.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 vet.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 vfixedline.png / openoffice / GPLv3 vice.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vice.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vice.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vice.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below viddler.png / homemade / PD video-display-2.icns / tango / PD video-display-2.ico / tango / PD video-display-2.png / tango / PD video-display-2.svg / tango / PD video-display-2.xpm / tango / PD video-display-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL video-display-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL video-display-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL video-display-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL video-display-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL video-display.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 video-display.icns / gnome / GPLv2 video-display.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 video-display.ico / gnome / GPLv2 video-display.png / gnome / GPLv2 video-display.svg / gnome / GPLv2 video-display.xpm / echo / 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view-calendar-upcoming-events.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-upcoming-events.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-upcoming-events.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-upcoming-events.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-week-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-week-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-week-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-week-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-week-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-week.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar-week.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar-week.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar-week.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar-workweek-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-workweek-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-workweek-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-workweek-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-workweek-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar-workweek.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar-workweek.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar-workweek.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar-workweek.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-calendar.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-calendar.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-choose-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-choose-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-choose-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-choose-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-choose-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-choose-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-choose-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-choose-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-choose-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-choose-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-choose-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-choose-4.png / 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/ LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 view-fullscreen-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 view-fullscreen-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 view-fullscreen-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 view-fullscreen-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 view-fullscreen-4.icns / tango / PD view-fullscreen-4.ico / tango / PD view-fullscreen-4.png / tango / PD view-fullscreen-4.svg / tango / PD view-fullscreen-4.xpm / tango / PD view-fullscreen-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-fullscreen-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-fullscreen-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-fullscreen-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-fullscreen-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-fullscreen-7.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-7.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-7.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-7.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-fullscreen.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 view-fullscreen.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-fullscreen.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 view-fullscreen.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-fullscreen.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-fullscreen.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 view-fullscreen.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-grid.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-grid.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-grid.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-grid.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-history.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-history.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-history.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-history.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-history.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-left-close.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-left-close.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-left-close.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-left-close.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-left-close.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-details-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-details-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-details-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-details-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-details-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-details-5.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-details-5.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-details-5.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-details-5.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-details-6.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-6.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-6.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details-6.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-details.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-details.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-details.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-details.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-icon-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-icon.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-icon.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-icon.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-icon.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-icons-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-icons-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-icons-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-icons-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-icons.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-icons.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-icons.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-icons.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-icons.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-multicolumn-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-multicolumn-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-multicolumn-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-multicolumn-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-list-multicolumn-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-multicolumn.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-multicolumn.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-multicolumn.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-multicolumn.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-text-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-text-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-text-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-text-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-text-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-text-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-text.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-tree-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-tree-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-tree-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-tree-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-list-tree-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-list-tree.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-tree.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-tree.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-list-tree.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-media-artist.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-artist.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-artist.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-artist.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-artist.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-equalizer.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-equalizer.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-equalizer.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-equalizer.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-equalizer.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-lyrics.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-lyrics.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-lyrics.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-lyrics.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-lyrics.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-playlist-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-playlist-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-playlist-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-playlist-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-playlist-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-playlist-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-media-playlist.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-media-playlist.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-media-playlist.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-media-playlist.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-media-visualization.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-visualization.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-visualization.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-visualization.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-media-visualization.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-nofullscreen-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-nofullscreen.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-nofullscreen.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-nofullscreen.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-nofullscreen.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-object-histogram-linear.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-linear.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-linear.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-linear.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-linear.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-logarithmic.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-logarithmic.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-logarithmic.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-logarithmic.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-object-histogram-logarithmic.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-orientation.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-orientation.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-orientation.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-orientation.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-pim-calendar.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-calendar.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-calendar.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-calendar.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-calendar.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-contacts.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-contacts.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-contacts.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-contacts.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-contacts.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-journal.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-journal.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-journal.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-journal.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-journal.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-mail.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-mail.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-mail.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-mail.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-mail.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-news.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-news.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-news.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-news.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-news.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-notes.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-notes.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-notes.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-notes.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-notes.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-summary.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-summary.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-summary.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-summary.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-summary.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-tasks.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-tasks.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-tasks.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-tasks.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-pim-tasks.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-presentation.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-presentation.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-presentation.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-presentation.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-presentation.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-preview.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-preview.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-preview.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-preview.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-preview.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all-tree.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all-tree.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all-tree.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all-tree.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all-tree.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-all.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-own.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-own.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-own.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-own.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-own.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-system.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-system.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-system.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-system.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-system.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-tree.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-tree.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-tree.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-tree.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-users.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-users.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-users.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-users.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-process-users.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-refresh-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-3.icns / gnome / GPLv2 view-refresh-3.ico / gnome / GPLv2 view-refresh-3.png / gnome / GPLv2 view-refresh-3.svg / gnome / GPLv2 view-refresh-3.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 view-refresh-4.icns / tango / PD view-refresh-4.ico / tango / PD view-refresh-4.png / tango / PD view-refresh-4.svg / tango / PD view-refresh-4.xpm / tango / PD view-refresh-5.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-5.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-5.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-6.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-refresh-6.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-refresh-6.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-6.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-refresh-7.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-7.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-7.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-refresh-7.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-refresh-7.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-8.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-8.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-8.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-8.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh-9.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 view-refresh.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 view-refresh.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-refresh.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 view-refresh.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-refresh.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-refresh.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 view-refresh.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-remove-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-remove-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-remove.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-remove.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-remove.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-remove.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-restore-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-restore-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-restore-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-restore-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-restore-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-restore.icns / gnome / GPLv2 view-restore.ico / gnome / GPLv2 view-restore.png / gnome / GPLv2 view-restore.svg / gnome / GPLv2 view-restore.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 view-right-close.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-close.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-close.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-close.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-close.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-new-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-new-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-new-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-new-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-new-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-right-new-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-right-new.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-sidetree-4.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sidetree-4.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sidetree-4.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sidetree-4.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sidetree-4.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sidetree.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 view-sidetree.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 view-sidetree.png / intrigue / GPLv2 view-sidetree.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 view-sort-ascending-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-ascending-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-ascending-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-ascending-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-ascending-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-ascending.icns / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-ascending.ico / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-ascending.png / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-ascending.svg / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-ascending.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-descending-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-descending-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-descending-2.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-descending-2.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-descending-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-sort-descending.icns / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-descending.ico / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-descending.png / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-descending.svg / gnome / GPLv2 view-sort-descending.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 view-split-left-right-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-left-right-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-left-right-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-left-right-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-left-right-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-left-right-4.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right-4.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right-4.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right-4.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split-left-right.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-top-bottom-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-top-bottom-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-top-bottom-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-top-bottom-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-split-top-bottom-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-split-top-bottom-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-split-top-bottom-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-split-top-bottom-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 view-split-top-bottom-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split-top-bottom.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-split.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-statistics.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-statistics.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-statistics.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-statistics.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-statistics.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-ltr.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-ltr.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-ltr.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-ltr.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-rtl.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-rtl.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-rtl.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-table-of-contents-rtl.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-top-bottom.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-top-bottom.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-top-bottom.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-top-bottom.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 view-web-browser-dom-tree.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-web-browser-dom-tree.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-web-browser-dom-tree.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-web-browser-dom-tree.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL view-web-browser-dom-tree.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL viewdatasourcebrowser.png / openoffice / GPLv3 viewformasgrid.png / openoffice / GPLv3 viewing_glass.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD viewing_glass.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD viewmol.icns / app-install / See Below viewmol.ico / app-install / See Below viewmol.png / app-install / See Below viewmol.xpm / app-install / See Below viewpoint.svg / openstreetmap / PD viking.icns / app-install / See Below viking.ico / app-install / See Below viking.png / app-install / See Below viking.xpm / app-install / See Below villa-tourism.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 villa.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / app-install / See Below vim-2.ico / app-install / See Below vim-2.png / app-install / See Below vim-2.svg / app-install / See Below vim-2.xpm / app-install / See Below vim-3.icns / homemade / PD vim-3.ico / homemade / PD vim-3.png / homemade / PD vim-3.xpm / homemade / PD vim-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vim-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vim-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vim-4.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vim-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vimeo.png / homemade / PD .icns / app-install / See Below vinagre.ico / app-install / See Below vinagre.png / app-install / See Below vinagre.xpm / app-install / See Below virb.png / homemade / PD virt-manager.icns / app-install / See Below virt-manager.ico / app-install / See Below virt-manager.png / app-install / See Below virt-manager.svg / app-install / See Below virt-manager.xpm / app-install / See Below virtualbox.icns / app-install / See Below virtualbox.ico / app-install / See Below virtualbox.png / app-install / See Below virtualbox.xpm / app-install / See Below .icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below virtualdub.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below virtualdub.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below virtualdub.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below virtuoso.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below virtuoso.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below virtuoso.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below virtuoso.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below virus-detected.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus-detected.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus-detected.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus-detected.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus-off.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus-off.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus-off.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus-off.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virus.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 viruskiller.icns / app-install / See Below viruskiller.ico / app-install / See Below viruskiller.png / app-install / See Below viruskiller.xpm / app-install / See Below virussafe.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virussafe.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virussafe.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 virussafe.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 visor.icns / gnome / GPLv2 visor.ico / gnome / GPLv2 visor.png / gnome / GPLv2 visor.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 visual_understanding_environment.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visual_understanding_environment.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visual_understanding_environment.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visual_understanding_environment.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visualap.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visualap.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visualap.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visualap.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below visualboyadvance.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below visualboyadvance.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below visualboyadvance.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below visualboyadvance.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vkeybd.icns / app-install / See Below vkeybd.ico / app-install / See Below vkeybd.png / app-install / See Below vkeybd.xpm / app-install / See Below vlc.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlc.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlc.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlc.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlc.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlvc.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlvc.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlvc.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vlvc.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vodovod.icns / app-install / See Below vodovod.ico / app-install / See Below vodovod.png / app-install / See Below vodovod.xpm / app-install / See Below volume-0.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 volume-0.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 volume-0.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 volume-0.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 volume.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 volume.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 volume.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 voxound.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below voxound.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below voxound.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below voxound.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below vscrollbar.png / openoffice / GPLv3 vserl.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 vserr.svg / inkscape / GPLv2 vuze.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vuze.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vuze.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below vuze.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below w3perl.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below w3perl.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below w3perl.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below w3perl.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below waitingroom.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 wallet-closed.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-closed.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-closed.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-closed.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-closed.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-open.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-open.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-open.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-open.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wallet-open.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wammu-2.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wammu-2.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wammu-2.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wammu-2.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wammu.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wammu.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wammu.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wammu.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wand.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wand.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wand.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wand.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 warehause.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 warehause.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 warehause.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 warehause.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 warning.png / gimp / GPLv2 watcom.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below watcom.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below watcom.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below watcom.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below water.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 water_drop_1.icns / wpclipart / PD water_drop_1.ico / wpclipart / PD water_drop_1.png / wpclipart / PD waterfall.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 watermill.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 waterpark.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 waterskiing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 watertower.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 waterwell.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 waterwellpump.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 wavbreaker.icns / app-install / See Below wavbreaker.ico / app-install / See Below wavbreaker.png / app-install / See Below wavbreaker.xpm / app-install / See Below weather-clear-2.icns / tango / PD weather-clear-2.ico / tango / PD weather-clear-2.png / tango / PD weather-clear-2.svg / tango / PD weather-clear-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-clear-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-night-2.icns / tango / PD weather-clear-night-2.ico / tango / PD weather-clear-night-2.png / tango / PD weather-clear-night-2.svg / tango / PD weather-clear-night-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-clear-night-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-night-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-night-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-night-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-night-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clear-night.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-clear-night.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear-night.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-clear-night.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear-night.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear-night.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear-night.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-clear-night.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-clear.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-clear.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clear.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-clear.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-clouds-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-clouds-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-clouds-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-clouds-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-clouds-night.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds-night.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds-night.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds-night.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds-night.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-clouds.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-cloudy.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-cloudy.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-cloudy.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-cloudy.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-few-clouds-2.icns / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-2.ico / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-2.png / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-2.svg / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-night-2.icns / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-night-2.ico / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-night-2.png / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-night-2.svg / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-night-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-few-clouds-night-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-night-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-night-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-night-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-night-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-few-clouds-night.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-few-clouds-night.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds-night.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-few-clouds-night.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds-night.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds-night.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds-night.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-few-clouds-night.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-few-clouds.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-few-clouds.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-few-clouds.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-few-clouds.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-fog.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-fog.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-fog.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-fog.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-fog.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-fog.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-fog.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-fog.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-freezing-rain.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-freezing-rain.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-freezing-rain.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-freezing-rain.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-freezing-rain.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-hail.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-hail.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-hail.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-hail.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-hail.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-lightning.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-lightning.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-lightning.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-lightning.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-many-clouds.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-many-clouds.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-many-clouds.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-many-clouds.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-many-clouds.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-mist.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-mist.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-mist.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-mist.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-mist.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-none-available.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-none-available.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-none-available.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-none-available.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-none-available.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-overcast-2.icns / tango / PD weather-overcast-2.ico / tango / PD weather-overcast-2.png / tango / PD weather-overcast-2.svg / tango / PD weather-overcast-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-overcast.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-overcast.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-overcast.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-overcast.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-overcast.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-overcast.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-overcast.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-overcast.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-rain.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-rain.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-rain.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-rain.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-severe-alert-2.icns / tango / PD weather-severe-alert-2.ico / tango / PD weather-severe-alert-2.png / tango / PD weather-severe-alert-2.svg / tango / PD weather-severe-alert-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-severe-alert.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-severe-alert.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-severe-alert.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-severe-alert.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-severe-alert.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-severe-alert.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-severe-alert.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-severe-alert.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers-2.icns / tango / PD weather-showers-2.ico / tango / PD weather-showers-2.png / tango / PD weather-showers-2.svg / tango / PD weather-showers-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-showers-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-day.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-day.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-day.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-day.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-day.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-night.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-night.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-night.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-night.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-night.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-2.icns / tango / PD weather-showers-scattered-2.ico / tango / PD weather-showers-scattered-2.png / tango / PD weather-showers-scattered-2.svg / tango / PD weather-showers-scattered-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-showers-scattered-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-day.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-day.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-day.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-day.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-day.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-night.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-night.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-night.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-night.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered-night.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-showers-scattered.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-showers-scattered.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers-scattered.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-showers-scattered.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers-scattered.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers-scattered.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers-scattered.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-showers-scattered.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-showers.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-showers.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-showers.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-showers.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-snow-2.icns / tango / PD weather-snow-2.ico / tango / PD weather-snow-2.png / tango / PD weather-snow-2.svg / tango / PD weather-snow-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-snow-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-4.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-snow-4.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-snow-4.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-snow-4.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-snow-rain.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-rain.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-rain.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-rain.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-rain.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-day.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-day.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-day.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-day.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-day.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-night.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-night.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-night.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-night.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered-night.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow-scattered.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-snow.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-snow.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-snow.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-snow.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-snow.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-snow.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-snow.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-snow.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-storm-2.icns / tango / PD weather-storm-2.ico / tango / PD weather-storm-2.png / tango / PD weather-storm-2.svg / tango / PD weather-storm-2.xpm / tango / PD weather-storm-3.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-3.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-3.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-day.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-day.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-day.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-day.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-day.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-night.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-night.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-night.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-night.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm-night.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL weather-storm.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-storm.icns / gnome / GPLv2 weather-storm.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-storm.ico / gnome / GPLv2 weather-storm.png / gnome / GPLv2 weather-storm.svg / gnome / GPLv2 weather-storm.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 weather-storm.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 weather-sun.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-sun.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-sun.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 weather-sun.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 web.png / gimp / GPLv2 webexport.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 webexport.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 webexport.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 webexport.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 webissues.icns / app-install / See Below webissues.ico / app-install / See Below webissues.png / app-install / See Below webissues.xpm / app-install / See Below webkit.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below webkit.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below webkit.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below webkit.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below webpres.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 webpres.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 webpres.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wedding.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 wednesday.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 wengophone.icns / app-install / See Below wengophone.ico / app-install / See Below wengophone.png / app-install / See Below wengophone.xpm / app-install / See Below wesnoth.icns / app-install / See Below wesnoth.ico / app-install / See Below wesnoth.png / app-install / See Below wesnoth.xpm / app-install / See Below wesnoth_editor.icns / app-install / See Below wesnoth_editor.ico / app-install / See Below wesnoth_editor.png / app-install / See Below wesnoth_editor.xpm / app-install / See Below wetland.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 whatsnext.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 whatsnext.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 whatsnext.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 whatsnext.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 whichwayisup.icns / app-install / See Below whichwayisup.ico / app-install / See Below whichwayisup.png / app-install / See Below whichwayisup.xpm / app-install / See Below white1.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 white20.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 whitix.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD whitix.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD whitix.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD whitix.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD whitix.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD wicd.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wicd.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wicd.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wicd.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wicd.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below widelands.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below widelands.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below widelands.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below widelands.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wifi-radar.icns / app-install / See Below wifi-radar.ico / app-install / See Below wifi-radar.png / app-install / See Below wifi-radar.svg / app-install / See Below wifi-radar.xpm / app-install / See Below wifi.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 wikspeak.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wikspeak.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wikspeak.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wikspeak.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wilber.png / gimp / GPLv2 windmill.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 windmill.svg / openstreetmap / PD windmill.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD windmill_w.svg / wiki_commons_pd / PD window-close-2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-close-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-close-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-close-3.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-close-3.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-close-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-close-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-close-3.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-close-4.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-close.icns / gnome / GPLv2 window-close.ico / gnome / GPLv2 window-close.png / gnome / GPLv2 window-close.svg / gnome / GPLv2 window-close.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 window-duplicate-2.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 window-duplicate-2.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 window-duplicate-2.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 window-duplicate-2.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 window-duplicate.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-duplicate.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-duplicate.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-duplicate.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-duplicate.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-new-2.icns / gnome / GPLv2 window-new-2.ico / gnome / GPLv2 window-new-2.png / gnome / GPLv2 window-new-2.svg / gnome / GPLv2 window-new-2.xpm / gnome / GPLv2 window-new-3.icns / tango / PD window-new-3.ico / tango / PD window-new-3.png / tango / PD window-new-3.svg / tango / PD window-new-3.xpm / tango / PD window-new-4.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 window-new-4.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 window-new-4.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 window-new-5.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-new-5.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-new-5.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 window-new-5.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-new-6.icns / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-new-6.ico / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-new-6.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-new-6.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-new-6.xpm / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-new-7.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 window-new-7.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 window-new-7.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 window-new-7.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 window-new-8.png / nuovext2 / LGPL-2.1 window-new.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 window-new.icns / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 window-new.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 window-new.ico / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 window-new.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 window-new.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 window-new.xpm / echo / CC-BY-SA-3.0 window-suppressed.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-suppressed.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-suppressed.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-suppressed.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window-suppressed.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL window3d.png / openoffice / GPLv3 windows.png / homemade / PD windows_users.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 windows_users.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 windows_users.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 windows_users.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 windsurfing.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 windturbine.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 -2.icns / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wine-2.ico / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wine-2.xpm / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wine-3.png / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wine-3.svg / oxygen / CC-BY-SA 3.0 or LGPL wine-4.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wine-4.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wine-4.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wine-4.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wine-4.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wine-5.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wine-5.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wine-5.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wine-5.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wine.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wine.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wine.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wine.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 winery.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 wineyard.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 wings3d-2.icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD wings3d-2.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD wings3d-2.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD wings3d-2.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD wings3d.icns / app-install / See Below wings3d.ico / app-install / See Below wings3d.png / app-install / See Below wings3d.xpm / app-install / See Below winmerge.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below winmerge.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below winmerge.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below winmerge.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below winpdb.icns / app-install / See Below winpdb.ico / app-install / See Below winpdb.png / app-install / See Below winpdb.xpm / app-install / See Below winprops-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 winprops-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 winprops-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 winprops-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 winprops.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 winprops.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 winprops.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 winprops.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 wireframe.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wireshark.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wireshark.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wireshark.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wireshark.svg / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wireshark.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below wmaker_apps.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wmaker_apps.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wmaker_apps.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wmaker_apps.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 wmgui.icns / app-install / See Below wmgui.ico / app-install / See Below wmgui.png / app-install / See Below wmgui.xpm / app-install / See Below wmii.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wmii.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wmii.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wmii.svg / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wmii.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below wmtweaks.icns / app-install / See Below wmtweaks.ico / app-install / See Below wmtweaks.png / app-install / See Below wmtweaks.xpm / app-install / See Below women.svg / openstreetmap / PD wordperfect-2.icns / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wordperfect-2.ico / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wordperfect-2.png / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wordperfect-2.xpm / crystal_clear / LGPL-2.1 wordperfect.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 wordperfect.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 wordperfect.png / intrigue / GPLv2 wordperfect.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 wordpress.png / homemade / PD workoffice.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / app-install / See Below workrave.ico / app-install / See Below workrave.png / app-install / See Below workrave.xpm / app-install / See Below world-add.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-add.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-add.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-add.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-delete.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-delete.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-delete.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-delete.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-edit.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-edit.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-edit.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-edit.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-go.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-go.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-go.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-go.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-link.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-link.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-link.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world-link.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 world.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 world_of_padman.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below world_of_padman.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below world_of_padman.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below world_of_padman.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below worldforge.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below worldforge.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below worldforge.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below worldforge.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below worldheritagesite.png / map-icons-collection / CC-BY-SA 3.0 .icns / wiki_commons_pd / PD worldwideweb.ico / wiki_commons_pd / PD worldwideweb.png / wiki_commons_pd / PD worldwideweb.xpm / wiki_commons_pd / PD wormux.icns / app-install / See Below wormux.ico / app-install / See Below wormux.png / app-install / See Below wormux.xpm / app-install / See Below wr01.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr010.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr011.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr02.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr03.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr04.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr05.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr06.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr07.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr08.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wr09.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrapcontour.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrapideal.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrapleft.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrapoff.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrapon.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrapright.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrapthrough.png / openoffice / GPLv3 wrench-orange.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wrench-orange.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wrench-orange.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wrench-orange.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wrench.icns / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wrench.ico / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wrench.png / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wrench.xpm / famfamfam-silk / CC-BY-2.5 or CC-BY-3.0 wsjt.icns / app-install / See Below wsjt.ico / app-install / See Below wsjt.png / app-install / See Below wsjt.xpm / app-install / See Below wxcas.icns / 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Below xarchiver.icns / app-install / See Below xarchiver.ico / app-install / See Below xarchiver.png / app-install / See Below xarchiver.xpm / app-install / See Below xawtv.icns / app-install / See Below xawtv.ico / app-install / See Below xawtv.png / app-install / See Below xawtv.xpm / app-install / See Below xbarrel.icns / app-install / See Below xbarrel.ico / app-install / See Below xbarrel.png / app-install / See Below xbarrel.xpm / app-install / See Below xbill-2.icns / app-install / See Below xbill-2.ico / app-install / See Below xbill-2.png / app-install / See Below xbill-2.xpm / app-install / See Below xbill-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xbill-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xbill-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xbill-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xbill.icns / open_clip_art_library / PD xbill.ico / open_clip_art_library / PD xbill.png / open_clip_art_library / PD xbill.svg / open_clip_art_library / PD xblast.icns / wiki_commons_cc / See Below xblast.ico / wiki_commons_cc / See Below xblast.png / wiki_commons_cc / See Below xblast.xpm / wiki_commons_cc / See Below xboing.icns / app-install / See Below xboing.ico / app-install / See Below xboing.png / app-install / See Below xboing.xpm / app-install / See Below xcalc-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xcalc-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xcalc-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xcalc-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xcalc.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xcalc.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xcalc.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xcalc.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xcdroast.icns / app-install / See Below xcdroast.ico / app-install / See Below xcdroast.png / app-install / See Below xcdroast.xpm / app-install / See Below xchat-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xchat-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xchat-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xchat-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xchat-3.icns / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xchat-3.ico / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xchat-3.png / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xchat-3.xpm / wiki_commons_gpl / See Below xchat-gnome.icns / app-install / See Below xchat-gnome.ico / app-install / See Below xchat-gnome.png / app-install / See Below xchat-gnome.xpm / app-install / See Below xchat.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 xchat.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 xchat.png / intrigue / GPLv2 xchat.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 xchm.icns / app-install / See Below xchm.ico / app-install / See Below xchm.png / app-install / See Below xchm.xpm / app-install / See Below xclock-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xclock-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xclock-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xclock-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xclock-3.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xclock-3.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xclock-3.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xclock-3.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xclock.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 xclock.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 xclock.png / intrigue / GPLv2 xclock.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 xconfig.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xconfig.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xconfig.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xconfig.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xconsole-2.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xconsole-2.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xconsole-2.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xconsole-2.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xconsole.icns / intrigue / GPLv2 xconsole.ico / intrigue / GPLv2 xconsole.png / intrigue / GPLv2 xconsole.xpm / intrigue / GPLv2 xcubes.icns / app-install / See Below xcubes.ico / app-install / See Below xcubes.png / app-install / See Below xcubes.xpm / app-install / See Below xdays.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xdays.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xdays.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xdays.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xdc.icns / app-install / See Below xdc.ico / app-install / See Below xdc.png / app-install / See Below xdc.xpm / app-install / See Below xdemineur.icns / app-install / See Below xdemineur.ico / app-install / See Below xdemineur.png / app-install / See Below xdemineur.xpm / app-install / See Below xdigger.icns / app-install / See Below xdigger.ico / app-install / See Below xdigger.png / app-install / See Below xdigger.xpm / app-install / See Below xdino.icns / app-install / See Below xdino.ico / app-install / See Below xdino.png / app-install / See Below xdino.xpm / app-install / See Below xdx.icns / app-install / See Below xdx.ico / app-install / See Below xdx.png / app-install / See Below xdx.xpm / app-install / See Below xedit.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xedit.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xedit.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xedit.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xee.icns / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD xee.ico / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD xee.png / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD xee.xpm / wiki_commons_bsd / BSD xemacs-2.icns / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xemacs-2.ico / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xemacs-2.png / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xemacs-2.xpm / nuvola / LGPL-2.1 xemacs.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xemacs.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xemacs.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xemacs.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xeyes.icns / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xeyes.ico / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xeyes.png / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xeyes.xpm / crystal / LGPL-2.1 xfcalendar.icns / app-install / See Below xfcalendar.ico / app-install / See Below xfcalendar.png / app-install / See Below xfcalendar.xpm / 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app-install / See Below xfce4-session.png / app-install / See Below xfce4-session.xpm / app-install / See Below xfce4-splash.icns / app-install / See Below xfce4-splash.ico / app-install / See Below xfce4-splash.png / app-install / See Below xfce4-splash.xpm / app-install / See Below xfce4-style/application-msword.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-msword.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-msword.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-msword.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-octet-stream.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-octet-stream.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-octet-stream.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-octet-stream.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-ogg.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-ogg.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-ogg.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-ogg.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-pdf.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-pdf.ico / xfce4 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/ xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-vnd.sun.xml.impress.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-abiword.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-abiword.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-abiword.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-abiword.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-archive.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-archive.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-archive.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-archive.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-arj.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-arj.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-arj.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-arj.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 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xfce4-style/application-x-compress.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-compress.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-compress.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-compressed-tar.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-compressed-tar.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-compressed-tar.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-compressed-tar.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio-compressed.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio-compressed.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio-compressed.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio-compressed.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-cpio.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-deb.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-deb.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-deb.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-deb.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-desktop.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-desktop.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-desktop.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-desktop.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dia-diagram.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dia-diagram.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dia-diagram.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dia-diagram.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dvi.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dvi.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dvi.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-dvi.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-executable.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-executable.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-executable.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-executable.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-asm.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-asm.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-asm.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-asm.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-bdf.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-bdf.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-bdf.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-bdf.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-linux-psf.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-linux-psf.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-linux-psf.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-linux-psf.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-pcf.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-pcf.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-pcf.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-pcf.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-ttf.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-ttf.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-ttf.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-font-ttf.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gettext-translation.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gettext-translation.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gettext-translation.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gettext-translation.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-glade.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-glade.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-glade.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-glade.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnucash.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnucash.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnucash.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnucash.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnumeric.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnumeric.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnumeric.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gnumeric.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gtktalog.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gtktalog.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gtktalog.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gtktalog.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gzip.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gzip.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gzip.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-gzip.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kde-app-info.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kde-app-info.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kde-app-info.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kde-app-info.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-killustrator.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-killustrator.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-killustrator.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-killustrator.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kpresenter.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kpresenter.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kpresenter.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kpresenter.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kspread.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kspread.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kspread.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kspread.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kword.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kword.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kword.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-kword.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-lha.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-lha.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-lha.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-lha.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-object.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-object.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-object.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-object.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-perl.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-perl.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-perl.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-perl.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-php.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-php.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-php.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-php.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python-bytecode.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python-bytecode.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python-bytecode.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python-bytecode.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-python.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-qw.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-qw.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-qw.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-qw.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rar.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rar.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rar.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rar.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-reject.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-reject.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-reject.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-reject.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rpm.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rpm.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rpm.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-rpm.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-share-library-la.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-share-library-la.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-share-library-la.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-share-library-la.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-sharedlib.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-sharedlib.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-sharedlib.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-sharedlib.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shellscript.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shellscript.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shellscript.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shellscript.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shockwave-flash.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shockwave-flash.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shockwave-flash.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-shockwave-flash.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-smil.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-smil.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-smil.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-smil.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tar.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tar.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tar.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tar.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tex.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tex.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tex.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-tex.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-trash.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-trash.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-trash.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-x-trash.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-zip.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-zip.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-zip.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application-zip.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/application.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-ac3.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-ac3.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-ac3.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-ac3.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-basic.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-basic.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-basic.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-basic.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-midi.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-midi.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-midi.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-midi.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-aiff.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-aiff.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-aiff.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-aiff.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-it.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-it.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-it.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-it.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-midi.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-midi.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-midi.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-midi.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mod.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mod.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mod.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mod.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mp3.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mp3.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mp3.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mp3.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mpegurl.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mpegurl.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mpegurl.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-mpegurl.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-pn-realaudio.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-pn-realaudio.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-pn-realaudio.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-pn-realaudio.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-s3m.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-s3m.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-s3m.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-s3m.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-stm.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-stm.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-stm.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-stm.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-ulaw.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-ulaw.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-ulaw.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-ulaw.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-voc.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-voc.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-voc.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-voc.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-wav.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-wav.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-wav.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-wav.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xi.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xi.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xi.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xi.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xm.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xm.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xm.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio-x-xm.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/audio.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-bmp.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-bmp.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-bmp.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-bmp.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-gif.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-gif.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-gif.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-gif.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-ief.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-ief.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-ief.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-ief.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-jpeg.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-jpeg.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-jpeg.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-jpeg.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-png.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-png.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-png.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-png.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg+xml.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg+xml.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg+xml.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg+xml.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-svg.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-tiff.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-tiff.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-tiff.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-tiff.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-3ds.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-3ds.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-3ds.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-3ds.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-applix-graphic.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-applix-graphic.ico / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-applix-graphic.png / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-applix-graphic.xpm / xfce4 / GPLv2 xfce4-style/image-x-cmu-raster.icns / xfce4 / GPLv2 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* http://www.indyjt.com/software/?show=ieatbrainz

Licensing BSD

****************************************************************** IStumbler.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 8 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary iStumber icon.

* http://www.istumbler.net/

Licensing BSD


Musikcube-icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 23 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Sumário

Icon of MusikCube software licensed on BSD License. Licensing BSD


Neveredit.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 23 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary neveredit icon. http://sourceforge.net/projects/neveredit/ Licensing BSD


Smultron2.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 184 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

The present Smultron icon.

* http://smultron.sourceforge.net/

Licensing BSD


Xee.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 15 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Xee icon.

* http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/xee.html

Licensing BSD



(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 24 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary Shiira web browser icon. * http://hmdt-web.net/shiira/en

Licensing BSD Copyright © Shiira Project, .




(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 19 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary Programm Icon of the Bittorrent Client Tomato Torrent

Licensing BSD wordmark.svg Copyright © belongs to the uploader, all rights reserved.

################################################################# ## Wiki Commons authors and licenses information (CC Licenses) #

ATCalcIcon.gif (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 1 KB, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations Summary Description ATCalcIcon.gif English: ATCalc Icon Date: 7 May 2009(2009-05-07) Source: Own work Author: Jmarchn Permission

See below. Licensing I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License


Krita_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 480 × 655 pixels, file size: 17 KB) Description Krita Application Logo.svg

Krita logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


Koffice-logo-alpha.png (216 × 241 pixels, file size: 20 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Koffice-logo-alpha.png English: KOffice Logo, Under Attibution 2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/) Date: 2008(2008) Source: http://wiki.koffice.org/index.php? title=Icons/KOffice_apps_logos_and_icons Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below.

Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Kexi_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 480 × 655 pixels, file size: 20 KB) Description Kexi Application Logo.svg

Kexi logo Date: 17 may 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


Karbon14_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 839 × 656 pixels, file size: 20 KB) Description Karbon14 Application Logo.svg

Karbon14 logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


KWord_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 583 × 655 pixels, file size: 22 KB) Summary Description KWord Application Logo.svg KWord logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


KSpread_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 671 × 656 pixels, file size: 25 KB) Description KSpread Application Logo.svg

KSpread logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


KPresenter_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 888 × 656 pixels, file size: 29 KB) Description KPresenter Application Logo.svg

KPresenter logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


KPlato_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 571 × 656 pixels, file size: 22 KB) Description KPlato Application Logo.svg

KPlato logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

****************************************************************** KFormula_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 821 × 656 pixels, file size: 24 KB) Description KFormula Application Logo.svg

KFormula logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


KChart_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 594 × 656 pixels, file size: 20 KB) Description KChart Application Logo.svg

KChart logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


Kivio_Application_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 480 × 656 pixels, file size: 18 KB) Description Kivio Application Logo.svg

Kivio logo Date: 17 May 2008 Source: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/areas/koffice/artwork/logos/ Author: KOffice Team Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


Perl.jpg (279 × 303 pixels, file size: 28 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Help about image annotations Summary Description Perl.jpg English: O'Reilly created Programming Republic of Perl logos and Powered by Perl buttons. However, the Camel has never been meant to be an official Perl symbol, and if one is to be considered instead, it's an onion. Português: O'Reilly criou os logotipos da "república de programação do Perl" e os botões "Feito por Perl". Contudo, o camelo nunca foi o símbolo oficial da linguagem, sendo este o desenho de uma cebola. Date: 1993(1993) Source: http://oreilly.com/perl/ Author: Criado por O'Reilly Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License


Scratch_Logo.png (213 × 197 pixels, file size: 9 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Scratch Logo.png

The Scratch "logo" and mascot. Date Source: http://scratch.mit.edu/img/gr_logo_scratchr.png Author: MIT-Lifelong Kindergarten Group Permission (Reusing this image) CC-BY-SA Other versions cat only Licensing Creative Commons - Attribute - Share Alike 2.0 license


Vandal_proof_super.PNG (422 × 406 pixels, file size: 180 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Vandal proof super.PNG merged W:Image:Crystal kview.png, W:Image:Police man Twinkle Head.svg, w:Image:NPW logo.jpg, W:Image:VandalProof.PNG, and W:Image:Sniper.PNG. It changed a lot from #2 to #3 because I forgot a pic. Date Source This medium is lacking source information. Please edit this file's description and provide a source.

Author: Sir Intellegent Permission

See below.

NOTE: "subject to disclaimers" below may not actually apply, this was tagged with {{GFDL-user-en}}, and after May 2007, w:en:Template:GFDL-self did not require disclaimers. Please check the image description page on the English Wikipedia (or, if it has been deleted, ask an English Wikipedia administrator). See Wikipedia:GFDL standardization for details. Sir Intellegent at the English language Wikipedia, the copyright holder of this work, has published or hereby publishes it under the following license: GNU General Public License Subject to disclaimers.

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License

****************************************************************** Bonjour_Browser.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 25 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Bonjour Browser icon.

* http://www.tildesoft.com/Programs.html#BonjourBrowser

Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 license.


Chandler-superdog.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 6 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

OSAF logotype for Chandler Licensing Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License


InfraRecorder_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 19 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Converted to SVG.svg This image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}.

Description InfraRecorder icon.png

The InfraRecorder icon. Date: Probably 2007 Source: http://infrarecorder.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/infrarecorder/trunk/Source/UI/GU I/Resources/InfraRecorder.ico Author: and Christian Kindahl Permission Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License

****************************************************************** MusicBrainz_Picard.svg (SVG file, nominally 1,000 × 1,000 pixels, file size: 91 KB) Summary Description MusicBrainz Picard.svg English: MusicBrainz Picard Tagger icon.

* http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~musicbrainz- developers/picard/trunk/annotate/head%3A/resources/img-src/Copyright.htm (license page)

Date: 30 September 2009(2009-09-30) Source: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~musicbrainz- developers/picard/trunk/files/head%3A/resources/ Author: Carlin Mangar Permission

See below. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License


Postgresql_32x32.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 1 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Converted to SVG.svg This logo image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}.


PostgreSQL elephant logo, originally from http://www.postgresql.org/files/community/propaganda/32x32_1.gif, converted to PNG by me. Licensing Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License


SaintIcon.PNG (107 × 107 pixels, file size: 16 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description SaintIcon.PNG English: icon saint Polski: ikona \u015awi\u0119ty Date: 23 February 2009(2009-02-23) Source: Own work Author: Klondek Permission I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Scummvm_icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 512 × 512 pixels, file size: 238 KB) Description Scummvm icon.svg

ScummVM icon Date Source: http://www.scummvm.org/ Author: Jean Marc Gimenez for the ScummVM project Permission

See below. Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License


Xkill.png (57 × 60 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Xkill.png

X-kill icon Date: November 2007(2007-11) Source: Own work Author: Zimbres Permission

See below. Licensing This picture was taken by Eurico Zimbres Please credit this : Eurico Zimbres

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License



(SVG file, nominally 171 × 167 pixels, file size: 17 KB)

Description Logo der Software collectd.svg English: Logo of the project \u201ccollectd\u201d. Deutsch: Logo des Freie-Software-Projekts \u201ecollectd\u201d.

Date 29 September 2007(2007-09-29)

Source Own work

Author Florian Forster

Permission Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0



(SVG file, nominally 128 × 128 pixels, file size: 776 KB)

Description QuasselIrc.svg Quassel IRC Logo

Date 2009-02-17T01:06

Source http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/repositories/browse/quassel- irc/icons/oxygen/scalable/apps

Author nuno


See below.

Licensing GNU Lesser General Public License

***************************************************************** Comix.svg

(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 51 KB)


Description Comix.svg English: Comix icon


Source Comix software

Author Victor Castillejo


See below.

Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Subject to disclaimers. Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License



(192 × 192 pixels, file size: 45 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations


Description Luciole-192.png English: Luciole software logo. Represents a funny sleeping firefly.

Date 13 March 2009(2009-03-13)

Source Drawn by Rodolphe for Luciole software

Author Rodolphe


See below.

Licensing I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0, Attribution ShareAlike 2.5, Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 and Attribution ShareAlike 1.0 License *****************************************************************


(64 × 64 pixels, file size: 7 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries:


Description Qutim 64.png English: logo of opensorce program.


Source qutin logo

Author qutIM team


See below.

Licensing Creative Commons ShareAlike 1.0 License



(SVG file, nominally 525 × 380 pixels, file size: 8 KB)

Description WxWidgets.svg Blocks icon for wxWidgets

Date 21 March 2007(2007-03-21)

Source [1]

Author Bryan Petty

Permission CC-BY-SA Other versions en:Image:WxWidgets.png Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 1.0 License


Wmii-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 277 × 143 pixels, file size: 3 KB)

Description Wmii-logo.svg wmii logo

Date 7 August 2007(2007-08-07)

Source Own work based on wmii.png from wmii distribution

Author Unknown


Original raster file is distributed under MIT license, is compatible with cc-by. Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License



(450 × 431 pixels, file size: 152 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations


Description Chromium Icon.png Main logo and icon for the internet browser project, Chromium. Portions of this page are reproduced from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License. (This is mentioned as per the Chromium Documentation and Google site policies and permissions guidelines

Date 05/05/2009

Source Chromium application package contents screen-shot.

Author The Chromium Development Documentation Project [1] / "The Chromium Authors" as per the open dource development agreement


The Chromium project is published under Creative Commons attribution 2.5 and BSD (see below):

Licensing BSD Copyright © Chromium Project, all rights reserved. Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License


Application-x-geda-schematic.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 22 KB)

Description Application-x-geda-schematic.svg A Tango-like icon for files made with gEDA.

Date 23 April 2007(2007-04-23)

Source http://www.tablix.org/~avian/geda/icons/ (derived from the text-x-generic icon)

Author Toma\u017e \u0160olc


Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License



(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 21 KB)

Description Application-x-geda-symbol.svg A Tango-like icon for files made with gEDA.

Date 23 April 2007(2007-04-23)

Source http://www.tablix.org/~avian/geda/icons/ (derived from the text-x-generic icon)

Author Toma\u017e \u0160olc


Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License



(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 28 KB)

Description Application-x-gerber.svg A Tango-like icon for files made with gEDA.

Date 23 April 2007(2007-04-23)

Source http://www.tablix.org/~avian/geda/icons/ (derived from the text-x-generic icon)

Author Toma\u017e \u0160olc Permission

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License



(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 20 KB)

Description Application-x-pcb.svg A Tango-like icon for files made with gEDA.

Date 23 April 2007(2007-04-23)

Source http://www.tablix.org/~avian/geda/icons/ (derived from the text-x-generic icon)

Author Toma\u017e \u0160olc


Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License



(124 × 131 pixels, file size: 9 KB, MIME type: image/png) logo This image was copied from wikipedia:fr. The original description was: Contents [hide] * 1 Description * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries:

Description Mascotte de GCfilms : Péri.

Licensing Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License


File:Grasslogo vector big.png From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search * File * File history * File links File:Grasslogo vector big.png Size of this preview: 539 × 600 pixels Full resolution (889 × 989 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Wikimedia Commons logo

Summary Official GRASS GIS logotype. Designed by Linda Roush. You can visit the GRASS website at http://grass.osgeo.org

Licensing Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License



(88 × 122 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Wikimedia Commons logo


Description Watcom logo.png English: Open Watcom package logo

Date 16 July 2006(2006-07-16)

Source http://www.openwatcom.org/skins/common/images/watcom_logo.png

Author Open Watcom team


Sybase Open Watcom Public License version 1.0 The image is a part of OpenWatcom software distribution package and covered by this license; it is also available on the site above, which states that all content is available under Creative Commons Attribution license ("Content is available under Attribution 2.5.").

Licensing Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License



(32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary Icon of the free audio-player muine. (32x32px)

Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License

***************************************************************** WOP.jpg

(256 × 256 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Help about image annotations


Description WOP.jpg Deutsch: Zeigt das World of Padman-Logo English: Shows the logo of World of Padman Français : Affiche le logo de World of Padman Español: Muestra el logotipo del Mundo de Padman

Date 1.04.2007

Source World of Padman

Author PadWorld Entertainment


See below.

Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License



(SVG file, nominally 859 × 302 pixels, file size: 8 KB)

Summary The Fvwm logo. Converted to svg from [[1]]

Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License



(70 × 55 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary Logo LFTP

Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Subject to disclaimers. Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.


Wilber_GIMP.app_file_OSX.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary GIMP.app file * http://gimp-app.sourceforge.net/

Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Wilber_GIMP.app_file_OSX.png Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.

***************************************************************** application-x-geda-schematic.svg application-x-geda-symbol.svg application-x-gerber.svg File:Application-x-pcb.svg Description Application-x-pcb.svg

A Tango-like icon for files made with gEDA. Date

23 April 2007(2007-04-23) Source http://www.tablix.org/~avian/geda/icons/ (derived from the text-x-generic icon) Author

Toma\u017e \u0160olc

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License


(SVG file, nominally 198 × 198 pixels, file size: 31 KB) Summary

Description Ruby logo.svg English: Official Ruby logo

Date 2006(2006)

Source http://rubyidentity.org/

Author Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby Visual Identity Team

Permission (Reusing this image) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License

***************************************************************** GTK.svg

(SVG file, nominally 260 × 270 pixels, file size: 6 KB) Description GTK.svg English: Conversion of Image:GTK.png to a SVG, using Inkscape. Bloat removed using gedit.

Date 2007-05-11 (original upload date)

Source Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.

Author Jose Hevia, vectorised by DTR at en.wikipedia

Permission (Reusing this image) GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update. ***************************************************************** New_Gtk+.svg

(SVG file, nominally 89 × 96 pixels, file size: 2 KB)


Description New Gtk+.svg The new GTK+ logo.

Date 2008-01-30 (original upload date on [1])

Source http://live.gnome.org/GTKLogo

Author Andreas Nilsson

Permission (Reusing this image) GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update. ***************************************************************** Tcl.svg

(SVG file, nominally 125 × 265 pixels, file size: 6 KB)


Description Tcl.svg English: SVG remake of Tcl.PNG

Date 9 June 2007(2007-06-09)

Source Own work

Author Fant0men

Permission (Reusing this image) See below. Licensing I, Fant0men, the copyright holder of this work, has published or hereby publishes it under the following licenses: GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License This licensing tag was added to this file as part of the GFDL licensing update.



Marathon_logo.svg\u200e (SVG file, nominally 234 × 234 pixels, file size: 5 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Marathon logo.svg English: Logo from the early 90's computer game Marathon. Developed as an Ubuntu icon for Marathon Aleph One. Date

10/15/08 Source

Own work Author

Catichenor Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Creative Commons Share Alike This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License. In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. Official license

\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629 | \u0411\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f (\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0448\u043a\u0435\u0432\u0456\u0446\u0430) | \u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438 | Català | \u010cesky | Dansk | Deutsch | Deutsch (Sie-Form) | \u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac | English | Esperanto | Español | Eesti | \u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc | Suomi | Français | \u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea | Hrvatski | Magyar | \u0540\u0561\u0575\u0565\u0580\u0565\u0576 | Italiano | \u65e5\u672c\u8a9e | \ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4 | Lietuvi\u0173 | \u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438 | Malti | Plattdüütsch | Nederlands | Polski | Português | \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 | Sloven\u010dina | \u0421\u0440\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438 / Srpski | Svenska | \u0c24\u0c46\u0c32\u0c41\u0c17\u0c41 | \u0e44\u0e17\u0e22 | \u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0430 | Vèneto | Ti\u1ebfng Vi\u1ec7t | \u4e2d\u6587 | \u202a\u4e2d\u6587(\u7b80\u4f53)\u202c | \u202a\u4e2d\u6587(\u7e41\u9ad4)\u202c | +/\u2212 GNU head Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the ; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

***************************************************************** Fairmatlogosmall.png\u200e (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 1,011 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations [edit] Summary Description Fairmatlogosmall.png English: Fairmat logo Date

1 March 2009(2009-03-01) Source

Own work Author

Imosaix Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: Creative Commons license Creative Commons Attribution Creative Commons Share Alike This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License. In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. Official license

\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629 | \u0411\u0435\u043b\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f (\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0448\u043a\u0435\u0432\u0456\u0446\u0430) | \u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438 | Català | \u010cesky | Dansk | Deutsch | Deutsch (Sie-Form) | \u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac | English | Esperanto | Español | Eesti | \u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc | Suomi | Français | \u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea | Hrvatski | Magyar | \u0540\u0561\u0575\u0565\u0580\u0565\u0576 | Italiano | \u65e5\u672c\u8a9e | \ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4 | Lietuvi\u0173 | \u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438 | Malti | Plattdüütsch | Nederlands | Polski | Português | \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 | Sloven\u010dina | \u0421\u0440\u043f\u0441\u043a\u0438 / Srpski | Svenska | \u0c24\u0c46\u0c32\u0c41\u0c17\u0c41 | \u0e44\u0e17\u0e22 | \u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0430 | Vèneto | Ti\u1ebfng Vi\u1ec7t | \u4e2d\u6587 | \u202a\u4e2d\u6587(\u7b80\u4f53)\u202c | \u202a\u4e2d\u6587(\u7e41\u9ad4)\u202c | +/\u2212 GNU head Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". ***************************************************************** GreenieLinuxLogo.svg\u200e (SVG file, nominally 150 × 150 pixels, file size: 19 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description GreenieLinuxLogo.svg

Logo distribúcie Greenie Linux Date

3 October 2007(2007-10-03) Source

Own work Author

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Lost_Souls_icon_large.gif (98 × 98 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations Summary Description Lost Souls icon large.gif English: 98x98 icon for Lost Souls Date 3 January 2007(2007-01-03) Source Own work Author Chaosprime Permission

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*********************************************************** Gmane.svg (SVG file, nominally 585 × 574 pixels, file size: 953 B) Description Gmane.svg GMANE logo Date Unknown Source gmane.org/logos Author Lars Ingebrigtsen Permission

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ISOMasterlogo.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description ISOMasterlogo.png ISO Master logo Date 17:29, 24 August 2007 Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:ISOMasterlogo.png Author en:User:Mig21 Permission

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IRATE_radio.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 9 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Logo de iRATE Radio Description IRATE radio.png Logo de iRATE Radio. Date 3 March 2007(2007-03-03) Source Imagen tomada la web de iRATE Radio http://irate.sourceforge.net/. Author iRATE Radio Permission

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(135 × 135 pixels, file size: 24 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Description Freeplane logo.png English: - Date 19:12, 5 January 2010 (UTC) Source English: Freeplane source tree Author Predrag Cuklin Permission

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PDFforge.png (48 × 52 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description PDFforge.png English: PDFForge/PDFCreator logo - free image Date 3 March 2008(2008-03-03) (original upload date) Source Transferred from en.wikipedia Author Original uploader was Ahunt at en.wikipedia Permission

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Qfusion.png (80 × 80 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Qfusion.png English: Qfusion Logo Date 2008-02-15 (first version); 2008-02-15 (last version) Source Transferred from en.wikipedia (Original text : self-made) Author Original uploader was Cyger at en.wikipedia (Original text : Cyger (talk)) Permission

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Geogebra.svg (SVG file, nominally 64 × 64 pixels, file size: 4 KB) Summary Description Geogebra.svg English: SVG version of icon Geogebra Sloven\u010dina: SVG verzia ikony programu Geogebra Date Source SVG version of original logo Author Markus Hohenwarter, Michael Borcherds - original; User:Tommyv580 - svg Permission

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Horde.svg (SVG file, nominally 205 × 205 pixels, file size: 3 KB) Summary Description Horde.svg Horde logo in SVG format as used as of Horde 3.0 Date Source http://www.horde.org/logos Author Colin Viebrock Permission horde.org/logos claims "Copyright 1999-2007 The Horde Project. Unless otherwise expressly noted, the contents of these pages are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license." Licensing w:en:Creative Commons attribution share alike This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.


Tuxguitar.png (172 × 165 pixels, file size: 27 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Tuxguitar.png Español: Imagen Tuxguitar Date Source Tuxguitar Author herac Permission

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Tokboxlogo.png (445 × 199 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Tokboxlogo.png English: TokBox Logo Date Source Own work Author Ashwin Agarwal Permission

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Free_Software_Portal_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 300 × 300 pixels, file size: 14 KB) Description Free Software Portal Logo.svg English: Free Software Portal logo created in inkscape consisting of a teal colored green square. Text set in Gentium Italic. Date 2009-04-12 22:55 (UTC) Source * Free_Software_Portal_Logo.svg Author * Free_Software_Portal_Logo.svg: ViperSnake151 * : AKX (talk) Permission

Nuvola apps kolourpaint.png This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Set font in Gentium Italic instead of hand-drawn glyphs for better legibility.. The original can be viewed here: Free_Software_Portal_Logo.svg. Modifications made by AKX. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: w:en:Creative Commons attribution share alike This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. You are free: * to share \u2013 to copy, distribute and transmit the work * to remix \u2013 to adapt the work Under the following conditions: * attribution \u2013 You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). * share alike \u2013 If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. Copyleft Copyleft: This work of art is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free Art License. You will find a specimen of this license on the site Copyleft Attitude http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/ as well as on other sites.


Logo-frugalware.png (400 × 400 pixels, file size: 34 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Logo-frugalware.png Logo de Frugalware Date 3 March 2007(2007-03-03) Source http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Logo-frugalware.png Author Emilpoe Permission

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Eurielec.svg (SVG file, nominally 809 × 237 pixels, file size: 6 KB) Summary Description Eurielec.svg Logo de Eurielec, club de electronica e informática de la Escuela Técnica Sueprior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Date 20 March 2008(2008-03-20) Source Eurielec Author Javitomad Permission

Véase abajo Licensing I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 w:en:Creative Commons attribution share alike This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


Yoper-logo.png (84 × 84 pixels, file size: 6 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Logotipo de Yoper Linux Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License


Eeebuntulogo.png (500 × 90 pixels, file size: 32 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Eeebuntulogo.png English: eeebuntu logo Date Source Own work Author Guitaraholic Permission

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SabilyLogo-128.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 23 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Description SabilyLogo-128.png English: Sabily logo Date Source Own work Author Jmehdi-sabily Permission

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Archlinux-icon-128.svg (SVG file, nominally 128 × 128 pixels, file size: 8 KB) Summary Description Archlinux-icon-128.svg logo Date Source http://archlinux.org/logos/archlinux-icon-crystal-128.svg Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

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Guadalinex_logo.png (310 × 460 pixels, file size: 10 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Guadalinex logo.png English: Guadalinex logo Date Source Own work Author Apinel Permission

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Deeprootlinux-logo.png (208 × 50 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Description Deeprootlinux-logo.png English: Company Logo Date Source DeepRoot website Author Abhas Abhinav Permission

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Logo_Lea-linux.png (466 × 500 pixels, file size: 127 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary

* 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Description Logo Lea-linux.png Français : Logo de lea-linux.org représentant sa mascotte, Léa. English: lea-linux.org logo, representing its mascot, Léa. Deutsch: Das Logo von lea-linux.org, das das Maskottchen Léa abbildet. Date November 2008(2008-11) Source http://lea-linux.org Author lea-linux.org Permission

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Salixos-logo.png (400 × 105 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Salixos-logo.png English: A Salix OS Logo Date 18 December 2009(2009-12-18) Source Own work Author Thenktor, tree from http://lttibbles.deviantart.com/art/Surreal-Sunset-Blue- 91835950 Permission

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Linux_Mint_Logo.png (150 × 150 pixels, file size: 88 KB, MIME type: image/png) Summary Description Logo.png Minux Mint Date 7 December 2007(2007-12-07) Source http://www.linuxmint.com/mintart/index.php? option=com_rsgallery2&Itemid=29&page=inline&id=144&catid=3&limitstart=4 Author merlwiz79 Permission GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

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OpenSUSE-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 97 × 61 pixels, file size: 7 KB) Summary Description OpenSUSE-logo.svg English: Logo of OpenSUSE Español: Logo de OpenSUSE Date 19:59, 30 Enero 2006 Source http://en.opensuse.org/Artwork Author Comunidad OpenSUSE Permission GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.


XubuntuCoF.svg (SVG file, nominally 91 × 94 pixels, file size: 4 KB) Description XubuntuCoF.svg Official circle Date Source https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official Author Ltd Permission (see here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.


CentOS_4.2_Welcome_en_3.png (798 × 598 pixels, file size: 81 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations [edit] Summary Pantalla de Bienvenida Centos 4.2 [edit] Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License. ***************************************************************** Mandriva File:Logomandri.jpg From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository (950 × 239 pixels, file size: 96 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Description Logomandri.jpg English: logo Español: logo Date martes 14 de julio 2009 Source http://www.mandriva.com Author Mandriva Permission ( GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

***************************************************************** 2-2_ski_selector_valve.svg 3-2_ski_selector_valve.svg 3-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).svg 4-2_ski_selector_valve.svg 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(floating_mid-position).svg 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).svg 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid- position_closed;_in_locking_position_the_pump_pumps_to_the_tank).svg 4-3_ski_selector_valve_(soft_switching_off_on_stop).svg 5-2_ski_selector_valve.svg 5-3_ski_selector_valve_(mid-position_closed).svg 5-3_way_valve.svg air_reservoir.svg check_valve.svg check_valve_(spring-tensioned).svg compressor.svg cylinder_(absorption_of_the_piston).svg cylinder_(adjustable_absorption_of_the_piston).svg cylinder_(double_working).svg cylinder_(double_working;_bilateral_piston_rod).svg cylinder_(double_working;_simple).svg cylinder_(reciprocal_absorption).svg cylinder_(simple_working;_return_stroke_spring).svg differential_pressure_measuring_instrument.svg electrical_manipulation_with_electric_motor_on_vent.svg electrical_manipulation_with_magnetic_coil_on_vent.svg flow_control_valve.svg flow_path_in_shunt_link_circuit.svg flow_rate_indicator.svg flow_rate_measuring_instrument.svg fluid-air_dryer.svg fluid-conditioning_unit_(detailed_view).svg fluid-coolly.svg fluid-coolly_(with_indication_of_the_cooling_agent_flow_direction).svg fluid-filter.svg fluid-filter_with_contamination_indicator.svg fluid-heater.svg fluid-oiler.svg fluid-separator_with_automatic_drainage.svg fluid-separator_with_manual_drainage.svg fluid-temperature_gauge.svg fluid-temperature_regulator.svg fluid_pressure_manipulation_on_vent.svg for_pneumatic_or_hydraulic_manipulation.svg gas_bottle.svg gas_bottle_with_gas_tightener.svg gas_pressure_manipulation_on_vent.svg hydro_pump.svg hydro_pump_(firm_direction_of_rotation).svg lever_on_vent.svg liquid_level_measurer.svg liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere).svg liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere;_fitting_over_the_fluid_level).svg liquid_reservoir_(connected_to_atmosphere;_fitting_under_the_fluid_level).svg manual_operation_on_vent.svg manual_operation_with_pressure_and_pull_button_on_vent.svg manual_operation_with_pressure_button_on_vent.svg manual_operation_with_pull_button_on_vent.svg muffler.svg number_of_revolutions_measuring_instrument.svg one_flow_path.svg parallel_manipulation_(pushbutton_or_electrical_magnet)_on_valve.svg pedal_on_vent.svg pedal_with_two_operation_directions_on_vent.svg pneumatic_motor.svg pneumatics_pump.svg pressure-air_reservoir.svg pressure_control_valve_(adjustable).svg pressure_control_valve_(adjustable;_with_discharge_opening).svg pressure_manipulation_on_vent.svg pressure_manipulation_on_vent_(indirectly;_pneumatically_actuated_preliminary).s vg pressure_relief_valve.svg quick_exhaust_valve.svg retract_resistor_check_valve.svg roller_lever_on_vent.svg roller_shaft_on_vent.svg sequence_valve_(adjustable).svg sequence_valve_(with_discharge_opening).svg series_manipulation_(electrical_magnet_operates_pressure_control_valve)_on_valve .svg ski_selector_valve_(intermediate_positions;_two_end_positions).svg ski_selector_valve_(three_switching_positions).svg ski_selector_valve_(three_switching_positions;_four_connections).svg ski_selector_valve_(two_switching_positions).svg spring_on_vent.svg steered_check_valve_(control_prevents_closing).svg steered_check_valve_(control_prevents_opening).svg stop_valve.svg tappet_on_vent.svg throttle_valve_(cross_section_setable).svg throttle_valve_(cross_section_setable_by_hand).svg torque_measuring_instrument.svg two_closed_connections.svg two_flow_paths_(diagonally).svg two_flow_paths_and_a_closed_connection.svg two_flow_paths_with_connection.svg two_pressure_valve.svg Source Own work Author MovGP0

These files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.



















***************************************************************** *****************************************************************

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################################################################# ## Wiki Commons authors and licenses information (GPL Licenses) #

Description 7ziplogo.svg

7-zip logo Date: 2007-03-27 (first uploaded) Source: http://7-zip.org Author: Igor Pavlov, vectorized by CryptWizard and chris \u8ad6 Permission GNU Lesser General Public License

########################################################################## inkscape.logo.svg included in the Debian package Inkscape 0.43-2.

Inkscape logo 2.svg

This vector image was created with Inkscape. Licensing GNU General Public License


########################################################################## art_of_illussion_icon.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary English: Icon designed by developer Peter Eastman for inclusion in AoI distribution: http://aoi.sf.net AoI is licensed under the GPL. Image is licensed under the GPL. Licensing GNU General Public License ******************************************************************

Beryl_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 14 KB) Description Beryl logo.svg

Official Beryl logo Date: 15 April 2007(2007-04-15) Source: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Icons Author This media is lacking author information.



GNU General Public License


ClamAV-logo.jpeg (104 × 104 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Help about image annotations Summary Description ClamAV.jpeg

Proyecto ClamAV Date: 05/2008 Source: http://www.clamav.net/ Author: Equipo ClamAV Permission

GNU GPL version 2 Licensing GNU General Public License


ClawsMailLogo.png (155 × 175 pixels, file size: 43 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations \u041e\u043f\u0438\u0441 Description ClawsMailLogo.png

Claws Mail Logo Date: 07-11-2006 Source: http://cvs.sunsite.dk/viewcvs.cgi/sylpheedclaws/sylpheed-claws/? only_with_tag=gtk2 Author: Jesper Schultz Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


Compiz_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 256 × 256 pixels, file size: 22 KB) Description Compiz logo.svg Official Compiz logo Date: 23 January 2007(2007-01-23) Source: http://compiz.org/ Author: Jakub Steiner (Jimmac) Permission GNU Lesser General Public License


Compiz_Fusion_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 600 × 256 pixels, file size: 27 KB)

W3C \u2713 The source code of this SVG is valid Summary Description Compiz Fusion Logo.svg English: Official Compiz Fusion logo. Date: 8 August 2007(2007-08-08) Source: Own work Author: Daniel Costal (graphreak) Permission

See below. Licensing GNU Lesser General Public License


DOSBox_icon.png (96 × 96 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

DOSBox icon.

* http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/news.php?show_news=1

Licensing GNU General Public License


Dasher_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 480 × 480 pixels, file size: 528 B) Inkscape logo 2.svg

This vector image was created with Inkscape, and then manually edited.

Vectorised version of PNG located at http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/dasher/dasher.png

GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Deluge-Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 15 KB)

Description Deluge-Logo.svg English: The logo of the Deluge Bittorrent Client. Created by Andrew Wedderburn. Date: 2007-10-04 (original upload date) Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Shizhao using CommonsHelper. Author: Original uploader was Citewite at en.wikipedia Permission (Reusing this image) GPL.

****************************************************************** Digikam-icon.png (245 × 245 pixels, file size: 24 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Digikam-icon.png

The Digikam Icon/Logo. Date Source: English wikipedia. Author: Created by Hans Karlsson. Permission


****************************************************************** Dillo-icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 28 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Dillo-icon.png

Icon of the Dillo web browser. Consists of the letter above a terrestrial globe. Date: May 2003 Source: http://www.dillo.org/Icons/ Author: John Grantham Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License Help about image annotations Summary Description Dillo-icon.png

Icon of the Dillo web browser. Consists of the letter d above a terrestrial globe. Date: May 2003 Source: http://www.dillo.org/Icons/ Author: John Grantham Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


Emacs-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 270 × 217 pixels, file size: 19 KB) Description Emacs-logo.svg

GNU Emacs logo. See its history at The Design of the Emacs logo. This is an SVG version of original bitmap logo created by hand from scratch in Inkscape. Date: 2007(2007) Source: Own work based on XPM file from GNU Emacs distribution Author: Original Emacs logo creator is Luis Fernandes; SVG version by Dmitry Dzhus. Permission (Reusing this image) See below Other versions Image:EmacsLogo.png

GNU General Public License


Epiphany.svg (SVG file, nominally 98 × 118 pixels, file size: 9 KB) Summary Description Epiphany.svg English: (Aproximated) vectorized version of Image:Epiphany logo 64px.png, the logo of Epiphany web browser for GNOME. Español: Versión vectorizada (aproximadamente) de Image:Epiphany logo 64px.png, el logo del navegador web Epiphany para GNOME. Date: 20 July 2008(2008-07-20) Source: Own work, vectorized from http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/images/epiphany-64.png Author: Epiphany logo is copyright GNOME/Epiphany developers. This version has been created by Jynus Permission (Reusing this image) See below. Other versions Raster version Licensing GNU General Public License


EyeOS-logo.png Summary English: eyeOS Logo Licensing GNU General Public License


File-roller-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 34 KB) Description File-roller.svg English: File Roller's icon Deutsch: File-Roller-Icon Date Source: http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/file- roller/trunk/data/icons/scalable/apps/file-roller.svg?view=markup Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


Gramps-logo.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

* English: Logo for w:GRAMPS * Source: http://www.gramps-project.org/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Gaim_icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB) Description Gaim icon.svg English: The logo of Gaim, a Free and Open Source multi-protocol instant messenger. Date: unknown Source: Included in Gaim 2.0.0beta4. Author: The Gaim developer team. Permission GNU General Public License


Galeon_logo.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Logo for the Galeon web browser for GNOME. Licensing GNU General Public License


Geany_logo.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Geany logo.png

Geany logo Date: 28 May 2009(2009-05-28) Source: http://www.geany.org Author: part of GPL Geany package Permission GNU General Public License


Gedit_icon.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Gedit icon.png English: gedit icon Date: 2006-01-20 (original upload date) Source: http://www.gnome.org/projects/gedit Author: gedit team Permission GNU General Public License


Gnometris_Icône.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Gnometris Icône.png Français : Icône de Gnometris. Date: 12 November 2008(2008-11-12) Source Français : Capture d'écran sous Gnome. Author: J. Marcin Gorycki Permission This screenshot either does not contain parts or visuals of copyrighted programs, or the author has released it under a (which should be indicated beneath this notice), and as such follows the licensing guidelines for screenshots of Wikimedia Commons. You may use it freely according to its particular license.

Free : GNU General Public License


Gnumeric-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 30 KB) Summary

Taken from Ingral Licensing GNU General Public License


Gtk-gnutella.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 667 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary English: The icon used for the gtk-gnutella program. \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439: \u0417\u043d\u0430\u0447\u043e\u043a \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u044b gtk-gnutella.

Source: "http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gtk-gnutella/trunk/gtk- gnutella/extra_files/gtk-gnutella.png?view=log"}} Licensing GNU General Public License


Hugin_logo.png (452 × 251 pixels, file size: 135 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Converted to SVG.svg This image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}.

Description Hugin logo.png

Hugin's logo Svenska: The logo of hugin Date: September 2004(2004-09) Source: picture created by Luca Vascon Author: Luca Vascon Permission

Thomas Steiner uploaded it under the GFDL, as it is pubished by Hugin (Pablo D'Angelo) under this license GNU General Public License


Imagemagick-logo.png (464 × 479 pixels, file size: 34 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Imagemagick-logo.png English: Logo for ImageMagick Date: 9 October 2007(2007-10-09) Source: Image is included with program Transfered from English Wikipedia; en:Image:Imagemagick-logo.png Author: ImageMagick development team Permission

GPL Licensing This screenshot either does not contain parts or visuals of copyrighted programs, or the author has released it under a free license (which should be indicated beneath this notice), and as such follows the licensing guidelines for screenshots of Wikimedia Commons. You may use it freely according to its particular license.

Free Software License: GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** k3b-logo.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Crystal 128 k3b.png English: An icon from the Crystal icon theme. Nederlands: Een icoontje van het Crystal icon thema Date Source: All Crystal icons were posted by the author as LGPL on kde-look Author: Everaldo Coelho (YellowIcon) Permission GNU Lesser General Public License


Konsole-icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 7 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary from en.wiki, same name Licensing GNU General Public License


LXDE-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 551 × 535 pixels, file size: 18 KB) Description LXDE-logo.svg English: logo of LXDE, a computer for -like operating systems Deutsch: das Logo von LXDE, einer Computer-Arbeitsumgebung für Unix-ähnliche Betriebssysteme Date: 2009-11-18 21:06 (UTC) Source: * Lxde-logo2.png Author: * Lxde-logo2.png: Mario Behling * derivative work: Wondigoma (talk)

Permission see below

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License


SMPlayer_icon.png (150 × 150 pixels, file size: 24 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description SMPlayer icon.png

The SMPlayer icon. Date: Probably 2007 Source: http://smplayer.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/smplayer/smplayer/trunk/src/icons- png/logo.png (also on http://smplayer.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/smplayer/smplayer/trunk/src/icons- png/background.png) Author: Charles Barcza Permission GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Midori.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 11 KB) Description Midori.svg English: Icon for the Midori web browser Date Source: http://www.twotoasts.de/ Author: Christian Dywan & Nancy Runge of the Midori project Permission GNU Lesser General Public License

****************************************************************** Miranda_IM_logo_only_m.svg (SVG file, nominally 425 × 208 pixels, file size: 11 KB) Description Miranda IM logo only m.svg Deutsch: Das Miranda IM logo. Miranda IM ist freie Software (GPL). English: Miranda IM logo - instant messenger released under the GNU GPL license. Polski: Logo Mirandy IM - komunikatora internetowego na licencji GNU GPL. Date: 2008-08-20 22:40 (UTC) Source: * Miranda_IM_logo.svg

Author: * derivative work: Onegin (talk) * Miranda_IM_logo.svg: Jan Winnicki *

WikiProjekt grafiki wektorowe.svg

This vector image has been made or improved in the Polish project Grafiki wektorowe (vector graphics). You can propose images to improve as well.

English | Polski | +/\u2212 Permission see below Nuvola apps kolourpaint.png This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Only the "M"; Nur das "M". The original can be viewed here: Miranda_IM_logo.svg. Modifications made by Onegin.

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Miro_icon.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 35 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Miro icon.png

Miro icon Date: 2008-03-04 Source: Mac OS X build found at http://www.getmiro.com/ Author: Foundation Permission

See below.

GNU General Public License


Mnemosyne_1.x_logo.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Mnemosyne 1.x logo.png English: Mnemosyne 1.x logo \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439: \u041b\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0442\u0438\u043f Mnemosyne 1.x Date: 2007(2007) Source: Mnemosyne 1.2 Author English: unknown (\u201c-new logo, thanks to a contributor whose name sadly got lost in the demise of the open-collab site.\u201d) Permission GNU General Public License


Neverball-icon.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Neverball icon. http://icculus.org/neverball/ Licensing GNU General Public License


OmegaT_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 128 × 103 pixels, file size: 72 KB) Summary Description OmegaT logo.svg English: OmegaT's logo, translation memory informatic tool on GDFL license Français : Logo de OmegaT, logiciel informatique d'aide à la traduction sous license GNU Date: 5 April 2009(2009-04-05) Source: own product with file:OmegaT_logo.jpg on GFDL license Author: Abalg Permission (Reusing this image) See below. Other versions Jpg version Licensing GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** OOoWriter.svg OOoMath.svg OOoImpress.svg OOoCalc.svg OOoBase.svg OpenOffice.org_2_icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 102 × 102 pixels, file size: 13 KB) Description English: en:OpenOffice.org Date Source: OpenOffice.org Author: unknown Permission GNU Lesser General Public License

****************************************************************** Pidgin_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 415 × 191 pixels, file size: 30 KB) Description Pidgin Logo.svg

A updated version of Image:Pidgin logo.png using SVG. Inkscape logo 2.svg

This vector image was created with Inkscape. Date: 08/17/07 Source: Own work Author: Joel Yoder Permission

See below.

GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Plone-logo-cropped.png (300 × 300 pixels, file size: 37 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Plone-logo-cropped.png

Cropped version of the logo for the content management system Plone Date: 11 July 2006(2006-07-11) Source: http://plone.org/about/mediakit/bitmaps/plone-coolnordic.png/view Author: Plone Foundation Permission (Reusing this image) See below. Other versions LA2-NSRW-1-0007.jpg \u2192 Chandler B. Beach.jpg This file has been extracted from another image: File:Plone-logo.png. original file

Licensing GNU General Public License


Psi_icon_new.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 16 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Psi icon

* http://psi-im.org/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Rlogo.png (362 × 275 pixels, file size: 78 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Rlogo.png English: Logo for R Date Source: from http://developer.r-project.org/Logo/ (this is "Rlogo-3.png"). Author: R Foundation, from http://www.r-project.org Permission GNU General Public License


ReactOS_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 600 × 331 pixels, file size: 196 KB) Description ReactOS logo.svg

The logo of ReactOS (source). Date: 2006-11-13 (first version); 2007-04-01 (last version) Source: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Author English: Original uploader was Cristan at en.wikipedia Later versions were uploaded by CountingPine at en.wikipedia. Permission GNU General Public License


Scribus_logo.png (135 × 132 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Scribus logo.png

Scribus logo Date: 01-04-2007 Source: Scribus wikipage Author: Scribus team Permission

To use Licensing GNU General Public License


SeaMonkey.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Converted to SVG.svg This Logo image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}.

SeaMonkey icon and logo Licensing

Tri-licensed under the MPL/GPL/LGPL


Sodipodi-logo_squirrel.svg (SVG file, nominally 744 × 744 pixels, file size: 9 KB)

W3C \u2713 The source code of this SVG is valid Sodipodi-logo squirrel.svg

This vector image was created with Sodipodi. Description Sodipodi-logo squirrel.svg

"The Squirrel is originally found in a native-american art calendar. It can be considered the sodipodi logo by now." from [1] Date: 2007-07-05 (original upload date) Source: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Author: Original uploader was RaviC at en.wikipedia Permission



Songbird.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 43 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Songbird icon. http://www.songbirdnest.com/ Licensing GNU General Public License

Songbird_Logo.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 95 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Songbird Logo.png English: en:Songbird icon. Date: 2008-11-19 (original upload date) Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia Author: Original uploader was Toehead2001 at en.wikipedia Permission

GPL. License information GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Songbird_bw.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Songbird bw.png

"Black-white 2 Vista" icon theme Date Source: http://www.opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=72618 Author: DBGthekafu Permission


GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** TeXworks_icon_128.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 26 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description TeXworks icon 128.png English: icon of software application TeXworks Date: 30 July 2009(2009-07-30) Source: image file from svn repository: http://code.google.com/p/texworks/source/browse/trunk#trunk/res/images Author: Jonathan Kew Permission GNU General Public License


Umbrello-icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 128 × 128 pixels, file size: 3 KB) Description Umbrello-icon.svg

Umbrello icon. Date: 21 December 2007(2007-12-21) Source: Own work Author: LordT Permission

See below. GNU General Public License


VLC.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 11 KB) Summary VLC icon, an illustration of a traffic cone. Licensing GNU General Public License


Vimlogo.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 5 KB) Description Vimlogo.svg vim logo Date: 30 September 2006(2006-09-30) Source: Vimlogo.png reworked in svg Inkscape logo 2.svg

This vector image was created with Inkscape. Author: User:D0ktorz Permission GNU General Public License


Vuze_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 16 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Vuze icon.png English: New icon for the w:Vuze client (formerly Azureus); is a departure from old icon Date: 10 October 2008(2008-10-10) Source: From http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ and program files, specifically the Mac version of Vuze 4.0, filename: /Applications/Vuze.app/Contents/Resources/Vuze.icns Author: w:Vuze, Inc. Permission GNU General Public License


Azureus.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 41 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Azureus.png English: Azureus Icon (Dendrobates azureus) Date: 17 June 2008(2008-06-17) Source: http://azureus.sourceforge.net & from main program files. Author: Hippy deluxe/Tuanese Permission GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** WINE-Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 248 × 399 pixels, file size: 2 KB) Description WINE-Logo.svg

Self-made from en::Image:WINE-Logo.png. Date: 2007-04-23 (original upload date) Source: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Author: Vectorised by TotoBaggins at en.wikipedia Permission I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License ******************************************************************

Wine_bw.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 20 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Wine bw.png

"Black-white 2 Vista" icon theme Date Source: http://www.opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=72618 Author: DBGthekafu Permission


GNU General Public License


Wsicon.svg (SVG file, nominally 100 × 100 pixels, file size: 6 KB) Description Wsicon.svg

SVG Wireshark icon, from the GPL'ed Wireshark source (see http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark/trunk/image/wsicon.svg), created by Gerald Combs.

Vector replacement for en::Image:Wsicon48.png. Date: 2006-12-05 (first version); 2006-12-05 (last version) Source: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Author: Original uploader was Ktdreyer at en.wikipedia Permission

GPL. License information GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Wireshark_Icon.png (200 × 200 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Wireshark application icon. http://www.wireshark.org/ Inkscape SVG plain.svg A vector version of this image (SVG) is available. It should be used in place of this raster image when superior. File:Wireshark Icon.png Gtk-go-forward-ltr.svg File:Wsicon.svg

For more information about vector graphics, read about Commons transition to SVG. There is also information about MediaWiki's support of SVG images.

New SVG image Licensing GNU General Public License


GNU-Nano-Logo.png (299 × 300 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description GNU-Nano-Logo.png

ASCII-Art Logo for GNU Nano Date: 13 December 2008(2008-12-13) Source: GPL Source rendered by Iceweasel 3.0, cropped by the Gimp Author: http://www.nano-editor.org/ Permission This screenshot either does not contain parts or visuals of copyrighted programs, or the author has released it under a free license (which should be indicated beneath this notice), and as such follows the licensing guidelines for screenshots of Wikimedia Commons. You may use it freely according to its particular license.

Free Software License: GNU General Public License


JEdit.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary jEdit icon

* http://www.jedit.org/

Licensing GNU General Public License


JEdit_text.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary jEdit text file

* http://www.jedit.org/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Yi-logo.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Yi-logo.png English: The GPL logo of the Haskell text editor Yi. Date: 21 June 2007(2007-06-21) Source: http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Image:Yi-logo.png Author: Jean Philippe Bernardy Permission


Licensing GNU General Public License


ACE.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

ACE icon.

* http://ace.iserver.ch/

[1] Licensing GNU General Public License


Kile.svg (SVG file, nominally 745 × 745 pixels, file size: 4 KB) Summary

Kile icon.

* http://kile.sourceforge.net/

Licensing GNU General Public License


GThumb_logo.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Logo of en:gThumb. Obtained from source packages http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gthumb/.

GNU General Public License


Gajim.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 19 KB) Summary


* http://gajim.org/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Phex.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 7 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary


* http://phex.kouk.de/

Licensing GNU General Public License


AMSN_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 19 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description AMSN icon.png English: aMSN icon Date: 2005-12-03 (original upload date) Source: http://amsn.sourceforge.net Author: aMSN Permission GNU General Public License


AbiWord.svg (SVG file, nominally 128 × 128 pixels, file size: 7 KB) Description AbiWord.svg

AbiWord backup icon. http://www.abisource.com/ Date: 2009-06-04 20:22 (UTC) Source: * AbiWord.png

Author: * AbiWord.png: User:CyberSkull * derivative work: Bugboy52.40 (talk)

Permission see below

Nuvola apps kolourpaint.png This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Converted to vector graphics. The original can be viewed here: AbiWord.png. Modifications made by Bugboy52.40.

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License


Apollon-icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 678 × 746 pixels, file size: 29 KB) Description Apollon-icon.svg English: Apollon Program Icon. Español: Ícono de Apollon. Italiano: Icona di Apollon. Date: 13:14, 7 April 2008 (UTC) Source: Image:Apollon-icon.png Author: chris \u8ad6 Permission (Reusing this image) see below Other versions Image:Apollon-icon.png

GNU General Public License ******************************************************************

Audacity.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 13 KB) Summary

Audacity icon

Source: Tango Licensing GNU General Public License


Avahi-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 42 × 32 pixels, file size: 61 KB) Description Avahi-logo.svg

Logo for the Avahi project Date: 25 August 2006(2006-08-25) Source: [1] Author: Avahi Project/Lennart Permission GNU Lesser General Public License


Autopackage-logo.png (265 × 265 pixels, file size: 52 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Autopackage-logo.png

Logo of http://autopackage.org Date: unknown Source: http://blog.nicosmos.free.fr/public/old/autopackage-logo.png Author: autopackage developers Permission autopackage is free software GNU Lesser General Public License


BOINCManager_Old.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) Manager old icon.

* http://boinc.berkeley.edu/

Licensing GNU General Public License


BOINCManager.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 30 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) Manager icon. * http://boinc.berkeley.edu/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Battle_for_Wesnoth.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 29 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Battle for Wesnoth.png

Battle for Wesnoth icon Date Source: http://www.wesnoth.org/ Author This media is lacking author information.


See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


Bochs.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 24 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Bochs icon. http://bochs.sourceforge.net/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Boxee.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 114 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Boxee.png

Boxee application icon Date Source: http://boxee.tv/ Author: Boxee project Permission GNU General Public License


Breve.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 17 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary breve icon. http://www.spiderland.org/breve/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Burn.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 118 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Burn.png

Burn icon Date Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/burn-osx/ Author: Paul Goodrich Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


CSpace.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description CSpace.png

CSpace icon Date Source: http://www.cspace.in/ Author This media is lacking author information.


See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


Chicken_of_the_VNC.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 15 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Chicken of the VNC icon. http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/ Licensing GNU General Public License


ClamWin_icon.png (162 × 162 pixels, file size: 28 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Licensing GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Coccinella.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 17 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Coccinella icon. http://hem.fyristorg.com/matben/index.html

Licensing GNU General Public License


ElectrEm.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 20 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

ElectrEm icon. http://sourceforge.net/projects/electrem/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Enigma_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Enigma icon. http://www.nongnu.org/enigma/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Ethereal_icon.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Ethereal icon. http://www.ethereal.com/ Licensing GNU General Public License


FDM_icon.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description FDM icon.png

The Free Download Manager icon. Date Source: http://freedownload.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freedownload/FDM/res/fdm.ico Author: Free Download Manager Team Permission GNU General Public License


FakeNES.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 22 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

FakeNES icon

* http://fakenes.sourceforge.net/

Licensing GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** FinkCommander_in_use.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

FinkCommander in use icon. http://finkcommander.sourceforge.net/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Fire_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 24 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Icon from the Fire IM client, taken from version 1.5.4.

* http://fire.sourceforge.net/

Licensing GNU General Public License


FreeMat.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 7 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

FreeMat icon.

* http://sourceforge.net/projects/freemat/

Licensing GNU General Public License


FrostWire.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 25 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary FrostWire

* http://www.frostwire.com/

Licensing GNU General Public License

Frozen_Bubble_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 25 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Frozen Bubble icon.png

Icon of Frozen Bubble Date: 2006(2006) Source: http://www.frozen-bubble.org/ Author: Guillaume Cottenceau, Alexis Younes (Ayo73), Matthias Le Bidan (Matths), Kim and David Joham, Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie Permission

According to this page, this file is GNU General Public License


GDesklets.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary gDesklets icon. http://www.gdesklets.org/ Licensing GNU General Public License


GLTron.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 33 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

GLTron icon. http://sourceforge.net/projects/gltron/ Licensing GNU General Public License

GNUstep.png (45 × 45 pixels, file size: 756 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

GNUstep icon from 0.80.0-4.1 (wmaker package on Debian GNU/Linux), a NeXTSTEP-like window manager for :

* /usr/share/WindowMaker/Icons/GNUstep.tiff

Copyright and license:

* http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/w/wmaker/wmaker_0.80.0- 4.2/wmaker.copyright File information:

* http://cvs.windowmaker.org/cvs.php/wm/WindowMaker/Icons/GNUstep.tiff?

Software package:

* http://packages.debian.org/stable/x11/wmaker

GNU General Public License


GalaxyMage.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 6 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

GalaxyMage icon. http://www.galaxymage.org/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Globulation_2.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Globulation 2 icon. http://www.globulation2.org/ Licensing GNU General Public License


IScrobbler.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary iScrobbler icon. http://www.last.fm/help/plugin/ Licensing GNU General Public License


ITheater.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary iTheater icon http://www.itheaterproject.com/ Licensing GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** ImgSeek.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary imgSeek icon. http://sourceforge.net/projects/imgseek/ Licensing GNU General Public License


InfiniteCanvase.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 15 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

InfiniteCanvase icon Licensing GNU General Public License


Kantaris_icon.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 11 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Kantaris icon.png

The Kantaris Media Player icon. Date: Probably 2007 Source: http://kantaris.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kantaris/trunk/Kantaris/media %20icon%20v3.ico Author: Christofer Persson Permission GNU Lesser General Public License


Kdedragonplayer.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Kdedragonplayer.png English: Icon for from version 2.0.1 Deutsch: Icon für Dragon Player seit Version 2.0.1 Date: 2008-03-22 (original upload date) (Original text : Feb 25, 2008) Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia; transfered to Commons by User:Speck-Made using CommonsHelper. (Original text : http://monroe.nu/archives/127-Dragon-and-Quassel.html) Author: Eugene Trounev Original uploader was Brisvegas at en.wikipedia Permission

Released under the GNU Free Documentation License. (Original text : free software icon) License information GNU Lesser General Public License


KeePass_icon.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 33 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description KeePass icon.png

The KeePass Password Safe icon. Date: 2004(2004) Source: "Ext/Icons" directory of the KeePass source code Author: Christopher Bolin Permission GNU General Public License


KeePassX_icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 19 KB) Description KeePassX icon.svg

KeePassX logo Date: 2009-08-06 14:52 (UTC) Source: * KeePassX_icon_32x32.png

Author: * KeePassX_icon_32x32.png: Otto S. * derivative work: vectorization by http://svgicons.o7a.net/keepassx.php, retouching by Miguelito Vieira (talk)

Permission see below

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License


Konqueror4_Logo.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 85 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Konqueror4 Logo.png English: Konqueror New Logo for KDE4 (http://www.oxygen-icons.org/?page_id=4) Français : Logo de Konqueror à partir de sa version KDE4 (http://www.oxygen- icons.org/?page_id=4) Date Source: Author: Oxygen Project, David Vigoni Permission

See below. Licensing GNU Lesser General Public License


LimeWire.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 27 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary


* http://www.limewire.com/

Licensing GNU General Public License ******************************************************************

Mac-on-Mac.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Mac-on-Mac icon. http://www.maconmac.bastix.net/ Licensing GNU General Public License


MacBZFlag.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 11 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Mac OS X BZFlag icon.

* http://www.bzflag.org/

Licensing GNU Lesser General Public License


Mupen64_icon.png (127 × 127 pixels, file size: 11 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Mupen64 icon.png English: Mupen64's icon Date: 24 December 2005 (original upload date) Source: http://mupen64.emulation64.com Author: Mupen64 Permission GNU General Public License


MusicBrainz_Tagger_icon.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 554 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

MusicBrainz tagger icon.

* http://musicbrainz.org/doc/ClassicTaggerDownload

Licensing GNU General Public License


Mysql.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 55 KB) Description Mysql.svg

Tangofied MySQL icon. Date: August 2007(2007-08) Source: http://www.quantum-bits.org/?page_id=3 Author: Frédéric Bellaiche Permission GNU General Public License


Mythtvfrontend.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 26 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

MythTV frontend icon. http://www.mythtv.org/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Nautilus_icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 12 KB) Summary Description Nautilus icon.svg English\u2009: Nautilus icon

Author: Ulisse Perusin Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


NicePlayer.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

NicePlayer icon.

* http://sourceforge.net/projects/niceplayer

Licensing GNU General Public License Help about image annotations Summary

NicePlayer icon.

* http://sourceforge.net/projects/niceplayer

Licensing GNU General Public License


Okular.png (256 × 255 pixels, file size: 36 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Okular.png English: Icon for the Okular document viewer Date: 2008-01-12 (original upload date) Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia (Original text : http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/pics/oxygen/scalable/apps/graphi cs-viewer-document.svgz?view=log) Author: Original uploader was Skeith at en.wikipedia (Original text : Oxygen Team) Permission

LGPL. (Original text : LGPL)

Openttdlogo.svg (SVG file, nominally 256 × 248 pixels, file size: 16 KB) Description Openttdlogo.svg

Logo of OpenTTD Date: 2005-01-22; 2008-02-02 Source: PNG version at OpenTTD source tarball Author: OpenTTD project; traced by User:Stannered Permission GNU General Public License


Pengupop.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Pengupop icon.

* http://www.junoplay.com/pengupop

Licensing GNU General Public License


Perian_icon.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 106 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Perian icon.png

Perian preference pane icon Date: 24 December 2008(2008-12-24) Source: Macintosh HD/Library/PreferencePanes/Perian.prefpane/Contents/Resources/Perian icon.icns Author: Perian Team Permission GNU Lesser General Public License


Pidgin.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 21 KB) Summary Description Pidgin.svg

Pidgin icon Date Source: http://www.pidgin.im/ Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


Psi_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Psi icon

* http://psi-im.org/

Licensing GNU General Public License


QtiPlot_logo.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description QtiPlot logo.png en:QtiPlot Logo (GPL software, documentation under GFDL) Date: Apr 15 19:27:29 2007 (SVN upload) [1] Source: http://soft.proindependent.com/qtiplot_logo.png Author: QtiPlot Developers Team Permission

GNU GPL / GNU FDL Licensing GNU General Public License


Quod_Libet.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Quod Libet icon. http://www.sacredchao.net/quodlibet/ Licensing GNU General Public License

RKWard_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 60 × 60 pixels, file size: 24 KB) Description RKWard logo.svg

Logo of the R frontend RKWard. Date: 2005-29-04 Source: RKWard project Author: Marco Martin Permission GNU Lesser General Public License Description RKWard logo.svg

Logo of the R frontend RKWard. Date: 2005-29-04 Source: RKWard project Author: Marco Martin Permission GNU Lesser General Public License


RadiantIcon.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 434 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

The GtkRadiant Icon taken from the program, should be GPL. Licensing GNU General Public License


Retrosharelogo1.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Retrosharelogo1.png

The RetroShare logo. Date Source: http://retroshare.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/retroshare/trunk/retroshare- gui/src/gui/images/retrosharelogo1.png (also on http://retroshare.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/retroshare/www/img/retrosharelogo1. png) Author: RetroShare Team (please correct if you know who actually created these logos) Permission GNU General Public License


Retrosharelogo2.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Retrosharelogo2.png

The RetroShare logo. Date Source: http://retroshare.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/retroshare/trunk/retroshare- gui/src/gui/images/retrosharelogo2.png (also on http://retroshare.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/retroshare/www/img/retrosharelogo2. png) Author: RetroShare Team (please correct if you know who actually created these logos) Permission GNU General Public License


Rhythmbox.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Rhythmbox.png English: Rhythmbox icon Date: 2005-12-16 (original upload date) Source: http://www.gnome.org/projects/rhythmbox/ Author: Rhythmbox project Permission GNU General Public License


RoboWar.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 464 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

RoboWar icon.

* http://robowar.sourceforge.net/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Rocks'n'Diamonds.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Rocks'n'Diamonds icon.

* http://www.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Scorched_3D.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Scorched 3D icon.

* http://www.scorched3d.co.uk/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Shareaza.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Shareaza.png English: Shareaza icon Date: 2006-04-25 (original upload date) Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/shareaza/ Author: Shareaza project Permission GNU General Public License ******************************************************************

SheepShaver.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 1 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

SheepShaver icon. http://sheepshaver.cebix.net/ Licensing GNU General Public License


Sound_juicer_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 50 KB) Summary

The logo Licensing GNU General Public License


Stratagus.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Stratagus icon.

* http://stratagus.sourceforge.net/index.shtml

Licensing GNU General Public License


SuperKaramba.svg (SVG file, nominally 1,024 × 1,024 pixels, file size: 27 KB) Summary

SuperKaramba icon. http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ Licensing GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Sylpheed.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Sylpheed icon. http://sylpheed.good-day.net/ Licensing GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** Ted.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 6 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary ted icon.

* http://sourceforge.net/projects/ted/

Licensing GNU General Public License


UFO_Alien_Invasion.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

UFO: Alien Invasion icon.

* http://ufo.myexp.de/

Licensing GNU General Public License

****************************************************************** User-krusader.svg (SVG file, nominally 200 × 200 pixels, file size: 11 KB) Description User-krusader.svg English: icon of the KDE orthodox (double pane) file manager Krusader Deutsch: Piktogramm des (zweispaltigen) KDE-Dateimanagers Krusader Date: August 2005(2005-08) Source: derived from krusader_icons_.svg from http://kde- look.org/content/show.php?content=28134 Author: Andrew Neupokoev Permission GNU General Public License


VICE.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

VICE icon. http://www.viceteam.org/ Licensing GNU General Public License


VisualBoyAdvance.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 21 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary


VisualBoyAdvance SourceForge page Licensing GNU General Public License


XaraLX-Icon.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description XaraLX-Icon.png English: Xara Xtreme LX icon. From the Debian package xaralx 0.5r1184-1, as /usr/share/pixmaps/xaralx.png. Date: 2006-05-28 (original upload date) Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia Author: Original uploader was Wwwwolf at en.wikipedia Permission

GPL. Licensing GNU General Public License


Yabause.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Yabuse icon.

* http://sourceforge.net/projects/yabause/

Licensing GNU General Public License


Zsnes_icon.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 7 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

ZSNES icon. http://www.zsnes.com/ Licensing GNU General Public License


1964.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 219 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description 1964.png

1964 icon Date: 03 May 2006 (Upload date) Source: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=27710 Author: 1964 Permission GNU General Public License


Logo_xchat.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Logo xchat.png

Logo of the GPL software Xchat Date Source: XChat Author: zed Permission

See below. Licensing GNU General Public License


GFTPlogo.png\u200e (295 × 110 pixels, file size: 42 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description GFTPlogo.png gFTP logo Date

25 April 2009(2009-04-25) Source http://gftp.seul.org/ Author

Brian Masney


****************************************************************** Logo_jbrout.png\u200e (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide]

* 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries:

[edit] Summary Description Logo jbrout.png logo_jbrout.png Date

(le 8 décembre 2006) Source

[1] Author manatlan Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing GNU head This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See version 2 and version 3 of the GNU General Public License for more details.

****************************************************************** File:Mosaiclogo.png Size of this preview: 545 × 599 pixels Full resolution\u200e (666 × 732 pixels, file size: 298 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Mosaiclogo.png

Mosaic spinning logo, courtesy of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Date c. 1993 Source

NCSA Image Archive Author

NCSA Permission GNU General Public License



(256 × 256 pixels, file size: 32 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description ThousandParsec.png Thousand Parsec Logo Source URL: http://darcs.thousandparsec.net/repos/media/promotion/logo/zzorn.png

Date 2006-11-19 (original upload date)

Source Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.

Author Original uploader was JLP at en.wikipedia


GPL. License information GNU General Public License


Gnumail.png (183 × 250 pixels, file size: 45 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations


Description Gnumail.png GNUMail logo

Date 3 March 2009(2009-03-03)

Source http://collaboration-world.com/gnumail

Author This media is lacking author information.


Free Software License: GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 20 KB)


Description Monodevelop Logo.svg Monodevelop's Logo


Source Monodevelop

Author MonoDevelop Team (uploaded by RaphaelJavaux)


Free Software License: GNU General Public License



(32 × 32 pixels, file size: 493 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations


Description Mtpaint-logo.png English: The official mtPaint logo.

Date 2006-10-19 (original upload date) (Original text : "created 19. Oct. 2006")

Source Transferred from en.wikipedia (Original text : http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/icon.png)

Author Mark Tyler. Original uploader was Solo pixel at en.wikipedia


GPL. (Original text : Distributed with the mtPaint program as GPL.) License information GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 127 × 127 pixels, file size: 52 KB)

Description Mupen64plus.svg Mupen64plus logo

Date 05/11/2009

Source Mupen64plus source package

Author Mupen64plus developer team


Free Software License: GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 603 × 603 pixels, file size: 3 KB) Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 The MIT License * 3 Licensing * 4 Usage:


Description NetSurf.svg English: This is the Netsurf logo under di MIT License Italiano: Si tratta del logo di Netsurf sotto Licenza MIT

Date 2003(2003) Source English: The page where the image is released Italiano: La pagina dove l'mmagine è distribuita

Author English: Netsurf devolopers Italiano: Sviluppatori di NetSurf


English: GPL-compatible MIT License, the license Italiano: Licenza MIT GPL compatibile, la licenza



(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 11 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description Synkron.png Icon of the Synkron logiciel


Source http://synkron.sourceforge.net/about.shtml

Author This media is lacking author information.


Free Software License: GNU General Public License



(535 × 471 pixels, file size: 38 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description Tux paint logo.png Logo de Tux Paint

Date 17 November 2008(2008-11-17)

Source http://www.tuxpaint.org/

Author Bill Kendrick


Free Software License: GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** Wammu-logo.png

(192 × 192 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description Wammu-logo.png English: Wammu logo. Polski: Logo Wammu.


Source from en Wiki

Author Nijel


Free Software License: GNU General Public License



(135 × 135 pixels, file size: 10 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary WorldForge Logo. This current logo was created by Jason Oppel, based on the logo design by Uta Szymanek.

Licensing GNU General Public License GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1



(SVG file, nominally 293 × 303 pixels, file size: 172 KB)

Summary Official logo of the GNUnet project - "a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking". Combines the GNU logo with a spider-net.

Author: Nicklas Larsson, GNUnet logo concept: Christian Muellner

Licensing GNU General Public License



(72 × 54 pixels, file size: 1 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Freenet icon.png http://www.freenetproject.org

Date 2006-06-15 (original upload date)

Source Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.

Author Original uploader was Screenshotguy at en.wikipedia


GPL. License information GNU General Public License



(108 × 109 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Sumário * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Sumário

Description Dream comm orkut.png Logomarca do programa de computador DreaMule

Date 17 July 2007(2007-07-17)

Source Criação própria

Author Juan Lourenço e Bruno Cabral


Além do programa ser GNU GPL, sou da equipe de desenvolvimento - basta olhar o nome nos créditos do programa entrando em "Sobre", ou confirmando meu nome como administrador do Fórum Oficial do DreaMule.

Licensing GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2



(48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary found at ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/metacity/metacity.png

Licensing GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 502 × 312 pixels, file size: 11 KB)

Description Fluxbox logo black.svg English: Fluxbox logo

Date 5 July 2009(2009-07-05)

Source http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs46/f/2009/186/a/1/Fluxbox_logo_by_qwerty013.svg

Author Kabakov Boris


GNU General Public License



(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary AbiWord RTF icon. http://www.abisource.com/

Licensing GNU General Public License



(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 11 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Summary AbiWord backup icon. http://www.abisource.com/

Licensing GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** Logo_Brasero.svg

(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 24 KB)

Description Logo Brasero.svg Deutsch: Logo von Brasero

Date 11 March 2008(2008-03-11)

Source part of free software Brasero (included in 0.8.2 tarball as data/icons/hicolor_apps_scalable_brasero.svg) (transferred from de:Image:Logo Brasero.svg)

Author Philippe Rouquier, Luis Medinas


See below. License information GNU General Public License



(300 × 300 pixels, file size: 33 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description Cheese-big.png Cheese Logo


Source Cheese software

Author Andreas Nilsson and Josef VybÃral


GPL Free Software License: GPL GNU General Public License



(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 11 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations


Description Gobby-logo.png Gobby logo

Date 9 April 2006(2006-04-09)

Source Gobby Source Repository (http://darcs.0x539.de/gobby/contrib/artwork)

Author Thomas Glatt


This work is heavily based on Gnomish-SVG (http://www.gnome- look.org/content/show.php?content=21296) and thus GPL'ed.

Licensing GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 25 KB)

Description Tomboy logo.svg English: Logo of Tomboy. Obtained from source packages http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/tomboy/.

Date 2007-09-15 (original upload date)

Source Transferred from en.wikipedia

Author Original uploader was Rugby471 at en.wikipedia


LGPL. License information GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


File:Icecat.png From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Jump to: navigation, search * File * File history * File links File:Icecat.png Size of this preview: 600 × 600 pixels Full resolution

(650 × 650 pixels, file size: 177 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Icecat.png English: Icon for the GNU IceCat web browser.

Date English: uploaded to Commons: 2007-12-17

Source English: Taken from http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/

Author English: Hitflip team


Mozilla's MPL / GPL / LGPL tri-license. Nuvola apps mozilla.svg Version 1.1 GNU General Public License GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1



(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations


Description Minefield-icon.png Minefield (Firefox trunk) logo


Source http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minefield/minefield-icon.png

Author Mozilla


GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license

Licensing Mozilla's MPL / GPL / LGPL tri-license. Nuvola apps mozilla.svg Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 GNU General Public License GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1



(48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations

Description MuCommanderLogo.gif English: Icon of muCommander


Source muCommander

Author muCommander Team


Free Software License: GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 120 × 120 pixels, file size: 11 KB)

Description Hicolor apps scalable empathy.svg Deutsch: Ein Icon vom GNOME-icon-theme. English: An icon from the GNOME-icon-theme. Français : Une icône GNOME-icon-theme.

Date 2007(2007)


Author GNOME icon artists


COPYING GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 19 KB)

Description Evince logo.svg English: Logo of en:Evince. Obtained from source packages http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/evince/.

Date 2007-09-15 (original upload date)

Source Transferred from en.wikipedia; transfer was stated to be made by User:Valepert. Author Original uploader was Rugby471 at en.wikipedia


GPL. License information GNU General Public License



(48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Wikimedia Commons logo Logo of en:gconf-editor. Obtained from source packages http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gconf-editor/. GNU General Public License



(48 × 48 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Wikimedia Commons logo

Summary From http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-terminal/gnome-terminal.png

Licensing GNU General Public License


(48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Wikimedia Commons logo


Description Gnome-gnomine.png English: Minesweeper mine from gnomine program.


Source gnomine artwork.

Author KDE Kmines team: [1]

Permission see below

Licensing GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** *****************************************************************


(48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Wikimedia Commons logo Logo of en:gucharacmap. Obtained from source packages http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gucharmap/. GNU General Public License



(43 × 43 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) GNU General Public License version 2 of the License, or any later version.


Evince logo.svg Description Evince logo.svg English: Logo of en:Evince. Obtained from source packages http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/evince/. Date

2007-09-15 (original upload date) Source

Transferred from en.wikipedia; transfer was stated to be made by User:Valepert. Author

Original uploader was Rugby471 at en.wikipedia Permission (Reusing this image)



File:Hicolor apps scalable empathy.svg Deutsch: Ein Icon vom GNOME-icon-theme. English: An icon from the GNOME-icon-theme. Français : Une icône du GNOME-icon-theme. Date

2007(2007) Source


GNOME icon artists Permission (Reusing this image)


***************************************************************** Rlogo.png

(362 × 275 pixels, file size: 78 KB, MIME type: image/png) Wikimedia Commons logo


Description Rlogo.png English: Logo for R


Source from http://developer.r-project.org/Logo/ (this is "Rlogo-3.png").

Author R Foundation, from http://www.r-project.org

Permission (Reusing this image) GNU General Public License


Crack_Attack!.png\u200e (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 19 KB, MIME type: image/png) Summary

Crack Attack! icon from the puzzle game Crack Attack!.

* http://www.nongnu.org/crack-attack/index.html * http://crackattack.sourceforge.net/

Licensing GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** DarkPlaces.png Summary

DarkPlaces icon. http://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/ [edit] Licensing GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** No_Gravity.png\u200e (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 34 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description No Gravity.png

No Gravity icon Date Source http://sourceforge.net/projects/nogravity/ Author

Realtech VR Permission GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** War§ow_q3map2.png\u200e (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 228 B, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Converted to SVG.svg This logo image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}.

\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629 | \u0411\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438 | Català | \u010cesky | Dansk | Deutsch | English | Esperanto | Español | Eesti | Euskara | Suomi | Français | Galego | \u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea | Magyar | Italiano | \u65e5\u672c\u8a9e | \u1797\u17b6\u179f\u17b6\u1781\u17d2\u1798\u17c2\u179a | \ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4 | Lietuvi\u0173 | \u041c\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0434\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438 | Plattdüütsch | Nederlands | \u202aNorsk (bokmål)\u202c | Polski | Português | Român\u0103 | \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 | Svenska | \u0e44\u0e17\u0e22 | Türkçe | \u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0430 | \u4e2d\u6587 | \u202a\u4e2d\u6587(\u7b80\u4f53)\u202c | \u202a\u4e2d\u6587(\u7e41\u9ad4)\u202c | +/\u2212 Description War§ow q3map2.png b:Q3Map2-icon, should probably be renamed to Image:Q3Map2.png or something. Date Source https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant/GtkRadiant/trunk/tools/quake3/q3map2 /q3map2.ico Author

Randy \u201cydnar\u201d Reddig Permission GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** PoweredBy_MediaWiki.svg\u200e (SVG file, nominally 1,191 × 419 pixels, file size: 628 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

The Original miniature button, vectorized by User:Chrkl.


Image:Poweredby 88x31.png.

The smaller version is distributed with MediaWiki, as skins/common/images/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png. As MediaWiki is GPL, it is assumed that makes this image GPL too.

GNU head This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See version 2 and version 3 of the GNU General Public License for more details.

***************************************************************** NewTux.svg (SVG file, nominally 625 × 750 pixels, file size: 21 KB) The source code of this SVG is valid Description NewTux.svg English: Tux, the Linux penguin Date Source Based on original image by Larry Ewing, created using Sodipodi Author gg3po (kde-look.org source) Permission

(c) Larry Ewing, Simon Budig und Anja Gerwinsk © The copyright holder of this file, Larry Ewing, allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. Redistribution, derivative work, commercial use, and all other use is permitted. or GNU General Public License


SolarWolf_ship.png (300 × 300 pixels, file size: 62 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description SolarWolf ship.png SolarWolf ship Date 13 February 2008(2008-02-13) Source SolarWolf 1.5 source code Author The creator(s) of SolarWolf Permission Free software license: LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License


Gknot.gif (120 × 100 pixels, file size: 8 KB, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations Summary Logo de Gordian Knot Licensing GNU General Public License


Fishlogo.png (300 × 172 pixels, file size: 29 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Description * 2 Licensing * 3 Original upload log * 4 Licensing: Description Description Fishlogo.png English: Logo for the en:Friendly interactive . (c) Axel Liljencrantz. Date 2007-10-25 (original upload date) Source Transferred from en.wikipedia Author Original uploader was Thumperward at en.wikipedia Permission

GPL. Licensing GNU General Public License Original upload log Licensing: GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Subject to disclaimers.Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License


KGBarch_logo.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description KGBarch logo.png Template:\u041d\u0430 \u0432\u0438\u043a\u0438\u0441\u043a\u043b\u0430\u0434 Date 11 June 2007(2007-06-11) (original upload date) Source Transferred from ru.wikipedia; transfer was stated to be made by User:alex.ryazantsev. (Original text : \u041f\u0430\u043a\u0435\u0442 \u0441 \u0438\u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\u043d\u044b\u043c\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u0434\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u044b) Author . Original uploader was Alex Kassarin at ru.wikipedia Permission

GPL. License information GNU General Public License


JkDefragIcon.gif (128 × 101 pixels, file size: 6 KB, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations Description JkDefragIcon.gif English: Screen shot of JkDefrag program icon Date 1 September 2008(2008-09-01) (first version); 15 September 2007(2007-09-15) (last version) Source Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:IngerAlHaosului using CommonsHelper. Author Original uploader was RitaSkeeter at en.wikipedia. Later version(s) were uploaded by Hippy deluxe at en.wikipedia. Permission

GPL. Licensing Free software license: GNU General Public License


Gri-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 158 × 158 pixels, file size: 11 KB) Description Gri-logo.svg Gri logo, from gri.sourceforge.net (GPL license) Date 24 June 2007(2007-06-24) Source en:Image:Gri-logo.png Author The Gri project ([1]), traced by User:Stannered Permission GPL original Other versions en:Image:Gri-logo.png GNU General Public License


Glade_2_icon.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary The user Crazycomputers of the English Wikipedia uploaded this file to the English Wikipedia and claims to have created it, and licenses it under the GPL. I have uploaded it to Wikimedia Commons so that I can use it in the Portuguese Wikipedia. Licensing GNU General Public License


Logo_square_postgis.png (300 × 300 pixels, file size: 273 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 License * 3 Licensing * 4 Usage: Summary Description Logo square postgis.png PostGIS Logo Date Source http://postgis.refractions.net/download/logo_suite/adbadge_square/adbadge_square .png Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

License Free software license: GNU General Public License *****************************************************************

New_Mercurial_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 100 × 120 pixels, file size: 110 KB) Summary Description New Mercurial logo.svg English: New Mercurial logo design. This logo is a simple "liquid mercury" theme like the original logo, in keeping with the ideas that inspired the name: fast, fluid, flexible, etc. It scales nicely to all sizes, including 16x16 for favicons, prints well, and generally makes the lead Mercurial developer happy. Original design: Cali Mastny Various fiddling: Matt Mackall Français : Nouveau design du logo Mercurial. Ce logo repose sur le thème simple "mercure liquide" comme le logo original, en gardant l'idée qui a inspiré son nom : rapide, fluide, flexible, etc. Il s'adapte bien à toutes les tailles, y compris 16x16 pour les favicons, s'imprime correctement, et plus généralement, rend le développer principal de Mercurial heureux. Design original : Cali Mastny Diverses retouches : Matt Mackall Date Source http://www.selenic.com/hg-logo/ Author Cali Mastny and Matt Mackall Permission

Licensing GNU General Public License


PackJacket_Logo.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 29 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description PackJacket Logo.png English: Logo of the PackJacket Date 2 November 2008(2008-11-02) (original upload date) Source Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:IngerAlHaosului using CommonsHelper. Author Original uploader was AmandeepGrewal at en.wikipedia Permission

GPL. Licensing GNU General Public License


Peekko-logo.png (300 × 300 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Peekko-logo.png Peekko Firefox Chat - Logo Date 26 June 2006(2006-06-26) Source http://peekko.com/chat/images/peekko-logo.png and http://peekko.com/chat/images/peekko-logo.psd Author http://sourceforge.net/projects/peekko Permission

GNU General Public License


Sharpdevelop_Logo.jpg (195 × 223 pixels, file size: 59 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Help about image annotations Description Sharpdevelop Logo.jpg SharpDevelop Logo Date Source SharpDevelop Author Uploaded by Raphael Javaux (original by ICSharpCode Team) Permission

Free software license: GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 Help about image annotations Description Sharpdevelop Logo.jpg SharpDevelop Logo Date Source SharpDevelop Author Uploaded by Raphael Javaux (original by ICSharpCode Team) Permission

Free software license: GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


Ubudsl_logo.png (200 × 194 pixels, file size: 26 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Ubudsl logo.png English: Logo from UbuDSL. Polski: Logo programu UbuDSL. Date 2007 rok Source Od autora Author Emil Cabaj Permission

GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 *****************************************************************

Webkit-Icon-gold.png (215 × 174 pixels, file size: 36 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Webkit-Icon-gold.png English: Webkit icon. Español: Icono de Webkit. Date Source http://webkit.org/coding/lgpl-license.html Author The Webkit Project Permission

LPGL is compatible with GPL GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


WinMergeLogo.png (200 × 200 pixels, file size: 15 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Moved This image was moved to Wikimedia Commons from en.wikipedia using a bot script. All source information is still present. It requires review. Additionally, there may be errors in any or all of the information fields; information on this image should not be considered reliable and the image should not be used until it has been reviewed and any needed corrections have been made. Once the review has been completed, this template should be removed. For details, see below. Check now! Description WinMergeLogo.png English: WinMerge Logo Designed by Alexander Skinner Date 1 January 2010(2010-01-01) (first version); 29 April 2006(2006-04-29) (last version) Source Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:IngerAlHaosului using CommonsHelper. Author Original uploader was Neonapple at en.wikipedia. Later version(s) were uploaded by FleetCommand at en.wikipedia. Permission

GPL. Licensing GNU General Public License


Shaman-logo-128.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Shaman-logo-128.png Shaman logo Date 2009/05/02 Source Shaman installation on Arch Linux: /usr/share/pixmaps/ Author Shaman team Permission

Free software license: GNU General Public License


Title_VLVC.png (234 × 125 pixels, file size: 23 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Title VLVC.png Projet VideoLan VideoConference Date 16 May 2007(2007-05-16) Source www.vlvc.net Author Team VLVC Permission

Licensing GNU General Public License


JClic-logo.png (280 × 140 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description JClic-logo.png The logo of JClic (a program distributed under GPL), taken from the main program. Date Source http://clic.xtec.net/en/jclic/download.htm. Author Francesc Busquets Permission

GNU General Public License


VirtualDub_logo.png (53 × 54 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Converted to SVG.svg This logo image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}. Summary VirtualDub Logo Licensing GNU General Public License *****************************************************************


(SVG file, nominally 108 × 129 pixels, file size: 1 KB) Description Wicd client logo.svg Deutsch: Wicd-Logo English: Logo of Wicd Date 2010-01-13 01:02 (UTC) Source * Wicd_client_logo.png Author * Wicd_client_logo.png: Adam Blackburn, Dan O'Reilly * derivative work: Biktora (talk) Permission

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License


Filezilla_bw.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 17 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Filezilla bw.png "Black-white 2 Vista" icon theme Date Source http://www.opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=72618 Author DBGthekafu Permission

GNU General Public License GNU General Public License


Burn.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 118 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Burn.png Burn icon Date Source http://sourceforge.net/projects/burn-osx/ Author Paul Goodrich Permission

Licensing GNU General Public License

***************************************************************** Antiword-logo.png (48 × 48 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Antiword-logo.png English: This is the antiword icon in the source distribution, which is GPL licensed. Date 26 June 2006(2006-06-26) (original upload date) Source Transfered from en.Wikipedia; en:Image:Antiword-logo.png transfered to Commons by User:IngerAlHaosului using CommonsHelper. Author Original uploader was RaviC at en.Wikipedia Permission

This makes the image GPL licensed. Licensing GNU General Public License


Bitweaver_logo.jpg (120 × 120 pixels, file size: 33 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Help about image annotations Description Bitweaver logo.jpg English: The logo of bitweaver CMS Français : Le logo de bitweaver Date inconnue Source bitweaver.org Author bitweaver community Permission

GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


Cabos_Logo.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 11 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Cabos Logo.png English: Cabos icon on MacOS X Date 26 May 2009(2009-05-26) (first version); 1 December 2008(2008-12-01) (last version) Source Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:IngerAlHaosului using CommonsHelper. Author Original uploader was Fletcher at en.wikipedia. Later version(s) were uploaded by Kahlil88 at en.wikipedia. Permission

GPL. Licensing GNU General Public License


Archone_logo.png (300 × 285 pixels, file size: 35 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Archone logo.png ArchOne Date Source http://archone.sourceforge.net Author http://archone.sourceforge.net Permission

Free software license: GNU General Public License


Karoshi_logo.png (89 × 72 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Karoshi logo.png Karoshi Logo Date 9 February 25(0025-02-09) Source http://karoshi.linuxgfx.co.uk/ Author linuxgirlie Permission

Free software license: GNU General Public License


Vista-mandrake.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 14 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations * Source: http://sa-ki.deviantart.com/ GNU General Public License


Exquisite-suse.svg (SVG file, nominally 128 × 128 pixels, file size: 12 KB) Description Exquisite-suse.svg * Source: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=14788 Date 2009-11-18 07:47 (UTC) Source * Exquisite-suse.png Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License


Suse_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 140 × 85 pixels, file size: 10 KB) Description Suse logo.svg SuSE logo Date 2009-11-18 08:15 (UTC) Source * Suse_logo.png Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: GNU General Public License


Opengeu_logo_text.png (423 × 121 pixels, file size: 58 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Opengeu logo text.png Opengeu Logo Date 13 January 2009(2009-01-13) Source http://opengeu.intilinux.com/Home.html Author Uca de Marini Permission

Free software license: GNU General Public License


Sidux-2009-02-logo.png (280 × 120 pixels, file size: 38 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Sidux-2009-02-logo.png Sidux Logo Date Source sidux.com Author klaymen Permission

Free software license: GNU General Public License


Banner_logo_Puppy.png (265 × 100 pixels, file size: 15 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Banner logo Puppy.png Logo Puppy Linux Date Source http://www.puppylinux.org/ Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

Free software license: GNU General Public License


DSL_boot_screen.png (640 × 480 pixels, file size: 34 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description DSL boot screen.png (DSL) boot Screenshot Date 05-08-2007 Source screenshot Author Shooke Permission

Free software license: GNU General Public License


Official_logo.png distributions-maryan_linux.png (521 × 256 pixels, file size: 48 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Official logo.png English: This is the official Maryan Linux OS's logo Español: Este es el logo oficial de Maryan Linux Date Maryan Linux Project Source Own work Author Maty1206 Permission

GNU General Public License Licensing I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses: GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 w:en:Creative Commons attribution share alike This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. You are free: * to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work * to remix - to adapt the work Under the following conditions: * attribution - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). * share alike - If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.


Leeenux-logo-final.jpg (320 × 278 pixels, file size: 34 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Help about image annotations Summary Description Leeenux-logo-final.jpg English: Official Logo of Leeenux Linux Date Source Own work Author Spiralciric Permission

OTRS Wikimedia The permission for use of this work has been verified and archived in the Wikimedia OTRS system. It is available here for users with an OTRS account. To confirm the permission, please contact someone with an OTRS account or leave a note at the OTRS noticeboard. Ticket link: https://ticket.wikimedia.org/otrs/index.pl? Action=AgentTicketZoom&TicketID=3894067 Licensing GNU General Public License


PCLinuxOS-icon.png (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description PCLinuxOS-icon.png PCLinuxOS icon. Low resulution Date 10 August 2007(2007-08-10) Source http://www.pclinuxos.com/ Author PCLinuxOS Permission

GNU General Public License


Sabayon4foot.svg (SVG file, nominally 183 × 181 pixels, file size: 8 KB) Summary Description Sabayon4foot.svg English: logo. I've converted text to paths and cleaned up the code a bit. Date 7 October 2009(2009-10-07) Source http://forum.sabayonlinux.org/viewtopic.php?p=105435#p105435 Author Fitzcarraldo Permission

Other versions PNG 300x300px Licensing GNU General Public License


ScientificLinux-Logo.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 41 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description ScientificLinux-Logo.png Deutsch: Logo von Scientific Linux Date 2008-02-21 (original upload date) Source https://www.scientificlinux.org/documentation/graphics/logo/ (transferred from de:Image:ScientificLinux-Logo.png) Author William R. Somsky ([email protected]) Permission

License information GNU General Public License



(SVG file, nominally 306 × 368 pixels, file size: 12 KB) Description Ipodlinux.svg English: A high-quality, color vector of the w:iPodLinux logo. Date 2003(2003) Source http://so2.sys-techs.com/ipod/ipodlinux.svg Author Prozac Blues Permission GPL Other versions File:Ipod_linux.png License information GNU General Public License

GNU General Public License Help about image annotations Description PCLinuxOS-icon.png PCLinuxOS icon. Low resulution Date 10 August 2007(2007-08-10) Source http://www.pclinuxos.com/ Author PCLinuxOS Permission

GNU General Public License


Dvdisaster.png (24 × 24 pixels, file size: 1 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Icon for dvdisaster. Licensing GNU General Public License


tiny core linux Tcl_logo.png

(200 × 200 pixels, file size: 34 KB, MIME type: image/png)

Description Tcl logo.png English: free, Robert Shingledeker Date

9 April 2009(2009-04-09) (original upload date) Source

Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:IngerAlHaosului using CommonsHelper. Author

Original uploader was Nickispeaki at en.wikipedia Permission GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. ***************************************************************** PCLinuxOS_logo.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 27 KB, MIME type: image/png) Description PCLinuxOS logo.png PCLinuxOS logo Date May 18, 2007 (the release date of the live CD) Source /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/128x128/apps/kmenu.png - on the live CD of PCLinuxOS 2007 Author This media is lacking author information. Permission

GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
















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Music-player-banshee.svg (SVG file, nominally 48 × 48 pixels, file size: 9 KB) Description Music-player-banshee.svg

SVG replacement for Image:Banshee.png Date: uploaded 22:27, 25 June 2007 (UTC) Source: banshee distribution package Author: Aaron Bockover Permission (Reusing this image) MIT Licence Other versions Image:Banshee.png

MIT license Copyright © Aaron Bockover

****************************************************************** Pixen.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 16 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Pixen.png

Pixen icon. Date Source: http://opensword.org/pixen/ Author: Open Sword Group Permission

See below. Licensing MIT license Copyright © Open Sword Group


Sparkle.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 43 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary

Sparkle icon. http://andymatuschak.org/pages/sparkle Licensing MIT license Copyright © Andy Matuschak

****************************************************************** Transmission_icon.png (512 × 512 pixels, file size: 163 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Converted to SVG.svg This symbol image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}.

Transmission icon

* http://www.transmissionbt.com/

Licensing MIT license Copyright © Transmission Project




(SVG file, nominally 603 × 603 pixels, file size: 3 KB)

Date 4 June 2008(2008-06-04) (15 December 2008(2008-12-15) (original upload date))

Source Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Legoktm using CommonsHelper. (Original text : http://source.netsurf- browser.org/trunk/art/logo/emblem/NetSurf.svg)

Author The NetSurf Developers. Original uploader was Hertzsprung at en.wikipedia



***************************************************************** Ruby_on_Rails_logo.jpg

(316 × 376 pixels, file size: 34 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Help about image annotations

Description Ruby on Rails logo.jpg Ruby on Rails logo


Source w:Image:Try3.jpg (please replace this with the original source in the Rails software

Author This media is lacking author information. MIT license ################################################################# ## Wiki Commons authors and licenses information (PD Licenses) #

Description GIMP Icon.svg

The original GIMP-Logo repainted with Vectors Date: 20 June 2006(2006-06-20) Source: see Image:GIMP Icon.png Author: Repainted by User:Sven Inkscape logo 2.svg

This vector image was created with Inkscape. This file was made by User:Sven Nuvola apps locale.png Translation

If this image contains text, it can be translated easily into your language. If you need help, contact me

SemiPD-icon.svg Flexible licenses

If you want to use this picture with another license than stated below, contact me

Nuvola apps email.png Contact the author

If you need a really fast answer, mail me. If you need only a fast answer, write me here. Permission Public Domain


Adblockplus_icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 256 × 256 pixels, file size: 4 KB) Summary Description Adblockplus icon.svg English: Logo of en:Adblock plus Deutsch: Logo von de:Adblock plus Español: Logo de es:Adblock Plus Date: 21 September 2007(2007-09-21) Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Adblockplus_icon.svg (converted to SVG using Inkscape) Author: Adblock plus, converted 12:47, 21 September 2007 UTC by Jackl (talk \u2022 contribs). Permission Public Domain


Chatzilla-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 64 × 64 pixels, file size: 5 KB) Contents [hide]

* 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries:

Summary Description Chatzilla.svg Français : Loge de chatzilla. Date: 10 November 2009(2009-11-10) Source: Own work Author: Arcaruron Permission

See below. Licensing Public Domain

In case this is not legally possible: I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.


Irssi_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 250 × 250 pixels, file size: 4 KB) Summary Description Irssi logo.svg Français : Logo de Irssi vectorisé. Date: Arcaruron (talk) 16:31, 11 October 2009 (UTC) Source: Own work Author: Arcaruron Permission

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Kpresenter2logo.png (185 × 137 pixels, file size: 13 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Kpresenter2logo.png English: kpresenter2logo Date Source: http://www.koffice.org/ Author: http://www.koffice.org/ Permission PD-icon.svg This file is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common and contains no original authorship.


Xmonad-logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 47 × 73 pixels, file size: 4 KB) Description Xmonad-logo.svg English: Vector version of File:Xmonad-logo.png Date: 2008-08-11 (English: Mon Aug 11 13:30:09 EDT 2008) Source: http://xmonad.org/images/logo.svg Author: Don Stewart Permission Public Domain In case this is not legally possible: Don Stewart grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

****************************************************************** Desmume.png (135 × 135 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Desmume.png English: DeSmuME logo; DeSmuME is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License Date Source: http://wiki.desmume.org/desmume-135.png Author: twocows; logo created by DeSmuME team Permission

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Hydrogen_drum_machine_icon.svg (SVG file, nominally 128 × 125 pixels, file size: 3 KB) Description Hydrogen drum machine icon.svg

SVG version of Image:Hydrogen_drum_machine_icon.png Date: 8 March 2007(2007-03-08) Source: Image:Hydrogen_drum_machine_icon.png Author: Roland Geider Permission



SQLite_Database_Browser_icon.png (128 × 128 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description SQLite Database Browser icon.png

SQLite Database Browser icon Date Source: http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/ Author: Mauricio Piacentini Permission Public Domain

In case this is not legally possible: Mauricio Piacentini grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.




(130 × 91 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description Postfix-logo.png English: User:10nitro/Karol Krenski

Date 6 June 2006(2006-06-06) (original upload date)

Source Transferred from en.wikipedia; transfer was stated to be made by User:Cody_Cooper.

Author Original uploader was Ghen at en.wikipedia



Licensing Public Domain



(128 × 128 pixels, file size: 18 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 \u3053\u306e\u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u3092\u66f4\u65b0\u3055\u308c\u308b\u65b9\u 306b * 3 Information * 4 Licensing * 5 Usage: * 6 Related galleries:

Summary \u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u5171\u6709\u30bd\u30d5\u30c8perfect dark\u306e\u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3\u3067\u3059\u3002 version 0.886 \u6642\u70b9\u306e\u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3\u3067\u3059\u3002 \u533f\u540d\u306e\u6709\u5fd7\u306e\u65b9\u304cperfect dark\u306e\u305f\u3081\u306b\u4f5c\u6210\u3057\u3001\u300c\u8457\u4f5c\u6a29\u30 d5\u30ea\u30fc\u300d\u3092\u5ba3\u8a00\u3057\u3066\u914d\u5e03\u3057\u305f\u3082 \u306e\u3067\u3059\u3002 \u3053\u306e\u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u3092\u66f4\u65b0\u3055\u308c\u308b\u65b9\u 306b perfect dark\u306f\u30d0\u30fc\u30b8\u30e7\u30f3\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u306b\u4f34\u3063\u30 66\u3053\u307e\u3081\u306b\u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3\u3092\u5909\u66f4\u3057\u3066 \u3044\u307e\u3059\u3002 \u3057\u304b\u3057\u3001Wikimedia Commons\u306b\u30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30ed\u30fc\u30c9\u3059\u308b\u306b\u306f\u4e0d\ u9069\u5f53\u306a\u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3\u304c\u305f\u307e\u306b\u63a1\u7528\u3 055\u308c\u308b\u3053\u3068\u304c\u8003\u3048\u3089\u308c\u307e\u3059\u3002 \u305d\u306e\u5834\u5408\u306f\u3001\u305d\u306e\u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3\u3092\u 30a2\u30c3\u30d7\u30ed\u30fc\u30c9\u3057\u306a\u3044\u3088\u3046\u306b\u6ce8\u61 0f\u3057\u3066\u304f\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002 Information

Description Perfect Dark (\u30bd\u30d5\u30c8\u30a6\u30a7\u30a2) \u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3.png icon for Japanese File-sharing program perfect dark.

Date 2007/2/19 (Japanense time)

Source distribution in Japanese File-sharing program perfect dark. \u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb [\u7d20\u6750][\u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3] Perfect Dark 002.zip \u5408\u6cd5 perfect dark \u30a2\u30a4\u30b3\u30f3 31,637 105b8b0ca11d510350bfe18f849ab4aac2efadc349599ea604c13aa25f2d2885

Author anonymous


Public Domain



(191 × 98 pixels, file size: 6 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations

Description Rox logo.png English: The ROX Desktop official logo

Date 8 August 2002(2002-08-08)

Source http://rox.sourceforge.net/rox_logo.png

Author Karol Krenski


At bottom of source webpage[1] it says "Public Domain, all pictures except NON_PUBLIC files can be used and abused ;)." This is the link to the thread discussing the ROX logo. Public domain This file has been (or is hereby) released into the public domain by its author, Karol Krenski. This applies worldwide. *****************************************************************

Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg Flag_of_Albania.svg Flag_of_Alderney.svg Flag_of_Algeria.svg Flag_of_American_Samoa.svg Flag_of_Andorra.svg Flag_of_Angola.svg Flag_of_Anguilla.svg Flag_of_Antarctica.svg Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg Flag_of_Argentina.svg Flag_of_Armenia.svg Flag_of_Aruba.svg Flag_of_Australia.svg Flag_of_Austria.svg Flag_of_Azerbaijan.svg Flag_of_Bahrain.svg Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg Flag_of_Barbados.svg Flag_of_Belarus.svg Flag_of_Belgium.svg Flag_of_Belize.svg Flag_of_Benin.svg Flag_of_Bermuda.svg Flag_of_Bhutan.svg Flag_of_Bolivia_(state).svg Flag_of_Bonaire.svg Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg Flag_of_Botswana.svg Flag_of_Brazil.svg Flag_of_Brunei.svg Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg Flag_of_Burkina_Faso.svg Flag_of_Burundi.svg Flag_of_Cambodia.svg Flag_of_Cameroon.svg Flag_of_Canada.svg Flag_of_Cape_Verde.svg Flag_of_Chad.svg Flag_of_Chile.svg Flag_of_Christmas_Island.svg Flag_of_Colombia.svg Flag_of_Costa_Rica.svg Flag_of_Cote_d'Ivoire.svg Flag_of_Croatia.svg Flag_of_Cuba.svg Flag_of_Curaçao.svg Flag_of_Cyprus.svg Flag_of_Denmark.svg Flag_of_Djibouti.svg Flag_of_Dominica.svg Flag_of_East_Timor.svg Flag_of_Ecuador.svg Flag_of_Egypt.svg Flag_of_El_Salvador.svg Flag_of_Equatorial_Guinea.svg Flag_of_Eritrea.svg Flag_of_Estonia.svg Flag_of_Ethiopia.svg Flag_of_Federated_States_of_Micronesia.svg Flag_of_Federated_States_of_Micronesia.svg.1 Flag_of_Fiji.svg Flag_of_Finland.svg Flag_of_France.svg Flag_of_French_Polynesia.svg Flag_of_Gabon.svg Flag_of_Georgia.svg Flag_of_Germany.svg Flag_of_Ghana.svg Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg Flag_of_Greece.svg Flag_of_Greenland.svg Flag_of_Grenada.svg Flag_of_Guam.svg Flag_of_Guatemala.svg Flag_of_Guernsey.svg Flag_of_Guinea-Bissau.svg Flag_of_Guinea.svg Flag_of_Guyana.svg Flag_of_Haiti.svg Flag_of_Herm.svg Flag_of_Honduras.svg Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg Flag_of_Hungary.svg Flag_of_Iceland.svg Flag_of_India.svg Flag_of_Indonesia.svg Flag_of_Iran.svg Flag_of_Iraq.svg Flag_of_Ireland.svg Flag_of_Israel.svg Flag_of_Italy.svg Flag_of_Jamaica.svg Flag_of_Japan.svg Flag_of_Jersey.svg Flag_of_Jordan.svg Flag_of_Kazakhstan.svg Flag_of_Kenya.svg Flag_of_Kiribati.svg Flag_of_Kosovo.svg Flag_of_Kuwait.svg Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg Flag_of_Laos.svg Flag_of_Latvia.svg Flag_of_Lebanon.svg Flag_of_Lesotho.svg Flag_of_Liberia.svg Flag_of_Libya.svg Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg Flag_of_Lithuania.svg Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg Flag_of_Macau.svg Flag_of_Macedonia.svg Flag_of_Madagascar.svg Flag_of_Madeira.svg Flag_of_Malawi.svg Flag_of_Malaysia.svg Flag_of_Maldives.svg Flag_of_Mali.svg Flag_of_Malta.svg Flag_of_Martinique.svg Flag_of_Mauritania.svg Flag_of_Mauritius.svg Flag_of_Mexico.svg Flag_of_Moldova.svg Flag_of_Monaco.svg Flag_of_Mongolia.svg Flag_of_Montenegro.svg Flag_of_Montserrat.svg Flag_of_Morocco.svg Flag_of_Mozambique.svg Flag_of_Myanmar.svg Flag_of_Namibia.svg Flag_of_Nauru.svg Flag_of_Nepal.svg Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg Flag_of_Niger.svg Flag_of_Nigeria.svg Flag_of_Niue.svg Flag_of_Norfolk_Island.svg Flag_of_North_Korea.svg Flag_of_Norway.svg Flag_of_Oman.svg Flag_of_Pakistan.svg Flag_of_Palau.svg Flag_of_Palestine.svg Flag_of_Panama.svg Flag_of_Papua_New_Guinea.svg Flag_of_Paraguay.svg Flag_of_Peru.svg Flag_of_Poland.svg Flag_of_Portugal.svg Flag_of_Puerto_Rico.svg Flag_of_Qatar.svg Flag_of_Romania.svg Flag_of_Russia.svg Flag_of_Rwanda.svg Flag_of_Saba.svg Flag_of_Saint-Pierre_and_Miquelon.svg Flag_of_Saint_Barthelemy.svg Flag_of_Saint_Helena.svg Flag_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis.svg Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg Flag_of_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg Flag_of_Samoa.svg Flag_of_San_Marino.svg Flag_of_Sao_Tome_and_Principe.svg Flag_of_Sark.svg Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg Flag_of_Senegal.svg Flag_of_Serbia.svg Flag_of_Sierra_Leone.svg Flag_of_Singapore.svg Flag_of_Sint_Eustatius.svg Flag_of_Sint_Maarten.svg Flag_of_Slovakia.svg Flag_of_Slovenia.svg Flag_of_Somalia.svg Flag_of_South_Africa.svg Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg Flag_of_South_Korea.svg Flag_of_Spain.svg Flag_of_Sri_Lanka.svg Flag_of_Sudan.svg Flag_of_Suriname.svg Flag_of_Swaziland.svg Flag_of_Sweden.svg Flag_of_Switzerland.svg Flag_of_Syria.svg Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg Flag_of_Tanzania.svg Flag_of_Thailand.svg Flag_of_The_Gambia.svg Flag_of_Togo.svg Flag_of_Tokelau.svg Flag_of_Tonga.svg Flag_of_Trinidad_and_Tobago.svg Flag_of_Tristan_da_Cunha.svg Flag_of_Tunisia.svg Flag_of_Turkey.svg Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg Flag_of_Uganda.svg Flag_of_Ukraine.svg Flag_of_Uruguay.svg Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg Flag_of_Venezuela_(state).svg Flag_of_Vietnam.svg Flag_of_Wallis_and_Futuna.svg Flag_of_Western_Sahara.svg Flag_of_Yemen.svg Flag_of_Zambia.svg Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg Flag_of_the_Azores.svg Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg Flag_of_the_British_Antarctic_Territory.svg Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Central_African_Republic.svg Flag_of_the_Cocos_(Keeling)_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Comoros.svg Flag_of_the_Cook_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg Fl ag_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg Flag_of_the_Dominican_Republic.svg Flag_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Faroe_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_French_Southern_and_Antarctic_Lands.svg Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Man.svg Flag_of_the_Marshall_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Antilles.svg Flag_of_the_Northern_Mariana_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg Flag_of_the_Philippines.svg Flag_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Congo.svg Flag_of_the_Seychelles.svg Flag_of_the_Solomon_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg Flag_of_the_United_States.svg Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.svg Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg Flag_of_Ã%85land.svg Authors: various, see http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page License: Public Domain

***************************************************************** scheme.svg Lambda_lc.svg

(SVG file, nominally 375 × 375 pixels, file size: 3 KB)

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible: I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law. ***************************************************************** Copyright.svg he drawn in SVG. Image version of the symbol ©.

This file is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.

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In case this is not legally possible: I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.


PD-icon.svg 2006-01-13 (first SVG version) 2008-09-01 (current version) Created by uploader. Based on similar symbols Various. See log. (Original SVG was based on File:PD-icon.png by Duesentrieb, which was based on Image:Red copyright.png by Rfl.) This file is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.

***************************************************************** Copyleft.svg English: Reversed copyright symbol (\u0254 in a full circle) drawn in SVG. 21 December 2005

English: own work Author Zscout370

This file is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain

***************************************************************** Kopimi_k.svg English: Kopimi logo The Internet No author named on the kopimi website This file is in the public domain, because kopimi

***************************************************************** RegisteredTM.svg English: Registered Trade Mark logo 24 August 2006 Own work Roman Tworkowski This file is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain

***************************************************************** Anti-copyright.svg Anti-copyright symbol 7 May 2007 Own work and released into Publice Domain, PNG version made by Willy88 Jacklau96 in English Wikipedia I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

***************************************************************** Cc-pd-new_white.svg Creative Commons Public Domain logo 2009-03-14 18:20 (UTC) Cc-pd.svg * Cc-pd.svg: Creative Commons * derivative work: Mdale (talk) This file is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain,

***************************************************************** Tablier_de_protection_obligatoire.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 32 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Tablier de protection obligatoire.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Tablier_de_protection_obligat oire.svg Résille.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 62 KB) This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Résille.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Port_de_la_blouse_obligatoire.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 14 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Port de la blouse obligatoire.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Port_du_béret_obligatoire.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 18 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Port du béret obligatoire.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

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Port_obligatoire_de_chaussures_conductrices.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 24 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Port obligatoire de chaussures conductrices.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain


Port_obligatoire_de_sur-chaussures.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 22 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Port obligatoire de sur-chaussures.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Port_obligatoire_d’un_bonnet_de_protection.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 19 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Port obligatoire d’un bonnet de protection.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Protection_obligatoire_de_la_tete_et_de_la_vue.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 20 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Protection obligatoire de la tete et de la vue.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Protection_obligatoire_des_voies_respiratoires.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 18 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Protection obligatoire des voies respiratoires.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Se_laver_les_mains.svg? (SVG file, nominally 53 × 53 pixels, file size: 26 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Se laver les mains.svg Français : Panneau Se laver les mains Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. [edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Protection_individuelle_obligatoire_contre_les_chutes_.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 29 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Protection individuelle obligatoire contre les chutes .svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below.

[edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Attacher_la_ceinture_de_sécurité.svg? (SVG file, nominally 59 × 59 pixels, file size: 13 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary Description Attacher la ceinture de sécurité.svg Français : Signalisation de santé et de sécurité au travail Date

31 October 2008(2008-10-31) Source

Own work Author

Epop Permission (Reusing this image)

See below.

[edit] Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


E017.svg (SVG file, nominally 178 × 178 pixels, file size: 2 KB) Logo Wikimedia Commons Ce fichier provient de Wikimedia Commons ? . This file is from Wikimedia Commons?. Les informations le concernant sont affichées ci- dessous ( procédure ) . The information concerning are shown below (procedure). [ modifier ] Description [Edit] Description Description Description E017.svg E017.svg Français : Français : Directive 92/58/CEE. French: French: Directive 92/58/EEC. Source : http://www.baua.de/nn_56926/de/Themen-von- AZ/Arbeitsstaetten/ASR/pdf/ASR-A1-3.pdf Source: http://www.baua.de/nn_56926/de/Themen-von-AZ/Arbeitsstaetten/ASR/pdf/ASR-A1- 3.pdf Date Date

29 octobre 2009 ( 2009-10-29 ) October 29, 2009 (2009-10-29) Source Source

Travail personnel Personal Work Auteur Author

Epop Epop Permission Permission ( Réutiliser ce fichier ) (Reusing this image) Voir ci-dessous See below [ modifier ] Licence [Edit] Licensing Public domain Moi, créateur de cette œuvre, cède ladite œuvre au domaine public . Miller, creator of this work, transfers the work to the public domain. Ceci s'applique dans tout pays.


D-M019_Sperren.svg (SVG file, nominally 574 × 574 pixels, file size: 6 KB) Logo Wikimedia Commons Ce fichier provient de Wikimedia Commons ? . This file is from Wikimedia Commons?. Les informations le concernant sont affichées ci- dessous ( procédure ) . The information concerning are shown below (procedure). Description Description D-M019 Sperren.svg D-M019 Sperren.svg Deutsch: Sperren, Gebotszeichen D-M019 nach DIN 4844-2 Deutsch: Sperren, Gebotszeichen D-M019 nach DIN 4844-2 Date Date

2006-08-22 16:25:08 +0200 2006-08-22 16:25:08 +0200 Source Source drawn by Torsten Henning drawn by Torsten Henning Auteur Author

Torsten Henning Torsten Henning Permission Permission ( Réutiliser ce fichier ) (Reusing this image) released into the public domain released into the public domain Inkscape logo 2.svg

Cette image vectorielle a été créée avec Inkscape . This vector image was created with Inkscape. PD-icon.svg Cette image est dans le domaine public parce que son auteur, DrTorstenHenning , l'y a placé. This image is in the public domain


DIN_4844-2_Gebrauchsanweisung_beachten_D-M018.svg (SVG file, nominally 574 × 574 pixels, file size: 8 KB) Logo Wikimedia Commons Ce fichier provient de Wikimedia Commons ? . This file is from Wikimedia Commons?. Les informations le concernant sont affichées ci- dessous ( procédure ) . The information concerning are shown below (procedure). [ modifier ] Description [Edit] Description Description Description DIN 4844-2 Gebrauchsanweisung beachten D-M018.svg DIN 4844-2 Gebrauchsanweisung beachten D-M018.svg Deutsch: Gebrauchsanweisung beachten, Symbol D-M018 nach DIN 4844-2 Deutsch: Gebrauchsanweisung beachten, Symbol D-M018 nach DIN 4844-2 English: Mandatory action sign "Read Operating Instructions", symbol D-M018 according to German standard DIN 4844-2 English: Mandatory action sign "Read Operating Instructions", symbol D-M018 Deutsche Standards according to DIN 4844- 2 Date Date

15 août 2006 ( 2006-08-15 ) August 15, 2006 (2006-08-15) Source Source drawn by author drawn by author Auteur Author

Torsten Henning Torsten Henning Permission Permission ( Réutiliser ce fichier ) (Reusing this image) Voir ci-dessous See below Inkscape logo 2.svg

Cette image vectorielle a été créée avec Inkscape . This vector image was created with Inkscape. [ modifier ] Licence [Edit] Licensing Public domain Moi, créateur de cette œuvre, cède ladite œuvre au domaine public . Miller, creator of this work, transfers the work to the public domain.

**************************************************************** DIN_4844-2_Verbot_D-P000.svg (SVG file, nominally 574 × 574 pixels, file size: 5 KB) Logo Wikimedia Commons Ce fichier provient de Wikimedia Commons ? . This file is from Wikimedia Commons?. Les informations le concernant sont affichées ci- dessous ( procédure ) . The information concerning are shown below (procedure). [ modifier ] Description [Edit] Description Description Description DIN 4844-2 Verbot D-P000.svg DIN 4844-2 Verbot D- P000.svg English: Generic prohibition sign English: Generic prohibition sign Deutsch: Verbotszeichen "Verbot", Symbol D-P000 nach DIN 4844-2 Deutsch: Verbotszeichen "Verbot", Symbol D-P000 nach DIN 4844-2 Date Date

8 août 2006 ( 2006-08-08 ) August 8, 2006 (2006-08-08) Source Source drawn by author drawn by author Auteur Author

Torsten Henning Torsten Henning Permission Permission ( Réutiliser ce fichier ) (Reusing this image)

Voir ci-dessous See below Inkscape logo 2.svg

Cette image vectorielle a été créée avec Inkscape . This vector image was created with Inkscape. [ modifier ] Licence [Edit] Licensing Public domain Moi, créateur de cette œuvre, cède ladite œuvre au domaine public . Miller, creator of this work, transfers the work to the public domain


D-P004.svg (SVG file, nominally 178 × 178 pixels, file size: 28 KB) Logo Wikimedia Commons Ce fichier provient de Wikimedia Commons ? . This file is from Wikimedia Commons?. Les informations le concernant sont affichées ci- dessous ( procédure ) . The information concerning are shown below (procedure). [ modifier ] Description [Edit] Description Description Description D-P004.svg D-P004.svg Français : Directive 92/58/CEE. French: Directive 92/58/EEC. Source : http://www.baua.de/nn_56926/de/Themen-von-AZ/Arbeitsstaetten/ASR/pdf/ASR-A1- 3.pdf Source: http://www.baua.de/nn_56926/de/Themen-von- AZ/Arbeitsstaetten/ASR/pdf/ASR-A1-3.pdf Date Date

29 octobre 2008 ( 2008-10-29 ) October 29, 2008 (2008-10-29) Source Source

Travail personnel Personal Work Auteur Author Epop Epop Permission Permission ( Réutiliser ce fichier ) (Reusing this image)

Voir ci-dessous See below [ modifier ] Licence [Edit] Licensing Public domain Moi, créateur de cette œuvre, cède ladite œuvre au domaine public . Miller, creator of this work, transfers the work to the public domain.


D-P005_Kein_Trinkwasser.svg (SVG file, nominally 574 × 574 pixels, file size: 7 KB) Logo Wikimedia Commons Ce fichier provient de Wikimedia Commons ? . This file is from Wikimedia Commons?. Les informations le concernant sont affichées ci- dessous ( procédure ) . The information concerning are shown below (procedure). Description Description D-P005 Kein Trinkwasser.svg D-P005 Kein Trinkwasser.svg Deutsch: Kein Trinkwasser, Verbotszeichen D-P005 nach DIN 4844-2 Deutsch: Kein Trinkwasser, Verbotszeichen D-P005 nach DIN 4844-2 English: No drinking water, prohibition sign D-P005 according to German standard DIN 4844-2 English: No drinking water, prohibition sign D-P005 according to Deutsche Standards DIN 4844-2 Date Date

2006-08-24 17:44:52 +0200 2006-08-24 17:44:52 +0200 Source Source drawn by Torsten Henning drawn by Torsten Henning Auteur Author

Torsten Henning Torsten Henning Permission Permission ( Réutiliser ce fichier ) (Reusing this image) released into the public domain released into the public domain Autres versions Other versions

Derivative works of this file: Derivative works of this file:

* main equipment layout of CRH2 EMU.svg hand equipment layout of CRH2 EMU.svg * drinking water sign.svg drinking water sign.svg

Inkscape logo 2.svg

Cette image vectorielle a été créée avec Inkscape . This vector image was created with Inkscape.

PD-icon.svg Cette image est dans le domaine public parce que son auteur, DrTorstenHenning , l'y a placé. This image is in the public domain


GHS-pictogram-acid.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 27 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-acid.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for corrosive substances Date 13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file acid.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited in inkscape Author

Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".


GHS-pictogram-bottle.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 4 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-bottle.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for gas bottles Date

13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file bottle.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited in inkscape Author

Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".


GHS-pictogram-exclam.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 4 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-exclam.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for hazardous substances Date

13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file exclam.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited in inkscape Author

Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".

**************************************************************** GHS-pictogram-explos.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 24 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-explos.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for explosive substances Date

13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file explos.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited in inkscape Author

Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".


GHS-pictogram-flamme.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 4 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-flamme.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for flammable substances Date

13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file flamme.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited and flame redrawn in inkscape Author

Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".


GHS-pictogram-pollu.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 14 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-pollu.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for environmentally hazardous substances Date

13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file pollu.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited in inkscape Author

Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".


GHS-pictogram-rondflam.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 5 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-rondflam.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for oxidizing substances Date

13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file rondflam.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited and flame redrawn in inkscape Author Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".


GHS-pictogram-silhouete.svg? (SVG file, nominally 724 × 724 pixels, file size: 39 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description GHS-pictogram-silhouete.svg

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) pictogram for substances hazardous to the human health Date

13 October 2008(2008-10-13) Source

EPS file silhouete.eps from UNECE web site converted with ImageMagick convert and with potrace, edited in inkscape Author

Torsten Henning Permission (Reusing this image) see license information Other versions Image:GHS_carcinogen_sign.svg [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".


Pisces.svg? (SVG file, nominally 189 × 235 pixels, file size: 1 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Pisces zodiac sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Sagittarius.svg? (SVG file, nominally 235 × 235 pixels, file size: 1 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. ****************************************************************

Aquarius.svg? (SVG file, nominally 350 × 235 pixels, file size: 1 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Aquarius zodiak sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Aries.svg? (SVG file, nominally 248 × 235 pixels, file size: 2 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Aries zodiak sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain


Cancer.svg? (SVG file, nominally 300 × 235 pixels, file size: 2 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. English: Cancer zodiak sign. Also at U+264B (?).

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Capricorn.svg? (SVG file, nominally 246 × 235 pixels, file size: 1 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Capricorn zodiak sign

W3C ? The source code of this SVG is valid

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Gemini.svg? (SVG file, nominally 229 × 235 pixels, file size: 1 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Gemini zodiak sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Leo.svg? (SVG file, nominally 184 × 235 pixels, file size: 2 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Leo zodiak sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. **************************************************************** Leo.svg? (SVG file, nominally 184 × 235 pixels, file size: 2 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Leo zodiak sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.

**************************************************************** Scorpio.svg? (SVG file, nominally 214 × 235 pixels, file size: 2 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

Scorpio zodiak sign

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Stop_sign_MUTCD.svg? (SVG file, nominally 751 × 751 pixels, file size: 11 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

I, Ltljltlj, the creator of this image, hereby release it into the public domain.


Yield_sign.svg? (SVG file, nominally 835 × 714 pixels, file size: 11 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

I, Ltljltlj, the creator of this image, hereby release it into the public domain

**************************************************************** MUTCD_W21-1a.svg? (SVG file, nominally 290 × 289 pixels, file size: 3 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. [edit] Summary

MUTCD W21-1a Workers Sign Source: Page Page 6F-17, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways - 2003 Edition [edit] Licensing Public domain This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government

**************************************************************** Do_Not_Enter_sign.svg? (SVG file, nominally 751 × 751 pixels, file size: 12 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Licensing

I, Ltljltlj, the creator of this image, hereby release it into the public domain. **************************************************************** Dead_End_sign.svg? (SVG file, nominally 818 × 818 pixels, file size: 10 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px.

I, Ltljltlj, the creator of this image, hereby release it into the public domain. If that cannot be done for any reason, including the nonexistence of a way to release a work into the public domain, I release it (or my changes in the case of a derivative work) under the following license:


600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) dead end sign, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs (sign W14-1). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) Colors are from [1] (Pantone Yellow 116), converted to RGB by [2].

**************************************************************** US_crosswalk_sign.svg? (SVG file, nominally 74 × 74 pixels, file size: 2 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description US crosswalk sign.svg

Public domain; created by the US government. (see above template)

Vector version of Signpedx.GIF Date

2007-04-30 (first version); 2007-06-11 (last version) Source

Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Author

Original uploader was NinjaCharlie at en.wikipedia Later versions were uploaded by CountingPine at en.wikipedia. Permission (Reusing this image) PD-USGOV.

**************************************************************** School_sign_US.svg? (SVG file, nominally 744 × 725 pixels, file size: 7 KB)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description School sign US.svg

School sign, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs (sign S1-1). Date

26 March 2007(2007-03-26) Source

MUTCD Chapter 7B Author

Hillrhpc Permission (Reusing this image)

See below. Public domain This file is in the public domain because it comes from the US FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, sign number S1-1, which states specifically on page I-1 that:


Microsoft_DOS.svg (SVG file, nominally 1,136 × 821 pixels, file size: 14 KB)

Summary Description DOS.svg English: MS Dos Logo Español: MS Dos Logo Date

27.05.09 Source

Own work Author


This image, or text depicted in it, only consists of simple geometric shapes and text. They do not meet the needed for copyright protection, and are therefore public domain


BSD_wordmark.svg (SVG file, nominally 117 × 55 pixels, file size: 6 KB)

Description BSD wordmark. Date 19 November 2009(2009-11-19) Source http://www.freebsd.org/logo.html (extracted the last three letters from FreeBSD) Author The FreeBSD Project Permission

Public domain This image, or text depicted in it, only consists of simple geometric shapes and text. They do not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and are therefore public domain.


F_icon.svg\u200e (SVG file, nominally 128 × 128 pixels, file size: 1,005 B)

This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Description F icon.svg

A lowercase f with a rectangle underneath. Similar to the Facebook(\u2122) favicon, though not under copyright because:

* fonts cannot be copyrighted * simple geometric shapes cannot be copyrighted


9 April 2008(2008-04-09) Source

Self-made in CS3. Author

Tkgd2007 ****************************************************************

MUTE_logo.png (201 × 127 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations MUTE logo http://mute-net.sourceforge.net/ Released into the public domain by its copyright holder (on request). This file has been released into the public domain


Logo_Rakarrack3.png (166 × 311 pixels, file size: 43 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Logo Rakarrack3.png English: Logo for Rakarrack Deutsch: Logo für Rakarrack Date Source http://rakarrack.sourceforge.net/logo_rakarrack3.png Author holborn Permission

OTRS Wikimedia The permission for use of this work has been verified and archived in the Wikimedia OTRS system. It is available here for users with an OTRS account. To confirm the permission, please contact someone with an OTRS account or leave a note at the OTRS noticeboard. Ticket link: https://secure.wikimedia.org/otrs/index.pl? Action=AgentTicketZoom&TicketID=2011109 Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Mecanog.gif (32 × 32 pixels, file size: 480 B, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations Summary Description Mecanog.gif English: Mecanog program icon Date 2000(2000) Source Found several years ago Author Jmarchn Permission

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


PoeditIcon.svg (SVG file, nominally 156 × 156 pixels, file size: 14 KB) Description PoeditIcon.svg \u010cesky: Ikona aplikace poEdit English: PoEdit icon Date 19 August 2009(2009-08-19) Source Own work Author Jmarchn Permission

Other versions File:PoeditIcon.gif Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Power_Explorer_icon.png (256 × 256 pixels, file size: 8 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Power Explorer icon.png English: Icon of w:Power Explorer, a free and open source file browser. Italiano: Icona di w:it:Power Explorer, file browser gratuito e open source. Date 15 agosto 2008 - August 15, 2008 Source http://powersoftware.altervista.org/explorer/it/images.htm - Own work Author Una giornata uggiosa '94 Permission

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Zs_icon_64.png (64 × 64 pixels, file size: 8 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Description Zs icon 64.png English: ZeniSynth logo \u65e5\u672c\u8a9e: ZeniSynth \u30ed\u30b4 Date Source mnemoto Author mnemoto Permission

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain.


Blackducklogo.gif (174 × 79 pixels, file size: 3 KB, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations Summary Description Blackducklogo.gif English: Logo created by Black Duck Software Date Source Own work Author Geordie1981 Permission

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

***************************************************************** Pentubuntu.svg (SVG file, nominally 395 × 420 pixels, file size: 475 KB) Summary Description Pentubuntu.svg English: Pentubuntu, the different Linux Distribution Date Source Own work Author Subcommandante Permission made by myself Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Phlak_small.png (91 × 73 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Sumário Description Phlak small.png Símbolo do PHLAK Date 20 August 2007(2007-08-20) Source feito por mim Author Thyago Jorge Machado Permission

Thyago Jorge Machado Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


IPFire_Logo.png (261 × 340 pixels, file size: 112 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Description IPFire Logo.png English: The Logo of the IPFire Project. Date Source Artist Author Halit YE\u015e\u0130L Permission

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Mubuntu-Logo.png From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Jump to: navigation, search * File * File history * File usage on Commons Mubuntu-Logo.png Size of this preview: 800 × 196 pixels Full resolution (801 × 196 pixels, file size: 21 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Mubuntu-Logo.png English: Mubuntu Linux, for a better world made by myself Date Source Own work Author Subcommandante Permission

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Zorin os.png From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Jump to: navigation, search * File * File history * File usage on Commons Zorin os.png Size of this preview: 800 × 366 pixels Full resolution (919 × 421 pixels, file size: 128 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Zorin os.png The Zorin OS logo Date 9 December 2008(2008-12-09) Source Own work Author Zorin soft Permission

Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

***************************************************************** Dreamlinux-logo.png (200 × 127 pixels, file size: 20 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Contents [hide] * 1 Summary * 2 Licensing * 3 Usage: * 4 Related galleries: Summary Description Dreamlinux-logo.png Logotipo de Dreamlinux Date 27 February 2007(2007-02-27) Source <> Author Dreamlinux team Permission

Dominio Publico Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Venenux_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 800 × 600 pixels, file size: 8 KB) Description Venenux Logo.svg VENENUX GNU/Linux logo Date 2009-08-08 19:04 (UTC) Source * Venenuxlogo.png Author * Venenuxlogo.png: Venenux * derivative work: Wilfredo Rodríguez (talk) Permission

Nuvola apps kolourpaint.png This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: SVG Version. The original can be viewed here: Venenuxlogo.png. Modifications made by User:Wilfredor. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


EmnixLinuxLogo.png (150 × 150 pixels, file size: 12 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description EmnixLinuxLogo.png English: The letter 'E' which labels the Linux operating system 'Emnix'. This logo can be recreated with the font 'Swatch It'. Date 2009/11/10 Source Own work Author AnsatsuMono Permission

Public Domain


Tomsrtbt_241_345.gif (241 × 345 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/gif) Help about image annotations Description Tomsrtbt 241 345.gif I made the image. Date 2007-03-31 (original upload date) Source Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Author Original uploader was TomOehser at en.wikipedia Permission

Released into the public domain (by the author). License information Public Domain


Ubuntu_studio.svg (SVG file, nominally 1,692 × 464 pixels, file size: 14 KB) Description .svg English: The logo of the Linux distribution Ubuntu Studio Date Source Own work Author Wondigoma Permission

Public domain This image, or text depicted in it, only consists of simple geometric shapes and text. They do not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and are therefore public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions. See WP:PD#Fonts or Template talk:PD-textlogo for more information.


Cdlinuxpl_logo.png (180 × 142 pixels, file size: 20 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Description Cdlinuxpl logo.png Polski: Logo dystrybucji cdlinux.pl English: cdlinux.pl logo Date 2006-07-27 (original upload date) Source Originally from pl.wikipedia; description page is/was here. Author Original uploader was Mwrobel at pl.wikipedia Permission

Released into the public domain (by the author). Licensing Public Domain


Awn_logo.png (192 × 126 pixels, file size: 5 KB, MIME type: image/png) Help about image annotations Summary Description Awn logo.png English: AWN logo Date 18 August 2009(2009-08-18) Source Own work Author Astur Permission

GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2

GFDL images Licensing Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Fedora_logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 267 × 267 pixels, file size: 3 KB) Description Fedora logo.svg English: The official symbol of the Linux distribution Fedora Deutsch: Das offizielle Symbol der Linux-Distribution Fedora Date Source Own work Author Wondigoma Permission Public domain This image, or text depicted in it, only consists of simple geometric shapes and text. They do not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and are therefore public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions. See WP:PD#Fonts or Template talk:PD-textlogo for more information.

This work contains material which may be subject to trademark laws in one or more jurisdictions. Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe the rights to this trademark. See our general disclaimer. The use of this trademark does not indicate endorsement of the holder by Wikimedia Commons or the Wikimedia Foundation, nor vice versa. This is an informational tag and not a license tag. A normal copyright tag is required as well. **************************************************************** Kubuntu_Logo.svg (SVG file, nominally 650 × 164 pixels, file size: 10 KB) Description Logo.svg English: The logo of the Linux distribution Kubuntu Date Source Own work Author Wondigoma Permission Public domain

This work contains material which may be subject to trademark laws in one or more jurisdictions. Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe the rights to this trademark. See our general disclaimer. The use of this trademark does not indicate endorsement of the holder by Wikimedia Commons or the Wikimedia Foundation, nor vice versa.

**************************************************************** autoclave.svg globe_valve.svg axial_fan.svg half_pipe_reactor.svg back_draft_damper.svg heat_exchanger_no_cross.svg bag.svg heat_exchanger_with_cross.svg ball_valve.svg heater-symbol.svg butterfly_valve.svg insulated_pipe.svg control_valve.svg jacketed_pipe.svg cooled_or_heated_pipe.svg manual_valve.svg cooler-symbol.svg needle_valve.svg cooling_tower.svg pipe.svg covered_gas_vent.svg plate_heat_exchanger.svg curved_gas_vent.svg pressure_reducing_valve.svg diaphragm_valve.svg pressurized_vessel_horizontal.svg double_pipe_heat_exchanger.svg pressurized_vessel_vertical.svg dryer.svg pump.svg dust_trap.svg radial_fan.svg fan.svg spiral_heat_exchanger_symbol.svg filter-symbol.svg steam_trap.svg fixed_straight_tubes_heat_exchanger.svg tray_column.svg flexible_pipe.svg u_shaped_tubes_heat_exchanger.svg fluid_contacting_column.svg vacuum_pump_or_compressor.svg funnel.svg valve.svg furnace.svg viewing_glass.svg

Date September 2007(2007-09) Source Own work Author Snipre

I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. ****************************************************************

################################################################# ## app-install authors and licenses information # ########################################################### ## Description ##

Licenses and Authors of these icons are from many different debian packages. Below is a list of the icons name and its respective package. The easiest way to find the authors and licenses of an icon is:

*Go to: http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages#search_packages *Search for the package *Click one of the packages. Example "lenny (stable)" *Click the, "Copyright File", link on the left *There you go

These files are collected from various packages in Debian. Please take a look at the copyright file of the package to find out the exact license

Each sections has the following keys: File - The name of the icon file in /usr/share/app-install/icons/ Location - The path of the icon inside the package Package - The name of the package the file has been extracted of

It may also contain the following keys: Orig-Location: The initial filename, without following symlinks, etc. Orig-Package: The initial package, without following symlinks.

############################################################# ## Files ##

File: Azureus.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/Azureus.png Package: azureus

File: CaRMetal.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/CaRMetal.png Package: carmetal

File: DeSmuME.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/DeSmuME.xpm Package: desmume

File: FBReader.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/FBReader.png Package: fbreader

File: LabPlot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/LabPlot.png Package:

File: RLPlot.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/RLPlot.xpm Package: rlplot

File: TagTool.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/TagTool.png Package: tagtool

File: TeXmacs.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/TeXmacs.xpm Package: texmacs-common File: Terminal.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/Terminal.png Package: xfce4-terminal

File: Thunar.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/Thunar.png Package: thunar-data Orig-Package: thunar

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_AClock.app_Resources_AClock.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/AClock.app/Resources/AClock.tiff Package: aclock.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_BioCocoa.app_Resources_biococoa.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/BioCocoa.app/Resources/biococoa.tiff Package: biococoa.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Camera.app_Resources_Camera.png Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Camera.app/Resources/Camera.png Package: camera.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Cenon.app_Resources_Cenon.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Cenon.app/Resources/Cenon.tiff Package: cenon.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Charmap.app_Resources_Charmap.png Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Charmap.app/Resources/Charmap.png Package: charmap.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_DictionaryReader.app_Resources_dict.png Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/DictionaryReader.app/Resources/dict.png Package: dictionaryreader.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_EdenMath.app_Resources_EdenMath.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/EdenMath.app/Resources/EdenMath.tiff Package: edenmath.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_GNUWash.app_Resources_GNUTimer.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/GNUWash.app/Resources/GNUTimer.tiff Package: gnuwash.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_GTAMSAnalyzer.app_Resources_largeApp.tif Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/GTAMSAnalyzer.app/Resources/largeApp.tif Package: gtamsanalyzer.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Gorm.app_Resources_Gorm.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Gorm.app/Resources/Gorm.tiff Package: gorm.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Gridlock.app_Resources_Gridlock.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Gridlock.app/Resources/Gridlock.tiff Package: gridlock.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Lynkeos.app_Resources_Lynkeos.png Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Lynkeos.app/Resources/Lynkeos.png Package: lynkeos.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_MPDCon.app_Resources_MPDCon.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/MPDCon.app/Resources/MPDCon.tiff Package: mpdcon.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Mines.app_Resources_Mines.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Mines.app/Resources/Mines.tiff Package: mines.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_PRICE.app_Resources_price-icon-os.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/PRICE.app/Resources/price-icon-os.tiff Package: price.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_PlopFolio.app_Resources_PlopFolio.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/PlopFolio.app/Resources/PlopFolio.tiff Package: plopfolio.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Poe.app_Resources_Poe.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Poe.app/Resources/Poe.tiff Package: poe.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Preview.app_Resources_Preview.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Preview.app/Resources/Preview.tiff Package: preview.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_ProjectManager.app_Resources_ProjectManager.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/ProjectManager.app/Resources/ProjectManager.tiff Package: projectmanager.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_RemoteDesk.app_Resources_remotedesk.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/RemoteDesk.app/Resources/remotedesk.tiff Package: remotedesk.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_Terminal.app_Resources_Terminal.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/Terminal.app/Resources/Terminal.tiff Package: terminal.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_TextEdit.app_Resources_Edit.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/TextEdit.app/Resources/Edit.tiff Package: textedit.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_TimeMon.app_Resources_icon.png Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/TimeMon.app/Resources/icon.png Package: timemon.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_VolumeControl.app_Resources_headphones.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/VolumeControl.app/Resources/headphones.tiff Package: volumecontrol.app

File: _usr_lib_GNUstep_Applications_WrapperFactory.app_Resources_WrapperFactory.tiff Location: usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/WrapperFactory.app/Resources/WrapperFactory.tiff Package: wrapperfactory.app

File: _usr_lib_dssi_ll-scope_icon.png Location: usr/lib/dssi/ll-scope/icon.png Package: ll-scope

File: _usr_share_GNUstep_Grr.app_rssreader.png Location: usr/share/GNUstep/Grr.app/rssreader.png Package: rssreader.app

File: _usr_share_GNUstep_LuserNET.app_News.app.tiff Location: usr/share/GNUstep/LuserNET.app/News.app.tiff Package: lusernet.app

File: _usr_share_GvRng_bitmaps_gvrIcon-big.png Location: usr/share/GvRng/bitmaps/gvrIcon-big.png Package: gvrng

File: _usr_share_albumshaper_images_miscImages_as32.xpm Location: usr/share/albumshaper/images/miscImages/as32.xpm Package: albumshaper

File: _usr_share_avant-window-navigator_avant-window-navigator-48.png Location: usr/share/avant-window-navigator/avant-window-navigator-48.png Package: avant-window-navigator-data Orig-Package: avant-window-navigator

File: _usr_share_bitpim_resources_bitpim.ico Location: usr/share/bitpim/resources/bitpim.ico Package: bitpim

File: _usr_share_cameramonitor_cameramonitor.png Location: usr/share/cameramonitor/cameramonitor.png Package: cameramonitor

File: _usr_share_dfo_icons_FontBookSquareThumbnail.png Location: usr/share/dfo/icons/FontBookSquareThumbnail.png Package: dfo

File: _usr_share_djplay_djplay-icon.png Location: usr/share/djplay/djplay-icon.png Package: djplay

File: _usr_share_driconf_driconf-icon.png Location: usr/share/driconf/driconf-icon.png Package: driconf

File: _usr_share_eiciel_img_icona_eiciel_24.png Location: usr/share/eiciel/img/icona_eiciel_24.png Package: eiciel

File: _usr_share_emacs_22.2_etc_images_icons_emacs_48.png Location: usr/share/emacs/22.2/etc/images/icons/emacs_48.png Package: emacs22-common Orig-Package: emacs22

File: _usr_share_fpm2_pixmaps_logo.png Location: usr/share/fpm2/pixmaps/logo.png Package: fpm2

File: _usr_share_games_angrydd_angrydd.png Location: usr/share/games/angrydd/angrydd.png Package: angrydd

File: _usr_share_games_ghextris_ghextris.png Location: usr/share/games/ghextris/ghextris.png Package: ghextris

File: _usr_share_games_kq_kq.xpm Location: usr/share/games/kq/kq.xpm Package: kq

File: _usr_share_games_monsterz_graphics_icon.png Location: usr/share/games/monsterz/graphics/icon.png Package: monsterz

File: _usr_share_games_pixmaps_briquolo.svg Location: usr/share/games/pixmaps/briquolo.svg Package: briquolo File: _usr_share_games_slune_images_slune_icon_32.xpm Location: usr/share/games/slune/images/slune_icon_32.xpm Package: slune

File: _usr_share_games_tecnoballz_tecnoballz.xpm Location: usr/share/games/tecnoballz/tecnoballz.xpm Package: tecnoballz

File: _usr_share_gazpacho_pixmaps_gazpacho-icon.png Location: usr/share/gazpacho/pixmaps/gazpacho-icon.png Package: gazpacho

File: _usr_share_ggz_ggzboard_common_icon.png Location: usr/share/ggz/ggzboard/common/icon.png Package: ggz-python-games

File: _usr_share_glame_pixmaps_glame.xpm Location: usr/share/glame/pixmaps/glame.xpm Package: glame

File: _usr_share_gmobilemedia_ui_gmobilemedia_icon.svg Location: usr/share/gmobilemedia/ui/gmobilemedia_icon.svg Package: gmobilemedia

File: _usr_share_gnomecatalog_pixmaps_gcatalog.png Location: usr/share/gnomecatalog/pixmaps/gcatalog.png Package: gnomecatalog

File: _usr_share_gnubg_gnubg.png Location: usr/share/gnubg/gnubg.png Package: gnubg-data Orig-Package: gnubg

File: _usr_share_gnusound_gui_logo.xpm Location: usr/share/gnusound/gui/logo.xpm Package: gnusound

File: _usr_share_gscan2pdf_gscan2pdf.svg Location: usr/share/gscan2pdf/gscan2pdf.svg Package: gscan2pdf

File: _usr_share_gtkvncviewer_data_gtkvncviewer_64.png Location: usr/share/gtkvncviewer/data/gtkvncviewer_64.png Package: gtkvncviewer

File: _usr_share_gupnp-tools_pixmaps_av-cp.png Location: usr/share/gupnp-tools/pixmaps/av-cp.png Package: gupnp-tools

File: _usr_share_gupnp-tools_pixmaps_network-light-256x256.png Location: usr/share/gupnp-tools/pixmaps/network-light-256x256.png Package: gupnp-tools

File: _usr_share_gupnp-tools_pixmaps_universal-cp.png Location: usr/share/gupnp-tools/pixmaps/universal-cp.png Package: gupnp-tools

File: _usr_share_hardinfo_pixmaps_logo.png Location: usr/share/hardinfo/pixmaps/logo.png Package: hardinfo

File: _usr_share_httrack_icons_webhttrack.xpm Location: usr/share/httrack/icons/webhttrack.xpm Package: webhttrack

File: _usr_share_hydrogen_data_img_gray_icon24.png Location: usr/share/hydrogen/data/img/gray/icon24.png Package: hydrogen

File: _usr_share_icons_beidgui.png Location: usr/share/icons/beidgui.png Package: beidgui

File: _usr_share_icons_icon48.png Location: usr/share/icons/icon48.png Package: extcalc

File: _usr_share_icons_isomaster_isomaster.png Location: usr/share/icons/isomaster/isomaster.png Package: isomaster

File: _usr_share_icons_qnapi-48.png Location: usr/share/icons/qnapi-48.png Package: qnapi

File: _usr_share_icons_qterm.png Location: usr/share/icons/qterm.png Package: qterm

File: _usr_share_icons_screenlets.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/screenlets.svg Package: screenlets Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/screenlets.svg

File: _usr_share_icons_wings3d.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/wings3d.xpm Package: wings3d

File: _usr_share_jackeq_thai-gold.png Location: usr/share/jackeq/thai-gold.png Package: jackeq

File: _usr_share_k3d_icons_k3d2.png Location: usr/share/k3d/icons/k3d2.png Package: k3d

File: _usr_share_keytouch-editor_pixmaps_icon.png Location: usr/share/keytouch-editor/pixmaps/icon.png Package: keytouch-editor

File: _usr_share_keytouch_pixmaps_icon.png Location: usr/share/keytouch/pixmaps/icon.png Package: keytouch

File: _usr_share_klavaro_pixmaps_logo.xpm Location: usr/share/klavaro/pixmaps/logo.xpm Package: klavaro

File: _usr_share_live-magic_debian_openlogo-nd-100.png Location: usr/share/live-magic/debian_openlogo-nd-100.png Package: live-magic

File: _usr_share_multisync_pixmaps_multisync.png Location: usr/share/multisync/pixmaps/multisync.png Package: multisync File: _usr_share_nip2_data_vips-128.png Location: usr/share/nip2/data/vips-128.png Package: nip2

File: _usr_share_octave_3.0.1_imagelib_octave-sombrero.png Location: usr/share/octave/3.0.1/imagelib/octave-sombrero.png Package: octave3.0

File: _usr_share_ogle_ogle.xpm Location: usr/share/ogle/ogle.xpm Package: ogle-mmx Orig-Package: ogle-gui

File: _usr_share_pdfedit_icon_pdfedit_logo.png Location: usr/share/pdfedit/icon/pdfedit_logo.png Package: pdfedit

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_CA2pp.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/CA2pp.png Package: controlaula

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_HPmenu.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/HPmenu.xpm Package: hplip-gui

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_HelpViewer.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/HelpViewer.xpm Package: helpviewer.app

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_MB.ico Location: usr/share/pixmaps/MB.ico Package: model-builder

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_PipeWalker.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/PipeWalker.xpm Package: pipewalker

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_ProjectCenter.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ProjectCenter.xpm Package: projectcenter.app

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_Sci48M.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/Sci48M.png Package:

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_abe.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/abe.xpm Package: abe

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_aconnectgui.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/aconnectgui.xpm Package: aconnectgui

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_alsamixergui.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/alsamixergui.xpm Package: alsamixergui

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_ams.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ams.xpm Package: ams

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_amsynth.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/amsynth.xpm Package: amsynth File: _usr_share_pixmaps_armagetronad_icons_large_armagetronad.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/armagetronad/icons/large/armagetronad.png Package: armagetronad

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_ayttm.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ayttm.png Package: ayttm

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_big.qucs.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/big.qucs.xpm Package: qucs

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_bluefish-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bluefish-icon.png Package: bluefish

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_boswars.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/boswars.png Package: boswars

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_bsc.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bsc.png Package: bsc

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_bum.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bum.png Package: bum

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_clusterssh-32x32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/clusterssh-32x32.xpm Package: clusterssh

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_creox.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/creox.xpm Package: creox

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_dc-qt.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dc-qt.xpm Package: dc-qt

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_debian-logo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/debian-logo.png Package: debconf Orig-Package: debian-reference-common

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_ebview.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ebview.xpm Package: ebview

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_egicon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/egicon.png Package: epigrass

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_flamerobin.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/flamerobin.png Package: flamerobin

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_freedroidrpg.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freedroidrpg.xpm Package: freedroidrpg

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_freemat_freemat.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freemat/freemat.xpm Package: freemat

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_freepops-updater-.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freepops-updater-zenity.svg Package: freepops-updater-gnome

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_freevo.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freevo.xpm Package: freevo

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_fwbuilder_firewall_64.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fwbuilder/firewall_64.xpm Package: fwbuilder

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_fyre.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fyre.png Package: fyre

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_galternatives.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/galternatives.png Package: galternatives

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gambas2.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gambas2.xpm Package: gambas2-ide

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gbgoffice-icon.png Location: usr/share/bgoffice/gbgoffice-icon.png Package: gbgoffice Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gbgoffice-icon.png

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gcolor2_gcolor2.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcolor2/gcolor2.xpm Package: gcolor2

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gcstar.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcstar.png Package: gcstar

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gcvs-32x32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcvs-32x32.xpm Package: gcvs

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_giFToxic-48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/giFToxic-48.png Package: giftoxic

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_giftui.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/giftui.png Package: giftui

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gkdebconf-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gkdebconf-icon.xpm Package: gkdebconf

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gnome-alsamixer_gnome-alsamixer-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-alsamixer/gnome-alsamixer-icon.png Package: gnome-alsamixer

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gnome-schedule_gnome-schedule.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-schedule/gnome-schedule.svg Package: gnome-schedule

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gnomesword_gs2-48x48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnomesword/gs2-48x48.png Package: gnomesword

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gnubik.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnubik.xpm Package: gnubik

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gnudoq-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnudoq-icon.xpm Package: gnudoq

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gnusim8085_gnusim8085_icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnusim8085/gnusim8085_icon.png Package: gnusim8085

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gprename_gprename.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gprename/gprename.png Package: gprename

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gringotts.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gringotts.xpm Package: gringotts

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_grisbi_grisbi.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/grisbi/grisbi.png Package: grisbi

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gtick_32x32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtick_32x32.xpm Package: gtick

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gtk-chtheme.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtk-chtheme.xpm Package: gtk-chtheme

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gtk-imonc.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtk-imonc.png Package: gtk-imonc

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gtkorphan.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtkorphan.png Package: gtkorphan

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_gtkwhiteboard.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtkwhiteboard.xpm Package: gtkwhiteboard

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_hp-logo.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/hp-logo.xpm Package: hplip-gui

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_jokosher-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jokosher-icon.png Package: jokosher

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_jumpnbump.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jumpnbump.xpm Package: jumpnbump

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_k3dsurf.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/k3dsurf.xpm Package: k3dsurf

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_ktoon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ktoon.png Package: ktoon

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_lincity.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lincity.xpm Package: lincity

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_lingot_lingot-icon.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lingot/lingot-icon.svg Package: lingot

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_linsmith_linsmith_icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/linsmith/linsmith_icon.xpm Package: linsmith

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_littlewizard_littlewizard-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/littlewizard/littlewizard-icon.png Package: littlewizard-data Orig-Package: littlewizard

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_mgm.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mgm.xpm Package: mgm

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_mini_opencubicplayer_mini.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mini/opencubicplayer_mini.xpm Package: opencubicplayer

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_mit-scheme_lambda2.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mit-scheme/lambda2.png Package: mit-scheme

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_multisync-gui_multisync.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/multisync-gui/multisync.png Package: multisync0.90

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_openmovieeditor.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/openmovieeditor.png Package: openmovieeditor

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_patchage.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/patchage.xpm Package: patchage

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_pcmanx.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pcmanx.png Package: pcmanx-gtk2

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_peless.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/peless.png Package: peless

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_polyxmass-icon-32x32.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/polyxmass-icon-32x32.png Package: polyxmass-bin

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_pppoeconf.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pppoeconf.xpm Package: pppoeconf

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_pyracerz.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pyracerz.xpm Package: pyracerz File: _usr_share_pixmaps_pysycache.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pysycache.png Package: pysycache

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_python2.4.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/python2.4.xpm Package: python2.4 Orig-Package: idle-python2.4

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_python2.5.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/python2.5.xpm Package: python2.5 Orig-Package: idle-python2.5

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_qcad.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qcad.xpm Package: qcad

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_qliss3d.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qliss3d.xpm Package: qliss3d

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_qsynth.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qsynth.xpm Package: qsynth

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_qtodo.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qtodo.xpm Package: qtodo

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_qtractor.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qtractor.png Package: qtractor

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_qtstalker.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qtstalker.xpm Package: qtstalker

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_rasmol_32x32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/rasmol_32x32.xpm Package: rasmol

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_rfdump.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/rfdump.png Package: rfdump

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_scim-setup.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/scim-setup.png Package: scim

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_searchmonkey_searchmonkey-32x32.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/searchmonkey/searchmonkey-32x32.png Package: searchmonkey

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_singularity.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/singularity.xpm Package: singularity

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_snake4.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/snake4.xpm Package: snake4

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_squeak.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/squeak.png Package: squeak-vm

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_stopwatch.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/stopwatch.xpm Package: stopwatch

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_stroq-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/stroq-icon.xpm Package: stroq

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_tomatoes_icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tomatoes/icon.png Package: tomatoes

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_toppler.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/toppler.xpm Package: toppler

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_tworld.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tworld.xpm Package: tworld

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_vectoroids-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/vectoroids-icon.xpm Package: vectoroids

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_vim.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/vim.svg Package: vim-gui-common

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_wine.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wine.xpm Package: wine-bin

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_workrave_workrave.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/workrave/workrave.xpm Package: workrave

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xabacus.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xabacus.m.xpm Package: xabacus

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xbarrel.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xbarrel.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xcubes.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xcubes.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xdemineur-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xdemineur-icon.xpm Package: xdemineur

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xdino.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xdino.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xhexagons.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xhexagons.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xmball.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xmball.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xmlink.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xmlink.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xoct.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xoct.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xpanex.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xpanex.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xpyraminx.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xpyraminx.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xrubik.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xrubik.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xskewb.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xskewb.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_xtriangles.m.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xtriangles.m.xpm Package: xmpuzzles

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_zapping_gnome-television.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/zapping/gnome-television.png Package: zapping

File: _usr_share_pixmaps_zynaddsubfx.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/zynaddsubfx.xpm Package: zynaddsubfx

File: _usr_share_pybridge_pixmaps_pybridge.png Location: usr/share/pybridge/pixmaps/pybridge.png Package: pybridge

File: _usr_share_pykaraoke_icons_pykaraoke.xpm Location: usr/share/pykaraoke/icons/pykaraoke.xpm Package: pykaraoke

File: _usr_share_pype_icons_pype.ico Location: usr/share/pype/icons/pype.ico Package: pype

File: _usr_share_pyrenamer_pyrenamer.png Location: usr/share/pyrenamer/pyrenamer.png Package: pyrenamer

File: _usr_share_qcomicbook_qcomicbook.png Location: usr/share/qcomicbook/qcomicbook.png Package: qcomicbook

File: _usr_share_qdacco_qdacco.png Location: usr/share/qdacco/qdacco.png Package: qdacco

File: _usr_share_rbbr_icon.png Location: usr/share/rbbr/icon.png Package: rbbr

File: _usr_share_songwrite_data_songwrite_32x32.png Location: usr/share/songwrite/data/songwrite_32x32.png Package: songwrite

File: _usr_share_startupmanager_startupmanager.svg Location: usr/share/startupmanager/startupmanager.svg Package: startupmanager

File: _usr_share_svn-workbench_wb.tiff Location: usr/share/svn-workbench/wb.tiff Package: svn-workbench

File: _usr_share_system-config-lvm_pixmaps_lv_icon.png Location: usr/share/system-config-lvm/pixmaps/lv_icon.png Package: system-config-lvm

File: _usr_share_thwab-lib_images_thwab-lib.png Location: usr/share/thwab-lib/images/thwab-lib.png Package: thwab-lib

File: _usr_share_tilp_pixmaps_logo.xpm Location: usr/share/tilp/pixmaps/logo.xpm Package: tilp

File: _usr_share_tuxmath_images_icons_icon.png Location: usr/share/tuxmath/images/icons/icon.png Package: tuxmath

File: _usr_share_twinkle_twinkle48.png Location: usr/share/twinkle/twinkle48.png Package: twinkle

File: _usr_share_virt-manager_pixmaps_virt-manager-icon.svg Location: usr/share/virt-manager/pixmaps/virt-manager-icon.svg Package: virt-manager

File: _usr_share_xdx_pixmaps_xdx.png Location: usr/share/xdx/pixmaps/xdx.png Package: xdx

File: _usr_share_xmms2tray_data_xmms2_24.png Location: usr/share/xmms2tray/data/xmms2_24.png Package: xmms2tray

File: a7xpg.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/a7xpg.xpm Package: a7xpg

File: abiword.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/abiword.png Package: abiword-common Orig-Package: abiword

File: abuse.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/abuse.png Package: abuse

File: accerciser.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/accerciser.png Package: accerciser File: achilles.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/achilles.svg Package: achilles

File: adanaxisgpl32x32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/adanaxisgpl32x32.xpm Package: adanaxisgpl

File: aeskulap.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/aeskulap.png Package: aeskulap

File: agave.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/agave.png Package: agave

File: airstrike.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/airstrike.xpm Package: airstrike

File: akregator.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/akregator.png Package: akregator

File: alacarte.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/alacarte.png Package: alacarte

File: alarm-clock.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/alarm-clock.svg Package: alarm-clock

File: alc.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/alc.xpm Package: amule-utils-gui

File: alex4.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/alex4.xpm Package: alex4

File: alexandria.png Location: usr/share/alexandria/icons/alexandria.png Package: alexandria Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/alexandria.png

File: alltray.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/alltray.png Package: alltray

File: amarok.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/amarok.xpm Package: amarok

File: amide_logo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/amide_logo.png Package: amide

File: amor.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/amor.png Package: amor

File: amph.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/amph.xpm Package: amphetamine File: amsn.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/amsn/amsn.xpm Package: amsn

File: amule.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/amule.xpm Package: amule

File: amulegui.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/amulegui.xpm Package: amule-utils-gui

File: anjuta.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/anjuta.xpm Package: anjuta

File: anki.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/anki.xpm Package: anki

File: anymeal.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/anymeal.png Package: anymeal

File: apcupsd.png Location: usr/share/gapcmon/apcupsd.png Package: gapcmon Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/apcupsd.png

File: aptoncd.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/aptoncd.png Package: aptoncd

File: aqualung.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/aqualung.xpm Package: aqualung

File: aranym.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/aranym.png Package: aranym

File: ario.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ario.png Package: ario

File: ark.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ark.png Package: ark

File: arora.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/arora.png Package: arora

File: artsbuilder.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/artsbuilder.png Package: artsbuilder

File: artscontrol.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/artscontrol.png Package: artsbuilder

File: assistant.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/assistant.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: qt3-assistant

File: atanks-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/atanks-icon.xpm Package: atanks

File: atlantik.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/atlantik.png Package: atlantik

File: atlantikdesigner.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/atlantikdesigner.png Package: atlantikdesigner

File: atomix-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/atomix-icon.png Package: atomix-data

File: audacious.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/audacious.png Package: audacious

File: aven.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/aven.png Package: survex-aven

File: avogadro.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/avogadro.png Package: avogadro

File: awn-manager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/awn-manager.png Package: awn-manager

File: balder2d.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/balder2d.xpm Package: balder2d

File: baobab.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/baobab.png Package: gnome-utils

File: barrage.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/barrage.xpm Package: barrage

File: basket.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/basket.png Package: basket

File: beast.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/beast.png Package: beast

File: beer-mini.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/beer-mini.xpm Package: gerstensaft

File: bibledit.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bibledit.xpm Package: bibledit File: biblememorizer.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/biblememorizer.svg Package: biblememorizer

File: bibletime.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bibletime.png Package: bibletime

File: billard-gl.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/billard-gl.xpm Package: billard-gl

File: biloba.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/biloba.png Package: biloba

File: biniax2.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/biniax2.xpm Package: biniax2

File: bitscope.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bitscope.xpm Package: bitscope

File: bittornado.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bittornado.xpm Package: bittornado-gui

File: bkchem.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bkchem.png Package: bkchem

File: blender.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/blender.png Package: blender

File: bless-48x48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bless-48x48.png Package: bless

File: blinken.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/blinken.png Package: blinken

File: bloboats.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bloboats.xpm Package: bloboats

File: blobwars.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/blobwars.xpm Package: blobwars

File: blockattack32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/blockattack32.xpm Package: blockattack

File: blueproximity.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/blueproximity.svg Package: blueproximity

File: blueradio-48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/blueradio-48.png Package: gnome-bluetooth File: bluetooth.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bluetooth.png Package: bluez-gnome

File: bmpx.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bmpx.png Package: bmpx

File: boa-constructor.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/boa-constructor.xpm Package: boa-constructor

File: boincmgr-32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/boincmgr-32.xpm Package: boinc-manager

File: boson.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/boson.png Package: boson

File: bouml.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bouml.png Package: bouml

File: bouncy.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bouncy.xpm Package: bouncy

File: brasero.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/brasero.png Package: brasero

File: brutalchess.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/brutalchess.xpm Package: brutalchess

File: btanks.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/btanks.xpm Package: btanks

File: bubbros.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bubbros.png Package: bubbros

File: bug-buddy.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bug-buddy.png Package: bug-buddy

File: bugsquish-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bugsquish-icon.xpm Package: bugsquish

File: buoh.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/buoh.png Package: buoh

File: burgerspace.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/burgerspace.png Package: burgerspace

File: buxon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/buxon.xpm Package: buxon File: bzflag-48x48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bzflag-48x48.png Package: bzflag-data

File: bzr-icon-64.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/bzr-icon-64.png Package: bzr-gtk

File: cairo-clock.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/cairo-clock.png Package: cairo-clock

File: camorama.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/camorama.png Package: camorama

File: catalogmanager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/catalogmanager.png Package: kbabel

File: catfish.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/catfish.svg Package: catfish

File: ccsm.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ccsm.png Package: compizconfig-settings-manager

File: cdaudio_unmount.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/devices/cdaudio_unmount.png Package: kdelibs-data Orig-Package: kdemultimedia--plugins

File: ceferino.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ceferino.svg Package: ceferino

File: celestia.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/celestia.png Package: celestia-gnome Orig-Package: celestia-glut

File: cellwriter.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/cellwriter.svg Package: cellwriter

File: cervisia.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/cervisia.png Package: cervisia

File: cgoban_icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/cgoban_icon.png Package: cgoban

File: chatzilla.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/chatzilla.xpm Package: iceape-chatzilla

File: checkgmail.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/checkgmail.svg Package: checkgmail

File: cheese.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/cheese.png Package: cheese

File: chemtool.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/chemtool.xpm Package: chemtool

File: chmsee-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/chmsee-icon.png Package: chmsee

File: chromium.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/chromium.png Package: chromium

File: circuslinux-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/circuslinux-icon.xpm Package: circuslinux

File: clamtk.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/clamtk.xpm Package: clamtk

File: claws-mail.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/claws-mail.png Package: claws-mail

File: clips.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/clips.xpm Package: clips

File: comix.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/comix.png Package: comix

File: compcal.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/compcal.png Package: ggz-kde-client

File: conduit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/conduit.png Package: conduit

File: conglomerate-icon-16.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/conglomerate-icon-16.png Package: conglomerate-common

File: contacts.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/contacts.png Package: contacts

File: convertall.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/convertall/convertall.svg Package: convertall

File: coq.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/coq.xpm Package: coq Orig-Package: coqide

File: cournol.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/cournol.png Package: cournol

File: cowbell.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/cowbell.png Package: cowbell

File: crack-attack.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/crack-attack.xpm Package: crack-attack

File: cryptkeeper.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/cryptkeeper.png Package: cryptkeeper

File: cubeview48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/cubeview48.png Package: yorick-cubeview

File: cultivation.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/cultivation.xpm Package: cultivation

File: d3lphin.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/d3lphin.png Package: d3lphin

File: daemons.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/daemons.png Package: kde-guidance

File: dasher.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/dasher.png Package: dasher-data Orig-Package: dasher

File: date.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/date.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: kdelibs-data

File: dates.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/dates.png Package: dates

File: dc_gui2.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dc_gui2.xpm Package: dcgui

File: de.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/de.xpm Package: diff-ext

File: deb-gview.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/deb-gview.xpm Package: deb-gview

File: decibel-audio-player.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/decibel-audio-player.png Package: decibel-audio-player

File: defendguin-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/defendguin-icon.xpm Package: defendguin

File: deluge-torrent.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/deluge-torrent.png Package: deluge-torrent-common Orig-Package: deluge-torrent

File: denemo.png Location: usr/share/icons/denemo.png Package: denemo

File: designer.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/designer.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: qt3-designer

File: devhelp.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/devhelp.png Package: devhelp-common Orig-Package: devhelp

File: dfeet-icon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/dfeet-icon.png Package: d-feet

File: dia_gnome_icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dia_gnome_icon.png Package: dia-common

File: diffuse.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/diffuse.png Package: diffuse

File: digikam.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/digikam.png Package: digikam

File: dillo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dillo.png Package: dillo

File: disk-manager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/disk-manager.png Package: disk-manager

File: disksearch.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/disksearch.xpm Package: disksearch

File: disksfilesystems.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/disksfilesystems.png Package: kde-guidance

File: displayconfig.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/displayconfig.png Package: kde-guidance

File: djvulibre-djview3.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/djvulibre-djview3.xpm Package: djview3

File: djvulibre-djview4.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/djvulibre-djview4.xpm Package: djview4

File: dlume.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dlume.xpm Package: dlume File: dopewars-weed.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dopewars-weed.png Package: dopewars-data Orig-Package: dopewars

File: dosbox.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dosbox.xpm Package: dosbox

File: download.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/download.svg Package: gnome-btdownload

File: drapes.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/drapes.png Package: drapes

File: dreamchess.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dreamchess.xpm Package: dreamchess

File: drivel-48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/drivel-48.png Package: drivel

File: droidbattles.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/droidbattles.xpm Package: droidbattles

File: drpython.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/drpython.xpm Package: drpython

File: ds9.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ds9.xpm Package: saods9

File: dvdisaster.png Location: usr/share/icons/dvdisaster.png Package: dvdisaster

File: dxicon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/dxicon.xpm Package: dx

File: earth.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/earth.xpm Package: earth3d

File: easychem.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/easychem.xpm Package: easychem

File: eboard.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/eboard.xpm Package: eboard

File: ecawave.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ecawave.xpm Package: ecawave

File: eclipse48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/eclipse48.png Package: eclipse

File: egoboo.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/egoboo.xpm Package: egoboo

File: einstein.png Location: usr/share/icons/einstein.png Package: einstein

File: .png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ekiga.png Package: ekiga

File: elisa.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/elisa.svg Package: elisa

File: emesene.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/emesene.png Package: emesene

File: empathy.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/empathy.png Package: libempathy-gtk-common Orig-Package: empathy

File: enemylines3.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/enemylines3.xpm Package: enemylines3

File: enemylines7.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/enemylines7.xpm Package: enemylines7

File: enigma.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/enigma.png Package: enigma-data

File: entagged.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/entagged.png Package: entagged

File: eog.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/eog.png Package: eog

File: epiphany-bookmarks.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/epiphany-bookmarks.png Package: epiphany-browser-data

File: epiphany-game.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/epiphany-game.xpm Package: epiphany

File: eqonomize.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/eqonomize.png Package: eqonomize

File: eric.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/eric.xpm Package: eric

File: etherape.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/etherape.png Package: etherape

File: etracericon.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/etracericon.svg Package: extremetuxracer

File: etw.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/etw.xpm Package: etw

File: euler-32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/euler-32.xpm Package: euler

File: evilvte.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/evilvte.png Package: evilvte

File: evince.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/evince.png Package: evince

File: evolution.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/evolution.xpm Package: evolution Orig-Package: evolution-common

File: exaile.png Location: usr/share/icons/exaile.png Package: exaile

File: exfalso.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/exfalso.png Package: exfalso

File: extrema.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/extrema.xpm Package: extrema

File: f-spot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/f-spot.png Package: f-spot

File: fantasdic.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fantasdic.png Package: fantasdic

File: ffanvil32.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/ffanvil32.xpm Package: fontforge

File: file-roller.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/file-roller.png Package: file-roller

File: filelight.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/filelight.png Package: filelight

File: filezilla.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/filezilla.png Package: filezilla File: fillets-ng.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fillets-ng.png Package: fillets-ng

File: firestarter.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/firestarter.png Package: firestarter

File: fityk.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fityk.png Package: fityk

File: flblocks.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/flblocks.png Package: fltk1.1-games

File: flcheckers.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/flcheckers.png Package: fltk1.1-games

File: fldigi.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fldigi.xpm Package: fldigi

File: flobopuyo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/flobopuyo.png Package: flobopuyo

File: flsudoku.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/flsudoku.png Package: fltk1.1-games

File: fluid.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/fluid.png Package: fluid

File: flumotion.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/flumotion.png Package: flumotion

File: folder_image.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/filesystems/folder_image.png Package: kdelibs-data Orig-Package: kmrml

File: fontmatrix.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fontmatrix.png Package: fontmatrix

File: fontypython.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fontypython.png Package: fontypython

File: foobillard.png Location: usr/share/icons/foobillard.png Package: foobillard

File: foomatic-gui-logo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/foomatic-gui-logo.png Package: foomatic-gui

File: fotoprint.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/fotoprint.png Package: photoprint File: fraqtive.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/fraqtive.png Package: fraqtive

File: freeciv-client.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/freeciv-client.png Package: freeciv-data Orig-Package: freeciv-client-gtk

File: freecol.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freecol.xpm Package: freecol

File: freedm.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freedm.xpm Package: freedm

File: freedoom.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freedoom.xpm Package: freedoom

File: freetennis.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freetennis.xpm Package: freetennis

File: freevial.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freevial.png Package: freevial

File: freqtweak_logo32x18.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/freqtweak_logo32x18.xpm Package: freqtweak

File: frozen-bubble-icon-48x48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/frozen-bubble-icon-48x48.png Package: frozen-bubble

File: fslint_icon.png Location: usr/share/fslint/fslint_icon.png Package: fslint Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fslint_icon.png

File: fslview.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/fslview.xpm Package: fslview

File: funnyboat.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/funnyboat.xpm Package: funnyboat

File: fusion-icon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/fusion-icon.png Package: fusion-icon

File: fyrdman.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/fyrdman.png Package: ggz-kde-games-data

File: g.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/littlewizard/g.png Package: littlewizard-data Orig-Package: gtweakui File: gPicon.png Location: usr/share/icons/gPicon.png Package: gplanarity

File: gSTM.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gSTM.png Package: gstm

File: gabedit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gabedit.png Package: gabedit

File: gadmin-bind.png Location: usr/share/icons/gadmin-bind.png Package: gadmin-bind

File: gadmin-dhcpd.png Location: usr/share/icons/gadmin-dhcpd.png Package: gadmin-dhcpd

File: gadmin-proftpd.png Location: usr/share/icons/gadmin-proftpd.png Package: gadmin-proftpd

File: gadmin-rsync.png Location: usr/share/icons/gadmin-rsync.png Package: gadmin-rsync

File: gadmin-samba.png Location: usr/share/icons/gadmin-samba.png Package: gadmin-samba

File: gadmin-squid.png Location: usr/share/icons/gadmin-squid.png Package: gadmin-squid

File: gajim.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gajim.png Package: gajim

File: galeon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/galeon.png Package: galeon-common

File: gambit.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gambit.xpm Package: gambit

File: gamine.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gamine.xpm Package: gamine

File: gaphor.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gaphor.xpm Package: gaphor

File: garlic.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/garlic.xpm Package: garlic

File: gato.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gato.xpm Package: gato File: gaupol.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gaupol.png Package: gaupol

File: gausssum.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gausssum.xpm Package: gausssum

File: gbemol.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gbemol.png Package: gbemol

File: gbonds.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gbonds.png Package: gbonds

File: gbrainy.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gbrainy.png Package: gbrainy

File: gcdmaster.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcdmaster.png Package: gcdmaster

File: gchem3d-viewer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gchem3d-viewer.png Package: gcu-bin

File: gchemcalc.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gchemcalc.png Package: gcu-bin

File: gchempaint.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gchempaint.png Package: gchempaint

File: gchemtable.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gchemtable.png Package: gcu-bin

File: gcin.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcin.png Package: gcin

File: gco-gco.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gco-gco.png Package: gco

File: gcompris-edit.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcompris-edit.png Package: gcompris-data Orig-Package: gcompris

File: gcompris.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcompris.png Package: gcompris-data Orig-Package: gcompris

File: gconf-editor.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gconf-editor.png Package: gconf-editor

File: gconjugue.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gconjugue.png Package: gconjugue

File: gcrystal.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gcrystal.png Package: gcrystal

File: gcx.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gcx.svg Package: gcx

File: gddccontrol.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gddccontrol.png Package: gddccontrol

File: gdesklets.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gdesklets.png Package: gdesklets

File: gdmap_icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gdmap_icon.png Package: gdmap

File: geany.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/geany.png Package: geany

File: geda-gattrib.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/geda-gattrib.png Package: geda-gattrib

File: geda-gschem.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/geda-gschem.png Package: geda-gschem

File: geda-xgsch2pcb.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/geda-xgsch2pcb.png Package: geda-xgsch2pcb

File: geekast.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/geekast.xpm Package: geekast-binary

File: geeqie.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/geeqie.png Package: geeqie

File: gelemental.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gelemental.png Package: gelemental

File: gemdropx-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gemdropx-icon.xpm Package: gemdropx

File: gerbv.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gerbv.png Package: gerbv

File: gfax.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gfax.png Package: gfax

File: gfpoken.png Location: usr/share/games/gfpoken/png/gfpoken.png Package: gfpoken Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gfpoken.png

File: gftp.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gftp.png Package: gftp-gtk

File: ggcov64.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ggcov64.png Package: ggcov

File: ggobi.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ggobi.png Package: ggobi

File: ggz.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/ggz.png Package: ggz-kde-client

File: ggzap.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ggzap.png Package: ggz-kde-client

File: ghex.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ghex.png Package: ghex

File: giggle.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/giggle.png Package: giggle

File: gimp.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gimp.xpm Package: gimp

File: giver.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/giver.png Package: giver

File: gjots.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gjots.png Package: gjots2

File: gkrellm.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gkrellm.xpm Package: gkrellm

File: glabels.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/glabels.png Package: glabels-data

File: glade-3.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/glade-3.png Package: glade

File: glpuzzle.png Location: usr/share/icons/glpuzzle.png Package: glpuzzle

File: glurp.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/glurp.svg Package: glurp File: gmail-notify-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gmail-notify-icon.png Package: gmail-notify

File: gmdb2.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gmdb2.xpm Package: mdbtools-gmdb

File: gmpc.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gmpc.png Package: gmpc

File: gmsh16x16-smooth.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gmsh16x16-smooth.xpm Package: gmsh

File: gmult.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gmult.png Package: gmult

File: gmysqlcc-32.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gmysqlcc-32.png Package: gmysqlcc

File: gnash.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnash.png Package: gnash-common Orig-Package: gnash

File: gnochm.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnochm.png Package: gnochm

File: gnoemoe-logo.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnoemoe-logo.svg Package: gnoemoe

File: gnomad2-logo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnomad2-logo.png Package: gnomad2

File: gnome-aisleriot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-aisleriot.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-apt.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-apt.png Package: gnome-apt

File: gnome-balsa2.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-balsa2.png Package:

File: gnome-blackjack.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-blackjack.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-blog.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-blog.png Package: gnome-blog

File: gnome-calc2.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-calc2.png Package: gnome-desktop-data Orig-Package: galculator

File: gnome-chess.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-chess.png Package: gnome-chess

File: gnome-color-chooser.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-color-chooser.svg Package: gnome-color-chooser

File: gnome-commander.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-commander.png Package: gnome-commander

File: gnome-cromagnon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-cromagnon.png Package: gnome-desktop-data Orig-Package: gnotime

File: gnome-db.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-db.png Package: libgnomedb3-common Orig-Package: libgnomedb3-bin

File: gnome-device-manager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-device-manager.png Package: gnome-device-manager

File: gnome-freecell.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-freecell.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-gamazons.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gamazons/gnome-gamazons.png Package: gamazons

File: gnome-genius.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-genius.png Package: gnome-genius

File: gnome-glchess.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-glchess.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-glines.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-glines.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-gnect.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-gnect.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-gnibbles.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-gnibbles.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-gnometris.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-gnometris.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-gnumeric.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnumeric/gnome-gnumeric.png Package: gnumeric-common

File: gnome-hearts.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-hearts.png Package: gnome-hearts

File: gnome-iagno.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-iagno.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-klotski.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-klotski.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-mahjongg.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-mahjongg.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-mastermind.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gnome-mastermind.png Package: gnome-mastermind

File: gnome-mime-application-x-cisco-vpn-settings.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-mime-application-x-cisco-vpn- settings.png Package: network-manager-vpnc-gnome

File: gnome-mime-application-x-openvpn-settings.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-mime-application-x-openvpn- settings.png Package: network-manager-openvpn-gnome

File: gnome-mime-application-x-pptp-settings.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-mime-application-x-pptp- settings.png Package: network-manager-pptp-gnome

File: gnome-mines.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-mines.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-mud.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-mud.png Package: gnome-mud

File: gnome-nettool.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gnome-nettool.png Package: gnome-nettool

File: gnome-oregano.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-oregano.svg Package: oregano

File: gnome-palm.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-palm.png Package: gnome-pilot

File: gnome-panel.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gnome-panel.png Package: gnome-panel-data

File: gnome-photo-printer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-photo-printer.png Package: gnome-photo-printer

File: gnome-planner.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-planner.png Package: planner

File: gnome-power-manager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-power-manager.png Package: gnome-power-manager

File: gnome-power-statistics.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-power-statistics.png Package: gnome-power-manager

File: gnome-ppp.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-ppp.png Package: gnome-ppp

File: gnome-rdp-logo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-rdp-logo.png Package: gnome-rdp

File: gnome-reclevel.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-reclevel.png Package: gnome-media-common Orig-Package: gnome-media

File: gnome-robots.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-robots.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-samegnome.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-samegnome.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-specimen.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-specimen.png Package: gnome-specimen

File: gnome-subtitles.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-subtitles.png Package: gnome-subtitles

File: gnome-sudoku.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-sudoku.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-tali.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-tali.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games File: gnome-tetravex.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-tetravex.png Package: gnome-games-data Orig-Package: gnome-games

File: gnome-vumeter.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnome-vumeter.png Package: gnome-media-common Orig-Package: gnome-media

File: gnome-web-browser.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/gnome-web-browser.png Package: epiphany-browser-data

File: gnome-week.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-week.png Package: gnome-desktop-data Orig-Package: gtimelog

File: gnome_apps.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/gnome_apps.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: gtk-qt-engine

File: gnomebaker-48.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnomebaker-48.png Package: gnomebaker

File: gnomeicu.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnomeicu.png Package: gnomeicu-common

File: gnomeradio.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnomeradio.png Package: gnomeradio

File: gnucash-icon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gnucash-icon.png Package: gnucash-common Orig-Package: gnucash

File: gnumed.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gnumed.xpm Package: gnumed-client

File: gnunet-gtk.png Location: usr/share/icons/gnunet-gtk.png Package: gnunet-gtk

File: gnunet-qt.png Location: usr/share/icons/gnunet-qt.png Package: gnunet-qt

File: goadmin.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goplay.xpm Package: goplay Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goadmin.xpm

File: goattrk2.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/goattrk2.xpm Package: goattracker

File: gobby.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gobby.png Package: gobby

File: gok.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gok.png Package: gok

File: golearn.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goplay.xpm Package: goplay Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/golearn.xpm

File: golly.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/golly.xpm Package: golly

File: gonet.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goplay.xpm Package: goplay Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gonet.xpm

File: goobox.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/goobox.png Package: goobox

File: gooffice.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goplay.xpm Package: goplay Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gooffice.xpm

File: googlizer.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/googlizer.png Package: googlizer

File: gopchop.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gopchop.png Package: gopchop

File: goplay.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goplay.xpm Package: goplay

File: gosa.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gosa.xpm Package: gosa-desktop

File: gosafe.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goplay.xpm Package: goplay Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gosafe.xpm

File: gossip.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gossip.png Package: gossip-common

File: goweb.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goplay.xpm Package: goplay Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/goweb.xpm

File: gpaint.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpaint.xpm Package: gpaint File: gparted.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gparted.png Package: gparted

File: gpass-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpass-icon.png Package: gpass

File: gpe-calendar.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-calendar.png Package: gpe-calendar

File: gpe-clock.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-clock.png Package: gpe-clock

File: gpe-contacts.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-contacts.png Package: gpe-contacts

File: gpe-edit.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-edit.png Package: gpe-edit

File: gpe-expenses.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-expenses.xpm Package: gpe-expenses

File: gpe-julia.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-julia.png Package: gpe-julia

File: gpe-lights.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-lights.png Package: gpe-lights

File: gpe-mininet.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-mininet.xpm Package: gpe-mininet

File: gpe-mixer.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-mixer.xpm Package: gpe-mixer

File: gpe-othello.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-othello.png Package: gpe-othello

File: gpe-screenshot.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-screenshot.xpm Package: gpe-screenshot

File: gpe-shield.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-shield.xpm Package: gpe-shield

File: gpe-soundbite-play.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-soundbite-play.xpm Package: gpe-soundbite

File: gpe-soundbite-record.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-soundbite-record.xpm Package: gpe-soundbite File: gpe-su.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-su.xpm Package: gpe-su

File: gpe-taskmanager.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-taskmanager.png Package: gpe-taskmanager

File: gpe-tetris.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-tetris.png Package: gpe-tetris

File: gpe-timesheet.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-timesheet.png Package: gpe-timesheet

File: gpe-todo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-todo.png Package: gpe-todo

File: gpe-watch.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-watch.png Package: gpe-watch

File: gpe-what.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpe-what.xpm Package: gpe-what

File: gperiodic.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gperiodic.png Package: gperiodic

File: gphpedit.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gphpedit.png Package: gphpedit

File: gpicview.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpicview.png Package: gpicview

File: gpodder.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gpodder.png Package: gpodder

File: gpomme.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gpomme.png Package: gpomme

File: gpredict.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpredict.png Package: gpredict

File: gps.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gps.xpm Package: gps

File: gpsk31.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gpsk31.png Package: gpsk31

File: gquilt.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gquilt.xpm Package: gquilt File: gqview.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gqview.png Package: gqview

File: grace.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/grace.png Package: grace Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/grace.png

File: grace6.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/grace6.png Package: grace6 Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/grace6.png

File: gramps.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gramps.png Package: gramps

File: granule.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/granule.png Package: granule

File: graphthing.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/graphthing.xpm Package: graphthing

File: gravitation.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gravitation.xpm Package: gravitation

File: grdesktop.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/grdesktop/icon.png Package: grdesktop Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/grdesktop.png

File: greenwich.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/greenwich.png Package: greenwich

File: gresolver.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gresolver.png Package: gresolver

File: gretl.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gretl.xpm Package: gretl-common

File: grhino.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/grhino.png Package: grhino

File: griffith.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/griffith.png Package: griffith

File: gripicon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gripicon.png Package:

File: grisbi.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/grisbi/grisbi.png Package: grisbi Orig-Package: xshogi File: grsync.png Location: usr/share/icons/grsync.png Package: grsync

File: gsoko.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gsoko.png Package: gsoko

File: gstreamer-properties.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gstreamer-properties.png Package: gnome-media-common Orig-Package: gnome-media

File: gtetrinet.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtetrinet.png Package: gtetrinet

File: gthumb.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gthumb.png Package: gthumb-data Orig-Package: gthumb

File: gtimer.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtimer.xpm Package: gtimer

File: gtk-gnutella.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtk-gnutella.png Package: gtk-gnutella

File: gtk-recordmydesktop.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtk-recordmydesktop.png Package: gtk-recordmydesktop

File: gtkam.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtkam.png Package: gtkam

File: gtkboard.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtkboard.png Package: gtkboard

File: gtkpycad.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtkpycad.xpm Package: pythoncad

File: gtm.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtm.png Package: gtm

File: gtodo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtodo.png Package: gtodo

File: gtorrentviewer.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtorrentviewer.png Package: gtorrent-viewer

File: gtranslator.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gtranslator.png Package: gtranslator

File: guarddog.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/guarddog.png Package: guarddog

File: gui-apt-key.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gui-apt-key.xpm Package: gui-apt-key

File: gunroar.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gunroar.xpm Package: gunroar

File: gurlchecker.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gurlchecker.png Package: gurlchecker

File: gvb.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gvb.svg Package: gvb

File: gwc-logo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gwc-logo.png Package: gwc

File: gweled.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gweled.png Package: gweled

File: gwenview.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gwenview.png Package: gwenview

File: gwget.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gwget.png Package: gwget

File: gworldclock.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gworldclock.png Package: gworldclock

File: gwyddion.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gwyddion.png Package: gwyddion-common Orig-Package: gwyddion

File: gxine.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/gxine.png Package: gxine

File: gxneur.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/gxneur.xpm Package: gxneur

File: hannah.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/hannah.xpm Package: hannah-data Orig-Package: hannah

File: happydigger.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/happydigger.png Package: happydigger

File: heroes.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/heroes.xpm Package: heroes-common File: hex-a-hop.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/hex-a-hop.xpm Package: hex-a-hop

File: hi48-app-wireshark.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/hi48-app-wireshark.png Package: wireshark

File: hocr1-48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/hocr1-48.png Package: hocr-gtk

File: holotz-castle.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/holotz-castle.xpm Package: holotz-castle

File: homebank.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/homebank.png Package: homebank

File: hotwire.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/hotwire.png Package: hotwire

File: htop.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png Package: htop

File: hugin.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/hugin.png Package: hugin-data Orig-Package: hugin

File: iceape-addressbook.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/iceape-addressbook.xpm Package: iceape-mailnews

File: iceape-composer.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/iceape-composer.xpm Package: iceape-browser

File: iceape-mail-compose.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/iceape-mail-compose.xpm Package: iceape-mailnews

File: iceape-mailnews.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/iceape-mailnews.xpm Package: iceape-mailnews

File: iceape.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/iceape.xpm Package: iceape-browser

File: icebreaker_48.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/icebreaker_48.xpm Package: icebreaker

File: icedove.png Location: usr/share/icedove/icons/default.png Package: icedove Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/icedove.png

File: iceowl.png Location: usr/share/iceowl/icons/mozicon50.png Package: iceowl Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/iceowl.png

File: iceweasel.png Location: usr/share/iceweasel/chrome/icons/default/default48.png Package: iceweasel Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/iceweasel.png

File: icon_kicad.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/icon_kicad.xpm Package: kicad

File: ii-esu.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ii-esu.xpm Package: ii-esu

File: ikea.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ikea.png Package: ike-qtgui

File: imview.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/imview.xpm Package: imview

File: inkblot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/inkblot.png Package: inkblot

File: inkscape.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/inkscape.png Package: inkscape

File: ipe.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ipe.png Package: ipe

File: irkick.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/irkick.png Package: kdelirc

File: istanbul.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/istanbul.png Package: istanbul

File: jaaa.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jaaa.xpm Package: jaaa

File: jack-rack-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jack-rack-icon.png Package: jack-rack

File: jackbeat.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jackbeat.xpm Package: jackbeat

File: jamin.svg Location: usr/share/icons/jamin.svg Package: jamin

File: jclic.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jclic.png Package: jclic File: jclicauthor.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jclicauthor.png Package: jclic

File: jclicreports.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jclicreports.png Package: jclic

File: jd.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jd.png Package: jd

File: jiten.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jiten.png Package: gjiten

File: jpilot.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/jpilot.xpm Package: jpilot

File: juk.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/juk.png Package: juk

File: k3b.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/k3b.xpm Package: k3b

File: kaboodle.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kaboodle.png Package: kaboodle

File: kaddressbook.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kaddressbook.png Package: kaddressbook

File: kadu.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kadu.xpm Package: kadu

File: kaffeine.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kaffeine.png Package: kaffeine

File: kalarm.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kalarm.png Package: kalarm

File: kallery.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kallery.png Package: kallery

File: kalzium.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kalzium.png Package: kalzium

File: kanagram.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kanagram.png Package: kanagram

File: kanatest.png Location: usr/share/games/pixmaps/kanatest.png Package: kanatest Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kanatest.png

File: kappfinder.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kappfinder.png Package: kappfinder

File: karbon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/karbon.png Package: karbon

File: karm.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/karm.png Package: karm

File: kasablanca.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kasablanca.png Package: kasablanca

File: kasteroids.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kasteroids.png Package: kasteroids

File: kasumi.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kasumi.png Package: kasumi

File: katapult.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/katapult.png Package: katapult

File: kate.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kate.png Package: kate

File: katomic.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/katomic.png Package: katomic

File: kaudiocreator.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kaudiocreator.png Package: kaudiocreator

File: kazehakase-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kazehakase-icon.png Package: kazehakase

File: kbabel.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kbabel.png Package: kbabel

File: kbabeldict.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kbabeldict.png Package: kbabel

File: kbackgammon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kbackgammon.png Package: kbackgammon

File: kball.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kball.xpm Package: kball

File: kbarcode.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/kbarcode.png Package: kbarcode

File: kbattleship.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kbattleship.png Package: kbattleship

File: kbfxconfigapp.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kbfxconfigapp.png Package: kbfx

File: kbibtex.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kbibtex.png Package: kbibtex

File: kblackbox.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kblackbox.png Package: kblackbox

File: kboincspy.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kboincspy.png Package: kboincspy

File: kbounce.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kbounce.png Package: kbounce

File: kbruch.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kbruch.png Package: kbruch

File: kbugbuster.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kbugbuster.png Package: kbugbuster

File: kcachegrind.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kcachegrind.png Package: kcachegrind

File: kcc.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kcc.png Package: ggz-kde-games-data

File: kchart.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kchart.png Package: kchart

File: kcheckgmail.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kcheckgmail.png Package: kcheckgmail

File: kchmviewer.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kchmviewer.png Package: kchmviewer

File: kcmdf.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/kcmdf.png Package: kdf

File: kcmkicker.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/kcmkicker.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: kicker

File: kcmsambaconf.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kcmsambaconf.png Package: kdenetwork-filesharing

File: kcolorchooser.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/kcolorchooser.png Package: kcoloredit

File: kcoloredit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kcoloredit.png Package: kcoloredit

File: kcron.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kcron.png Package: kcron

File: kdat.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdat.png Package: kdat

File: kdbg.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdbg.png Package: kdbg

File: kdebluetooth.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdebluetooth.png Package: kdebluetooth

File: kdeprintfax.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdeprintfax.png Package: kdeprint

File: kdesvn.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdesvn.png Package: kdesvn

File: kdevdesigner.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdevdesigner.png Package: kdevelop-data

File: kdevelop.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kdevelop.xpm Package: kdevelop Orig-Package: kdevelop-data

File: kdf.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdf.png Package: kdf

File: kdict.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdict.png Package: kdict

File: kdiff3.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kdiff3.png Package: kdiff3

File: kdissert.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/kdissert.png Package: kdissert

File: kdmconfig.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kdmconfig.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: kdmtheme File: kdvi.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kdvi.png Package: kdvi

File: keduca.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/keduca.png Package: keduca

File: keep.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/keep.png Package: keep

File: keepalive.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/keepalive.png Package: ggz-kde-games-data

File: keepalivecontrol.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/keepalivecontrol.png Package: ggz-kde-client

File: keepassx.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/keepassx.xpm Package: keepassx

File: kenolaba.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kenolaba.png Package: kenolaba

File: kerry.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kerry.png Package: kerry

File: ketm.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ketm.xpm Package: ketm

File: kexi.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kexi.png Package: kexi

File: key16.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/key16.png Package: trustedqsl

File: keyjnotegui.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/keyjnotegui.png Package: keyjnotegui

File: kfax.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kfax.png Package: kfax

File: kfaxview.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kfaxview.png Package: kfaxview

File: kfilereplace.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kfilereplace.png Package: kfilereplace

File: kflickr.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kflickr.png Package: kflickr File: kfloppy.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kfloppy.png Package: kfloppy

File: kformula.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kformula.png Package: kformula

File: kfouleggs.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kfouleggs.png Package: kfouleggs

File: kftpgrabber.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kftpgrabber.png Package: kftpgrabber

File: kgamma.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kgamma.png Package: kgamma

File: kgeography.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kgeography.png Package: kgeography

File: kget.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kget.png Package: kget

File: kggz.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kggz.png Package: ggz-kde-client

File: kghostview.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kghostview.png Package: kghostview

File: kgoldrunner.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kgoldrunner.png Package: kgoldrunner

File: kgpg.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kgpg.png Package: kgpg

File: kgrubby.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/kgrubby.png Package: ggz-kde-client

File: khangman.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/khangman.png Package: khangman

File: khexedit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/khexedit.png Package: khexedit

File: khmerconverter.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/khmerconverter.png Package: khmerconverter

File: khotkeys.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/khotkeys.png Package: kdebase-data

File: kiconedit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kiconedit.png Package: kiconedit

File: kid3-qt.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kid3-qt.png Package: kid3-qt

File: kid3.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kid3.png Package: kid3

File: kig.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kig.png Package: kig

File: kildclient.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kildclient.png Package: kildclient

File: kile.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kile.png Package: kile

File: kimagemapeditor.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kimagemapeditor.png Package: kimagemapeditor

File: kino.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kino.png Package: kino

File: kiosktool.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kiosktool.png Package: kiosktool

File: kipina.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kipina.png Package: kipina

File: kitchensync.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kitchensync.png Package: kitchensync

File: kiten.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kiten.png Package: kiten

File: kivio.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kivio.png Package: kivio-data

File: kjots.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kjots.png Package: kjots

File: kjumpingcube.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kjumpingcube.png Package: kjumpingcube

File: kkbswitch.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kkbswitch.xpm Package: kkbswitch

File: klatin.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/klatin.png Package: klatin

File: klettres.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/klettres.png Package: klettres

File: klibido.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/klibido.png Package: klibido

File: klickety.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/klickety.png Package: klickety

File: klines.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/klines.png Package: klines

File: klinkstatus.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/klinkstatus.png Package: klinkstatus

File: klipper.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/klipper.png Package: klipper

File: klogic.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/klogic.xpm Package: klogic

File: kluppe.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kluppe.png Package: kluppe

File: kmahjongg.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmahjongg.png Package: kmahjongg

File: kmail.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmail.png Package: kmail

File: kmchart.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kmchart.png Package: kmchart

File: kmenuedit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmenuedit.png Package: kmenuedit

File: kmess.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmess.png Package: kmess

File: kmid.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmid.png Package: kmid

File: kmidimon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kmidimon.png Package: kmidimon

File: kmines.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmines.png Package: kmines

File: kmix.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmix.png Package: kmix

File: kmplayer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmplayer.png Package: kmplayer-common Orig-Package: kmplayer

File: kmplot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmplot.png Package: kmplot

File: kmyfirewall.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmyfirewall.png Package: kmyfirewall

File: kmymoney2.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kmymoney2.png Package: kmymoney2

File: knemo.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/knemo.png Package: knemo

File: knetattach.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/knetattach.png Package: kdebase-data

File: knetdockapp.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/knetdockapp.png Package: knetdockapp

File: knetload.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/knetload.png Package: knetload

File: knetwalk.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/knetwalk.png Package: knetwalk

File: knetworkconf.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/knetworkconf.png Package: knetworkconf

File: knetworkmanager.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/knetworkmanager.png Package: network-manager-kde

File: knewsticker.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/knewsticker.png Package: knewsticker

File: knmap.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/knmap.png Package: knmap

File: knode.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/knode.png Package: knode

File: knotes.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/knotes.png Package: knotes

File: kobo-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kobo-icon.xpm Package: kobodeluxe

File: kodo.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kodo.png Package: kodo

File: kolf.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kolf.png Package: kolf

File: kolourpaint.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kolourpaint.png Package: kolourpaint

File: kommander.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/64x64/apps/kommander.png Package: kommander

File: kommando.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/kommando.png Package: kommando

File: komparator.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/komparator.png Package: komparator

File: kompare.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kompare.png Package: kompare

File: konqueror.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/konqueror.png Package: konqueror Orig-Package: konqueror-nsplugins

File: konquest.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/konquest.png Package: konquest

File: konsolekalendar.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/konsolekalendar.png Package: konsolekalendar

File: kontact.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kontact.png Package: kontact Orig-Package: kdepim-wizards

File: konversation.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/konversation.png Package: konversation

File: kopete.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kopete.png Package: kopete File: korganizer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/korganizer.png Package: korganizer

File: korn.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/korn.png Package: korn

File: koshell.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/koshell.png Package: koshell

File: koules.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/koules.png Package: koules

File: kpackage.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpackage.png Package: kpackage

File: kpager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpager.png Package: kpager

File: kpalmdoc.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kpalmdoc.png Package: kpilot

File: kpar2.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kpar2.png Package: kpar2

File: kpat.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpat.png Package: kpat

File: kpdf.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpdf.png Package: kpdf

File: kpercentage.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpercentage.png Package: kpercentage

File: kpersonalizer.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/kpersonalizer.png Package: kpersonalizer

File: kphotoalbum.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kphotoalbum.png Package: kphotoalbum

File: kphotobymail.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kphotobymail.png Package: kphotobymail

File: kpilot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpilot.png Package: kpilot

File: kpilot.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kpilot.xpm Package: kpilot File: kplato.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kplato.png Package: kplato

File: kpoker.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpoker.png Package: kpoker

File: kpovmodeler.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpovmodeler.png Package: kpovmodeler

File: kpowersave.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpowersave.png Package: kpowersave

File: kppp.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kppp.png Package: kppp

File: kpresenter.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpresenter.png Package: kpresenter-data

File: krdc.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/krdc.png Package: krdc

File: krec.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/krec.png Package: krec

File: kregexpeditor.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kregexpeditor.png Package: kregexpeditor

File: krename.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/krename.png Package: krename

File: kreversi.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kreversi.png Package: kreversi

File: krita.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/krita.png Package: krita-data

File: kruler.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kruler.png Package: kruler

File: krusader_root.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/krusader_root.png Package: krusader

File: krusader_user.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/krusader_user.png Package: krusader

File: ksame.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksame.png Package: ksame

File: ksayit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ksayit.png Package: ksayit

File: kscd.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kscd.png Package: kscd

File: kscope.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kscope.png Package: kscope

File: kseg.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kseg.xpm Package: kseg

File: kshisen.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kshisen.png Package: kshisen

File: kshutdown.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kshutdown.png Package: kshutdown

File: ksig.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ksig.png Package: ksig

File: ksimus.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ksimus.png Package: ksimus

File: ksirc.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksirc.png Package: ksirc

File: ksirtet.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksirtet.png Package: ksirtet

File: ksmiletris.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksmiletris.png Package: ksmiletris

File: ksnake.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksnake.png Package: ksnake

File: ksnapshot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksnapshot.png Package: ksnapshot

File: ksniffer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksniffer.png Package: ksniffer

File: ksokoban.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksokoban.png Package: ksokoban

File: kspaceduel.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kspaceduel.png Package: kspaceduel

File: ksplash.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksplash.png Package: ksplash

File: kspread.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kspread.png Package: kspread

File: kst.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/mimetypes/kst.png Package: kst-bin

File: kstars.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kstars.png Package: kstars

File: kstreamripper.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kstreamripper.png Package: kstreamripper

File: ksubtile.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ksubtile.png Package: ksubtile

File: ksudoku.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/ksudoku.png Package: ksudoku

File: ksystemlog.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksystemlog.png Package: ksystemlog

File: ksysv.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ksysv.png Package: ksysv

File: ktalkd.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/ktalkd.png Package: ktalkd

File: kteatime.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kteatime.png Package: kteatime

File: ktictactux.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktictactux.png Package: ggz-kde-games-data

File: ktimer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktimer.png Package: ktimer

File: ktip.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktip.png Package: ktip

File: ktnef.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktnef.png Package: ktnef

File: ktorrent.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktorrent.png Package: ktorrent

File: ktouch.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktouch.png Package: ktouch

File: ktron.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktron.png Package: ktron

File: kttsd.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/kttsd.png Package: kdelibs-data Orig-Package: kttsd

File: ktuberling.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ktuberling.png Package: ktuberling

File: kturtle.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kturtle.png Package: kturtle

File: kugar.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kugar.png Package: kugar

File: kuickshow.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kuickshow.png Package: kuickshow

File: kuiviewer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kuiviewer.png Package: kuiviewer

File: kverbos.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kverbos.png Package: kverbos

File: kview.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kview.png Package: kview

File: kvoctrain.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kvoctrain.png Package: kvoctrain

File: kvpnc.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kvpnc.png Package: kvpnc

File: kwalletmanager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kwalletmanager.png Package: kwalletmanager

File: kwifimanager.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kwifimanager.png Package: kwifimanager

File: kwikdisk.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kwikdisk.png Package: kdf

File: kwin4.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kwin4.png Package: kwin4

File: kwlan.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/kwlan.png Package: kwlan

File: kword.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kword.png Package: kword-data

File: kwordquiz.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kwordquiz.png Package: kwordquiz

File: kworldclock.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kworldclock.png Package: kworldclock

File: kwrite.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kwrite.png Package: kate

File: kxneur.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/kxneur.xpm Package: kxneur

File: kzenexplorer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kzenexplorer.png Package: kzenexplorer

File: laptop.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/devices/laptop.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: kmilo

File: last-exit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/last-exit.png Package: last-exit

File: lastfm.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/lastfm.png Package: lastfm

File: lat.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lat.png Package: lat

File: leafpad.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/leafpad.png Package: leafpad

File: licq.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/licq.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: licq-plugin-kde

File: liferea.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/liferea.png Package: liferea

File: lightyears.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lightyears.xpm Package: lightyears File: liguidsoap.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/liguidsoap.xpm Package: liguidsoap

File: lincity-ng.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lincity-ng.png Package: lincity-ng

File: linguist.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/linguist.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: qt3-linguist

File: linphone2.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/linphone/linphone2.png Package: linphone

File: liquidwar.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/liquidwar.xpm Package: liquidwar

File: listen.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/listen.png Package: listen

File: lletters.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lletters.xpm Package: lletters

File: lmarbles.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lmarbles.xpm Package: lmarbles

File: logo_cp_48x48.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/logo_cp_48x48.xpm Package: childsplay

File: lopster.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lopster.xpm Package: lopster

File: lordsawar.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lordsawar.xpm Package: lordsawar

File: lostirc.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lostirc.png Package: lostirc

File: lprof.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lprof.png Package: lprof

File: lshw-gtk.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lshw-gtk.xpm Package: lshw-gtk

File: lskat.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/lskat.png Package: lskat

File: luola-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/luola-icon.xpm Package: luola

File: lxterminal.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lxterminal.png Package: lxterminal

File: lybniz.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/lybniz.png Package: lybniz

File: madbomber-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/madbomber-icon.xpm Package: madbomber

File: mail-notification.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/mail-notification.png Package: mail-notification

File: mailody.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/mailody.png Package: mailody

File: manedit.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/manedit.xpm Package: manedit

File: manview.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/manview.xpm Package: manedit

File: marble.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/marble.xpm Package: marble Orig-Package: marble-data

File: matchbox-keyboard.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/matchbox-keyboard.png Package: matchbox-keyboard

File: mathomatic.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mathomatic.png Package: mathomatic

File: mathwar.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mathwar.png Package: mathwar

File: matroskalogo.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/matroskalogo.xpm Package: mkvtoolnix-gui

File: maxima-icon.png Location: usr/share/doc/xmaxima/maxima-icon.png Package: xmaxima Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/maxima-icon.png

File: mbpanelmgr.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mbpanelmgr.png Package: matchbox-panel-manager

File: me-tv.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/me-tv.xpm Package: me-tv File: media-player-banshee.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/media-player-banshee.png Package: banshee

File: medit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/medit.png Package: medit

File: meld.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/meld.png Package: meld

File: mergeant.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mergeant.png Package: mergeant

File: meritous.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/meritous.xpm Package: meritous

File: mhwaveedit.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mhwaveedit.xpm Package: mhwaveedit

File: milkytracker.png Location: usr/share/icons/milkytracker.png Package: milkytracker

File: minbar.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/minbar.png Package: minbar

File: mini-gsmc.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mini-gsmc.xpm Package: gsmc

File: minirok.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/minirok.png Package: minirok

File: mirage.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mirage.png Package: mirage

File: miro-72x72.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/miro-72x72.png Package: miro

File: mlgui.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mlgui.xpm Package: mldonkey-gui

File: mlterm-icon-24colors-1.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mlterm-icon-24colors-1.xpm Package: mlterm-common

File: mnemosyne.png Location: usr/share/icons/mnemosyne.png Package: mnemosyne

File: monodevelop.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/monodevelop.png Package: monodevelop File: monodoc.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/monodoc.png Package: monodoc-browser Orig-Package: -tools-gui

File: monster-masher.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/monster-masher.png Package: monster-masher

File: mousepad.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mousepad.png Package: mousepad

File: mplayer.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mplayer.xpm Package: mplayer

File: mscore.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mscore.png Package: mscore

File: mu-cade.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mu-cade.xpm Package: mu-cade

File: muehle.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/muehle.png Package: ggz-kde-games-data

File: mumble.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/apps/48x48/mumble.png Package: mumble

File: murmur.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/murmur.png Package: murmur

File: muse.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/muse.xpm Package: muse

File: museeq.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/museeq.png Package: museeq

File: musetup-gtk.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/musetup-gtk.png Package: musetup-gtk

File: mysql-navigator.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/mysql-navigator.xpm Package: mysql-navigator

File: nateon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/nateon.png Package: nateon

File: nateon_messagebox.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/nateon_messagebox.png Package: nateon

File: nautilus-actions.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/nautilus-actions.png Package: nautilus-actions

File: nautilus-cd-burner.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/nautilus-cd-burner.png Package: nautilus-cd-burner

File: ncbilogo.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/ncbilogo.png Package: ncbi-data Orig-Package: ncbi-tools-x11

File: ndisgtk.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ndisgtk.png Package: ndisgtk

File: nemiver.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/nemiver.png Package: nemiver

File: nessus.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/nessus.xpm Package: nessus

File: netapplet.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/netapplet.png Package: netapplet

File: netpanzer.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/netpanzer.png Package: netpanzer

File: netsurf.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/netsurf.png Package: netsurf

File: neverball-128.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/neverball-128.xpm Package: neverball

File: neverputt-128.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/neverputt-128.xpm Package: neverputt

File: nexuiz48x48.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/nexuiz48x48.png Package: nexuiz

File: nicotine-plus-32px.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/nicotine-plus-32px.png Package: nicotine

File: nikwi.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/nikwi.xpm Package: nikwi

File: noatun.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/noatun.png Package: noatun

File: noteedit.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/noteedit.xpm Package: noteedit

File: notification-settings.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/notification-settings.png Package: notification-daemon-xfce

File: nt.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/nt.png Package: d4x Orig-Package: d4x-common

File: nted.png Location: usr/share/icons/nted.png Package: nted

File: nuapplet2-running.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/nuapplet2-running.png Package: nuapplet

File: nvtv.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/nvtv.xpm Package: nvtv

File: obconf.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/obconf.png Package: obconf

File: oggconvert.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/oggconvert.svg Package: oggconvert

File: okular.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/okular.png Package: okular

File: olive-gtk.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/olive-gtk.png Package: bzr-gtk

File: oneisenough.png Location: usr/share/games/oneisenough/bin/pictures/star.png Package: oneisenough Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/oneisenough.png

File: ooo-base.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ooo-base.png Package: openoffice.org-common Orig-Package: openoffice.org-base

File: ooo-calc.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ooo-calc.png Package: openoffice.org-common Orig-Package: openoffice.org-calc

File: ooo-draw.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ooo-draw.png Package: openoffice.org-common Orig-Package: openoffice.org-draw

File: ooo-impress.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ooo-impress.png Package: openoffice.org-common Orig-Package: openoffice.org-impress

File: ooo-math.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ooo-math.png Package: openoffice.org-common Orig-Package: openoffice.org-math

File: ooo-template.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ooo-template.png Package: openoffice.org-common

File: ooo-writer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ooo-writer.png Package: openoffice.org-common Orig-Package: openoffice.org-writer

File: open-invaders.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/open-invaders.xpm Package: open-invaders

File: openarena128.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/openarena128.png Package: openarena

File: opencity.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/opencity.xpm Package: opencity

File: opendict.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/opendict.png Package: opendict

File: openjdk-6.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/openjdk-6.xpm Package: openjdk-6-jre

File: ophcrack.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ophcrack.xpm Package: ophcrack

File: orbital-eunuchs-sniper.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/orbital-eunuchs-sniper.png Package: orbital-eunuchs-sniper

File: orca.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/orca.png Package: gnome-orca

File: osmo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/osmo.png Package: osmo

File: packagesearch.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/packagesearch.png Package: packagesearch

File: pan.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pan.png Package: pan

File: paper_green.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/paper_green.xpm Package: yarssr

File: parsec47.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/parsec47.xpm Package: parsec47

File: passage.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/passage.xpm Package: passage

File: password-gorilla.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/password-gorilla.png Package: password-gorilla

File: password.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/password.png Package: kdelibs-data Orig-Package: kdepasswd

File: pathological.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pathological.xpm Package: pathological

File: paw.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/paw48x48.xpm Package: paw-common Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/paw.xpm Orig-Package: paw++

File: pcb.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pcb.png Package: pcb-common

File: pcmanfm.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pcmanfm.png Package: pcmanfm

File: pcsx-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pcsx-icon.png Package: pcsx-df

File: pengupop.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pengupop.png Package: pengupop

File: perlprimer.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/perlprimer.xpm Package: perlprimer

File: personal.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/personal.png Package: kdebase-data Orig-Package: kdepasswd

File: pgadmin3.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pgadmin3.xpm Package: pgadmin3

File: phatch.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/phatch.png Package: phatch

File: picard-32.png Location: usr/share/icons/picard-32.png Package: picard

File: pida-icon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pida-icon.png Package: pida

File: pidgin.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pidgin.png Package: pidgin-data Orig-Package: pidgin

File: piklab.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/piklab.png Package: piklab

File: piklab.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/piklab.xpm Package: piklab

File: pinball.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pinball.xpm Package: pinball

File: pingus.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pingus.xpm Package: pingus

File: pinot.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pinot.png Package: pinot

File: pioneers-editor.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pioneers-editor.png Package: pioneers-data Orig-Package: pioneers

File: pioneers-server.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pioneers-server.png Package: pioneers-data Orig-Package: pioneers

File: pioneers.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pioneers.png Package: pioneers-data Orig-Package: pioneers

File: pitivi.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pitivi.png Package: pitivi

File: pixelize.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pixelize.xpm Package: pixelize

File: pixfrogger.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pixfrogger.xpm Package: pixfrogger

File: planets.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/planets.png Package: planets

File: plotdrop.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/plotdrop.png Package: plotdrop

File: podbrowser.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/podbrowser.png Package: podbrowser

File: poedit.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/poedit.png Package: poedit

File: pokerth.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pokerth.png Package: pokerth

File: pondus.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pondus.png Package: pondus

File: postr.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/postr.png Package: postr

File: potamus.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/potamus.png Package: potamus

File: powermanga.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/powermanga.xpm Package: powermanga

File: ppracer-128x128.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ppracer-128x128.png Package: planetpenguin-racer

File: praat.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/praat.xpm Package: praat

File: preferences-desktop-default-applications.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-default- applications.png Package: libexo-0.3-0 Orig-Package: exo-utils

File: prism-icon4.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/prism-icon4.png Package: prismstumbler

File: projectControl.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/projectControl.png Package: bouml

File: projectSynchro.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/projectSynchro.png Package: bouml

File: projectl.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/projectl.xpm Package: projectl

File: psi.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/psi.png Package: psi

File: pterm.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pterm.png Package: pterm

File: puredata.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/puredata.xpm Package: puredata

File: putty.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/putty.png Package: putty

File: pychess.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/pychess.png Package: pychess

File: pydance.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pydance.png Package: pydance

File: pygmy.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pygmy.png Package: pygmy

File: pymol.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pymol.xpm Package: pymol

File: pympd.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pympd.svg Package: pympd

File: pyntor.png Location: usr/share/icons/pyntor.png Package: pyntor

File: pypar2.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/pypar2.png Package: pypar2

File: pyscrabble.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pyscrabble.png Package: pyscrabble

File: qa-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qa-icon.png Package: qa-assistant

File: qalculate.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qalculate.png Package: qalculate-gtk

File: qalculate_kde.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/qalculate_kde.png Package: qalculate-kde

File: qbittorrent.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/qbittorrent.png Package: qbittorrent

File: qemu-launcher.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/qemu-launcher.svg Package: qemu-launcher

File: qemulator.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/qemulator.svg Package: qemulator

File: qfreefax.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qfreefax_32x32.png Package: qfreefax Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qfreefax.png

File: qink.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/qink.png Package: qink

File: qjackctl.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qjackctl.xpm Package: qjackctl

File: qlandkarte.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qlandkarte16.xpm Package: qlandkarte Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qlandkarte.xpm

File: qrfcview.png Location: usr/share/icons/qrfcview.png Package: qrfcview

File: qstardict.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qstardict.png Package: qstardict

File: qtconfig.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qtconfig.png Package: qt4-qtconfig Orig-Package: qt3-qtconfig

File: qtiplot.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qtiplot.xpm Package: qtiplot

File: qtoctave.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/qtoctave.png Package: qtoctave

File: qtparted.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/qtparted.xpm Package: qtparted

File: qtpfsgui.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/qtpfsgui.png Package: qtpfsgui

File: quanta.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/quanta.png Package: quanta

File: quark.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/quark.png Package: quark

File: quarry.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/quarry.png Package: quarry

File: quicklist.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/quicklist.xpm Package: quicklist

File: quicksynergy.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/quicksynergy.xpm Package: quicksynergy File: quodlibet.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/quodlibet.png Package: quodlibet

File: rapidsvn.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/rapidsvn.png Package: rapidsvn

File: rawstudio.png Location: usr/share/icons/rawstudio.png Package: rawstudio

File: recoll.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/recoll.png Package: recoll

File: referencer.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/referencer.svg Package: referencer

File: regexxer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/regexxer.png Package: regexxer

File: regina.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/regina.png Package: regina-normal

File: renpy-demo.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/renpy-demo.xpm Package: renpy-demo

File: renpy-thequestion.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/renpy-thequestion.xpm Package: renpy-thequestion

File: renpy.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/renpy.xpm Package: renpy

File: revelation.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/revelation.png Package: revelation

File: rezound32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/rezound32.xpm Package: rezound

File: rhinote.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/rhinote.png Package: rhinote

File: rhythmbox.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/rhythmbox.png Package: rhythmbox

File: ri-li.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ri-li.xpm Package: ri-li

File: ripperx.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ripperx.xpm Package: ripperx File: ristretto.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ristretto.png Package: ristretto

File: rkward.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/rkward.png Package: rkward

File: root-system-bin.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/root-system-bin.png Package: root-system-bin

File: rosegarden.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/rosegarden.png Package: rosegarden-data Orig-Package: rosegarden

File: roxterm.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/roxterm.svg Package: roxterm

File: rrootage.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/rrootage.xpm Package: rrootage

File: rsibreak.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/rsibreak.png Package: rsibreak

File: run.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/actions/run.png Package: kdelibs-data Orig-Package: kdebase-kio-plugins

File: rutilt.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/rutilt.png Package: rutilt

File: sabayon.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/sabayon.png Package: sabayon

File: sagasu.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sagasu.png Package: sagasu

File: schism-icon-128.png Location: usr/share/icons/schism-icon-128.png Package: schism

File: schism-itf-icon-128.png Location: usr/share/icons/schism-itf-icon-128.png Package: schism

File: scorched3d.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/scorched3d.png Package: scorched3d

File: screem.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/screem.png Package: screem

File: screenruler.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/screenruler.png Package: screenruler

File: scribes.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/scribes.png Package: scribes

File: scribus-ng.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/scribus-ng.png Package: scribus-ng

File: scribus.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/scribus.png Package: scribus

File: scummvm.svg Location: usr/share/icons/scummvm.svg Package: scummvm

File: sdljump.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sdljump.png Package: gnujump-data

File: seahorse-preferences.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/seahorse-preferences.png Package: seahorse

File: seahorse.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/seahorse.png Package: seahorse

File: seaview.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/seaview.xpm Package: seaview

File: secpanel.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/secpanel.xpm Package: secpanel

File: session-properties.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/session-properties.png Package: gnome-session

File: shadowbridge.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/shadowbridge.png Package: ggz-kde-client

File: share.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/actions/share.png Package: kdelibs-data Orig-Package: kdenetwork-filesharing

File: shoes.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/shoes.png Package: shoes

File: showfoto.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/showfoto.png Package: showfoto

File: skencil.png Location: usr/share/icons/skencil.png Package: skencil File: slashem.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/slashem.xpm Package: slashem-common Orig-Package: slashem-gtk

File: smb4k.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/smb4k.png Package: smb4k

File: smplayer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/smplayer.png Package: smplayer

File: snowballz.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/snowballz.xpm Package: snowballz

File: software-properties.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/software-properties.png Package: software-properties-gtk

File: solarwolf.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/solarwolf.png Package: solarwolf

File: solfege.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/solfege.png Package: solfege

File: sonata.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sonata.png Package: sonata

File: sopwith.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sopwith.png Package: sopwith

File: sound-juicer.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/sound-juicer.png Package: sound-juicer

File: soundconverter.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/soundconverter.png Package: soundconverter

File: soundkonverter.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/soundkonverter.png Package: soundkonverter

File: spe.png Location: usr/share/spe/_spe/images/spe.png Package: spe Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/spe.png

File: specto.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/specto.svg Package: specto

File: speedcrunch.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/speedcrunch.png Package: speedcrunch

File: spydr48.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/spydr48.png Package: yorick-spydr

File: sqlitebrowser.png Location: usr/share/icons/sqlitebrowser.png Package: sqlitebrowser

File: squeeze.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/squeeze.png Package: squeeze

File: stardict.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/stardict.png Package: stardict-common

File: starplot32x32.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/starplot32x32.xpm Package: starplot

File: stellarium.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/stellarium.xpm Package: stellarium

File: stopmotion.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/stopmotion.png Package: stopmotion

File: stormbaancoureur.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/stormbaancoureur.xpm Package: stormbaancoureur

File: straw.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/straw.png Package: straw

File: streamtuner.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/streamtuner.png Package: streamtuner

File: subtitleeditor.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/subtitleeditor.png Package: subtitleeditor

File: sunflow.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sunflow.png Package: sunflow

File: supertuxkart.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/supertuxkart.xpm Package: supertuxkart

File: svxedit.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/svxedit.png Package: survex-svxedit

File: sweep.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sweep.svg Package: sweep

File: swfdec.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/swfdec.png Package: libswfdec-0.6-90 Orig-Package: swfdec-gnome File: swscanner.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/swscanner.png Package: swscanner

File: sylpheed.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sylpheed.png Package: sylpheed

File: synaptic.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/synaptic.png Package: synaptic

File: synfig_icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/synfigstudio/synfig_icon.png Package: synfigstudio

File: sysprof.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/sysprof.xpm Package: sysprof

File: tangerine.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/tangerine.png Package: tangerine

File: tangogps.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tangogps.png Package: tangogps

File: taskjuggler.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/taskjuggler.png Package: taskjuggler

File: tasks.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/tasks.png Package: tasks

File: tasque.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/tasque.png Package: tasque

File: tatan.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tatan.xpm Package: tatan

File: taxbird.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/taxbird.xpm Package: taxbird

File: tea.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tea.xpm Package: tea

File: teeworlds.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/teeworlds.xpm Package: teeworlds

File: teg.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/teg.png Package: teg

File: teleport.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/teleport.png Package: teleport File: tellico.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tellico.xpm Package: tellico

File: tennix.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tennix.png Package: tennix

File: terminator.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/terminator.png Package: terminator

File: texmaker.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/texmaker32x32.png Package: texmaker Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/texmaker.png

File: thoggen.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/thoggen.png Package: thoggen

File: tilda.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tilda.png Package: tilda

File: time-admin.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/time-admin.png Package: gnome-system-tools

File: titanion.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/titanion.xpm Package: titanion

File: tkcvs.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tkcvs.xpm Package: tkcvs

File: tkdiff.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tkdiff.xpm Package: tkdiff

File: tkgate.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tkgate.xpm Package: tkgate

File: tleenx2.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tleenx2.xpm Package: tleenx2

File: tomboy.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/tomboy.png Package: tomboy

File: tora.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/tora.xpm Package: tora

File: torcs.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/torcs.xpm Package: torcs

File: tork.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/tork.png Package: tork File: torus-trooper.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/torus-trooper.xpm Package: torus-trooper

File: totem.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/totem.png Package: totem-common

File: touchpad.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/touchpad.png Package: gsynaptics

File: tplogo.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tplogo.xpm Package: tunapie

File: trackballs.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/trackballs.png Package: trackballs-data Orig-Package: trackballs

File: tracker.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/tracker.png Package: tracker Orig-Package: tracker-search-tool

File: transcriber.xpm Location: usr/share/doc/transcriber/html/img/trans.xpm Package: transcriber Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/transcriber.xpm

File: transfermii_gui.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/transfermii_gui.xpm Package: transfermii-gui

File: transmission.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/transmission.png Package: transmission-gtk

File: tree-ppuzzle.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tree-ppuzzle.xpm Package: tree-ppuzzle

File: tree-puzzle.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tree-puzzle.xpm Package: tree-puzzle

File: treeviewx.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/treeviewx.xpm Package: treeviewx

File: trigger.xpm Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/trigger.xpm Package: trigger

File: tsclient.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tsclient/tsclient.png Package: tsclient

File: tumiki-fighters.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tumiki-fighters.xpm Package: tumiki-fighters File: tuxpaint-config.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/tuxpaint-config.png Package: tuxpaint-config

File: tuxpaint.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/tuxpaint.png Package: tuxpaint

File: tvtime.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/tvtime.png Package: tvtime

File: twitux.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/twitux.png Package: twitux

File: ufraw.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ufraw.png Package: ufraw

File: ultrastar-ng.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/ultrastar-ng.xpm Package: ultrastar-ng-gstreamer

File: umbrello.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/umbrello.png Package: umbrello

File: unison-gtk.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/unison-gtk.svg Package: unison-gtk

File: unison2.13.16-gtk.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/unison2.13.16-gtk.svg Package: unison2.13.16-gtk

File: user_icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/user_icon.png Package: usermode

File: userconfig.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/userconfig.png Package: kde-guidance

File: vagalume.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/vagalume.png Package: vagalume

File: val-and-rick.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/val-and-rick.xpm Package: val-and-rick

File: valknut.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/valknut.xpm Package: valknut

File: verbiste.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/verbiste.png Package: verbiste Orig-Package: verbiste-gnome

File: videocut.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/videocut.svg Package: videocut File: viewmol.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/viewmol.png Package: viewmol

File: viking_icon.png Location: usr/share/icons/viking_icon.png Package: viking

File: vinagre.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/vinagre.png Package: vinagre

File: virtualbox.png Location: usr/share/virtualbox/VBox.png Package: virtualbox-ose Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/virtualbox.png

File: viruskiller.png Location: usr/share/icons/viruskiller.png Package: viruskiller

File: vkeybd.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/vkeybd.xpm Package: vkeybd

File: vlc.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/vlc.png Package: vlc

File: vodovod.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/vodovod.xpm Package: vodovod

File: wammu.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wammu.png Package: wammu

File: wavbreaker.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/wavbreaker.png Package: wavbreaker

File: webissues.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/webissues.png Package: webissues

File: wengophone.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/wengophone.png Package: wengophone

File: wesnoth-icon.png Location: usr/share/games/wesnoth/images/wesnoth-icon.png Package: wesnoth-data Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/wesnoth-icon.png Orig-Package: wesnoth

File: wesnoth_editor-icon.png Location: usr/share/games/wesnoth/images/wesnoth_editor-icon.png Package: wesnoth-editor Orig-Location: usr/share/icons/wesnoth_editor-icon.png

File: whichwayisup.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/whichwayisup.xpm Package: whichwayisup File: wifi-radar.svg Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wifi-radar.svg Package: wifi-radar

File: wine.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wine.xpm Package: wine-bin

File: wineconfig.png Location: usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/wineconfig.png Package: kde-guidance

File: winpdb.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/winpdb.png Package: winpdb

File: wmgui.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wmgui.xpm Package: wmgui

File: wmtweaks.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/wmtweaks.png Package: xfwm4

File: wormux_128x128.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wormux_128x128.xpm Package: wormux

File: wsjt.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wsjt.png Package: wsjt

File: wxcas.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wxcas.xpm Package: amule-utils-gui

File: wxglade.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/wxglade.xpm Package: python-wxglade

File: xaos.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xaos.png Package: xaos

File: xarchive.png Location: usr/share/icons/xarchive.png Package: xarchive

File: xarchiver.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xarchiver.png Package: xarchiver

File: xawtv48x48.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xawtv48x48.xpm Package: xawtv

File: xbill.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xbill.xpm Package: xbill

File: xboing.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xboing.xpm Package: xboing File: xcdroast.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xcdroast.xpm Package: xcdroast

File: xchat-gnome.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xchat-gnome.png Package: xchat-gnome-common

File: xchat.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xchat.png Package: xchat

File: xchm.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xchm.xpm Package: xchm

File: xdc.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xdc.xpm Package: xdrawchem

File: xdigger.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xdigger.xpm Package: xdigger

File: xfcalendar.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfcalendar.png Package: orage

File: xfce-sound.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce-sound.png Package: libxfcegui4-4 Orig-Package: xfce4-mixer

File: xfce4-appfinder.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce4-appfinder.png Package: xfce4-appfinder

File: xfce4-dict.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/xfce4-dict.svg Package: xfce4-dict

File: xfce4-menueditor.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce4-menueditor.png Package: xfdesktop4-data Orig-Package: xfdesktop4

File: xfce4-panel.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce4-panel.png Package: xfce4-panel

File: xfce4-session.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce4-session.png Package: xfce4-session

File: xfce4-splash.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce4-splash.png Package: xfce4-session

File: xfce4-workspaces.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfce4-workspaces.png Package: xfwm4 File: xfmedia.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xfmedia.png Package: xfmedia

File: xgalaga-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xgalaga-icon.xpm Package: xgalaga

File: xine.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xine.png Package: xine-ui

File: xiterm+thai.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xiterm+thai.png Package: xiterm+thai

File: xjump-icon.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xjump-icon.xpm Package: xjump

File: xlog-icon.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xlog/xlog-icon.png Package: xlog-data

File: xmotd.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xmotd.xpm Package: xmotd

File: xmoto.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xmoto.xpm Package: xmoto

File: xnc.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xnc.png Package: xnc

File: xnetcardconfig.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xnetcardconfig.png Package: xnetcardconfig

File: xoo.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xoo.png Package: xoo

File: xournal.svg Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/xournal.svg Package: xournal

File: xpad.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xpad.png Package: xpad

File: xpdf.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xpdf.xpm Package: xpdf-reader

File: xpn.png Location: usr/share/xpn/pixmaps/xpn-icon.png Package: xpn Orig-Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xpn.png

File: xqf_32x32.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xqf_32x32.png Package: xqf File: xsabre.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xsabre.xpm Package: xsabre

File: xsane.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xsane.xpm Package: xsane

File: xtide.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xtide.png Package: xtide

File: xtraceroute.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xtraceroute.png Package: xt

File: xwelltris.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xwelltris.xpm Package: xwelltris

File: xwhois.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/xwhois.xpm Package: xwhois

File: yakuake.png Location: usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/yakuake.png Package: yakuake

File: zenmap.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/zenmap.xpm Package: zenmap

File: zeroinstall-zero2desktop.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/zeroinstall-zero2desktop.png Package: zeroinstall-injector

File: zim.png Location: usr/share/pixmaps/zim.png Package: zim

File: zsnes.xpm Location: usr/share/pixmaps/zsnes.xpm Package: zsnes