HWIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIUIHmilllllHOllWWI, ' yv?f: !Paily WOMEN READ THE ADS AND BUY THE GOODS STEAMER TABLE, The local merchant needt a From Ban Francisco! 1 paper that reachea the Mongolia . f. .'. j.SodL 1 ' ..... greateat number of H Ventura i. Sept. (J, people In their For 8n Francisco: ' hornet. Manchuria Sept. 8 i f3f THE .' Alameda..: ...Sept 20 P- - St EVENING BULLETIN g Korea t Sept. 22 fills the evening field and From Vancouver: JEjENING BULLETM guarantees advertlaera Aorangl , , 2IU.: ....Sept. both quantity and qual- For Vancouver: ity of circulation. " " " " Mlowera Sept. 20, THE BULLETIN IS HONOLULU'S HOME PAPER fSD O'CLOCK EDITION mmmmmms Voi XII No. 3169 HONOLULU. TERRITORY OjP HAWAII. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1905 Pbiob 6 Cknts. Some Straight Talk LABOR PEACE TOMORROW While tl i Outing At Pearl Harbor Waiting For Quorum I BASEBALITODAY Y IS MI a Calls Crowd To m FINAL SHOTS ARE Peninsula AIIWA CENTRAL COMMITTEE'S UNOFFICIAL IDEAS D. A. CS AND ELKS IIS TERRITORY OFFICERS REST, FOR CHAMPIONSHIP The Republican Territorial Central (Lane "To smooth things over." -- "COUNTY SERVANTS TOIL Committee met at Republican head- Clarke "To go to I, hear" he has a jGood Property Will Soon FIRED AT FRONT now " quarters Saturday evening to hoar o WEATHER REPORTED FINE AT lane, Interrupting "Ko doubt the GOOD WEATHER PROMISED FOR PARK KAM3 AND MAILES report of on revi- Be Opened For the reports back on tho mainland were DASEQALL, GAME9 AND EX- PLAY FIR8T FOR TAIL- - of Less sion party rules. than halt a stretched a bit; tho reporters must CURSIONDANCING AT ENDERS. Mnocfalfd Veil Special C(itM dozen members were present at, the have stretched things a bit." THE LOCHS. Settelers PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Sept. 4. The peace treaty will probably be signed tlmo appointed for meeting, , 7:30 Clarke "I don't think thcro was Baseball Is king today. What prom tomorrow. o'clock. Others dropped In be- and wait much stretching." There's too much blue smiling to biggest crowd of tho ob- ises bo the OF ROAD ed for a quorum, which was never Hughes havo tween tho raindrops to cause any wor- POSSIBILITIES John "We should lots seaton and perhaps a record-breake- tained and the time was passed very of tlmo to consider the revision of tho ry about tho weather at tho Penlnuula ground, will see tho gamo that AND WATfcR SUPPLY pleasantly and profitably, too, by as party rules. Every Republican should this afternoon and evening. for tho much of a discussion of general topics help tho committee. Don't let's be too At this delightful retreat tho Hono- will cither make tho Elks monarch? as would have been Indulged In had a quick In cutting out rules; we may cut lulu Trades and Labor Council havo of the diamond or mako a deciding se Robert Bacon To regular meeting been held; Indeed, the out something good. Here Is a chance arranged a great attraction for city ries of threo games with tho 11. A. C.'s ROADS ARE POSSIBLE FROM WYL-LI- E was more AND TER- discussion perhaps free in for everybody to get In and make flug folks. Merrymaking In varied forms necessary for the championship. Not STREET THE JUDD the Informal,chat'than could have been gostlons; let those who are already Is on tho program, and an outing wor- even polo has taken tho attention of MINUS OF expected official meetlngl gamo of an (Continued on Page 8.) thy of Labor Day, and one that will bo Honolulu sports as this baseball STREET. The following was said while the a long remembered, will give pleasure; today. faithful few were waiting vulnly for a to hundreds. Reports from tire Baseball Park up The surveying of tho landr of Alcwa, Take Loomis' Place quorum: This afternoon games will fill tho In Ihn tlmo of eolnc to cress were that will In llm nmr future tin onpn. Hughes UP glad and tho' John "Your KB time and make the excursionists. no rain had fallen at the Park, for sottement will probably soon report If will bo on enough games will bo played as scheduled, has a preliminary to make. Refreshments band, i, .......... party I H go play u from th, (Aftrialtt Pm$ Bptotal CaiU) we ever get a quorum. This report to around and moro. Plcnlclng at The Kams and Malles the first the nucleus of something to com tho Peninsula, Pearl Harbor, Is an ex- came. This has no bearing on tho cup Survey Department has been worKinf OY8TER BAY, L. I., Sept 4. Robert Dacon of New York has been ap- oftcr." 1811 perience In Itself worth having, talk- championship, but wilt bo fought out on the ground throughout tho pasf pointed Assistant Secretary to auccee dLoomls, resigned, M. wroto Mi ing writing to friends about. to finish It will determine the A. 0. Robertson "I to CaptainHILane of the steamer Noeau about and the since week. 0 three other Islands, asking for sugges- When twilight comes' hundreds of s of the race. Tho Kams The government lands at Alcwa aro FIGHTING CONTINUES. tions on revision of rules; the only ro ran Into a bit of surprise last week feet will point their Itchy way to tho havo' a percentago of .2$5, the Malles situated on the hill at the Ewa end ot I received was Rice." while he was on tho rugged Hamakia pavilions and tho merry danco will In- or .142. Should tho Kams win they jU((j a sort of a promon-wl- ll fly from street, where ST. PETER8BURQ, Russia, Sept. 4. Gen. Llnevlteh reports that furthea Senator John .Lane "I think every- coast The" Noeau was at KukulhaeU vito to pleasure. stand .375 as against the Malles' iory juts out Just above tho residence Council lose they will encountera with the Japanese have taken place. body is too busy with County affairs and was In tho, act of weighing her an Tho Trades and Labor have .125. Should the Kams 0f the Lane brothers. In many ways to give much attention to suggestions dono everything to bring about a tlo tho Malles for last place, each the land resembles that on Pacino 0 chor to (depart, when It, was' found that I for revision of rules." , great success and an unqualified tri team with .250 per cent. Heights, except It Is probablj STILL FIGHTING FEVER. useful hook had seemingly tripled that Silence; everybody but Senator Lan' "" "!""' V", umph of entertainment Is assured. After tho Kams and Mnllcs havo easily accessible. Tho soil is very n 1' nnd ho cham- - meditating over pipes and cigars. I ,T.he ,chf " Btral(n., Trains will leave Palama depot at fought it out for the submarlno ,0g00(1 nnd ghould with the aid of sufll (Alioclatei rmi Sprcfa! CatU) T9n.L"riM .., ta dipped as the 3:20, 5:15 7:30 p. m., and game of sea- - .m,. 2:15, and plonthlp tho biggest the cent wntcr for irrgration purposes NEW ORLEAN8, Sept. 4. Thlrty-fou- r new cases and four deaths consti- t,U winch labored astmathlcally under Its will tho Honolulu tho Elks leave Peninsula for son will bo battled between be abit to produce various products. tute the yellow fever record today. t?on fh lb"rIcn- - Lane thouSht that he WM at 4:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 11:30 p. m H. A. C.'s. These teams aro the Jalir and lieu, The two prncpal questions connect-- 1 0 ,.,,. ... .,. pulling up a couplo of tons of geolo- - Scvcnty-flv- cents will bo charged for first with .714 per cent., each team C(, wUh lno opennB of thc Aewa ian(1. .i.j. sea . : LOBS IN TYPHOON PATH. bottom formation until the trip. hnwlii.... umn.. ...-flvn and-- lost tn'fl.- -- 1, .. .. en. for tho round ....0 - - j- - ,g OI tt rona 10 nnu 01 a ,,7B ?i,7 S m Bnchor aPPeared abovo the 8u"a goes (nj incni l mZ7J, The following are tho officers and If the Elks win, tho Becond series wnter BUppiy. Ag rescr-t- o h. the Nuuanu (AMMoctatfi 8prfat OiMJ committees: them with a percentago of .750 voir Is above tho Alewa land In elev'a- - Fmt Las that ho had hooke1 a Prlz0- - The No Chairman of tho day, M. Heffernan; 11. 11 mo ,, . ,.. Cochin China, 4. A typhoon has caused great loss along fired '" against tno A. ..s .w. i. Uo ,d b nogslMe t0 brlna 8AIG0N, Sept . , au's anchor brought up no less than re- - i floor manager, T. O'Drlen; commltteo A. C's win tho pcuxentages will bo wfltcr ,rom thcre up on the Wghi. the Tonqutn coast. w other mud hooks, weighing 1200 Toomey, Lar- LTCnIHnjLI.:(; of arrangements, L. F. versed, and since theffclks took thu WIt ag ,hIg W0)I,d lnyo,vo cngUemuio 0 which cbafnMon.hlp will bo ?"d 10? PUnU -"- vely son, J. Rcmwik; finance committee, first scries tho axpcndlturo , ,he way of a plpo no ELEVEN OF CREW LOST. ..lJi.i-..h'- t occas tons been lost be. games. feJXE"taT.k.i.J-- ....... T. Cahalan, F. Crozler, C, Colden; decided by a scries or.hreu ,t ,eemg probablo thal the ncw Bmall tl"ea.l:..K.'aA. neath the rocky landing. Accompany- - commltteo, F. McLaughlin, F Betting has been rn her active, odds fJrmer. w ,mve ,0 t )hor wUcr BAYFIELD, Wis., Sept. 4. Eleven of the crew of the steamer 8evona ;:..-:- ! them was about forty fathoms of games com of " Schmidt, W.
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