JUNE 2004

intermodal passenger system survey



Created in 1965, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) is an interstate, intercounty and intercity agency that provides continuing, comprehensive and coordinated planning to shape a vision for the future growth of the Delaware Valley region. The region includes Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties, as well as the City of , in Pennsylvania; and Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Mercer counties in . DVRPC provides technical assistance and services; conducts high priority studies that respond to the requests and demands of member state and local governments; fosters cooperation among various constituents to forge a consensus on diverse regional issues; determines and meets the needs of the private sector; and practices public outreach efforts to promote two-way communication and public awareness of regional issues and the Commission.

Our logo is adapted from the official DVRPC seal, and is designed as a stylized image of the Delaware Valley. The outer ring symbolizes the region as a whole, while the diagonal bar signifies the Delaware River. The two adjoining crescents represent the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey.

DVRPC is funded by a variety of funding sources including federal grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Pennsylvania and New Jersey departments of transportation, as well as by DVRPC’s state and local member governments. The authors, however, are solely responsible for its findings and conclusions, which may not represent the official views or policies of the funding agencies. INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III A working document i



INTRODUCTION ...... 3 The Report

THE INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM ...... 4 Bases for Network Evaluations

PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ...... 8 Parking Conditions Locations for Further Study Findings-to-Date

NEXT STEPS...... 13


1 Regional Intermodal Passenger Facilities Network ...... 5


1 Intermodal Passenger Facilities Management System Work Plan ...... 7

2 Future Parking Outlook...... 9

3 Locations for Further Study...... 11

4 Findings-to-Date...... 12

APPENDIX ...... following 13 Aerials, Fact Sheets, Commuter Parking Shed Area Maps



DVRPC staff identified 55 key intermodal passenger terminals to examine change of mode conditions that may affect or support intermodal passenger travel in the region. Staff subsequently developed a systematic phased work program to evaluate 38 of these terminals. In Phases I, II, and III, inventories and evaluations were performed over three years at 37 facilities to provide information on station amenities, interconnecting services, highway access and parking characteristics. This report summarizes the third phase of work, which addresses six facilities1.

The inventory of facilities included in the third phase includes three SEPTA regional rail stations, one SEPTA subway station, one potential SEPTA bus terminal, and one park- and-ride lot owned and maintained by PennDOT.

Fact sheets have been prepared for each facility, and are shown in the Appendix. Each facility’s fact sheet provides: • an aerial view of the station or lot (DVRPC’s 2000 digital aerial photography) • an inventory of interconnecting modes, parking availability and amenities • a map of the commuter parking shed surrounding the station or lot

A summary of Findings-to-Date has been prepared, and can be found in Table 4. The preliminary recommendations have been developed from data collected through the first three phases of the work program. Each phase was summarized into a report—prepared as a working document. Presentation in this manner provided member governments and agencies the opportunity to continually review, remark, and supply inputs to the system and performance data for evaluation.

Phase IV will complete the initial inventory and summarize the overall effort with a candidate action plan to improve vehicular access and passenger transfer conditions for a selected subset of the inventory.

The work was conducted through the Intermodal Facilities Management System (IMS) element of DVRPC’s annual planning work program. The IMS was one of six

1 Phase I was completed in June 2002 and is summarized in DVRPC publication #02026, Phase II was completed in June 2003 and is summarized in DVRPC publication #03029 INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III 2 A working document management systems created by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), and is carried on through the auspices of the region’s current long range plan. INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III A working document 3


The work, presented in this report, assesses an inventory of operating conditions in and around key intermodal passenger terminals in the Delaware Valley. Intermodal passenger terminals are components of the transportation system that facilitate the transfer of people between modes of travel. Examples of intermodal passenger terminals in this region include train and bus stations, airports, and park-and-ride lots.

This report is Phase III of a four phase program that is systematically inventorying and analyzing passenger transfer conditions at train stations and park-and-ride lots in the region. The initial three phases consisted of collecting data, and providing sketch planning data to evaluate 37 passenger terminals. The final terminal—Trenton Station—will be assessed in Phase IV.

Major elements included in the inventory are: • commuter parking shed areas surrounding the station; • connecting highways and interconnecting transit services that serve the approach and departure of customers within that shed; • circulation conditions on the station premises; and • parking availability at the station.

The first three phases have been summarized as working documents to elicit review and input by member agencies. DVRPC staff has taken advantage of the working nature of the reports to integrate missing data, or products emanating from the forthcoming Region-wide Transportation GIS Project—notably bus route alignments through the shed areas. Phase IV will summarize the evaluation steps and will recommend improvements for accessing and transferring at a selected subset of the terminals.

The Report Phase III addresses six passenger terminals, including three SEPTA Regional Rail stations, one SEPTA subway station, one potential SEPTA bus terminal, and a PennDOT park-and-ride lot. The report’s major products are contained in the Appendix, wherein, for each terminal, major elements are inventoried or mapped, and aerial photos of the terminal area are provided. INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III 4 A working document


Multiple modal choices are available to travelers in the Delaware Valley. The region contains a dense network of bus and rail services, as well as three major airports.

Figure 1 identifies the overarching system including regional, high-speed and light rail systems, the National Highway System, and park-and-ride lots. On the figure, 55 regionally significant intermodal passenger terminals, which were initially considered for inclusion in this study, are identified. From that inventory, 17 facilities were recognized to be undergoing site-specific evaluations, and/or were judged to be beyond the scope of this work. Table 1 corresponds with Figure 1, and indicates the particular phase in which the terminal surveys have been performed. Phase III, the current year’s work program, addresses six of the listed terminals.

Bases for Network Evaluations Detailed inventories conducted for each terminal, are presented on fact sheets in the Appendix. The fact sheets provide the basis for subsequent performance evaluations and recommendations employing: 1. Aerial mapping of the terminal area. These provide a sense of the size of the location, the environment surrounding the facility, the alignment of roadways serving the facility, and possible areas for parking expansion. 2. Inventories of: a. Station boarding activity and interconnecting transit services, when available from the operator; b. Parking conditions: current supply and demand relationships, a near term future that considers committed parking expansions, and planning level estimates of future parking demand changes at the station or at the park-and- ride lot. The estimates were computed assuming forecasted changes in population within the shed areas of the station (see item 3, page 8); c. Amenities on the station premises that contribute to smooth transfer between modes. These include shelters for transfers, lights, kiss-and-ride loops / short-term parking areas, bike racks, and opportunities for parking expansion. Page MAP/FIGURE -01


Table 1 Intermodal Passenger Facilities Management System Work Plan

Map ID Description Phase Map ID Description Phase

1 Princeton Junction Station 2 29 Matsonford Rd. Park-and-Ride 1

2 Hamilton Station 2 30 Ardmore Station 2

3 Trenton Station 4 31 Norristown Transportation Center -

4 2 32 1

5 Avandale Park-and-Ride 2 33 1

6 Atco Station 2 34 1

7 Lindenwold Station 1 35 1

8 1 36 Jenkintown Station 1

9 Ferry Ave. Station 1 37 1

10 Rand Transportation Center / Broadway 1 38 Warminster Station 1 Station

11 Cherry Hill Station 2 39 Scudders Falls Bridge Park-and-Ride 3

12 Philadelphia International Airport - 40 Park-and-Ride 3

13 Chester Transportation Center - 41 Cornwells Heights Station Park-and- 1 Ride

14 Crum Lynn Station - 42 1

15 Darby Transportation Center - 43 Frankford Transportation Center -

16 69th Street Terminal - 44 Fern Rock Transportation Center 2

17 Media Station 1 45 Olney Transportation Center -

18 1 46 North Philadelphia Transportation - Center

19 (proposed) 1 47 Wissahickon Transportation Center 3

20 Radnor Station - 48 -

21 West Chester Transit Center 3 49 , City Hall, 15th Street - Complex

22 Thorndale Station 1 50 Market East, 11th Street Complex -

23 Exton Station 2 51 Greyhound Terminal -

24 - 52 8th Street Complex -

25 Paoli Pk. and US 202 Park-and-Ride 2 53 Walnut-Locust, 15th - 16th Street - Station Complex

26 US 30 and US 202 Park-and-Ride 2 54 Pattison Station Park-and-Ride 3

27 Matthews Rd. and US 202 Park-and- 1 55 3 Ride

28 Limerick Park-and-Ride 1 Shaded cells represent facilities studied for this report.

Completed in Phase I and II INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III 8 A working document

3. Maps displaying commuter parking shed areas surrounding the station. The shed maps represent the geocoded2 addresses for registered owners of parked cars at the station. These were obtained through license plate surveys at the parking lot, and through the help of PennDOT and NJDOT staff and their tag interrogation processes.


The data collected and provided in this report provides a basis for identifying deficiencies and preliminarily identifying improvement recommendations. As the data inventory will expand, the key evaluation criteria at this point are parking conditions.

Parking Conditions Table 2 provides a summary tabulation of parking conditions at the stations, and suggests which may be candidates for inclusion in Phase IV.

Existing parking supply and demand were obtained from SEPTA, and counts performed by DVRPC. Future parking supply was obtained from the owners, and indicates where expansions are budgeted and programmed for implementation in the near future.

Parking demand projections for each of the station sheds were prepared especially for this study. In those cases, proportioned population changes between the US 2000 Census and DVRPC’s Board-adopted Year 2025 municipal population forecasts, within the shed, were applied to current station parking demands. It should be noted that the projections are quick, planning-level estimates, which do not include the possible effects of diverted or latent parking demands, or service changes on the intersecting public transportation lines.

2 Geocoding was performed using Arcview 8.0, and the TIGER Line Files based on the US 2000 Census INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III A working document 9

Table 2 Future Parking Outlook

Current Estimated

Committed 2025 Parking % Parking Location Supply Demand Supply Demand Deficiency Deficiency


Woodbourne Station 504 264 504 331 ample parking available

Wissahickon Station 134 110 134 115 ample parking available

Pattison (Sports Complex) n/a 352 n/a 461 ample parking available

Eastwick Station 89 47 89 45 ample parking available

West Chester Transit Center (potential) n/a n/a ~100 n/a not yet constructed

PennDOT Park-and-Ride Lots

Scudder’s Falls 169 70 169 86 ample parking available

In the table, unshaded cells indicate stations with adequate parking supplies. In Phases I and II, cells were shaded yellow to represent those stations that may experience minimal parking shortages in the foreseeable future (e.g., 10 to 100 spaces). Similarly, orange-shaded cells indicated stations with a future parking deficiency of 100 or more spaces – but are adjacent to stations with a current surplus of parking spaces. Cells were also shaded red to denote a projected future parking deficiency of 100 or more spaces, but without surplus parking spaces at adjacent stations. In this phase, all studied station locations have an ample parking supply for the future.

Examining the results contained in Table 2 indicates that none of the six locations examined in Phase III are likely to experience an undesirable parking deficiency in the foreseeable future. Population in the shed area of these stations is not forecasted to increase significantly, thus future projected parking demand does not exceed current parking supply. On the other hand, it is possible that current parking demand counts are understated where neighborhood streets, such as at Wissahickon Station, or adjacent lots, such as at Pattison Station, may bear the overflow. Additional improvements, expansions, and amenities at any station could yield more riders or better accommodate existing users. INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III 10 A working document

For monitoring purposes, the future West Chester Transit Center was included in this phase. The center will be located on the ground level of a new Chester County parking garage, adjacent to the proposed Justice Center, in the block surrounded by Miner Street, Darlington Street, Market Street and New Street. The transit center will be served by four SEPTA bus routes, and at least one privately operated bus route. It will be used by commuters arriving in West Chester for work, riders traveling throughout Chester County, or to SEPTA’s 69th Street Terminal and points in between. The project is currently in the design stages, and the expected parking supply to be allotted in the transit center is about 100 spaces.

Locations for Further Study The parking evaluations conducted in Phases I, II and III provided a basis for prioritizing stations that should be considered for further study. Table 3 lists all the stations that should be considered, in three priority categories. First Priority stations have a projected future parking deficiency of 100 or more spaces – and there are currently no available parking spaces at adjacent stations. Second Priority stations have a future parking deficiency of 100 or more spaces – but have adjacent stations with a current surplus of parking spaces. Third Priority stations may experience minimal parking shortages in the foreseeable future (e.g., 10 to 100 spaces).

Phase IV of this series will further develop opportunities to ameliorate parking deficiencies at these stations. Where more land is not available for parking lots, structured parking may be considered. Alternatively, steps will be identified toward improving bus services, or paths that serve pedestrians and bikes, between the station and its shed – in an effort to capture more users.

Findings-to-Date As the first three phases have been completed, preliminary improvement recommendations have been tabulated for the studied locations on Table 4. The improvements emanated from all inventoried and evaluated performance items. Improvement types cited in the table range from constructing pedestrian walkway improvements and installing bike racks, to expanding parking lots and building parking structures.

Phase IV will present a candidate improvement program for the final set of recommendations. INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III A working document 11

Table 3 Locations for Further Study

Phase Location Operator

1st Priority


Phase II Princeton Junction Station NJ Transit

Phase III none

2nd Priority

Phase I Lindenwold Station PATCO

Woodcrest Station PATCO

Glenside Station SEPTA

Jenkintown Station SEPTA

Phase II Hamilton Station NJ Transit

Exton Station SEPTA

Phase III none

3rd Priority

Phase I Media Station SEPTA

Elwyn Station SEPTA

Phase II West Trenton Station SEPTA

Phase III none


Table 4 Findings-to-Date

Location Preliminary Recommendations

1st Priority

Lindenwold • Construct satellite or structured parking facility • Provide rapid public transportation services to Gloucester Co.

Woodcrest • Construct satellite or structured parking facility

Ferry Avenue • Construct satellite or structured parking facility • Provide rapid public transportation services to Gloucester Co.

Rand Transportation • Construct satellite or structured parking facility Center / Broadway • Terminal access to be updated with construction of Camden-Trenton River LINE

Media • Extend R3 Regional Rail Line to Wawa • Install bike rack

Elwyn • Extend R3 Regional Rail Line to Wawa

Ambler • Add pedestrian actuated “scramble” phase to the Butler Pk and Main St intersection traffic signal

Glenside • Construct parking garage

Jenkintown • Conduct feasibility study for parking garage

Lansdale • Provide shelter treatments on Main St for bus patrons and on Doylestown branch “island”

2nd Priority

Cherry Hill • Integrate station’s pedestrian and vehicular access and future parking needs with proposed plan to re- develop the Garden State Park property

Hamilton • Expand parking lot

Princeton Junction • Expand parking lot

Ardmore • Conduct detailed study examining station’s and commercial district’s needs

Exton • Provide parking expansion and pedestrian access on the west side of PA 100

Fern Rock • Conduct detailed parking study examining station’s parking conditions in relation to the surrounding neighborhood. • Add new direct connection (stairway and bridge) between Subway parking lot and Regional Rail station. • Repair existing stairways serving the Regional Rail station. • Install bike rack

West Trenton • Expand and pave existing parking lot • Restore NJ Transit service between West Trenton and Newark stations

3rd Priority

Scudder’s Falls • Explore opportunities to provide public transportation from the lot to Center City Philadelphia, Trenton and • Install bike rack

Wissahickon • Reconstruct parking lot circulation for additional spaces • Install bike rack

Pattison • Install bike rack

Eastwick • Install bike rack INTERMODAL PASSENGER SYSTEM SURVEY - PHASE III A working document 13


During Fiscal Year ‘05, Phase IV work will be initiated. It will consist of an evaluation of the Trenton SEPTA / NJ Transit / Station, and preparation of a candidate improvement program to incorporate the findings of the complete study effort.

An evaluation matrix (Table 4) has been prepared, which summarizes all inventoried and evaluated performance items across the three initial phases, to guide the work to be conducted in Phase IV. The table should continue to be updated as new data becomes available.

An open review and comment process has been established throughout the three initial phases. Member government and agency staff should continue to review and comment on the work products, including but not limited to: the network, the performance criteria and evaluations. Where possible, interested parties should submit outstanding or updated data items. G

Intermodal Passenger System Survey


West Chester Transit Center (Potential)

DVRPC 2000 Aerials 1" = 200' Location: West Chester Transit Center (Potential) Map ID # 21 NHS Routes: none

Public Transportation Available*


Operator Route Type Inbound Outbound Source Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 92 Bus 11 3 SEPTA, 2002 Eastbound Westbound SEPTA Route 104 Bus 21 0 SEPTA, 2003 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 119 Bus 022SEPTA, 2003 Eastbound Westbound SEPTA Route 314 Bus 710SEPTA, 2003

Krapf’s Route A Bus n/a n/a *Current routes serving the area and current boardings are shown

Parking Conditions

Supply Demand % Utilization

~100 n/a n/a

Projected Year 2025 Parking Demand: n/a

Major Shed Contributors to Station by MCD: n/a

Station Premises

Amenity Yes No

Shelters for Transfers

Lights In order to ensure the best transfer of passengers between modes, all of the listed amenities should be included in the construction of a new Kiss & Ride Loop / Parking station. Bike Racks

Opportunities for Parking Expansion Scudders Falls Bridge Park-and-Ride

DVRPC 2000 Aerials 1" = 200' Location: Scudder’s Falls Park-and-Ride Map ID # 39 NHS Routes: I-95

Public Transportation Available


Operator Route Type Inbound Outbound Source


Parking Conditions

Supply Demand % Utilization

169 70 41%

Projected Year 2025 Parking Demand: 86

Major Shed Contributors to Station by MCD: Lower Makefield (17%), Newtown (10%), Philadelphia (10%), Bristol (8%)

Station Premises

Amenity Yes No

Shelters for Transfers x

Lights x

Kiss & Ride Loop / Parking x

Bike Racks x

Opportunities for Parking Expansion x stown Scudders Falls Park-and-Ride Shed Area

M E R 31 LAWRENCE B CE (! t1 UPPER MAKEFIELD U u C R T K A 95 Y S ¦¨§ L BUCKINGHAM (! O C (! 295 R O S C ¦¨§ V . IL O L E WEST . Scudders Falls Park-and-Ride WINDSOR (!413 (! R (! (! (! D WRIGHTSTOWN (! ¦¨§95 I2 West Trenton (! . EWING (!206 WARWICK IA Hamilton 32 I2 NEWTOWN (! (! 31 (! (! ut1 (! Trenton Yardley !29 (! ( (! (!332 Yardley I2 N YA ew RD (!33 Newtown LE Jer Y - P s en ey (!33 NORTHAMPTON (! (! ns (! (!332 M ylv Trenton O a WARMINSTER 95 n 206 (! ¦¨§ (! R ia (! I2 R


S FALLS (! LOWER MAKEFIELD (! V HAMILTON I Ivyland L (! L 295 MIDDLETOWN E Morrisville ¦¨§

(! R 129 D (! Warminster (! (!413 (!206 I2 (! ut1 ¦¨§195 (! Woodbourne I2 ut130 Hatboro UPPER ut1 ut13 B M U SOUTHAMPTON Langhorne (! I2 ON C K ¦¨§95 TGO S (! C M O M . Langhorne Manor E ER (!132 LOWER RC 276 Y B ER ¦¨§ C Langhorne FALLS U O SOUTHAMPTON RL C . I2 (!206 IN O. GT Penndel (! ON Neshaminy Falls C (! O. UPPER Bordentown E I2 (! 413 IK LOWER (! P I2MORELAND Hulmeville Levittown N R MORELAND (! (! U Bryn I2Trevose I2 T Fieldsboro Athyn Somerton Tullytown nia Forest Hills I2 va 276 syl ey (!63 I2 ¦¨§ rs Philmont (! Penn Je BORDENTOWN BENSALEM ew Bethayres I2 PHILADELPHIA BRISTOL N CHESTERFIELD I2 1 95 ut13 295 ut ¦¨§ ut130 ¦¨§ (!I2 Scudders Falls Park-and-Ride Lot Users (!132 Bristol I2 Meadowbrook I2Bristol Y E Scudders Falls Study Station S yncoteIA (! Croydon R E J ¦¨§95 I2 ¦¨§276 Passenger Rail Stations (!63 I2 68 413 (! . (! FLORENCE (!206 NHS Routes O Eddington (! C I2 (! MANSFIELD O. IA S C . I2Bus Routes H . Cornwells Heights CK CO P W O BU N E L C TO N E I2 G Delaware Valley Regional Ryers K D S IN Passenger Rail Lines RL A K BU Burlington Planning Commission se Park IL C I201230.5 H Beverly 295 June 2004 BU 130 ¦¨§ Miles P ut LawndaleI2 Survey Date: October 28, 2003

Woodbourne Station

DVRPC 2000 Aerials 1" = 200' Location: Woodbourne Station Map ID # 40 NHS Routes: US 1

Public Transportation Available


Operator Route Type Inbound Outbound Source

SEPTA R3 Regional Rail 297 0 SEPTA, 2001

Parking Conditions

Supply Demand % Utilization

504 264 52%

Projected Year 2025 Parking Demand: 331

Major Shed Contributors to Station by MCD: Newtown (31%), Middletown (24%), Lower Makefield (20%), Northampton (8%)

Station Premises

Amenity Yes No

Shelters for Transfers x

Lights x

Kiss & Ride Loop / Parking x

Bike Racks x

Opportunities for Parking Expansion x Woodbourne Station Shed Area

(!(! ¦¨§95 WRIGHTSTOWN (!(! (! (! (! West Trenton (! (! (!32 EWING (! (! (! I2 (! (! (! (!31 (! (! (! NEWTOWN (! (! (! (! (!(! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (!(! Yardley (!29 Trenton (!(! (! (!(!(! (! I2 (! (!(!(! Yardley ME (! (! (! (! RC (!Newtown(! (!(!(! (!332 E (! B R (!(! ¦¨§95 U CO (! (! CK NORTHAMPTON (! (! S . (! (!(! (!(! (! (!(! (! LOWER MAKEFIELD CO (! (! (! (! (! (! (!(! . (! (! (! (!(! (! (! (!(!(! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (!(! (! (!(! (! FALLS (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (!(!(!! (! (!(! Morrisville (!(! (!(!(! MIDDLETOWN (!(!(! ( (! (!(! (! (!(! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (!(!(!(! ut1 (! 413 ! (! (! (!( (! (!(! WOODBOURNE (! (! (! I2I2 (! ! (!( (! (! (! ut1 (! (! (! (! Langhorne (! UPPER 95 SOUTHAMPTON ¦¨§ (! (! (!132 LOWER SOUTHAMPTON ut13 (! (! Langhorne Manor(! FALLS (! (!(! Woodbourne Station Lot Users I2 Langhorne (! (! I2 Passenger Rail Stations BRISTOL Neshaminy Falls Penndel (! Study Rail Station 2I I2 (!413 (! Passenger Rail Lines Hulmeville Levittown BENSALEM (! Bus Routes 95 I2 ¦¨§ (! I2 Delaware Valley Regional R MORELAND NHS SomertonRoutes K ut1 Planning Commission 0120.5 Tullytown June 2004 I2 ForestI2 Hills Miles Survey Date: October 28, 2003

Wissahickon Transfer Center

DVRPC 2000 Aerials 1" = 200' Location: Wissahickon Transfer Center Map ID # 47 NHS Routes: none

Public Transportation Available


Operator Route Type Inbound Outbound Source

SEPTA R6 Regional Rail 208 52 SEPTA, 2001 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 1 Bus 88 56 SEPTA, 2003 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 9 Bus 356 103 SEPTA, 2002 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 27 Bus 242 71 SEPTA, 2003 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 35 Bus 79 0 SEPTA, 2003 Eastbound Westbound SEPTA Route 38 Bus 176 0 SEPTA, 2003 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 61 Bus 94 366 SEPTA, 2002

SEPTA Route 65 Bus n/a n/a Eastbound Westbound SEPTA Route 124/125 Bus 28 352 SEPTA, 2002

SEPTA Route R Bus n/a n/a

Parking Conditions

Supply Demand % Utilization

134 110 82%

Projected Year 2025 Parking Demand: 115

Major Shed Contributors to Station by MCD: Philadelphia (64%)

Station Premises

Amenity Yes No

Shelters for Transfers x

Lights x

Kiss & Ride Loop / Parking x

Bike Racks x

Opportunities for Parking Expansion x I2 I2 I2 I2 North Hills (! Wissahickon ¨¦§276 Transfer Center Shed Area I2 Bridgeport 7 2 (! (!73 UPPER UPPER MERION (! Glenside I2 DUBLIN I2 Kings Manor WHITEMARSH SPRINGFIELD (!309 (!202 ¦¨§476 (! (! Jenkintown - Wyncote I2 ¦¨§276 (!73 I2 Hughes Park Conshohocken 2 Chestnut Hill East I2 M O CHELTENHAM 76 7 N ¦¨§ Spring Mill Gravers PH T Conshohocken Chestnut Hill West I2 (! I G I2 LA O D M (! I2 Wyndmoor E ER I2 I2 LP Y (! H C Gulph Mills West IA O I2 76 Highland I2 . MO C Conshohocken ¦¨§ O (! . N Mt. Airy T St. Martins I2 G I2 (!309 . O 1 Sedgwick O ME C . 2 I2 R O 476 4 Miquon (! E C ¦¨§ R / I2 Stenton ST E I2 E AR Y 1 9 CH 2 Allen Lane I2 AW C Matson Ford 5 EL O I2 D . P (! H (!611 IL County Line A (! 2 Washington Lane (! I2 D 7 Carpenter Lane I2 I2 Wayne M E Radnor O L N P (! Radnor T H (! I2 I2 G IA (! (! I2 I2 LOWER MERION O C 1 (! (!(! I2 M O E 6 St. Davids R . Upsal I2 (! Villanova Y I2

30 C (! Germantown (! I2 O 5 I2 Olney . 3 I2 I2 I2 Ivy Ridge (!(!(! Tulpehocken I2 Wister Villanova I2 (! (! (! (! 65 I2 Stadium (! (! Logan Rosemont (! Manayunk(!(!(! (!(!(! Chelten I2 PHILADELPHIA I2 Garret Hill I2 I2 (! Avenue RADNOR (! 2 (! 76 I2(! (! 7 9 Wyoming Bryn Mawr ¦¨§ (! (! (!(!(! (!(! Queen Lane Wayne I2 ut1 Rosemont I2 I2 (! (! I2 1 Junction I2 2 (! 4 / Bryn Mawr I2 Haverford 1 I2 2 I2 I2 5 I2 WISSAHICKONR ¦¨§476 Ardmore Narberth I2 East Falls Haverford I2 (! Cynwyd I2 Erie I2 I2 R Narberth ut1 (! I2 5 (! Wissahickon Station Lot Users 6 38 6 Allegheny I2 Allegheny I2 1 I2 I2 Ardmore Avenue I2 Wynnewood Merion Bala Passenger Rail Stations Ardmore Junction I2 I2 38 I2 North Philadelphia I2I2 North Philadelp Wynnewood (!30 ut1 I2 27 Study Rail Station Road I2 North Broad 2I Overbrook Wynnefield HAVERFORD Wynnewood- . I2 I2 Susquehanna- I2 O Avenue (! I2 Brookline C . Dauphin Passenger Rail Lines O RY C 6 I2 E 1 Bus Routes Penfield A 65 1 76 (! I2 GOM HI ¦¨§ T LP ON E (!30 Delaware ValleyI2 Regional NHS Routes M AD Planning Commission K West IL 1 I2 H 0120.5 Overbrook P JuneI2 2004 Miles I2 Survey Date: October 28, 2003

Pattison Station (Sports Complex)

DVRPC 2000 Aerials 1" = 200' Location: Pattison (Sports Complex) Map ID # 54 NHS Routes: I-95, PA 611

Public Transportation Available


Operator Route Type Inbound Outbound Source

SEPTA Subway 1,084 0 SEPTA, 2002

SEPTA Route 17 Bus n/a n/a n/a

Parking Conditions

Supply Demand % Utilization

n/a* 352 n/a*

Projected Year 2025 Parking Demand: 461

Major Shed Contributors to Station by MCD: Philadelphia (16%), Ridley (6%) * For all practical purposes, parking supply at Pattison is unlimited due to availability of spaces for Wachovia Center, Wachovia Spectrum, Lincoln Financial Field, and Citizens Bank Park adjacent to the station

Station Premises

Amenity Yes No

Shelters for Transfers x

Lights x

Kiss & Ride Loop / Parking x

Bike Racks x

Opportunities for Parking Expansion x I2 I2 I2Narberth Allegheny I2 Bala I2 I2 I2Allegheny Tioga Palmyra I2 Merion I2 I2 I2 I2 I2I2North Philadelphia I2Allegheny I2 RY . North Broad Somerset Pattison Ave StationE O ShedI2 I2 Area 130 M C ut I2 O I2 A I2 I2 I2 TG HI I2 O. 476 N P 611 C ¨¦§ HAVERFORD I2 O EL (! CINNAMINSON EAST GOSHEN WILLISTOWN R . M D I2 95 Pennsauken E O LA ¨¦§76 I2 ¨¦§ ST C I I2 A CO. E E (!3 I2 PH HI H AR NEWTOWN ut30 P . C W I2 EL CO 3 A I2 I2 D N (! L 252 I2 ILA DE (! ut1 I2 H DE I2 I2 I2 I2 P AM MARPLE I2 I2 I2 I2 C (!73 UPPER DARBY I2 I2 676 WESTTOWN I2I2I2 I2 I2 I2 ¨¦§ I2 ut130 EDGMONT (!3 I2 I2 I2 Camden UPPER I2I2 I2I2I2I2 676 I2 I2 7 I2I2 ¨¦§ MAPLE PROVIDENCE I2 I2 13 1 I2 I2I2 I2 I2 East ut I2 I2I2I2I2 Merchantville SHADE 476 I2 I2 I2 ¨¦§ I2 I2 Lansdowne I2 I2 I2I2 I2 Lansdowne I2 30 t1 I2 ut (!38 u SPRINGFIELDI2 I2 76 I2 ¨¦§ 7 I2 1 CliftonI2 Yeadon PHILADELPHIA I2 HeightsI2 I2 ¨¦§95 Media I2I2 I2I2 THORNBURY I2 ut13 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 CHERRY HILL I2I2I2 AldanI2 Darby (!611 MIDDLETOWN I2I2I2I2I2 I2 I2Collingdale PATTISON 676 I2 I2I2 I2 (!420 I2 I2 I2 ¨¦§ Woodlynne I2 DARBY I2 I2 Collingswood (!70 I2 I2 Colwyn Sports I2 I2 SharonI2 HillI2 I2 I2 I2 I2 76 HADDON I2 ¨¦§ 295 Rutledge Glenolden Oaklyn ¨¦§ Morton I2 Complex ut1 Swarthmore HADDON Rose I2 DARBY I2 Audubon Park I2 Chester Valley I2 (!291 Heights I2 Folcroft . Haddonfield NETHER I2 O Gloucester City Audubon PROVIDENCE RIDLEY C Norwood ¨¦§95 PHILADELPHIA . RidleyI2 O ¨¦§76 ASTON 476 I2 C ut30 CONCORD ¨¦§ Park I2I2 GLOUCESTER Brooklawn Mount Ephraim ¨¦§95 I2 Tavistock I2 I2 Brookhaven National Westville ¨¦§295 Barrington Parkside TINICUM . Park t130 Bellmawr ¨¦§95 O u E Lawnside Eddystone C URNPIK Chester E . T AR CO ¨¦§295 I2 AW R I2 ut13 DEL TE Magnolia VOORHEES Upland CES BETHEL 322 I2 OU Runnemede (! CHESTER GL (!42 ARE DELAW ER Somerdale Penn I2 RIV sylvania Dela 295 ware ¦¨§95 I2 ¨¦§ Woodbury Hi-Nella I2 UPPER Trainer ut130 CHICHESTER GREENWICH Stratford Paulsboro LOWER I2 DEPTFORD CHICHESTER WEST DEPTFORD Laurel Springs (!322 nia Woodbury Heights ut30 Delaware: va Lindenwold syl ey nn rs * 92 Plates Recorded * Pe Je Clementon D ew ela N EAST GREENWICH wa t130 re u

ER V Y (!42 RI E Wenonah (!55 RS Pine Hill JE P

E NEW CASTLE CO. R A LOGAN W GLOUCESTER A L C E WOOLWICH AM D G L 295 OU D ¨¦§ E C N (! E C Pattison Ave Station Lot Users MANTUA S T O. E R Swedesboro I2 Passenger Rail Stations WASHINGTON C O . (!322 I2 Study Rail Station Pitman W Passenger Rail Lines GL NE O U C E Bus Routes SA S L TE HARRISON E R Delaware Valley Regional M C SOUTH HARRISON NHS Routes K C O. Glassboro O !55 Planning Commission . ( (!322 01230.5 Miles June 2004 Survey Date: October 30, 2003

Eastwick Station

DVRPC 2000 Aerials 1" = 200' Location: Eastwick Station Map ID # 55 NHS Routes: none

Public Transportation Available


Operator Route Type Inbound Outbound Source

SEPTA R1 Regional Rail 237 0 SEPTA, 2001 Eastbound Westbound SEPTA Route 37 Bus 00SEPTA, 2003 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 68 Bus 11 13 SEPTA, 2002 Northbound Southbound SEPTA Route 108 Bus 12 6 SEPTA, 2003

Parking Conditions

Supply Demand % Utilization

89 47 53%

Projected Year 2025 Parking Demand: 45

Major Shed Contributors to Station by MCD: Philadelphia (65%), Darby (8%), Folcroft (8%)

Station Premises

Amenity Yes No

Shelters for Transfers x

Lights x

Kiss & Ride Loop / Parking x

Bike Racks x

Opportunities for Parking Expansion x I2 I2 I2 SpringfieldEastwick RoadI2 Station Shed Area I2 Shisler Avenue Primos ut13 Yeadon I2 Providence Road I2 37 Aldan Magnolia Avenue Darby I2 (! Secane I2 North Street (! Collingdale 8 I2 10 (! Upper Darby Bartram Avenue I2 Darby (! I2 Andrews Avenue I2 DARBY Collingdale Colwyn (! 7 I2 3 (! (!

Sharon Hill Curtis Park R

I2 E V

I2 Sharon Hill (!(! (! I R RIDLEY Sharon Hill (! (! (!

ut13 I2 (! PHILADELPHIA (! E

(! R A

Folcroft (! W

8 A DARBY L (! 10

Glenolden I2 E D

68 O. (! Glenolden C . O 3 (! E 7 (! C (! Eastwick I2 AR A I (! (! H 291 AW P (! (! L L 8 E 6 Norwood DE D I2 ¦¨§95 Prospect Park A L I2 I H I2 P I2 Prospect Park - Moore (! Folcroft

I E SL V A A 6 N 8 D ut13 95

§ Norwood ¦¨

420 E

(! S

E O V 8 A A VE (! 6 NR E E P IS PR 8 ER 6 NT (! Eastwick Ave Station Lot Users E

2I Passenger Rail Stations I2 Airport Terminal E 37 Airport Terminal C & D Study Rail Station I2 I2 95 E ¦¨§ I2 AV I2 Airport Terminal B Passenger Rail Lines 108 Airport Terminal A D N Bus Routes A L TINICUM IS Delaware Valley Regional NHS Routes K 37 Planning Commission OG 000.25 .51 H June 2004 Miles Survey Date: October 30, 2003


Publication Abstract

Title: Intermodal Passenger System Survey, Phase III Date Published June 2004 A working document Publication No. 04026

Geographic Area Covered: the Delaware Valley Region comprising: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania; and Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer counties in New Jersey.

Key Words: intermodal passenger terminals, intermodal transfer, National Highway System (NHS), park- and-ride lot, parking conditions, commuter parking shed area, station amenities


DVRPC staff identified a network of 55 regionally significant intermodal passenger terminals in the Delaware Valley Region. The network consists of airports, train and bus stations, and park-and-ride lots. Staff subsequently developed a systematic phased work program for evaluating passenger transfer conditions at 38 locations. Ultimately, the fourth and final phase will prepare an action plan to improve access and circulation conditions at a selected subset of these.

This report represents the third phase of the work program and summarizes evaluations at six sites, including three SEPTA regional rail stations, one SEPTA subway station, a potential SEPTA bus terminal and one park-and-ride lot owned and maintained by PennDOT. The data collection effort provides: aerial photographs of the terminal area, inventories of station amenities including parking availability and interconnecting modes, and commuter parking shed maps for each facility. Conditions for each passenger terminal are summarized on fact sheets contained in the Appendix. A Findings-to-Date matrix is incorporated, which identifies major conclusions of the current work, and the preceding Phase I and Phase II efforts (completed in June 2002 and June 2003, respectively). Findings of the Phase III report indicate that existing parking supplies at the studied locations will adequately accommodate parking demands for the foreseeable future.

This report, as was true for its predecessors, is intended to be a working document—to elicit participation from the staff of member governments and agencies.

For More Information Contact:

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Transportation Planning Division The Bourse Building, 8th Floor 111 South Independence Mall East Philadelphia, PA 19106-2515 Phone: 215.592.1800 Fax: 215.592.9125 website: http://www.dvrpc.org

Staff contacts: Direct phone: E-mail: Christian Bauer, Project Manager 215.238.2881 [email protected] Jerry Coyne, Project Planner 215.238.2850 [email protected] JUNE 2004

DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION the bourse building, 8th floor iii south independence mall east

Philadelphia, PA 19106

P: 215.592.1800

F: 215.592.9125 www.dvrpc.org