Human Osteology ANT 3331-01/02/03 Spring, 2008 ANT 3331-01, Tuesday/Thursday, 9:30-10:50, 224 Marrs McLean Science Bldg. ANT 3331-02, Tuesday/Thursday, 11:00-12:20, 224 Marrs McLean Science Bldg. ANT 3331-03, Tuesday/Thursday, 12:30-1:50, 224 Marrs McLean Science Bldg. Instructor: Dr. Joseph Ferraro Office: 308.2 Marrs McLean Science Bldg. Phone: 710-1401 Email:
[email protected] Office hours: Tuesday 3:00-5:00 in my office and/or in the lab, or by appointment. You can also reach me via phone and email. Remember, I’m here to help you learn: take advantage of me as a resource (within reason). Open lab hours: to be announced in class and posted on ‘Blackboard’ Texts: Required: Human Osteology. 2nd Ed. Tim D. White. Academic Press: New York. Strongly suggested: The Elements of Style. 4th Ed. William Strunk and E.B. White. Longman: Massachusetts (available almost everywhere, including the Baylor Bookstore). Course Overview: This class is designed to introduce you to the structure, design, and variability of the modern human skeleton. Much as the bony skeleton offers a framework for the rest of the body, so too will this course will provide a foundation for future studies in areas such as forensic sciences, physical anthropology, archaeology, and most aspects of medicine. For each element of the skeleton we will examine issues of structure, function, development, and evolutionary history. Lectures will also emphasize aspects of bone histology and biology, excavation and preservation, taphonomy, pathology, and the estimation of age and stature.