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Index Aarhus Convention 5, 185, 368, 370, 375, 387, 499, Fund see AF 508–15, 517, 531–4, 536, 544–7, 558, 560, 562, funding 95, 97–8, 100–1 577–8 policies 97 Aarhus Convention Kiev Protocol on Pollutant projects 92, 99–100, 103 Release and Transfer Registers 528, 517 technologies 92–3, 101–2, 104, 106–7, 109, 111 Aarhus Convention Secretariat 531, 533 climate change 90, 112–115 abatement costs 70, 192, 294 additionality 84, 90, 151, 288, 294–5, 303, 309, 311 marginal 150 adverse effects 108–9, 145, 322, 355, 395, 428, abatement technologies 80, 574 450–1, 474, 491, 506, 548–9 state-of-the-art 69 significant 279, 497, 500, 503, 551 Abbott 77, 85, 87, 108, 112 Advisory Opinion 18, 40, 60, 207 ABNE (African Biosafety Network of AECC 399, 416 Expertise) 106, 112 Aegean Sea Continental Shelf case 44 acceding countries 4 AEI (average exposure indicator) 402–4 access AF (Adaptation Fund) 97–101, 111–12, 115, 153, 194 active 512–13, 577 AFNOR (Association Fran¸caise de direct 98, 100 Normalisation) 477, 487 passive 513 African Biosafety Network of Expertise rights of 28 (ABNE) 106, 112 Access to Information 185, 509, 562 African countries 104, 365 Directive 510, 516 agencies request 577 environmental 300, 409, 574 Access to Justice in Environmental Matters 185, food standards 462 499, 509, 533, 536, 562 agglomerations 355–6, 396, 400–1, 406, 408–9 Directive 391, 511, 516 agreement accountability, corporate environmental 544 multilateral 16, 83, 149, 526 Accreditation and Quality Assurance 487 negotiated 172, 175, 182–3,
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